Rmo - No. 10-2019

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Quezon City

28 January 2019


SUBJECT: Grant of Value-added Tax (VAT) Privileges to Resident Foreign Missions, their
Qualified Personnel and the Dependents of the Latter

TO: All Internal Revenue Officials, Employees and Others Concerned


It has come to the attention of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) that a number of
business establishments in the Philippines do not honor and recognize the VAT Exemption
Certificate and/or VAT Exemption Identification Card issued by this Bureau, citing as basis for the
non-acceptance the provisions of Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 22-2004 on item E
(VAT-Registered Establishments),1 thereby creating an erroneous interpretation that said RMO
covers only the six (6) business establishments enumerated in Annex A thereof. Also, the BIR has
been receiving information on the misuse of VAT Certificates by unqualified claimants. To
address the foregoing concerns, there is a need to:

A. inform and give right direction to ALL business establishments in giving effect to the
reciprocal VAT privileges accorded to foreign missions,2 their qualified personnel and
qualified dependents of the latter, by honoring the BIR-issued VAT Certificate and/or
VAT card duly presented at the point of sale;

B. provide a sufficient basis to entitle ALL VAT-registered business establishments to an

outright zero percent (0%) VAT (in lieu of the required prior approval of zero-rating
imposed by Revenue Regulations No. 7-95), on their transactions to qualified foreign
missions, their qualified personnel and the qualified dependents of the latter under
this RMO;

C. avoid misuse and curb possible abuse of the VAT privileges which are being accorded
only to those qualified and/or entitled thereto; and

Entitled “Value-Added Tax (VAT) Exemption Certificate/Identification Card Issued to Qualified Foreign Embassies
and their Qualified Personnel Amending/Modifying RMO 81-99”.
Resident Foreign Missions refer to foreign embassies and consulates in the Philippines.

D. revise RMO No. 22-2004.


The grant of VAT exemption to foreign missions, its qualified personnel, and dependent/s
of the latter is based on the international law principles of reciprocity and comity, which were
adopted as part of the law of our jurisdiction, pursuant to Article II, Section 2 of the 1987
Philippine Constitution.3

Under the principle of reciprocity, this Office may grant VAT privileges to a resident foreign
mission, its qualified personnel and dependent/s of the latter on their local purchase of goods
and/or services, subject to a categorical confirmation from the Office of Protocol of the
Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA-OP) that the foreign government accords the same VAT
privileges to the Philippine Foreign Service Posts (PFSPs) and its personnel on their purchase of
goods and services in the concerned foreign country.


Based on the principle of reciprocity, a resident foreign mission, its qualified personnel and
the latter’s dependent/s may be accorded VAT exemption on their purchase of goods and/or
services either at POINT-OF-SALE or on REFUND/REIMBURSEMENT BASIS. The method of
granting VAT exemption highly depends on the VAT privilege being accorded to our PFSPs by the
different tax jurisdictions abroad, which is regularly monitored by the DFA-OP.

The updated list of countries/jurisdictions that grant PFSPs and their members VAT
privileges on their purchase of goods and services is provided by the DFA-OP. The list and DFA-
OP’s endorsement on the tax privileges being enjoyed by all our PFSPs abroad shall serve as a
guide for the International Tax Affairs Division (ITAD) of the BIR in determining whether or not
the applicant is entitled to VAT privileges and therefore, should be issued a ruling, certificate,
and/or card, as the case may be.


VAT Certificate (VC) is the new name of VAT Exemption Certificate, while VAT
Identification Card (VIC) is that of VAT Exemption Identification Card.

A resident foreign mission and its members who, as categorically endorsed by the DFA-OP,
are entitled to the grant of VAT exemption at POINT-OF-SALE, will be issued with a VC. A VIC may
be issued to qualified personnel and their qualified dependent/s, in lieu of a VC, subject to certain
additional procedures in the production thereof. A sample copy of VC and VIC issued by the BIR

“The Philippines renounces war as an instrument of national policy, adopts the generally accepted principles of
international law as part of the law of the land and adheres to the policy of peace, equality, justice, freedom,
cooperation, and amity with all nations.”

will be posted in the BIR website4 under the heading ‘International Tax Matters’ and sub-heading
‘Taxation of Resident Foreign Missions and International Organizations’.

