Fpsyg 08 01910
Fpsyg 08 01910
Fpsyg 08 01910
Although low self-esteem has been found to be an important factor in the development
and maintenance of psychopathology, surprisingly little is known about its treatment. This
study investigated the effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
(EMDR) therapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), regarding their capacities
in enhancing self-esteem in a general psychiatric secondary health care population.
A randomized controlled trial with two parallel groups was used. Participants were
randomly allocated to either 10 weekly sessions of EMDR (n = 15) or CBT (n =
15). They were assessed pre-treatment, after each session, post treatment and at 3
Edited by: months follow-up on self-esteem (Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale and Credibility of Core
Gianluca Castelnuovo,
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore,
Beliefs), psychological symptoms (Brief Symptom Inventory), social anxiety, and social
Italy interaction (Inventory of Interpersonal Situations) (IIS). The data were analyzed using
Reviewed by: repeated measures ANOVA for the complete cases (n = 19) and intention-to-treat (n
Sara Carletto, = 30) to examine differences over time and between conditions. Both groups, EMDR as
Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy
Hans Menning, well as CBT, showed significant improvements on self-esteem, increasing two standard
Clienia Littenheid, Switzerland deviations on the main parameter (RSES). Furthermore, the results showed significant
*Correspondence: reductions in general psychiatric symptoms. The effects were maintained at 3 months
Brecht T. Griffioen
follow-up. No between-group differences could be detected. Although the small sample
requires to exercise caution in the interpretation of the findings, the results suggest that,
Specialty section: when offering an adequate number of sessions, both EMDR and CBT have the potential
This article was submitted to
to be effective treatments for patients with low self-esteem and a wide range of comorbid
Clinical and Health Psychology,
a section of the journal psychiatric conditions. This study was registered at www.trialregister.nl with identifier
Frontiers in Psychology NTR4611.
Received: 02 May 2017
Keywords: self-esteem, EMDR, CBT, psychiatric population, randomized controlled trial
Accepted: 16 October 2017
Published: 08 November 2017
Griffioen BT, van der Vegt AA, de
Groot IW and de Jongh A (2017) The
Self-esteem has been defined as a person’s overall evaluation of his or her own worth (Hewitt,
Effect of EMDR and CBT on Low
Self-esteem in a General Psychiatric
2009). Low self-esteem is involved in a wide range of psychiatric conditions, including depression
Population: A Randomized Controlled (Brown et al., 1990), anxiety disorders (Sowislo and Orth, 2013), personality disorders (Lynum
Trial. Front. Psychol. 8:1910. et al., 2008) obsessive compulsive disorder (Ehntholt et al., 1999), eating disorders (Gual et al.,
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01910 2002), chronic pain (Soares and Grossi, 2000), substance abuse (Silverstone and Salsali, 2003),
and psychosis (Barrowclough et al., 2003). Research suggests also be an effective therapy for changing low self-esteem (De
that low self-esteem increases the susceptibility for development Jongh et al., 2010). Assuming that core beliefs underlying the low
of these psychiatric disorders, and that, in turn, the presence self-esteem developed as a consequence of subsequent learning
of a psychiatric condition negatively influences someone’s self- experiences, EMDR may be used to reprocess emotionally
esteem (Silverstone and Salsali, 2003). There is also considerable charged memories that the patient considers to be “evidence”
evidence to support the notion that in general self-esteem is a for his or her core belief (De Jongh et al., 2010). According
reliable predictor of treatment outcome, in that higher initial self- to this case conceptualization, processing these memories using
esteem is significantly associated with better treatment outcomes EMDR would make it possible to re-evaluate the present meaning
(Johnson et al., 2000; Parker et al., 2013). It can be concluded that of those experiences, thereby positively influencing their self-
low self-esteem is an important factor in relation to psychiatric esteem.
disorders in general. Several case studies have shown a positive effect of EMDR
Over the past several years a variety of therapeutic on low self-esteem (Dziegielewski and Wolfe, 2000; Shapiro,
interventions has been developed for changing low self-esteem, 2001; Maxwell, 2003; Sanders and Ten Broeke, 2011). The results
predominantly with a cognitive behavioral background. These of a randomized controlled trial among 26 adolescents with
interventions mostly aim at changing core beliefs underlying self-esteem and behavioral problems showed that EMDR was
patients’ low self-esteem (Padesky, 1994; Beck, 1995; Fennell, effective in enhancing their self-esteem (Wanders et al., 2008).
