Using VROps For Tenant App As A Service Provider 2.0

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Using vRealize

Operations Tenant App

as a Service Provider 2.0
vRealize Operations 7.0
Using vRealize Operations Tenant App as a Service Provider 2.0

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vRealize Operations Tenant App for a vCloud Director as a Service Provider 5

1 Introduction 6

2 Integration with vRealize Operations Manager 7

Deploy an OVF File for a Tenant App 7
Log in to the Web Console 8
Changing Default SSL Certificates 9
vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director as a plug-in 9
Architecture and Port Requirements 10

3 Install Management Pack for vCloud Director 12

4 Install NSX Management Pack 13

5 Configuring the Management Pack for vCloud Director 14

Product Solutions for vRealize Operations Tenant App for vCloud Director 14

6 Report Templates Tab 16

Generated Reports Tab 16

7 Billing in Tenant App 18

Generate a New Bill 18
Configure Using Pricing Policy 18

8 User Access Management for an Organization 21

9 Support Bundle for vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for

vCloud Director 22

10 Viewing Tenant App Components 23

Organizations 23
Organization VDCs 24
vApps 24
Virtual Machines 25
Metric Selector 25
Provider Overview 25
Provider Virtual Data Center 26

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Using vRealize Operations Tenant App as a Service Provider 2.0

Resource Pools 26

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vRealize Operations Tenant App for a
vCloud Director as a Service Provider

The vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director as a Service Provider guide provides
information about configuring tenant user for vcloud director.

Intended Audience
This information is intended for anyone who wants to use the tenant view of vCloud Director. The
information is written primarily for service providers to create users for an organization in vCloud Director.

VMware Technical Publications Glossary

VMware Technical Publications provides a glossary of terms that might be unfamiliar to you. For
definitions of terms as they are used in VMware technical documentation, go to

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Introduction 1
The vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director as a service provider provides
information about configuring a tenant app for vCloud Director.

The user who is a service provider can configure and create users for an organization to use the tenant

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Integration with
vRealize Operations Manager 2
You can integrate vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director with
vRealize Operations Manager to deploy the tenant view.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Deploy an OVF File for a Tenant App

n Log in to the Web Console

n Changing Default SSL Certificates

n vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director as a plug-in

n Architecture and Port Requirements

Deploy an OVF File for a Tenant App

To deploy a vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director, you have to download and
install the OVF file from the Solution Exchange website. Installation of Tenant App OVF file is done
through vSphere Web Client.

Note Upgrade of vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director is not supported from
earlier version.


n Verify that you are connected to a vCenter Server system with a vSphere Web Client, and log in to
the vSphere Client.

n Verify that you have a data center created and a host system already added to it.


1 From the vSphere Web Client navigator, select the host system in the management vCenter that you
want deploy the OVF file.

2 Click the Actions drop-down menu and select Deploy OVF Template.

3 From the Deploy OVF Template dialog box, select Local File.

4 Click Browse to the OVA file that is downloaded from the Product download page and click Next.

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Using vRealize Operations Tenant App as a Service Provider 2.0

5 Rename the OVA file and location at which the OVF is deployed and click Next.

6 Verify the resource where you want to run the deployed OVF template and click Next.

7 Review the template details and click Next.

8 Scroll through the License Agreement and click Accept > Next.

9 Select a virtual disk format to store the files for the deployed template and click Next.

10 Click Browse to select a Destination Network or retain the default destination, and click Next.

11 Customize the template by providing the following information.

Option Description

vRealize Operations Manager This is a mandatory field. Enter the IP address or the host name of
Hostname or IP Address vRealize Operations Manager as a backend.

Note If you have provided the host name, ensure that it is resolvable through

a To modify an existing vRealize Operations Manager tenant App for vCloud Director settings in
vSphere Web Client.

b Power off the vRealize Operations Manager tenant App for vCloud Director VM.

c Modify the tenant app settings.

d Power on the vRealize Operations Manager tenant App for vCloud Director VM.

12 Click Next.

13 Review the settings and click Finish.

Log in to the Web Console

To access the tenant view UI, use the IP address of the deployed OVF file.


Verify that you have deployed the OVF file.


1 Open a Web browser and enter the IP address of the deployed OVF file.

2 Type the vRealize Operations Manager administrator user name and password.

3 Click Login.

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Using vRealize Operations Tenant App as a Service Provider 2.0

Changing Default SSL Certificates

By default, vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director has a self-signed certificate.
The default certificate has to be modified. When you attempt to use vRealize Operations Manager Tenant
App for vCloud Director over a trusted SSL Internet connection, and open the
vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director an interface in a Web browser; you receive
warnings that the connection is untrusted (in Mozilla Firefox) or that problems have been detected with
the website's security certificate (in Internet Explorer).

