The Early Identification of Autism: The Checklist For Autism in Toddlers (CHAT)
The Early Identification of Autism: The Checklist For Autism in Toddlers (CHAT)
The Early Identification of Autism: The Checklist For Autism in Toddlers (CHAT)
4, 3-30.
We are grateful to the MRC for support for this work through 3 successive project
grants to SBC, AC, and GB. Carol Brayne gave us valuable feedback on an earlier
draft of this paper.
The CHecklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT) is a screening instrument which
identifies children aged 18 months who are at risk for autism. This article explains
how the CHAT was developed, how the CHAT should be used, and provides a brief
introduction to autism.
What is autism?
of autism remains unclear, though family and twin studies suggest a genetic basis
(Bailey et al., 1995; Folstein & Rutter, 1977; Folstein & Rutter, 1988). Molecular
genetic studies are underway (Bailey, Bolton & Rutter, 1998). Neural abnormality is
evident in a number of different brain regions, including the medial prefrontal cortex
(Happe et al., 1996) and the amygdala (Abell et al., 1999; Baron-Cohen et al., 1999;
Bauman & Kemper, 1988). It occurs at a rate of about 1 per 1000 (Wing & Gould,
It is widely accepted that there is a spectrum of autistic conditions (listed in Box 1).
Classic autism lies at the extreme of this spectrum. In DSM-IV this is referred to as
Autistic Disorder, and in ICD-10 as Childhood Autism. (See Appendix 1 for the full
diagnostic criteria for autistic disorder.) To receive this diagnosis, the onset of the
difficulties in social interaction, communication, and flexible behaviour must be
before the age of three years (see Box 2). Atypical autism or Pervasive
Developmental Disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) also lie on the autistic
spectrum, but children with these conditions do not meet criteria for autism because
of late age of onset, atypical symptoms, symptoms which are not very severe, or all of
spectrum. Individuals with Asperger Syndrome have the social interaction difficulties
and restricted patterns of behaviour and interests, but have a normal IQ and no
general delay in language. The criteria for AS are shown in Appendix 2. A final
subtype are individuals with High Functioning Autism (HFA), who are diagnosed
when all the signs of AS are present, but where the child had a history of language
delay. Here, language delay is defined as not using single words by 2 years old, or
Until recently, autism was rarely detected before the age of 3 years. This is not
addition, no specialized screening tool has existed, most primary health care
professionals receive limited training in the detection of autism in toddlers, and may
not have a link to specialist diagnostic clinics. However, the earlier a diagnosis can be
made, the earlier intervention can be implemented and family stress reduced, and
intervention has been shown to improve outcome (Lovaas & Smith, 1988). In
Parents of children with autism often report that they first suspected that their child
was not developing normally around the age of 18 months (Wing, 1997). At this age,
there are certain behaviours which are present in the normally developing child which
researchers have found to be lacking or limited in older children with autism. Two of
these are joint attention (Baron-Cohen, 1989; Sigman, Mundy, Ungerer & Sherman,
1986) and pretend play (Baron-Cohen, 1987; Wing, Gould, Yeates & Brierley, 1977).
Joint attention refers to the ability to respond or initiate a shared focus of attention
with another person via pointing, showing or gaze monitoring (e.g. glancing back and
forth between an adult’s face and an object of interest or an event) (Bruner, 1983).
Joint attention allows children to learn through others - both learning what words
refer to (Baldwin, 1995; Tomasello & Barton, 1994), and what to pay attention to in
the environment (‘social referencing’ (Feinman, 1982)). Joint attention is seen as the
earliest expression of the infant’s ‘mind-reading’ capacity, in that the child shows a
pointing). This distinction comes from child language research (Bates, Benigni,
driving force (‘Look at that! Do you see what I see?), whereas in imperative pointing
imaginary features to people, objects or events (Leslie, 1987). Some theorists view it
that the person pretending (oneself or another person) is imagining something in their
mind. Generally, pretend play is distinguished from simpler forms of play (functional,
where the child uses objects appropriately, and sensorimotor, where the child just
The CHecklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT) is a screening instrument that was
devised to test the prediction that those children not exhibiting joint attention and
pretend play by the age of 18 months will be at risk for receiving a later diagnosis of
autism. The CHAT is shown in Figure 1. The CHAT takes just 5-10 minutes to
administer and is simple to score. The order of the questions avoids a YES/NO bias.