1999). Several case studies (Fennell, 1998; McManus et al., 2009) The researchers used four sessions EMDR therapy and compared
and clinical trials (Rigby and Waite, 2006; Waite et al., 2012) this to four sessions of CBT, which contained strategies to
suggest that these interventions are effective in enhancing self- teach children practical skills, to identify negative feelings and
esteem. However, only a few studies have compared Cognitive unhelpful thoughts, to replace these with more positive thoughts
Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to an active or passive control group and to face and overcome their problems and challenges.
using a randomized controlled trial. One study examined the Although both therapies where found to be effective, EMDR
effectiveness of CBT on improving implicit and explicit self- resulted in significantly more behavioral changes than CBT.
esteem in patients with a social anxiety disorder, comparing Recently, Staring et al. (2016) used a randomized controlled trial
this to psychodynamic therapy using 25 sessions (Ritter et al., with a crossover design among 47 adults with anxiety disorders
2013), and found a positive treatment effect for both treatments. to compare six sessions EMDR therapy with an equal number
Another study found a positive effect of CBT being significantly of sessions Competitive Memory Training (COMET) that aims
more effective in changing self-esteem in comparison to a waitlist to activate positive representations for enhancing self-esteem.
control condition (Waite et al., 2012). Some studies have also They found that EMDR improved self-esteem, but they found
addressed the effectiveness of group CBT on individuals’ self- a significantly stronger effect of COMET compared to EMDR
esteem, mostly using protocols designed by Fennell (1998), therapy. Thus, the few studies that investigated the effectiveness
showing significantly positive treatment effects, including a of EMDR applied on self-esteem have so far shown mixed
reduction of symptoms of depression and anxiety (Rigby and results. There are some explanations for these contradicting
Waite, 2006; Morton et al., 2012; Pack and Condren, 2014). findings. First, until now, only a few sessions (4–6) of EMDR
Hence, research thus far found support for the effectiveness of therapy have been used. It is conceivable that for changing
CBT for individuals suffering from low self-esteem. individuals’ long existing negative core beliefs, a wide array
It is an observation in clinical practice that when treating low of memories would have to be targeted, “proving” that the
self-esteem in patients with psychiatric comorbidities or more person is bad or worthless. Furthermore, it could be argued
severe symptoms of psychiatric conditions, the application of that in the study of Staring et al. (2016) the memories that
cognitive interventions may not always be sufficient to effectively were targeted with EMDR, and that were deemed to contribute
change patient’s core beliefs. Patients frequently report that they to patients’ low self-esteem, could have been relatively low in
still “feel” bad about themselves, albeit rationally believing that emotional charge and, consequently, less sensitive to EMDR
their core beliefs are not true (Young et al., 2002; Sanders and (Littel et al., 2017). Therefore, it could be hypothesized that
Ten Broeke, 2011). This suggests that a treatment that would especially patients with severe pathology and multiple diagnoses,
intervene in a different manner, perhaps on a more affective associated with lower self-esteem (Silverstone and Salsali, 2003),
level, and make patients actually “feel” more worthy, could be might have memories underlying their low self-esteem with
more effective, or at least be an additional tool for enhancing higher emotional charge, making them more likely to benefit
self-esteem. from EMDR therapy.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) The purpose of the current study was to test the effectiveness
therapy is considered to be a treatment method that intervenes of EMDR therapy in adults with low self-esteem in a secondary
on a more affective level (Shapiro, 2001). EMDR therapy is a mental health care population, by comparing it to a cognitive
protocolized psychotherapeutic treatment that is used to treat behavioral approach, using a randomized controlled trial. We
symptoms caused by distressing and unprocessed life events hypothesized a significant improvement in self-esteem after 10
through reducing the vividness and disturbance of the memories weekly sessions of treatment. It was hypothesized that the results
of such events (Shapiro, 2007; Solomon and Shapiro, 2008). associated with both interventions would be maintained at 3
Although EMDR is mainly used for treating posttraumatic stress months follow-up. The second aim of the study was to examine
disorder (PTSD), it has been argued that EMDR therapy might the difference in effectiveness between both treatments.