Change the SSL Certificate

You can resolve a problem by installing a signed certificate.


1 Browse to Administration > SSL Certificate.

2 Click Browse to select a PEM file.

3 Click Upload.

vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for

vCloud Director as a plug-in
The vRealize Operations Manager tenant app for vCloud Director can also be accessed through the
vCloud Director as a separate plug-in.

You can log in to the tenant app through the vCloud Director user interface. You can view a separate
Welcome page from where you can access the tenant app features within the same user interface. This
feature provides easy accessibility without having to access the tenant app in a separate browser with no
change in the functionality of the tenant app. This is an optional feature, however, you can still continue to
use the tenant app as a stand-alone UI.

After running the command, log in to vCloud Director user interface with the following browser URL to
access the Operations Manager plug-in.


Configure with vCloud Director Tenant UI

After you have deployed the OVF template in the vSphere Web Client, configure the vCloud Director from
the Tenant App directly.


1 On the left pane, click Administration > Support.

2 Click Configure with VCD Tenant UI.

3 Enter the vCloud Director Host name.

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Using vRealize Operations Tenant App as a Service Provider 2.0

4 Enter the User Name and Password.

Field Description

AMQP Host Provide the AMQP Host name or IP address information. The host information
should be same as AMQP host that is configured in vCloud Director extensibility

AMQP Password Provide the AMQP password.

AMQP Port Default is 5672. Provide the AMQP port number.

AMQP Virtual Host Provide the virtual host. Retain the AMQP Port / as is. The host information
should be similar to the host that is configured in vCloud Director.

AMQP user name and Password Provide the AMQP user name and password.

AMQP Use SSL Select this option to make a AMQP connection over SSL.

Tenant App Proxy The IP address of the vRealize Operations Manager tenant App for
vCloud Director is allocated automatically. If Tenant App is deployed in a private
network, you can configure Load Balancer or a proxy to provide public access to
Tenant App. In such cases, public address can be mentioned in this field.

5 Click Start.

The services are listed under the Self Health section. You can click the square icon to start action on
the selected service.

Architecture and Port Requirements

The vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director as a plug-in is an optional feature that
can be used to access through vCloud Director UI. Each of the components within the architecture has
different ports that are communicating with each other.

Note Ensure that the vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director,
vRealize Operations Manager, and AMQP are communicating with each other.

The following architecture provides the port requirement for the integration of
vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director as a plug-in.

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Using vRealize Operations Tenant App as a Service Provider 2.0

Figure 2‑1. Integration of vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director as a

The following architecture provides the port requirement of the vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App
for vCloud Director as a stand-alone app.

Figure 2‑2. Integration of vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for vCloud Director as a
stand-alone App

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Management Pack for vCloud
Director 3
The Management Pack for vCloud Director consists of a PAK file that contains out-of-the-box dashboards
for the newer resource objects that are brought in from vCloud Director.

The solution that you downloaded includes a PAK file. Save that PAK file to a temporary folder on your
local system.


1 Log in to the vRealize Operations Manager user interface with administrator privileges.

2 In the left pane of vRealize Operations Manager, click the Administration icon and click Solutions.

3 On the Solutions tab, click the plus sign.

4 Browse to locate the temporary folder and select the PAK file.

5 Click Upload. The upload might take several minutes.

6 Read and accept the EULA, and click Next. Installation details appear in the window during the

7 When the installation is completed, click Finish.

What to do next

Configure an adapter instance for the management pack.

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Install NSX Management Pack 4
The management pack for NSX consists of a PAK file.


Download and save the PAK file from Marketplace.


1 Log in to vRealize Operations Manager user interface with administrator privileges.

2 In the left pane of vRealize Operations Manager, click Administration icon and click Solutions.

3 On the Solutions tab, click the plus sign.

4 Browse to locate the temporary folder and select the PAK file.

5 Click Upload. The upload might take several minutes.

6 Read and Accept the EULA and click Next.

Installation details appear in the window during the process.

7 When the installation is finished, click Finish.

What to do next

Configure the adapter instance for the management pack.

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Configuring the
Management Pack for vCloud
Director 5
To configure the Management Pack for vCloud Director, you can add an adapter instance and credential
in vRealize Operations Manager. You can optionally modify adapter-level and instance-level properties.

