Vietnam War
Vietnam War
Vietnam War
Scott Marquette
© 2003 Rourke Publishing LLC
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Marquette, Scott.
Vietnam War / Scott Marquette.
p. cm. — (America at war)
Summary: Traces the history of the unpopular war that killed over 58,000
Americans, discussing the causes and effects, leaders, major battles,
guerrilla warfare, aerial bombing, weaponry, peace negotiations, and
lessons learned.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-58952-391-1 (hardcover)
ISBN 978-1-58952-478-1 (softcover)
1. Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975—Juvenile literature.
[1. Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975.] I. Title. II. Series.
Rourke Publishing
Printed in the United States of America, North Mankato, Minnesota
Cover Photo:
A helicopter brings supplies to Army infantry troops
in the jungles of Vietnam. -
Post Office Box 643328 Vero Beach, Florida 32964
Table of Contents
Introduction: The War We Lost ..................... 5
Map of Vietnam, 1960-1974 ........................... 7
Timeline .......................................................... 8
Hearts and Minds ............................................ 9
Search and Destroy .........................................15
Quagmire.......................................................... 21
The War at Home ...........................................27
“Peace with Honor” ........................................33
The Lessons of Vietnam ................................39
Further Reading...............................................45
Glossary ...........................................................46
Index ...............................................................48
The Vietnam War was the most controversial
in American history. At the war’s height, most
Americans thought it was a mistake.
Thousands of Americans were killed or wounded in the war,
which spread from Vietnam into Laos and Cambodia.
September 2: Ho Chi Minh declares Vietnam to
be an independent republic
July 21: France and Vietnam sign agreement to
temporarily split Vietnam into north and south
Ngo Dinh Diem declares S. Vietnam to be the
Republic of Vietnam
WAR 1963
August 4: Congress passes Gulf of Tonkin
October: Battle of Ia Drang Valley
December: Siege of Khe Sahn begins
January: North Vietnam launches the Tet
May 13: Paris Peace Talks begin
March: President Nixon begins secret bombing
of Cambodia
April: U.S. troops invade Cambodia
May 4: Four student protesters killed at Kent
State University
January 27: All parties sign the Treaty of Paris
March 29: Last U.S. troops leave Vietnam
January 7: North Vietnam launches massive
attack on the south
April 30: South Vietnam surrenders
Hearts and Minds
From the late 1800s until 1939, Vietnam was ruled
by France. But in 1940, Japan invaded the country. A
group called the Viet Minh fought their country’s
invaders. Their leader, Ho Chi Minh, wanted
Vietnam to be a free country.
He wanted the Japanese Ho Chi Minh
to leave, but he did not
want the French to come Ho Chi Minh
back. The U.S. helped the was the son of an
Viet Minh fight the Japanese. official in the court
World War II ended and of the Vietnamese
the Japanese left in 1945. emperor.
Ho declared Vietnam to As a young man,
be a democratic republic. he took a job as a
But France did not want cook on a French
to lose Vietnam. They sent ship. He spent time
in troops and drove the Viet in the U.S.,
Minh to the north England, France,
of the country. China, and the
Ho asked the U.S. to Soviet Union before
support Vietnam’s coming back
to his home to
independence. But the U.S.
fight Japan.
had changed its mind about
the Viet Minh. America was
In the Vietnam war, the U.S. was unable to prevent
communists from the north from taking over the entire country.
now in a Cold War with communist countries
like the Soviet Union and China. The U.S. feared that
Vietnam would fall to the communists. If
that happened, the U.S. thought more countries in
Asia would turn communist, too. People thought
of the countries falling one by one. They feared it
would be like a row of dominoes falling over. This
idea was called the Domino Theory.
To stop communist rule, the U.S. supported the
French against the Viet Minh. But the war did
not go well for France. After losing major battles,
the French called for a peace treaty. Under the
treaty, the French troops would move to the
south, while the Viet Minh stayed in the north.
The people of Vietnam would then vote for the
leaders they wanted and the French would leave.
The U.S. did not support the treaty. Instead,
the U.S. picked a leader to rule the southern part
of the country. He was Ngo Dinh Diem. Diem
would not hold an election for the whole country.
In 1954, he declared that the southern half of the
country would be a new nation, called the
Republic of Vietnam.
Viet Minh fighters who lived in the south joined
other people who did not like the Diem government
and formed a new group. It was called the National
Liberation Front (or NLF). North Vietnam supported
In World War II, Ho Chi Minh helped the Allies fight the
Japanese in Vietnam. After the war, he wanted Vietnam
to be a democratic republic.
the NLF. Diem called these fighters that opposed
him the Viet Cong.
