Electron Correlations in Narrow Energy Bands
Electron Correlations in Narrow Energy Bands
Electron Correlations in Narrow Energy Bands
B y J. H ubbard
1. I n t r o d u c t io n
In recent years much attention has been given to the theory of correlation effects
in the free electron gas (Bohm & Pines 1953; Gell-Mann & Brueckner 1957; Sawada,
Brueckner, Fukuda & Brout 1957; H ubbard 1957, 1958; Pines & Nozieres 1958).
Apart from the intrinsic interest of this problem, the free electron gas serves as
a model for the conduction bands of metals and alloys. Transition and rare-earth
metals have in addition to their conduction bands partly filled d- or/-bands which
give rise to the characteristic properties of these metals. Correlation phenomena
are of great importance in determining the properties of these narrow energy bands,
indeed more important than the corresponding effects in conduction bands. Un
fortunately, however, the free-electron gas does not provide a good model for these
bands. Rather, one requires a theory of correlations which takes into account
adequately the atomistic nature of the solid. Indeed, in the case of the/-electrons
of rare earth metals it is probable th at for most purposes a purely atomic (sometimes
referred to as a Heitler-London or localized) model will prove satisfactory. The
same cannot be said, however, of the (/-electrons of transition metals. I t is with one
approach to a theory of correlation effects in the (/-bands of transition metals th at
this paper is concerned.
A theory of correlation effects in narrow energy bands is inevitably of a somewhat
different nature from a theory of correlation effects in the free electron gas. The
electron charge density in a (/-band is concentrated near the nuclei of the solid and
sparse between the atoms, making it possible to speak with some meaning of an
electron being ‘on ’ a particular atom. This circumstance gives rise to the possibility
of an atomic description of the (/-band despite its considerable bandwidth. I t is,
in fact, found experimentally th at the (/-electrons of transition metals exhibit
behaviour characteristic of both the ordinary band model and the atomic model.
For example, the occurrence of spin-wave phenomena in ferromagnetic metals
and the strong temperature dependence of the susceptibilities of some transition
metals represent properties which can be understood on the basis of an atomic
[ 238 ]
lectron correlations in narrow energy bands
model, while the large d-electron contribution to the low temperature
and the occurrence in ferromagnets of magnetic moments per atom which are far
from integral numbers of Bohr magnetons are properties which are easily explained
by band theory. As will be tried to make plausible below, it is correlation effects
in narrow bands which lead to the atomic behaviour and it is only by taking correla
tion effects into account th at one can understand how (/-electrons exhibit both
kinds of behaviour simultaneously. Thus a theory of correlations in (/-bands will
be mainly concerned with understanding this situation in greater detail and
determining the balance between bandlike and atomic-like behaviour.
In its most naive form the atomic theory would picture a transition metal as a
collection of (say singly charged) ions immersed in the conduction electron gas and
interacting with each other in much the same way as the corresponding ions in
salts. If, as is generally supposed, the number of (/-electrons per atom is non
integral this simple picture is untenable. However, it is possible to substitute for it
a less restrictive model which nevertheless guarantees most of the characteristic
properties of the atomic model. I t is sufficient to assert that, despite the band
motion of the (/-electrons, the electrons on any atom are strongly correlated with
each other but only weakly with electrons on other atoms; such intra-atomic
correlations are inevitably of such a type as to make the metal behave to some extent
according to the predictions of the atomic model.
I t may be th at this situation can be made clear by considering one or two ex
amples. Consider first a partly filled (/-band of non-interacting electrons. In such
a system the spin of an atom (that is the total spin of all the electrons on th at atom)
is a quantity winch fluctuates randomly in magnitude and direction, the character
istic time of fluctuation being of the order of the (/-electron hopping time, i.e. the
time ( ~ fo/A,A — (/-electron bandwidth) in which a (/-electron hops from one atom
to another in performing its band motion. In this situation it is reasonable to think
of the spin being associated with each of the moving (/-electrons.
