Australian Elevator Association Handbook 2015 PDF

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Lift and Escalators


The Australian Elevator Association has pleasure in Commonly used terms are changing also, which
issuing a third version of our Owners Handbook, first reflects changes in the social fabric of our society.
published in 2006 and revised in 2009. Lifts are being referred to as ‘elevators’ and as these
terms are synonymous both appear in this issue. Lifts
The need to update the Owners Handbook after only (elevators), escalators and moving walks are more
five years is due to changes in the products provided often being classified as ‘vertical transport’ and this
by our industry and from a change in jurisdictional term is also used in this issue.
management of those products.
In addition, lifts, escalators and moving walks are
The introduction of a national Work Health & Safety classified in the WHS legislation and guidance as
(WHS) Act, which has been adopted by most states ‘high risk plant’. Section 5 brings to the fore industry
has created a raft of new model WHS legislative concerns about energy utilisation. Appendix A is a
package, has been adopted by most states and useful guide to understanding how our industry meets
territories. The package includes Act , regulations, the challenge of minimising its use.
Codes of Practice and Guidance documents. Many
of which impact on those involved with lifts or moving As technology is continually changing a section has
walks. been dedicated to the latest form of elevator despatch
management system known as ‘destination control’.
The WHS legislative package reinforces that everyone (See Appendix B)
in the workplace has a work health and safety duty.
There are some new concepts and terms. “Person in This 2015 edition of the Owners’ handbook is
control of a business or undertaking” and the term and designed to assist owners, installers and service
its abbreviation “PCBU” will become more common providers alike in understanding their responsibilities
over time. (See Section 3) in relation to risk management for all types of vertical
These changes reflect changes in the social
expectations and nature of work in our society. AEA invite you to make full use of this valuable
resource document.

Referenced documents
The following documents are referred to in this Guide.

ABCB Guide Information Handbook: Lifts Used During Evacuation 2013

AS1657 Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders — Design, construction and installation
AS1735 Standards for Lifts, escalators and moving walks
AS4360 replaced with AS/NZS ISO 3100
AS4431 Guidelines for safe working on new lift installations in new constructions
AS4836 Safe working on or near low-voltage electrical installations and equipment
AS/NZ 3000 Wiring Rules
EN81-80 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts. Existing lifts. Rules for the improvement of
safety of existing passenger and goods passenger lifts
EN 115-2  Safety of escalators and moving walks — Part 2: Rules for the improvement of safety of existing
escalators and moving walks
EN 13015 Maintenance for Lifts and escalators- Rules for Maintenance instructions
ISO14798 Lifts (elevators), escalators and moving walks — Risk assessment and reduction methodology
ISO 25743 Lifts (elevators) — Study of the use of lifts for evacuation during an emergency
ISO 25745 parts 1 to 3 Energy performance of lifts, escalators and moving walks
ISO/IEC Guide 2 Standardisation and relative activities — General Vocabulary
ISO Tr 18870 Lifts (elevators) — Requirements for lifts used to assist in building evacuation
NCC 2014 National Construction Code (BCA


SECTION 1 Risk management plan and life cycle


SECTION 2 Installation, alteration, modernisation,

repair and maintenance
2.5 REPAIR 9

SECTION 3 Licensing and plant registration


SECTION 4 Hazard and risk


SECTION 5 Energy and working on electrical equipment

5.1 ENERGY 14

SECTION 6 Use of lifts in an emergency and

safe access to lift pits


Abbreviations and definitions 23-25


Risk management
plan and life cycle
A person conducting a business or undertaking
must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable,
that workers and other people are not exposed to
health and safety risks arising from the business or
A ‘person conducting a business or undertaking’ is a
economically and adequately reduce risk, taking into
account the life cycle of the plant.
The plan also needs to cover matters such as the
modernisation of plant, especially as time passes.
Financial aspects must also be covered with a
budget and the provision of funds to cover future
term that includes all types of working arrangements works.
such as organisations, partnerships, sole traders
When plant is altered the parties involved in any
or small business owners. For example a builder,
work should provide the owner with an updated
a construction business, a crane hire company, a
“safe to operate” statement. Care needs to be taken
franchisee and a self-employed person operating
to ensure that local requirements in relation to
their own business are all persons conducting a
registration are met to cover any alteration.
business or undertaking.
A lift, escalator or moving walk only delivers
A person conducting a business or undertaking
maximum safety when it is used correctly and those
who has management or control of a workplace
who fail to do this must remain responsible for the
must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the
consequences of their actions and those of children
workplace, the means of entering and exiting the
under their care.
workplace and anything arising from the workplace
is without risks to health and safety. Adults in charge of children should supervise them
whilst travelling on escalators and moving walks.
Officers, such as company directors, have a duty
to exercise due diligence to ensure the business An area warranting special attention is falls from
or undertaking complies with the Work Health and escalator or moving walk related structures
Safety (WHS) Act and Regulations. This includes
taking reasonable steps to ensure the business or
undertaking has and uses appropriate resources 1.2 PERSON IN CONTROL
and processes to eliminate or minimise risks in the OF BUSINESS OR
Workers and other people at the workplace must
take reasonable care for their own health and safety, This section provides a brief understanding of each
co-operate with reasonable policies, procedures and PCBU’s responsibilities as defined in the Work
instructions and not adversely affect other people’s Health and Safety Act and Regulations. (Refer to
health and safety. your States / Territory Local Act and Regulation)

