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CompanAward TiAgency Branch Phase ProgramAgency ContractAward StAward Cl

Polymer AgReal-Time Department Air Force Phase II SBIR F103-214- FA9300-13December April 02, 2
Physical ScNon-InvasiDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F103-214- FA9300-13December September
Silvus ComSC-OrderwiDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-033- FA8750-13NovemberNovember
ARCHITEC Crypto-ParDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-034- FA8750-13NovemberNovember
ARCHITEC Adaptive aDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-035- FA8750-13NovemberNovember
LANGUAGETextual In Department Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-036- FA8750-13NovemberNovember
ULTRA COM High-SpeedDepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F112-043- FA8750-13NovemberNovember
ATMOSPHER Electric-f Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-083- FA9453-13January 29April 27, 2
PHYSICAL InnovativeDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-114- FA8650-13NovemberNovember
Oceanit Lab Integrated Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-132- FA8650-13NovemberFebruary 2
Intelligent SecureVisoDepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F112-029- FA8750-13NovemberNovember
D-Tech, LL Applying SDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-030- FA8750-13NovemberNovember
STELLAR SCScalable C Department Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-050- FA9453-13January 09April 15, 2
ATMOSPHER GPS AutonDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-065- FA9453-13January 17April 16, 2
BARRON ASFusion of IDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-076- FA9453-13March 14, June 15, 2
PHYSICAL Interpolat Department Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-120- FA8650-13April 02, 2 March 30,
Front RangCryocoolerDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-136- FA8650-13December July 29, 20
TOYON RE DecentralizDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-139- FA8650-13NovemberMarch 02,
IMSAR LLCAdvanced Ra Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-144- FA8650-13December March 05,
AURRION, Integrated Department Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-149- FA8650-13December March 11,
Auriga Mea20 GigaherDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-150- FA8650-13December March 05,
Computer EMnforcing IDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-151- FA8650-13NovemberFebruary 1
Intelligent Bayesian-bDepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F112-159- FA8650-13December March 06,
Optical Ph Conformal Department Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-013- FA9451-13February 1August 11,
CBRITE IncCurved SenDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-017- FA8650-13February 1March 03,
Triton Syst Colorless DepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F112-021- FA8650-13January 31February 0
Vistology, IFusion, MaDepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F112-022- FA8650-13January 31May 15, 2
APTIMA, INRAPID: ReaDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-023- FA8650-13February 2May 29, 2
CIRCULAR PerceptionDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-024- FA8650-13May 08, 2 August 10,
REMCOM, Hardware
I ADepartment
Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-025- FA8650-13February 1May 15, 2
The Desig SAUNA- SitDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-047- FA9453-13January 28April 28, 2
The Desig EMU- Econo Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-049- FA9453-13February 0May 18, 2
PANERATECHigh-PerfoDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-054- FA9453-13March 15, June 15, 2
Freedom Ph Satellite DepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F112-060- FA9453-13March 11, June 08, 2
Boulder IoHigh PerfoDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-061- FA9453-13May 03, 2 August 04,
General LaPortable L Department Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-110- FA8650-13March 28, March 28,
SYSTEMS &GripChek- Department Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-113- FA8650-13January 22January 22
QUINSTAR W-band AiDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-152- FA8650-13March 26, June 13, 2
Pretalen L Quantitati DepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F121-157- FA8650-13April 30, 2 July 30, 20
Echo RidgeQuantitati Department Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-157- FA8650-13April 30, 2 April 29, 2
Echo RidgeGPS EnhanDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-158- FA8650-13April 22, 2 July 22, 20
Triton Syst Self-Heali Department
Office for Phase I SBIR C131-110- W911QY-13June 01, 2 October 31
CORVID TEAnchoring D Pepartment
Missile De Phase I SBIR B123-029-HQ0147-13April 29, 2 November
Advanced SDetailed LeDepartment Missile De Phase I SBIR B123-030-HQ0147-13July 02, 20January 01
INVOCON, HypervelocDepartment Missile De Phase I SBIR B123-030-HQ0147-13April 29, 2 October 28
SYSTEMS EInnovative Department Missile De Phase I SBIR B123-031-HQ0147-13May 13, 2 November
Capco Inc. Innovative Department
Missile De Phase I SBIR B123-031-HQ0147-13March 01, May 27, 2
TEXAS RESEInnovative DepartmentMissile De Phase I SBIR B123-031-HQ0147-13February 2September
Tanner ResNexGen EleDepartment Missile De Phase I SBIR B123-031-HQ0147-13May 22, 2 November
PHYSICAL Missile Ac Department Missile De Phase I SBIR B123-032-HQ0147-13March 05, September
TEXAS RESELong-TermDepartment Missile De Phase I SBIR B123-032-HQ0147-13February 2September
NanosonicTime-Tempe Department
Missile De Phase I SBIR B123-032-HQ0147-13March 25, September
Polymer AgSmart ShelDepartment Missile De Phase I SBIR B123-033-HQ0147-13March 21, May 23, 2
M.R.ReseaCost EffectDepartment Missile De Phase I SBIR B123-033-HQ0147-13March 29, September
MERCURY C DorrelationDepartment
Missile De Phase I SBIR B123-034-HQ0147-13May 06, 2 May 06, 2
PHYSICAL Ultra-mini Department Missile De Phase I SBIR B123-034-HQ0147-13March 25, September
Tanner ResHighly Ela DepartmentMissile De Phase I SBIR B123-034-HQ0147-13May 24, 2 November
EDWARD PMaterials aDepartment Missile De Phase I SBIR B123-035-HQ0147-13March 06, September
NEXGENSEMaterials aDepartment Missile De Phase I SBIR B123-035-HQ0147-13March 14, September
PACIFIC S ContextualDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR O123-AU1-N00014-13May 14, 2 November
STOTLER HIntelligen Department Navy Phase I SBIR O123-AU1-N00014-13May 15, 2 November
RADIANCE Tactical P Department Army Phase I SBIR O123-EP4-W15P7T-13May 30, 2 December
P C KRAUSIntelligen Department Army Phase I SBIR O123-EP4-W15P7T-13July 24, 20January 23
STOTLER HIntelligent DepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR O123-HS1-N00014-13May 14, 2 November
SONALYSTS, Human Comp Department
Navy Phase I SBIR O123-HS1-N00014-13May 14, 2 November
Traclabs IncAutonomy DepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR O123-HS1-N00014-13May 15, 2 November
Unova TechNaturalist DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR O123-HS2-FA8650-13February 2August 19,
SYSTEMS TNatural Di Department Navy Phase I SBIR O123-HS3-N00014-13May 23, 2 November
Charles RivTaxiing Op Department
Navy Phase I SBIR O123-HS3-N00014-13May 22, 2 November
PHYSICAL Insect-Ins Department Navy Phase I SBIR O123-HS3-N00014-13May 23, 2 November
ATC-NY, IncVMCIS: A CDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR O123-IA2- N00014-13March 07, September
21ct, Inc. SATPAM- Se Department
Navy Phase I SBIR O123-IA2- N00014-13February 2August 21,
GIRD SYSTESub-Millis DepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F112-189- FA9101-13February 0February 0
SYSTEMS &Miniature H Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-091- FA8651-13June 20, 2 September
MAINSTREAdvanced CDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-092- FA8651-13June 20, 2 September
KaragozianMobile TarDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-095- FA8651-13June 20, 2 September
TORCH TECNext GenerDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-096- FA8651-13July 11, 20March 31,
ACTA, LLC Weapon Bur Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-097- FA8651-13June 20, 2 September
M4 ENGINEWind Tunne Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-187- FA9101-13December December
PHYSICAL Solar/LunaDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-188- FA9101-13December December
TOYON RE Improved RDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-139- FA8650-13April 29, 2 March 31,
SPECTRAL SAirborne HDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-140- FA8650-13April 25, 2 July 27, 20
Matrix ResUnifed MoDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-142- FA8650-13April 10, 2 July 15, 20
ELECTROMA Inverse SynDepartment
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-143- FA8650-13April 12, 2 July 15, 20
SYSTEMS &Wind Turbin Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-144- FA8650-13April 10, 2 July 20, 20
Auriga MeaMonolithicDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-159- FA8650-13April 25, 2 July 30, 20
Sadallah, AAlgorithm D epartment
Missile De Phase I SBIR B123-028-HQ0147-13March 12, September
TechnologyImproved Ta Department
Missile De Phase I SBIR B123-028-HQ0147-13March 12, September
VADUM, INFeature BaDepartment Missile De Phase I SBIR B123-028-HQ0147-13March 12, September
Wavelet TeImproved Ta Department
Missile De Phase I SBIR B123-028-HQ0147-13March 06, September
CORVID TEImproved Ta Department
Missile De Phase I SBIR B123-028-HQ0147-13April 10, 2 October 28
Control VisAnchoring D Pepartment
Missile De Phase I SBIR B123-029-HQ0147-13March 12, September
Vistology, IFunctionalDepartment
Army Phase I SBIR O123-ER2-W911QX-13 July 31, 20February 0
Design InteEcological Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR O123-HS2-FA8650-13February 1August 22,
Hadron Indu Naturalist Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR O123-HS2-FA8650-13February 2August 21,
GRAMMATE Multi-AbstDepartment
Navy Phase I SBIR O123-IA2- N00014-13March 13, September
Intelligent SAM: A SelDepartment
Navy Phase I SBIR O123-IA2- N00014-13February 2September
LYNNTECH Protective Department Special O Phase I SBIR S131-001- H92222-13June 19, 2 December
Utility De Nano-scaleDepartmentSpecial O Phase I SBIR S131-001- H92222-13June 25, 2 December
NEI CORPONano-scaleDepartment Special O Phase I SBIR S131-001- H92222-13July 03, 20January 03
Physical DeOver the HDepartmentSpecial O Phase I SBIR S131-002- H92222-13July 09, 20January 09
MEGAWAVE Over the HDepartment
Special O Phase I SBIR S131-002- H92222-13July 09, 20January 09
UTOPIACOC-Care: AnDepartment Special O Phase I SBIR S131-003- H92222-13July 22, 20January 22
DocBox IncRemote EleDepartment Special O Phase I SBIR S131-003- H92222-13July 15, 20January 15
MAXENTRIC Next GenerDepartment
Special O Phase I SBIR S131-004- H92222-13June 17, 2 December
VADUM, INIntegrated Department Special O Phase I SBIR S131-004- H92222-13July 08, 20January 08
PCP TACTICFamily of Department Special O Phase I SBIR S131-005- H92222-13July 08, 20January 08
SouthwestFamily of Department Special O Phase I SBIR S131-005- H92222-13July 22, 20January 22
Stillwood Family of Department Special O Phase I SBIR S131-005- H92222-13July 08, 20January 08
PCP TACTIC.50 Calibe DepartmentSpecial O Phase I SBIR S131-006- H92222-13July 08, 20January 08
PHYSICAL High-PerfoDepartment Special O Phase I SBIR S131-007- H92222-13August 12,February 1
CROSSFIELSecure Mob Department
Special O Phase I SBIR S131-007- H92222-13August 12,February 1
NVISION TDownrangeDepartment Army Phase I SBIR A122-103-W15QKN-1July 11, 20December
PHYSICAL Memristor-Department Army Phase I SBIR A123-106-W15QKN-1July 09, 20December
SensorMetrHigh SpeedDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-105- FA8651-13June 20, 2 September
Imaging SyInfrared PaDepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F121-105- FA8651-13June 20, 2 September
Matsys IncKinetic En DepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F121-107- FA8651-13May 20, 2 September
DSPLOGIC Direct Det Department Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-108- FA8651-13June 20, 2 September
INFORMATIAirborne PDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-138- FA8650-13May 14, 2 August 14,
Busek Co., Electrospr Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-180- FA9300-13February 2May 21, 2
Innovative HypersonicDepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F112-182- FA8650-13February 1May 08, 2
First RF CoHigh-Spee DepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F121-092- FA8651-13July 03, 20December
Matrix ResRepresentaDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-104- FA8651-13June 20, 2 September
SYSTEMS &Feature ReDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-104- FA8651-13June 20, 2 September
TECHNOLOG Autonomous Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-106- FA8651-13June 20, 2 September
First RF CoHigh Gain DepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F121-137- FA8650-13May 02, 2 August 01,
ObjectVid Improved RDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-139- FA8650-13May 03, 2 August 03,
Visor CorpHF Digital DepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F121-145- FA8650-13May 03, 2 August 03,
Physical ScQuantum Do Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-146- FA8650-13May 02, 2 July 30, 20
Black Rive PerformancDepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F121-163- FA8650-13May 07, 2 August 14,
Matrix ResPerformance Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-163- FA8650-13April 25, 2 July 30, 20
Freedom Ph Conformal Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-164- FA8650-13April 30, 2 July 30, 20
SYSTEMS &4D Dynamic Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-165- FA8650-13April 08, 2 October 03
ULTRA COM Low Cost UnDepartment
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-166- FA8650-13May 03, 2 August 02,
STARA TechRapid Samp Department of DefenPhase I SBIR C122-108- W911SR-13May 14, 2 November
TDA Researc ResponsiveDepartment
Office for Phase I SBIR C131-101- W911NF-13May 28, 2 November
AKITA INN 100% SolidDepartment Office for Phase I SBIR C131-101- W911NF-13May 29, 2 November
Nano Terra,A broad-spDepartmentOffice for Phase I SBIR C131-101- W911NF-13May 29, 2 November
CELLMIC, LGlobal SpaDepartment Office for Phase I SBIR C131-102- W911NF-13June 13, 2 December
Celadon Lab Mobile ReaDepartment
Office for Phase I SBIR C131-102- W911NF-13May 22, 2 November
DBC Techno Advanced RDepartmentOffice for Phase I SBIR C131-103- W911SR-13July 02, 20December
SIVANANTH A Low-CostDepartmentOffice for Phase I SBIR C131-105- W911SR-13July 23, 20January 22
nanoGripteMicrofberDepartment Office for Phase I SBIR C131-109- W911QY-13May 15, 2 November
CREARE LLCHermetic SDepartment Office for Phase I SBIR C131-109- W911QY-13May 17, 2 November
INNOVATIVSelf-Heali Department Office for Phase I SBIR C131-110- W911QY-13May 20, 2 November
COMBUSTIDesign Com Department
Defense ThPhase I SBIR T122-006- HDTRA1-13May 20, 2 December
LithiumstarSolid Stat DepartmentMissile De Phase I SBIR B122-019-HQ0147-13June 24, 2 December
HYPERCOMP Surface MeDepartmentArmy Phase I SBIR A131-004-W911W6-1May 15, 2 November
COMBUSTIAfterburni Department Army Phase I SBIR A131-006-W31P4Q-13 May 30, 2 February 0
BrightSpec,AutomatedDepartment Army Phase I SBIR A131-007-W31P4Q-13 July 12, 20February 1
Carbon Solu All-solid-s Department
Army Phase I SBIR A131-008-W31P4Q-13 May 29, 2 January 27
Flashback A Real-TimDepartment Army Phase I SBIR A123-109-W81XWH-1May 13, 2 October 13
NANOHMIC Portable ADepartmentArmy Phase I SBIR A123-117-W81XWH-1May 20, 2 December
COLORADOROAR: RearDepartment Army Phase I SBIR A131-001-W911W6-1May 09, 2 November
Solid ConceImplementa Department
Army Phase I SBIR A131-003-W911W6-1May 07, 2 November
ContinuumLow-Cost CDepartment Army Phase I SBIR A131-004-W911W6-1May 15, 2 November
CFD ResearUnifed FloDepartment Army Phase I SBIR A131-005-W31P4Q-13 June 18, 2 February 1
Virginia Di AutomatedDepartment Army Phase I SBIR A131-007-W31P4Q-13 June 28, 2 February 2
KCF TECHNA New Gene Department
Army Phase I SBIR A123-112-W81XWH-1May 22, 2 December
RESODYN The Most EDepartment Army Phase I SBIR A123-113-W81XWH-1May 24, 2 December
PHYSICAL Airborne EDepartment Army Phase I SBIR A131-001-W911W6-1May 07, 2 November
INFORMATIRear HemisDepartment Army Phase I SBIR A131-001-W911W6-1May 16, 2 November
UES, Inc. Durable CM Department
Army Phase I SBIR A131-002-W911W6-1May 16, 2 November
Amastan TeCMAS and Department
H Army Phase I SBIR A131-002-W911W6-1May 16, 2 November
OMAX COREffective Department Army Phase I SBIR A131-003-W911W6-1May 15, 2 November
COMBUSTIShort DuraDepartment Army Phase I SBIR A131-005-W31P4Q-13 May 29, 2 January 27
EWA Govern Bio-Inspir Department
Army Phase I SBIR A123-106-W15QKN-1June 12, 2 February 2
Giner, Inc. Advanced SDepartmentArmy Phase I SBIR A131-008-W31P4Q-13 June 05, 2 February 0
Stolar Res Developmen Department
Army Phase I SBIR A131-018-W911QX-13 July 18, 20January 17
SPORIAN MA WirelessDepartment Army Phase I SBIR A131-023-W911W6-1May 16, 2 November
NANOHMIC Wide Field-Department
Army Phase I SBIR A131-026-W911NF-13 June 20, 2 December
QmagiQ A technique Department
Army Phase I SBIR A131-042-W909MY-13 June 27, 2 December
PHYSICAL Ambient EnDepartment Army Phase I SBIR A131-046-W911QY-13 May 29, 2 December
LYNNTECH Next GenerDepartment Army Phase I SBIR A131-047-W911QY-13 July 08, 20February 2
LYNNTECH Novel Pyroe Department
Army Phase I SBIR A131-048-W911QY-13 July 08, 20January 07
Luna InnovInsect ResiDepartment Army Phase I SBIR A131-048-W911QY-13 June 24, 2 December
Mustang TeInnovative Department Army Phase I SBIR A131-049-W15QKN-1July 10, 20January 10
TECHNOLOG Innovative Department
Army Phase I SBIR A131-049-W15QKN-1July 08, 20January 08
KEYSTONE Miniature Department Army Phase I SBIR A131-050-W15QKN-1July 10, 20January 10
ORBITAL R Miniature Department Army Phase I SBIR A131-050-W15QKN-1July 08, 20January 08
Dignitas TeUrban Comp Department
Army Phase I SBIR A131-056-W900KK-13July 17, 20January 17
METRONOM InnovativeDepartmentArmy Phase I SBIR A131-059-W9113M-1July 24, 20February 2
Intelligent SCAN-FaultDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N123-162-N66001-13April 25, 2 October 24
Radio FreqDirect Dig Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-006-N68936-13May 15, 2 November
SYSTEMS &Direct Dig Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-006-N68936-13May 15, 2 November
First RF CoHigh Gain Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-007-N68335-13June 18, 2 December
Mustang TeLow Size WDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-009-N68335-13May 15, 2 November
SA Photonic Optical IneDepartment
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-010-N68936-13May 30, 2 November
ControlledOptical IneDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-010-N68936-13May 30, 2 November
Redondo Op High-SpeedDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-011-N68335-13June 17, 2 December
SAFE, Inc. Efficient Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-014-N68335-13June 19, 2 December
EAST/WESTEfficient Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-014-N68335-13June 19, 2 December
AdValue PhFiber OpticDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-015-N68335-13June 19, 2 December
Advanced CThermal MDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-028-N00024-13June 20, 2 December
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-029-N00024-13June 14, 2 December
ADAPTIVE Multi-Stat Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-030-N00024-13June 20, 2 December
NuvotronicLow Cost/HDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-031-N00024-13June 18, 2 December
METAL MAT New Radar/ Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-031-N00024-13June 18, 2 December
Orion SolutAnticorros DepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-035-N00024-13June 20, 2 December
Research AAutomatedDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-036-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
PROMETHEReal time cDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-037-N00024-13June 19, 2 December
LaserMotive Tethered VDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-039-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
IAP RESEARAffordableDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-040-N00024-13June 19, 2 December
Creative TeSemi-AutonDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-041-N00024-13June 18, 2 December
UES, Inc. Improved Ro Department
Army Phase I SBIR A131-022-W911QX-13June 27, 2 December
TECHFLOWVehicle SpaDepartment Army Phase I SBIR A131-027-W9124R-13June 01, 2 November
QuickFlex, PowerDyn D Repartment
Army Phase I SBIR A131-029-W909MY-13June 13, 2 December
Precision Multi-fuel Department Army Phase I SBIR A131-045-W911QY-13June 21, 2 February 2
Triton Syst Ambient EnDepartmentArmy Phase I SBIR A131-046-W911QY-13July 01, 20December
LYNNTECH High SpeciDepartment Army Phase I SBIR A131-008-W31P4Q-13June 03, 2 February 0
VADUM, INDevelopmen Department
Army Phase I SBIR A131-018-W911QX-13July 18, 20January 17
Veriflow S Analyzing Department Navy Phase I SBIR N123-162-N66001-13April 25, 2 October 24
MAWID, Technologie Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-002-N68335-13June 18, 2 December
I and DepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-003-N68335-13May 16, 2 November
AURORA FLReal-time Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-004-N68335-13May 15, 2 November
PERCEPTROTeam OrienDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-004-N68335-13May 15, 2 November
First RF CoLow Size WDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-009-N68335-13May 15, 2 November
SAFE, Inc. Life Impro DepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-016-N68335-13May 15, 2 November
LightSmythPolarizatioDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-017-N68936-13June 05, 2 December
Plymouth GPolarizatioDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-017-N68936-13June 05, 2 December
RAM PHOTO High-Effici Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-017-N68936-13June 05, 2 December
Diamond ViDecoupledDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-018-N68335-13May 15, 2 November
AECHELONDecoupledDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-018-N68335-13May 15, 2 November
nGimat Co.Developmen Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-020-N39430-13April 09, 2 October 31
RESODYN Next GenerDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-022-N00024-13June 20, 2 December
ACTA Tech Thermal MDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-028-N00024-13June 20, 2 December
Tex Tech InNovel TextDepartment Army Phase I SBIR A131-047-W911QY-13June 14, 2 April 14, 2
Paradigm RStand-AlonDepartment Army Phase I SBIR A131-062-W56HZV-13July 24, 20January 20
DELCROSS Rapid and Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-003-N68335-13May 15, 2 November
InkographiAutomatedDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-004-N68335-13May 17, 2 November
Freedom Ph Advanced W Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-005-N68335-13June 20, 2 December
DELCROSS Graphics PrDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-008-N68335-13May 15, 2 November
Andro Comp Graphics PrDepartment
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-008-N68335-13May 15, 2 November
VIRTUAL E Hardware ADepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-008-N68335-13May 15, 2 November
A-Tech CorCompact Op Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-010-N68936-13May 30, 2 November
KCF TECHNWireless RDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-011-N68335-13June 17, 2 December
Triton Syst ContaminatDepartment
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-016-N68335-13May 15, 2 November
ASSETT, In Ocean Senso Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-027-N00024-13June 14, 2 December
Thermavant Thermal MDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-028-N00024-13June 20, 2 December
BASCOM HU Anti-JammiDepartment
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-029-N00024-13June 14, 2 December
Signal Sys Multi-Stat Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-030-N00024-13June 20, 2 December
NanosonicHybridSil Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-035-N00024-13June 20, 2 December
Charles RivGenerationDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-036-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
LAKOTA TEAutomatedDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-036-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
PROGENY Shipboard Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-038-N00024-13June 18, 2 December
PROGENY Shipboard Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-038-N00024-13June 18, 2 December
DRAGONFLY Aerostat C Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-039-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
ROBOTIC RMODULARDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-039-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
MAINSTRELow Cost, Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-040-N00024-13June 18, 2 December
Advanced O Semi-AutonDepartment
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-041-N00024-13June 18, 2 December
Bridger PhoMulti-FuncDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-042-N00024-13July 31, 20January 31
3 Phoenix, Autonomous Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-043-N00024-13June 19, 2 December
Ocean Acou Autonomous Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-043-N00024-13June 19, 2 December
SONALYSTS, Mission Pl Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-044-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
ADAPTIVE Mission Pl Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-044-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
Signal Sys Mitigation Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-045-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
Applied ReMitigation DepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-045-N00024-13June 28, 2 February 1
SCIENCE R Maritime DDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-046-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
Physical ScCompact LIDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-046-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
ADA Techno Long-RangeDepartment
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-046-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
CHAOTIC. Improved De Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-047-N00024-13June 19, 2 December
