Thiet Ke Cot Composite - EC4. V1.0 (MS03)

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Assignment No3


Composite column specifications Cheking/refer

Column length L = 5000 (mm) ρs
Effective length y-y Ley = 5000 (mm)
Effective length z-z Lez = 5000 (mm)
Column type: Fully Encased composite d
Applied code: BS EN 1994-1-1:2004 T
Design value of actions:
Design axial compression force: Nsd = 5619 (kN) ρs
Design bending moment:
+ About y-y (major) axis: My.Sd = 281.0 (kNm) d
+ About z-z (minor) axis: Mz.Sd = 187.3 (kNm) Buckling curve c
(* Incase of no bending moment from first order analysis, The value of this moments are taken from imperfactions
please refer to "table 6.5 EN 1994-1-1:2004")
Materials properties: K
Structural steel S355 XE
Nominal yield strength: fy = 355 (N/mm ) 2

Elastic modulus: Ea = 210000 (N/mm2)

Partial safety factor: ga = 1
Design sthength: fyd = 355 (N/mm2) EN1994-1-1
Concrete: G35
Characteristic sthength: fck = 35 (N/mm2) μ
Secant Modulus of elasticity for short term loading Ecm = 33500 (N/mm2) ###
Partial safety factor: gc = 1.5
Design sthength: fcd = 23.33 (N/mm2) EN1994-1-1
Reinforcing steel ###
Characteristic sthength: fsk = 460 (N/mm ) 2 d
Elastic modulus: Es = 210000 (N/mm2) K
Partial safety factor: gs = 1.15
Design sthength: fsd = 400 (N/mm2) EN1994-1-1
Cross section geometry and Section properties of the selected section: X
Structural steel UC254x254x107 XE
Area of cross section Aa = 136 (cm )2

Moment of Inertia of steel section

about major axis: y-y Iay = 17500 (cm4)
about minor axis: z-z Iaz = 5930 (cm4)
Mass per metre = 107.1 (kg/m)
The width of flange b = 25.88 (cm) OK
The heigh of the steel section: h = 26.67 (cm)
The thickness of flange: tw = 1.28 (cm)
The thickness of web: tf = 2.05 (cm)

Pham Thanh Phuong

Assignment No3

Plastic modulus about y-y axis Wpay = 1310 (cm3)

Plastic modulus about z-z axis Wpaz = 458 (cm3)
The width of section: bc = 40 (cm) μ
The depth of section: hc = 40 (cm) μ
The area of concrete part: Ac = 1451.4 (cm2) ###
Second moment of area about minor axis: y-y (of columns) Icy = 195,833 (cm )

Second moment of area about minor axis: z-z (of columns) Icz = 207,403 (cm4)
Cover cz = 7.06 (cm) 4<Cz< 0.3h, OK
Cover cy = 6.67 (cm) 4<Cy< 0.4b, OK
Reinforcement: 4D20 ###
The number of longitudinal bars: n = 4 d
Bar diameter: D = 20 (mm) r
Total section area: As = 12.56 (cm2) 0.3%Ac<As< 6%Ac, OK
Concrete cover: = 3 cm
Second moment of total area about major axis: y-y (of columns) Is = 3,215.36 (cm4)
Steel contribution factor d = 0.086 OK

Reinforcement ratio As/Ac = 0.87

0.3% < As/Ac < 4% OK
Design Checks: ru

Plastic resistance of the composite cross section to compression: KE

(6.30) Npl.Pd = 8,209 (kN) EN1994-1-1

N pl .Rd  Aa f yd  0.85 Ac f cd  As f sd
Efective elastic flexural stiffness:
About the major axis (y-y):
Ke = 0.60 X

( EI )ey  Ea I ay  K e Ecd I cy  Es I sy (EI)ey = 82,865 (kNm ) 2 (3) EN1994-1-1
About the minor axis (z-z):

(EI)ez = 60,893 (kNm2)

( EI )ez  Eload:
Elastic buckling a I az  K e Ecd I cz  Es I sz μ
About the major axis (y-y):

Ncry = 32,681 (kN)

 2 ( EI )ey
N cry  2
About the minorLaxis
ey (z-z):

Ncrz = 24,015 (kN)

 2 ( EI )ez
N crz 
Plastic resistance to compression:
Npl.Pk = 9,724 (kN)
N pl . Rk  Aa f y  0.85 Ac fck  As f sk
Non-dimesional slenderness ration:
About the major axis (y-y):

N pl , Rk (6.39) = 0.545 (2) EN1994-1-1

y  y
N cry
About the minor axis (z-z):

N pl , Rk (6.39) = 0.636 (2) EN1994-1-1

z  z
N crz
Checking long term loading:

