Cook 1937

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Howard L. Cook, Soil Conservatlonist

Soil Conservation Service

Introduction selves more deeply into the soil before

they are united with neighboring channels.
The principal objective of research This process is repeated time after time;
in soil conservation is the development of rivulets join to form rills; rill unites
agricultural practices that minimize ero- with rill and gullies develop; these, in
sion losses. In more general terms, soil turn, coalesce to form larger and larger
conservation research seeks to discover how channels until at a point below that at
and to what extent the physical process of which the flow is finally discharged into
erosion may be controlled. Any program of a so-called "stable" channel, there exists
investigation having such an objective must, a miniature drainage system of extreme
obviously, begin with a study of the proc- complexity.
ess Itself; for the rational control of any Along the courses of the channels
physical phenomenon requires a clear under- that bear the -runoff waters downward,
standing of the fundamental factors in- "feeders" are thrown out laterally to
volved and the development of practical bring into the stream more water, thus in-
methods for changing these factors. creasing its velocity and endowing it with
The preliminary analysis here given greater power to erode. The rapid increase
deals only with the general aspects of the in the erosiveness. of the runoff as it
erosion process. No attempt has been made gathers volume and speed in ius descent is
to solve specific practical problems. On made strikingly evident by the increasing
the contrary,'only the major features of dimensions of the erosion channels. Be-
the subject have been touched upon; the ob- cause of the- tremendous scouring power
ject being to develop & generalized per- generated, the flow capacities of the
spective of an extremely complicated phe- principal erosion channels often become
nomenon. far greater than necessary to pass the run-
Since restrictions upon space pre- off delivered to them. In extreme in-
clude the inclusion of sufficient clarify- stances, gullies many feet deep are formed
ing connective tissue, the body of this by the runoff from but a few acres.
paper consists of somewhat unrelated treat- During the progress of a storm,
ments of the following topics: some of the raindrops fall upon the bare
soil, wetting it, and by their impact
1. The general nature of the ero- loosening the soil particles so that they
sion process may be more easily transported by flowing
2. The variables of the erosion water. Other portions plunge into the
process flowing water and by giving up their ki-
netic energy in the production of turbulence
The General Nature of the Erosion Process in the liquid, increase the power of the
runoff to scour and transport.
The effect of water erosion is evi- On land covered by vegetation, a
dent from even the most casual examination large proportion of the raindrops are in-
of eroded hillsides. Near the top of the tercepted by the plants and yield up most
slope will be found the heads of innumera- of their kinetic energy before reaching
ble small channels which have cut but a the soil surface or the surface of flowing
fraction of an inch into the topsoil. If water. It is probable that this diversion
one follows these "micro-channels" down the of rainfall energy may be responsible in a
slope they are found to coalesce to form very large measure for the remarkable re-
larger water courses. These entrench them- duction of erosion by close-growing vegeta-