Diem’s army could not defeat the NLF. He asked
the U.S. for help. At first, the U.S. sent only a few
men. But by 1963 there were almost 17,000 U.S.
troops in Vietnam. The U.S. also sent ships and
planes to support Diem.
In August 1964, two U.S. warships said gunboats
from North Vietnam had fired on them. President
Lyndon Johnson asked Congress for more power to
fight the war. Congress did not declare war on
Vietnam. Instead, they passed an act that let
Johnson use more force against North Vietnam.
The act was called the Gulf of Tonkin
Resolution, after the waters where the U.S. ships
said they were when shots were fired at them.
America was about to step up its role in the
Vietnam War.
U.S. troops were not used to fighting the kind of
guerrilla war they faced in the jungles of Vietnam.
Search and Destroy
U.S. forces in Vietnam grew fast after the Gulf of
Tonkin Resolution. In March 1965, 3,500 Marines
landed. By June, 74,000 U.S. troops were in the country.
This was not the kind of war that the U.S. was used
to fighting. There were no enemy lines to attack.
Instead, NLF forces were all around them. They
often lived in the villages U.S. troops were
supposed to protect. They hid in tunnels and in the
jungle. And there was no land to capture. The NLF
troops would simply leave or hide when U.S. forces
came and return when the Americans went away.
This kind of fighting is called a guerrilla war.
The leader of the U.S. troops, General William
Westmoreland, wanted a new plan for fighting the
NLF. Instead of attacking enemy lines or trying
to capture their land, the U.S. would just try to kill
as many of their men as it could. U.S. troops would
destroy their stores of weapons and food.
Westmoreland thought the NLF would get tired
of fighting and give up. His plan was called a war
of attrition.
To weaken the NLF, U.S. troops went on search
and destroy missions. Patrols would go to villages
and look for NLF fighters and supplies. Sometimes
The Americans relied on helicopters to help
them move quickly above the dangerous jungles and
swampy rice paddies of Vietnam.
they would burn the whole village if they thought it
was an enemy base.
In October 1965, the North Vietnamese Army (or
NVA) tried to drive the U.S. out of the Ia Drang
Valley in central Vietnam. The U.S. Army faced
waves of NVA soldiers for a month. But the U.S. won
the battle, killing many NVA forces. The Battle of Ia
Drang was one of the largest
battles of the war. It taught Life of a
the NLF and NVA not to “Grunt”
fight long battles against U.S.
soldiers. Instead, they would U.S. infantry soldiers
attack quickly and pull back in Vietnam called
just as fast. themselves “grunts.”
Westmoreland and Johnson Fighting in the jungles
were pleased with how the was a dangerous job. They
war was going. So many had to move through
NVA and NLF troops were dense
being killed they thought forests and swamps
the war would soon be in very hot weather.
over. But the NVA and NLF Soldiers were killed
were stronger than the U.S. by hidden traps made from
thought. In 1967, they
bamboo poles. Unseen
planned an attack to prove
enemies in the jungle
they were not near defeat. often shot at them.
In December, North
Vietnamese troops moved in
North Vietnamese troops charge during the siege of the Marine
base at Khe Sahn.
around the Marine base at Khe Sahn. They fired
thousands of artillery shells into the base. They shot
down planes and helicopters that tried to land. In the
hills, 20,000 NVA troops waited to storm Khe Sahn
when supplies ran out.
But Westmoreland ordered that Khe Sahn be held
at all costs. To support the base, 50,000 Marines and
U.S. Army troops were sent in. They fired back at
the NVA artillery and called in planes to bomb the
NVA positions. The battle continued for 77 terrible
days. In the end, the U.S. held the base. More than
250 Americans had lost their lives. But more than
1,600 NVA troops had been killed. It looked like a
major win for the U.S.
The United States dropped tons of bombs on North Vietnamese
targets in its war of attrition
against communist forces.
Even though the U.S. thought it was winning the
war in Vietnam, it had to send more and more men to
fight. As many as half a million U.S. troops were in
the country at the peak of the war. This made some
Americans wonder whether the U.S. really was win-
ning. They feared we were getting bogged down in
the war. They called Vietnam a quagmire— a swamp
that was hard to get out of.
U.S. planes bombed targets in both North Vietnam
and South Vietnam. The U.S. flew as many as
150,000 bombing runs each year. The bombs were
meant to destroy NVA and NLF troops and bases.
