Representations of Poverty and Place PDF
Representations of Poverty and Place PDF
Representations of Poverty and Place PDF
Ian N Gregory
Geographical Text
Analysis to
Representations of Poverty and Place
Laura L Paterson · Ian N Gregory
of Poverty and Place
Using Geographical Text Analysis
to Understand Discourse
Laura L Paterson Ian N Gregory
Languages and Applied Linguistics History
The Open University University of Lancaster
Milton Keynes, UK Lancaster, UK
This Palgrave Macmillan imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature
Switzerland AG
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
Introduction xvii
9 Conclusions 227
Index 257
About the Authors
List of Figures
List of Figures
1One of the locations chosen by the OSF was Higher Blackley in Manchester. Based on their
findings, the authors of the report note the rise of ‘a particular negative image of white
working-class people’ in the mass media which is ‘most pronounced’ in the UK (2014: 62).
Baker et al. 2008; Mautner 2009; Baker and McEnery 2015a, etc.) indi-
cating that such methods are suitable and profitable for linguistic anal-
ysis. To date, however, existing work in corpus linguistics and CDA has
tended to largely ignore geography.
However, all texts have some (implicit) reference to place insofar
as they are constructed in a specific place and time for a given audi-
ence. Even large reference corpora, such as the British National Corpus
(BNC), which was established to provide a snapshot of British English
in the late twentieth century, are fixed in terms of the geographical loca-
tions of their texts’ authors, publishing houses, and primary audiences.
Yet, despite the implicit links between texts and their place of construc-
tion, publication, and consumption, corpus linguistics does not always
acknowledge the potential role of geography in the analysis of language.
The same criticism applies for analysis of explicit mentions of place,
such as the occurrence of place-names. Nevertheless, mentions of place
influence our understandings of the world: we may associate particu-
lar locations with being rich or poor, which may then translate to some
areas being understood to be more desirable than others. Locations
associated with poverty may also be associated with other factors,
including particular types of (low-paid) jobs, the ethnicity of the people
who live there, and/or lower life expectancies.
By combining corpus linguistics and CDA with GIS, we add a fur-
ther dimension to the academic analysis and discussion of place. Thus
we follow Cooper and Gregory’s (2011: 90) argument that ‘there is a
move towards using GIS technology to highlight the imbricated rela-
tionship between the locatedness of everyday life and the spatialities of
cultural practices’. Geographical text analysis has the capacity to aid the
critical discourse analyst in facilitating a visual representation of biases
evident in texts, as it allows the researcher to map and spatially analyse
the use of place in relation to particular themes, such as poverty. To
date, GTA has been used in humanities research, particularly in histori-
cal demography (Murrieta-Flores et al. 2015; Porter et al. 2015) and in
literary studies (Gregory and Donaldson 2016; Donaldson et al. 2017).
This book represents one of the first times that this approach has been
used to study a modern topic in the social sciences.
2Bednarek (2006: 12) notes that Britain has more national daily and Sunday newspapers than
any other country and that the British are the third biggest buyers of newspapers in the world.
She also notes that tabloid papers outsell broadsheets by about four to one and that over 50% of
the British population who read newspapers read a national tabloid in comparison with 13% for
broadsheets (2006: 13).
poverty that are based on the lived experiences and access to resources
of those living in poverty. The chapter also focuses on the difference
between absolute poverty and relative poverty, with UK poverty tending
to be conceptualised as the latter. As this book draws together meth-
ods and approaches from different disciplines, we have included two
chapters which explain the basics of corpus linguistics, CDA, and GIS,
in order to make GTA accessible to a range of readers from different
fields. Chapter 2 focuses on analytical approaches to large volumes of
text using corpus linguistics and CDA. Chapter 3 explores how geogra-
phy can be modelled computationally using a geographical information
system (GIS).
Chapter 4 brings these different analytical techniques together to pro-
vide a detailed description of GTA. To provide an exemplar of GTA, this
chapter is based around the use of a single search term, the word pov-
erty. Having established proof of concept for GTA at such a large scale,
we then present a much broader analysis of the geographies associated
with poverty in our chosen newspapers, which includes a comparison
between the textual data from our corpora and more-established meas-
ures of poverty, such as census and worklessness statistics. Chapter 5
describes how corpus linguistics techniques were used to identify a
much wider set of search terms that our newspapers associate with pov-
erty. These are grouped under four main themes: employment, money,
benefits, and housing. The following two chapters explore the geogra-
phies associated with these themes in more detail. Chapter 6 looks at
employment and money, while Chapter 7 moves on to benefits and
housing. It also briefly compares how the geographies of all four themes
in our corpora compare with geographies of poverty as defined using
quantitative sources.
Chapter 8 brings all of our poverty-related search terms together
to present an overall analysis of the geographies of poverty as repre-
sented in our corpora. It focuses on how different areas of the UK are
associated with poverty in different, nuanced ways by each newspa-
per. Taking a critical perspective we demonstrate that the newspapers’
choice of place, and what aspects of poverty to focus on, provides sup-
porting evidence for the overarching ideologies that they each endorse.
Our extended conclusion draws out the main findings of our analysis
Baker, P., & T. McEnery (eds.). 2015. Corpora and Discourse Studies.
Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Baker, P. 2006. Using Corpora in Discourse Analysis. London: Continuum.
Baker, P., C. Gabrielatos, M. KhosraviNik, M. Kryzanowski, T. McEnery, &
R. Wodak. 2008. A Useful Methodological Synergy? Combining Critical
Discourse Analysis and Corpus Linguistics to Examine Discourses of
Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the UK Press. Discourse and Society 19 (3):
Bednarek, M. 2006. Evaluation in Media Discourse: Analysis of a Newspaper
Corpus. New York: Continuum.
Breit, E. 2010. On the (Re)construction of Corruption in the Media: A
Critical Discursive Approach. Journal of Business Ethics 92 (4): 619–635.
Conrad, S. 2002. Corpus Linguistic Approaches for Discourse Analysis.
Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 22: 75–95.
Cooper, D., & I. Gregory. 2011. Mapping the English Lake District: A
Literary GIS. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 36 (1):
Donaldson C., I. N. Gregory, & J. E. Taylor. 2017. Locating the Beautiful,
Picturesque, Sublime and Majestic: Spatially Analysing the Application of
Aesthetic Terminology in Descriptions of the English Lake District. Journal
of Historical Geography 56: 43–60.
Gregory, I. N., & C. Donaldson. 2016. Geographical Text Analysis: Digital
Cartographies of Lake District Literature. In D. Cooper D., C. Donaldson,
& P. Murrieta-Flores (eds.). Literary Mapping in the Digital Age. Abingdon:
Routledge, pp. 67–87.
Mautner, G. 2009. Checks and Balances: How Corpus Linguistics can
Contribute to CDA. In R. Wodak & M. Meyer (eds.). Methods of Critical
Discourse Analysis. London: Sage, pp 122–143.
Morris, R., & V. Carstairs. 1991. Which Deprivation? A Comparison of
Selected Deprivation Indexes. Journal of Public Health Medicine: 318–325.
Any discussion of poverty and its related discourses must begin with a
definition. One positive of taking an interdisciplinary approach to the
analysis of poverty is the increase in the pool of potential resources
that we can draw upon in defining the term. We must define poverty
within the geographical boundaries of the UK and situate our definition
within the twenty-first century. Fundamentally, we must question how
to measure poverty. The very foundation of this book relies on compar-
ing measurements of poverty and/or deprivation using census data (and
its derivatives) with discursive depictions of poverty, using the tools of
Geographical Text Analysis (GTA).
Lansley and Mack (2015: 3) argue that ‘[d]efinitions of poverty
matter’ because they act as a determinant of ‘whether the incomes and
living conditions of the poorest in society are acceptable or not’. This
chapter discusses some of the many different ways of defining and
measuring poverty, both quantitative and qualitative. Section 1.1 con-
siders definitions of poverty and notes that, as there is no undisputed
way to measure poverty, any definition (used implicitly and explic-
itly) likely performs an ideological function. Section 1.2 focuses on
attempts to measure poverty both quantitatively and socioculturally,
using measures such as census statistics and Carstairs scores. Section 1.3
considers the wider social context within which this research sits, and
summarises some of the major trends in discourses of poverty identified
in existing research.
1Lansleyand Mack (2015) note this measure is sometimes reported as 60% of average household
income (taken to imply the mean), which would make abolishing (child) poverty impossible.
However, it is statistically possible for no one to live on a household income less than 60% of the
median of the UK’s household incomes.
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
and information’ (UN 1995: 57). However, one can be in poverty with-
out being in absolute poverty and, as such, some measures of poverty
noted by the UN will be largely irrelevant in countries with systematic
clean water supplies, public sanitation facilities, nationalised health pro-
vision, and free education. Lansley and Mack (2015: 3), however, argue
that foregrounding the extremes of poverty and emphasising ‘hun-
ger and homelessness’ can be used by powerful institutions ‘as a way
of underplaying the extent of poverty’. The fact that the UN’s defini-
tion of absolute poverty is not universally applicable emphasises that the
geography of poverty is significant; what is considered poverty in one
socially-defined location (such as within a country’s borders) may not be
considered poverty in other locations.
To this end, Gordon (2006: 39) argues that ‘low income and low
standard of living can only be accurately measured relative to the norms’
of individual societies, what he terms objective poverty. He proposes that
deprivation measures relating to ‘personal, physical and mental condi-
tions, local and environmental facilities, social activities and customs,
are more suitable for measuring poverty and deprivation than economic
measures of consumption expenditure (Gordon 2006: 39). In meas-
uring objective poverty, Gordon (2006: 40) notes that the variables of
income and ‘standard of living are correlated’ and acknowledges that
there ‘will always be some ambiguities near the margins about whether a
person should be defined as “poor” or not’. He suggests, therefore, that
‘it is better to conceive the poverty threshold as a band of low income
and standard of living rather than as a hard fixed line’ (2006: 40).
Despite different interpretations of poverty, its manifestations as rel-
ative or absolute, the acceptance/rejection of an in/out dichotomy, and
its geographical location, what all the definitions above have in common
is an underlying sense that poverty is something which can be observed
and scientifically measured. Language about poverty lines, margins,
thresholds, standards, minimums, income levels, etc. and yes/no
measures such as access to clean water and sanitation, treat poverty as
something quantifiable and concrete. The possibility that poverty is
unmeasurable is not considered; yet we cannot intrinsically measure
poverty as it is an abstract, socially-determined concept. In order to
address this, the following section discusses what is actually measured
when determining the boundaries of poverty.
1 Defining and Measuring Poverty
2See Lee (1999) and Morgan and Baker (2006) for a discussion of statistical measures of depriva-
tion in the UK.
3The Index of Local Conditions (see Lee 1999) is based primarily on census data and includes
unemployment, poor children, overcrowding, lack of amenities, no car, children in flats, educa-
tion at 17, income support, low educational qualifications, standardised mortality rates, derelict
land, and crime.
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
4Dorling et al. (2000) estimate levels of poverty by calculating proportions of social class groups
within a ward using the midpoint of each social class—assuming a normal distribution—to cal-
culate a poverty index. Using data from Charles Booth’s study of London poverty 1889–1903
and the 1991 UK census, their results show that historically, there has not been much change in
poverty distribution in London boroughs between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. They
note some areas that have seen lots of immigrant settlement have ‘moved down the social scale
slightly’ whilst others have been through the process of gentrification, but overall ‘affluent places
have remained affluent and poor places have remained relatively poor’ (2000: 1549).
1 Defining and Measuring Poverty
note that the 2001 UK Census included the now widely-used NS-SEC
(National Statistics Socio-economic Classification) instead of the previ-
ously used ‘social class’. However, the NS-SEC still relies predominantly
on employment as a measure of socioeconomic status/groupings, and so
Lee’s (1999) criticisms (noted above) still stand.
Alternative measurements of poverty/deprivation are based on liv-
ing standards. As such, they ‘conceptualise poverty as a combination
or series of deprivations, both material and social, such that resources
are so seriously below those commandeered by the average individual
or household that they are, in effect, excluded from ordinary living pat-
terns, customs and activities’ (Lee 1999: 174). Pantazis et al. (2006)
discuss the construction and administration of the Poverty and Social
Exclusion Survey—a UK-based initiative that was founded on earlier
work by Mack and Lansley (1983/85) and the Breadline Britain Survey
(see Meinhof and Richardson 1994). By asking members of the British
public which possessions and activities they see as necessary to main-
tain a minimum acceptable standard of living, the aim of these surveys
have been to ‘try to discover whether there is a public consensus on
what is an unacceptable standard of living for Britain’ and to find out
‘who, if anyone, falls below that standard’ (Mack and Lansley 1985: 50
in Pantazis et al. 2006: 89). The results of these surveys have shown that
there is a high level of consensus (50% of participants agreeing) across
different social demographics (age, class, gender) on what items and
social activities are necessary for an acceptable living standard. UK resi-
dents without access to three or more of these essentials—which include
beds and bedding, a refrigerator, visits to friends/family, contents insur-
ance, carpets in living rooms and bedrooms, television, and a holiday
away from home—are deemed to be in poverty.
Updating the Breadline Britain surveys, Lansley and Mack (2015)
asked respondents from over two thousand households whether seventy
six different items/activities (including 30 measures relating to children)
were a necessity in twenty-first century daily life: items tested include
living in a damp-free home, possessing items such as curtains and a
dining table, eating two meals a day, and attending weddings/funerals.
Twenty-six adult items and twenty-four children’s items met the 50%
threshold for being considered necessities. Whilst Lansley and Mack
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
acknowledge that responses to the tested items were not uniform, they
point out that there was a relatively high level of consensus amongst
their participants (2015: 25ff.). They note that, in comparison to pre-
vious studies with similar methodologies, the composition of this list
of necessities has changed over time—a weekly roast dinner, for exam-
ple, is less likely to be seen as a necessity now due to changes in eating
habits, and carpets are less likely to be seen as a necessity due to the
popularity of laminate/wooden floors—and they suggest that ‘the public
accept that minimum living standards need to reflect contemporary and
not past styles of living. They believe that needs do not stand outside
society as some kind of timeless given’ (2015: 18). Thus there is con-
sensus that poverty is not fixed and absolute, but relative (at least in a
temporal sense). The items deemed necessities went beyond the basics
of food and shelter and included telephones, a leisure activity, and visit-
ing friends.
Lansley and Mack (2015: 26) argue that one of the most controver-
sial items they tested was possession of a television. They suggest that
a television, which ‘has been a near-universal possession for decades’
divided opinion amongst respondents in terms of educational back-
ground (71% of people without qualifications deemed it a necessity
compared with 43% of those with a degree) and type of occupation
(65% of manual workers to 48% of non-manual workers). Lansley and
Mack also note a correlation between television ownership being seen as
a necessity and restrictions affecting respondents’ ability to go out (such
as ill health, old age, and lack of income). However, what is telling is
that they draw on a single quote from the 1983 survey:
I watch TV from first thing in the morning till last thing at night, till the
television goes off. That’s all I’ve got: to watch television. I can’t afford to
do other things at all. (Lansley and Mack 2015: 27)
5Jo (2013: 516) notes how Lister’s (2004: 7) definition of poverty includes ‘shameful and cor-
rosive social relation[s] …characterized by a lack of voice, disrespect, humiliation and reduced
dignity and self-esteem’.
1 Defining and Measuring Poverty
6Lansley and Mack (2015: 147) claim the ‘frequency with which the tabloid press and some tel-
evision programmes feature very large families living on benefits’ is disproportionate to reality, as
reports from the DWP state that there were ‘only 180 claiming households with ten or more chil-
dren in 2010’ and 91% of households claiming benefits ‘have three or fewer children, and only
one percent have six or more’.
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
7See Paterson et al. (2017) for a discussion of how such items are used as indexical markers
explicit role of the wider society’. She argues that the relationship
between poverty and shame is constructed ‘from the dominant dis-
course’—i.e. through language and cultural norms which are ‘collec-
tively assembled by multiple institutions which are governed by those
with power and influence’ (Jo 2013: 522). Such an interpretation of
how discourses of poverty are utilised supports her claim that poverty
‘cannot be fully interpreted outside of the specific social context in
which it occurs’ (Jo 2013: 519). It is clear then, that poverty is more
than a statistical measure of income or consumer expenditure. Fukuda-
Parr (2006: 7) explicitly notes that poverty relates to ‘public policy’ and
‘is now widely considered to be a multidimensional problem’ which is
manifest in ‘a complex set of deprivations’. She argues that twenty-first
century definitions of poverty ‘have refocused the concept of poverty as
a human condition that reflects failures in many dimensions of human
life’ which include not only long-held indexes of poverty such as home-
lessness, unemployment, and poor health, but also include ‘powerless-
ness and victimisation, and social injustice’ (Fukuda-Parr 2006: 7).
However, whilst including such elements within a definition of poverty
serve to illustrate its multidimensionality, Fukuda-Parr does not give
any examples of how, or indeed if (relative) poverty could actually be
1.4 Summary
One of the aims of this book is to compare the more traditional (quanti-
tative) calculations of poverty with the discursive construction of poverty
in the UK press. To this end, we compare government-endorsed statis-
tics, such as census data and unemployment figures, to the location and
representations of poverty present in our two corpora (see Chapter 4).
Each type of data presents a form of reality—it expresses a discourse of
poverty in geographical space—but neither the statistics nor the dis-
cursive representation capture the full complexity of poverty. Lorenzo-
Dus and Marsh argue that poverty ‘defies easy definition’, includes a
multitude of factors and is a ‘social, political and/or security issue’ with
links to ‘social exclusion and discrimination, economic migration, and
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
8Furthermore, Lorenzo-Dus and Marsh (2012: 277) note that discourse analysis undertaken in
South America has shown that there is ‘a tendency in political and media elite discourses to quan-
tify poverty, typically through statistics that deprive those being thus defied of their individual
identity’ alongside the ‘construction of “the poor” as passive, indolent and immoral’.
1 Defining and Measuring Poverty
people’s economic resources (how much money they have, where that
money comes from, and how they spend that money), their social
resources (whether they are employed, if they have access to educa-
tion, adequate health care, etc.), and cultural resources (their hobbies,
consumer habits, and local network norms). Whilst there is evaluation
of the poor in the mass media along these lines—van der Bom et al.
(2018) found that the clothing people wore on the second series of
Benefits Street was a primary site for critical evaluation, and there were
related links to flawed consumerism—there appears to be less accept-
ance of the macro-structural constraints on these forms of capital, such
as low wages, changes to government benefits (such as the Welfare
Reform Bill), the geographical location of available jobs, access to ade-
quate transport links, etc.
Our investigation of media discourses on a large scale, using our two
multi-million word corpora, focuses on the nuances of how different
aspects of poverty are deployed in relation to geography. In the two chap-
ters which follow, we introduce readers unfamiliar to corpus linguistics,
critical discourse analysis, and GIS to the fundamentals of our chosen
methods. For those who are already familiar with one or more of these
methods and their related techniques, Chapters 2 and 3 may not be
necessary. We pick up our analysis of discourses of poverty and place in
Chapter 4, which demonstrates how the combination of linguistics and
geography—in the form of GTA—can illuminate an as-yet-untapped
aspect of poverty discourses by comparing the locations of poverty
expressed by statistical measures with those referenced in media texts.
Bauman, Z. 2004. Work, Consumerism and the New Poor. Buckingham: Open
University Press.
Bennett, J. 2012. ‘And What Comes Out May Be a Kind of Screeching’: The
Stylisation of Chavspeak in Contemporary Britain. Journal of Sociolinguistics
16 (1): 5–27.
Biressi, A. 2011. ‘The Virtuous Circle’: Social Entrepreneurship and Welfare
Programming in the UK. In H. Wood & B. Skeggs (eds.). Reality Television
and Class. London: British Film Institute/Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 144–155.
1 Defining and Measuring Poverty
The purpose of this chapter and the one that follows is to introduce
readers unfamiliar with linguistic and/or geography-based approaches to
poverty to the tools that we have chosen to use. The chapter begins with
an overview of corpus linguistics, what it is (the systematic, computa-
tionally-aided analysis of large bodies of texts using specialist software)
and what assumptions corpus analysis makes about language. Section 2.1
also describes some of the tools associated with corpus analysis, with
illustrative examples. Section 2.2 introduces and defines what we mean
when we use the term discourse and, leading on from this, we introduce
the core principles of critical discourse analysis (CDA) in Sect 2.3. The
final section of this chapter considers the benefits of combining corpus
linguistics and CDA for the analysis of social phenomena, before leading
into a consideration of the geographical aspects of our analysis of poverty
in Chapter 3.
1Furthermore, frequency lists can also be lemmatised, which means that all forms of a word
(e.g. swim, swam, swum, swimming ) are treated as part of one whole, rather than as separate items
in the corpus.
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
and in-work, which suggest that employment and poverty are linked
concepts in UK media texts. Similarly, for the Daily Mail, collocates
such as abject, relative, rate, and grinding also suggest that poverty can
be measured, but there is less indication that the Daily Mail presents
poverty as directly linked to working people.
In order to calculate the statistical value of a collocation Baker et al.
(2008: 279) note that three pieces of information are needed: ‘the fre-
quency of the node [the target word that you’re investigating], the
frequency of the collocates, and the frequency of the collocation’.2
Decisions must be made about how close two words need to be to
each other in discourse to constitute a pattern. There is a stronger link
between words that are immediate collocates—words occurring side-by-
side—than if the two words are only loosely collocated, such as they
occur in the same paragraph. Collocates tend to be grouped seman-
tically or grammatically to facilitate further analysis. However, it is
important not only to spot the patterns in collocates, but also to note
collocates which do not appear to fit with the others.
Moving towards more qualitative data, concordance lines are alpha-
betically ordered lists of all occurrences of a given search term in a cor-
pus within their immediate co-text (i.e. circa ten words either side).
Concordance lists are extremely useful in corpus analysis as all instances
of a search term can be sorted in terms of their surrounding text, which
makes it easier to see repeated patterns. Figure 2.1 shows a sample of
concordance lines for the search term and poverty in the 2015 section of
the Guardian corpus.
Analysing what repeated concepts are linked to poverty through the
use of the coordinating conjunction and gives an indication as to how
poverty is presented in a wider context. For example, in the ten concord-
ance lines given here, there are five references to food (food banks, food
blogger, food, dietary, and hunger ), and five references to money (bene-
fits, income, tax, minimum wage), but the two concepts do not seem to
2Collocations can be measured using different statistical calculations, such as log-likelihood and
mutual information (a calculation based on how often a word occurs and how often that word
occurs with the target node). For more information on corpus statistics, see Brezina (2018).
2 Corpus Linguistics, Critical Discourse Analysis, and Poverty
1. The rise in poverty rates is largely due to stagnating wages and benefit
cuts (G news: society, Nov 2012).
