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Basics For Drafting Electrical Power Distribution Systems

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Chapter 2

Basics for Drafting Electrical

Power Distribution Systems
2.1 Requirements to Electrical Power
Systems in Buildings 17
2.2 Estimate of Power Demand 18
2.3 Estimation of a Concrete Value for the
Power Demand from the Given Margins 21
2.4 Operating Voltages in Supply and
Distribution Grids 25
2.5 Type of Power Supply 27
2.6 Central or Distributed Installation
of Low-voltage Supply 29
2.7 Network Configurations 30
2.8 Power Supply Systems according
to their Type of Connection to Earth 32

2 Basics for Drafting Electrical Power
Distribution Systems
Electrical power distribution requires integrated solutions. Qualified planning of a power supply concept which con-
Totally Integrated Power (TIP) provides support for working siders the above-mentioned aspects is the key to the effi-
2 out suitable solutions. This comprises software tools and ciency of electric power supply. Power supply concepts
support for planning and configuring as well as a perfectly must always be assessed in the context of their framework
harmonized, complete portfolio of products and systems parameters and project goals.
3 for integrated power distribution, ranging from the
medium-voltage switchgear to the final circuit. With TIP Siemens TIP supports engineering consultants in power sys-
Siemens renders support to meet requirements such as: tem design and configuration (see Fig. 2/1) with a wide
4 • Simplification of operational management by a trans-
parent, simple network topology
range of services. Our TIP contact persons (please find their
contact data on the Internet at siemens.com/tip-cs/contact)
• Low power losses, for example by medium-voltage-side also make use of their personal contact to you to present
power transmission to the load centres you planning tools such as SIMARIS design, SIMARIS project
5 • High reliability of supply and operational safety of the and SIMARIS curves.
installations, even in the event of individual equipment
failures (redundant supply, selectivity of the power Besides planning manuals, Siemens also offers application
6 system protection, and high availability) manuals, which describe the planning specification of
• Easy adaptation to changing load and operational certain property types like high-rise buildings, hospitals or
conditions data centres, and more network calculation tools like
7 • Low operating costs thanks to maintenance-friendly
SINCAL, or configuration tools such as Profix for
medium-voltage switchgear.
• Sufficient transmission capacity of the equipment under
normal operating conditions as well as in fault conditions
8 to be handled
• Good quality of the power supply, meaning few voltage
changes due to load fluctuations with sufficient voltage
9 symmetry and few harmonic distortions in the voltage
• Observance of valid IEC / EN / VDE regulations as well as
project-related regulations for special installations
Compilation of boundary conditions
11 Influencing factors

Concept finding: • Building type / perimeter

– Analysis of the supply task • Building use
12 – Selection of the network configuration
– Selection of the type of power supply system
• Building management
• Power outage reserve
– Definition of the technical features • etc.

Calculation: • Lists of power consumers
• Forecasts of expansions
– Energy balance
– Load flow (normal / fault) • Temperatures
– Short-circuit currents • Equipment data
(uncontrolled / controlled) • etc.

15 Dimensioning: • Equipment data

– Electrical data
– Selection of equipment,
– Dimensions etc.
transformers, cables, protection
• Selectivity tables
and switching devices, etc.
– Selectivity limit tables
– Requirements according selectivity – Characteristic curves, setting data, etc.
and back-up protection • etc.


17 Fig. 2/1: Tasks of network planning and configuration

16 Totally Integrated Power – Basics for Drafting Electrical Power Distribution Systems


2.1 Requirements to Electrical Power • Usage / consumers or respectively purpose of power

Systems in Buildings distribution, this means energy report, power density,
and load centres (see Tab. 2/2)
When electric networks are planned, largely ambivalent • Architecture, for example low-rise or high-rise building 2
requirements of the three project life stages must be con- • Operational and environmental conditions
sidered: • Official regulations / statutory provisions such as health
Investment – Installation – Operation and safety at work laws, building authorities 3
Tab. 2/1 renders a assessment of the expense incurring in • By the supplying electrical utility company
these different “life stages”. – Technical specifications with regard to voltage, short-

Further influencing factors

circuit power, approval of maximum connected load,
permissible technology
– Use of power management, in order to profitably
The essential properties of a network are determined by the
following requirements:
operate the power system within the given tariff