Let us now inquire what effect one might expect the electron interaction will
have in this situation. As a guide one may note th at H und’s first rule for atoms in
dicates that the intra-atomic interactions are of such a nature as to aline the
electron spins on an atom, so one may expect a similar effect in a metal. Suppose
now th at the electrons have their spins quantized in what will be called the up and
down directions and th at at some instant a given atom has its total spin in the up
direction. Then the intra-atomic interactions are, according to H und’s rule, of such
a nature that this atom tends to attract electrons with spin up and repel those with
spin down. In this way the property of an atom on having total spin at some instant
tends to be self-perpetuating. If these intra-atomic forces are strong enough to
produce appreciable correlations, then it follows that the state of total spin up
on an atom may persist for a period long compared with the (/-electron hopping
time. This persistence of the atomic spin state is not due to the same up-spin
electrons being localized on the atom. The actual electrons on the atom are always
changing as a result of their band motion, but the electron motions are correlated
in such a way as to keep a preponderance of up-spin electrons on the atom. In these
circumstances (i.e. if the correlations are strong enough) one can think of the spin
240 J . H ubbard
as being associated with the atom rather than with the electrons and the possibility
of an atomic or Heisenberg model emerges.
This example illustrates the possibilities of the situation. Although one may still
suppose the electrons to move rapidly from atom to atom as assumed in the band
model, their motion may be correlated in such a manner as to give properties
characteristic of the atomic theory. In this way one may understand how the
electrons can exhibit both types of behaviour simultaneously. The degree of atomic
behaviour exhibited depends upon the strength of the correlations.
A second example which has been studied by various authors (Slater 1937;
Herring 1952; Thompson i960; Edwards 1962; Kubo, Izuyama & Kim 1962) is
the theory of spin-waves in the band model of ferromagnetic metals. These authors
show that the spin-wave can be regarded as a collective motion which appears
when the electron interactions are taken into account. More precisely, the spin-
wave appears as a bound state of an electron of one spin with a hole of opposite
spin, the relative motion of the electron and hole being such th at they spend most
of their time on the same atom. Now, an electron of one spin and a hole of opposite
spin on the same atom look just like a reversed spin on th at atom, the motion of the
bound electron-hole pair resembling a motion of the reversed spin from atom to
atom, which is just the Heisenberg model picture of a spin-wave. Thus again the
atomic picture emerges as a consequence of correlation effects, this time the corre
lation between an electron and a hole.
Yet another important example concerns the fluctuation in the number of elec
trons on a given atom. I t is, of course, one of the more obvious features of the
atomic model th at it assumes th at there are the same number of electrons on each
atom. But one can show that for uncorrelated electrons belonging to a band con
taining v states per atom th at the probability of finding n electrons on a given atom
is given by the binomial distribution
where s is the mean number of electrons per atom. Thus n fluctuates about its mean
value s, the root-mean-square fluctuation being ^{5(1 —s/v)} and the frequency of
fluctuation of the order of an electron hopping time. Now one general effect of
electrostatic interactions is a tendency to even out the electron charge distribution,
opposing the build-up of an excess of charge in one place and a deficiency in another.
Thus the correlations produced by the interaction will be of such a nature as to
reduce the fluctuation in the electron number on each atom. I t is this type of corre
lation which is most important in the hypothetical case of a collection of atoms
arranged on a lattice but widely separated from each other. Formally ordinary
band theory is applicable to such a situation, but the correlation effects of the type
discussed above are dominant and make the system behave like a set of isolated
neutral atoms, which is clearly the correct description physically.
I t is clear from the above discussion th at an important requirement of a theory of
correlations in narrow energy bands is that it have the property of reducing to the
atomic solution in the appropriate limit, i.e. when applied to a hypothetical system
Electron correlations in narrow energy bands 241
of atoms on a lattice but widely separated from each other and interacting only
weakly. I t is one of the purposes of this paper to describe a very simple, approxi
mate theory having this property. Although one has always in mind the case of
d-electrons, the theory to be described is concerned with the case of an 5-band
having two states per atom (up and down spin states). The advantage of this par
ticular case is its comparative mathematical simplicity. One may expect th at some
im portant aspects of the real (d-electron) case will be missed in a study of the 5-band
case but may nevertheless hope to obtain some results of general application.
I t might seem th at in view of the fact that no adequate theory of correlations in
free electron gases a t metallic densities exists at the present time th at it is over-
ambitious to attem pt a study of the formally more difficult case of band electrons.
However, it turns out th at in the case of narrow energy bands one can take account
of the atomicity of the electron distribution to introduce a very simple approximate
representation of the electron interactions. This approximate interaction is, in
fact, mathematically much simpler to handle than the Coulomb interaction itself.
This possibility has been well known for many years and has been applied to the
spin-wave problem by the authors mentioned in th at connexion above, but does
not seem to have been exploited hitherto in connexion with the general correlation
problem. In § 2 this approximate interaction and the adequacy of the approxima
tion involved is discussed.