3On a macro scale it might be that particular language varieties are deemed as socially more
appropriate, or acceptable, or beautiful, and so on. For example, double negatives such as ‘I didn’t
hear nothing’ have traditionally been rejected as ‘bad English’. These judgements do not make the
language variety under scrutiny intrinsically good or bad, but the social values attached to certain
language varieties are powerful.
2 Corpus Linguistics, Critical Discourse Analysis, and Poverty
of the mother’s house: not only is the homeless person living in a house,
but a relatively expensive one in a presumably-enviable village location.
Whilst this is just a single example, Lansley and Mack (2015: 142)
note that the use of scrounger in UK newspapers was four times higher
in 2010 than it had been between 1993 and 2003 (although the gap
between these dates could hide fluctuations in usage). The repetition of
this term, and others like it, are evidence of scrounger discourse, where
benefits claimants are portrayed as (unjustly) receiving high welfare pay-
ments and spending them frivolously (see van der Bom et al. 2018).
What makes discourse analysis critical is its explicit focus on language
and power; it is underpinned by the perspective that language is a social
phenomenon which reflects, (re)constructs, and rejects social (power)
norms. Wodak (1999: 186) argues that language ‘is not an isolated phe-
nomenon’ but rather it is ‘deeply social, intertwined with social pro-
cesses and interaction’. As Fairclough (2001: 21) explains:
The term critical discourse analysis does not refer to a single, formulaic
method of research or to a unified theory of society and social construc-
tion: ‘CDA has never been and has never attempted to be or to pro-
vide one single or specific theory. Neither is one specific methodology
characteristic of research in CDA’ (Wodak and Meyer 2009: 5). What
unites practitioners of CDA is their focus on the relationship between
language (as evidenced through close textual analysis) and wider social
issues. According to Scheuer (2003: 143) analyses will discuss texts ‘on
a macrosocial level, often with reference to global political movements’
and will generally discuss ideology. Ideology is another term with mul-
tiple overlapping definitions. For Fairclough this term relates to the rel-
ative acceptance of ideas presented as common sense. He argues that
ideologies (note the plural) ‘are closely linked to language, because using
2 Corpus Linguistics, Critical Discourse Analysis, and Poverty
also note Kress and van Leeuwen’s (2001) claim that critical analyses must
take ‘into account absences as well as presences in the data’, arguing that
a major concern with corpus analysis is that it ‘tends to focus on what
has been explicitly written’ (2008: 297). This criticism is a sound one, as
corpus software is not designed to look for the absence of data, and this
must be taken into consideration when using corpus data to inform CDA.
Nevertheless, combinatory analyses are possible. In Paterson’s (forthcoming)
analysis of discussions of UK poverty in Below the Line newspaper com-
ments, members of the public debated child poverty using references to
the responsibilities and failings of (single) mothers. In contrast, references
to (single) fathers were rare, and when (single) fathers were mentioned,
their mentions were either rejected or presented as isolated cases. Thus the
absence of (single) fatherhood in debates about UK child poverty serve
to gender the debate and frame child poverty as a problem directly asso-
ciated with poor motherhood. The quantification of references to moth-
ers and fathers—produced using corpus analysis—demonstrates a pattern
across texts, but this pattern is only understood through close analysis of
the occurrences of such terms and their subsequent relation to wider social
norms which situate women as primarily responsible for child rearing.
The systematic analysis of the gendering of poverty debates and the
use of corpus linguistics to bring such social practices to light correlates
well with CDA’s political focus. Wodak (2001: 9) notes that the critical
element of CDA refers to ‘taking a political stance explicitly’ whilst also
having distance from the data and being able to embed the data within
society and social norms. Thus, to combine corpus linguistics, which
provides a certain distance from the data, with CDA, one has to begin
corpus work acknowledging the political purpose of a particular analysis.
It is important for researchers to acknowledge their own position in rela-
tion to their object of analysis. In the present case, both authors are from
middle-class, white British backgrounds and have no first-hand expe-
rience with poverty. As such we cannot present an insider’s view. Our
knowledge of poverty comes from observing those in poverty, either first
hand or through social networks, or mediated through other channels,
such as second-hand accounts of poverty presented in the mass media. It
is on these media-controlled accounts that we focus our analysis.
2 Corpus Linguistics, Critical Discourse Analysis, and Poverty
2.5 Summary
This chapter has served to introduce readers to the theoretical under-
pinnings and applications of corpus linguistics and CDA. The benefits
of corpus linguistics include the ability to process large amounts of
data—much more than could be easily facilitated using manual anal-
ysis alone—and can lead to the identification of patterns of language
use across large datasets. For the present study, using a corpus-based
approach helped to identify the use of place-names across a total of
almost four hundred million words. The way that textual data is pre-
sented in corpora, and the ability to generate concordances lines, is
also particularly well suited to geotagging place-names (see Chapter 3)
and manipulating textual data so that it can be used in GIS. Our
focus on CDA is complementary to our use of corpora, as it facilitates
a consideration of textual (and statistical) representations of poverty
within their wider social context. Thus, not only can we plot the refer-
ences to place-names included in media texts, and thus compare them
to statistical measures of poverty, we can also take a more qualitative
look at exactly how ideologies of UK poverty are encoded within
However, whilst the final section of this chapter discussed how
corpus linguistics and CDA can be used in combination, there was no
real consideration of geography. This is because, traditionally, corpus
linguists have not explored the geographies within texts that they have
analysed. Whilst there may be some consideration about where a text
is from when compiling a corpus—for example, if the aim is to con-
struct a corpus of British English or Australian English—there tends to
be little-to-no consideration of the places mentioned within texts. In
Chapter 3 therefore, we switch our focus to explore the basics of the
ways in which Geographical information systems (GIS) represent and
analyse features in geographical space. This provides the underpin-
ning that allows Chapter 4 to bring together corpus-based and GIS
approaches to create GTA, the major methodological advance that
allows us to explore the geographical representations of poverty in the
remainder of the book.
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
Altheide, D. L. 2000. Tracking Discourse and Qualitative Document Analysis.
Poetics 27 (4): 287–299.
Baker, P. 2006. Using Corpora in Discourse Analysis. London: Continuum.
Baker, P., C. Gabrielatos, M. KhosraviNik, M. Kryzanowski, T. McEnery, &
R. Wodak. 2008. A Useful Methodological Synergy? Combining Critical
Discourse Analysis and Corpus Linguistics to Examine Discourses of
Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the UK Press. Discourse and Society 19 (3):
Baker, P., & T. McEnery (eds.). 2015. Corpora and Discourse Studies.
Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Biber, D., S. Conrad, & R. Reppen. 1994. Corpus-Based Approaches to Issues
in Applied Linguistics. Applied Linguistics 15 (2): 169–189.
Bourdieu, P., & L. Wacquant. 2004. Symbolic Violence. In N. Scheper-
Hughes & P. Bourgois (eds.). Violence in War and Peace: An Anthology.
Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 272–274.
Breit, E. 2010. On the (Re)Construction of Corruption in the Media: A
Critical Discursive Approach. Journal of Business Ethics 92 (4): 619–635.
Brezina, V. 2018. Statistics in Corpus Linguistics: A Practical Guide. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Dorling, D., R. Mitchell, M. Shaw, S. Orford, & G. Davey Smith. 2000. The
Ghost of Christmas Past: Health Effects of Poverty in London in 1896 and
1991. British Medical Journal 321: 1547–1551.
Fairclough, N. 2001. Language and Power (second edition). London:
Gregory, I. N. 2009. Comparisons Between Geographies of Mortality and
Deprivation from the 1900s and 2001: Spatial Analysis of Census and
Mortality Statistics. British Medical Journal 339: b3454, 676–679.
Hardie, A. 2012. CQPweb—Combining Power, Flexibility and Usability in a
Corpus Analysis Tool. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 17: 380–409.
Hardt-Mautner, G. 1995. Only Connect. Critical Discourse Analysis and
Corpus Linguistics. UCREL Technical Papers 6.
papers/techpaper/vol6.pdf. Accessed 18/10/2009.
Kennedy, G. D. 1998. An Introduction to Corpus Linguistics. London:
Kress, G., & T. van Leeuwen. 2001. Multimodal Discourse: The Modes and
Media of Contemporary Communication. London: Arnold.
2 Corpus Linguistics, Critical Discourse Analysis, and Poverty
Lansley, S., & J. Mack. 2015. Breadline Britain: The Rise of Mass Poverty.
London: Oneworld.
Lundström, R. 2013. Framing Fraud: Discourse on Benefit Cheating in
Sweden and the UK. European Journal of Communication 28 (6): 630–645.
Mautner, G. 2007. Mining Large Corpora for Social Information: The Case of
Elderly. Language in Society 36 (1): 51–72.
McCarthy, M., & R. Carter. 2004. Focus-on Issue: Corpus Linguistics (Part
I)—Introduction. Journal of Pragmatics 36 (2): 147–148.
McKenzie, L. 2015. Getting By: Estates, Class and Culture in Austerity Britain.
London: Polity Press.
Paterson, L. L. Forthcoming. Electronic Supplement Analysis of Multiple
Texts: Exploring Discourses of UK poverty in Below the Line Comments.
Paterson, L. L., D. Peplow, & K. Grainger. 2017. Does Money Talk Equal
Class Talk? Audience Responses to Poverty Porn in Relation to Money and
Debt. In A. Mooney & E. Sifaki (eds.). The Language of Money and Debt:
An Interdisciplinary Approach. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 205–232.
Rayson, P. 2008. From Keywords to Semantic Domains. International Journal
of Corpus Linguistics 13 (4): 519–549.
Richardson, J. E. 2006. Analysing Newspapers: An Approach from Critical
Discourse Analysis. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Scheuer, J. 2003. Habitus as the Principle for Social Practice: A Proposal for
Critical Discourse Analysis. Language in Society 32 (2): 143–175.
Skeggs, B., & H. Wood (eds.). 2011. Reality Television and Class. London:
British Film Institute/Palgrave Macmillan.
Stubbs, M. 2001. Texts, Corpora, and Problems of Interpretation: A Response
to Widdowson. Applied Linguistics 22 (2): 149–172.
Tognini-Bonelli, E. 2001. Corpus Linguistics at Work. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
van der Bom, I., L. L. Paterson, K. Grainger, & D. Peplow. 2018. ‘It’s Not the
Fact They Claim Benefits but Their Useless, Lazy, Drug Taking Lifestyles
We Despise’: Analysing Audience Responses to Benefits Street Using Live
Tweets. Discourse, Context & Media 21: 36–45.
Wodak, R. 1999. Critical Discourse Analysis at the End of the 20th Century.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 32 (1–2): 185–193.
Wodak, R. 2001. What CDA Is About—A Summary of Its History, Important
Concepts and Its Development. In R. Wodak & M. Meyer (eds.). Methods
of Critical Discourse Analysis. London: Sage, pp. 1–13.
Wodak, R., & M. Meyer. 2009. Critical Discourse Analysis: History, Agenda,
Theory and Methodology. In R. Wodak & M. Meyer (eds.). Methods of
Critical Discourse Analysis (second edition). London: Sage, pp. 1–33.
Geographical Information Systems
and Textual Sources
this type of source. Space and geography have, however, largely been
neglected by corpus linguistics. This is at least in part because the tools
and approaches used in corpus linguistics are not well suited to explor-
ing location. Since the 1990s geographers have increasingly used GIS
to represent, analyse, and visualise data that can be mapped. A con-
tinuing criticism of GIS, however, is that it is primarily suited for use
with quantitative sources, usually structured in tabular form. In their
traditional form GIS are thus not well suited to the analysis of textual
To date, developments within the fields of GIS and corpus linguistics
have occurred in parallel with little overlap: GIS has largely not made
use of textual sources while corpus analysis has largely ignored geogra-
phy. Bringing the two together, to allow texts to be analysed within a
GIS framework, requires two developments: firstly the identification of
place-names within the text, and secondly the linking of place-names to
coordinates to allow the place-name to be mapped. This can be achieved
using a technique called geoparsing which uses techniques from Natural
Language Processing (NLP) to identify candidate place-names within
the text, and matches these to a gazetteer1 to allocate them to a coordi-
nate (Grover et al. 2010). This allows the place-names within the cor-
pus to be mapped and facilitates analysis of the geographies within texts
(Gregory et al. 2015). Once places have been mapped, Geographical
Text Analysis (GTA)—described in detail in Chapter 4—can be used
to analyse the text in more sophisticated ways. This chapter introduces
GIS and its constituent fields. Section 3.1 introduces the technology
as it has been developed to handle quantitative data and the limited
extent to which the qualitative have also been incorporated. Section 3.2
explores geoparsing, how it works, and why gazetteers are so fundamen-
tal to it. Section 3.3 explores some of the more conceptual issues that
problematise representing space in this way.
also contain additional information about a place including, alternative spellings, population sta-
tistics, and notes on physical features.
3 Geographical Information Systems and Textual Sources
(a) (b)
ID Name Population Unemployment
1 Newton 4235 862
2 Sutton 1729 209
3 Wood Side 7621 1012
4 Castlehill 6980 562
To take the census, the study area (usually a country) is subdivided into
precisely defined areas such as counties, districts, or output areas (OAs).
The number of people, and sub-divisions such as their sex, age, occupa-
tional status, ethnicity, and so on, are then counted for each area with
these counts being recorded in a table where there is a row for every
area and the columns provide information on the population structure,
such as total population, numbers of people in each occupation, etc.
Thus, the census combines information about location (in the form of
the areas used to count the data) that say where the data refer to, with
tabular information that says what is at each location.
In GIS parlance, the tabular data is referred to as attribute data.
Each row of attribute data is linked to a geographical representation of
its location which is called the spatial data. With census data, the spa-
tial data will be representations of the zones used to collect and cate
gorise the data. This structure is shown in Fig. 3.1 which represents the
spatial and attribute data for some hypothetical census statistics.
Spatial data can be represented in a number of different ways. The
simplest form of spatial data is a point, in which a location is repre-
sented using a single coordinate pair (x, y ) as shown in Fig. 3.2a. Points
can be used to represent a wide variety of features including individual
addresses or the locations of buildings, such as hospitals or supermar-
kets. Depending on scale, points can also be used to represent larger fea-
tures such as towns and cities. Linear features such as roads, railways, or
rivers are represented using lines which, as Fig. 3.2b shows, are created
by joining together two or more points. Areas or zones, such as cen-
sus districts or lakes, are represented using polygons. As Fig. 3.2c shows,
3 Geographical Information Systems and Textual Sources
Fig. 3.2 Vector data representing a points, b lines and c polygons. Each point,
line segment, and polygon is linked to its own attribute data, as shown in Fig. 3.1
0 0 0 1 3 4 7 8
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 0 3 4 5 3 3 4
1 2 5 7 7 5 3 3
2 5 6 9 8 7 5 3
4 7 9 9 8 6 4 2
4 6 8 8 7 5 3 1
3 5 7 8 6 4 1 0
Fig. 3.3 An example of raster data. Each cell is of known size with the numeric
value representing an attribute such as height or density
questions of the attribute data and map the results, or to select locations
on the map and query their attribute data. The first of these would ena-
ble a question such as ‘where are places with unemployment rates above
10% found?’, the second would ask ‘what percentage of people at this
place are unemployed?’.
While this is a very simple structure, it opens up much potential
for understanding geographical phenomena. Four major opportunities
can be identified: structuring of data, data integration, visualisation,
and spatial analysis (Gregory et al. 2003). Structuring simply refers to
the fact that the data model allows us to know more about the way the
data are related to each other. For example, we know what is at a par-
ticular location, what is at neighbouring locations, and so on. As all of
the data within a GIS database have been georeferenced to real-world
location, theoretically location can be used to integrate any data within
GIS. Thus, for example, if we have data on the addresses of individ-
ual shops as points, census data representing the population for poly-
gons, and data on the transport network as lines, all of which have been
taken from different sources, these can be brought together to explore,
3 Geographical Information Systems and Textual Sources
not good at handling this type of situation due to the imprecise nature
of the spatial data.
Fig. 3.4 A fragment of geoparsed newspaper text taken from the Daily Mail
The location of the production of texts and the places they refer to
can index powerful strategies. For example, in 2011 South Sudan was
formally recognised as a country, but its conceptual realisation as a sepa-
rate entity in global politics would not have been possible if institution-
ally-produced texts rejected its new, independent identity by refusing to
use the signifier ‘South Sudan’ when referring to a particular geographi-
cal location/ideological entity. Similarly, the renaming of a geographical
area has ramifications for its assumed identity and implied ownership.
The history of Heraklion, Crete is a good example of this. The city’s cur-
rent name is rooted in Greek mythology, but at several points in his-
tory it has been given names that reflected its Byzantine (Kastro), Arab
(Rabdh el Khandaq/Chandax) and Venetian (Candia) rule. Thus we can
see how linguistic choices can be socially/politically powerful in refer-
ences to place.
Whilst name changes can illustrate the power of linguistic choice,
critical discourse analysts must question the most foundational concepts
within their research. Thus, we must ask what is meant by place as an
integral part of investigating how references to place are used within
wider discourse frameworks. Cresswell (2004: 1) notes that ‘no-one
quite knows what they are talking about’ given that place is ‘not a spe-
cialized piece of academic terminology’ and as such, does not have a sin-
gular definition.2 He argues that ‘[w]riting about and researching place
involves a multi-faceted understanding of the coming together of the
physical world (both “natural” and “cultural”), the processes of mean-
ing production and the practices of power that mark relations between
social groups’ (Cresswell 2004: 122). However, Porter et al. (2015: 33)
note that further work within Historical GIS may shed light on how
people use the term place and ‘could usefully examine what “place”
meant’ to the authors of texts, questioning whether place-names were
2See Cresswell (2004) for an overview of different approaches within human geography to
notions of ‘place’. He notes that geographers and philosophers such as Sack (1997) and Malpas
(1999) argue that society and geography are connected through ‘place’, but ‘the realm of the
‘social’ has no particular privilege in discussions of place’ (2004: 31). ‘Malpas and Sack are argu-
ing that humans cannot construct anything without being first in place – that place is primary to
the construction of meaning in society ’ (Cresswell 2004: 32).
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
part of a suburb of the city. Thus, it is likely that, when using GIS, any
characteristics associated with Lady Bay could be mapped to, and thus
associated with, the whole of Nottingham. This argument is particularly
salient when considering ethnographic work undertaken in the St Ann’s
area of Nottingham by McKenzie (2015) which references the con-
trasts between St Ann’s and more affluent parts of the city, such as West
Brigford; plotting references to Nottingham (meaning St. Ann’s) in the
same way as references to Nottingham (meaning West Brigford) in the
same location on a map will not give an accurate picture of how the two
terms were used. This problem can also be turned on its head, insofar
as the lexemes used in a text may remain constant, but refer to differ-
ent geographical locations, e.g. references to events located in Soho and
Kensington could both be referred to using the term ‘London’. Close
analysis of the surrounding co-text within which place-names are used
will highlight if there are repeated patterns of reference like this that our
analysis must address.
Concordance analysis can help with most of these issues as the
co-text of a search term or place-name provides more information about
how exactly place-names are used. Close reading of concordances can
show which characteristics are associated with a particular geograph-
ical area and we can perform a version of keyword analysis to deter-
mine how the co-text surrounding place-names differs (see Chapter 4).
In order to address issues concerning the different scale of place-name
mentions (county, city, borough, district, etc.) we can tailor our analysis
to the different levels, aggregate place-names mentioned to defined geo-
graphical areas (such as a local authority district) and also use density
smoothing (see Chapter 4) to even out the effects of different types of
3.4 Summary
GIS is based around a crude but effective data model in which a table of
data is provided with locational information using spatial data—points,
lines, polygons, or pixels. This model allows the researcher to ask ques-
tions of the database including where are these features located? and
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
Berman, M. L., R. Mostern, & H. Southall. 2016. Introduction. In M. L.
Berman, R. Mostern, & H. Southall (eds.). Placing Names: Enriching and
Integrating Gazetteers. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 1–11.
Chainey, S., & J. Ratcliffe. 2005. GIS and Crime Mapping. Chichester: Wiley.
Cope, M., & S. Elwood (eds.). 2009. Qualitative GIS: A Mixed Methods
Approach. London: Sage.
Cresswell, T. 2004. Place: A Short Introduction. London: Blackwell.
Cromley, E. K., & S. L. McLafferty. 2012. GIS and Public Health. London:
DeMers, M. 2008. Fundamentals of Geographical Information Systems (fourth
edition). Chichester: Wiley.
3 Geographical Information Systems and Textual Sources
GTA using the single corpus query: <*poverty*>.1 This query was
designed to return all hits of poverty as well as terms such as anti-pov-
erty, poverty-stricken, etc. Using <*poverty*> as an example, a variety of
approaches to GTA are explored. First, density smoothing is used to
identify the major geographical patterns associated with poverty within
the text. Spatial segregation analysis is then used to explore the dif
ferences in the geographies of the two newspapers. These techniques
explore the basic geographies that the texts associate with the search-
term. We then move to using variations on corpus linguistics techniques
to identify the discourses that different newspapers associate with differ-
ent places. The patterns found for <*poverty*> are then compared with
other data, namely quantitative data on poverty and the background
geographies from the two newspapers, to identify possible reasons for
the patterns found. The findings of this chapter are preliminary because
it attempts to represent a complex, multi-faceted issue such as poverty
using a single search-term. This simplicity of approach also leads to
problems of small numbers once we start exploring instances in different
places. Nevertheless, the chapter provides some initial findings that we
return to in later chapters.
1The corpus queries we used are given in angled brackets. The asterisks are known as wildcards
in corpus query syntax and are used to denote that the query term can be prefixed/followed by
zero or more characters. So the query <book*>, for example, would return hits for book, books,
bookend, booked, etc.
4 Conducting GTA Using Poverty as a Search Term
2The Guardian does not make a branding distinction between its print and online content.
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
The texts were mined from the two newspapers’ websites. All boil-
erplate information (surrounding images, advertisements, html links,
etc.) were removed and the articles were saved in a text file format.
The articles were grouped by month and XML tagged for their source
publication, month of publication, and article type (news or debate).
They were also marked up using two types of linguistic tagging. Firstly
parts of speech (POS) tags were assigned to each word in the texts
and then semantic tags were added using the USAS tagger (Rayson
et al. 2004). When the tagging had been completed, the texts were
uploaded into the corpus software CQPweb (Hardie 2012) to facili-
tate the first stage of GTA.3 We used the whole of each corpus to gen-
erate our corpus queries (see Chapter 5), but our GTA of poverty and
its related discourses focuses on the news sections of our corpora only.
We chose to focus on those texts which represented the institutional
voice of each newspaper, as opposed to those in the comment/debate
sections which were likely to include more individual/personal opin-
ions about poverty.
3Our thanks go to Andrew Hardie for his invaluable help with this part of the process.
