Transformer Losses Calculation
Transformer Losses Calculation
Transformer Losses Calculation
PQView® 3
May 18, 2013
Using IEEE® PQDIF Data Sources with PQView® 3
Table of Contents
Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
PQView’s PQDIF Characterizer...................................................................................................................... 3
Data Processed by the PQDIF Characterizer ............................................................................................. 3
Triggered Data or Events....................................................................................................................... 3
Steady-State Data ......................................................................................................................................... 4
PQDIF Tags Required by PQView that are Optional in IEEE 1159.3 .......................................................... 4
Data Types Ignored ................................................................................................................................... 5
RMS Triggered Events Records ..................................................................................................................... 5
Data Source Definition .............................................................................................................................. 6
Monitor Settings Record ........................................................................................................................... 7
Observation Record .................................................................................................................................. 7
Waveform Channels with RMS Triggered Data ........................................................................................ 8
Waveform Samples with No RMS ............................................................................................................. 9
Transient Records ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Data Source Definition .............................................................................................................................. 9
Monitor Settings Record ......................................................................................................................... 10
Observation Record ................................................................................................................................ 10
Trend Data .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Data Source Definition ............................................................................................................................ 11
Monitor Settings Record ......................................................................................................................... 12
Observation Record ................................................................................................................................ 12
Mapping between PQView Steady State Channels and IEEE PQDIF Value Log ...................................... 13
Waveform Snapshots .................................................................................................................................. 16
Data Source Definition ............................................................................................................................ 16
Observation Record ................................................................................................................................ 16
Legal Information ........................................................................................................................................ 17
This white paper is intended to give specific guidance in reading files formatted to the IEEE® PQDIF
standard for use with PQView®.
PQView is a power quality database management and analysis database system. PQView was designed
so that measurement data from various proprietary instrument formats could be stored in a common
database format allowing system analyses based on data from various instrument sources. For more
information, see
PQDIF is a binary file format specified in IEEE Std 1159.3-2003 that is used to exchange voltage, current,
power, and energy measurements between software applications. PQDIF is an acronym for “Power
Quality Data Interchange Format.” IEEE PQDIF is maintained by the IEEE P1159.3 Task Force of the IEEE
Working Group on Monitoring Electric Power Quality. For more information, see
This work is sponsored by the IEEE Power Quality Subcommittee. For more information, see
PQView is designed to hold and analyze a broad range of power quality data. The data model for
PQView is event-centric for disturbance information. Steady-state information is stored as compressed
trend data.
Samples of waveform or rms for an event must be represented in a single observation. For example, all
of the individual channels recorded for a single event – VA, IA, VB, IB, etc. – should be included in a
single observation. Additionally, all of the data for each individual channel must be stored in a single
channel instance of the overall observation. If the data for one of the channels is stored as multiple
channel instances within the one event observation, each instance will be processed as though they
were separate events. This is only a recommendation in the IEEE 1159.3 standard, but a requirement
for PQView.
Voltage sag, voltage swell, and voltage interruption measurements can be represented using the
ID_QT_MAGDURTIME quantity type. This measurement consists of the time stamp, voltage magnitude,
current magnitude, and duration typical of data represented on a CBEMA Curve or an ITIC Curve.
Steady-State Data
Non-triggered information like steady-state voltage, current and power information is handled in a
different manner in the characterizer. This information is tagged with the ID_TRIGGER_METH_PERIODIC
for the trigger method. Again there are two types of data that fall into the steady-state category, trend
data, and periodically sampled waveform information.
Trend data is a time trend of any value supported by PQView. Any values that are not represented in
the PQView Channel table are disregarded. Additional channels are periodically added to this table so
you should consult Electrotek Concepts or EPRI for updated listings if you do not find a channel
definition meeting a particular need.
