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We always look
ahead. For 2016’s
Design Forecast,
we challenged
ourselves to look
out 10 years.
Design shapes the future of human experience to create a better
world. This credo is the basis of our Design Forecast. For 2016,
we asked our global teams to consider how people will live, work,
and play in the cities of 2025. Their insights will give our clients an
insider view of the issues design will confront in the next decade.
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Gensler Design Forecast 2016
Metatrends Embracing
shaping the our iHumanity.
world of 2025. 1 Digital will be such an integral part of daily life that
we’ll leverage it much more fully. We’ll accept how
it interacts with us, consciously feeding its data
Looking across our markets, streams to make our lives better. Our iHumanity
will be a shared, global phenomenon, but different
we see six metatrends that will locales and generations will give it their own spin.
“smarter” lives.
2 We’ll live in a “made” environment, not just a
“built” one. Buildings, settings, and products will
integrate connectivity and “know” that we’re present.
Most aspects of our everyday lives will reflect
this, enabling us to make real-time, just-in-time
connections to people, places, goods, and services.
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Gensler Design Forecast 2016
not just
to drive urban
economies. To
both time
support new life-
styles, real estate
will innovate its
forms and means.
Walkable, transit-
served hubs that
offer a rich, dense
and space.
mix will absorb
new growth. Many
of them will be in
former suburbs.
Cities as
3 Hungry for experience and hooked on ultra-
convenience, we won’t tolerate “dead time,”
whether it’s long commutes, less-than-seamless
transactions, or places devoid of interest. Design
will reflect the reality that people will expect
everything to justify their time commitment.
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A closer look at
the metatrends’ Live
impact on how Community Forecast
we will live, work, Contemporary life’s disruptions and
opportunities form the working agenda
Creativity Adaptability
is fueling an and versatility
urban revival. are the norm.
Grassroots artists and artisanal activity, Community life evolves through trial,
leveraging low rents, meld with startups error, and new solutions. If a key part of
to revive depressed neighborhoods. For the system falls short, there’s an app for
cities, accommodating them is a challenge, that. If public space isn’t available, curbside
but also a necessity to reap cultural and parklets pop up. Large venues will support
economic benefits. Look for companies and intensive and varied use, orchestrating
institutions to step in where rents are high smaller settings that activate the city as a
to provide shared workspaces that spur whole. Low-tech, mobile venues will well
innovation. Urban agriculture has similar up around them—creating micro-markets
benefits as a means of community-building. for entrepreneurs and quickly-deployed
platforms for spontaneous local events.
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Workplace Forecast
Liberated from old constraints,
prepared to go where their talents are
best supported, an urban workforce
will reshape work and its settings.
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Lifestyle Forecast
Leisure’s need for a customer
experience that’s real, authentic,
and seamless is a challenge for
tech/media integration.
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Planning & Urban Design p18 Corporate Campuses p34 Entertainment p72
Critical Facilities p22 Professional Services Firms p40 Retail Centers p76
Health & Wellness p27 Consumer Goods p47 Brand Design p82
Energy p62
Consulting p64
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Trending now
in Community
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Critical Facilities
Housing the Cloud
Cloud computing and smart devices, and providing backup power. Wireless
including houses and cars, are the main innovations that increase the capacity and
factors behind strong demand for data quality of existing networks will make it
centers. To meet this demand, larger players easier to meet demand without relentless
are entering the market with multilocational growth in facilities. Using graphene, a
programs. Along with growth comes change. superconductive material, in processors
The old mantra of reliability at any cost will cut their energy consumption and heat
is giving way to lower-tiered, often smaller generation, leading to even denser data
facilities. Pervasive cybersecurity issues centers that require less power.
are being met with command centers and
operation centers to monitor and safeguard People are curious about the critical facilities
networks and backbone infrastructure. that underpin our digital connections. That’s
Regulatory changes—for US utilities, for why some companies are letting people
example—make this a priority. see and interact with their facilities as part
of their brand expression.
Data center technical innovations include
using fuel cells, the only form of energy that
consumes zero water, for storing energy
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Global gateways
become world-class
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Convention Centers
Building on the city’s
drawing power
By looking beyond “the box” and adding national and global travelers, cities are
a range of facilities, convention centers will upgrading convention centers to first
deliver the city as a venue, recognizing that tier. This is part of these cities’ efforts to
it’s the real draw for convention goers. This revive downtowns and build synergistically
destination-focused approach may require on the growing number of events and
new partners and ways of operating, but it attractions around their convention centers.
gets around cost and space constraints that
might hinder expansion and upgrades. Austin is a model, extending its SXSW live
music festivals into a larger program of tech
Breaking out of the box also makes it easier and innovation gatherings that attract an
to open up centers and give them a new international following. In this scenario, it’s
urbanity and humanity. This is a trend for less about a convention center, more about
museums too, consciously connecting creating a district that can cater to the locals,
themselves and their amenities to urban but can also scale up to accommodate surges
walkways and neighborhood attractions, of out-of-town visitors when the episodic big
and outdoor views, as part of the scene. events and conferences pull them in.
As more airports become gateways for
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Self-directing their futures
Students’ cost-to-value issues could prod students to team with industry. As learning
them to bypass traditional institutions for new becomes more hands-on and interactive,
options tied more closely to job markets educational spaces—inside or outside of
and careers. Current certification is often the classroom—will be designed to inspire
proof of competency, even for degree holders. students to learn in different ways.
In some sectors, certification has actually
supplanted degrees. It’s leading to new Education’s real estate strategies are
“schools” that tap online games and the changing. Institutions are teaming up, often
Maker Movement as models. The responses at government instigation, on new campuses
from existing institutions include greater that support educational and R&D
interactivity and self-direction, shorter initiatives. Super-campuses that combine
and more career-targeted programs, and K–12 and higher education at several
interdisciplinary STEM and STEAM programs. levels—and sometimes integrate public
These shifts will generate a need for new, building—help spread the costs of expanded
often hybrid, facilities. facilities. Mixed use and alternative delivery
approaches are very much in the picture.
As more institutions move into R&D and its Taking a total-return view of new
applications, they are using labs, incubators, construction and retrofit, institutions look
and accelerators—often developed with to data-driven design and operation
outside partners—to speed up innovation, to optimize their facilities and systems for
support startups, and enable faculty and long-term, holistic performance.
Dwight-Englewood School,
Englewood, NJ
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Campuses reinvent
themselves to keep
pace with evolving
fields and priorities.
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Trending now
in Workplace
Professional Services Firms p40 Financial Services Firms p52 Consulting p64
Product Design p46 Defense & Aerospace p58 Commercial Office Building
Developers p68
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Corporate Campuses
City-like, amenity-filled,
and better connected
A younger, urban-oriented workforce and outside partners like universities, whose
political momentum are heightening missions direct them to push knowledge
the demand for transit networks integrated and innovation into the marketplace.
with urban (or urbanizing) districts. In
the US, this is leading to a more city-like, Look also for the enhanced role of campus
better-connected corporate campus environments as conveners of thought
paradigm. This emerging American model leaders and “co-creator” organizations, an
could begin to influence campuses in Asia, activity that strengthens the brand by
where amenity-rich corporate campuses positioning companies on the leading edge
are often more compact and self-contained. of innovative thinking. In urban settings,
this is stimulating street-visible, accessible
In addition, as corporations strive to rein- spaces that can accommodate large
force their brands and cultures, they are community gatherings.
opening up their campuses to integrate
accelerators, incubators, and coworking
spaces. Increasingly, these amenities are
being developed in collaboration with
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Proximity makes
collaboration and
innovation easier.
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It’s all about worker
Technology companies will seek to diverse processes. The Internet of Things
translate values of social responsibility and and smarter building systems will lead to a
personal empowerment into their work- user-centric approach to the tech workplace.
places and policies. Look for resilience Highly adaptive settings and seamless
strategies—sustainability, transit, and support of mobility will allow for greater
housing; community engagement through customization by teams and individuals.
programs and spaces; and leadership with
wellness and other personal/social issues. As “new tech” matures, its spaces will
promote rich emotional connections and
A fully interdependent, regenerative full engagement. This focus on the user
relationship between workplace, employees, experience will spur multifunctional and
and the community may shift “what culturally unique work settings incorporating
success looks like” to have much broader local references in their materials, fabri-
measures. Tech companies will be much cation, and products.
more interested in how people work and in
creating work settings that support their
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spaces attract the
talent that provides
higher-value services.
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Making the mission more
visible and transparent
As the public sector leans on not-for-profits their “on-a-mission” cultures and work
to fill gaps in its own services, the challenge settings that telegraph purpose. The design
of handling the increased load can prompt implications of this connection between
their consolidation and new partnerships. culture and place are real and important,
Shared facilities is one solution, comparable as scrutiny from donors and the media
to the way holding companies collocate goes with the not-for-profit territory. Bad
individual brands that share supports and publicity can disrupt funding and hamper
amenities, but keep their individual identity. missions, so the transparency of their
Coworking spaces is another option—and a operations is essential and needs to be
way to increase collaboration and innovation. reflected in the design of the workplace.
opposite: City of Hope Rivergrade Office, To attract talent with limited resources, not- Buildings and settings that welcome
Irwindale, CA for-profits are making their reason-for-being community involvement are also valued, not
below: American Psychological Association more visible and personally empowering. least because donors favor not-for-profits
Headquarters, Washington, DC The example of startups is relevant, given with strong grassroots.
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Consumer Goods
Bringing the walls down to
promote collaboration
Developing, testing, and selling consumer development, there’s an increasing need for
products are no longer seen as silos, so the internal advisors and analysts whose
physical boundaries between these activities backgrounds now range far beyond the
are eroding. Coworking, the maker movement, fields of expertise that have traditionally
and team-based medicine are precedents for been tapped. They include specialists
how to accommodate hands-on, collaborative such as mathematicians, meteorologists,
practices in the workplace. Artificial economists, academics, and post-gender
intelligence (AI)—both people-to-products and psychologists. Accommodating them is
the Internet of Things—will play into this by now a workplace issue, as the focus shifts
streamlining work processes and deepening toward creating spaces to support
the understanding of consumer engagement. these specialists.
Product Design
Products get smarter
and craft returns
Product design isn’t just about the visible The revival of craft resembles the Arts
world of things, but also about the invisible and Crafts Movement of the late 19th and
world of interactivity that extends them, early 20th centuries. Craft in the 21st century
makes them “smart,” and melds them into is a counterpoint to digitized life. People
everyday experience. The “made environment” want to find personal meaning in products
encompasses all of this holistically, adding by linking them to their makers, artists, and
up to user experience (UX) that feels right and artisans. They look for evidence of craft as
enhances our iHumanity. handwork. In parallel, there is a renewed
interest in making, often with the ambition
The Internet of Things will make products of finding markets for handmade goods.
smarter in how they interact with us and with By emphasizing local production as a sign of
each other. They will be both autonomous and authenticity, small-scale producers are
fully integrated and interacting with networks enjoying wider appeal.
that connect them to people and the world.
The ability of smart products to support shared
use and self-manage maintenance and the
ordering of supplies may change consumer
attitudes toward ownership.
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Supporting real-
time convergence
The media workplace puts a strong emphasis of the media and technology sectors.
on the speed and agility of production, Spaces that are flexible yet tailored, com-
not least because of the unpredictability munal yet individualized, tech-heavy yet
introduced by new devices and channels, and human-centric will enable rapid innovation.
the fast-changing tastes of audiences that
self-direct and self-identify. Media facilities This revolution is ongoing; iPhones are now
need to accommodate this. part of the equipment mix. VR—virtual
reality—is a wild card that gives rise to the
Gamification—the teamwork that online creation of immersive experiences.
games now require to be competitive—is Integrating the digital and the physical is
being adopted elsewhere to heighten engage- one way to do it, and VR is another. But
ment, solve problems faster, and create media tend to converge, pulling disconnected
shared experiences. Meanwhile, online strands together to compel attention.
games are a huge business, attracting a fan As the strands multiply, convergence
base that could literally fill stadiums for demands more: silos come down, innovation
their championship matches. To grow and ramps up.
compete, gaming companies will adopt
the most progressive space design strategies
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Social, flexible,
tech-enabled spaces
break down the silos
that block creativity.