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
than the Guardian (see Sect. 4.1) so these figures were normalised to
facilitate comparison. Thus, with 141.9 instances of <*poverty*> per
million words (pmw), the Guardian seems significantly more interested
in poverty than the Daily Mail which only has 30.0 instances pmw.
Concordance geoparsing (see Sect. 3.2) was then used to convert these
instances and their co-text into a format suitable for GTA.
As discussed in Chapter 3, place-names are complex and ambigu-
ous. One particular issue is the importance of scale. Where place-names
refer to towns and villages they can sensibly be represented within a GIS
using a point. Larger areas, however, are more problematic. For exam-
ple, if a city such as London is represented using a point, then how does
this point relate to place-names within the city, such as Westminster or
Islington. Similar issues exist with names of countries, counties, and
other high-level administrative units. We chose to exclude generic ref-
erences to poverty in the UK, England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern
Ireland due to their lack of geographical specificity. Below this, high
level administrative areas including county names and ‘London’ were
flagged as being ‘high-level units’ so that these could be handled dif-
ferently when required in subsequent analysis. Smaller cities and low-
er-level administrative areas including districts and parliamentary
constituencies were not flagged as it was felt that within this analysis
these can realistically be represented using a point. This choice is some-
what arbitrary and its implications will be returned to below.
The resulting geo-parsed data can be used to identify place-name
co-occurrences (PNCs) which are defined as the occurrence of a place-
name within 10 tokens either side of the search-term. PNCs are the basic
unit of analysis within GTA. They consist of the search-term, the place-
name, and the co-text that surrounds them, and can be represented using
a point representing the location referred to by the place-name. Thus (1),
below, forms a PNC between poverty and Blackpool because the two
words are within 10 word tokens of each other. More than one PNC can
be created by a single instance of the search-term. Example (2) generates
two PNCs, one for Birmingham and one for Liverpool.
1. Mike Barry, once a debt adviser with Citizens Advice, and now oper-
ations director of the town’s credit union, is dismayed—both by
4 Conducting GTA Using Poverty as a Search Term
6The M62 motorway runs east-west across the north of England from Hull to Liverpool.
7We are very grateful to Barry Rowlingson for this assistance with this.
Fig. 4.1 Density smoothed maps of <*poverty*> PNCs: a Guardian b Daily Mail
4 Conducting GTA Using Poverty as a Search Term
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
Fig. 4.2 Statistical comparison of the PNCs from the Daily Mail and the Guardian
newspapers are shown in Fig. 4.2. A global test8 on this pattern gives a
value of p = 0.01 suggesting that the two patterns do vary significantly
from each other by location. The local statistics, shown in Fig. 4.2,
8Spatial analysts distinguish between global and local statistics. A global statistic, usually
expressed as a single summary statistic such as a p-value or r2, gives the average pattern or rela-
tionship across the study area. Local statistics, by contrast, express the relationship at multiple
4 Conducting GTA Using Poverty as a Search Term
locations across the study area and, as a consequence, are usually shown in map form. They show
what the pattern or relationship is at each location (Fotheringham 1997). As an example, a global
statistic might suggest that across the country there is a positive relationship between unemploy-
ment and crime. Local statistics, however, might show that this relationship is strong in some
areas, weaker in others, and is not present or even negative in others.
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
from the Guardian and Margate from the Daily Mail, that leads to
their association with poverty. The obvious first approach to this is to
closely read the concordances that create the PNCs. The Guardian ’s
York cluster is formed by seventeen PNCs all of which refer to York
itself and all of which are in the society section of the newspaper.
Significantly, eleven occur in a single article, which focuses on York’s
attempts to make itself a poverty-free city. There are also implications
within the concordances that, although York is a relatively wealthy
place, it contains a significant amount of hidden poverty, as shown in
The Torbay cluster in the Guardian and the Margate cluster in the Daily
Mail are both perhaps a little misleading. Torbay is created from only seven
PNCs of which four are repeated occurrences of (7). From the Daily Mail,
the Margate cluster is created from three PNCs, all of which are associ-
ated with celebrities. One refers to Tracy Emin who ‘grew up in poverty in
Margate’ while the other two refer to Mary Portas’ efforts to reform retail-
ing in the town which, it was claimed, was ignoring the town’s problems
with poverty. The fact that these clusters are created from so few PNCs is
indicative of the relatively low z-scores that they are given in Fig. 4.1.
Exploring the concordances themselves allows us to identify what is
driving patterns with relatively small numbers of instances. Analysing
larger amounts of text requires the use of corpus linguistic techniques.
Keyness is a corpus linguistics measure that allows one corpus or sub-cor-
pus to be compared with another to identify which words are found sig-
nificantly more/less frequently in one than in the other. These words are
known as keywords (Baker 2006, see also Sect. 2.1). A variation of keyness,
contrastive concordance analysis, can be used to compare two sets of
PNCs. The word frequencies within one set of PNCs is compared with
another set to discover which PNC keywords have statistically significant
log likelihood scores. These can be used to compare how a single news-
paper represents poverty in different places, or to compare the two news-
papers’ representation of poverty in particular places. An obvious question
generated by the maps is the extent to which each newspaper discusses
poverty in London differently from poverty in the rest of the country.
Table 4.2 identifies the PNC keywords for <*poverty*> in London
when compared to elsewhere in the country. Starting with keywords in
London, exploring the co-text reveals that outer is a keyword because
there is a perception that poverty is spreading from the parts of inner
London, that have traditionally been associated with poverty, into areas
in outer London. This also leads to a number of instances of now as
in they ‘now live in outer London’.9 Other than this, it is difficult to
discern any major trends about what is being said about London due
to small numbers and sometimes the multiple occurrences of phrases
8. Other good performers among poorer parts of the country are the
London boroughs of Kensington and Chelsea (where poverty and
wealth are most notoriously mixed ), Enfield, Brent, and Waltham
Forest (G news: society, June 2013).
The PNC keywords for outside London show some slightly more inter-
esting patterns. Hidden comes in part from the discourse about York
which frequently refers to ‘hidden poverty’. There are also a number
of instances of hidden poverty being found in counties, mainly in the
south-east of England. These continue to develop what was found in
York, namely that the Guardian ’s take on poverty outside London is
associated with hidden poverty in relatively wealthy places. Constituency
follows this theme, the most commonly cited being David Cameron’s
Witney constituency, which is again used to highlight poverty in rel-
atively affluent, or leafy places. The PNC keyword crime makes direct
links between crime and poverty, and she tends to refer either to indi-
vidual women who have risen from poverty in a particular place, or who
are talking about it in relation to places outside London. The findings
for region, which is distorted by the phrase ‘region to region’, happy
4 Conducting GTA Using Poverty as a Search Term
Table 4.3 PNC keywords in the Daily Mail comparing the co-text of <*pov-
erty*> in London with the rest of the UK
Place Sig. Keywords
London <.01 two, one, rate, reached, country, protest, he, Victorian,
London <.05 slum, caf, says, reason, cereals, imported, walked, Keely,
poorest, improved, great, compared, depression,
Facebook, home, become, during, high, rose, class,
byword, nostalgia, despite, situation, capital, broadly,
miles, men, walk, show
Rest of UK <.01 too, risks, lowest, people, left, care, we
Rest of UK <.05 level, making, road, citing, wherever, small, fuel, herself,
find, families, local, her, poorer, five, here, taking, miss,
which comes from a single quote that occurs in multiple PNCs, five
which refers to one in five people in an area living in poverty, and says,
which is used to preface a quote, are less illuminating.
Trying to sub-divide the poverty PNCs into more detailed classes
than simply London and the rest of the UK rapidly runs into small
number problems. One interesting finding is that when the non-Lon-
don urban clusters of Liverpool, the M62, Yorkshire (excluding York),
Glasgow and Birmingham are compared with the rest, life is significant
at the p < 0.01 level and fuel at the p < 0.05 level. Life either discusses
the link between poverty and low life expectancy or people being con-
demned to a life in poverty, and 6 of the 7 instances of this are found
in these urban areas, while fuel refers to fuel poverty. This suggests that
the issues of low life expectancy, life-long poverty, and fuel poverty are
primarily associated with major urban areas in contrast to the hidden
poverty in more rural areas.
Table 4.3 shows the Daily Mail ’s PNC keywords comparing London
with the rest of the UK. Analysing the Daily Mail ’s concordance lines
shows that that the newspaper often repeats sentences or paragraphs sev-
eral times in different articles. An example of this is a story repeated in
several texts which contrasts the poverty in the borough with an expen-
sive café in Tower Hamlets that sells breakfast cereal for £2.50 or £3.20
a bowl (depending on the article). Within these stories, example (9)
occurs 6 times and (10) occurs 4 times.
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
9. Tower Hamlets has the highest rate of child poverty in the coun-
try—it reached 49 per cent this year (DM news, Dec 2012).
10. In Tower Hamlets, where one in two children live in poverty (DM
news, Dec 2014).
History also emerges in other ways. Victorian and slum occur because of
discussion of London slums, particularly those in the East End in the
Victorian era, and the phrase ‘during the Great Depression ’ puts all of
these words (except ‘the’) onto the list of PNC keywords.
The Daily Mail includes some positive stories about modern pov-
erty in London. For example, there are reports about pupils who have
achieved good educational results despite living in areas with high lev-
els of poverty, which account for many instances of high and despite.
The Daily Mail also contrasts poverty in London, particularly East End
10These two examples also demonstrate the limitations of using PNC keywords for non-lemma-
tised data. Clearly (9) and (10) both refer to child poverty, but one refers to ‘children’ and the
other ‘child’. Combined it is likely that the lemma child would be a PNC keyword, but sepa-
rately they do not meet significance thresholds.
4 Conducting GTA Using Poverty as a Search Term
12. 42 per cent of children were below the poverty line in the con-
stituency of Bethnal Green and Bow while 41 per cent were liv-
ing in poverty in Poplar and Limehouse. The situation has broadly
improved since 2011 (DM news, Feb 2013).
13. Mr. Miliband said people care about inequality ‘wherever we find it’,
citing child poverty in Glasgow and Liverpool, unemployment in
Motherwell and Newcastle and (DM news, Sept 2014).
Three of the PNC keywords, herself, her, and Miss, refer typically to sto-
ries about women who were born into poverty but raised themselves out
of it, or who had come into a large sum of money. These PNC keywords
are indicative of a trend in the Daily Mail to focus on individual sto-
ries (see Chapter 6). There are also reports about women who either left
someone in poverty while spending money on themselves, or conversely,
where someone else had left a woman in poverty. Another story associ-
ated with women refers specifically to Mary Portas, who is represented
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
Fig. 4.3 Carstairs scores for the UK from the 2011 census. Polygons show local
authority districts
for local authority districts. If all of the PNCs referred to local author-
ity districts or sub-divisions of them then comparing the two would
be simple. However, the place-names in the PNCs refer to a range of
features including settlements such as cities, towns and villages, and a
range of administrative units including London boroughs, districts,
parliamentary constituencies, and counties. One solution to this could
be to ignore higher-level units which, as described above, are already
flagged as such, and compare the remainder with Carstairs scores at
4 Conducting GTA Using Poverty as a Search Term
Table 4.4 The occurrences of PNCs from the two newspapers in local authority
districts with differing levels of deprivation
Carstairs scores Guardian Daily Mail
Count % Count %
Above 0.0 133 76.4 145 86.3
Above 2.0 105 60.3 128 76.2
Above 4.0 75 43.1 97 57.7
All 174 100.0 168 100.0
Table 4.5 Local authority districts with the most PNCs from the Guardian and the Daily Mail
Top 10 Guardian Districts Top 10 Daily Mail Districts Top 10 Carstairs Districts
District G DM Carstairs District G DM Carstairs District Carstairs G DM
York 17 0 −0.77 Tower Hamlets 14 35 6.53 Newham 7.50 0 3
Tower Hamlets 14 35 6.53 Manchester 3 13 4.20 Hackney 7.27 2 6
Liverpool 12 10 5.07 Liverpool 12 10 5.07 Kingston upon 6.73 2 0
Glasgow City 9 6 4.71 Glasgow City 9 7 3.20 Tower Hamlets 6.53 14 35
Torbay 6 0 1.03 Belfast 0 6 4.71 Barking & 6.15 2 0
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
high levels of deprivation. The lowest Carstairs score in the Daily Mail ’s
list is Thanet in north Kent with a Carstairs score of 2.47, while the
rest are all over 3.0. By contrast, the Guardian has two places—York
and West Oxfordshire—that have below average deprivation and a fur-
ther two—Torbay and Kensington and Chelsea—which have Carstairs
scores that are lower than Thanet. The Guardian thus appears to have an
interest in poverty in some places that are relatively affluent. This is not
present in the Daily Mail.
Looking at the areas with the highest Carstairs scores (Table 4.5) the
Daily Mail seems to concentrate on high deprivation areas more than
the Guardian, with twice as many of its PNCs referring to places in
these areas. In both cases, Tower Hamlets dominates the list with over
half of all of the PNCs for these ten districts, although the cereal café
story contributes significantly to the Daily Mail’s interest in this area.
There are three other east London districts with very high levels of dep-
rivation: Newham, Hackney, and Barking and Dagenham. In com-
parison to Tower Hamlets these districts attract very little attention
with only 6 and 9 PNCs in the Guardian and the Daily Mail respec-
tively. Away from London, it is noticeable that the districts with high
levels of deprivation are not big cities but are instead Kingston upon
Hull, Sandwell and Wolverhampton (both in the Black Country),
Middlesbrough, and Leicester. This may in part be a result of the mod-
ifiable areal unit problem. Deprived areas in major cities may be aggre-
gated with wealthier areas thus averaging their Carstairs scores, while
smaller places are more homogeneous. Nevertheless, with the excep-
tion of Middlesbrough, poverty in these places is largely ignored by
both newspapers. If the list is broadened to cover all thirty districts with
Carstairs scores over 4.0 we find that, within our scope of ten words
either side, the Guardian never mentions poverty in relation to 9 of
these while the Daily Mail does not mention it in 12. Neither newspa-
per associates <*poverty*> with Blaenau Gwent (south Wales), Knowsley
(Liverpool), Greenwich (London), West Dunbartonshire (outside
Glasgow), Wolverhampton or Walsall (both in the Black Country).
Table 4.6 uses Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients to compare
deprivation and numbers of PNCs for local authority districts. Overall,
the Guardian ’s PNCs correlate slightly more strongly with Carstairs
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
scores than the Daily Mail ’s but both are statistically significant. Perhaps
unsurprisingly given what we have already seen, the significance disap-
pears if only districts with very high levels of deprivation (above 4.0), or
below average deprivation, are considered. Excluding districts for which
the Daily Mail has no PNCs raises its correlations noticeably; however,
excluding areas for which the Guardian has no PNCs reduces its coeffi-
cients. This is because the Daily Mail concentrates its attention on areas
with relatively high deprivation while the Guardian ’s PNCs are more
dispersed across the range of poverty values.
In summary, these analyses seem to show that the two newspapers
generally do concentrate their coverage of <*poverty*> on areas that can
be shown quantitatively to have high levels of deprivation. The Daily
Mail does this more than the Guardian, which also draws attention to
poverty in some more affluent places. Within this, however, there are
some clear exceptions, particularly with districts with high deprivation
being largely ignored by either or both newspapers.
Fig. 4.4 Density smoothed maps of the PNCs. Note that for legibility individual instances have not been
Fig. 4.5 Kulldorf analysis of <*poverty*> using a 5% sample of the as the background popula-
tion. Points identified are those from the background population that are at risk of being in a hot
or cold spot: a Guardian b Daily Mail
4 Conducting GTA Using Poverty as a Search Term
part of the East Anglian coldspot. The absence of Belfast and other
previously identified areas is perhaps explained by the fact that the
Guardian apparently does not tend to refer to these areas. The Kulldorf
results for the Daily Mail show two major hotspots—London and
Liverpool—and a further two minor hotspots at Wokingham (west
of London) and York that are a result of only one PNC. As with the
Guardian, much of East Anglia is a coldspot, although this stretches
further north through Lincolnshire and into eastern Yorkshire. South-
west London and Surrey form a second coldspot with Birmingham and
much of the West Country forming a third. This coldspot is perhaps
similar to the Border one from the Guardian in that it is largely rural
but has a large urban centre on its fringe, in this case Birmingham.
This coldspot also contains Bristol.
These results reveal further insights into the places that the two
newspapers associate with <*poverty*>. Although Fig. 4.1 showed
that both newspapers’ coverage of <*poverty*> is very London-centric,
Fig. 4.5 suggests that this is can largely be explained by the newspaper’s
coverage of place being London-centric. The exception to this is East
London which stands out in both newspapers as being more closely
associated with poverty than this London-centric coverage would
lead us to expect. This does correspond with the highest Carstairs
scores being found in districts in East London. Elsewhere, the sur-
prising finding is that, with the exception of Liverpool in the Daily
Mail, urban centres with high levels of deprivation, such as Glasgow,
Manchester, and Birmingham, do not receive more attention than
would be expected. Neither do smaller high deprivation areas such as
Middlesbrough, Hull, Leicester, or south Wales. The Guardian associ-
ates places such as York and Torbay with poverty in ways that would
not be expected either from the newspaper’s background geography or
the places’ levels of deprivation. Rural areas, particularly in East Anglia,
tend to be under-represented by both papers. These areas typically do
not have high levels of deprivation as measured by Carstairs scores, but
equally are not particularly wealthy.
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
4.6 Summary
This chapter has shown how GTA enables us to identify and explore
the geographies that the two newspapers associate with a particular
theme. Focusing on the single search-term <*poverty*>, it has explored
a range of techniques that allow us to identify the areas that the two
newspapers associate with this search-term, compare these two geogra-
phies to see whether and where they are different, and explore the lan-
guage in PNCs. It also compared data extracted from texts to statistical
sources. Both newspapers concentrate their coverage of <*poverty*>
on London in general and smaller areas like Tower Hamlets in par-
ticular. This is especially true for the Daily Mail. Outside London, the
other major urban centres are also associated with poverty, particularly
Liverpool and Glasgow, although both newspapers tend not to focus on
Birmingham and the West Midlands, while the Guardian also does not
consider Belfast or, to a lesser extent, Manchester. The PNC keywords
suggest a broadly similar discourse about aggregate poverty in the major
cities outside London, with issues such as fuel poverty and links with
crime and low life expectancy being raised. However, the Daily Mail
tends to talk about this in relation to individuals and families while the
Guardian does so in a more aggregate way. Within London, the Daily
Mail carries stories that emphasise improvements and relative success
stories, such as areas that have good exam results despite high levels of
poverty, but it also describes London several times as the ‘poverty capi-
tal of Europe’. The Daily Mail also draws attention to historical poverty
in London. Neither of these themes is really apparent in the Guardian.
Away from the urban centres, the Guardian focuses on ‘hidden’ poverty
in more affluent areas, including Witney, the south-east more generally,
and York. These stories are far less common in the Daily Mail.
Even this initial analysis has shown how the two newspapers are both
similar and different in their approaches to poverty and place. There are
some initial indications in the PNC co-text of the different ideological
stances of the two newspapers. Individualisation is important in the
Daily Mail, for example, which could be seen to endorse a neoliberal
attitude towards poverty and its causes. Similarly, a focus on historical
4 Conducting GTA Using Poverty as a Search Term
Baker, P. 2006. Using Corpora in Discourse Analysis. London: Continuum.
Besag J., & J. Newell. 1991. The Detection of Clusters in Rare Diseases.
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Segregation in a Multivariate Point Process: Bovine Tuberculosis in
Cornwall, UK. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A 54: 645–658.
Donaldson, C., I. N. Gregory, & J. E. Taylor. 2017. Locating the Beautiful,
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Aesthetic Terminology in Descriptions of the English Lake District. Journal
of Historical Geography 56: 43–60.
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Analysis 28: 200–218.
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Cartographies of Lake District literature. In D. Cooper, C. Donaldson, &
P. Murrieta-Flores (eds.). Literary Mapping in the Digital Age. Abingdon:
Routledge, pp. 67–87.
Hardie, A. 2012. CQPweb—Combining Power, Flexibility and Usability
in a Corpus Analysis Tool. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 17:
Jackson, J. 2016. Independent, Mirror, Express and Star Suffer Sharp Fall in
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Automatically Analysing Large Texts in a GIS Environment: The Registrar
4 Conducting GTA Using Poverty as a Search Term
1A lemma refers to all forms of a word: e.g. the lemma BEG includes beg, begging, beggar, begged,
begs, etc.
Table 5.1 Top 100 collocates for <*poverty*>
Daily Mail Both Guardian
abject, Africa, aid, alleviation, 2020, alleviate, and, below, benefit, 60%, 300,000, absolute, action, Alison,
American, census, cent, center, cor- charity, child, define, definition, dep- breakdown, by, campaigner, cause,
ruption, country, cycle, dependency, rivation, Duncan, eradicate, extreme, CPAG, credit, cut, disadvantage,
economic, education, figure, founda- family, food, Frank, fuel, Garnham, educational, eliminate, end, exclu-
tion, ‘fuel, global, grow, help, high, government, grinding, homeless- sion, fall, field, focus, goal, group,
labour, law, many, more, nation, pen- ness, household, hunger, in, income, halve, ifs, increasing, living, Milburn,
sion, per, percent, population, porn’, increase, inequality, injustice, into, Nicolson, out, parenting, plunge,
Potok, rural, slum, southern, stricken, in-work, level, lift, line, live, low, problem, reduction, rev, root,
struggle, than, tsar, tsar’, violence measure, median, million, mobility, smith, target, taxpayers, UK, wage,
number, of, Oxfam, pensioner, peo- worklessness
ple, poor, poverty, push, rate, reduce,
relative, rise, Rowntree, social, tackle,
trap, unemployment, wealth, wel-
fare, work
5 How to Use GTA in Discourse Analysis
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
values well above the threshold value of 15.13, which made them sta-
tistically significant to the level p < 0.0001.
Combining collocate lists from the Daily Mail and the Guardian gave
a total of 141 potential search terms (59 terms occurred in both lists).
Using Table 5.1, the immediate conclusion that can be drawn about the
two newspapers is that they discuss poverty using some similar language
(child, extreme, family, household, government were common to the top
100 collocates in both corpora). They also draw upon similar themes or
semantic fields. For example, 24 of the top 100 collocates in the Daily
Mail refer to some form of measurement (grinding, high, level, median,
measure ) as do 22 of the Guardian ’s collocates (absolute, below, increase,
million ). This suggests that both newspapers treat poverty as something
which is measurable (high, increase ) and quantifiable (million, percent ).
Furthermore, both collocate lists include define and definition, suggest-
ing that there is some dispute over what poverty actually is and how it is
Discounting function words and terms relating to measurement, 31
collocates were unique to the top 100 in the Daily Mail and 30 were
unique to the Guardian ’s top 100. Of course, this does not mean that
these apparently unique terms never collocate with <*poverty*> in
the opposite corpora, indeed many do, but rather the differences in
Table 5.1 are indicative of which lemmas, and thus related topics, are
given prominence in the co-text of <*poverty*> in each newspaper.
