Class 3 Nstse PQP 10 Papers 2018
Class 3 Nstse PQP 10 Papers 2018
Class 3 Nstse PQP 10 Papers 2018
Class 3
Code: 402 Mathematics $ Chaitali has 752 story books. How many more does
Which of the following shows that 124 is more than she need to make a collection of 1000 story books?
116 ? (A) 248 (B) 252
(A) 124 + 116 (B) 124 = 116 (C) 750 (D) 109
(C) 124 > 116 (D) 124 < 116 % Tanya pasted 9 photos on each page of her album. If
Write down the numbers from 1 to 25 one after the she used 42 pages, how many photos did she paste?
other as shown below. (A) 378 (B) 368
(C) 342 (D) 336
123456789 .......... 232425
& Alok had some postcards. They are less than 15 in
Which digit is on the 23rd place from the left? number. When he puts them in piles of 5 and 4, there
are 2 and none left respectively. How many cards
(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 6 (D) 7
does Alok have ?
! Which option is in decreasing order ? (A) 10 (B) 12
(A) 9890,9809,9980,9089 (B) 9089,9809,9890,9980 (C) 14 (D) 15
(C) 9089,9980,9809,9890 (D) 9980,9890,9809,9089 ' Which of the following shapes can be divided into
" In 1947, which digit has the highest place value? two EQUAL parts?
(C) (D)
< 2500 < 1300 < 400 If the cost of 1 kitkat is 12, how many Kitkats can I
P Q R get for 96 with the free offer BUY 2 GET 1 FREE ?
How many squares are there in the figure given $ What part of the square is shaded ?
below ?
1 3 1 3
(A) 4 (A) (B) (C) (D)
4 8 2 4
(B) 9
(C) 11 % Identify the missing digit represented by .
(D) 12
In a certain year, the first day of the month of July 4 9
falls on Sunday. What day was it on the 1st August of + 2 8
the same year?
7 7 7
(A) Wednesday (B) Thursday
(C) Friday (D) Tuesday (A) 2 (B) 8 (C) 4 (D) 1
many diamonds ?
(A) 20 (B) 30 (C) 45 (D) 60
(A) 6 (B) 8 (C) 15 (D) 30
' 45 boys went to the museum. Thrice as many girls
" Each triangle requires 3 match sticks to form. At
went to museum as boys. How many children went
which pattern does it require 27 match sticks ? to the museum altogether?
(A) 7 (A) 45 (B) 60 (C) 135 (D) 180
(B) 8
Find the total mass of boxes P and Q.
(C) 9
(D) 10
0 0 0
8 kg 1 8 kg 1 8 kg 1
# What is the missing digit ? 1 2 3
3 3 3
6 6 6
5 4 5 4 5 4
23 + 31 + 2 ? + 12 = 94
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 8 (A) 7 kg (B) 9 kg
(C) 10 kg (D) 14 kg
© Brain Mapping Academy UN402 3 © Brain Mapping Academy UN402 4
How many 5 coins can be exchanged for a 50 Code: 402 General Science
note ? $ Animal X has gills, can swim, has fins and reproduces
(A) 2 (B) 5 (C) 10 (D) 15 by laying eggs. What type of animal is X ?
Khairavi has a 100 cm long ribbon. She wants to cut (A) Aerial (B) Land (C) Aquatic (D) Desert
the ribbon into strips measuring 20 cm each. How % Which of the following is the correct sequence in
many cuts will she have to make along the ribbon? the formation of rain ?
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7 (A) Water → watervapour → cloud → rain
! If stands for 4 flowers, then how many flowers (B) Water → cloud → watervapour → rain
are there in the picture below ? (C) Watervapour → rain → cloud
(D) Watervapour → water → rain
& How does the organism given below breathe ?
! Observe the food chain given below. !# Which of the following has a definite shape ?
(A) Steam (B) Ice (C) juice (D) Oil
!$ What is the time between a New Moon and a Full
Moon ?
(A) 7 days (B) 14 days
Which of the following best completes the given (C) 21 days (D) 28 days
food chain ?
(A) Rabbit (B) Goat (C) Cat (D) Hen !% Bear and crow are similar because they are
! The diagram given below shows the changes in the (A) Herbivores (B) Carnivores
state of water. Which of the following processes is (C) Omnivores (D) Insectivores
represented by X ? !& Observe the figure given below.
Steam Water
Small fishes Fish Shark
(A) Boiling (B) Freezing
(C) Melting (D) Condensation
Which of the following statements is true about the
!! Which of the following gives out light and heat ? given figure ?
(A) Sun (B) Earth (C) Moon (D) Planet
(A) Life cycle of fish. (B) Life cycle of shark.
!" The figures given below are similar because
(C) Food chain in the sea. (D) Growth of fish.
!' Which of the following birds is called a perching bird ?
(A) Duck (B) Hen
(C) Crane (D) Sparrow
(A) they have the same type of root system. " Which of the following materials is obtained from
plants ?
(B) they store food in underground stems.
(C) they store food in underground roots. (A) Wool (B) Cotton
(D) they store food in leaves. (C) Silk (D) Nylon
" The diagram given below X "# Which of the following kinds of soil is found in deserts ?
represents a process that takes
(A) Clayey soil (B) Loam soil
place in the presence of sunlight. Y
# Match the sense organs in Column-I to their ## Identify the one that does not belong to the given
function in Column-II. group.
Column-I Column-II
a Ears i Taste
b Nose ii Touch
c Skin iii Smell
d Tongue iv Hear (A) Parrot (B) Pigeon
(A) a-i; b-ii; c-iii; d-iv (B) a-iv; b-iii; c-ii; d-i (C) Ostrich (D) Sparrow
(C) a-ii; b-iii; c-iv; d-i (D) a-iv; b-ii; c-iii; d-i
# Which of these sources of energy drives the water
cycle ?
(A) Coal (B) Candle (C) The sun (D) Lamp
# Which of the following terms can be used to name
the soil that is formed by the decomposition of dead
plants and animals ?
(A) Clay (B) Humus
(C) Sand (D) Silt
#! Observe the given figure. Identify the function of
the part labelled as X in the given figure ?
(A) Nutrition Question numbers: 56 to 60
(B) Breathing This new section Critical Thinking, has been
(C) Excretion introduced only from 2018-19 in the NSTSE
(D) Growth pattern and hence has no Past questions.
#" Which type of stimulus is NOT detected by our skin ? For sample questions please see page no. 124
(A) Heat (B) Cold (C) Pain (D) Light
Code: 411 Mathematics 07 I have 500 biscuits. If I eat 10 biscuits everyday, then
01 Which of the following statements is correct? for how many days will the biscuits last ?
(A) 195 + 17 = 212 (B) 1000 − 247 = 863 (A) 100 (B) 50
(C) 999 − 48 = 915 (D) 418 + 514 = 982
(C) 500 (D) 5
02 What is the time shown on the clock given ?
08 What are the missing signs ?
(A) 3: 55
(B) 4: 55 40 ? 5 = 2 ? 4
(C) 11: 15
(A) , + (B) +, (C) ÷, × (D) ×, ÷
(D) 11:20
09 Find the total length of the lines PQ and RS.
03 Which of the following fractions is the largest?
0 cm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2 6 3 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
12 12 4 9 P Q
12 What is the mass of Y if each stands for 3 kg? 18 What is the missing number in the box ?
+ 2 4 9
8 6 6
(A) 537 (B) 573 (C) 637 (D) 617
(A) 8 kg (B) 10 kg (C) 12 kg (D) 14 kg 19 I am made up of a rectangle and two triangles. Which
13 Mrs. Jasmine has 29 bottles of milk. What is the least shape am I?
number of trays she needs if she puts 5 bottles of
milk on each tray?
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) 7 (B) 6 (C) 24 (D) 31
14 How many metres make 3000 cm? 20 Which number is the same as seven thousand and
(A) 3 m (B) 30 m (C) 300 m (D) 3000 m seventy-seven ?
15 Rearrange the numbers 6, 8, 3 and 5 to form the (A) 7077 (B) 7007 (C) 7070 (D) 7770
largest even number. 21 Express 61 days in weeks and days.
(A) 8536 (B) 5386 (A) 6 weeks 1 day (B) 6 weeks 5 days
(C) 8356 (D) 6358 (C) 8 weeks 1 day (D) 8 weeks 5 days
16 House X is 10 km from House Y. House P is 1 m from 22 How many faces does this solid have?
House X towards House Y. What is the distance
between the Houses P and Y?
(A) 9 m (B) 99 m
(C) 999 m (D) 9999 m
17 In the number 842, in which place is the digit 4?
(A) Ones (B) Tens (A) 3 (B) 4
(C) Hundreds (D) Thousands (C) 5 (D) 6
23 The sum of two numbers is 278. If one number is Code: 411 General Science
142, then what is the other number? 26 Which of the following organisms has bones ?
(A) 420 (B) 136 (A) Earthworm (B) Butterfly
(C) 130 (D) 236 (C) Cockroach (D) Sparrow
24 10 children have to pay a total of 8 for the tickets 27 Which of the following is a safety measure to be
to watch a show. How much do 100 children have followed to prevent an electric shock?
to pay?
(A) Touching the switch of a heater with wet hands.
(A) 60 (B) 80
(B) Standing on a wooden stool to check a plug point.
(C) 100 (D) 120
(C) Poking a metal rod into an electrical socket.
25 Which of the following has the smallest value?
(D) Touching the water in which immersion heater is
(A) 125 + 276 + 16 (B) 1916 1498 kept.
(C) 104 × 4 (D) 500 + 15 98 28 Which of these supplies the energy that drives the
water cycle ?
(A) A planet (B) An ocean
(C) The sun (D) The moon
29 Which of the following can be measured by using a
balance ?
(A) The length of a stick.
(B) The mass of a rock.
(C) The colour of a flower.
(D) The roughness of a stone.
30 Which of the following units is used to measure distance ?
(A) Grams (B) Kilometres
(C) Degree celsius (D) Cubic centimetres
31 What does the given diagram tell you about living 36 The animal that depends on plants for its food is
things ? (A) lion. (B) lizard. (C) sheep. (D) fox.