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Services Firms
Disruption leads
to reinvention
A strong sense of mission and purpose, the legacy brands to differentiate themselves.
focused globally and/or on a specific How they will do so is an open question,
community, will have greater importance especially for large banks that have to cover
to financial services firms and their multiple regional and demographic markets.
employees. This will impact both physical The task is easier when the focus is sharper,
and digital space. Look for the sector to but even then, the constant evolution of
begin emulating the tech sector in its efforts technology can quickly disrupt those plans.
to provide high-end amenities and compete
for the very best talent. As technology simplifies transactions—or
cedes them to artificial intelligence—the
In addition, retail and private banking potential for disruption will only grow larger.
(or wealth management) will reinvent the But this also creates openings for the sector
customer experience to make it more to take the lead in developing technology
individualized, while at the same time to support its activities. Growth of this part
improving the virtual banking experience, of the business is already gaining momentum
especially on smart devices. with the rise of tech-like work settings and
the tendency of financial tech accelerators
Competition is growing, as alternatives to to collocate with their clients.
traditional consumer banks crowd into their
space. This will push the newcomers and
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Cost-effective, welcoming,
safe, and state-of-the-art
“Retail” government services will migrate protects government buildings and workers.
online, reducing the need for staff and As their sophistication grows, these systems
brick-and-mortar facilities as even the most will detect, deter, and counter security
heavily serviced constituents obtain services threats—including drones—beyond the site
through digital channels. Seeking greater boundaries of the building.
efficiency, government may resemble
healthcare by consolidating some functions In addition, governments will shift to
into central hubs, while placing others closer design-build and public-private partnerships
to the communities they serve. Often to develop and operate their facilities
this will happen in private-sector facilities, without losing sight of goals for resilience,
blurring the public-private boundary. wellness, and productivity. End-user
involvement in planning and robust change
To enhance security, physical barriers will be management will increase employees’
augmented and potentially supplanted by satisfaction with the facilities they occupy.
active, technology-enabled surveillance that
allows for a welcoming environment yet
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Intelsat, McLean, VA
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Life Sciences
Blurring the lines,
emulating tech
Precision medicine—therapies that consider startups, and innovation centers to get R&D
patients’ genetic and physiological traits to market faster. Interdisciplinary “matrix
by integrating new diagnostic and treatment teams” are emerging, with combinations of
tools—is reshaping the field and its facilities, real/virtual and insider/outsider participation.
blurring the lines between life sciences and In addition, life sciences companies are
healthcare. As smart devices link precision gravitating toward the mixed-use “science
medicine to patient-consumers, artificial villages” that can be found in life sciences
intelligence will handle a growing number of hubs in the US and the UK, as well as in
lab procedures. Lab settings are also being Singapore. They are a focus of investment in
transformed by ever-smaller equipment. other East Asian countries and in the Middle
These ultra-flexible spaces can be collocated East, often in conjunction with universities.
with non-lab functions to support teamwork
and speed development and execution.
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Seizing the opportunities
for transformation
Climate change and other environmental ask how they can leverage technology and
quality issues will be a bigger factor than work processes to optimize their real estate
energy costs in spurring efforts to achieve net portfolios. This will translate to dynamic
zero in buildings and transportation, and to work settings that increase real estate
cut energy’s carbon footprint. Energy brands utilization, spur innovation, retain talent,
will adapt in response. and reinforce brand values.
The UN and Shell both predict that world A preoccupation with worker safety will
demand for potable water, food, and energy carry over from the field into the realm of
will rise 40 to 50 percent by 2030. Meeting knowledge workers, including mobile workers.
this demand in a resilient way will pose a As knowledge work becomes more open
challenge for the energy sector, as well as for and collaborative, security will be a bigger
cities. In the shorter run, depressed oil prices issue, especially if younger workers exercise
will put renewed pressure on firms tied to that their preference for incubators, accelerators,
resource to cut costs and boost utilization. and coworking spaces over office towers
In addition, energy companies and related and campuses.
industries are looking beyond efficiency to
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New capabilities,
new challenges
Analytics allows data to be sifted in real maintain such primary workplace values as
time, algorithmically, generating insights that health, engagement, brand, and work mode
enhance personal experience at the places support—wherever they choose to work.
where people live, work, and play. Designers
will tap these findings to understand user The need for geographically distributed
needs. As data gathering is integrated into teams within global organizations to work
the settings themselves, people’s presence in together effectively is complicated by
them will generate real-time data points. language and cultural differences. Giving
collaboration tools real-time translation
The rising numbers of freelance and contract capability could help. Automation, which
workers will have a design and operational may prove to be both a boon and a threat
impact as organizations seek to integrate to workers, is an emerging issue that will
them. Likewise, given the ubiquity of the grow in importance in the next decade.
mobile workplace, people will expect to
Landlord Services
Remixed for revenue
Landlords are turning to prebuilt, ready-to-go retail, conference centers, concierge services,
office space to meet tenant demands faster. and more. Also look for them to offer
Emerging workspace-on-demand platforms expanded amenities to individual tenants,
that “share” third-party properties the way managing tenant-branded facilities and
other platforms share rides and beds will cater providing services tailored to their staffs.
to tenants wanting shorter stays. As virtual
reality technology catches on, it may supplant As this suggests, owners understand that
real walk-throughs as the way tenants evaluate their office buildings are part of mixed-use
multiple properties. districts—or need to provide that mix where
it’s missing. Integrating settings and activities
Amenities and services will be a bigger sales that draw evening and weekend traffic, and
point for office buildings, with lobbies and opening up lobbies and terraces to encourage
other public areas taking cues from hospitality synergy with the neighborhood, will raise
and residential properties—creating new the destination value of both office buildings
revenue opportunities for owners and man- and their immediate districts.
agers by adding coffee shops, restaurants,
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New owners
are transforming
old buildings to
give cities new life.
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Commercial Office
Building Developers
Empowering a new
As workers gravitate toward social settings, The demand for workplace flexibility
apart from home and work, new and will be reinforced by buildings that let
repositioned “office buildings” will make organizations, teams, and individuals shape
room for them. Openness and connection space on the fly. Faster adaptability will
to adjoining buildings and districts will gain be the norm, and buildings will reflect this in
importance. As mobile workers switch form, structure, interior volume, façades, and
between office space and “third place” services. Space will become more democratic
alternatives, owners and developers that as flatter, innovation-hungry organizations
focus on transit-served, mixed-use districts embrace agile, autonomous teams that are
may have an edge in attracting them. directly accountable for their results.
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Trending now
in Lifestyle
COEX, Seoul
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Audiences co-create
the show
Digital culture has bred a generation of Co-creation is evolving beyond
consumers who expect speed, interactivity, customization, engaging the appetite for
and a world of choice, but also more involvement. This will mean opening up
engaging, humanized brand connections. key experiential processes to a wider
Entertainment destinations will integrate audience—not as a passive, mute “suggestion
smart devices, apps, and wearables box,” but as active participants in shaping
into their experiences to make them both the venue and the activity.
personalized and inviting.
Cultural relevance is a source of pride for
Entertainment venues offer customers the domestic consumers, as well as a growing
potential for immersive settings that deliver part of global consumers’ entertainment
authentic, collective, real-time experiences offerings. With continued growth of the
for families, couples, and individuals to share new middle class, there will be an increased
and remember. Consumers want to direct appetite for domestic tourism. Emerging
all of this, to be the storytellers—even as markets proudly display and export their
they need the venues to make it come local cultural identity through re-created
together. Handling this relationship shift is symbols, lifestyles, and traditions.
entertainment’s challenge and opportunity.
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Anticipating the customer
Great products (and experiences) blend Store environments will become increasingly
seamlessly into our daily lives. Even if it’s hard personalized to anticipate and respond
to articulate why, our senses are deeply to customer expectations and individual
attuned to—and can even feel anxious preferences, through smart merchandise
about—anything that doesn’t “feel right.” This fixtures, predictive technology, and customer
will shape aesthetic, interactive, and product concierges that offer consumers VIP
design, as well as the retail settings where treatment. Technology will redefine the
they often converge. As the global market for fashion industry as smart clothing can track
the Internet of Things is expected to reach the wearers’ biometric data and adapt to
$1.7 trillion by 2020, according to research their location or event.
firm IDC, connected devices—from
coffeemakers to thermostats—should Geolocation technology will have a major
seamlessly converse and work together. effect on when and where unexpected
experiences take place. Delivery times will
Consistency in online-to-offline experience become faster and more efficient. These
is critical as online-only brands establish experiences will continue to evolve and get
a physical presence. As digital and physical smarter, catering to individual preferences.
merge, retail stores are rebranding as Similarly, artificial intelligence (AI) helps
community outposts. Digital touchpoints, retailers understand customers and
such as virtual or augmented reality, offer anticipate their needs. Cognitive computing
different types of in-store experiences takes this a step further, accelerating,
that younger consumers crave. enhancing, and scaling human expertise.
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Retail Centers
Tech yes, but the
destination is all
Urbanization is driving small neighborhood the consumer wants them to be; they should
store strategies like Walmart Express, be entrepreneurial and engaged. Payment
City Target, Home Depot, and others. It’s systems capable of integrating other layers
also accelerating the growth of neighborhood of information will create richer, more
lifestyle shopping villages and small personalized interactions between retail
independent shops in urban areas. centers and their customers. Cashless
payments and augmented reality can help
As retail centers expand into urban markets, tie them together with a smaller footprint.
they’re increasingly catering to tech-savvy
customers. With every mall, store, and brand Retail centers will still need to deliver
sitting comfortably in consumers’ pockets experiences that justify the customer’s
(on smartphones), successful retail centers journey. As with mixed use, their destination
will play by that mobile, 24/7 playbook. At the value is a differentiator. Events and
same time, they’ll use that playbook to other draws will leverage tech’s reach to
identify shopping patterns and preferences. find audiences and cue up followers.
COEX, Seoul
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Amplifying the
fan experience
Sports venues are becoming ever more While in-stadium technology will help
interconnected. Environmental immersion support a more flexible, customizable fan
takes this to the next level, creating experience, the collective passion found
opportunities for interactive engagement. on game day generates a genuine, locally
Venue-specific tech offerings, from aug- diverse experience that cultivates pride and
mented reality photo zones to push-notified ownership, and makes attendance worth it.
promotional opportunities, transform
spectators into active participants. The desire for authenticity and tailored
experiences will propel the next generation
Stadiums are the next frontier for wearables, of venues, which will avoid the generic and
generating infinite opportunities for product celebrate the local. Whether it is an
customization and collectibility for fans, and immersive, interactive, or collective social
revenue advantages through promotions and opportunity, existing venues will need to
analytics for teams. A single wearable device continually adapt to the changing economics
can act as your ticket, room key, fast pass, of each sport, by providing the end user with
map, crowd flow monitor, and credit card. a more authentic, tangible experience.
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Tall Buildings
The new realities
of vertical living
Tenants’ long-term needs are driving tall Digital design, fabrication, and logistics will
building design, with an inside-out approach speed start-to-finish times for tall buildings.
supplanting iconic form making. The They will also set the stage for increasingly
increasing use of split, offset, and perimeter automated systems testing, calibration, and
cores in new towers reflects this. These core operation, enabling faster, better-supported
arrangements offer greater flexibility in tenant occupancy.
adapting buildings to future requirements,
and make it easier to introduce interior stairs Vertical living offers opportunities for
and atria that connect tenant floors and densely populated cities to accommodate
provide daylight and natural ventilation. growth, and Asia will continue to lead the
charge. But the market for tall buildings
Façades are no longer for weather protection is expanding as Chinese and other offshore
only; they are an integral part of a tower’s investors and developers are moving into
strategy for reducing energy use and overseas markets, including Europe and
increasing human comfort and amenity. the United States. Residential towers are
Double skins have given way to truly a fast-growing category in these markets.
usable interstitial spaces. Nanotechnology Transit access and a mixed use program
will make skins more environmentally (or proximity to those uses) will be crucial
responsive. New materials will also reduce to achieve sustainable urban living.
the weight of façades while improving
their performance.