MATERIALS AND METHODS and randomization to the EMDR or CBT condition took place.
Patients were assessed at baseline (T0) regarding self-esteem
Design (RSES and Credibility of Core Beliefs), psychological symptoms
The protocol of the study was approved by the Medical (Brief Symptom Inventory) and both social anxiety and social
Ethics Committee (NL49421.044.14) and was registered on interaction IIS. Before treatment, the negative core belief that
May 27th, 2014 (www.trialregister.nl) with identifier NTR4611. was most representative of patients’ low self-esteem was selected
It used a randomized controlled trial (1:1 allocation ratio) using the “Downward arrow technique” (Beck, 1995). In contrast,
with two parallel groups, i.e., an EMDR condition and a a positive alternative belief was formulated by the patient in
CBT condition. Randomization was executed (with concealment reaction to the question as to what they would rather believe
of allocation) through central randomization performed by instead of their negative core belief. The affective credibility of
an independent randomizer (http://www.randomizer.org) using the beliefs was scored on a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) ranging
random assignment with “a two blocked design” (to keep sample from 0 to 100% credibility (Credibility of Core Beliefs). After
size equal across conditions) in order of date of entry of the each of the 10 treatment sessions, patients were assessed with
study. the Credibility of Core Beliefs and with the Rosenberg Self-
esteem Scale. After 10 weeks of treatment (T1), and at 3 months
Participants follow-up (T2) all patients were assessed again on all the outcome
The study participants were recruited at a health care center measures.
for secondary mental health. During the study period (i.e., from
October 2014 through July 2016), a total of 82 patients were Assessment Measures
referred for self-esteem treatment and were informed about the It was hypothesized that the treatments would enhance self-
study. Thirty patients met the inclusion criteria and were willing esteem, reduce psychiatric symptoms in general, reduce social
to participate. They were included and randomized to either anxiety, and would increase social interaction.
EMDR therapy (n = 15) or CBT (n = 15). Figure 1 shows the
flow of patients through the study. During the study 10 patients Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale
(four in the EMDR and six in the CBT condition) dropped out The RSES was used as primary outcome measure for self-esteem.
for various reasons, for example due to a sudden loss in the This widely used questionnaire (Schmitt and Allik, 2005) is a 10-
family, acute suicidality before starting treatment, a preference item self-report measure to assess global self-esteem by asking the
for a certain treatment condition while not being included in respondents to reflect on their current feelings on a four-point
that condition, or wanting to follow other treatments for more scale (0 = “strongly disagree” 3 = “strongly agree”; Rosenberg,
prominent disorders. Ultimately, 20 patients underwent the full 1965; Franck et al., 2008). Total scores range from 0 up to 30, with
treatment protocol, i.e., 11 patients in the EMDR condition and higher scores indicating a higher global self-esteem. The cut-off
nine in the CBT condition. One patient in the CBT condition was for inclusion was 16, so that participants at baseline all scored at
lost to follow-up. Baseline characteristics of the sample are shown least 1 standard deviation (SD = 4) below the mean of 20 (Franck
in Table 1. et al., 2008). The Dutch version of the RSES has good internal
The inclusion criteria of the study were an age between 18 consistency and test–retest reliability (Everaert et al., 2010).
and 65 years, a reference by their therapist for the treatment of
their self-esteem, having a low self-esteem as indexed by a score Credibility of Core Beliefs
below the cut-off point (<16) on the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, The affective credibility of the negative core belief (CNCB)
having an Axis I and/or Axis II disorder according to the DSM- and the credibility of the positive alternative belief (CPAB)
IV-TR (American Psychiatric Association, 2000) diagnosed by were scored on a visual analog scale ranging from 0 to 100%
their referring therapist, other than a PTSD, sufficient mastery credibility.
