IP™ Modules: Working Together For A Safer World
IP™ Modules: Working Together For A Safer World
IP™ Modules: Working Together For A Safer World
IP™ Modules
Mineral solver
Our premier tool for non-deterministic assessment.
Integrate all of your wellbore logs and core data into one solution for
Lithology, Porosity and Saturation.
Mineral solver is perfect for handling Mineral solver is also ideal for rock-model and any data which is a curve
Carbonate wells with complex diagenetic Unconventional Reservoir analysis using data can be included to help you build a
histories, mixed-clay wells or even handling TOC as an input to solve for Kerogen full picture of the down-hole lithology.
heavy-mineral effects in Sandstones. volume. Any mineral can be included in a
Take control of your Build your own rock-models Data defines your Deriving trends from the Our Solver is driven to There’s no substitute for Take you own path with
assessment without relying on a Sand- interpretation, and Mineral available data is at the core reduce reconstruction error: a good RXO and Sonic rock Multi-Well interpretation.
Lime-Dolomite model. Solver allows you to include of all of IP’s interpretation It’s not probability and it’s models can produce very Our module requires no
Derive a best estimate of everything that feasibly modules. not statistical chance. different results. So what additional licensing to fully
Porosity based on what is adds value. Mineral Solver allows you Based on your inputs, the do you do when Clay is interpret multiple wells
actually there. not just to see, but to alter Cambridge University math changing, not just in water simultaneously or to pivot
Join up your data content but in mineral from a key well.
Our default Mineral listing your assumptions using engine builds the best
can create more than ten Each model can industry-standard crossplot outputs that match the log content as well? Mineral Solver is just
thousand rock models and independently use any techniques. curves, and shows you the one part of our 3D
Explore Advanced Models
it’s easy to add your own. input: reliability of your model. Petrophysics package,
– Standard Density/Neutron/ The Tools you Expect Non-conductive muds
Easily create the models where you can start from
Gamma/Resistivity/ The output makes it clear require special logic and
you need; save, import, – Interactive Pickett plots first principles, deriving
Acoustic A single curve shows you Mineral Solver delivers.
export and share across for trending Rw and Rmf Models, Parameters and
– Spectral Gamma the reconstruction error, SXO is always handled
your organization. – Neutron-Density an interpretation with one
– TOC & Heavies and generally, less is better: separately from Sw and you
– Neutron-Sonic process.
Meet the Challenge of – Magnetic Resonance it’s that simple. can use all of the popular
But you can crossplot any
Formation Complexity – Neutron Spectroscopy Equations or let the solver As easy as it should be
input against any other The reconstructed log
– Mineral Weight-Percent decide fluids as well as Different curve names
Zoning a well is only one input and see how Sonic curves are what Mineral
– Sigma logs minerals. from different wells are
way to begin handling how Trends with Gamma and Solver calculates based on
different lithology can be. – RCA and XRD data then interactively alter your the determined Mineral Dry Clay models are easy not an issue for any of our
interpretation. and Fluid volumes guiding to construct and you are Multi-Well packages and
Mineral Solver allows you Define your assumptions
you in reviewing your free to separate treatment verification is easy, even
to integrate any curve- Some solvers leave mineral Define your assumptions
model. of Clay-Bound water after the interpretation has
derived logical method to volume to chance or add Some solvers leave mineral from Pore-water, yet been run.
alternate between your minerals where there is no Examine your individual
volume to chance or add still combine them when Engaging common
rock models. geological reason. models or the entire system
minerals where there is no needed. Zone-sets and driving
Integrate Electrofacies, core and assess the finished
Mineral Solver allows you geological reason. Gas-effects on logs are interpretations using
assessment or even just product so you can direct
to set the relationships Mineral Solver allows you handled effortlessly: we crossplots with all data
gamma to make the switch. your work.
that govern when minerals to set the relationships keep the parameters simple from all wells has never
We make it easy to handle may appear and to what that govern when minerals so Neutron and Density been so simple.
blocks of Coal, Anhydrite amount they can occur in. may appear and to what always reconstruct right.
or Salt, ensuring they’re You can also add weighting amount they can occur. Mineral Solver also lets you
on the right side of Net-to- to valuable data, adapting compensate for Invasion:
Gross. your model to depend on giving you the power to
the reliable and relax on add multiple fluid (invasion
the noisy. and formation based)
Add value Create and customize your High value logs deserve Create and customize your Control the error in your Drive your models with Build once, run
own minerals, defaults and preferential treatment. own minerals, defaults and assessment data alternatives and everywhere.
values. values. different methodology Request a demo at
Monte carlo sensitivity
Developed during the Manhattan Monte Carlo performs hundreds or even
Project, Monte Carlo Analysis is a thousands of iterations of your entire
proven technique for finding the workflow, stress-testing every aspect,
input-sensitivities in any multi-variate then collates the results of how the
system. outputs change to all input variance.