But it was often hard to tell which towns were real
targets. Many innocent people were killed in the
U.S. officials told Americans back home that the
communists were being driven out of the south. But
in early 1968, the NLF launched a new attack that
shocked the U.S. Their attack came on Tet, the
Vietnamese new year. More than 85,000 NLF troops
stormed every large city in the south, all at once.
They attacked Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam,
and took the U.S. Embassy. They held it for eight
hours. It took the U.S. three weeks to drive the NLF
back out of the capital city.
Lyndon The bloodiest fight took
Johnson place in the country’s old
capital, Hue. Marines had to
Lyndon Johnson go from house to house, look-
became president in 1963 ing for NLF and NVA troops
after President John F. that were waiting to kill them
Kennedy was killed. At off. Both sides
the same fired artillery into the city.
time he was The shells killed civilians and
fighting the war in destroyed homes.
Vietnam, The city was destroyed.
he also called for a More than 100,000 people
“War on Poverty” who lived there were left
in the U.S. homeless.
He started many new pro- The attack, called the Tet
grams Offensive, lasted until the
to help the poor.
fall. It was not a military win
But spending on both
for the north. About 45,000
“wars” caused a big
NVA and NLF soldiers
government debt.
died. But the huge fight
came at a time when
President Johnson said that communist forces were
almost wiped out. This made people feel they could
not trust the president. It made the war even less
popular at home.
In 1968, Johnson felt he could not win another term
The surprise NVA and NLF attack during the Tet Offensive
showed that America’s enemies were not about to surrender.
President Lyndon Johnson lost popular support for his
leadership of the war. In 1968 he announced he would
not run for another term.
as president. He announced he would not
run again. The new president, Richard Nixon, said he
had a new plan to end the war. He would pull troops
out of Vietnam. At the same time, he would step up
the bombing, especially in the north. He hoped that
this would force North Vietnam to agree to a peace
treaty. He said his plan would bring “peace with
Young people across America
protested against the war in Vietnam.
The War at Home
At first, many Americans were in favor of the war
in Vietnam. They did not want to see Asia turn
communist. But as the war went on, many people
changed their minds.
One thing that caused people to question the war
was the draft. To get enough men to fight the war,
the U.S. called young men to join the military,
whether they wanted to or not. This turned young
people against the war. Some of them left the
country to avoid the draft. Others went to jail
because they did not believe in the war. College
students could get out of the draft. People
thought it was not fair to poor men who could not
go to college.
Many of the men drafted were African
Americans. Some thought the draft was racist.
Civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr. and
Malcolm X called for the U.S. to end the war. People
at home grieved for all the U.S. troops killed in the
war. They did not like the fact that so many civilians
were killed by U.S. bombs. They did not trust what
the government told them about the war. By the end
of the 1960s, more than half of all Americans felt the
war was wrong.
Four students were killed when National Guard troops tried to
stop protests at Kent State University.
Students and other people gathered in
public to protest the war. In November 1969,
40,000 of them went to
Washington, D.C. to call Peaceniks and
for an end to the war. At Hippies
times, the protests turned
into riots. Protesters When the war was
fought with police who still supported at
tried to stop them. home, people called
The worst time came on student protesters
May 4, 1970, at a protest at peaceniks. But soon
Kent State University in many young people
Ohio. National Guard did more than just
troops were called out to oppose the war.
stop a riot. The troops They questioned the
panicked and shot at the whole American
way of life.
crowd. The shots killed
They became hippies.
four students and hurt
They dropped
eleven more. The sight of
out of society,
students killed by U.S. wore long hair
troops turned many people and wild clothes,
against the war. and took drugs.
The war had other effects
on life at home. By 1967,
the U.S. was spending $2 billion a month on the war.
The U.S. tried to pay for the war by raising taxes and
printing more money. This caused inflation. Prices went
In November, 1969, 40,000 students went to Washington, D.C. to
call for the end of the war. These students protested
outside the Pentagon.
up faster and faster. Growing prices and higher taxes
hit Americans hard.
The growing feeling against the war had forced
President Johnson out of office. When President
Nixon’s new plan did not bring peace soon, he lost
support, too. Americans were angry at their leaders
and angry at each other. Some people feared the
country would come apart.
In January 1973,
representatives of the U.S. and North and South Vietnam
signed a peace treaty in Paris.
“Peace with Honor”
President Johnson had started peace talks with
North Vietnam in Paris. It was just after the start of
the Tet Offensive. But the talks did not go far. South
Vietnam’s new president, Nguyen Van Thieu, said
he would not make peace with communists.
When Nixon became president in 1969, he kept the
talks going. But neither side could agree
on a plan for peace. North Vietnam wanted the U.S.
to leave. They wanted the NLF to have a role in a
new government. The U.S. wanted all enemy troops
to be pulled out of the south. With the talks stalled,
Nixon decided to put more pressure on the north.