1.2.1 Owner (PCBU)

PLAN An owner has a responsibility to ensure that plant
Each item of “in service” plant should be covered is maintained and is` safe for users and workers,
with a Risk Management Plan. This plan should including the service provider, paramount in this are
contain a current Hazard and Risk Analysis that access to and egress from the plant is safe.
which identifies how each hazard is managed to




Areas of responsibility
› Satisfactory operation of the emergency
› Control risks for users and workers communication device
› Implementation of a Risk Management Plan › Any unusual in-service conditions, like stopping in
for the plant (Refer to life cycle of plant) mid-flight
› Ensure plant is safe › Tendencies for doors to ‘bump’ users
› Ensure plant is registered with the relevant authority › The adequacy of protection to prevent falls from an
escalator or moving walk related structures
› Ensure that plant is maintained in accordance
with a maintenance regime There needs to be a system in place to ensure that
a service provider is regularly updated with any
› Provide a safe work place concerns relating to all items of plant.
› Provide safe access and egress to plant for
users and workers
› Keep maintenance records 1.3 ACCESSIBILITY
Any plant that is required to be “accessible” should
comply with the relevant sections of the NCC.
See Appendix D for a general check list
It is suggested that plant life cycle is
as per the following diagram
1.2.2 Service Provider (PCBU)
A service provider has a responsibility to ensure the
work place is safe for their workers and has a duty of Commissioning
care to inform the owner of any identified hazards.
Areas of responsibility Delivery Adequate
Process Maintenance
› Control risks for users and workers when
maintaining the plant
› Inform owner on equipment condition
› Maintain plant as per contract
› Ensure a safe work environment is provided Design

› Provide SWMS
› Provide adequately trained personnel
› Develop a maintenance regime for the plant
› Provide maintenance records Upgrade Risk
› Provide annual safety statement Commences

1.2.3 Owner Budget

Matters including but not limited to the following list

should be regularly inspected by building owners
End of Life Cycle. Arrangements
representatives to safely close plant down and
dispose of equipment in an
› Floor levels environmentally friendly manner

› Slip and trip hazards

› Smoothness of operation


Installation, alteration,
modernisation, repair
and maintenance
Refer to the Original Equipment Manufacturer
(OEM), equipment supplier or service provider for
2. A competent person should commission and
test the installation in line with the designer’s
3. The unit should comply with the requirements
relevant SWMS for working procedures relating of AS/NZS3000
to installation, alteration, modernisation, repair and 4. The certifier should provide documentation that
maintenance. the unit is safe to operate before the unit is
placed into service
For a SWM template, refer to the Safe
Work Australia Code of Practice Note: A certifier may note in the certificate,
building items, but it must be clearly
understood by all that the certifier’s
qualifications limit the validity of “safe to
2.2 INSTALLATION operate” to cover only equipment supplied in
The Installation process should be carried out conjunction with the item of plant’s design.
in accordance with the OEM’s instructions and
SWMS. If no OEM instructions are available then
procedures for the installation process and SWMS
should be developed by a competent person. The following typical examples could be
considered as constituting an alteration which may
Australian Standard AS4431 Guidelines for
affect the overall risk management principles of
safe working on new lift installations in new
the design.
constructions may provide guidance in regards to
the installation process. a) Any increase or decrease of
› The rated speed
› The rated load
2.2.1CERTIFICATION › The mass of the car +/- 5%
The installer should have processes for the › The travel
following areas: b) The change of machine or the traction sheave
1. Installation to be to the manufacturer’s Note: An alteration of design submission
instructions and the company’s SWMS may be required for the above items.



2.4 MODERNISATION practicable this should be done according to the

manufacturer’s instructions.
Any change in the design that uses new
technology or replacement components to For a competent person to perform inspection of
improve the reliability and safety of the item of lifts, escalators or moving walks they:
plant and where the risk assessment indicates no › Should have a trade qualification in a mechanical
increase in risk. associated trade, electrical trade or associate
A company engaged in a modernisation should engineering qualification
assess the item of plant with regard to the › Should have a comprehensive understanding
individual components to be modernised. of relevant design and safe use/maintenance
standards this would include the relevant design
The company should determine the design
standard used
(inclusive of component selection, drawing, data,
field instructions, installation, commissioning, › Should have a minimum of 5 years experience in
maintenance and usage) that meets the the lift industry
requirements of the customer without introducing
any new risks.
Upon completion of the modernisation and the
The Maintenance provider should:
commissioning procedures, the modernisation
company should issue a “safe to operate” Maintain plant so that with consideration to
fair wear and tear, original or altered design
statement to the client
parameters are maintained in relation to
Note: Where any part is modified and may impact
› Performance
on the fire rating of that part then an alternative
fire opinion may be required › Safety
› Provide advice in relation to their expertise as is
Appendix C provides a list of known hazards reasonably required by the owner
which should be addressed as part of any
› Provide “Adequate Maintenance” statements
modernisation process
› To attend to calls for service
See Modernisation definition on page 22 › To repair equipment as specified in individual

2.5 REPAIR › Advise, according to commercial arrangements

in relation to Hazard and Risk and Risk
Repairs to plant should only be carried out by Management
competent persons. › Planning
A maintenance program should be developed
See Repair definition on page 22
and undertaken in accordance with the standard
EN13015 “Maintenance for lifts and escalators
- Rules for maintenance instructions.” Contact
2.6 MAINTENANCE Standards Australia for a copy of this if required.
Guidance on who is competent to conduct
maintenance and inspection of lifts, EN13015 Scope
escalators and moving walks This European Standard specifies the elements
necessary for the preparation of the instructions
Background for the maintenance operations, which are
The Work Health and Safety Regulations (WHS) provided for new installed passenger lifts, goods
require that, plant must be maintained, inspected, passenger lifts, accessible goods only lifts, service
lifts, escalators and passenger conveyors. 7
and if necessary, tested by a competent person. If

Licensing and
plant registration
All High Risk plant (lift, escalator and moving
walks) must be Design Registered with the
relevant authority before it is placed on site.