Periodic waveforms are analyzed to provide as much information as possible. Fourier transforms are
performed on all data that has at least one full cycle of information that has been sampled at a power of
2 points per cycle. There must be at least 32 points per cycle for full analysis. If Fourier analysis is
performed the following characteristics are extracted:
Voltage/Current Waveforms
rms, harmonic rms, arithmetic sum, and peak
crest factor, form factor
telephone interference factor (TIF)
total harmonic distortion (THD), THD for even harmonics, THD for odd harmonics
harmonic spectrum
positive-sequence component, negative-sequence component, and zero-sequence component
negative-sequence imbalance, positive-sequence imbalance, line-neutral magnitude imbalance,
and line-line magnitude imbalance
If three phases of voltage and current are present power calculations are performed and the following
additional characteristics are added to the database:
active power, reactive power, apparent power by phase and for three phases
true power factor, displacement power factor by phase
real and apparent power harmonic spectrum by phase phase
All statistical data except quantity characteristics that reflect a statistical basis such as flicker (Pst)
Statistical information such as probability distribution function or histogram data types are not
All channels with the following quantity types are currently not supported:
Some instruments can capture corresponding waveform information along with the rms trace of a
triggered rms variation event. The characterizer will maintain the relationship between the rms and
waveform data provided all of the data is included in a single observation record. The waveform data
will be characterized for transient characteristics as well and stored as shown below in the Transient
Events section.
This definition includes minimum, maximum, and average series definitions for each channel. This
allows for envelope-based measurements. If only instantaneous values of the rms value are available
(and it is not an average over an interval longer than one cycle) only the ID_SERIES_VAL_TYPE_VALUE
should be used. If you have just a series of average values over an interval, omit the
All rms variation event data must be reported using the ID_QT_PHASOR quantity type whether phase
angle information is available or not. This can be considered an implementation restriction.
All other tags in Figure 1 are required in order create valid triggered RMS variation event PQDIF channel
so that the PQView characterizer adequately processes the event. The following example data source
segment illustrates the hierarchical structure of the required data source elements and is created with
the PQDIFR tool available from the IEEE 1159.3 web site.
-tag: tagRecDataSource (level 0)
+-tag: tagEffective value: 9/3/1999 15:2:42.000000000
+-tag: tagDataSourceTypeID value: ID_DS_TYPE_MEASURE
+-tag: tagNameDS value: 'Standby'
+- tag: tagChannelDefns (level 1)
| +- tag: tagOneChannelDefn (level 2)
| | +-tag: tagChannelName value: 'Voltage A'
| | +-tag: tagPhaseID value: 5 (ID_PHASE_AB)
| | +-tag: tagQuantityTypeID value: ID_QT_PHASOR
| | +-tag: tagQuantityMeasuredID value: ID_QM_VOLTAGE
| | +- -- tag: tagSeriesDefns (level 3)
| | | +- tag: tagOneSeriesDefn (level 4)
| | | | +- tag: tagQuantityUnitsID value: ID_QU_SECONDS
| | | | +- tag: tagQuantityCharacteristicID value: ID_QC_RMS
| | | | +- tag: tagValueTypeID value: ID_SERIES_VALUE_TYPE_TIME
| | | | +- tag: tagStorageMethodID value: 6
| | | | +-(End of collection)
| | | +- tag: tagOneSeriesDefn (level 4)
| | | | +- tag: tagQuantityUnitsID value: ID_QU_VOLTS
| | | | +- tag: tagQuantityCharacteristicID value: ID_QC_RMS
| | | | +- tag: tagValueTypeID value: ID_SERIES_VALUE_TYPE_MIN
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesNominalQuantity value: 480.000000
| | | | +-(End of collection)
| | | +-tag: tagOneSeriesDefn (level 4)
| | | | +-tag: tagQuantityUnitsID value: ID_QU_VOLTS
| | | | +-tag: tagQuantityCharacteristicID value: ID_QC_RMS
| | | | +-tag: tagValueTypeID value: ID_SERIES_VALUE_TYPE_MAX
The base system frequency is required for a number of calculations with the characterizer. This is
specified as a tag in the monitor settings record. The characterizer will assume 60 Hz if this tag is not
-tag: tagRecMonitorSettings (level 0)
+-tag: tagEffective value: 9/3/1999 15:2:42.000000000
+-tag: tagNominalFrequency (value: 60.000000
+-tag: tagChannelSettingsArray (level 1)
| +- tag: tagOneChannelSetting (level 2)
| | +-tag: tagChannelDefnIdx value: 0
| | +-tag: tagTriggerTypeID value: 3 (ID_TRIG_LOW | ID_TRIG_HI)
| | +-tag: tagTriggerHigh value: 528.000000
| | +-tag: tagTriggerLow value: 432.000000
| | +-(End of collection)
… Repeated for all channels
Figure 2: Minimum Recommended Tags for Monitor Settings Record
Observation Record
Observation records carry the actual data for an event or trend of steady-state data. For rms variation
event data, the observation needs certain time stamp information for the record including the start time
for the record and the trigger time that usually is some time after the beginning of the record. For event
records, the trigger information is very important and is required for full characterization of the data.