(A) Living things grow in size.
37 The sun, the moon and the planets together form the
(B) Living things respond to stimuli.
(A) lunar system. (B) solar system.
(C) Living things reproduce to survive. (C) universal system. (D) atmosphere.
(D) Living things die eventually.
38 Clouds are made up of
32 When water is cooled to _____ degree celsius, it
(A) gases. (B) tiny water droplets.
freezes and changes to ice.
(C) ice. (D) Both (A) and (C)
(A) 1 0 0 (B) 5 0 (C) 2 5 (D) 0
39 Which of the following groups is made up of only
33 Which of the following travels through the labelled
non-living things ?
part X in the figure given before it reaches the lungs?
(A) Dog, cat, rubber tree (B) Clock, box, rose plant
(C) Soil, cat, dog (D) Jug, water, chair
40 Crocodiles and birds lay eggs. This shows that animals
(A) respond to changes. (B) reproduce.
(A) Water (B) Food (C) Air (D) Blood
(C) grow. (D) move.
34 Which of the following is the natural habitat of a polar
41 Which of the following represents X in the given
bear ?
(A) Africa (B) North pole
'X water
Ice ⎯⎯→
(C) Southeast Asia (D) America
35 Which of these organs helps us to sense smell ? (A) Heat (B) Cool (C) Force (D) All of these
(A) Skin (B) Nose 42 Which of the following parts of a plant protect the
(C) Ears (D) Eyes seeds ?
(A) Flower (B) Leaf (C) Fruit (D) Root
" ? &
× '
(A) 57 (B) 43
(C) 1000 (D) 100
5 Raj ate half of his cake and cut the remaining into 8
equal pieces. He gave 3 pieces of the cake to his
friends. What fraction of the cake is he left with?
1 5 5 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
16 16 8 2
$ Observe the given equations. Venu had < 252. He spends < 43 on Monday and
twice as much money on Tuesday. He spends < 98
(i) = 6 on Wednesday. How much money is Venu left with?
(A) < 25 (B) < 98
(ii) = 2
(C) < 86 (D) < 113
Which of the following is also correct? The number of girls in a singing competition is 1029
(A) × = (B) ×2 = more than the number of boys. If 4233 girls
participated in the competition, find the total
(C) + = 12 (D) + = number of participants.
% What is 3 nines less than 8 hundreds? (A) 4377 (B) 7437
(A) 739 (B) 782 (C) 7347 (D) 7743
(C) 773 (D) 770 2 The owner of a computer shop sold 756 computers
in January, 1005 computers in February and 483
& Which of the following has the greatest shaded area?
computers in March. How many computers did he
sell in all ?
(A) 2442 (B) 2424
(A) (B)
(C) 2244 (D) 3244
3 A shopkeeper packed 360 biscuits in 12 boxes. What
is the number of biscuits in each box?
(C) (D) (A) 30 (B) 20 (C) 25 (D) 13
"#8 7 then
stand for how many apples ?
What is the difference between its quotient and
remainder ? (A) 8 (B) 30
(A) 68 (B) 3 (C) 65 (D) 62 (C) 130 (D) 80
5 The weight of the basket is 1725 g. 22 The clock shows the present correct time.
What is the weight of the fruits ?
(A) 6 kg 875 g (B) 4 kg 875 g ' !
& "
$ Sunitha can type 120 words in 5 minutes. How many Which clock shows the time 1 hour 40 minutes ago ?
words can she type in 3 minutes ?
12 12 12 12
11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1
(A) 9 3
(B) 9 3
(C) 9 3
(D) 9 3
% 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5
(A) (B) 2" Asha bought 2 apples for < 18. What is the total price
of 5 apples at that rate?
(A) < 28 (B) < 90
(C) (D) (C) < 36 (D) < 45
25 Which shape has the least number of corners ?
2 9 similar mobile phones cost as much as 4 similar
laptops. If each mobile phone costs < 1400, find the
total cost of 5 such laptops. (A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) < 28350 (B) < 15750 (C) < 12600 (D) < 31500
© Brain Mapping Academy UN413 27 © Brain Mapping Academy UN413 28
Code: 413 General Science 3 Match the parts of the plant in ColumnI with their
2$ Which of the following flowering plants responds to functions in ColumnII.
the stimulus of the sunlight ?
Column-I Column-II
(A) P (B) Q
(A) i - q, ii - p, iii - r (B) i - q, ii - r, iii - p
(C) R (D) S 4 (C) i - r, ii - q, iii - p (D) i - p, ii - q, iii - r
2& Identify X in the given flow chart. 32 Which of the following is the reproductive part of a
plant that develops into a fruit?
Flower Fruit X
plant (A) Flower (B) Leaf (C) Root (D) Stem
33 Which of these animals swallows its food as a whole ?
(A) Seed (B) Stem (C) Root (D) Leaf
(A) Cat (B) Rat (C) Dog (D) Snake
2' I anchor the plant to the ground. I absorb water and
mineral salts from the soil. Who am I ? 3" Which of the following animal is a herbivore ?
(A) Root (B) Stem (C) Leaf (D) Flower (A) Frog (B) Fox (C) Deer (D) Jackal
3 Some examples of living & non-living things are as below. 35 Which of these will help us in keeping our
Living things: Animals, Birds and Clouds. surroundings clean ?
Non-living things: The sun, stars and Rocks. (A) Walking on footpaths.
Which of the following is under the INCORRECT (B) Watering plants daily.
heading ? (C) Throwing waste in a dustbin.
(A) Birds (B) Rocks (C) Clouds (D) Stars (D) Removing the petals of a flower.
3$ Shreya has carrot, onion, ginger and potato plants in "2 Digestion is the breaking down of food material by a
her garden. The roots of which of these plants do living being into chemically simpler forms. In the
we eat ? human body where does digestion end?
(A) Carrot (B) Ginger (C) Onion (D) Potato (A) Food pipe (B) Stomach
3% Which of these systems helps us in digestion of food ? (C) Small intestine (D) Large intestine
(A) Circulatory system (B) Respiratory system "3 The water cycle given in the box shows the
(C) Digestive system (D) Nervous system evaporation of water from seas and oceans. Why
does water vapour rise upwards ?
3& Which of the following games helps us in building
strong bones and muscles and in having a healthy
body ?
(A) Carrom board (B) Chess
(C) Basket ball (D) Snake and ladders
3' What kind of soil does a potter use in making pots ?
(A) Clay (B) Sand (C) Loam (D) Sandy loam (A) It is cooler than the surrounding air.
" Which of these damage buildings, trees and electric (B) It is heavier than the surrounding air.
poles ?
(C) It is lighter than the surrounding air.
(A) Breeze (B) Storm
(D) It is attracted by the clouds in the sky.
(C) Slow wind (D) Both (A) and (C)
The given figure shows the three nearest planets to "" Which of these is true about soil?
the sun in the solar system. What are planets X, Y (A) Soil is always black in colour.
and Z ?
(B) Soil is of same kind.
(A) X-Venus, Y-Earth, Z-Mercury
(C) Soil is of different kinds.
(B) X-Mercury, Y-Venus, Z-Earth Sun
(D) Both (A) and (B)
(C) X-Venus, Y-Mercury, Z-Earth X Y Z
"5 The beaks of birds can tell us what "' Which of these is an organ of the nervous system?
they eat, and how they eat it. Here
(A) Lungs (B) Kidneys
is a picture of a bird whose beak is
missing. This bird feeds on worms, (C) Brain (D) Heart
insects and small water plants.
5 Which of these organs are NOT protected by the rib
Which of the beaks given can this bird have ?
cage ?
"& How does the sunlight help us at home? (B) I am the organ for watching things.
(A) By preventing cats from entering rooms. (C) I am a part of your body that connects the head
with the trunk.
(B) By keeping rooms free from dust.
(C) By keeping rooms free from germs (D) I am the part that supports the body and helps in
(D) By preventing rats from entering rooms.
53 Abhi had a torn umbrella. Which of the following Code: 401 Mathematics
materials should Abhi use to repair the umbrella ? What is the missing number in the given box?
(A) A piece of cardboard.
68 × 8 = ? × 8 49 × 8
(B) A piece of newspaper.
(A) 99 (B) 119
(C) A piece of sweater.
(C) 125 (D) 217
(D) A piece from an old rain coat.
02 Krishna drew the given graph
5" Which of these is used to measure weight of an Krishnas Job
to show the number of hours 8
object ? that he worked for on four
Number of Hours
(A) Foot steps (B) Handspan days. If Krishna earned 60
an hour, how much money
(C) Measuring tape (D) Balance did he earn on day2 ? 2
(A) (B)
' ! ' !
& " & "
% # % #
$ $
Question numbers: 56 to 60
(C) (D)
' ! ' !
Code: 401 General Science 29 A plant makes its own food with the help of its leaves. How
26 How are these animals similar ? does a seed get the food to grow into a seedling ?
(A) It uses the stored food in the seed leaves.
(B) It makes its food by photosynthesis.
(C) It gets its food from the soil.
(D) It does not need food to grow.
(A) They all move in the same way.
30 Look at the following classification table.
(B) They swallow their food without chewing.
(C) They have the same body covering. Lives on Lives in Lives on
land water land and in water
(D) They are herbivores. Dog Fish X
27 Study the classification shown.
Which of the following could X be ?
Living organisms (A) Lion (B) Vulture (C) Frog (D) Cat
31 Which of these statements is TRUE about the
labelled parts of plant ?
(A) Q makes food for the plant.
Able to make its Unable to make its
own food own food (B) P anchors the plant into the ground.
(C) A fruit is formed from R.
Which of the following are most likely to be S and T ?
(D) We get potato from Q part of potato plant
(A) S Mushroom; T Yeast and radish from R part of a radish plant.
(B) S Yeast; T Mushroom Which instrument is used to know the temperature of a
(C) S Fern; T Mould body ?
(D) S Mould; T Fern (A) Scale (B) Thermometer
28 Which of the following animals and their shelters are paired (C) Spring balance (D) Stop watch
correctly ? 33 Which of these places is suitable to fly kites?