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Brand Design
Shared and participatory,
but individuated
Infinite choices, socioeconomic diversity, services that give them back their time.
globalization, inclusiveness, and on-demand This could take on a service component, as
access will give rise to “micro-brands” in a concierge or virtual personal assistant.
that express affinities and values, rather Designers can respond by creating multi-
than broader appeals to demographic or functional elements and experiences.
geographic segments. As the world becomes Places where one can entirely “unplug”
more subdivided, brands will need to respond and escape digital life will become the
by becoming more specific, customized, ultimate luxury-living experiences.
and targeted. Buoyed by passion for their
customer segments, brands can build To reach time-strapped consumers, brands
strong communities through shared beliefs, will seek to create new types of experiences:
such as individual empowerment and real-time, one-time-only; shared, but
social awareness. individuated; and participatory, rather than
imposed. Ritualistic experiences provide
Saving and carving quality time will be places to connect with like-minded fans.
front-of-mind for consumers. People are
willing to pay a premium for products and
Mixed Use
Adding density to enhance
Younger generations, including Millennials, In some economies, the opportunity
often choose where they will live before for urban renewal, revitalization, and
they consider their careers. As a result, live/ redevelopment has never been greater.
work environments are being redefined. Mixed use will be the go-to choice to do
Mixed-use developments will be designed to more with less in urban areas by maximizing
“flex” in this regard. Residential and office land values through activation—adding
spaces will need to be better designed to density to enhance, rather than disrupt,
coexist and create 24/7 settings. the city’s existing fabric. Respectful
rehabilitation becomes the norm as over-
The next generation of infill projects will building proves to be less sustainable.
be in the typical industrial “ring” or “band” Old is the new “new.”
that separates the urban core from suburbia.
This new form of infill will develop along
transit nodes. It will require a new point of
view and design vocabulary regarding scale
and the incorporation of open/green space
with an urban-like walkability.
82 83
Gensler Design Forecast 2016
Embracing new lifestyles
Within the next 10 years, the continued with the comfort and familiarity of home.
trends of urban and suburban densification In response to these changes, mixed-use
and global urbanization will have changed the developments are increasingly introducing
residential landscape in larger markets and a housing component. Many new “residential”
will be under way in smaller markets. projects include office, retail, and hotel uses
on a single block. With their smaller floor
Fueled by the sharing economy and the cost plates, older downtown office buildings are
of personal home ownership, communal ideal for residential conversion.
housing will become acceptable to residential
segments like post-college adults, single The suburb isn’t dead, but it craves the
parents, and the elderly. The community advantages of city living. That’s leading to an
arrangement offers financial and social emerging residential market, the “uburb,”
benefits. Community-based offerings, such midway between the city and the suburb.
as cohousing, provide affordable housing Some large employers are collocating
solutions for seniors, younger renters, and with them to tap their housing, amenities,
entrepreneurs, who may tend to embrace and transit accessibility.
opportunities for relationship building and
casual connections. A menu of amenities Across global markets, there’s a need for
are shared among cohabitants, but can also new types of informal and formal settlements.
be reserved. Developing countries have special concerns;
for example, secure land tenure, economic
Renters and buyers in urban markets want stability, and safe and sanitary conditions.
options supporting convenient, mobile, and While governments, NGOs, local landowners,
social lifestyles. Changes in work style and and contractors cooperate, informal
lifestyle will increase the need for part-time settlements still occur. These makeshift
housing as people with mobile lifestyles seek dwellings also need schools, places to work
places that pair the conveniences of a hotel and gather, and access to services.
84 85
Gensler Design Forecast 2016
Catering to next-gen
While traveler segments over the past together based on the brands they affiliate
decade were primarily classified by business with and the experiences they want to have.
versus leisure, the next generation of traveler Hyperpersonalized, bespoke packages satisfy
classifications will be more focused on guests’ desire to collect new skills and
travelers’ behavioral patterns and authentic, immersive experiences.
expectations. Hotel providers can cater
to each group’s distinct needs and Technology is also redefining hospitality.
characteristics—from cultural purists and Location services offer added value to guests
ethical travelers to reward hunters and with mobile apps that recognize preferences
social capital seekers. To better serve these and offer membership benefits, mobile room
new segments, hospitality brands are key technology, and check-in/checkout
developing places for “members”—people services. In-room handheld devices that
with strong affinities—revamping loyalty provide complete control of the guest
programs and creating exclusive experiences environment will become the norm in mid-
to bond with and grow their clientele. They’re to upper-scale markets.
creating club-like spaces that appeal to
lifestyle categories and behaviors, rather than
demographics, allowing people to come
86 87
Gensler Design Forecast 2016
More than an
airport hotel, a
place to connect
passengers with the
surrounding region. Westin hotel and transit center at Denver
International Airport, Denver
88 89
Message from the Board of Directors
Annual Report
A Message from the Board of Directors Our record-setting revenues give us the ability to reinvest
We achieve a high level of inventiveness and creativity in our global platform—supporting world-class research,
because of our tremendous diversity and scale. With talent development, design delivery, and the futures of
47 offices around the world, we draw from many points our 5,000+ professionals to provide the best service
of view and support a dynamic environment where ideas and outcomes for our clients. We’re financially strong
multiply faster and cross-pollination is richer. We look at and debt-free, contributing $45.7 million in deferred
design holistically, which sets us apart. With deep roots compensation to our employees through our ESOP, profit-
in architecture, interior design, and planning, we examine sharing, and international retirement plans. Our local
every project through many lenses—inside-out, outside-in, offices keep us nimble, but in combination they give us
integrated, and branded. a scalability that allows great things to happen.
Board of Directors
from left: John Adams, Judy Pesek, Julia Simet,
Jordan Goldstein, Diane Hoskins, Joe Brancato,
Andy Cohen, Ray Shick, Robin Klehr Avia, Dan Winey
Yanmar Flying-Y Building, Osaka
90 91
Gensler Annual Report
Shanghai Tower,
Architectural Record Building Design+Construction Interior Design The Tower at PNC
2015 Top 300
Architecture Firms:
2015 Giants 300:
#1 Architecture Firm
2015 Top 100 Giants:
#1 Architecture Firm Plaza top best of
#1 Firm Overall #1 BIM Architecture Firm
#1 Data Center Architecture Firm
#1 Most Admired Firm 2015 lists
#1 Green Building Shanghai Tower is featured in Wired
VMSD Architecture Firm Building Design magazine’s round up of “Amazing
Top Retail Design #1 University Architecture Firm 2016 World Architecture 100 Architecture That Captivated Us in
Firms of 2015: #1 Firm 2015.” Architectural Digest highlighted
#1 Firm Overall the tower in the “Seven Buildings
ENR That Are Redefining Architecture.”
Backed by great clients, we continue to
2015 Top 150 Global Design Firms: Architectural Review credited the tower’s
earn industry recognition year after year. #1 Architecture Firm “ambitious architecture that sets the
building apart from all others.”
Gensler is a leader among the world’s architecture The tower “redefines the urban highrise
headquarters typology and raises the
and design firms. Our standing among peers and bar for forward-thinking companies
using architecture as a means to inspire
our industry awards reflect the value we deliver to and enable great work,” said Gensler
principal and design director Hao Ko.
clients every day. Shanghai Tower, Shanghai The Tower at PNC Plaza, Pittsburgh
Gensler named
a Best Place
Gensler received a Glassdoor
Employees’ Choice Award, honoring
We’ve broadened our services to 31 areas the Best Places to Work in 2016
in the US among employers with
of practice, with total revenues for the year 1,000 employees or more, based on
setting a new record high for the firm. employee feedback. Gensler is the
only architecture firm on the list to
receive this distinction.
Interior Design’s
‘Gensler 50’
Interior Design dedicated its
November 2015 issue as a special
commemorative tribute, cover to
802M cover, recognizing Gensler’s 50th
751M anniversary, “Gensler 50.”
697M Gensler’s office in Oakland, CA
600 574M Architectural Record—Good Design is Good IIDA—2015 Global Excellence Awards Interior Design—MakeItWork Awards Nikkei Inc. and New Office Promotion
536M Business Hyundai Card Music Library + Understage, Hyundai Card UX Lab, Seoul, Association—2015 Nikkei New Office Award
McCann, New York, NY Seoul, South Korea (Entertainment) South Korea (Tech Office—Small) CBRE Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
463M Tech 101 Environmental Marketing, Citi Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
Association of Legal Administrators—2015 IIDA—Healthcare Interior Design San Francisco, CA (Graphics) Edelman Japan, Tokyo, Japan
400 IDEA Award Competition SymFit at Symantec, Mountain View, CA Yanmar Headquarters, Osaka, Japan
“ReDesign Law: Office of the Future” Town Hall Apartments, Chicago, IL (Gym/Yoga Studio)
(Community-Based Service Facilities) Hyundai Capital Europe, Frankfurt, Germany Retail Design Institute—2015 International
CODAworx—2015 CODAawards (Staircase) Store Design Awards
Morrison & Foerster, New York, NY India Retail Forum—2015 IRA Awards Stinson Leonard Street, Kansas City, MO Harman International Flagship, New York, NY
(Commercial) Most Admired Retailer of the Year (Staircase) (Digital Integration Innovation)
Raymond Ready to Wear, Bangalore, India Holly Hunt Showroom, Dallas, TX (Brand
Contract—2015 Best of NeoCon (Innovative Concept) London First—2015 London Planning Spaces)
Tuohy WorkStyles (Best of Competition) Awards: Best Conceptual Project Timbuk2, Chicago, IL (Sustainability
0 Interior Design—Best of Year Awards The London Underline, London Innovation)
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 IIDA—2015 Best Interiors of Latin America Hyundai Capital Street, Seoul,
& the Caribbean South Korea (Beauty) New London Architecture—New London Society of American Registered
Teatro El Triciclo, San José, Grove by Sixinch (Green Innovation) Awards 2015 Architects—2015 Celebration of
45.7m 100 %
Contributions to US and Gensler is fully employee- Costa Rica (Entertainment) Tuohy WorkStyles UBM, London (Office Interiors) Architecture and Design
international retirement owned through direct Tienda Museo de Oro, San José, (Furniture: Contract/Case Goods) Condé Nast Headquarters, New York, NY
plans (USD) shares and our ESOP Costa Rica (Retail)
92 93
Gensler Annual Report
Gensler Design La Rinconada Stadium, Caracas Jurors announced the awards via a global broadcast to Gensler offices.
Excellence Awards
Raising the bar for
design, showcasing Microsoft GWS Future Forum
94 95
Gensler Annual Report
in India
Gensler Research +
Innovation Awards
and exploration. The four pillars of design for the future Indian workplace. The Tower at PNC Plaza, Pittsburgh. A double-skin façade allows for natural ventilation.
96 97
Gensler Annual Report
Design firms are built IDEA Award from the Association of Legal
Administrators (ALA) for “ReDesign Law:
on intellectual capital, Office of the Future,” a research collaboration
so we make a substantial between the ALA and Gensler that produced
Gensler Denver
investment in research a pop-up legal workplace exhibit and website
( In the UK, our vision
to grow our knowledge. for improving the public transit experience
in London—dubbed The London Underline— Anticipating the future
The findings maximize the impact of our was awarded Best Conceptual Project of “hackable” cities
design strategies, offer solutions to issues of at the London Planning Awards. Gensler
pressing need, and elevate the conversation proposed transforming the outdated tunnels One of our global teams examined how office
with our clients. This year, Gensler funded of London’s subway system into safe and buildings—and urban districts—will morph
33 research projects conducted by internal inviting paths for bicyclists and pedestrians. to accommodate the changing demands of
teams across our global offices and practice work. Looking at 20 cities, they studied how
areas. These grants supported a diverse One of our most compelling 2016 research existing structures can be reconfigured, or
range of studies including a look at the future initiatives is the Experiential Design Index, “hacked,” to house a diverse mix of uses
of museums, a de-ruralization toolkit for a new process we’re envisioning to assess and a range of tenants. Several scenarios
rapidly urbanizing economies, research on consumers’ behaviors, values, and emotions, speculated how underused building stock
the adaptive reuse of medical facilities, and and connect those factors to physical spaces. can be transformed into new workplaces,
more. To share our findings, in 2016 we will We are benchmarking brands that are best especially as office buildings are transformed
release the second edition of the Gensler known for delivering exceptional customer from single-use to mixed-use projects.
