SPLE - Plumbing Code - Quiz No. 01 - Answer Key
SPLE - Plumbing Code - Quiz No. 01 - Answer Key
SPLE - Plumbing Code - Quiz No. 01 - Answer Key
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Shade the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
1. A physical separation, which may be a low inlet into the indirect waste receptor from the fixture,
appliance or device indirectly connected.
a. Air Gap b. Air Break c. indirect waste pipe d. Air terminal
2. The unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the lowest opening from
any pipe, plumbing fixture, appliance or appurtenance conveying waste to the flood level rim of the
a. Air Gap b. Air Break c. indirect waste pipe d. Air terminal
3. An unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the lowest opening from
any pipe or faucet conveying potable water to the flood-level rim of any tank, vat or fixture.
a. Air Gap b. Air Break c. indirect waste pipe d. Air terminal
5. The flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances into the distributing pipes of a potable
supply of water from any source other than from its intended source
a. Back Siphonage b.Backflow c. Backflow connection d. Backpressure Backflow
6. Occurs due to an increased reverse pressure above the supply pressure. This may be due to
pumps, boilers, gravity or other sources of pressure
a. Back Siphonage b.Backflow c. Backflow connection d. Backpressure Backflow
7. The flowing back of used, contaminated or polluted water from a plumbing fixture or vessel into a
water supply pipe due to a negative pressure in such pipe
a. Back-Siphonage b. Backflow c. Backflow connection d. Backpressure Backflow
8. A horizontal vent connecting one or more individual vertical back vents with the vent stack or stack
a. Branch Vent b. Horizontal vent c. looped vent d. relief vent
9. A length of soil or waste stack corresponding in general to a story height, but in no case less than
2.43meters within which the horizontal branches from one floor or story of a building are connected
to the stack
a. Branch Vent b. Branch Interval c. fixture branch d. Branch
10. Any part of the piping system other than a main, riser or stack.
a. Branch Vent b. Branch Interval c. fixture branch d. Branch
11. A branch vent that performs its functions for two (2) or more traps.
a. Group Vent b. Dual Vent c. common vent d. individual vent
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Prepared by: Ar. Darwin Fundano, RMP, EnP
12. Is a pipe installed to vent a fixture trap and which connects with the vent system above the fixture
served or terminates in the open air.
a. Group Vent b. Dual Vent c. common vent d. individual vent
13. The principal artery of the venting system to which vent branches are connected.
a. Vent stack b. Stack Vent c. Main vent d. individual vent
14. The extension of a soil or waste stack above the highest horizontal drain connected to the stack.
The uppermost end above the roof
a. Vent stack b. Stack Vent c. Main vent d. individual vent
15. The vertical vent pipe installed primarily for providing circulation of air to and from any part of the
soil, waste of the drainage system.
a. Vent stack b. Stack Vent c. Main vent d. individual vent
16. Conditions where the word "insanitary" shall apply include the following except
a. Any trap which does maintain a proper trap seal.
b. Any opening in a drainage system, except where lawful, which is not provided with an approved
water sealed trap
c. Any trap, except where exempted in this Code, directly connected to a drainage system, the seal
of which is not protected against siphonage and backpressure by a vent pipe
d. All of the above.
17. Is any pipe or fitting installed in a horizontal position or which forms an angle of not more than 45
degrees with the horizontal plane.
a. Horizontal Pipe b. Horizontal c. Vertical Pipe d. Vertical
18. Any pipe or fitting installed in a _______ position or which forms an angle of not more than forty-five
(45) degrees with the vertical line.
a. Horizontal Pipe b. Horizontal c. Vertical Pipe d. Vertical
19. The National Master Plumbers Association of the Philippines (NAMPAP) was organized and
registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission in what year?