Refer to your local Statutory Body

for details


A current Item Registration Certificate issued by
the relevant authority must be obtained before
a lift, escalator or moving walk can be placed in
general service.
Where an item of plant is to be used prior to
practical completion during the construction
period of a building i.e. as a “Builders Lift” then it
is recommended that any specific requirements
for Item Registration be confirmed with the local
statutory authority.

Refer to local State / Territory regulations for


Hazard and Risk


Risk assessment consists of risk analysis and
risk evaluation. ISO 14798 is a guideline for risk
Risk reduction is achieved by implementing one or
more of the following:
Eliminate the hazard
The best way to eliminate a risk is to completely
The objective of risk assessment is to describe
principles and set procedure for a consistent and remove the potential hazard from a design;
systematic risk assessment methodology relevant however it is often the case that it is impractical
to all forms of vertical transport. Risk assessment to completely eliminate hazards, particularly for
is a tool used to identify risks of harm resulting something constructed a long time ago.
from various hazards, hazardous situations SECOND
and harmful events. It offers ways to develop Minimise the risk of the hazard
strategies and corrective actions to eliminate
If a hazard cannot be eliminated, and if the risk is
or reduce the risks such that the residual risk
not adequately controlled, then the design should
is at a level acceptable to prevailing community
be modified to minimise the risk of the hazard by
standards. This methodology is useful in assessing
the following
design, operation, testing and the use of plant
equipment and should always be performed by a 1. Substitution
balanced team approach. 2. Modification
Risk analysis includes: 3. Engineering controls
› determination of the subject of analysis 4. Isolation of the hazard
› identification of scenarios: hazardous situations, THIRD
harmful events and effects Administrative controls
› risk estimation of the severity and probability of (Policies, Procedures)
occurrence of a harmful event If risks cannot be adequately minimised through
Risk evaluation is undertaken to determine if any the previous techniques then these techniques
corrective measures need to be undertaken to should also be applied.
eliminate or reduce the risk. The methodology FOURTH
identifies three risk levels (High, Medium and Personal protective equipment
Low) and specifies actions that must be taken for
each risk level. The risk is evaluated by identifying This options is the least desirable means of
the corresponding risk group based on the risk controlling a risk because they rely on a persons
level estimated in the risk analysis. behaviour.



It is also important to consult with the OEM designer This standard includes the improvement of
when considering new risk control measures, safety of existing passenger and goods passenger
because new risk treatments can have unforeseen lifts for:
effects upon safety and can introduce additional
a) users
b) maintenance and inspection personnel
Once the risk reduction process has been completed
c) persons outside the well, machine room and the
the risk should be re-estimated to ensure that the
pulley room (but in their immediate vicinity)
residual risk now falls within an acceptable risk
group. If a new risk is created by the risk reduction d) any authorised persons
measures then the process should be repeated on This standard is not applicable to:
the new risk until it is eliminated or the residual risk a) lifts with drive systems others than those defined
has been reduced to an acceptable level. in EN 81-1 or EN 81-2
This process ensures that a proactive approach b) lifting appliances such as paternosters, mine lifts,
is undertaken to identify and reduce risks when theatre lifts, appliances with automatic caging, skips,
equipment is being designed, or installation and lifts and hoists for building and public works sites,
maintenance methods are being developed to reduce ships’ hoists, platforms for exploration or drilling at
the probability of a harmful event. sea, construction and maintenance appliances
c) installations where the inclination of the guide rails
Refer to EN81-80 for existing lifts to the vertical exceeds 15°
d) safety during transport, installation, repairs and
dismantling of lifts
4.1.1 EN81-80 SCOPE e) fire fighting operation This European Standard gives rules for However, this standard can usefully be taken as a
improving the safety of existing lifts with the aim of reference basis.
reaching an equivalent level of safety to that of a
newly installed lift by the application of today’s state Refer to EN115-2 for existing escalators
of the art for safety. and Moving Walks
NOTE Due to situations such as the building design
etc. it may not be possible in all cases to reach
today’s state of the art for safety. This standard applies for permanently

a) Electric lifts, with traction or positive drive
b) H
 ydraulic lifts; serving defined landing levels,
having a car designed for the transportation
of persons or persons and goods and moving
between guide rails inclined not more than 15° to
the vertical



4.1.2 EN115-2 SCOPE This European Standard gives rules
for improving the safety of existing escalators
and moving walks with the aim of reaching
an equivalent level of safety to that of a newly
installed escalator and moving walk by the
application of today’s state of the art for safety.
NOTE: Due to situations such as the existing
machine or building designs, it may not be
possible in all cases to reach today’s state of the
art for safety. Nevertheless the objective is to
improve the level of safety wherever possible. This standard includes the improvement

of safety of existing escalators and moving walks
a) users
b) maintenance and inspection personnel
c) persons outside the escalator or moving walk
(but in its immediate vicinity)
d) authorised persons This standard is not applicable to:
a) safety during transport, installation, repairs and
dismantling of escalators and moving walks
b) spiral escalators
c) accelerating moving walks
However, this standard can usefully be taken as a
reference basis.