DANIEL H. Innovative DepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-047-N00024-13June 19, 2 December
ADAPTIVE Improved De Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-047-N00024-13June 19, 2 December
Charles RivShiphandliDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-048-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
Design InteData Integ Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-048-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
ADAPTIVE LFA and CFDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-050-N00024-13June 20, 2 December
EM PHOTON A New Sta Department
Army Phase I SBIR A131-029-W909M13-June 28, 2 December
NOVATIO En Battle FuelDepartment
Army Phase I SBIR A131-045-W911QY-13June 21, 2 February 2
Azure Summ Low SWaP Department
W Navy Phase I SBIR N131-009-N68335-13May 15, 2 November
ULTRA COM Fiber OpticDepartment
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-015-N68335-13June 20, 2 December
PHYSICAL Underwater Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-021-N39430-13May 28, 2 November
TEXAS RESECraft Hull DepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-022-N00024-13June 20, 2 December
InnoSys Heaters fo Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-023-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
MicroFab TAlternativeDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-023-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
RHENIUM A Process OpDepartment
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-023-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
STELLAR SCShip ShapeDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-024-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
TOYON RE Constructi Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-024-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
PROGENY ExpendableDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-025-N00024-13June 18, 2 December
TIAX LLC Life of Shi DepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-026-N00024-13June 20, 2 December
CREARE LLCCrimpless FDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-026-N00024-13June 20, 2 December
SEDNA DIGOcean Senso Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-027-N00024-13June 14, 2 December
FIDELITY CAnti-JammiDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-029-N00024-13June 14, 2 December
Metamagnet Ultra-fast Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-031-N00024-13June 18, 2 December
QorTek, IncLow Noise Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-032-N00024-13June 18, 2 December
PROGENY Low Noise Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-032-N00024-13June 18, 2 December
Oceanit Lab SubmarineDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-033-N00024-13June 18, 2 December
LYNNTECH Nanocompos Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-034-N00024-13June 18, 2 December
TEXAS RESEImproved ADepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-034-N00024-13June 18, 2 December
ACREE TECImproved ADepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-034-N00024-13June 18, 2 December
Luna InnovDurable HyDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-035-N00024-13June 20, 2 December
ADAPTIVE Shipboard Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-038-N00024-13June 18, 2 November
BARRON ASMulti-Disc Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-041-N00024-13June 18, 2 December
TeraDiode,Ultra-High Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-042-N00024-13July 31, 20January 31
Advanced RMitigation Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-045-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
DAICO INDHigh PowerDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-049-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
PHYSICAL High-PowerDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-049-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
DIVERSIFIEHigh PowerDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-049-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
METRON, Using FeatDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-050-N00024-13June 20, 2 December
AVENTUSOF LFA and CFDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-050-N00024-13June 20, 2 December
PROGENY Shock ToleDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-051-N00024-13June 19, 2 December
SOFTRONICShock ToleDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-051-N00024-13June 19, 2 December
Azure Summ The RUBIK Department
A Navy Phase I SBIR N131-052-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
Research ADevelopmen Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-052-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
VADUM, INRobust Emit Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-052-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
AURORA FLHigh-Effici Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-053-N00024-13June 19, 2 December
Nextgen AeSprint Spe Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-053-N00024-13June 19, 2 December
ROBOTIC RLOADING FDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-054-N00024-13June 19, 2 December
E SDepartment
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-054-N00024-13June 19, 2 December
Hstar TechAdvanced SDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-054-N00024-13June 19, 2 December
TOYON RE Airborne CDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-055-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
AMERICANReduced Den Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-056-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
SIENNA TEHigh PerfoDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-056-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
APPLIED THCeramic Ma Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-056-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
GLOYER-TAHigh PressDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-058-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
ADA Techno High PressDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-058-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
Luna InnovHigh PressDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-058-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
Eospace IncNovel, Ver DepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-059-N00024-13June 19, 2 December
MicroLink Nano-InspiDepartment Army Phase I SBIR A131-020-W911QX-13July 19, 20January 18
Applied ColNanotechno Department
Army Phase I SBIR A131-022-W911QX-13July 18, 20January 18
PHYSICAL Self-contaiDepartment Army Phase I SBIR A131-023-W911W6-1May 16, 2 November
Broadata CFlexible DyDepartment Army Phase I SBIR A131-031-W15P7T-13July 05, 20January 05
ATS-MER, LInvestmentDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-001-N68335-13June 12, 2 December
Energy ResTechnologie Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-002-N68335-13June 18, 2 December
CREARE LLCScreech SuDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-002-N68335-13June 18, 2 December
VERAPHOTO Energy HarDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-011-N68335-13June 19, 2 December
Triton Syst Universal DepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-012-N68335-13June 18, 2 December
PHYSICAL Wireless a Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-012-N68335-13June 18, 2 December
Scientifc Earplug-In Department of DefenPhase I SBIR N131-012-N68335-13June 24, 2 December
SPECTRAL SA LightweiDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-013-N68335-13June 18, 2 December
ALPHASENSA Novel, L Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-013-N68335-13June 18, 2 December
PICOMETRITerahertz Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-013-N68335-13June 18, 2 December
Triton Syst InnovativeDepartment
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-014-N68335-13June 19, 2 December
TURNAROUEfficient Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-014-N68335-13June 19, 2 December
Vega WaveFiber OpticDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-015-N68335-13June 24, 2 December
Powdermet, Advanced CDepartment
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-016-N68335-13May 15, 2 November
Piasecki AiAdvanced H Department
Army Phase I SBIR A131-024-W911W6-1May 16, 2 November
Intelligent RARSP: RapDepartment
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-003-N68335-13May 16, 2 November
Adaptive TeAdvanced W Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-005-N68335-13June 19, 2 December
CREARE LLCUltrasonic DepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-005-N68335-13June 19, 2 December
Systems & Direct ConDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-006-N68936-13May 15, 2 November
RDRTec IncHigh Gain Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-007-N68335-13June 12, 2 December
INDIANA MVery Wide Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-059-N00024-13June 19, 2 December
Freedom Ph Miniature,Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-060-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
David RossSubsea LonDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-060-N00024-13June 28, 2 December
ZEPHYR SOBinary Pro Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-061-N00014-13May 13, 2 March 07,
SOAR TECHAdvancing Department
t Navy Phase I SBIR N131-062-N00014-13April 24, 2 March 07,
LAUNCHPOI Helicopter Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-069-N00014-13April 25, 2 March 07,
SEALANDAICheck RangDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-070-N00014-13May 13, 2 March 07,
St. Croix R Ablation-ReDepartment
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-071-N00014-13May 07, 2 March 07,
AnthrotroniMotion-indDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-077-N00014-13May 03, 2 March 07,
SONALYSTS, Next GenerDepartment
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-078-N00014-13May 03, 2 March 07,
PHASE SENFrequency Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-080-N00014-13May 13, 2 March 07,
MZA AssociMembrane-B Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-081-N00014-13May 08, 2 March 07,
A Navy Phase I SBIR N131-082-N00014-13May 03, 2 March 07,
CHIMAERAStealth OpDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-082-N00014-13May 03, 2 March 07,
Charles RivReallocati Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-048- FA8750-13July 17, 20July 16, 20
HILL ENGINNear-SurfaDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-112- FA8650-13June 11, 2 March 11,
SEASHELL LightweightDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-114- FA8650-13June 04, 2 June 04, 2
SA Photonic Passive mulDepartment
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-135- FA8650-13May 28, 2 August 21,
TIAX LLC Passive OptDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-146- FA8650-13May 17, 2 August 31,
FISHEYE S Virtual RecDepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F121-148- FA8650-13May 23, 2 August 24,
Linearizer W-band AiDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-152- FA8650-13May 20, 2 September
BRIDGE 12V-band Mi Department Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-153- FA8650-13June 24, 2 September
QUALTECHPrognosticDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-185- FA8650-13August 14,November
LIUMAN T Instrumente Department
Army Phase II SBIR A2-5065 W911QX-13 March 12, March 11,
AnthrotroniCommunica Department
Army Phase II SBIR A2-5108 W911NF-13 May 07, 2 May 06, 2
The PeregrNovel Mono Department
Army Phase II SBIR A2-5119 W15QKN-1NovemberNovember
Physical ScAdvanced CDepartmentArmy Phase II SBIR A2-5135 W15QKN-1May 15, 2 May 15, 2
Onyx Optics Coilable crDepartment
Army Phase II SBIR A2-5136 W911QX-13 July 11, 20July 10, 20
Army Phase II SBIR A2-5151 W15QKN-1February 1February 1
TREX ENTEBiomimicryDepartment Army Phase II SBIR A2-5307 W911QX-13 May 30, 2 September
Triton Syst NanostructDepartment
Army Phase II SBIR A2-5309 W15QKN-1May 21, 2 January 31
PHYSICAL Methodolog Department
Army Phase II SBIR A2-5341 W91RUS-13 May 14, 2 May 13, 2
SAFCELL, I Feasibilit Department
Army Phase II SBIR A2-5345 W911NF-13 May 16, 2 December
V SQUAREDWind EnergDepartment Army Phase II SBIR A2-5349 W911QY-13 July 24, 20June 11, 2
APTIMA, INLVC&G- Department
Army Phase II SBIR A2-5350 W911QX-13 April 17, 2 April 14, 2
Xtalic CorpFabricatio Department
Army Phase II SBIR A2-5360 W911NF-13 May 21, 2 August 24,
Phoebus Op Narrowband Department
Office for Phase II SBIR C2-0365 W911NF-13 June 17, 2 June 16, 2
LUMILANT,Narrowband Department
Office for Phase II SBIR C2-0366 W911NF-13 April 30, 2 April 29, 2
Radiation MA New HighDepartment
Defense HePhase II SBIR A2-5261 W81XWH-1June 07, 2 November
EYEdeal S The Measur Department
Defense HePhase II SBIR A2-5288 W81XWH-1June 10, 2 November
Control VisOptical Se Department
Missile De Phase II SBIR B2-1901 HQ0147-13July 29, 20April 19, 2
NuvotronicBroadbandDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-059-N00024-13June 19, 2 December
S2 CORPO Very Wide Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-059-N00024-13June 19, 2 December
Adaptive CAdvancing Department
t Navy Phase I SBIR N131-062-N00014-13April 24, 2 March 07,
Lambda SciAutomatingDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-065-N00014-13May 13, 2 March 07,
nLight PhoCompact, RDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-083-N00014-13May 02, 2 March 07,
NUGENT, MScalable a DepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F121-049- FA8750-13July 18, 20July 16, 20
RADIANCE Detection oDepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F121-102- FA8651-13July 23, 20October 22
CytoSorbenInvestigat Department
Army Phase II SBIR A2-5174 W81XWH-1June 21, 2 August 07,
Keranetics,Flowable keDepartment
Army Phase II SBIR A2-5197 W81XWH-1June 21, 2 November
PERCEPTROApps for R DepartmentDefense HePhase II SBIR O2-1333 N00014-13June 19, 2 June 19, 2
SAN DIEGOLightweighDepartment Missile De Phase II SBIR B2-1900 HQ0147-13June 14, 2 June 16, 2
SCITEC, INCInnovative Department
Missile De Phase II SBIR B2-1911 HQ0147-13July 19, 20July 21, 20
KNOWLEDGE TraceLogicDepartment
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-075-N00014-13April 19, 2 March 07,
ADVANCEDBeaconLessDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-076-N00014-13April 25, 2 March 07,
MZA AssociAdvanced A Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-076-N00014-13April 25, 2 March 07,
Charles RivSensing anDepartment
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-077-N00014-13May 02, 2 March 07,
IN-DEPTH Adaptive GDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-078-N00014-13May 02, 2 March 07,
PHYSICAL Covert ExeDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-079-N00014-13May 13, 2 March 07,
ANALYSIS Compact Of Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-079-N00014-13May 13, 2 March 07,
TECHNICALPROPULSI Department Air Force Phase II SBIR 99WMN-01FA8651-13June 12, 2 June 02, 2
Iris Techn Modular Ad Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR B053-017-FA9453-13June 14, 2 January 14
SOLID STA Hostile Fir Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-102- FA8651-13July 03, 20October 07
Mound Lase ComputatioDepartment
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-130- FA8650-13June 03, 2 June 03, 2
CREARE LLCMEMS-Base Department
Army Phase II SBIR A2-5057 W15QKN-1June 21, 2 May 30, 2
QM Power,3 kW High Department Army Phase II SBIR A2-5230 W15P7T-13April 26, 2 April 26, 2
Broadata CNon IntrusDepartmentArmy Phase II SBIR A2-5284 W91151-13July 17, 20July 16, 20
AGAVE BIOMultiplex Department Army Phase II SBIR A2-5292 W81XWH-1July 01, 20January 20
Charles RivCollaborat Department
Army Phase II SBIR A2-5303 W911QX-13 May 07, 2 May 06, 2
Veloxiti Intelligen DepartmentArmy Phase II SBIR A2-5335 W15P7T-13June 12, 2 June 12, 2
Design InteRemote AnDepartmentDefense HePhase II SBIR A2-5265 W81XWH-1June 10, 2 November
BARRON ASMonitoringDepartment Defense HePhase II SBIR O2-1346 W81XWH-1June 03, 2 November
SAN DIEGOHigh Tempe Department
Missile De Phase II SBIR B2-1899 HQ0147-13June 14, 2 June 16, 2
Precision High Effici Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-067-N00014-13May 01, 2 March 07,
Physical ScThick Film Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-068-N00014-13June 03, 2 November
Kyma Techn Millimeter Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-068-N00014-13May 21, 2 March 07,
Plasma ProHigh DensitDepartment
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-071-N00014-13May 07, 2 March 07,
SCIENCET Rapid FabriDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-072-N00014-13May 08, 2 March 07,
EDWARD PReduced CDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-072-N00014-13May 08, 2 March 07,
CREARE LLCAutomatedDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-075-N00014-13April 19, 2 March 07,
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-075-N00014-13April 19, 2 March 07,
OEwaves, IHigh PerfoDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-080-N00014-13May 13, 2 March 07,
RAM PHOTO Frequency-Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-080-N00014-13May 13, 2 March 07,
Avolare 2, A High PerDepartment
Air Force Phase II SBIR F103-087- FA9453-13June 05, 2 July 02, 20
PANERATECFoldable L DepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F103-090- FA9453-13May 29, 2 September
Silicon Sp Radiation- Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F103-106- FA9453-13June 28, 2 October 01
Arkansas Po High TempeDepartment
Air Force Phase II SBIR F103-201- FA8650-13May 21, 2 August 15,
ObjectVid Multiple TaDepartment
Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-042- FA8750-13July 30, 20July 29, 20
Data FusioFusion of DepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F112-066- FA9453-13June 17, 2 September
Ascent SolaEnabling HDepartment
Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-073- FA9453-13June 28, 2 October 01
SURVICE EKey CharactDepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F112-119- FA8650-13NovemberNovember
LYNNTECH High EnergDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-127- FA8650-13May 24, 2 May 24, 2
Qunav LLCIntegratio DepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F112-157- FA8651-13June 17, 2 September
VOXTEL, INWide SpectDepartment of DefenPhase II SBIR F121-019- FA8650-13June 12, 2 September
CROSSFIELUltra-Fast DepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F121-036- FA8750-13July 16, 20July 15, 20
PERCEPTRODynamic Ag Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-048- FA8750-13July 16, 20July 16, 20
INFERLINKLink Analy DepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F121-050- FA8750-13July 23, 20July 22, 20
CRITICAL Remote AttDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-051- FA8750-13August 05,August 07,
PHYSICAL Autonomous Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-091- FA8651-13July 31, 20October 30
Maverick CFabricatio Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-115- FA8650-13May 31, 2 November
Machine An Mobile AgeDepartment
Army Phase II SBIR A2-5313 W15P7T-13July 15, 20July 15, 20
CFD ResearA rapid andDepartment
Defense HePhase II SBIR O2-1315 W81XWH-1May 13, 2 October 13
Charles RivRemote Exe Department
Defense HePhase II SBIR O2-1318 W81XWH-1July 01, 20November
Quantum Ap An AuditorDepartment
Defense HePhase II SBIR O2-1327 W81XWH-1May 21, 2 October 24
VIRTUAL E A Scalable Department
Missile De Phase II SBIR B2-1910 HQ0147-13May 31, 2 June 06, 2
MAINSTREMaximum Department
Hy Air Force Phase II SBIR F103-225- FA9302-13June 06, 2 May 08, 2
KESTREL C ContinuousDepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F103-226- FA9302-13June 03, 2 July 06, 20
MAYFLOWEAutonomous Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-037- FA8750-13July 16, 20July 15, 20
Silvus ComLow SWaP Department
D Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-038- FA8750-13July 18, 20July 17, 20
MAXENTRIC W-band TraDepartment
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-046- FA8750-13July 15, 20April 21, 2
InnoSys W-band TraDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-046- FA8750-13July 18, 20July 17, 20
McQ Inc. UAS Air DrDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-103- FA8651-13June 17, 2 September
CONDUCTIV LightweighDepartment
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-111- FA8650-13July 29, 20July 29, 20
HILL ENGINResidual StDepartment
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-113- FA8650-13July 26, 20July 26, 20
PerformancFabricatio Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-115- FA8650-13May 31, 2 August 31,
Aerospace Porosity-F Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-121- FA8650-13June 01, 2 June 01, 2
ADVANCEDSimulationDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-128- FA8650-13July 15, 20July 15, 20
Scientic, InNext GenerDepartment
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-155- FA8650-13May 17, 2 August 17,
Isocline EnPower Effi Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-156- FA8650-13July 16, 20October 16
Nu-Trek Low Cost Un Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-166- FA8650-13August 01,November
LickenbrocReconstrucDepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR F121-187- FA9300-13May 17, 2 August 16,
AURORA FLMEMS Setae Department
Army Phase II SBIR A2-5039 W911QX-13 June 12, 2 June 13, 2
Ultramet Open-Cell FDepartment of DefenPhase II SBIR A2-5142 W15QKN-1March 27, March 27,
Harmonia H AIR Framewo
Army Phase II SBIR A2-5149 W911QX-13 May 24, 2 May 30, 2
L2 DIAGNOS Small Molec
Army Phase II SBIR A2-5177 W81XWH-1July 22, 20December
DIAPEDIA, Advanced M Department
Army Phase II SBIR A2-5209 W81XWH-1June 28, 2 September
TOYON RE Wide Area Department Army Phase II SBIR A2-5268 W9132T-13July 24, 20July 23, 20
Optical Ph Adaptive OpDepartment
Army Phase II SBIR A2-5269 W9113M-1July 01, 20June 30, 2
HYPRES, INRadio FreqDepartment Army Phase II SBIR A2-5276 W15P7T-13June 17, 2 June 17, 2
Charles RivCrowdsourci Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-063-N00014-13April 19, 2 March 07,
MODUS OPE Crowdsourc Department
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-063-N00014-13April 19, 2 March 07,
CREARE LLCAdvanced TDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-064-N00014-13May 14, 2 March 07,
Iris Techn LN2-PrecooDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-064-N00014-13May 13, 2 March 07,
Numerica CAutomatingDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-065-N00014-13May 14, 2 March 07,
TIPD, LLC ElectromagDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-066-N00014-13May 13, 2 March 07,
Eospace IncElectromagDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-066-N00014-13May 08, 2 March 07,
Photonic SyElectromagDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-066-N00014-13May 13, 2 March 07,
ATREX ENER Bio-fuel ReDepartment
Navy Phase I SBIR N131-067-N00014-13May 06, 2 March 07,
CornerstonHybrid ElecDepartmentNavy Phase I SBIR N131-069-N00014-13April 23, 2 March 07,
PROGENY Check RangDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-070-N00014-13May 01, 2 March 07,
ATS-MER, LNovel AdvaDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-071-N00014-13May 07, 2 March 07,
MATERIALSInnovative Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-071-N00014-13May 06, 2 March 07,
Luna InnovNanofber Department Navy Phase I SBIR N131-073-N00014-13April 23, 2 March 07,
Habsonic LLightweighDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-073-N00014-13April 19, 2 March 07,
TRANSPAREBreakthrouDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-073-N00014-13April 25, 2 March 07,
TIPD, LLC Compact LaDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-074-N00014-13May 14, 2 March 07,
Q-PEAK I Multi-spectDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-074-N00014-13May 13, 2 March 07,
SA Technolo UnmannedDepartment
A Navy Phase I SBIR N131-082-N00014-13May 02, 2 March 07,
TeraDiode,Multi-waveDepartment Navy Phase I SBIR N131-083-N00014-13April 24, 2 March 07,
21ct, Inc. CLAD: ClassDepartment
Air Force Phase II SBIR F083-040- FA8750-13May 16, 2 May 15, 2
STOCHASTSystem Iden Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-014- FA9451-13June 14, 2 September
Thermavant Next-GeneraDepartment
Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-057- FA9453-13August 08,November
ADVANCEDTarget ChaDepartment Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-074- FA9453-13June 26, 2 April 01, 2
SCITEC, INCAdvanced A Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-077- FA9453-13May 09, 2 August 06,
PHYSICAL Rapid Adv Department Air Force Phase II SBIR F112-117- FA8650-13January 18January 18
First RF CoJoint Aeri Department
Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-038- FA8750-13July 30, 20July 29, 20
RADANT TEV/W Band Department Air Force Phase II SBIR F121-042- FA8750-13July 16, 20July 15, 20
Aegis TechnReal-time DepartmentMissile De Phase II SBIR B2-1916 HQ0147-13July 03, 20July 02, 20
NorthwestMitigation Department Missile De Phase II SBIR B2-1919 HQ0147-13June 14, 2 June 16, 2
SLS, LLC GenerationDepartment Defense AdPhase I STTR D13A-003-W911QX-13 June 28, 2 December
Vistology, IA Flexible Department
Defense AdPhase I STTR D13A-004-W911QX-13 June 28, 2 December
SHARED S A Flexible Department Defense AdPhase I STTR D13A-004-W911QX-13 July 05, 20January 05
Florida TurModeling aDepartmentDefense AdPhase I STTR D13A-005-W911QX-13 June 28, 2 December
HYPERCOMP Modeling aDepartment
Defense AdPhase I STTR D13A-005-W911QX-13 June 28, 2 December
Mide TechnModeling aDepartment Defense AdPhase I STTR D13A-005-W911QX-13 July 05, 20January 05
ILLINOISROModeling aDepartment Defense AdPhase I STTR D13A-005-W911QX-13 July 05, 20January 05
Nextgen AeParametricDepartment Defense AdPhase I STTR D13A-006-W911QX-13 July 12, 20January 12
CornerstonLimit Stat DepartmentDefense AdPhase I STTR D13A-006-W911QX-13 July 12, 20January 12
Other Lab IAutomatedDepartment Defense AdPhase I STTR D13A-006-W911QX-13 July 05, 20January 05
MATERIALSNovel ExteDepartment Defense AdPhase I STTR D13A-006-W911QX-13 July 30, 20January 03
Patagonia High Effic DepartmentNavy Phase I STTR N13A-009-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
Cmsoft, IncHigh Effic Department
Navy Phase I STTR N13A-009-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
TechnoSoftHigh Effic DepartmentNavy Phase I STTR N13A-009-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
VISHWA ROPrehensor Department Navy Phase I STTR N13A-010-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
SPECTRAL SA Rapid OpDepartment Navy Phase I STTR N13A-011-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
