Williamsport Hospital - Group Report Ver2
Williamsport Hospital - Group Report Ver2
Williamsport Hospital - Group Report Ver2
Group Assignment 1
Williamsport Hospital
When a service level of at least 95% is required, using NORMINV (95%, 9.07, 3.01), we get the
result of 14.02. This is the capacity to treat the number of patients per day. As each physical therapist
can serve three patients per day, the physical therapists would need to be assigned to head injury line
is 5 (14.02/ 3 = 4.67, rounded up to 5).
More physical therapists are required in the Service line approach as they can't switch to or
support other departments. This would mean that the hospital needs to hire 6 more therapists
to continue with the service line approach.
Organising a Swing team as another option
To capture the benefits of the service lines while still maintaining a reasonable utilization level
of physical therapists, we offer an alternative solution by using a Swing team.
The total patient days is 22,571, which means that we need at least 21 physical
therapists to achieve the 50% service level. (=22,571/365/3)
For each service line, we calculated the no. of physical therapists that can satisfied the
need based on the daily average no. of patients.
For example, for the head injury service line, we can know that the average no. of
patients per day is 9.07, and it means that we need at least 3 therapists. (=3,311/365/3)
We allocate these 20 therapists to each group as settled therapists according to the
number we calculated in question 2. And for the rest of the therapists, we place them in
a swing team.
The therapists in the swing team will then be allocated to different service lines
according to the actual number of patients for each day.