For example, three of the collocates unique to the Guardian top 100
are proper nouns (Alison, Milburn, and Nicolson ), which indicates that
the Guardian ’s treatment of poverty involves reference to key individ-
uals, such as Alison Garnham, Chief Executive of the Child Poverty
Action Group, Alan Milburn, a Labour politician who headed the Social
Mobility and Child Poverty Commission, and Rev. Paul Nicolson, a rep-
resentative of Taxpayers Against Poverty. The Daily Mail collocates also
include Garnham and both sets of collocates include Frank, in reference
to Labour MP Frank Field, Oxfam, Rowntree (as in the Joseph Rowntree
Foundation), and Duncan, as in Iain Duncan Smith, a Conservative
MP who was Secretary of State for the Department of Work and
Pensions and who is credited with the introduction of the Universal
5 How to Use GTA in Discourse Analysis
2The top Daily Mail collocates also include reference to the Labour party, but not the
Conservative party (Conservative 1638th on the list of collocates and is not significant, and Tory
is 1265th, LL value 4.039). Whilst occurrences of labour also refer to manual labour, etc. as well
as the Labour party, the fact that one political party is related to poverty more than the others is
worthy of future investigation.
3This finding also explains why the American English spelling of center occurs in the top 100
collocates as does Potok, which is in reference to Mark Potok who works at the Southern Poverty
Law Center.
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
collocates for <high> in the Guardian (using the same collocation crite-
ria as above) are court, street, level, rate, and unemployment, only one of
which—unemployment—shows any immediate connection to poverty.
Where these measurement terms are used within discourses of poverty
and place, they are likely to occur in clusters such as ‘high poverty rate’
and would be picked up during the geoparsing of <*poverty*>.
Other collocates unsuitable for geoparsing included child and fuel,
both of which were used to premodify poverty to draw readers’ attention
to particular types of poverty or to the impacts of poverty on particular
social groups:
The labels child poverty and fuel poverty appear relatively fixed. Of the
227 times that fuel collocates with <*poverty*> in the Guardian, 196
(85%) are occurrences of the phrase fuel poverty, and there are similar
figures of for the Daily Mail: 303 (91.3%) out of 332 collocations are
fuel poverty. For child and poverty the figures are 1151 collocations with
527 (34.9%) occurrences of child poverty in the Daily Mail and 2752
collocations with 1329 (51.7%) child poverty in the Guardian. The fact
that terms such as fuel poverty are repeated and seem fixed suggests that
most references to people who are unable to afford fuel, or references
to children in financial hardship, will be phrased in this way. As such,
geoparsing all occurrences of fuel and child is unlikely to lead to lots
of PNCs relating to poverty that do not occur in the phrases fuel/child
A similar pattern occurs with the term ‘poverty porn’ as it is used to
describe a particular type of television programme which present the
4A similar argument could be made for pensioner poverty. However, we chose to include the query
<pension*> as it referred not only to pensioner poverty, but also to the state pension, a type of
government benefit.
5 How to Use GTA in Discourse Analysis
5What this does tell us is that alleviate has negative semantic prosody (Stubbs 2001), insofar as we
only seem to alleviate things that are bad. Eradicate has a similar pattern; its top R1 collocates in
the Daily Mail include polio, child, poverty, terrorism, and ISIS. Thus we can argue that poverty is
presented as a particularly bad social problem which needs to be addressed.
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
Table 5.2 (continued)
Daily Mail Guardian
No. of hits Freq. pmw No. of hits Freq. pmw
39 pension* 42,851 138.87 9081 248.59
40 personal independ- 59 0.19 76 2.08
ence payment
41 PIP 623 2.02 196 5.37
42 poor* 36,648 118.77 9675 264.85
43 <*poverty*> 8689 28.16 5288 144.76
44 price* 82,198 266.39 7428 203.34
45 redundan* 3920 12.7 1484 40.62
46 rehous* 227 0.74 144 3.94
47 rent* 22,241 72.08 4572 125.16
48 *salar* 15,107 48.96 2140 58.58
49 *sanction* 9505 30.8 1934 52.94
50 *scroung* 608 1.97 311 8.51
51 (single 183 0.59 9 0.25
52 (single mother* 2653 8.60 235 7.32
53 (single parent* 919 3.14 334 9.38
54 social* exclu* 66 0.21 153 4.19
55 *spend* 107,417 348.12 18,357 502.51
56 starv* 6248 20.25 408 11.17
57 struggl* 43,776 141.87 5298 145.03
58 *subsidi* 4649 15.07 1221 33.42
59 *tax* 130,913 424.26 28,920 791.67
60 vulnerable* 14,527 47.08 4794 131.23
61 *wage* 17,340 56.2 5352 146.51
62 *welfare* 17,666 57.25 7726 211.49
63 work* 449,073 1455.35 75,934 2078.65
64 (work capability 160 0.52 362 9.91
Total 3,344,571 535,419
to make our queries broad by using wildcards; that is we did not merely
search for the collocates as listed in Table 5.1, but included all forms of
those collocates.6 For example, the query for the collocate unemployment
6Corpus query notation used in Table 5.2: * = none or more characters, {} = all forms of a lemma,
() = search for all forms within the brackets separated by the pipe (|) symbol.
5 How to Use GTA in Discourse Analysis
was <*employ*> which would return hits for employ, employee, unem-
ployment, unemployed, etc. Table 5.2 also includes information about the
raw number of tokens in the news section of each corpus and the nor-
malised frequencies (hits per million words).
In addition to the terms listed in Table 5.2, we also tested par-
ticular items of evaluative lexis, including chav, feckless, hard work-
ing, lazy, lifestyle, luxury, shirker, skiver, and useless, but none of these
returned more than five PNCs and many returned none at all. Thus,
it can be determined that even if these terms are used within dis-
courses of poverty, they are not talked about in relation to particular
places. In some cases these terms were used in the corpora to refer to
individuals, and their location was mentioned; however, references to
individuals tended to occur as part of wider discourses of crime or
benefits fraud, which, for the present analysis at least, were not con-
sidered to refer directly to poverty (see Sect. 5.2). Having selected our
search terms, run our queries, and downloaded our concordances,
the next step was to geoparse the hits for our 63 queries (excluding
poverty, see Chapter 4).
in Table 5.2, but this was clearly infeasible. We also had the option
to take a systematic stratified sample of these almost four million hits
but, as is shown below, not all search terms were equally associated
with discourses of poverty, and thus taking samples would likely have
skewed our results.
To establish which of our search terms were most associated with pov-
erty and place, we decided to geoparse all hits listed in Table 5.2. This
had two benefits. It eliminated hits which did not occur within ± 10
words of a place-name—thus greatly decreasing the number of concord-
ance lines for manual analysis—and it also gave us a rough measure of
which of our search terms were often associated with place. The raw fig-
ures for the geoparsed queries are provided in Table 5.3, which includes
information about the number of hits for each query, the number of
potential PNCs identified by the geoparser (All PNCs ±10), and the
final total of PNCs post manual analysis which were used within dis-
courses of poverty (PNCs post analysis). Information is also provided
about the percentage values of final PNCs to total number of origi-
nal hits, the percentage value of final PNCs compared to the potential
PNCs identified by the geoparser, and the normalised frequencies of
final PNCs per million words.7
The first conclusion that can be drawn from Table 5.3 is that
geoparsing all of our query hits significantly decreased the amount of
manual analysis needed as there were 503,739 concordance lines con-
taining potential PNCs (434,930 for the Daily Mail and 68,809 for the
Guardian ) in comparison to the almost four million total query hits.
Whilst still a large number, and geoparsing such large files (e.g. 449,703
concordance lines for <work*> in the Daily Mail ) did take time, this
was the most efficient way to thin our dataset. We chose to manually
analyse all 503,739 concordance lines containing PNCs within ± 10
7The first column (% of total hits) provides a measure of just how often one of the query hits
generated a PNC used within discourses of poverty. The second (% of all PNCs) provides a meas-
ure of how often PNCs used within discourses of poverty occurred in the total number of PNCs
identified by the geoparser.
Table 5.3 Concordance lines containing PNCs for all search terms
Daily Mail Guardian
No. of All PNCs % of % of PNC No. of All PNCs % of % of PNC
hits PNCs post total all pmw hits PNCs post total all pmw
±10 anal- hits PNCs ±10 analysis hits PNCs
1 *afford* 26,494 6927 43 0.16 0.62 0.14 6379 1497 356 5.58 23.78 9.75
2 *allowance* 7845 684 42 0.54 6.14 0.14 3318 204 78 2.35 38.24 2.14
3 *austerit* 6217 1118 8 0.13 0.72 0.03 2709 368 43 1.59 11.68 1.18
4 {beg} 8490 225 40 0.47 17.78 0.13 391 54 18 4.60 33.33 0.49
5 *benefit* 55,297 213 44 0.08 20.66 0.14 19,611 1785 382 1.95 21.40 10.46
6 *charit* 45,018 9881 58 0.13 0.59 0.19 11,841 1728 118 1.00 6.83 3.23
7 *claim* 301,829 25,155 99 0.03 0.39 0.32 26,897 3991 238 0.88 5.96 6.52
8 *communit* 72,368 54,841 44 0.06 0.08 0.14 17,829 1158 58 0.33 5.01 1.59
9 *cost* 117,875 14,310 60 0.05 0.42 0.19 18,336 2165 189 1.03 8.73 5.17
10 credit* 28,766 2989 17 0.06 0.57 0.06 5309 502 58 1.09 11.55 1.59
11 cut* 112,251 958 12 0.01 1.25 0.04 28,920 3200 235 0.81 7.34 6.43
12 *depriv* 4381 855 324 7.40 37.89 1.05 1948 612 383 19.66 62.58 10.48
13 *disab* 20,457 1676 14 0.07 0.84 0.05 4227 339 90 2.13 26.55 2.46
14 DLA 327 21 2 0.61 9.52 0.01 265 7 1 0.38 14.29 0.03
15 dole* 2616 224 20 0.76 8.93 0.06 261 20 11 4.21 55.00 0.30
16 Duncan 3604 295 15 0.42 5.08 0.05 1919 164 34 1.77 20.73 0.93
17 earn* 37,803 2907 20 0.05 0.69 0.06 5126 587 90 1.76 15.33 2.46
18 *employ* 87,550 561 38 0.04 6.77 0.12 17,042 329 223 1.31 67.78 6.10
19 *entitl* 1699 1070 9 0.53 0.84 0.03 2103 229 6 0.29 2.62 0.16
20 *equali* 8049 968 7 0.09 0.72 0.02 4392 565 87 1.98 15.40 2.38
21 ESA* 751 122 9 1.20 7.38 0.03 320 5 2 0.63 40.00 0.05
5 How to Use GTA in Discourse Analysis
Table 5.3 (continued)
Daily Mail Guardian
No. of All PNCs % of % of PNC No. of All PNCs % of % of PNC
hits PNCs post total all pmw hits PNCs post total all pmw
26 handout* 2835 375 26 0.92 6.93 0.08 198 25 8 4.04 32.00 0.22
27 hardship* 1754 158 18 1.03 11.39 0.06 430 22 8 1.86 36.36 0.22
28 *home* 482,368 93,395 96 0.02 0.10 0.31 40,010 9475 595 1.49 6.28 16.29
29 hous* 304,246 57,913 88 0.03 0.15 0.29 33,468 6723 291 0.87 4.33 7.97
30 (hun- 9227 810 14 0.15 1.73 0.05 947 163 8 0.84 4.91 0.22
31 income* 23,655 2096 36 0.15 1.72 0.12 7680 799 122 1.59 15.27 3.34
32 IDS* 672 40 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 187 12 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
33 job* 117,232 13,146 623 0.53 4.74 2.02 22,583 2537 675 2.99 26.60 18.48
34 JSA 118 8 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 184 14 5 2.72 35.71 0.14
35 *money* 129,601 7197 47 0.04 0.65 0.15 16,662 1468 110 0.66 7.49 3.01
36 *paid* 70,692 4993 53 0.07 1.06 0.17 9569 1070 89 0.93 8.32 2.44
37 pay* 170,672 21,514 102 0.06 0.47 0.33 24,752 1180 96 0.39 8.14 2.63
38 penn* 27,146 5344 28 0.10 0.52 0.09 1247 332 1 0.08 0.30 0.03
Table 5.3 (continued)
Daily Mail Guardian
No. of All PNCs % of % of PNC No. of All PNCs % of % of PNC
hits PNCs post total all pmw hits PNCs post total all pmw
±10 anal- hits PNCs ±10 analysis hits PNCs
39 pension* 42,851 721 4 0.01 0.55 0.01 9081 665 44 0.48 6.62 1.20
40 personal 59 9 2 3.39 22.22 0.01 76 1 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
41 PIP 623 124 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 196 15 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
42 poor* 36,648 3991 264 0.72 6.61 0.86 9675 1283 307 3.17 23.93 8.40
43 *poverty* 8689 608 241 2.77 39.64 0.78 5288 745 245 4.63 32.89 6.71
44 price* 82,198 12,654 7 0.01 0.06 0.02 7428 1071 31 0.42 2.89 0.85
45 redundan* 3920 414 141 3.60 34.06 0.46 1484 97 42 2.83 43.30 1.15
46 rehous* 227 63 13 5.73 20.63 0.04 144 43 38 26.39 88.37 1.04
47 rent* 22,241 5076 56 0.25 1.10 0.18 4572 840 251 5.49 29.88 6.87
48 *salar* 15,107 1337 5 0.03 0.37 0.02 2140 194 34 1.59 17.53 0.93
49 *sanction* 9505 1136 2 0.02 0.18 0.01 1934 125 17 0.88 13.60 0.47
50 *scroung* 608 67 10 1.64 14.93 0.03 311 23 5 1.61 21.74 0.14
51 (single 183 22 1 0.55 4.55 0.00 9 2 2 22.22 100.00 0.05
52 (single 2653 336 22 0.83 6.55 0.07 235 56 28 11.91 50.00 0.77
5 How to Use GTA in Discourse Analysis
Table 5.3 (continued)
Daily Mail Guardian
No. of All PNCs % of % of PNC No. of All PNCs % of % of PNC
hits PNCs post total all pmw hits PNCs post total all pmw
59 *tax* 130,913 16,495 57 0.04 0.35 0.18 28,920 3711 99 0.34 2.67 2.71
60 vulnerable* 14,527 1453 6 0.04 0.41 0.02 4794 318 49 1.02 15.41 1.34
61 *wage* 17,340 1877 79 0.46 4.21 0.26 5352 691 260 4.86 37.63 7.12
62 *welfare* 17,666 1967 71 0.40 3.61 0.23 7726 779 132 1.71 16.94 3.61
63 work* 449,073 36,893 378 0.08 1.02 1.23 75,934 10,564 93 0.12 0.88 2.55
64 (work 160 10 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 362 2 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 3,344,458 434,930 3659 0.11 0.84 11.88 535,419 68,809 6746 1.26 9.80 184.67
5 How to Use GTA in Discourse Analysis
3. Until recently, Bo worked behind the bar of a West London pub and
says she struggles to pay her bills ‘just like everyone else’ (DM news,
Apr 2012).
4. He was already aware of a problem in South Shields, where around
610 young people have been claiming Jobseeker’s allowance for six
months or longer (G news: politics, July 2012).
5. In Bournemouth, where private income has increased ten-fold,
the number of patients waiting too long for operations has risen
(G news: society, Nov 2014).
8It is possible to avoid this issue by only selecting texts related to the research topic at hand,
8. an asylum seeker from Sierra Leone fraudulently stolen (sic) more
than 400,000 in benefits while holding down two jobs in London
(DM news, Sept 2012).
9. Benefit cheat: Kelvin Kaloo, of Dunstable, Bedfordshire,9 claimed
nearly 100,000 in handouts from Brent Council and Central
Bedfordshire Council (DM news, Jan 2013).
10. The Mail regularly highlights the most outrageous abuses of an
insanely over-indulgent system, including the Afghan family of
seven, living in a £1.2 million house in Acton and costing taxpay-
ers £170,000 a year in benefits (DM news, Feb 2010).
9Where two place-names co-occurred in this way, we only included the most local place-name in
our analysis to avoid duplicating PNCs.
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
10The query relating to single fatherhood also had a 100% return in the Guardian, compared to a
Thus, we can posit that when these newspapers mention place in relation
to fit for work (a type of assessment for government benefits) they over-
whelmingly do so to talk about poverty. On the other hand, however,
many of the queries in Table 5.4 are the names of particular UK govern-
ment benefits—Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Employment
Support Allowance (ESA)—but these queries did not return high per-
centages of PNCs. This, it seems from the raw data that there is no strong
relationship between particular benefits and place, although as the analy-
sis in the following chapters shows, there were exceptions to this finding.
Taking proportion into account, what we can say about search terms
that returned low numbers of PNCs is that, fundamentally, these search
terms are not associated with particular locations in our corpora. We
can take this one step further by comparing the overall percentages for
all queries combined; only 0.11% of the Daily Mail and 1.27% of the
Guardian query hits related poverty to place. The implications of this
finding for critical discourse analysis are significant: they suggest that
poverty, which is treated as a measurable phenomenon (see Sect. 5.1), is
not locatable. Discourses of poverty may be drawn upon to talk about a
UK or global picture, and may include terms such as single-parent, social
exclusion, and sanction, but discussion on such a wide geographical scale
means that poverty is made somewhat abstract, somewhat elsewhere, and
somewhat other. Focusing on the local aspects of poverty make it less of a
social phenomenon and more of an observable, concrete reality. Because
poverty is not consistently associated with place, the use of place-names
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
14. dozens of workers could lose their jobs, particularly in Chirk near
Wrexham and Marlbrook in Herefordshire (DM news, July 2010).
15. A section of the Lambeth website suggests claimants may need to
find a job to replace benefits (DM news, Feb 2013).
16. Figures published this week showed that 4045 18-to-24 year
olds in East Lancashire were claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance last
month (DM news, Apr 2010).
17. In Haringey, Lewisham, Waltham Forest and Hackney, people
claiming jobseeker’s allowance outnumber job vacancies by more
than 20 to 1 (G news: society, Aug 2011).
18. Many claimants in Birkenhead who have trouble with their bene-
fits end up at Mersey Advice, a welfare rights charity five minutes
walk (sic) from the jobcentre dubbed by staff “the fourth emer-
gency service in Birkenhead” (G news: society, June 2012).
19. four of the worst jobless claimant blackspots are in Birmingham
constituencies (G news: society, Jan 2012).
The top 10 queries by raw frequency are given in Table 5.5. Terms
including <*poverty*> and <poor*> are expected, given that they label
either the phenomenon of poverty or those experiencing poverty. The
occurrence of <job*>, <work*>, <redundan*>, <pay*>, and <*wage*>
indicates that terms relating to employment, and the money gained
from employment, are particularly prominent within discourses of pov-
erty and place. There is also a related set of terms concerning benefits
Table 5.5 Queries with highest raw values of PNCs
Daily Mail Guardian
Top PNCs No. % of all hits No. % of all hits
1 job* 623 0.53 job* 675 2.99
2 work* 378 0.08 *home* 595 1.49
3 *depriv* 324 7.40 *depriv* 383 19.66
4 poor* 264 0.72 *benefit* 382 21.40
5 *poverty* 241 2.77 *afford* 355 23.78
6 redundan* 141 3.60 poor* 307 3.17
7 pay* 102 0.06 hous* 291 0.87
8 *claim* 99 0.03 *wage* 260 37.63
9 (food bank*|food- 99 6.95 rent* 251 5.49
10 *home* 96 0.02 *poverty* 245 4.63
5 How to Use GTA in Discourse Analysis
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
ladder (22), uses the high prices of particular areas of London to sug-
gest that people claiming Housing Benefit should not be able to live
there (23). Thus, whilst UK property prices are not necessarily related
to poverty—not being able to afford a house in central London does
not automatically make one poor—references to benefits recipients hav-
ing access to properties that would be unaffordable for many imply that
perhaps those who claim benefits are receiving too much money. Of
course, what is not considered in examples such as (23) is that many
people in receipt of Housing Benefit, especially in London, are in paid
employment and, furthermore, if they were to lose Housing Benefit
(or have it capped) they may have to relocate, which might also lead to
5.3 Summary
This initial analysis of multiple geoparsed search terms has shown
that, despite differences between the two corpora, there are repeated
key elements which appear to sit at the core of discourses of poverty
and place: employment, money, housing, and benefits. The process of
expanding GTA to consider how multiple search terms work together
within wider discourses is fundamentally still in its infancy. However,
the method detailed above for determining suitable search terms based
on collocates of a primary node seems robust. Indeed, where addi-
tional queries were generated in response to wider reading, they tended
to be less fruitful than those terms which collocated with <*poverty*>.
One potential way to eliminate less fruitful terms in future GTA-
based discourse analysis would be to only include search terms which
were bidirectional collocates (e.g. words which are collocates of pov-
erty, but which also had poverty as a collocate). However, for analysis on
large, non-specialised corpora this may decrease the number of poten-
tial search terms too much. To decrease interference from erroneous
query hits, it would be advisable to work with lemmas (although this
depends on the availability of lemmatised corpora) or run a process of
trial and error where different query syntax is tested before geoparsing.
As this analysis is the first of its kind, we chose not to do this in order
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
Paterson, L. L., D. Peplow, & K. Grainger. 2017. Does Money Talk Equal
Class Talk? Audience Responses to Poverty Porn in Relation to Money and
Debt. In A. Mooney & E. Sifaki (eds.). The Language of Money and Debt:
An Interdisciplinary Approach. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 205–232.
Stubbs, M. 2001. Texts, Corpora, and Problems of Interpretation: A Response
to Widdowson. Applied Linguistics 22 (2): 149–172.
Locating (Un)Employment
in the National Press
Having established the key terms associated with poverty in our corpora,
this chapter focuses on two of the subsets of search terms identified in
Chapter 5. We take employment—a topic closely related to poverty—
as a case study and how show how discourse analysis and GTA can be
combined. The chapter begins by contextualising discussions of (un)
employment within their wider social context and also considers the
linguistic co-text of hits returned by the query <*employ*> (Sect. 6.1).
Section 6.2 discusses the similarities in the geographical distribution
of PNCs for the query <*employ*> and the Employment subset more
broadly. This is followed by an analysis of the language used in the
Employment subset (Sect. 6.3) and the Money subset (Sect. 6.4).
fallen, moving below 7% in the first quarter of 2014, and statistics from
the third quarter of 2016 place it at 4.8% (ONS 2016a). However, despite
the statistics suggesting positive overall trends, 4.8% equates to 1.6 million
people. During the time period covered by our corpora Lansley and Mack
(2015: 90–91) note cases where over 1700 people applied for eight jobs
in a coffee chain-store in Nottingham in 2013, 1300 applied for twenty
fixed-term Christmas positions in retail in the Midlands in 2010, and
thirty cinema jobs in West Bromwich in 2013 received 2000 applications.