SANTEC SYBondline aDepartment Navy Phase I STTR N13A-011-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
ADVANCEDConformal Department Navy Phase I STTR N13A-011-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
COMBUSTICharacteri Department Missile De Phase II SBIR B2-1924 HQ0147-13July 15, 20April 01, 2
MP TechnolSurface LeaDepartmentMissile De Phase II SBIR B2-1925 HQ0147-13May 14, 2 May 16, 2
L Navy Phase II SBIR O2-1243 N00014-13June 04, 2 October 15
Edaptive CImproved TDepartment Missile De Phase II SBIR B2-1922 HQ0147-13July 17, 20July 17, 20
UTRON KINRapid HighDepartment Missile De Phase II SBIR B2-1928 HQ0147-13May 22, 2 May 27, 2
Power PhotMethodolog Department
Missile De Phase II SBIR B2-1931 HQ0147-13May 17, 2 May 21, 2
Vision SystGeo-registDepartmentNational GPhase II SBIR NGA-P2-11HM0210-13 June 25, 2 June 24, 2
APTIMA, INIMAGINE: IDepartment National GPhase II SBIR NGA-P2-11HM0210-13 June 29, 2 June 30, 2
APTIMA, INCREATE II: DepartmentAir Force Phase II SBIR O2-1358 FA8650-13April 09, 2 July 09, 20
TPL, INC. Bimetal GuDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR N091-004-H2222-13-June 17, 2 December
Spectral EnSpatiotempDepartmentAir Force Phase I STTR F12B-T15- FA9300-13June 03, 2 March 03,
Applied MaNear Real-Department Army Phase I STTR A13A-009-W911NF-13 August 12,February 1
INFERLINKMobile HeaDepartment Army Phase I STTR A13A-018-W81XWH-1July 22, 20February 2
TDA Researc Soft and ElDepartment
Army Phase I STTR A13A-019-W81XWH-1July 22, 20February 2
Dog Star T FMRI Optim Department
Defense AdPhase I STTR D13A-001-W911QX-13 June 28, 2 December
iK9, LLC FunctionalDepartment Defense AdPhase I STTR D13A-001-W911QX-13 June 28, 2 December
A-Tech CorNano-OptoDepartment Defense AdPhase I STTR D13A-002-W911QX-13 June 28, 2 December
Applied OpCompact InDepartment Defense AdPhase I STTR D13A-002-W911QX-13 July 02, 20January 02
Adaptive MA Flexible DepartmentDefense AdPhase I STTR D13A-004-W911QX-13 July 03, 20January 03
Electric Dr Hybrid, Ul Department
Navy Phase I STTR N13A-028-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
Deep SprinMechanicalDepartment Navy Phase I STTR N13A-012-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
AGAVE BIOProbiotics Department Navy Phase I STTR N13A-013-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
Accacia IntProbiotics Department
Navy Phase I STTR N13A-013-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
GRAMMATE Progressiv Department
Navy Phase I STTR N13A-014-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
SecurboratProgressiv DepartmentNavy Phase I STTR N13A-014-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
CREARE LLCShip Airw Department Navy Phase I STTR N13A-015-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
Physical ScShip Wake DepartmentNavy Phase I STTR N13A-015-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
LYNNTECH ADP: Auto Department Navy Phase I STTR N13A-016-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
NOVATEUROn-Board DDepartment Navy Phase I STTR N13A-016-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
ROBOTIC RLEARNING-Department Navy Phase I STTR N13A-016-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
Physical ScHigh-Tempe Department
Navy Phase I STTR N13A-017-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
CREARE LLCHigh-Temper Department
Navy Phase I STTR N13A-017-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
NANOHMIC Metamateri Department
Navy Phase I STTR N13A-017-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
COLDQUANT Compact roDepartment
Navy Phase I STTR N13A-018-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
Vescent PhCompact, cDepartment Navy Phase I STTR N13A-018-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
TWINLEAF A UniversaDepartment Navy Phase I STTR N13A-019-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
STOTLER HPro-Active Department Navy Phase I STTR N13A-020-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
APTIMA, INCUPID: Cogn Department
Navy Phase I STTR N13A-020-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
PACIFIC S Proactive Department Navy Phase I STTR N13A-020-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
PowerTHRDevelopmen Department
Navy Phase I STTR N13A-022-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
KaZaK TechDevelopmen Department
Navy Phase I STTR N13A-022-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
MOHAWK Developmen
IN Department
Navy Phase I STTR N13A-022-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
Q-PEAK I Solid-StateDepartment Navy Phase I STTR N13A-023-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
SOAR TECHSituationa Department Navy Phase I STTR N13A-024-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
MODUS OPE Intelligen Department
Navy Phase I STTR N13A-024-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
ADAPTIVE Improving Department Navy Phase I STTR N13A-026-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
NANOHMIC Wide SpectDepartment
Navy Phase I STTR N13A-027-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
Lumany Solid-Stat Department Navy Phase I STTR N13A-023-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
E NitDepartment
Navy Phase I STTR N13A-025-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
Ocean Acou Improving Department
Navy Phase I STTR N13A-026-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
COGNIONIC Body-wornDepartmentNavy Phase I STTR N13A-021-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
Vivonics, I MICRO systDepartment
Navy Phase I STTR N13A-021-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
Imaging SyMechanicalDepartment Navy Phase I STTR N13A-012-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
MC10 Inc. Body-wornDepartment Navy Phase I STTR N13A-021-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
MimocloudGallium NitDepartment Navy Phase I STTR N13A-025-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
Optra, Inc.High Dynam Department
Navy Phase I STTR N13A-027-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
Oceanit Lab Wide SpectDepartment
Navy Phase I STTR N13A-027-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
UES, Inc. HIGH STREDepartment Army Phase I STTR O12B-T07-W911QX-13 June 27, 2 December
BARRON ASMethodolog Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-006- FA8650-13August 05,May 02, 2
DependablModel-Base Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-006- FA8650-13August 05,May 02, 2
Luna InnovExtreme EnDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-007- FA8650-13July 15, 20April 21, 2
Prime PhotHigh-Tempe Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-007- FA8650-13August 09,May 09, 2
CREARE LLCAdvanced G Department
Navy Phase I STTR N13A-028-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
CFD ResearFirst-Prin DepartmentAir Force Phase I STTR O12B-T06-FA9550-13May 15, 2 November
BOSTON APThin-Film M Department
Army Phase II STTR A2-5059 W911NF-13 May 06, 2 April 15, 2
Advanced M An Ultra-HDepartment
Army Phase I STTR O12B-T07-W911QX-13 May 28, 2 November
Multiscale 3-D nondesDepartmentAir Force Phase II STTR F11B-T04- FA8651-14SeptemberDecember
Orbital Te Synthesis oDepartment
Navy Phase II STTR N11A-034-N00014-13January 03February 1
JUDD STRAConformal Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-001- FA8650-13July 02, 20March 17,
Nextgen AeConformal Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-001- FA8650-13June 10, 2 March 17,
AYCN LLC Aerospace Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-002- FA8650-13June 10, 2 March 17,
CFD ResearHigh-Fidel DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-004- FA8650-13July 25, 20February 2
ATA Enginee Aerodynami Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-004- FA8650-13June 25, 2 February 2
M4 ENGINEInnovative Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-005- FA8650-13June 13, 2 January 16
Intelligent Multidisci Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-005- FA8650-13June 25, 2 March 31,
PranalyticaCoherent BDepartmentArmy Phase II STTR A2-5083 W911NF-13 June 07, 2 June 04, 2
FLEXEL LLCAdvanced TDepartment Navy Phase II STTR N11A-006-N68335-13August 01,June 30, 2
D-2 IncorpLow-PowerDepartment Navy Phase II STTR N11A-025-N00014-13May 14, 2 November
BOX ELDERVolume Cha Department
Air Force Phase II STTR F11B-T20- FA9453-13August 08,November
CoolCAD ElPlasmonic Department Navy Phase II STTR N11A-003-N68335-13May 21, 2 May 13, 2
ULTIMARADevelopmen Department
Navy Phase II STTR N11A-024-N00014-13April 17, 2 October 08
Mide TechnLight-WeigDepartment Navy Phase I STTR N13A-029-N00014-13July 01, 20April 30, 2
EOS PhotonMonolithicDepartment Navy Phase II STTR N11A-011-N68335-13June 12, 2 December
First RF CoConformal DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-001- FA8650-13June 11, 2 April 14, 2
ContinuumAircraft C Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-005- FA8650-13June 13, 2 March 17,
Electron E New Rare EDepartmentAir Force Phase I STTR O12B-T06-FA9550-13April 03, 2 September
Intelligent A Trusted Department
Air Force Phase II STTR F11B-T15- FA8750-13August 06,August 05,
Bridger PhoDYNAMICADepartment Army Phase II STTR A2-5020 W911NF-13 May 01, 2 May 01, 2
CRYE ASSOHigh Fidel Department Navy Phase II STTR N11A-019-N00014-13January 03January 03
ATC-NY, IncDivA: AutoDepartmentNavy Phase II STTR N11A-023-N00014-13January 09July 09, 20
COMBUSTIAerodynami Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-004- FA8650-13July 25, 20February 2
SA Photonic Vision Pro Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-021- FA8650-13June 14, 2 March 17,
5-D SYSTEM Vision Pro Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-021- FA8650-13June 17, 2 March 17,
Zebra ImagiHolographiDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-023- FA8650-13June 17, 2 March 17,
APTIMA, INPerformancDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-026- FA8650-13June 24, 2 March 28,
PROSENSINGround BasDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-045- FA8750-13July 18, 20April 17, 2
APTIMA, INTest-bed f DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-019- FA8650-13May 31, 2 March 03,
Sage Techno Vision Pro Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-021- FA8560-13May 30, 2 February 2
TIPD, LLC HolographiDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-023- FA8650-13June 17, 2 March 17,
SA Photonic Retroftta Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-027- FA8650-13June 24, 2 March 28,
Adastral , Retroftta DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-027- FA8650-13July 03, 20March 20,
Aerodyne RVolatile O DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-030- FA8650-13June 12, 2 March 31,
DroidCloudCloud BaseDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-033- FA8750-13July 18, 20April 17, 2
Foresight W Proximity/Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-034- FA8750-13July 16, 20April 15, 2
CFD ResearCAPSA: ConDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-034- FA8750-13July 16, 20April 15, 2
Black Rive Validation Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-038- FA8750-13July 18, 20April 17, 2
Parietal Sy ABISynthe:Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-038- FA8750-13July 17, 20April 16, 2
CRITICAL GeographicDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-039- FA8750-13July 15, 20April 14, 2
First RF CoLow-power- Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-041- FA8750-13July 18, 20April 17, 2
Intelligent Secure CloDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-047- FA8750-13July 16, 20April 16, 2
MAXENTRIC Channel anDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-048- FA8750-13July 23, 20April 21, 2
MAXENTRIC New wavefr Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-049- FA8750-13July 17, 20April 16, 2
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-050- FA8750-13July 18, 20April 17, 2
BOSTON FUREDI: ResolDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-051- FA8750-13July 17, 20April 16, 2
APTIMA, INDREAM: Det Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-051- FA8750-13July 16, 20April 16, 2
MILCORD LsemSCI- SeDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-051- FA8750-13July 16, 20April 16, 2
Enhance EnAutomatedDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-051- FA8750-13July 16, 20April 15, 2
Charles RivAutomatic DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-052- FA8750-13July 16, 20April 16, 2
SecurboratCross Doma Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-052- FA8750-13July 16, 20April 15, 2
Charles RivBlue ForceDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-054- FA8750-13July 19, 20April 18, 2
SecurboratPresentati DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-054- FA8750-13July 19, 20April 18, 2
SYSTEMS &Cross-Doma Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-054- FA8750-13July 23, 20April 22, 2
Assured InfEndpoint-ODepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-055- FA8750-13July 17, 20April 16, 2
AVIRTEK, I Robust EndDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-055- FA8750-13July 17, 20April 16, 2
MAGIQ TECIntegrated Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-065- FA9453-13May 15, 2 February 1
PHOENIX I A Framewor Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-080- FA9453-13August 07,May 07, 2
The Desig AWCAMS: Department
Ag Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-080- FA9453-13August 07,May 07, 2
Discovery M Architectu Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-080- FA9453-13August 07,May 07, 2
XUNERGY Small CryogDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-093- FA9453-13May 15, 2 February 1
Irvine Sen Real Time DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-095- FA9453-12May 10, 2 February 1
INDIANA I Advanced CDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-098- FA8651-13July 31, 20April 30, 2
Chip Desig"NighDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-098- FA8651-13July 29, 20April 30, 2
Kent Optron High SpeedDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-098- FA8651-13June 21, 2 March 21,
TECHFLOWIntegrated Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-019- FA8650-13June 18, 2 March 21,
Intelligent Integrated Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-019- FA8650-13June 18, 2 March 21,
PHYSICAL Multi-LayeDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-020- FA8650-13May 24, 2 February 2
HOLOEYE Sy Curved Wav Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-020- FA8650-13July 02, 20April 02, 2
Luminit LLCCurved Wav Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-020- FA8650-13June 26, 2 March 31,
CFD ResearAn Interac DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-029- FA8650-13June 17, 2 March 31,
ThinKom So High Effic Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-046- FA8750-13July 18, 20April 17, 2
The Desig CIRRUS: SeDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-047- FA8750-13July 17, 20April 16, 2
Seakr EnginChannel anDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-048- FA8750-13July 23, 20April 21, 2
Datron AdvNew wavefr Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-049- FA8750-13July 16, 20April 15, 2
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-050- FA8750-13July 16, 20April 16, 2
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-050- FA8750-13July 18, 20April 17, 2
PROCESS QEnd-to-EndDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-055- FA8750-13July 18, 20April 17, 2
Aerosol DyPortable S DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-024- FA8650-13July 11, 20April 11, 2
THIRD DIMGame-Based Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-025- FA8650-13July 31, 20April 28, 2
Charles RivNext GenerDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-025- FA8650-13July 01, 20March 28,
SONALYSTS, Game-Based Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-025- FA8650-13August 02,May 07, 2
Lumir Resea PATTRN: PrDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-026- FA8650-13June 24, 2 March 28,
STELLAR SCEfficient Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-029- FA8650-13June 24, 2 April 03, 2
APPLIED NVOC Odor SDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-030- FA8650-13June 19, 2 March 31,
Charles RivAdaptable DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-031- FA8650-13July 17, 20April 16, 2
METRONOM Cloud BaseDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-033- FA8750-13July 16, 20April 15, 2
Unova TechGeographicDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-039- FA8750-13July 17, 20April 15, 2
IMAGE MAT GeographicDepartment of DefenPhase I SBIR F131-039- FA8750-13July 19, 20April 18, 2
SI2 TECHNWideband Department
W Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-044- FA8750-13July 23, 20April 21, 2
First RF CoDual-band Department
l Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-044- FA8750-13July 16, 20April 15, 2
First RF CoGround BasDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-045- FA8750-13July 17, 20April 16, 2
First RF CoV/W Band D Aepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-046- FA8750-13July 16, 20April 16, 2
DANIEL H. Cloud-baseDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-047- FA8750-13July 17, 20April 16, 2
Silicon MicScalable ODepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-017- FA8650-13June 18, 2 January 20
TOYON RE Vision Pro Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-021- FA8650-13May 21, 2 February 2
Smart InfoCANTO: The Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-028- FA8650-13June 19, 2 April 03, 2
Silvus ComMIMO Capabi Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-041- FA8750-13July 17, 20April 16, 2
TREX ENTEGround radi Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-045- FA8750-13July 18, 20April 17, 2
UTOPIACOA Visual P Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-008- FA8650-13August 15,May 16, 2
Gamesim ITactical T Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-025- FA8650-13July 24, 20April 28, 2
TOYON RE Volatile O Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-030- FA8650-13July 18, 20April 18, 2
REAL-TIMEProximity- Department of DefenPhase I SBIR F131-034- FA8750-13July 17, 20April 16, 2
SCIENTIFICA Clutter-RDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-036- FA8750-13July 24, 20April 23, 2
First RF CoMilitarize Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-036- FA8750-13July 16, 20April 16, 2
PHYSICAL Multi-AperDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-071- FA8650-13August 06,May 06, 2
Hart ScientLight-weig Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-071- FA8650-13August 01,May 02, 2
PHYSICAL Separable Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-077- FA9453-13May 15, 2 February 1
COMPASS SRemotely PDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-008- FA8650-13June 11, 2 March 10,
HOLOEYE Sy Color Ultr Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-017- FA8650-13July 01, 20April 01, 2
SA Photonic Digital Mu Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-018- FA8650-13June 18, 2 March 27,
HOLOEYE Sy HolographiDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-023- FA8650-13June 18, 2 March 19,
Triton Syst Portable S Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-024- FA8650-13June 18, 2 March 19,
Spectral EnDevelopmen Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-024- FA8650-13June 18, 2 March 19,
Tier 1 Perf Predictive Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-026- FA8650-13June 24, 2 March 28,
SBG Labs Retroftta Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-027- FA8650-13July 02, 20March 28,
Charles RivSocial Lan Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-028- FA8650-13June 21, 2 April 03, 2
Tier 1 Perf Synthetic LDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-028- FA8650-13June 25, 2 April 03, 2
Spectral I Multi-aperDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-099- FA8651-13June 17, 2 March 28,
Optra, Inc.Multi-AperDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-099- FA8651-13July 16, 20April 15, 2
Ionwerks, IGas Phase Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-103- FA8651-13June 28, 2 March 28,
NEI CORPOA novel proDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-103- FA8651-13June 28, 2 March 28,
energetic mFuel-Air E Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-104- FA8651-13July 25, 20April 25, 2
Physical ScSingle EvenDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-104- FA8651-13July 22, 20April 23, 2
ENERGETICFuel-Air E DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-104- FA8651-13July 08, 20April 08, 2
SYNTRONI Remote IntDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-105- FA8651-13July 24, 20April 24, 2
Dynamic SyRemote IntDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-105- FA8651-13July 23, 20April 23, 2
McQ Inc. Remote IntDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-105- FA8651-13July 25, 20April 25, 2
NanosonicNon-ParasiDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-108- FA8650-13June 18, 2 March 18,
MATERIALSLightweighDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-108- FA8650-13July 02, 20April 02, 2
TIPD, LLC Multilayer Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-109- FA8650-13June 20, 2 March 20,
NanosonicGeometricaDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-109- FA8650-13June 19, 2 March 19,
BT ENGINEElectromagDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-110- FA8650-13June 03, 2 March 03,
CONDUCTIV ElectromagDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-110- FA8650-13June 03, 2 March 03,
MATERIALSCold TempeDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-111- FA8650-13June 24, 2 March 24,
TEXAS RESECold TempeDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-111- FA8650-13July 03, 20April 03, 2
Luna InnovUltra-Low DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-111- FA8650-13May 24, 2 February 2
SA PhotonicAlternate Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-112- FA8650-13July 01, 20April 01, 2
Matrix ResRadio FreqDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-113- FA8650-13June 01, 2 March 01,
Fontus AppShort WaveDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-098- FA8651-13June 20, 2 March 17,
PHYSICAL Seeker ForDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-101- FA8651-13July 17, 20April 16, 2
Spectral I Wide-FieldDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-101- FA8651-13July 24, 20April 22, 2
Polaris SenWide-FieldDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-101- FA8651-13July 23, 20April 22, 2
Mustang TeCommunica Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-102- FA8651-13July 31, 20April 26, 2
COLORADOMulti-FuncDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-102- FA8651-13July 30, 20April 26, 2
Oceanit LabSynthesis Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-103- FA8651-13June 24, 2 March 26,
CornerstonLarge VoluDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-103- FA8651-14June 28, 2 March 28,
SURVICE EElectromagDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-110- FA8650-13July 15, 20April 15, 2
COMPASS TRadio FreqDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-113- FA8650-13May 22, 2 February 2
ADVANCEDRF TRAVELDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-113- FA8650-13August 06,May 06, 2
RE2, INC. AutomatedDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-114- FA8650-13May 31, 2 February 2
Aerobotix, AutomatedDepartment
a Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-114- FA8650-13May 31, 2 February 2
MATERIALSInnovativeDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-118- FA8650-13July 03, 20April 03, 2
HILL ENGINRobust MetDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-119- FA8650-13June 07, 2 March 07,
ThinKom So Antenna DeDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-141- FA8650-13August 06,May 07, 2
AdValue PhCoherent IDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-150- FA8650-13August 06,May 07, 2
Qunav LLCAssured VisDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-153- FA8650-13August 07,May 07, 2
SYSTEMS &Precise Es DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-153- FA8650-13August 07,May 07, 2
Techno-ScieAircraft E Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-165- FA8650-13August 07,May 05, 2
CU AEROSPA Dynamic AiDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-165- FA8650-13August 06,May 06, 2
UNITED SILScalable, DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-166- FA8650-13June 03, 2 March 01,
Oceanit LabNanostructDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-167- FA8650-13June 24, 2 March 25,
REACTION An Advance Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-171- FA8650-13July 29, 20March 03,
P C KRAUSFrequency Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-172- FA8650-13July 08, 20April 08, 2
COMBUSTIO Combustion Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-173- FA9300-13May 17, 2 February 2
Advanced CSelective Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-173- FA9300-13May 22, 2 February 2
Florida TurAdvanced RDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-174- FA8650-13August 01,May 12, 2
ARTIUM TEGas Turbine Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-188- FA9101-13May 16, 2 February 1
Coherent LeXtreme wrDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR F103-026- N66001-13July 08, 20July 07, 20
Stratom, InSelf-propelDepartment
Navy Phase II SBIR F103-159- M67854-13August 01,September
InternationCooling/ThDepartmentNavy Phase II SBIR N102-110-M67854-13June 01, 2 May 31, 2
PHYSICAL Fishing NeDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR N102-155-N00024-13June 24, 2 February 0
Windlift Rapidly DeDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR N103-194-M67854-13August 01,May 31, 2
Jaybridge U2VIS: A UDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR N103-225-N00024-13February 0February 0
Vescent PhWaveguideDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR N111-039-N00024-13June 05, 2 February 0
Hy-Tek Man High Load Department
Navy Phase II SBIR N111-047-N00024-13July 16, 20December
MicrowaveHigh PowerDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR N111-052-N00024-13July 31, 20July 31, 20
METIS DESGuided WaDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR N111-053-N00024-13June 24, 2 June 29, 2
Wolf TechniRobotic EdDepartmentNavy Phase II SBIR N111-059-N00024-13June 20, 2 February 1
Heron Syste Integrated Department
Navy Phase II SBIR N112-101-N68335-13July 31, 20January 18
SPORIAN MA Conforma Department
Navy Phase II SBIR N112-123-N68335-13January 09May 15, 2
DYNAFLOW, Non-AbrasiDepartment
Navy Phase II SBIR N112-157-N00014-13January 03July 03, 20
VOCI TECHAutomatedDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR N112-163-N00014-13January 08August 23,