For the sake of comparison with the results of the theory of correlations developed
later, in § 3 the application of the Hartree-Fock approximation to the simplified
interaction is considered and in particular the condition for ferromagnetism
predicted by Hartree-Fock theory is examined.
In §§ 5 and 6 the approximate correlation theory for an 5-band mentioned above
is developed. To this end a Green function technique of the type described by
Zubarev (i960) is used; to establish the notation the basic definitions and equations
of this technique are briefly reviewed in § 4. In § 5 it is shown how, using this tech
nique, an exact solution can be obtained in the atomic (zero bandwidth) limit. In
§ 6 the same method is applied to the general (finite bandwidth) case to obtain the
approximate solution. In § 7 the nature and some of the properties of this solution
are discussed.
In § 8 we examine a 2-electron problem which has been studied previously in a
related context (Slater, Statz & Koster 1953) and which throws some light upon the
physical interpretation of the solution obtained in the preceding sections.
Finally in § 9 the condition for ferromagnetism predicted by the new calculation
is discussed. I t is found to be considerably more restrictive than the corresponding
criterion derived from Hartree-Fock theory, and, in fact, can only be satisfied in
rather special circumstances.
2. An a p p r o x im a t e r e p r e s e n t a t io n o f e l e c t r o n in t e r a c t io n s
# =2
Zj ^kcr^ka
where the k sums run over the first Brillouin zone (all sums over momenta in this
paper are to be understood in this way) and where
The first term of H represents the ordinary band energies of the electrons, the
second their interaction energy. The last term subtracts the potential energy of the
electrons in th at part of the H artree-Fock field arising from the electrons of the
5-band itself. This term has to be subtracted off to avoid counting the interactions
of the electrons of the band twice, once explicitly in the Hamiltonian and also
implicitly through the Hartree-Fock field determining the ek. The are the assumed
occupation numbers of the states of the band in the H artree-Fock calculation; it
has been assumed th at up and down spin states are occupied equally.
I t is convenient to transform the Hamiltonian of (1) by introducing the Wannier
k(x ), (3)
where the sum runs over all the atomic positions R/. Introducing the creation and
destruction operators c\a and cirrfor an electron of spin crin the orbital state <^>(x —R,:),
one can also write
ck(T = N~* 2 eik-R<ci(T, = JV-i 2 e_ik Ri 4<x- (5)
i i
Electron correlations narrow energy bands 243
These results can now be used to rewrite the Hamiltonian of (1) as
H = 2 S
i , j cr ijk l O'er'
- U S {2 (ijl/r\
| kl) - l/r | (6)
ij k l or
3. T h e H a r t r e e - F o c k a p p r o x im a t io n
For the sake of comparison with the results of the correlation theory developed
in later sections it is convenient now to investigate the results obtained by applying
the H artree-Fock approximation to the Hamiltonian of (10). Actually, we shall
not make an exhaustive study of all possible H artree-Fock solutions, but will
restrict attention to a particularly simple class of solutions which may represent
non-magnetic or ferromagnetic states but not more complicated spin arrangements.
A similar restriction applies also to the correlated solutions investigated in later
As is well known, one may obtain the effective Hartree-Fock Hamiltonian by
‘linearizing’ the interaction terms in the true Hamiltonian. In the case of the
Hamiltonian of (10) this amounts to simply replacing the term _a by
n i<r(n i , - a ') + n i >- c r ( n i<r) where (nia) is the average of the expectation of ni(T over
a canonical ensemble at some temperature 0. Dropping the last term of (10) which
has been shown to be a constant, the Hartree-Fock Hamiltonian is found to be
Hhf = 2 2 V U v + 7 2 (12)
i 9j or i,cT
16 Vol. 276. A.
246 J . H ubbard
One possible solution of ( 18) is that for which
= raj, = \n, ( 19)
which represents a non-magnetic state of the system: ft is determined by
Since « A (0 ; ./?(0 )>(±) are functions of t —t' only, one can define for real E the
Fourier transforms
1 f 00
((A; B))& = — ((B(0)))<±>e‘^
(25)d t .