It may be further stated that the directly measurable. Directly measurable

energy expended by rainfall has a pro- variables, hereinafter called simple vari-
found influence upon the nature of over- ables, are illustrated by the quantities,
land flow. It is sometimes assumed that depth of rainfall, and volume of runoff.
much of the runoff from land slopes occurs Variables not directly measurable will here
as "laminar," or "stream-line," flow. It be called complex variables. An example
would seem logical to suppose, however, of a complex variable is "soil credibility"
that during periods of intense rainfall, or the measure of the susceptibility of
flow that would be laminar in the absence soil to erosion. Complex variables may be
of rainfall is made excessively turbulent represented by "measures" or "indices"
by the impact of the high-velocity rain- that are simply descriptive of the net ef-
drops. This is exceedingly important be- fect of any number of simple quantities.
cause laminar flow is practically non-ero- It often occurs, in the analysis of
sive, and. it is only when the flowing water physical problems, that different sets of
becomes turbulent that it is able to trans- independent variables may be chosen; that •
port substantial quantities of soil. is, a process may be as well fixed by as-
A systematic study of the drainage signing values to one set of variables as
systems or "erosion patterns" described in to another set. When a choice is possible,
the foregoing will demonstrate that prac- the variables taken as independent are
tically all of the soil eroded from the such as will most simplify the treatment
hillside is removed by the entrenchment of of the particular problem in hand. Moreover,
innumerable minute erosion channels. The in dealing with complicated processes, it
term "sheet erosion" is sometimes defined is advantageous to reduce the number of
as the removal of a uniform layer of soil independent factors to a minimum by using
by a continuous sheet of flowing water. complex variables which stand for the net
Turbulent runoff, however, does not flow effects of whole groups of other variables.
in thin sheets over an erodible material, In the process of water erosion,
but always tends to entrench itself in three physical entities are involved:
channels. In fact, it is this concentra-
tion of the runoff into channels that en- 1. The soil, which is the factor
ables it to attain high velocities and acted upon in the process.
thus remove large quantities of soil. 2. Water, which in the form of
Strictly speaking, then, nearly all water rainfall and runoff is the active agent
erosion is "channel-erosion" and the proc- of the process.
ess of sheet erosion, as defined above, is 3. The plant, which acts as nature's
practically non-existent. intervener in the process.
The undeveloped state of the
science is forcibly brought out by the In general discussions of the ero-
fact that, to date, no systematic investi- sion problem, it is possible to speak of .
gation has been undertaken of such a uni- the above factors as the principal varia-
versal and fundamental phenomenon as the bles. In analysis, however, it is necessa-
formation of erosion patterns. This prob- ry to think in terms of those "properties,"
lem should be given immediate study. or "actions," of the various physical en-
tities involved, that actually enter into
the physical equations (usually unknown)
The Variables of the Erosion Process that describe the process. Therefore, for
present purposes, the following have been
The variables entering into any chosen as the three independent variables
physical process may be classed as either controlling the erosion process:
independent or dependent. The independent
variables are those which, if fixed, com- 1. A measure of the susceptibility
pletely control the process. These varia- of soil to erosion, or "soil erodibility."
bles, in -turn, may be controlled by any 2. A measure of the water factor,
number of dependent variables. which may be called the variable of "po-
Variables may also be classed as tential erosivity."
those directly measurable and as those not 3. A measure of the protection

afforded by vegetal cover, which may be It is important that erodibility

termed "cover protectivity." and amount of erosion not be confused. The
total erosion from any land slope depends
It is obvious, of course, that upon all three of the independent varia-
these variables are not simple quantities; bles, erodibility upon only the physical
that is, they cannot be directly measured. characteristics of the soil. For example,
On the contrary, they are measures of the a very dense clay soil on a clean culti-
net effect of large numbers of simple vari- vated slope may be badly eroded, while a
ables. Unfortunately, procedures by which similar slope occupied by a light sandy
such measures may be obtained have not yet soil may exhibit very little erosion. Nev-
been invented. In fact, the determination ertheless, the sandy soil may be far more
of suitable measures of these factors con- erodible than the clay soil. The greater
stitutes one of the major problems of soil amount of erosion from the clay is brought
conservation research. about by the much greater runoff which
It is now necessary to define more passes over it. The sandy soil, possess-
fully the factors set forth since they are ing a high infiltration capacity, is sub-
exceedingly complex. A better understand- jected to smaller amounts and rates of run-
ing of their meaning may be obtained by off. In other words, the higher erodi-
resolving them into their component parts; bility of the sandy slope is more than
that is, determining the dependent varia- out-weighed by the greater potential ero-
bles by which they are controlled. There sivity factor for the clay slope.
will be, of course, a whole system of de- The problem of measuring soil
pendent simple variables affecting each erodibility is a very difficult and impor-
one. For convenience, these simple vari- tant one. Some measure or index of this
ables may be subdivided into groups and important variable must be obtained before
one single complex quantity established to the design of erosion control measures may
measure the net effect of the whole group. proceed upon a scientific basis. For
It is clear, then, that the resolution of practical and immediate use there is re-
any one of the independent variables may quired an index which may be determined
be accomplished progressively. Of course, by simple, rapid, and fully controlled
the ultimate objective of thus resolving field tests. Such a test might be made by
each independent variable, is to arrive at passing a standardized flow of water of
those directly measurable factors upon fixed amount and rate over a standard plot
which the independent variables depend. of small dimensions, or subjecting a given
Intermediate steps are used to provide an plot to a standardized application of
easily followed line of reasoning from the artificial rainfall. The amount of ero-
effects to the underlying causes. sion occurring under such a test might be
In the following, a- very brief an- used as a measure of erodibility or what
alysis of each of the three independent might be called an "erodibility index."
complex variables will be made. Space is While it is of primary importance
not available to allow all of the inter- that an erodibility index be devised for
mediate steps to be shown. practical use, the invention of such a
measure is not sufficient from the research
.point of view. In addition to knowing
Soil Erodibility that one soil is more erodible than another,
the scientific investigator demands to
The erodibility of a soil may be know why this is so. In other words, a
measured by either its resistance or its complete solution of the problem requires
susceptibility to erosion. If the parti- that there be derived the relation between
cles of a certain soil are easily dis- the erodibility index and those simple
lodged and carried away by runoff, then measurable physical characteristics of the
that soil may be termed highly erodible. soil that control the index.
If a second soil is subjected to the same As a beginning, the obvious line
runoff, and a smaller amount IS removed, of -attack v/ould be to correlate the erodi-
then this soil is less erodible than the bility index as determined by field tests
first. Clearly, erodibility is a relative with the basic soil characteristics. In
term. the determination of such a relation, the

