Us History 1

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European Exploration and Settlement

Exploration of the area now included in the United States was spurred after Christopher
Columbus, sailing for the Spanish monarchy, made his voyage in 1492. John Cabot explored
the North American coast for England in 1498. Men who were important explorers for Spain
in what now constitutes the United States include Ponce de León, Cabeza de Vaca,
Hernando De Soto, and Coronado; important explorers for France were Giovanni da
Verrazano, Samuel de Champlain, Louis Jolliet, Jacques Marquette, and La Salle. These
three nations—England, Spain, and France—were the chief nations to establish colonies in
the present United States, although others also took part, especially the Netherlands in the
establishment of New Netherland (explored by Henry Hudson), which became New York,
and Sweden in a colony on the Delaware River
The first permanent settlement in the present United States was Saint Augustine (Florida),
founded in 1565 by the Spaniard Pedro Menéndez de Avilés. Spanish control came to be
exercised over Florida, West Florida, Texas, and a large part of the Southwest, including
California. For the purposes of finding precious metals and of converting heathens to
Catholicism, the Spanish colonies in the present United States were relatively unfruitful and
thus were never fully developed. The French established strongholds on the St. Lawrence
River (Quebec and Montreal) and spread their influence over the Great Lakes country and
along the Mississippi; the colony of Louisiana was a flourishing French settlement. The
French government, like the Spanish, tolerated only the Catholic faith, and it implanted the
rigid and feudalistic seignorial system of France in its North American possessions. Partly for
these reasons, the French settlements attracted few colonists.
The English settlements, which were on the Atlantic seaboard, developed in patterns more
suitable to the New World, with greater religious freedom and economic opportunity. The
first permanent English settlement was made at Jamestown (Virginia) in 1607. The first
English settlements in Virginia were managed by a chartered commercial company, the
Virginia Company; economic motives were paramount to the company in founding the
settlements. The Virginia colony early passed to control by the crown and became a
characteristic type of English colony—the royal colony. Another type—the corporate colony—
was initiated by the settlement of the Pilgrims at Plymouth Colony in 1620 and by the
establishment of the more important Massachusetts Bay colony by the Puritans in 1630.
Religious motives were important in the founding of these colonies. The colonists of
Massachusetts Bay brought with them from England the charter and the governing
corporation of the colony, which thus became a corporate one, i.e., one controlled by its
own resident corporation. The corporate status of the Plymouth Colony, evinced in the
Mayflower Compact, was established by the purchase (1626) of company and charter from
the holders in England. Connecticut and Rhode Island, which were offshoots of
Massachusetts, owed allegiance to no English company; their corporate character was
confirmed by royal charters, granted to Connecticut in 1662 and to Rhode Island in 1663. A
third type of colony was the proprietary, founded by lords proprietors under quasi-feudal
grants from the king; prime examples are Maryland (under the Calvert family) and
Pennsylvania (under William Penn).
The religious and political turmoil of the Puritan Revolution in England, as well as the
repression of the Huguenots in France, helped to stimulate emigration to the English
colonies. Hopes of economic betterment brought thousands from England as well as a
number from Germany and other continental countries. To obtain passage across the
Atlantic, the poor often indentured themselves to masters in the colonies for a specified
number of years. The colonial population was also swelled by criminals transported from
England as a means of punishment. Once established as freedmen, former bondsmen and
transportees were frequently allotted land with which to make their way in the New World.

Colonial America

The colonies were subject to English mercantilism in the form of Navigation Acts, begun
under Cromwell and developed more fully after the Stuart Restoration. As shown by C. M.
Andrews, G. L. Beer, and later historians, the colonies at first benefited by these acts, which
established a monopoly of the English market for certain colonial products. Distinct colonial
economies emerged, reflecting the regional differences of climate and topography.
Agriculture was of primary importance in all the regions.
In New England many crops were grown, corn being the closest to a staple, and agricultural
holdings were usually of moderate size. Fur trade was at first important, but it died out
when the New England Confederation defeated Philip in King Philip's War and the Native
Americans were dispersed. Fishing and commerce gained in importance, and the economic
expansion of Massachusetts encouraged the founding of other New England colonies.
In the middle colonies small farms abounded, interspersed with occasional great estates,
and diverse crops were grown, wheat being most important. Land there was almost
universally held through some form of feudal grant, as it was also in the South. Commerce
grew quickly in the middle colonies, and large towns flourished, notably Philadelphia and
New York.
By the late 17th cent. small farms in the coastal areas of the South were beginning to give
way to large plantations; these were developed with the slave labor of Africans, who were
imported in ever-increasing numbers. Plantations were almost exclusively devoted to
cultivation of the great Southern staples—tobacco, rice, and, later, indigo. Fur trade and
lumbering were long important. Although some towns developed, the Southern economy
remained the least diversified and the most rural in colonial America.
In religion, too, the colonies developed in varied patterns. In Massachusetts the religious
theocracy of the Puritan oligarchy flourished. By contrast, Rhode Island allowed full religious
freedom; there Baptists were in the majority, but other sects were soon in evidence. New
Jersey and South Carolina also allowed complete religious liberty, and such colonies as
Maryland and Pennsylvania established large measures of toleration. Maryland was at first a
haven for Catholics, and Pennsylvania similarly a haven for Quakers, but within a few
decades numerous Anglicans had settled in those colonies. Anglicans were also much in
evidence further south, as were Presbyterians, most of them Scotch-Irish.
Politically, the colonies developed representative institutions, the most important being the
vigorous colonial assemblies. Popular participation was somewhat limited by property
qualifications. In the proprietary colonies, particularly, the settlers came into conflict with
the executive authority. Important points of difference arose over the granting of large
estates to a few, over the great power of the proprietors, over the failure of the proprietors
(who generally lived in England) to cope with problems of defense, and over religious
grievances, frequently stemming from a struggle for dominance between Anglicans and
other groups. In corporate Massachusetts religious grievances were created by the zealous
Puritan demand for conformity.
These conflicts, together with England's desire to coordinate empire defenses against France
and to gain closer control of the colonies' thriving economic life, stimulated England to
convert corporate and proprietary colonies into royal ones. In general, royal control brought
more orderly government and greater religious toleration, but it also focused the colonists'
grievances on the mother country. The policies of the governors, who were the chief
instruments of English will in the colonies, frequently met serious opposition. The colonial
assemblies clashed with the governors—notably with Edmund Andros and Francis
Nicholson—especially over matters of taxation. The assemblies successfully resisted royal
demands for permanent income to support royal policies and used their powers over finance
to expand their own jurisdiction.
As the 18th cent. progressed, colonial grievances were exacerbated. The British mercantile
regulations, beneficial to agriculture, impeded the colonies' commercial and industrial
development. However, economic and social growth continued, and by the mid-18th cent.
there had been created a greater sense of a separate, thriving, and distinctly American,
albeit varied, civilization. In New England, Puritan values were modified by the impact of
commerce and by the influence of the Enlightenment, while in the South the planter
aristocracy developed a lavish mode of life. Enlightenment ideals also gained influential
adherents in the South. Higher education flourished in such institutions as Harvard, William
and Mary, and King's College (now Columbia Univ.). The varied accomplishments of
Benjamin Franklin epitomized colonial common sense at its most enlightened and productive
A religious movement of importance emerged in the revivals of the Great Awakening,
stimulated by Jonathan Edwards; the movement ultimately led to a strengthening of
Methodism. Also inherent in this movement was egalitarian sentiment, which progressed but
was not to triumph in the colonial era. One manifestation of egalitarianism was the long-
continued conflict between the men of the frontiers and the wealthy Eastern oligarchs who
dominated the assemblies, a conflict exemplified in the Regulator movement. Colonial
particularism, still stronger than national feeling, caused the failure of the Albany Congress
to achieve permanent union. However, internal strife and disunity remained a less urgent
issue than the controversy with Great Britain.
The States in Union

After the British and colonial forces had combined to drive the French from Canada and the
Great Lakes region in the French and Indian War (1754–60; see under French and Indian
Wars), the colonists felt less need of British protection; but at this very time the British
began colonial reorganization in an effort to impose on the colonists the costs of their own
defense. Thus was set off the complex chain of events that united colonial sentiment against
Great Britain and culminated in the American Revolution (1775–83; the events are
described under that heading).
The Revolution resulted in the independence of the Thirteen Colonies: Massachusetts, New
Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware,
Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia; their territories were
recognized as extending north to Canada and west to the Mississippi River. The Revolution
also broadened representation in government, advanced the movement for separation of
church and state in America, increased opportunities for westward expansion, and brought
the abolition of the remnants of feudal land tenure. The view that the Revolution had been
fought for local liberty against strong central control reinforced the particularism of the
states and was reflected in the weak union established under the Articles of Confederation
(see Confederation, Articles of).
Before ratification of the Articles (1781), conflicting claims of states to Western territories
had been settled by the cession of Western land rights to the federal government; the
Ordinance of 1787 established a form of government for territories and a method of
admitting them as states to the Union. But the national government floundered. It could not
obtain commercial treaties or enforce its will in international relations, and, largely because
it could not raise adequate revenue and had no executive authority, it was weak
domestically. Local economic depressions bred discontent that erupted in Shays's Rebellion,
further revealing the weakness of the federal government.
Advocates of strong central government bitterly attacked the Articles of Confederation;
supported particularly by professional and propertied groups, they had a profound influence
on the Constitution drawn up by the Constitutional Convention of 1787. The Constitution
created a national government with ample powers for effective rule, which were limited by
“checks and balances” to forestall tyranny or radicalism. Its concept of a strong, orderly
Union was popularized by the Federalist papers of Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and
John Jay, which played an important part in winning ratification of the Constitution by the
separate states.
Washington, Adams, and Jefferson