Electron correlations in narrow energy bands 247
In the case of the retarded ( + ) function the integral (25) converges also for
complex E provided J>E>0, so A
( B')')(
; j^
of E in the upper half of the complex .27-plane. Similarly, ((A; l ? ) ) ^ is a regular
function in the lower half of the complex .27-plane. One may now define
((A ; B } \ = ((A; if 0,
if J E < 0, (26)
which will be a function regular throughout the whole complex .27-plane except on
the real axis. From (24) it can be shown th at « B}}E satisfies
E { { A - B }) e = 1l2n{[A,B]v) + {([A,H]; B ))b . (27)
I t can be shown (Zubarev i960) that
(B(f)A(t)) = i Bm [« A B )) b +u28)
Equations (27) and (28) together with the method of approximation described by
Zubarev (i960) form the essential basis of calculations with these Green functions.
5. T h e e x a c t s o l u t io n i n t h e a t o m ic l im it
In this section the application of the technique described in the preceding section
to the Hamiltonian (10) in the limiting case of zero bandwidth is discussed. This
limit corresponds to the situation in which the wave functions on different atoms
have only a negligible overlap, in which case one knows th at the atomic theory gives
the exact solution. I t will be shown th at in this case the Green function technique
also leads to an exact solution. Of course, for the Hamiltonian (10) the results of
these calculations are rather trivial, but they do serve to reveal the essential trick
required to make more elaborate theories go over into the exact atomic solution
in the appropriate limit.
All effort will be concentrated on obtaining an expression for the Green’s function.
since, as is well known, a knowledge of this Green function enables one to calculate
pseudo-particle energies, the Fermi energy, free energy, etc. For example, sub
stituting (29) into (28), putting j = Jc, t —t' =0 and summ
the mean number na of electrons per atom of spin cr the expression
na = N - 12 (c}acjo.)
* /* dF
- ^ Mm S j [<%(Jg + ie) - Gl( E - ie)]+ 1 (3 0 )
At this point one may notice th at since n% — the last term of (37) is just IT ^ ,
so (37) can be solved at once to give
n m = 2n ijE - T 0- I ' (38)
The usual infinite sequence of equations of the type (27) involving higher and
higher order Green functions has been avoided here by the simple observation
th a t the last term of (37) can be expressed in terms of T?-. I t is this possibility th at
enables one to obtain an exact solution in the present case and solutions reducing
to the correct solution in the zero bandwidth limit in the general case discussed in
the next section.
It follows from the definition (22) and the symmetry of the problem th at (ni(T)
is independent of i and a, so one has at once (nia) \n . Using this result and
substituting (38) into (35) one obtains
<L f1
6. A n a p p r o x im a t e s o l u t io n o f t h e c o r r e l a t io n p r o b l e m
In this section the correlation problem for the Hamiltonian (10) will be studied
in the finite bandwidth case by the same technique used in the last section. In the
present calculation, however, certain additional terms appear which have to be
treated approximately to obtain a solution.
Returning to the Hamiltonian (10), one finds
[Cicr>E] = 2 C+ In it_
[nicr’E] = 2 ^u(c! <TCjtr(42)
+ 2 Ek -O-C'ka; C1'o-))e
+ S c]-a.')}E —c]<t)).e}' (44)
C^ » E - (45)
r>Jct) ) e — ( CI,
< (4 6
2 T i k ( Ci, - < r Ck , - ( f ) —
7c=H i, k
where Tik =Tki which follows from ek = e_k has been used, and 2* means t
double sum with the term i —komitted.
In (45) we will now put <»,v> = » „ (48)
which follows from translational symmetry. Strictly speaking it follows from the
symmetry of the problem th at na is independent of cr and therefore equal to \n .
However, it would seem intuitively evident that when solutions of the equations
with 4= Wj, exist, these solutions are connected with the possible ferromagnetism
of the system (provided they have lower energy than the non-magnetic solution).
One can, perhaps, rationalize this situation by imagining th at a minute magnetic
field is applied to the system; this field destroys the symmetry between up and
down spin, but is so small th at it can be neglected in the calculations. To discuss
this situation in detail would go far beyond the scope and intent of the present paper.
I t may be remarked th at a similar situation exists in the zero bandwidth case dis
cussed in the preceding section, but that nothing new would be found there by
considering solutions for which =)= • One might also inquire whether meaning
can be assigned to solutions (forbidden by symmetry) for which (nia) is not in
dependent of ior even for which quantities like aCj do not vanish. The ans
would seem to be that these solutions correspond to the possibilities of antiferro
magnetism, spiral spin arrangements, etc., but only solutions falling under (46)
will be investigated here.