of the Dutch language, and being capable of doing homework. Brief Symptom Inventory
During the study period patients were not allowed to receive The Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) is an abbreviated version
other treatments. of the SCL-90-R questionnaire, consisting of 53-items, and is
an index for severity of psychological symptoms (Derogatis and
Procedure Melisaratos, 1983). The BSI rates the extent to which individuals
The study participants, already diagnosed with an Axis I have been bothered (0 = “not at all” to 4 = “extremely”) in the
and/or II disorder, were referred for self-esteem treatment by past week by various symptoms. In the present study the BSI
their mental health professional. They were screened for low Total Score was used as outcome measure which represents the
self-esteem with the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSES) and overall degree of mental illness. The reliability of the Total Score
assessed for PTSD with the MINI-International Neuropsychiatric is sufficient and the discriminant validity of the Dutch version is
Interview (Van Vliet and De Beurs, 2007). When patients met good (De Beurs and Zitman, 2006).
the inclusion criteria they were informed about the study,
verbally and in writing. One week later, one of the researchers Inventory of Interpersonal Situations
had telephone contact about participating, answered possible The Inventory of Interpersonal Situations (IIS) is a Dutch
questions and formally invited the patient to participate. After self-report questionnaire measuring social anxiety and social
the informed consent form was signed, the baseline assessment interaction (Van Dam-Baggen and Kraaimaat, 2004). The
questionnaire consists of two parts, the first part determining from 1 to 5 (part 1; 1 = “not at all” 5 = “very much”, part 2; 1 =
the extent to which discomfort is experienced in certain social “never” 5 = “always”). Several studies support the high predictive
situations and the second part determining the frequency of the validity and the reliability of the IIS Discomfort and Frequency
social interaction. The questionnaire consists of 35 items ranging scales (Van Dam-Baggen and Kraaimaat, 1999).
TABLE 1 | Demographic and Diagnostic Characteristics of Intention-to-Treat and negative events leave memory traces causing and maintaining
Treatment Completer Samples, divided by group allocation. dysfunctional core beliefs. According to this method, five of the
Variable Intention-to-Treat Completers
most relevant memories that contributed to the formation and
the present credibility of the selected negative core belief were
identified. More specifically, in the present study the patient was
(n = 15) (n = 15) (n = 11) (n = 8)
requested to select the memories that subjectively “proved” that
Mean age 38,8 28,6 41,5 32,1 the belief was true and to describe the content of these memories
SEX in a few sentences. EMDR therapy, using the Standard protocol
Male 2 3 2 2 (De Jongh and Ten Broeke, 2003), started with the memory
Female 13 12 9 6 which, according to the patient, was considered providing the
MOOD DISORDER strongest “proof ” for the negative core belief; that is, the memory
Depressive disorder 7 5 6 2 associated with the dysfunctional meaning (e.g., “I’m worthless”).
Dysthymic disorder 5 4 4 1 Next, a more functional belief about the person (e.g., “I’m okay”;
ANXIETY DISORDER Shapiro, 2002) was installed. When the memory was effectively
Social phobia 1 2 1 2 treated, meaning the Subjective Units of Distress scale (SUD)
Specific phobia 1 – 1 – reported by participants was at least 2 or lower (range 0–10), the
Panic disorder with agoraphobia 1 2 1 1
next memory that provided the most evidence for the negative
Panic disorder without agoraphobia 1 – 1 –
core belief was selected and processed. This was repeated for the
Agoraphobia without history of panic 1 – – –
other memories.
Generalized anxiety disorder 3 3 3 –
Obsessive compulsive disorder – 1 – 1
CBT Condition
Anxiety disorder NOS 2 – 1 – Patients received 10 weekly group sessions of CBT of 120 min
DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDER each including a 15 min break. The CBT group, consisting of 6
Autistic spectrum disorder – 2 – 1 to 10 patients, was based on the “Whitebook Method” described
ADHD 3 3 2 1 by De Neef (2010) that uses “positive data logging” (Padesky,
SOMATOFORM DISORDER 1994) to specifically focus on evidence that is contradictory to
Undifferentiated somatoform disorder – 1 – 1 the negative core belief. Patients received psycho-education about
EATING DISORDER how information that is contradictory to the negative core belief
Eating disorder NOS 1 2 1 – is usually discounted and distorted leading to not noticing and
SUBSTANCE RELATED DISORDERS evaluating exceptions to their negative core belief. Patients kept
Alcohol dependence 1 1 – 1 a positive data log to write down positive events and positive
Cannabis dependence – 1 – –
qualities of themselves. Additionally they investigated pro’s and
Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic related 1 – – –
cons of negative thoughts, received information and training
about receiving criticism and they discussed how to prevent
Partner relational problem – 1 – 1 relapse.