North Vietnam moved troops and supplies to the
south through Cambodia and Laos, the lands to the
west. Nixon decided to bomb enemy supply lines in
Cambodia. In April 1970, Nixon sent U.S. troops into
the country. The next year, troops from South
Vietnam—backed up by U.S. planes—entered Laos.
The spread of the war brought new protests in the
U.S. But Nixon said the moves would help end the
A large NVA force crossed into the south and
attacked the South Vietnamese troops in March 1972.
The attack was called the Easter Offensive. The
NVA easily beat the southern troops, but Nixon
ordered heavy bombing of the area. He also bombed
the north’s capital, Hanoi. The bombing crushed the
NVA attack and killed 100,000 troops. In the face of
the loss, North Vietnam came back to the peace
talks in Paris.
Napalm and Nixon had his own
Agent Orange reasons for wanting the war
to end soon. The heavy
The U.S. used new bombing, and the war in
weapons to fight in Laos and Cambodia, had
the jungles of made many Americans
Vietnam. angry. In 1973, Congress
Napalm was a kind said it would cut all funds
of jellied gasoline. for the war and try to
Dropped from planes, remove Nixon from office.
it burned everything Nixon ordered all fighting
in its path. Agent Orange in Vietnam stopped early
was a spray that year.
that killed plants so In January, all sides signed
the enemy could not hide a treaty to end the war. The
in the brush. U.S. would leave Vietnam. A
cease-fire would end fighting
between North and South.
The two sides would work to form a
new government.
The last U.S. troops left Vietnam in March 1973.
Despite the peace treaty, South Vietnamese troops
continued to attack enemy towns.
Panicked South Vietnamese troops continued to
attack enemy towns.
But the cease-fire did not last long. Thieu sent his
troops to attack enemy towns. But without U.S.
support, his rule began to break down. North
Vietnam launched a major attack in 1975 and
quickly defeated the southern troops. Thieu fled
the country. On April 30, South Vietnam gave up.
Vietnam was now one country. It was under
communist rule.
Even though Ho Chi Minh died in 1969, his dream
for a Vietnam free of foreign rule had come true. But
for the U.S., the fall of South Vietnam was a bitter
The Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial features the
names of Americans who died in the war.
The Lessons
of Vietnam
The Vietnam war had a huge effect, both on
the U.S. and on Vietnam. More than 58,000 U.S.
soldiers died. Many of
those who came back General William
suffered from wounds or
mental illness. Most
felt they got a poor
William Westmoreland
welcome from a country
led troops in World
that did not like the war
War II and Korea
they fought.
before being named
Vietnam took decades to
head of U.S. troops in
recover from the loss of life
Vietnam. At first he
and damage of the war.
was popular in the
Almost 30 years later, it is
U.S. Time magazine
still trying to rebuild. Many
even named him Man
Vietnamese fled the coun-
of the Year in 1965.
try, often in small boats.
But after the shock of
Some came to live in the
the Tet Offensive,
Lyndon Johnson
In Cambodia, the war
replaced him.
led to the fall of the
government. The new
Today, Vietnam is beginning to build a thriving economy.
But it is still under communist rule.
rulers were the Khmer Rouge. They put millions of
their own people to death.
The huge cost of the war led to more inflation and
budget shortfalls. These problems would plague
the U.S. until the 1990s. Richard Nixon lost more
support when men who worked for him were
caught breaking into Democratic Party offices. This
break-in became known as Watergate. Nixon had to
resign in 1974.
For years after the end of the war, people talked
about what America should have learned from it.
They talked about the “Lessons of Vietnam.” But
people did not agree on what those lessons were sup-
posed to be.
Some thought the lesson was that all war is wrong.
They thought we should look for new ways to solve
our problems with other countries. Others thought
the lesson was that we should not fight in guerrilla
wars where it was not clear who we were fighting.
And some thought we should not fight a war unless
we were sure we were going to win.
After Vietnam, people in the U.S. did not feel the
same about war. They were less willing to support a
war. It was almost 10 years before the U.S. used its
troops once more in a foreign land. The Vietnam War
comes up each time we think about sending men to
fight. When troops went to Afghanistan in 2001, some
Secretary of State Colin Powell visited Vietnam in 2001.
The U.S. is forming closer ties to its old enemy.
feared it might be “another Vietnam.”
Even in the 21st century, Vietnam still has an
impact. People who run for president often must tell
what they did during the war years. Were they for the
war or against it? Did they fight in Vietnam or find
ways to get out of fighting?