Energy and working on
electrical equipment
Energy Savings Possibilities –
Lifts, escalators and moving walks
Most modern lift and escalator systems and even
some older systems are very energy efficient for
5.2.1 Assessment
Energised electrical equipment in this document
covers situations where the potential difference to
earth is greater than 120VDC (ripple free) and/or

the work produced. 5.2.2 Responsibility

Nevertheless it may be possible to further › PCBU’s are responsible for ensuring that their
decrease energy consumption, especially for older staff is fully conversant with the developed safe
equipment. work method statement
AEA supports the efforts of the ABCB and › Employees carrying out work on electrical
the Green Building Council of Australia in equipment are responsible for ensuring they
encouraging well founded and improved energy abide by the requirements of this and other
efficiency measures for buildings applicable safety instructions

5.2.3 Definitions
Refer to Appendix A
› Working on Electrical Equipment means making
adjustments to, and /or adding, removing or
5.2 WORKING ON OR NEAR replacing components and or wiring whilst the
ENERGISED ELECTRICAL equipment is de-energised
EQUIPMENT › Testing Electrical Equipment means using
Work should not be undertaken on energised approved testing devices to establish either the
electrical equipment, other than for testing, presence or absence of electrical energy
unless there is no reasonably practicable › Approved Testing Device means any metrology
alternative and if undertaken should be subject equipment carrying the stamp of Standards
to a comprehensive risk assessment and the Australia or a European or USA approval
development of a safe work method statement. authority. (They aren’t any definitions in their
Guidance on isolation and safety measures can current form)
be found in AS/NZS 4836 - Safe work on low- › Risk: Inadvertent contact with electrical energy
voltage electrical installations. Or alternatively
Energised Electrical Circuits are defined
› Controls: Use of Line workers gloves; insulated
according to the definition set out in the current
edition of AS/NZS3000. › Controlled Consequence: No injury from contact
with electrical energy possible


Use of lifts in an emergency
and safe access to lift pits
Reference the ABCB (Australian Building Code
Board) document titled “Information Handbook:
Lifts Used During Evacuation 2013”).
building requirements that will have to be provided
as part of the overall evacuation strategy for the
Excluded from ISO/TS 18870:2014 are the
following: details of a building evacuation strategy;
details of building features to reduce risks or
This book was developed in consultation with the eliminate hazards; national building requirements
AEA and other parties as an additional solution which might demand special features.
that enables people (particularly those with a
disability or health condition) to egress a building, 6.1.2 ISO/TR 25743 Abstract
or part of a building, using lifts. ISO/TR 25743:2010 investigates and highlights
The objective of safely using lifts for evacuation is the main risks associated with using lifts
not intended to diminish the importance of other (elevators) for the evacuation of persons in various
evacuation measures such as emergency stairs types of emergency.
and is not intended to reduce the number of exits, The types of emergency under study arise from
particularly the number of emergency stairways. fire, flood, earthquake, explosion, biological or
This Information Handbook is to complement the chemical attack, gas leakage, lightning or storm
NCC objective of fire safety and primarily focuses damage in the building being studied or a building
on the fire safety systems and lift reliability adjacent to it..
systems needed for the success of an overall The purpose of ISO/TR 25743:2010 is to provide
evacuation strategy. a process for making decisions relevant to the
ISO has published standards specifically on the design of lifts and buildings, in order to determine
requirement for lifts used to assist in building if a given design can enable the lifts involved to be
evacuation. used with an acceptable level of safety.

Refer to ISO/TS 18870 and

ISO/TR 25743 – 2010
6.1.1 ISO/TS 18870 Abstract LIFT PITS
ISO/TS 18870:2014 details requirements for 6.2.1 Compliant Structures
passenger carrying lifts, which are installed
For most lifts operating in Australian buildings the
in buildings having a suitable comprehensive
means of safe access to the pit floor will comply
building evacuation strategy. It does not define




with the current version of either AS1657, AS1735, 6.2.3 Use of personal protective
EN81, A17.1 and those safe access means will equipment in lift pits
consist of stairs, walkways and/or ladders.
Because of the inherent safety risks associated
Those standards set out the requirements for with the use of personal protective equipment
various structures which are intended to provide such as harnesses, fall arrestors, industrial rope
a means of unaccompanied and safe access for access systems and the like, and because of
inspection or maintenance personnel, which is the serious additional risks associated with
particularly suited to lifts. AS1657 defines safe using those devices for a person in the vicinity
access by various means including ladders where of an elevator that can move; the AEA strongly
the vertical distance between levels is up to 6.0m recommends that their use be avoided when
An appropriate lift pit access means will have accessing lift pits.
been designed and constructed with due
6.2.4 Pit access doors
consideration of the need for unaccompanied
personnel to get safely to and from the pit Whenever possible, and especially when buildings
floor for maintenance or inspections, and with are being designed or constructed, the AEA
proper consideration of risks associated with lift recommends that pit floor access doors or
equipment that can move, and other constraints hatches be provided, particularly when a lift pit
inherent in a lift installation. depth is more than 2.0m. The location, size and
locking of any pit access doorway should be
6.2.2 Non-compliant structures determined by the architect in consultation with
For any buildings and lifts that do not have the lift equipment designer.
appropriate pit access means, it is suggested that
6.2.5 Three points of contact
the owner together with the lift service provider,
consider applying the risk management principles When pit access doors are not practicable and
so that a comparable level of risk control is ladders are used, ladder access methods should
achieved. provide for three points of contact when climbing,
meaning that it is only necessary to remove one
Various WHS legislation and guidelines outline
foot or one hand from a ladder and surrounding
well known risk control hierarchies that should
area at any time. For example; AS1657 table
be considered when seeking to control risks to a
G2 gives advice on the use of rung ladders as
greater degree.
summarised below in Table 2.