Identity problem 1 – 1 –
Psychological factors affecting medical 1 – 1 – Treatment Integrity
condition All EMDR and CBT sessions were videotaped. Feedback on
PERSONALITY DISORDER adherence to the EMDR or CBT protocol and the competence of
Borderline personality disorder 3 3 1 1 the therapists was given by licensed EMDR or CBT supervisors
Avoidant personality disorder 2 1 2 1 to optimize the quality and equality of the treatments. Case
Personality disorder NOS 4 3 3 2
conceptualizations of each patient in the EMDR condition
Personality disorder deferred 5 5 4 3
were checked and evaluated with the therapists by two EMDR
No diagnosis on Axis II 2 2 2 1
supervisors before commencing treatment. The EMDR therapists
were trained to perform EMDR for low self-esteem, using
Multiple Axis I diagnosis 11 10 9 4
Axis I and Axis II diagnosis or deferred 13 13 9 7
the “Second method,” whereas the group therapists received
Multiple Axis II diagnosis or deferred 1 – 1 – extensive general training in CBT and were qualified to perform
the CBT protocol for low self-esteem as described by De Neef
Diagnosis according to the Diagnostic Statistical Manual-IV-TR (DSM-IV-TR).
Statistical Analysis
Treatments All analyses were conducted with SPSS for Windows version
EMDR Condition 23.0. Independent samples t-tests and Chi-square tests were
Patients received 10 weekly sessions of 75 min each. For the case performed to analyse differences between treatment conditions
conceptualizations addressing patients’ self-esteem the “second pre-treatment. This was done for both the intention-to-treat
method” was used (De Jongh et al., 2010). The underlying sample (n = 30) and the complete cases (n = 19), i.e., patients
principle of this method of case conceptualization is that who finished the whole research protocol. For the variables that
were not normally distributed, the Mann-Whitney U test was treatment conditions [t(28) = 2.81, p = 0.01], the mean age of
used. In the Chi-square analyses the Yates’ correction was used the EMDR condition being significantly higher (M = 38.8, SD
(Yates, 1934) to prevent overestimation of statistical significance = 11.83) than in the CBT condition (M = 28.6, SD = 7.64).
for small groups. Using descriptive statistics, the scores on the The sex ratio in sample did not differ from expectation [Chi-
self-esteem measures over the course of sessions (RSES and CCB) square = 0.21 (1), p = 0.65]. As for diagnoses, no significant
were explored. differences between groups were found, with the only exception
A repeated measures ANOVA was performed for each of the that the prevalence of mood disorders within the complete cases
outcome variables on all complete cases (patients who completed was significantly [Chi-square = 7.21 (1), p = 0.01] higher in
the full research protocol) to examine the effect of treatment the EMDR condition (10) than in the CBT condition (3). For
condition on self-esteem, psychological symptoms, social anxiety, the baseline measures of all the outcome variables there were
and frequency of social interaction (GLM: general linear model, no significant pre-experimental differences in scores measuring
repeated measures). Time (pre-treatment, post treatment and self-esteem, psychological symptoms, social anxiety, and social
follow-up) was used as a within-subject variable and treatment interaction between the EMDR and the CBT condition. This was
(EMDR vs. CBT) as a between-subject variable. To determine to the case for the intention-to-treat as well as the complete cases.