Product Solutions for vRealize Operations Tenant App for

vCloud Director
The solutions tab provides a mechanism to create different adapter instances using the tenant app.


Verify that the management packs are installed and configured.


1 On the left pane, select Administration > Solutions.

2 To add a vCenter adapter instance:

a Select the vCenter Server tab and click Add.

b Enter the Display name of the vCenter instance and enter a valid Description.

c Enter the Hostname or FQDN of the vCenter Server.

d Enter the vCenter Server Username and Password, and click Save.

3 To add a vCloud Director adapter instance:

a Select the vCloud tab and click Add.

b Enter the Display name of the vCloud instance and enter a valid Description.

c Enter vCloud Director Hostname or FQDN.

d Enter the Organization name.

e Enter the Username and Password.

f Enter the AMQP Password and click Save.

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Using vRealize Operations Tenant App as a Service Provider 2.0

4 To add an NSX adapter instance:

a Select the NSX tab and click Add.

b Enter the Display name of the NSX instance and enter a valid Description.

c Enter NSX Manager Hostname or FQDN.

d Enter the vCenter Server Hostname or FQDN.

e Enter the VC Username and Password.

f Enter the NSX Username and Password, and click Save.

To calculate the cost for resources, use an NSX adapter instance. For more information on billing, see
Chapter 7 Billing in Tenant App.

5 Save vRealize Operations credentials:

a Enter the vRealize Operations Username and Password.

b Click Save.

Note Ensure to save your credentials, as the tenant app reuses the vRealize Operations credentials
to generate monthly bills.

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Report Templates Tab 6
On the Report Templates tab you can run and schedule report generation.

In the menu, click Environment, and then in the left pane select an object and click Reports > Report
Templates to access the Reports Templates tab.

All templates that are applicable for the selected object are listed on the Report Templates tab. You can
order them by report name, subject, date they were modified, last run, or owner.

You can filter the templates list by adding a filter from the right side of the panel.

Table 6‑1. Predefined Filter Groups

Filter Group Description

Name Filter by the template name. For example, you can list all
reports that contain my template in their name by typing
my template.

Subject Filter by another object. If the report contains more than one
view applicable for another type of object, you can filter by
those objects.

vSphere users must be logged in until the report generation is complete. If you log out or your session
expires, the report generation fails.

Note The maximum number of reports per template is 10. With every new generated report,
vRealize Operations Manager deletes the oldest report.

Generated Reports Tab

All reports that are generated for a selected object are listed on the Generated Reports tab.

In the menu, click Environment, and then in the left pane select an object and click Reports >
Generated Reports to access the Generated Reports tab.

You can order the reports by the date and time that they were created, the report name, the owner, or
their status. If the report is generated through a schedule, the owner is the user who created the

Note The maximum number of reports per template is 10. With every new generated report,
vRealize Operations Manager deletes the oldest report.

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Using vRealize Operations Tenant App as a Service Provider 2.0

You can filter the reports list by adding a filter from the right side of the panel.

Table 6‑2. Predefined Filter Groups

Filter Group Description

Report Name Filter by the report template name. For example, you can list all
reports that contain my template in their name by typing
my template.

Template Filter by the report template. You can select a template from a
list of templates applicable for this object.

Completion Date/Time Filter by the date, time, or time range.

Status Filter by the status of the report.

Subject Filter by another object. If the report contains more than one
view applicable for another type of object, you can filter by
those objects.

You can download a report in a PDF or CSV format.

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Billing in Tenant App 7
Tenant App generates monthly bills to provide an account of the overall expenses used for resources in
an organization.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Generate a New Bill

n Configure Using Pricing Policy

Generate a New Bill

You can generate bills from the tenant app UI by selecting a resource name from an organization.


Verify that pricing policies are created for a selected resource.


1 On the left pane, click Metering > Bills.


3 Select a resource from the list of resources and click Next.

4 Select a policy name and click Next.

5 Provide the required period for generating a new bill from the selected resources and policies.

6 Provide a Title and click Finish.

Configure Using Pricing Policy

You can calculate the cost for each virtual machine and resources.

Note vRealize Operations Manager 7.0 supports vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for
vCloud Director.

You can optionally list the Organizations vDCs for which the adapter instance collects data. For policy
allocation models, see vCloud Director' Administrator's Guide.