(A) Horse Stable (B) Lion Shed (A) Roads (B) Open terraces
(C) Cow Kennel (D) Rabbit Den (C) Pavements (D) Open grounds
34 The given diagram shows the length of the shadow as double 39 Which of the following has gnawing teeth?
the height of the object. Find the height of the coconut tree.
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
(A) 10 feet (B) 12 feet
(C) 16 feet (D) 18 feet
40 Which of the following is a carnivore?
35 Identify the given organ and its organ system.
(A) Heart-Circulatory system
(B) Lung-Respiratory system (A) (B)
(C) Kidney-Excretory system
(D) Stomach-Digestive system
36 Which layer of the soil contains humus ? (C) (D)
(A) Sub soil (B) Bed rock soil
(C) Top soil (D) Sand
41 Which of the following is the best way to dispose waste
water from our kitchen ?
37 Which of these is a living part in a forest ?
(A) Using it as drinking water.
(A) Soil (B) Earthworm
(B) Using it as bathing water.
(C) Air (D) Humus
(C) Using it for watering plants.
38 What is the function of a leaf ? (D) Letting it to stagnate on the road.
(A) Produce seeds
(B) Produce flowers
(C) Synthesise food
(D) Absorb water
42 Which row of weights have a mass equal to 32 grams of 45 Read the description given below.
candy bar ?
Candybar ? X supports the plant. It helps to transport
#C water and mineral salts.
(A) C
" # $
50 Which plant parts are shown in the given diagram? 55 A bat is a living thing as it
(A) has weight. (B) is matter.
2=HJ: 2=HJ;
(C) can be seen. (D) needs to eat.
(A) Root Stem 2=HJ;
(A) 3215 (B) 5312 (C) 2135 (D) 5132 (C) 1022 (D) 1200
23 How many quarters are there in 5 wholes? Code: 412 General Science
(A) 5 (B) 10 26 Which living thing produces its own food?
(C) 15 (D) 20
24 A rope is cut thrice as shown in the given figure.
29 A mango tree is classfied as a plant because 34 Here are a few substances that enter our body along
with oxygen when we inhale air.
i) It can make food.
ii) It has roots. nitrogen carbon dioxide dust particles
iii) It can reproduce.
Which of the above do the hair and mucus in our
iv) It depends on other organisms for its food. nostrils help to filter out?
(A) Only (i) (B) Only (i) and (ii) (A) Only dust particles.
(C) Only (i), (iii) and (iv) (D) (i), (ii) and (iv) (B) Only nitrogen and carbon dioxide.
30 Which of these are essential for animals to stay alive ? (C) Only carbon dioxide and dust particles.
(D) All - nitrogen, carbon dioxide, dust particles.
(i) Oxygen (ii) Water vapour (iii) Carbon dioxide
35 What will happen to the water in the pot if left over
(A) Only (i) (B) Only (i) and (ii) the campfire ?
(C) Only (ii) and (iii) (D) (i), (ii) and (iii) (A) The water will turn into a solid.
31 Four loads of different masses (B) The water will turn into a gas.
P, Q, R and S were suspended (C) The water will turn into a liquid.
P 8 kg
at different heights above the
Q 7 kg S 5 kg (D) The water will turn into ashes.
ground as shown below. Which
of the loads will create the R 8 kg
36 Which of the following is a non-living part in the
deepest depression when they Tray of sand habitat of a bluebird ?
are dropped in the sand ?
(A) Insects they eat.
(A) P (B) Q (C) R (D) S
(B) Water it drinks.
32 Which of these is NOT a natural resource ? (C) Hawks that eat them.
(A) Plant (B) Insect (C) Paper (D) Soil (D) Plants they use for nests.
33 What is the function of sunflowers? 37 The tearing teeth of a carnivore are MOSTLY
(A) Release oxygen (B) Produce seeds (A) pointed (B) rounded
(C) Absorb sunlight (D) Promote growth (C) wide (D) flat
38 Which of these birds MOST likely uses its beak to 42 The phases of the Moon occur in a certain order.
scoop up small fish for food? Three phases are shown here. Which is the next
phase in the sequence ?
(A) (B) (C) (D)
39 Which of these best shows a change in the state of
matter ? (A) (B) (C) (D)
45 When we compare our road transport system to our 49 The bat does NOT belong to the same group of
body systems, the roads perform a similar function as the animals as the other three living things because it
(A) respiratory system.
(B) circulatory system.
(C) digestive system. (A) is a carnivore (B) can fly
(D) nervous system. (C) hunts at night (D) does not have feathers
46 Which of the following animals has the same 50 Study the table below. Which pair is correct?
breathing structure as the animal shown in the given Food producer Food consumer
figure ?
(A) Hibiscus plant Frog
(A) Fish (B) Toad
(C) Snake (D) Earthworm (B) Frog Toadstool
47 Which of the following plants are sensitive to touch? (C) Goat Birds nest fern
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 51 Which example below is NOT a natural system ?
(A) Plant system (B) Our body system
(A) (i) and (ii) only (B) (i) and (iii) only (C) Means of transport system (D) Solar system
(C) (i) and (iv) only (D) (ii) and (iv) only 52 Observe the picture below. Identify (i), (ii) and (iii)
48 Abhis school was by the side of a road. Sometimes
the traffic would be so heavy that they could not
cross the road. So he and his friends requested the
transport authority to put up a road sign that would
help them. Which of these could be the road sign (i) (ii) (iii)
they asked for? (A) (i) Gas, (ii) Solid, (iii) Liquid
(B) (i) Solid, (ii) Liquid, (iii) Gas
(C) (i) Gas, (ii) Liquid, (iii) Solid
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(D) (i) Liquid, (ii) Gas, (iii) Solid
53 I am found in the human body. Humans cannot live Code: 415 Mathematics
without me. I am found in pairs. What am I ? 01 Which of the following should replace * so that
(A) Eyes (B) Ears 0 * 18 = 0 is correct ?
(C) Lungs (D) Heart (A) + or (B) × or +
54 Look at the figure of the plant shown. Which of the (C) × or ÷ (D) + or ÷
following usually moves in the direction shown by the
arrow ? 02 Ashraf ordered a pizza for himself and 3 of his friends.
(A) Air taken up by the plant. Which option shows how Ashraf needs to cut the
pizza so that every one gets an equal amount of
(B) Food prepared by the plant. pizza ?
(C) Water taken in by the plant.
(D) Sunlight used by the plant.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
55 Which of these is a carnivore and has stripes on its
body with soft pads under its paws ?
03 The first session of a cricket match began at 8: 15 a.m.
(A) Tiger (B) Snake It lasted for 3 hours and 30 minutes.
(C) Zebra (D) Squirrel
11 12 1
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5
05 What is the best way to 11 Find the greatest number among the following.
describe how this kite has (A) 95 × 5 (B) 95 + 5
been divided ? (C) 95 5 (D) 95 ÷ 5
(A) whole (B) halves
12 What is the value of the digit 6 in the sum of 4034
(C) thirds (D) fourths and 2361 ?
06 Ram wants to change his 5 rupee note to 50 paise (A) 6 (B) 60 (C) 600 (D) 6000
coins. How many coins will he get ? 13 Giri is 9 years 7 months old and his brother is 2
(A) 1 0 (B) 5 (C) 2 0 (D) 1 5 years 8 months old. What is their total age ?
07 Which number goes in the box to make the sentence (A) 12 years 4 months (B) 12 years 3 months
true ? (C) 11 years 1 month (D) 11 years 15 months
186 > < 121 How many 100's, 10's and ones respectively should
be added to get the smallest 3-digit number ?
(A) 1 9 7 (B) 1 1 0 (C) 1 3 4 (D) 1 8 8
(A) 0, 0 and 1 (B) 1, 1 and 1
08 What is the place of 0 in the product of 574 and 7 ?
(C) 1, 0 and 0 (D) 1, 1 and 9
(A) Hundreds (B) Ones
15 In how many ways can 6.25 be obtained from the
(C) Thousands (D) Tens following coins ?
09 Suresh cuts a cake into 5 pieces. He gives 3 pieces
to his sister and eats the rest. What fraction of the
cake did Suresh eat ?
1 1 2 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 5 5 5
10 Which of the following is the same as 125 seconds ?
(A) 2 minutes 5 seconds
(B) 1 minute 5 seconds (A) 6 (B) 5 (C) 4 (D) 3
17 How many numbers less than 100 are 2-digit 23 Which of the following is the multiplication sentence
numbers ? for the given figure ?
(A) 8 8 (B) 8 9 (C) 9 0 (D) 9 1
18 What is seven hundreds plus thirteen tens ?
(A) 7 1 3 (B) 7130 (C) 7 3 1 (D) 8 3 0
(A) 5 × 1=5 (B) 5 × 4 = 20
19 Identify a number using the digit values of 2 on each
number card. (C) 5 × 3 = 15 (D) 5 × 2 = 10
24 Identify the rule and choose the number that fills
2868 8092 6904 6425
the empty box.
(A) 2002 (B) 2022 (C) 2020 (D) 2222
20 A 6 m long wire is cut into two unequal pieces. If
one piece is 3 m 8 cm long, what is the length of
the other piece ? (A) 1 2 (B) 8 (C) 1 4 (D) 9
(A) 2 m 92 cm (B) 229 cm What is the difference of 17 thousands 8 hundreds
(C) 22 m (D) 2 m 29 cm and 9 thousands 4 hundreds ?
21 How many tens must be subtracted from 1000 (A) 80 thousands.
to get 430 ? (B) 8 thousands 4 hundreds.
(A) 4 3 (B) 4 3 0 (C) 5 7 (D) 5 7 0 (C) 40 hundreds.
22 The division problem Roy solved on the blackboard (D) 4 thousands 8 hundreds.
is given in the box.
252 7 = 36
Which of the following could Roy use to check his
answer ?
(A) 7 × 252 = 36 (B) 36 × 252 = 7
(C) 36 × 7 = 252 (D) 252 × 7 = 36
© Brain Mapping Academy UN415 65 © Brain Mapping Academy UN415 66
34 A mango tree is classified as a plant because _____. 39 Which of the following is correct about evaporation ?
(A) it can make food. (A) When liquid turns into vapour.