what extent patients showed improvement over time a Helmert
contrast was used to directly compare pre-treatment (T0) to Treatment Participation
post treatment (T1) and follow-up (T2) and post treatment (T1) No significant between-group difference in the number of
with follow-up (T2). Not all variables were normally distributed sessions that were completed was found [t = 1.42(28), p =
but ANOVA is considered fairly robust to such a violation 0.17]. For the complete cases, patients in the EMDR condition
(Stevens, 2002). Since the assumption of sphericity was violated completed at least 8 of the 10 sessions (M = 9.36, SD = 0.81),
in most of the variables (Mauchly’s Test of Sphericity p < whereas in the CBT at least seven sessions of the 10 sessions
0.05), the Greenhouse Geisser correction was applied. For all were completed (M = 8.67, SD = 1.32). In the EMDR condition,
comparisons effect sizes were calculated (small effect: ηp2 = the mean of the SUD scores of the selected targets before
0.01; medium effect: ηp2 = 0.06; large effect: ηp2 = 0.14) (Fritz desensitization was 7.6 (scale 0–10). In the EMDR condition, a
et al., 2012). Furthermore, an intention-to-treat analysis was mean of 4 memories were reprocessed to a SUD score of 2 or
performed, using the last observation carried forward method, lower.
and a non-parametric analysis, using the Friedman test, was
performed to examine the robustness of the ANOVA results in Changes in Self-esteem over Sessions
the complete cases. As to the scores on the CNCB over the sessions, the mean
A reliable change (RC) index was calculated to determine scores of the patients in the EMDR condition dropped below
which patients’ RSES, BSI, and IIS scores changed beyond a 50% credibility in session #7 and this was maintained throughout
level that could be attributed to measurement error (Evans et al., session #8, #9, and #10. Looking at individual scores, more than
1998). For this purpose, the standard error of measurement half of the patients in the EMDR condition (6 patients) dropped
of the difference (SEdiff) was used, which takes account of below 50% credibility in session #5. For the CBT condition the
the 2 measurements (pre-treatment and post treatment). The mean score on CNCB dropped below 50% credibility, being more
√ √
formula is SEdiff = SD1 2 1 − α, where SD1 is the standard not true than true, in session #8 and this was maintained in
deviation of the baseline observations and alpha is the reliability session #9 and #10. Also in session #8, more than half of the
of the measure (Cronbach alpha coefficient). It is assumed that patients in the CBT condition (5 patients) reached an individual
change that exceeds 1.96 times this standard error (i.e., the score below 50% credibility.
RC index) is unlikely to occur more than 5% of the time For the positive alternative belief, credibility exceeded 50%
by unreliability of the measure alone (Evans et al., 1998). In credibility in session #7 for the EMDR and in session #10 in the
addition, a clinical significant change criterion was calculated CBT condition. More than half of the patients in each group
to determine which patients’ RSES, BSI, and IIS scores changed exceeded 50% credibility in session #5 for the EMDR and in
to a level that could be considered clinically meaningful. The session #9 for the CBT condition. Figures 2 and 3 show the mean
cut-off point was determined according to “criterion C,” i.e., scores on the CNCB and the positive alternative belief per group
where the likelihood of the patient being in the normative over the course of the treatment.
distribution was greater than being in the clinical distribution When looking at the scores on the RSES over the sessions, the
after treatment (Evans et al., 1998). The cut-off point was set at mean of the patients in the EMDR condition reached a score of 16
where the SD’s of the clinical and normative data were equal: (cut-off) or higher in session #9. This was also the case in session
(meanclin × SDnorm )+(meannorm × SDclin )
(Evans et al., 1998). #9 in the CBT condition. More than half of the patients reached
SDnorm +SD clin
a score of 16 or higher in session #9 in the EMDR condition, this
was in session #10 for the CBT condition. Figure 4 shows the
RESULTS mean scores on the RSES per group over the course of treatment.
FIGURE 2 | Mean scores on the CNCB per condition over the course of treatment (n = 20). CNCB, Credibility of Negative Core Belief. T0: pre-treatment, T1:
post-treatment, T3: months follow-up. 1–10: weekly sessions. 0–100%: credibility of core belief. Missing values were imputed with last observation carried forward.