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Using vRealize Operations Tenant App as a Service Provider 2.0


n Install the Management Pack for vCloud Director. See Chapter 3 Install Management Pack for vCloud

n Verify that your system meets the configuration requirements. For more information on configuration
requirements, VMware vRealize Operations Management Pack for vCloud Director 4.5 Guide.

n Verify that you have vRealize Operations Manager 7.0.

n Verify that the management packs for vCenter Server, vCloud Director, and NSX is configured.


1 On the left pane, click Metering > Configuration tab.

2 Select the Pricing Policies > Add New Policy.

3 To create a pricing policy:

Option Description

Base Settings a Enter the Policy Name.

b Select the Pricing Policy Type from the drop-down menu.
c Enter a valid description for the Policy Description and click Next.

CPU Rate and Storage Rate You can charge the CPU rate based on GHz or VCPU Count.
a For the Base rate, select the Charge Period and Charge Based on from the
drop-down menu.
b Enter a valid number to calculate the Base Rate price.
c Select the Charge Based on Power State by selecting the charge from the
drop-down menu.
a For Fixed Cost, enter a valid number to calculate the cost per GHz or per
b Click Next.

Memory Rate a For the Base rate, select the Charge period from the drop-down menu.
b Select the Charge Based on.
c Enter the Base Rate and Fixed Rate.
d Select the Charge Based on Power State from the drop-down menu.

Network Rate a Enter the External Network Transmit and External Network Receive rates.
b Under Network Transmit Rate, select the Change Period from the drop-down
c Enter the Base Rate and Fixed Cost.
d Under Network Receive Rate, select the Change Period from the drop-
down menu.
e Enter the Fixed Cost.

Advanced Network Rate a Enter the base rate, fixed cost, charge period information in the displayed
b Select the necessary size from the drop-down for each of the items under
Edge Gateway Size.

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Using vRealize Operations Tenant App as a Service Provider 2.0

Option Description

Guest OS Rate a Enter the Guest OS Name.

b Select the Charge Period and Charge Based on Power state from the
drop-down menu.
c Enter the Fixed and Base rate.

VM Tag Rate a Enter the Tag Key and Tag Value.

b Select the Charge Period and Charge Based on Power state from the
drop-down menu.
c Enter the Fixed and Base rate.

VCD Metadata Rate a Enter the Metadata.

b Select the Charge Period and Charge Based on Power state from the
drop-down menu.
c Enter the Fixed and Base rate.

Review Review the summary and click Finish.

4 From the list of Organization VDCs, select an Org VDCs and click Assign.

5 Select any name to assign the policy to the selected Organization VDCs and click Assign.

You can see the assigned policy name under the selected organization VDC.

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User Access Management for an
Organization 8
Service providers can create users and give them access to an organization. Service providers have
access to components like Provider Dashboard, Organization, Resource Pools, and Provider VDCs . You
can also import user account information that resides on another machine, you must define the criteria
used to import the user accounts from the source machine as an Active Directory user or an OpenLDAP


n Verify that the Management Pack for vCloud Director is installed and configured in
vRealize Operations Manager.

n Verify that vCloud Director is integrated with vRealize Operations Manager.

n To integrate with OpenLDAP or Active directory, verify that you have added authentication sources in
vRealize Operations Manager and the user names are present in Active Directory or OpenLDAP. For
more information on adding authentication sources, see vRealize Operations Manager information


1 On the vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App for a vCloud Director page, click Administration >
Access Management.

2 Click Manage Users tab and click ADD USER.

3 Select any Organization and click Next.

4 To create a new local user, enter the required fields and click Add User.

5 To import an existing user from Active Directory or Open LDAP, click Import and select the import

6 Click Search and then Add User.

7 To enable the plugin access, toggle the button of the associated organization.

You have created a user with permissions to access an organization.

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Support Bundle for
vRealize Operations Manager
Tenant App for vCloud Director 9
vRealize Operations Manager tenant app for vCloud Director support bundles contains log and
configuration files that help troubleshoot.

To access the Support bundle, navigate to Administration > Support > Support Bundle.

To generate a support bundle, click Generate . You can also download or delete the support bundle.

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Viewing Tenant App
Components 10
A service provider can view four dashboards of the tenant app.

This chapter includes the following topics:

n Organizations

n Organization VDCs

n vApps

n Virtual Machines

n Metric Selector

n Provider Overview

n Provider Virtual Data Center

n Resource Pools

Organizations contain a list of organizations in which it can contain multiple organization VDCs.

Provider Dashboard
The dashboard provides an overview of the Provider Virtual Data Center, which combines the compute
and memory resources of a single vCenter Serverresource pool with the storage resources of one or
more datastores available to that resource pool. For more information, see the VMware vCloud Director
Documentation Center.