The first person to be elected President under the Constitution was the hero of the
Revolution, George Washington. Washington introduced many government practices and
institutions, including the cabinet. Jay's Treaty (1794) allayed friction with Great Britain.
Hamilton, as Washington's Secretary of the Treasury, promulgated a strong state and
attempted to advance the economic development of the young country by a neomercantilist
program; this included the establishment of a protective tariff, a mint, and the first Bank of
the United States as well as assumption of state and private Revolutionary debts. The
controversy raised by these policies bred divisions along factional and, ultimately, party
Hamilton and his followers, who eventually formed the Federalist party, favored wide
activity by the federal government under a broad interpretation of the Constitution. Their
opponents, who adhered to principles laid down by Thomas Jefferson and who became the
Democratic Republican or Democratic party, favored narrow construction—limited federal
jurisdiction and activities. To an extent these divisions were supported by economic
differences, as the Democrats largely spoke for the agrarian point of view and the
Federalists represented propertied and mercantile interests.
Extreme democrats like Thomas Paine had ebullient faith in popular government and
popular mores; Joel Barlow, too, envisioned a great popular culture evolving in America.
From such optimists came schemes for broad popular education and participation in
government. Men like John Adams had mixed views on the good sense of the masses, and
many more conservative thinkers associated the “people” with vulgarity and ineptitude. The
Federalists generally represented a pessimistic and the Democrats an optimistic view of
man's inherent capacity to govern and develop himself; in practice, however, the values
held by these two groups were often mixed. That a long road to democracy was still to be
traveled is seen in the fact that in the late 18th cent. few but the economically privileged
took part in political affairs.
The Federalists were victorious in electing John Adams to the presidency in 1796. Federalist
conservatism and anti-French sentiment were given vent in the Alien and Sedition Acts of
1798 and in other acts. Deteriorating relations with France were seen in the XYZ Affair and
the “half war” (1798–1800), in which U.S. warships engaged French vessels in the
Caribbean. The so-called Revolution of 1800 swept the Federalists from power and brought
Jefferson to the presidency. Jefferson did bring a plainer and more republican style to
government, and under him the Alien and Sedition Acts and other Federalist laws were
allowed to lapse or were repealed.
Jefferson moved toward stronger use of federal powers, however, in negotiating the
Louisiana Purchase (1803). In foreign policy he steered an officially neutral course between
Great Britain and France, resisting the war sentiment roused by British impressment of
American seamen and by both British and French violations of American shipping. He
fostered the drastic Embargo Act of 1807 in an attempt to gain recognition of American
rights through economic pressure, but the embargo struck hardest against the American
economy, especially in New England.

Madison, Monroe, and Adams

Under Jefferson's successor, James Madison, the continued depredations of American

shipping, combined with the clamor of American “war hawks” who coveted Canada and
Florida, led to the War of 1812, which was, however, opposed in New England. The Treaty
of Ghent settled no specific issues of the war, but did confirm the independent standing of
the young republic. Politically, the period that followed was the so-called era of good feeling.
The Federalists had disintegrated under the impact of the country's westward expansion and
its new interests and ideals. Democrats of all sections had by now adopted a Federalist
approach to national development and were temporarily in agreement on a nationalist,
expansionist economic policy. This policy was implemented in 1816 by the introduction of
internal improvements, a protective tariff, and the second Bank of the United States.
The same policies were continued under James Monroe. The Monroe Doctrine (1823), which
proclaimed U.S. opposition to European intervention or colonization in the American
hemisphere, introduced the long-continuing U.S. concern for the integrity of the Western
Hemisphere. Domestically, the strength of the federal government was increased by the
judicial decisions of John Marshall, who had already helped establish the power of the U.S.
Supreme Court. By 1820, however, sectional differences were arousing political discord. The
sections of the country had long been developing along independent lines.
In the North, merchants, manufacturers, inventors, farmers, and factory hands were busy
with commerce, agricultural improvements, and the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution.
In the South, Eli Whitney's cotton gin had brought in its wake a new staple; cotton was
king, and the new states of Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi were the pride of the cotton
kingdom. The accession of Florida (1819) further swelled the domain of the South. The
American West was expanding as the frontier rapidly advanced. Around the turn of the
century settlement of territory W of the Appalachians had given rise to the new states of
Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio. Settlers continued to move farther west, and the frontier
remained a molding force in American life.
The Missouri Compromise (1820) temporarily resolved the issue of slavery in new states,
but under the presidency of John Quincy Adams sectional differences were aggravated.
Particular friction, leading to the nullification movement, was created by the tariff of 1828,
which was highly favorable to Northern manufacturing but a “Tariff of Abominations” to the
agrarian South. In the 1820s and 30s the advance of democracy brought manhood suffrage
to many states and virtual direct election of the President, and party nominating
conventions replaced the caucus. Separation of church and state became virtually complete.

Jackson to the Mexican War

An era of political vigor was begun with the election (1828) of Andrew Jackson to the
presidency. If Jackson was not, as sometimes represented, the incarnation of frontier
democracy, he nonetheless symbolized the advent of the common man to political power.
He provided powerful executive leadership, attuned to popular support, committing himself
to a strong foreign policy and to internal improvements for the West. His stand for economic
individualism and his attacks on such bastions of the moneyed interests as the Bank of the
United States won the approval of the growing middle class. Jackson acted firmly for the
Union in the nullification controversy. But the South became increasingly dissident, and
John C. Calhoun emerged as its chief spokesman with his states' rights doctrine.
Opponents of Jackson's policies, including both Northern and Southern conservative
propertied interests, amalgamated to form the Whig party, in which Henry Clay and Daniel
Webster were long the dominant figures. Jackson's successor, Martin Van Buren, attempted
to perpetuate Jacksonian policies, but his popularity was undermined by the panic of 1837.
In 1840, in their “Log Cabin and Hard Cider” campaign, the conservative Whigs adopted and
perfected the Democratic party's techniques of mass appeal and succeeded in electing
William Henry Harrison as President. The West was winning greater attention in American
life, and in the 1840s expansion to the Pacific was fervently proclaimed as the “manifest
destiny” of the United States.
Annexation of the Republic of Texas (which had won its own independence from Mexico),
long delayed primarily by controversy over its slave-holding status, was accomplished by
Harrison's successor, John Tyler, three days before the expiration of his term. Tyler's action
was prompted by the surprising victory of his Democratic successor, James K. Polk, who had
campaigned on the planks of “reoccupation of Oregon” and “reannexation of Texas.” The
annexation of Texas precipitated the Mexican War; by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo the
United States acquired two fifths of the territory then belonging to Mexico, including
California and the present American Southwest. In 1853 these territories were rounded out
by the Gadsden Purchase. Although in the dispute with Great Britain over the Columbia
River country , Americans demanded “Fifty-four forty or fight,” under President Polk a
peaceful if more modest settlement was reached. Thus the United States gained its Pacific
Northwest, and “manifest destiny” was virtually fulfilled.
In California the discovery of gold in 1848 brought the rush of forty-niners, swelling
population and making statehood for California a pressing question. The westward
movement was also stimulated by many other factors. The great profits from open-range
cattle ranching brought a stream of ranchers to the area (this influx was to reach fever pitch
after the Civil War). The American farmer, with his abundant land, was often profligate in its
cultivation, and as the soil depleted he continued to move farther west, settling the virgin
territory. Soil exhaustion was particularly rapid in the South, where a one-crop economy
prevailed, but because cotton profits were frequently high the plantation system quickly
spread as far west as Texas. Occupation of the West was also sped by European immigrants
hungry for land.

Slavery, Civil War, and Reconstruction

By the mid-19th cent. the territorial gains and westward movement of the United States
were focusing legislative argument on the extension of slavery to the new territories and
breaking down the Missouri Compromise of 1820. The Wilmot Proviso illustrated Northern
antislavery demands, while Southerners, too, became increasingly intransigent. Only with
great effort was the Compromise of 1850 achieved, and it was to be the last great
compromise between the sections. The new Western states, linked in outlook to the North,
had long since caused the South to lose hold of the House of Representatives, and Southern
parity in the Senate was threatened by the prospective addition of more free states than
slaveholding ones. The South demanded stronger enforcement of fugitive slave laws and,
dependent on sympathetic Presidents, obtained it from Millard Fillmore and especially from
Franklin Pierce and James Buchanan.
The passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854), which repealed the Missouri Compromise,
led to violence between factions in “bleeding Kansas” and spurred the founding of the new
Republican party. Although there was sentiment for moderation and compromise in both
North and South, it became increasingly difficult to take a middle stand on the slavery issue,
and extremists came to the fore on both sides. Southerners, unable to accept the end of
slavery, upon which their entire system of life was based, and fearful of slave insurrection
(especially after the revolt led by Nat Turner in 1831), felt threatened by the abolitionists,
who regarded themselves as leaders in a moral crusade. Southerners attempted to uphold
slavery as universally beneficial and biblically sanctioned, while Northerners were
increasingly unable to countenance the institution.
Vigorous antislavery groups like the Free-Soil party had already arisen, and as the conflict
became more embittered it rent the older parties. The Whig party was shattered, and its
Northern wing was largely absorbed in the new antislavery Republican party. The Democrats
were also torn, and the compromise policies of Stephen A. Douglas were of dwindling
satisfaction to a divided nation. Moderation could not withstand the impact of the decision in
the Dred Scott Case, which denied the right of Congress to prohibit slavery in the territories,
or the provocation of John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry (1859). The climax came in 1860
when the Republican Abraham Lincoln defeated three opponents to win the presidency.
Southern leaders, feeling there was no possibility of fair treatment under a Republican
administration, resorted to secession from the Union and formed the Confederacy. The
attempts of the seceding states to take over federal property within their borders (notably
Fort Sumter in Charleston, S.C.) precipitated the Civil War (1861–65), which resulted in a
complete victory for the North and the end of all slavery. The ensuing problems of
Reconstruction in the South were complicated by bitter struggles, including the
impeachment of President Andrew Johnson in 1868. Military rule in parts of the South
continued through the administrations of Ulysses S. Grant, which were also notable for their
outrageous corruption. A result of the disputed election of 1876, in which the decision was
given to Rutherford B. Hayes over Samuel J. Tilden, was the end of Reconstruction and the
reentry of the South into national politics.
The Late Nineteenth Century