FIGURE 3 | Mean scores on the CPAB per condition over the course of treatment (n = 20). CPAB, Credibility of Positive Alternative Belief. T0: pre-treatment, T1:
post-treatment, T3: months follow-up. 1–10: weekly sessions. 0–100%: credibility of core belief. Missing values were imputed with last observation carried forward.
types. The ANOVA analysis for the complete cases showed a outcome measures from pre-treatment (T0) compared to post-
significant improvement over time on all the outcome measures treatment (T1) and follow-up (T2). For the complete cases, no
as shown in Table 3. Regarding all measures the interaction differences were found between T1 and T2, indicating that the
between time and treatment condition was, however, not treatment results that were achieved in both the EMDR and
significant, congruently showing very small effect sizes. This CBT condition between T0 and T1 were maintained at T2.
indicates that there were no significant differences between The intention-to-treat analysis showed similar results. For more
the EMDR and CBT condition on any of the measures. Yet, detailed information on the intention-to-treat sample, we refer to
significant increases of self-esteem and social interaction as well Table A1 in Appendix.
as decreases of psychological symptoms and social anxiety were
seen for both treatment conditions. The Friedman test yielded Reliable and Clinical Change
similar results for the self-esteem measures and the measure The self-esteem measure (RSES) showed the highest percentage
for psychological symptoms except for social anxiety, whereas clinically relevant change (60%), followed by social anxiety (40%),
social interaction significantly increased over time in the CBT social interaction (35%), and finally psychological symptoms
condition, but not in the EMDR condition. The intention- (25%). For the specific percentages in the different treatment
to-treat analysis showed significant improvements that for all groups, see Table 4.
FIGURE 4 | Mean scores on the RSES per condition over the course of treatment (n = 20). RSES, Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale. T0: pre-treatment, T1:
post-treatment, T3: months follow-up. 1–10: weekly sessions. Cut-off score 16. Missing values were imputed with last observation carried forward.
TABLE 2 | Means (SD) of the outcome measures. the majority of the patients (60%), the amount of 10 therapy
sessions resulted in a clinically significant improvement in self-
Condition 1; EMDR Condition 2; CBT
esteem. No significant differences could be detected between the
T0 (n = 11) T1 (n = 11) T2 (n = 11) T0 (n = 8) T1 (n = 8) T2 (n = 8) two therapies.
The results of this study are in line with the study of Wanders
RSES 8.45 16.18 15.64 9.00 18.13 17.88
et al. (2008) who found similar effects in adolescents, in that
(4.44) (10.17) (9.09) (3.51) (7.24) (8.37) EMDR therapy and CBT proved equally effective in changing
CNCB 86.09 30.36 33.18 90.75 47.50 43.12 low self-esteem. Conversely, the results are at odds with those
(17.46) (37.42) (37.99) (7.78) (32.20) (36.52) of Staring et al. (2016) who found EMDR to be less effective in
CPAB 15.55 69.55 69.18 7.75 57.38 56.88 treating low self-esteem than COMET. Patients in the current
(19.31) (36.97) (36.06) (6.16) (33.49) (33.27) study showed a larger improvement on self-esteem compared to
BSI 1.73 1.27 1.17 1.78 1.09 1.13 Staring et al. (2016). This difference in results may be explained
(1.03) (1.19) (1.16) (0.95) (0.70) (0.83) by the amount of sessions provided, in that Staring et al. (2016)
IIS DISC 112.45 95.18 88.91 110.63 86.00 83.63 used six sessions whereas the patients in the current study
(31.83) (39.73) (38.37) (25.43) (26.40) (24.85) received ten sessions. Also it is likely that the memories targeted
IIS FREQ 82.73 92.18 95.27 85.13 100.63 109.38 with EMDR in the current study with patients with multiple
(11.47) (30.06) (27.55) (17.72) (22.52) (19.98) psychiatric diagnoses, were more emotionally charged and hence
more susceptible for processing using EMDR therapy (Littel et al.,
RSES, Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale; CNCB, Credibility of Negative Core Belief; CPAB,
Credibility of Positive Alternative Belief; BSI, Brief Symptom Inventory; IIS DISC, Inventory 2017). Concerning CBT, in contrast to Ritter et al. (2013), who
of Interpersonal Situations, Discomfort in Social Interactions; IIS FREQ, Inventory of used 25 sessions of CBT to treat low self-esteem, we found that
Interpersonal Situations, Frequency of Social interaction; T0, Pre-treatment; T1, Post 10 sessions of CBT were sufficient to establish changes in self–
treatment; T2, 3 months follow-up.