Unemployment can be measured in a number of different ways.
The International Labour Force definition includes everyone aged
over 16 who is not in employment and is either available to start
work within the next two weeks, waiting to start a new job within the
next two weeks, or has been actively looking for work in the last four
weeks (ONS, n.d. (a)). This is the measurement used by the 2011 cen-
sus (ONS 2014). An alternative measure of unemployment is to look
at workless households, defined as households that contain at least
one person aged between 16 and 64 where no-one aged 16 or over is
in employment (ONS, n.d. (b)). Figure 6.1 shows these two different
measures of unemployment, at slightly different dates. The maps show
strongly similar patterns, although there is more worklessness in rural
areas, compared to unemployment which tends to be a more urban
phenomenon. Table 6.1 measures these similarities formally using cor-
relation analysis. It shows that the two measures are strongly correlated,
and both also correlate closely with Carstairs scores. Therefore, a rela-
tionship clearly exists between geography and unemployment and, by
extension, poverty, which is persistent between different definitions.
Unemployment tends to be lower in the South-East and higher in
urban areas including London, South Wales, the West Midlands, the
North-West and North-East of England, and central Scotland. These
differences are marked. For example, in 2015, Lansley and Mack (2015:
116) noted that in ‘areas such as Hartlepool in the North-East of England,
and north and east Ayrshire in Scotland, the ratio of unemployed to job
vacancies has remained three times higher than the national average’. In
addition to formally-defined unemployment, the ONS indicates that
there were a further 8.89 million people who were ‘economically inactive’
and unable to work in the third quarter of 2016 (ONS 2016b: 3). This
group includes students, people looking after family members (especially
Fig. 6.1 Different definitions of unemployment using a the 2011 census definition and
6 Locating (Un)Employment in the National Press
children), and people who have taken early retirement, as well as those
who have long-term illnesses. Most of those categorised as long-term sick,
or caring for family members will be in receipt of some form of govern-
ment benefit, such as Child Benefit, Personal Independence Payments,
Carer’s Allowance, and/or Employment and Support Allowance (ESA).
Due to the coalition government’s cuts to the welfare budget, those in
receipt of such benefits may have seen their payments of decrease or cease
entirely. Thus, poverty does not merely relate to unemployment, it also
shares a relationship with so-called economic inactivity.
To analyse (un)employment, as depicted in the news sections of our
two corpora, we can start at the macro level and compare the collocates
of <*employ*> for each newspaper. By beginning with the corpora—not
just focusing on the immediate co-text of PNCs—we can provide evi-
dence for each newspaper’s general stance on this issue, which we can use
in close analysis of their representation of (un)employment at particular
locations. We can also, of course, compare the PNCs for <*poverty*>
and <*employ*> directly. There are 87,550 hits for <*employ*> in the
news section of Daily Mail (a normalised frequency of 283.73 pmw). In
comparison, there are 17,042 hits in the Guardian news Section (466.52
hits pmw). From this we can deduce that, overall, the Guardian uses the
lemma employ1 relatively more frequently than the Daily Mail.
However, such a broad-stroke analysis sheds light on why we cannot
reduce poverty discourses to individual search terms; the use of employ
1Small capitals denote lemmas: all forms of a word, such as employ, employee, unemployed, employ-
ment, etc.
6 Locating (Un)Employment in the National Press
2Complex queries could reduce some of this noise, but the normalised frequencies are merely a
litmus test for each newspapers’ coverage of employment.
Table 6.2 Top 100 lexical collocates of unemployment
Shared collocates Unique to DM 100 Unique to G 100
falling, figures, growth, high, fall, fallen, falls, fell, median, average, increasing, mass, risen
higher, highest, increase, more, overall, per cent, per-
inflation, level, levels, long- cent, record
term, low, lower, lowest,
million, number, quarter, rate,
rates, rise, rising, rose, soaring,
Work employment, job, jobs, unem- Hiring placements, programme,
ployed, unemployment, work, scheme, schemes, vacancies,
workers working
Benefits allowance, benefit, bene- claimants, jobcentre, joblessness,
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
This does not mean that the Daily Mail ignores increases in unem-
ployment rates or long-term trends, as is evidenced by the newspapers’
shared collocates and (3). However, analysing the collocates in this way
emphasises that, whilst the newspapers are working with similar lexical
resources, the discourses surrounding unemployment in both corpora are
somewhat different. For example, unemployment collocates with more
terms relating to benefits (claimants, jobcentre, etc.) in the Guardian,
whilst the Daily Mail links unemployment to government policies (aus-
terity, government, recovery ). A subset of unique collocates in the Daily
Mail includes Americans, Obama, Eurozone, and Spain, which suggest
consideration of unemployment in different nation states (similar to
the findings in Chapter 5). In order to focus more closely on the geo-
graphical aspect of poverty discourses in both corpora, we turn to the
PNCs for employment-related search terms in the Daily Mail and the
The Daily Mail has a total of 1185 PNCs comprising 360 unique
place-names, whilst the Guardian has 1038 PNCs comprising 272
unique place-names. The fact that there are repeated PNCs (39 for
Birmingham in the Guardian, for example) suggests that particular
places are more associated with discussions of (un)employment than
others. Figure 6.3 shows that the pattern for the Guardian is quite sim-
ilar to that for <*employ*> in Fig. 6.2, being dominated by London
(41% of PNCs), although other urban centres such as Birmingham,
Liverpool and Manchester also emerge. The pattern for the Daily Mail
is, however, significantly more complex. Although still London-centric,
only 21% of the Daily Mail ’s PNCs are in London and there are also
major clusters around Birmingham, across the north of England, and
in Glasgow. This pattern of more geographical complexity in the Daily
Mail is also found when a Kulldorf ’s spatial scan statistic is used to iden-
tify places with more (hotspots) or fewer (cold spots) PNCs than would
be expected from the background geography found in the two corpora
(Fig. 6.4). As described in Chapter 4, this background geography was
determined using a 5% sample of PNCs for <the> in each corpus.
The Guardian has hotspots around Liverpool, Humberside (cen-
tred on Hull), and in the north-east of England, particularly in
Middlesbrough and Sunderland. Interestingly, London is not a hot-
spot, suggesting that the PNCs in the Employ subset actually repre-
sent the background geography of the Guardian corpus rather than
any particular association between London and unemployment. Much
of the south of England and of Scotland are cold spots suggesting that
the Guardian does not associate these places with unemployment.
The Daily Mail does have a hotspot in London but it is in north-east
London, whilst much of the rest of London is a cold spot. Elsewhere,
there are clusters stretching from Birmingham to Nottingham, one in
Liverpool stretching north through much of Lancashire, another in
areas east of Barnsley and Wakefield to Hull and Scunthorpe, and in
Middlesbrough and Newcastle, and Glasgow. There are also smaller
clusters associated with a single place-name: Swindon is associated
with redundancies at the Honda car plant there, and Aberdeen is asso-
ciated with a pilot scheme for Incapacity Benefit reassessment.
Fig. 6.3 Density smoothed maps of PNCs in the Employment subset in a the Daily Mail and b the
6 Locating (Un)Employment in the National Press
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
Fig. 6.4 Kulldorf clusters of PNCs in the Employment sub-set in a the Daily Mail and b the
6 Locating (Un)Employment in the National Press
3Arandom number generator was used to generate samples. No concordances were analysed
more than once.
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
Despite the Daily Mail reporting on job losses, which it generally eval-
uates negatively, the converse positive evaluation for job creation does
not hold true; the Daily Mail negatively evaluates particular types of
job, especially those relating to climate change (5) and the recruitment
of new traffic wardens (6). The use of ‘you couldn’t make it up’ in (5)
indicates a negative stance towards jobs relating to climate change. By
mentioning poverty in relation to these particular jobs, the Daily Mail
positions this type of job creation as opposed to or irrelevant to address-
ing poverty in Tower Hamlets. By implication, poverty is somehow a
‘real’ issue, whilst climate change is seen as less important. However,
there is no evidence that the climate change jobs mentioned in (5) were
in any way related to anti-poverty initiatives; the Daily Mail has made
this faux-connection. Similarly, the use of ‘axed’ in (6), as opposed to
more a neutral verb such as ‘cut’, positions the Daily Mail as opposed
to job cuts, but jobs for new traffic wardens are somehow unsatisfactory
(see the use of ‘despite’) and the phrase ‘spend nearly 2million’ implies
such jobs will cost too much or that money is better spent elsewhere.
PNC keywords for the rest of the UK are dominated by references
to job cuts; terms like plant, lost, products, near, losing, planning, sys-
tems, sites, Tat, BAE, Honda, refinery, places, and police all refer to real
or planned redundancies. Locating these in space, Nissan is associated
with creating jobs in Sunderland, whilst Vauxhall (Luton, Elsmere
Port), BMW (Longbridge), Honda (Swindon), BAE Systems (Brough),
Tata (Scunthorpe), Kraft/Cadbury (Somerdale, Bristol, York), Twinings
(North Shields) and Imperial Tobacco (Nottingham) are reported to be
cutting jobs across England. The Daily Mail states that, before losing
their jobs, Twinings workers in North Shields were expected to ‘train up
their Polish replacements’, noting that the workers ‘have accused bosses
of “rubbing salt into the wound”’. The Daily Mail thus takes an implied
negative stance on the relocation of jobs to Poland; the use of the quota-
tion from unnamed workers allows the Daily Mail to express dissatisfac-
tion that jobs in Britain are being moved elsewhere, but they never need
to state this explicitly.
The PNC keywords per, cent, ten, even, and vacancy refer to the num-
ber of people receiving government benefits, particularly Jobseeker’s
Allowance, or the number of vacancies in a given area. The Daily Mail
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
The use of ‘workshy’ to refer to all who have been assessed and deemed
fit for work homogenises people having benefits removed, independent
of the reasons for which they were reassessed as fit to work. The naming
and shaming of areas, all of which are notably in Scotland or the north
of England, does not take into account the overarching employment
and health profiles of these regions, and further implies that (large num-
bers of ) people in receipt of Incapacity Benefit are somehow devious.
4Incapacity Benefit was replaced by Employment Support Allowance (ESA) and existing claim-
ants were reassessed from 2010 onwards to determine if they met the criteria for ESA. The reas-
sessment process included a paper-based and/or face-to-face Work Capability Assessment (WCA)
with a third-party contractor.
6 Locating (Un)Employment in the National Press
hour by public transport. Thus the framing of this issue by the Daily
Mail does not take into account whether individuals could actually
make the journey to Cardiff (people may be restricted by caring duties,
for example), nor do they address the underlying issue that there are
apparently not enough jobs in Merthyr Tydfil. Furthermore, (11) is
an example of reference to generic benefits recipients; Sky reporter Jeff
Randall met ‘people’ who are never named, and the use of ‘discovered’ is
sensationalist, as it implies that Randall has found something or some-
one which has been hidden.
The Guardian also reports on Merthyr Tydfil and employment in
Cardiff, but presents the same story reported by the Daily Mail in a
different way. The Guardian positions the story as Iain Duncan Smith’s
denial of having a ‘get on yer bike moment’, which intertextually refers
to the famous quotation from Conservative MP Norman Tebbit in the
1980s, that his father had ‘got on his bike and looked for work, and
kept looking ‘til he found it’. This statement was controversial as unem-
ployment rates reached 12% in the 1980s and Tebbit’s view was taken
to endorse the neoliberal notion that those who were unemployed were
held back not by socioeconomic constraints, but their own lack of ini-
tiative. By referencing Tebbit, the Guardian makes links between the
Conservative policies of the 1980s and coalition policies on employ-
ment and welfare from 2010 onwards.
Concordance analysis also brought to light instances where the Daily
Mail focused on the employment status of individuals, with multiple
reports of people committing suicide because they lost their jobs. In
these cases, job loss is presented as causing suicide with no contextual
factors noted; the Daily Mail quotes the partner of one suicide victim as
saying ‘I’ve no doubt in my mind the reason Michael took his own life
was because he lost his job’. Reports of individuals posting job requests
on sandwich boards (12), billboards, hand-held signs, and Facebook
are evaluated positively. In the article (12) is taken from, the jobseeker
is described as ‘dedicated’, ‘determined’, someone who ‘has gone the
extra mile’ and who wants to ‘make an honest crust’. He is also directly
quoted as saying ‘I don’t want to claim benefits’. These examples make a
direct link between one’s employment status and identity (especially in
the case of the reported suicides) and sit well within capitalist ideologies.
6 Locating (Un)Employment in the National Press
not) between job availability and benefits receipt suggests that the news-
paper’s treatment of such issues is underpinned by ideologies of neoliber-
alism—insofar as benefits recipients and the unemployed are responsible
for their own lot, independent of wider social factors such as job availa-
bility. Furthermore, and in direct contradiction to the individualisation
required by its apparent neoliberal stance, the Daily Mail ’s homogeni-
sation of those who are out of work and/or in receipt of government
benefits through the construction of so-called ‘workshy areas’ facilitates
the negative evaluation of entire groups of people without considera-
tion of individual circumstance. When individuals are mentioned, they
tend to be extreme (newsworthy) examples, such as parents to large
families or people claiming large amounts of benefit (see Sect. 7.2)
which are used to justify the newspaper’s stance on such issues. Such
individuals are not treated as exceptions to the norm (which statistically
they are—most people do not have 11 children), but are given as index-
ical examples of ‘the unemployed’ or ‘benefits claimants’. This allows the
Daily Mail to both ignore heterogeneity and to present welfare receipt
as a single problem, which is associated more with deviance than with
wide-spread redundancies and low vacancy rates.
In considering how the Guardian treats (un)employment, poverty,
and place (Table 6.4), there is more of a focus on the Living Wage
Campaign, which is discussed in detail in Sect. 6.4. However, repeated
references to minimum wage thresholds ‘in London’ and ‘outside
London’ increase the number of PNCs relating to this issue. Such labels
(inside/outside London) show how the geoparser cannot differentiate
between direct references to a place and references to elsewhere which
use a place-name as a starting point. The use of ‘outside London’ rein-
forces the need for close analysis to supplement geoparsing and fore-
grounds the apparent dichotomy between London and elsewhere.
Close reading of concordance lines indicated that there were also
references to job losses in the NHS and the London fire brigade and a
focus on the number of jobseekers for each available vacancy in particu-
lar areas, with the Guardian concentrating on those area where the ratio
is high (15), which contrasts with Daily Mail ’s focused on the availabil-
ity of jobs in Aberdeen.
6 Locating (Un)Employment in the National Press
15. In Hackney, there were fewer than 500 vacancies for more than
11,000 claimants, while in Lewisham just over 10,000 people were
after 487 available jobs (G news: society, Aug 2011).
Outside of London, job cuts and redundancies are associated with the
most PNC keywords (losses, council, face, sector, economy, Pfizer, plant,
biggest, redundancies, midlands, announced, include, notices, Sodexo, call,
expects, chief, shed, seeking, risk, PWC, next, top, transferred ) but focus
more on police work, the MoD, and council-based positions than the
industrial occupations noted in the Daily Mail (see above). In particu-
lar, cuts and changes to the NHS 111 service (a non-emergency tele-
phone line) are localised to Bristol, Sheffield, Wakefield, Nottingham,
Hull, Stafford, Chelmsford, and Newcastle, which also accounts for
centres, loss, union, large, Unison, and trade. A further cluster of PNCs
concern unemployment rates and workless households (including vari-
ation, regional and today ) and involve repeated comparisons between
Liverpool, Nottingham, and Glasgow (where the number of workless
households is reported to be 1/3) and average rates of 1/9 elsewhere.
The Guardian focuses particularly on the number of people chasing every
vacancy and applying unsuccessfully for large numbers of jobs. Thus
they are embodying the neoliberal attitude that the Daily Mail seems
to expect, but the Guardian notes that they are unsuccessful because of
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
the lack of jobs, not their lack of effort. A similar theme is drawn upon
when claimants of Jobseeker’s Allowance are broken down by constitu-
ency: Birmingham, Belfast, Middlesbrough, and Liverpool are associated
with particularly high rates of people claiming this benefit.
Whilst the Guardian acknowledges job cuts in the private sector,
it is more likely than the Daily Mail to report on cuts and redundan-
cies in the public sector—in particular council-based employment and
the NHS—and it is also more likely to mention unions. However, as
shown in the Guardian ’s general treatment of employment (Sect. 6.1),
whilst the Guardian does report on actual job losses (16), many ref-
erences to job cuts are only proposed (17) or ‘could’ occur. Jobs are
quantified and described as ‘at risk’, or ‘under threat’, whilst cuts
are ‘expected’ or ‘planned’, and ‘redundancy estimates’ are made.
The Guardian has a tendency to report redundancies at the point of
announcement, not at the point where redundancies are made and
they are not as likely as the Daily Mail to state explicitly that jobs will
be ‘axed’, but rather draw on epistemic modality and/or conditionals
(see ‘unless a buyer can be found’ in 18) to avoid explicitly stating that
cuts will occur.
the rest of the UK tend to revolve around HS2 and/or the manufacture
of new trains. Again epistemic modality is used, insofar as the ‘economy
could generate’ jobs, and reports of job creations are ‘claimed’ by third
parties such as ‘council leaders’.
The PNC keyword and concordance analysis highlights the topics each
newspaper focuses on in relation to poverty, place, and employment.
However, it can also show what the newspapers do not do. With the
exception of the Guardian ’s focus on the Living Wage Campaign, there
are no explicit links between the Employment subset and money. Very
few of the query terms that comprise the Money subset occurred in the
PNCs for the Employment subset, suggesting little overlap in terms of
5Whilst potential PNCs concerned only with benefit fraud were eliminated (as discussed in
Chapter 5) there were some remnants of references to benefit fraud where it was mentioned
alongside other issues relating to poverty, such as homelessness, loss of employment, and people
being unable to pay their household bills.
6 Locating (Un)Employment in the National Press
how these issues are drawn upon within discourses of poverty and place.
Given that the terms in the Employ subset and the Money subset were
all collocates of <*poverty*>, and that employment is a primary way
of obtaining money, this absence of overlap is somewhat unexpected.
Nevertheless, it demonstrates that the different subsets may be used to
contribute to newspaper discussions of poverty in different ways. The
final section of this chapter focuses specifically on the Money subset.
6<*afford*>, <*austerity*>, <*cost*>, <earn*>, <*expens*>, <income*>, <*money*>, <*paid*>,
<pay*>, <penn*>, <price*>, <*salar*>, <*spend*>, <*wage*>.
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
Fig. 6.5 Density smoothed maps of PNCs in the Money subset in a the Daily Mail and b the Guardian
Fig. 6.6 Kulldorf clusters of PNCs in the Money subset in a the Daily Mail and b the Guardian
6 Locating (Un)Employment in the National Press
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
The strong focus on the living wage in both newspapers suggests a direct
relationship between poverty and minimum hourly pay. The premodifi-
cation of wage by living taps into the measures of poverty that Lansley
7In the Guardian, pay includes references to retail workers, particularly those employed by
Sainsbury’s. Thus, there are parallels between the Guardian and the Daily Mail ’s coverage of retail
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
Words like claimants and will also refer to the benefits cap as well as
the living wage, and the Daily Mail reports that ‘Experts’ claim ‘cuts
“will force 200,000 benefits claimants out of London and into the
suburbs”’. However, the Daily Mail ’s stance on this issue does not
relate to the difficulties that families may face if they need to relocate,
but rather frames the issue as in (29). Here we see that the problem is
not that families may have to move because they cannot afford to live
in London, and/or are experiencing financial hardship, but rather the
families themselves are the problem for encroaching on ‘well-heeled
suburbs’ where it is implied they do not belong. The framing of the
Daily Mail ’s report as a warning for people of relatively higher soci-
oeconomic status to ‘brace themselves’ presents benefits claimants as
undesirable, and the use of ‘influx’ draws on the negative semantics
of water metaphors identified in discourses of immigration by Baker
et al. (2008).
Migrants are mentioned explicitly in relation to low-pay and a higher
welfare bill (the family in (28) are labelled as ‘former asylum seekers’).
Repeated references to a report that ‘the 20 per cent lowest paid [in
London] had seen wages fall by 15 per cent on average’ are immediately
followed by one of the sentences in (30), published across two different
30a. It added that schools in some areas of the country had seen a
‘marked increase in the number of migrant pupils’ (DM news,
July 2014).
30b. Earlier this month, official figures showed that the number of
Romanians and Bulgarians working in the UK had increased by a
third in a single year to 173,000 (DM news, May 2015).
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
30c. Driving down the wage of natives pushes up the overall welfare bill
since they are likely to be paid more in tax credits and other hand-
outs to compensate (DM news, Nov 2014).
In each of these examples, a causal link is made between low wages and
immigration (more specifically migrants, particularly from Bulgaria
and Romania). In (a) and (b) this link is implied through reference
to migrant children (or presumably their parents) and migrant work-
ers, whereas in (c) the link is implied through the use of ‘natives’. The
‘natives’ are not positioned as ‘driving down’ their own wages, but rather
an unnamed force—contextually understood to be migrant workers—is
performing this action. No other potential causes for declining wages
are considered. Migrants are blamed not only for low wages, but their
presence ‘pushes up the overall welfare bill’ because ‘natives’ must ‘com-
pensate’ using ‘tax credits and other handouts’. Thus, clear links are
made here between poverty and its causes and the immigration of for-
eign nationals into the UK. This link represents endorsement of the
Daily Mail ’s generally-anti-immigration stance.
Outside London, the Daily Mail PNC keywords are more difficult
to cluster. Beggar, awkwardly, feminist, and t-shirt are associated with a
campaign where politicians were asked to wear a t-shirt with the logo
‘This is what a feminist looks like’ and an occasion where Ed Miliband
gave money to a beggar while at the Labour Party conference. Failed
refers to repossession after defaulting on mortgage payments. She and
her link to stories about individual women and the benefits they claim:
White Dee (who appeared in Channel 4’s Benefits Street ) is mentioned,
as is someone in Wythenshawe where ‘Shameless, the Channel 4 com-
edy about feckless families living on benefits’ was filmed. There are also
mentions of individual women committing benefit fraud, shoplifting,
choosing a future university, and a woman ‘suing the Government’
because she was given a voluntary work placement. This focus on stories
about particular women again supports the notion that the Daily Mail
is more likely to associate poverty with individual circumstances than
the Guardian, with further implications that women behaving badly
(shoplifting, etc.) are bringing poverty upon themselves.
6 Locating (Un)Employment in the National Press
31. Google’s data showed Altrincham was the biggest hotspot for the
search terms ‘payday loans’ and ‘’ (DM news, July 2014).