The remainder of the 19th cent. was marked by railroad building (assisted by generous
federal land grants) and the disappearance of the American frontier. Great mineral wealth
was discovered and exploited, and important technological innovations sped
industrialization, which had already gained great impetus during the Civil War. Thus
developed an economy based on steel, oil, railroads, and machines, an economy that a few
decades after the Civil War ranked first in the world. Mammoth corporations such as the
Standard Oil trust were formed, and “captains of industry” like John D. Rockefeller and
financiers like J. P. Morgan controlled huge resources.
The latter part of the 19th cent. also saw the rise of the modern American city. Rapid
industrialization attracted huge numbers of people to cities from foreign countries as well as
rural America. The widespread use of steel and electricity allowed innovations that
transformed the urban landscape. Electric lighting made cities viable at night as well as
during the day. Electricity was also used to power streetcars, elevated railways, and
subways. The growth of mass transit allowed people to live further away from work, and
was therefore largely responsible for the demise of the “walking city.” With the advent of
skyscrapers, which utilized steel construction technology, cities were able to grow vertically
as well as horizontally.
Into the “land of promise” poured new waves of immigrants; some acquired dazzling riches,
but many others suffered in a competitive and unregulated economic age. Behind the
facade of the “Gilded Age,” with its aura of peace and general prosperity, a whole range of
new problems was created, forcing varied groups to promulgate new solutions. In the 1870s
the expanding Granger movement attempted to combat railroad and marketing abuses and
to achieve an element of agrarian cooperation; this movement stimulated some regulation
of utilities on the state level. Labor, too, began to combine against grueling factory
conditions, but the opposition of business to unions was frequently overpowering, and the
bulk of labor remained unorganized.
Some strike successes were won by the Knights of Labor, but this union, discredited by the
Haymarket Square riot, was succeeded in prominence by the less divisive American
Federation of Labor . Massachusetts led the way (1874) with the first effective state
legislation for an eight-hour day, but similar state and national legislation was sparse , and
the federal government descended harshly on labor in the bloody strike at Pullman, Ill., and
in other disputes. Belief in laissez faire and the influence of big business in both national
parties, especially in the Republican party, delayed any widespread reform.
The Presidents of the late 19th cent. were generally titular leaders of modest political
distinction; however, they did institute a few reforms. Both Hayes and his successor, James
A. Garfield, favored civil service reforms, and after Garfield's death Chester A. Arthur
approved passage of a civil service act; thus the vast, troublesome presidential patronage
system gave way to more regular, efficient administration. In 1884 a reform group, led by
Carl Schurz, bolted from the Republicans and helped elect Grover Cleveland, the first
Democratic President since before the Civil War. Under President Benjamin Harrison the
Sherman Antitrust Act was passed (1890).
The attempt of the Greenback party to combine sponsorship of free coinage of silver and
other aids to the debtor class with planks favorable to labor failed, but reform forces
gathered strength, as witnessed by the rise of the Populist party. The reform movement was
spurred by the economic panic of 1893, and in 1896 the Democrats nominated for President
William Jennings Bryan, who had adopted the Populist platform. He orated eloquently for
free silver, but was defeated by William McKinley, who gained ardent support from big

Expansionists and Progressives

By the 1890s a new wave of expansionist sentiment was affecting U.S. foreign policy. With
the purchase of Alaska (1867) and the rapid settlement of the last Western territory,
Oklahoma, American capital and attention were directed toward the Pacific and the
Caribbean. The United States established commercial and then political hegemony in the
Hawaiian Islands and annexed them in 1898. In that year expansionist energy found release
in the Spanish-American War, which resulted in U.S. acquisition of Puerto Rico, the
Philippine Islands, and Guam, and in a U.S. quasi-protectorate over Cuba.
American ownership of the Philippines involved military subjugation of the people, who rose
in revolt when they realized that they would not be granted their independence; the
Philippine Insurrection (1899–1901) cost more American lives and dollars than the Spanish-
American War. Widening its horizons, the United States formulated the Open Door policy
(1900), which expressed its interest in China. Established as a world power with interests in
two oceans, the United States intervened in the Panama revolution to facilitate construction
of the Panama Canal; this was but one of its many involvements in Latin American affairs
under Theodore Roosevelt and later Presidents.
By the time of Roosevelt's administration (1901–9), the progressive reform movement had
taken definite shape in the country. Progressivism was partly a mode of thought, as
witnessed by the progressive education program of John Dewey; as such it was a pragmatic
attempt to mold modern institutions for the benefit of all. Progressives, too, were the
muckrakers, who attacked abuse and waste in industry and in society. In its politics as
shaped by R. M. La Follette and others, progressivism adopted many Populist planks but
promoted them from a more urban and forward-looking viewpoint. Progressivism was
dramatized by the magnetic Roosevelt, who denounced “malefactors of great wealth” and
demanded a “square deal” for labor; however, in practice he was a rather cautious
reformer. He did make some attacks on trusts, and he promoted regulation of interstate
commerce as well as passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act (1906) and legislation for the
conservation of natural resources.
Roosevelt's hand-picked successor, William H. Taft, continued some reforms but in his
foreign policy and in the Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act, passed in his administration, favored big
business. Taft's conservatism antagonized Roosevelt, who split with the Republican party in
1912 and ran for the presidency on the ticket of the Progressive party . But the presidency
was won by the Democratic reform candidate, Woodrow Wilson. Wilson's “New Freedom”
brought many progressive ideas to legislative fruition. The Federal Reserve System and the
Federal Trade Commission were established, and the Adamson Act and the Clayton Antitrust
Act were passed. Perhaps more than on the national level, progressivism triumphed in the
states in legislation beneficial to labor, in the furthering of education, and in the
democratization of electoral procedures. Wilson did not radically alter the aggressive
Caribbean policy of his predecessors; U.S. marines were sent to Nicaragua, and difficulties
with Mexico were capped by the landing of U.S. forces in the city of Veracruz and by the
campaign against Francisco (Pancho) Villa.

World War I

The nation's interest in world peace had already been expressed through participation in the
Hague Conferences, and when World War I burst upon Europe, Wilson made efforts to keep
the United States neutral; in 1916 he was reelected on a peace platform. However,
American sympathies and interests were actively with the Allies (especially with Great
Britain and France), and although Britain and Germany both violated American neutral
rights on the seas, German submarine attacks constituted the more dramatic provocation.
On Apr. 6, 1917, the United States entered the war on the side of the Allies and provided
crucial manpower and supplies for the Allied victory. Wilson's Fourteen Points to insure
peace and democracy captured the popular imagination of Europe and were a factor in
Germany's decision to seek an armistice; however, at the Paris Peace Conference after the
war, Wilson was thwarted from fully implementing his program.
In the United States, isolationist sentiment against participation in the League of Nations, an
integral part of the Treaty of Versailles , was led by Senator William E. Borah and other
“irreconcilables.” The majority of Republican Senators, led by Henry Cabot Lodge, insisted
upon amendments that would preserve U.S. sovereignty, and although Wilson fought for his
original proposals, they were rejected. Isolationist sentiment prevailed during the 1920s,
and while the United States played a major role in the naval conferences for disarmament
and in the engineering of the Kellogg-Briand Pact, which outlawed war, its general lack of
interest in international concerns was seen in its highly nationalistic economic policies,
notably its insistence (later modified) on collecting the war debts of foreign countries and
the passage of the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act.

From Prosperity to Depression

The country voted for a return to “normalcy” when it elected Warren G. Harding President in
1920, but the ensuing period was a time of rapid change, and the old normalcy was not to
be regained. The Republican governments of the decade, although basically committed to
laissez faire, actively encouraged corporate mergers and subsidized aviation and the
merchant marine. Harding's administration, marred by the Teapot Dome scandal, gave way
on his death to the presidency of Calvin Coolidge, and the nation embarked on a spectacular
industrial and financial boom. In the 1920s the nation became increasingly urban, and
everyday life was transformed as the “consumer revolution” brought the spreading use of
automobiles, telephones, radios, and other appliances. The pace of living quickened, and
mores became less restrained, while fortunes were rapidly accumulated on the skyrocketing
stock market, in real estate speculation, and elsewhere. To some it seemed a golden age.
But agriculture was not prosperous, and industry and finance became dangerously
In 1929 there began the Great Depression, which reached worldwide proportions. In 1931,
President Herbert Hoover proposed a moratorium on foreign debts, but this and other
measures failed to prevent economic collapse. In the 1932 election Hoover was
overwhelmingly defeated by the Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt. The new President
immediately instituted his New Deal with vigorous measures. To meet the critical financial
emergency he instituted a “bank holiday.” Congress, called into special session, enacted a
succession of laws, some of them to meet the economic crisis with relief measures, others
to put into operation long-range social and economic reforms. Some of the most important
agencies created were the National Recovery Administration, the Agricultural Adjustment
Administration, the Public Works Administration, the Civilian Conservation Corps, and the
Tennessee Valley Authority. This program was further broadened in later sessions with other
agencies, notably the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Works Progress
Administration (later the Work Projects Administration).
Laws also created a social security program. The program was dynamic and, in many areas,
unprecedented. It created a vast machinery by which the state could promote economic
recovery and social welfare. Opponents of these measures argued that they violated
individual rights, besides being extravagant and wasteful. Adverse decisions on several of
the measures by the U.S. Supreme Court tended to slow the pace of reform and caused
Roosevelt to attempt unsuccessfully to revise the court. Although interest centered chiefly
on domestic affairs during the 1930s, Roosevelt continued and expanded the policy of
friendship toward the Latin American nations which Herbert Hoover had initiated; this full-
blown “good-neighbor” policy proved generally fruitful for the United States . Roosevelt was
reelected by an overwhelming majority in 1936 and won easily in 1940 even though he was
breaking the no-third-term tradition.

