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The key takeaways are that a fully rotating RSS improves drilling performance by enhancing cuttings removal, increasing ROP, improving penetration rates, and reducing mechanical and differential sticking. It also provides accurate and responsive steering independent of formation influences.

Some benefits of using a fully rotating RSS include lower drilling costs due to increased ROP and fewer stuck pipe incidents, more consistent and predictable doglegs and sidetracks, and the ability to steer while using a bicenter bit.

A fully rotating RSS improves drilling performance by enhancing cuttings flow past the BHA, increasing ROP through efficient cuttings removal, improving penetration rates because there are no stationary components to create friction, and reducing mechanical and differential sticking because there are no stationary components contacting surfaces in the wellbore.

PowerDrive Xceed

Designed for productive drilling that

gets wells to the best place in less time
■ Drilled cuttings flow past the BHA
is enhanced because the RSS does
not create annular bottlenecks in
the wellbore.
■ ROP increases because efficient
cuttings removal keeps cuttings from
being reground.
■ Penetration rates improve
because there are no stationary
components to create friction.
■ Both mechanical and differential
sticking are reduced because
there are no stationary components
contacting the casing, whipstock,
or borehole. The absence of
stationary components also reduces
the chance that the BHA will pack off.

hese fully rotating, point- STEERABILITY

PowerDrive Xceed the-bit systems, which

have internal steering
mechanisms, extend the
Because PowerDrive Xceed systems
do not depend on contact with the
PowerDrive Xceed* rotary steerable systems borehole wall to build angle, they can
benefits of rotary steerable drilling drill doglegs and sidetracks at build
are engineered to be accurate and reliable
to applications that exceed the rates as high as 8°/100 ft [8°/30.5 m]
in challenging drilling conditions and harsh, performance limits of externally to put wells in the best place in the
rugged environments. steered tools. The totally enclosed, reservoir. These reliable systems also
rugged, internal steering mechanisms reduce the tendency of the hole to
of PowerDrive Xceed systems spiral due to variations in trajectory.
provide significant wear and
reliability advantages for productive
drilling in abrasive environments.
They also reduce dependence on
wellbore contact for steering.

That makes PowerDrive Xceed systems

ideal for openhole sidetracking in
overgauge or washed-out holes,
and for productive drilling in soft and
interbedded formations. It also allows
directional drilling with bicenter bits.
Steer wells to the
best place in less time


Combining a PowerDrive Xceed PowerDrive Xceed systems can
rotary steerable system (RSS) with operate in temperatures as high as
a PowerPulse* MWD telemetry system 302 degF [150 degC] and in all types
provides real-time transmission of of fluid environments. Because their
at-the-bit inclination and azimuth steering mechanisms are internal,
readings. Using this real-time near-bit PowerDrive Xceed systems are
information to update the well trajectory much less susceptible to wear in
enables the drilling team to steer sandstones and other highly abrasive
the wellbore to the best place for environments than externally steered
optimum production. In addition, the tools are. Internal seals that are not
independence of the PowerDrive Xceed exposed to fluids containing abrasive
steering response from formation cuttings further enhance the life of
influences helps to punch through these systems.
hard interbedded streaks in the
reservoir at high angles and keep
the wellbore in the target window.
■ Lower drilling costs, due to
increased ROP, better hole
cleaning, and fewer stuck
pipe incidents
■ Accurate, responsive steering
independent of formation
or hole gauge
■ More consistent, reliable,
and predictable doglegs
and sidetracks
■ Ability to steer while using
a bicenter bit
■ On-bottom downlinking
without interrupting
drilling operations
■ Real-time telemetry providing
at-the-bit inclination and
azimuth, when combined with
PowerPulse telemetry system

A bicenter bit can be used with In hold-the-line mode,
■ Extended-reach wells a PowerDrive Xceed RSS to increase a PowerDrive Xceed RSS follows the
■ Openhole sidetracks and overgauge holes hole gauge during directional drilling. desired trajectory and automatically
This ability to open the hole while corrects inclination and azimuth if
■ Doglegs to accommodate difficult well designs
rotary steering is particularly they deviate from it. This closed-loop
in hard and soft formations
advantageous for the productive correction is especially helpful for
■ Real-time well placement drilling of extended-reach and drilling long tangent sections and
■ Directional drilling with bicenter bits deepwater wells. staying inside very tight target
windows to put wells in the best place.
HYDRAULICS OPTIMIZATION It allows the driller to focus on drilling
PowerDrive Xceed systems do not optimization and maximizing ROP to
require pressure drop across the bit reach TD in less time.
to operate. This gives the driller
flexibility to optimize hydraulics and
drill extended-reach wells without
exceeding rig pressure limitations.
A PowerDrive Xceed 900 RSS helped PowerDrive Xceed systems are part
put a well in the best place in less time of a family of PowerDrive* rotary
in the North Sea’s Dumbarton field. steerable systems. These systems
The RSS achieved an ROP of 450 ft/h all have a fully rotating design, which
[137 m/h] and provided high ­dogleg gives them significant advantages over
angles in soft formations while drilling systems that have nonrotating parts
the well’s 121⁄4-in [311.12-mm] section. or components that rotate very slowly.
This fully rotating design requires
A PowerDrive Xceed 675 RSS provided
no compromises in drilling operations.
excellent geosteering control for
There is no need for special equipment
Maersk Oil Qatar A.S. while drilling
or procedures.
in thin sands in Qatar’s Nahr Umr
reservoir. The bit stayed in the sand
section through 99% of the 6,581-ft
[2,006-m] long, 81⁄2-in [215.9-mm] hole
section, and more than 90% of the
drain section was drilled within the
optimum zone of the sand.