Figure 3 is a sample observation record for an rms variation event. This event was triggered on voltage
phase a-n as the rms voltage violated the ID_TRIGGER_METH_LOW trigger value specified in the
Monitor Settings record. The software creating this record had elected to name the record “RMS
Variation (Sag).” This name is arbitrary and you can choose a title that suits your naming conventions.
As discussed in the Data Source section above, the quantity type for rms records must be
ID_QT_PHASOR. The time series must be the first series instance in the channel. If the event is
triggered on a base voltage other than the tagSeriesNominalQuantity specified in the channel definition,
the tagSeriesBaseQuantity of the observation record is used to override the channel definition base
- tag: tagRecObservation (level 0)
+- tag: tagObservationName value: 'RMS Variation (Sag)'
+-tag: tagTimeCreate value: 9/15/1999 20:32:50.000000000
+-tag: tagTriggerMethodID value: ID_TRIGGER_METH_LOW
+-tag: tagTimeTriggered value: 9/15/1999 10:11:16.630000000
+-tag: tagTimeStart value: 9/15/1999 10:11:16.630000000
+-tag: tagChannelTriggerIdx values: ID_PHASE_AN
+-tag: tagChannelInstances (level 1)
| +-tag: tagOneChannelInst (level 2)
| | +-tag: tagChannelDefnIdx value: 0 References the channel defn. in data source
| | +-tag: tagSeriesInstances (level 3)
| | | +-tag: tagOneSeriesInstance (level 4) Series 0, Time
| | | | +-tag: tagSeriesScale value: 1.000000
| | | | +-tag: tagSeriesOffset value: 0.000000
| | | | +-tag: tagSeriesValues (Vector of time data)
| | | | +-(End of collection)
| | | +-tag: tagOneSeriesInstance (level 4) Series 1, Average
| | | | +-tag: tagSeriesBaseQuantity value: 480.000000
| | | | +-tag: tagSeriesScale value: 0.100000
| | | | +-tag: tagSeriesOffset value: 0.000000
| | | | +-tag: tagSeriesValues (Vector of average data)
| | | | +-(End of collection)
| | | +-tag: tagOneSeriesInstance (level 4) Series 2, Minimum
| | | | +-tag: tagSeriesBaseQuantity value: 480.000000
| | | | +-tag: tagSeriesScale value: 0.100000
| | | | +-tag: tagSeriesOffset value: 0.000000
| | | | +-tag: tagSeriesValues (Vector of minimum data)
| | | | +-(End of collection)
| | | +-tag: tagOneSeriesInstance (level 4) Series 3, Maximum
| | | | +-tag: tagSeriesBaseQuantity value: 480.000000
| | | | +-tag: tagSeriesScale value: 0.100000
| | | | +-tag: tagSeriesOffset value: 0.000000
| | | | +-tag: tagSeriesValues (Vector of maximum data)
| | | | +-(End of collection)
| | | +-(End of collection)
| | +-(End of collection)
|…for all channels
Figure 3: Sample Observation Record for RMS Variation Event
There is no hard limit to the number of “segments” or instances of each channel. By default, PQView 3
will import up to twelve “subevents” associated with each event, but this number can be increased. The
additional waveform segments’ time series must be relative to the observation time stamp to ensure
that a viewer or analysis program can show the waveforms in proper time sequence.
A good approach is to create a virtual instrument to process the waveforms for both transient and rms
variation events. Many trigger algorithms can be applied to the raw waveform information to identify
trigger points -- waveshape fault, rate change, deviation from base, etc. Processing of rms also can be
done in a straightforward manner by applying a sliding one-cycle rms calculation to the waveform data
and checking against specified sag and swell thresholds. Once the trigger point has been determined,
the data can be completely processed by the PQDIF characterizer to find a full range of characteristics.