World War II

The ominous situation abroad was chiefly responsible for Roosevelt's continuance at the
national helm. By the late 1930s the Axis nations (Germany and Italy) in Europe as well as
Japan in East Asia had already disrupted world peace. As wars began in China, Ethiopia, and
Spain, the United States sought at first to bulwark its insular security by the Neutrality Act.
As Axis aggression led to the outbreak of the European war in Sept., 1939, the United
States still strove to stay out of it, despite increasing sympathy for the Allies. But after the
fall of France in June, 1940, the support of the United States for beleaguered Britain
became more overt. In Mar., 1941, lend-lease aid was extended to the British and, in
November, to the Russians. The threat of war had already caused the adoption of selective
service to build the armed strength of the nation. Hemisphere defense was enlarged, and
the United States drew closer to Great Britain with the issuance of the Atlantic Charter.
In Asian affairs the Roosevelt government had vigorously protested Japan's career of
conquest and its establishment of the “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.” After the
Japanese takeover of French Indochina (July, 1941), with its inherent threat to the
Philippines, the U.S. government froze all Japanese assets in the United States. Diplomatic
relations grew taut, but U.S.-Japanese discussions were still being carried on when, on Dec.
7, 1941, Japanese bombs fell on Pearl Harbor. The United States promptly declared war,
and four days later Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. (For an account of
military and naval events.
The country efficiently mobilized its vast resources, transforming factories to war plants and
building a mighty military force which included most able-bodied young men and many
young women. The creation of a great number of government war agencies to control and
coordinate materials, transportation, and manpower brought unprecedented government
intervention into national life. Rationing, price controls, and other devices were instituted in
an attempt to prevent serious inflation or dislocation in the civilian economy.
The war underscored the importance of U.S. resources and the prestige and power of the
United States in world affairs. A series of important conferences outlined the policies for the
war and the programs for the peace after victory; among these were the Moscow
Conferences, the Casablanca Conference, the Cairo Conference, the Tehran Conference, and
the Yalta Conference, at which Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin planned for
postwar settlement. Roosevelt was also a key figure in the plans for the United Nations.
After Roosevelt's sudden death in Apr., 1945, Harry S. Truman became President. A month
later the European war ended when Germany surrendered on May 7, 1945. Truman went to
the Potsdam Conference (July–August), where various questions of the peacetime
administration of Europe were settled, many on an ad interim basis, pending the conclusion
of peace treaties. Before the war ended with the defeat of Japan, the United States
developed and used a fateful and revolutionary weapon of war, the atomic bomb. The
Japanese surrender, announced Aug. 14, 1945, and signed Sept. 2, brought the war to a
Peacetime readjustment was successfully effected. The government's “G.I. Bill” enabled
many former servicemen to obtain free schooling, and millions of other veterans were
absorbed by the economy, which boomed in fulfilling the demands for long-unobtainable
consumer goods. The shortening of the postwar factory work week and the proportionate
reduction of wages precipitated a rash of strikes, causing the government to pass the Taft-
Hartley Labor Act (1947). Some inflation occurred by 1947 as wartime economic controls
were abandoned. Congress passed a host of Truman's measures relating to minimum
wages, public housing, farm surpluses, and credit regulation; thus was instituted acceptance
of comprehensive government intervention in times of prosperity. The nation's support of
Truman's policies was signified when it returned him to the presidency in 1948 in an upset
victory over Thomas E. Dewey.
The United States in a Divided World

The most striking postwar development was America's new peacetime involvement in
international affairs. U.S. support for the United Nations symbolized its desire for peace and
order in international relations. However, relations between the United States and the
Soviet Union worsened during the late 1940s. In addition, a serious human problem was
presented by Europe, prostrated and near starvation after years of war. The Truman
Doctrine attempted to thwart Soviet expansion in Europe; massive loans, culminating in the
Marshall Plan, were vital in reviving European economies and thus in diminishing the appeal
of Communism.
As the cold war intensified, the United States took steps (1948) to nullify the Soviet
blockade of Berlin and played the leading role in forming a new alliance of Western nations,
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). In the Korean War, U.S. forces played the
chief part in combating the North Korean and Chinese attack on South Korea. Thus the
United States cast off its traditional peacetime isolationism and accepted its position as a
prime mover in world affairs.
International policy had significant repercussions at home. The fear of domestic
Communism and subversion almost became a national obsession, culminating in such
sensational events as the Alger Hiss case and the trial and execution of Julius and Ethel
Rosenberg. Security measures and loyalty checks in the government and elsewhere were
tightened, alleged Communists were prosecuted under the Smith Act of 1940, and
employees in varied fields were dismissed for questionable political affiliations, past or
present. The most notorious prosecutor of alleged Communists was Senator Joseph
McCarthy, whose extreme methods were later recognized as threats to freedom of speech
and democratic principles.
Two decades of Democratic control of the White House came to an end with the presidential
election of 1952, when Dwight D. Eisenhower was swept into office over the Democratic
candidate, Adlai E. Stevenson. Although it did not try to roll back the social legislation
passed by its Democratic predecessors, the Eisenhower administration was committed to a
laissez-faire domestic policy. By the mid-1950s, America was in the midst of a great
industrial boom, and stock prices were skyrocketing. In foreign affairs the Eisenhower
administration was internationalist in outlook, although it sternly opposed Communist power
and threatened “massive retaliation” for Communist aggression. Some antagonism came
from the neutral nations of Asia and Africa, partly because of the U.S. association with
former colonial powers and partly because U.S. foreign aid more often than not had the
effect of strengthening ruling oligarchies abroad.
In the race for technological superiority the United States exploded (1952) the first
hydrogen bomb, but was second to the USSR in launching (Jan. 31, 1958) an artificial
satellite and in testing an intercontinental guidedmissile. However, spurred by Soviet
advances, the United States made rapid progress in space exploration and missile research.
In the crucial domestic issue of racial integration, the U.S. Supreme Court in a series of
decisions supported the efforts of African-American citizens to achieve full civil rights. In
1959, Alaska and Hawaii became the 49th and 50th states of the Union. Despite hopes for
“peaceful coexistence,” negotiations with the USSR for nuclear disarmament failed to
achieve accord, and Berlin remained a serious source of conflict.
In 1961, the older Eisenhower gave way to the youngest President ever elected, John F.
Kennedy, who defeated Republican candidate Richard M. Nixon. President Kennedy called
for “new frontiers” of American endeavor, but had difficulty securing Congressional support
for his domestic programs (integration, tax reform, medical benefits for the aged).
Kennedy's foreign policy combined such humanitarian innovations as the Peace Corps and
the Alliance for Progress with the traditional opposition to Communist aggrandizement.
After breaking relations with Cuba, which, under Fidel Castro, had clearly moved within the
Communist orbit, the United States supported (1961) an ill-fated invasion of Cuba by anti-
Castro forces. In 1962, in reaction to the presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba, the United
States blockaded Soviet military shipments to Cuba and demanded the dismantling of
Soviet bases there. The two great powers seemed on the brink of war, but within a week
the USSR acceded to U.S. demands. In the meantime, the United States achieved an
important gain in space exploration with the orbital flight around the earth in a manned
satellite by Col. John H. Glenn. The tensions of the cold war eased when, in 1963, the
United States and the Soviet Union reached an accord on a limited ban of nuclear testing.

The Great Society and the Vietnam War

On Nov. 22, 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated while riding in a motorcade in
Dallas, Tex. His successor, Lyndon B. Johnson, proclaimed a continuation of Kennedy's
policies and was able to bring many Kennedy measures to legislative fruition. Significant
progress toward racial equality was achieved with a momentous Civil Rights Act (1964), a
Voting Rights Act (1965), and the 24th Amendment to the Constitution, which abolished the
poll tax. Other legislation, reflecting Johnson's declaration of a “war on poverty” and his
stated aim of creating a “Great Society,” included a comprehensive Economic Opportunity
Act (1964) and bills providing for tax reduction, medical care for the aged, an increased
minimum wage, urban rehabilitation, and aid to education.
Public approval was given in the landslide victory won by Johnson over his Republican
opponent, Senator Barry Goldwater, in the 1964 presidential election. The victory also
represented voter reaction against Senator Goldwater's aggressive views on foreign policy.
Ironically, international problems dominated Johnson's second term, and Johnson himself
pursued an aggressive course, dispatching (Apr., 1965) troops to the Dominican Republic
during disorders there and escalating American participation in the Vietnam War.
Authorization for the latter was claimed by Johnson to have been given (Aug., 1964) by
Congress in the Tonkin Gulf resolution, which was passed after two U.S. destroyers were
allegedly attacked by North Vietnamese PT boats in the Gulf of Tonkin. The federal military
budget soared, and inflation became a pressing problem.
The Vietnam War provoked increasing opposition at home, manifested in marches and
demonstrations in which casualties were sometimes incurred and thousands of people were
arrested. An impression of general lawlessness and domestic disintegration was heightened
by serious race riots that erupted in cities across the nation, most devastatingly in the Watts
district of Los Angeles (1965) and in Detroit and Newark (1967), and by various racial and
political assassinations, notably those of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Senator Robert F.
Kennedy (1968). Other manifestations of social upheaval were the increase of drug use,
especially among youths, and the rising rate of crime, most noticeable in the cities.
Opposition to American involvement in the Vietnam War so eroded Johnson's popularity that
he chose not to run again for President in 1968.

