Reward Management System
Reward Management System
Reward Management System
Research Paper on
Swati Rajput
Student, MBA (HR), Institute of Mangement Studies,Davv,Indore (M.P.)
Jasmine Khan
Student, MBA (HR), Institute of Mangement Studies,Davv,Indore (M.P.)
ISSN: 2348 9510
I. Abstracts:
Human resources are the most important among all the resources an organization owns. To retain
efficient and experienced workforce in an organization is very crucial in overall performance of an
organization. Motivated employees can help make an organization competitively more value added
and profitable. The present study is an attempt to find out the major factors that motivate employees
and it tells what is the relationship among reward, recognition and motivation while working within
an organization. The data were collected from employees of diverse type of organizations to gain
wide representation of sectoral composition. In all, 150 self administered questionnaires were
distributed among the employees of different sectors and they returned 130 completed useable
questionnaires for response rate of 86.67%. The participation in survey was voluntary and
confidentiality of responses was ensured. The statistical analysis showed that different dimensions of
work motivation and satisfaction are significantly correlated and reward and recognition have great
impact on motivation of the employees. Implications of the study for managers and policy makers in
the context of human resource practices have been discussed. Limitations and guidelines for future
research are also provided.
II. Introduction:
Reward Management is concerned with the formulation and implementations of strategies and policies
that aim to reward people fairly, equitably and consistently in accordance with their value to the
organization. Reward Management consists of analysing and controlling employee remuneration,
compensation and all of the other benefits for the employees. Reward management aims to create and
efficiently operate a reward structure for an organization. Reward structure usually consists of pay
policy and practices, salary and payroll administration, total reward, minimum wage, executive pay and
team reward.
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Reward system is an important tool that management can use to channel employee motivation in
desired ways. In other words, reward systems seek to attract people to join the organization to keep
them coming to work, and motivate them to perform to high levels. The reward system consists of all
organization components – including people processes rules and decision making activities involved in
the allocate of compensation and benefits to employees in exchange for their contribution to the
organization. Motivation is such a factor that exerts a driving force on our actions and work. According
to Baron (1983, p. 123), motivation is an accumulation of different processes which influence and
direct our behaviour to achieve some specific goal. As the employees engage in their working activities
purposely for owns sake then they will feel intrinsic motivation in their behaviours as their activities
will essentially be enjoyable and satisfactory the factors like incentives and rewards are the most
preferred factors for employee motivation programs. This paper is an attempt that focuses on how
incentives, rewards and recognitions impact employee motivation.
In Order for an organization to meet its obligations to shareholders, employees and society, its top
management must develop a relationship between the organization and employees that will fulfil the
continually changing needs of both parties. At a minimum the organization expects employees to
perform reliably the tasks assigned to them and at the standards set for them, and to follow the rules
that have been established to govern the workplace. Management often expects more: that employees
take initiative, supervise themselves, continue to learn new skills, and be responsive to business needs.
At a minimum, employees expect their organization to provide fair pay, safe working conditions, and
fair treatment. Like management, employees often expect more, depending on the strength of their
needs for security, status, involvement, challenge, power, and responsibility. Just how ambitious the
expectations of each party are, vary from organization to organization. For organizations to address
these expectations an understanding of employee motivation is required.
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Vroom (1964), supported the assumption that workers tend to perform more effectively if their wages
are related to performance which is not based on personal bias or prejudice, but on objective evaluation
of an employee’s merit. According to Bahaudin G Mujtaba, (Coaching and Performance management:
developing and inspiring leaders, pp 261, Para 2), “Reward system should be linked with goal-setting,
employee development, competency measures, and team performance. This will decentralized the
decision-making down the hierarchy to empower those performing the tasks.
Flynn (1998) argued that rewards and recognition programs keep high spirits among employees, boosts
up their morale and create a linkage between performance and motivation of the employees. The basic
purpose of recognition and reward program is to define a system to pay and communicate it to the
employees so that they can link their reward to their performance which ultimately leads to employee’s
job satisfaction. Ali and Ahmed (2009) confirmed that there is a statistically significant relationship
between reward and recognition respectively, also motivation and satisfaction. The study revealed that
if rewards or recognition offered to employees were to be altered, then there would be a corresponding
change in work motivation and satisfaction.
To determine if there is a relationship between reward and employee motivation and job
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IV. Hypothesis:
Based on the assumed casual relationship given in the conceptual model the following hypotheses were
developed for testing.