esteem in the majority of the patients. The effectiveness of CBT
in changing low self-esteem found in the present study (effect
size on the RSES ηp2 = 0.49), is in line with former studies on
DISCUSSION group CBT (Rigby and Waite, 2006; Morton et al., 2012; Pack and
The results of the present study suggest that both EMDR Condren, 2014).
therapy and CBT have the potential to be an effective treatment This study had several strengths. Firstly, it is one of the first
alternative for patients who suffer from low self-esteem in co- RCTs explicitly focussed on the effectiveness of EMDR therapy
occurrence with a wide range of psychiatric disorders. for low self-esteem in adults, and also one of the first RCTs
Patients improved not only more than two standard examining the efficacy of CBT in treating low self-esteem. In
deviations on the primary outcome measure (Rosenberg Self- contrast to former studies examining the effect of EMDR on low
esteem Scale), the treatments also led to significant reductions self-esteem (Wanders et al., 2008; Staring et al., 2016), the current
in general psychiatric symptoms and social anxiety, as well as study explicitly excluded patients with PTSD, making it more
to a significant increase of social interactions. All treatment likely that the EMDR therapy was in fact effective in changing
effects were maintained at 3 months follow up. These results self-esteem instead of treating trauma related symptomatology.
were held after an intention-to-treat analysis was performed that Secondly, regarding self-esteem treatment, the present study
included all patients who dropped out early in treatment. For was one of the first to include a diverse patient group with
RSES 16.30 0.00 0.49 0.15 0.77 0.01 18.80 0.00 0.53 0.21 0.65 0.01
CNCB 28.56 0.00 0.63 0.34 0.59 0.02 29.92 0.00 0.64 0.12 0.74 0.01
CPAB 36.30 0.00 0.68 0.07 0.81 0.00 37.54 0.00 0.69 0.06 0.81 0.00
BSI 10.51 0.00 0.38 0.29 0.68 0.02 13.45 0.00 0.44 0.10 0.76 0.01
IIS DISC 10.40 0.00 0.38 0.19 0.76 0.01 12.75 0.00 0.43 1.30 0.27 0.07
IIS FREQ 5.74 0.01 0.25 0.56 0.55 0.03 7.59 0.01 0.31 1.79 0.20 0.10
RSES, Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale; CNCB, Credibility of Negative Core Belief; CPAB, Credibility of Positive Alternative Belief; BSI, Brief Symptom Inventory; IIS DISC, Inventory of
Interpersonal situations; Discomfort in Social Interactions, IIS FREQ, Inventory of Interpersonal Situations; Frequency of social interaction; T0, Pre-treatment; T1, Post treatment; T2, 3
months follow-up.
examining which method for treating self-esteem works best for the study and edited and revised the manuscript. All authors read
whom. and approved the final manuscript.
AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS We thank Janneke Koerts and Mark Huisman for assisting in the
statistical analyses. Also, we are grateful for the supervision by
BG and AvdV designed the study, collected the data and wrote Monique Klitsie and Tonnie Prinsen-Reinders. We thank Pauline
the manuscript; BG performed the data analysis; IdG and AdJ van Pelt for helping with the coordination of the study. Finally we
made substantial contributions to the conception and design of thank the therapists and participating patients in this study.
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doi: 10.1037/a0028931 provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original
Staring, A. B. P., van den Berg, D. P. G., Cath, D. C., Schoorl, M., Engelhard, I. M., publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice.
and Korrelboom, C. W. (2016). Self-esteem treatment in anxiety: a randomized No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these
controlled crossover trial of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing terms.
TABLE A1 | Means (SD) of the outcome measures of intention to treat sample.
T0 T1 T2 T0 T1 T2
(n = 15) (n = 15) (n = 15) (n = 15) (n = 15) (n = 15)
RSES, Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale; CNCB, Credibility of Negative Core Belief; CPAB,
Credibility of Positive Alternative Belief; BSI, Brief Symptom Inventory; IIS DISC, Inventory
of Interpersonal Situations, Discomfort in social interactions; IIS FREQ, Inventory of
Interpersonal Situations, Frequency of social interaction; T0, Pre-treatment; T1, Post
treatment; T2, 3 months follow-up.