The Nixon Years

Johnson's position as leader of the Democratic party had been seriously challenged by
Senator Eugene McCarthy, who ran as a peace candidate in the primary elections. Antiwar
forces in the Democratic party received a setback with the assassination of Senator
Kennedy, also a peace candidate, and the way was opened for the nomination of Vice
President Hubert H. Humphrey, a supporter of Johnson's policies, as the Democratic
candidate for President. Violence broke out during the Democratic national convention in
Chicago when police and national guardsmen battled some 3,000 demonstrators in what a
national investigating committee later characterized as “a police riot.” The Republican
candidate, Richard M. Nixon, ran on a platform promising an end to the Vietnam War and
stressing the need for domestic “law and order”; he won a narrow victory, receiving 43.4%
of the popular vote to Humphrey's 42.7%. A third-party candidate, Gov. George C. Wallace
of Alabama, carried five Southern states. The Congress remained Democratic.
Pronouncing the “Nixon doctrine”—that thenceforth other countries would have to carry
more of the burden of fighting Communist domination, albeit with substantial American
economic aid—Nixon began a slow withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam. Criticism
that he was not moving fast enough in ending the war increased and massive antiwar
demonstrations continued, and when Nixon in the spring of 1970 ordered U.S. troops into
neutral Cambodia to destroy Communist bases and supply routes there, a wave of
demonstrations, some of them violent, swept American campuses. Four students were killed
by national guardsmen at Kent State Univ. in Ohio, and 448 colleges and universities
temporarily closed down. Antiwar activity declined, however, when American troops were
removed from Cambodia after 60 days.
The institution of draft reform, the continued withdrawal of U.S. soldiers from Vietnam, and
a sharp decrease in U.S. casualties all contributed toward dampening antiwar sentiment and
lessening the war as an issue of public debate. Racial flare-ups abated after the tumult of
the 1960s (although the issue of the busing of children to achieve integration continued to
arouse controversy). The growing movement of women demanding social, economic, and
political equality with men also reflected the changing times. A dramatic milestone in the
country's space program was reached in July, 1969, with the landing of two men on the
moon, the first of several such manned flights. Significant unmanned probes of several of
the planets followed, and in 1973 the first space station was orbited.
In domestic policy Nixon appeared to favor an end to the many reforms of the 1960s. He
was accused by civil-rights proponents of wooing Southern support by seeking delays in the
implementation of school integration. Such actions by his administration were overruled by
the Supreme Court. Nixon twice attempted to appoint conservative Southern judges to the
U.S. Supreme Court and was twice frustrated by the Senate, which rejected both
nominations. In an attempt to control the spiraling inflation inherited from the previous
administration, Nixon concentrated on reducing federal spending. He vetoed numerous
appropriations bills passed by Congress, especially those in the social service and public
works areas, although he continued to stress defense measures, such as the establishment
of an antiballistic missiles (ABM) system, and foreign aid.
Federal budget cuts contributed to a general economic slowdown but failed to halt inflation,
so that the country experienced the unprecedented misfortune of both rising prices and
rising unemployment; the steady drain of gold reserves after almost three decades of
enormous foreign aid programs, a new balance-of-trade deficit, and the instability of the
dollar in the international market also affected the economy. In Aug., 1971, Nixon resorted
to the freezing of prices, wages, and rents; these controls were continued under an ensuing,
more flexible but comprehensive program known as Phase II. Another significant move was
the devaluation of the dollar in Dec., 1971; it was further devalued in 1973 and again in
In keeping with his announced intention of moving the United States from an era of
confrontation to one of negotiation, Nixon made a dramatic visit to the People's Republic of
China in Feb., 1972, ending more than 20 years of hostility between the two countries and
opening the way for a normalization of relations. A trip to Moscow followed in the spring,
culminating in the signing of numerous agreements between the United States and the
Soviet Union, the most important being two strategic arms limitations accords, reached
after lengthy talks begun in 1969. The attainment of a degree of friendly relations with
China and the USSR was especially surprising in view of the provocative actions that the
United States was taking at that time against North Vietnam. Although U.S. ground troops
were being steadily withdrawn from Vietnam, U.S. bombing activity was increasing. Finally
Congress halted the bombing and limited Nixon's power to commit troops. A cease-fire in
Vietnam was not achieved until Jan., 1973.
In the presidential election of 1972, the Democratic party reforms that increased the power
of women and minority groups in the convention resulted in the nomination of Senator
George S. McGovern for President. Senator McGovern called for an immediate end to the
Vietnam War and for a drastic cut in defense spending and a guaranteed minimum income
for all citizens. His candidacy was damaged by the necessity to replace his original choice
for Vice President and by the continuing perception of McGovern as a radical. Nixon was
reelected (Nov., 1972) in a landslide, losing only Massachusetts and the District of
But Nixon's second term was marred, and finally destroyed, by the Watergate affair, which
began when five men (two of whom were later discovered to be direct employees of Nixon's
reelection committee) were arrested after breaking into the Democratic party's national
headquarters at the Watergate apartment complex in Washington, D.C. Nixon resigned on
Aug. 9, the first president in the history of the republic to be driven from office under the
threat of impeachment.
Ford and Carter

Nixon was succeeded by Vice President Gerald R. Ford. (Nixon's first Vice President, Spiro T.
Agnew, had resigned in Oct., 1973, after being charged with income tax evasion.) Ford
promised to continue Nixon's foreign policy, particularly the improvement of relations with
China and the USSR (in his last days in office, Nixon had made trips to the Middle East and
the Soviet Union to promote peace).
In domestic affairs, the United States was hurt by skyrocketing fuel prices due to an Arab oil
embargo. The embargo was imposed (1973) in retaliation for U.S. support of Israel in the
Yom Kippur War. Ford attempted to formulate new policies to stem the ever-increasing
inflation rate, which by late 1974 had reached the most severe levels since the period
following World War II. He was also confronted with mounting unemployment and with the
threat of a devastating world food crisis. Ford's popularity suffered a sharp setback when he
granted Nixon a complete and unconditional pardon for any crimes that Nixon may have
committed during his term as President. The public disapproval of this decision, along with
the deteriorating economy, contributed to a sharp reversal in Republican fortunes in the
elections of 1974.
In Dec., 1974, Nelson A. Rockefeller, a former governor of New York, was sworn in as Vice
President following extensive hearings before Congressional committees. Thus, neither the
President nor the Vice President had been popularly elected, both having been chosen under
the terms of the Twenty-fifth Amendment. Ford's tenure as President was hindered by
difficult economic times and an inability to work with the Democrat-controlled Congress.
Ford vetoed dozens of bills, many of which were overridden by Congress to provide funding
for social programs. Ford also lacked broad support within his own party, as former
California governor (and future President) Ronald Reagan made a strong challenge for the
Republican presidential nomination.
The Democratic contender in the 1976 presidential election, former Georgia governor James
E. “Jimmy” Carter, ran a brilliant and tireless campaign based on populist appeals to
honesty and morality. His position as a newcomer to national politics was considered an
asset by an untrusting nation in the wake of the Watergate scandal. In spite of a late surge
by Ford, Carter narrowly won the election. The day after being sworn in as President, Carter
pardoned thousands of draft evaders from the Vietnam War. In domestic affairs, Carter
focused a great deal of attention on energy issues, creating the Department of Energy in
1977 and insisting on the necessity of nuclear energy as an alternative to fossil fuel
consumption. However, nuclear energy in the United States suffered a severe setback in
1979 when an accident at the Three Mile Island power facility near Harrisburg, Penn.
resulted in the partial meltdown of the reactor core.
States with large energy industries such as Texas, Louisiana, Wyoming, and Colorado all
benefited from extremely high energy prices throughout the 1970s. Alaska's economy also
boomed as the Alaska pipeline began transporting oil in 1977. Soaring oil prices as well as
increased foreign competition dealt a severe blow to American industry, especially heavy
industries such as automobile and steel manufacturing located in America's Rust Belt.
Central cities in the United States experienced great hardship in the 1960s and 70s. Rising
crime rates and racial unrest during the 1960s accelerated the outmigration of people and
businesses to the suburbs. By the late 1970s, many large cities had lost their middle class
core populations and suffered severe budgetary problems.
Inflation continued to rise dramatically as it had during Ford's administration and eventually
reached a 30-year high in 1979. Efforts to control inflation such as raising interest rates
plunged the economy into recession. In 1977 Carter signed the Panama Canal Treaty and a
year later Congress voted to turn over the canal to Panama in 1999. Carter's greatest
achievement in foreign policy came in 1978 when he mediated unprecedented negotiations
between Egypt and Israel at Camp David, Md. The talks led to the signing of a peace treaty
by Egyptian president Anwar al-Sadat and Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin in 1979.
Also in that year the United States resumed official diplomatic relations with China and
Carter entered into a second round of Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT II) with the
Soviet Union.
Carter's pledge to stand against nations that abused human rights resulted in a grain and
high-technology embargo of the Soviet Union in response to the Soviet invasion of
Afghanistan. Carter also organized a boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics. His decision in
1979 to allow Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlevi, the deposed leader of Iran, to receive medical
treatment in the United States inflamed the already passionate anti-American sentiment in
that nation. On Nov. 4, 1979, a group of militants seized the U.S. embassy in Iran, taking
66 hostages. The Iran hostage crisis destroyed Carter's credibility as a leader and a failed
rescue attempt (1980) that killed eight Americans only worsened the situation. (The
hostages were only released on Jan. 20, 1981, the day Carter left office.) With the hostage
crisis omnipresent in the media and the nation's economy sliding deeper into recession,
Carter had little to run on in the 1980 presidential election. Republican nominee Ronald
Reagan promised to restore American supremacy both politically and economically.

The Reagan Years

The nation enthusiastically responded to Ronald Reagan's neoconservative message as he

