Clinker Formation

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Clinker Formation

Portland cement clinker can be described as a four-component system, consisting of the four major
oxides CaO, SiO2, Al2O3 andFe2O3. When the clinker cools to sub solidus temperatures an
essentially univariant assemblage is formed (neglecting pressure) consisting of C3S(Alite),
C2S(Belite), C3A and C4AF (Glasser, 1970).
Clinker is formed when the raw meals, ground and blended in suitable proportions are burnt in
kiln. Reactions which take place as the feed passes through the kiln are reviewed under three broad

 Decomposition of raw materials - temperatures up to about 1300 °C.

 Alite formation and other reactions at 1300 C-1450 °C in the burning zone.
 Cooling of the clinker.
During the decomposition of raw materials which occur in reactions at temperatures up to about
1300 °C Water is evaporated in the raw feed, if any are present. Limestone is calcined which result
in loss of carbon dioxide. Siliceous and aluminosilicate fractions of the feed are decomposed and
sulfate melt phase are formed.

In the burning zone, above about 1300 °C, reactions take place quickly. The clinker is in the
burning zone for perhaps 10-20 minutes but in this time a lot happens:

 The proportion of clinker liquid increases and nodules form.

 Intermediate phases dissociate to form liquid and belite.
 Belite reacts with free lime to form alite.
 Some volatile phases evaporate.
As the clinker cools, the main liquid phase crystallizes to form aluminate phase, ferrite and a little
belite. Fast cooling of clinker is advantageous - it makes for more hydraulically-reactive silicates
and lots of small, intergrown, aluminate and ferrite crystals. Slow cooling gives less hydraulically-
reactive silicates and produces coarse crystals of aluminate and ferrite. Over-large aluminate
crystals can lead to erratic cement setting characteristics. Very slow cooling allows alite to
decompose to belite and free lime (Understanding Cement, 2005).

Understanding-cement. 2005. Clinker: reactions in the kiln. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 July 2018].
Glasser, P, 1975. Production and properties of some cements made by plasma.. Cement and Concrete
research, 5, 6.

Investopedia. 2018. Credit. [ONLINE] Available at:

[Accessed 9 July 2018].

Bogue Calculation

The Bogue calculation is used to calculate the approximate proportions of the four main minerals
in Portland cement clinker. The calculation is simple in principle:
Firstly, according to the assumed mineral compositions, ferrite phase is the only mineral to contain
iron. The iron content of the clinker therefore fixes the ferrite content.
Secondly, the aluminate content is fixed by the total alumina content of the clinker, minus the
alumina in the ferrite phase. This can now be calculated, since the amount of ferrite phase has been
Thirdly, it is assumed that all the silica is present as belite and the next calculation determines how
much lime is needed to form belite from the total silica content of the clinker. There will be a
surplus of lime.
Fourthly, the lime surplus is allocated to the belite, converting some of it to alite.
In practice, the above process of allocating the oxides can be reduced to the following equations,
in which the oxides represent the weight percentages of the oxides in the clinker:
C3S = 4.0710CaO-7.6024SiO2-1.4297Fe2O3-6.7187Al2O3
C2S = 8.6024SiO2+1.0785Fe2O3+5.0683Al2O3-3.0710CaO
C3A = 2.6504Al2O3-1.6920Fe2O3
C4AF = 3.0432Fe2O3
Clinker analysis
SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO K2O Na2O SO3 LOI IR Total
21.5 5.2 2.8 66.6 1.0 0.6 0.2 1.0 1.5 0.5 98.9
Free lime = 1.0% CaO
(understanding Cement ,2005)
Consider an example
CaO=65.6%; SiO2=21.5%; Al2O3=5.2% and Fe2O3=2.8%
The Bogue calculation is therefore:
C3S = 4.0710CaO-7.6024SiO2-1.4297Fe2O3-6.7187Al2O3
C2S = 8.6024SiO2+1.1Fe2O3+5.0683Al2O3-3.0710CaO
C3A = 2.6504Al2O3-1.6920Fe2O3
C4AF = 3.0432Fe2O3
C3S = (4.0710 x 65.6)-(7.6024 x 21.5)-(1.4297 x 2.8)-(6.718 x 5.2)
C2S = (8.6024 x 21.5)+(1.0785 x 2.8)+(5.0683 x 5.2)-(3.0710 x 65.6)
C3A = (2.6504 x 5.2)-(1.6920 x 2.8)
C4AF = 3.0432 x 2.8
C3S = 64.7%
C2S = 12.9%
C3A = 9.0%
C4AF = 8.5%
It should be stressed that the Bogue calculation does not give the 'true' amounts of the four main
clinker phases present, although this is sometimes forgotten. The results of the Bogue calculation
differ from the 'true' amounts (often called the phase proportions) principally because the actual
mineral compositions differ - often only slightly, but occasionally more so and particularly in the
case of the ferrite phase, from the pure phase compositions assumed in the calculation
(Understanding-Cement, 2005).
Difference between OPC and PSC

OPC contains 95 % clinker and 5 % gypsum while PSC contains around 50 to 75% of slag which
obtained from blast furnace. PSC sets slowly compared to OPC so the curing period required for
PSC is higher compared to OPC. The rate of gain of strength of PSC is slow compared to OPC.
Heat of Hydration generated by OPC is greater compared to PSC. PSC is more durable against
sulphate attack than OPC. The early strength of PSC is low compared to OPC but after 90 days
the strength obtained by PSC is more compared to OPC. Similarly, the cost of PSC is lower
compared to OPC. PSC is more resistant to chemical attack. The permeability of PSC is low
compared to OPC. In contrast to the stony grey of concrete made with Portland cement, the near-
white color of Slag cement permits architects to achieve a lighter color for exposed fair-faced
concrete finishes, at no extra cost. To achieve a lighter color finish, Slag is usually specified.

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