Use of rung ladder system including restricted access* and 3

Elevator pit depth range points of contact and when ladder incline is;
75° to 90° (vertical) 70° to 75°
0m to 3.5m Acceptable # Acceptable #
3.5m to 4.5m Acceptable # Acceptable #
4.5m to 6.0m AS1657 suggests alternate Acceptable #
methods. AEA recommends
pit access door.
Greater than 6.0m AEA recommends pit access door.
*Elevators normally provide restricted access to pit ladders.
# Regardless of information in AS1657, AEA always recommends a pit access door as the
safest means of access when elevator pits deeper than 2m.
14 A 70° to 75° inclined ladder may not be practical for many elevators.

ENERGY particularly if air heating or cooling is needed.

The main approaches for achieving optimal energy Adjust thermostats to allow machine room temperature
efficiency, particularly for existing lifts, are based on two to follow ambient temperatures more closely, subject to
simple principles: turn devices off when not needed; equipment and human environmental requirements.
and efficiently use those devices so that they do not Motor generators – in existing lifts
consume more energy than necessary when needed.
Generators create the DC power required for a lift
The provision of adequate maintenance is imperative to machine.
ensure efficiency is maintained on an ongoing basis.
As this is only required when the lift operates, as a
The energy consumed by lifts is insignificant when minimum, owners should ensure that generators shut
compared to the energy consumed by large heating, air down when not required.
conditioning and lighting systems.
Since the advent of alternating current (AC) electronic
Nevertheless, many building owners should endeavour drives and variable frequency drives, motor generators
to reduce the energy that a building consumes, and have become obsolete for lifts.
the following outlines some of the possibilities in
which owners can achieve energy savings in their Consider installing modern electronic drives. Note that
vertical transport systems and associated building modern drives are associated with modern controls,
infrastructure. which provides opportunity for many modernisation
benefits such as increase performance and reliability in
Lift car light controls addition to energy saving.
1. Lights inside a lift car continuously lit may be Escalators and moving walks
When an escalator or moving walk is not conveying
Modern lifts include automatic car light controls. Lights passengers it is using energy.
are on when the lift is being used and switch off
automatically when the lift is idle. Lights automatically Consider reducing the speed or shutting it down. This
switch on when the lift moves. Check with the service will reduce the amount energy consumed. The unit will
provider that this feature is available and switched on. automatically restart as a passenger approaches.
For existing lifts retrofit automatic lighting controls. REFER TO ISO 25745
2. Consider changing the light source Parts 1 Energy performance of lifts, escalators and
moving walks
Modern LED lamps provide adequate lighting levels
for a fraction of the energy consumption of traditional ISO/FDIS Part 2: Energy calculation and classification
lamps. for lifts (elevators)
Machine room vents and fan ISO/FDIS Part 3: Energy calculation and classification
of escalators and moving walks
Waste heat is normally removed from machine rooms
by the ingress of cool air mass that displaces warmed ISO 25745 -1 Abstract
air. The ability to move that air mass depends primarily
ISO 25745-1:2012 specifies:
on the smallest area that the air has to flow through
and the speed at which the air flows through it. Small a) methods of measuring actual energy consumption
area vents will require higher speed air and that will of lifts, escalators and moving walks on a single unit
require more fan power and the fan to operate more basis
b) m
 ethods of carrying out periodic energy verification
Provide larger area vents and if needed larger area checks on lifts, escalators and moving walks in
fans, so that ventilation can occur more naturally and so operation
that when the fan is used that the machine room can
ISO 25745-1:2012 only considers the energy
cool more quickly. But be careful not to allow ingress of
performance during the operational portion of the life
contaminants that could damage equipment (e.g.; salty
cycle of the lifts, escalators or moving walks.
Machine room temperature control
Machine room temperature control systems that are
set-up to constrain machine room air temperatures
between narrow limits will consume more energy,


CONTROL SYSTEMS › If building has many new visitors, they do not need
Conventional control re-education of elevator use