When a resident foreign mission or its qualified personnel is issued with a VC, the sellers
cannot pass on any VAT to them on their official (for the foreign mission) or personal (for
personnel) purchase of goods and services in the Philippines as such purchase qualify for zero
rating under Sections 106(A)(2)(b) and 108(B)(3) of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997
(“Tax Code”), as amended by Republic Act No. 10963, otherwise known as the Tax Reform for
Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Act. The VC/VIC, however, cannot be used for the purpose of
securing zero-rated VAT and/or ad valorem tax exemption on local purchase of motor vehicle.
The procedure for the processing and issuance of BIR Ruling for the local purchase of motor
vehicle by resident foreign missions and its qualified personnel is dealt with in Section VI5 of this


When a foreign mission and its members are categorically endorsed by the DFA-OP as
entitled to the grant of VAT exemption thru REIMBURSEMENT or REFUND, the BIR will issue a
RULING to confirm that the said foreign mission, its qualified personnel and the latter’s
dependent/s, are entitled to reimbursement/refund of VAT paid on purchase of goods and
services in the Philippines. The duly issued BIR Ruling shall be the basis for the VAT
reimbursement/refund applications and shall be attached to the claim for
reimbursement/refund to be processed by the appropriate Revenue District Office (RDO) that
has jurisdiction over the foreign mission. The BIR-ITAD shall furnish the RDO a copy of all issued
BIR Rulings every end of the semester (i.e. June and January), and shall, from time to time,
provide the RDO with an updated list of foreign missions which may be granted VAT
reimbursement/refund on the basis of reciprocity.



1. Resident Foreign Missions

2. Qualified personnel of resident foreign missions
3. Dependents (i.e. spouse or child/children at least eighteen years old) of qualified
personnel of the resident foreign mission
4. Entities that are similarly categorized as missions, its personnel and the latter’s
dependents (i.e. Taipei Economic and Cultural Office [TECO])

Procedure for the Application of BIR Ruling on Indirect Taxes Exemption on Local Purchase of Motor Vehicles by
Resident Foreign Missions


1. Documentary Requirements for First-Time Applicants

Applicant Documentary Requirements

Resident Foreign Mission a. Note Verbale (letter)-application
addressed to the DFA-OP for the
issuance of VAT exemption privileges
to the embassy
Resident Foreign Mission Personnel a. Letter-application of the resident
foreign mission of the concerned
personnel addressed to the DFA-OP
for the issuance of VAT exemption
privileges to the personnel; and
b. Photocopy of the personnel’s DFA ID.
Resident Foreign Mission a. Letter-application addressed to the
Personnel’s Dependent DFA-OP for the issuance of VAT
exemption privileges to the
dependent of a qualified foreign
mission personnel;
b. Photocopy of the foreign mission
personnel’s DFA ID;
c. Photocopy of the dependent’s DFA ID;
d. Photocopy of the existing VC/VIC of
the foreign mission personnel (if there
is any)

2. Concerned offices and their respective functions in the processing of VC/VIC/BIR


Offices Functions
I. DFA-OP i. Receive letter-application of the concerned resident
foreign mission.
ii. Endorse the application to the BIR providing the
following information:
 Name of foreign mission or the qualified personnel
of the mission or latter’s dependent, and the
rank/level of the qualified personnel of the mission;
 Recommendation on the VAT exemption privilege
to be accorded based on their findings with the
PFSP (whether point-of-sale VAT exemption, or,
VAT reimbursement/refund);

 The provision of the foreign law used as basis for
the exemption given to the concerned PFSP, if
 Whether the exemption privilege covers official or
personal purchases;
 Type of goods/services covered by the exemption
privilege; and
 Limitation on the amount of purchase to be entitled
to exemption, if any.
iii. Furnish the BIR with a matrix on the VAT exemption
privileges of the PFSPs and their members and regularly
updates the said matrix.
II. BIR-ITAD i. Check the completeness of the application, validate the
entitlement of the foreign mission, its qualified
personnel and the personnel’s dependent/s, and
prepare the VC/VIC, if entitled to VAT exemption at
point-of-sale, or, BIR Ruling, if entitled to VAT
ii. The Chief or, in his absence, the Assistant Chief shall
forward the VC/VIC/BIR Ruling to the ACIR/HREA of the
LS for signature.
iii. For rulings of first impression, the Commissioner of
Internal Revenue shall sign the same.
iv. Release the signed VC/VIC/BIR Ruling only to the
authorized representative of the foreign
mission/qualified personnel of the foreign
mission/latter’s dependent.

Upon receipt of the BIR Ruling confirming VAT exemption, the resident foreign mission, its
qualified personnel or latter’s dependent/s may proceed to secure reimbursement/refund of VAT
paid within two (2) years after the close of the taxable quarter when the sales were made,
following the procedure provided under Section 112(A) of the Tax Code and Revenue
Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 54-2014, as amended.