(B) it can take in air. (B) When gas turns into liquid.
(C) it can reproduce. (C) When liquid turns to solid.
(D) it has a cap and a stalk. (D) When solid turns to liquid.
35 Which of the following should come in the empty
40 The organs below are grouped according to the
box in the given flow chart?
human body systems that they belong to. Which
Flower Fruit ? Young plant organ has been placed wrongly ?
51 A teacher asked her students to measure the 54 Which of the following animals is a herbivore ?
length of the classroom.
I will measure it by counting my footsteps, said (A) (B)
Rekha. I will measure it by using hand span, said
Renu. I will measure it by using a measuring tape,
said Ramesh. (C) (D)
Whose method of measuring the length of the
classroom is correct ? 55 Which of these living things is a carnivore ?
(A) Only Rekha (B) Only Ramesh
(C) Only Renu (D) None of the above
52 Why do animals move from place to place ?
(A) Only (i) (B) Only (i) and (ii) For sample questions please see page no. 124
(C) Only (ii) and (iii) (D) Only (iii)
Code: 418 Mathematics 06 Which number should be written in the given box
01 I am thinking of a number. to make the number sentence correct ?
20 By which same number should 231 and 596 be Code: 418 General Science
multiplied, so that both the products are equal ? 26 Choose the incorrect statement.
(A) 2 (B) 13 (C) 1 (D) 0 (A) Living things feel.
21 Raja has 6 markers and Nani has 10 markers. Which (B) Living things need food.
of the following actions would result in Raja and
(C) Living things grow old and die.
Nani having the same number of markers ?
(D) All non-living things are man made.
(A) Raja gives 2 of his markers to Nani.
27 Shyam learned at school that leaves have pores called
(B) Raja gives 4 of his markers to Nani.
stomata on them. On his way back home, he
(C) Nani gives 2 of his markers to Raja. collected a variety of leaves. But he was unable to
(D) Nani gives 4 of his markers to Raja. see the pores. Which of these instruments will help
Observe the given fractions. Shyam to see the pores ?
2 A 3
= =
4 16 B (A) (B) (C) (D)
What is the value of A + B ?
(A) 8 (B) 1 4 (C) 1 6 (D) 6 28 The given animals are similar. As they all are _____.
23 How many 25-paise coins will you get for a 5-rupee (A) flesh eating animals
coin ? (B) both plant & flesh eating animals Rats,
(A) 1 5 (B) 2 0 (C) 2 5 (D) 3 0 (C) the animals that gnaw their food. and
24 Which number is 3405 less than the difference of (D) All of the above squirrels
8200 and 1548 ? 29 Which of these represent X and Y ?
(A) 3247 (B) 3427 (C) 4953 (D) 6652 (A) X-evaporation, Y-condensation
25 As the hour hand goes completely around the face of (B) X-melting, Y-freezing
a circular clock one time, the minute hand goes
completely around the face of the clock ______ times. (C) X-cooling, Y-evaporation
30 Our stomach expands when food enters and 35 Which of the following animals chews the cud ?
contracts when it goes out. Thus the stomach can (A) Dog (B) Cow (C) Lion (D) Cat
expand and contract. This is possible because our
stomach is made of 36 Which of the following organs are protected by the
rib cage ?
(A) bones. (B) muscles.
P Heart Q Liver
(A) P & Q (B) Q & R
(C) blood. (D) gases. R Brain S Lungs
(C) P & S (D) P, Q & R
31 Which of the following is a road safety measure ?
37 Which of the following is a safety rule on a staircase ?
(A) Ignore traffic signals after midnight.
(A) We should rush down the stairs.
(B) Drive under the influence of alcohol.
(C) Overtake without using your indicator lights. (B) We should pull other children.
(D) Wear a safety helmet while riding a motorcycle. (C) We should push other children.
(D) We should climb the steps in a line.
32 Identify the house that is made of canvas cloth.
(A) House boat (B) Igloo 38 Which of the following units is placed under the
wrong heading ?
(C) Tent (D) Hut
Length Time Volume
33 The weight of a book is measured in
Metre Minute Litre
(A) grams. (B) litres. Kilometre Seconds Kilogram
(C) Celsius degrees. (D) seconds. (A) Metre (B) Litre
34 The diagram below shows a plant. The arrows in the (C) Minute (D) Kilogram
diagram show the path taken by the _______.
39 When you touch ice, you feel how cold it is. Which
(A) food
system is responsible to carry this message to your
(B) sunlight brain ?
(C) water (A) Excretory system (B) Nervous system
(D) carbondioxide (C) Skeletal system (D) Muscular system
40 Very fine particles of soil are found in which of the 45 Which of these is a carnivore ?
following types of soil ?
(A) A cat that eats mice
(A) Loamy (B) Sandy (C) Clayey (D) Gravel
(B) A cow that eats grass
41 Which of the following is safe to use sharpening a (C) A rabbit that eats carrot
pencil ?
(D) A caterpillar that eats a leaf
(A) Blade (B) Knife
46 Stagnant water breeds
(C) Sharpner (D) None of these
(A) butterflies. (B) grasshoppers.
42 What are the basic needs of a plant ?
(C) mosquitoes. (D) silkworms.
(A) Air (B) Water (C) Sunlight (D) All of these
47 Green plants make their own food. They are called
43 Which of the following have webbed feet ? ___________.
(A) predators (B) consumers
(A) (B) (C) decomposers (D) producers
48 The time taken by the earth to orbit the sun is
Duck Sparrow
(A) one month. (B) one day.
(C) one year. (D) one season.
(C) (D)
49 Which of the following terms is used to describe the
Peacock Eagle path taken by the planets to revolve around the sun ?
51 Which of the following can prepare food on its own? 54 All living things
(A) cannot move. (B) can reproduce.
(C) cannot grow. (D) can move.
(A) (B)
55 Which form of water are ice cubes ?
(A) Gas (B) Liquid
(C) Solid (D) All of these
(C) (D)
(C) (D)
Code: 421 Mathematics 06 How many 8s are there in the product of 14 and
18 ?
01 What time is it 11 hours and 11 minutes after
11:11 p.m. ? (A) 35 (B) 4
(C) 12:00 a.m. (D) 12:22 a.m. 07 If 13 more people went to a music stall, 217
people would have visited in total. How many
02 Which of the following gives the smallest value ? people visited the music stall ?
(A) 10 tens 7 tens (B) 1 ten + 12 ones (A) 2 3 0 (B) 2 0 0 (C) 2 0 4 (D) 2 1 4
08 What is 8 paisa more than 28 ?
(C) 5 tens 16 ones (D) 3 tens 5 ones 2 tens
(A) 36 (B) 28.80
03 The numbers from 1 to 25 are written one beside
(C) 108 (D) 28.08
the other. Which digit is in the 25th place from the
right ? 7
09 How many tenths are there in ?
(A) 7 (B) 5 (C) 3 (D) 1 (A) 8 (B) 7 (C) 9 (D) 10
04 Observe the following. What is the value of ? 10 Between which two numbers does the quotient of
756 ÷ 8 lie ?
+ + + + = 33 (A) 8 and 10 (B) 11 and 13
+ (C) 80 and 100 (D) 110 and 130
= 1
11 Which of the following is different from the other
(A) 6 (B) 5 three ?
(C) 7 (D) 8 (A) metre (B) inch
05 The denominator of a fraction is thrice that of the (C) foot (D) gram
numerator. The sum of the numerator and
denominator is 16. Find the fraction. 12 It takes pairs of horse shoes to shoe 15
horses ?
2 4 3 5
(A) (B) (C) (D) (A) 6 0 (B) 1 5 (C) 3 0 (D) 1 0
14 12 9 15
13 It rained every odd-numbered day in July. What is 17 What is the greatest even number formed by using
the total number of days it rained in July ? the digits 5, 3, 2 and 1 only once ?
(A) 3 1 (B) 2 9 (C) 1 5 (D) 1 6 (A) 3 2 1 5 (B) 5 3 1 2
14 Sudha went shopping with 40 and returned with (C) 2 1 3 5 (D) 5 1 3 2
13. Which two things did she buy ?
18 How many years and months are there in 365
Item Cost
months ?
Sketch pens 1
Hair clip 6 (A) 1 year 0 months (B) 12 months
Stickers & (C) 30 years 5 months (D) 25 years 1 month
Play dough 5
19 Vamsi saves 4 everyday. How many days does he
(A) Sketch pens, Stickers need to save 120 ?
(B) Sketch pens, Play dough (A) 31 (B) 28 (C) 30 (D) 29
(C) Play dough, Hair clip
20 Identify the two numbers between which the sum
(D) Hair clip, Stickers 123 + 685 lies.
15 Find the least number among the following. (A) 400 and 600 (B) 700 and 900
(A) 6 8 ÷ 4 (B) 6 8 × 4 (C) 1000 and 1200 (D) 300 and 500
(C) 6 8 + 4 (D) 6 8 4 21 When each book is shared by 2 students, 40
students will need
16 What fraction of the square is NOT shaded ?
(A) 20 books. (B) 40 books.
(C) 60 books. (D) 80 books.
3 6 3
22 Find the value of + − .
9 9 9
7 2 4 5 3 6 1 2
(A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D)
9 9 9 9 9 19 3 3
23 How many hundreds are there in 4480 ? Code: 421 General Science
(A) 4 4 8 (B) 4 4 26 Which of the following is NOT true about living
things ?
(C) 4 4 0 0 (D) 4 4 8 0
(A) They feel.
24 Which of the following subtractions give 102 as the
(B) They need food.
difference ?
(C) They grow old and die.
(A) 100 2 (B) 200 98 (D) They do not reproduce.
(C) 400 202 (D) 586 444 27 Which of these is a herbivore ?
25 If tomorrow is 3 days before Tuesday, then today is (A) A cat that eats mice
(A) Friday (B) Saturday (B) A cow that eats grass
(C) Sunday (D) Thursday (C) A frog that eats insects
(D) An opossum that eats fruit and fish
28 When we boil water in a kettle, steam comes out
of it. Steam is _______ form of water.
(A) solid (B) liquid
(C) gaseous (D) none of these
29 Changes in seasons are caused by
(A) the rotation of the earth around itself.