Assurance Miniature Department Navy Phase II SBIR N112-169-N66001-13July 23, 20January 22
ADAPTIVE Wideband Department
R Navy Phase II SBIR N112-170-N66001-13June 13, 2 December
RDRTec IncDetection Department Navy Phase II SBIR N121-004-N68335-13June 12, 2 June 15, 2
Universal TAutomatedDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR N121-027-N68335-13July 22, 20July 31, 20
SOAR TECHA Cognitiv Department Navy Phase II SBIR N121-082-N00014-13June 06, 2 December
PHYSICAL See-ThrougDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR N121-085-N00014-13May 02, 2 November
PROGENY Simple ProfDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR N121-103-N66001-13April 01, 2 September
Boston EngGhostSwimm Department
Navy Phase II SBIR N08A-030-N00014-13April 02, 2 April 20, 2
PHYSICAL Handheld SDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F121-222- FA8222-13March 22, December
Vecna Techn System of SDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-006- FA8650-13SeptemberJune 03, 2
Imaging SyTransient EDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-010- FA9451-13SeptemberJuly 01, 20
OPTICAL E Mode Adapt Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-011- FA9451-13SeptemberJune 23, 2
Frontier TeDecision-SDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-116- FA8650-13May 31, 2 February 2
YELLOWSTO Cetane SenDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-158- FA8650-13July 25, 20February 2
Area I, Inc.Developmen Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-159- FA8650-13June 12, 2 March 10,
SPYTEK AEMulti-ITB- Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-160- FA8650-13July 25, 20February 2
Peregrine A Novel AdDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-160- FA8650-13August 08,May 08, 2
ATREX ENER Advanced PDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-160- FA8650-13July 25, 20February 2
Engine Rese Advanced PDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-160- FA8650-13July 29, 20May 02, 2
GSE, Inc. Advanced PDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-160- FA8650-13August 06,May 07, 2
Pradeep K Bearing AnDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-163- FA8650-13August 12,May 12, 2
UES, Inc. Frequency Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-172- FA8650-13July 31, 20May 10, 2
Flow ModelComputatioDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-181- FA9101-13May 14, 2 February 1
JRM ENTERP A LightweigDepartment
Navy Phase II SBIR N111-050-N00024-13January 04January 04
SEALANDAILow Cost HDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR N111-055-N00024-13June 19, 2 June 19, 2
TECHNICALInnovativeDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR N112-118-N68335-13January 10January 10
GENERAL NAdvanced CDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR N112-149-N00014-13May 20, 2 August 18,
AOSense, ICompact Ve Department
Navy Phase II SBIR N112-151-N00014-13April 26, 2 November
MAINSTREAdvanced FDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR N112-164-N00014-13January 08July 08, 20
TWINLEAF A low-costDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR N121-006-N68335-13May 31, 2 June 05, 2
Echo RidgeImproved RDepartmentNavy Phase II SBIR N121-011-N68335-13July 03, 20July 15, 20
Nanolab, I Wear IndicDepartment
Navy Phase II SBIR N121-016-N68335-13June 06, 2 June 15, 2
APPLIED P Improved RDepartmentNavy Phase II SBIR N121-020-N68335-13July 25, 20July 31, 20
MAYFLOWEHigh-IntegrDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR N121-030-N68335-13June 05, 2 December
DELCROSS Radar SignDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR N121-038-N68335-13June 28, 2 September
PHYSICAL Physics-baDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR N121-040-N68936-13June 26, 2 June 25, 2
Chesapeake Maritime ADepartment
Navy Phase II SBIR N121-045-N68335-13June 20, 2 January 29
KNEXUS REA Cognitiv DepartmentNavy Phase II SBIR N121-082-N00014-13June 28, 2 March 28,
RDRTec IncAutomatic DepartmentNavy Phase II SBIR N121-089-N00014-13March 20, July 20, 20
E LowDepartment
Navy Phase II SBIR N121-090-N00014-13June 21, 2 June 30, 2
Photonic SyFully ScalaDepartment
Navy Phase II SBIR N121-093-N00014-13May 23, 2 June 24, 2
PolyK TechDevelopmen Department
Navy Phase II SBIR N121-095-N00014-13June 17, 2 April 30, 2
PROGENY Traffic Pr Department Navy Phase II SBIR N121-098-N00014-13May 03, 2 December
MAGIC LEAP Ultra-High Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-017- FA8650-13July 03, 20April 03, 2
Hal TechnoCompact, dDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F121-222- FA8222-13March 26, December
Chesapeake Common Glo Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F121-224- FA8501-13January 13October 12
WILLIAMSRJust In TimDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F121-225- FA8501-13January 31October 30
CYBERNETJust In TimDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F121-225- FA8501-13January 31October 29
ADVANCEDNext GenerDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F121-226- FA8501-13January 14October 13
Research ACommon Oper Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F121-227- FA8501-13December September
INFORMATICommon Oper Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F121-227- FA8501-13December September
CLEAR SCI Evaluation Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-003- FA8650-13SeptemberJune 17, 2
M4 ENGINEEvaluation DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-003- FA8650-13August 21,May 23, 2
Kord TechnoEngineeringDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-003- FA8650-13SeptemberApril 14, 2
ENVIRONETStrain MeaDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-007- FA8650-13August 22,May 22, 2
PHYSICAL Sense-and-Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-008- FA8650-13SeptemberJune 04, 2
Beck EngineHigh-Effic Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-009- FA9451-13SeptemberJune 30, 2
Spiritech ALow-Observ Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-009- FA9451-13SeptemberJuly 31, 20
STELLAR SCComputer-a Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-010- FA9451-13SeptemberJuly 01, 20
TECHFLOWTransient EDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-010- FA9451-13SeptemberJuly 01, 20
nLight PhoMulti-kW FDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-011- FA9451-13SeptemberJune 24, 2
SUB-MICRO Fiber Opti Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-011- FA9451-13October 01July 01, 20
Optical Ph Bidirectio Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-012- FA9451-13SeptemberJune 25, 2
NUTRONICS ConformalDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-012- FA9451-13SeptemberJune 24, 2
MV InnovatAdvanced PDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-012- FA9451-13SeptemberJune 25, 2
i2C SolutioConformal Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-013- FA9451-13SeptemberJune 30, 2
MV InnovatFiber Arra Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-013- FA9451-13SeptemberJune 30, 2
Equinox CoAimpoint M Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-014- FA9451-13SeptemberJune 23, 2
MZA AssociTarget Rot Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-014- FA9451-13October 01July 01, 20
PHYSICAL Sensor-FusDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-018- FA8650-13May 17, 2 February 2
Sage TechnoDigital Mu Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-018- FA8650-13May 21, 2 February 2
SPYRUS, InSPYRUS App Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-033- FA8750-13June 23, 2 April 23, 2
ATC-NY, IncDocMark: ADepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-052- FA8750-13June 16, 2 April 16, 2
SILICON T AutomatedDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-057- FA9453-13SeptemberJune 30, 2
ESCAPE C W and V BaDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-060- FA9453-13SeptemberJune 06, 2
SPACE MICW and V BaDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-060- FA9453-13SeptemberJune 13, 2
STRUCTURA Modeling aDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-122- FA8650-13June 20, 2 March 20,
First RF CoGNSS Anten Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-149- FA8650-13August 08,May 09, 2
TOYON RE GNSS Anten Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-149- FA8650-13August 08,May 09, 2
Redondo Op Self-RefereDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-164- FA8650-13July 25, 20September
ADA Techno Low Filler Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-167- FA8650-13June 11, 2 March 11,
SPRUNG-BR Rotary ElecDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-168- FA8650-13July 03, 20April 03, 2
Magnetic PCompact, HDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-168- FA8650-13July 15, 20April 15, 2
McGaw Tech Robust CryDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-169- FA9300-13August 07,May 07, 2
Busek Co., Novel HighDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-170- FA9300-13July 11, 20April 11, 2
Marine DesFuel Effic DepartmentNavy Phase II SBIR N103-193-M67854-13August 01,January 31
Phoenix LLA High FluxDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-119- FA8650-13June 11, 2 March 11,
Cyan SysteSaturation DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-121- FA8650-13May 21, 2 February 2
UES, Inc. Modeling aDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-122- FA8650-13July 01, 20April 01, 2
ADVANCEDModeling aDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-122- FA8650-13June 13, 2 March 13,
Q-PEAK I Coherent IDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-150- FA8650-13August 13,May 07, 2
Physical ScSystem forDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-164- FA8650-13July 25, 20April 28, 2
CREARE LLCAn AdaptivDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-165- FA8650-13August 08,May 06, 2
CREARE LLCEAU ControDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-172- FA8650-13July 24, 20April 24, 2
Spectral EnFast MeasuDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-188- FA9101-13May 16, 2 February 1
MAINSTREHigh Effic Department Navy Phase II SBIR N103-193-M67854-13June 01, 2 May 30, 2
Iris Techn High Effic Department
Navy Phase II SBIR N103-194-M67854-13August 01,July 31, 20
HDM SysteAdaptive HDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR N103-194-M67854-13August 07,November
CREARE LLCFastener MDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-120- FA8650-13May 31, 2 February 2
NanosonicEncapsulatiDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-123- FA8650-13June 13, 2 March 13,
ObjectVid Developmen Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-128- FA8650-13August 08,May 09, 2
ADSYS CONOnboard ViDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-128- FA8650-13August 12,May 16, 2
Boulder NoHigh SpeedDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-129- FA8650-13August 06,May 06, 2
Isocline EnProgrammab Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-132- FA8650-13August 08,May 12, 2
Neya SysteLong-dista DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-133- FA8650-13August 07,May 07, 2
Vision SystLong-dista Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-133- FA8650-13August 06,May 01, 2
TOYON RE Manpack aDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-136- FA8650-13July 31, 20May 01, 2
InnoSys Scalable, Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-166- FA8650-13June 11, 2 March 11,
ContinentaRotary ElecDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-168- FA8650-13June 26, 2 April 27, 2
Combustion ComputatioDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-181- FA9101-13May 14, 2 February 1
Triton Syst Improved PrDepartment
Navy Phase II SBIR N052-100-N68335-13May 15, 2 May 08, 2
VANGUARDALD-Enhanc Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-123- FA8650-13May 20, 2 February 2
Guerci ConCognitive Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-135- FA8650-13August 12,May 12, 2
METRON, Fully AdapDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-135- FA8650-13August 13,May 12, 2
SOLID STA GMTI DataDepartment of DefenPhase I SBIR F131-139- fa8650-13 August 06,May 05, 2
DISCOVERYPackaging Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-142- FA8650-13August 07,May 07, 2
SYSTEMS &NanoparticDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-173- FA9300-13July 10, 20April 10, 2
Precision Combustion Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-173- FA9300-13May 22, 2 February 2
D&P LLC An EfficienDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR N082-118-N68335-13June 12, 2 June 13, 2
ULTRA COM MultichanneDepartment
Navy Phase II SBIR N091-039-N68335-13July 17, 20November
HYPRES, INSubrangingDepartment Navy Phase II SBIR N092-154-N00014-13June 28, 2 September
PROTECTIOMitigation Department Navy Phase II SBIR N101-001-M67854-13April 23, 2 October 22
AKITA INN EncapsulatiDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-123- FA8650-13May 20, 2 February 2
Mound Lase Methods toDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-124- FA8650-13May 31, 2 February 2
Luna InnovSelf-Heali DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-126- FA8650-13May 28, 2 February 2
NEI CORPOChromate-fDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-126- FA8650-13May 24, 2 February 2
Sensor ElecScalable, DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-166- FA8650-13June 05, 2 March 05,
Florida TurInnovativeDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-169- FA9300-13May 21, 2 February 2
IN CryDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-169- FA9300-13July 25, 20April 25, 2
Astronix R Compact HiDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-170- FA9300-13May 30, 2 April 01, 2
ILLINOISROLarge EddyDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-181- FA9101-13May 14, 2 February 1
Aerodyne RDevelopment Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-188- FA9101-13May 21, 2 February 2
Data FusioGame Theor Department
Navy Phase II SBIR B073-031-N66001-13April 25, 2 April 24, 2
ChromologiNondestrucDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-115- FA8650-13June 03, 2 March 03,
TRAYCER DContinuousDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-115- FA8650-13June 14, 2 March 14,
P Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-118- FA8650-13July 01, 20April 01, 2
Luna InnovHandheld, Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-120- FA8650-13May 31, 2 February 2
X-Wave InnHand-HeldDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-120- FA8650-13May 31, 2 February 2
Thermoanal Mitigating Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-121- FA8650-13April 26, 2 January 26
ConsolidatMitigating DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-121- FA8650-13May 22, 2 February 2
UES, Inc. Process MoDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-124- FA8650-13May 31, 2 February 2
Harvest TeMethods toDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-124- FA8650-13July 15, 20April 15, 2
AutonomicDevelopmen Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-126- FA8650-13May 22, 2 February 2
Broadata CEnhanced SDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-128- FA8650-13July 30, 20May 05, 2
First RF CoLight WeigDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-145- FA8650-13July 17, 20April 17, 2
Optra, Inc.Compressive Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-146- FA8650-13August 05,May 07, 2
Auriga MeaLow cost DDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-148- FA8650-13August 02,May 02, 2
MOHAWK InnovativeDepartment
IN Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-159- FA8650-13July 25, 20April 24, 2
MAINSTREDevelopmen Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-159- FA8650-13June 12, 2 March 10,
MAYACHITRAutomatic Department Navy Phase II SBIR N071-085-N00014-13May 01, 2 November
Bihrle ApplStall/Upse Department
Navy Phase II SBIR N081-005-N68335-13August 01,August 15,
Optical Ph Optical CelDepartment
Navy Phase II SBIR N081-073-N00014-13January 03October 03
TECHSHOT,Autonomous Department
Navy Phase II SBIR N102-107-M67854-13August 01,January 31
Intelligen Fuel Effic Department
Navy Phase II SBIR N103-193-M67854-13August 01,January 31
Wolf TechniModular An Department
Navy Phase II SBIR N111-002-M67854-13June 27, 2 December
TANENHAUS Low Cost, LDepartment
Navy Phase II SBIR N111-007-N68335-13January 08February 1
OMEGA MIC High ThermDepartmentNavy Phase II SBIR N111-034-N00024-13July 18, 20July 18, 20
Network SeCooperativDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-062- FA9453-13SeptemberJune 12, 2
Oceanit LabGPS-Denied Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-063- FA9453-13SeptemberJune 09, 2
Q Track CoAbsolute RDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-063- FA9453-13SeptemberJune 09, 2
SCIENCE ARetrieving Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-068- FA9453-13August 20,May 30, 2
D TDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-081- FA9453-13August 12,May 20, 2
CREARE LLCAn Efficie DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-083- FA9453-13SeptemberJune 09, 2
Spectral EnPrediction Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-162- FA8650-13August 19,May 20, 2
PnP InnovatEnhancing DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-075- FA9453-13SeptemberJune 19, 2
EPIR TECH Low Temper Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-083- FA9453-13SeptemberMay 22, 2
ATMOSPHER Characteri Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-094- FA9453-13SeptemberJune 05, 2
W R SYSTECharacteri Department of DefenPhase I SBIR F131-094- FA9453-13SeptemberJune 13, 2
TOYON RE Onboard Rea Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-132- FA8650-13August 14,May 14, 2
Black Rive Fully AdapDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-135- FA8650-13August 26,May 26, 2
First RF CoManpack aDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-136- FA8650-13August 14,May 14, 2
SOFTRONICVery Low FrDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-137- FA8650-13August 23,May 23, 2
ORB AnalytLightweighDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-138- FA8650-13August 22,May 23, 2
Trident Sy GMTI DataDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-139- FA8650-13August 21,May 26, 2
ARTEMIS, IGMTI DataDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-139- FA8650-13SeptemberMay 26, 2
Matrix ResAntenna DeDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-141- FA8650-13August 22,May 23, 2
NuvotronicAntenna DeDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-141- FA8650-13August 15,May 16, 2
PHASE SENPackaging Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-142- FA8650-13August 30,May 30, 2
RBS TechnoLow PowerDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-144- FA8650-13August 20,May 21, 2
SI2 TECHNLightweighDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-145- FA8650-13August 15,May 16, 2
ALPHA OME AffordableDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-147- FA8650-13August 14,May 14, 2
Princeton Low cost DDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-148- FA8650-13August 16,May 23, 2
ThinKom So A Wideband Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-149- FA8650-13August 26,May 26, 2
UTOPIACOAccurate UDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-153- FA8650-13August 20,May 19, 2
Wedeven As Bearing AnDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-163- FA8650-13August 19,May 20, 2
GENERAL NThermal InDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-167- FA8650-13August 19,May 19, 2
Physical ScEnhancemen Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-171- FA8650-13July 31, 20May 01, 2
PHYSICAL Electronic Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-129- FA8650-13August 19,May 19, 2
Etegent TecNew RadarDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-130- FA8650-13SeptemberMay 28, 2
OPTO-KNOW Space BaseDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-146- FA8650-13August 15,May 16, 2
UltraCell L RIPPED UAV Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-159- FA8650-13August 26,May 26, 2
Combustion Improved RDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-161- FA8650-13August 22,May 23, 2
ESCAPE C W and V baDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-061- FA9453-13SeptemberJune 06, 2
Charles RivSchedulingDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-069- FA9453-13August 15,May 15, 2
Braxton TeEnabling ADepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-069- FA9453-13August 15,May 14, 2
STOTLER HIntelligen Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-069- FA9453-13August 15,May 19, 2
Cognitive Game-Theor Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-072- FA9453-13August 21,May 21, 2
Nu-Trek Radiation Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-073- FA9453-13SeptemberJune 30, 2
NANOHMIC Ultra-effi Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-074- FA9453-13SeptemberJuly 07, 20
SPACE MICHosted PayDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-075- FA9453-13SeptemberJune 18, 2
EMERGENTHolistic R Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-076- FA9453-13SeptemberJune 30, 2
Imaging SyAssured SpDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-078- FA9453-13August 27,May 27, 2
Physical ScMagnetic FDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-083- FA9453-13SeptemberMay 22, 2
CREARE LLCSpacecraftDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-093- FA9453-13May 15, 2 February 1
Iris Techn Microsat CDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-093- FA9453-13May 29, 2 May 29, 2
NorthwestCharacteri Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-094- FA9453-13August 14,April 20, 2
Charles RivSum Produc Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-095- FA9453-13July 25, 20April 03, 2
CONDUCTIV Advances iDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-108- FA8650-13July 09, 20April 09, 2
IPITEK, Inc.Selective DepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-109- FA8650-13SeptemberJune 03, 2
DEFENSE RGroup 4-5 Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-131- FA8650-13SeptemberJune 30, 2
3 DEGREESCetane SenDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-158- FA8650-13July 31, 20May 12, 2
MAINSTREImproved RDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-161- FA8650-13August 16,May 19, 2
D&P LLC A Tool to Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-162- FA8650-13August 15,May 14, 2
DynaTech EImproved RDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-163- FA8650-13August 22,May 26, 2
Luna InnovDirect MeaDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-196- FA8222-13SeptemberJune 08, 2
TREX ENTEV/W-band D t epartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-061- FA9453-13SeptemberJune 20, 2
NAVSYS COCooperativDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-062- FA9453-13SeptemberJune 09, 2
A-Tech CorSpace ObjeDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-076- FA9453-13SeptemberMay 26, 2
Blue RidgeDevelopmen Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-128- FA8650-13August 23,May 26, 2
QUINSTAR Highly InteDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-060- FA9453-13SeptemberJuly 07, 20
Kord TechnoMultiband Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-066- FA9453-13August 23,May 23, 2
INTELLIGE Network SuDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-072- FA9453-13August 15,April 17, 2
ATMOSPHER GPS Awaren Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-081- FA9453-13August 30,May 30, 2
Signal InnoNew RadarDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-130- FA8650-13August 20,May 21, 2
SYSTEMS &Group 4-5 Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-131- FA8650-13SeptemberJune 06, 2
SPECTRANET High Sensi Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-137- FA8650-13August 23,May 23, 2
ULTRA COM Packaging Department
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-142- FA8650-13August 22,May 24, 2
MAYFLOWEMiniature Department Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-144- FA8650-13August 23,May 21, 2
Nu-Trek Low PowerDepartment Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-144- FA8650-13August 15,May 12, 2
nLight PhoCoherent DDepartmentAir Force Phase I SBIR F131-150- FA8650-13August 20,May 21, 2
Vision SystSpeedy SpaDepartment
Air Force Phase I SBIR F131-151- FA8650-13SeptemberJune 06, 2
Solicita SolicitatTopic CoAward YAward ADUNS HubzoneSocially Woman Number
2010.3 2010 AF103-2142013 749907 138739508N N N 8
2010.3 2010 AF103-2142013 379316 073800062N N N 135
2011.2 2011 AF112-0332013 749900 159016877N N N 17
2011.2 2011 AF112-0342013 749279 052062833N N N 72
2011.2 2011 AF112-0352013 749854 052062833N N N 72
2011.2 2011 AF112-0362013 749388 127802234N N Y 14
2011.2 2011 AF112-0432013 744329 199060521N N N 10
2011.2 2011 AF112-0832013 749992 601975803N N N 10
2011.2 2011 AF112-1142013 749963 153865951N N Y 255
2011.2 2011 AF112-1322013 750000 144540283N N N 130
2011.2 2011 AF112-0292013 750000 161911532N N Y 125
2011.2 2011 AF112-0302013 728705 069690732N Y N 4
2011.2 2011 AF112-0502013 744815 092174635N N N 25
2011.2 2011 AF112-0652013 748693 601975803N N N 10
2011.2 2011 AF112-0762013 749959 120839477N N N 30
2011.2 2011 AF112-1202013 999646 000000000N N Y 255
2011.2 2011 AF112-1362013 992766 000000000N N N 3
2011.2 2011 AF112-1392013 1050000 054672662N N N 110
2011.2 2011 AF112-1442013 1194074 000000000N N N 41
2011.2 2011 AF112-1492013 749641 806844994N N N 23
2011.2 2011 AF112-1502013 749455 168849011N N N 19
2011.2 2011 AF112-1512013 748014 800427838N N N 6
2011.2 2011 AF112-1592013 750000 161911532N N Y 125
2011.2 2011 AF112-0132013 748397 160209102N N N 16
2011.2 2011 AF112-0172013 749935 791162337N N N 13
2011.2 2011 AF112-0212013 749986 796010411N N N 48
2011.2 2011 AF112-0222013 749959 048474568N N N 6
2011.2 2011 AF112-0232013 750000 967259946N N N 125
2011.2 2011 AF112-0242013 749429 112211292N N N 3
2011.2 2011 AF112-0252013 748613 945483733N N N 45
2011.2 2011 AF112-0472013 741666 124032868N N N 47
2011.2 2011 AF112-0492013 741666 124032868N N N 47
2011.2 2011 AF112-0542013 735293 965121101N N N 3
2011.2 2011 AF112-0602013 746401 191741292Y N N 15
2011.2 2011 AF112-0612013 748795 962828294N N N 8
2011.2 2011 AF112-1102013 748129 946815826N N N 5
2011.2 2011 AF112-1132013 750000 033171534N N N 11
2012.1 2012 AF121-1522013 749762 805759370N N N 97
2012.1 2012 AF121-1572013 749922 800259140N N Y 19
2012.1 2012 AF121-1572013 749842 801184982N N N 12
2012.1 2012 AF121-1582013 749930 801184982N N N 12
2013.1 2013 CBD13-1102013 99873 796010411N N N 45
2012.3 2012 MDA12-022013 99970 040707460N N N 66
2012.3 2012 MDA12-032013 99988 362223463N N N 24
2012.3 2012 MDA12-032013 99949 782566418N N N 20
2012.3 2012 MDA12-032013 99841 072118748N N N 360