Substituting the approximations (45) to (47) into (44) one obtains
whence TW = S w ) , (50)
7. P r o p e r t ie s o p t h e a p p r o x im a t e s o l u t io n
The general nature of the solution given by (54) will next be investigated. The
expression (54) for Ga(E)is a rational function of E and may be resolved
fractions according to
1 1 &*>-T0- I ( 1-»_„))
W’ ' 2*N E -E $ /’
where E $ < EfJ are the two roots of
{ E - e ^ { E - T Q- I ) + n_(TI(TQ -e^ = 0.
It can be shown th at E $ < T0+ I ( l —n_^)< so (56) has
1 l d (1) d (2> \
^ > = 2 + <57>
with ^4^, > 0. If one had A (^ = A (^ = 1, then the expression (57) would be
the Green function appropriate to a band structure having two bands with the
dispersion laws E = E^J and E — E (*J. The effect of the factors ^ cannot be given
any very simple interpretation beyond saying that they reduce the density of states
in each band in such a way th at the total number of states per atom in both bands
together is just 1 and not 2 as it would be if A $ = = 1. One may see this
directly by noticing that from (31) and (52) one has
pa(E) = i lim 'El{Ga(q,E + ie) —G<T(q,E —ie)}, (58)
e->0+ q
Brillouin xone
b o u n d a ry
F ig u r e 1. A sk e tch o f a ty p ic a l p se u d o -p a rticle b a n d s tru c tu re 9J, E ^ . A P Y gives
th e u n p e rtu rb e d b a n d s tru c tu re w hile B P X is th e line E = T 0 + I .
P n ^ l-n ^ )
where g(E,n_a) = (62)
and P(E) = N - 1'Ei 8 (E -e <l) (63)
One may note th at since {E_11- E _ 1_1) + (E1-l - E h _1) = A, the pa{E) band
contains jnst one state per atom as it must.
/ / f profile of P(E)
fcj.... / / g ( E ) _ e
p rofile o f p(E )
Thus y increases as electrons are added until the lower band is just full. I t will
then jump discontinuously as further electrons are added and then continue to
increase smoothly until the whole band is full. If E max , I£min are the highest and
lowest energies of the band structure one can see at once from figure 2 that this jump
occurs from a value y < to a value y >at a density nc deter
■^max. 9(P<i 2^c)’ ( 68 )
K = f P{g(E,in
where in (68) the smaller and in (69) the larger root must be taken.
254 J . H ubbard
In general nc 4= 1, but in the case of the density of states curve (64 ), the sym
metry between electrons and holes or, to be more precise, the fact th at in this case
P(E) has the property P(2T0—E) — P(E), requires th at nc = 1,
tinuity in ft of „ _ u7
-2_l iA2\ _
P>- P< = V(/2 + i A2) - i A>
which goes to 0 as / 0 and tends to / as A -> 0.
Since for the triplet states = 0, the last term of (71) vanishes for these
states, so the triplet states are quite undisturbed by the interaction. This is simply
because the Hamiltonian (10) only contains interactions between electrons of
opposite spin. Thus attention can be restricted to the singlet states.
In the singlet case we now write
j) = N - 12 2 {k, K) exp {iK. (Rt. + R,.) +
< . (R
K k
Thus solutions with different ‘total momentum’ K are not coupled to each other,
a consequence of translational symmetry. From (73 ) one has at once
J A - i2 ^ ( k ',K )
0 (k, K) = __ r (74)
E ~
e K + |k — % -4 k
whence sk E ~ eK+£k ~ eK -
(75 )
These N —1 roots lie in the unperturbed energy band given by (76). There is one
other root. For large enough I this root is quite separate from the band (76), forming
a ‘bound’ state. When I is large compared to the width of the band (76), this root
is given by T0+ I as may easily be seen from (75). For small I this ‘bound’ state
does not separate from the band (76).
Thus for large I there are N (N —1)singlet ‘scattering’ s
perturbed band and N ‘bound’ states (one for each of the N values K) with high
energy. In the limit I-> oo the latter states disappear altogether. Th
of an ‘excluded’ volume effect of the type familiar from van der Waals’s equation.
