Employee Salary Break Up PDF

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Raster Engineers Pvt. Ltd.


Month Description CTC Payable

1st Month Stipend 5000/-
(Training Period)
2nd Month
For the Period of 3 = 10,650/- (Including all PF &
3rd Month
(2, 3, 4) Months ESI)
4th Month
5th Month
6th Month
7th Month
8th Month
For the Period of 12 months
9th Month (5th to 18th Month)
10th Month
11th Month = 14,000/-
12th Month (Including all PF & ESI)
13th Month
14th Month
15th Month
16th Month
17th Month
18th Month
You can continue or give resignation on 18th 14,000 /- + Increment Salary
month, as notice period will be for 60 days (Based on Performance)
(2 months) and relieving will be in/ after 20th
month if desires to resign.

19th Month is increment time.

(You will get increased salary from 19th
month to next 12 months, if continued).

CTC/ MONTH PF Amount ESI Amount Take home Duration

10,650/- 1,449/- 613/- 8,588/- 2,3 & 4th Month
14,000/- 1,905/- 806/- 11,289/- 5th to 18th Month
Total Amount to (Total receivables to employee)

Note: PF amount will be credited into your PF account (Amount is yours) + Take home will be credited to
your salary account (KVB Bank).
I have read the above salary structure and it is acceptable to me.

HR Signature Employee Signature

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