Investment Installation Operation

Costs of implementation Minimum Maximum Irrelevant
Implementation time Minimum Minimum Irrelevant 7
Technology Cost-effective Easy installation Flexible operation
Space requirements for technical installations Minimum Maximum Irrelevant
Period of use Maximum Irrelevant Maximum 8
Fire load Irrelevant Irrelevant Minimum
Operating costs (e.g. insurance premiums) Irrelevant Irrelevant Minimum
Tab. 2/1: Relation between expense and life stages of a project

Type of use Features Requirements Consequences 10

Low nominal currents at comparably
Many small consumers Back-up protection
high system short-circuit power
Residential areas Ordinary persons not skilled or
Protection against direct and indirect
instructed in electrical Mandatory RCCB
installation matters
Many workplaces equipped with Voltage stability and reliability of
PCs supply 12
Offices High proportion of capacitive
Countermeasures in case of harmonics Choked compensation
General escape routes Safety power supply Generator feed-in 13
Good electromagnetic compatibility TN-S system to minimise stray
(EMC) currents
Server rooms
Communication facilities
High reliability of supply Redundancy, selective grading 14
Safety power supply and High-performance safety power
uninterruptable operation supply, efficient UPS
Redundancy, selective grading, 15
Life-preserving machinery High reliability of supply high-performance safety power
Medical locations
Intensive care, ECG
Good electromagnetic compatibility
TN-S system to minimise stray
Containment of fault currents IT system
Industrial locations Mainly motor loads High power demand per area Busbar trunking systems
Tab. 2/2: Examples for various areas of use and their impact on electric grids and equipment

Totally Integrated Power – Basics for Drafting Electrical Power Distribution Systems 17


1 2.2 Estimate of Power Demand

The basis for planning and sizing power distribution is machinery (motors, pumps, etc.), the demand of individual
2 knowing the equipment to be connected and the resulting functional areas (office, parking, shop, …) must be ascer-
total power demand. Besides the power demand of large tained (Tab. 2/3 and Tab.

Average power Simultaneity Average building Average cost for heavy-

4 Building use
demand 1) factor 2)
cost per walled-in
current installation in a
walled-in area 2)

in W / m2 in € / m3 in € / m3

5 Bank 40–70 0.6 300 – 500 25 – 50

Library 20 – 40 0.6 300 – 450 20 – 40
Office 30 – 50 0.6 250 – 400 17 – 40
6 Shopping centre 30 – 60 0.6 150 – 300 12 – 35
Hotel 30 – 60 0.6 200 – 450 10 – 35

7 Department store
Small hospital (40-120 beds)
30 – 60
50 – 250
200 – 350
300 – 600
20 – 45
18 – 50
Hospital (200-1,000 beds) 20 – 120 0.6 200 – 500 10 – 40

8 Warehouse (no cooling) 2 – 20 0.6 50 – 120 3 – 18

Cold store 500 – 1,500 0.6 150 – 200 10 – 20
Apartment complex (without night
9 storage / continuous-flow water
10 – 30 0.4 180 – 350 18 – 35

Single-family house (without night

storage / continuous-flow water 10 – 30 0.4
10 heater)
Museum 60 – 80 0.6 300 – 450 20 – 40
Parking garage 3 – 10 0.6 100 – 200 7 – 15
11 Production plant 30 – 80 0.6 100 – 200 10 – 40
Data centre 3) 125 – 2,000 3) 0.4 – 0.9 3) 360 – 4,500 3) 60 – 2,200 3)

12 School 10 – 30 0.6 200 – 400 15 – 30

Gym hall 15 – 30 0.6 150 – 300 8 – 25
Stadium (40,000 – 80,000 seats) 70 – 140 **) 0.6 3,000 – 5,000 **) 30 – 70 **)

13 Old people’s home 15 – 30 0.6 200 – 400 10 – 25

Greenhouse (artificial lighting) 250 – 500 0.6 50 – 100 5 – 20

14 Laboratory / Research
Mechanical engineering industry
100 – 200
100 – 200
Rubber industry 300 – 500 0.6

15 Chemical industry ***) 0.6

Food, beverages and tobacco industry 600 – 1,000 0.8
1) The values specified here are guidelines for demand estimation and cannot substitute precise power demand analysis.
16 2) The simultaneity factor is a guideline for preliminary planning and must be adapted for individual projects.
3) For data centres, Tab. 2/5 and its associated explanations show the boundary conditions and simple calculations for the given estimated values and their wide