Today, Vietnam is still ruled by communists. But its
leaders have begun to give people more
freedom. They have more say in how they want to
live. For decades, the U.S. would not trade with
Vietnam. But it went back to full relations with its old
enemy in 1995.
In 1982, the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial was built
in Washington, D.C. Its black stone walls show the
names of Americans killed in the war. Some did not
like the design of the monument. Soon, though, peo-
ple started to flock to it. Millions still go there each
year. They mourn the dead and think of the lessons
of Vietnam.
Thirty years later, Americans are still trying to learn
the lessons of Vietnam.
Further Reading
Devaney, John. The Vietnam War. Franklin Watts,
Websites to Visit
Battlefield: Vietnam
artillery — large guns that fire explosive shells
Cambodia — country in southeast Asia invaded during the Vietnam war
civil rights — the movement to gain equal rights for African Americans
Cold War — conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union
between 1945 and 1990
democratic republic — a country where the people elect their leaders
Domino Theory — the belief that if one country fell to communism,
its neighbors would soon fall, too
draft — a law that requires people to serve in the armed forces
if needed
Easter Offensive — the 1972 attack by NVA troops on South
Vietnamese positions
guerrilla war — a type of war fought with fast, hit-and-run attacks
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution — 1963 act of Congress giving President
Johnson more power to fight in Vietnam
Hanoi — capital of North Vietnam during the Vietnam War; today it is
the capital of Vietnam
hippies — young people who rejected the ways of older Americans in
the 1960s
Ho Chi Minh — leader of North Vietnam during the Vietnam War
Hue — historic city heavily damaged during the Tet Offensive
Ia Drang Valley — valley in central Vietnam, site of U.S. victory in 1965
inflation — when prices go up quickly
Khe Sahn — remote Vietnam area, site of Marine base during Vietnam
Khmer Rouge — rulers of Cambodia from 1975 to 1979
Laos — southeastern Asian country on western border of Vietnam; it
was invaded during the Vietnam War
napalm — a weapon made from gasoline jelly
Ngo Dinh Diem — president of South Vietnam from 1955 to 1963
Nguyen Van Thieu — president of South Vietnam from 1967 to 1975
peaceniks — disrespectful term for people who opposed the Vietnam
quagmire — a swamp that is hard to walk through; a term used to
describe the Vietnam War
racist — being unfair or hostile to people of other races
Saigon — capital of South Vietnam during the Vietnam war; now called
Ho Chi Minh City
search and destroy — mission in which soldiers would look for
enemy troops or supplies and try to capture or kill them
Tet — the Vietnamese new year
Tet Offensive — major attack launched by NLF and NVA forces in
January 1968
Viet Cong — disrespectful term for National Liberation Front (or NLF)
Viet Minh — group founded by Ho Chi Minh to fight for Vietnamese
war of attrition — a war in which one side simply tries to kill as many
of the enemy as possible instead of capturing land
Kent State 8, 28, 29
Index Khe Sahn 8, 18, 19, 47
Khmer Rouge 41, 47
African Americans 27 King, Jr., Martin Luther 27
Agent Orange 34 Laos 6, 33, 34, 47
Cambodia 6, 8, 33, 34, 39, Malcolm X 27
46, 47 napalm 34, 47
Cold War 11, 46 National Liberation
communists 10, 11, 20, 21, Front (NLF) 11, 13, 15,
33, 43 17, 21, 22, 23, 33, 47
Diem, Ngo Dinh 8, 11, 13, Nixon, Richard 8, 25, 31,
47 33, 34, 41
Domino Theory 11, 46 Paris Peace Talks 8, 33, 34
draft 27, 46 peaceniks 29, 47
Easter Offensive 33, 46 Saigon 21, 47
France 8, 9, 11 search and destroy
guerrilla war 14, 15, 46 missions 15, 47
Gulf of Tonkin Soviet Union 9, 11, 46
Resolution 8, 13, 15, 46 Tet Offensive 8, 21, 22, 23,
Hanoi 34, 46 33, 39, 46, 47
hippies 29, 46 Thieu, Nguyen Van 33, 37,
Ho Chi Minh 8, 9, 12, 37, 47
46, 47 Treaty of Paris 8, 32
Hue 22, 46 Viet Cong 13, 47
Ia Drang Valley 8, 17, 46 Viet Minh 9, 11, 47
Japan 9 Westmoreland, William
Johnson, Lyndon 13, 17, 15, 17, 19, 39
22, 24, 31, 33, 39, 46 World War II 9, 12, 39
Kennedy, John F. 22