Table of Contents

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Table of Contents..................................................................i
Title page..............................................................................1
Chapter 1- Background of the study......................................2
Statement of problem...........................................................3
Objective of study.................................................................3
Conceptual Framework.........................................................4
Significance of Study.............................................................5
Scope and Limitations...........................................................6
Definition of terms................................................................6
Chapter 2- Review of Related Literature................................7
Chapter 3-Methodolody........................................................8
Gathering of Data Research..................................................9
Chapter 4-Result, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
Chart title............................................................................11
Chapter 5- Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
The Researchers.................................................................16
The Feasibility of Coconut Oil (Cocus Nucifera)
as an Alternative Source of Floorwax

The researchers conduct this study due to economic crisis
nowadays. Its aim is to create a product of floorwax which is
cheaper and could give the same quality which the
commercial one could give through banana.
The researchers conclude that this project was cheaper
than the commercial one. It could also be an alternative one .

Chapter 1.Background of the Study
A. Introduction
As of now, our country is facing a great crisis in
economy. The researcher found out that in school, they
required using floorwax to make the floor shiny. Even in
the house, floorwax is being used. So the researcher
decided to make a floor wax which is very affordable and
can give an equal quality as the commercial one.
This research mainly explains the feasibility of banana
peelings as alternative source in making floorwax.
Floorwax is one of the essential products that helps in
tidying up floors of our houses, schools and offices. It
makes the floor looks clean and presentable and provides
shiny and smooth surface.

The main ingredient, banana, is native in tropical

regions of the Southeast Asia and cultivated throughout
the tropics. It can be found at provinces of the Philippines
since it is abundant in our country, we can directly find
them on our kitchen. Its availability makes it easy to be
seen and used as an alternative in making floorwax.

Statement of Problem
a) Can coconut oil be an alternative source in making a

This study will determine the feasibility of coconut oil

as alternative in making floorwax. Characteristic will be
compared to commercial one.

Objective of Study

1) This study was conducted to test the feasibility of

coconut oil as alternative ingredient in making floorwax
in terms of:
a) Color b) General Acceptability
2) Test coconut oil as alternative ingredient in making a
new product for floorwax
a) Acceptability

a) Coconut oil can’t be an alternative source in
making a floorwax.
b) Coconut oil can be an alternative source in
making a floorwax.

Conceptual Framework
This research determined the feasibility of coconut oil as an
alternative in making floorwax.


Texture Effectiveness of
Odor the product
General Acceptability

Significance of the Study
This study can give benefits to the people especially to the
poor one to have a good business and also to save money for
their needs. Especially in schools, it will give benefit to the
students as well as their parent to save money.
In our economy right now, prices of items as well as cleaning
necessities rose. We need to find a cheaper product as
alternative to the rising price of cleaning necessities. Since we
are aiming to minimize our expenses, we can use our coconut
oil as alternative ingredient for our floorwax.
This product can contribute a lot to us and to the
community. It can benefit the people especially the poor ones
to have an effective and much cheaper floorwax in cleaning
their houses and it can also be a good opportunity in business.

Scope and Limitations
This study is only limited for the investigation of coconut oil (
Cocus Nucifera ) used as alternative source for making
floorwax . The researchers choose this study for further
investigation if the coconut oil can be effective source for

Definition of Terms
a) Floorwax- a substance used for shining floors
b) Coconut- known as the tree of life; multi used fruit.

Chapter 2- Review of Related Literature
Chapter 3- Methodology
-Coconut oil

Preparation of the Coconut Oil
Put the grated coconut in a bowl and put some water. Squeeze the
grated coconut with water to produce coconut milk. Heat the coconut
milk until all the water dried up and left the coconut oil. Put in a bowl
and set aside.

The Making of the Floorwax

Melt a small amount of candle in a pan. Put the kerosene. Make
sure the fire is low. Wait until it boils. Put the coconut oil. Wait for 3
minutes and put it in a molder.

