Math Researh Paper

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Math is in our everyday lives. We had our very own different perceptions about the subject

Mathematics. Most of the students may find it difficult but some students may find it really cool and

exciting because math is a very challenging subject. Most students have the history of struggling in

the subject mathematics which makes them wonder if they will ever apply the knowledge they’ve

learned in the real world. Teachers and parents admit already that they have been asked about the

relevance of mathematics in life. In the First Periodical Examination, many students had difficulty

in the test. We based it on the results of the previous first periodical examination of Grade 10 St.

Mark. Periodical Tests are given to measure the knowledge learned by the students in the whole

quarter.The test is composed of a total of fifty items which covers up the lessons about Different

types of Sequences such as Arithmetic Sequence, Harmonic Sequence, Geometric Sequence and

Fibonacci sequence. It covers up also the topics about Polynomials and Polynomial Equations and

seems like most of the students of St. Mark suffered because they find difficulties in the First

Quarter Periodical Examination. The results shows that most of the students of Grade 10 St. Mark

suffered the examination because most of the students got lower scores based on the examination


Academic performance refers to how students deal with their studies and how they cope

with or accomplish the different task given to them. The periodical examinations taken by student’s

aims to measure the knowledge they had learned in the whole quarter. Specifically, this study aims

to determine the academic performance of the students of Grade 10 St. Mark in the First Quarter

Periodical Examination. This study also aims to measure the knowledge learned by the students of

Grade 10 St. Mark on the First Periodical Exam and also to know the reason why most of the
students of section St. Mark got lower scores on the result of the exam. The objective of this study

is also took develop positive attitudes toward the subject mathematics and learning mathematics.

Difficulties in mathematics are often causes by lacking of mathematics skills of some students. The

main purpose of this research is to determine the academic performance of the students of Grade

10 St, Mark in the first quarter periodical test. The lack of understanding of basic mathematical

principles can result in an inability to solve numerous subjects such as chemistry, engineering, and

other important scientific problems and especially solving different mathematical problems. The low

understanding level accompanied by many students has to be a great concern and has bothered

badly the educationists.



A Mini Research

Presented to:

Mathematics Department

Malinta National High School

A.Pablo St. Malinta Valenzuela City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Grade 10 Mathematics

Baniel, John Lourence G.

Baran, Rudylyn V.

Boquideron, Phoebe P.

Lopez, Caereel Ace D.

Macatol, Nica C.

Magcayang, Angel Shanti D.

March, 2018

I. Statement Of The Problem

II. Research Design

III. Presentation And Analysis Of Data

a. Presentation Of Data

b. Analysis And Interpretation Of Data Presentation

IV. Conclusion And Recommendation

V. Appendices

a. Questionnaire
b. Answer Sheet
c. Reference




A. What is the average performance of Grade 10 St. Mark in Periodical Test First


B. What is the performance of Grade 10 St. Mark in Periodical Test First Quarter?

C. How many students passed the periodical test first quarter if the passing score

belongs to the third quartile?

D. What is the percentile rank of each member of the group in the periodical test first


This research study aims to determine the academic performance of the students

of section St. Mark. This part of the research discusses the procedure obtained in this

study. In order to conduct this research , the procedure is distinguished by some crucial

steps. These are : to recognized and identify a question or problem to be studied . In this

study , the identified problems are as follows : (i) what is the average performance of

Grade 10 St. Mark in the periodical test first quarter ; (ii) what is the performance of

Grade 10 St. Mark in the periodical test first quarter ; (iii) how many students passed the

periodical test first quarter if the passing score belongs to the third quartile ; and (iv) what

is the percentile rank of each member of the group in the periodical test first quarter.

Second is to describe and execute procedures to collect information about the questions /

problems being studied. Third is to analyzed the collected information and last is to state

the results or implications based on the findings on the analysis of information.




11-15 IIIII-II 7 10.5-15.5 13 7

16-20 IIIII-IIIII-I 11 15.5-20.5 18 18

21-25 IIIII-IIIII-III 13 20.5-25.5 23 31

26-30 IIIII-IIIII-IIII 14 25.5-30.5 28 45

31-35 III 3 30.5-35.5 33 48

36-40 0 0 35.5-40.5 38 48

41-45 0 0 40.5-45.5 43 48

46-50 0 0 45.5-50.5 48 48

N= 48
i= 5

Subsequently , the data gathered from the results of the first quarter periodical test

were tallied and tabulated. In order to illustrate the data obtained for the presentation ,

interpretation and analysis , tables and figures were used. This study uses the textual and

tabular presentation method for the presentation of data. The respondents of this study

are the grade 10 students of section St. Mark who undertake the first quarter periodical

examination. This study also uses Frequency and Percentage as a statistical method in

order to present the profile of the respondents. The content of the data is based from the

results of the scores of the first quarter periodical test. Data is arranged from the lowest

up to the highest scores. From the lowest scores (11-15),we have a total number of 7
students who got the scores ranging from 11 to 15; (16-20) 11 students; (21-25) 13

students; (26-30) 14 students; (31-35) 3 students ; and no one got the scores ranging

from 36 upto 50.


Based on the findings of this study , the performance of the students of section St

Mark in the periodical test first quarter was good .This means that even if many students

got lower scores , they still managed to have a passing score on the result of the exam.

The 3rd quartile (Q3) is 40.5 and the passing score belongs to the 3 rd quartile. The

3rd quartile 40.5 falls within the class boundaries of 36-40 which is (35.5 – 40.5) To say

that a student have passed the exam, his/her score must falls within the 3 rd quartile . The

36th score is within the class interval of 36-40.According to the findings of this study ,

75% out of a total number of 48 grade 10 students of section St. Mark still passed the

exam even if most of them got lower scores and 25% out of 48 students got failing

scores and didn’t managed to have a passing score.

Based on the findings in this study and physically finding some problem, this

paper makes the following recommendations to improve the academic performance of the

students of section St. Mark for their future examinations in mathematics that they will

going to take.

For students:

 Set your academic goals

 Cooperate with your teacher and listen and participate actively in the class

 Do advance learning

 If you are one of those weak students when it comes to mathematics , take
remedial classes so that you can cope up with the future lessons .

c. References
A. Online sources:

Research method



Mathematics 10 Learning Material

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