(B) the revolution of the earth around the sun.
(C) the sunlight and darkness.
(D) the rotation of the sun around itself.
30 What is the function of the skeletal system ?
(A) It helps us think and remember.
(B) It gives shape and support to our body.
(C) It helps us in the digestion of food.
(D) It helps in throwing out the waste from the body.
31 Which of these organs remove waste matter in the 35 It takes twenty-four hours for one rotation of
form of urine ? (A) the sun on its axis. (B) the earth on its axis.
(C) the moon on its axis. (D) the solar system
36 Chlorophyll is the green pigment found in leaves.
(A) (B) What is the importance of chlorophyll pigment to
the green plant ?
(A) It helps the plant to reproduce.
(B) It traps carbon dioxide in the air.
(C) It traps light energy from the sun.
(C) (D)
(D) It absorbs water and mineral salts.
32 Where should we form a queue ? 37 Which of these swallow the food without chewing
it, and then they bring back the food and chew it
(A) At the school bus stop
slowly ?
(B) While getting into a bus
(A) Gnawing animals
(C) At the toilets
(B) Cud chewing animals
(D) All of the above
(C) Blood sucking animals
33 Which of these can be measured in litres ?
(D) Flesh eating animals
(A) Eggs (B) Milk
38 Which of the following is NOT a bird ?
(C) Sugar (D) Cloth
(A) Penguin (B) Peacock
34 What is X ?
(C) Bat (D) Ostrich
Water X 39 Which of the following is a star ?
(A) Dew (B) Rain (A) The sun (B) The moon
(C) Ice (D) Water vapour (C) The earth (D) A comet
40 The man in the given figure is a 46 Which system helps to transport food and oxygen
(A) traffic policeman. to all parts of the body ?
50 I have small openings, air comes into me through 54 Which of these is the non-living part of a forest ?
these openings. I am the kitchen of the plant. Who (A) Tree (B) Soil
am I ?
(C) Worm (D) Mushroom
(A) Root (B) Stem
55 Which of the following characteristics is shared by
(C) Leaf (D) Flower all the animals in the given box ?
51 Which of the following are parts of a leaf ? Lizard Parrot Turtle Snake
11 Which pair of numbers best completes the equation ? 15 How many more parts must be shaded to make the
× 500 = figure shaded ?
(A) 60 and 2000 (B) 2 and 1000 (A) 9 (B) 1 8
(C) 2 4 (D) 2 3
(C) 7 and 350 (D) 10 and 505 16 By how many centimetres is 20 m more than 20 cm ?
12 Sam drew a line of length 17 centimetres. Sreya (A) 1890cm (B) 1980cm (C) 1908cm (D) 1990cm
erased 3 centimetres of the line from each end. 17 The board shows the cost of a ticket at a theatre.
What fraction of length of line is not erased ? What is the cost of tickets for 4 adults and 3 children ?
11 6 17 6 (A) 52 (B) 28 A dult : 10
(A) (B) (C) (D) C hild : 4
17 17 6 11 (C) 60 (D) 120
13 If Pooja walks 320 m from her house to the park. 18 If Mr. Addisons house number is 6013, then what
She walks in the park and then returned back home. would be the smallest 4 - digit house number formed
If pooja walked a total of 987 m today, how much by the above digit ?
did she walk in the park ?
(A) 6 0 1 3 (B) 1 0 3 6 (C) 1 0 6 3 (D) 3 0 1 6
(A) 667 m (B) 657 m
19 The smallest three digit number which is even and
(C) 327 m (D) 347 m is a multiple of 3 is ______________ .
14 Observe the following. If these representations are (A) 1 0 0 (B) 1 0 2 (C) 1 0 3 (D) 1 0 5
true, which of the following is correct ?
20 Raj needs to buy an ice-cream worth ` 5. He has
(A) = 4, = 2 some coins of 10 p, 25 p and 50 p. Which of the
following combination of coins will help him in buying
(B) = 2, = 4 + = 6 the ice-cream ?
+ = 12
(A) 5 coins of 10 p, 8 coins of 25 p & 4 coins of 50 p
(C) = 9, = 3 (B) 10 coins of 10 p, 12 coins of 25 p & 1 coin of 50 p
(D) = 3, = 3 (C) 10 coins of 10 p, 12 coins of 25 p & 2 coins of 50 p
(D) 20 coins of 10 p, 4 coins of 25 p & 3 coins of 50 p
© Brain Mapping Academy UN423 101 © Brain Mapping Academy UN423 102
21 Which of the following does not have the same Code: 423 General Science
value of 899 + 2431 ? 26 Observe the following things and classify them
(A) 3800 580 (B) 4923 1593 according to their ability to prepare own food.
(C) 6543 3213 (D) 10 000 6670
Plant Mushroom Grass
22 How many hours are there between 7 p.m. on a
Monday and 10 a.m. on Tuesday ?
(A) 5 hours (B) 13 hours P Q R
(C) 17 hours (D) 15 hours Tree Ant Fern
© Brain Mapping Academy UN423 103 © Brain Mapping Academy UN423 104
29 Which organ belongs to respiratory system ? 33 Which is not an example of the basic adaptation
that helps creatures to survive ?
(A) Colour of a birds beak.
(A) (B) (B) Colour of the fur.
Lungs Large intestine
(C) The thickness or thinness of the fur.
(D) All of these.
(C) (D) 34 On a hot summer day, Radha kept the same amount
Brain Heart
of water in 4 containers in the kitchen. After a few
30 How does the moon shine, even though it does not hours, water in which container will be coldest ?
have its own light ? (A) A plastic bottle (B) A steel vessel
(A) There is water on moons surface (C) A mud pot (D) A glass bottle
(B) It reflects sunlight falling on it 35 Where should we walk on the road ?
(C) It shines due to thick layer of gases surrounding it (A) In the middle of the road
(D) It shines due to stars surroundings it (B) On zebra crossing
31 What will happen to the tree if all the flowers of a (C) On the footpath
mango tree are removed ? (D) At any place of the road
(A) The tree will stop growing. 36 Which is the fastest running bird ?
(B) The roots will absorb more water and mineral
salts from the soil.
(C) The tree will die. (A) (B)
(D) The tree will not produce fruits. Eagle Ostrich
32 Which one is a flightless bird ?
(A) Eagle (B) Penguin
(C) (D)
(C) Sparrow (D) Crow
Owl Pigeon
© Brain Mapping Academy UN423 105 © Brain Mapping Academy UN423 106
37 Why is the heart important to us ? 41 Krish is feeling hot on a summer day and sweating too
(A) It allows us to take in oxygen from the air and much. Which clothes will keep him comfortable ?
remove carbon dioxide efficiently. (A) Woollen (B) Cotton
(B) It pumps blood carrying oxygen to all parts of our (C) Nylon (D) Silk
body. 42 Choose a gnawing animal.
(C) It ensures that the water in the undigested food
is absorbed. (A) (B)
(D) It protects our lungs.
38 Which statement best describes the moon ?
(A) It revolves around a star (C) (D)
(B) It takes 29 days to revolve around the earth
43 Mushrooms get their food
(C) Has the same climate as the earth
(A) from dead and decaying matter.
(D) Has the same atmosphere as the earth (B) from photosynthesis.
39 Which unit would you use for measuring the length (C) by eating small insects which come near it.
of this pencil ? (D) from the water we pour near it.
44 Choose the instrument that is used to observe the
cells of a leaf.
(A) Grams (B) Kilometres
(C) Centimetres (D) Litres (A) (B) (C) (D)
40 Which among these is the hottest ?
45 Water and wind can break rocks into small pieces.
What happens to these small pieces when they
(A) (B) break away ?
(A) Plants use them for energy.
(B) They become a part of the soil.
(C) (D) (C) They become food for animals.
(D) They turn into earthworms.
© Brain Mapping Academy UN423 107 © Brain Mapping Academy UN423 108
46 Which term is used to describe a group of stars ? 51 Why do houses have sloping roofs ?
(A) To absorb heat
(B) To get more air
(C) To help the rain water to slip off easily
(A) Purnima (B) Constellation
(C) Galaxy (D) Orbit (D) To absorb water
© Brain Mapping Academy UN423 109 © Brain Mapping Academy UN423 110
54 The given figures are used as vegetables. They store Code: 426 Mathematics
food in their 01 275 × 9 = ___________.
(A) (170 × 9) + (5 × 9) (B) (270 × 9) + (5 × 9)
(C) (270 × 9) + (50 × 9) (D) (27 × 9) + (5 × 9)
(A) roots. (B) leaves. 02 Hari is 15 years 7 months old. Prasad is 2 years 10
(C) stems. (D) fruits. months younger than Hari. Farooq is 3 years 5
months older than Prasad. How old is Farooq ?
55 What does the figure given below represent ?
(A) 16 years 2 months (B) 15 years 6 months
Carbon (C) 16 years (D) 12 years 9 months
03 How many shapes of B are required to completely
cover shape A ?
(A) 2 (B) 4 A *
Food and oxygen (C) 6 (D) 8
04 A presentation lasts for 1 week 3 days, starting from
(A) Food chain.
saturday. What is the last day of the presentation ?
(B) Interdependence between plants and animals.
(A) Monday (B) Wednesday
(C) Life cycle.
(D) Reproduction and growth. (C) Sunday (D) Tuesday
For sample questions please see page no. 124 (C) 32 (D) 40
© Brain Mapping Academy UN423 111 © Brain Mapping Academy UN426 112
(A) 6 2 0 0 (B) 7 2 0 0
Find the distance between the second flag post and (C) 4 8 2 0 (D) 5 0 2 0
the sixteenth flag post. 11 Ali left home at 9:00 a.m. He spent 15 minutes walking
(A) 105 m (B) 84 m (C) 98 m (D) 91 m to Sams house and then stayed there for 2 hours 15
07 Ganga has 3 bags of marbles with 8 marbles in each minutes. Ali, then spent another 15 minutes to come
bag. Manga has 8 bags of marbles with 3 marbles back home. At what time did Ali arrive home ?
in each bag. Which number sentence below shows (A) Quarter to 1 (B) Quarter to 12
that Ganga and Manga have the same number of (C) Quarter past 1 (D) Quarter past 11
marbles ?