Transient Records
Transient event records in the context of the PQDIF characterizer are those triggered events that are
composed of waveform data as opposed to rms trend data. This section describes how to define a
channel to hold transient event information that is part of a triggered waveform event type.
Briefly, transient records are processed for a number of characteristics including magnitude, duration,
and principle frequency among others. The original triggered raw waveform data can optionally be
imported to the database as well. The PQView PQDIF characterizer will process up to four voltage and
four current waveforms in each observation. For complete characterization, the waveforms must be
sampled at a power of 2 points per cycle between 32 points per cycle and 4096 points per cycle. Trigger
information from the instrument is important for accurate and complete characterization.
This channel definition in Figure 4 includes a value series for the waveform itself and min and max series
with tagValueType of ID_SERIES_VALUE_TYPE_PEAK for passing along the instantaneous maximum and
minimum values of the event. The value series is used to hold the waveform data. The time series
should contain (or expand to) exactly the same number of points as the waveform series.
Important Note: Note that the tagSeriesBaseQuantity value for the VAL, MIN, and MAX series is set to
the “peak” base voltage for a 480 volt system, 678 Volts. For waveform information, 100% or 1 per unit
should correspond the peak value of the normal waveform, which should be 1.414 multiplied by the rms
base voltage.
The peak channels are optional and are used to hold peak values of the signal between the individual
samples of the waveform. By our convention, these values include low frequency information. The max
series hold the positive going peak value and the min series hold the negative going peak.
All transient event data must be reported using the ID_QT_WAVEFORM quantity type. All other tags in
the fragment are required in order create valid PQDIF and to adequately process the event.
Observation Record
Observation records carry the actual data for an event or trend of steady state data. For transient event
data, the observation needs certain time stamp information for the record including the start time for
the record and the trigger time that usually is some time after the beginning of the record. For event
records, the trigger information is very important and is required for full characterization of the data.
The peak channels are optional and are used to hold peak values of the signal between the individual
samples of the waveform. By our convention, these values include low frequency information. The max
series hold the positive going peak value and the min series hold the negative going peak. The values in
the peak series are interpreted as follows. If full series of values (one peak value for each entry in the
waveform value series) are present then the peak data is analyzed as each point being the peak in the
previous time interval. If only one point is present in each of the peak series, those values are assumed
to be at the trigger time indicated by the tagTimeTriggered tag. The peak characteristics for the
transient are determined by these peak channels, if they are present.
Figure 5 is a sample transient data observation record. Trigger information is extremely important for
complete characterization of the data. Note that the tagSeriesBaseQuantity tags are not really needed
as the tagSeriesNominalQuantity from the data source record provides the correct value.
-tag: tagRecObservation (level 0)
+- tag: tagTimeCreate value: 9/15/1999 20:31:33.000000000
+- tag: tagTimeStart value: 9/15/1999 20:28:15.537302083
+- tag: tagTimeTriggered value: 9/15/1999 20:28:15.561000000
+- tag: tagTriggerMethodID value: ID_TRIGGER_METH_CHANNEL
+- tag: tagChannelTriggerIdx values: 4 Trigger was on channel defn. 4 in data source
+- tag: tagChannelInstances (level 1)
| +- tag: tagOneChannelInst (level 2)
| | +- tag: tagChannelDefnIdx value: 4 References the channel defn. in data source
| | +- tag: tagChannelFrequency value: 60.000000
| | +- tag: tagSeriesInstances (level 3)
| | | +- tag: tagOneSeriesInstance (level 4) Series 0, Time
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesOffset value: 0.000000
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesScale: 0.000130
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesValues (type: INTEGER2) [ 3 ]
| | | | +-(End of collection)
| | | +- tag: tagOneSeriesInstance (level 4) Series 1, Voltage waveform
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesBaseQuantity value: 678.822510
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesScale value: 0.100000
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesOffset value: 0.000000
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesValues (type: INTEGER2) [ 384 ]
| | | | +-(End of collection)
| | | +- tag: tagOneSeriesInstance (level 4) Series 2, Positive Peaks
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesBaseQuantity value: 678.822510
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesScale value: 1.000000
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesOffset: 0.000000
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesValues (type: INTEGER2) [ 1 ]
| | | | +-(End of collection)
| | | +- tag: tagOneSeriesInstance (level 4) Series 3, Negative Peaks
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesBaseQuantity value: 678.822510
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesScale value: 1.000000
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesOffset value: 0.000000
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesValues (type: INTEGER2) [ 1 ]
| | | | +-(End of collection)
| | | +-(End of collection)
| | +-(End of collection)
Figure 5: Sample Transient Data Observation Record
Trend Data
Trend data records give long-term steady-state trends of any quantity that PQView recognizes. The
table of channels accepted by PQView is given in Table 1. In general, trend data is indicated by
specifying a trigger method of ID_TRIGGER_METH_PERIODIC in the observation record and specifying a
quantity type of ID_QT_VALUELOG in the data source definition for the channel.