2012.3 2012 MDA12-032013 148863 056838428N N N 155
2012.3 2012 MDA12-032013 99994 625120902N N N 86
2012.3 2012 MDA12-032013 98693 195754056N N Y 52
2012.3 2012 MDA12-032013 99911 153865951N N Y 255
2012.3 2012 MDA12-032013 99999 625120902N N N 86
2012.3 2012 MDA12-032013 100000 008963758Y N N 72
2012.3 2012 MDA12-032013 149931 138739508N N N 7
2012.3 2012 MDA12-032013 98563 933157935N Y N 5
2012.3 2012 MDA12-032013 146043 949127971N Y N 5
2012.3 2012 MDA12-032013 99931 153865951N N Y 255
2012.3 2012 MDA12-032013 99989 195754056N N Y 52
2012.3 2012 MDA12-032013 99784 869308346N N N 14
2012.3 2012 MDA12-032013 99913 829136030N N N 5
2012.3 2012 OSD12-AU2013 149999 131182388N N N 35
2012.3 2012 OSD12-AU2013 149997 608176715N N N 40
2012.3 2012 OSD12-EP42013 149996 031994218N N N 473
2012.3 2012 OSD12-EP42013 149635 161183322N N N 31
2012.3 2012 OSD12-HS 2013 149935 608176715N N N 40
2012.3 2012 OSD12-HS 2013 150000 077317766N N N 382
2012.3 2012 OSD12-HS 2013 149858 193786014N N N 75
2012.3 2012 OSD12-HS 2013 150000 078589356N N N 3
2012.3 2012 OSD12-HS 2013 149970 028281020N N N 30
2012.3 2012 OSD12-HS 2013 149993 115243701N N N 103
2012.3 2012 OSD12-HS 2013 149980 153865951N N Y 255
2012.3 2012 OSD12-IA22013 149943 101321479N N N 73
2012.3 2012 OSD12-IA22013 149997 158034665N Y Y 80
2011.2 2011 AF112-1892013 749807 132595716N N N 11
2012.1 2012 AF121-0912013 747995 964928464N N N 16
2012.1 2012 AF121-0922013 744300 175302579N N N 85
2012.1 2012 AF121-0952013 749945 055775803N N N 27
2012.1 2012 AF121-0962013 811528 000000000N N N 265
2012.1 2012 AF121-0972013 746428 131277725N N N 30
2011.2 2011 AF112-1872013 749985 133626544N N Y 14
2011.2 2011 AF112-1882013 749927 153865951N N Y 255
2012.1 2012 AF121-1392013 1383000 000000000N N N 110
2012.1 2012 AF121-1402013 748112 047627732N N N 48
2012.1 2012 AF121-1422013 748978 363384004N N N 39
2012.1 2012 AF121-1432013 749995 945442804N N Y 5
2012.1 2012 AF121-1442013 748742 964928464N N N 16
2012.1 2012 AF121-1592013 739475 168849011N N N 19
2012.3 2012 MDA12-022013 99855 078455121N N Y 2
2012.3 2012 MDA12-022013 99956 081669173N N N 2
2012.3 2012 MDA12-022013 99977 148551653N N N 15
2012.3 2012 MDA12-022013 99217 167525612N N Y 2
2012.3 2012 MDA12-022013 99977 040707460N N N 66
2012.3 2012 MDA12-022013 100000 177941572N N N 2
2012.3 2012 OSD12-ER22013 149995 048474568N N N 6
2012.3 2012 OSD12-HS 2013 148847 075104708N Y Y 28
2012.3 2012 OSD12-HS 2013 149876 965560787N N N 4
2012.3 2012 OSD12-IA22013 150000 603978321N N N 38
2012.3 2012 OSD12-IA22013 150000 161911532N N Y 133
2013.1 2013 SOCOM13-2013 150000 184758308N N N 86
2013.1 2013 SOCOM13-2013 129392 067504134N N Y 6
2013.1 2013 SOCOM13-2013 149991 042939277N N N 24
2013.1 2013 SOCOM13-2013 149993 832911148N N N 2
2013.1 2013 SOCOM13-2013 149895 876451725N N N 6
2013.1 2013 SOCOM13-2013 149975 112136572N N N 29
2013.1 2013 SOCOM13-2013 146094 808537125N Y Y 11
2013.1 2013 SOCOM13-2013 149921 145051095N N N 20
2013.1 2013 SOCOM13-2013 149980 148551653N N N 15
2013.1 2013 SOCOM13-2013 140617 962521246N N N 4
2013.1 2013 SOCOM13-2013 149833 128930422N Y Y 3
2013.1 2013 SOCOM13-2013 143585 078711279Y N N 14
2013.1 2013 SOCOM13-2013 131821 962521246N N N 5
2013.1 2013 SOCOM13-2013 147272 153865951N N Y 264
2013.1 2013 SOCOM13-2013 148071 135494073N N N 12
2012.2 2012 A12-103 2013 99355 078510776N N N 4
2012.3 2012 A123-106 2013 99917 153865951N N Y 255
2012.1 2012 AF121-1052013 373725 130197267N N N 7
2012.1 2012 AF121-1052013 375000 009480893N N Y 15
2012.1 2012 AF121-1072013 996424 000000000N N N 12
2012.1 2012 AF121-1082013 748543 008171329N N N 6
2012.1 2012 AF121-1382013 749954 107928806N N N 100
2011.2 2011 AF112-1802013 749976 184629491N N N 40
2011.2 2011 AF112-1822013 749913 884812025N N N 73
2012.1 2012 AF121-0922013 1846528 000000000N N Y 110
2012.1 2012 AF121-1042013 749838 363384004N N N 39
2012.1 2012 AF121-1042013 749356 964928464N N N 16
2012.1 2012 AF121-1062013 749979 053885604N N N 366
2012.1 2012 AF121-1372013 749945 125961123N N Y 110
2012.1 2012 AF121-1392013 749989 038732173N N N 54
2012.1 2012 AF121-1452013 748668 042480072N N N 8
2012.1 2012 AF121-1462013 749565 073800062N N N 135
2012.1 2012 AF121-1632013 749914 111305843N N N 60
2012.1 2012 AF121-1632013 747013 363384004N N N 39
2012.1 2012 AF121-1642013 749931 191741292Y N N 17
2012.1 2012 AF121-1652013 1499727 000000000N N N 16
2012.1 2012 AF121-1662013 749960 199060521N N N 11
2012.2 2012 CBD12-1082013 98870 023949006N N N 143
2013.1 2013 CBD13-1012013 100000 181947730N N N 82
2013.1 2013 CBD13-1012013 100000 962321381N N N 2
2013.1 2013 CBD13-1012013 99899 557201394N N N 30
2013.1 2013 CBD13-1022013 99987 078274262N N N 6
2013.1 2013 CBD13-1022013 99970 788153166N N N 4
2013.1 2013 CBD13-1032013 99841 100950521N N N 1
2013.1 2013 CBD13-1052013 99993 832072149N N N 10
2013.1 2013 CBD13-1092013 100000 829301378N N N 4
2013.1 2013 CBD13-1092013 99892 072021041N N N 126
2013.1 2013 CBD13-1102013 99963 781335112N Y Y 1
2012.2 2012 DTRA122-02013 149987 929950012N N N 38
2012.2 2012 MDA12-012013 99470 967391363N N N 5
2013.1 2013 A13-004 2013 99997 005100560N Y Y 14
2013.1 2013 A13-006 2013 99998 929950012N N N 37
2013.1 2013 A13-007 2013 99991 078707331N N N 4
2013.1 2013 A13-008 2013 100000 069711286N N Y 10
2012.3 2012 A123-109 2013 99961 968046099N N N 7
2012.3 2012 A123-117 2013 99998 100651798N N N 25
2013.1 2013 A13-001 2013 99995 131860632N N Y 30
2013.1 2013 A13-003 2013 99943 787946300N N N 380
2013.1 2013 A13-004 2013 99954 096857313N N N 23
2013.1 2013 A13-005 2013 99801 185169620N N Y 77
2013.1 2013 A13-007 2013 99254 788159445N N N 52
2012.3 2012 A123-112 2013 99980 005051219N N N 23
2012.3 2012 A123-113 2013 99980 836287680N N N 45
2013.1 2013 A13-001 2013 99999 153865951N N Y 264
2013.1 2013 A13-001 2013 99841 107928806N N N 83
2013.1 2013 A13-002 2013 100000 074689217N N Y 200
2013.1 2013 A13-002 2013 99930 809119014N N N 2
2013.1 2013 A13-024 2013 99898 849180518N N N 260
2013.1 2013 A13-005 2013 99998 929950012N N N 37
2012.3 2012 A123-106 2013 99996 103197583N N N 446
2013.1 2013 A13-008 2013 99916 066594979N N N 58
2013.1 2013 A13-018 2013 99669 962109711N N N 38
2013.1 2013 A13-023 2013 99991 128688111N N N 10
2013.1 2013 A13-026 2013 99979 100651798N N N 21
2013.1 2013 A13-042 2013 100000 168454770N N N 8
2013.1 2013 A13-046 2013 99968 153865951N N Y 264
2013.1 2013 A13-047 2013 100000 184758308N N N 86
2013.1 2013 A13-048 2013 94785 184758308N N N 86
2013.1 2013 A13-048 2013 97904 627132913N N N 140
2013.1 2013 A13-049 2013 99998 069871502N N N 100
2013.1 2013 A13-049 2013 99999 053885604N N N 400
2013.1 2013 A13-050 2013 99382 145467630N N N 25
2013.1 2013 A13-050 2013 99998 557510336N N N 65
2013.1 2013 A13-056 2013 99993 175966675N Y Y 32
2013.1 2013 A13-059 2013 89240 803826465N N N 18
2012.3 2012 N123-162 2013 80000 161911532N N Y 133
2013.1 2013 N131-006 2013 79498 967379486N N N 8
2013.1 2013 N131-006 2013 79990 964928464N N N 18
2013.1 2013 N131-007 2013 79966 125961123N N Y 110
2013.1 2013 N131-009 2013 79999 069871502N N N 100
2013.1 2013 N131-010 2013 79990 119301831N N N 30
2013.1 2013 N131-010 2013 78294 194612086N N N 6
2013.1 2013 N131-011 2013 79967 117943451N Y N 10
2013.1 2013 N131-014 2013 79832 116749289N N N 15
2013.1 2013 N131-014 2013 78290 068067230N N Y 45
2013.1 2013 N131-015 2013 78801 800757598N Y N 20
2013.1 2013 N131-028 2013 80000 126288336N N N 69
2013.1 2013 N131-029 2013 80000 141703756N N N 10
2013.1 2013 N131-030 2013 79971 135121148N N N 84
2013.1 2013 N131-031 2013 79992 827121455N N Y 47
2013.1 2013 N131-031 2013 79936 809965130N N N 12
2013.1 2013 N131-035 2013 78106 146644260N N N 6
2013.1 2013 N131-036 2013 79999 153924188N N N 14
2013.1 2013 N131-037 2013 79999 101306678N N Y 2
2013.1 2013 N131-039 2013 79671 003769573N N N 3
2013.1 2013 N131-040 2013 79989 053184776N N N 24
2013.1 2013 N131-041 2013 79997 046076563N N N 1
2013.1 2013 A13-022 2013 100000 074689217N N Y 200
2013.1 2013 A13-027 2013 99897 965444040N N N 199
2013.1 2013 A13-029 2013 99958 176568772N N N 8
2013.1 2013 A13-045 2013 99948 178154456N N N 36
2013.1 2013 A13-046 2013 99867 796010411N N N 45
2013.1 2013 A13-008 2013 100000 184758308N N N 86
2013.1 2013 A13-018 2013 99981 148551653N N N 15
2012.3 2012 N123-162 2013 74543 078622598N N N 3
2013.1 2013 N131-002 2013 80000 966649048N Y N 3
2013.1 2013 N131-003 2013 79596 945483733N N N 48
2013.1 2013 N131-004 2013 79996 604717165N N N 400
2013.1 2013 N131-004 2013 80000 124668711N N N 20
2013.1 2013 N131-009 2013 79981 125961123N N Y 110
2013.1 2013 N131-016 2013 79995 116749289N N N 15
2013.1 2013 N131-017 2013 79983 105463603N N N 14
2013.1 2013 N131-017 2013 79006 150221757N N N 16
2013.1 2013 N131-017 2013 79974 831819979N N N 7
2013.1 2013 N131-018 2013 79837 944322718N N N 23
2013.1 2013 N131-018 2013 78953 046366428N N N 112
2013.1 2013 N131-020 2013 149998 806337762N N N 22
2013.1 2013 N131-022 2013 79996 836287680N N N 35
2013.1 2013 N131-028 2013 80000 961934424N N N 6
2013.1 2013 A13-047 2013 99913 103962072N N N 145
2013.1 2013 A13-062 2013 97659 000000000N N N 1
2013.1 2013 N131-003 2013 80000 782768977N N N 14
2013.1 2013 N131-004 2013 79375 832639145N N Y 2
2013.1 2013 N131-005 2013 79981 191741292Y N N 15
2013.1 2013 N131-008 2013 80000 782768977N N N 14
2013.1 2013 N131-008 2013 79999 883336190N N N 13
2013.1 2013 N131-008 2013 79998 118732838N N N 4
2013.1 2013 N131-010 2013 79748 081475873N N N 250
2013.1 2013 N131-011 2013 79920 005051219N N N 25
2013.1 2013 N131-016 2013 79979 796010411N N N 45
2013.1 2013 N131-027 2013 79991 020910951N N N 39
2013.1 2013 N131-028 2013 79942 808369792Y N N 6
2013.1 2013 N131-029 2013 80000 964413657N N N 5
2013.1 2013 N131-030 2013 79998 958055055N N N 23
2013.1 2013 N131-035 2013 80000 008963758N N N 36
2013.1 2013 N131-036 2013 79987 115243701N N N 115
2013.1 2013 N131-036 2013 79996 040326220N N N 15
2013.1 2013 N131-038 2013 79713 945837219N N N 453
2013.1 2013 N131-038 2013 79513 945837219N N N 453
2013.1 2013 N131-039 2013 79806 793042243N N N 13
2013.1 2013 N131-039 2013 79669 121257443N Y N 21
2013.1 2013 N131-040 2013 79737 175302579N N N 85
2013.1 2013 N131-041 2013 79582 363526914N N N 22
2013.1 2013 N131-042 2013 79971 788293244N N N 17
2013.1 2013 N131-043 2013 79995 140785929N N N 175
2013.1 2013 N131-043 2013 79986 611628595N N N 18
2013.1 2013 N131-044 2013 80000 077317766N N N 383
2013.1 2013 N131-044 2013 79931 135121148N N N 84
2013.1 2013 N131-045 2013 79930 958055055N N N 23
2013.1 2013 N131-045 2013 148559 000000000N N N 1
2013.1 2013 N131-046 2013 79752 106771140N N N 36
2013.1 2013 N131-046 2013 79957 073800062N N N 139
2013.1 2013 N131-046 2013 79956 148034408N N N 16
2013.1 2013 N131-047 2013 79966 198191330N N N 2
2013.1 2013 N131-047 2013 79998 075485425N N N 31
2013.1 2013 N131-047 2013 79962 135121148N N N 84
2013.1 2013 N131-048 2013 79924 115243701N N N 115
2013.1 2013 N131-048 2013 79951 075104708N Y Y 30
2013.1 2013 N131-050 2013 79941 135121148N N N 84
2013.1 2013 A13-029 2013 99888 071744143N N N 12
2013.1 2013 A13-045 2013 99984 191077572N N N 8
2013.1 2013 N131-009 2013 79892 807913616N N N 25
2013.1 2013 N131-015 2013 79946 199060521N N N 11
2013.1 2013 N131-021 2013 149994 153865951N N Y 264
2013.1 2013 N131-022 2013 80000 625120902N N N 108
2013.1 2013 N131-023 2013 79996 013017947N N Y 16
2013.1 2013 N131-023 2013 79944 144937919N N N 16
2013.1 2013 N131-023 2013 64488 002944601N N N 47
2013.1 2013 N131-024 2013 149998 000000000N N N 25
2013.1 2013 N131-024 2013 80000 054672662N N N 110
2013.1 2013 N131-025 2013 79767 945837219N N N 453
2013.1 2013 N131-026 2013 79997 111046152N N N 100
2013.1 2013 N131-026 2013 79992 072021041N N N 126
2013.1 2013 N131-027 2013 79574 166648308N N N 34
2013.1 2013 N131-029 2013 79999 125635164N N N 8
2013.1 2013 N131-031 2013 79916 829728067N N N 7
2013.1 2013 N131-032 2013 79981 028856420N N N 15
2013.1 2013 N131-032 2013 79633 945837219N N N 453
2013.1 2013 N131-033 2013 80000 144540283N N N 110
2013.1 2013 N131-034 2013 79999 184758308N N N 86
2013.1 2013 N131-034 2013 80000 625120902N N N 108
2013.1 2013 N131-034 2013 80000 149397015N N N 15
2013.1 2013 N131-035 2013 80000 627132913N N N 171
2013.1 2013 N131-038 2013 149912 000000000N N N 84
2013.1 2013 N131-041 2013 79917 120839477N N N 29
2013.1 2013 N131-042 2013 79872 832019546N N N 29
2013.1 2013 N131-045 2013 79842 179432430N N N 4
2013.1 2013 N131-049 2013 79967 042234013N N N 66
2013.1 2013 N131-049 2013 79998 153865951N N Y 264
2013.1 2013 N131-049 2013 79918 602959579N N N 50
2013.1 2013 N131-050 2013 79869 107939233N N N 150
2013.1 2013 N131-050 2013 80000 004458871N Y N 7
2013.1 2013 N131-051 2013 79780 945837219N N N 453
2013.1 2013 N131-051 2013 77648 028456932N N N 25
2013.1 2013 N131-052 2013 79879 807913616N N N 25
2013.1 2013 N131-052 2013 79998 153924188N N N 14
2013.1 2013 N131-052 2013 79966 148551653N N N 15
2013.1 2013 N131-053 2013 79972 604717165N N N 400
2013.1 2013 N131-053 2013 79938 106823607N Y N 30
2013.1 2013 N131-054 2013 79530 121257443N Y N 21
2013.1 2013 N131-054 2013 79953 966478653N N N 4
2013.1 2013 N131-054 2013 79948 807676395N N N 12
2013.1 2013 N131-055 2013 80000 054672662N N N 110
2013.1 2013 N131-056 2013 79865 137672155N N N 8
2013.1 2013 N131-056 2013 80000 015577190N N N 8
2013.1 2013 N131-056 2013 79858 020126814N Y N 15
2013.1 2013 N131-058 2013 79951 144158677N N N 16
2013.1 2013 N131-058 2013 79995 148034408N N N 16
2013.1 2013 N131-058 2013 79996 627132913N N N 171
2013.1 2013 N131-059 2013 79999 043692487N N N 34
2013.1 2013 A13-020 2013 100000 135553472N N N 40
2013.1 2013 A13-022 2013 99639 032511904N N N 2
2013.1 2013 A13-023 2013 100000 153865951N N Y 264
2013.1 2013 A13-031 2013 99836 004279860N N N 25
2013.1 2013 N131-001 2013 80000 147518286N N N 35
2013.1 2013 N131-002 2013 80000 005594908N N N 6
2013.1 2013 N131-002 2013 79977 072021041N N N 126
2013.1 2013 N131-011 2013 79901 830918061N N N 3
2013.1 2013 N131-012 2013 79922 796010411N N N 45
2013.1 2013 N131-012 2013 79997 153865951N N Y 264
2013.1 2013 N131-012 2013 79849 782940360N N Y 12
2013.1 2013 N131-013 2013 80000 047627732N N N 46
2013.1 2013 N131-013 2013 80000 808480086N N Y 12
2013.1 2013 N131-013 2013 80000 788133387N N N 125
2013.1 2013 N131-014 2013 79972 796010411N N N 45
2013.1 2013 N131-014 2013 79750 104466334N N N 6
2013.1 2013 N131-015 2013 80000 101351505N N N 4
2013.1 2013 N131-016 2013 79999 175863463N N N 20
2013.1 2013 A13-024 2013 99606 002266609N N N 41
2013.1 2013 N131-003 2013 80000 161911532N N Y 140
2013.1 2013 N131-005 2013 79864 364131011N N N 15
2013.1 2013 N131-005 2013 79940 072021041N N N 126
2013.1 2013 N131-006 2013 79987 161214242N N N 24
2013.1 2013 N131-007 2013 79895 611827812N N N 19
2013.1 2013 N131-059 2013 79537 832069657N N N 3
2013.1 2013 N131-060 2013 79962 191741292Y N N 15
2013.1 2013 N131-060 2013 69875 130702728N N N 12
2013.1 2013 N131-061 2013 75151 830972647N N N 2
2013.1 2013 N131-062 2013 79930 009485124N N N 43
2013.1 2013 N131-069 2013 79999 826728685N N N 14
2013.1 2013 N131-070 2013 79954 005055582N N N 22
2013.1 2013 N131-071 2013 79986 555990605N N N 2
2013.1 2013 N131-077 2013 79931 128374548N Y Y 15
2013.1 2013 N131-078 2013 80000 077317766N N N 383
2013.1 2013 N131-080 2013 79690 805473951N N N 10
2013.1 2013 N131-081 2013 79905 794350025N N N 38
2013.1 2013 N131-082 2013 79990 124668711N N N 20
2013.1 2013 N131-082 2013 79754 078304472N N N 1
2012.1 2012 AF121-0482013 743986 115243701N N N 115
2012.1 2012 AF121-1122013 749998 174410394N N N 7
2012.1 2012 AF121-1142013 749804 969813278N N N 5
2012.1 2012 AF121-1352013 746496 119301831N N N 30
2012.1 2012 AF121-1462013 749820 111046152N N N 100
2012.1 2012 AF121-1482013 748060 019508972N N N 12
2012.1 2012 AF121-1522013 994599 000000000N N N 3
2012.1 2012 AF121-1532013 749935 829359145N N N 4
2012.1 2012 AF121-1852013 742350 808837496N N N 19
2011.1 2011 A11-011 2013 999981 122716421N N N 5
2010.2 2010 A10-073 2013 729991 128374548N N Y 15
2011.2 2011 A11-082 2013 790414 963306857N N N 8
2011.2 2011 A11-091 2013 999610 073800062N N N 135
2011.1 2011 A11-012 2013 999607 808141931N N N 23
2011.2 2011 A11-080 2013 999506 121257443N Y N 19
2012.1 2012 A12-029 2013 1479185 841440832N N N 108
2011.3 2011 A11-134 2013 1534303 796010411N N N 48
2011.3 2011 A11-120 2013 499950 153865951N N Y 255
2012.1 2012 A12-023 2013 1750125.1832990233N N N 9
2012.1 2012 A12-051 2013 999973 000000000N N N 2
2012.1 2012 A12-028 2013 496487 967259946N N N 125
2011.2 2011 A11-092 2013 665145 009658536N N N 34
2011.1 2011 CBD11-1022013 497978 145785528N N N 7
2011.1 2011 CBD11-1022013 500000 966110350N N N 3
2011.2 2011 OSD11-H1 2013 999997 073804411N N N 131
2011.2 2011 OSD11-H0 2013 999718 968346929N N N 3
2011.2 2011 MDA11-042013 1500000 000000000N N N 3
2013.1 2013 N131-059 2013 79857 827121455N N Y 47
2013.1 2013 N131-059 2013 79831 169797383N N N 10
2013.1 2013 N131-062 2013 79999 780461989N N N 4
2013.1 2013 N131-065 2013 79999 946893658N N N 10
2013.1 2013 N131-083 2013 79997 799811646N N N 449
2012.1 2012 AF121-0492013 1045923 000000000N N N 3
2012.1 2012 AF121-1022013 740001 031994218N N N 475
2011.2 2011 A11-105 2013 1442951 830014077N N N 17
2011.2 2011 A11-108 2013 751604 000000000Y N N 19
2011.2 2011 OSD11-H1 2013 999165 000000000N N N 20
2011.2 2011 MDA11-022013 999796 110030058N N N 34
2011.2 2011 MDA11-012013 989986 096845169N N N 44
2013.1 2013 N131-075 2013 79980 555403328N N N 78
2013.1 2013 N131-076 2013 79974 828239769N N N 8
2013.1 2013 N131-076 2013 79998 794350025N N N 38
2013.1 2013 N131-077 2013 79995 115243701N N N 115
2013.1 2013 N131-078 2013 79998 784255809N Y N 60
2013.1 2013 N131-079 2013 80000 153865951N N Y 264
2013.1 2013 N131-079 2013 80000 869164939N N N 10
2099.1 2099 AF99-179 2013 1025419 000000000N N N 5
2005.1 2005 MDA05-012013 869567 197957822N N N 27
2012.1 2012 AF121-1022013 745709 179492566N N N 25
2012.1 2012 AF121-1302013 749655 927253195N N N 50
2011.2 2011 A11-085 2013 999978 072021041N N N 122
2011.2 2011 A11-096 2013 473152 788879877N N N 10
2011.2 2011 A11-093 2013 499981 004279860N N N 25
2011.3 2011 A11-125 2013 1049994 000000000Y Y N 17
2012.1 2012 A12-027 2013 494985 115243701N N N 115
2012.1 2012 A12-044 2013 829350 000000000N N N 16
2011.2 2011 OSD11-H1 2013 999643 075104708N Y Y 27
2011.2 2011 OSD11-H0 2013 999906 120839477N N N 30
2011.2 2011 MDA11-022013 999825 110030058N N N 34
2013.1 2013 N131-067 2013 79998 178154456N N N 40
2013.1 2013 N131-068 2013 79989 073800062N N N 139
2013.1 2013 N131-068 2013 80000 020080607N N N 17
2013.1 2013 N131-071 2013 80000 799114574N N N 25
2013.1 2013 N131-072 2013 79801 829225791N Y Y 3
2013.1 2013 N131-072 2013 79663 869308346N N N 15
2013.1 2013 N131-075 2013 79953 072021041N N N 126
2013.1 2013 N131-075 2013 79904 604717165N N N 400
2013.1 2013 N131-080 2013 80000 009588489N N N 30
2013.1 2013 N131-080 2013 79850 831819979N N N 7
2010.3 2010 AF103-0872013 750000 962597527N N N 2
2010.3 2010 AF103-0902013 748042 965121101N N N 4
2010.3 2010 AF103-1062013 749988 147671957N N N 8
2010.3 2010 AF103-2012013 749975 121539790N N N 30
2011.2 2011 AF112-0422013 1047097 000000000N N N 54
2011.2 2011 AF112-0662013 742990 130770055N N N 10
2011.2 2011 AF112-0732013 748807 783228344N N N 98
2011.2 2011 AF112-1192013 1012716 035414697N N N 350
2011.2 2011 AF112-1272013 749996 184758308N N N 110
2011.2 2011 AF112-1572013 725125 013181424N N N 2
2012.1 2012 AF121-0192013 744919 124348652N N N 21
2012.1 2012 AF121-0362013 749906 135494073N N N 10
2012.1 2012 AF121-0482013 745737 124668711N N N 25
2012.1 2012 AF121-0502013 749996 053003017N N N 5
2012.1 2012 AF121-0512013 1049779 000000000N N N 7
2012.1 2012 AF121-0912013 749718 153865951N N Y 255
2012.1 2012 AF121-1152013 1149917 000000000N N N 11
2012.1 2012 A12-030 2013 988186 000000000N Y N 5
2011.2 2011 OSD11-H1 2013 999902 185169620N N Y 95
2011.2 2011 OSD11-H1 2013 999990 115243701N N N 103
2011.2 2011 OSD11-H1 2013 999933 016541711N N N 17
2011.2 2011 MDA11-032013 999998 118732838N N N 4
2010.3 2010 AF103-2252013 1283847 000000000N N N 84
2010.3 2010 AF103-2262013 732799 807812870N N N 7
2012.1 2012 AF121-0372013 744676 153869896N N N 32
2012.1 2012 AF121-0382013 749730 159016877N N N 16
2012.1 2012 AF121-0462013 749944 145051095N N N 20
2012.1 2012 AF121-0462013 749570 013017947N N Y 16
2012.1 2012 AF121-1032013 746113 198180937N N N 47
2012.1 2012 AF121-1112013 749138 150393569N N N 15
2012.1 2012 AF121-1132013 749509 174410394N N N 7
2012.1 2012 AF121-1152013 1499959 000000000N N N 20
2012.1 2012 AF121-1212013 750000 078320064N N N 4
2012.1 2012 AF121-1282013 749979 078440389N N Y 4
2012.1 2012 AF121-1552013 739658 826034550N N N 16
2012.1 2012 AF121-1562013 749620 078450096N N N 1
2012.1 2012 AF121-1662013 749999 100328348N N Y 7
2012.1 2012 AF121-1872013 749953 176142693Y N N 7
2011.1 2011 A11-015 2013 999814 604717165N N N 350
2011.2 2011 A11-082 2013 508543 000000000N N N 66
2011.1 2011 A11-017 2013 999999 556397615Y Y Y 42
2011.2 2011 A11-106 2013 996931 000000000N N N 15
2011.2 2011 A11-109 2013 1490724.4115331691N N N 8
2011.2 2011 A11-102 2013 1000000 054672662N N N 110
2011.3 2011 A11-137 2013 733534 000000000N N N 16
2008.2 2008 A08-111 2013 386986 000000000N N N 31
2013.1 2013 N131-063 2013 79956 115243701N N N 115
2013.1 2013 N131-063 2013 80000 130550262N N N 76
2013.1 2013 N131-064 2013 79938 072021041N N N 126
2013.1 2013 N131-064 2013 79938 197957822N N N 27
2013.1 2013 N131-065 2013 79967 956324362N N N 50
2013.1 2013 N131-066 2013 80000 601990778N N N 10
2013.1 2013 N131-066 2013 79999 043692487N N N 34
2013.1 2013 N131-066 2013 79568 055023654N N N 10
2013.1 2013 N131-067 2013 77784 878950948N N N 80
2013.1 2013 N131-069 2013 80000 130020209N N N 85
2013.1 2013 N131-070 2013 79358 945837219N N N 453
2013.1 2013 N131-071 2013 79999 147518286N N N 35
2013.1 2013 N131-071 2013 79913 966563884N N N 19
2013.1 2013 N131-073 2013 79999 627132913N N N 171
2013.1 2013 N131-073 2013 80000 057679600N N N 2
2013.1 2013 N131-073 2013 79996 968149257N Y Y 27
2013.1 2013 N131-074 2013 79999 601990778N N N 10
2013.1 2013 N131-074 2013 79818 061931676N N N 139
2013.1 2013 N131-082 2013 79999 179321302N N Y 25
2013.1 2013 N131-083 2013 79980 832019546N N N 29
2008.3 2008 AF083-0402013 606745 158034665N Y Y 96
2011.2 2011 AF112-0142013 729104 036255409N N Y 4
2011.2 2011 AF112-0572013 742600 808369792Y N N 5
2011.2 2011 AF112-0742013 1058633 000000000N N N 8
2011.2 2011 AF112-0772013 737315 096845169N N N 40
2011.2 2011 AF112C-112013 3999861 153865951N N Y 255
2012.1 2012 AF121-0382013 749805 125961123N N Y 120
2012.1 2012 AF121-0422013 749184 147951883N N N 120
2005.3 2005 MDA05-042013 968499 625694500N N N 165
2011.2 2011 MDA11-032013 986139 151471349N N N 77
2013.A 2013 ST13A-0032013 99899 078839252N N N 1
2013.A 2013 ST13A-0042013 95016 048474568N N N 6
2013.A 2013 ST13A-0042013 99971 029992497N N N 22
2013.A 2013 ST13A-0052013 99950 048159342N N Y 190
2013.A 2013 ST13A-0052013 99998 005100560N Y Y 14
2013.A 2013 ST13A-0052013 99999 786127522N N N 26
2013.A 2013 ST13A-0052013 99999 792045713N N N 11
2013.A 2013 ST13A-0062013 99987 106823607N Y N 30
2013.A 2013 ST13A-0062013 99953 130020209N N N 81
2013.A 2013 ST13A-0062013 99672 830681800N N N 20
2013.A 2013 ST13A-0062013 99994 075537910N N N 29
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0092013 79675 040214689N N N 4
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0092013 79962 172390481N N N 6
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0092013 79940 868140278N N N 10
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0102013 79926 830994492N Y N 2
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0112013 79996 047627732N N N 47
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0112013 79902 609259429N Y N 12
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0112013 79955 828239769N N N 8
2011.2 2011 MDA11-022013 1499993 929950012N N N 36
2011.2 2011 MDA11-012013 997853 129503988N N Y 5
2010.2 2010 OSD10-CR 2013 749784 077990047N N N 15
2011.2 2011 MDA11-032013 994415 031764616N Y N 48
2011.2 2011 MDA11-012013 999959 809250405N N N 24
2011.2 2011 MDA11-002013 971157 127754385N N N 9
2011.2 2011 NGA11-00 2013 499535 827869129N N N 4
2011.2 2011 NGA11-00 2013 1000000 000000000N N N 120
2011.3 2011 OSD11-CR 2013 1000000 967259946N N N 125
2009.1 2009 N091-004 2013 1005236 055145320N N N 19
2012.B 2012 AF12-BT152013 149881 782766831N N N 25
2013.A 2013 A13A-T0092013 150000 039280334N N N 7
2013.A 2013 A13A-T0182013 149999 053003017N N N 6
2013.A 2013 A13A-T0192013 150000 181947730N N N 82
2013.A 2013 ST13A-0012013 98994 078758923N N N 1
2013.A 2013 ST13A-0012013 99972 078707609N N N 4
2013.A 2013 ST13A-0022013 99796 081475873N N N 275
2013.A 2013 ST13A-0022013 99990 055115198N N Y 5
2013.A 2013 ST13A-0042013 99960 066009754N N N 15
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0282013 77625 966515863N N N 8
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0122013 80000 797877847N N Y 16
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0132013 79999 022552900Y Y N 15
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0132013 79994 084994735N N Y 4
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0142013 80000 603978321N N N 47
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0142013 79999 038379579N N N 35
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0152013 79905 072021041N N N 126
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0152013 79949 073800062N N N 139
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0162013 79955 184758308N N N 86
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0162013 79915 078727222N N N 3
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0162013 79862 121257443N Y N 14
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0172013 79994 073800062N N N 139
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0172013 79981 072021041N N N 126
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0172013 79988 100651798N N N 23
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0182013 79982 800608643N N N 15
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0182013 79740 11-269-71 N N N 13
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0192013 79935 794039441N N Y 4
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0202013 79938 608176715N N N 40
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0202013 79999 967259946N N N 125
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0202013 80000 131182388N N N 35
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0222013 79183 965866226N N N 10
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0222013 79999 078675825N N N 3
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0222013 79451 883926594N N N 17
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0232013 79923 061931676N N N 139
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0242013 79774 009485124N N N 43