In most every generic conventional control form, there › Assignment of cars can change up to few seconds
is a simplistic approach to interface with humans which prior to answering allocated call. (This cannot be
requires the use of buttons that are pushed to activate achieved with destination control)
calls onto the control system. Car floor destination
Disadvantages of conventional control
control buttons are located within the car and on the
landing either up or down buttons or both are provided The main problem with conventional elevator
in the lobby, usually adjacent to the elevators. dispatching systems is that the passenger approaches
knowing where they want to go but not knowing which
This interface of push buttons has been in use for more
elevator is to transport them.
than 60 years, and people are familiar to this, it remains
as the most common form of elevator group to human People when waiting in the main lobby for service ,
interface in use today. enter the first available car that arrives , then the next
car is entered and so on, this behaviour creates multiple
The conventional control system dispatches cars to
destination stops and increased journey times within
service the registered landing or car calls, however
each car and can also lead to overcrowding.
there is no known numbers of passengers waiting
behind each landing call and their destination is not It is possible with conventional control that each car
known prior to entering the elevator car. will stop at every floor, which increases the waiting
time in the lobby and will have a reduction in handling
This can lead to long waits on lobbies for service and
overcrowding in cars due to people loading the first
arriving car in the lobby. Also in peak periods they rush towards the nearest
arriving car and try to load the car to a capacity higher
Modern conventional control systems use advanced
than it is set for which is generally 80%. This can add
processors to manage call allocation and servicing
delay due to overload functioning and door cycling
of calls via a group controller using demand based
because of passengers alighting from the crowded car,
dispatching system algorithms. The allocation of landing
all this increases dispatching time.
calls is carried out via the group control that has the
ability to see all landing calls on the system, and the › The system has unknown passenger destination, prior
actual position of each lift car within the group. to passengers entering car
The group control does not have any control over the › The dispatcher cannot plan passengers demand
individual lifts systems other than dispatching of the car
to a landing call on the system. › Bunching of elevators occur, which leads to reduced
handling capacity
The individual lift processor controls the direction of
travel; coordinates with the hardware to monitor of › Leap frogging of cars
safety circuits and doors, position of the car control the
actual movement, speed patterns, and communicate
› Direction of travel change, the elevator needs to
complete up run or down run of the building prior
these to the group control processor.
to changes in direction, which are not based on
Advantages of conventional control passengers demand

› E asy user interface with simplistic up, down and car › Arrival rates undetermined
call buttons › Queuing in lobbies
 ell accepted by public because of familiarity › Crowded cars, doors open people rush in when car
arrives in lobby
› T he ease of consultants to understand handling
capacity, this is due to well-established industry › Difficult to access car operating panel in crowded
planning parameters cars

› A ssigned calls can be changed even if a car has › Too many buttons on panel in large buildings
broken down in the group, so service will still be › Inability to assign correct car in the instance of lower
provided by re-allocation to another lift car or higher floors served in the elevator core with
multiple elevator car groups
› C all allocation frequently optimised for least cost
solution using iterative algorithms › Double deck elevator conventional system operates
on odds and even floor service entire day


› T his often equates to passengers waiting in either By the grouping of the passengers into the same lift
deck with closed doors whilst the other deck services car for dispatch allows the system user to travel more
the desired car or hall call directly with fewer stops in between which results in an
overall reduction of empty car movements within the
Destination Control lift core and allows quicker returns of the lift car to the
An alternate system of elevator dispatch is destination system for subsequent dispatching which helps during
control (DEST C) or hall call allocation (HCA), where in peaks. This equates for a more efficient use of the
the generic model there are no longer any up or down elevator group:
landing buttons on the main lobby, nor car buttons, in Benefits Include
some OEM systems, in lieu of this interface there exists
a numeric keypad which is generally located away from › Elevator space is optimised by the grouping of
the actual lift doors. passengers

At present day, several companies have their versions of

› Less crowding of elevators
destination control. › Less power used by the lifts in this system
Some companies have only destination keypads or › Allows for faster availability of cars to main lobby
terminals on every floor and there are not any car call
buttons within the car. › Has increases in efficiency on the system traffic
performance compared to conventional control system
However there are many variations to generic of similar sized group of three cars or more
destination control, as such, some companies have a
combination of keypads on the main lobby, and the car › Reduced Waiting times Better Car assignment fewer
buttons are still within the car. stops for passenger

All the major companies that have this new system › Allows special access controls for individuals
of dispatch have a commonality. This commonality is › Allows for Disabled access with better car space and
the system knows where the passenger destination is Voice assist
before entering the car and passengers are grouped
into the cars for same destinations or adjoining floors. › Passenger destination is known well in advance of
movement in car which allows for loading of like
passengers into same car for onward journey, this
allows fill capacities to be further utilised. Similar to
fill scheduling via other Auto –Concierge transport
means, such as airlines etc.
› Plans traffic movements due to knowledge of
destination of user prior to entering car
› Call allocation frequently optimised for least cost
solution using iterative algorithms
› Reduces energy consumption due to higher handling
capacity of system, which equates to more efficiency
› Increases in handling capacity particularly with
modernisation of existing building which were severely
under elevatored
› Reduction in empty car movements
› Destination control is generally a “Greener” system
than conventional due to increased handling capacity
with fewer elevators



Reference should made to EN81-80 for detailed Hazards

The following table which has been produced by the Australian Elevator Technical Committee. In preparing this Hazard
and Risk Check List, the AEA drew upon major world codes and various standards, most significantly EN81-80:2003.
All significant risk issues raised by this standard were considered and these and other issues more specific to local
conditions and requirements are included in this check list.