first problem is to find out which meas- In this paper, it is impossible to

urable characteristics of a soil sub- dwell further upon the factor of soil
stantially control its erodibility. At erodibility. Further analysis should be
the present time, it is impossible to made the subject of special inves'tigations.
enumerate all of the variables that may Attention is now directed to the
have an effect. It is quite clear, however, most complex variable of all—the factor
that at least the following properties will of potential erosivity.
need to be taken into account:

1. Distribution of particle sizes. Potential Erosivity

S. The state of aggregation, or
structure, of the soil. Over a period of time, the rainfall
3. The moisture content. and runoff at any place is characterized
4. The density or compactness of by certain features unique to the locality.
the soil in place. If an area subjected to a particular com-
5. Certain chemical constituents. bination of rainfall and runoff has a man-
6. The biological condition of the tle of easily eroded soil, erosion takes
soil. place at a high rate. An area of less
erodible soil subjected to the same rain-
Most of the above factors depend fall and runoff erodes less rapidly. How-
upon still other variables. This is ever, the given rainfall and runoff may be
equivalent to saying that while these fac- said to have a certain "potential" erosive-
tors are measurable, they are not the ul- ness regardless of the erosion produced;
timate simple variables that control the for applied to some "standard" area' pos-
property of soil erodibility. It follows, sessing assigned soil erodibility and cover
therefore, that investigators have for protectivity factors, it would produce
solution a problem of three phases: first, erosion of a character and amount unique
they must find out what the simple varia- to the combination. This erosion would
bles are; second, they must develop com- constitute a measure of potential erosivi-
plex variables which describe groups of ty. In short, potential erosivity is a
simple variables; and third, they must re- measure of the capacity of any natural
late these complex variables to those rainfall-runoff combination to produce
still more inclusive and complex until erosion from some "standard" area.
they have finally built up a whole struc- To further illustrate the nature
ture of relationships, the net effect of of the potential erosivity factor, con-
which is the expression of erodibility in sider two bare hillsides of the same length
terms of the most simple measurable varia- and degree of slope but located in differ-
bles that may be found. ent climatic regions. Suppose that over
H. E. Middleton has taken the a period of time, one of these slopes is
first steps in the scientific study of subjected to storms of extreme intensities,
soil erodibility in his valuable paper on yielding floods of high rates. Assume that
"Properties of Soils which Influence Soil during the same period, the other hillside
Erosion."l is exposed to storms of low intensities
When a large number of soils have and that little runoff occurs. By defini-
been tested for erodibility, an attempt tion, the potential erosivity factor ap-
should be made to correlate the erodibili- plying to the first slope greatly exceeds
ty indices so obtained with Middleton's that for the second. But if the first
erosion ratio, and with certain other com- hillside is paved with concrete, no ero-
plex quantities mentioned in his paper. Up sion takes place. On the other hand, the
to the present time, there have been no slope subjected to the mild storms may, if
direct measurements of soil erodibility covered by an erodible soil, be badly
with which to correlate these quantities. eroded. .The actual erosion then does not
All measurements of actual erosion are depend upon,the potential erosivity but,
rendered invalid as measures of erodi- as previously stated, upon all three of
bility because of variations in the poten- the independent variables.
tial erosivity.