12 How many more equal parts have to be shaded to
(A) 3 + 8 = 8 + 3 (B) 8 3 = 3 8
(C) 3 × 8 = 8 × 3 (D) 8 3 = 5 make of the given figure shaded ?
08 Atul had 1 kg of cherries. After he gave some to (A) 5 (B) 7
Praful, he still has 380 gm left. How heavy were the (C) 6 (D) 8
cherries that Atul gave to Praful ?
13 12 curtains can be made from 144 metres of silk.
(A) 600 gm (B) 610 gm How much silk is needed for making each curtain ?
(C) 620 gm (D) 630 gm (A) 12 m (B) 16 m (C) 14 m (D) 13 m
09 The correct equation is at ___________.
14 Mr. Andrew wrote the following problem on
=1 =3
(A) 2 (B) 8 Ann had 14 pens.
The product of number of Anns
and Marshalls pens is equal to 56.
(C) =6 (D) =4 Marshall had Δ number of pens.
10 16
© Brain Mapping Academy UN426 113 © Brain Mapping Academy UN426 114
Which number sentence matches the number of 20 The time shown is correctly mentioned at _______.
pens Marshall had ?
(A) 14×56=Ä (B) 14 ÷ 56=Ä 11 12 1
10 2
(C) 56 ÷14 =Ä (D) 56 +14 =Ä 9 3
8 4
15 Mohan changed two ` 50 notes into ` 10 and ` 20 7 6 5
16 Choose the correct option to fill the blanks. 21 What is the difference between the greatest 4-digit
odd number and the greatest 4-digit even number ?
3 km 50 m more than 923 m is ___________ km
_______ m. (A) 0 (B) 1 0 0 0 (C) 1 (D) 1 0
(A) 3, 973 (B) 3, 923 (C) 4, 73 (D) 12, 280 22 Taran was online for 2 h 30 min. He was offline at 2
a.m. At what time did he come online ?
17 Which figure has the highest number of sides ?
(A) 12 : 00 a.m. (B) 12 : 00 p.m.
Q R S (C) 11 : 30 a. m. (D) 11 : 30 p. m.
23 The product of 275 and 7 is by ____________ more
than the sum of 847 and 653.
(A) P (B) Q (C) R (D) S
(A) 4 2 5 (B) 3 2 0 (C) 4 7 0 (D) 2 4 5
18 Girish has ` 240. Harish has ` 93 less than Girish.
Venu has ` 486 more than Harish. How much 24 Jack is 33 years old. Jill is 7 years younger than Jack.
money do they have altogether ? Find the sum of their ages in 18 years time.
(A) < 1359 (B) < 966 (C) < 1020 (D) < 1005 (A) 58 years (B) 95 years
7 (C) 84 years (D) 73 years
19 of a flag pole is 1015 cm. What is the height of
the flag pole ? 25 One third of the area of Rameshs square garden is
(A) 1005 cm (B) 1042 cm 12 m2. What is the area of his garden ?
(C) 1450 cm (D) 1220 cm (A) 48 m2 (B) 36 m2 (C) 24 m2 (D) 15 m2
© Brain Mapping Academy UN426 115 © Brain Mapping Academy UN426 116
Code: 426 General Science 29 What should come in place marked X ?
26 Dinesh planted a sapling and measured its height
Climbing bird Preying bird Wading bird
after one week, two weeks and three weeks
respectively. He recorded the same as shown below. Woodpecker Hawk 'X'
Dur=tion h (cm) (A) Crane (B) Duck (C) Eagle (D) Parrot
One week 6 30 The given figure shows an experiment in which a
Two weeks 12 leaf is covered with a plastic bag. After an hour,
Three weeks 20 droplets of water were found inside the bag. These
droplets came out from which part of the leaf ?
What does the record above tell you about the
sapling ? (A) Leaf blade
(A) The sapling is growing. (B) Leaf vein
(C) Stomata
(B) The sapling is moving freely on its own.
(D) Leaf stalk
(C) The sapling is reproducing.
31 Why birds do not fall when they sleep on a tree
(D) The sapling is responding to touch.
branch ?
27 Which of the following things should be used (A) Because of the shape of their claws that holds on
carefully ? to the branch very firmly.
(A) A blade. (B) A pair of scissors. (B) Birds do not sleep on the branches, they sleep in
their nests.
(C) A knife. (D) All of these.
(C) Because their feathers balance their weight.
28 The tree shown below is a __________ tree.
(D) Because of their body shape.
32 What does a tailor use for measuring clothes ?
(A) Measuring tape
(B) Measuring cylinder
(C) Clinical thermometer
(A) Mango (B) Banyan (C) Neem (D) Papaya (D) Weighing machine
© Brain Mapping Academy UN426 117 © Brain Mapping Academy UN426 118
33 Shreya made a model to show the layers of soil. 36 Which three layers form the soil profile ?
Which jar shows the correct arrangement of layers (A) Air, water and soil.
of soil ?
(B) Minerals, organic matter and living organisms.
(A) (B)
(C) Clay, silt and sand.
Clay Stones
Humus Sand (D) The top soil, subsoil and bed rock soil.
Stones Clay
Sand Humus 37 Rohini saw an animal with two legs and wings.
Which of the following did she see ?
(C) (D)
(A) Spider (B) Butterfly
Humus Humus
Top soEl Sand (C) Pigeon (D) Housefly
Sub soEl Stones
Bed rock soEl Clay 38 Which system warns a person that milk is too hot to
drink ?
34 Which of the following helps in letting the smoke
(A) Circulatory system (B) Nervous system
out from the kitchen ?
(C) Muscular system (D) Digestive system
(A) Drain pipe (B) Chimney
(C) Waterpipe (D) Bolts 39 Which of these is called farmers friend ?
35 Which of the following is a non-living thing ? (A) Tapeworm (B) Earthworm
(C) Flatworm (D) Hookworm
40 The animals can be grouped together because they all
(A) (B)
(A) live in the water.
Clouds Silkworm larva
(B) have webbed feet.
(C) have feathers.
(D) live in a cold place.
(C) (D) 41 In how many forms can water exist ?
Grass Mushroom (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
© Brain Mapping Academy UN426 119 © Brain Mapping Academy UN426 120
42 Twenty-four hours is the time taken for one rotation of 48 The component of soil made up of rotten leaves and
the decayed bodies of animals and plants is called
(A) the Sun on its axis. (B) the Earth on its axis.
(A) humus. (B) clay. (C) gravel. (D) silt.
(C) the Moon on its axis. (D) the Solar system.
49 Where do we find cactus ?
43 Which of the following is a stem part of the plant
that store food ? (A) Rain forest (B) Polar
54 Identify the process X in the given figure. Class - 3 Critical Thinking
(A) Evaporation 56 Ps age is grater than Q but less than R. Then who is
(B) Melting : neither elder nor younger ?
(C) Cooling (A) R (B) Q (C) P (D) None
(D) Condensation 57 Which line segment is the longest ?
55 Ram is making a model of a traffic signal using a long
box. He wants to colour it. What are the colours he
should use ?
(A) A (B) B
Question numbers: 56 to 60 (C) C (D) They are the same
This new section Critical Thinking, has been 58 If tomorrow is Monday, What day was yesterday ?
introduced only from 2018-19 in the NSTSE
pattern and hence has no Past questions. (A) Friday (B) Saturday
(C) Sunday (D) Weekend
For sample questions please see page no. 124
59 Which line is closest to the line ?
© Brain Mapping Academy UN426 123 © Brain Mapping Academy UN426 124
Key and Solutions 8. (B) From the data, 7 small squares + 4 bigger squares
Total no. of cards are less than 15. = 7 + 4 = 11.
CODE: 402 Mathematics 5. (C) I can purchase only those
items whose cost is less than When he puts in piles of 5, 2 are ∴ Answer is option (C).
1. (C) Here, 124 is a greater 2850. left over.
12. (A) 1st July :- Sunday
number while 116 is a smaller For option (A), Total cost = 2500 ∴ No. of cards may be either
one. 1st June :- (?) from the calendar
+ 1300 = 3800 (cant purchase) (5 × 1) + 2 = 7 or (5 × 2) + 2 = 12.
31st July = Tuesday
∴ 124 > 116 is true. When he puts in piles of 4, none
For option (B), Total cost = 2500 1st August = Wednesday
Answer is option (C). were left.
+ 400 = 2900 (cant purchase)
∴ No. of cards may be either 4, 8 or ∴ Answer is option (A).
2. (C) For option (C), Total cost = 1300 12. 13. (C) 4 = 12 diamonds
+ 400 = 1700 (can purchase)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ∴ Common in both is 12.
For option (D), Total cost = 2500
∴ Answer is option (B).
1 = = 3 diamonds
23 place
+ 1300 + 400 = 4200 (cant
∴ Answer is option (C). purchase) "
36. (A) A carrot is the root part of 45. (C) Ducks have broad and flat Key and Solutions
the plant. Potato, ginger and beaks. The beak has tiny holes
onion are the underground stem called shovels at the sides. These CODE: 401 Mathematics So, the cost of one tennis ball
=1 × 9= ` 9
parts of the plant. help the duck to dig the mud near
the ponds and to pick up worms, 1. (D) The required missing
37. (C) Digestive system helps us in 9. (B) 800 750 = 50 ml
number is 168 + 49 = 217.
insects and water plants for their
digestion of food. 10. (A) The required term is
food. The beaks also have 2. (C) On day-2, Krishna worked
38. (C) Regular physical exercises strainers. for 5 hours. (3×5) × 2 = 30.
are essential for a healthy body, 11. (B) Total number of stamps = 109
46. (D) Ice cube is the solid state of Amount he earns in an hour
to keep ourselves fit and to = ` 60
water. 5 pupils shared 45 stamps.
develop strong bones and
∴ His income on day-2 ∴ Remaining number of stamps
muscles. Basket ball is a physical 47. (C) Degree celcius gives the
= 109 45 = 64
exercise game. It helps us to build measure of the temperature of a = 5 × ` 60 = ` 300
strong bones and muscles. body. No. of pupils who had 8 stamps
3. (B) Time when it is actually each = 64 ÷ 8 = 8
39. (A) Clay soil is very sticky, water 48. (C) Sunlight keeps our homes 3 p.m. is 3 0.33
∴ Total number of pupils
cannot go through this soil dry and free from germs. = 5 + 8 = 13
= 2.27 p.m. as in option (B).
easily. It has no spaces between
49. (C) Brain is an organ of nervous 4. (A) A wooden log is cut equally 2 11
the particles. It therefore holds
system. three times with 2m each. 12. (A) Given A = , B = ,
a lot of water and hence it is used 23 23
in making pots by a potter. 50. (B) Liver and Brain are not
5 3
40. (B) A storm is a strong wind. It protected by the rib cage. C= and D = .
