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G Drive Engines Weichai Oman Muscat

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Weichai Introduction 01

Weichai G-Drive Engines Introduction 02

Land-Based G-dive Engines 04

Marine G-drive Engines 07

G-drive Gas Engines 10

International Service Network 12

Weichai has four business platforms covering vehicle, chain and improving its competitiveness through
powertrain, luxury yacht and auto parts. Its subsidiaries strategic investments. Weichai acquired French
are spread across Europe, North America, Southeast Baudouin in 2009, further expanding engine business. In
Asia and other regions. Global R&D and Operation 2012, Weichai Group acquired 75 percent of Italy's
Centers are established in Chicago, Marseilles, Forli, Ferretti, the world's largest luxury yacht manufacturing
Frankfurt and Singapore. At present, Weichai has enterprise. Later in 2012, Weichai Group’s subsidiary,
offices in more than 30 countries and over 400 Weichai Power, signed a strategic cooperation
authorized service stations. Weichai products are sold agreement with KION Group, one of the world's top
in 100 countries and regions around the world. The industrial forklift truck manufacturers and global leader
inventory of overseas engines reaches of the hydraulic technology. Weichai aims to provide
250,000 and that of heavy-duty trucks exceeds 100,000. maximum satisfaction through its full range of engine
Weichai is committed to extending its industry supply and power offerings.


Wiesbaden, Germany, R&D

Chicago, USA, R&D
Hangzhou, China, Weifang, China, R&D
Forli, Italy, R&D Computing Center

Marseilles, France, R&D

Chongqing, Yangzhou, China, R&D

Xi’an, China, R&D China, R&D

Shanghai, China, R&D



WEICHAI G-Drive Engines 01

In China, Weichai Power is not only one of the earliest power.
engine manufactures, but also the largest diesel engine Weichai Power has four series of engine products for
manufacturer. Weichai Power has sold industrial power land generation, including the WP2.1-WP4.3 series,
generation to 100 countries and regions and built deep WP4/WP6 series, WP10/WP12/WP13 series, and
customer trust. Baudouin M26 series. At present, its high speed series
For half a century, Weichai Power has been dedicated products are EU Stage II emissions certified. Weichai
to the application and development of engines for its diesel engine products have power ranges from 17.5 to
customers. Weichai Power is focused on continuous R 920kW and gas engine products have power ranges
& D to improve performance while lowering emissions from 90 to 660kW.
and positively impacting the environment. Weichai Weichai Power, the supplier to provide you with overall
Power strives to be your choice for industrial power power service!
generation and provides full series, full field engine


Power (kW) EU StageⅡ EU StageⅢA

M26 440 920 Mechanical Injection Pump

WP10/12/13 182 402 Mechanical Injection Pump High-Pressure Common Rail

WP4/6 60 144 Mechanical Injection Pump High-Pressure Common Rail

WP2.1-4.3 17.5 50 Mechanical Injection Pump EGR+Mechanical Pump

Gas Engine 90 660

02 WEICHAI G-Drive Engines

Weichai G-drive engine structure and sealing have been with lower fuel consumption and operating cost.
optimized for performance and reliability. The newly The coolant piping and suspension brackets have been
designed air filter has a more compact structure, higher optimized to reduce vibration and allow easier installation.
filtering efficiency, cleaner intake, and easier replacement The newly designed oil pan is a boat shape structure
of the filter element. which increases the oil heat radiation area and reduces
The intake, exhaust system, fuel system and turbocharger vibration.
have also been optimized for better flow and combustion

Great Fuel Efficiency
● Optimized engine intake and fuel system; ● Lower engine fuel consumption

WEICHAI G-Drive Engines 03

Land-Based G-Drive Engines

Engine WP2.1 WP4.3 226B-3 WP4 WP6

in line,four-stroke, in line, four-stoke, in line,four-stroke, in line,four-stroke, in line,four-stroke,

Type Water-cooled
Water-cooled water-cooled Water-cooled Water-cooled

Numbers of Cylinders 4 4 3 4 6

Bore×Stroke(mm) 85×92 105x125 105×120 105×130 105×130

Fuel Consumption ŏ205

ŏ235 ŏ235 ŏ205 ŏ205

Electric System DC12V DC12V DC12V/24V DC24V DC24V

Governor Method Mechanic Mechanic Mechanic/Electronic Mechanic/Electronic Mechanic/Electronic

Engine WP10 WP12 WP13 M26

6- In line, 8- V type,
Type in line,four-stroke, in line,four-stroke, in line,four-stroke,
Water-cooled Water-cooled Water-cooled

Numbers of Cylinders 6 6 6 6,12

Bore×Stroke(mm) 126×130 126×155 127×165 150×150

Fuel Consumption
(g/kW·h) ŏ200 ŏ200 ŏ200 ŏ200

Electric System DC24V DC24V DC24V DC24V

Governor Method Mechanic/Electronic Mechanic/Electronic Mechanic/Electronic Electronic