a. 1935 b. 1934 c.1945 d. 1925
20. A plumbing permit issued under the plumbing code shall expire and become null and avoid if the
plumbing work so authorized is suspended or abandoned at any time after having been commenced
for a period of ____days
a. 120 b. 130 c. 140 d. 60
21. Upon issuance of plumbing permit, plumbing installation shall commenced within
a. one year b. 120 days c. 6 months d. 30 days
22. In case, of renewal of plumbing permit, a fee of equivalent to _____the original fee
a. ½ b. ¾ c.same as the original fee d. free
23. Revised Plumbing Code of 1999 was approved by President Joseph Estrada
a. Dec.21, 1999 b. June 18, 1955 c. June 19, 1980 d. Jan. 28, 1959
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Prepared by: Ar. Darwin Fundano, RMP, EnP
24. When President Ramon Magsaysay did signed the R.A. 1378, otherwise known as the “PLUMBING
a. Dec. 21, 1999 b. June 18, 1955 c. June 19, 1980 d. Jan. 28, 1959
25. National Plumbing Code prepared by NAMPAP was Promulgated and approved by Malacanang
a. Dec. 21, 1999 b. June 18, 1955 c. June 19, 1980 d. Jan. 28, 1959
26. The technical specifications submitted shall comply with the provisions of existing standards of the
a. National Building Code b. Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines
c. Both A & B d. Administrative Officer
27. What is the minimum age requirement for an appointee to become a member of the Board of Master
a. 30 yrs old b. 35 yrs old c. 28 yrs old d. 40 yrs old
28. How many set(s) of approved plan(s), specification(s) and data shall be kept at the jobsite at all
times while the work is in progress.
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
31. No substance which will clog the pipes, produce _________, destroy the pipes or their joints or
interfere unduly with the sewage-disposal process shall be allowed to enter the building drainage
a. explosive mixture b. bad smell c. noise d. nothing
32. A registered Master Plumber shall not injure falsely or maliciously, directly or indirectly, the
reputation of another registered Master Plumber by reviewing his/her work for the same client
unless the professional services of the former have been officially ______and all professional fees
have been fully paid by the client.
a. Endorsed b. Accepted c. Terminated d. Completed
33. All water supply, drainage, venting system and all fixtures and their traps complete with their
a. Plumbing system b. Piping system c. Sewer system d. Sanitary system
34. In case, of renewal of plumbing permit, a fee of equivalent to ____ of the original fee.
a. ½ b. ¾ c. 1 d. Free / Zero Payment
35. Devices for heating and storing water shall be so designed and installed as to prevent dangers from
__________ through overheating.
a. explosion b. corrosion c. damage d. backflow
37. Plumbing fixtures shall be made of smooth __________ material, free from concealed fouling
surfaces and shall be located in ventilated enclosures.
a. Ceramic b. absorbent c. Porcelain d. Non-absorbent
38. The Administrative Authority requires that every request for inspection be filed at least ______
working days before such inspection is intended.
a. seven b. two c. three d. five
39. Plumbing shall be designed and adjusted to use the __________ quantity of water consistent with
proper performance and cleaning.
a. minimum b. maximum c. peak-hour d. existing water supply
40. Approval of House Bill No. 962 also known as RA No. 1378
a. 1978 b. 1852 c. 1954 d. 1935
41. Registered and Licensed Master Plumber shall file an application at the Office of the Building
Official in behalf of the building Owner for whom such work shall be done and shall fill out the forms
provided for that purpose. Every application shall be consist of the following EXCEPT;
a. location of the proposed building or work;
b. Indicate the use or occupancy for which the proposed plumbing work is intended
c. accompanied by plan, drawings, diagrams, computations, technical .specifications, and other
d. signed and sealed by the Civil Engineer and Licensed Master Plumber.
42. Plumbing systems shall be subjected to such tests to effectively disclose all leaks and defects in the
a. pipe line b. plumbing System c. installation d. workmanship
43. The dry seal of the Registered and Licensed Master Plumber shall be round in shape and shall be
inscribed with the following EXCEPT:
a. Registered and Licensed Master Plumber at upper portion of the round seal.
b. Name of Registered and Licensed Master Plumber at the upper center.
c. The registration number shall appear at the center below the name.
d. Philippines, appearing at the upper portion of the round seat.
44. Application for plumbing permit for existing plumbing system is required on the following EXCEPT;
a. Additions, Alterations or Repairs Works
b. Changes in Building Occupancy
c. Maintenance
d. None of the above
45. The 2018 Board of Master Plumbers are the following EXCEPT;
a. Valentine M. Mangila b. Pedrito D. Camilet Jr.
c. Prospero A. Abellano d. Prospero D. Camilet Jr.
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Prepared by: Ar. Darwin Fundano, RMP, EnP