23 23
moves with great speed. A storm 51. (A) Bitter taste buds are way
2m 2m 2m 2m 2 11 2 + 11 13
can break off branches of trees, in the back. A+B= + = =
damage buildings and electric Total length of log is 4 × 2 = 8m. 23 23 23 23
52. (C) Neck connects the head with
the trunk and helps in the 5 3 5+3 8
5. (D) 7 $ 4× 8 = $ 112 ; C+D = + = =
41. (B) X - Mercury, Y- Venus and Z - movement of the head. 23 23 23 23
53. (D) Water proof cloth is used to × = 6 × 6 = 36 ∴ (A + B) (C + D) =
42. (C) The digestion of food starts make an umbrella. A torn 13 8 5
in the mouth and ends in the umbrella can be repaired by 6. (B) The required number - =
sentence is 56 ÷ 4. 23 23 23
small intestine. using a piece of old rain coat.
th 13. (C) Total number of students in
43. (C) Water vapour is lighter than 54. (D) Balance is used to measure 12 1 each section = 21 + 18 = 39
the surrounding air, hence it weight of an object. 7. (A) 60 = 5 minute
Number of sections = 5
rises up.
55. (D) Germs are also called as 8. (D) 3 × 9 = 27; 6 × 9 = 54 ∴ The required number of students
44. (C) Soil is of different kinds - pathogens or disease causing
9 × 9 = 81 = 39 × 5 = 195
clay, sandy and loam soil. organisms.
5×4 5×5 # 147 = ` 58 28. (A) A horse is kept in a stable. 41. (C) Waste water from kitchen
= and = . can be used for watering plants.
6×4 " 6 × 5 ! 29. (A) A seed gets its food from the
17. (A) The cost of 3 ice-creams seed leaves. 42. (D) 10 + 10 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 1 = 32
22. (B)
= ` 30 30. (C) Frog is an amphibian.
Amphibians live both on land 43. (A) A ripe mango is an edible
∴ The cost of an ice-cream 4 2
The box is = and in water. fruit. So, it is placed in P.
10 5
= ` 30 ÷ 3 = ` 10 44. (B) Skin and eyes are the sense
31. (D) Potato is a stem tuber and
The cost of a cherry 1 2 1 radish is a tuberous root. organs that are used to choose
Shaded part = × =
2 5 5 the cloth required.
= ` (28 2 × 10) = ` 8 32. (B) Thermometer is used to
23. (C) The number of copies of measure the temperature. The 45. (B) Stem supports the plant and
The cost of a banana newspaper sold in a week = 938
temperature tells us how hot or it helps to transport water and
` (18 8 ) 10 The number of copies of cold a body is. mineral salts.
= = ` #
2 2 newspaper sold in a day =
33. (D) It is safe to fly kites in an 46. (C) Animals that live on trees are
18. (B) AB = CD (Since, opposite 938 ÷ 7 = 134
open play ground. called arboreal animals. Monkey
sides in a rectangle are equal.) is an arboreal animal.
24. (D) H T O 34. (B) The height of the coconut tree
∴ CD = 2 m is 12 feet as its shadow is double 47. (A) A ceramic cup is made from
3 2 4
= 2 × 100 cm [Since 1m = 100 cm.] its height i.e., 24 feet. clay. Clay is a non-living thing
If he chooses the digit 2, he that is never alive.
= 200 cm 35. (C) The given organ is a kidney.
should occupy the 20th place. It is a part of the excretory 48. (C) Eagles, vulture and owls kill
19. (B) system. small animals. They have strong,
4 2 5 1 25. (A) 2 →1 sharp hooked beaks for tearing
P= ,Q = ,R= ,S= ; 36. (C) Top soil contains humus. up the flesh.
12 12 12 12 Humus is formed from dead and
1 →2 49. (D) The sun sets in the west.
4 5 9 3 decay of remnants of plants and
P+R = + = = animals.
12 12 12 4 2 and 4 →2
Key and Solutions 14. (C) The smallest 3 - digit = 600 cm 308 cm
number is 100 = 1 hundreds + 0 = 292 cm
CODE: 415 Mathematics 8. (A) #%" tens + 0 ones
= 2 m 92 cm
×% 15. (C) I. Choice: One 5 rupee coin
1. (C) 0 × 18 = 0 21. (C) 1000 430 = 570
"& + One 1 rupee coin + One 25
0 ÷ 18 = 0 paise coin. = 57 tens
0undreds place
So ∗ should be replaced by × II. Choice: One 5 rupee coin + 22. (C) 252 ÷ 7 = 36 means
Therefore, the place of 0 in the Two 50 paise coins + One 25
or ÷ . 36 × 7 = 252.
product is hundreds. paise coin
2. (C) There are 4 persons to share 23. (D) There are 5 sets of 2 fruits
9. (C) 3 out of 5 pieces of the cake III. Choice: Two 2 rupee coins + in each. So, the required multi-
the pizza equally. Hence, it are given to Sureshs Sister.
should be sliced into 4 equal Two 1 rupee coins + One 25 plication sentence is 5 × 2 = 10.
pieces. ∴ No. of pieces of cake eaten by paise coin. 24. (D) 12 ÷ 4 = 3
Suresh = 2
3. (D) 3 hrs 30 min later 8: 15 IV. Choice: Two 2 rupee coins + 24 ÷ 4 = 6
a.m. is 11: 45 a.m. 2 One 1rupee coin + Two 50
∴ 36 ÷ 4 = 9
∴ The required fraction is .
5 paise coins + One 25 paise coin.
4. (A) 25. (B) 17 thousands 8 hundreds
10. (A) 60 seconds = 1 minute 16. (B) 120 ÷ 8 = 15 = 17800
125 seconds = 125 ÷ 60 17. (C) 100 10 = 90 9 thousands 4 hundreds = 9400
= 2 minutes 5 seconds Their difference = 17800 9400
18. (D) 13 tens = 130
Hence, Ankit needs atleast 12 11. (A) 95 × 5 = 475; 95 + 5 = 100; = 8400
dots to have 4 dots along each 700 + 130 = 830
95 5 = 90; 95 ÷ 5 = 19
side of the rectangle. 19. (B) 2868 = 2000 + 800 + 60 + 8 CODE: 415 General Science
Therefore 95 × 5 is the greatest
5. (D) The given kite is divided into among all the given ones. 8092 = 8000 + 90 + 2 26. (D) Cow, buffalo and goat are
4 equal parts. Hence, the best
12. (D) 4034 + 2361 = 6395 mammals, they provide us milk
way to describe the division is 6904 = 6000 + 900 + 4
and are also called domestic
fourths. Hence 6 is in thousands place. 6425 = 6000 + 400 + 20 + 5 animals.
6. (A) 1 rupee is equivalent to two i.e., 6000. ∴ By using the value of the digit 27. (A) Animal that eat both plant
50 paise coins. Therefore
13. (B) Giris age = 9 years 7 months 2 in the given numbers; 2022 and animal products are called
number of 50 paise coins that
(i.e., 2000 + 2 + 20) is formed. omnivores.
can be changed for a 5 rupee Age of Giris brother = 2 yr 8 m
note = 2 × 5 = 10 20. (A) Length of the wire = 6 m = 28. (A) Emu is the flightless bird.
∴ Their total age = 9 years 600 cm
7. (B) 186 > 110 and 110 < 121 29. (C) Earthworm dig tunnels in
7 months + 2 years 8 months Length of one of the pieces
∴ 186 > 110 < 121 the soil and live in them. While
= 12 years 3 months = 3 m 8 cm = 308 cm doing this, they turn and loosen
∴ Length of the other piece the soil. Hence called farmers
10. (D) = 90 ÷ 2 = 3.09, 390 p, 400 p, 6.50 23. (B) One rupee has four 25- 34. (A) In the given figure arrows
paise. represent the movement of food.
16. (A) Since each deer has four
= 45
legs, number of legs of 6 deer So, 5-rupees have 5 × 4 = 20 35. (B) Animals which chew their
30 = is 4 times 6. food in the form of cud are
twenty 25-paise coins you need called ruminants.
1%. (C) Number of cards Mona had to get a 5-rupee coin.
45 30 = 15 = %0 36. (C) Heart and lungs are
24. (A) The difference of 8200 and protected by rib cage.
= = 15 10 more than %0 = %0 + 10 = 80 1548 = 8200 1548 = 6652
5 less than 80 = 80 5 = %5 3%. (D) We should climb the steps
11. (D) The minute hand moves by ∴ 6652 3405 = 324% is the
in a line is a safety rule
6 numbers from 3 to 9. So, it ∴ Mona have %5 cards in the end. required number. followed on a stair case.
takes 6 × 5 = 30 minutes to move 18. (C) 6 × ? = 19 + 23 25. (D) 12 × 60 = %20
from 3 to 9. 38. (D) Volume is not measured in
⇒ 6 × ? = 42 kilogram.
12. (A) Cost of toy car = 100 CODE: 418 General Science
⇒ ? = 42 ÷ 6 = % 39. (B) Sense organs are parts of
Cost of a pencil = 100 ÷ 10 26. (D) Non-living things are both nervous system. Nervous
= 10 19. (D) Popcorn being very light,
natural and man made. system helps us to know how
more quantity is obtained for 1
Total cost of toy car and pencil hot or cold an object is.
kg. So, it needs the biggest bag 2%. (B) A microscope is used to
= (100+10) for packaging. observe tiny things like 40. (C) In clayey soil, very fine soil
= 110 microorganisms and stomata. particles are present.
