SWANA Haiti Response Team Position Paper 2010

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Municipal Solid Waste Collection Needs

in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Position Paper

Typical view of the streets of Port au Prince

Prepared by:

SWANA Haiti Response Team

August 2010

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010

Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti



1.0 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 1

2.0 BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................... 1
3.0 THE SWANA HAITI RESPONSE TEAM ..................................................................... 2
4.0 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION IN PORT-AU-PRINCE ............................................... 3
5.0 CLEARWATER MEETING .......................................................................................... 5
6.0 SCMRS EQUIPMENT AND FACILITY NEEDS ........................................................... 8
6.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 8
6.2 Immediate Needs ........................................................................................... 8
6.3 Short Term Needs ......................................................................................... 10
6.4 Long Term Needs ......................................................................................... 11
7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND NEXT STEPS ........................................................................ 12

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010
Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

The purpose of this position paper is to document the equipment and service needs of the
"Service Metropolitain de Collecte des Residus Solides" (SMCRS) - the state-appointed agency
to collect and dispose of solid waste in the greater Port-au-Prince area which includes 8 cities and
a population of 2.5 million. These equipment and services needs were identified during a
meeting between SMCRS representatives and SWANA's Haiti Response Team held in
Clearwater, FL on June 3-4, 2010.

The Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) has been the leading professional
association in the solid waste field for over 40 years. SWANA serves over 7,500 members
throughout North America, and thousands more with conferences, certifications, publications, and
technical training courses. SWANA's mission is to advance the practice of economically and
environmental sound municipal solid waste management in North America.

This report has been reviewed and approved by SWANA's International Board. It is hoped that
after reviewing this report, governments, organizations and companies will be motivated to
address a key sanitation and environmental issue faced by Haitians in Port-au-Prince - namely the
need for an efficient and reliable solid waste collection system that effectively serves the needs of
Port-au-Prince residents and businesses on an ongoing basis. Those organizations which desire to
have a measurable and meaningful impact on sanitation and public health in Haiti should consider
the funding and/or donation of the equipment and facilities identified in this report. By doing so,
it is SWANA's professional opinion that the public health and environmental problems caused by
the lack of sanitary solid waste management practices will be significantly reduced.

On February 24, 2010, SWANA was contacted by Captain Andy Coulter of the 82nd Airborne
Division of the US Army and asked to provide advice on "cleaning up" the city of Port-au-Prince,
Haiti following the earthquake on January 12th.

Up until the withdrawal of US troops from Haiti in March 2010, Capt. Coulter was working to
provide assistance with solid waste management and vector control issues in Haiti. He contacted
SWANA in an unofficial capacity in his request for assistance.

On March 4, 2010 SWANA received an official letter from the SMCRS inviting SWANA for a
"prospecting visit in Haiti in order to discuss possibilities of assisting the people of Haiti by
helping develop efficient waste collection routes and automation support."

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010
Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

A SWANA member - Claudia Moeller, P.E. of Golder Associates - was recently in Haiti working
with a Swedish relief organization as a part of the U.N. relief efforts. Having lived for 6 years in
Haiti, she is an excellent source of information on local conditions. She indicated that SWANA
could provide meaningful assistance through its training programs and the technical expertise of
its members and recommended that SWANA send a team to meet with various government
agencies, including the SMCRS, involved in solid waste management to determine their needs
and discuss partnership opportunities.

The request for assistance from the SMCRS focused on its municipal solid waste (MSW)
collection services, as other organizations are providing assistance with the development and
operation of its disposal facility - the "Decharge de Truietier" landfill. Disaster debris removal
and management is being addressed through a separate agency.


On March 3, 2010, SWANA issued an invitation to members of SWANA's Collection Technical
Division to voluntarily participate in the SWANA Haiti Response Team. Based on the responses
received, SWANA formed a "SWANA Haiti Response Team" consisting of five SWANA solid
waste collection system managers and a SWANA staff person (See Table 1).

