Second Periodical Test in Science Iv-Sses Name: - Score
Second Periodical Test in Science Iv-Sses Name: - Score
Second Periodical Test in Science Iv-Sses Name: - Score
Name:______________________________________ Score:__________________
I. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Copy the letter of the correct on the space provided before
each number.
_____1. The process in which some organisms change form in different stages of their life cycle is known
A. Life Span B. Germination C. Metamorphosis D. Animal Cycle
_____2. What is the first stage in the life cycle of most animals?
A. Larva B. Pupa C. Egg D. Adult
_____3. The nymph looks like an adult but usually has no
A. legs B. wings C. eyes D. exoskeleton
_____4. The egg, the first stage of metamorphosis, hatches into a wormlike form called
A. Larva B. Pupa C. Egg D. Adult
_____5. Animals are classified into two main groups. These groups are
A. oviparous and viviparous B. land and aquatic
C. vertebrate and invertebrate D. carnivores and herbivores
_____6. How are frogs born?
A. Frogs are born live, like humans.
B. Frogs are born in hard eggs, like birds.
C. Frogs are born in wet, soft eggs laid in the water.
D. Frogs are born by an adult frog splitting in half to make two adult frogs.
_____7. Which best describes a tadpole?
A. A tadpole has strong legs for jumping.
B. A tadpole has lungs for breathing on land.
C. A tadpole has scales and fins, like a fish.
D. A tadpole has a flat tail for swimming and gills for breathing underwater.
_____8. Mosquitoes breed and live in
A. stagnant water B. fresh water C. clean water D. salt water
_____9. What occurs when the egg and sperm cells of animals meet?
A. Ovulation B. Maturation C. Fertilization D. Reproduction
_____10. What type of fertilization occurs outside an animals’ body?
A. Lateral Fertilization B. Internal Fertilization
C. External fertilization D. Abnormal Fertilzation
_____11. What do you call animals which, when born, look like their parent animals?
A. Oviparous B. Viviparous C. Herbovores F. Ovoviparous
_____12. Which is a baby mosquito?
A. Nymph B. Tadpole C. Wriggler D. Caterpillar
_____13. What is the long tube used by mosquitoes in sucking blood?
A. leg B. mouth C. Antennae D. Proboscis
_____14. Why are frogs called amphibians?
A. because they live in air and soil C. because they live both on land and water
B. because they live in water and air D. Because they live on land and air
_____15. How frogs snakes and grasshoppers protected from their prey?
A. They play dead.
B. They blend color with their environment.
C. They mimic the shape, smell, and sound of their prey.
D. They secrete a poisonous substance.
_____16. Animals used their legs to move from place to place. How do cows, carabaos, horses and
goats use their hooves?
A. to keep them warm
B. help them move in water
C. help them walk even on hard rocks
D. for chewing grass and leaves
______17. Romalyn found a lovely cat. What should she do with it?
A. Hit it. C. Feed it.
B. Kick it. D. Ignore it.
______18. Roy’s pet dog is sick. Which is the best thing for him to do?
A. Keep it in his house. C. Isolate it from other dogs.
B. Take it to a veterinarian. D. Give it a cat as a company.
______19. Which disease do flies bring?
A. Flu B. Cold C. Heart D. Diarrhea
______20. An animal has big hind legs. Which of the following movement can it do?
A. flying B. hopping C. running D. walking
______21.Snakes, turtles and lizards belong to reptiles because they have dry scales and they lay eggs
from which their offspring are hatched. Does a dog belong to this group?
A. Dogs belong to this group
B. No, because it has smooth, moist and scale-less skins.
C. Yes, because it breathe through their lungs and crawl.
D. Yes, because it has dry scales, it laid eggs and crawl.
______22. Why can fish live in water?
I. They have a mouth that can drink much water
II. They have tail that helps them swim.
III. They can open their eyes under the water.
IV. They have gills that helps them breath in water.
A. I and II B. II and IV C. II and III D. I and IV
______23. Jellyfish, worms, mollusks, and arthropods are examples of?
A. Vertebrates B. Invertebrates C. Carnivores D. Herbivores
______24. Which is true about invertebrates?
A. They have backbones.
B. They breathe through their lungs.
C. They are soft-bodied animals and have exoskeleton.
D. They are covered with skin and fur
______25. One morning, my younger sister waters her plant. Among her plants, she noticed that gabi
leaves has more water on its top or we call morning dew. How do you call the protected structure that
prevents damage of the inner art of this plant?
A. thorns B. waxy stem C. waxy leaves D. bad taste
______26. Some plants such as cacti and other plants in the desert can grow in dry soil for a long period
of time. They withstand the heat of the sun. what structure helps them respond to and survive in their
A. they have thick bark B. they have sharp leaf blades
C. they have fine hair D. they possess thick and fleshy stems which prevent loss of water
______27. What characteristics make the water hyacinth float on water?
A. light weight of the plant C. bulbous stem filled with air
B. spreading, feathery root stem D. light rounded waxy leaves
______28. Two parts of a flower needed to make a seed are the
A. pollen and bees C. stamen and pistil
B. pistil and petals D. light and eggs
______29. The inner part of an ovary that contains an egg is the
A. pollen B. pistil C. stamen D. ovule
______30. Where does the seed get its food supply?
A. cotyledon B. embryo C. endosperm D. radicle
______31. How many cotyledons does the a monocot seed have?
A. one B. two C. three D. four
______32. Which refers to the process of transferring pollen grains from an anther to a stigma?
A. Ovulation B. Pollination C. Fertilization D. Reproduction
______33. What will happen if a seed does not receive enough water?
A. It will grow. C. It will turn green.
B. It will expand. D. It will not germinate.
______34. Which plant grows from a bulb?
A. Onion B. Potato C. Mango D. Orange
______35. A vascular tissue of plant that transport food materials from the leaves to the different parts of
the plant.
A. Xylem B. Rhizomes C. Tubers D. Phloem