soundly defeated Carter and third-party candidate John Anderson to become, at the age of
70, the oldest man to be elected president. Reagan's coattails proved to be long as the
Republicans made large gains in the House of Representatives and won control of the
Senate for the first time since 1954, ushering in a new wave of conservatism. His program
of supply-side economics sought to increase economic growth through reduced taxes which
would in turn create even greater tax revenue. Critics argued that his tax cuts only
benefited corporations and wealthy individuals. Reagan drastically cut spending on social
programs as part of his vow to balance the federal budget.
In labor disputes, Reagan was decidedly antiunion. This was never more evident than in
1981 when he fired 13,000 striking air traffic controllers. In Mar., 1981, Reagan was
wounded in an assassination attempt but fully recovered, dispelling doubts regarding his
age and health. The U.S. economy continued to worsen; in 1983 the unemployment rate
reached its highest point since the Great Depression at almost 11%. By the end of that
year, however, oil prices began to drop, slowing the inflation rate and helping the economy
to begin a recovery. Reagan's deregulaton of the banking, airline, and many other industries
spurred enormous amounts of economic activity. In 1984 the unemployment rate fell and
the dollar was strong in foreign markets. With the economy recovering, Reagan was
unstoppable in the 1984 presidential election.
Democratic nominee Walter F. Mondale chose U.S. Representative Geraldine Ferraro as his
running mate; she was the first woman to gain a major party's vice presidential nomination.
Reagan scored an overwhelming victory, carrying 49 states and winning a record 525
electoral votes. Economic recovery did not last, however; while Reagan was cutting
government funding for social programs the defense budget skyrocketed to levels not seen
since World War II. The federal budget deficit also soared and in 1987, Reagan submitted
the first trillion-dollar budget to Congress. In addition, the deregulated economy proved
extremely volatile; financial scandals were prevalent and the trade imbalance grew. Finally
in 1987 the stock market crashed, falling a record 508 points in a single day.
Reagan's foreign policy was aggressively anti-Communist as he discarded the policy of
détente employed by Nixon, Ford, and Carter. He revived Cold War rhetoric, referring to the
Soviet Union as the “evil empire” and used increased defense spending to enlarge the U.S.
nuclear arsenal and fund the Strategic Defense Initiative, a plan popularly known as “Star
Wars.” In 1981, Reagan imposed sanctions against Poland after the establishment of a
military government in that country. Reagan also sought aid for the Contras—
counterrevolutionaries seeking to overthrow the Marxist-oriented Sandanista government in
Nicaragua. At the same time the United States was secretly mining Nicaraguan harbors.
In 1983 241 U.S. marines stationed in Beirut, Lebanon as part of a UN peacekeeping force
were killed by terrorists driving a truck laden with explosives in a suicide mission. Later that
year Reagan ordered the invasion of the tiny Caribbean nation of Grenada; the action was
roundly criticized by the world community, but succeeded in toppling the pro-Cuban regime.
In 1986 the space shuttle Challenger exploded shortly after liftoff, killing the entire seven-
person crew, including six astronauts and a civilian schoolteacher. Reagan's aggressive
policies in the Middle East worsened already bad relations with Arab nations; he ordered
(1986) air strikes against Libya in retaliation for the Libyan-sponsored terrorist attack in
West Berlin that killed two American servicemen.
Although the president had vowed never to negotiate with terrorists, members of his
administration did just that in the Iran-contra affair. Against the wishes of the Secretary of
State and the Secretary of Defense, Reagan officials arranged the illegal sale of arms to Iran
in exchange for the release of American hostages in the Middle East. The profits from the
sales were then diverted to the Contra rebels in Nicaragua. Reagan improved his image
before he left office, however, by agreeing to a series of arms reduction talks initiated by
Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev. Reagan was also able leave a powerful legacy by
appointing three conservative Supreme Court justices, including Sandra Day O'Connor, the
first woman to serve on the high court.
Bush, Clinton, and Bush