On March 15, 2010, a conference call was conducted with members of SWANA's International
Board to discuss and confirm its support of the SWANA Haiti Response Team.

SWANA Haiti Response Team
Name Title Organization Jurisdiction/Location
Victoria O. Garland Key Business Executive Solid Waste Services City of Charlotte NC
William A. Del Vecchio Director, Solid Waste and Recycling Georgetown University Washington, DC
John Pittman Assistant Director - Solid Waste Solid Waste/General City of Clearwater, FL
Services Department
Rusty Cole Operations Assistant Manager Pierce County Recycling, Pierce County (Tacoma),
Composting and Disposal WA
Waste Connections, LLC
Wayman J. Pearson President WJ Pearson Inc. Clearwater, FL
Jeremy K. O'Brien, P.E. Director of Applied Research SWANA Silver Spring, MD

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010
Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti


The solid waste management situation in the metropolitan area of Port au Prince is chronically
poor. The regional authority mandated to manage the system, the SMCRS, is significantly under
capacity and suffers from insufficient capital investment, ineffective maintenance of equipment,
inadequate operating revenues, and inconsistent management.

Local municipal government efforts are inadequate to offset this shortcoming. The collection and
disposal of solid waste lags far behind the production. The long-term negative consequences are
that large quantities of solid waste is left to rot in the streets and serves as breeding ground for
any number of harmful disease vectors, that rampant dumping in drainage canals occurs greatly
increasing the risk of flood during the rainy season, that quantities of hazardous waste are left in
the open, and that illegal dumping and burning is commonplace. After the political unrest of
early 2004 the situation was greatly exacerbated as many public services effectively stopped
functioning, including solid waste collection and disposal.2

The metropolitan region is estimated to produce approximately between 1,400-1,600 metric tons
of solid waste every day, with 80% coming from households, 10% from markets, and 10% from
industry. An estimated 75% of this waste is organic matter (food cast-offs).3

Figure 1. Popular Market – Carrefour (Downtown Port au Prince)

1 CHF International. Haiti Emergency Solid Waste Collection, Landfill Rehabilitation and Jobs Creation Program (SWM). (Cooperative
Agreement # 521-A-00-04-00028-00). Final Report (July 28 2004 - April 30, 2005). Silver Spring, MD: CHF International, August 15, 2005.
2 Ibid.
3 Ibid.

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010
Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

SMCRS estimates a waste generation rate of 0.7 kg of waste per person per day (1.5
pounds/person/day) for the metropolitan area, which has narrow streets that are often impassable
by refuse collection vehicles. Trash is discarded everywhere resulting in the spread of disease-
carrying vectors (including malaria-spreading mosquitoes) and other unsanitary conditions
(odors, blight etc.). SMCRS estimates that - due to equipment shortages and other issues - it is
only able to collect 20% of the waste generated.

Since the earthquake, SMCRS has been operating 24 hours per day, servicing 8 routes every 12
hours. Their current fleet includes 34 forty five cubic meter (60 CY) rear loading compactor
trucks and 14 open bed trucks. They also have 307 four cubic meter (6 CY) and twenty cubic
meter (30 CY) dumpsters available to them that have not yet been deployed for waste
collection. Their equipment maintenance program is reportedly poor. SMCRS owns and
operates a landfill about 5 kilometers north of the City.

Their primary need is for assistance in acquisition and mobilization of reliable solid waste
collection equipment and the development of efficient collection routes that will result in the
most effective use of staff and equipment resources. There is also a need for better
coordination and deployment of services with respect to the two private waste collection firms
in the area.

Figure 2. Drainage Canal – Downtown Port-au-Prince

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010
Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti


On June 3-4, 2010 a meeting of the SWANA Haiti Response Team and the SMCRS
representatives was held in the conference room of the City of Clearwater’s Solid Waste/General
Services Department.

