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Q. What is software?
Ans: - A set of computer program which perform a task.
It is a collection of computer programs and related data that provide the instructions for telling a
Computer what to do and how to do it.

Categories of software
 Application: - software is developed for a specific customer.
 Product: - software is developed by considering overall requirements in the market.
 Bidding: - A proposal to start new software.
 Kick off meeting: - After getting the bidding company CEO will conduct kick off meeting and select
suitable project manager for the terminal project.
 PIN (Project initiation note) document: - In this document corresponding project manager will
mention whether the project is acceptable or not by considering below factors like Time, Budget,
Resources, Available technologies etc.

SDLC:-Software Development Life Cycle

PDLC:-Project Development Life Cycle
PMLC:-Project Management Life Cycle

Customer (or) client (or) service buyer: - A person or organization who invest the money to
Prepare software or application.

Software company (or) service provider: - A person or organization who develop the software by
Taking the money.

Q: - How the communication or connection established between customer and Software

Ans: - communication or connection happens in three ways.
 In first way customer will go and approach software Development Company to develop the
software for their needs. For example real estate agency will go and approach a software
development company to develop a website for real estate agency.
 In second way marketing executive of the software development company approaches the
client and get the business for software Development Company.
 In third way customer will announce the project requirements and software will bid the
projects and get the projects for development.

Q: - What is Software Testing?

 Testing is the process of executing a program with the intention of finding errors.
 Testing can show the presence of bugs but never their absence.
 The main goal of testing is to improve the quality and to satisfy the customer needs.

 Need or benefit of testing

 To improve the quality of the products.
 To avoid user detecting errors.
 To documentary proof to the client.
 Finding and fixing the defect is easy when it is in development phase.
 Delivering an error free product.

 Causes of defects

 Poor requirement.
 Time pressure.
 Inadequate schedule (proper connectivity).
 Inadequate testing.
 Improper installation.
 Lack of domain knowledge.
 Miss communication between client and developers.

 Quality of testing

 Defect free product or project.

 Meet the customer requirement (Functionality).
 Meet the customer expectation (usability/comfortable)

 Roles of a testers

 A tester is a person who tries to find out all possible errors/bugs in the system with the helps of
various inputs to it.
 Analyzing the Requirements from the client.
 Participating in preparing Test Plans.
 Preparing Test Scenarios.
 Preparing Test Cases for module, integration and system testing.
 Preparing Test Data’s for the test cases.
 Preparing Test Environment to execute the test cases.
 Analyzing the Test Cases prepared by other team members.
 Executing the Test Cases.
 Defect Tracking.
 Giving mandatory information of a defect to developers in order to fix it.
 Preparing Summary Reports.
 Preparing Lesson Learnt documents from the previous project testing experience.
 Preparing Suggestion Documents to improve the quality of the application.
 Communication with the Test Lead / Test Manager.
 Conducting Review Meetings within the Team.

Q:-What is the necessity to follow SDLC (Software Development life cycle)?

Ans:-Developing the software is very difficult or complex. We follow SDLC as a framework to
guide to develop the software in systematic or efficient way. We will able to tell how long
it will take to complete the project.
There are seven main phases in SDLC:-
1) Requirement collection:-collecting the requirements from the customer to develop the software or
It is done by Business Analysts or Product Analysts.
 So Utile Company develops software for ecommerce business according to the requirement of
ecommerce business.
 That particular software will not sell to other company through utile.
 Utile gives all the source code along with software.
 Code will be understandable or reliable.
In product base company product analysts will collect the requirement.
Business Analysts:-
 Translate business language in to software language.
 Domain expert.
 BA behaves like mid between customer team and company.

2) Feasibility study:-Checking the possibility of whether software or application can be developed or not.
 Done by software team consisting of project managers, business analysts, architects,
finance, HR, developers but not testers
 Architect – is the person who tells whether the product can be developed and if yes,
then which technology is best suited to develop it.
 Finance – Profit point of view.
 HR –
 Resource point of view.
 What kind of skill is needed?
 According to that how much software engineers required for this project.
 Hiring Process.
 Project Manger – Takes the suggestion from every body (HR, Finance and Architect).

Two types of feasibility:-

Technical feasibility:-Checking the possibility for below mention things.
1. Whether sufficient technical people are there or not.
2. Whether required software is there or not.
3. Whether domain experts are there or not.

Business feasibility:-Checking the possibility for below mention things.

1. Whether same domain project will come in the future or not.
2. What is the length of the project and whether we can sustain the business or not.
3. Whether financial things will support or not.
Example:-Web technology, Mobile Technology.

3) Design:-Designing the architecture or layout of the software.

There are 2 stages in design,

HLD – High Level Design
LLD – Low Level Design
 HLD – gives the architecture of the software product to be developed and is done by
architects and senior developers.
 LLD – done by senior developers. It describes how each and every feature in the
product should work and how every component should work. Here, only the design
will be there and not the code.

For ex, let us consider the example of building a house.

4) Coding and integration:-

 Done by all developers –seniors, juniors and fresher.
 Writing the complete set of program components with business logic by specified
programming technologies (like c, c++, java, dot net etc).integration means combining piece of
 This is the process where we start building the software and start writing the code for
the product.

5) Testing: -
 Done by test engineers.
 It is the process of checking for all defects and rectifying it.
 IN 1970-80 testing were done by developers
 Following problem assists if testing done by developer.
1. Time
2. Over confidence (Product will work.)
3. Some how he wants to build a product.
4. Developers never look a product in negative point of view.
5. Not interested to fix a bug.

6) Implementation or installation:-
 Done by installation engineers.
 To install the product at a client’s place for using after the software has been
developed and tested.

For ex, consider the example of software to be developed and installed at city bank USA.

7) Maintenance:-
 Here as the customer uses the product, he finds certain bugs and defects and sends the
product back for error correction and bug fixing.
 Bug fixing takes place.
 Minor changes like adding, deleting or modifying any small feature in the software
100 % testing is not possible – because, the way testers test the product is different from the way
customers use the product.

Service – based companies and Product – based companies

Service – based companies: -

They provide service and develop software for other companies

They provide software which is and specified as per the client company’s requirement and never
keep the code of the developed product and does not provide the software to any other company
other than the client company.

Ex – Wipro, Infosys, TCS, Accenture

Product – based companies:-

The develop software products and sell it to many companies which may need the software and
make profits for themselves

They are the sole owners of the product they develop and the code used and sells it to other
companies which may need the software.

Ex – Oracle, Microsoft

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