Research Catalogue, highlighting the work of experiences, and have launched roundtables
hundreds of professionals around the world. with clients to explore key dimensions of
consumer dynamics and design responses.
Recognition of our research efforts is an
“Hacking” this London office building introduced a richer mix of uses.
important benchmark. We received a 2015
98 99
Gensler Annual Report
Making a Difference
Gensler is committed
to creating positive
impact through
socially conscious
design and civic
A “playway” beneath the elevated A train in Far Rockaway, New York. Gensler cosponsored the “Hack Our City” event in Baltimore.
100 101
Gensler Annual Report
Chief Executive Officers Denver San Francisco
Andy Cohen, FAIA, IIDA Jon Gambrill, AIA, LEED AP Li Wen, AIA Michael Bodziner, CID, LEED AP
Diane Hoskins, FAIA, IIDA, LEED AP Brent Mather, AIA, LEED AP Michael White, AIA Lisa Bottom, IIDA, LEED AP
Gensler Principals
Warwick Wicksman, AIA Barry Bourbon, AIA, LEED AP
Board of Directors Detroit John Wiedner, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP Cathy Bregenzer, AIA, LEED AP
John Adams, AIA William Hartman, FAIA, LEED AP Terence Young, AIA, LEED AP Collin Burry, FIIDA, LEED AP
Robin Klehr Avia, FIIDA Julia Campbell, RIBA, LEED AP
Joseph Brancato, AIA Doha Mexico City Scott Dunlap, AIA, LEED AP
Our collaborative
Andy Cohen, FAIA Philip Gillard, RIBA Mariela Buendia-Corrochano, LEED AP Dian Duvall
Jordan Goldstein, AIA, IIDA, LEED AP Jeff Henry, CID
Diane Hoskins, FAIA, IIDA, LEED AP Dubai Miami Randy Howder, LEED AP
Judy Pesek, FIIDA, LEED AP Chris Johnson, RIBA Diana Farmer-Gonzalez, Assoc. AIA, IIDA Hao Ko, AIA, LEED AP
leadership model
Ray Shick, AIA Walter Trujillo, AIA, LEED AP Melissa Mizell, LEED AP
Julia Simet, IIDA, LEED AP Firmwide Resources Joan Price, MCR, IIDA
Daniel W. Winey, FAIA, IIDA, LEED AP Bruce Bartolf Minneapolis Tina Riedell
Janine Pesci Bill Lyons, Assoc. AIA, IIDA, LEED AP Kirsten Ritchie, PE, LEED AP
and innovative
Chris Johnson, RIBA Brenda Nyce-Taylor, IIDA, LEED AP San Jose
Mable So Houston Christine Laing, AIA, LEED AP
Marilyn Archer, FIIDA, RID, LEED AP New York Kevin Schaeffer, AIA, LEED AP
Atlanta Stephanie Burritt, RID, Jean Anderson
solutions worldwide.
Richard Macri David J. Calkins, FAIA, RID, LEED AP Robin Klehr Avia, FIIDA San José (Costa Rica)
Colin O’Brien Alan Colyer Brian Berry, AIA, LEED AP Samuel Bermúdez
Stephen Swicegood, FAIA, IIDA, LEED AP James E. Furr, FAIA, RID Joseph Brancato, AIA Richard Hammond, AIA
Gerald Gehm, AIA, LEED AP John Box Bricker Christian Wolff, CAPBA
Austin John Haba, AIA Marc Bruffett
Ed Grun, AIA Kimberly Hickson, FAIA, LEED AP Maddy Burke-Vigeland, AIA, LEED AP São Paulo
Todd Runkle, CID, IIDA Steve Hudson, CPA Becky Button, IIDA, CID, LEED AP Robin Klehr Avia, FIIDA
Greg LaCour, AIA, LEED AP Amanda Carroll, IIDA, CID, LEED AP Joseph Brancato, AIA
Baltimore Bonny J. McLoud, AIA, RID, LEED AP Robert Cataldo, AIA
Chris Banks, AIA, IIDA, LEED AP Peter Merwin, AIA Kathy A. Diamond Seattle
James S. Camp, AIA, LEED AP Edward Muth, AIA, IIDA, LEED AP Sonya Dufner, FASID Susana Covarrubias, IIDA
Ehren Gaag, AIA, LEED AP Nancy L. Nodler, RID David W. Epstein, AIA, LEED AP Ryan Haines, LEED AP
Peter Stubb, AIA, LEED AP C.K. Pang, AIA, RID, LEED AP Robert Fuller, AIA Sidney L. Scarboro, AIA
James Wallace, AIA, LEED AP Raffael Scasserra, AIA, LEED AP Andrew Garnar-Wortzel Karen H. Thomas, AIA
Hal B. Sharp, AIA, LEED AP Michael Gatti, AIA Chad Yoshinobu, AIA, LEED AP
Bangalore Dean Strombom, AIA, LEED AP Rocco Giannetti, AIA, LEED AP
Smita Gupta Kristopher M. Stuart, AIA, LEED AP Lydia H. Gould, IIDA, CID Seoul
Ray Shick, AIA Craig Taylor, AIA, RID, LEED AP Jan L. Gross, AIA Ray Shick, AIA
Rives Taylor, FAIA, LEED AP Leslie J. Jabs, AIA
Bangkok Lisa Pope-Westerman, Assoc. AIA, IIDA Kathleen M. Jordan, AIA, IIDA, CID, LEED AP Shanghai
Ray Shick, AIA Joshua Katz, AIA Shamim Ahmadzadegan, AIA, LEED AP
La Crosse Ambrose Aliaga-Kelly, AIA Chuck Albright, AIA
Beijing Nila R. Leiserowitz, IIDA, FASID Thomas A. Lanzelotti, AIA, CSI Tim Etherington, IIDA, BIID
Emma Chang Joseph Lauro, AIA, LEED AP Xiaomei Lee, LEED AP
Jerry Hung Las Vegas EJ Lee, IIDA, LEED AP Jennifer Liu, LEED AP
Beth Campbell, AIA, LEED AP Laurent Lisimachio, IIDA, DESA, LEED AP Ray Shick, AIA
Birmingham Stephen Ranck, AIA, LEED AP Kenneth Lunstead, AIA Amber Sun
Duncan Swinhoe, RIBA Carlos Martinez, AIA, FIIDA, LEED AP Hasan Syed, GBCA, GMRAIA, AACA
London Mark Morton, IIDA
Boston Enrico Caruso Molly Murphy, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP Singapore
Todd Dundon, AIA, LEED AP Jane Clay Paul Murphy, CPA Haiwen Luo, CPA, FCCA
Alex Fernandez, AIA Richard Harrison, ARB, RIBA Beth Novitsky Michael Wiener, LEED AP
J.F. Finn III, AIA, LEED AP Chris Johnson, RIBA Amanda Ramos
Kenneth I. Fisher, FAIA, LEED AP Tom Lindblom, LEED AP Keith Frome Rosen, AIA Sydney
Douglas C. Gensler, AIA Krista Lindsay Johnathan Sandler Ray Shick, AIA
Jeanne M. Nutt, IIDA Ian Mulcahey Stefanie Shunk, IIDA
Arlyn Vogelmann Trevor Oldridge Julia Simet, IIDA, LEED AP Tampa
Lukasz Platkowski, ARB Thomas Vecchione Bert Oliva, IIDA
Charlotte Tariq Shaikh Peter Wang, AIA, LEED AP
John W. Gaulden, AIA, LEED AP José Sirera, RIBA Edward Wood, IIDA Tokyo
Ernest Muñoz, AIA, LEED AP Duncan Swinhoe, RIBA Daichi Amano, AIA, LEED AP
Whitley Wood, IIDA, LEED AP Philip Tidd Newport Beach Nachiko Yamamoto, AIA, 1stCl RA, LEED AP
Jon Tollit, ARB, LEED AP Kimberly Graham, CID, LEED AP
Chicago Fergal Walsh David Loyola, AIA, IIDA, LEED AP Toronto
Sarah Bader, CID, IIDA, EDAC, LEED AP Sandi Warneke, IIDA, CID, LEED AP Eric Ginsburg
Todd Baisch, AIA, LEED AP Los Angeles Chip Williams, LEED AP
David Broz, AIA, LEED AP John Adams, AIA James E. Young, ASID, CID Washington, DC
Bob Clough, FAIA, LEED AP Marty Borko, Assoc. AIA Lisa Amster, AIA, LEED AP
Kyle Davis, AIA, LEED AP Barbara Bouza, AIA, IIDA, EDAC, LEED AP Oakland Sumita Arora, LEED GA
Tama Duffy Day, FIIDA, FASID, LEED AP Elizabeth Brink, Assoc. AIA, EDAC, Peter Weingarten, AIA, LEED AP Pat Askew, AIA, LEED AP
Anne Gibson, IIDA, LEED AP LEED AP Doug Wittnebel, AIA, IIDA, LEED AP Kenneth P. Baker, Assoc. AIA, IIDA, Assoc. RIBA
Russell Gilchrist, AIA, ARB, RIBA Christopher Coldoff, IIDA, CID, LEED AP Matin Zargari Jeff Barber, AIA, LEED AP
Todd Heiser Barbara Dunn, FIIDA, CID Carlos A. Cubillos, LEED GA
Helen Hopton, LEED AP Jonathan Emmett Philadelphia Laura DeBonis, AIA, LEED AP
Lamar A. Johnson, AIA, LEED AP David Glover Kenneth P. Baker, Assoc. AIA, IIDA, Assoc. RIBA Donald Ghent, AIA, CSI, LEED AP
Nila R. Leiserowitz, IIDA, FASID Arpy Hatzikian Jill Goebel, IIDA, LEED AP
Steve Meier, LEED AP Thomas S. Ito, AIA, LEED AP Phoenix Jordan Goldstein, AIA, IIDA, LEED AP
Jim Prendergast, FAIA, LEED AP Rob Jernigan, FAIA, LEED AP Beth Harmon-Vaughan, PhD, Assoc. AIA, Francisco Gonzalez, LEED AP
Grant C. Uhlir, AIA, LEED AP Nathan Kim, AIA, LEED AP FIIDA, LEED AP William Hooper, Jr., AIA, LEED AP
Brian Vitale, AIA, LEED AP Stephanie Koenig, Assoc. AIA Jay Silverberg, AIA Kate Kirkpatrick
Benjamin Ward, AIA, LEED AP Kap Malik, FAIA Steven Martin, AIA, LEED AP
Leda Woods, IIDA Irwin Miller, Assoc. AIA Pittsburgh Ty Osbaugh, AIA, LEED AP
Aleksandar Sasha Zeljic, AIA, LEED AP Philippe Paré, AIA Douglas C. Gensler, AIA Robert A. Peck, Hon. AIA, Hon. ASLA
Lee Pasteris Janet Pogue McLaurin, AIA, IIDA, LEED AP
Dallas Duncan Paterson Raleigh-Durham Dee Rendleman, Assoc. AIA, CPA
Ross Conway, AIA, LEED AP Carlos Posada, IIDA, LEED AP Chad Parker, AIA, LEED Theresa Sheils, AIA, LEED AP
Zach Edwards, AIA, LEED AP Kevin Rosenstein Tom Shen, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP
Christopher Goggin, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP Olivier R. Sommerhalder, AIA San Diego Deanna Siller, LEED AP
Barry Hand, AIA, LEED AP Eric Stultz, AIA, LEED AP Darrel Fullbright, AIA, LEED GA Timothy Taylor, AIA
Ted Kollaja, FAIA Thomas A. Sze, AIA Tom Heffernan, AIA, LEED AP John Thomann, AIA, IIDA, CID, LEED AP
Paul Manno, AIA, IIDA Keith Thompson, AIA, LEED AP J. Kevin Heinly, AIA, LEED AP Joanne Weston, LEED AP
Judy Pesek, FIIDA, LEED AP Ronald F. Turner, FAIA, LEED AP Scott L. Peterson, AIA, CID, IIDA James Williamson, FIIDA, LEED AP
Cindy Simpson, IIDA, LEED AP Steven Upchurch, AIA
Gene Watanabe, AIA, LEED AP
Stinson Leonard Street, Kansas City, MO
102 103
Gensler Annual Report
current Gensler
clients, taking in every
shifting needs.