During the drilling, the RSS changed

the trajectory 90º at an extended
step-out. This kind of performance
has proved very difficult to achieve
with conventional technology. The PowerDrive Xceed internal steering mechanism
continuously orients the tilted bit shaft to control
drilling direction.
Steering section: Assembly Control system: Electronics Power generation
continuously orients the and sensor package take module: Turbine-driven
tilted bit shaft to control the measurements to control alternator supplies power
drilling direction and the streering assembly. for steering and control.
dogleg severity of the borehole.

Mechanical Specifications and Operating Limits

PowerDrive Xceed 675 PowerDrive Xceed 900
Nominal (API) OD, in [mm] 63⁄4 [171.5] 9 [228.6]
Hole size range, in [mm] 83⁄8–97⁄8 [212.7–250.8] 121⁄4–171⁄2 [311.2–444.5]
Maximum body OD, in [mm] 7.625 [193.7] (collar) 9.8 [248.92] (collar)
Minimum ID, in [mm] 3.935 [99.9] (collar) 5.25 [133.4] (collar)
Maximum external upset, in [mm] 7.625 [193.7] 9.8 [248.9]
Upset type and location Thread, 161 in [4.1 m] from top Thread, 178 in [4.5 m] from top
Collar fishing neck length (from top sub), ft [m] 3 [0.9] 13 [4]
Sub length (no optional subs), ft [m] 25 [7.6] 28 [8.5]
Sub weight—loaded (in air), lbm [kg] 2,620 [1,188] 4,500 [2,041]
Top thread connection (API) 51⁄2 FH box 65⁄8 FH box or 75⁄8 H-90 box
Top thread joint yield torque, ft-lbf [N.m] 23,000–26,000 [31,184–35,251] 42,000–46,000 [56,944–62,368]
Bottom thread connection 41⁄2 Reg box 65⁄8 Reg box or 75⁄8 Reg box
Bottom thread joint yield torque, ft-lbf [N.m] 13,000–15,000 [17,626–20,337] 28,000–32,000 [37,963–43,386]
Top connection bending stress ratio 2.02 2.44
Bottom connection bending stress ratio 2.03 2.12
Average moment of inertia, in4 76.22 252
Equivalent bending stiffness, ft of drill collar 31 (6.75-in OD × 2.81-in ID) 35.9 (9.0-in OD × 3.0-in ID)
Maximum collar dogleg, rotating, °/100 ft 8 6.5
Maximum collar dogleg, pass-through, °/100 ft 15 12
Maximum dogleg severity, rotating, °/100 ft 8 6.5
Maximum dogleg severity, pass-through, °/100 ft 15 12
Maximum dogleg capability, °/100 ft 8 6.5
Maximum weight on bit, lbf [N] 55,000 [244,652] 75,000 [366,617]
Maximum operating speed, rpm 350† 350†
Maximum operating torque, ft-lbf [N.m] 20,000 [27,116] 35,000 [47,454]
Maximum operating tensile load, lbm [kg] 5­0,000 [22,680] 75,000 [34,019]
Maximum jarring load, lbm [kg] 1,000,000 [453,592] 1,000,000 [453,592]
Maximum shock, g/Hz 250 250
Maximum operating pressure, psi [kPa] 20,000 [137,900] 20,000 [137,900]
Maximum differential pressure, psi [kPa] 2,000 [13,790] internal to external 2,000 [13,790] internal to external
1,000 [6,895] external to internal 1,500 [10,342] external to internal
Sub pressure drop constant, C 28,000‡ 100,000‡
Maximum operating temperature, degF [degC] 302 [150] 302 [150]
Magnetic field cone of exclusion, steering, ° ±5 ±5
Maximum flow limit, galUS/min [L/min] 800 [3,028] 1,800 [6,814]
Maximum operating flow rate, galUS/min [L/min] 800 [3,028] 1,800 [6,814]
Minimum operating flow rate, galUS/min [L/min] 290 [1,098] 450 [1,703]
Turbine sets, galUS/min [L/min] 290–410 [1,098–1,552] 450–750 [1,703–2,839]
360–570 [1,363–2,158] 600–1,200 [2,271–4,542]
475–800 [1,798–3,028] 900–1,800 [3,407–6,814]
Maximum mud sand content, % 2 2
Maximum lost circulation material Medium-size nut plug Medium-size nut plug
Maximum concentration, lbm/bbl 50 50
Nonmagnetic sub Yes Yes
Sub magnetic permeability Negligible Negligible
† Minimum speed is 2 rpm
‡ The pressure drop constant (C) is entered in this equation (for each sub): Pressure drop = MWlbm/galUS × Q 2 where MW is the mud weight in lbm/galUS, Q is the flow rate in galUS/min, and C is the pressure drop constant
PowerDrive Xceed
■ Rugged and fully rotating
■ Totally enclosed design resistant
to wear and stress
■ Internal steering mechanism
with minimal dependence
on wellbore contact
■ Hold-the-line closed-loop downhole
control for tangent sections
■ Optional integrated power section
to maximize drilling performance


*Mark of Schlumberger Copyright © 2010 Schlumberger. All rights reserved.. 07-DR-051

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