Gathering of Data Research
To test the feasibility of our product, 10 respondents were asked to try
and evaluate using this legend.
5---- Highly Acceptable
4---- Quite Acceptable
3--- Acceptable
2---- Partly Acceptable
1---- Not Acceptable
In this study, 10 household from Tahing respondents evaluated the
feasibility of coconut oil as alternative ingredient for floorwax using
our rating sheet.
The evaluation was convinced to check the Acceptability if it is
Highly acceptable, Quite acceptable, acceptable, Partly acceptable or
Not acceptable. It will show the result of the evaluation of each
After the evaluation, the researchers will gather each of the
respondents rating based on its acceptability. Tabulated and
determine the feasibility of coconut oil as alternative ingredient for
floorwax. The researchers tally the result in percentage if it is effective
or not in the rating sheet.

Chapter 4- Result and Discussion
Acceptability of floorwax made of Coconut Oil

5- Highly Acceptable
4- Moderate Acceptable
3- Acceptable
2- Partly Acceptable
1-Not Acceptable

Name Odor Color Texture General

Yhelen Labiste 5 4 5 5
Lanie Caro 3 5 5 5
Joebanny Dacusay 5 5 4 5
Aileen Melliza 5 4 5 4
Jennilyn Carbon 4 4 5 5
Elena Lozada 5 5 3 5
Jasper Alcarde 5 5 4 5
Mercy Cirillo 5 5 4 3
Rose Rada 4 5 5 5
Onofre Quintar 3 3 5 4
Total 44 45 45 46

The table showed the result of the survey that we have conducted
last January 24, 2015.
Based on the result, 6 out of 10 persons said it is highly acceptable,
2 persons said it is moderate acceptable and 2 persons said it is
acceptable in terms of its odor.
In terms of color, 6 out of 10 persons said it is highly acceptable, 3
persons said it is moderate acceptable and 1 person said it is
In terms of texture, 6 out of 10 persons said it is highly acceptable,
3 persons said it is moderate acceptable and 1 person said it is
Furthermore, 7 out of 10 persons said it is highly acceptable, 2
persons said it is moderate acceptable and 1 person said it is
acceptable in terms of general acceptability.

Result in terms of Odor, Color, Texture, and General


General Acceptability

Highly Acceptable Moderately Acceptable Acceptable Partly Acceptable Not Ac ceptable

Abstract 1
Acknowledgement 17
Analysis 10
Appendices 12
Background of the Study 2
Bibliography 15
Conceptual Framework 4
Conclusion 13
Chart title 11
Definition of Terms 6
Gathering of Data Research 9
Hypothesis 4
Interpretation 10
Introduction 2
Methodology 8
Objective of Study 3
Photos 14
Procedure 8
Recommendation 13
Result 10
Review of Related Literature 7
Scope and Limitation 6
Significance of the Study 5
Statement of the Problem 3
Summary 13
Table of Contents i
Title 1
The Researchers 16
Chapter 5
A. Summary
This investigation was conducted to determine the
feasibility of coconut oil as alternative ingredient in
making floorwax. Ten different household tested the
effectiveness of the product and majority of them gives
a positive evaluation which support that coconut oil
could be a good alternative.

B. Conclusion
Based on the following data related to this product,
we found out that coconut oil as floorwax could give
almost the same result as of the commercial ones.

C. Recommendation
The researchers recommended that better and further
study related to this product must be conducted to
determine the feasibility of coconut oil as alternative
ingredient in making floorwax. This study will benefit
not only for us but also for the new entrepreneurs that
will invest on manufacturing and selling.

The Researchers

 Shanette Joy Q. Lozada

 Erna Lapido
 Ronnie Gagnao
 Grace Denila
 Alvin John Arsigono
 Johna Penuela
 Dave Libuna
 Kierve Arsigono
The researcher would like to give his warm heart gratitude
to the person which gave their knowledge regarding this
project and helped to conduct this project and helped to
conduct this for the success of the researcher.
The parents which give their full support to the researcher
through expenses, time and effort.
To classmates and friends of the researchers who are always
there for them and also for contributing their ideas and
To the researchers subject teacher, Ms. Mary Grace Guinalon,
for sharing her ideas and knowledge for this project and
understand the researcher’s failures in conducting this study.
Last but not the least, to our Dear God, for guiding and
protecting the researcher always and for giving those person
who helped the researchers made this all possible...

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