3D Systems Albee Development LLC AmWINS Group, Inc. Austin College
3M Alberta Medical Association Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Austin Convention Enterprises Inc., Hilton
3W Management Alcoa Anaheim Capital Partners Austin
44 Union Square Alcon ANBTX Insurance Services Austin-Bergstrom International Airport
510 West 22nd Street Partners LLC Alcuin School Anchor Executive Center Auto Mercado
511 Group, Inc. Alecta Real Estate Investment, LLC Andrews Kurth LLP Autodesk Inc.
555 12th REIT, LLC Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. Angel-in-us Coffee AutoNation
5718 Westheimer Road Investors LP Alfanar Angelo Gordon International AvalonBay Communities
The 614 Company Alfieri, LLC Anheuser-Busch Avaya
84.51° Alfred Williams & Company Anhui Qiantang Investment Co., Ltd. Avic Real Estate Holding Co. Ltd.
8th & Sherman Development LLC Alibaba Group Annie E. Casey Foundation Avison Young
9’s On The Mall AlixPartners Annunciation Orthodox School AXA
9303 New Trails Holdings, LLC All Inclusive Collection Anschutz Entertainment Group Axis Communications
All Web Leads, Inc. Antelope Valley College Azinko Holding
Allegiant Antenna
Allen & Co. Antioch University
A Allen Matkins
Alliance Diversified Holdings
Apache Corporation B
A&B Properties, Inc. Alliance for Downtown New York Apollo Education Group
A.T. Kearney The Alliance for Sustainable Colorado Apollo Global Management, LLC B&G Partners Limited
A+D Architecture and Design Museum Alliance Partners AppDynamics B.M. Holding Co., Ltd.
AAA Northern California, Nevada & Utah Alliance Realty Partners LLC Apple Inc. Babson Capital
AB Global Alliance Residential Company Apptio Babson College
AbbVie Allied London APSI Construction Management Bacardi
Abdul Latif Jameel Allied Properties REIT AR Capital Baccarat, Inc.
Abercrombie & Fitch Allsteel Aramark Back 40 Mercantile
The Abraaj Group Alog ARB Properties Backyard Partners LLC
ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation Alorica Arbor Place Strategic Planning Session Bad Boy Entertainment
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Alphaeon Arcadia Group Limited Baidu
Acadian Asset Management LLC Alpiste ARCC Holdings Baird Capital Partners Europe
Accenture The Al-Rai Real Estate CO. W.L.L. ArcLight Cinema Company Baker & McKenzie
ACI Worldwide Alston & Bird LLP Arden Realty Baker Botts
Ackerberg AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles Área D Inmobiliaria Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell &
Acme Brick Altivia ARES Capital Corporation Berkowitz, P.C.
Acosta, Inc. Altola Company Limited Ares Management LLC BakerHostetler
Adams and Reese LLP Alvarez & Marsal ARIST Medical Education Corporation BALA
Adatao Amble Ventures Arista Networks, Inc. Balfour Beatty Construction
ADIA The Ambrose Monell Foundation Arizona Central Credit Union Ballentine Vineyards
Adidas Group Amec Foster Wheeler Arizona State University Ballmer Group
Administrative Office of the United States Amegy Bank N.A. The Ark Development Balmer Parc LLC
Courts American Airlines ARK Group Banamex
Adobe Systems Incorporated American Assets Trust, Inc. Arora Engineers Banca Popolare di Milano S.c.a.r.l.
ADP American Association of Physicists in Arqaam Capital Limited Banco Itaú
AdvaMed Medicine Art Institute of Chicago Bancroft PLLC
Advent Software Inc. American Beacon Artesyn Banfield Pet Hospital
Advocate Health Care American Bureau of Shipping Artisan Partners Bank of America
AERAS American City Business Journals The Arts Club Bank of the West
Aetrex Worldwide, Inc. American Electric Power Aruba Networks Banner Health
Affiliated Engineers, Inc. American Express Arup Banorte Securities International
Age of Learning, Inc. / American Fund U.S. Investments L.P. ASB Real Estate Investments Barclays
Agency 720 American Gaming Systems ASCO Valve, Inc. Bare Escentuals Beauty, Inc.
Agro Chagres S.A. American Gas Association ASML Bareeq Al Retaj
AIG American Hospital Dubai Asphalt Green Barneys New York
Aimia American Journal Experts Asset Strategies Barnhill Contracting Company
AiNET American Kennel Club Associação Paranaense de Cultura—APC Baron Capital, Inc.
Air Liquide USA LLC American Liberty Hospitality, Inc. The Associated: Jewish Community Federation The Barone Group
Air New Zealand American Museum of Natural History of Greater Baltimore Barringer Construction
Airport Terminal Services American Psychological Association Astex Pharmaceuticals Bartlit Beck Herman Palenchar & Scott LLP
Airports Authority of India American Realty Advisors AstraZeneca BASF Corporation
Aitken Aitken Cohn American Realty Capital AT&T Bassford Remele
AIU Insurance Company American Red Cross Greater New York Athletic Propulsion Labs Baxter
Akamai Technologies American Society of Landscape Architects Atkins Bayer
104 105
Gensler Clients
of Fortune magazine’s
top Global 100
companies are
Gensler clients.
Baylor Health Care System The Body Shop CEA City and County of San Francisco CommonWealth Partners DivcoWest
Baylor University
BBL Inc.
The Boeing Company
Boingo Wireless
C Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
City Centre Associates
City Electric Supply
Community Builders, Inc.
Compass Group
D Divers Direct
Diversified Development, Inc.
BBVA Compass Bolon Cengage Learning, Inc. City National Bank Compliance Services Group Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP
C&A The D Hotel & Casino
BDO USA, LLP Bond Companies Cenovus Energy, Inc. City of Alexandria, VA Compuware DLA Piper
C. Anthony D’Decor Home Fabrics Pvt. Ltd.
Be Essence Sportswear Center on Halsted City of Anaheim, CA Condé Nast DLB Associates Consulting Engineers
C.J. Segerstrom & Sons Da Vinci Schools
Beacon Capital Partners Bookspan Centerbridge Partners LP City of Atlanta, GA The Conlan Company DMS Foods, Inc.
C.W. Driver Dahua Group Co., Ltd.
Beaufort Jasper Higher Education Commission Borden Ladner Gervais LLP CenterCal City of Aurora, CO ConocoPhillips Canada Doctor Evidence, LLC
Cabletica Daiichi Properties
Becker Interests LP BorgWarner CenterPoint Energy City of Austin, TX Constellation Place, LLC Dodge & Cox
Cadillac The Daily Creative Food Co.
Bedrosians Bose Central Health City of Casa Grande, AZ Constructora Hérnan Solís Dogus Holding
Cadillac Fairview Corporation Dallas County Community College District
Beecken Petty O’Keefe & Company Bosley Central Houston, Inc. City of Cleveland, OH Consulate General of the State of Qatar Dolby Laboratories
Caesars Entertainment Dal-Tile Corporation
Behringer Harvard Boston Consulting Group Central Intelligence Agency City of Dallas, TX CONSUTUR Dollar Shave Club
Caesarstone Canada Danaher Corporation
Beijing Capital Land Ltd. The Boston Globe Centro Internacional de Negocios y City of Frisco, TX Continental Development Corporation Donau-BS Birmingham, LP
Cafritz Investments Dandelion Chocolate
Beijing Cheng Tong Hua Yi Real Estate Boston Properties, Inc. Exposiciones de Bogotá—Corferias City of Fullerton, CA Continental ITS Dorsey
Cain Hoy Enterprises Danker & Donohue Garage Corp.
Beijing Construction Engineering Group Boston Scientific Corporation Century 21 Department Stores City of Goodyear, AZ Continental Realty Corporation DoubleTree by Hilton
Caliber Home Loans Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Beijing Enterprises Group Real-Estate Co., Ltd Bottle Rocket Century Pacific LLP City of Hope Continental Resources Douglas Emmett
California Baptist University Danos
Beijing Enterprises Real Estate Boulevard Nightlife Group Cerberus Capital Management City of Houston, TX Continuum Partners Dovat Arquitectos
California College of the Arts Data Foundry, Inc.
Beijing Heyu Real Estate Development Co., Boy Scouts of America Certain Affinity City of Leander, TX Contract Furniture Workspace Solutions Downtown Project
California Fish Grill DataBank
Ltd. BoyarMiller Certified Moving & Storage Co., Inc. City of London The Control Group DP Fox Ventures/Fox Motors
California Hospital Medical Center Datesweiser
Beijing Huaisheng Youth Plaza Real Estate Boyd Martin Construction LLC CH2M Hill City of Los Angeles, CA Convene dPackaging
California Institute of Technology Davis & Gilbert LLP
Co., Ltd. BP plc Chadbourne & Parke LLP City of Maricopa, AZ Cooley LLP DPR Construction
California State Polytechnic University, The Davis Companies
Beijing Investment Promotion Bureau Min Jia Bracewell & Giuliani The Chagoury Group City of Mesa, AZ Corgan Draper and Kramer
Pomona Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP
Real Estate Development Bradbury Development Ltd. Chai Tai City of Newark, NJ The Corky McMillin Companies Dream Properties
California State University Office of the Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Beijing Jingyan Real Estate Bradford Commercial Real Estate Services Champion Partners City of Phoenix, AZ Cornell University DreamWorks Animation
Chancellor DC2024
Beijing Qianjing Real Estate Development Bradley Consulting Group Changsha Meixi Lake Real Estate City of Pittsburgh, PA Cornerstone Research dressbarn
California State University, Fullerton DCP Midstream
Co., Ltd. Brailsford & Dunlavey Changsha Xiandao Land Development City of Raleigh, NC Corning Incorporated Driehaus Capital Management
California State University, Long Beach DDR
Beijing Wangfujing Department Store Group Brand USA Charlotte Chamber of Commerce City of San Diego, CA Corning Optical Communication—Wireless Dropbox
California State University, Northridge de Boulle Diamond & Jewelry
Co., Ltd. BrandApart Charter Hall City of San Jose, CA Division DSM
California State University, San Bernardino de Toledo High School
Beiqi Foton Motor Co., Ltd. Brandywine Realty Trust Chesnut Properties City of Sugar Land, TX Corporate Development Services, LLC DT Capital
California State University, San Marcos Deacon Investments
Bel Air Investment Advisors Brause Realty Chevrolet City of Toronto Corporate Office Properties Trust DT Group
Camden Property Trust Debevoise & Plimpton
Benchmark Development Brazos Riverfront Development, Ltd. Chevron Corporation City Point Corporate Realty Associates, Inc. DTCC
Camelback Esplanade Decibel Management
Benchmark Hospitality International BRE Properties, Inc. Chicago Cubs City University of New York Corporate Realty Development Duane Morris
Cameron Del Frisco’s Restaurant Group
Benet Academy B-Reel Chiesi USA, Inc. Civic Center Site Development LLC CorpVida Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC)
Cameron McKinney LLC Del Monte Foods
Bentall Kennedy BreitBurn The Children’s Assessment Center Civic Finance Associates Corrigan Family Holdings Dubai Parks & Resorts
Canary Wharf Group plc Delaware North
Bentley Prince Street Brenham Main Street Historical Preservation, Children’s Health The Claremont Hotel Club & Spa Cosentini Associates Duff & Phelps
Candlewick Press Delegation of the European Union to the
Bergdorf Goodman Inc. Children’s National Health System Clarion Partners Coty, Inc. The Duke Endowment
Canon United States of America
Berkeley Research Group, LLC Bretton Woods Recreation Center Chilli Beans Clark Art Institute Country Garden Duke Energy
Capco Dell
Bernstein Management Corporation BridgeForth Capital China Construction America, Inc. Clark Construction Group, LLC County of Los Angeles Duke University
Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Deloitte
Bessemer Trust Briggs & Stratton China Construction Bank Classic Birthplace Property Holding Ltd County of Orange, CA dunnhumby
Capgemini Delta Air Lines, Inc.