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0242013 80000 130550262N N N 81
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0262013 79989 135121148N N N 84
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0272013 79992 100651798N N N 23
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0232013 79503 078403419N N N 2
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0252013 79991 078360128N N N 2
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0262013 79955 611628595N N N 20
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0212013 79924 963381699N N N 5
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0212013 79963 078513593N N N 15
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0122013 79999 009480893N N Y 13
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0212013 79968 829221139N N N 27
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0252013 77868 964438944N N N 2
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0272013 79849 038336723N N N 14
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0272013 80000 144540283N N N 110
2012.B 2012 OSD12-T072013 100000 074689217N N Y 200
2013.1 2013 AF131-0062013 149937 120839477N N N 29
2013.1 2013 AF131-0062013 149706 830870809N N N 4
2013.1 2013 AF131-0072013 149999 627132913N N N 171
2013.1 2013 AF131-0072013 149978 131199445N N N 16
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0282013 79914 072021041N N N 126
2012.B 2012 OSD12-T062013 99955 185169620N N Y 77
2011. 2011 A11a-T0182013 374869 114584175N N N 25
2012.B 2012 OSD12-T072013 93239 076514343N N Y 7
2011.0 2011 AF11-BT042013 1000000 000000000N N N 5
2011.0 2011 N11A-T0342013 1469493 196894869N N N 60
2013.1 2013 AF131-0012013 149796 557479073N N N 3
2013.1 2013 AF131-0012013 149910 106823607N Y N 30
2013.1 2013 AF131-0022013 149135 832880517N N N 1
2013.1 2013 AF131-0042013 149912 185169620N N Y 77
2013.1 2013 AF131-0042013 149448 133709001N N N 91
2013.1 2013 AF131-0052013 149946 133626544N N Y 14
2013.1 2013 AF131-0052013 150000 161911532N N Y 140
2010.1 2010 A10a-T0072013 400478 000000000N N N 18
2011.1 2011 N11A-T0062013 752134 000000000Y N N 27
2011. 2011 N11A-T0252013 498374 181585980N N N 3
2011. 2011 AF11-BT202013 749507 969133581N N N 2
2011.1 2011 N11A-T0032013 750000 000000000N N N 10
2011.0 2011 N11A-T0242013 777086 809978856N N N 5
2013.A 2013 N13A-T0292013 80000 786127522N N N 26
2011.1 2011 N11A-T0112013 741520 000000000N N N 3
2013.1 2013 AF131-0012013 149982 125961123N N Y 110
2013.1 2013 AF131-0052013 149862 096857313N N N 23
2012.B 2012 OSD12-T062013 100000 056771686N N N 140
2011. 2011 AF11-BT152013 750000 161911532N N Y 135
2011. 2011 A11a-T0072013 416990 788293244N N N 17
2011. 2011 N11A-T0192013 480218 118291983N N N 110
2011. 2011 N11A-T0232013 499994 101321479N N N 73
2013.1 2013 AF131-0042013 149990 929950012N N N 37
2013.1 2013 AF131-0212013 149985 119301831N N N 30
2013.1 2013 AF131-0212013 149864 090213369N N N 40
2013.1 2013 AF131-0232013 149986 002548290N N N 60
2013.1 2013 AF131-0262013 150000 967259946N N N 125
2013.1 2013 AF131-0452013 150000 609444302N N N 20
2013.1 2013 AF131-0192013 150000 967259946N N N 125
2013.1 2013 AF131-0212013 149772 186002226N N N 20
2013.1 2013 AF131-0232013 150000 601990778N N N 10
2013.1 2013 AF131-0272013 149981 119301831N N N 30
2013.1 2013 AF131-0272013 148515 78291737 N N N 2
2013.1 2013 AF131-0302013 149865 030817290N N N 70
2013.1 2013 AF131-0332013 149500 078383332N N N 6
2013.1 2013 AF131-0342013 149993 969055842N N N 3
2013.1 2013 AF131-0342013 149981 185169620N N Y 77
2013.1 2013 AF131-0382013 149989 111305843N N N 60
2013.1 2013 AF131-0382013 150000 112756320N N N 12
2013.1 2013 AF131-0392013 147386 621349406N N N 8
2013.1 2013 AF131-0412013 149983 125961123N N Y 110
2013.1 2013 AF131-0472013 150000 161911532N N Y 140
2013.1 2013 AF131-0482013 149987 145051095N N N 20
2013.1 2013 AF131-0492013 149888 145051095N N N 20
2013.1 2013 AF131-0502013 150000 141088125N N N 12
2013.1 2013 AF131-0512013 149987 965530517N N Y 8
2013.1 2013 AF131-0512013 150000 967259946N N N 125
2013.1 2013 AF131-0512013 149999 134721880N N N 12
2013.1 2013 AF131-0512013 136686 133375571N N N 1
2013.1 2013 AF131-0522013 149957 115243701N N N 115
2013.1 2013 AF131-0522013 149993 038379579N N N 35
2013.1 2013 AF131-0542013 149962 115243701N N N 115
2013.1 2013 AF131-0542013 149997 038379579N N N 35
2013.1 2013 AF131-0542013 149887 964928464N N N 18
2013.1 2013 AF131-0552013 149935 085851181N N N 130
2013.1 2013 AF131-0552013 149814 009731002N N N 6
2013.1 2013 AF131-0652013 149705 021366690N N N 13
2013.1 2013 AF131-0802013 149964 938911427N N N 40
2013.1 2013 AF131-0802013 150000 124032868N N N 60
2013.1 2013 AF131-0802013 149947 128516114N N N 16
2013.1 2013 AF131-0932013 150000 809025492N N N 2
2013.1 2013 AF131-0952013 149685 078716100N N N 1
2013.1 2013 AF131-0982013 149757 831862227N N N 3
2013.1 2013 AF131-0982013 150000 791457802N N N 1
2013.1 2013 AF131-0982013 149995 129457037N Y N 14
2013.1 2013 AF131-0192013 149927 965444040N N N 399
2013.1 2013 AF131-0192013 150000 161911532N N Y 140
2013.1 2013 AF131-0202013 150000 153865951N N Y 264
2013.1 2013 AF131-0202013 149051 791147577N N N 8
2013.1 2013 AF131-0202013 149987 612439146N N N 54
2013.1 2013 AF131-0292013 149918 185169620N N Y 77
2013.1 2013 AF131-0462013 149811 806647330N N N 39
2013.1 2013 AF131-0472013 150000 124032868N N N 60
2013.1 2013 AF131-0482013 143071 122032006N N N 370
2013.1 2013 AF131-0492013 150000 966663135N N N 280
2013.1 2013 AF131-0502013 150000 020817883N N N 45
2013.1 2013 AF131-0502013 149984 827005385N N N 5
2013.1 2013 AF131-0552013 141630 184215593N N N 4
2013.1 2013 AF131-0242013 149889 845314962N N Y 6
2013.1 2013 AF131-0252013 149972 140654315N N N 4
2013.1 2013 AF131-0252013 149985 115243701N N N 115
2013.1 2013 AF131-0252013 150000 077317766N N N 383
2013.1 2013 AF131-0262013 139881 149218286N N N 20
2013.1 2013 AF131-0292013 149996 092174635N N N 25
2013.1 2013 AF131-0302013 149986 013475129N N N 27
2013.1 2013 AF131-0312013 149950 115243701N N N 115
2013.1 2013 AF131-0332013 135619 803826465N N N 18
2013.1 2013 AF131-0392013 148564 078589356N N N 3
2013.1 2013 AF131-0392013 148206 069650682N N N 23
2013.1 2013 AF131-0442013 149995 131640919N N N 11
2013.1 2013 AF131-0442013 149946 125961123N N Y 110
2013.1 2013 AF131-0452013 149992 125961123N N Y 110
2013.1 2013 AF131-0462013 149967 125961123N N Y 110
2013.1 2013 AF131-0472013 149997 075485425N N N 31
2013.1 2013 AF131-0172013 149458 011164714N Y N 6
2013.1 2013 AF131-0212013 150000 054672662N N N 110
2013.1 2013 AF131-0282013 149607 103477993N N N 32
2013.1 2013 AF131-0412013 149946 159016877N N N 17
2013.1 2013 AF131-0452013 149957 841440832N N N 108
2013.1 2013 AF131-0082013 149940 112136572N N N 29
2013.1 2013 AF131-0252013 138089 831442848N N N 23
2013.1 2013 AF131-0302013 150000 054672662N N N 110
2013.1 2013 AF131-0342013 149993 797735883N N N 85
2013.1 2013 AF131-0362013 149635 614108918N N N 85
2013.1 2013 AF131-0362013 149973 125961123N N Y 110
2013.1 2013 AF131-0712013 149999 153865951N N Y 264
2013.1 2013 AF131-0712013 149731 828069190N N N 4
2013.1 2013 AF131-0772013 149231 153865951N N Y 264
2013.1 2013 AF131-0082013 149966 177985561N N N 225
2013.1 2013 AF131-0172013 149111 791147577N N N 8
2013.1 2013 AF131-0182013 149959 119301831N N N 30
2013.1 2013 AF131-0232013 148227 791147577N N N 8
2013.1 2013 AF131-0242013 149905 796010411N N N 45
2013.1 2013 AF131-0242013 149605 782766831N N N 25
2013.1 2013 AF131-0262013 149744 128933996N N N 90
2013.1 2013 AF131-0272013 149875 194860156N N N 18
2013.1 2013 AF131-0282013 149951 115243701N N N 115
2013.1 2013 AF131-0282013 149973 128933996N N N 90
2013.1 2013 AF131-0992013 150000 108540340N N Y 7
2013.1 2013 AF131-0992013 146016 038336723N N N 14
2013.1 2013 AF131-1032013 149912 154074553N N N 11
2013.1 2013 AF131-1032013 149997 042939277N N N 24
2013.1 2013 AF131-1042013 144483 078506287N N N 0
2013.1 2013 AF131-1042013 148613 073800062N N N 139
2013.1 2013 AF131-1042013 147111 601218253N N N 10
2013.1 2013 AF131-1052013 149611 145945833N N N 14
2013.1 2013 AF131-1052013 146391 809748002N N N 5
2013.1 2013 AF131-1052013 149898 198180937N N N 47
2013.1 2013 AF131-1082013 150000 008963758N N N 36
2013.1 2013 AF131-1082013 149982 026225354N N Y 3
2013.1 2013 AF131-1092013 149999 601990778N N N 10
2013.1 2013 AF131-1092013 150000 008963758N N N 36
2013.1 2013 AF131-1102013 149999 968568977N N Y 4
2013.1 2013 AF131-1102013 149790 150393569N N N 15
2013.1 2013 AF131-1112013 149719 877299446N N N 17
2013.1 2013 AF131-1112013 148657 625120902N N N 108
2013.1 2013 AF131-1112013 149999 627132913N N N 171
2013.1 2013 AF131-1122013 149977 119301831N N N 30
2013.1 2013 AF131-1132013 149832 363384004N N N 42
2013.1 2013 AF131-0982013 149910 078351498N N N 4
2013.1 2013 AF131-1012013 149854 153865951N N Y 264
2013.1 2013 AF131-1012013 150000 108540340N N Y 7
2013.1 2013 AF131-1012013 149919 129074840N N Y 20
2013.1 2013 AF131-1022013 149980 069871502N N N 100
2013.1 2013 AF131-1022013 149940 131860632N N Y 30
2013.1 2013 AF131-1032013 150000 144540283N N N 110
2013.1 2013 AF131-1032013 150000 130020209N N N 85
2013.1 2013 AF131-1102013 149983 035414697N N N 400
2013.1 2013 AF131-1132013 149971 968612858N N Y 4
2013.1 2013 AF131-1132013 149999 833083749N N N 4
2013.1 2013 AF131-1142013 149991 091125695N N N 52
2013.1 2013 AF131-1142013 150000 183652341N N N 18
2013.1 2013 AF131-1182013 149999 075537910N N N 29
2013.1 2013 AF131-1192013 149972 174410394N N N 7
2013.1 2013 AF131-1412013 149533 806647330N N N 39
2013.1 2013 AF131-1502013 148853 800757598N Y N 20
2013.1 2013 AF131-1532013 149931 013181424N N N 3
2013.1 2013 AF131-1532013 149797 964928464N N N 18
2013.1 2013 AF131-1652013 149987 061997029N N N 75
2013.1 2013 AF131-1652013 149998 041929402N N N 16
2013.1 2013 AF131-1662013 149803 042068101N N N 13
2013.1 2013 AF131-1672013 150000 144540283N N N 110
2013.1 2013 AF131-1712013 149998 196231166N N N 5
2013.1 2013 AF131-1722013 149997 161183322N N N 31
2013.1 2013 AF131-1732013 149993 783589039N Y N 2
2013.1 2013 AF131-1732013 149981 126288336N N N 69
2013.1 2013 AF131-1742013 149864 048159342N N Y 190
2013.1 2013 AF131-1882013 149772 029564965N N N 10
2010.3 2010 AF103-0262013 749939 118514855N N N 82
2010.3 2010 AF103-1592013 999950 000000000N N N 15
2010.2 2010 N102-110 2013 749500 841519098N N N 11
2010.2 2010 N102-155 2013 1029447 153865951N N Y 255
2010.3 2010 N103-194 2013 997736 000000000N N N 3
2010.3 2010 N103-225 2013 747739 826935632N N N 12
2011.1 2011 N111-039 2013 978206 000000000N N N 13
2011.1 2011 N111-047 2013 738167 106924822N N N 38
2011.1 2011 N111-052 2013 736988 947013660N N N 4
2011.1 2011 N111-053 2013 999867 111487588N N N 16
2011.1 2011 N111-059 2013 1499550 087046165N N N 18
2011.2 2011 N112-101 2013 1677843 075189415N Y Y 24
2011.2 2011 N112-123 2013 579937 128688111N N N 12
2011.2 2011 N112-157 2013 500006 605227875N N N 18
2011.2 2011 N112-163 2013 500037 826859972N N N 10
2011.2 2011 N112-169 2013 540284 069338820N N N 235
2011.2 2011 N112-170 2013 742990 141703756N N N 10
2012.1 2012 N121-004 2013 695388 611827812N N N 19
2012.1 2012 N121-027 2013 727841 15-091-73 N N N 275
2012.1 2012 N121-082 2013 489651 009485124N N N 43
2012.1 2012 N121-085 2013 497930 153865951N N Y 255
2012.1 2012 N121-103 2013 728216 945837219N N N 453
2008.0 2008 N08-T030 2013 1874747 000000000N N N 45
2012.1 2012 AF121-2222013 149982 153865951N N Y 255
2013.1 2013 AF131-0062013 150000 094078958N N Y 190
2013.1 2013 AF131-0102013 150000 009480893N N Y 16
2013.1 2013 AF131-0112013 150000 788121858N N N 5
2013.1 2013 AF131-1162013 149999 153927827N N N 90
2013.1 2013 AF131-1582013 150000 961869562N N N 5
2013.1 2013 AF131-1592013 149549 829299747N N N 5
2013.1 2013 AF131-1602013 149991 615345329N N N 5
2013.1 2013 AF131-1602013 149995 078714238N N N 1
2013.1 2013 AF131-1602013 147332 878950948N N N 80
2013.1 2013 AF131-1602013 148973 175329614N N N 5
2013.1 2013 AF131-1602013 149584 783625692Y N N 4
2013.1 2013 AF131-1632013 143081 154920201N N N 2
2013.1 2013 AF131-1722013 150000 074689217N N Y 200
2013.1 2013 AF131-1812013 149971 965032415N N N 2
2011.1 2011 N111-050 2013 744074 011471393N N Y 13
2011.1 2011 N111-055 2013 750690 005055582N N N 22
2011.2 2011 N112-118 2013 749976 010983174N N N 34
2011.2 2011 N112-149 2013 749477 000000000N N N 5
2011.2 2011 N112-151 2013 705899 000000000N N N 33
2011.2 2011 N112-164 2013 499078 175302579N N N 85
2012.1 2012 N121-006 2013 749033 794039441N N Y 4
2012.1 2012 N121-011 2013 749838 801184982N N N 12
2012.1 2012 N121-016 2013 747758 153008631N N N 6
2012.1 2012 N121-020 2013 748610 787223460N N N 10
2012.1 2012 N121-030 2013 744429 153869896N N N 32
2012.1 2012 N121-038 2013 749990 782768977N N N 15
2012.1 2012 N121-040 2013 749799 153865951N N Y 255
2012.1 2012 N121-045 2013 2248133 124240222N N N 23
2012.1 2012 N121-082 2013 730274 615336950N N N 11
2012.1 2012 N121-089 2013 495463 611827812N N N 18
2012.1 2012 N121-090 2013 497621 078360128N N N 2
2012.1 2012 N121-093 2013 742357 055023654N N N 10
2012.1 2012 N121-095 2013 745170 078401641N N N 2
2012.1 2012 N121-098 2013 745686 000000000N N N 453
2013.1 2013 AF131-0172013 149785 078819314N N N 10
2012.1 2012 AF121-2222013 149992 163230142N N N 3
2012.1 2012 AF121-2242013 149691 124240222N N N 19
2012.1 2012 AF121-2252013 150000 008038846N N Y 95
2012.1 2012 AF121-2252013 148134 197187602N Y Y 48
2012.1 2012 AF121-2262013 149998 149732315N N N 17
2012.1 2012 AF121-2272013 149992 153924188N N N 12
2012.1 2012 AF121-2272013 149926 107928806N N N 113
2013.1 2013 AF131-0032013 150000 037658379N N N 3
2013.1 2013 AF131-0032013 149949 133626544N N Y 14
2013.1 2013 AF131-0032013 149552 622989239N N Y 57
2013.1 2013 AF131-0072013 149940 831124008N N N 5
2013.1 2013 AF131-0082013 149997 153865951N N Y 264
2013.1 2013 AF131-0092013 150000 -05475818N N N 3
2013.1 2013 AF131-0092013 149985 017391348N N N 11
2013.1 2013 AF131-0102013 149160 092174635N N N 26
2013.1 2013 AF131-0102013 149944 965444040N N N 399
2013.1 2013 AF131-0112013 149963 799811646N N N 449
2013.1 2013 AF131-0112013 150000 964595636N N Y 4
2013.1 2013 AF131-0122013 149818 160209102N N N 18
2013.1 2013 AF131-0122013 149922 619597995N N N 3
2013.1 2013 AF131-0122013 149978 962006594Y N N 9
2013.1 2013 AF131-0132013 149813 968561584N N N 7
2013.1 2013 AF131-0132013 149979 962006594Y N N 9
2013.1 2013 AF131-0142013 150000 884253436N N N 10
2013.1 2013 AF131-0142013 149998 794350025N N N 38
2013.1 2013 AF131-0182013 150000 153865951N N Y 264
2013.1 2013 AF131-0182013 149921 186002226N N N 20
2013.1 2013 AF131-0332013 144990 806813481N N N 31
2013.1 2013 AF131-0522013 149995 101321479N N N 73
2013.1 2013 AF131-0572013 149999 831704874N N N 2
2013.1 2013 AF131-0602013 149771 15-821-72 N N N 14
2013.1 2013 AF131-0602013 149999 020817883N N N 45
2013.1 2013 AF131-1222013 147005 964232594N Y N 2
2013.1 2013 AF131-1492013 149817 125961123N N Y 110
2013.1 2013 AF131-1492013 150000 054672662N N N 110
2013.1 2013 AF131-1642013 99956 117943451N Y N 10
2013.1 2013 AF131-1672013 149861 148034408N N N 16
2013.1 2013 AF131-1682013 148362 623374340N N N 6
2013.1 2013 AF131-1682013 150000 098234912N N N 2
2013.1 2013 AF131-1692013 149997 836682104N N N 3
2013.1 2013 AF131-1702013 149995 184629491N N N 40
2010.3 2010 N103-193 2013 749975 603842654N Y N 14
2013.1 2013 AF131-1192013 149182 612389572N N N 10
2013.1 2013 AF131-1212013 149399 167202097N N N 3
2013.1 2013 AF131-1222013 150000 074689217N N Y 200
2013.1 2013 AF131-1222013 149977 078440389N N Y 5
2013.1 2013 AF131-1502013 149853 061931676N N N 139
2013.1 2013 AF131-1642013 149949 073800062N N N 139
2013.1 2013 AF131-1652013 149976 072021041N N N 126
2013.1 2013 AF131-1722013 149869 072021041N N N 126
2013.1 2013 AF131-1882013 149844 782766831N N N 25
2010.3 2010 N103-193 2013 599976 175302579N N N 85
2010.3 2010 N103-194 2013 998125 000000000N N N 27
2010.3 2010 N103-194 2013 997670 000000000N N Y 15
2013.1 2013 AF131-1202013 149905 072021041N N N 126
2013.1 2013 AF131-1232013 150000 008963758N N N 36
2013.1 2013 AF131-1282013 149974 038732173N N N 54
2013.1 2013 AF131-1282013 149770 133092291N N N 10
2013.1 2013 AF131-1292013 149971 602673188N N N 20
2013.1 2013 AF131-1322013 149363 078450096N N N 1
2013.1 2013 AF131-1332013 149773 831883868N N N 8
2013.1 2013 AF131-1332013 149873 078330170N N N 6
2013.1 2013 AF131-1362013 150000 054672662N N N 110
2013.1 2013 AF131-1662013 149999 013017947N N Y 16
2013.1 2013 AF131-1682013 149568 114746279N N N 3
2013.1 2013 AF131-1812013 150000 018413208N N N 28
2005.2 2005 N05-100 2013 558062 796010411N N N 45
2013.1 2013 AF131-1232013 149999 838266369N N N 130
2013.1 2013 AF131-1352013 149959 198267044N N Y 2
2013.1 2013 AF131-1352013 149972 107939233N N N 150
2013.1 2013 AF131-1392013 149894 179492566N N N 25
2013.1 2013 AF131-1422013 150000 824781769N Y N 25
2013.1 2013 AF131-1732013 149990 033171534N N N 11
2013.1 2013 AF131-1732013 149918 178154456N N N 40
2008.2 2008 N08-118 2013 350089 781820258N Y Y 3
2009.1 2009 N091-039 2013 999842 000000000N N N 11
2009.2 2009 N092-154 2013 2024755 103734869N N N 31
2010.1 2010 N101-001 2013 699919 000000000N N N 17
2013.1 2013 AF131-1232013 150000 962321381N N N 2
2013.1 2013 AF131-1242013 149538 927253195N N N 45
2013.1 2013 AF131-1262013 149999 627132913N N N 171
2013.1 2013 AF131-1262013 149992 042939277N N N 24
2013.1 2013 AF131-1662013 149959 135907686N N N 85
2013.1 2013 AF131-1692013 149923 048159342N N Y 190
2013.1 2013 AF131-1692013 149998 883926594N N N 15
2013.1 2013 AF131-1702013 149999 126122956N N N 2
2013.1 2013 AF131-1812013 149999 792045713N N N 11
2013.1 2013 AF131-1882013 149997 030817290N N N 70
2007.3 2007 MDA07-032013 500000 787644921N N N 7
2013.1 2013 AF131-1152013 149988 168312028N N N 20
2013.1 2013 AF131-1152013 149936 806849605N N N 4
2013.1 2013 AF131-1182013 149992 059385711N N N 45
2013.1 2013 AF131-1202013 150000 627132913N N N 171
2013.1 2013 AF131-1202013 149999 960861958N N N 6
2013.1 2013 AF131-1212013 150000 943826859N N N 43
2013.1 2013 AF131-1212013 103240 169603631N N N 30
2013.1 2013 AF131-1242013 150000 074689217N N Y 200
2013.1 2013 AF131-1242013 150000 030730763N N N 55
2013.1 2013 AF131-1262013 149513 615106486N N N 6
2013.1 2013 AF131-1282013 149971 004279860N N N 25
2013.1 2013 AF131-1452013 149930 125961123N N Y 110
2013.1 2013 AF131-1462013 149870 038336723N N N 14
2013.1 2013 AF131-1482013 149907 168849011N N N 19
2013.1 2013 AF131-1592013 149837 883926594N N N 15
2013.1 2013 AF131-1592013 148789 175302579N N N 85
2007.1 2007 N07-085 2013 303293 097607852N N N 9
2008.1 2008 N08-005 2013 751743 081522468N N N 22
2008.1 2008 N08-073 2013 493741 160209102N N N 16
2010.2 2010 N102-107 2013 743017 000000000N N N 25
2010.3 2010 N103-193 2013 999947 000000000N N N 15
2011.1 2011 N111-002 2013 989264 000000000N N N 19
2011.1 2011 N111-007 2013 999993 363020202N N N 3
2011.1 2011 N111-034 2013 749966 141450135N N N 8
2013.1 2013 AF131-0622013 149925 789629669N N N 8
2013.1 2013 AF131-0632013 150000 144540283N N N 110
2013.1 2013 AF131-0632013 149996 121059757N N N 15
2013.1 2013 AF131-0682013 144182 965034692N N N 12
2013.1 2013 AF131-0812013 149997 784427200N N N 5
2013.1 2013 AF131-0832013 149933 072021041N N N 126
2013.1 2013 AF131-1622013 149699 782766831N N N 25
2013.1 2013 AF131-0752013 149996 828367883N N N 8
2013.1 2013 AF131-0832013 149998 068568588N N N 38
2013.1 2013 AF131-0942013 149997 601975803N N N 8
2013.1 2013 AF131-0942013 149797 958409476N N N 305
2013.1 2013 AF131-1322013 150000 054672662N N N 110
2013.1 2013 AF131-1352013 149941 111305843N N N 60
2013.1 2013 AF131-1362013 149986 125961123N N Y 110
2013.1 2013 AF131-1372013 131934 028456932N N N 25
2013.1 2013 AF131-1382013 150000 828369848N N N 6
2013.1 2013 AF131-1392013 149984 151209723N N N 100
2013.1 2013 AF131-1392013 150000 009913562N N N 25
2013.1 2013 AF131-1412013 149947 363384004N N N 42
2013.1 2013 AF131-1412013 149319 827121455N N Y 47
2013.1 2013 AF131-1422013 149691 805473951N N N 10
2013.1 2013 AF131-1442013 150000 785308078N N N 5
2013.1 2013 AF131-1452013 149996 131640919N N N 11
2013.1 2013 AF131-1472013 149958 011759482N N N 6
2013.1 2013 AF131-1482013 149770 796754315Y Y Y 6
2013.1 2013 AF131-1492013 149925 806647330N N N 39
2013.1 2013 AF131-1532013 149932 112136572N N N 29
2013.1 2013 AF131-1632013 149999 194358933N N N 15
2013.1 2013 AF131-1672013 149058 807107706N N N 5
2013.1 2013 AF131-1712013 149974 073800062N N N 139
2013.1 2013 AF131-1292013 149999 153865951N N Y 264
2013.1 2013 AF131-1302013 149967 964730451N N N 27
2013.1 2013 AF131-1462013 150000 625511050N N N 16
2013.1 2013 AF131-1592013 149839 969321475N N N 260
2013.1 2013 AF131-1612013 150000 018413208N N N 28
2013.1 2013 AF131-0612013 149771 15-821-72 N N N 14
2013.1 2013 AF131-0692013 144974 115243701N N N 115
2013.1 2013 AF131-0692013 149702 623964439N N N 95
2013.1 2013 AF131-0692013 149935 608176715N N N 40
2013.1 2013 AF131-0722013 149941 805615254N N N 6
2013.1 2013 AF131-0732013 149998 100328348N N Y 8
2013.1 2013 AF131-0742013 149992 100651798N N N 20
2013.1 2013 AF131-0752013 150000 020817883N N N 45
2013.1 2013 AF131-0762013 149925 101537046N N N 58
2013.1 2013 AF131-0782013 150000 009480893N N Y 16
2013.1 2013 AF131-0832013 149985 073800062N N N 139
2013.1 2013 AF131-0932013 149979 072021041N N N 126
2013.1 2013 AF131-0932013 149863 197957822N N N 27
2013.1 2013 AF131-0942013 149932 151471349N N N 75
2013.1 2013 AF131-0952013 148423 115243701N N N 115
2013.1 2013 AF131-1082013 146872 150393569N N N 16
2013.1 2013 AF131-1092013 149931 084899827N N N 45
2013.1 2013 AF131-1312013 139184 044329761N N N 42
2013.1 2013 AF131-1582013 149927 964832179N N N 10
2013.1 2013 AF131-1612013 149954 175302579N N N 85
2013.1 2013 AF131-1622013 149990 781820258N Y Y 3
2013.1 2013 AF131-1632013 140509 933701559N N N 5
2013.1 2013 AF131-1962013 150000 627132913N N N 171
2013.1 2013 AF131-0612013 148626 841440832N N N 108
2013.1 2013 AF131-0622013 150000 182097444N N Y 22
2013.1 2013 AF131-0762013 135464 081475873N N N 250
2013.1 2013 AF131-1282013 149905 616396953N N N 16
2013.1 2013 AF131-0602013 149715 805759370N N N 98
2013.1 2013 AF131-0662013 149351 622989239N N Y 57
2013.1 2013 AF131-0722013 149979 967349668N Y Y 8
2013.1 2013 AF131-0812013 149988 601975803N N N 8
2013.1 2013 AF131-1302013 149807 147201342N N N 31
2013.1 2013 AF131-1312013 149940 964928464N N N 18
2013.1 2013 AF131-1372013 149955 968278759N N N 5
2013.1 2013 AF131-1422013 149985 199060521N N N 11
2013.1 2013 AF131-1442013 149950 153869896N N N 32
2013.1 2013 AF131-1442013 149986 100328348N N Y 8
2013.1 2013 AF131-1502013 149876 799811646N N N 449
2013.1 2013 AF131-1512013 149926 078330170N N N 6
AddressAddressCity State Zip Contact Contact CTontact Contact
www.polym 372 River Drive DahlonegaGA - Kenneth Wa President (706) 864- kwatkins@
http://www MA Andover MA 01810-107B. D GreenPresident (978) 689- green@psi
www.silvus10990 WilsSuite 1500Los AngeleCA 90024 Phillip DunChief Opera (310) 479- phillip@si
www.atcor9971 Valley View RoaEden PrairiMN - Kenneth J President (952) 829- kthurber@
www.atcor9971 Valley View RoaEden PrairiMN - Kenneth J President (952) 829- kthurber@
www.langu2435 N. CeSuite 1200RichardsonTX - Finley LacaVice Presi (972) 231- fnley@la
990 Park Center DriveVista CA - Charlie KuzPresident (760) 652- ckuznia@u
www.astra5777 Central Avenue,Boulder CO - Geoffrey CPresident /(210) 834- gcrowley@a
www.poc. Photonic S1845 W. 20Torrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
www.ocean Oceanit Ce828 Fort StHonolulu HI - Ken CheunScience&T(808) 531- kcheung@o
www.i-a-i. 15400 Calhsuite 400 Rockville MD - Mark JameDirector, (301) 294- mjames@i-
http://ww 13800 Coppermine RoHerndon VA 20171-616Joyce ChenContract A(703) 552- jchen@dte
www.stella6565 Americas Parkwa AlbuquerqNM - Conrad Po Owner (877) 763- cpdodsbir@
www.astra5777 Central Avenue,Boulder CO - Geoffrey CPresident /(210) 834- gcrowley@a
http://www 1410 Sach Suite 202 CharlottesvVA - Connie R HGeneral M(434) 973- barron@ba
www.poc. Photonic Systems DivTorrance CA 90501-151Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
8746 Streamcrest Dr Boulder CO 80302 Paul HendeBusiness o(303) 999- paul.hend
www.toyon6800 Cortona Drive Goleta CA - Marcella RDirector of(805) 968- mlindbery
www.imsar940 South 2000 WestSpringvilleUT 84663 Adam RobeVP Busine (801) 798- adamr@ims
www.aurri130 Robin Hill Road, Goleta CA - Eric Hall VP Busine (805) 683- Eric.Hall@
www.aurigTwo ExecutSuite 305 Chelmsfor MA - Yusuke Taj Chief Tech (978) 452- ytajima@a
http://www 128 E Pine Avenue Meridian ID - Rick P HooPrincipal (208) 884- rphoover@
www.i-a-i. 15400 Calhsuite 400 Rockville MD - Mark Jamemjames@i-(301) 294- mjames@i-
www.opci.26610 AgoSuite 240 Calabasas CA - Gail Erten Director o (818) 880- gerten@op
www.cbrit421 Pine Avenue Goleta CA - Julia Huff Accountin (805) 233- juliahuffm
www.trito 200 TURNPIKE ROAD CHELMSFOMA - Bonnie HunContracts (978) 250- contracts@
www.visto 5 Mountainview Driv FraminghaMA - MieczyslawPresident (508) 277- mkokar@vi
aptima.co 12 Gill Str Suite 1400Woburn MA - Thomas J Chief Finan(781) 935- mckenna@
http://www 399 NW 7th Ave Boca Rato FL - Felix AlmonVice Presi (954) 243- fvalmonte
http://ww 315 S. AlleSuite 416 State CollePA - Scott Lang Acting Pre (814) 861- scott.lan
www.tdkc.3100 PresidSuite 103 Fairborn OH - Amy SedlerSr. Contrac(937) 427- asedler@t
www.tdkc.3100 PresidSuite 103 Fairborn OH - Amy SedlerSr. Contrac(937) 427- asedler@t
www.paner2295 VillagSte 302 Falls ChurcVA - Yakup BayrCEO&CTO (614) 429- yakup.bay
www.freed90 Arnold Suite D Santa BarbCA - Milan MashGeneral M(805) 277- mashan@fr
www.bould18300 West Highway Arvada
7 CO - Christine Vice Presi (303) 396- christine.
lasertroni 830 Jury CtSuite 5 San Jose CA - Mitchell R Vice Presi (408) 947- mwool@las
www.syste11525 StonSuite A120Austin TX - David J IrviDirector o (512) 757- davidirvin
www.quinsCA Torrance CA 90505-531H. J Kuno Executive (310) 320- Kuno.HJ@Q
www.preta12737 Rd R-11 Columbus OH - Gregory GeChief Tech (614) 745- ggerten@p
www.echor100 CarpenSuite 135 Sterling VA - Joseph KenPresident (571) 748- joe.kenne
www.echor100 CarpenSuite 135 Sterling VA - Joseph KenPresident (571) 748- joe.kenne
www.trito 200 TURNPIKE ROAD CHELMSFOMA - Bonnie HunContracts (978) 250- contracts@
http://www 145 Overhill Drive MooresvillNC - David RobiPresident (704) 799- david.robi
135 E. Ortega Street Santa BarbCA - Roger StettPresident (805) 966- rstettner
www.invoc19221 IH-45 South; SConroe TX - Mary DelahVP&Genera(281) 292- mdelahunt
www.seaco62 Johnny A CquidneckMiddletowRI - Elizabeth Contracts&(401) 847- egoetz@se
CapcoInc. 1328 Winters Ave. Grand JuncCO - Eric GoertzVP Operati(970) 243- e_goertz@
www.tri-au9063 Bee Caves RoadAustin TX - Monte FellContracts (512) 263- mfellingha
www.tanne825 S. Myrtle Ave. Monrovia CA - Kevin DinnCFO (626) 417- kevin@tan
www.poc. Informatio1845 W. 20Torrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
