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r i v i n g School
aruti D
About M ts
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ŠŠ You dr
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ŠŠ Be free lators les Act
Š A d va n ced simu the Motor Vehic
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lum as p niques
ŠŠ Curricu cy handling tech
en nditions
ŠŠ Emerg d ifficult co
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ŠŠ Driv
ness of:
ŠŠ Aware laws
 Traffic s & markin
d s ig n mobiles
 Roa k in g of auto
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ŠŠ First
aid ut the driving
w le dge abo -friendly
ic k n o e co idents
ŠŠ B a s
e r va tion a n d
s o f road acc tions
ŠŠ Fuel
co n s
a b o u t th e ca u s e
o n s a n d illustra
studies , animati
ŠŠ Case u s e o f videos
ŠŠ Exten understa
for e sya
Technolo oms

In MDS classrooms we use:

ŠŠ Audio-visual media
ŠŠ Scientifically developed training methods & techniques
ŠŠ Well stocked & updated library
ŠŠ Display of auto components for better understanding of cars
ŠŠ Air-conditioned & comfortable environment

Simulators are a unique concept in India & are at par with those used in
training schools worldwide. Their distinctive features are as follows:
ŠŠ They give virtual reality experience with high quality images
ŠŠ Uses computer software to mimic real life road situations &
responds according to trainees input
ŠŠ Have a variety of climatic, traffic & road conditions to choose from
ŠŠ Teach correct driving practices before starting on road
ŠŠ Helps in mastering the controls in safe environs of the classroom
ŠŠ Save precious on-car practical session time

At MDS, training is given by well trained instructors, who are:

ŠŠ Professional & qualified
ŠŠ Highly proficient; IDTR trained and can deal with any kind of
traffic situations

ŠŠ Wide range of Maruti Suzuki cars for practical training

ŠŠ All the cars have A/C & power steering for comfort
ŠŠ Certified & imported dual kit control unit for safety
The Com it

After the registration, the trainee will be handed a complete training

kit comprising of:
ŠŠ Learn to Drive Safely – A detailed booklet covering every aspect
of driving
ŠŠ An interactive DVD-ROM – For individual learners to improve
their knowledge

This progress report will be an authentic document of the

successful completion of accomplishments of the trainee. It also
contains important details of the trainee like:
ŠŠ His/her identification data
ŠŠ Achievements/progress
ŠŠ Record of practical training, theory & stimulator sessions for
ŠŠ Training curriculum as per the provision of Motor Vehicles Act &
Central Motor Vehicles Rules
Driving S t
l u at io n Checklis
& Report

One can get himself/herself evaluated on safe driving practices:

ŠŠ The checklist comprises of:
 Pre-driving checks
 Driving checks
 Physical fitness checks
ŠŠ Expert trainers mark the skill level of the trainee & prepares
the report
ŠŠ Areas of improvement are identified
ŠŠ This easy to understand checklist can be arranged for Admin
Managers/HR Personnel so that they can review the performance
of corporate drivers

‘Certificate of Completion’ shall be given after the successful

completion of course.
O ffered

Maruti Driving School offers an array of courses designed for

different type of customers & their different needs.

Short duration Refresher
21 days Learner Program Program for corporate

Customised Advanced
Course for persons having Road Safety Program for
license and who want to school children
hone their driving skills

Short duration
Road Safety Program for
Refresher Program for
college students
professional drivers
g Test

MDS has designed this special psychometric screening test to identify

various personality traits relating to driving:
ŠŠ Psychometric screening is on various personality traits like;
 Rule breaking
 Intense reaction
 Attention and orientation
 Alcohol abuse, etc.
ŠŠ By this screening mental health of a driver can be analyzed
ŠŠ A computer generated report is given indicating areas of concern

• Rule breaking
• Intense reaction
• Attention and orientation
• Alcohol abuse, etc.

Maruti Driving School would be glad to help in enhancing the

driving skills. We look forward for your queries/feedback.

Stay connected for latest updates, news & offers.

For more details or to contact us, visit our website:
d Loyalty
Auto Car

It is an amazing gift to the customers registering for MDS. The members

are entitled to many benefits including the following:
ŠŠ Member is entitled to a basic 1,000 points and earns 3 points for
every 100 rupees he/she spends at any Maruti Suzuki network across
the country
ŠŠ If member refers other friends/relatives to the program, he earns
another 1,000 points on every successful conversion of his referrals
ŠŠ The member also earns a whopping 3,000 points as exchange
loyalty bonus when he buys a new Maruti Suzuki car exchanging his
old one
Maruti Suzuki India Limited
1, Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant Kunj,
New Delhi - 110 070 (India)
Tel: 011-46782021
Toll Free No.: 1800 102 1800

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