Trend data can be stored in several ways. The simplest of these would have just a series of
instantaneous values collected over time. These values could be the average value of the variable over
the time interval. In addition, the minimum and maximum values over the interval can be captured.
Figure 6 shows a record fragment that displays the definition for phase A rms voltage trend with
minimum, maximum, and average value series. As with all data source voltage-based channels
definitions, it is recommended to include the base voltage for the record. While the characterizer does
not currently use that information, it is passed on to PQView for steady state analysis such as voltage
| +- tag: tagOneChannelDefn (level 2)
| | +- tag: tagChannelName value: 'SS RMS VAN'
| | +- tag: tagPhaseID value: ID_PHASE_AN
| | +- tag: tagQuantityMeasuredID value: ID_QM_VOLTAGE
| | +- tag: tagQuantityTypeID value: ID_QT_VALUELOG
| | +- tag: tagSeriesDefns (level 3)
| | | +- tag: tagOneSeriesDefn (level 4)
| | | | +- tag: tagQuantityUnitsID value: ID_QU_SECONDS
| | | | +- tag: tagQuantityCharacteristicID value: ID_QC_RMS
| | | | +- tag: tagValueTypeID value: ID_SERIES_VALUE_TYPE_TIME
| | | | +- tag: tagStorageMethodID value: 1
| | | | +-(End of collection)
| | | +- tag: tagOneSeriesDefn (level 4)
| | | | +- tag: tagQuantityUnitsID value: ID_QU_VOLTS
| | | | +- tag: tagQuantityCharacteristicID value: ID_QC_RMS
| | | | +- tag: tagValueTypeID valueID_SERIES_VALUE_TYPE_MIN
| | | | +- tag: tagStorageMethodID value: 3
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesNominalQuantity value: 7448.000000
| | | | +-(End of collection)
| | | +- tag: tagOneSeriesDefn (level 4)
| | | | +- tag: tagQuantityUnitsID value: ID_QU_VOLTS
| | | | +- tag: tagQuantityCharacteristicID value: ID_QC_RMS
| | | | +- tag: tagValueTypeID value: ID_SERIES_VALUE_TYPE_MAX
| | | | +- tag: tagStorageMethodID value: 3
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesNominalQuantity value: 7448.000000
| | | | +-(End of collection)
| | | +-Collection -- tag: tagOneSeriesDefn (level 4)
| | | | +- tag: tagQuantityUnitsID value: ID_QU_VOLTS
| | | | +- tag: tagQuantityCharacteristicID value: ID_QC_RMS
| | | | +- tag: tagValueTypeID value: ID_SERIES_VALUE_TYPE_AVG
| | | | +- tag: tagStorageMethodID value: 3
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesNominalQuantity value: 7448.000000
| | | | +-(End of collection)
| | | +-(End of collection)
| | +-(End of collection)
Figure 6: PQDIF Data Source Record Fragment – Definition for Phase A RMS Voltage Trend
Observation Record
Observation records carry the actual data for an event or trend of steady state data. For waveform
snapshot data, the observation needs certain time stamp information for the record and the
Figure 7 is a fragment of a sample periodic triggered waveform data observation record. Note that the
tagSeriesBaseQuantity tags, if specified, supersede the value specified by tagSeriesNominalQuantity in
the data source record. The tagSeriesNominalQuantity represents the declared nominal for the
measurement location, whereas the tagSeriesBaseQuantity represents the actual base value existing at
the time of the observation measurement. These can be different for instruments that support features
such as floating base voltages for triggering purposes.