04 WEICHAI G-Drive Engines

Land-Based G-Drive Engines
Prime Standby Displacement Gen-set Power
Models Engine Model Aspiration
kW kW L kW/KVA
WP2.1D18E2 17.5 19 2.1 NA 12/15

WP2.5D22E2 22 24 2.5 NA 16/24

WP2.1-WP4.3 WP3.9D33E2 33.3 37 3.9 NA 24/30

WP4.3D38E2 38 42 4.3 NA 30/38

WP4.1D50E2 50 55 4.1 NA 40/50

D226B-3D 30 33 3.1 NA 24/30

TD226B-3D 45 50 3.1 T 30/38

WP4D66E200 60 66 4.5 T 50/63

WP4D100E200 90 100 4.5 TA 75/94

WP6D132E200 120 132 6.8 TA 100/125

WP6D152E200 138 152 6.8 TA 120/150

WP10D200E200 182 200 9.7 TA 150/188

WP10D238E200 216 238 9.7 TA 180/225

WP10/WP12/WP13 WP10D264E200 240 264 9.7 TA 200/250

WP12D317E200 288 317 11.6 TA 250/313

WP13D385E200 350 385 12.5 TA 300/375

6M26D484E200 440 484 15.9 TA 400/500

12M26D968E200 880 968 31.8 TA 800/1000

 NA: Natural aspiration; T: Turbocharged ; TA : Turbocharged and aftercooled ;

WEICHAI G-Drive Engines 05

Land-Based G-Drive Engines
Prime Standby Displacement Gen-set Power
Models Engine Model Aspiration
kW kW L kW/KVA
WP2.1D21E2 21 23 2.1 NA 16/24

WP2.5D26E2 26 29 2.5 NA 20/25

WP3.9D40E2 40 44 3.9 NA 30/38

WP4.3D45E2 45 50 4.3 NA 40/50

D226B-3D1 36 40 3.1 NA 30/38

TD226B-3D1 50 55 3.1 T 40/50

WP4D66E201 60 66 4.5 T 50/63

WP4/WP6 WP4D100E201 90 100 4.5 TA 75/94

WP4D118E201 108 118 4.5 TA 90/113

WP6D132E201 120 132 6.8 TA 100/125

WP6D158E201 144 158 6.8 TA 120/150

WP10D200E201 182 200 9.7 TA 150/188

WP10D238E201 216 238 9.7 TA 180/225

WP10/WP12/WP13 WP10D264E201 240 264 9.7 TA 200/250

WP12D317E201 288 317 11.6 TA 250/313

WP13D385E201 350 385 12.5 TA 300/375

6M26D506E201 460 506 15.9 TA 400/500

12M26D1012E201 920 1012 31.8 TA 800/1000

 NA: Natural aspiration; T: Turbocharged ; TA : Turbocharged and aftercooled ;

06 WEICHAI G-Drive Engines

Marine G-Drive Engines

Engine WP2.1 WP4.3 226B-3 WP4

in line,four-stroke, in line, four-stoke, in line,four-stroke, in line,four-stroke,

Water-cooled water-cooled Water-cooled Water-cooled

Numbers of Cylinders 4 4 3 4

Bore×Stroke(mm) 85×92 105x125 105×120 105×130

Fuel Consumption
ŏ235 ŏ235 ŏ205 ŏ205

Electric System DC12V DC12V DC12V/24V DC24V

Governor Method Mechanic Mechanic Mechanic/Electronic Mechanic/Electronic

Engine WP6 WP10 WP12 WP13

in line,four-stroke, in line,four-stroke, in line,four-stroke, in line,four-stroke,

Water-cooled Water-cooled Water-cooled Water-cooled

Numbers of Cylinders 6 6 6 6

Bore×Stroke(mm) 105×130 126×130 126×155 127×165

Fuel Consumption
ŏ205 ŏ200 ŏ200 ŏ200

Electric System DC24V DC24V DC24V DC24V

Governor Method Mechanic/Electronic Mechanic/Electronic Mechanic/Electronic Mechanic/Electronic

WEICHAI G-Drive Engines 07

Marine G-Drive Engines

Prime Standby Displacement Gen-set Power
Models Engine Model Aspiration
kW kW L kW/KVA
WP2.1CD18E1 17.5 19 2.1 NA 12/15