The nine questions in section A are answered by the parent whilst the Health Visitor
or General Practitioner completes the five items in section B. There are five ‘key
items’ and these are concerned with joint attention and pretend play. The key items in
section B are included in order to validate (by cross-checking) the parents’ answers to
the key items in section A. The remainder (‘non-key’) items provide additional
developmental delay (see Box 4). The non-key items also provide opportunity for all
Those children who fail all five key items (A5, A7, Bii, Biii, and Biv) are predicted to
be at the greatest risk for autism. In Box 5, we call this the high risk for autism group.
Children who fail both items measuring protodeclarative pointing, but are not in the
high risk for autism group, are predicted to be in the medium risk for autism group.
Children who do not fit either of these profiles are in the low risk for autism group.
insert Box 5 here
Our first study tested the effectiveness of the CHAT as a screening instrument in a
unselected 18 month olds (Group A) and a group of forty-one 18 month old siblings
of children with autism (Group B). The sibling group was selected because they have
a raised genetic risk for autism compared to individuals in the general population.
Even if we take the most generous estimate of the prevalence of autism spectrum
conditions in the general population - 0.34% (Ehlers & Gillberg, 1993) - this is still
at least 10 times less than the recurrence risk rate among siblings of children with
autism (3%) (Folstein & Rutter, 1977). So the likelihood of finding cases of
undiagnosed autism in the sibling group was much higher than in the control group.
The toddlers in both groups were assessed using the CHAT. None of the children in
Group A failed all 5 key items whilst four of the children in Group B failed all 5 key
items. A year later, when the children were 30 months old, a follow-up was carried
out. None of the children in Group A had autism. The four children in Group B, who
had failed the five key items, were diagnosed with autism. This strongly confirmed
the prediction that absence of joint attention and pretend play at 18 months of age is a
After the preliminary success of the CHAT in detecting children at risk for autism in
the sibling group, a more stringent test of the CHAT was set up in a population
screening study (Baron-Cohen et al., 1996). 16,235 children aged 18 months were
screened with the CHAT from April 1992 to April 1993. These were all children
Following this first administration of the CHAT, 38 children matched the high risk for
autism profile, 369 the medium risk profile with the remainder fitting the low risk
profile according to the criteria described in Box 5 above. One month later, all 38 of
the high risk for autism group were re-screened and 12 continued to meet the profile.
Limited resources meant that only about half of the medium risk group could be re-
screened. 22 met the criteria on the second CHAT, two of whom did not continue to
participate in the project. 16 children were selected at random from the low risk
group to receive a second CHAT and continued to meet his profile. Thus 12 children
in the high risk for autism group, 20 children in the medium risk for autism group and
16 children in the low risk for autism group were assessed clinically at 20 months and
provisional since this is earlier than the age at which children are usually seen for
diagnostic assessment and there is little or no evidence about the accuracy and
diagnoses were made at the 42 month clinical assessment. On the whole, we were
of age, in that most were thought to have either autism or PDD at that time point.