The SMCRS representatives who attended the meeting included Messrs. Germain Paulemon
and Stanley Delinois. Mr. Paulemon is the General Director of the SMCRS which has around
1,200 employees and an annual budget of about $2.4 million. A civil engineer by training, Mr.
Paulemon has been employed by the SMCRS for over 30 years. Mr. Delinois is a junior
engineer who is employed by the Haiti Department of Planification and who is responsible for
the development of the waste collection routing system. Mr. Patrick Charles is a Haitian living
in Miami who works for a shipping company and who served as a interpreter during the meeting.

Service Metropolitain de Collecte des Residus Solides (SMCRS) Representatives
Organization Representative Title/Role
SMCRS Germain Paulemon General Director
Haiti Department of Planification Stanley Delinois Engineer
-- Patrick Charles Interpreter

Following introductions, Mr. Paulemon gave a PowerPoint presentation on the SMCRS and its
solid waste collection services. The presentation, a copy of which is included in Appendix A,
included the following points:

 The SMCRS is an autonomous department of the government of Haiti, organized under

the Ministry of TPTC. Its current responsibilities are to collect, transport and treat urban
solid waste. The cities in the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area are responsible for the
brooming and pile-up of the wastes.

 The SMCRS currently has 75 collection vehicles and related trucks and 1,183
employees. The most common type of equipment (48 of the 75 vehicles) is a rear load
packer truck equipped with a winch which is used to lift and empty dumpster containers
into the rear of the truck.

 A number of the collection vehicles are not equipped with winches, requiring the
emptying of the dumpsters by hand shoveling.

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010
Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

 The SMCRS runs two shifts per day. Each collection crew consists of 2 drivers, 2
controllers, and 8 workers per truck. (See Figure 3).

Figure 3. SMCRS Collection Vehicle and Crew

 Due to the lack of regularity of MSW collection, it is common for residents and
businesses to place their wastes in piles at about 20 unofficial "drop-off" locations
throughout the city. The SMCRS's collection services are designed to service these 20
locations twice per day. Once the drop-off locations have been serviced, the collection
trucks will then span out in an attempt to service the neighborhoods surrounding these
locations. SMCRS estimates that 30-45% of the waste generated in the city is placed at
these drop-off locations on a daily basis.

 Mr. Paulemon indicated that there are not enough containers at these locations to handle
the waste that is dropped off with the result that overflow waste is simply placed in
piles on the sidewalk or street near the container. If the piles are not serviced and begin
to create odors, it is common for citizens to set the piles on fire.

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010
Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

 Since the January 2010 earthquake, the workload of the SMCRS has increased
significantly due to the blockage of roads with building rubble and the addition of
building rubble to the MSW piles.

 The SMCRS workers are viewed as having a lower class work status by the general

 Maintenance of collection vehicles is a significant problem due to the difficulty in

procuring parts and supplies. When a truck breaks down, it generally is out of service
for two to three months. Typically, three quarters of the collection vehicles are out of
service at any given time. Some of the collection vehicles are too large for many of the
roads in Port-au-Prince.

 One of the presentation slides listed the equipment and related needs of the SMCRS
(See Figure 4).


• Since the earthquake, an estimated 1.3 million of peoples are homeless and they
produce more garbage because of changes in consuming habits. In order to improve
the services provided SMCRS needs some supports.

• Training in the following:

 Planification and charting of better routes
 Coordination of dispatching
 Upgrade of mechanical staff

• Acquisition of equipments and managing tools

 Winches
 Tracking Devices

• General Drawbacks of SMCRS

 Fuel not always available
 Tires not always available
 Maintenance elements not always available

Figure 4. Equipment and Other Needs of the SMCRS

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010
Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Following Mr. Paulemon's presentation, the group discussed and analyzed the solid waste
collection needs in Port-au-Prince and concluded that it would be beneficial to divide the needs
into two major areas:

 Provision of Sufficient Services to Collect Waste As Generated - Even if its

equipment is fully operational and sufficiently staffed, the SMCRS is only able to collect
about 20% of the MSW that is generated in Port-au-Prince on a daily basis. As a result, it
is continually playing catch-up and is not able to implement standardized and efficient
waste collection routes and other procedures associated with the regular and systematic
collection of wastes as they are generated. The group concluded that the primary service
provided by the SMCRS should be to collect MSW as it is generated. As discussed
below, to provide this service the SMCRS will need new types of collection equipment
such as front-end loaders as well as new containers such as front-load dumpster
containers and solar-powered compactor containers to service the refugee camps. The
provision of regular collection services can be designed to service routes on a regular
basis, meet industry productivity standards such as a required number of households
(neighborhoods) served per day per collection crew.

 Cleanup and Collection of Previously Generated Wastes - In addition to the provision

of services to collect as-generated waste, the SMCRS should develop a separate service
that targets the collection and cleanup previously generated waste. This service should be
designed as a dispatch service that is designed based on the size of the waste pile to be
cleaned up etc. Importantly, the dispatch service crews should be used to service the 15-
20 major waste drop-off piles that are currently used by the Port-au-Prince residents due
to the lack of regularly scheduled collection services. As wastes begin to be collected on
a regular basis, the use of these sites should diminish over time.


6.1 Introduction

The SWANA Team worked with the SMCRS to identify the immediate, short and long term
equipment, facility and related needs of the SMCRS. These needs are summarized in Tables 3-5
and briefly described below.

6.2 Immediate Needs

The immediate needs of the SMCRS are presented in Table 3 and summarized below.

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010
Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

 Manager Training/Certification - The managers and supervisors of the SMCRS should

receive training in efficient MSW collection practices by attending SWANA's "Manager of
MSW Collection Systems" course and becoming certified by taking and passing SWANA's
MSW Collection Systems certification exam.

 Large, Heavy Duty Neighborhood Sanitation Bags - The SMCRS would like to place
large, heavy duty Sanitation Bags in the 15-20 commonly-used drop off locations in hopes
that residents will place their wastes in these bags. This approach would help reduced the
need to shovel the drop-off waste into the rear load packer trucks using hand shovels as is
currently done.

 Loudspeaker Systems For Collection Vehicles - Because collection crews are often not
able to service neighborhoods on a regularly scheduled basis, the SMCRS has expressed a
need for loudspeaker systems to be installed in the collection vehicles. This would enable the
collection vehicle operators to announce their presence in a neighborhood and would
encourage residents to then set out their wastes for collection.

 GPS Systems For Collection Vehicles - SMCRS managers indicated that the installation of
GPS equipment in its collection vehicles would enable them to track the locations of the
vehicles and ensure that they are making reasonable route progress and area not used to serve
non-designated areas.

 Spare Parts and Tires for Collection Vehicles - Collection vehicles can be rendered non-
functional due to the lack of spare tires and parts. The SMCRS needs to be able to stock
these items and directly order them from reputable suppliers.

 Pressure Washer System - A truck pressure wash system is needed to reduce the staff time
needed to wash trucks by hand as is currently done.

 Track for Track Loader - The SMCRS's track loader is currently non-functional due to the
lack of a replacement track.

 Vacuum and/or Sweeper Trucks - The SMCRS needs a vacuum truck and/or mechanical
sweeper to reduce the staff time now required to clean up waste pile sites after they are
serviced. This work is now done by hand.

 Public Education Program - A public education program is needed to educate the residents
of Port-au-Prince on the environmental and public health dangers associated with the street

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010
Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

deposition and burning of refuse and human excrement and to encourage them to use and
respect the collection containers placed in neighborhoods for refuse collection.