www.tri-au9063 Bee Caves RoadAustin TX - Monte FellContracts (512) 263- mfellingha
http://ww 158 Wheatland DrivePembroke VA - Melissa CaCFO (540) 626- mcampbell
www.polym 372 River Drive DahlonegaGA - Kenneth Wa President (706) 864- kwatkins@
m-r-resera8003 South Corona WCentennialCO - Madeline KGeneral M(303) 795- rkperez22
www.mercd 1517 Bull Suite 150 Lexington KY 40511 John TaylorPresident (336) 294- jtaylor@me
www.poc. Photonic S1845 W. 20Torrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
www.tanne825 S. Myrtle Ave. Monrovia CA - Kevin DinnCFO (626) 417- kevin@tan
www.mate31304 Via Colinas, SuWestlake VCA 91362 Michael BaiCFO (818) 991- michael@m
27130A Paseo Espada, San Juan CCA - Michael ZaPresident (949) 340- mzani@nex
www.pacif9180 Brown Deer Ro San Diego CA - James Call President (858) 535- jrcallan@p
www.stott 1670 SouthSuite 310 San MateoCA - Carolyn MaContracts (650) 931- maxwell@s
www.radia350 Wynn Drive Huntsville AL - Jeff PearsoContract A(256) 489- jpearson@
http://ww IN West LafayIN 47906-107Marco AmrSenior Lea(765) 464- amrhein@p
www.stott 1670 SouthSuite 310 San MateoCA - Carolyn MaContracts (650) 931- maxwell@s
www.sonal215 ParkwaP.O. Box 2 Waterford CT - Olive AlongContracting(860) 326- oalonge@s
www.tracl 100 NortheSuite 520 San AntoniTX - David KortPresident (281) 461- korten@tr
www.unova 9015 N. Cobre Drive Phoenix AZ - Jeffrey A GePresident (480) 363- jgetzlaff@
www.syste13766 S. Hawthorne BHawthorneCA - Sanjeev WeCFO&Corpor (310) 679- exec@syst
www.cra.cMA CambridgeMA 02138-455Mark S FeliContracts (617) 491- mfelix@cr
www.poc. Electro-Opt1845 WestTorrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
www.atcor33 Thornwood Drive, Ithaca NY - Richard SmController (607) 257- rsmith@at
www.21ct.6011 WestBldg 5, Sui Austin TX - Todd SpearVP, R&D So(512) 682- SBIR_Admi
www.girds310 Terrace Ave. Cincinnati OH - H. H Fan President (513) 281- hfan@gird
www.Syste600 West Cummings PWoburn MA - Melinda WDirector, B(603) 718- melinda.w
www.mains200 YellowPines IndusRockledge FL - Michael RizCFO (321) 631- mar@mains
www.kcse.700 N. BraSuite 700 Glendale CA - Vicki R Jak Chief Admin
(818) 240- kcse-contr
www.torch4035 Chris Drive Suit Huntsville AL 35802 Kenneth LoDirector of(256) 319- kenneth.lo
www.actai2790 Skypark Drive, STorrance CA - James HudPresident (310) 530- hudson@ac
4020 Long Beach Blv Long Beac CA - Kevin RougVice Presi (562) 981- kroughen@
www.poc. Electro-Opt1845 WestTorrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
www.toyon6800 Cortona Drive Goleta CA 93117-302Marcella L Director of(805) 968- mlindbery
www.spect4 Fourth Avenue BurlingtonMA - Robert SunPresident (781) 273- rob@spect
www.matri1300 Research Park DDayton OH - Carri MillerContracts (937) 427- carri.mill
http://ww 108 Standard St. El SegundoCA - Jo M LambCEO (310) 524- jlamb@ema
www.Syste600 West Cummings PWoburn MA - Melinda WDirector, B(603) 718- melinda.w
www.aurigTwo ExecutSuite 305 Chelmsfor MA - Moosa E MChief Finan(978) 452- mmoosa@au
207 Winchester Dr New Hart NY - Alyssa SadaCEO (315) 527- upstatesci
P.O. Box 142 Covina CA - Francis A RSenior Par (714) 330- plfeintuch
www.vadu601 HuttonSTE 109 Raleigh NC - Gary Edge Chief Execu(919) 341- gary.edge
www.wavel664 Pike Avenue Attleboro MA - Kathleen HPresident (508) 222- khohlfeld
http://www145 Overhill Drive MooresvillNC - David RobiPresident (704) 799- david.robi
www.controPO Box 1547 Sahuarita AZ - Daniel Cra President (208) 523- dcrawford@
www.visto 5 Mountainview Driv FraminghaMA - MieczyslawPresident (508) 277- mkokar@vi
www.design 1221 E. Broadway, SuOviedo FL - John StannSr. VP- Fin (407) 706- john@desig
http://www 90 Airport Road Concord NH - Klee DienePresident (855) 267- klee.diene
www.gram531 Esty Street Ithaca NY - Jon HanourChief Finan(949) 933- jon.hanou
www.i-a-i. 15400 CalhSuite 400 Rockville MD - Mark JameDirector, (301) 294- mjames@i-
http://www TX College StaTX 77845-602G. R HisawSr. Contrac(979) 764- renee.his
udccorp.c 112 Naylon Avenue Livingston NJ - Harry S KatPresident (973) 994- udcliv@ms
www.neico400 E Apgar Drive Somerset NJ - Ganesh Sk CEO (732) 868- gskandan@
www.physi28 Surrey Lane Durham NC - Rick VosbuPresident (919) 414- rick@physi
www.mega100 Jackson Road Devens MA - Glynda Be President (978) 615- gbenham@
www.utopi11150 W. OSuite 820 Los AngeleCA - Joseph YadEVP of R& (310) 473- joseph@ut
www.docbo 86 Maple Street Waltham MA - Mark Sacc VP of Fina (508) 887- mark@docb
www.maxen 2071 Lemoine AvenueFort Lee NJ - Houman Gh Director (858) 272- houman@m
www.vadu601 HuttonSTE 109 Raleigh NC - J. G Edge Chief Execu(919) 341- gary.edge
www.pcpa3895 39th Sq. Vero Beac FL - Lanse PadgDirector (772) 473- lanse.pad
www.SWS-P.O. Box 183 La Mirada CA - Anhthu NgLLC Member (714) 437- anguyen@
www.still 3308 Lee AVE Sanford NC - Jessica Waloperations(919) 770- jessica@s
www.pcpa3895 39th Sq. Vero Beac FL - Lanse PadgDirector (772) 473- lanse.pad
www.poc. Applied Te1845 WestTorrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
www.crossf9390 ReseaSuite I200 Austin TX - Dennis FerMember of(512) 795- dennis.fer
2769 Pinegate Drive Norton OH - Nick VitalbPresident (412) 254- nick.vital
www.poc. Electro-Opt1845 WestTorrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
www.senso10171 Pacifc Mesa BlSan Diego CA - Anthony StPresident (858) 625- astarr@se
www.teami4750 W. Bancroft Toledo OH - Derek DilleCFO (419) 536- ddiller@te
matsys.co 45490 Ruritan Circle Sterling VA 20164 Tony F F ZaPresident (703) 964- zahrah@ma
www.dsplo20271 Gol Suite 2008Germanto MD - Michael BaPresident (301) 977- mspb@dspl
www.islinc10070 Barnes CanyonSan Diego CA - Margaret LDirector of(858) 373- mgeller@is
www.buseMA Natick MA 01760-102Judy BudnyContracts (508) 655- judy@buse
www.innss2766 Indian Ripple R Dayton OH - Larry Goss President (937) 429- gosslp@inn
frstrf.com 5340 Airport Blvd. Boulder CO 80301 Jeanne HillContracts (303) 449- jhill-jurik@
www.matri1300 Research Park DDayton OH - Carri MillerContracts (937) 427- Carri.Mill
www.Syste600 West Cummings PWoburn MA - Melinda WDirector, B(603) 718- melinda.w
www.tsc.c 962 WayneSuite 800 Silver Spri MD - Eric Wilen Californa (310) 754- eric.wilen
frstrf.com 5340 Airport Blvd. Boulder CO - Jeanne HillContracts (303) 449- jhill-jurik@
www.objec11600 SunrSuite # 210Reston VA - Paul C Bre Co-founde(703) 725- pbrewer@o
www.visor1900 Embarcadero RdPalo Alto CA - Arlen SchmPresident (650) 561- arlen@vis
http://www MA Andover MA 01810-107B. D GreenPresident (978) 689- green@psi
www.brsc.162 Genesee Street Utica NY - Milissa BenVice Presi (315) 732- benincasa
www.matri1300 Research Park DDayton OH - Carri MillerContracts (937) 427- carri.mill
www.freed90 Arnold Suite D Santa BarbCA - Daniel RenGeneral M(805) 277- info@free
www.Syste400 West Cummings PWoburn MA 01801 Melinda WBusiness (781) 503- melinda.w
990 Park Center DriveVista CA - Chuck TabbVP Sales&M (505) 823- ctabbert@
www.MiniA61 S. William Dillard Gilbert AZ - Colin McCav President (480) 850- colin.mcca
http://ww 12345 West 52nd Av Wheat RidCO - John D WriChief Tech (303) 940- jdwright@
www.akita1770 Salem Street North AndMA - Larry TakiffPresident (339) 203- larry.taki
www.nanot50 Soldiers Field Plac Brighton MA - Mitchell R EVP, Govt (617) 621- mzakin@na
10966 LE STE 17 LOS ANGELCA - Ketaki SooDirector o (310) 443- ketaki@ho
http://www 6525 Belcrest Rd SuitHyattsville MD - Lawrence KCEO (301) 683- lkessner@
4221 Mesa St. Torrance CA - Yoshiko Yo Chief Finan(310) 378- dbctechnol
590 Territorial Drive, BolingbrooIL - Christoph GChief Scient(630) 226- cgrein@siv
www.nanog 91 43rd St., Suite 200Pittsburgh PA - Metin Sitti CEO (412) 600- sitti@nano
www.crearP.O. Box 71 Hanover NH - Robert J KlPresident (603) 643- contracts
www.iceti 916 Pleasant St., UnitNorwood MA - Shantha SaPresident (781) 769- shantha@i
www.craft-6210 Kellers Church Pipersville PA - Brian J Yor Principal S (215) 766- york@craft
www.lithiu107 W North St Ste AHealdsbur CA - ChristopheCEO (415) 713- ccook@lith
www.hyper2629 TownSuite 105 Westlake VCA - Vijaya ShanVice Presi (805) 371- vshankar@
www.craft-6210 Keller's Church Pipersville PA - Brian York Treasurer a(215) 766- york@craft
http://bri 675 Peter Suite 480 CharlottesvVA - Robert LloyCEO (434) 284- bob.lloyd@
www.carbo5094 Victoria Hill Dri Riverside CA - Elena BeyaCEO and Pr(951) 682- bekyarova
http://fla 7490 ClubhSuite 100 Boulder CO - Greg GrudiChief Tech (720) 204- greg@flash
www.nano6201 East O Suite 400 Austin TX - Michael MPresident (512) 389- mmayo@na
www.color1915 Jambo Suite 165 Colorado SCO - Nancy ScallChief Execu(719) 388- nancy.scal
www.solid28309 Avenue CrockeValencia CA - Kent FirestDirector o (512) 821- kent.fres
www.conti34 Lexington Avenue Ewing NJ - Barbara AgDirector, B(609) 538- barbara@c
www.cfdrc215 Wynn Dr., 5th FloHuntsville AL - Deborah PhContracts (256) 726- dap@cfdrc
www.vadio979 Second Street SE,CharlottesvVA - Thomas CrPresident (434) 297- Crowe@VA
www.kcfte336 South Fraser StreState CollePA - Jeremy FraPresident (814) 867- jfrank@kcf
www.resod130 North Suite 600 Butte MT - Lawrence CPresident (406) 497- lcfarrar@r
www.poc. Applied Te1845 WestTorrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
www.islinc10070 Barnes CanyonSan Diego CA 92121 Margaret GVP Contrac(858) 373- mgeller@is
www.ues. 4401 Dayton-Xenia R Dayton OH - Rick WeddlDirector, C(937) 426- rweddle@u
University 270 MiddleStorrs CT 06269 Kamal HadiPresident (860) 486- khadidi@a
omax.com21409-72nd Ave S Kent WA - John CheunCEO (253) 872- john.cheu
www.craft-6210 Keller's Church Pipersville PA - Brian York Treasurer a(215) 766- york@craft
www.ewa-g13873 ParkSuite 500 Herndon VA - Kim ThomaVice Presi (703) 904- kthomas@
www.giner89 Rumford Avenue Newton MA 02466-131Anthony V President (781) 529- avaccaro@
www.stola333 Rio RaSuite 201 Rio RanchoNM - Jerry JonesCEO (575) 445- JLJ@Stolar
www.spori515 Courtney Way SuiLafayette CO - Mike UsreyVP Busine (303) 516- musrey@sp
www.nano6201 East O Suite 400 Austin TX - Michael MPresident (512) 389- mmayo@na
http://ww 22 Cotton Unit H, SuiNashua NH - Axel ReisinCTO (603) 821- areisinge
www.poc. Applied Te1845 WestTorrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
http://www 2501 Earl Rudder Fre College StaTX - G. Hisaw Sr. Contrac(979) 764- renee.his
http://www 2501 Earl Rudder Fre College StaTX - G. Hisaw Sr. Contrac(979) 764- renee.his
www.lunai1 RiversideSuite 400 Roanoke VA - Elizabeth CCO (540) 557- submissio
www.musta 6900 K Ave Plano TX - Ron Neal Contracts (972) 747- rneal@mus
www.tsc.c 962 WayneSuite 800 Silver Spri MD - Brandon Wo Operation (256) 535- brandon.w
www.keyst201 Clark Road Duryea PA - Mark McKiPresident (570) 602- mmcKinnie
www.orbita4415 Eucli Suite 500 Cleveland OH - Joseph SnyVice Presi (216) 649- snyder@orb
www.dignit3504 Lake Lynda DriveOrlando FL - Elizabeth BPresident/(407) 601- eburch@dig
WWW.MET23422 MILL CREEK DRLAGUNA HICA - HUY NGUYPresident (949) 273- huy.nguye
www.i-a-i. 15400 CalhSuite 400 Rockville MD - Mark JameDirector, C(301) 294- mjames@i-
www.rfss-i2345 North Glassell SOrange CA - Diane LangDirector of(714) 974- dlangius@r
www.STRes600 West Cummings PWoburn MA - Melinda WDirector, B(603) 718- Melinda.W
5340 Airport Blvd. Boulder CO - Jeanne HillContracts (303) 449- jhill-jurik@
www.musta 6900 K Ave Plano TX - Ron Neal Contracts (972) 747- rneal@mus
www.sapho130A Knowl Suite A Los Gatos CA - Andrea SinChief Finan(970) 778- a.singewa
www.contr18141 Beach Blvd., SuHuntingtonCA 92648-860Scott GreeCFO/COO (562) 735- sgreen@co
www.redon811 N. Catalina AvenuRedondo BCA - Edgar MenChief Excec(310) 292- emendoza@
http://www 5032 S. Ash Avenue, STempe AZ - John BackuFinance/Co(480) 820- john.backu
www.eastw80 Thirteenth AvenueRonkonko NY - Frank SchieVP (631) 981- franks@eas
www.adval3708 E. Columbia StreTucson AZ - Shibin JianPresident (520) 790- sjiang@ad
www.1-ACTPA Lancaster PA 17601-568Frank MoraAccounting(717) 295- Frank.Mor
http://ww 11829 La Colina Rd. San Diego CA - James ZeidlPresident (858) 705- jrz@adapt
www.adapt5860 Trini Suite 200 CentrevilleVA - Judy BarhorDirector of(703) 968- jbarhorst
www.nuvot7586 Old Peppers FerRadford VA - Scott MelleExecutive V(800) 341- contracts
www.mmcc101 Clematis Avenue,Waltham MA 02453-701Barbara Si VP Finance(781) 893- bsimon@m
www.orions 7545 CentuSuite 403 JacksonvillFL - Ryland Re VP / Opera(904) 394- rylandream
www.ras.c111 Dart Circle Rome NY - Stan Hall Vice Presid(315) 339- shall@ras
www.prome 103 Mansfeld Street Sharon MA - James ByrnPresident (781) 784- jim@prome
http://las 19645 70th Ave. S. Kent WA - Tom NugenPresident (253) 872- tom.nugen
www.iap.c2763 Culver Avenue Dayton OH - John BarbePresident (937) 296- john.barb
1063 Koohoo Place Kailua HI - Ronald SeipPresident (808) 261- ronseiple@
www.ues. 4401 Dayton-Xenia R Dayton OH - Rick WeddlDirector, C(937) 426- rweddle@u
www.techf2155 LouisSuite 4200AlbuquerqNM - Susan HaveSr. Busines(505) 903- shaverlan
http://www 8401 N. NeSuite 324 San AntoniTX - Sally DrapePresident (210) 824- sdraper@q
www.preci410 Sackett Point Ro North Hav CT - John ScanlFinance Ma(203) 287- jscanlon@p
www.trito 200 TURNPIKE ROAD CHELMSFOMA - Bonnie HunContracts (978) 250- contracts@
http://www 2501 Earl Rudder Fre College StaTX - G. Hisaw Sr. Contrac(979) 764- renee.his
www.vadu601 HuttonSTE 109 Raleigh NC - J. Edge Chief Execu(919) 341- gary.edge
1509 Quaker Hollow CBuffalo Gr IL - Matthew CPresident (847) 323- mccaesar@
www.engin340 SENTI 1173 LyonsDAYTON OH - Mohammed Technical D(937) 291- contact@e
http://ww 315 S. AlleSuite 416 State CollePA - Gregory SkHigh-Leve (814) 861- greg.skid
www.aurorMA CambridgeMA 02142-118Scott Hart Financial A(617) 500- shart@auro
www.percso 3527 Beverly Glen BlvSherman OCA - Gershon WPrincipal S (818) 788- gweltman@
5340 Airport Blvd. Boulder CO - Jeanne HillContracts (303) 449- jhill-jurik@
http://www 5032 S. Ash Avenue, STempe AZ - John BackuFinance/Co(480) 820- john.backu
www.light 875 WilsonUnit C Eugene OR - Thomas Mo President (541) 431- twmoss@li
www.plymo 5 Commerce Way Carver MA - Eileen SmitTreasurer (508) 503- esmith@pl
www.ramph 4901 Morena Blvd. SuSan Diego CA - John MarciManaging (585) 771- john.marc
www.diamo 400 Plaza Drive, SuiteVestal NY - David GdovPresident (607) 729- dgdovin@d
www.aeche600 Townse Suite 425 San Franci CA - Chris BlumCOO (831) 461- blumentha
www.ngima 1824 Willow Trail Pa Norcross GA - Andrew HuCEO/CTO (678) 287- ahunt@ngi
www.resod130 North Suite 600 Butte MT - Lawrence FPresident (406) 497- LCFarrar@
www.acta-4086 26th Street Boulder CO - Edward ClaCTO (303) 522- edward.cl
http://www 105 North PO Box 8 North Mo ME - John StankCFO (207) 933- johnst@tex
3077 N. Foxridge Ct. Ann Arbor MI 48105 Mehmet UrChief Tech (734) 730- muras@com
www.delcr3015 Village Office PlChampaignIL - Matthew Mi President (217) 363- mcmiller@
http://www 7925 Romai suite 306 West Holl CA - Inna AbramCEO/CTO (323) 401- contact@i
www.freed90 Arnold Suite D Santa BarbCA - Milan MashPh.D/Gene(805) 277- mashan@fr
www.delcr3015 Village Office PlChampaignIL - Matthew Mi President (217) 363- mcmiller@
www.androBeeches Te7902 TurinRome NY - Thomas BeDirecror o (315) 334- tbenjamin
www.virtu 3055 Plymouth Rd, StAnn Arbor MI - Tayfun OzdPresident (734) 222- tayfun@vi
http://ww 1300 Britt SE AlbuquerqNM - Tom Edmon Director, (505) 767- tom.edmon
www.kcfte336 South Fraser StreState CollePA - Jeremy FraPresident (814) 867- jfrank@kcf
www.trito 200 TURNPIKE ROAD CHELMSFOMA - Bonnie HunContracts (978) 250- contracts@
www.assett11220 ASSSuite 101 Manassas VA - Evan Kohn President (703) 365- evan.kohn@
www.therm 1000 A Pannell StreetColumbia MO - Joe BoswellPresident (415) 264- joe.boswe
www.basco341 Third Street Baton Rou LA - Brian Fix CFO (225) 590- fx@basco
www.signa877 Baltimore Annapol Severna PaMD - Laurence RPresident (410) 431- larry@sign
http://ww 158 Wheatland DrivePembroke VA - Melissa CaCFO (540) 626- mcampbell
www.cra.cMA CambridgeMA 02138-455Mark Felix Contracts (617) 491- mfelix@cr
www.lakotaPO Box 2309 Columbia MD - J. Pence President (410) 381- rob.pence@
www.proge9500 Innovation Driv Manassas VA - Christine SManager of(703) 368- csigety@pr
www.proge9500 Innovation Driv Manassas VA - Christine SManager of(703) 368- csigety@pr
www.dragoPO Box 20 West End oEssington PA - Gregory PiaDirector o (610) 521- gregorypia
www.Robot555 QuinceSuite 300 GaithersbuMD - Alberto LacPresident (240) 631- lacaze@rob
www.mains200 YellowPines IndusRockledge FL - Michael RizCFO (321) 631- mar@mains
www.aos-i6767 Old MSuite 410 Huntsville AL - Keith Farr President (256) 971- contracts@
www.bridg2310 University Way, Bozeman MT - Sandra ReiFinance M(406) 585- sandy@bri
www.3phoe 14585 Avi Suite 200 Chantilly VA - Linda LeonDirector of(703) 956- linda.leon
5 Militia Drive Lexington MA - Maureen BContracts (781) 862- booth@oas
www.sonal215 ParkwaP.O. Box 2 Waterford CT - Denise GruContracting(860) 326- dgrudier@
www.adapt5860 Trini Suite 200 CentrevilleVA - Judy Barhor Director of(703) 968- jbarhorst
www.signa877 Baltimore Annapol Severna PaMD - Laurence RPresident (410) 431- larry@sign
www.ariaco1222 4th Street SW WashingtoDC 20024-230Jason SumManaging (202) 629- jason.e.su
15 Ward Street SomervilleMA - JONAH JACPRESIDENT(617) 547- JJACOB@S
http://wwwMA Andover MA 01810-107B. Green President (978) 689- green@psi
www.adate8100 ShaffSuite #130Littleton CO - James BudiPresident (303) 792- jim.budim
http://wwwP.O. Box 1010 Great FallsVA - Ted Frison President (703) 759- ted@chaot
www.wagn559 West Suite 140 Exton PA - W. MonachVice Presi (757) 727- GovtMktg@
www.adapt5860 Trini Suite 200 CentrevilleVA - Judy Barhor Director of(703) 968- jbarhorst
www.cra.cMA CambridgeMA 02138-455Mark Felix Contracts (617) 491- mfelix@cr
www.design1221 E. Broadway, SuOviedo FL - John StannExecutive V(407) 706- john@desig
www.adapt5860 Trini Suite 200 CentrevilleVA - Judy Barhor Director of(703) 968- jbarhorst
www.empho 51 East MaSuite 203 Newark DE - Eric KelmelCEO (302) 456- kelmelis@
www.novat7 A St Belmont MA - Jason TargoPrincipal (617) 440- jtargoff@n
http://ww 13135 Lee Jackson HiFairfax VA - Scott BierlyPresident (571) 308- scott.bier
990 Park Center DriveVista CA - Charles KuzPresident (760) 652- ckuznia@u
www.poc. Products a1845 WestTorrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
www.tri-au9063 Bee Caves RoadAustin TX - Monte FellContracts (512) 263- mfellingha
www.innos2900 South Main StreSalt Lake CUT - Larry SadwCTO (801) 975- sadwick@i
www. micr1104 Summ Suite 110 Plano TX - David WallVice Presi (972) 578- david.wal
www.rhenP.O. Box 2 38683 TaylNorth Ridge OH - Michael PrPresident/(440) 309- michael.p
www.stella6565 Americas Parkwa AlbuquerqNM 87110 Conrad Po Owner (877) 763- cpdodsbirn
www.toyon6800 Cortona Drive Goleta CA - Marcella L Director of(805) 968- mlindbery
www.proge9500 Innovation Driv Manassas VA - Christine SManager of(703) 368- csigety@pr
http://ww MA Lexington MA 02421-310Renee WonContracting(781) 879- wong.rene
www.crearP.O. Box 71 Hanover NH - Robert Kli President (603) 643- contracts
www.sedna10611 Balls Ford Rd., Manassas VA - Vince FerraProgram M(703) 530- vferraro@s
www.fdeli1500 Kansas Avenue Longmont CO - Joseph CarPresident (303) 678- joe.carey@
www.metam 480 Nepons12B Canton MA 02021 Elaine TrudPresident (781) 562- etrudell@
www.qorte1965 Lycom Suite 205 WilliamspoPA - Cathy BrooChief Finan(570) 322- cbrooke@q
www.proge9500 Innovation Driv Manassas VA - Christine SManager of(703) 368- csigety@pr
www.ocean Oceanit Ce828 Fort StHonolulu HI - Ken CheunScience&T(808) 531- kcheung@o
http://wwwTX College StaTX 77845-602G. Hisaw Sr. Contrac(979) 764- renee.his
www.tri-au9063 Bee Caves RoadAustin TX - Monte FellContracts (512) 263- mfellingha
www.acree1980 OliveSuite D Concord CA - Ann MulvillOffice Man(925) 798- mulville@
www.lunai1 RiversideSuite 400 Roanoke VA - Shirley EvaSr. Contrac(540) 961- submissio
www.adapt5860 Trinity Parkway CentrevilleVA 20120 Judy Barhor Director of(703) 968- jbarhorst
http://www1410 Sach Suite 202 CharlottesvVA - Connie HooGeneral M(434) 973- barron@ba
http://www30 Upton Drive WilmingtoMA - Damon PenChief Finan(978) 988- damon@ter
www.advre82 Boston Post Rd. Waterford CT - John LehetOwner / Pr(860) 437- lehet_j@a
WWW.DAI1070 E. 233RD STREECARSON CA - Kelvin TubbVice Presid(310) 507- ktubbs@da
www.poc. Products a1845 WestTorrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
www.divte35 Wiggins Ave. Bedford MA - Michael K VP Marketi(781) 275- kempkes@d
www.metsc1818 LibrarSuite 600 Reston VA - Eric GeorgeCFO (703) 326- egeorge@m
www.avent2840 North Universit Coral SprinFL - Kaustubh KFounder, (954) 331- kaustubh@
www.proge9500 Innovation Driv Manassas VA - Christine SManager of(703) 368- csigety@pr
www.softro1080 East Post Road, Marion IA - Robert StePresident (319) 447- bobs@softr
http://ww 13135 Lee Jackson HiFairfax VA - Scott BierlyPresident (571) 308- scott.bier
www.ras.c111 Dart Circle Rome NY - Stan Hall Vice Presid(315) 339- shall@ras
www.vadu601 HuttonSTE 109 Raleigh NC - J. Edge Cheif Execu(919) 341- gary.edge
www.aurorMA CambridgeMA 02142-118Scott Hart Financial A(617) 500- shart@auro
www.nextg2780 SkypaSuite 400 Torrance CA - Zoltan FeheManager, C(310) 626- zfeher@ne
www.Robot555 QuinceSuite 300 GaithersbuMD - Alberto LacPresident (240) 631- lacaze@rob
30487 Peterson RoadCorvallis OR - Michael PlaChief Execu(541) 929- plackmj@p
www.hstar625 Mount Auburn StCambridgeMA - John Hu President (617) 229- jjh@hstart
www.toyon6800 Cortona Drive Goleta CA - Marcella L Director of(805) 968- mlindbery
28045 Ranney ParkwWestlake OH - Brian BarryGeneral M(216) 251- bbarry@at
www.sienn19501 144Suite F-50 WoodinvillWA - Canan SavrVice Presi (425) 485- c.savrun@
www.atin 8261 Elmwood Dr Skokie IL - Sankar SamPresident (847) 287- sankar@at
www.gtlco2212 Harton Blvd TullahomaTN - Paul GloyerPresident (931) 455- paul.gloy
www.adate8100 ShaffSuite #130Littleton CO - James BudiPresident (303) 792- jim.budim
www.lunai1 RiversideSuite 400 Roanoke VA - Elizabeth CSenior Con(540) 557- submissio
www.eospa8711 148th Ave NE Redmond WA - Chung-PingVP, Busine (425) 869- cpchien@e
www.mldev 6457 Howard Street Niles IL - David McCa Vice Presi (847) 588- dmccallum
11080 Industrial Circ Elk River MN - Gary PozarSenior Scie(651) 485- poz0001@a
www.poc. Applied Te1845 WestTorrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
www.broad2545 W. 237th Street,Torrance CA - Freddie LinActing CEO(310) 530- droussell
www.merc7960 S. Kolb Rd. Tucson AZ - James WithC.E.O. (520) 574- jcwithers
www.erc-l 23342 SoutSuite E Lagunal HilCA 92653-142ChristopheVice Presi (949) 583- brown@erc
www.crearP.O. Box 71 Hanover NH - Robert Kli President (603) 643- contracts
www.verap43967 Rosemere Dr Fremont CA - An-Dien N CEO (408) 802- a.d.nguye
www.trito 200 TURNPIKE ROAD CHELMSFOMA - Bonnie HunContracts (978) 250- contracts@
www.poc. Products a1845 WestTorrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
www.sbmic9175 Guilford Rd, SuiColumbia MD - Brian Jami President (240) 456- brianj@sbm
www.spect4 Fourth Avenue BurlingtonMA - Robert SunPresident (781) 273- rob@spect
www.alpha510 Philadelphia PikeWilmingtoDE - Xin Zhang Director o (302) 468- xin@alpha
www.picom 2925 Boardwalk Ann Arbor MI - Robin RisseCOO (734) 864- rrisser@pi
www.trito 200 TURNPIKE ROAD CHELMSFOMA - Bonnie HunContracts (978) 250- contracts@
7847 Riverside Dr Richmond VA - Ron Roskow President (804) 909- ron@turna
www.vega 1275 WestSuite 104 West ChicaIL - Alan Sugg President (630) 562- arsugg@ve
www.powde OH Euclid OH 44117-124Andrew ShPresident (216) 404- ajsherman
www.piase519 West SP.O. Box 3 Essington PA - John PiasecPresident (610) 521- piasecki_j
www.i-a-i. 15400 CalhSuite 400 Rockville MD - Mark JameDirector, C(301) 294- mjames@i-
www.adapt2020 Kraft Suite 3040BlacksburgVA - Jonathan HPresident (540) 951- jon@adapt
www.crearP.O. Box 71 Hanover NH - Robert Kli President (603) 643- contracts
www.spec 7050 Burleson Road Austin TX 78744 Adrian StecDirector of(512) 479- astechnij
3737 AtwellSuite 208 Dallas TX - Sidney TheiPresident (214) 353- sidtheis@r
www.India1281 Win Hentschel BWest LafayIN - Eric HoppePresident (765) 237- eric@indi
www.freed90 Arnold Suite D Santa BarbCA - Daniel RenPh.D./V.P. (805) 277- drenner@f
www.david58A South Street MorristowNJ - John MariaExec Vice (973) 229- jmariano@
http://www 2040 Tremont Rd CharlottesvVA - Jack David President (434) 242- jwd@zephy
www.soart3600 GreenSuite 600 Ann Arbor MI - Andrew DalVice Presi (734) 887- contracts
www.launc5735 Hollister Ave, SuGoleta CA - Vicki YoungSenior Acc(805) 683- grants@la
www.seala1510 Springport Rd SuJackson MI - David SparPresident (517) 784- dsparks@s
5535 Fern Dr. San Jose CA - Charles PoPrincipal (408) 723- capcap@ao
www.atinc8737 Colesville Rd, L Silver Spri MD - Carl PompeExecutive V(301) 495- cpompei@a
www.sonal215 ParkwaP.O. Box 2 Waterford CT - ChristopheContracting(860) 326- ccote@son
51 East MaSuite 201 Newark DE - Eric KelmelCEO (302) 456- kelmelis@p
http://mza2021 GirardSuite 150 AlbuquerqNM - Robert PraPresident (505) 245- robert.pr
www.percso 3527 Beverly Glen BlvSherman OCA - Amos FreePresident (818) 788- afreedy@p
3492 Kayla Circle Oviedo FL - Phillip Ma Principal S (321) 262- phillip.ma
www.cra.cMA CambridgeMA 02138-455Mark S FeliContracts (617) 491- mfelix@cr
www.hill-e3035 Prospect Park DrRancho CoCA - Adrian T DManaging (916) 635- atdewald@h
3252 Holiday Court S La Jolla CA - David SchulVice Presi (858) 638- davsch1_2
www.sapho130A Knowl Suite A Los Gatos CA - Andrea SinChief Finan(970) 778- a.singewa
http://ww MA Lexington MA 02421-310Renee WonContracting(781) 879- wong.rene
www.fsheTwo Clock Suite 400 Maynard MA - Ted Selig Director& (978) 394- ted.selig@
3 Nami Lane Unit C-9Hamilton NJ 08619 Therese UlrMarketing (609) 584- ulrich@lin
www.bridg37 Loring Drive FraminghaMA - Darpan GoTreasurer (617) 947- dgokharu@
www.teamq 99 East River Drive East HartoCT - Marta OlenFinance M(860) 761- marta@tea
www.liuma3773 Viceroy Dr. Okemos MI - Lihsin Liu operating (517) 353- liu@egr.m
www.atinc8737 Colesville Rd, L Silver Spri MD - Carl PompeExecutive V(301) 495- cpompei@a
www.pereg1051 Serpentine LanePleasantonCA - Robert E HPresident (925) 461- rhardesty
http://www MA Andover MA 01810-107B. D GreenPresident (978) 689- green@psi
www.onyxoCA Dublin CA 94568-279Stephanie Chief Execu(925) 833- skmeissne
www.Robot555 QuinceSuite 300 GaithersbuMD - Alberto LacPresident (240) 631- lacaze@rob
www.trexen 10455 Pacifc Center San Diego CA 92121-433Deborah Do VP&Directo(858) 646- ddoyle@tre
www.trito 200 TURNPIKE ROAD CHELMSFOMA 01824 Bonnie HunContracts (978) 250- contracts@
www.poc. Applied Te1845 WestTorrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
www.safce36 South Chester AvePasadena CA 91106-310Calum ChisCEO (626) 795- calum.chis
www.vsqua285 Clarendon StreetBoston MA 02116 Frederick Chief Execu(617) 867- fredehrsa
aptima.co 12 Gill Str Suite 1400Woburn MA - Thomas J Chief Finan(781) 496- mckenna@
http://www 260 Cedar Hill Street MarlborouMA - Christoph CFO (508) 804- chemme@xt