^-Technical Bulletin No. 178, U.S. Department of Agriculture, March, 1930.


It is possible to determine some would be largely governed by:

sort of potential erosivity factor for:
1. The amount of rainfall
1. Elementary unit areas—say each 2. The rates of rainfall
square foot of surface 5. The velocities of the raindrops
2. Entire land slopes or sectors 4. The amount of surface runoff
thereof 5. The rates of surface runoff
3. Larger areas up to the size of 6. The slope of the surface
climatic, subregions
There enter into these factors, of
For present purposes, however, it will course, elements of frequency and distribu-
probably be most convenient to refer po- tion in time not specifically named. By
tential erosivity to "unit-strips." A definition, however, the potential erosivi-
unit-strip is a continuous strip of land, ty is to be based upon the "normal" climate
one unit in width, lying perpendicular to of the locality. The frequency and dis-
the contours. The potential erosivity for' tribution elements may, therefore, be cared
the strip may be taken as the average po- for by simply using the plural in referring
tential erosivity of all of the constitu- to those factors that fluctuate with time
ent unit areas. or otherwise change. This is the reason
The use of the potential erosivity for employing the term "rates" in connec-
factor for unit-strips will allow of more tion with rainfall and runoff. In short,
straightforward application in the design the tabulated variables have been "gener-
of erosion control measures. It seems en- alized" by the use of the plural.
tirely possible that soil conservation re- The process of resolution may be
search may eventually establish the "lim- carried through a further stage as follows:
iting" (maximum) potential erosivity fac-
tors allowable on soils having given 1, 2 and 3. The amount and rates of
erodibility indices. Such a limiting rainfall, and the velocities of raindrops—
factor could be used, for example, to es- uncontrollable variables introduced by na-
tablish the proper distance between ter- ture aiid not subject to further resolution.
race ridges. 4.- The amount of surface runoff
It is to be understood that here- (for a period of time sufficiently long'to
inafter, further development of the poten- eliminate storage effects) depends upon:
tial erosivity concept will be directed (a) Total rainfall
toward the derivation of a potential (b) Total interception
erosivity factor for a unit strip. Deriva- (c) Total infiltration
tion of a factor applying to more com- 5. The rates of surface runoff de-
plicated areas will not be attempted in pend upon:
this paper. (a) Rates of rainfall
(b) Surface storage capacities
(including interception)
Resolution of the Potential (cj Rates of infiltration
Erosivity Factor (d) Evapo-transpiration rates
6. Slope—a simple variable requir-
It will now be well to resolve the ing no further resolution.
variable of potential erosivity into its
component parts. The dependent variables Only items 4 and 5 are left for
controlling this particular factor are further resolution. This can be done as •
numerous, and of some of them, little is follows:
known. It cannot be definitely stated,
therefore, that the variables given below, 4. The amount of surface runoff.
entirely control the potential erosivity. 4-a. Total rainfall—an uncon-
. It would seem logical to suppose trollable variable
that the potential erosivity of the rain- 4-b. Total interception depends
fall on and the- consequent runoff from a upon:
unit-area during a period of normal climate 1. Vegetal covers