20. (D) 231 × 1 ≠ 596 × 1
13. (A) Five more squares must be But 231 × 0 = 0 & 596 × 0 = 0 28. (C) Rats, rabbits and squirrels 41. (C) Using a sharpener is a
shaded. eat their food by biting into safety measure to sharp a
∴ The required number is 0. small bits little by little. pencil.
21. (C) When Nani gives 2 of his 29. (B) In the given figure ice 42. (D) Air, water and sunlight are
There shaded region markers to Raja both of them have absorbs heat and melts to form the basic needs of a plant.
3+ 5 8 markers each. liquid. Liquid on cooling
43. (A) Water bird like duck has
10 ×" changes to ice. 'X' - Melting and
webbed toes to help them to
& 'Y' - Freezing.
8 4 22. (B) " = $ ⇒ A=8 swim in water.
= = ×" 30. (B) Stomach is made of muscles.
10 5 44. (C) Humus is made up of rotten
÷2 ×3 31. (D) Wearing a safety helmet leaves and decayed bodies of
14. (D) 1000 ml ÷ 5 = 200 ml 2 = 1 1 = 3
and while riding a motorcycle is a plants and animals.
15. (B) Expressing 6.50, 400 paise, " ÷2 2 2 ×3 $
road safety measure.
45. (A) A cat that eats mice is a
3.09, and 390 paise in the ∴ B=6 32. (C) A tent is made of canvas carnivore.
same units, (i.e., paise), we get
Thus, A + B = 8 + 6 = 14. cloth.
650 p, 400 p, 309 p and 390 p 46. (C) Stagnant water breeds
33. (A) The weight of a book is mosquitoes.
Their ascending order is 309 p,
measured in grams.
390 p,400 p, 650 p
Key and Solutions 11. (B) 2 × 500 = 1000 18. (B) Given number is 6013.
12. (A) Length of line drawn by Arranging the digits in ascending
CODE: 423 Mathematics the other leap years are as
Sam = 17 centimetres order, we get 0 < 1 < 3 < 6
1. (D) The least odd number = 1 Length of line erased by Sreya = Now, 0 cannot be at thousands
2004, 2008, 2012, 2016 place as a four-digit number is
and the least even number is 2. 3 centimetres from each end
It is 2013 now, so after 3 years = 3 × 2 centimetres to be formed.
∴ The required least number = 2 a leap year will come i.e., 2016 = 6 centimetres Hence, the smallest 4 -digit
2. (A) Amount spent by Rani 2013 = 3 years number formed by using the
Length of line not erased = 17
= 62 × 6 = 372 Therefore, he can celebrate his 6 = 11 above digits is 1036.
sisters birthday after 3 years. 19. (B) 102 is even and is
Amount spent by Anusha So, fraction of length of line not
6. (B) Total number shown by the divisible by 3.
= (372 + 48) = 420 11
beads in the abacus = 3 × 100 + erased = 20. (C) 10 × ` 0.01 + 12 × ` 0.25 +
∴ Total amount spent by them 2 × 10 + 4 × 1 2 × ` 0.50
13. (D) 320 + 320 + x = 987
= (372 + 420) = 792 = 300 + 20 + 4 = 324 = Re 1 + ` 3 + Re 1 = ` 5
987 640 = 347 m
3. (B) 1 hr 50 min after 7:40 p.m. Adding two more beads at 21. (A) 899 + 2431 = 3330
hundreds bar will make the 14. (C) If = 9 and = 3 3800 580 = 3220
= 7 : 40 p.m. + 1 hr 50 min. number = 500 + 20 + 4 = 524
then 3 + 3 = 6 and 9 + 3 = 12 4923 1593 = 3330
= 9 : 30 p.m. + 45 min. 7. (D) Given + + = 12. 15. (A) Total no. of parts in the 6543 3213 = 3330
= 10 : 15 pm. Hence, = 12 ÷ 3 = 4 figure = 18
100 000 6670 = 3330
4. (C) Looking at the given pattern Also + + = 48
made by using the blocks we see 22. (D) The duration between 7
So, = (48 4) ÷ 2 p.m. on a Monday to 10 a.m. on
that, following blocks are being
used. = 44 ÷ 2 = 22 Tuesday is 15 hours. (Since, 7
3 out of 12 parts are already p.m. to 12 midnight is 5 hours
Therefore, + shaded. So,the number of parts and 12 midnight to 10 a.m. is
= 22 + 4= 26. to be shaded = 12 3 = 9. 10 hours.)
(B) 8. (B) Dividend = (Quotient 16. (B) 20 m 20 cm 23. (C) The distance of the place =
(A) (D) × Divisor) + Remainder 2000cm 20 cm 300 miles
= (180 × 5 ) + 3 (Q 1m = 100 cm)= 1980 cm So, half of the distance = 300 ÷
So, block in option figure (C) is
17. (A) Cost of each adult ticket 2 = 150 miles
not used in the pattern = 900 + 3 = 903
= 10 Point, where they stopped from
5. (B) We know that February has 9. (D) 16 blocks × 2 kg = 32 kg
Cost of each child ticket = 4 lunch = 10 miles before the half
29 days in a leap year. point = 150 − 10 = 140 miles
10. (B) 5 Tens = 5 × 10 = 50 ∴ Total cost of tickets for 4
Also, every leap year comes ∴ Distance they still have to
800 50 = 750 adults and 3 children = (4 × 10
after 4 years. travel to reach the destination =
+ 3 × 4) = 52
So, if 2000 was a leap year, then 750 ÷ 25 = 30 300 − 140 = 160 miles
154 © Brain Mapping Academy UN423 155
C L A S S :3 C L A S S :3
1 31. (D) If all the flowers of a mango 43. (A) Though mushrooms are 49. (D) Cloth is measured with a ruler.
24. (C) Figure P shows shaded region tree are removed, it will not plant like, they are non-green
3 50. (A) Clouds are formed by the
produce fruits. and cannot prepare food on
3 condensation of water vapour.
Figure Q shows shaded region 32. (B) Penguin is a flightless bird. their own. They get their food
4 from dead and decaying matter. 51. (C) Sloping roof allows the rain
33. (A) Colour of a birds beak is water to slip off easily
2 1
Figure R shows = shaded region not an adaptation to the climate 44. (D) A microscope is an
8 4 or protection from the predators. instrument used to observe 52. (D) Celsius is a unit used to
microscopic structures and small measure the temperature of a
2 1 34. (C) A mud pot is made up of
Figure S Shows = shaded region parts like stomata of a leaf. place or a thing.
6 3 clay soil. It contains small pores
through which air enters and 45. (B) Soil is formed by the 53. (C) An owl is a nocturnal bird.
1 4 3 9 1 3
= ; = ; = keeps water cool on a hot weathering of rocks. 54. (A) Carrot and radish store
3 12 4 12 4 12
summer day. food in their roots.
3 4 9 1 1 2 46. (B) A group of stars is called a
So, < < So, < < 35. (C) We should walk on the
12 12 12 4 3 4 constellation 55. (B) The given figure shows or
footpath while walking on the
25. (A) No. of women in the queue = represents interdependence
road. 47. (B) Grasshopper is a herbivo-
1 between plants and animals.
One forth of 12 = ×12 = 3 36. (B) Ostrich is the fastest running rous animal.
4 bird. 48. (A) Collar bone, rib cage, knee
CODE: 423 General Science 37. (B) Heart pumps oxygenated cap and backbone are the parts
blood to all parts of the body. of the skeletal system in a
26. (B) P, R, S and U are plant, grass, human body.
tree and fern are the green 38. (B) The moon is the natural
plants that can synthesise their satellite of the earth. It takes
own food. Mushroom (Q) and about 29 days to complete one THE END
ant (T) depends upon other revolution around the earth.
organisms for their food. 39. (C) Centimeter is the smallest
27. (B) Air is a non-living thing, unit to measure the length of the
part in the habitat of a bird. pencil.
28. (B) Peacock is a bird. Its name 40. (A) Among the given figures, the
has a vegetable pea and male of sun is the hottest. It is a hot
hen a cock. mass of gases.
29. (A) Lungs are the organs of 41. (B) Cotton clothes keep Krish
respiratory system. comfortable in summer.
30. (B) Moon does not have its own
42. (C) Rat is called a gnawing
light. It shines due to suns
animal as it eats its food by
cutting into small bits.
9 months Distance between 2nd flag post So, 700 + 200 = 900 ...(i) = 11:45 a.m.
and 16 th flag post and 7000 + 2000 = 9000 Which is equal to quarter to 12.
+ 3 years 5 months = (16 2) × 7 m
12. (B) Total number of equal parts
= 14 × 7 m = 98 m Given, 700 + = 900 ...(ii)
15 years 14 months = 16
7. (C) 3 × 8 = 8 × 3 On comparing Eqs. (i) and (ii), Number of shaded parts = 5
Age of Farooq = 16 years 2 we get
8. (C) Total weight of Cherries = 1
months Required shaded fraction
kg = 1000 gm
( 1year = 12 months) = 200 3×4
Weight of cherries left = 380 gm =
3. (C) The given figure A is as 4×4
follows Weight of cherries Atul gave to
Also, + 2000 = 9000 No. of shaded parts in the figure
" = 1000 gm 380 gm = 620 gm
More parts that have to be
# Therefore, the answer is option ∴ = 7000
shaded = 12 5 = 7
(C) 620 gm.
! $
47. (C) A fallen seed will grow into 53. (D) Birds build nests to lay eggs,
a new plant. to provide shelter, protection
and feed their young ones.
48. (A) Humus is a part of soil
formed by the rotting of leaves 54. (B) In the given figure ice
and decayed bodies of plants absorbs heat and melts to form
and animals. liquid. The process is called
49. (C) Cactus are desert plants.
55. (D) Yellow, red and green are
50. (C) Earth has on moon. the three colours that are to be
Mars has two moons. used by Ram to paint the model
of the traffic signal.
56. (C) 57. (D) 58. (B) 59. (B) 60. (B)