*) Per bed approx. 800–4,000 W; **) Per seat; ***) Power demand strongly process-dependent

17 Tab. 2/3: Average power demand of buildings according to their type of use

18 Totally Integrated Power – Basics for Drafting Electrical Power Distribution Systems


Functional area/
building area
Average power
demand 1)
factor 2)
Functional area/
building area
factor 2)
g g
in W / m2

Hallway / anteroom, lobby 5 – 15 0.3 Building installations

Staircase 5 – 15 0.3 Escalator 0.5
Equipment, general 5 – 15 0.3 Lift 0.3 3
Foyer 10 – 30 1 Sanitary systems 0.5
Access ways (e.g. tunnel) 10 – 20 1 Sprinklers 0.1
Recreation room / kitchenette 20 – 50 0.3 Heating 0.8 4
Toilet areas 5 – 15 1 Air conditioning 0.8
Travel centre 60 – 80 0.8 Cooling water system 0.7
Office areas 20 – 40 0.8 Refrigeration 0.7 5
Press / bookshop 80 – 120 0.8
Flower shop 80 – 120 0.8
Bakery / butcher 250 – 350 0.8 6
Fruit / vegetables 80 – 120 0.8 Functional area/ Average power
building area demand 1)
Bistro / ice cream parlour
Snack bar
150 – 250
180 – 220
0.8 in W / m2
Electric floor heating,
Diner / restaurant 180 – 400 0.8 65 – 100
living area

Tobacco shop 80 – 120 0.8

Electric floor heating,
130 – 150
Night storage heating: low-
Hairdresser 220 – 280 0.8
energy house
60 – 70
Night storage heating:
Dry-cleaner’s / laundry 700 – 950 0.7 house with “standard” 100 – 110
Storage area 5 – 15 0.3 Small aircon unit 60 10
Photovoltaics 3)

Kitchens 200 – 400 0.7 (max. output of the 100 – 130

modules) 11
The values specified here are guidelines for demand estimation and cannot substitute precise power demand analysis.
2) The simultaneity factor is a guideline for preliminary planning and must be adapted for individual projects. When dimensioning consumers in the safety power

supply system (SPS), their simultaneity factor must be considered separately (empirical value: g ≥ 0.8 for SPS busbar).
3) Average usable sun radiation in Germany per day 2.75 kWh / m2
Tab. 2/4: Average power demand of various functional/ building areas back to page 18

2.2.1 Special Consideration of the Cost • Requirements as to availability determine redundancy
Situation for a Data Centre and safety systems 14
For a data centre, there are a number of factors influenc- The following assumptions are to be made for data
ing, among other things, the specific power demand. centre-specific cost estimates: 15
Important aspects which result in a wide bandwidth of the • An area-specific power demand of 125 to 1,500 W / m2
estimations of power demand, simultaneity factor and is assumed for a self-contained data centre (DaC in
specific costs are as follows:
• Differentiation between a self-contained building (data
2/5). The low value suggests a large space required
for information technology and infrastructure (for exam-
centre) or the ICT areas in a building ple owing to high redundancies), whereas the high value
• Different technologies for air conditioning and power suggests a high packing density of servers in the racks
supply influence space requirements and energy effi- and modern cooling and power supply systems 17

Totally Integrated Power – Basics for Drafting Electrical Power Distribution Systems 19