When I-> oo no two electrons can be on the same site. Thus if one electron is already
present (in any one of its N possible states) and another electron is added, then there
are only 2V—1 states available to this second electron, whence it follows th at there
are only N (N —1) possible states available to the two electron system rather than
the N2possible states for a pair of non-interacting electrons. When I is large but
finite the remaining N states reappear with high energy. One may now surmise
th at when m electrons are already present then only N —m states are available (in
the limit I ^oo) to any further electron added to the system, the remaining
states reappearing with high energy when I is finite but large. In this way one can
understand how the two bands of figure 1 arise. The lower band is essentially the
unperturbed band with some states excluded, these states reappearing in the upper
This example reveals a weakness of the approximate solution of § 6. The discussion
given above only applies when 1 is sufficiently large for the ‘bound ’states to separate,
but the solution of §6 gives a splitting into two bands for all non-zero I. Obviously
the approximation is over-estimating the importance of correlation effects for small
I, presumably as a consequence of the drastic approximations of equations (45)
to (47).
9. T h e c o n d it io n f o r f e r r o m a g n e t is m
w ,= T P^E^(77)
J -oo
which is the analogue of (18); (isi determined by the conditio
take over the discussion of the condition for ferromagnetism in H artree-Fock
theory given in § 3 almost word for word. One finds th at the condition th at ferro
magnetism just be possible is th at n^is a double solu
condition is just (67) together with
- i <78)
I t is difficult to picture the condition (78) without reference to some specific
density of states function P(E). Consider then the density of states function given
by (64). In this case H artree-Fock theory gives according to (21) the condition for
ferromagnetism / >A (79)
independently of n. To investigate the form taken by the condition (78) in this case
one may note th at the density of states formula (65) can also be written
p,(E) = ( l / A ) { « ( £ - C li_ , ) - S ( j ; - r _ u ) + 9 ( £ - ^ _ 1) - « ( E - f r , 1)}, (80)
which when substituted into (78) gives
1 p dE^n
-1 2 2 / ? - j ^ Kf)dE. (81)
A j - c — ±1 ft —± 1 an
If [i is in the lower band, E 'L ^ ^ < fi < E a_11 (one need only consider this case
because of the symmetry between electrons and holes) then this condition becomes
1 i ^ - 1 ,- 1 (82)
A dn ’
or, using the formula (66) with n_a =\n
1< + <83)
Since fi is in the lower band one must have 1. But for 1 the condition (83)
cannot be satisfied for any I and A. Thus the approximate correlation theory of
§ 6 predicts th at ferromagnetism is not possible for the density of states function
of (64 ) even though Hartree-Fock theory gives the condition (79 ).
I t might now be inquired whether the impossibility of ferromagnetism in a
general consequence which can be deduced from the approximate solution of § 6.
That the answer to this question is no, can be demonstrated at once by giving an
example of a density of states function (Efor
P ) which
Consider the density of states function
P(E) = l/8 if T0—|-A <-|A + f £
or if T0-b -|A — < < T0+ ^A
= 0 otherwise, (84)
which represents two square bands of width •§ symmetrically disposed about T0.
This density of states might be thought of as an approximation to a more general
Electron correlations in narrow energy
257 bands
density of states function which has two high peaks at each end of the band and
a low density of states in between. By a discussion similar to th at given above for
the density of states function (64) one may show th a t for small the condition for
ferromagnetism is I-A/
8< (85)
I n A iy
which can always be satisfied by making 8 small enough.
From this example some impression can be gained of what conditions are favour
able to ferromagnetism. I t is clear th a t (85) can only be satisfied if 8 is somewhat
smaller than A from which one may infer th a t it is necessary th at the Fermi energy
be in a part of the band in which the density of states is rather greater than the mean
density of states throughout the band. Further, one may note th at since the right-
hand side of (85) is a monotonic increasing function of A, for fixed S the condition
(85) is more easily satisfied for large A. This suggests th at the most favourable
condition for ferromagnetism is when the Fermi energy lies in a high density of
states peak which is well away from the centre of gravity of the band, and th at a
high density of states peak in the middle of the band would be ineffective in
producing ferromagnetism.
Finally, one may note th at since for the band structure (85) p(/i) = 1/8, the
condition (85) can formally be written
1< Ex.(86)
analogous to (21) provided one defines an ‘effective intra-atomic exchange energy’
4x. by 1A
“ 7 V{(i/ + iA)2-i» A /} (87)
Jex is always less than I, the reduction being due to the weakening of exchange
interactions by correlation effects. From (87) one sees that even when I becomes
very large Iex never becomes much greater than the bandwidth A.