No. Hazard/Hazardous Situation

1 Presence of harmful materials
2 Drive system with inconsistent stopping/levelling accuracy
3 No or inadequate control functions in case of fire
4 Well enclosures with perforate walls
5 Partially enclosed well with too low enclosure
6 Inadequate locking devices on access doors to well and pit
7 Inadequate vertical surface below landing door sills
8 Counterweight / balancing weight without safety gear in case of accessible spaces below well
9 No or inadequate partition of counterweight / balancing weight travel path
10 No or inadequate pit screen for several lifts in the same well
11 No or inadequate partition for several lifts in the same well
12 Insufficient safety spaces in headroom and pit
13 Unsafe pit access
14 No or inadequate stopping devices in the pit or in the pulley room
15 No or inadequate access to lift well and pit.
16 No or inadequate lighting of the well, pit or top of car
17 No alarm system in pit and on car roof
18 No or unsafe means of access to machine and pulley room
19 Slippery floor in machine or pulley room
20 Insufficient clearances in machine room
21 No or inadequate protection on different levels in machine pulley room
22 Inadequate lighting in machine or pulley room
23 Inadequate means of handling equipment
24 Perforate landing doors and car doors
25 Inadequate design of landing door fixings
26 Inadequate glass in doors
27 No or inadequate protection against dragging of fingers on sliding car or landing doors with glass
28 No or inadequate lighting on landings
29 No or inadequate protective devices on power operated doors
30 Unlocking of landing door without a special tool
31 Well enclosure with perforate walls near door locks
32 No automatic closing device on sliding doors
33 Inadequate fire resistance of landing doors
34 Large car area in relation to rated load
35 Inadequate length of car apron


36 Unsafe locking of car roof trap door

37 Insufficient strength of car roof
38 No or inadequate fall protection on car roof
39 Insufficient ventilation in car, shaft and machinery space.
40 Inadequate lighting in car
41 No or inadequate backup lighting in car
42 No or inadequate protection means on sheaves, pulleys and sprockets against injury
43 No or inadequate protection against rope/chains leaving the sheaves, pulleys or sprockets
44 No or inadequate protection means on sheaves, pulleys or sprockets against introduction of objects
45 No or inadequate safety gear and/or overspeed governor on electric lifts
46 No or inadequate slack rope switch for governor rope
47 No protection means against ascending car overspeed on traction drive lifts with counterweight
48 Inadequate design of lift machine for electric lifts
49 Protection of hydraulic lifts against freefall, excessive speed and creeping
50 No or inadequate buffers
51 No or inadequate final limit switches
52 Large gap between car and wall facing the car entrance
53 Excessive distance between car door and landing door
54 No or inadequate emergency operation system
55 No shut-off valve
56 No independent starting contactors
57 No or inadequate slack rope/chain device
58 No run-time limiter
59 No or inadequate low pressure device
60 Insufficient protection against electric shock and/or marking of electrical equipment; missing notices
61 No or inadequate protection on lift machine motor
62 No lockable main and auxiliary switches
63 No protection against phase reversal
64 No or inadequate inspection control station and stopping device on car roof
65 No or inadequate communication system between machine room and car
66 No or inadequate load control on car
67 Missing notices, markings and operating instructions
68 No or unsafe means of access to machinery space, landings and control equipment located in lift well.
69 No or unsafe means of access to landings, machinery and control equipment located in enclosures alongside lift well
70 No remote control or adequate access is available to governors located in the lift well.
71 Poor condition of caisson
72 Poor condition of ram and oil seals in hydraulic lifts
73 Passenger lifts have vertical bi-parting doors
74 Residual current devices (RCD) not fitted to light and power circuits
75 Socket outlets are not provided in machinery space, on top of car and in the lift pit.
76 Access for persons with disability not provided


Item to be Considered √ or Comment

Is the design of your plant verified and registered?

Is the original “Safe to Operate” STO statement on file

Is there 24/7 access to all parts of the plant in case of an

Is your plant, where required, registered on an ongoing basis?

Is your service provider’s “Adequate Maintenance” statement

If my service provider is not the Original Equipment

Manufacturer (OEM) am I sure correct procedures are in place?

Is the Risk Management Plan (RMP) for my plant current?

Is there a current Hazard and Risk Analysis (HRA) in place?

Does the RMP clearly state how risks are managed as

identified by the HRA?
Is there an upgrade budget and fund in place?

If my plant has been altered is there a STO on file covering the

If my plant has been altered has the correct registration
procedures been followed?
Are the users of my plant adequately aware of safe user
Does my building satisfy the relevant plant code/legislation?

Are my people regularly inspecting the plant for obvious

Is there a procedure in place to regularly advise the service
provider of defects?