2. Rates of rainfall variables, present purposes require no ad-

4-c. Total Infiltration depends ditional analyses.
upon: It should now be recalled that
1. Some standard infiltra- these resolutions were carried through for
tion "characteristic" of the soil a unit-area. Since it is desired to deal
2. Moisture contents of with unit-strips it is necessary to in-
the soil troduce additional variables. These are:
3. Cultural practices—
principally as they affect compactness 1. Slopes (to replace the"singular
4.- Vegetal covers "slope" used for the unit-area)
5. Rates of rainfall 2. Length of strip—commonly re-
6. Temperatures ferred to as the "length of slope" factor
7. Evapo-transpiration rates
8. Biological conditions In the foregoing there has been
of the soil developed systematically a list of the
5. The rates of surface runoff more important dependent variables govern-
5-a. Rates of rainfall—an un- ing potential erosivity. It is now a sim-
controllable variable ple matter to prepare a summary of the
5-b. Surface storage capacities most powerful of these variables. From
depend upon: evidence now available, it appears that
1. Vegetal covers—as they the following seven factors largely con-
affect both interception and depth of over- trol the potential erosivity for a unit-
land flow strip;
2. Capacities of surface
depressions—usually governed by cultural 1. Total rainfall
practices 2. Rates of rainfall
3. Slope of surface 3. Velocities of raindrops
5-c_. Rates of infiltration de- 4. Infiltration "characteristic"
pend upon: of the soil
1. Some standard infiltra- 5. Storage capacities of the
tion "characteristic" of the soil surface (includes interception)
2. Moisture contents of 6. Slopes
the soil 7. Length of slope
3. Cultural practices—
principally as they affect compactness It is apparent that some of the
4. Vegetal covers otner variables enumerated in the de-
5. Rates of rainfall tailed resolution have a certain amount of
6. Temperature influence on potential erosivity. In
7. Evapo-transpiration fact, in certain regions, some.of them may
rates be of major importance. While as a gen-
8. Biological conditions eral thing, they have a comparatively
of the soil minor influence, they should receive close
5-d. Evapo-transpiration rates study to definitely establish the magni-
depend upon: tude of their effect.
1. Temperatures The last four variables listed
2. Relative humidities above may be investigated separately. The
3. Amounts of solar in- first three, however, are all manifes-
solation tations of a single element of the envi-
4. Wind velocities ronmental complex—the climate. It is
5. Vegetal covers more convenient, therefore, to treat these
6. Soil type factors collectively as -a climatic com-
5-e. Slope—a simple variable ponent of potential erosivity. This com-
requiring no further resolution ponent may be logically termed "climatic
While it would be possible to re- Studies of climatic erosivity, in-
solve further many of the above dependent filtration capacity, surface storage

capacity and effects of the degree and Cover Protectivlty

length of slope may very properly make up
a major portion of any program of research "Cover protectivity" is a measure
into the fundamental nature of the erosion of the effectiveness of a vegetal cover in
process. reducing soil erosion.
It is especially important that Cover protectivity, like soil
the climatic erosivity factor be evaluated erodibility, is a relative factor; that is,
for all of the climatic sub-regions of the it can be evaluated only in terms of some
United States. There would seem to "be two arbitrarily assigned'.standard. The pro-
entirely different approaches to such an tectivity of a given cover might be measured,
evaluation. Recourse may be had to field for instance, by comparing the erosion
experiments wherein plots of standard losses on a standard plot in this cover,
slope and dimensions and composed of with the losses from a like bare plot.
some standard substance, are subjected to Such an experiment having been performed, a
the natural rainfall, and the resulting convenient index of cover protectivity
erosion taken as a measure of climatic might be calculated as follows: subtract
erosivity. An altogether different ap- the soil lost by the covered plot from that
proach would be through derivation of lost by the bare plot and divide this dif-
some climatic "index" or "characteristic" ference by the erosion from the bare plot.
from long-terra Weather Bureau records. The Such an index would indicate the relative
most promising method would appear to be a reduction in erosion brought about by the
combination of the two, the calculated use of the given cover. For example, a
characteristic being correlated with the cover protectivity index of 0.7 would in-
.field measurements. dicate that the cover in question would re-
It is also highly important that duce the erosion from the bare plot by 70
some standard method be adopted for deter- per cent.
mining quickly and easily an infiltration While such an evaluation of cover
"characteristic" of the soil. G. W. .protectivity from long-term plot records is
Musgrave2 h'as developed a procedure in undoubtedly necessary in any complete study
which the infiltration characteristic is of the factor, it is not sufficient for all
determined by applying water, under a con- practical purposes.
stant head, to a prism of soil bounded by There is an urgent need for some
a .comparatively long cylinder forced into simple procedure by which an approximate
the earth. In another method that is index of cover protectivity may be quickly
being investigated, artificial rainfall determined in the field. Such an index
is applied to small plots. The great im- would be of great assistance in the practi-
portance of the subject justifies a cal design of erosion control measures, and
thorough-going study of methodology before the invention of a suitable procedure should
any standardized method is adopted. be one of the first concerns of soil con-
The variables of surface storage servation research.
capacity, degree of slope and length of After a measure of cover protectiv-
Slope, may be very properly studied in ity has been devised, and a method of em-
long-term investigations at permanent ex- ploying this index in the design of erosion
periment stations. However, the oppor- control measures determined, the next step
tunities for obtaining information on in research should be to determine why one
these features by the use of artificial cover has a high or low protectivity index
rainfall should not be neglected. relative to other covers. In any attempt
Space is not available for further to arrive at an explanation of this, the
consideration of these important variables obvious procedure is to resolve the action
and it is now necessary to take up the of the plant cover into its simple compo-
third and last independent variable of the nents and study these separately. -When
erosion process. this is done, a correlation of these simple