H1: Higher/Lower the employee rewards lead to higher/lower the Employee Motivation
H2: Higher/Lower the employee rewards lead to higher/lower the Job Satisfaction.
V. Methodology:
1. Data Collection
Sample of 130 respondents from different sector including both Manufacturing sector and Service
Sector have been taken to discern the role of Reward Management system in Employee motivation an d
satisfaction.. Data for this study is acquired mainly from primary sources but secondary sources are
also well thought-out. Primary sources include employees of different organizations who filled up the
questionnaire geared up for the study. The data is also collected from the secondary sources including
internet, websites of various organization etc. By means of survey and interviews, and SPSS statistical
package (used for analyzing data), this research paper aims at exploring the role of Rewards
Management System in an organization.
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2. Demographics Characteristics:
The demographic section of the questionnaire shows the information about the age, gender, sector,
industrial composition, establishment size, job tenure and position of employees to have a better
understanding of their responses and resulting conclusion for the research. In the current sample, the
number of male respondents are more than female respondents, as there are N=104, (80%) males and
(20%), N= 26 are females.
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ISSN: 2348 9510
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
VAR00008 .757
VAR00016 .661
VAR00003 .588
VAR00012 .579
VAR00006 .542
VAR00001 .542
VAR00033 .654
VAR00019 .651
VAR00021 .594
VAR00020 .721
VAR00037 .654
VAR00035 .638
VAR00015 .741
VAR00005 .584
VAR00010 .545
VAR00029 .728
VAR00031 .718
VAR00013 .758
VAR00011 .634
VAR00034 .731
VAR00036 .707
VAR00027 .785
VAR00025 .766
VAR00023 .565
VAR00014 .783
VAR00007 .661
VAR00017 .500
ISSN: 2348 9510
VAR00038 .755
Variance Factor
S.No. Factors Variables
Explained Loadings
Verbal Praise by colleague
Recognition by peers
Team Recognition 0.588
1 3.760 of 9.894 Recognition
Challenging new assignment
Employee Award 0.542
Recognition by management
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ISSN: 2348 9510
1. The recognition is a process of giving an employee a certain status within an organization. This is a
very crucial factor towards an employee motivation. Recognition describes how the work of an
employee is evaluated and how much the
2. Extra Benefits like conveyance allowance, mobile allowance, Free Medical Service, Extra Day off,
Car Benefit, Overtime plays an important role for employee motivation.
3. All employees if work as a team, this will increase their productivity and proved to be an important
factor of job satisfaction.
4. Accomodation if provided by the organization then it will be very motivating for the employees
because if someone come from different place it is very difficult for him to search a proper and secure
place to live in.
5. Awareness about Reward System, All the employees should be well informed about the
appreciation he receives in return from the organization.
6. Operating procedures include all those rules, regulations, procedures and requirements of the job
that have to be performed during the job. It also includes the nature of job and values of an
organization that one has to be bound of while performing the job.
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8. The relationship among co workers indicates the environment of an organization i.e. how a
employee works with this or her co-workers. This explains whether an employee likes his or her co
worker employees in doing job or he has good relationships with his co-workers.
9. Appreciation and Encouragement are the bold veins for Employee Motivation and their Job
satisfaction. At every stage employee should get appreciation from his peer, Senior and juniors as well.
10. As it is known that work place is quiet stressful place therefore it becomes essential to have some
relaxation. For this Relaxation rooms should be there for lunch break. Working hours should be
11. Job Satisfaction and Motivation are interdependent if one come second will be definitely achieved.
ISSN: 2348 9510
VIII. Conclusion:
The aim of the study was to explore the impact of reward and recognition on motivation and job
satisfaction. Analysis has shown a close relationship between several dimensions of work motivation
and satisfaction but recognition along with work itself. Employee’s participation in the decision
making process will made them more courageous and enthusiastic towards working in the organization.
On the other side the periodically salary increments, allowances, bonuses, fringe benefits and other
compensations on regular and specific periods keeps their morale high and makes them more
IX. Limitations:
1. The number of female respondents in our study is less; also the sample size selected for the study is
not representative of whole of the country.
2. The technique of research used is survey design if mix method could have been used with interviews
and qualitative data gathering techniques the result could be more generalizable.
3. The data has been collected on cross-sectional basis; longitudinal data may have produced different
results as the level of motivation of employees may vary at certain period of time and with growing
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