1 • An area-specific power demand of 500 to 2,000 W / m2 for – 441 – High and Medium-voltage Systems (Switchgear,
rooms containing information technology in infrastruc- Transformers)
ture buildings (IT room in Tab. 2/5). These values slightly – 442 – Embedded Power Generating Systems
2 differ from the ones mentioned above, since infrastruc- – 443 – Low-voltage Switchgear
ture components can be shared in the building – 444 – Low-voltage Installation Systems
• The "Tier" structure (with ascending requirements I to – 445 – Lighting Systems
3 IV) of the Uptime Institute, as described in [3], is used as – 446 – Lightning Protection and Earthing Systems
a basis in connection with availability and the redun-
dancy conditions upon which availability is founded. The data centre simultaneity factor in Tab. 2/3 has a leeway
4 (n+1) redundancy of Tier IV results in approximately
2.5-fold costs for infrastructure components compared
between 0.4 and 0.9 depending on the infrastructural
environment and the redundancy capacities. In case of a
to Tier I without redundancy. The influence of the (2n+1) redundancy (see chapter 5), the simultaneity factor
redundancy requirements placed on the specific space to be chosen will be between 0.4 (for n = 2) and 0.5 (for a
5 required is already taken into account in the first two very large number n). Whereas without redundancy a very
items outlined here high simultaneity factor is possible in the data centre.
• For the list of costs shown in the second part of Tab. 2/5,
6 the installation components are summed up according to
the cost group 440 – Power Installations listed in
DIN 276-1. The following is considered:

Average building cost of walled-in area in € / m3 Class D (C ) C (B) B (A) A (A+)
9 Average power demand
Tier I Tier II Tier III Tier IV Offices 1.10 1 0.93 0.87
in W/ m2

10 DaC
125 360 390 490 550 Auditoriums 1.06 1 0.94 0.89

Educational facilities
1,500 1,625 2,000 3,000 3,800 1.07 1 0.93 0.86

11 IT room
500 690 810 1,130 1,400 Hospitals 1.05 1 0.98 0.96

2,000 1,900 2,350 3,550 4,500 Hotels 1.07 1 0.95 0.90

12 Average cost for Installation 440 –

Heavy-current installation in a walled-in area* in € / m3
Restaurants 1.04 1 0.96 0.92

Average power demand Buildings for wholesale and

Tier I Tier II Tier III Tier IV 1.08 1 0.95 0.91
13 in W/ m2
Tab. 2/6: Efficiency factors (electric) for the back to page 21
125 60 75 130 160
building automation according to EN 15232 for different
non-residential buildings
14 1,500 740 940 1,500 1,900

500 240 300 470 620

IT room
15 2,000 900 1,100 1,750 2,300

* The cost share of embedded electricity generating sets (generators and UPS
systems) is approx. 70 % and the cost share for high and medium-voltage
switchgear, low-voltage switchgear, low-voltage installation systems, lighting
16 systems and lightning protection, and earthing systems amounts to approx.
30 % altogether.

Tab. 2/5: Data centre (DaC) power demand back to page 18

dependent on the concept for redundancy and infrastructure

20 Totally Integrated Power – Basics for Drafting Electrical Power Distribution Systems


2.3 Estimation of a Concrete Value Specific power

for the Power Demand from in W/m2
0.0 ktot 1.0
the Given Margins 150
140 2
The values for the average power demand in Tab. 2/3 and
Tab. 2/4 cover a vast bandwidth of different prerequisites.
100 3
When estimating the total power demand for the project to 90
be planned, the individual margins of building types, 70
functional areas and rooms must be substantiated. For this
purpose, we provide an estimation procedure with various
calibration factors below as a simple help. A similar proce- 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
dure is also used in EN 15232. Efficiency factors are used in kplc kstruct kcomf kclim ktech kBA/TBM
this procedure that quantify the classification of the techni- Calibration factors 5
cal building characteristics and the use of systems for
Fig. 2/2: Influence of the calibration factors on the specific power
building automation (BA) and technical building manage-
ment (TBM). 6
These factors (Tab.
Tab. 2/6
2/6) are calibrated later for our estima- (kplc + kstruct + kcomf + kclim + ktech + kBA / TBM)
tion procedure on a value range between 0 and 1 and
utilised for a characterisation of BA / TBM and the technical
ktot = ———————————————————————
6 7
building characteristics.
To establish the specific power demand, we start from the
For our simple calculation model we confine to six features lowest expected value pmin and determine a factor ktot from 8
which are evaluated as equivalent: our evaluations of the six sub-factors. This factor is used to
• Building placement weigh the difference between the minimum pmin and the
• Room structure maximum pmax and added to the minimum. The total factor 9
• Level of comfort ktot then results from the mean of the individual factors
• Air conditioning option (Fig. 2/2) in the above equation.
• Technical characteristics
• BA / TBM Placement of the building – calibration factor kplc
Of course you can also use your own factors as additional The location of the building has a fundamental influence
boundary conditions. In any case, the planner and his client on the planning of the power supply. The following ques- 11
should coordinate procedures, so that the calculation is tions can also be used to obtain an estimation:
verifiable. Six calibration factors corresponding to the six • Do special conditions with regard to adjacent buildings
characterisation features identify the power demand of the have to be considered? 12
building in the model. • Which traffic routes and connections can be used?
• Calibration factor kplc for the building placement • Which type of power supply is possible and to which
• Calibration factor kstruct for the room structure
• Calibration factor kcomf for the level of comfort
• Are there legal boundary conditions that have to be taken
• Calibration factor kclim for the air conditioning options into consideration?
• Calibration factor ktech for the technical characteristics
• Calibration factor kBA / TBM for the BA / TBM Note: Without any local particularities, the placement 14
factor can be set to kplc = 0.5.
As we do not want to apply any further weighting to the
factors, the mean value of the calibration factors can be 15
defined as the total value:



Totally Integrated Power – Basics for Drafting Electrical Power Distribution Systems 21


1 Room structure – calibration factor kstruct the number of factors must be reduced accordingly in the
above equation. To obtain a simple estimate, it is not
Smaller rooms are easier to ventilate and light is distributed worthwhile weighting the individual factors in the formula.
2 better in the room through reflection on the walls and
ceiling. This calibration factor can also take the intended
room height into account. Our estimations that are dis- Air conditioning – calibration factor kclim
3 played in Fig. 2/3 as a curve also take into account that
small rooms and areas frequently have direct ventilation With regard to the air conditioning of a building, natural
and not air conditioning. ventilation, the efficiency of the cooling equipment and the
4 Larger rooms and halls generally have a larger calibration
possibilities of reducing the solar radiation without impair-
ing the light conditions in the rooms must be taken into
factor kstruct. At this point, we would again like to empha- account. In Germany, the Association of German Engineers
sise that the experience and project knowledge of the (VDI) have considered the building-specific power demands
5 planner and the agreement with the client are decisive of the air ventilation and cooling in guideline VDI 3807-4.
when determining the factors. Our Siemens TIP contact The data described therein for the specific installed load
persons with their background knowledge support electri- of offices, hotel rooms, kitchens, data centres, theatres,
6 cal designers in specific projects. department stores, parking garages etc. for different
demand classes ranging from “very high” to “very low”
Level of comfort and safety equipment – calibration has been converted into a curve for calibration factors
7 factor kcomf (Fig. 2/4). The superimposition of lots of individual curves
has shown that only types of use with a high demand for
It is difficult to make general statements about comfort, as cooling, such as computer centres and kitchens, display a
it is largely dependent on how the building is used. slightly different curve shape.
8 Whereas good lighting, an audio system and a monitoring
system are considered as standard in a shopping centre, Computer rooms, which are better planned without win-
these characteristics may be considered as comfort features dows, generally require more expensive air conditioning
9 in office areas. On the other hand, blinds play no role in – constant temperature and humidity – although there is
shop windows, but are important in hotels and offices. little effect from solar radiation. It should also be noted that
High-speed lifts for large loads require more power, as well the air conditioning depends on the room structure and the
10 as special stagecraft technology and technically sophisti-
cated, medical diagnostic equipment. Control and monitor-
comfort requirements.

ing systems make buildings safe and are the basis for a
better user-friendliness. In the production sector, this factor
11 will often play a subordinate part. If one factor is neglected,

kstruct 1 kclim 1

13 0.8 0.8

0.4 0.4

14 0.2

0 very very
1 2 3 4 low low average high high
15 100 – 2,000 m2 500 – 4,000 m2 2,000 – 8,000 m2 > 6,000 m2
Power demand for air conditioning
1 Smaller, single rooms, hotel rooms, window-ventilated
2 Larger offices, window-ventilated Mean calibration factors kclim for data centres and kitchens
3 Retail shops, doctor’s practices, open-plan offices,
16 air conditioning, standard equipment
4 Open-plan offices, department stores, …, with upscale equipment
Mean calibration factors kclim for usage types such as
offices, department stores, hotel rooms, theatres, etc.