3. Processing of VAT Reimbursement/Refund

a. The resident foreign mission/its qualified personnel/personnel’s
dependent/s shall send the letter-application for VAT
reimbursement/refund to the DFA-OP with the following attachments:
i. Duly accomplished BIR Form No. 1914
ii. Summary of claims
iii. Photocopies of sales invoices (for purchase of goods) and official
receipts (for purchase of services)
iv. Notarized sworn certification from the claimant or embassy
attesting to the completeness and veracity of the documents

submitted and that no tax refund involving the same tax has
previously been claimed or received
v. Photocopy of DFA ID and/or VIC.
vi. Documentary requirements at the back of BIR Form No. 1914.
b. DFA-OP shall endorse the application for VAT reimbursement/refund to the
RDO No. 51 – Pasay City6 for processing.
c. RDO No. 51 shall process the application within ninety (90) days7 upon
receipt of the application with complete documents.

4. Validity of VC/VIC

A qualified foreign mission shall be issued one (1) VC. A qualified personnel of a
foreign mission and the qualified dependent/s of the latter (i.e. spouse, and in
some cases, child/children) shall be issued separate VCs/VICs. The initially issued
VC/VIC shall, in general, be effective for two (2) years, renewable every two (2)
years thereafter, or until the expiration of the term of office of the qualified
personnel of a foreign mission, unless sooner cancelled, revoked or suspended for
a valid cause.

A valid VC shall bear the signature of the Assistant Commissioner (ACIR) or the
Head Revenue Executive Assistant (HREA) of the Legal Service (LS) of the Bureau
of Internal Revenue duly authorized by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue for
this purpose, and the official seal of the Office.

Any alteration/erasure shall render the VC/VIC void.

5. Limitations on the use of VC/VIC

Some VCs/VICs provide for certain conditions and limitations (e.g. goods or
services not covered or a minimum amount of purchase per invoice) on the grant
of VAT exemption.

The sellers are, therefore, advised to strictly abide by such limitations before
granting tax exemption at the point of sale.

6. Renewal of VC/VIC
a. Request for the renewal of a VC/VIC shall be filed not later than two (2)
months before the date of expiration of the previously issued VC/VIC,
following the same procedure as the first issuance.
b. DFA-OP shall determine if VAT exemption at point-of-sale may be still be
granted to the concerned foreign mission/qualified personnel/personnel’s

RDO No. 51 is the district office that has jurisdiction over the Department of Foreign Affairs.
Section 112(C) of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended by the TRAIN Act.

dependent/s. If still entitled, the DFA-OP shall endorse the request to the
BIR-ITAD for processing.

7. Expiration/Cancellation of VC/VIC
a. The VC issued in favor of resident foreign missions shall be valid within two
(2) years from the date of issue.

b. The VC/VIC issued to the qualified personnel of the foreign mission and their
dependents shall likewise be valid within two (2) years from the date of
issue. However, if the mission personnel are relieved of duty in the
Philippines prior to the expiration of the VC/VIC, they shall surrender
immediately the VC/VIC issued to them and to their dependents to BIR-ITAD,
thru the Resident Foreign Mission and the DFA-OP, for cancellation.

c. In the event of suspension/cancellation of VAT exemption privilege given to

PFSPs at the home country of the concerned foreign mission, DFA-OP shall
inform BIR-ITAD and provide a copy of the foreign legislation/letter of the
PFSP that serves as basis for such suspension. Considering that the grant of
herein VAT privileges is based on the principle of reciprocity, BIR-ITAD shall
likewise suspend/cancel the VAT exemption granted to the resident foreign
mission, its personnel and latter’s dependent/s.

In the same manner, the DFA-OP shall inform BIR-ITAD and the foreign
mission concerned of the resumption of VAT exemption privilege and shall
provide the basis thereof.

d. DFA-OP shall retrieve the VC/VIC from the concerned foreign mission and/or
its personnel in cases of suspension/cancellation of VAT exemption privilege,
and relief from duty of embassy personnel before the expiration of the
VC/VIC, and forwards the same to BIR-ITAD for safekeeping.

e. BIR-ITAD shall re-issue the VC/VIC in its custody to the concerned foreign
mission/qualified foreign mission personnel/qualified dependents upon
proper advise of the DFA-OP.

