The document summarizes Revenue Regulations that mandate certain taxpayers to file tax returns and pay taxes electronically through the Electronic Filing and Payment System (EFPS) or online eBIRForms system. It identifies taxpayers required to use electronic filing systems, such as large corporations, government agencies, importers, and accredited tax agents. The regulations allow manual filing and payment for electronic filers after unsuccessful electronic filing attempts, if they provide proof of attempts and report the issues within 15 days of the deadline.
The document summarizes Revenue Regulations that mandate certain taxpayers to file tax returns and pay taxes electronically through the Electronic Filing and Payment System (EFPS) or online eBIRForms system. It identifies taxpayers required to use electronic filing systems, such as large corporations, government agencies, importers, and accredited tax agents. The regulations allow manual filing and payment for electronic filers after unsuccessful electronic filing attempts, if they provide proof of attempts and report the issues within 15 days of the deadline.
The document summarizes Revenue Regulations that mandate certain taxpayers to file tax returns and pay taxes electronically through the Electronic Filing and Payment System (EFPS) or online eBIRForms system. It identifies taxpayers required to use electronic filing systems, such as large corporations, government agencies, importers, and accredited tax agents. The regulations allow manual filing and payment for electronic filers after unsuccessful electronic filing attempts, if they provide proof of attempts and report the issues within 15 days of the deadline.
The document summarizes Revenue Regulations that mandate certain taxpayers to file tax returns and pay taxes electronically through the Electronic Filing and Payment System (EFPS) or online eBIRForms system. It identifies taxpayers required to use electronic filing systems, such as large corporations, government agencies, importers, and accredited tax agents. The regulations allow manual filing and payment for electronic filers after unsuccessful electronic filing attempts, if they provide proof of attempts and report the issues within 15 days of the deadline.
- File Electronically and Pay Manually Taxpayer Account Management Program (TAMP) Taxpayers (RR No. 10-2014) Accredited Importer and Prospective Importer required to secure the BIR-ICC and BIR-BCC (RR No. 10-2014) National Government Agencies (NGAs) (RR No. 1-2013) All Licensed Local Contractors (RR No. 10-2012)) Enterprises Enjoying Fiscal Incentives (PEZA,BOI, Various Zone authorities, Etc) (RR No 1-2010) Top 5,000 Individual Taxpayers (RR No. 6-2009) Corporations with Paid-Up Capital Stock of P10 Million and above (RR No. 10-2007) Corporations with Complete Computerized System (RR No. 10-2007) Procuring Government Agencies with respect to Withholding of VAT and Percentage Taxes (RR No. 3-2005) Government Bidders (RR No. 3-2005) Large Taxpayers (RR No. 2-2002 as amended) Top 20,000 Private Corporations (RR No. 2-98 as amended) Accredited Tax Agents/Practitioners and all its client-taxpayers (RR No. 6-2014) Accredited Printers of Principal and Supplementary Receipts/Invoices (RR No. 6-2014) One-Time Transaction (ONETT) Taxpayers (RR No. 6-2014) Those who shall file a “No-Payment” Return (RR No. 6-2014) Government-Owned or –Controlled Corporations (GOCCS) (RR No. 6-2014) Local Government Units (LGUs) except barangays (RR No. 6-2014) Cooperatives, registered with National Electrification Administration (NEA) and Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) (RR No. 6-2014) Amended Revenue Regulations No. 6- 2014 dated September 5, 2014 by imposing Penalties for Failure to FILE Returns Under the Electronic Systems of the BIR for those Taxpayers Mandatorily Covered by eBIRForms or eFPS • Allows the manual filing and payment of certain tax returns by eFPS/Electronic eBIRForms taxpayers AFTER several attempts of unsuccessful e-filing subject to the following: -Print evidence/proof of attempts (print screen with the message);
- Report/call HELPDESK and get Trouble Ticket Log
on or before due date;
- Report to BIR CONTACT CENTER 981-8888 and get
reference number of the call;
DAYS AFTER THE STATUTORY DEADLINES “Life is best for those who want to live it; difficult for those who analyze it; and worse for those who criticize it. Our attitudes define life”