File and Pay Electronically: Electronic Filing and Payment System (EFPS)

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Electronic Filing and Payment System (EFPS)

- File and Pay Electronically

Online eBIRForms System

- File Electronically and Pay Manually
Taxpayer Account Management
Program (TAMP) Taxpayers
(RR No. 10-2014)
Accredited Importer and
Prospective Importer required to
secure the BIR-ICC and BIR-BCC
(RR No. 10-2014)
National Government Agencies
(NGAs) (RR No. 1-2013)
All Licensed Local Contractors
(RR No. 10-2012))
Enterprises Enjoying Fiscal Incentives
(PEZA,BOI, Various Zone authorities,
Etc) (RR No 1-2010)
Top 5,000 Individual Taxpayers
(RR No. 6-2009)
Corporations with Paid-Up Capital
Stock of P10 Million and above
(RR No. 10-2007)
Corporations with Complete
Computerized System
(RR No. 10-2007)
Procuring Government Agencies with
respect to Withholding of VAT and
Percentage Taxes
(RR No. 3-2005)
Government Bidders
(RR No. 3-2005)
Large Taxpayers
(RR No. 2-2002 as amended)
Top 20,000 Private Corporations
(RR No. 2-98 as amended)
Accredited Tax Agents/Practitioners
and all its client-taxpayers
(RR No. 6-2014)
Accredited Printers of Principal and
Supplementary Receipts/Invoices
(RR No. 6-2014)
One-Time Transaction (ONETT)
(RR No. 6-2014)
Those who shall file a
“No-Payment” Return
(RR No. 6-2014)
Government-Owned or –Controlled
Corporations (GOCCS)
(RR No. 6-2014)
Local Government Units (LGUs)
except barangays
(RR No. 6-2014)
Cooperatives, registered with National
Electrification Administration (NEA)
and Local Water Utilities
Administration (LWUA)
(RR No. 6-2014)
Amended Revenue Regulations No. 6- 2014
dated September 5, 2014 by imposing
Penalties for Failure to FILE Returns
Under the Electronic Systems of the BIR
for those Taxpayers Mandatorily Covered
by eBIRForms or eFPS
• Allows the manual filing and payment of certain
tax returns by eFPS/Electronic eBIRForms taxpayers
AFTER several attempts of unsuccessful e-filing
subject to the following:
-Print evidence/proof of attempts (print screen with the message);

- Report/call HELPDESK and get Trouble Ticket Log

on or before due date;

- Report to BIR CONTACT CENTER 981-8888 and get

reference number of the call;


“Life is best for those who want to
live it;
difficult for those who analyze it;
and worse for those who criticize it.
Our attitudes define life”

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