32. In Plymouth alone, the council estimates 5000 people are using
payday lenders (G news: news, July 2013).
34. The four constituencies with the lowest average wage are in north-
west England; those working in Blackley and Broughton, Preston
and Middlesbrough earn an average salary of between £323 and
£330 per week (G news: society, June 2012).
35. Meanwhile, public investment in job-creating transport is needed
by the workless of the north-western “rust belt ” to access better-paid
jobs in Preston, Manchester, Liverpool and Leeds (G news: politics,
July 2010).
8The reference to Middlesbrough in (34) is misleading as it is in the north-east, not the north-
west as stated.
6 Locating (Un)Employment in the National Press
6.5 Summary
Whilst the analysis of the single query <*poverty*> in Chapter 4
demonstrated the core concepts of geoparsing and GTA and illustrated
the nuanced differences in how the Guardian and Daily Mail use a par-
ticular lemma, this chapter has begun to show that analyses of individ-
ual terms is only the starting point for discourse-level GTA. Whilst a
focus on unemployment facilitated a three-way comparison between the
Guardian, Daily Mail, and official statistics, it is clear that poverty dis-
courses are made up of more than individual terms or concepts which
are directly measurable.
By taking a closer look at how subsets of our queries are used by each
newspaper we have demonstrated that although the Guardian and the
Daily Mail (perhaps unsurprisingly) report on similar topics, their use
of the query terms and PNC keywords differs. The Daily Mail reports
on job losses, focusing particularly on locations associated with manu-
facturing (particularly the automotive industry). But it also foregrounds
references to locations where jobs are available. The Guardian reports
on those places where the jobseeker to vacancy ratio is particularly high,
and despite the PNCs clustering in London, unemployment is not pre-
sented as a particular problem restricted to the capital. Job losses are
reported across England (but less so in Scotland, Wales and Northern
Ireland), with a particular focus on public sector redundancies. By ana-
lysing the language choices of each newspaper, and the stances that
such choices indicate, we can begin to detail the Daily Mail and the
Guardian ’s orientation to wider discourses of poverty and place.
In the Money subset, the dominance of coverage of the Living Wage
Campaign suggested that it is a key issue within discourses of poverty.
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
Baker, P. 2006. Using Corpora in Discourse Analysis. London: Continuum.
Baker, P., C. Gabrielatos, M. KhosraviNik, M. Kryzanowski, T. McEnery, &
R. Wodak. 2008. A Useful Methodological Synergy? Combining Critical
Discourse Analysis and Corpus Linguistics to Examine Discourses of
Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the UK Press. Discourse and Society 19 (3):
Bauman, Z. 2004. Work, Consumerism and the New Poor. Buckingham: Open
University Press.
Katz, M. B. 2013. The Undeserving Poor (second edition). Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Lansley, S., & J. Mack. 2015. Breadline Britain: The Rise of Mass Poverty.
London: Oneworld.
ONS. 2014. 2011 Census Glossary of Terms.
release/2011-census-definitions/2011-census-glossary.pdf. Accessed 24/2/
ONS. 2016a. Unemployment Rate: Sourced from the Labour Market Statistics
Time Series Dataset.
peoplenotinwork/unemployment/timeseries/mgsx/lms. Accessed 2/12/2016.
ONS. 2016b. Statistical Bulletin: UK Labour Market: Nov 2016. https://
mentandemployeetypes/bulletins/uklabourmarket/november2016. Accessed
Characterising Poverty in Place:
Benefits Receipt in Britain
The position set out in this exchange is that benefits recipients illegit-
imately spend their money on tattoos and televisions, which causes
‘irritation’ for working people who do not have the money to buy
such items. Direct contrast is made between benefits recipients and
hard-working, taxpayers who are ‘shocked’ by Benefits Street, despite
the fact that many benefits recipients are in work. The language used is
highly evaluative; their (presumably expensive) televisions are described
as ‘obligatory’ and their consumption of cigarettes is ‘copious’. It is ulti-
mately implied that those receiving benefits should not be able to afford
such ‘luxuries’. The apparently flawed consumerism of benefits recipi-
ents, along with their ‘complaining’, are described as ‘abuses’ of a system
which will be fixed by Conservative-led Welfare Reform. This is, thus, a
clear example of how media depictions of benefits receipt (and poverty
more widely) can be used as supporting evidence for government policy.
Having established the socio-political background within which
the texts in our corpora were produced, we can also take an overview
of how the Guardian and the Daily Mail discuss government benefits
more generally. As a litmus test <*benefit*> returns 27,159 hits in the
Guardian (481.51 pmw) and 61,165 hits in the Daily Mail (188.38
pmw), showing that the former is 2.5 times more likely to use the term.
Of course, not all references to benefits will correspond to government
welfare payments; the different forms of benefit can be used much
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
more generally, as in ‘reap the benefits’, ‘feel the benefit’ and to ‘ben-
efit from’. Nevertheless, the collocates of <*benefit*> suggest that it is
predominantly used in reference to welfare payments. Table 7.1 lists the
top 25 lemmatised collocates of <*benefit*> in both corpora (including
the debate sub-corpora) calculated using log-likelihood, a span of ±5,
minimum frequency of 5 and a minimum collocation frequency of 5.
The Daily Mail collocates include references to particular types of bene-
fits (child, tax, incapacity, disability, housing, credit, unemployment, pension,
allowance, out-of-work ) but also include cheat and fraud (see example 1).
The Guardian, whilst also collocating <*benefit*> with particular types of
payment (housing, incapacity, tax, child, credit, disability, universal, out-of-
work, in-work, allowance, sickness, working-age ), does not collocate <*bene-
fit*> as highly with fraud. Fraud and cheat occur in the Guardian collocates,
but are ranked in 28th and 30th place. In contrast to the Daily Mail, the
top Guardian collocates also include references to sanction (2), which occurs
in 496th place in the Daily Mail ’s collocate list. The Guardian also makes
more distinctions between the employment status of benefits recipients
(out-of-work, unemployment, in-work, working-age ) than the Daily Mail,
which includes only unemployment and out-of-work in its top collocates.
The different lenses of the two newspapers are also evidenced by their
number one collocates, with the Daily Mail most closely associating
<*benefit*> with claim. Analysing a random sample of 50 concordance
lines, the collocation of claim and <*benefit*> tends to refer to changes
in the rules for claiming benefits, fraudulent claims and/or prosecu-
tion, the amount of benefits individuals have claimed, the number of
people claiming benefits, and the television programme Benefits Street.1
1For analysis of public attitudes to Benefits Street, see Paterson et al. (2016, 2017), and van der
3. Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said the decision to cut child
benefit was ‘excruciatingly difficult’ Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime
Minister, suggested yesterday that many of those losing child benefit
do not see themselves as well off (DM news, Oct 2012).
4. The European commission (sic) is also growing increasingly frus-
trated with the UK government for claiming that “benefit tourism”
is a massive problem while not supplying any verifiable data to sup-
port the claim (G news: news, Oct 2013).
5. Osborne will be called to the Commons to answer an urgent ques-
tion from Bob Russell, a Liberal Democrat who objected to Osborne’s
assertion that he would reduce the number of people who claim wel-
fare benefits as a “lifestyle choice” (G news: news, Sept 2010).
Fig. 7.1 Density smoothed and Kulldorf maps of PNCs in the Benefits subset in the Daily Mail
7 Characterising Poverty in Place: Benefits Receipt in Britain
6. Nasra Warsame and seven of her children were living in a 1.8 million
house in Westminster at a cost to taxpayers of £1600 a week. Her
husband Bashir Aden and her eighth child were living in an ‘over-
spill’ property, also on housing benefit (DM news, Jan 2010).
headline are the taxpayers (perhaps short hand for the Daily Mail ’s tar-
get readership and thus, by extension, an example of synthetic personal-
isation) who are positioned as providing for a family in need of Housing
Benefit. However, there is a sense that taxpayers actually have no say
in how taxes are spent, that £1600 is too much to pay in benefits (it is
sensational enough to warrant a headline), and that the family’s ‘ex-asy-
lum seeker’ status is somehow significant to their receipt of Housing
Benefits. Their case is presented as newsworthy through the foreground-
ing of amounts of money that would be unaffordable for many (£1600
a week in rent, 1.8 million house, annual rent of £83,200).
The number of children the couple have is made central to the story,
as the family were moved from a previous property, which the coun-
cil deemed too small. It is also noted that the family is split between
two houses, both paid for by Housing Benefit. They are repeatedly
referred to as ‘ex-asylum seekers’, ‘A Somali family’, and ‘the former
asylum seeker’, who ‘fled unrest in Somalia in 1991 and claimed asy-
lum in Britain’, although they have received citizenship and ‘all of their
children were born here’. As the family are UK citizens, there is no
direct relationship between their route to citizenship and their claiming
Housing Benefits, yet their Somali heritage is repeatedly referred to in
order to link their benefits claim to a wider context. A context which
is further illuminated towards the end of the article, when a seemingly
unrelated story is also reported (7).
7. Last year it was revealed Afghan single mother Toorpakai Saiedi and
her seven children were given a £1.2 million property complete with
100 ft. garden by Ealing council in West London. Mrs Saiedi, 35,
received £170,000 a year in benefits. Some £150,000 of that is paid
to a private landlord for the seven-bedroom house (Ballinger 2009).
the article draws upon the wider discourse that asylum seekers are ‘ben-
efits tourists’ taking advantage of the UK system (a position opposed
by the Guardian ). We see many of the same techniques used to
describe the woman in (7) as were used to discuss the Somali family:
she is labelled an ‘Afghan’, her number of children is foregrounded, as
are large sums of money. Furthermore, she was reportedly ‘given’ an
expensive house. This is factually inaccurate as she does not own the
house, rather she has been provided with Housing Benefit to pay rent.
Nevertheless, there is an underlying implication that she is somehow
not deserving of the home she has.
To situate the original article within wider discourses of poverty,
descriptions of the Somali family’s house paint it as extremely desira-
ble: it is ‘luxury’, ‘fully-furnished’, ‘within walking distance of the West
End’; it has ‘two leather sofas, a flat screen television and a glass coffee
table’ and ‘a large glass sculpture situated in the middle of a courtyard’.
Similarly the property referred to in (7) was ‘complete with [a] 100ft
garden’. These descriptions draw on discourses of the deserving and
undeserving poor, with the implication that, if someone is poor enough
to need Housing Benefit, they should not be able to afford to live in
such a property and, significantly for discourses of poverty and place,
in such a prime location. But what neither of these examples consider is
that the families mentioned do not represent average benefits claimants,
rather they are at the extreme end of the spectrum for benefits receipt.
Yet these are the examples that the Daily Mail presents to its readers
to justify its wider stance on welfare reform and the endorsement of
Conservative-led policies.
Whilst only one article, the naming of particular (individual) bene-
fits recipients who are unrepresentative of wider benefits claimants is a
tactic which has been noted by Lundström (2013) as typical of reports
on benefits recipients in the tabloid press (and in the Daily Mail in par-
ticular). Other extreme examples include (8), which is underpinned by
the notion that people receiving benefits should not reside in ‘exclusive’
areas alongside celebrities. The notion of an ‘exclusive’ area is of great
relevance to discourses of poverty and place as it presupposes that one’s
economic standing can grant access to particular locations which are (or
should be) off limits to those who have less (8).
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
He will claim: ‘We will abolish the bedroom tax. Abolish it
in Dundee, in Glasgow, but also in Carlisle, Newcastle and
Nottingham’ (DM news, Sept 2014).
Where the Daily Mail does take an explicit stance is in the report-
ing the number of people receiving benefits. Per cent, existing, incapacity,
number, tests, third, trial, and residents refer to the jobless rates in differ-
ent areas, the number of people receiving benefits, and the outcomes
of fitness-to-work (re)assessments. The Daily Mail shows a tendency to
list the ‘best’ and the ‘worst’ areas for benefits receipt or worklessness
(11–14). Notably, the places with the highest rates are in the north of
England, whilst the areas with fewer claimants are all relatively afflu-
ent areas in the south of England (see 11). Additionally, the Daily Mail
claims that towns ‘claiming the most sickness benefit are in Wales and
County Durham’ in contrast with places like Uttoxeter (14) where
employment rates are high.
11. The news was particularly grim for young people in the north,
with 10 per cent of 16–24-year-olds in Hull, Grimbsy and
Middlesbrough on the Jobseekers Allowance. This compared with
less than two per cent in Cambridge and Oxford and less than four
per cent in Reading, Southampton and Bournemouth (DM news,
Jan 2010).
12. Manchester has 71,000 who have never been in work and
Liverpool has 52,000. Bradford is next with 50,000, then Sheffield
on 46,000, Tower Hamlets has 42,000 and Cardiff 41,000.
Taxpayers’ Alliance boss Matthew Sinclair told The Sun: ‘These are
truly shocking figures which underline the importance of reforming
the welfare system in order to make work pay once and for all (DM
news, Feb 2013).
13. The UK’s welfare capital is the Isle of Wight but, when payments to
the elderly are excluded, Liverpool is the biggest claimer of benefits
(DM news, Sept 2013).
14. A record surge in employment means in one town almost no-one is
on the dole. In the Staffordshire market town of Uttoxeter just 34
people are claiming Jobseekers (DM news, July 2014).
To take another extreme example, the Daily Mail claims that 99.1% of
working age people on the Cottsmeadow Estate in Birmingham (15)
‘live off state handouts’, with only one person in a full-time job, whilst
the rest are described as in (16).
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
to other articles which are hyperlinked from the first. This is another
aspect that needs to be considered when using corpora of online texts.
The Daily Mail makes (implied) causal links between immigration and
poverty using hyperlinks. A corpus analysis would not normally focus
on such practices; it is only through the wider interrogation of context
that the significance of hyperlinking can be teased out and examined.
Across the other PNCs, the Daily Mail makes repeated references to
the television programme Benefits Street (the first series of which was
filmed in Birmingham, accounting somewhat for it being a hotspot
on the Kulldorf map, Fig. 7.1). It reports on proposals for geographi-
cally means-tested benefits that are calculated based on the cost of liv-
ing where you live (a policy which did not become part of the Welfare
Reform Act, but can be seen in a limited sense in the different levels of
benefits cap inside and outside London). It also highlights which areas
of the UK have high levels of drug and alcohol dependency: drug, alco-
hol, addictions, highest, lived, and problems all relate to this topic and are
given as reasons for people claiming benefits in particular geographical
locations (17).
contrasted with the claim that ‘Now, according to new figures… 56,000
people with alcohol problems receive ESA, while 36,650 drug addicts
are also claimants’. The use of ‘now’ as a qualifier suggests that alcohol-
ism, drug addiction, obesity, and stress, do not meet the (Daily Mail ’s)
definition of ‘illness or disability’. Thus, whilst there is nothing ille-
gal about claiming ESA for these conditions—and, as such (17) is not
reporting on benefit fraud—the claims are seen as somehow illegitimate
and the Daily Mail is positioned as making moral judgements about
claimants with these issues and conditions.
As part of the article (17) is taken from (Newton 2015), the Daily
Mail provides a map of the ‘booze’ and ‘drug hotspots’ and a table rank-
ing the top ten worst offenders. This ‘name and shame’ approach homog-
enises people in two ways. It groups together all benefits claimants with
particular health issues and treats them as interchangeable, and does the
same for all people living in a particular area. Associating an area with
alcoholism or drug taking contributes to an overall negative character-
isation of that location; not everyone in Bournemouth is accused of
being an alcoholic, but Bournemouth is categorised as a place where
alcoholics live. The Daily Mail does not attempt to offer potential solu-
tions to problems associated with alcoholism (although stopping benefits
is implied) nor does it consider the wider social factors, health profiles,
employment opportunities, etc. which may go some way to explaining
why certain places may be more (or less) affected by alcoholism, etc.
Fig. 7.2 Density smoothed and Kulldorf maps of PNCs in the Benefits subset in the Guardian
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
The PNC keyword benefit (Table 7.3) refers to benefit cuts (particu-
larly to Housing Benefit) and the benefits cap.2 Even though across
occurs as a PNC keyword in the London PNCs, it most often occurs
in the cluster ‘across the country’ (as well as in ‘across London’) and is
used to demonstrate the wide ranging impact of the benefits cap, par-
ticularly in relation to Housing Benefit, the bedroom tax, and high rent
prices. The benefits cap is described as affecting people across England
and Wales but the Guardian also presents it as a local issue which will
disproportionately affect London (18). The cap is ‘forcing people out
of London’, with the implication that homelessness is the only alter-
native, because people cannot ‘keep a roof over their heads’. There are
also reports of private landlords pre-emptively evicting tenants receiving
Housing Benefit to protect against arrears resulting from the cap.
2The benefits cap refers to the limit of state benefits payable to most working age adults.
18. The acute housing shortage in the capital means market rents out-
strip benefit cap levels in cheaper outer London boroughs includ-
ing Haringey, Waltham Forest, and Barking and Dagenham (G
news: society, Nov 2012).
19. Ministers were accused last night of deliberately driving poor peo-
ple out of wealthy inner cities as London councils revealed they
were preparing a mass exodus of low-income families from the capi-
tal because of coalition benefit cuts (G news: politics, Oct 2010).
20. Bromley, Croydon, Enfield and Haringey—will have overall ben-
efits capped at £26,000 a year, with the scheme becoming nation-
wide in December. Opponents have warned that it could cause a
mass movement of poorer families out of parts of London or other
expensive areas, disrupting children’s education (G news: society,
Mar 2013).
21. Far from protecting the vulnerable, these cuts are bearing down
disproportionately on those with disability.” Wheelchair user Tony
Vanterpool, 53, from Brampton in Cambridgeshire, said he had
come to protest at the cutting of his mobility allowance of £17 a
month (G news: society, May 2011).
The Benefits subset includes some mentions of benefit fraud (within the
wider context of poverty) but these are treated as anomalous individual
cases—there are no references, for example, to the total welfare bill or
fraud rates. The Guardian also reports on Benefits Street, which it terms
‘controversial’ and ‘the current crucible of Britain’s social conscience’.
However, the programme is not sensationalised or held up as represent-
ative of wider trends in benefits receipt. Estate, he, Iain, Centre, photo-
graph, and visit are responsible for the PNCs in the Easterhouse area
of Glasgow; they refer to Iain Duncan Smith visiting the area in 2002.
Began, existing, health, IB, incapacity and testing refer to benefits reassess-
ment in Burnley and Aberdeen (see Sect. 6.3). Testing also refers to the
roll out of Universal Credit, a key component of the Welfare Reform
Act; as shown in (24), the Guardian reports on initial trials of Universal
7 Characterising Poverty in Place: Benefits Receipt in Britain
Credit, but there is little direct evaluation of the policy in the PNCs. By
contrast, other elements of welfare reform, particularly the bedroom tax,
are evaluated negatively.
An analysis by Birmingham city council that shows the more
deprived an area, the deeper the cut. According to the Birmingham
analysis, Liverpool is the region worst affected by the government’s
cuts (G news: society, May 2012).
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
3For the Housing subset in the Daily Mail it was only necessary to closely read 150 concordances
due to the relatively small number of hits in this subset (cf. Sect. 6.3).
7 Characterising Poverty in Place: Benefits Receipt in Britain
Outside London the PNC keywords are somewhat more varied. She
is associated with stories about women in poverty. The occurrence of
feminine pronouns and female-gendered nouns occurs elsewhere (cf.
Chapter 4) and suggests that the Daily Mail has more of a tendency to
write stories about individual women than the Guardian. In this subset,
reports are sometimes sympathetic, especially when their subjects are
seen as hard-working women (33), but the Daily Mail is far less sympa-
thetic when poor women have large numbers of children (34).
of common sense’ means she cannot move but is unable to afford her
rent. Whilst the mother in (34) is also directly quoted, a larger propor-
tion of the article is given to the Daily Mail ’s description of her circum-
stances: they mention that she has been in court for rent arrears and is
unable to pay fines for using a bus lane on ten different occasions, and
note the amount of benefits that she receives. The same woman is also
mentioned in another Daily Mail article which reports that a 37-year-
old mother of eleven ‘who never worked and claimed around £60,000
a year in benefits, appeared in a documentary series on Channel 5
called On Benefits and Proud’. Thus, two independent stories are used
together to facilitate the Daily Mail ’s contrast between deserving, work-
ing mothers, and undeserving, entitled mothers who have too many
children. This tendency to append unrelated stories, as also shown
with the Somali and Afghan families in Sect. 7.2, does not occur in the
Guardian PNCs.
As well as associating housing with poverty far more than the Daily
Mail, the Guardian also has a much stronger geographical patterns,
as shown in Fig. 7.4. There is a major cluster of PNCs in London,
which is statistically significant against the corpus’ background geog-
raphy, and contains 57.0% of the PNCs in the Housing subset.
The West Midlands is the second-densest area in terms of density
smoothing but this contains only 4.3% of PNCs. The Kulldorf maps
shows a number of small, localised hotspots outside London includ-
ing Newcastle-upon-Tyne (22 PNCs), Luton (12), Caerphilly (11),
Slough/Windsor (60), and Solihull (6). The dominance of cold spots,
however, suggests just how polarised the pattern is, with most of the
country receiving very little attention in terms of housing (with the
exceptions of the clusters noted above, the M62 corridor, and Kent
and East Sussex).
The PNC keywords for London (Table 7.5) reveal that the
Guardian ’s coverage of poverty and housing in the capital is very much
associated with unaffordability, high, rising, or ‘soaring’ rents, and the
related roles of the benefit cap, private landlords, and the authorities.
There are also multiple PNCs concerning people being forced to move
out of London to cheaper areas (as was the case in the Daily Mail ),
homelessness (35), and (the attempted abolition of ) soup runs (36).
Fig. 7.4 Density smoothed and Kulldorf maps of PNCs in the Housing subset in the Guardian
7 Characterising Poverty in Place: Benefits Receipt in Britain
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
35. Others will be unable to pay their rent, and will end up in arrears,
then homeless or forced to move out of London to low-rent areas of
the country (G news: society, Apr 2013).
36. Westminster council says soup runs provide a magnet for homeless
people and encourage crime, begging and antisocial behaviour. It
tried to ban soup runs in 2007 (G news: society, Mar 2011).