8. Lost or Destroyed VC/VIC

a. The resident foreign mission of the lost/destroyed VC/VIC shall file a request
for the issuance of a replacement copy, together with a duly notarized
affidavit relating the circumstances attendant to the loss or destruction of
VC/VIC, with the DFA-OP for endorsement to the BIR-ITAD. If the lost VC/VIC
belongs to a dependent, a photocopy of the VC/VIC of the qualified
personnel of the foreign mission shall also be attached.

b. BIR-ITAD shall issue a replacement copy of the VC/VIC based on the
endorsement of the DFA-OP.

c. Lost VC/VIC subsequently found should be surrendered to BIR-ITAD for



A. Resident Foreign Mission/qualified personnel of the foreign mission/dependents of

the latter
1. The duly authorized representative of the resident foreign mission shall present
the original VC/VIC and his/her Special Power of Attorney or authorization letter
upon each official purchase of goods and/or services.

2. The qualified personnel of the foreign mission and their dependent/s, shall present
the DFA Identification Card (ID) together with the original VC or VIC, upon each
personal purchase of goods/services.

B. All VAT-Registered Business Establishments in the Philippines shall:

1. Require the presentation of: a) VC and authorization of the foreign mission for
foreign mission official purchase, or b) VC/VIC and DFA ID from qualified personnel
of the foreign mission personnel/latter’s dependent for personal purchase of goods
and services.

2. Subject the sale of goods and/or services to qualified personnel/dependents of the

latter to VAT at zero percent even without prior application for effective zero-

A zero-rated transaction refers to the sale, lease, barter or exchange of goods,

properties and/or services subject to VAT at the rate of zero percent (0%) (Section
106 and 108 of the National Internal Revenue Code, Revenue Memorandum
Circular No. 17-96).

3. Refuse to subject the sale of goods and/or services to zero percent VAT for failure
to present the VC/VIC or if the holder of the VC/VIC is different from the person
named therein.

4. Issue duly-registered official receipts (for purchase of services) or sales or

commercial invoices (for purchase of goods) which must show the following
a. Name, TIN and address of the seller;
b. Date of transaction;
c. Name and address of the Resident Foreign Mission (for mission purchase

d. Name and address of the qualified foreign mission personnel/qualified
e. DFA ID number;
f. VC/VIC number;
g. Quantity, unit cost (without VAT), and description of merchandise or
nature of service;
h. Invoice value or consideration (without the VAT);
i. The word "ZERO-RATED" (to be prominently written or rubber stamped on
the face of the invoice/receipt). (Revenue Regulations No. 2-88).

5. Dishonor the VC/VIC if it contains erasures/alterations or does not bear the original
seal of the BIR. In case of doubt, verify details of VC/VIC with the BIR-ITAD at
telephone numbers 927-0022 and 926-3420.

C. BIR-ITAD shall:
1. Maintain VC/VIC Register.

2. Receive and prepare replies to inquiries of all concerned taxpayers relative to the
process and use of the VC/VIC, as well as the issuance of BIR Ruling confirming
entitlement to VAT reimbursement/refund of a foreign mission.

D. RDO No. 51 shall:

1. Process applications for VAT reimbursement/refund of resident foreign
mission/qualified personnel of the foreign mission/latter’s dependents within
ninety (90) days upon receipt of the application with complete documents.

2. Receive and prepare replies to inquiries of all concerned relative to the process of
VAT reimbursement/refund.


A. Resident Foreign Mission shall send a letter-request to DFA-OP for a BIR Ruling on local
purchase of motor vehicle for the official use of the foreign mission and/or personal
use of a qualified foreign mission personnel indicating the details of the motor vehicle
and the name of the foreign mission personnel, if for the latter’s personal purchase.

B. A pro-forma invoice issued by the local car manufacturer/dealer must be attached to

the letter-request indicating the motor vehicle details, such as: make, model,
motor/engine number, frame/chassis number and color.

C. DFA-OP shall verify the entitlement of the foreign mission/qualified personnel of the
foreign mission to indirect tax exemption based on reciprocity and endorse the same
to the BIR through the Department of Finance.

D. The HO shall evaluate the application and draft the pertinent BIR Ruling.

E. The Chief or, in his/her absence, the Assistant Chief shall review the ruling and forward
the same to the ACIR/HREA of LS for signature.


Any revenue official or employee who fails to act on the VAT refund application within the
90-day period shall be punished in accordance with Section 269 of the Tax Code, as amended.


This Order shall amend or repeal RMO No. 22-2004 and all other issuances inconsistent


Upon the effectivity of this Order, all holders of a valid and current VC/VIC may still continue
to use the same until the end of the validity period.


This Order shall take effect immediately.

All internal revenue officers and others concerned are hereby enjoined to give this Order
the widest dissemination and publicity possible.

(Original Signed)
Commissioner of Internal Revenue


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