CSEC Agri Science SA June 2005 P2 Crops and Soils
CSEC Agri Science SA June 2005 P2 Crops and Soils
CSEC Agri Science SA June 2005 P2 Crops and Soils
General Proficiency
Paper 02
1} hours
3. For each ques tion, write your answer in the s pace provided, and return the answer
bookJet at the end of the examination.
( 4marks)
(c) Describe ONE of the problems that occurs in the management of agricultural cooperatives
in the Caribbean.
( 2marks)
Total tO marks
( 4 marks)
(b) A group of farmers comes together and expands its cultivation of sweet peppers. The
farmers want to get the best price for their c rop.
Ad vise on THREE measures that the farmers can apply to obtain the best ptice.
( 6 marks)
Total 10 marks
4. (a) Complete Table 1 by selecting from the list below, the appropriate equipment required for
the farming activities.
Sprinkler I drip irrigation
Disc plough
Knapsack sprayer
Agricultural activity Equipment used
( 4 marks)
(b) Farmer John plants a crop of tomatoes. During ma nagement of his crop, he observes that
the germinated seedlings show poor growth, as some are yellow and have spindly stems a nd
others are wilted in appearance.
Total 10 marks
(0 ...................................
(ii) .................................................
(iii) ..............................................
(iv) ..............................................
( 4 m arks)
. C-horizon
Which horizon is of importance to vegetable farm ers? Give TW O reasons for your answer.
Horizon: ............................................................................................................................... ..
( i i ) ..........................................................................................................................................
{ 5 m ark s)
(c) H orizon A has no vegetative cover over a prolonged period. W hat is the likely effect on
H orizon A?
( 1 m ark )
T otal 10 m a rk s
01 2 0 4 0 2 0 /F 2005
- 6-
6. (a) An agricultural science teacher informs her class that NPK fertilizer is importa nt in crop
produc tion.
( 1 mark)
Explain ONE benefit that plants derive from each eleme nt in a mixed fertilizer.
( 6marks)
Total 10 marks
( 4marks)
(b) Some small farmers are cultivating root and tuber crops on a hillside. Explain THREE
measures they should practise to reduce soil erosion.
Total 10 marks
8. Figure 2 shows the cross-section of a monocotyledonous stem and Figure 3 shows the cross-section
of a dicotyled onous stem.
Figure 2 Figure3
y ..................... ............. .
(b) Describe the structure and functi on of T HREE of the parts identified in (a).
( 6 ma rks)
Tota l lO m a rks
9. (a) List FOUR essential food groups that must be present in a ' balanced ration' for broilers.
( 4marks)
(b) Describe THREE ways in which housing and equipment can contribute to proper manage-
ment of broiler birds.
( 6marks)
TotallO marks
- 10 -
(b) State the function of any ONE of the bees named in (a).
( 1 mark)
(d) Discuss TWO positi ve effects and TWO negative effects on farm animals from the use of
Positive effects
Negative effects
( 4marks)
Total 10 marks
01204020/F 2005