Molecular Biology General

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lund university | sweden | faculty of science | department of biology

Master’s Programme in

Molecular Biology, General

• 2 years, full time, 120 ECTS credits tal protection issues, in patent and legal issues, education
• Department of Biology or research funding.
• Lund Campus
• Application deadline – 15 January 2013 Admission requirements and how to apply
• Programme start – September 2013 Admission requirements
A Bachelor’s degree including Cell- and Molecular Biology
(30 ECTS credits), Genetics (7.5 ECTS credits), Microbiology
Programme overview (7.5 ECTS credits), Animal and/or Plant Physiology (15 ECTS
Molecular biology provides tools and a basis of knowledge credits), Biochemistry (15 ECTS credits), and Chemistry (20
that are increasingly important in all aspects of biology, ECTS). English B (advanced). See www.
medicine and biotechnology. This Master’s programme of- for details on English proficiency levels.
fers courses that will deepen and broaden your education
in modern molecularly oriented biology and related topics.
How to apply
The general programme in Molecular Biology provides you
1. Go to and find the programme.
with the opportunity to design your own education with
Click on “Apply” and follow the instructions for the online ap-
the specialisation that you prefer. There is a broad range
plication form on the Swedish national application website.
of courses to choose from. You will be given guidance on
2. Send your supporting documents (for details on document
how to put together a suitable programme that fulfils the
requirements, see
degree requirements and gives you the appropriate educa-
- Cover sheet
tion and training.
- Certificates and diplomas from previous studies at an inter-
nationally recognised higher education institution (university
Special features of the programme or university college)
• Broad range of courses related to cell and molecular bio-
logy, biotechnology and medical biology
• Close connection to research in an international environ-
• Integration of theoretical analysis with strong training of
laboratory skills
• Freedom to create your own study programme and specia-

Programme modules/courses
elective courses in Molecular Biology (60 ECTS), Master’s
degree project (30-60 ECTS), elective courses or continua-
tion of the Master’s degree project (0-30 ECTS). For courses,
Most courses are full time studies, and you usually take What students say
only one course at a time. The courses are typically teaching “What I liked about my education at the Master’s pro-
intensive with lectures, seminars, theoretical and practical gramme in Molecular Biology? Everything! Each day was
exercises as well as self studies. During one term you nor- a challenge where new questions awaited for answers.”
mally take two courses of 15 ECTS credits (i.e. a total of 60 Klaudyna Teslar from Sweden
credits per year).

Career prospects
The knowledge and skills you will gain on this programme
open doors to employment within many sectors in industry,
academia and the public sector. Depending on which spe-
cialisation you choose, this could be in the biotechnological,
pharmaceutical or food industries. Employment can also be
found in agencies concerned with hygiene and environmen-
Disclaimer: Changes may have been made since the printing of this fact sheet. Please see for any updates.
- Transcripts of completed courses and grades for each semes- About the Department of Biology
ter (including course list) We have an outstanding competence in both education and
- Proof of English language skills research, covering a large number of biological disciplines
- Proof that you meet the specific admission requirements with everything from molecular biology to large scale ecol-
- Copy of the page in your passport with your personal data ogy. Several of our research groups are world-leading within
and photograph, or some other identification document (EU/ their topic, which shows by the large number of interna-
EEA citizens may need to send a certified passport copy) tional projects being coordinated from the department of
3. Make sure to check the country specific requirements on Biology. Since our education is integrated with the research before sending your docments. within the department you will, during your studies, have
4. Pay the application fee (when applicable). researchers as teachers and get into close contact with the
ongoing projects. Our courses range from basic to Master’s
Selection criteria/additional info level and we offer around 50 advanced level courses. We
Selection of students is based on grades on academic courses also have an extensive postgraduate programme.
of relevance for the Master’s programme.
About Lund University
tuition fees Lund University seeks to be a world-class university that
There are no tuition fees for EU/EEA citizens. For non-EU/ EEA works to understand, explain and improve our world and
citizens the tuition fee for this programme is SEK 140 000 per the human condition. The University is ranked as one of
year. For details on tuition fees and scholarships, see the top 100 in the world. We tackle complex problems and global challenges and work to ensure that knowledge and
innovations benefit society. We provide education and
research in engineering, science, law, social sciences, eco-
nomics and management, medicine, humanities, theology,
fine art, music and drama. Our 47 000 students and 6 800
employees are based at our campuses in Lund, Malmö and
Helsingborg. The University has a turnover of around EUR
700 million (or USD 900 million), of which two thirds is in
research and one third in education.


Programme webpage:
Study advisor:
Christina Ledje,

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