Fig. 2/3: Schematic dependency of the power demand from Fig. 2/4: Schematic dependency of the power demand from the
17 the building structure demonstrated through a standardised
factor kstruct
building's air conditioning demonstrated through a standardised
factor kclim

22 Totally Integrated Power – Basics for Drafting Electrical Power Distribution Systems


Technical characteristics – calibration factor ktech Building management – calibration factor kBA / TBM 1
Even when the functionality of the technical building In the same way as for the technical characteristics, stand-
equipment has been defined, the difference in the techni- ard EN 15232 can be used for the building management 2
cal constructions is significant. High-speed lifts require (see Tab.
Tab. 2/9
2/9). However, note that energy efficiency class D
higher starting currents than slower lifts, fans with EC from EN 15232 plays no role for the planning of BA / TBM
motors (electronically controlled) save power and modern systems in new buildings. The advantage of our procedure 3
light fittings reduce the power demand, and the efficiency with scaled calibration factors is revealed here. Characteri-
of many electrical consumers differ greatly from version to sation features can be adapted to the latest technology
version. through the scaling and the classification always defined
through one's own current experience.
A general classification for the energy efficiency according
to the EN 15232 standard is listed in Tab. 2/7. The effi- We will therefore omit class D and select a new class A+,
ciency factors of EN 15232 are transformed in Tab. 2/8 to which in addition to the properties of class A, is character- 5
the desired calibration area between 0 and 1. ised by remote monitoring, remote diagnostics, and remote
control as well as analysis tools for BA / TBM, as part of the
A distinction is not made for other types (such as sports smart grid. For the four new classes C, B, A, and A+ we 6
facilities, warehouses, industrial facilities, etc.) so that the then adopt the old calibration factors from Tab. 2/8
factor of 0.5 is selected for all classes. accordingly (Class C –> column D, Class B –> column C,
Class A –> column B, Class A+ –> column A of Tab. 2/8).


Class Energy efficiency

Highly energy-efficient devices and systems (low-friction
AC drives, EC fans, LEDs, transistor converters, etc.)
A Regular maintenance, possibly with remote monitoring Efficiency class D C B A

Extensive communication and control options Offices 1.0 0.57 0.26 0 13

Improved efficiency devices and systems Auditoriums 1.0 0.65 0.29 0
Extensive communication and control options Educational facilities
1.0 0.67 0.33 0 14
Standard devices and systems that represent the current
state of technology during operation Hospitals 1.0 0.44 0.22 0
No communication options, only mechanical adjustment
Hotels 1.0 0.59 0.29 0
Simple devices and systems that only satisfy the required Restaurants 1.0 0.67 0.33 0
Buildings for wholesale
Only On / Off switch 1.0 0.53 0.24 0
and retail

Tab. 2/7: Classification of the technical characteristics of a building Tab. 2/8: Calibration factors ktech for the technical equipment of a
with regard to energy efficiency according to EN 15232 building in accordance with EN 15232 for various non-residential

Totally Integrated Power – Basics for Drafting Electrical Power Distribution Systems 23


1 Estimated power demand

The established calibration factor ktot and the two limit

2 values pmin and pmax allow to determine the specific power
demand pspec for the entire usable area of a building.

3 pspec = pmin + (pmax – pmin) · ktot

To obtain the estimated power demand of the building, the

4 specific power demand is multiplied by the usable area of

the building.

Class Energy efficiency and building management

6 Corresponds to highly energy-efficient BA systems and

• Networked room control with automatic demand
A acquisition
• Regular maintenance
7 • Energy monitoring
• Sustainable energy optimisation
Corresponds to further developed BA systems and some
8 B
special TBM functions
• Networked room control without automatic demand
• Energy monitoring

9 Corresponds to standard BA systems

• Networked building automation of the primary systems
C • No electronic room control, thermostatic valves on
10 • No energy monitoring
Corresponds to BA systems that are not energy efficient
Buildings with such systems have to be modernized. New
buildings must not be built with such systems
11 D
• No networked building automation functions
• No electronic room control
• No energy monitoring

12 Tab. 2/9: Efficiency classification for executing back to page 23

the function of building automation and technical building
management systems according to EN 15232






24 Totally Integrated Power – Basics for Drafting Electrical Power Distribution Systems

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