Abbreviations Certifiers
AEA Australian Elevator Association A qualified and competent person. This would normally require
a trade or engineering qualification, with at least five years Lift
AS Australian Standards
Industry experience.
AS/NZS Australian New Zealand Standards
COP Code of Practice
The fulfilment of a product, process or service of specified
ISO International Standards Organisation requirements.
MRL Machine room less Lift
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
The pronged portions of the comb plates, in an escalator or
PPE Personal Protection Equipment moving walk, at the landings that mesh with the step or pallet
PCBU Person conducting a business or undertaking tread grooves.
RCD Residual Current Device Comb plates
STO Safe to Operate The supporting plates at the landings for the combs, in an
SWMS Safe Work Method Statement escalator or moving walk.
WHS Work Health and Safety Competent person
A person whom has acquired knowledge through suitable
methods (or a combination of these) to perform the task at
Definitions hand, these methods could include, training, qualification and /
or experience.
Alteration Control equipment
Any change in the design that uses new technology or Those components of a lift / escalator / moving walk by
replacement components to improve the reliability and safety means of which motion, direction of travel, speed, and stopping
of the lift, and where the risk assessment indicates a new are controlled.
risk or an increase in risk. Typical examples could include the
following: Controller
(a) Any increase or decrease of A device or group of devices comprising the principal
components of the control equipment of the lift, escalator or
(i) the rated speed
moving walk.
(ii) the rated load
(iii) the mass of the car ±5%; and
A moving weight employed to balance portion of the moving
(iv) the travel load of a lift. ‘Traction’ lifts have counterweights that have a
(b) The change of machine, brake or the traction sheave by mass equal to the empty lift cabin plus a percentage of the
one of a different type size or rating car load capacity. The counterweight dramatically reduces the
driving forces needed and therefore it reduces the lift power
Balustrading requirements and energy consumption.
The enclosure at either side of the moving steps of an
escalator or moving tread way of a moving walk and the
decking or deck board adjacent to the moving handrails. A person with the necessary competence and responsibility to
ensure that the design of a product is adequate to meet the
Buffer required Conformance
A device designed to absorb the impact of the lift car or Escalator
A power-driven, inclined, continuous stairway used for raising
Car or lowering standing passengers.
The load-carrying unit including car frame, car platform, car Elevator
enclosure, and car doors.
See: Lift
Car entrance Governor
The opening in the car enclosure through which normal access
An automatic device that in the event of the speed exceeding a
is available between the lift car and landings.
predetermined limit brings a lift car or counterweight to rest by
Car Safety Device operating the safety gear.
See Safety Gear. Landing
Car Top Balustrade That portion of a floor, balcony or platform that is used to
A mechanical device to protect against fall hazards on the car receive and discharge passengers and/or goods or materials.
top. Landing button.
Certification A button or other manual device located at a landing.
The necessary process of ensuring that a product functions, at
the time the commissioning process is complete, in accordance
with the designer’s instructions.


Landing entrance Product

The opening in a lift well enclosure affording ordinary access An item or collection of items associated with the total lift or
between the landing and the lift car and which is opened and escalator assembly.
closed by a door.
Lift The carrying out of work which is in addition to routine
A device within or attached to a building or structure, maintenance and is necessary to ensure that the equipment
comprising a platform or car running between approximately continues to function. Where component replacement is
vertical guides and used for the purpose of raising or lowering involved this would usually involve like for like replacement.
passengers and/or goods or materials. In situations where like for like replacement is not possible and
NOTE: Also known as elevator. a component used whilst different to the original, fulfils the
same function and does not substantially change the in-service
Lift well
operation or safety of the subject unit.
A shaft for the travel of one or more lifts.
Risk Management
Lift well, enclosure
The process of identifying hazards and controlling the
Any structure that separates the lift well from its associated risks - Refer to AS/NZS ISO 3001.
Suspension Medium
A medium by which any car or counterweight is suspended.
The power unit that applies the energy necessary to raise and
lower a lift car or to drive an escalator or moving walk. Safety Gear
A mechanical device, attached to the car frame, or to the
Machine room
counterweight frame, to stop and hold the car or counterweight
The enclosed space or, if self-contained, the room used to under one or more of the following conditions: predetermined
house the driving machine (of a lift, escalator, or moving walk) over speed, free fall, or if the suspension ropes slacken.
and any associated equipment that is required to be similarly
located. Safe to Operate
The process of Conformance, Verification and Certification by
MRL (Machine room less Lift)
the OEM or service provider or a competent person.
A lift whose machine and drive is located within the lift well and
doesn’t have an external machine room. Safe work method statement
A statement that:
(a) Describes how work is to be carried out
Any change in the design that uses new technology or
replacement components to improve the reliability and safety (b) Identifies the work activities assessed as having safety
of the lift, escalator or moving walk, and where the risk risks
assessment does not indicate a new risk or an increase in (c) Identifies the safety risks
(d) Describes
 the control measures that will be applied to the
Moving walk work activities, and includes a description of the equipment
A power-driven device of which the passenger carrying surface used in the work, the standards or codes to be complied
(i.e. the tread way) remains parallel to its direction of motion with, the qualifications of the personnel doing the work and
and is uninterrupted. the training required to do the work

Passenger Service Provider

For lifts a person who is carried by a passenger lift and The maintenance contractor, installation contractor,
for escalators and moving walks a standing person who is modernisation contractor or repairs contractor.
transported by an escalator or moving walks. Shaft
Performance Based A vertical or inclined way or opening.
Performance based means that the product is designed to a See Lift Well.
code that specifies outcomes rather than details the means.
Travelling cable (trailing cable)
PESSRAL Flexible cable providing electrical connection between a lift car
Programmable electronic systems in safety related applications and a fixed point or points.
for Lifts.
PESSRAE The process by which a product is confirmed to satisfy the
Programmable electronic systems in safety related Conformance process.
applications. Escalators and moving walks.
Pit The verifier is a competent person who has the necessary
The space in the lift well below the level of the bottom-landing qualifications, training and experience to carry out this duty.
Vertical Transport
Plant, High Risk A general term that encompasses lifts, escalators and moving
A lift, escalator or moving walk. walks.


MRL (Machine room less Lift)

Control equipment

Door operator

Landing entrance
Car entrance

Safety gear located under car


Pit ladder

Car buffer

Counterweight buffer


Skirt Panel


Handrail Entry
Stop Switch

Step Drive

Handrail Cladding

Truss 23
Step Chain
Australian Elevator Association Ltd
246 Pacific Highway Crows Nest NSW 2065
Ph: +61 2 8458 3328

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