Beverly Hills Investment Co., LLC Bristol-Myers Squibb China Eastern Airline Group Corporation Clayco County of San Diego Dupont
Capital Associates Delta Career Education Corporation
BHP Billiton British Airways China Jinmao Clear Channel Airports County of Santa Clara The Durst Organization
The Capital Group Companies, Inc. Delta Hotels and Resorts
Big East Conference British Land China Merchants Bank Cleveland Browns County of Sonoma DUS Management, Inc.
Capital One Demandware, Inc.
Big Rock Partners BRITT China Merchants Jiaming Property Clifford Chance LLP Covariance Capital Management, Inc. Duty Free Americas, Inc.
CapitaLand Denbury
Bigcommerce The Broad Art Foundation Development Co., Ltd. Clinical Pathology Laboratories Coventry Development Corporation DW Capital Partners
Capitol Broadcasting Company Denham Capital
Biggins Lacy Shapiro & Company Broad Green Pictures China Merchants Securities Cloudera Cowen Group Dwight-Englewood School
Caplin & Drysdale, Chartered Dentons
BILCO Broadcom China Minsheng Bank Club Med Latin America Cowtan & Tout Dynegy, Inc.
Capstone CMA, Inc. Denver Art Museum
Bilgili Holding Brookfield Global Integrated Solutions China Nanyang Cable Group Real Estate Club Monaco Corporation Cox Enterprises, Inc.
Carlson Denver International Airport
Bingham McCutchen LLP Brookfield Office Properties China New Town Development Co., Ltd. ClubCorp USA, Inc. Cox, Castle & Nicholson
Carlton Strategic Ventures, LLC The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation
Biola University Brookfield Residential China Pacific Insurance Co., Ltd. Clyde & Co Coyle & Company
The Carlyle Group DeRosa University Center
BioMed Realty Trust, Inc. Brooklyn Brewery China Resources CNSI Cozen O’Connor
Carnival Cruise Lines Desarrollos Mega
BIT Playhouse The Brooklyn Hospital Center China Shipping Industry Construction Coast Income Properties CP Group
Carr Properties Desarrollos Weisleder Lipszyc
Bixby Land Company Brooks Sports, Inc. (Shanghai Pudong) Co., Ltd. The Coastal Companies Crain Communications E & A Engineers
Carrefour Desjardins Group
BJ’s Restaurants Brooks, Pierce, McLendon, Humphrey & China Unicom Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP E Mark
Cartica Management, LLC Destination Resorts Investment, LLC
Black Forest Ventures LLC Leonard LLP The Chiofaro Company The Coca-Cola Company CRB Consulting Engineers, Inc. E&G Group, Inc.
Cartier Detroit Lions
BlackRock, Inc. Brown Rudnick LLP Choose Chicago Code42 Credit Suisse E. & J. Gallo Winery
Caruso Affiliated Deutsche Bank AG
The Blackstone Group Brown University Chow Tai Fook COG Realty, LLP Crescent Heights Inspirational Living e.l.f. Cosmetics
Casanova Pendrill DFS Group
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Brunello Cucinelli Chrysler Cognitive Scale Crescent Real Estate Equities Limited Earls Kitchen + Bar
Casino de Monterrey AC DharmaCycle Yoga
Blank Rome LLP Bryan Cave LLP CIBC World Markets Cognizant Partnership East Japan Railway Company
Cassidy Turley DIA Holding
Block Constructora S.A. Buch Construction Cie Digital Labs Cohen Group Crestwood Midstream Partners LP East West Partners
CastleHill Partners Diageo
Bloom Properties Buckingham Companies Cielo Property Group Cole Companies Criterion Capital Management LLC Eastern Millwork
Castlight Health Dickinson College
Bloomin’ Brands, Inc. Buick CIFI Group Colfax Crocs, Inc. Edelman
Catamount Constructors, Inc DICK’S Sporting Goods
Bloomsburg Carpet Building and Land Technology CIM Group The College Board Crossroads Trading Company EDG2
Caterpillar Diesel
Blue Shield of California Bunker Hill Community College CIP Real Estate College of Southern Nevada Crowell & Moring Edge Commercial Real Estate
Cathay Pacific Airways Digital Realty
Blue Sky Capital Bunkhouse Cisco Systems Colliers International Crown Imports LLC EdgeCore Real Estate Group
The Catholic University of America DigitasLBi
Blue Star Development Bupa Cisneros Real Estate Colony Capital, Inc. CRP/Cypress Market Street, LLC
The Cato Corporation Dignity Health
BMC Software, Inc. Burberry International Citadel LLC ColorPlus CSC Educational and Cultural Trust Fund of the
CB&I Dillard’s
BMS Management, Inc. Burger Heaven & CoolMess Citi Community Development Columbia College Chicago CSM Bakery Solutions Electrical Industry
CBRE Dilworth Paxson LLP
BNP Associates, Inc. Burns & McDonnell Citi Realty Services Columbia Property Trust Cumberland Edwards & Zuck
CBRE Global Investors Dimensional Fund Advisors
BNY Mellon Buro Happold CITIC Pacific Properties Columbia University Cummins Power Generation Edwards Lifesciences
CBS Corporation DIRECTV
Boardwalk Ferrari Burr Computer Environments, Inc. Citigroup Comcast Cushman & Wakefield eforea Spa
CCCC South Investment & Development Discover Financial Services
Bobrick Burr Pilger Mayer, Inc. citizenM Hotels Comfirmit CW Capital The Eiden Project
Co., Ltd. Distinctive Schools
Body Kinetics Business Interiors by Staples Citizens Financial Group, Inc. Common Health Cydcor
CDK Global District of Columbia Fire and Medical
Commonwealth of Massachusetts CyrusOne
Emergency Services
106 107
42 123
Gensler Clients
of the 50 top-ranked countries where Gensler
Fortune 500 companies has worked to date.
are Gensler clients. With offices in 47
locations, we deliver
projects for our clients
in every region.
Eiseman Jewels Fosun Group George Weston Limited Greentown Holding HealthSun Health Plans Houston Symphony Integral Communities
El Camino College
El Palacio de Hierro
F The Foulger-Pratt Companies
Foundation Center
The Georgetown Company, LLC
Georgia Institute of Technology
GREY Worldwide
Griffin Capital
Heartland Alliance
Howard Building Corporation
The Howard Hughes Corporation
Integrated Properties
Electrolux Four Corners Properties Germer Beaman & Brown PLLC GROHE Heartland LLC Howard Hughes Medical Institute Intelsat
Electronic Arts, Inc. Four Seas International House Tourism Gerson Lehrman Group Groom Law Group HEBCAC Howard S. Wright InterContinental Hotels Group
Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost LLP
Elite Property Management Development Co., Ltd. Get Tanked Grosvenor Capital Management, L.P. Hefei 555 China Mall Investment Holding HP Interface
Fairfield Residential
Elle Rose of Sun Valley, Inc. Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts Getty Images Group 1200 Media Co, Ltd. HP Critical Facilities Services International Monetary Fund
Fallon Worldwide
Ellie Mae Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago GFL Environmental Inc. Grupo Aliss Heidrick & Struggles HPT Management International Office Concept
Family and Medical Counseling Service, Inc.
Ellis Partners LLC Fox News GHT Limited Grupo Impulsor Promueve, S.C. Henan Meiyang Property HSBC International Youth Foundation
Family Matters of Greater Washington
Elon Homes and Schools for Children Fox Properties Gibbs and Soell Grupo Integral de Desarrollo Inmobiliario, S. Hendrick Automotive Group Huayu Group Interpublic Group
The Family Partnership
Emaar Properties Franklin Street Properties Gibson Dunn de R.L. de C.V. Hensel Phelps Hubbell & Hudson Management LLC Intuit
Fantastic Sams
Embarcadero Capital Partners Franklin Templeton Investments Gigya Grupo Montecristo Hensel Phelps/Kiewit Joint Venture Huckabee Invest Group Overseas
Farnsworth Group
EmblemHealth The Fratelli Group Gilbane, Inc. Grupo Ultra Herbalife Hudson Grace Investor Growth Capital
Fast Retailing
EMC Corporation Frauenshuh HealthCare Real Estate Solutions Gilead Sciences, Inc. GS Group HERE North America, a Nokia Company Hudson Pacific Properties Invision Carpet Systems
The Fay School
EMCORP Fred Segal Gilt Groupe GSA National Capital Region Here Today Hughes Commercial Properties Incorporated Irell & Manella LLP
Fay, Spofford & Thorndike
EMG, Inc. Freeman Group, Inc. Giorgio Armani GSK Heritage Equity Partners Hughes Hubbard & Reed The Irvine Company
FD Stonewater
EMMES Group of Companies Freese and Nichols, Inc. Gipe Engineering GTA Executive Centres Heritage Hotels & Resorts, Inc. Hulic Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings
Federal Aviation Administration
Emory University Fresenius Medical Care Glamox ASA, BU Luxo Production Kirkenaer Guam International Airport Authority Hérmes of Paris Hulu Iskandar Waterfront Holdings
Federal Capital Partners
Emperor Group Fresh Juice Global GlaxoSmithKline Guangxi Investment Group Co., Ltd. Heron Haberdashery Human Rights Campaign Isles Ranch Partners
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Empire Office Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Glenview Capital Management Guangzhou Googol Science Park The Hertz Corporation Humanscale Istituto Marangoni
Federal Reserve Bank
Empire State Development Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP Glimcher Guangzhou Panyu Century Garden Real Hexagon Investments Hunt Consolidated Itaú
Federation of Italian-American Organizations
Empire State Realty Trust Friedkin Companies, Inc. Global Engineering Solutions Estate Ltd. HGST, a Western Digital company Hunter Properties ITC Limited
of Brooklyn, Ltd.
Encana Friends For Life Global Functional Drinks Guangzhou Sui Rong HHH Properties Corp Hunton & Williams LLP ITG Canada Corp
Encon Group, Inc. Frito-Lay GLOBALFOUNDRIES Guggenheim Concourse L.P. High 5 Games Hyatt Ivanhoé Cambridge
Ferncroft Capital
Encore Capital Group Front Range Bank Glu Mobile Guizhou Eastview Real Estate Co. Ltd. High Flying Foods Hyde Development Iverco
Fidelity Investments
Endeavor Real Estate Group Fry Reglet Glumac Gulf Coast Commercial Group, Inc. High Point Bank and Trust Company The HYM Investment Group, LLC IVI Strategies, LLC
Energy BBDO FTI Consulting GMC Gulf Related HighBrook Investors Hyosung Ivy Realty
Fieldwood Energy LLC
EnerVest, Ltd. Fu Wah International Group Co., Ltd. GNLD International, LLC Gulf States Toyota Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai Men’s Hyundai Capital IXIA
Fifth Street Towers, Zeller Realty Group
eNeura Fucapi Goddard Investment Group, LLC Gunlocke College Hyundai Card
Filtrand Properties
Entrust Capital Fuji Fire and Marine Insurance GoerTek, Inc. Guotai Junan Securities Highgate Holdings, Inc. Hyundai Motor Group
Environmental Systems Design, Inc. Fujifilm Medical Systems USA, Inc. Golden Gate Hotel & Casino Guthy | Renker Highwoods Properties
EPIC Realty Partners Fundación Museos del Banco Central de Costa Golden Gate National Parks Conservatory Guyco, Inc. HilCorp Energy Company
EpicGenetics Rica—Museo de Oro Golden Triangle BID GWL Realty Advisors Hill Country Texas Galleria, LLC
Episcopal Diocese of Chicago
Gonzaga University
Hill Holliday
Hill+Knowlton Strategies
I J. Paul Getty Trust
J.C. Flowers
Epstein Becker & Green, P.C. Goodwill of Greater Washington Hillcrest Country Club J.J. Gourmet Food Corporation
i2Systems Inc.