Pham Thanh Phuong

Assignment No3

 z ,  y  0.8
e 0.193233764994184 OK
 max. Sd  2
d dN Sd
Evaluate the resistance of the composite column under axial compression:
Reduction factor: EN1993-1-1
y-y axis ay = 0.340
fy = 0.708
 cy = 0.864
  2  
az =
  0.5 1   (  0.2)    z-z axis 0.490

  fz = 0.809
cz = 0.764
Where: a is the imperfection parameter which allows for different levels of imperfections in the columns
Checking: EN1994-1-1

N Sd = 0.90
 < 1 -> OK
 min N pl . Rd
Section is satisfy for axial compression
Checking Resistance of composite section to under combined compression ru

M plz .Rd  f yd (Wpa  Wpan )  0.5c fcd (Wpc  Wpcn )  fsd (Wps  Wpsn )
For fully encased H section: ac = 0.85

Major axis bending (y-y):

Wps: Plastic section modulus for reinforcement
W ps   Asi  ei  Wps = 200.96 (cm3)
Spsn: Plastic section modulus for reinforcement within the region of 2h n from the middle line
Wpsn = 0.00 (cm3)
Neutral axis position (in web):

Ac c f cd  Asn (2 f sd   c f cu ) hn = 8.58 cm

hn 
2bc c f cu  2t w (2 f yd   c f cu )
h/2-tf = 11.29 cm > hn, OK
Wpc: Plastic section modulus for concrete:

bc hc2
Wpc   Wpa  Wps Wpc = 14489 (cm3)

Wpan: Plastic section modulus of steel within the region of 2h n from the middle line:
Wpan =
W pan  tw hn2 94.32 (cm3)

Wpcn: Plastic section modulus of concrete within the region of 2h n from the middle line:
Wpcn =
Wpcn  bc hn2  Wpan  Wpsn 2853.19 (cm3)

So: Resistance of composite section to bending Mcp: Mcp = 627.34 kNm

Minor axis bending (z-z):

Wps: Plastic section modulus for reinforcement
W ps   Asi  ei  Wps = 200.96 (cm3)
Spsn: Plastic section modulus for reinforcement within the region of 2h n from the middle line

Pham Thanh Phuong

Assignment No3

Wpsn = 0.00 (cm3)

Neutral axis position (in flange):
Ac c fcd  Asn (2 f sd   c fcd )  tw (2t f  h)(2 f yd  c fcd ) hn = 1.22 cm
hn  b/2 = 12.94 cm > hn, OK
2hc c fcd  4t f (2 f yd  c fcd )
tw/2 = 0.64 cm < hn, OK

Wpc: Plastic section modulus for concrete:

bc hc2
Wpc   Wpa  Wps Wpc = 15341 (cm3)

Wpan: Plastic section modulus of steel within the region of 2h n from the middle line:
( h  2t f )t 2f Wpan = 29.83 (cm3)
W pan  2t f hn2 

Wpcn: Plastic section modulus of concrete within the region of 2h n from the middle line:

Wpcn  bc hn2  Wpan  Wpsn Wpcn = 29.82 (cm3)

So: Resistance of composite section to bending Mcp: Mcp = 384.22 kNm

Interaction Diagram: ru

Major axis bending (y-y)

Point Meaning Bending Moment M (kNm) Compression force N (kN)

A Compession capacity of the 0 8,209

composite section

B Moment capacity of the 627.34 0

composite section

Compression and Moment capacity
of the composite section
627.34 N C  N pm,Rd  c Ac fcd 2,879

M D  M max, Rd 
D 753 N D  0.5 N pm 1,439
Compression and Moment capacity  f 1 A hc  f W
c cd c yd pay
of the composite section 2 2

Interaction Curve (Major axis)

9,000 M P
P (kN)

8,000 1 A 0 8,209
C 627.34 2,879
D 753 1,439
B 627.34 -
3,000 2
- 4 (kNm)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Minor axis bending (z-z)

Pham Thanh Phuong

Assignment No3

Point Meaning Bending Moment M (kNm) Compression force N (kN)

A Compession capacity of the 0 8,209

composite section

B Moment capacity of the 384.22 0

composite section

Compression and Moment capacity
of the composite section
384.22 N C  N pm,Rd  c Ac fcd 2,879

M D  M max, Rd 
D Compression and Moment capacity  f 1 A bc  f W 450 N D  0.5 N pm 1,439
of the composite section c cd
zd paz

Interaction Curve (minor axis)

9,000 M P
P (kN)

8,000 1
A 0 8,209
7,000 C 384.22 2,879
6,000 D 450 1,439
5,000 B 384.22 -

3,000 2
- 4M (kNm)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Pham Thanh Phuong

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