By 42 months, 10 of the 12 children in the high risk for autism group had received a
diagnosis on the autistic spectrum. The eleventh child was clinically normal and the
twelfth child had language delay. In the medium risk for autism group, half the
Asperger Syndrome, or PDD), two received no diagnosis and the rest had language or
learning difficulties. In the low risk for autism group, although 1 child was diagnosed
with language delay, the other 15 were normal. Box 6 gives a summary of how the
diagnoses in each group changed between 20 months and 42 months. A more detailed
It is useful to summarise the key issues in all screening. The following is based on
the standard account (Hennekens & Buring, 1987). Screening refers to the
remember that the screening procedure itself is not diagnostic. Those individuals who
test ‘positive’ are sent on for further evaluation using a subsequent diagnostic
There are standard criteria for whether it is even worth screening for a disease: To be
appropriate for screening, a disease should meet the following criteria: (1) It should
be serious; (2) treatment given early (before symptoms are fully developed) should be
more beneficial (in terms of reducing morbidity or mortality) than treatment given
later; and (3) the prevalence of the disease should be high among the population
screened. Autism meets all three of these criteria in that (a) it is considered to be the
most serious of all childhood psychiatric conditions; (b) early intervention improves
prognosis; and (c) the prevalence of the spectrum of autistic conditions is high
(around 1 in 300).
A screening test should ideally have three characteristics: it should be (i) inexpensive;
(ii) easy to administer; and (iii) impose minimal discomfort on the patients. The
CHAT meets all three of these criteria. In addition, the results of a screening test
do, that is, correctly categorize persons who have the condition as test-positive and
those without the condition as test-negative. Table 1 summarizes the results of any
a = The number of individuals for whom the screening test is positive and the
b = The number for whom the screening test is positive but the individual does not
c = The number for whom the screening test is negative but the individual does
d = The number for whom the screening test is negative and the individual does not
Sensitivity and specificity are two measures of the validity of a screening test.
Sensitivity is defined as the probability of being test positive and truly having the
condition and is calculated by a/(a + c). As the sensitivity of a test increases, the
number of people with the condition who are missed by being incorrectly classified as
of being screen negative and truly not having the condition and is calculated by d/(b +
insert table 2
Obviously, it is desirable to have a screening test that is both highly sensitive and
highly specific. Usually that it is not possible, and there is a trade-off between the
sensitivity and specificity of a given screening test. This trade-off is due to the fact
that for many clinical tests, there are some people who are clearly normal, some
clearly abnormal, and some who fall into the grey zone between the two.
Any decision regarding specific criteria for acceptable levels of sensitivity and
specificity when the penalty associated with missing a case is high, such as when the
disease is serious and definitive treatment exists (e.g., PKU), when the disease can be
positive screening tests are associated with minimal cost and risk, such as a further
associated with further diagnostic techniques are substantial, such as with breast
Regarding the number of cases detected by a screening program, one measure that is
commonly considered is the predictive value of the screening test. Predictive value
measures whether or not an individual actually has the condition, given the results of
the screening test. Predictive value positive (PV+ ) is the probability that a person
actually has the disease given that he or she tests positive and is calculated (using the
PV+ = a
Analogously, predictive value negative (PV-) is the probability that an individual is
PV- = d
Table 2 shows the data from the CHAT population study, and for comparison, Table 3
shows data from a screening study of breast cancer. This shows the CHAT has
excellent specificity, low sensitivity, and good predictive value positive. For a
Whereas Table 2 above shows how many cases of autism alone in the high-risk group
were identified and missed in the six years following administration of the CHAT at
conducted with the aim of identifying all the children from the population with an
identifying false negatives among other autism spectrum subgroups. Using these
methods, a total of 50 children (47 boys, 3 girls) were found who met ICD-10 criteria
for childhood autism, and 44 children (36 boys, 8 girls) with other pervasive
developmental disorders were also identified. Using the two stage administration of
the CHAT, a grand total of 74 children who went on to receive some sort of autism
spectrum diagnosis were not identified as being at risk. The sensitivity, specificity,
positive predictive value and negative predictive value of the CHAT for all PDDs are
Just as for autism more narrowly, it is clear that for all PDD’s the CHAT also has
consistently failing the CHAT on two administrations means that it is highly likely
that a child will go on to receive a diagnosis on the autism spectrum. Although with a
condition like autism spectrum, having a high false negative rate is not a serious
the rate of false negatives is so high. It may be because some parents are
the best possible light (“Yes, of course he points and pretends!”). Since to ‘fail’ on
the CHAT a child needs to fail on both Sections A and B, our team did not look
closely at children who only failed on Section B. A second possible reason for the
high rate of false negatives is that to fail on the CHAT a child must have never
produced the behaviour (“Has your child ever pointed/pretended?”). This is clearly
only going to pick up the severe or extreme cases and would miss the milder cases
who may simply show a reduced rate of pointing or pretending, rather than a
complete absence of this. A third reason which could lead to a false negative is if a
Who should use the CHAT and when?