SMCRS - Immediate Needs
Need Impact Ballpark Cost Estimate

1. Staff Training/Certification Will improve management and $10,000

planning of Solid Waste Services
2. Large, Heavy Duty Will improve neighborhood $25,000
Neighborhood Sanitation Bags cleanliness and efficiency of
collection services
3. Loudspeaker Systems For Will notify residents that collection $10,000
Collection Vehicles truck is servicing their neighborhood ($200 per vehicle 50
4. GPS Systems for Collection Will enable SMCRS managers to $37,500
Vehicles4 monitor progress and locations of ($500 per vehicle x 75
collection vehicles vehicles)
4. Spare Parts and Tires for Will reduce downtime of collection $75,000 ($1,000 per vehicle x
Collection Vehicles vehicles. 75 vehicles)
5. Pressure Washer System For Will reduce staff time required to $50,000
Collection Vehicles wash vehicles by hand
6. Track for Track Loader Will allow track loader to become $10,000
7. Mobile Maintenance Truck Will reduce downtime of collection $30,000
8. Sweeper or Vacuum Truck Will reduce staff time at drop-off $150,000
9. Public Education Program for Will inform residents of the public $50,000
Benefits of Sanitary Solid health and environmental damage
Waste Management caused by improper solid waste
Total $372,500

6.3 Short Term Needs

The group also identified and discussed the short term equipment needs of the SMCRS, which are
listed in Table 4 and briefly described below.

 Solar-powered compactors for high density areas - The SMCRS crews spend a
considerable amount of time hand shoveling refuse piles into rear load packer vehicles. In
the U.S. there has been a growth in the implementation of solar-powered, self-contained

4 May not be feasible due to local data transmission issues.

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010
Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

refuse compactor containers. The SWANA Haiti Response Team feels that the strategic
location of these compactors in high density areas, such as refugee camps, would greatly
reduce the workload of the staff servicing these areas.

 Strategically-located "bare bones" transfer stations - Currently, the SMCRS crews

spend a considerable amount of time off route hauling collected solid wastes to the
landfill. The deployment of a small number of 'bare bones' transfer stations could greatly
reduce the off-route time of these crews. These stations could be a simple as an open air
earthen mound that enables the collection vehicle to dump its wastes into an open top
transfer trailer.

 Front-end loader collection vehicles - The current method used by the SMCRS to empty
dumpster containers is by rolling the dumpster to the back of the rear load collection
vehicle, attaching the dumpster to the vehicle's winch and emptying the dumpster by
operating the winch. This process requires 15-30 minutes per dumpster. Front-end load
collection vehicles use front forks to lift the dumpster over the top of the truck into the
hopper. This process reduces the dumpster servicing time to less than a minute.

Table 4
SMCRS - Short Term Needs
Need Impact Ballpark Cost Estimate

1. Solar-Powered Compactors Improved servicing of refugee $75,000

For High Density Trash Areas camps and other high density ($15,000 x 5 compactors)
2. Strategically Located 'Bare Reduce off-route collection $300,000
Bones' Transfer Stations time ($100,000 x 3 transfer stations)
3. Front End Loader Compactor Significantly reduce servicing $2,500,000
Trucks/Dumpster Containers time of dumpsters ($250,000 per front end load
For Commercial Collection collection vehicle x 10 vehicles)

6.4 Long Term Needs

The final discussion session focused on the long term needs of the SMCRS. In this regard, the
group agreed that the long term need of the SMCRS is for a waste recovery system consisting of a
1) an MSW composting system with a pre-processing materials recovery facility or 2) a waste-to-
energy facility.

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010
Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Of these options, the mixed waste composting facility is likely to be more cost-effective and
practical, especially in light of the high food waste content (75%) of the MSW. This facility could
be a low tech facility consisting of large cylindrical membrane composting bags placed out in the
open on the landfill site.

A more expensive recovery option would be a thermal processing facility such as a mass-burn
waste-to-energy facility.5 The advantage of this approach is that it could be used as a source of
renewable energy to help meet the electricity and heat energy needs of the Port-au-Prince
metropolitan area.