- tag: tagRecObservation (level 0)
+- tag: tagObservationName value: 'Steady-state trend'
+- tag: tagTimeCreate value: 11/8/2000 13:44:16.000000192
+- tag: tagTimeStart value: 5/6/1995 0:2:15.000000126
+- tag: tagTriggerMethodID value: ID_TRIGGER_METH_PERIODIC
+- tag: tagChannelInstances (level 1)
| +- tag: tagOneChannelInst (level 2)
| | +- tag: tagChannelDefnIdx value: 26
| | +- tag: tagSeriesInstances (level 3)
| | | +- tag: tagOneSeriesInstance (level 4)
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesValues (type: REAL4) [ 96 ]
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesBaseQuantity value: 1.000000
| | | | +-(End of collection)
| | | +-Collection -- tag: tagOneSeriesInstance (level 4)
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesValues (type: INTEGER2) [ 96 ]
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesBaseQuantity value: 7448.000000
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesScale value: 0.232897
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesOffset value: 0.000000
| | | | +-(End of collection)
| | | +- tag: tagOneSeriesInstance (level 4)
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesValues (type: INTEGER2) [ 96 ]
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesBaseQuantity value: 7448.000000
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesScale value: 0.232897
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesOffset value: 0.000000
| | | | +-(End of collection)
| | | +- tag: tagOneSeriesInstance (level 4)
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesValues (type: INTEGER2) [ 96 ]
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesBaseQuantity value: 7448.000000
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesScale value: 0.232897
| | | | +- tag: tagSeriesOffset value: 0.000000
| | | | +-(End of collection)
| | | +-(End of collection)
Figure 7: Sample Fragment of Periodic Triggered Waveform Data Observation Record
Mapping between PQView Steady State Channels and IEEE PQDIF Value Log
Table 1 presents the PQDIF GUID and ID values that should be specified in a PQDIF data source channel
definition record in order to map value logs to PQView steady-state samples. Additionally, the PQDIF
channel definition record should to specify a PQDIF phase ID (e.g., ID_PHASE_AN, ID_PHASE_AB,
ID_PHASE_NET, etc.) and a PQDIF value type ID (i.e., ID_SERIES_VALUE_TYPE_MIN,
Table 1: Map between PQView Steady-State records and PQDIF Value Log GUID
and ID Channel Definition Values
Waveform Snapshots
Steady-state data can also be derived from periodic snapshots of voltage and current waveforms. The
PQView PQDIF characterizer can process these waveforms to give a full set of steady-state quantities
and pass them through to the database. Note that as of version 3.42 of the characterizer, only one cycle
of data is analyzed, and that for full processing the number of points per cycle must be a power of 2
between 32 and 4096 points.
Waveform snapshot records are indicated to the PQDIF characterizer by the use of the
ID_TRIGGER_METH_PERIODIC tag in the observation record and the ID_QT_WAVEFORM tag in the
There are no special requirements for characterization of snapshot waveform data in the monitor
settings beyond tagNominalFrequency giving the base frequency for the system monitored.
Observation Record
A sample observation record for a waveform snapshot is shown in Figure 9.
- tag: tagRecObservation (level 0)
+- tag: tagTimeCreate value: 9/16/1999 7:18:52.000000000
+- tag: tagTimeStart value: 9/16/1999 7:18:16.620000000
+- tag: tagObservationName value: 'Snapshot'
+- tag: tagTriggerMethodID value: 2
+- tag: tagChannelInstances (level 1)
| +- tag: tagOneChannelInst (level 2)
| | +- tag: tagChannelDefnIdx value: 2
| | +- tag: tagSeriesBaseQuantity value: 678.822510
| | +- tag: tagChannelFrequency value: 60.000000
| | +- tag: tagSeriesInstances (level 3)
| | | +- tag: tagOneSeriesInstance (level 4)
Legal Information
“PQView”, “Electrotek Concepts” are registered trademarks of Electrotek Concepts, Inc. “EPRI” is
registered trademark of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. “IEEE” is a registered trademark of
the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.