younger than 18 months is not recommended because of the increased risk of false
positives (i.e. identifying children at risk for developmental problems who do not go
months is possible, since if a child is still showing a high-risk profile at this age, this
any data on the use of the CHAT at this age, and suspect that the false negative rate
In the population screening study (Baron-Cohen et al., 1996), the first CHAT was
administered in the routine 18 month old check-up. Those children who failed this
CHAT were re-screened approximately one month later with the same questionnaire.
key item occurs for valid reasons. Thus, a child might fail on the first administration
of the CHAT simply because they are slightly delayed or because of transient factors
(‘a bad day’). Any child failing the CHAT for a second time should however be
referred to a specialist clinic for diagnosis. This underlines that the CHAT itself is not
a diagnostic tool. It is important to note that more than a half of children who fail on
the first administration of the CHAT lose their risk status following the second
CHAT; and the risk group a child is assigned to does not represent a statement of
The CHAT is primarily a screening tool for clinical use. It has a low false positive
rate but a high false negative rate. In other words, if a child is identified by the CHAT
as being at risk for receiving a diagnosis on the autistic spectrum, they are likely to
receive one. However, many children will go on to receive a diagnosis who were not
identified by the CHAT. If a child meets criteria for the high-risk group, they will
almost certainly have an autism or PDD diagnosis. If they meet the criteria for the
medium risk group, about half of these will have a diagnosis of autism or PDD, whilst
most of the others will have other developmental delay conditions. As far as we
know, apart from the CHAT, there is currently no other screening instrument
available which has been fully evaluated in this way and which has been
demonstrated to be able to identify toddlers who are at risk for autism spectrum
conditions. The CHAT is easy and convenient to use and the low false positive rate
means that few parents will be unnecessarily alarmed. The CHAT is therefore a very
useful clinical tool, especially given the demonstrated effectiveness of early
Figure 1: THE CHAT
To be used by GPs or Health Visitors during the 18 month developmental check-up.
Child’s name:................................. Date of birth:............... Age:................
Child’s address:................................................. Phone number: ................
1. Does your child enjoy being swung, bounced on your knee, etc.? YES NO
2. Does your child take an interest in other children? YES NO
3. Does your child like climbing on things, such as up stairs? YES NO
4. Does your child enjoy playing peek-a-boo/hide-and-seek? YES NO
5. Does your child ever PRETEND, for example, to make a cup of YES NO
tea using a toy cup and teapot, or pretend other things?
6. Does your child ever use his/her index finger to point, to ASK YES NO
for something?
7. Does your child ever use his/her index finger to point, to YES NO
indicate INTEREST in something?
8. Can your child play properly with small toys (e.g. cars or bricks) YES NO
without just mouthing, fiddling or dropping them?
9. Does your child ever bring objects over to you (parent) to YES NO
SHOW you something?
i. During the appointment, has the child made eye contact with you? YES NO
ii. Get child’s attention, then point across the room at an interesting YES NO*
object and say “Oh look! There’s a (name of toy)!” Watch child’s
face. Does the child look across to see what you are pointing at?
iii. Get the child’s attention, then give child a miniature toy cup and YES NO**
teapot and say “Can you make a cup of tea?” Does the child pretend
to pour out tea, drink it, etc.?
iv. Say to the child “Where’s the light?”, or “Show me the light”. YES NO**
Does the child POINT with his/her index finger at the light? *
v. Can the child build a tower of bricks? (If so how many?) YES NO
(Number of bricks:.............)