Reagan had groomed his Vice President, George H. W. Bush, to succeed him. The
presidential election of 1988 was characterized by negative campaigning, low voter turnout,
and a general disapproval of both candidates. The mudslinging especially hurt the
Democratic nominee, Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis, who rapidly lost his lead in
the polls and eventually lost by a substantial margin. Bush vowed a continuation of
Reagan's policies and in foreign affairs he was as aggressive as his predecessor. In 1989,
after a U.S.-backed coup failed to oust Panamanian President Manuel Noriega, Bush ordered
the invasion of Panama by U.S. troops. Noriega was eventually captured in early 1990 and
sent to Miami, Fla. to stand trial for drug trafficking.
Bush's major military action, however, was the Persian Gulf War. After Iraq invaded Kuwait
on Aug. 2, 1990, Bush announced the commencement of Operation Desert Shield, which
included a naval and air blockade and the steady deployment of U.S. military forces to
Saudi Arabia. In November the United Nations Security Council approved the use of all
necessary force to remove Iraq from Kuwait and set Jan. 15, 1991, as the deadline for Iraq
to withdraw. A few days before the deadline Congress narrowly approved the use of force
against Iraq. By this time the United States had amassed a force of over 500,000 military
personnel as well as thousands of tanks, airplanes, and personnel carriers. Less than one
day after the deadline, the U.S.-led coalition began Operation Desert Storm, beginning with
massive air attacks on Baghdad. Iraqi troops were devastated by continual air and naval
bombardment, to the point that it took only 100 hours for coalition ground forces to
recapture Kuwait. On Feb. 27, with the Iraqi army routed, Bush declared a cease-fire.
The quick, decisive U.S. victory, combined with an extremely small number of American
casualties, gave President Bush the highest public approval rating in history. Mounting
domestic problems, however, made his popularity short-lived. When Bush took office, he
announced a plan to bail out the savings and loan industry, which had collapsed after
deregulation during the Reagan administration. In 1991 it was estimated that it would cost
taxpayers $500 billion to save the industry.
The United States went through a transitional period during the 1980s and early 90s,
economically, demographically, and politically. The severe decline of traditional
manufacturing which began in the 1970s forced a large-scale shift of the economy to
services and other sectors. States with large service, trade, and high-technology industries
(such as many Sun Belt states) grew in population and thrived economically. Meanwhile,
states heavily dependent on manufacturing, including much of the Midwest, suffered severe
unemployment and outmigration. Midwestern states grew less than 5% during the 1980s
while Sun Belt states grew between 15% and 50%.
In addition, the end of the Cold War, precipitated by the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and
the collapse of Soviet Communism, resulted in a reduction of the U.S. armed forces as well
as the opening of new markets in an increasingly global economy. In Apr., 1992, after the
severe police beating of an African American, one of the worst race riots in recent U.S.
history erupted in Los Angeles, killing 58, injuring thousands, and causing approximately $1
billion in damage. Smaller disturbances broke out in many U.S. cities. After the Persian Gulf
War the nation turned its attention to the domestic problems of recession and high
unemployment. Bush's inability to institute a program for economic recovery made him
vulnerable in the 1992 presidential election to the Democratic nominee, Arkansas governor
Bill Clinton.
Clinton won the election, gaining 43% of the popular vote and 370 electoral votes.
Incumbent Bush won 38% of the popular vote and 168 electoral votes. Although
independent candidate H. Ross Perot did not win a single electoral vote, he made a strong
showing with 19% of the popular vote, after a populist campaign in which he vowed to
eliminate the $3.5 trillion federal deficit. Clinton, generally considered a political moderate,
was particularly successful in appealing to voters (especially in the Midwest and West) who
had previously abandoned the Democratic party to vote for Reagan. Bush, for his part, was
unable to convince voters that he could transform his success in international affairs into
domestic recovery. One of his last actions as president was to send (Dec., 1992) U.S. troops
to Somalia as part of a multinational peacekeeping force administering famine relief.
The economy gradually improved during Clinton's first year in office, and this, along with a
tax increase and spending cuts, caused some easing of the budget deficit. The North
American Free Trade Agreement, signed by the United States, Canada, and Mexico in 1992
and designed to make its participants more competitive in the world marketplace, was
ratified in 1993 and took effect Jan. 1, 1994.
During his first two years in office, Clinton withdrew U.S. troops from Somalia after they had
suffered casualties in an ill-defined mission; he also sent troops to Haiti to help in
reestablishing democratic rule there. The president proposed a major overhaul of the way
American health care is financed, but it died in Congress. Clinton's problems with Congress
were exacerbated in 1994 after the Republicans won control of both the Senate and the
House and attempted, largely unsuccessfully, to enact a strongly conservative legislative
program, dubbed the “Contract with America.” There were prolonged stalemates as the
president and Congress clashed over the federal budget; in Apr., 1996, a fiscal 1995 budget
was agreed upon after seven months of stopgap spending measures and temporary
government shutdowns.
In Apr., 1995, in the worst act of terrorism ever on American soil, a bomb was exploded at
the federal building in Oklahoma City, Okla., killing 169 people. Late in 1995, the
antagonists in the Yugoslavian civil war accepted a U.S.-brokered peace plan, which U.S.
troops were sent to help monitor. U.S. efforts also contributed to Arab-Israeli acceptance of
agreements to establish limited Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza.
By 1996, President Clinton had improved his standing in the polls by confronting House
Republicans over the federal budget, and he subsequently adopted a number of Republican
proposals, such as welfare reform, as his own, while opposing the more conservative
aspects of those proposals. Clinton won his party's renomination unopposed and then
handily defeated Republican Bob Dole and Reform party candidate Ross Perot in the
November election.
As his second term began, Clinton's foes in and out of Congress pursued investigation of
Whitewater and other alleged improprieties or abuses by the president. By late 1997
independent prosecutor Kenneth Starr had been given information that led to the Lewinsky
scandal, which burst on the national scene in early 1998. Battle lines formed and remained
firm through Clinton's impeachment (Oct., 1998), trial (Jan., 1999), and acquittal (Feb.,
1999), with a core of conservative Republicans on one side and almost all Democrats on the
other. The American people seemed to regard the impeachment as largely partisan in
intent. Lying behind their attitude, however, was probably the sustained economic boom, a
period of record stock-market levels, relatively low unemployment, the reduction of the
federal debt, and other signs of well-being (although critics noted that the disparity between
America's rich and poor was now greater than ever). This, combined with the afterglow of
“victory” in the cold war, continued through the end of the 1990s.
In foreign affairs, the United States (as the only true superpower) enjoyed unprecendented
international influence in the late 1990s, and in some areas it was able to use this influence
to accomplish much. There was steady, if sometimes fitful, progress toward peace in the
Middle East, and George Mitchell, a U.S. envoy, brokered what many hoped was a lasting
peace in Northern Ireland. On the other hand, America had little influence on Russian policy
in Chechnya, and it remained locked in a contest of wills with Iraq's President Saddam
Hussein nine years after the end of the Persian Gulf War. The reluctance of the Congress to
pay the country's UN dues nearly led to the embarrassment of the loss of the American
General Assembly vote in 1999 even as Secretary-General Kofi Annan expressed a desire
for greater American involvement in the organization.
Meanwhile, in Kosovo the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, led by the United States, was
unable to prevent a Yugoslav campaign against Kosovar Albanians but ultimately forced
Yugoslavia (now Serbia and Montenegro) to cede contral of the province; U.S. and other
troops were sent into Kosovo as peacekeepers. That conflict showed that the United States
was again reluctant to commit military forces, such as its army, that were likely to suffer
significant casualties, although it would use its airpower, where its great technological
advantages enabled it strike with less risk to its forces.
Negotiations in the Middle East, which continued in 2000, broke down, and there was
renewed violence in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank late in the year. The Clinton
administration worked to restart the negotiations, but the issues proved difficult to resolve.
In the United States, the Nasdaq Internet and technology stock bubble, which had begun its
rise in 1999, completely deflated in the second half of 2000, as the so-called new economy
associated with the Internet proved to be subject to the rules of the old economy. Signs of a
contracting economy also appeared by year's end.
The 2000 presidential election, in which the American public generally appeared uninspired
by the either major-party candidate (Vice President Al Gore and the Republican governor of
Texas, George W. Bush) ended amid confusion and contention not seen since the Hayes-
Tilden election in 1876. On election night, the television networks called and then retracted
the winner of Florida twice, first projecting Gore the winner there, then projecting Bush the
winner there and in the race at large. The issue of who would win Florida and its electoral
votes became the issue of who would win the presidency, and the determination of the
election dragged on for weeks as Florida's votes were recounted. Gore, who trailed by
several hundred votes (out of 6 million) in Florida but led by a few hundred thousand
nationally, sought a manual recount of strongly Democratic counties in Florida, and the
issue ended up being fought in the courts and in the media. Ultimately the U.S. Supreme
Court called a halt to the process, although its split decision along ideological lines was
regarded by many as tarnishing the court. Florida's electoral votes, as certified by the
state's Republican officials, were won by Bush, who secured a total of 271 electoral votes
(one more than needed) and 48% of the popular vote (Gore had 49% of the popular vote).
Bush thus became the first person since Benjamin Harrison in 1888 to win the presidency
without achieving a plurality in the popular vote.
The slowing economy entered a recession in Mar., 2001, and unemployment rose, leading to
continued interest rate reductions by the Federal Reserve Bank. The Bush administration
moved quickly to win Congressional approval of its tax-cut program, providing it with an
early legislative victory, but other proposed legislation moved more slowly. The resignation
of Senator Jeffords of Vermont from the Republican party cost it control of the Senate, a
setback due in part to administration pressure on him to adhere to the party line.
Internationally, the United States experienced some friction with its allies, who were
unhappy with the Bush administration's desire to abandon both the Kyoto Protocal
(designed to fight global warming) and the Antiballistic Missile Treaty (in order to proceed
with developing a ballistic missile defense system). Relations with China were briefly tense
in Apr., 2001, after a Chinese fighter and U.S. surveillance plane collided in mid-air, killing
the Chinese pilot.
The politics and concerns of the first eight months of 2001 abruptly became secondary on
Sept. 11, when terrorists hijacked four planes, crashing two into the World Trade Center,
which was destroyed, and one into the Pentagon; the fourth crashed near Shanksville, Pa.
Some 3,000 persons were killed or missing as a result of the attacks. Insisting that no
distinction would be made between terrorists and those who harbored them, Bush
demanded that Afghanistan's Taliban government turn over Osama bin Laden, a Saudi-born
Islamic militant whose Al Qaeda group was behind the attacks. The U.S. government sought
to build an international coalition against Al Qaeda and the Taliban and, more broadly,
against terrorism, working to influence other nations to cut off sources of financial support
for terrorists.
In October, air strikes and then ground raids were launched against Afghanistan by the
United States, with British aid. Oman, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan permitted the use of their
airspace and of bases within their borders for various operations. The United States also
provided support for opposition forces in Afghanistan, and by December the Taliban
government had been ousted and its and Al Qaeda's fighters largely had been routed. Bin
Laden, however, remained uncaptured, and a force of U.S. troops was based in Afghanistan
to search for him and to help with mopping-up operations.
The terrorist attacks stunned Americans and amplified the effects of the recession in the fall.
Events had a severe impact on the travel industry, particularly the airlines, whose flights
were temporarily halted; the airlines subsequently suffered a significant decrease in
passengers. Congress passed several bills designed to counter the economic effects of the
attacks, including a $15 billion aid and loan package for the airline industry. A new crisis
developed in October, when cases of anthrax and anthrax exposure resulted from spores
that had been mailed to media and government offices in bioterror attacks.
Although consumer spending and the stock market rebounded by the end of the year from
their low levels after September 11, unemployment reached 5.8% in Dec., 2001.
Nonetheless, the economy was recovering, albeit slowly, aided in part by increased federal
spending. In early 2002 the Bush administration announced plans for a significant military
buildup; that and the 2001 tax cuts were expected to result in budget deficits in 2002–4.
Prompted by a number of prominent corporate scandals involving fraudulent or questionable
accounting practices, some of which led to corporate bankruptcies, Congress passed
legislation that overhauled securities and corporate laws in July, 2002.
The fighting in Afghanistan continued, with U.S. forces there devoted mainly to mopping up
remnants of Taliban and Al Qaeda forces. U.S. troops were also based in Pakistan,
Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan to provide support for the forces in Afghanistan. In the
Philippines, U.S. troops provided support and assistance to Philippine forces fighting
guerrillas in the Sulu Archipelago that had been linked to Al Qaeda, and they also trained
Georgian and Yemeni forces as part of the war on terrorism.
During 2002 the Bush administration became increasingly concerned by the alleged Iraqi
development and possession of weapons of mass destruction, and was more forceful in its
denunciations of Iraq for resisting UN arms inspections. In March, Arab nations publicly
opposed possible U.S. military operations against Iraq, but U.S. officials continued to call for
the removal of Saddam Hussein. President Bush called on the United Nations to act
forcefully against Iraq or risk becoming “irrelevant.” In November the Security Council
passed a resolution offering Iraq a “final opportunity” to cooperate on arms inspections, this
time under strict guidelines, and inspections resumed late in the month, although not with
full Iraqi cooperation. Meanwhile, the U.S. Congress voted to authorize the use of the
military force against Iraq, and the United States continued to build up its forces in the
Middle East.
The November election resulted in unexpected, if small, gains for the Republicans, giving
them control of both houses of Congress. After the election, Congress voted to establish a
new Department of Homeland Security, effective Mar., 2003. The department regrouped
most of the disparate agencies responsible for domestic security under one cabinet-level
official; the resulting government reorganization was the largest since the Department of
Defense was created in the late 1940s.
Dec., 2002, saw the negotiation of a free-trade agreement with Chile (signed in June,
2003), regarded by many as the first step in the expansion of NAFTA to include all the
countries of the Americas. President Bush ordered the deployment of a ballistic missile
defense system, to be effective in 2004; the system would be designed to prevent so-called
rogue missile attacks. In advance of this move the United States had withdrawn from the
Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty with Russia in June. North Korea, often described as one of the
nations most likely to launch a rogue attack, had admitted in October that it had a program
for developing nuclear weapons, and the United States and other nations responded by
ending fuel shipments and reducing food aid. In the subsequent weeks North Korea
engaged in a series of well-publicized moves to enable it to resume the development of
nuclear weapons, including withdrawing from the nuclear nonproliferation treaty. The United
States, which had first responded by refusing to negotiate in any way with North Korea,
adopted a somewhat less confrontational approach in 2003.
President Bush continued to press for Iraqi disarmament in 2003, and expressed impatience
with what his administration regarded as the lack of Iraqi compliance. In Feb, 2003,
however, the nation's attention was pulled away from the growing tension over Iraq by the
breakup of the space shuttle Columbia as it returned to earth. Seven astronauts were killed
in this second shuttle mishap, and focus was once again directed toward the issues of the
safety of the space shuttle and the dynamics of the decision-making process at NASA.
Despite vocal opposition to military action from many nations, including sometimes
rancorous objections from France, Germany, and Russia, the United States and Great
Britain pressed forward in early 2003 with military preparations in areas near Iraq. Although
Turkey, which the allies hoped to use as a base for opening a northern front in Iraq, refused
to allow use of its territory as a staging area, the bulk of the forces were nonetheless in
place by March. After failing to win the explicit UN Security Council approval desired by
Britain (because the British public were otherwise largely opposed to war), President Bush
issued an ultimatum to Iraqi president Saddam Hussein on March 17th, and two days later
the war began with an airstrike against Hussein and the Iraqi leadership. Ground forces
invaded the following day, and by mid-April the allies were largely in control of the major
Iraqi cities and had turned their attention to the rebuilding of Iraq and the establishment of
a new Iraqi government. No weapons of mass destruction, however, were found by allied
forces during the months after the war, and sporadic guerrilla attacks on the occupying
forces occurred during the same time period, mainly in Sunni-dominated central Iraq.
The cost of the military campaign as well as of the ongoing U.S. occupation in Iraq
substantially increased what already had been expected to be a record-breaking U.S. deficit
in 2003 to around $374 billion. The size of the deficit, the unknown ultimate cost of the war,
and the continued weak U.S. economy (the unemployment rate rose to 6.4% in June
despite some improvement in other areas) were important factors that led to the scaling
back of a tax cut, proposed by President Bush, by more than half to $350 billion.
In Aug., 2003, a massive electrical blackout affected the NE United States. Much of New
York and portions of Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio,
Michigan, and neighboring Ontario, Canada, lost power, in many cases for a couple days.
The widespread failure appeared to be due in part to strains placed on the transmission
system, its safeguards, and its operators by the increased interconnectedness of electrical
generation and transmission facilities and the longer-distance transmission of electricity. An
investigation into the event, however, laid the primary blame on the Ohio utility where it
began, both for inadequate system maintenance and for failing to take preventive measures
when the crisis began.
The economy improved in the latter half of the 2003. Although the unemployment rate
inched below 6% and job growth was modest, overall economic growth was robust,
particularly in the last quarter. A major Medicare overhaul was enacted and signed in
December, creating a prescription drug benefit for the first time. The same month the
Central American Free Trade Agreement was finalized by the United States, Guatemala,
Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua, and in early 2004, Costa Rica and the Dominican
Republic agreed to become parties to the accord. The United States also reached free-trade
agreements with Australia and Morocco.
U.S. weapons inspectors reported in Jan., 2004, that they had failed to find any evidence
that Iraq had possessed biological or chemical weapons stockpiles prior to the U.S. invasion.
The assertion that such stockpiles existed was a primary justification for the invasion, and
the report led to pressure for an investigation of U.S. intelligence prior to the war. In
February, President Bush appointed a bipartisan commission to review both U.S. intelligence
failures in Iraq and other issues relating to foreign intelligence; the commission's 2005
report criticized intelligence agencies for failing to challenge the conventional wisdom about
Iraq's weapon systems, and called for changes in how U.S. intelligence gathering is
organized and managed. The Senate's intelligence committee, reviewing the situation
separately, concluded in its 2004 report that much of the CIA's information on and
assessment of Iraq prior to the war was faulty.
Also in February, U.S., French, and Canadian forces were sent into Haiti to preserve order.
Haitian president Jean-Bertrand Aristide had resigned under U.S.-French pressure after
rebel forces had swept through most of the country and threatened to enter the capital.
U.S. forces withdrew from Haiti in June when Brazil assumed command of a UN
peacekeeping force there.
By March, John Kerry had all but secured the Democrat nomination for president. With both
major party nominees clear, the focus of the political campaigns quickly shifted to the
November election. Both Bush and Kerry had elected not to accept government funding,
enabling them each to raise record amounts of campaign funding, and the post-primary
advertising campaign began early. In July, Kerry chose North Carolina senator John
Edwards, who had opposed him in the primaries, as his running mate.
U.S. forces engaged in intense fighting in Iraq in Apr., 2004, as they attempted to remove
Sunni insurgents from the town of Falluja. The battling there was the fiercest since the end
of the invasion, and ultimately U.S. forces broke off without clearing the fighters from the
city, a goal that was not achieved until after similar fighting in November. Guerrilla attacks
by Sunni insurgents continued throughout the year. Also in April a radical cleric attempted
to spark a Shiite uprising, and there was unrest and fighting in a number of other Iraqi
cities. By mid-April the Shiite militia was in control only in the region around An Najaf, but
the militia did not abandon its hold there until after intense battling in August. At the end of
June, Paul Bremer, the head of the U.S.-led Coalition Provisional Authority, turned over
sovereignty to an Iraqi interim government. Nonetheless, the unrest called into question the
degree to which Iraq had been pacified, and the 160,000 U.S.-led troops still in Iraq were,
for the time being, the true guarantor of Iraqi security. Meanwhile, the prestige of the U.S.
military had been damaged by revelations, in May, that it had abused Iraqis held in the Abu
Ghraib prison during 2003–4.
In July, 2004, the U.S. commission investigating the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001,
criticized especially U.S. intelligence agencies for failings that contributed to the success of
the attacks, and called for a major reorganization of those agencies, leading to the passage
of legislation late in the year. In the following months the country's focus turned largely
toward the November presidential election, as the campaigns of President Bush and Senator
Kerry and their surrogates escalated their often sharp political attacks. In a country divided
over the threat of terrorism and the war in Iraq, over the state of the economy and the
state of the nation's values, election spending reached a new peak despite recent campaign
financing limitations, and fueled a divisive and sometimes bitter mood. Ultimately, the
president appeared to benefit from a slowly recovering economy and the desire of many
voters for continuity in leadership while the nation was at war. Amid greatly increased voter
turnout, Bush secured a clear majority of the popular vote, in sharp contrast to the 2000
election that first made him president. Republicans also increased their margins of control in
both houses of Congress, largely through victories in the more conservative South.
The very active 2005 hurricane season saw several significant storms make landfall on the
U.S. coast. In August, Hurricane Katrina devastated the Mississippi and SE Louisiana coasts,
flooded much of New Orleans for several weeks, and caused extensive destruction inland in
Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, making it the most expensive natural disaster in U.S.
history. The following month, Hurricane Rita caused devastation along the SW Louisiana
coast and widespread destruction in inland Louisiana and SE Texas.
Katrina displaced many Louisiana residents, some permanently, to other parts of the state
and other states, particularly Texas. Some 200,000 persons were left at least temporarily
unemployed, reversing job gains that had been made in the preceding months. The storm
had a noticeable effect on the economy, driving up the already higher prices of gasoline,
heating oil, and natural gas (as a result of well and refinery damage) to levels not seen
before, and causing inflation to rise and industrial output to drop by amounts not seen in
more than two decades.
The striking ineffectiveness of federal, state, and local government in responding to
Hurricane Katrina, particularly in flooded New Orleans but also in other areas affected by
the storm, raised questions about the ability of the country to respond to major disasters of
any kind. President Bush—and state and local officials—were criticized for responding, at
least initially, inadequately to Katrina, but the Federal Emergency Management Agency in
particular seemed overwhelmed by the disaster's scale and incapable of managing the
federal response in subsequent weeks. Many Americans wondered if the lessons of the
events of Sept. 11, 2001, and the changes in the federal government that followed had
resulted in real improvements or if those very changes and their emphasis on terror attacks
had hindered the ability of the United States to respond to natural disasters.
The perceived failings in the federal response to Katrina seemed to catalyze public
dissatisfaction with President Bush, as Americans became increasingly unsettled by the
ongoing war in Iraq, the state of the U.S. economy, and other issues less than a year after
Bush had been solidly reelected. Congress, meanwhile, passed a $52 billion emergency
spending bill to deal with the effects of Katrina, but did not make any significant spending
cuts or reductions in tax cuts to compensate for the additional outlays until Feb., 2006,
when Congress passed a bill cutting almost $40 billion from a variety of government benefit
programs, including Medicare, Medicaid, and student loans.
Internationally and domestically, the United States government was the subject of
condemnation from some quarters for aspects of its conduct of the “war on terror” in the
second half of 2005. In Aug., 2005, Amnesty International denounced the United States for
maintaining secret, underground CIA prisons abroad. Subsequent news reporting indicated
that there were prisons in eight nations in E Europe and Asia, and in December the United
States acknowledged that the International Committee of the Red Cross had not been given
access to all its detention facilities. A Swiss investigator for the Council of Europe indicated
(Dec., 2005) that reports that European nations and the United States had been involved in
the abduction and extrajudicial transfer of individuals to other nations were credible, and he
accused (Jan., 2006) the nations of “outsourcing” torture. In Jan., 2006, the New York–
based Human Rights Watch accused the U.S. government of a deliberate policy of
mistreating terror suspects.
In Dec., 2005, the National Security Agency was revealed to be wiretapping some
international communications originating in the United States without obtaining the legally
required warrants. The practice had begun in 2002, at the president's order. The
administration justified it by asserting that the president's powers to defend the United
States under the Constitution were not subject to Congressional legislation and that the
legislation authorizing the president to respond to the Sept., 2001, terror attacks implicitly
also authorized the wiretapping. Many politicians, former government officials, and legal
scholars, however, criticized the practice as illegal or unconstitutional. The revelations and
assertions did not derail the renewal of those parts of the USA PATRIOT Act, a sometimes
criticized national security law originally enacted in 2001 after the Sept. 11th attacks; with
only minor adjustments most of the law was made permanent in Mar., 2006.
Related Articles
There are a great number of articles on Americans of major importance, on the principal
government agencies and departments, and on numerous topics of American history, e.g.,
Whiskey Rebellion, Ohio Company, Independent Treasury System, and Santa Fe Trail. There
are also articles on more than 2,000 cities, towns, and villages in the United States. The
state articles supply bibliographies for state history. Aspects of American culture are
discussed under American architecture, American art, American literature, and jazz. Many
general articles (e.g., slavery; diplomatic service) have useful material and bibliographies
relating to the United States.