–– Imports all raw data and parameters
from your existing interpretations, in
any number of wells
Drive your –– You define the Error to apply for
each input, quantifying every
analysis. uncertainty
–– Choose the statistical method for
Examine the robustness the distribution of error for each
of any workflow, quickly input can be set for each parameter
–– Running thousands of variations to
and comprehensively.
the inputs, IP qualifies every error,
collating the data graphically to
show you workflow sensitivity
–– Generate reports with results for
each zone along with the 10, 50
and 90 percentiles
–– Tornado plots assist you to readily
identify which parameters or input
curves have the biggest effect on
Request a demo at the final results
Hydraulic flow units
Create HFU models using data from The HFU model can then be applied as an
single or multiple wells which have input to IP’s statistical modules for nearby
log or core data available. Each wells and define a continuous flow unit
model relates permeability and curve across the full data interval of the
porosity data to the flow potential of target well.
the rock. Using Flow Units, Reservoir Engineers
Each depth level with input poro- can refine their static reservoir models
perm data is given an HFU grading; and enhance Saturation Height
the number of gradings and the calculation, leading to better estimates of
division value between the gradings Hydrocarbon Saturation.
can be adjusted by the user. Take advantage of all the popular
industry standards and unlock a powerful
Classify reservoir rock into grades based on production potential, application for all of the core data across
especially in carbonates where the relationship between porosity any field.
and permeability frequently non-linear. Identify with zones with
similar flow potential across multiple wells.
Gain Our Module:
Understanding. –– Works equally well with core data or
log data
Derive flow potential in –– Uses Interactive histograms to adjust
all of your reservoirs and flow unit boundaries
more accurately predict –– Provides results already formatted
for easy importing into our
poro-perm relationships Saturation Height Module, enabling
you to compare and contrast with
Capillary Pressure data.
–– Has statistical prediction modules
ready to import HFU results.
–– Additional features to define
Carbonate rocks into different
classes using the Lucia method
Request a demo at
Saturation height modelling
Set up Capillary pressure data the Optionally add stress-correction or
easy way, grade and assess core clay-bound water correction to apply
analysis information based on and integrate any Hydraulic Flow Unit
comparison then, enable or disable information to discriminate further and
data, visually and intuitively. refine your outlook.
–– The ability to easily analyse, QC and
correct capillary pressure data
–– Multiple workflows and methods
Model. for creating robust and accurate
regressions on your data.
Correct. –– ‘One Equation for all Pc curves’
option - Find a single equation
Compare. which fits all (or a subset) of the
Add value to your –– ‘Separate equation for each Pc
curve’ option - Fit each individual
routine core analysis Pc curve and then combine the
and validate your parameters into a ‘Combined
Petrophysics. equation’. Discriminators can be
applied to allow for functions based
on porosity range litho-type and
–– Interactive – pick both FWL
and IFT correction on the log
Request a demo at plot interactively to fit your Sw
http://info.lr.org/ip-demo calculation.
–– Carry your regression functions to
other wells and correlate FWL at the
field level.
Rock typing
Including two modules: Cluster Both Cluster Analysis and Self-Organizing
Analysis and Self Organising Maps, Maps accept a wide range of Linear or
Rock typing is easy to set up and uses Logarithmic input curves and input-tables
powerful classification algorithms created in one module can easily be
allowing for repeatable and accurate loaded into the other (as well as any of
Sort the good. Our Module is:
–– Fast and powerful, with rock typing
Take advantage of options based on your preference
advanced statistical –– Cluster once, Calibrate often: Self-
Organising Maps do not require
techniques to group
trained input curves. Your data is
together similar log or sorted into natural groups/clusters
core sections. of similar data and calibrations
applied after
–– Discriminates data easily, applying
any limits to data used in creating or
running the model.
–– Interactive, with cross plots of all
log data used as inputs. This can
be used to simply illustrate the
locations of the clusters with respect
Request a demo at to each input.
Domain transfer analysis
Domain Transfer Analysis accepts The key difference with Domain
up to 8 input curves, building its Transfer Analysis is mathematics:
prediction model by learning how using n-dimensional Partial Differential
your desired parameter responds. Equations to reveal non-linear
Your predictions are created using relationships that other tools miss.