* (To record YES on this item, ensure the child has not simply looked at your hand, but has actually
looked at the object you are pointing at.)
** (If you can elicit an example of pretending in some other game, score a YES on this item.)
*** (Repeat this with “Where’s the teddy?” or some other unreachable object, if child does not
understand the word “light”. To record YES on this item, the child must have looked up at your face
around the time of pointing.) MRC/SBC 1995
Box 1
Related conditions
• Classic autism
• Atypical autism
• Pervasive Developmental
Disorder not otherwise specified
• High-functioning autism
• Asperger’s syndrome
Box 2
Box 3
Box 4
Box 5
High risk for autism group: fail A5, A7, Bii, Biii, Biv
Medium risk for autism group: fail A7, Biv (but not in maximum
risk group)
Low risk for autism group: not in other two risk groups
Box 6
High 9 CA 9 CA
Risk for 12 2 PDD 1 PDD
Autism 1 Lang 1 Lang
Group 1N
Medium 1 PDD 1 CA
Risk 20 8 Lang 9 PDD
for 6 DD/LD 6 Lang
Autism 5N 2 DD/LD
Group 2N
Risk for 16 1 Lang 1 Lang
Autism 15 N 15 N
A childhood autism
DD/LD developmental delay/learning difficulties
Lang language disorder
N normal
PDD pervasive developmental disorder
Box 7
For all PDDs and combining the medium & high risk groups,
Box 8
Administer CHAT1 at 18
month old developmental pass no further
check-up CHAT1 action
fail CHAT1
fail CHAT2
Appendix 1
The diagnostic criteria for autism as described in the Diagnostic and Statistical
A. A total of six or more items from (1), (2) and (3), with at least two from (1), and
of the following:
(a) marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviours such as eye-to-
eye gaze, facial expression, body postures, and gestures to regulate social interaction
other people (e.g., by a lack of showing, bringing or pointing out objects of interest)
(a) delay in, or total lack of, the development of spoken language (not accompanied
gestures or mime)
(b) in individuals with adequate speech, marked impairment in the ability to initiate
(c) stereotyped and repetitive use of language or idiosyncratic language
(d) lack of varied, spontaneous make believe play or social imitative play
(a) encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns
(c) stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g., hand or finger flapping or
B. Delays or abnormal functioning in at least one of the following areas, with onset
prior to age 3 years: (1) social interaction, (2) language as used in social
Disintegrative Disorder.
Appendix 2
In the population screening study, those children who failed the 5 key items on the
CHAT were assigned to the high risk for autism group. The number of children and
their changing diagnosis are shown in the diagram. The abbreviations for this and the
following two appendices are:-
CA childhood autism
PDD pervasive developmental disorder
Lang language disorder
DD/LD developmental delay/learning difficulties
N normal
7 2 1 1 1
Appendix 3
The medium risk for autism group in the population screening study is defined as
those children who fail protodeclarative pointing but are not in the maximum risk
group. Again, the number of children and their changing diagnosis are shown.
3 1 4
3 1 2
2 1 2
Appendix 4
Children who did not fit the profile for the maximum or medium risk groups were
placed in the low risk group. The vast majority of children in the population
screening study were assigned to this group, but just a very small sample was
20m 1 Lang 15 N
42m 1 Lang 15 N
Table 1: Results of any screening test, and derived measures of validity of the
screen. [Adapted (Hennekens & Buring, 1987)].
Disease status
Positive a b a+b
Negative c d c+d
Sensitivity a
Specificity d
PV+ a
PV- d
Table 2: Data from the CHAT population study (for childhood autism in the
high risk group only)
Disease status
Positive 9 3 12
Sensitivity a = 9 = 18%
a+c 50
PV+ a = 9 = 75%
a+b 12
Table 3: Data from S.Shapiro, J.D. Goldberg and G.B. Hutchison. Lead time in
breast cancer detection and implications for periodicity of screening. Am.J.
Epidemiol. 100:357-366, 1974. [Adapted (Hennekens & Buring, 1987)]
Disease status
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