"The Infiltration Capacity of Soils in Relation to the Control of Surface Runoff and Erosion," Jour.
Am. Soc. Agronomy, Vol. 27, No. 5, May, 1955'.

dependent variables may be made with the Summary—Conclusions

adopted protectivity index.
The problem of resolving the cover It has been shown in the foregoing
effect into a number of simple components that the water erosion process is largely
is itself difficult. As a first resolu- controlled by the following principal vari-
tion of cover protectivity, the following ables:
complex variables might be used:
1. Soil erodibility
1. Protectivity of the root system g. Climatic erosivity
2. Protectivity of the tops 3. Infiltration capacity
3. Protectivity of plant residues 4. Surface storage capacity
5. Degree of slope
It will be well to carry the reso- 6. Length of slope
lution of. these variables through one more 7. Cover protectivity
stage, as follows:
Obviously research into the funda-
1. Protectivity of the root system mentals of the erosion process must consist
depends upon: principally of studies of these variables.
Space is not available to discuss the vari-
a.. Kind of plant ous ways in which these studies may be car-
b_. Density of growth ried out. It is fairly apparent, however,
_c. Development of root system that each variable should be investigated
singly and in various combinations. Further-
2. Protectivity of the tops de- more, all possible methods of approach
pends upon: should be employed. In addition to long-terra
field studies at permanent experiment sta-
a.. Kind of cover tions, full advantage should be taken of the
b. Density of growth possibilities of fully controlled labora-
c_. Development of top tory and field experiments. It is especial-
ly important that easily measured indices be
3. Protectivity of plant residue invented for each of the principal variables,
depends upon: and nation-wide surveys made to evaluate
these indices in all of the important agri-
a.. Kind of cover cultural problem areas of vthe country. These
b. Depth of litter evaluations will form a rational basis for
c.. Amount of residue in soil the design of erosion control measures.
In the foregoing, it was not in-
It is evident that some of these tended to infer that research into the fun-
dependent .variables listed are measurable damental nature of the erosion process con-
and that others are decidedly complex. stitutes a complete program of soil con-
Each of the complex quantities must be servation research. Such a program would
further resolved until ultimately they may involve the study of:
be shown to depend upon components which
may be simply measured. It is unnecessary, 1. The fundamentals of the process
however, to attempt here further resolu- g. Methods of erosion control
tion of these variables. 3. The reclamation of eroded soils

It is clear that only the first phase of a

complete program has been here treated.
Nevertheless, to repeat the statement made
in the introduction, this phase is of first
importance, for the rational control of any
physical phenomenon requires a clear under-
standing of 'the fundamental factors in-

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