7.6 Summary
Unlike the Employment and Money subsets discussed in the previous
chapter, the Benefits and Housing subset show much more overlap in
terms of theme. Although different in their geographies, the dominance
of Housing Benefit in the Benefits subset draws on very similar topics to
the Housing subset. There is a strong focus on affordability of housing
and housing costs, particularly in London, although the two newspapers
position themselves differently in terms of this broad issue. The Daily
Mail foregrounds extreme Housing Benefit claims in order to question
whether or not people should be able to live in an area supported by
Housing Benefits which would be unaffordable to most people. It con-
structs a dichotomy between Housing Benefit recipients and ‘hardwork-
ing people’, without acknowledging that this benefit is not restricted to
7 Characterising Poverty in Place: Benefits Receipt in Britain
those who are out of work. By referring to those not receiving Housing
Benefit as ‘hardworking’ and those receiving benefits as ‘workshy’ the
Daily Mail is endorsing a neoliberal ideology which positions people
as able to achieve the social status and financial security they desire if
only they work hard enough. It implies that those who are receiving
Housing Benefit, and benefits more widely, are merely inadequate work-
ers. Relatedly, there is little sympathy for addicts, or people receiving
sickness benefits because they are out of work due to stress. By contrast,
the Guardian ’s coverage of the affordability of housing and dependence
on Housing Benefits does not encourage a neoliberal agenda. It focuses
on how government policy is exacerbating hardship due to cuts to the
benefits system. The Guardian focuses on the social responsibility of
the government to provide for those in food poverty and those who are
homeless, whilst also noting that certain areas (in London) are unaf-
fordable for most.
Our final chapter looks at the overall patterns in our data and so we
combine all the PNCs for each of our subsets. Instead of focusing on
different themes, the following chapter centralises geography and looks
at the different aspects of poverty that each newspaper associates with
particular locations. These range from large urban centres—especially
London—to smaller cities and larger towns; there is no real pattern
of rural poverty evident in our data. The maps we produce represent
snapshots of the geographies of poverty in the UK in the twenty-first
century as reported in the largest newspapers in the UK. Thus, they are
indicative of how people talk about poverty, who is classed as being in
poverty, and thus indicate the dominant ideologies of poverty associated
with a particular geographical location.
Baker, P., & T. McEnery. 2015. Who Benefits When Discourse Gets
Democratised? Analysing a Twitter Corpus Around the British Benefits Street
Debate. In P. Baker & T. McEnery (eds.). Corpora and Discourse Studies:
Integrating Discourse and Corpora. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 244–265.
Ballinger, L. 2009. Taxpayers Pay £1,600-a-Week for Family of Ex-asylum
Seekers to Live in Luxury Five-Storey Home. Mail Online 20/11/09. http://
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
family-ex-asylum-seekers-live-luxury-storey-home.html. Accessed 22/1/2018.
DWP. 2016. Freedom of Information Requests 2016-398/2026-397. https://
file/502566/389-397-2016.pdf. Accessed 13/11/2016.
DWP. 2018. Housing Benefit caseload statistics.
fit-caseload-data-to-august-2017.ods. Accessed 23/03/2018.
GOV.UK. nd. Benefit Cap. Accessed 23/11/2017.
Hansard. 2014. Topical Questions, 13 January 2014, Vol. 573. https://han-
WorkAndPensions. Accessed 4/1/2018.
Lansley, S., & J. Mack. 2015. Breadline Britain: The Rise of Mass Poverty.
London: Oneworld.
Lundström, R. 2013. Framing Fraud: Discourse on Benefit Cheating in
Sweden and the UK. European Journal of Communication 28 (6): 630–645.
Newton, J. 2015. More than 100,000 Benefit Claimants Across the UK Are
Being Handed £100 a Week After Being Assessed as Unable to Work
Because of Addiction, Obesity and Stress. Mail Online 22/05/15. http://
stress.html. Accessed 14/3/2018.
ONS. 2017. Statistical bulletin: UK labour market Jan 2017. https://www.ons.
ployeetypes/bulletins/uklabourmarket/jan2017. Accessed 23/03/2018.
Paterson, L. L., L. Coffey-Glover, & D. Peplow. 2016. Negotiating Stance
Within Discourses of Class: Reactions to Benefits Street. Discourse & Society
27 (2): 195–214.
Paterson, L. L., D. Peplow, & K. Grainger. 2017. Does Money Talk Equal
Class Talk? Audience Responses to Poverty Porn in Relation to Money and
Debt. In A. Mooney & E. Sifaki (eds.). The Language of Money and Debt:
An Interdisciplinary Approach. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 205–232.
Slack, J. 2010. Migrants ARE Driving Down Wages of the Poor, as Equalities
Watchdog Blames East European Influx. Mail Online 18/01/10. http://www.
equalities-watchdog-blames-East-European-influx.html. Accessed 15/1/2018.
van der Bom, I., L. L. Paterson, K. Grainger, & D. Peplow. 2018. ‘It’s Not the
Fact They Claim Benefits but Their Useless, Lazy, Drug Taking Lifestyles
We Despise’: Analysing Audience Responses to Benefits Street Using Live
Tweets. Discourse, Context & Media 21: 36–45.
Geography-Based Discourses of Poverty
In this final chapter, we bring together all of the PNCs for each of our
queries to establish overarching patterns of how each newspaper deals
with poverty and place. References to poverty in this chapter, therefore,
should be taken to refer to our entire dataset (including all of our que-
ries and all PNCs directly related to poverty, as shown in Table 5.7).
The analysis of the linguistic similarities and differences between the
Guardian and the Daily Mail begins with PNC keyword analysis. As
the preceding chapters have focused on particular subsets of queries, we
do not intend to repeat data here. For this final chapter we draw on all
PNCs to investigate how each newspaper discursively constructs poverty
and place, and how particularly-salient places are related to poverty by
each publication. Before focusing on which places the two newspapers
concentrate on in their discussion of poverty, we first explore the extent
to which the two newspapers discuss poverty and place overall (Sect. 8.1).
Having established the overarching geographies of poverty and place
in our corpora, we explore the topics that the two newspapers associ-
ate with different places. Our analysis begins with London (Sect. 8.2)
before focusing on major urban areas (Sect. 8.3) and other locations
(Sect. 8.4).
Table 8.1 Frequency of poverty and place mentions in the Daily Mail and the
All poverty PNCs for the All poverty Non-London
instances (nor- from 5% sam- PNCs (pmw) poverty PNCs
malised pmw) ple (pmw) (pmw)
Daily Mail 10,855.0 143.6 12.0 8.3
Guardian 14,656.8 163.2 187.1 93.9
Ratio (G: DM) 1.35: 1 1.14: 1 15.64: 1 11.32: 1
Fig. 8.1 Density smoothed and Kulldorf maps for all poverty PNCs in the Guardian
8 Geography-Based Discourses of Poverty
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
Figure 8.3 uses the spatial segregation analysis point comparison tech-
nique described in Sect. 4.2 to compare the distribution of all pov-
erty PNCs from the Guardian and the Daily Mail. Figure 8.3a shows
that, as expected, the area around London has significantly more
Guardian PNCs than Daily Mail ones. Much of the rest of the map
has more Daily Mail instances than Guardian ones. In particular, the
Daily Mail concentrates more on an area stretching from Birmingham and
Nottingham (in the midlands) to Liverpool and Manchester (in the north).
This pattern is potentially problematic, however, because the Guardian’s
overwhelming concentration on London means, almost by definition,
that its PNCs are under-represented elsewhere. For this reason, Fig. 8.3b
repeats the analysis but with PNCs within Greater London excluded. This
shows a noticeably more even pattern between the two newspapers outside
London, but the differences are still statistically significant.
Taking the analyses from Fig. 8.3 together suggests that, beyond
London, the major cities do not receive significantly more attention
from either newspaper, with the exception of Manchester which has
statistically significantly more Daily Mail PNCs at the p < 0.05 level.
The Guardian associates the south Midlands (including Oxfordshire,
Aylesbury, Milton Keynes, and Chipping Norton), York, Sheffield,
and Cornwall with poverty significantly more than the Daily Mail.
Other areas with significantly high Guardian PNCs include Belfast,
Consett (just north of Newcastle), east Glasgow, south Cumbria,
and Weymouth, but these are represented by only small numbers of
PNCs—35 in Belfast, fewer than twenty in all other cases. Thus, they
can tell us less about the newspapers’ representation of poverty than
might initially seem possible. The Daily Mail has a complex pattern that
includes clusters around Coventry (79 PNCs), northern East Anglia
(74), Swindon and West Berkshire (36), Scunthorpe to the south of
Hull (11), Okehampton in Devon (17), and south-west Scotland (5).
Considering Figs. 8.1–8.3 together reveals the following:
Table 8.2 PNC Keywords for London when compared to the rest of the UK for
the Guardian and the Daily Mail (n ≥ 5)
Newspaper Sig. PNC Keywords London
Guardian <0.01 housing, rents, affordable, private, we, councils, outer, if,
move, that, new, local, inner, moving, will, government,
other, homes, benefit, properties, property, impact,
shelter, planning, both, residents, rented, cap, means,
changes, buy, huge, transport, third, neighbourhoods,
high, hostel, example, build, demand, outnumber,
receive, Livingstone, officer, create, better, hotel, you,
average, cheaper, not, building, the, paying, started,
schemes, advice, overall, provided, foundation, fair,
Amelia, sector, community, landlords, are, side, growth,
low-income, with, social, what, cancelled, develop-
ment, gentleman, editor, statutory, taking, would,
market, these, have, services, April, such, decent, soup,
legal, priced, wage, my, research, numbers, funding,
one-bedroom, works, director, larger, eviction, whereas,
<0.05 friends, offer, fund, out, than, additional, letter, apply,
shrink, assembly, regeneration, either, allowances, issue,
might, supporting, strategy, whom, guardian, Patrick,
included, evict, infrastructure, PCTS, by, rights, leave,
central, only, minimum, dependent, appeal, Randeep,
block, am, Wednesday, Ramesh, approach, email,
Monday, economically, bite, double, cleaners, sell, is,
shortage, it, places, of, claiming, provision, comes,
institute, mixed, lot, aid, analysis, universal, unless, but-
ler, wards, cope, substantial, Saturday, developments,
mothers, commission, neighbouring, accounts, inten-
tion, factory, housebuilding, contract, conservative,
claimant, short, deepest, unaffordable, should, recent,
increasingly, renting, action, so, be, put, place, prob-
lems, hit, very, fifth, soaring, few, wales, drop, decision,
earnings, driving, event, wide, movement, twitter, evi-
dence, standards, forces, age, extended, immediately,
limits, budgets, outstrip, squeezed, mansions, allow,
JSA, seeing, failing, failure, department, related, con-
servative-run, providing, vast, funds, pushing, two-bed,
federation, postcodes, accepted, win, increases, cities,
vacancies, temporary, accommodation, according, now,
people, least, result
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
Table 8.2 (continued)
Newspaper Sig. PNC Keywords London
Daily Mail <0.01 cent, per, Mr, child, constituencies, enlarge, pictured,
combat, sustainably, yesterday, today, Mrs, BBC, poor-
est, cafe, taxpayers, district, updated, streets, Keely,
store, Romanian, pupils, street, reached, baker, Ms,
repossessed, slum, months, smith, men, vouchers, area,
without, was, constituency, he, details, Blair, meaning,
prepares, Muslim, walked, exclusive, arrived, features,
Tories, blocked, Victorian, map, speaking, never, areas,
worst, stage, fallen, website, house, children, claim,
speech, Iain, pound, successful, benefits, jobless, mail,
economy, during, forcing, top, poverty, pub, seven-bed-
room, located, pledge, father, eat, culture, part-time,
gang, reveals, grew, shops, Duncan, Tesco, open,
heavily, believed, queue, illegal, credits, Europe, show,
homeless, days, Ed, her, Miliband, while
<0.05 lives, fact, crime, jubilee, stewards, daughter, interview,
worldwide, asylum, restaurant, summer, payments,
his, unemployment, revealed, in, suffering, recently,
woman, labour, business, ago, she, English, daily,
millions, search, sending, figures, money, hundreds,
after, were, use, evictions, residential, regularly, bussed,
Table 8.2 shows that the Guardian PNC keywords with the highest
log likelihood scores are very strongly associated with Housing bene-
fits and the benefits cap (housing, rents, affordable, private, move, mov-
ing, homes, benefit, properties, property, impact, Shelter, residents, rented,
cap ). Taken together, with the Guardian ’s wider focus on cuts, benefits,
and wages, these PNC keywords are used to express the newspaper’s
overarching argument that high housing costs, low wages, and the gov-
ernment’s cap on benefits mean that people are being forced to move
away from London to cheaper places—a process sometimes referred
to as ‘social cleansing’ (move, moving, out, to, force(d), cleansing, leave,
evict ). Relatedly, political organisations and individual politicians, such
as London mayor Boris Johnson, Chancellor of the Exchequer George
Osborne, and the London Assembly are all prominent, either for their
role creating welfare-related policies (George Osborne is strongly associ-
ated with the benefits cap), or objecting to them as ‘Kosovo-style social
cleansing’—a phrase attributed to Boris Johnson.
8 Geography-Based Discourses of Poverty
4. Jobless Lee Miller, who has demanded a bigger council house for his
enormous family, claims he would turn to petty crime because he has
‘bills to pay’. The 40-year-old said he would travel to London and
target the wealthy to provide for his children (DM news, Oct 2010).
5. The pair led a depraved lifestyle, funding their mutual crack addic-
tion through benefits and flogging stolen goods. Jobless Spence
8 Geography-Based Discourses of Poverty
Other trends in the London PNC keywords for the Daily Mail include
combating child poverty (child, sustainably, combat ) and the impor-
tance of schooling (pupils, schools, school ), in among more general PNC
keywords associated with money and employment (poorest, vouch-
ers, jobless, pledge (the failure of Tony Blair’s ‘pledge on poverty’), part-
time, unemployment, suffering, richest ), and housing (repossessed, house,
forcing, homeless, evictions, residential, mortgage ). There is opposition
to the cereal café in Shoreditch (café, Keely, restaurant ), which shows
some sympathy for those who live in one of the poorest boroughs in
the UK (see Sect. 4.3). Politics and politicians are again mentioned
(Smith, Blair, Duncan, Cameron, Tories, Iain, Ed, Miliband, Labour )
but there are also groups of PNC keywords which have no parallels in
the Guardian, such as those relating to minorities (Romanian, Muslim,
asylum ), crime (illegal, gang, crime), and history (Victorian, slum ). One
example which neatly contrasts the newspapers’ attitudes to poverty in
London is the occurrence of one-bedroom and seven-bedroom as PNC
keywords in the Guardian and Daily Mail respectively. This reveals
the former’s preference for stories about people living in overcrowded
accommodation because they cannot afford to move and the latter’s ten-
dency to report stories of (ex-migrant) benefit claimants living in large
properties at the taxpayers’ expense (see Sect. 7.2).
The Daily Mail ultimately endorses the benefits cap and other welfare
reform policies, and conceptualises poverty as caused by the (in)action
of (groups of ) individuals who are responsible for and/or complicit in
their own misfortune. The occurrence of Romanian as a PNC keyword
relates to multiple reports of migrants sleeping rough (6), begging, and/
or making children beg for them. A similar theme occurs in references
to Polish migrants (7) and is generalised to ‘groups of EU nationals’, as
in (6). Thus, at least some homelessness in London is blamed on migra-
tion rules and the free movement of EU citizens.
Table 8.3 PNC Keywords for the Manchester cluster. Italicised keywords are
found in both newspapers (n ≥ 5)
Manchester Sig. PNC Keywords
Guardian vs UK (excl. London) <0.01 incapacity, conference, city,
Facebook, last, police, as
<0.05 back, to, far, they, against, you,
Britain, losses
Guardian vs Daily Mail <0.01 council, as
<0.05 city, have
Daily Mail vs UK (excl. London) <0.01 feminist, awkwardly, t-shirt, giving,
conference, tests, pilot, market,
beggar, hospital, a, medical,
scheme, anywhere, plan, get,
begin, area, to, central, town
<0.05 before, rent, top, recently, found,
estate, under, fit, say, cent
Daily Mail vs Guardian <0.01 cent, per, town, Mr, child, near, pilot,
fit, made, his, left, help, she, also,
feminist, anywhere, awkwardly,
beggar, begin, hospital, t-shirt,
plan, close, rent
<0.05 being, market, area, found, money,
estate, number, top, a
It is clear from the sparsity of PNC keywords that the Guardian has
little to say about poverty in and around Manchester. The only themes
that seem to emerge as distinctive for Manchester compared to the rest
of the country are incapacity benefit and public sector cuts, which in
this case are associated particularly with the police. Council is a PNC
keyword when compared with the Daily Mail and is primarily associated
with council cuts, while conference refers to political party conferences
being held in the city, and they frequently refers to people protesting or
campaigning about issues including benefit cuts, homelessness provi-
sion, and the removal of the Education Maintenance Allowance (pro-
vided to young people who remained in education post-16).
The Daily Mail does not just emphasise Manchester but is also con-
cerned with towns nearby, such as Burnley and Rochdale. This emphasis
is in part revealed by town appearing as a PNC keyword when comparing
the Daily Mail to the Guardian. The most talked about of these towns is
Burnley, which is discussed in relation to the trial of new fit-for-work assess-
ments (tests, pilot, medical, fit, found ) relating to the replacement of incapac-
ity benefit with ESA (see Sects. 6.2 and 6.3). Rochdale is labelled (passively)
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
Table 8.4 PNC Keywords for the Merseyside cluster. Italicised keywords are
found in both newspapers (n ≥ 5)
Merseyside Sig. PNC Keywords
Guardian vs UK (excl. London) <0.01 universal, credits, Anderson,
addresses, common, harder, riots,
level, deprived, held, in, affected,
highest, testing, combined, urban,
able, claimed, study, system
<0.05 tax, credit, most, workless, house-
hold, life, these, other, years, how
Guardian vs Daily Mail <0.01 universal, other, credits, social, and,
addresses, affected, says, system,
tax, over, claimed, before, while,
<0.05 will, life, common, public, authori-
ties, councils, able, housing, local,
council, that, under, testing, house-
hold, do, harder, riots, region,
held, set, urban, credit, combined,
service, spending, at
Daily Mail vs UK (excl. London) <0.01 highest, workless, households, areas,
poorest, sharp, communities, most,
deprived, homes, rate, list, number,
where, suggest, them, mother,
cent, incapacity, need, benefits, of
<0.05 receive, per, nearly, out, is, many,
figures, no, children
Daily Mail vs Guardian <0.01 cent, where, poorest, per, communi-
ties, households, Mr, number, list,
incapacity, sharp, receive, suggest,
nearly, mother, worst
<0.05 benefits, losing, jobless, rate, today,
areas, his, highest, top, places
Table 8.5 PNC Keywords for the Birmingham cluster. Italicised keywords are
found in both newspapers (n ≥ 5)
Birmingham Sig. PNC Keywords
Guardian vs UK (excl. London) <0.01 street, channel, city, council, biggest,
the, since, increase, local, already,
nearly, claiming, economy, con-
ference, over, paying, workers,
disabled, today
<0.05 cut, its, planning, rents, to, number,
was, man, more, times, tory
Guardian vs Daily Mail <0.01 council, local, workers, housing, this,
as, constituency,
<0.05 last, year, economy, announced,
plans, under, that, now, affordable,
health, minimum, rents, region,
paying, before, authority, authori-
ties, times, so, some, than
Daily Mail vs UK (excl. London) <0.01 street, turner, James, Poundland,
says, cap, show, lives, channel,
three-bedroom, months, inner-city,
state, her, residents, benefits, capa-
ble, where, city, first, over, set
<0.05 seen, receive, cut, work, them
Daily Mail vs Guardian <0.01 cent, per, James, turner, street, town,
show, capable, months, benefits,
where, lives, her, residents, inner-
city, she, work, state, Poundland,
them, three-bedroom
<0.05 his, around, family, receive, in, says
Buchan story. There are also references to the fitness for work (capable,
receive, cut, work ) of benefits recipients in Birmingham.
The people appearing on Benefits Street are accused of ‘false’ claims and
drug taking (10), Cait Reilly was described as sneering at ‘hardworking
Britons’ by the Mayor of London, and benefits claimants in Birmingham
are labelled ‘workshy’ and ‘capable of work’ (12). What unites these
stories is their negative evaluation of (predominantly) able-bodied peo-
ple who are represented as able to work but choose not to do so. Their
receipt of benefits, therefore, is seen as illegitimate—a position which
depends on an underlying ideology that benefits claimants can be easily
divided into the deserving and undeserving poor. This understanding of
poverty is reinforced by the contrast made between stories such as those
in (10–12) and more sympathetic stories, such as (13), which concerns a
National Lottery-backed food bank in Birmingham.
13. Earlier this year, reports from Birmingham’s Citizens Advice Bureau
revealed residents unable to afford their electricity bills were turning off
their fridges, leading to cases of food poisoning (DM news, Sep 2011)
sector cuts discussed in Sect. 6.4. Benefits are also a theme (claim-
ing ), but the focus is more on Jobseeker’s Allowance than other bene-
fits. There is also a story about a man setting himself on fire outside a
Jobcentre when his benefits were cut. Housing is present again (rents)
and so are wages (paying ), particularly in relation to disabled people
earning the minimum wage. As with Merseyside, but in a less pro-
nounced manner, there is again a theme of things being bad or getting
worse, with number often being used to note the extremes of poverty, to
endorse the position that times are hard/tough.
With 99 PNCs, Glasgow is a hotspot for the Daily Mail but not for
the Guardian, which has 139 PNCs in the cluster. This difference is not
statistically significant using spatial segregation analysis once London is
removed. Despite the numerical similarity, the different focuses of the
two newspapers are revealed by the PNC keywords in Table 8.6. The
Guardian is largely interested in the city because of Iain Duncan Smith’s
visit to the Easterhouse estate (see also Sect. 7.3), which is connected
to his proposals for welfare reform (14) and the creation of the Centre
for Social Justice (Iain, Duncan, Smith, visit, estate, his, Centre, Social ).
Social sometimes also occurs in relation to social deprivation or social
Table 8.6 PNC Keywords for the Glasgow cluster. Italicised keywords are found
in both newspapers (n ≥ 5)
Glasgow Sig. PNC Keywords
Guardian vs UK (excl. London) <0.01 Iain, Duncan, visit, Smith, estate, life,
family, when, how
<0.05 as, now, his, new
Guardian vs Daily Mail <0.01 Iain, a, I, when, social, visit, for,
Duncan, smith
<0.05 estate, there, city, you, centre
Daily Mail vs UK (excl. London) <0.01 independent, lost, be, defence, ship-
yard, yards, another, capable, such,
are, at, of, figures
<0.05 some, would, this, being, including,
cent, work, food
Daily Mail vs Guardian <0.01 lost, per, cent, at, be, capable,
defence, would, independent,
including, shipyard, find, yards
<0.05 are, such, figures, being
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
enterprises, a deprivation theme that also accounts for life, as in low life
expectancy, and family, which is used in terms of family breakdown.