Request a demo at
Combine your Real-time logging Wells that have been used with
data and geological models from geosteering have a designated target,
offset wells (or even the same well) to which may change as the model changes.
constantly update well trajectory and The well must remain within the
stay on target. formation and the geosteering module
Request a demo at
SandPit 3D
Drawing-down pressure at the SandPit3D also gives you clarity on the
well-head is a classical method of optimum perforating pattern in your
increasing production, but how much well, examining formation anisotropies
is too much? and empowering you to make informed
SandPit3D examines the key rock decisions.
Optimize production
physics parameters in your well and Consisting of separte Discrete Depth
gives your Reservoir Engineers tools and Multi-depth analyses, SandPit3D
to assess sand production likelihood enables you to run the failure analysis for
for various scenarios over the lifetime any deviation or azimuth and integrates
of the well. lifetime depletion conditions.
As part of our Geomechanics modules,
SandPit3D lets you take charge of
Maximize formation productivity with the safest pressure production and failure risk.
drawdown and best perforation pattern, while minimizing the
risk of formation failure and sand production. Integrate key rock-
physics principles into your bottom line.
–– Assess the risk and extent of sand
production over the life of a well.
–– Assists with selecting the right
equipment to avoid sand production
–– Optimise your completion design
method to avert loss of production.
Optimize –– Flexibility in input (stress and rock
strength) and output formats.
production. –– Provides answers in a format easily
understood by production engineers
and geoscientists.
Minimize cost. –– A very rapid tool which enables
numerous sensitivities to be run
Save on costly remedial and reported quickly and easily,
workovers and important where data are sparse or
production downtime. constrained.
Request a demo at
Wellbore stability
A key tool for any pre-drill strategy, During drilling, take advantage of
our Wellbore Stability module real-time data to update mud weight
is designed for Geomechanics requirements, control pore-pressure and
Engineers to determine the failure ensure the risk of kicks, washouts and
conditions at the rock-face, taking breakouts are minimised.
No pressure
the guesswork out of predicting a Interactive plots appear throughout,
mud weight to use for safe, stable enabling you to easily call up an
drilling. azimuthally sensitive breakout-risk
Used pre-drill, Engineers can create assessment and more.
and validate a mud-weight plan, from Part of our Geomechanics suite,
first principles or based on offset Wellbore Stability seamlessly integrates
wells. with SandPit 3D, providing a whole-life
Build your Geomechanics model and assess safety before you drill. tool for detailed rock mechanics and
Our module integrates popular Rock Strength and Pore Pressure formation integrity.
models to help you determine margins for mud weight, keeping
your crew safe and drilling smooth.
–– An integrated Geomechanics
workflow, estimating mechanical
properties, horizontal and vertical
stresses, pore pressure and wellbore
–– Creation and calibration of a custom
Geomechanics model in both
individual wells and across a field of
Look ahead. ––
offset wells
Detailed result plots for each well
and field wide multi-well correlation
Stay ahead. plots
–– Seamless integration of interactive
Create, update and single depth sensitivity analysis plots
refine how you view mud –– An extensive suite of mechanical
properties property models (for sands, shales,
dolomites, carbonates, friction
angles and elastic moduli)
Request a demo at
Image analysis
A full image processing, correction Brand new, state-of-the-art tools for
and interpretation package and fully fast interpretation and powerful image
integrated into your petrophysics corrections.
package. Intelligently designed interpretation tools
Take control of your data and to make Image Interpretation as efficient
Made simple
interpretation – remove the reliance and easy as possible.
on service companies. The IP Image Analysis module is designed
Significantly reduce the costs of to be approachable by any discipline.
running image tools by handling Geologists and Petrophysicists alike
the processing and interpretation will feel at home making complex
yourself. interpretations of the wellbore and
Reinterpret and share your results regional geology.
The Image Analysis module provides a complete workflow for at any time, with all disciplines and Our interpretation tools are very
processing and interpreting any Wireline or LWD image log, and teams. accessible and coupled with our tailor-
uses state of the art proprietary techniques and unique technology made training courses on the module
and Image Analysis Interpretation we can
patented by LR. turn every team member into an Image
Analysis Expert.
–– Load any raw data file
–– Creation/editing image tools or
choose from our extensive collection
–– Correcting the data for various
sampling effects (such as speed,
All the Tools. ––
streak, button-offset and more)
Dip picking (manual, automatic and
Same workflow. ––
Identify and categorize geological
Take control of your and drilling related features in the
Image data with IP’s –– Identify trends, boundaries, patterns
Image Analysis Module and define relationships
–– Hugely customisable plots,
including: Dip Polar Plots, Walkout
Plots, Cumulative Plots, Dip Scatter
Plots and Stereonets to interpret the
image log data
–– Fracture analysis
–– A 3D wellbore display to help
visualize your interpreted image
Request a demo at features.
Working together
for a safer world
June 2016 - LRSS0020-08062016
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