Influence of The Microstructure of Duplex Stainless Steels On Their Failure Characteristics During Hot Deformation
Influence of The Microstructure of Duplex Stainless Steels On Their Failure Characteristics During Hot Deformation
Influence of The Microstructure of Duplex Stainless Steels On Their Failure Characteristics During Hot Deformation
© 2000
Two types of duplex stainless steels were deformed by torsion at a temperature range of 900 to
1200 °C and strain rate of 1.0 s-1 and their final microstructures were observed. The austenite volume
fraction of steel A (26.5Cr - 4.9Ni - 1.6Mo) is approximately 25% at room temperature, after
conventional annealing, while that of steel B (24Cr - 7.5Ni - 2.3Mo) is around 55%. Experimental
data show that steel A is ductile at high temperatures and displays low ductility at low temperatures,
while steel B has low ductility in the entire range of temperatures studied. At high temperatures,
steel A is essentially ferritic and shows dynamic recrystallized grains after deformation. When steel
A is strained at low temperatures and displays low austenite volume fraction, microstructural
observations indicate that failure is triggered by grain boundary sliding due to the formation of an
austenite net structure at the ferrite grain boundaries. At intermediate volume fraction, when
austenite forms a dispersed second-phase in steels A and B, failure begins at the ferrite/ferrite
boundaries since some of the new ferrite grains may become immobilized by the austenite particles.
When steel B is strained at volume fraction of around 50% of austenite and both phases percolate
the microstructure, failure occurs after low straining as a consequence of the different plastic
behaviors of each of the phases. The failure characteristics of both steels are correlated not only with
the volume fraction of austenite but also with its distribution within the ferrite matrix, which limits
attainable strain without failure.
deformation conditions, the behavior of the constituent rite/austenite ratio changes with temperature, steel B al-
phases, and the volume fraction of austenite in the ferrite ways contains more austenite than steel A under similar
matrix9,11,12. Also, it has been suggested that the ductility reheating and deformation conditions.
of duplex steels depends on phase distribution and on the Mechanical tests were carried out on a computerized hot
nature of the interface between these phases5,9. Although torsion machine described previously14. The samples were
attention has been paid to the softening mechanisms of the 10-mm in length and 10-mm in diameter in the reduced
ferrite and austenite phases and on deformation conditions, central gage section. These were heated by means of an
very few systematic studies have focussed on the identifi- induction furnace assembled on the testing machine.
cation of the relationship between the microstructure and Chromel-alumel thermocouples were used to control the
failure characteristics of these steels during high tempera- power supply to the furnace and to monitor the specimen
ture deformation. temperature during testing. To retain the high temperature
The purpose of this work was to observe the failure microstructures for further observations, water was injected
characteristics during hot deformation of two-phase alloys into a quartz tube surrounding the sample, immediately
relating then to the different microstructures which were upon reaching the fracture strain. After standard metal-
present. In order to obtain a large number of initial micro- lographic procedures, a deposition color etch composed of
structures, two kinds of duplex stainless steels were strained 100 mL distilled H2O, 20 mL HCl and 2 g potassium
by torsion tests under various deformation conditions after metabissulfite was applied, in order to observe the micro-
two initial thermal treatments. structure.
Hot torsion tests were carried out over a 900 to 1200 °C
2. Materials and Experimental Procedures temperature range, at an equivalent strain rate of 1 s-1. Some
of the tests were conducted after heating to 1250 °C and
Two types of two-phase alloys with different Cr/Ni
then cooling to deformation temperature, and others after
equivalent ratios were investigated in this work. The
heating to test temperature only, in order to produce a
austenite volume fraction of steel A (26.5Cr - 4.9Ni -
variety of microstructures before deformation.
1.6Mo) is around 25% at room temperature, after conven-
The temperatures required for complete dissolution of
tional annealing and cooling, while that of steel B (24Cr -
the austenite were estimated at around 1250 °C for steel A
7.5Ni - 2.3Mo) is approximately 55%. Figure 1 illustrates
and above 1300 °C for steel B (see Fig. 1). It was, therefore,
the cross section of the Fe-Cr-Ni system with 70% Fe and
expected that all the austenite was dissolved during the
indicates the constituent phases expected for these steels
treatment at 1250 °C in steel A and somewhat less in steel
after equilibrium is achieved during reheating at high tem-
B. In tests carried out on heating, the austenite volume
peratures before deformation. Although the fer-
fraction decreased as the temperature rose, until the mate-
rial was almost entirely ferritic at solution temperature. As
the temperature was reduced to below the reheat tempera-
ture on cooling, the phase transformation began with the
nucleation and growth of the austenite phase in the grains
and at the ferrite grain boundaries.
3. Results
Ductility was evaluated measuring the strain to fracture
from flow curves obtained from torsion tests. Figure 2
shows the dependence of the strain to fracture on deforma-
tion temperature for steel A, samples tested on cooling and
on heating, and for steel B, samples tested on cooling only.
Steel A is very ductile at high temperatures, but its ductility
decreases with decreasing test temperature. As the volume
fraction of austenite in the ferrite matrix increases, ductility
also decreases; that is the reason steel B exhibits such low
ductility over the entire temperature range.
Figure 2 shows three different behaviors in the depend-
ence of ductility on test temperatures: (i) steel A is very
ductile at high temperatures; (ii) steel A has low ductility
Figure 1. Cross section of the Fe-Cr-Ni system with 70% Fe13. The at low temperatures, regardless of the previous thermal
relative locations of steels A and B were determined taking into account treatment; and (iii) steel B has low ductility in the entire
the Cr/Ni equivalent ratios. range of temperatures studied.
Vol. 3, No. 2, 1999 Duplex Stainless Steels on their Failure Characteristics During Hot Deformation 33
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