Firebirds International, LLC
Equinix Goodwin Procter LLP Hillwood J.S. Altomire, LLC
First Brothers IAC/InterActive Corp.
Equity Commonwealth The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Hilti J+J Flooring Group
First Gulf Bank IBI Group
Equity Group Investments Google Inc. Hilton Worldwide The Jackie Robinson Foundation
First Horizon National Corporation H & R Property Management Ltd. IBM
Equity Office Properties Trust Gordon Arata McCollam Duplantis & Eagan Hines Jackson Hole Airport
First Niagara H. Stern iboss Network Security
Ergomotion Inc. The G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation LLC Hitachi Consulting Jackson Kelly PLLC
First Potomac Realty Trust H.I.G. Capital ICO Development, LLC
Ericsson G2X Energy Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani LLP HNI Corporation Jackson Walker L.L.P.
First Reserve Corporation Hachette Book Group Icon Aircraft
Erwin Penland Gables Residential Gorton & Partners, LLC HOCHTIEF PPP Solutions North America Inc. Jacobs
First Service Credit Union Hackman Capital iconectiv
Espresso Americano The Gallup Organization Gould Investors L.P. Hoffman Construction Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation
First State Investments Haggar Clothing Co. iConstructors
Essendant Gannett Government of Singapore Investment Hogan Lovells Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.
First United Bank Hakkasan Group iCore Global
Essex Commercial Properties Gap Inc. Corporation Hola Doctor JADE Enterprises
FirstService Residential Halliburton IDM, LLC
ESSEX Engineering Gardere Grace Institute Holder Construction Jaguar Growth Partners
Fish & Richardson P.C. Halul Real Estate Investment Company IDS Real Estate Group
The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. Gardiner & Theobald Inc. Grace International Pte Ltd. Holland & Knight LLP Jamestown
Fisher Brothers The Hampshire Companies IGT
Etihad Airways UAE Gardner Builders Gracenote Holland America—Princess Jamison Services, Inc
Fitzpatrick Realty Group, LLC Hampton Creek Iguatemi Empresa de Shopping Centers S.A.
Etsy Garnier & Garnier Desarrollos Inmobiliarios Graham Capital Holland Property Group JAMS
FivePoint Communities Harbin Bank IHS
Eurocentres Gartner Grand Hyatt San Francisco Hollister Company Ltd. Jane Street
Flanders House Harbor Group International, LLC Illume
Euromoney GastingerWalker& Grande Cheese Company HOLLY HUNT Janssen Pharmaceuticals
Fletcher Jones Motorcars Hard Rock Hotels Illumina
European Investment Bank The Gathering Spot Granite Properties HollyFrontier Corporation Jaros Baum & Bolles
Florida Ice & Farm Co. Harland Clarke IMAX
Evercore GCC Metropolitan District No. 3 Grant & Eisenhofer Holt Renfrew & Co. Ltd. Jasper Group
Fluor Corporation Harman International Industries Imperial Johnson, LLP
Everest Reinsurance GCL Grant Thornton Home Box Office, Inc. The JBG Companies
FM Global Harold Washington Library INC Research
EVEREVE GCON Great Aim Group The Home Depot, Inc. JBS Project Management
FMC Technologies, Inc. Hartford Steam Boiler INCAE Business School
Evergrande Real Estate Group GE Capital The Great Eagle Development and Project Honeywell JCB
Focal Point Hartline Dacus Barger Dreyer LLP Incheon International Airport Corporation
EverWest Real Estate Partners GE Energy Management Management Limited Hope Cottage JCPenney Company, Inc.
Focus Brands, Inc. Hartmann (IIAC)
Ewing Automotive Group Geiger Great Far East Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Jefferson Medical Clinic LLC
Foley & Lardner LLP Harvard Business School Independent Community Bankers of America
Exempla Planning and Construction Gemini Rosemont Great Gatherings Horizon BCBS JEMB Realty
Follett Higher Education Group Harvey Cleary Indiana State University, Terre Haute
Expedia Gen Re Great Hearts Academies Hospital Metropolitano Jenner & Block
Foot and Ankle Centers of North Houston Havaianas Inditex
Expo City Genentech, Inc. Greater Washington Board of Trade Hotel Healdsburg Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Ford Foundation Haworth Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Exterran General Dynamics Information Technology Green & Hall, APC JetBlue Airways
Ford Motor Company Haymes Investment Company Informatica Corporation
Exxir Capital LLC General Electric Green Street Properties Houlihan Lokey Jewish Community Center of Greater
Forest City Haynes and Boone, LLP ING Bank N.V.
ExxonMobil General Glass International Greenberg Traurig Houston Advanced Research Center Washington
Forest City Enterprises, Inc. Hazens Group / Jia Yuan USA Co., Inc. Initiative
EY General Growth Properties Greenfield Partners Houston Airport System Jewish Family Service
Forest City Ratner Companies Hazens Investment, LLC InMobi
Eye Street Corporation General Motors Greenland Group Houston Ballet JFK International Air Terminal LLC
Forestar Group Inc. HBF In-Shape Health Clubs
EYP Mission Critical Facilities Genzon Properties Group Greenland USA Houston Chronicle Media Group Jiading New City Development
Fort Bend County Museum Association HBK Services, LLC Instagram
George Comfort & Sons Inc. Greenlaw Partners Houston Fire Museum Jiangsu Ansheng Investment
Fortis Property Group, LLC HCA Institute of International Education
George Mason University GreenLeaf Houston First Corporation Jiangsu Zhongnan Construction Group Co.,
Fortress Investment Group HCP, Inc. Instituto Costarricense de Turismo
The George Washington University Greenspoon Marder Law Houston Independent School District Ltd.
Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC) Instituto de Pesquisas Eldorado
Jilin Province Renhao Real Estate
108 109
Gensler Clients
of the top 10 technology
companies in the US are
Gensler clients.
Jim Norton Chevrolet Kiton Leshkowitz Law, PLLC McGraw Hill Education Mobile Tele Systems Nations Group Northstar
JM Zell
KKR Funds
Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises
Levcor, Inc.
M McGraw Hill Financial
The McGregor Company
Modworxx LLC
Natural Resources Defense Council
Nautilus Hyosung America, Inc.
Northwestern Medical Group
Northwestern Medicine Lake Forest Hospital
JMB Realty Knoll, Inc. The Levy Group McGuireWoods LLP Moelis & Company NAVA Real Estate Development Northwestern Memorial Hospital
M. A. Angeliades, Inc.
JMH Development Kobe, Inc. Levy Restaurants McKenney’s Mohawk Group Navigation Investments LP Northwestern University
M.H. Alshaya Co. W.L.L.
JMP Holdings Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P. Lewis Roca Rothgerber McKesson Corporation MOI Navy Federal Credit Union Northwood Investors, LLC
The M/A/R/C Group, Inc.
John Eagle Auto Group Kokuyo Furniture Lexicon Pharmaceuticals McLean & Kerr LLP The Moinian Group Navy Pier, Inc. Northwood Retail
John Madden Company Korean Air Lexus MD Financial Management Inc. Momentum Research, Inc. NBCUniversal Norton Rose Fulbright
MacFarlane Partners
John Wayne Airport, Orange County Korn Ferry LGFCU (Local Government Federal Credit Mead & Hunt Momentum WW NC State University Norvin Properties
Mack-Cali Realty Corporation
Johns Hopkins University KPMG Australia Union) MechoShade Systems, Inc Monday Properties NCR Nova Mission Critical
The Macklin Companies
Johnson & Johnson KPRS Construction Service, Inc. Liberty Place Owner LP Mecklenburg County Government Mondelez International NCUA Novak Construction
Macklowe Properties
Johnson Controls Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP Liberty Property Trust Medata, Inc. MoneyGram NECN Novartis
Macquarie Group Limited
Johnson Lambert LLP KRON 4 Libería Internacional Mediaocean Montparnasse 56 USA LLC N-Effect Productions NovoNordisk
Madison Marquette
Jones Day Kroskin Group Lightstone Group Medidata Monument Realty The Neighborhood Design Center NP International
Jordan Child & Family Enrichment Center KTA Group Lincoln Harris MedImmune Monumental Markets Neiman Marcus Group NRG Energy, Inc.
Magdalena Ecke Family YMCA
JPMorgan Chase & Co. Kuntai Group Lincoln Property Company Medisys Corporate Health LP Moorpark College Nespresso NVIDIA Corporation
Magna International
JSB Development Kvadrat Lineage Logistics MedPeer Morehead Capital Nesta NYX Cosmetics
Jubilee Baltimore KWG Property Holding Ltd. Linklaters LLP Medtronic The Morgan Group Inc. NetApp
Magnetic Productions
Junior Achievement Linyi Huayang Import & Export Co., Ltd. Medversant Technologies Morgan Stanley Netflix
Mahan Rykiel Associates, Inc.
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Lionsgate
Maimonides Medical Center
Meet Minneapolis Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP Netherland, Sewell & Associates, Inc.
L Lite DePalma Greenberg LLC
Maintenance Design Group (MDG)
Maker Media
Meister Seelig & Fein LLP
Memorial Hermann
Morrison & Foerster LLP
Motiva Enterprises LLC
Neuberger Berman
Neurological and Spinal Surgery
LiUNA Men’s Wearhouse Mount Sinai Health System New England Conservatory of Music O’Melveny & Myers
Manchester Financial Group
L Brands Live Nation Entertainment Menkes Developments Ltd. Mountain Capital Group New Giza Oakland Athletics
The Manhasset Bay Group Inc.
L&L Holding Live Oak–Gottesman Meraas Holding Mountain Development Corp. New Museum Oaktree Capital Management
Manhattan School of Music
L&M Architectural Graphics Inc. Lixil Corporation Mercedes-Benz USA Mounties Group New Water Street Corp. Oakville Green Development
Manifest Digital
Kaiser Permanente L. & J.G. Stickley, Inc. Llansa Ingenieros S.A. Merck Moxie New York Public Library Oasis Realty West, LLC
KAL Hotel Network Co., Ltd. L.A. Event Center, LLC LMI The Meridian Group MRM/Commonwealth Detroit New York State Office of the Attorney Ober | Kaler
Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment
Kam Sang Company L.E.K. Consulting LMZ Development Mermet MRP Realty General Occidental College
Marathon Asset Management
Kanders & Company L.L. Bean LNR Property LLC Merrill Lynch Msheireb Properties The New York Times Oculus
Marathon Oil Company
Kanon Ventures L’Oréal USA Lobster ME Mesirow Financial Mt. San Jacinto College New York University Oculus Business Information Consultant
Marcus Partners, Inc.
The Karahan Companies L2HP, LLC Locale Advisors Mesoamerica MTU Asia New York University Langone Medical Center (Shanghai)
KASA Partners La Cité Development Loden Properties Metalmark Capital MTV New York University Tandon School of Odell Associates Inc.
Maricopa County
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP LA Fitness Lodging Partner Travel Sdn. Bhd. MetLife Muckenthaler Cultural Center Engineering Office Depot, Inc.
Mario Vargas
Kaye Scholer LLP La Jolla Village Professional Center Loews Hotels and Resorts Metro Development Group MUFG New York Yankees The Office of James Burnett
Mark Borsuk, Inc.