WP2.5CD22E1 22 24 2.5 NA 16/24

WP3.9CD33E1 33.3 37 3.9 NA 24/30

WP4.3CD38E1 38 42 4.3 NA 30/38

D226B-3CD 30 33 3.1 NA 24/30

TD226B-3CD 40 44 3.1 T 30/38

WP4CD66E200 60 66 4.5 T 50/63

WP4CD100E200 90 100 4.5 TA 75/94

WP6CD132E200 120 132 6.8 TA 100/125

WP6CD152E200 138 152 6.8 TA 120/150

WP10CD200E200 182 200 9.7 TA 150/188

WP10CD238E200 216 238 9.7 TA 180/225

WP10/WP12/WP13 WP10CD264E200 240 264 9.7 TA 200/250

WP12CD317E200 288 317 11.6 TA 250/313

WP13CD385E200 350 385 12.5 TA 300/375

 NA: Natural aspiration; T: Turbocharged ; TA : Turbocharged and aftercooled ;

08 WEICHAI G-Drive Engines

Prime Standby Displacement Gen-set Power
Models Engine Model Aspiration
kW kW L kW/KVA
D226B-3CD1 36 40 3.1 NA 30/38

TD226B-3CD1 50 55 3.1 T 40/50

WP4CD66E201 60 66 4.5 T 50/63

WP4/WP6 WP4CD100E201 90 100 4.5 TA 75/94

WP4CD118E201 108 118 4.5 TA 90/113

WP6CD132E201 120 132 6.8 TA 100/125

WP6CD158E201 144 158 6.8 TA 120/150

WP10CD200E201 182 200 9.7 TA 150/188

WP10CD238E201 216 238 9.7 TA 180/225

WP10/WP12/WP13 WP10CD264E201 240 264 9.7 TA 200/250

WP12CD317E201 288 317 11.6 TA 250/313

WP13CD385E201 350 385 12.5 TA 300/375

 NA: Natural aspiration; T: Turbocharged ; TA : Turbocharged and aftercooled ;

WEICHAI G-Drive Engines 09

Each series of Weichai g-drive gas engines is developed and designed
on the basis of corresponding matured Weichai diesel engines and uses Engine Model Prime kW

LNG, CNG, and/or methane as the fuel. The gas engines feature a
completely new piston, valve, valve seat ring and cooling design to WP6D100E200NG 90

address the higher combustion and exhaust temperatures associated WP6D118E200NG 108
with gas versus diesel fuel. The mature and reliable Woodward electrical WP6D132E200NG 120
gas control injection system allows the gas engines to achieve power, WP10D158E200NG 144
reliability and performance levels on par with diesel making it the ideal WP10D200E200NG 182
gen-set power for gas applications.
WP12D238E200NG 216
More than 10,000 Weichai Power G-Drive gas engines are sold annually.
WP12D260E200NG 240

WP13D286E200NG 260

WP13D317E200NG 288

6M26D385Z200NG 350

12M26D605E200NG 550
12M26D726Z200NG 660

10 WEICHAI G-Drive Engines

Numbers Bore×Stroke Displacement Fuel Consumption Electric System Governor Aspiration Gen-set Power
of Cylinders mm L g/kW.h Method kW/KVA

6 105×130 6.2 215 DC24V ECU TA 75/94

6 105×130 6.2 215 DC24V ECU TA 90/113

6 105×130 6.2 215 DC24V ECU TA 100/125

6 126×130 9.7 215 DC24V ECU TA 120/150

6 126×130 9.7 215 DC24V ECU TA 150/188

6 126×155 11.6 215 DC24V ECU TA 180/225

6 126×155 11.6 215 DC24V ECU TA 200/250

6 127×165 12.5 215 DC24V ECU TA 230/287.5

6 127×165 12.5 215 DC24V ECU TA 250/312.5

6 150×150 15.9 215 DC24V ECU TA 500/625

12 150×150 31.8 215 DC24V ECU TA 500/625

12 150×150 31.8 215 DC24V ECU TA 600/705

TA : Turbocharged and aftercooled

WEICHAI G-Drive Engines 11

Worldwide Offices
North America Russia
3100 Golf Road, Rolling Meadows, IL, 60008 USA 178 Partizanskiy Avenue, office 606, Minsk,
Phone: 1-847-7257030 220075 Republic of Belarus
Fax: 1-847-7257060 Phone: 375-17-3462290
Fax: 375-17-3462097
Westech Building, 237 Pandan Loop #05-11, India
Jan Frederik
128424 SingaporeVlekkeweg 12 No-201, Pentagon Tower P3, Magarpattacity,
Phone: RJ Tilburg Pune, Maharashtra, 411013 India
Fax: 65-67797195 Phone: 91-20-30162800
Fax: 91-20-30262820
Tel: East
Middle +31 88 2228600
RA08, LA04, Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai, UAE
Fax: +31 88 2228669 Headquarters
Phone: 97-1-48810650 NO.197A, Fushou East Str., High-tech
Email: info@abato.nl
Fax: 97-1-48810651 Industrial Development Zone,
Weifang, Shandong, 261205 China
Phone: 86-536-8269988
Fax: 86-536-8232079

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