Table 10‑1. Provider Dashboard

Field Description

Organization Summary This section provides the number of (objects) Organizations,

Virtual Datacenters, vApps and virtual machines that are
available in a data center.

Provider VDC Capacity Overview This section provides the capacity of CPU usage, memory, and
Storage for each provider.

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Using vRealize Operations Tenant App as a Service Provider 2.0

Table 10‑1. Provider Dashboard (Continued)

Field Description

System Status This section provides a list of all the alerts and alert definitions
for a list of objects.

Organizations Overview This section provides a list of Organizations and including user
and CPU, VMs, vApp information.

Organization Overview
This dashboard provides an overview of resources for an organization.

Table 10‑2. Organization Dashboard

Field Description

Organization Summary Provides a summary of all the organizations that are in your inventory.

Organization VDC Capacity Overview Provides an of overview CPU, Memory, and Storage usage of an organization.

System Status Provides a system status of the criticality of alerts that are generated by the

Organization VDC Utilization Summary Provides a summary of VDC utilization of an organization.

vApp Utilization Summary Provides a summary of vApp utilization of an organization.

Organization VDCs
You can view a list of organizations VDCs associated with your organization.

To view the organization VDC details, click the VDC Name from the list of organization VDCs.

Field Description

Capacity Overview This text box provides information about the CPU, Memory, and Storage usage of an organization VDC.

List of vApps This text box provides information of a list of vApps that are used in an organization VDC.

vApp is a virtual machine that is loaded with an operating system, applications, and data. It is a virtual
system that contains one or more individual virtual machines with parameters that define operational
details. Cloud resources also provide access to storage and network connectivity.

To view more details about a vApp, click the vApp name from the list of vApps. The tenant app displays a
list of vApps that an organization contains. It provides information about the following.

n Organization VDC

n vCPU count

n Memory Allocation

n Storage Allocation

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Using vRealize Operations Tenant App as a Service Provider 2.0

n Number of VMs

n Snapshot Size

n Owner of the selected vApp

When you click a vApp name from the list of vApps, you are then directed to the page that lists its
associated VMs.

Virtual Machines
You can view a list of VMs that are associated within a organization.

The virtual machines provide information about.

n vCPU count

n Memory allocation

n Storage allocation

n Snapshot size of each VM

To see a detailed view of your virtual machine, click a virtual machine from the list of VMs.

Field Description

VM summary Provides an overall summary of the VM status and its memory allocation.

CPU Information n CPU usage (MHz). This field provides you with the overall CPU usage of the selected VM.
n CPU Usage (%). This field provides you with the percentage of CPU usage of a selected VM.

Memory Information n Memory usage (MHz). This field provides you with the overall memory usage of the selected VM.
n Memory Usage (%). This field provides you with the percentage of memory usage of a selected VM.

Storage Information n Average Read Request

n Average Write Request

Network Information n Packets Dropped

n Network Rate

Metric Selector
With metric selector, you can view the metrics over a time. You can select a resource type, resource,
metric, and time range to view the metric graph. All metrics time stamp are in the UTC time zone in the
vRealize Operations Manager tenant app for vCloud Director.

Provider Overview
The dashboard provides an overview of provider virtual datacenter, which combines the compute and
memory resources of a single vCenter Server resource pool with the storage resources of one or more
datastores available to that resource pool.

For more information, see VMware vCloud Director Documentation center.

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Using vRealize Operations Tenant App as a Service Provider 2.0

Table 10‑3. Provider Dashbaord

Field Description

Organization Summary This section provides the number of (objects) Organizations,

Virtual Datacenters, vApps and Virtual machines that are
available in a datacenter.

Provider VDC Capacity Overview This section provides the capacity of CPU usage, memory and
Storage for each provider.

System Status This section provides a list of all the alerts and its alert
definitions for a list of objects.

Organizations Overview This section provides a list of Organizations and it user and
CPU, VMs, vApp information.

Click Export, to export the list of provider VDCs in an excel format.

Provider Virtual Data Center

Provider Virtual Data Center (PVDC) combines the compute and memory resources of a single
vCenter Server resource pool with the storage resources of one or more datastores available to that
resource pool. This page provides a list of all the PVDCs that are available in your data centers.

Resource Pools
You can configure resource pools to a provider VDCs to allocate resources to provider VDC. This page
provides a list of resource pools that are configures for provider VDCs in your datacenter.

Click Export, to export the list of resource pools in an excel format.

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