Object 2. Manual 3 Container Trailer Trucks 4. Reach Stacker For Whasing Facilities
Object 2. Manual 3 Container Trailer Trucks 4. Reach Stacker For Whasing Facilities
Object 2. Manual 3 Container Trailer Trucks 4. Reach Stacker For Whasing Facilities
This report has been prepared to calculate the asphalt pavement of the services zone of the
new container terminal to be built at Lázaro Cárdenas (Mexico) in accordance with the yard
equipment to be used and the load cycles over pavement.
- “The Structural Design of Heavy Duty Pavements for Ports and Other Industries” 3ª
Edition 1996 published by The British Precast Concrete Federation Ltd for Interpave,
The Precast Concrete Paving and Kerb Association.
The 3ª Edition of paving calculation has been issued under the Precast Concrete Paving and
Kerb Association of the United Kingdom. Nevertheless and in the rest of this document, we
will refer to this manual as BPA (British Ports Association).
- Subgrade (CBR>30%)
- Base (CBR>80%) ............................................................................................ 600 mm
- Asphalt layers.................................................................................................. 120 mm
Only the base part should be considered as structural part but not the asphalt layers.
In figure 4, appendix E, shows the loads for a container trailer truck included 2 x 20 ft boxes.
R1 = 7,9 t
R2 = 20 t
R3 = 18,5 t
R4 = 18,5 t
Tractor weight = 6,6 t
This value corresponds with 2 x 20 ft = 2 x 25,4 = 50,8 t and trailer weight (7,5 t presumed)
The critical load of 20 ft container is 20.000 kg (page 8 BPF manual), there is no significant
difference from the maximum load 25.400 kg so we assume the values stated in figure 4, and
the wheel loads are:
W1 t 39 kN
W2 t 98 kN
W3 t 91 kN
W4 t 91 kN
Only rear wheels 3 and 4 are sufficiently close together to be affected by proximity factors.
For CBR = 10 %, the effective depth to the bottom of the pavement base is:
h ef 300 3 2.114 mm
10 10
fp = 1,53
“Braking” and “cornering” shall be applied simultaneously for most unfavourable and
unrealistic situation and the relevant dynamic factors are:
3.4.1 Braking
Distances from the machine centre line to wheels from figure 4 are:
d1 = 6.500 mm
d2 = 3.500 mm
d3 = 5.350 mm
d4 = 6.500 mm
Dynamic factor for tractor / trailer in braking condition is from table 7, page 10 of BPF is fd =
+10 %.
f d1 10 %
fd2 10 5,38 %
fd3 10 8,23 %
f d4 10 %
3.4.2 Cornering
Wheel 1: 0,01
Wheel 2: 0,40
Wheel 3: 1,00
Wheel 4: 0,94
The equivalent of repetitions of the maximum wheel load (170 kN) should be:
If N is the number of trucks, the equivalent passes according the previous considerations
should be:
3.6 Passes
Number of trucks:
Trucks 638.298
Each truck carriers 2x20 ft full load i.e. two TEU. The expect traffic in Phase 1 B will be
500.000 TEU (value from volume 2 paragraph 1.22 – Section 1 – General)
There are two accesses to the terminal, by truck and by train, assuming a relationship 2:1
between both modalities, the traffic by truck should be 333.000 TEU year. The half of this
traffic (166.500 TEU/year) should go along each way (in / out).
As a result the number of trucks in a year to be passes over the pavement should be 83.250,
as each truck carries two 20 ft boxes.
As the total trucks obtained in the pavement calculation is 638.298, the number of years will
years 8
Reach stackers to be used to carry empty containers from the yard to the washing facilities.
In this study the damaged containers filled with IMO cargoes are not considered as such
situation should be an accident and as a result irrelevant from point of view of number of
It should be noted that reach stacker is not the best solution to carry empties as it should be
better to use FLT (top loader) for this type containers, which wheel loads are smaller than
Only the base should be considered as structural part but not the asphalt layers.
4.2 Loads
From figure 5, appendix and of the “Container Handing Equipment Loading Diagrams”
Volumen 2 of Lázaro Cárdenas reach stacker loads are:
- Empty condition
From the previous values and taken into consideration the 40 ft container weight, we have.
- Front axel
- Rear axel
In figure 3 of ERs does not point out the distance between lateral centres of two close front
wheels, but from our information about similar machines it could be 585 mm, this value shall
be assumed in the calculation.
For CBR = 10%, the effective depth of the pavement should be:
h ef 300 3 2.114 mm
10 10
fp = 1,84
In BPF manual does not point out dynamic load factors for reach stackers, in spite of this
machine is included in the yard machines, see fig 2.5 (second edition 1986) and page 19
(third edition 1996).
As a result in accordance to BPF, it does not require to apply dynamic factors for reach
stackers, nevertheless we will prepare two calculations, one with the FLT dynamic factors
and another without them.
The most unfavourable and unrealistic situation with dynamic factors should be when
“braking” and “cornering” condition apply simultaneously.
Condition Wheel fD
Braking Front +30 %
Cornering Front +40 %
Braking Rear -30 %
Cornering Rear +40 %
- Wheel loads
- Equivalent passes
4.7 Passes
- Number of RS.............................................................................................................N
- Load ............................................................................................................... 325 kN
- Passes .................................................................................................................1,1 N
- Base thickness ............................................................................................. 1.000 mm
- Base thickness in concrete C10........................................................... 333 mm
For 333 mm C-10 concrete base thickness and 325 kN equivalent single load, in accordance
with chart 10 of BPA, the passes should be 240.000.
Number of RS:
RS 218.000