Kaz Sushi Bistro La Salle Partners, S. De R.L. De C.V. LogMeIn, Inc. Metro Park Associates The Muller Company Newbeacon Group Office of Orthopaedic Medicine & Surgery
Mark Lighting
KB Home LACMA London & Regional Properties Metrolinx Multi-Bank Securities, Inc. Newberry Market LLC Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
kCura Laguna Pacific Companies London Diocesan Fund MetroNational Multimedia Games, Inc. Newland Real Estate Group The Offices of South Coast Plaza
Marlboro College
KDC Landry’s, Inc. London First Metro-North Railroad Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP Newmark Grubb Knight Frank Ogilvy & Mather
Marquette Plaza—Base Management
Kearny Real Estate Company Landscape Forms Lone Star College System Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority Munich Re Newport Orthopedic Institute OHL USA
Marquis Property Company
Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc. Landscape Vision Corp. Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P. Metropolitan Transportation Commission Muraflex News America Marketing Properties LLC Oiltanking
Marriott International, Inc.
Keller and Heckman LLP Lane Partners LLC Loro Piana Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Murray Hill Properties, LLP News Corporation OJSC Moscow Business Incubator
Marriott Vacations Worldwide
Kennedy Wilson Langan Los Angeles Community College District Metzler Realty Advisors Inc. The Museum of Modern Art Newseum Okamura Corporation
Marshall & Moran, Inc.
Kennerly Lamishaw & Rossi LLP Langley Investment Properties Los Angeles County Metropolitan MFS Investment Management Museum of Photographic Arts (MOPA) Next Century Associates, LLC Okland Construction
Kent & Co. Wines Lankford & Associates, Inc. Transportation Authority (Metro) MGM Resorts International Museum of the African Diaspora Nexus Development Corporation Oliver McMillan
Martha’s Table
Kenyon & Kenyon LLP Lark Los Angeles Football Club Miami Children’s Hospital Mylan Nickelodeon Olson
Mary Kay
Kerloo Cellars Lars Remodeling and Design Los Angeles Jewish Home Michael Kors (USA), Inc. Nickelodeon Experience Design OMD
Maryland Associates Ltd.
Ketchum Larson Financial, Inc. Los Angeles World Airports Michael Wall Engineering, Inc. Nienkämper Omelet
Larsson & Scheuritzel Lotte Duty Free Microsoft Nightingale Properties Omni Hotels & Resorts
Keurig Green Mountain, Inc. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Keystone Property Group Las Vegas Sands Lotteria Co., Ltd. Midland Development Nike Omnicom Group Inc.
KGO-TV Lash Group Lotus Equity Group LLC Mid-Main Properties GP LLC Nissan Motor OMRON
The MasterCard Foundation
Khorus Latham & Watkins, LLP Louis Vuitton Midway Companies Nissan North America, Inc. OneBeacon Insurance Group
Mata Construction Nabors Corporate Services Inc.
KHP Capital Partners Laurence School Lowe Enterprises Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP Nixon Peabody OneMain Financial
MathWorks, Inc. Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu
Kiewit Building Group Lavenue Investment Corporation Lowe’s Milender White Construction Co. NJOY Onex Investment Corp.
Kilroy Realty Corporation Law Firm Vendors Association Lowenstein Sandler PC Milk Studios Nokia Solutions and Networks Opower
Matrix Advisors Nanning State Research Information
Kimberly-Clark Lazard Loyola Marymount University Millennium Partners NoMa Business Improvement District Opus Bank
Matthew Morris Salon and Skincare Technology Investment Co., Ltd.
Kimley-Horn LBA Realty LLC LPL Financial Miller Canfield Nomura Research Institute Oracle
Mayer Brown LLP The Nassal Company
Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants LeFrak LS3P Associates Ltd. Millward Brown Nomura Securities International, Inc. Oriental DreamWorks
MB Real Estate National Bank of Abu Dhabi
Kinder Morgan Legacy Partners Lucifer Lighting Company Ministry of Sound Nonprofit Finance Fund Orion Property Partners, Inc.
McCann Worldgroup National Basketball Association
The Kindley Firm, APC Legend International Development Pte Ltd Lunan Corporation Miniwarehouses Noodles & Company ORIX Real Estate Corporation
McCarran International Airport National Book Festival
King & Spalding Legg Mason & Co., LLC Lutron Asuka Minneapolis Convention Center Norcal Mutual Insurance Company OSF Healthcare System
McCarthy National Center for Missing & Exploited
KIPCO LeighFisher LYFE Kitchen The Minneapolis Foundation Nordea Otto Bremer Foundation
McCarthy Cook & Co. Children
KIPP Leland International Lynn University Mintz Levin North American Wellness Center OUE Limited
McConnell Jones Lanier & Murphy LLP National Funding
Kirebe S.A. Lend Lease Mischer Investments North Bridge Venture Partners Outsell
McDermott Will & Emery National Jewish Health/Saint Joseph Hospital
Kirkland & Ellis LLP Lennar Miss Me North Carolina Joint Underwriting Association Oxford Properties Group
McDonald’s USA, LLC National Office Furniture
The Kirsh Family Lenovo Mission 50 Workspaces North Central Texas Council of Governments
McEvoy Ranch NATIONAL Public Relations Inc.
Kit and Ace Lerner Mitsui Fudosan America Northern Trust
The McGaw YMCA National Real Estate Advisors
KITA (Korea International Trade Association) Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. National Renewable Energy Laboratory NorthMarq Corporate Solutions
McGlinchey Stafford PLLC
110 111
20 9
Gensler Clients
of Interbrand’s 25 of the top 10
Best Global Brands are commercial banks
Gensler clients. in the US are
Gensler clients.
Phillip Jeffries, Ltd. Prosiris Capital Management Reit Management & Research Rubicon Point Partners Seed Acquisitions, LLC Shunfeng Express Square Mile Capital Management LLC
P Phillips 66 Company
Phoenix House
Proskauer Rose LLP
Prosper Marketplace
Related Companies
Reliance Industries, Ltd.
Russell Reynolds Associates
Seligman Western Enterprises LTD
Shutterfly, Inc.
Sichuan Tourism Development Group
St. Robert Bellarmine School
St. Thomas Developments Inc.
Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport Proteus Digital Health REM Global Inc. Ryan Companies US, Inc. Seneca Group Sidley Austin LLP Stadium Management Company, LLC (Denver
Phoenix Suns Provenance Land Renaissance Phoenix Downtown Hotel Senterra Siemens Real Estate, Inc. Broncos)
P2 Energy Solutions
Piedmont Office Realty Trust, Inc. Providence St. Mel School Renard Development Company LLC Sentre Siena Staff International
Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP Provident Realty Advisors, Inc. Renmin University of China Sephora Signature Federal Credit Union Stages Repertory Theatre
Pacific Eagle Holdings
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Ping An Real Estate
Rentenbach Construction
Research Affiliates
S Sequoia Capital
Signature Flight Support Corporation
Signature Salon Studios
Standard & Poor’s Ratings do Brasil Ltda.
Standard Bank
Pacific Retail Capital Partners
PINMSA PSP Investments Research Now SAB Capital Management, L.P. The Service VIP LLC Silicon Schools Standard Chartered Bank
Pacific Summit Energy
Pinnacle Entertainment PT Rajawali Corporation The Research Triangle Park Sabal Financial ServiceNow SilverNeedle Hospitality Stanford University
Pacific Theaters
Pipeline Public Broadcasting System (PBS) Resolution Property Sabey Corporation Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial Silversea Cruises Ltd. Stanley Martin Homes
Pitney Bowes Inc. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Resource/Ammirati Safeway Seven Oaks Company Silverstein Properties Staples
Paine + Partners
Pivot Interiors Puente Enterprises, Inc. Retirement Systems of Alabama Sagicor Seward & Kissel LLP Sime Darby Property Starbucks Coffee Company
Palantir Technologies
Pivotal Ventures Plains All American Pipeline, PulteGroup ReverbNation Saint Nicholas School Sewell Automotive Group Simon Property Group, Inc. Starwood Capital Group
Palmieri, Tyler, Wiener, Wilhelm & Waldron
L.P. Putnam Investments Reyes Holdings, LLC Saks Fifth Avenue Seyfarth Shaw Simply Fabulous Cuisines LLC Starwood Hotels & Resorts
Plan B Ventures PVR Limited RF Code Salata Restaurant SFX Entertainment, Inc. Simpson Gumpertz & Heger State Street Corporation
Palo Alto Networks
Planit Pyramid Hotel Group RFR Salesforce Shaklee Corporation Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP Steelcase Comércio de Móveis Ltda.
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Pellas Development Group
The Presidio Group LLC The Rape Foundation Rockefeller Group Development Corporation Sapinda Shangri-La Construction Songy HighRoads LLC SunTrust Banks, Inc.
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Prezi RATIO Architects RocketSpace Sarah Cannon Research Institute Shanxi Jiasheng Real Estate Development Sony Computer Entertainment America Sony Susan G. Komen
Pembroke Real Estate
Price Modern LLC The Ratliff Group Rockpoint Group SAS Institute Inc. Shashi Group LLC Mobile Susman Godfrey LLP
The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society
PricewaterhouseCoopers Rayadah Investment Company Rockrose Development Corp. SATRA ShawCor Sony Pictures Entertainment Suzhou Industrial Park Jinji Lake Urban
Penobscot Properties, LLC
Primark US Corp. Raymond Apparel Rockwood Capital Saudi Binladin Group Shawmut Design and Construction Sorgente Group of America Development Co., Ltd.
Penzance Properties
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Primestor Development RBC Plaza—Cushman & Wakefield/NorthMarq Roland Corporation sbe Shell Southern California Edison Development Co., Ltd.
Pepper Property
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Prince Lobel Tye LLP READCO, LLC Ropes & Gray LLP Schiff Hardin LLP Shenzhen Hazens Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. Southwestern Community College District Swift Energy Company
Peregrine Petroleum, LLC
Princeton University Real Property Innovative Solutions, Inc. Rosen Partners LLC Schlage Shenzhen Huawei Investment Holding Southwestern Energy Company The Swig Company
Pershing Square Capital Management, L.P.
Priority Houston Properties, LLC Realty Management Group LLC Rosenberg Library Schlumberger Shenzhen Qianhai Development and Spanx, Inc. Swinerton Builders
Pershing Square Renew
Priority Sports & Entertainment The Reason Foundation Rosendin Electric, Inc. Schmidt & Stacy Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. Sparkypants Swire Properties (Hong Kong)
Pessin Katz Law, P.A.
Prism Capital Partners Red Aló The Roseview Group School of the Art Institute of Chicago Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton, LLP Spaulding & Slye Symantec
Petrobras America Inc.
Prismatique Designs Ltd. Red Bull North America, Inc. Roth Capital Partners Schroders Investment Management Limited Sherwood Equities Specialty’s Cafe & Bakery, Inc. Syniverse Technologies
The Pew Charitable Trusts
Production Resource Group Red Hat Round Table Investment Management Schuchart Shimao Group Spectra Energy Syracuse University
The Pew Research Center
Progenity, Inc. Red Hill Capital Company, LP Schwartz, Page & Harding, L.L.P. Shiner Capital Spectrum Sysco Corporation
Progress Energy Redfin Roundtree Automotive Group Science of Spirituality Shire Spectrum Properties Syska Hennessy Group
Progressive Community Management The Redstone Companies Rowan Companies, Inc. Scotiabank Shodan The Spence School
Pharmaceutical Care Management
Project Color Corps Redwood Construction Royal Caribbean International The Scoular Company Shook, Hardy & Bacon The Spencer Company
Project Open Hand Reebok International Royal Dutch Shell Seadrill The Shooshan Company The Spencer Foundation
Phelps Dunbar
Prologis Reed Smith LLP Royalty Pharma Seagate Shorenstein Properties LLC Spencer Stuart
Philadelphia Eagles
Prometheus Regalian, LLC RTC of Southern Nevada Seagate Properties ShoreTel, Inc. Sportsmen’s Lodge
Promontory Financial Group, LLC Regus Rubenstein Associates, Inc. Seattle University Shulman Rogers Spurlock Poirier
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