The Daily Mail ’s PNC keywords for Glasgow draw on common dis-
courses of benefits claimants being capable for work, as found in relation
to the other cities discussed above (work is also used in the context of
looking for work or the Department of Work and Pensions). Similarly,
there is a focus on statistics (figures, per, cent ). The Daily Mail also asso-
ciates Glasgow with food banks, but this PNC keyword is accounted
for by multiple instances of ‘1 million people are being fed from food
banks such as this one in Glasgow’. Two further themes are distinctive
to Glasgow. The first concerns job losses in shipyards (lost, shipyard,
yards ). The second relates to the debate about Scottish independence
and its relationship to defence, particularly jobs in the defence industry
(defence, independent ). We do not find mentions of the 2014 independ-
ence debate in relation to other locations.
The final urban centre with similar geographical characteristics is
the area around Newcastle, which includes Gateshead, Tyneside, and
Sunderland. This area has 129 Guardian PNCs and 98 Daily Mail
PNCs, making it a hotspot for both newspapers with no significant dif-
ference between them. As with Glasgow, this masks noticeable differ-
ences between the two newspapers (Table 8.7).
The Guardian PNC keywords come from a range of different sto-
ries and cover themes such as benefits (paid, benefit, claimed, bedroom,
housing, unemployed ), politics (Labour, councils ), and charities and food
banks (bank, food, charity ). She is used to refer to individual women
who lost their jobs in the public sector or were affected by the bedroom
tax. The Daily Mail has very few PNC keywords for this cluster and
does not draw on the same themes as the Guardian for this geographical
area; food banks, for example, were not associated with Newcastle by
the Daily Mail. However, one PNC keyword (staff ) breaks this pattern,
8 Geography-Based Discourses of Poverty
Table 8.7 PNC Keywords for the Newcastle cluster. Italicised keywords are
found in both newspapers (n ≥ 5)
Newcastle Sig. PNC Keywords
Guardian vs UK (excl. London) <0.01 bank, far, had, paid, benefit, food, a,
go, told, claimed, against, labour,
<0.05 set, I, charity, bedroom, councils,
workers, week, no, she, where
Guardian vs Daily Mail <0.01 a, far, councils, labour, housing, I,
<0.05 bank, area, living, take, so, charity,
set, unemployed, claimed, park,
paid, had, some, year, where
Daily Mail vs UK (excl. London) <0.01 Staff
<0.05 his, left, by, last, no
Daily Mail vs Guardian <0.01 –
<0.05 Was
and Maidstone. PNC keywords for these places are shown in Table 8.8.
In each case slightly different overarching discourses are revealed.
The Middlesbrough area is used by both newspapers as an exemplar
of poverty but the way this is done plays out differently in each publi-
cation. In the Guardian there is a discourse of supremacy for negative
reasons, with terms like highest, areas and where being used to describe
Middlesbrough as one of the areas with the highest levels of cuts or
unemployment, or being an area where unemployment is high and/or
life expectancy is low (cf. Glasgow and the Daily Mail, above). Unlike
many other places, however, the Guardian makes no clear links between
Middlesbrough and public sector cuts. This is anomalous and is per-
haps explained (in contrast to the Guardian’s treatment of Cornwall, see
below) by the fact that Middlesbrough council is held by Labour.
The Daily Mail focuses on Middlesbrough as an exemplar at a far
more localised level. In particular, it focuses on Limetrees Close (15)
and singles out this street as a place with problems of high crime and
unemployment (Limetrees, Close, community, situated, edge, near, area ).
The parallelism between ‘very high crime rate’ and ‘very high unem-
ployment rate’ serves to indicate a perceived relationship between these
two issues. Furthermore, the repetition of ‘suffers/suffered’ also suggests
links between high unemployment and ‘arson, fly-tipping and anti-so-
cial behaviour’, as they are created by the same process of suffering
(although the direction of any implied causality is not expressed). The
links between these issues are not made explicitly, but rather by men-
tioning them in the same sentence, the Daily Mail is presenting them
as linked; why mention these issues together if they are not (intended to
be) connected in some way. Mentions of Limetrees Close are also linked
to the second series of Benefits Street that was filmed nearby in Stockton
(series, average, residents ).
8 Geography-Based Discourses of Poverty
Table 8.8 PNC Keywords for hotspots away from major urban centres. Italicised
keywords are found in both newspapers (n ≥ 5)
Middlesbrough Sig. PNC Keywords
Guardian vs UK (excl. London) <0.01 are, under, highest, areas, where,
while, average
<0.05 Such
Guardian vs Daily Mail <0.01 are, there, highest, under, housing,
their, from, he
<0.05 it, to, people
Daily Mail vs UK (excl. London) <0.01 Limetrees, situated, close, edge,
Tata, products, losses, division,
community, on, series, long, aver-
age, is, followed, across, near, area,
as, job
<0.05 child, residents, such, worst, an, per
Daily Mail vs Guardian <0.01 –
<0.05 close, Limetrees, losses, area, Tata,
products, edge, cent, on, long, divi-
sion, near, situated, per, followed,
series, job, child, at
Hull Sig. PNC Keywords
Guardian vs UK (excl. London) <0.01 far, into
<0.05 in been
Guardian vs Daily Mail <0.01 Been
<0.05 into, he, at, was
Daily Mail vs UK (excl. London) <0.01 like, find, places, to
<0.05 Per
Daily Mail vs Guardian <0.01 per, find, places
<0.05 by, to, like
Kent* Sig. PNC Keywords
Guardian vs UK (excl. London) <0.01 Town
<0.05 homes, from, county
Guardian vs Daily Mail <0.01 –
<0.05 has, be, council, people
Daily Mail vs UK (excl. London) <0.01 cancel, crime, month, money, I, asso-
ciation, police, couple, moved, last
<0.05 house, had, to, no
Daily Mail vs Guardian <0.01 money, police
<0.05 Mr, find, couple, cancel, crime, up,
moved, I
*For the Kent cluster PNC keywords are included where n ≥ 3
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
There are two other themes associated with the Middlesbrough clus-
ter which are frequently found in the Daily Mail. The first is concerned
with particular industries, in this case job losses (and occasionally gains)
at Tata Steel (Tata, products, losses, division, long, followed, across, job ),
which echoes the Daily Mail ’s focus on industrial redundancies noted
in Sect. 6.3. The second, as is a commonly-used feature of Daily Mail
reports on poverty, is associated with statistics (child, poverty, such, worst,
per, cent ). This is not to say that the Guardian does not use statistics
when reporting on poverty and/or specific topics such as benefits receipt
or employment, but it does not use statistics as consistently as the Daily
Mail appears to. The overarching approach employed by the Daily
Mail appears to be to use individual (extreme) stories/examples, such as
Limetrees Close, and contextualise them as if they are representative of
wider statistical trends.
Both newspapers have stories about Hull being a place where peo-
ple are forced to move to because of changes to Housing benefits
in London: far is used in the Guardian in the context of having to
move as far as Hull, and like is used by the Daily Mail in the context
of rehousing people from London to places like Hull. So the distance
between Hull and London is emphasised to reinforce the injustice of
forced movement. Thus, for both newspapers, Hull perhaps reflects the
emphasis on housing and benefits in London; Hull is present in debates
about poverty precisely because it is not London. The Daily Mail also
has its emphasis on statistics which, in this case, includes stories about
Hull being one of the top ten worst places to find a job.
The Kent cluster does not have many PNC keywords, suggesting that
perhaps discussions of poverty in this area are fairly typical of discus-
sions of poverty elsewhere (outside London). That is, it is not overly
associated with a particular aspect of poverty. We reduced the minimum
threshold for PNC keywords for Kent to three to investigate whether
there were any more minor trends in the data. However, it is only asso-
ciated with familiar themes, such as the effects of council cuts in the
Guardian (warned, county ) and references to housing (town, homes ). The
Daily Mail also has stories about cuts, focusing more on the impact on
crime and policing (crime, police ), and has a story about the abuse of the
benefits system, focusing on an unemployed family with five children
8 Geography-Based Discourses of Poverty
There are a number of places of interest away from major urban cen-
tres that the Daily Mail associates with poverty but the Guardian does
not. These include smaller urban centres such as the clusters centred on
Coventry (72 PNCs), Aberdeen (31 PNCs), and Swindon and West
Berkshire (31 PNCs), which are all hotspots for the Daily Mail with sig-
nificantly more poverty PNCs than the Guardian, and a larger, more
rural cluster in East Anglia stretching from Cambridge to Norwich
which, although it has 63 PNCs, is a cold spot in the Daily Mail but
still has significantly more PNCs than the Guardian. The keywords for
these four clusters are shown in Table 8.10.
Each of these places seems to have its own narrative and it is hard
to identify common threads between them. The attention on Aberdeen
is dominated by the pilot scheme for ESA that also led to Burnley
being prominent in the Daily Mail. Almost all of the PNC keywords,
including tests, per, fit, if, cent, found, work, benefit, that, were, and to
relate to this story. Contrastingly, there are several separate themes asso-
ciated with Coventry indexing a range of attitudes to poverty. The first
(advert, city, more, with, unemployed, jobs ) involves negative evaluation
of unemployed people within the city who are characterised as not look-
ing for work. Example (17) is repeated in three different texts. The use
of ‘air quotes’ questions the validity of the phrase ‘looking for work’—
it implies that people who are unemployed are not actually performing
this action—whilst the mention of 10,000 people contrasted with the
capitalised ‘TWO’ serves to reinforce the difference between the num-
ber of unemployed people and applications for a particular job. This
example is taken as indicative of wider trends in the number of jobs
applied for in Coventry (even though no context is provided about the
types of job on offer) and serves to support ideologies of the lazy and/or
idle poor.
8.5 Summary
There is an interesting paradox in much of what this chapter has
revealed. On the one hand, the Guardian has more instances of both
poverty search terms and place-names than the Daily Mail, and its
interest in poverty and place (as numerically measured) far exceeds that
of the Daily Mail. On the other hand, the Daily Mail seems to have a
wider agenda both in terms of the places that it discusses and the dis-
courses that it associates with those places. The Guardian ’s coverage of
poverty and place is dominated by London with a focus on housing
and its apparent unaffordability in the light of low wages and benefit
cuts. This comes together in stories about people being forced out of
the capital due to high housing costs. Outside London, the Guardian ’s
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
Atkinson-Small, J. 2012. It’s Time to Pull Up the Drawbridge: Ban Immigration
for Five Years and Give Our Youth a Chance. Mail Online 21/2/2012. http://
youth-chance.html. Accessed 13/3/2018.
Lundström, R. 2013. Framing Fraud: Discourse on Benefit Cheating in
Sweden and the UK. European Journal of Communication 28 (6): 630–645.
Ramesh, R., & A. Sparrow. 2010. Housing Benefit Cuts Will ‘Push Poor Out of
South’, Experts Warn. Guardian 8/11/2010.
society/2010/nov/08/housing-benefit-north-south-divide. Accessed 22/2/2018.
Watson, L. 2011. Lotterty Hands Over £425,000 for Charity Food Bank in
Birmingham. Mail Online 22/9/2011.
html. Accessed 21/2/2018.
negatively evaluate the poor. Nor does either newspaper tend to draw on
particular indexes of the working classes—such as smoking, wearing par-
ticular clothing, drinking alcohol, etc.—found elsewhere in public dis-
courses of poverty (cf. Paterson et al. 2017, van der Bom et al. 2018).
Thus, neither newspaper engages primarily with UK poverty and
place in the same way it has been portrayed through other media out-
lets. For example, poverty porn programming like Benefits Street, with
its evaluative narration and editorial choices to focus on deviant behav-
iour, reinforces stereotypes about the undeserving poor in particular
locations in England.1 Such media representations and use of ‘scrounger
discourses’ (see van der Bom et al. 2018) are socially powerful; ref-
erences to such programmes have been used to support government
positions on welfare reform (see the Hansard extract in Sect. 7.1). The
newspapers’ coverage of poverty is somewhat more highbrow and less
sensationalist (with the potential exception of the Daily Mail ’s use of
extreme individual examples). The two newspapers do draw on stereo-
types of the poor to a certain extent, but mostly this is implied, rather
than comprising the explicit labelling of someone as a scrounger or the
overt evaluation of particular behaviours and/or consumer practices.
This is because the stereotypes attached to the UK poor are already well
established; the newspapers assume that their readers have been exposed
to such stereotypes and thus, to an extent, they have become reified and
accepted as common sense.
Another unexpected finding is that reports on poverty—London-
centric as they are—are dominated by references to the high cost of liv-
ing and high house prices, especially in the Guardian. Not being able
to afford (to own) a property in a major capital city does not automat-
ically make someone poor, and there seems to be a wide level of pub-
lic consensus on this; in the Breadline Britain surveys (cf. Lansley and
Mack 2015) home ownership was not widely seen as an essential for
having a good quality of life in twenty-first century Britain. It was not
1A similar trend can be found in fictional caricatures of the working classes. People tend to be
represented as either feckless, as in sitcoms such as Shameless and the sketch show Little Britain
(see Tyler 2008) or hardworking victims of circumstance at the mercy of government policies and
an ineffectual welfare state (see Ken Loach’s I, Daniel Blake, 2016).
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
Glasgow because of sink estates, low life expectancy, and poor health
profiles (see Chapter 8).
Similarly, different social groups’ experiences of poverty were evalu-
ated differently. For example, children had no agency in their own pov-
erty and the label child poverty appears to refer to a particular type of
poverty (a topic worthy of further investigation). Nevertheless, children
were used discursively by the newspapers (the Daily Mail in particular)
to index a particular stance on the causes of poverty: references were
made to the number of children that people had and to the different
languages spoken by migrant children in Rochdale (Sect. 8.3). Again,
the newspaper did not need to explicitly set out the positions that peo-
ple should be able to financially support the children they conceive
or that migrants are to blame for fewer jobs and a higher welfare bill.
These notions are implied because they are expressed elsewhere (within
other media or within other articles in the Daily Mail ) and there is an
assumption that knowledge of such positions will act as a filter through
which the newspaper’s readership understand the preferred reading and
the subtext of any given article concerning poverty.
Further supporting evidence for the position that poverty is some-
thing relative, qualitative, and abstract, as opposed to something funda-
mentally economic, was the fact that money terms did not always play
a central role in the newspapers’ reports on poverty. There was little ref-
erence to people counting the pennies or earning less money, suggesting
that a conceptualisation of poverty based solely on economic resources
is not representative of how the newspapers present this phenomenon
to the wider public. When numbers are brought into reports, they tend
not to relate to the specific price of goods or services, or the amount of
money people have (with the exception of reports about the amounts
received for Housing Benefit reported in the Daily Mail ), rather they
tended to focus on poverty in aggregate terms: the number of people
claiming benefits in a particular geographical area, the employment
rates for different cities, etc.
Money tended to be referred to implicitly, through references to ben-
efits or jobs (which implies wages). When money was explicitly talked
about, reports tended to focus on the Living Wage Campaign, which
both newspapers ultimately endorsed albeit for different reasons: the
L. L Paterson and I. N Gregory
Additionally, no strong links are made between poverty and place and
areas of high rates of migrant settlement.
Having established the ideologies drawn upon, the discourses used,
and the different assumptions held implicit by each newspaper, we can
argue that—based on our analysis—place is used to shape how each
newspaper presents poverty to their readers. The Daily Mail endorses
a neoliberal position and paints the poor as predominantly idle and
undeserving. There are some realisations of flawed consumerism—par-
ticularly in reports about expensive London houses paid for by Housing
Benefit (especially for (ex)migrant families) and in reports about peo-
ple receiving benefits who are planning their wedding and buying fly-
ing lessons (Sect. 6.3)—but this was not a strong trend in the data. By
contrast, the Guardian takes a more socialist position—advocating for
a more equal distributions of wealth, but it also seeks to reinforce the
concept of relative poverty, positioning it as a problem not only for the
working classes, but also for those who are employed in traditionally
middle class professions.
that it led to significant government policy initiatives that were very dif-
ferent to many of the existing debates around poverty.
little interaction with geography. GTA allows the researcher to first map
the place-names within the text and then to conduct more sophisticated
analyses based on location. The similarities and differences between the
two newspapers set out above would arguably have been made visible
by other methods of analysis, such as CDA or corpus-based discourse
analysis, but what the present study has shown is how these underlying
ideologies are promoted and endorsed by the choice of each newspaper
to report on particular places. Place, something which may be seen as
relatively innocuous and easily passed over in linguistic analysis, plays
an important part in media-endorsed conceptualisations of what pov-
erty in twenty-first century Britain is, what it looks like, its causes, and
who is affected. As such, and as we have shown here, critical studies of
social phenomena, such as poverty, can benefit greatly from a close con-
sideration of place.
Whilst the availability of geoparsers suitable for this type of analysis
is currently somewhat restricted, this is testament to the state of the art.
In the first instance, we would encourage researchers interested in GTA
to work interdisciplinarily with scholars who have access to such tools.
Secondarily, it is hoped that as the method becomes more developed
and widely-known more geoparsers (and related tools) will become
available for widespread use. Additionally, it is hoped that future work
describing and documenting the concordance geoparsing process will
make the method more accessible to those without backgrounds in GIS
and/or corpus linguistics.
Methodologically, this book provides two particular innovations. The
first is the use of collocation analysis, with some manual intervention,
to establish which search terms would be fruitful for the exploration of
a particular theme (in a given corpus). The analysis of collocates—across
multiple corpora in this instance—enables the researcher to gain a
greater understanding of the language associated with a particular topic,
based on a combination of prior knowledge and a systematic analysis
of the corpus itself. In this book the generation of lexical collocates for
<*poverty*> led to us adding a significant number of search terms that
we had not previously considered as relevant to the theme of poverty
and place. The second innovation is the establishing of background
geographies for our corpora using a concordance geoparsed sample of
9 Conclusions
9.6 Summary
Through our exemplar analysis of UK poverty in two corpora of
national newspaper texts we have demonstrated the benefits of using
GTA for analysing the linguistic representation of a social phenom-
enon. Fundamentally, we have shown how a consideration of geogra-
phy can illuminate how different aspects of a given issue are highlighted
in relation to place, to concretise abstract concepts such as poverty by
anchoring their lived experience in geographical space. We accepted the
argument that the mass media plays a role in the construction of British
society: media outlets inform us who to vote for, who to cheer for, who
to vilify, and who to laugh at, newspaper articles draw our attention
to stories of crime, deviance, and violence, etc. Following Fairclough
(2001: 30) we note that the ‘constant doses of “news” which most peo-
ple receive each day are a significant factor in social control, and they
account for a not insignificant proportion of a person’s average daily
involvement in discourse’ (referring here to the production, distribu-
tion, and consumption of different texts). We have shown how the read-
ers of each of our newspapers are being presented with a different view
of what UK poverty is, where it is, what causes it, and what can alleviate
it. Part of the role of a critical discourse analyst is to interrogate lan-
guage in use and ‘make what may be non-obvious evident’ (O’Halloran
2012: 92). Our analysis of discourses of poverty and place has shown
how each newspaper presents poverty but, more importantly, how their
representation of poverty is filtered through the lens of place—a topic
rarely explicitly and systematically considered within CDA. Ultimately
the versions of UK poverty presented by each newspaper may influence
their readers’ opinions about the poor, their stance on poverty, and how
(or indeed if ) they believe UK poverty should be tackled, and by whom.
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Background geography(ies) 62, C
84–86, 89, 91, 132, 147, 180, Carstairs scores xviii, 2, 5, 79–81,
182, 184, 196, 237, 240, 241 83, 84, 89, 91, 124, 188–190
Bedroom tax 6, 63, 170, 176, 179, Census xviii, xxiii, 1, 2, 5–7, 13,
214 43, 44, 46–48, 79, 80, 97,
Benefit fraud xxi, 11, 31, 33, 113, 124–126, 188
120, 146, 154, 162, 164, 174, Child poverty 3, 21, 36, 72, 76–78,
178, 232, 234 98, 100, 101, 160, 205, 208,
221, 224, 231
D Homelessness xvii, 4, 13, 27, 31, 77,
Density smoothing 57, 62, 67, 184 97, 128, 146, 159, 176, 180,
Deserving poor 212, 230 182, 184, 186, 205, 207
Disability 102, 162, 163, 173, 174, Housing benefit 119, 145, 153,
177, 178, 233 164, 167–170, 176, 177, 179,
190, 191, 203, 224, 231–234,
Fitness to work 103, 108, 114, 121,
165, 236 I
Flawed consumerism 16, 28, 146, Immigration 113, 153, 154, 173,
233, 237 222, 223, 234
J PNC keywords 73–78, 90, 95,
Jobcentre 116, 128, 129, 146, 162, 135–138, 143, 147, 150,
176, 179, 210, 213, 222, 233 154–157, 165, 167, 170, 176,
Jobless 116, 128, 139, 141, 171, 180, 182–184, 186, 200–202,
202, 204, 205, 209 204–220, 222, 225, 230
Private sector 144, 236
Public sector 144, 156, 157, 207,
K 212, 214–216, 226, 228,
Kulldorf spatial scan statistic 86, 132 236
Layers 45 Raster data 45, 46
Laziness 28, 139, 172, 232, 233 Reassessment 132, 138, 178,
Life expectancy 75, 79, 90, 214, 216, 238
231 Redundancies 120, 132, 136, 137,
Living wage 142, 146, 150–153, 141–144, 157, 215, 218, 221,
156, 157, 203, 204, 219, 231 222, 226
Relative poverty xxiii, 6, 28, 180,
204, 230, 236, 237
M Rent(s) 104, 109, 117, 118, 121,
Migrant(s) 153, 154, 172, 208, 222, 152, 153, 159, 167–170, 176,
231, 233, 236 177, 182–184, 186, 201–203,
Minimum wage 24, 142, 152, 155, 207, 208, 211, 213, 230
213 Rural poverty 2, 191
Necessities 7–9, 12, 118 Scrounger 31–33, 228, 229
Neoliberal, neoliberalism 15, 90, Smith, Iain Duncan 160, 178, 213,
140, 142, 146, 191, 204, 226, 225, 235, 238
228, 232, 233, 237 Spatial humanities xviii
Taxpayers 97, 98, 102, 113, 152, 158, Wage(s) xvii, 16, 29, 30, 97, 102, 104,
167, 168, 171, 202, 205, 233 110, 111, 116, 117, 120, 121,
128, 150–156, 172, 201–203,
213, 222, 223, 231, 232
U Welfare reform 16, 63, 161, 165,
Unaffordable 118, 119, 167, 168, 169, 170, 173, 178, 179, 205,
190, 191, 201, 203 213, 225, 229, 230, 233, 235,
Undeserving poor 15, 33, 141, 169, 236
212, 229, 232, 235 Workless households 124–126, 143,
Universal credit 98, 178, 179, 208, 187
224, 225 Worklessness xxiii, 97, 102, 124,
Urban poverty 2, 56, 68, 75, 90, 126, 130, 139, 159, 171, 186,
124, 191, 196, 206, 215, 220, 188–190
225, 237 Workshy 138, 142, 172, 191, 212,
221, 222
Vacancy(ies) 116, 124, 128, 136,
137, 142, 143, 145, 157, 201