Esip Appraisal and Review Tool 2
Esip Appraisal and Review Tool 2
Esip Appraisal and Review Tool 2
Concepcion, Tarlac
Description Criteria Pre- Final Comment/Observation
Appraisal Review
Endorsement Is there an organized School Planning YES YES
Letter Team composed of but not limited to the NO NO
School Head, Teachers Representative,
Parents Representative, Students and
Brgy. or LGU Representatives indicating
their signatures in the endorsement
letter in a suggested format?
Approval Sheet Is there an approval sheet in a suggested YES YES
format? NO NO
Executive Is there an executive summary of the over- YES YES
Summary all conduct of the Planning Process, NO NO
including the discussion of but not limited
to the legal bases, its purpose and the
planning process?
A. Vision, Are the DepEd Vision, Mission and Core YES YES
Mission and Values stated? NO NO
Core Values
B. School Is there a complete, logical and concise YES YES
Situation presentation of school situation based on NO NO
the assessment of the following:
a. current status of children
b. status and trends in the realization of
the school’s contributions to the
achievement of the Division Goals and
c. school systems and processes that
facilitate and hinder the attainment of
school objectives and targets
K to 12 (PRIORITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) (Only applicable learning stage(s) to the school should be included)
K to Grade 3 Is there a logical narrative discussion of the YES YES
Grade 4 to 6 school’s prioritization of the most pressing NO NO
Grade 7 to needs or problems that surfaced in school
10 and learners data that contributes to the
Grade 11 to school’s intermediate outcomes for Access
12 and Quality?
(discussion for
Governance Is there a logical narrative discussion of the YES YES
school’s prioritization of the most pressing NO NO
needs or problems that are school
governance-related and contribute to the
organization’s governance intermediate
Content Is the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan YES YES
comprehensive and complete? NO NO