Table 5
SMCRS - Long Term Needs
Need Impact Ballpark Cost Estimate

1. Mixed Waste Composting Improved solid waste disposal $100,000

Facility Feasibility Study
2. Waste-to-Energy Facility Production of electricity from $100,000
Feasibility Study MSW


In 2005, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) funded a project called "The
Haiti Emergency Solid Waste Collection, Landfill Rehabilitation and Jobs Creation Program".
This program employed thousands of Haitians to clean up solid waste piles in Port-au-Prince over
a nine-month period in 2004-2005. The result of this program was the cleanup of a number of the
waste piles in Port-au-Prince. While this effort was significant and temporarily effective, it did
not address the systemic needs of the Port-au=Prince solid waste collection system. As a result,
the waste piles returned to the streets of Port-au-Prince despite the $3 million investment by
USAID in this program.

The immediate, short and long term needs documented in this paper will require a similar
investment - on the order of $3.3 million - but will result in a significant long term improvement
to the solid waste management system in Port-au-Prince. It is SWANA's goal to assist the
SMCRS by submitting this paper to manufacturing companies, funding agencies and other
organizations that may be able to meet one or more of the equipment and other needs identified in
this paper.

5 The group toured the Pinellas County waste-to-energy facility during its meeting in Clearwater.

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010
Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Additionally, SWANA is making a long-term commitment to assist the SCMRS in the

implementation of an environmentally and economically sound solid waste management system
in Port-au-Prince through the provision of training and technical assistance.

In closing, we want to extend our sincere thanks to Messrs. Paulemon, Delinois and Charles for
making the effort to attend the meeting in Clearwater and meet with the SWANA Haiti Response
Team. SWANA would also like to thank the City of Clearwater's Solid Waste/General Services
Department, represented by Mr. Earl Gloster (Director) and Mr. John Pittman (Assistant Director)
for hosting the meeting and for the hospitality extended to the group.

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010
Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Appendix A

Presentation of Mr. Germain Paulemon to the SWANA

Haiti Response Team

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010
Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Brief Presentation of SMCRS


City Hall
City of Clearwater, Florida
June 3rd 2010


1. Historic of SMCRS
2. Overview
3. Organisational structure
4. Equipments
5. Daily work shifts
6. The landfill
7. Miscellaneous works
8. Budget
9. Improvements needed
10. Acknowledgments

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010
Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

1. Historic of SMCRS

• Creation date: March 3rd 1981

• Initial Mandate
– Collect and treat urban waste, such as household waste and collective waste
(restaurants, military and police cantonments, schools and artisanal, commercial
and industrial wastes)
– Clean streets, parks, as well as public market place and all kind of public

• SMCRS is an autonomous state structure actually incorporated to the Ministry of TPTC,

incorporation has changed several times : MTPTC (1981), Mairie de PAP (1983),
MTPTC (1989)

• 1989 : The initial responsibilities were scinded between the municipalities

– SMCRS : Collect, Transport and Treat urban wastes
– Cities : Brooming and Pile-up

2. Overview

• Inventory (December 2006) • Inventory (April 2010)

– Immobilisations : – Immobilisations :
• Siège social (Ti place Cazeau), • Siège social (Ti place Cazeau),
• Décharge de Truitier • Décharge de Truitier

– Equipements : – Equipements :
• 106 pieces • 75 pieces
• 10 in working condition • All in working condition

– Human Resources : – Human Resources :

• 1600 employees (90% of the • 1183 employees (60% of the
budget) budget)
• Employees without social coverage • All employees covered by health
– Budget /monthly:
• 2005/2006 : 11,5 millions HTG – Budget /montly:
• 2008/2009 : 9,2 millions HTG
• 40 HTG = US$ 1 • 2009/2010 : 14,590,878.42 HTG

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010
Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

3. Organisation of SMCRS

• 3 Directions working under the leadership of a General Director and

supervision of the technical coordination unit:

Directions du SMCRS
Direction Generale

Bureau Direction

Unité Technique de

Direction des services Direction de la Planification et La Décharge de

adm inistratifs des Opérations Truitier

4. Equipments

SMCRS manages a fleet of 75 moving materials

– 12 Compressive trucks VW
– 23 Compressive trucks International
– 13 Compressive trucks MACK
– 10 Trucks Roll On/ Roll Off
– 8 Open Back Trucks Mack
– 6 Open Back Trucks Peterbilt
– 1 open Back Truck Isuzu
– 4 Loader (1 backhoe)
– 2 trash compactor
– 2 bulldozer D8
– 1 lift truck
– 1 flat bed

And also
– 360 4-cubic meter dumpster
– 100 4-cubic meter dumpster
– 30 35-cubic meter dumpster

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010
Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

4.1. New 2009 Mack compressive trucks – 12 units

Vehicles equipped with winches

Too large for some roads

4.2. Old 1977 Mack Compressive Truck – 1 unit

• Cost a lot to maintain

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010
Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

4.3 Compressive Truck International -23 units

• 15 units housed at the municipalities

 Not equipped with winches

4.4 Compressive VW Trucks – 12 units

 Not equipped with winches

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010
Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

5.- Daily Work shifts – Collection and Transport

• Compressive trucks:
– 2 shifts/day : 2 drivers, 2 controllers, 8 workers /truck
– 2 rotations/shift (It takes about one hour for a round trip to the landfill)
Drawbacks :
 Trash pile up in the streets
 Workers have to empty the trash bins manually

• Open back trucks :

– 2 fleet (each: 7 trucks + 1 loader)
– 2 shifts : about 14 trips to the landfill per day
Drawbacks :
 The loaders tires wear out rapidly and are not always available on local market
 Daytime turnaround slow because of traffic
 No transit storage facilities

6.- The landfill

• The landfill called « Décharge de Truitier » works 4 shifts (7j/7, 24h/24)

– 1 director
– 4 supervisors (1 per shift)
– 8 registrars : (2 per shift)
• Listing the trucks and volumes of waste
– 44 controllers (team of 10+ 1 supervisor per shift)
• Showing the trucks where to dump
– 4 operators
• Manning bulldozers and compactors

– 1 Chief and a team of 8 sweepers

• Cleaning the access roads

• Surface of site :
– Total : 250 hectares
– Used : 50 hectares

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010
Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

7.- Miscellaneous works

• Sweeping
– 25 teams (1 chief and 10-14 workers)
– organised in 2 shift :
Mostly in streets where the municipalities are deficient

• Sewage :
– 1 team of 15 (1 supervisor, 14 workers)
Cleaning manually on daytime only where channels are

8. Budget

• Evaluated monthly need of SMCRS for 2009/2010




Fonctionnement du bureau 634,000.00

Fonctionnement des Véhicules 15,796,355.00

Représentation/Publicité 265,000.00

Divers 800,000.00

TOTAL 32,341,621.00

• 2009/2010 Allocation : 14,590,878.42 HTG.

• The fiscal year starts on october 1st to end on september 30th.

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010
Municipal Solid Waste Management Needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti


• Since the earthquake, an estimated 1.3 million of peoples are homeless and they
produce more garbage because of changes in consuming habits. In order to improve
the services provided SMCRS needs some supports.

• Training in the following:

 Planification and charting of better routes
 Coordination of dispatching
 Upgrade of mechanical staff

• Acquisition of equipments and managing tools

 Winches
 Tracking Devices

• General Drawbacks of SMCRS

 Fuel not always available
 Tires not always available
 Maintenance elements not always available


• SMCRS wants to take this opportunity to thank SWANA

for the interest that it showed in helping the people of
Haiti plagued with various calamities especially the
devastating earthquake of January 12th at the beginning
of the year;
• Special thanks to Mr Jeremy O’Brien that worked
relentlessly to make this meeting possible;
• For the man who started it all, Captain Anthony Coulter
of the U.S. Army SMCRS will be always greatfull.

© Solid Waste Association of North America 2010

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