The mineral and agricultural resources of the United States are tremendous. Although the
country was virtually self-sufficient in the past, increasing consumption, especially of
energy, continues to make it dependent on certain imports. It is, nevertheless, the world's
largest producer of both electrical and nuclear energy. It leads all nations in the production
of liquid natural gas, aluminum, sulfur, phosphates, and salt. It is also a leading producer of
copper, gold, coal, crude oil, nitrogen, iron ore, silver, uranium, lead, zinc, mica,
molybdenum, and magnesium. Although its output has declined, the United States is among
the world leaders in the production of pig iron and ferroalloys, steel, motor vehicles, and
synthetic rubber. Agriculturally, the United States is first in the production of cheese, corn,
soybeans, and tobacco. The United States is also one of the largest producers of cattle,
hogs, cow's milk, butter, cotton, oats, wheat, barley, and sugar; it is the world's leading
exporter of wheat and corn and ranks third in rice exports. In 1995, U.S. fisheries ranked
fifth in the world in total production.
Major U.S. exports include motor vehicles, aircraft, food, iron and steel products, electric
and electronic equipment, industrial and power-generating machinery, chemicals, and
consumer goods. Leading imports include ores and metal scraps, petroleum and petroleum
products, machinery, transportation equipment (especially automobiles), and paper and
paper products. The major U.S. trading partners are Canada (in the world's largest bilateral
trade relationship), Mexico, Japan, the United Kingdom, South Korea, and Germany. The
volume of trade has been steadily increasing. The gross domestic product has continued to
rise, and in 1998 it was easily the largest in the world at about $8.5 trillion. The
development of the economy has been spurred by the growth of a complex network of
communications not only by railroad, highways, inland waterways, and air but also by
telephone, radio, television, computer (including the Internet), and fax machine. This
infrastructure has fostered not only agricultural and manufacturing growth but has also
contributed to the leading position the United States holds in world tourism revenues and to
the ongoing shift to a service-based economy. In 1996 some 74% of Americans worked in
service industries, a proportion matched, among major economic powers, only by Canada.

The government of the United States is that of a federal republic set up by the Constitution
of the United States, adopted by the Constitutional Convention of 1787. There is a division
of powers between the federal government and the state governments. The federal
government consists of three branches: the executive, the legislative, and the judicial. The
executive power is vested in the President and, in the event of the President's incapacity,
the Vice President. (For a chronological list of all the presidents and vice presidents of the
United States, including their terms in office and political parties, see the table entitled
Presidents of the United States.) The executive conducts the administrative business of the
nation with the aid of a cabinet composed of the Attorney General and the Secretaries of the
Departments of State; Treasury; Defense; Interior; Agriculture; Commerce; Labor; Health
and Human Services; Education; Housing and Urban Development; Transportation; Energy;
and Veterans' Affairs.
The Congress of the United States, the legislative branch, is bicameral and consists of the
Senate and the House of Representatives. The judicial branch is formed by the federal
courts and headed by the U.S. Supreme Court. The members of the Congress are elected by
universal suffrage as are the members of the electoral college, which formally chooses the
President and the Vice President.

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