419 Lafayette Street New York NY - Thomas JaCEO (718) 484- thomas.l.
http://www 51 East Main Street, Newark DE - Ahmed ShaCTO (302) 456- sharkawy@
http://ww MA WatertownMA 02472-469Joanne GlaVice Presid(617) 668- JGladston
124 Crescent Rd Needham MA - Robert Bis President (617) 519- eyedeal@be
www.contro PO Box 1547 Sahuarita AZ 85629 Daniel Cra President (208) 523- dcrawford@
www.nuvot7586 Old Peppers FerRadford VA - Scott MelleExecutive V(800) 341- contracts
2310 UniveBuilding 4-Bozeman MT - Heather RoOperation (406) 922- roedel@s2
http://ww 1709 Alpine Ave. Boulder CO - Jessica BurOperation (360) 312- jjburns@a
www.lamscP.O. Box 238 Wayne PA - Joeseph TetPresident (610) 581- jgteti@lam
www.nlightWA VancouverWA 98665-099Huimin HuSenior Sta (360) 566- huimin.hua
22B Stacy Rd Santa Fe NM 87505-145Hillary RiggAdministra(505) 955- hillary.ri
www.radia350 Wynn Drive Huntsville AL - Denise PelSr. Contrac(256) 489- dpelham@r
www.cytos7 Deer Park Drive, SuiMonmouthNJ 08852 Humayra AlSenior Bus(732) 329- humayraa@
www.keranRichard Dean Research Winston-S NC 27101-307Kim WestmManaging D (336) 725- kim.westm
www.percso 3527 Beverly Glen BlvSherman OCA 91423 Gershon WVice Presi (818) 788- gweltman@
www.sdcom 9550 Ridgehaven Ct San Diego CA - Robert KoloPresident (858) 751- rkolozs@s
www.scite100 Wall Street Princeton NJ - James LisoCEO (609) 921- jjl@scitec
www.kbsi. 1408 University DriveCollege StaTX - Donielle MBusiness O(979) 260- dmayer@kb
www.asate12H Mauchly Irvine CA - Debra HadlDir. of Adm(949) 733- dhadley@a
http://mza2021 GirardSuite 150 AlbuquerqNM - Robert PraPresident (505) 245- robert.pr
www.cra.cMA CambridgeMA 02138-455Mark Felix Contracts (617) 491- mfelix@cr
www.in-de11350 Rand Suite 110 Fairfax VA - Howard ReiSr. Vice Pr (703) 592- howard.re
www.poc. Products a1845 WestTorrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
http://ww 317 West Forsyth St. JacksonvillFL - Karen PicarContract A(904) 475- kpicard@a
www.tdi-e 1210 Oakbrook DriveOrtonville MI 48462 VERN E E PRESIDENT(248) 625- vbrooks@t
www.iristeCA Irvine CA 92616-583Edward J OCEO (949) 975- ejorourke@
solidstates27-2 Wright Road Hollis NH - Linda Bouth Contract A(603) 598- linda@solid
mlpc.com P.O. Box 223 MiamisburOH - Larry DossePresident (937) 865- larrydoss
www.crearP.O. Box 71 Hanover NH - James J BarPresident (603) 643- contracts
www.qmpoMO Kansas Cit MO 64110-172Bob MarinoSenior Bus(603) 380- rmarino@
www.broad2545 W. 237th Street,Torrance CA - Freddie LinActing CEO(310) 530- droussell
P.O. Box 100 Ithaca NY 14850 Noe SalazaPresident (512) 656- nsalazar@
www.cra.cMA CambridgeMA 02138-455Mark S FeliContracts (617) 491- mfelix@cr
www.asinc3650 Brookside ParkwAlpharettaGA 30022 Kelly McBrCFO (678) 641- kmcbride@
www.design 1221 E. Broadway, SuOviedo FL - John StannSr. VP- Fin (407) 706- john@desig
http://www 1410 Sach Suite 202 CharlottesvVA - Connie R HGeneral M(434) 973- barron@ba
www.sdcom 9550 Ridgehaven Ct San Diego CA - Robert KoloPresident (858) 751- rkolozs@s
www.preci410 Sackett Point Ro North Hav CT - John ScanlFinance Ma(203) 287- jscanlon@p
http://www MA Andover MA 01810-107B. Green President (978) 689- green@psi
www.kyma8829 Midway West RRaleigh NC - Heather SpChief Opera (919) 789- contracts
www.plasmAL Huntsville AL 35811-155Timothy MPresident (256) 851- timmck@pl
www.scien145 Graha A217 ASTeLexington KY - Jyoti AgrawCEO (703) 880- jyoti.agra
www.mate31304 Via Colinas, SuWestlake VCA 91362 Michael BaiCFO (818) 991- michael@m
www.crearP.O. Box 71 Hanover NH - Robert Kli President (603) 643- contracts
www.aurorMA CambridgeMA 02142-118Scott Hart Financial A(617) 500- shart@auro
www.oewa465 N. HalsSuite 140 Pasadena CA - Debra ColeVice Presi (626) 351- debra.col
www.ramph 4901 Morena Blvd. SuSan Diego CA - John MarciManaging (585) 771- john.marc
112 Ellsworth Pl Chapel HillNC - Darin H Dav President (919) 539- darind@mi
www.paner4125 LafaySte 200 Chantilly VA - Yakup BayrCEO&Chief(614) 599- yakup.bay
www.silic 5918 WestSuite 330 Austin TX - Jon Gwin Vice Presi (512) 347- jgwin@sili
www.apei.535 W. Research CentFayettevill AR - Sharmila Business O(479) 443- smounce@a
www.objec11600 Sunrise Valley Reston VA 20191 Paul BreweVP, New Te(703) 725- pbrewer@o
1643 Hemlock Wy BroomfeldCO - Christoph Owner (303) 469- cbowman@
www.ascen12300 Grant Street Thornton CO - Deb Koll Comptrolle(720) 872- dkoll@asce
www.survi4695 Millennium DrivBelcamp MD - Jeff Foulk President/(410) 273- jeff.foulk
http://wwwTX College StaTX 77845-602G. R HisawSr. Contrac(979) 764- renee.his
58 Linwood road Fort WaltoFL - Andrey SolPresident (740) 541- soloviev@
www.voxtel15985 NWSuite 200 Beaverton OR - George M W President (971) 223- georgew@v
www.crossf9390 ReseaSuite I200 Austin TX - Dennis FerMember of(512) 795- dennis.fer
www.percso3527 Beverly Glen BlvSherman OCA - Amos FreePresident (818) 259- afreedy@p
www.inferl2361 Rosecrans Avenu El SegundoCA - Steven MinPresident (310) 383- sminton@in
http://wwwSuite 400 1001 BroadUtica NY 13501-150David SchrPresident (315) 793- Dave.Schro
www.poc. Integrated 1845 WestTorrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
maverickc 11379 Grooms Road Blue Ash OH 45242-140Eric CollinsCEO (513) 469- ecollins@m
www.machi 2 York Road Belmont MA 02478 Subrata DaPresident (617) 797- sjskdas@g
www.cfdrc215 Wynn Dr., 5th FloHuntsville AL - Deborah PhContracts (256) 726- dap@cfdrc
www.cra.cMA CambridgeMA 02138-455Mark S FeliContracts (617) 491- mfelix@cr
www.quasa5764 PacifSuite 107 San Diego CA - Tracey E B Director o (858) 412- tracey@qu
www.virtu 3055 Plymouth Rd, StAnn Arbor MI - Tayfun OzdPresident (734) 222- tayfun@vi
www.mains200 Yellow Place PineRockledge FL 32955-532Michael RizCFO (321) 631- mar@mains
www.kestr3815 Osuna Road NE AlbuquerqNM - Eugene W PBresident (505) 345- gbutler@ke
www.mayf20 Burlington Mall R BurlingtonMA - Bruce C WaController (781) 359- warwick@m
www.silvus10990 WilsSuite 1500Los AngeleCA - Phillip DunCOO (310) 479- phillip@si
www.maxen 2071 Lemoine AvenueFort Lee NJ - Houman Gh Director (858) 272- houman@m
www.innos2900 South Main StreSalt Lake CUT - Jennifer H CEO/Presid(801) 975- hwu@innos
www.mcqi1551 Forbes St. Fredericks VA - Keith ArmsChief Opera (540) 373- karmstron
www.condu 357 West 910 South Heber CityUT - Nathan HaPresident (435) 654- ndhansen@
www.hill-e3035 Prospect Park DrRancho CoCA - Adrian T DManaging (916) 635- atdewald@h
http://ww 2711 Lance Drive Moraine OH 45409 Jason E E LVice Presi (937) 298- jason.linc
www.aerom 2631 Manhattan BeacRedondo BCA - Robert F HiManager (310) 804- rhicks@ae
3301 Pinegrove PlaceChampaignIL - Komal A MManaging D (217) 721- masudkom
www.scient555 Sparkm Suite 214 Huntsville AL - Gary L GranVice Presid(256) 319- gary.grant
1301 Beal Ave Ann Arbor MI - Michael HeOwner (703) 629- mike.henry
www.nu-tr16955 Via Suite 250 San Diego CA - Teresa FlynContract A(858) 487- teresa.fly
www.licke 4041 Forest Park Ave.St. Louis MO - Maria HolmChief Finan(314) 615- maria.hol
www.aurorMA CambridgeMA 02142-118Diana EichfContracts (703) 396- deichfeld@
www.ultra12173 Montague StrePacoima CA 91331-221Craig WardEngineerin(818) 899- craig.war
www.harm2020 Kraft Drive, Sui BlacksburgVA - Pallabi SabCEO (540) 951- psaboo@h
300 George Street, StNew Have CT 06511 Martin MatManaging D (203) 494- mmattessi
270 WalkerSuite 207EState CollePA 16801-709Timothy HuPresident (814) 234- thurley@d
www.toyon6800 Cortona Drive Goleta CA - Marcella RDirector of(805) 968- mlindbery
www.opci.26610 Agoura Road SCalabasas CA 91302-385Gail Erten Director o (818) 880- gerten@op
www.hypre175 Clearbrook Road Elmsford NY 10523-110Steve DamAssistant C(914) 592- sdamon@h
www.cra.cMA CambridgeMA 02138-455Mark Felix Contracts (617) 491- mfelix@cr
http://ww 709 South Harbor CityMelbourneFL - Peter DysoCEO (321) 473- pdyson@mo
www.crearP.O. Box 71 Hanover NH - Robert Kli President (603) 643- contracts
www.iristePO Box 5838 Irvine CA - Edward O'RCEO (949) 975- ejorourke@
www.numer 4850 HahnsSuite 200 Loveland CO - Jeff Poore President (970) 461- jeff.poore
1430 N. 6th Ave. Tucson AZ - James FounBusiness (520) 250- fountain@t
www.eospa8711 148th Ave NE Redmond WA - Chung-PingVP, Busine (425) 869- cpchien@e
www.photo900 MiddleBuilding #5Billerica MA - Charles CoPresident (978) 670- eackerman
www.acume 20 Southwest Park WestwoodMA - Douglas ScDirector (781) 461- dougschmi
www.CRGrOH Dayton OH 45440-363Stephen ViVice Presi (937) 320- viningsd@c
www.proge9500 Innovation Driv Manassas VA - Christine SManager of(703) 368- csigety@pr
www.merc7960 S. Kolb Rd. Tucson AZ - Raouf LoutPresident (520) 574- rlouty@m
www.m-r-d300 E. Swedesford RdWayne PA - Kent BueskDirector (610) 964- buesking@
www.lunai1 RiversideSuite 400 Roanoke VA - Shirley EvaSr. Contrac(540) 961- submissio
1105 Hauck Dr. Rolla MO - Hai Xiao President (573) 281- hishall@y
www.trans1900 South Susan St Santa Ana CA - Corre LarkiPresident (714) 597- clarkin@tr
1430 N. 6th Ave. Tucson AZ - James FounBusiness (520) 250- fountain@t
www.qpeaMA Bedford MA 01730-230B. Green President (978) 689- green@qp
www.satec3750 PalladBuilding 6 Marietta GA - Ronda ButlContracts (770) 790- ronda.butl
http://www 30 Upton Drive WilmingtoMA - Damon PenChief Finan(978) 988- damon@ter
www.21ct.6011 WestBldg 5, Sui Austin TX - Thayne CoChief Scie (512) 682- SBIR_Admi
www.tempe Suite 506 8939 SouthLos AngeleCA - Ben G FitzpPresident (310) 216- ftzpatric
www.therm 1000 A Pannell StreetColumbia MO - Joe BoswellPresident (888) 415- joe.boswe
www.asate23 Mauchly Suite 10 Irvine CA 92618-233Debra HadlDir. of Adm(949) 733- dhadley@a
www.scite100 Wall Street Princeton NJ - James J LisCEO (609) 921- jjl@scitec
www.poc. Photonic S1845 W. 20Torrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
frstrf.com 5340 Airport Blvd. Boulder CO - Jeanne HillContracts (303) 449- jhill-jurik@
www.radan255 Hudson Road Stow MA - Jean-ClaudPresident/(978) 562- jsureau@ra
www.aegis410 Jan Davis Drive Huntsville AL - Georgina Business D(256) 922- gchapman@
www.nwraP.O. Box 3027 Bellevue WA - Beate LiepeNWRA Man(425) 556- contracts
5939 Wood Drive Oakland CA - Raymond CProprietor (510) 420- raymond_c
www.visto 5 Mountainview Driv FraminghaMA - Mitch KokaPresident (508) 277- mkokar@vi
www.share1593 SprinSuite 700 Vienna VA - Mark McHePresident (703) 462- mmchenry
www.fttin 1701 MilitaSuite 110 Jupiter FL - Lloyd MazeDirector of(561) 427- LMazer@ft
www.hyper2629 TownSuite 105 Westlake VCA - Vijaya ShanVice-Presi (805) 371- vshankar@
www.mide200 Boston Avenue SuMedford MA - Attila LengChief Opera(781) 306- alengyel@
www.illino1800 SouthP. O. Box 3 ChampaignIL - William A DPresident (217) 417- wdick@illi
www.nextg2780 SkypaSuite 400 Torrance CA - Zoltan FeheManager, C(310) 626- zfeher@ne
www.CRGrOH Dayton OH 45440-363Stephen D Vice Presi (937) 320- viningsd@c
www.other3101 20th St San Franci CA - Charlie DuOffice Man(808) 782- charlie@ot
www.materi 135 Rock Road Horsham PA - Thomas Cas President (215) 542- cassin@mat
895 Maplewood Dr. NCoralville IA - Pablo CarriPresident, (319) 541- pablo-carr
www.cmsof566 Glenbrook Drive Palo Alto CA 94306 Francoise FPresident (650) 898- ffarhat@cm
www.techn11180 Reed HartmanCincinnati OH - Adel Chema President (513) 985- adel.chem
www.vishw32 Orvis R 27-417648Arlington MA - Bhargav GajPresident (321) 276- info@vishw
www.spect4 Fourth Avenue BurlingtonMA - Robert SunPresident (781) 273- rob@spect
www.sante2924 Malmo Drive Arlington IL - Jaswinder President&P (847) 215- j-sandhu@
www.asate12H Mauchly Irvine CA - Debra HadlDirector o (949) 733- dhadley@a
www.craft-6210 Kellers Church Pipersville PA 18947-102Brian York Treasurer&P (215) 766- york@craft
1801 Maple Avenue Evanston IL - Manijeh RaPresident (847) 491- mpt1pnc6
www.quant3 Innovati Suite 100 Newark DE - Frank AbboVP of Fina (302) 894- fta@quant
www.edapt1245 LYONSTE G Dayton OH 00000- Praveen ChCEO/CTO (937) 281- p.chawla@
www.utron9441 Innovation Driv Manassas VA - Ali L Khan Contract Sp(703) 369- alik@utron
25 Health Sciences DrStony BrooNY - Laura SielofFinance M(631) 632- laura@pow
72 WATER WAY BARRINGTRI - JOSEPH L President (401) 245- mundy@le
www.aptim12 Gill Street Woburn MA 01801 Thomas McChief Finan(781) 496- mckenna@
aptima.co 12 Gill Str Suite 1400Woburn MA - Thomas J Chief Finan(781) 496- mckenna@
www.tplin 3921 Academy Parkwa AlbuquerqNM - Rodney KreContracts (505) 342- rkreutzian
www.spect5100 Spring Suite 301 Dayton OH - Sivaram GoPresident (937) 266- contact@sp
www.appl 1622 Route 12, Box 6Gales Ferr CT - William J President (860) 464- wjbrownin
www.inferl2361 Rosecrans Avenu El SegundoCA - Steven MinPresident (310) 383- sminton@in
http://ww 12345 West 52nd Av Wheat RidCO - John D WriChief Tech (303) 940- jdwright@
6600 Roswe Suite K-2 Sandy SpriGA - Mark SpivaMember&He (404) 236- markcpt@a
www.ik9.cPO Box 213 Columbus GA - Tim DunnigPresident/(706) 566- tim@ik9.c
http://ww 1300 Britt SE AlbuquerqNM - Tom Edmon Dir., Contr (505) 767- tom.edmon
www.appli2008 Eastpark Blvd Cranbury NJ - Dennis TishVice Presi (908) 753- denis.tish
www.adapt6917 Innovation BlvdFort Wayn IN - Tom Skillic Vice Presi (260) 489- tomski@ad
www.Electr78 N. MainPO 1700 Moab UT - Fred StoneBusiness (435) 259- Fred.Stone
www.teamd 4750 W. Bancroft St., Toledo OH - Derek DilleCFO (419) 536- ddiller@t
P.O. Box 100 Ithaca NY - Matt SalazaPresident (607) 272- msalazar@
www.accacOne Tech P2113 WellsAustin TX - Eula SequeiPresident (512) 782- eula@acca
www.gram531 Esty Street Ithaca NY - Derek BurrGeneral Co(607) 273- dburrows
www.secur1050 W NASuite 155 MelbourneFL - Lynn LehmCEO (919) 244- contracts@
www.crearP.O. Box 71 Hanover NH - Robert Kli President (603) 643- contracts
http://wwwMA Andover MA 01810-107B. Green President (978) 689- green@psi
http://wwwTX College StaTX 77845-602G. Hisaw Sr. Contrac(979) 764- renee.his
http://www20452 Scioto Terrace Ashburn VA - Khurram Ha Member (703) 509- kshafque
www.Robot555 QuinceSuite 300 GaithersbuMD - Alberto LacPresident (240) 631- lacaze@rob
http://wwwMA Andover MA 01810-107B. Green President (978) 689- green@psi
www.crearP.O. Box 71 Hanover NH - Robert Kli President (603) 643- contracts
www.nano6201 East O Suite 400 Austin TX - Michael MPresident (512) 389- mmayo@na
www.coldq1600 RangeSuite 103 Boulder CO - Rainer KunPresident (303) 440- Rainer.Ku
www.vesce4865 E. 41st Ave Denver CO - Scott Romm VP Operati(303) 296- rommel@ve
www.twinl848 Alexander Road Princeton NJ - Elizabeth FPresident (609) 759- foley@twin
www.stott 1670 SouthSuite 310 San MateoCA - Carolyn MaContracts (650) 931- maxwell@s
aptima.co 12 Gill Str Suite 1400Woburn MA - Thomas McChief Finan(781) 496- mckenna@
www.pacif9180 Brown Deer Ro San Diego CA - James Call President (858) 535- jrcallan@p
www.power 11825 Mayfeld StreeLivonia MI - Jim Diroff Director (734) 853- jim.diroff
www.kazakP.0. Box 1944 Indian GeorgetowME - Michael MPresident (207) 371- mmcaleena
www.miti. 1037 Watervliet-ShakAlbany NY - Melissa HeCFO (518) 862- mheshmat@
www.qpeaMA Bedford MA 01730-230B. Green President (978) 689- green@qp
www.soart3600 GreenSuite 600 Ann Arbor MI - Andrew DalVice Presi (734) 887- contracts
http://ww 709 South Harbor CityMelbourneFL - Peter DysoCEO (321) 473- pdyson@mo
www.adapt5860 Trini Suite 200 CentrevilleVA - Judy BarhorDirector of(703) 968- jbarhorst
www.nano6201 East O Suite 400 Austin TX - Michael MPresident (512) 389- mmayo@na
http://ww Newport Pa5001 BirchCosta MesCA - Robert BagCFO and M(949) 294- bagby@lu
15 Amherst Road Belmont MA - Natalia PalSecretary (617) 304- cambridge
oasislex.c 5 Militia Drive Lexington MA - Maureen BContracts (781) 862- booth@oas
www.cogni8445 Camin Suite 205 San Diego CA - Michael El CEO (619) 302- elconin@co
www.vivon303 Bear Hill Road Waltham MA - Michael JeContracts (781) 373- mjean@viv
www.teami4750 W. Bancroft Toledo OH - Marilyn KaAccounting(419) 536- mkasee@te
www.mc1019 Camp Street CambridgeMA - Barry Ives Director A (571) 205- bives@mc1
11531 Swains Lock TePotomac MD - Tejbir PhooPresident (301) 651- Tejbirsing
optra.com MA Topsfeld MA 01983-123James EngePresident (978) 887- jengel@op
www.ocean Oceanit Ce828 Fort StHonolulu HI - Ken CheunScience&T(808) 531- kcheung@o
www.ues. 4401 Dayton-Xenia R Dayton OH - Mr.Rick WeDirector, C(937) 426- rweddle@u
http://www 1410 Sach Suite 202 CharlottesvVA - Connie R HGeneral M(434) 973- barron@ba
www.depen 2120 North Pantops DCharlottesvVA - John C KnigManager (434) 563- john.knig
www.lunai1 RiversideSuite 400 Roanoke VA - Shirley D ESr. Contrac(540) 961- submissio
www.prime1116 South Main StreBlacksburgVA - Steve Pola President (540) 315- steve.pol
www.crearP.O. Box 71 Hanover NH - Robert Kli President (603) 643- contracts
www.cfdrc215 Wynn Dr., 5th FloHuntsville AL - Deb PhippsContracts (256) 726- dap@cfdrc
www.bostoMA Woburn MA 01801-172Y. K Zou President (781) 935- kzou@bost
4451 Lynnfeld Way Reno NV - Faramarz GPresident (775) 826- f.gordani
www.multis 280 Park Ave South ANew York NY 10010 Jacob Fish President (518) 496- jf@multisca
www.orbitSpace Center, 1212 FoMadison WI 53717 Eric Rice CEO (608) 229- knaufs@or
www.jstrat2255 RidgeSuite 302DRockwall TX - Jeanette StOperations(214) 718- js@jstdefe
www.nextg2780 SkypaSuite 400 Torrance CA - Zoltan FeheManager, C(310) 626- zfeher@ne
1644 Clay Drive Los Altos CA - David NixoManaging P(650) 964- davidnixon
www.cfdrc215 Wynn Dr., 5th FloHuntsville AL - Deborah PhContracts (256) 726- dap@cfdrc
www.ata-e11995 El CSuite 200 San Diego CA - Ronan CunDirector, (858) 429- ronan.cun
4020 Long Beach Blv Long Beac CA - Kevin RougVice Presid(562) 981- kroughen@
www.i-a-i. 15400 CalhSuite 400 Rockville MD - Mark JameDirector, C(301) 294- mjames@i-
www.prana1101 Colorado AvenuSanta MonCA 90401-300Francis McVP, Financ (310) 458- fxmcguire@
387 Technology Dr, # College Pa MD 20742 Martin PecChief Tech (301) 405- martin.pec
www.d-2in19 Commerce Park R Pocasset MA - Alan FougePresident (508) 329- afougere@
4465 W 59PO Box 22 Bear River UT - Lee H PearPresident (435) 279- BEInnov@f
www.coolc7101 Poplar Avenue Takoma PaMD 20912 Neil Golds President (301) 405- neil.golds
www.ultim233 Swallowtail courtBrisbane CA 94005 Salah KhodTechnology(858) 663- khodja@ul
www.mide200 Boston Avenue SuMedford MA - Attila LengChief Opera(789) 306- alengyel@
www.eosph 30 Spinelli Place A CambridgeMA 02138 Mark WitinPresident (617) 945- witinski@e
frstrf.com 5340 Airport Blvd. Boulder CO - Jeanne HillContracts (303) 449- jhill-jurik@
www.conti34 Lexington Avenue Ewing NJ - Barbara A Director, B(609) 538- barbara@c
www.elect924 Links Avenue Landisville PA - Peter DentVP of Busi (717) 898- pcd@elect
www.i-a-i. 15400 CalhSuite 400 Rockville MD - Mark JameDirector, C(301) 294- mjames@i-
www.bridg2310 University Way, Bozeman MT - Sandra ReiFinancial (406) 585- sandy@bri
WWW.CRYE 63 FLUSHING AVENUEBROOKLYNNY - Ernest BrusSenior Cont(718) 246- ernest@cry
www.atcorP.O. Box 422 TrumansbuNY - Richard SmController (607) 257- rick@atc-n
www.craft-6210 Keller's Church Pipersville PA - Brian York Treasurer a(215) 766- york@craft
www.sapho130A Knowl Suite A Los Gatos CA - Andrea SinChief Finan(970) 778- a.singewa
www.5dsys1 Chisholm Trail, Suit Round RocTX - Darren JohProduct D (512) 238- darren.jo
www.zebra9801 MetriSuite 200 Austin TX - Bob AnderCheif Finan(512) 583- banderson
aptima.co 12 Gill Str Suite 1400Woburn MA - Thomas J Chief Finan(781) 496- mckenna@
www.prose107 Sunderland RoadAmherst MA - Karen Rice Controller (413) 549- rice@pros
aptima.co 12 Gill Str Suite 1400Woburn MA - Thomas J Chief Finan(781) 496- mckenna@
gosage.co One IvybroSuite 190 WarminstePA - Julius OlitaPresident (215) 658- olitaj@gos
1430 N. 6th Ave. Tucson AZ - James FounBusiness (520) 250- fountain@t
www.sapho130A Knowl Suite A Los Gatos CA - Andrea SinChief Finan(970) 778- a.singewa
4801 Pacer Way Flower MoTX - David FelioPresident (214) 717- david.feli
http://ww 45 Manning Road Billerica MA - George WitExecutive V(978) 932- gnw@aero
www.droid9390 Research Blvd, Ka Austin TX - Justin MarsCEO (512) 925- justin.mar
30 Chestnut Court Cedar Gro NJ - Xiaofei WaCEO (607) 592- wang@fore
www.cfdrc215 Wynn Dr., 5th FloHuntsville AL - Deb PhippsContracts (256) 726- dap@cfdrc
www.brsc.162 Genesee Street Utica NY - Milissa BenVice Presi (315) 732- benincasa
www.pariet510 TurnpiSuite 201 North AndMA - John Fox President (978) 327- John.Fox@p
http://www Suite 400 1001 BroadUtica NY - David J Sc President (315) 793- Dave.Schro
frstrf.com 5340 Airport Blvd. Boulder CO - Jeanne HillContracts (303) 449- jhill-jurik@
www.i-a-i. 15400 CalhSuite 400 Rockville MD - Mark JameDirector, (301) 294- mjames@i-
www.maxen 2071 Lemoine AvenueFort Lee NJ - Houman Gh Director (858) 272- houman@m
www.maxen 2071 Lemoine AvenueFort Lee NJ - Houman Gh Director (858) 272- houman@m
www.welki102 S. Tejon Suite 20 Colorado SCO - Dennis WaVice Presi (719) 520- dennis.wa
1 Van de GrSuite 107 BurlingtonMA - Kendra E MPresident (617) 583- kendra.mo
aptima.co 12 Gill Str Suite 1400Woburn MA - Thomas J Chief Finan(781) 496- mckenna@
www.milco303 Wyman Suite 300 Waltham MA - Alper Cagl President (781) 839- acaglayan
www.way232 Regents Park East AmherNY - Rakesh NagPresident (716) 510- rakeshnag
www.cra.c625 Mount Auburn StCambridgeMA - Mark S FeliContracts (617) 491- mfelix@cr
www.secur1050 W NASuite 155 MelbourneFL - Lynn LehmCEO (321) 244- contracts@
www.cra.c625 Mount Auburn StCambridgeMA - Mark S FeliContracts (617) 491- mfelix@cr
www.secur1050 W NASuite 155 MelbourneFL - Lynn LehmCEO (919) 244- contracts@
www.Syste600 West Cummings PWoburn MA - Melinda WDirector, B(603) 718- melinda.w
www.ainfo153 Brooks Road Rome NY - Nicole M CContract Sp(315) 336- capodifer
www.avirt 1236 E. Grant Rd Tucson AZ - Salim HarirCEO (520) 977- salim.hari
http://ww MA SomervilleMA 02143-421Andrew H VP, Busine (617) 661- andy@magi
www.phoen VA Suite 2000BlacksburgVA 24060-647Robin Camp Controller (540) 961- rcampbell
www.tdkc.3100 PresidSuite 103 Fairborn OH - Amy J SedlSr. Contrac(937) 427- asedler@t
www.disco454 Pine SSuite 1C WilliamspoPA - Anna L GrifCEO (570) 916- agriffith@
xunergy.c 131 Fox Hill Drive Newtown PA - Jianguo XuPresident (267) 394- xunergy@g
3001 Red Hill AvenueCosta MesCA 92626- Daryl SmetContracts (714) 444- dsmetana@
indianaic. 1400 E. AnUnit 107 South Ben IN - Jason M Kul President (574) 217- jason.kuli
www.chipd12 Longacre Court Hockessin DE - Fouad KiamResearch Sc(302) 494- kiamilev@
40 Corporate Park DriHopewell JNY - Le Li CEO (845) 897- leli@kento
www.techf2155 LouisSuite 4200AlbuquerqNM - Susan HaveSr. Busines(505) 903- shaverlan
www.i-a-i. 15400 CalhSuite 400 Rockville MD - Mark JameDirector, (301) 294- mjames@i-
www.poc. Electro-Opt1845 WestTorrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
www.holoe1620 Fifth Suite 550 San Diego CA - Nathaniel POperation (888) 446- ngallery@
www.lumin1850 W 205th Street Torrance CA - Engin Arik President (310) 320- sbir@lumin
www.cfdrc215 Wynn Dr., 5th FloHuntsville AL - Deb PhippsContracts (256) 726- dap@cfdrc
thinkom.c 20000 Mariner Ave, Torrance CA - Jerry Frey Senior Pr (310) 802- Jerry.Fre
www.tdkc.3100 PresidSuite 103 Fairborn OH - Amy J SedlSr. Contrac(937) 427- asedler@t
www.seakrCO CentennialCO 80111-642Chris MilleSr. Vice Pr (303) 790- chris.mill
3055 Enterprise CourVista CA - Justin Gro Program M(760) 804- jgrooms@d
http://ww 10237 Flanders CourSan Diego CA - David J StrCEO (858) 332- dstrobel@
2625 Townsgate Road,Westlake VCA - Charles ChPresident (805) 558- cchien@cr
www.proqu16 Cavendish Court LEBANON NH - Vincent H CEO (603) 727- vberk@flo
www.aeros935 Grayson St Berkeley CA - Susanne HePresident (510) 649- susanne@a
www.seetr11020 Solway School Knoxville TN - David L PagChief 3D S (865) 896- dpage@see
www.cra.c625 Mount Auburn StCambridgeMA - Mark Felix Contracts (617) 491- mfelix@cr
www.sonal215 ParkwaP.O. Box 2 Waterford CT - Olive AlongContracting(860) 326- oalonge@s
www.lumir301 East Fairmont DriTempe AZ - Brian SchreCEO (847) 946- brian.schr
www.stella6565 Americas Parkwa AlbuquerqNM - Conrad Po Owner (877) 763- cpdodsbirn
www.appli3006 LonghSuite 107 Austin TX - Jacque SopCorporate (512) 339- jsoptick@a
www.cra.c625 Mount Auburn StCambridgeMA - Mark S FeliContracts (617) 491- mfelix@cr
www.unova 9015 N. Cobre Drive Phoenix AZ - Robert H MiVice Presi (805) 305- rmiller@u
www.image 201 Loudoun Street Leesburg VA - Janne HussCOO (703) 669- Janineh@i
www.si2te267 Boston Road North BilleMA - Noel M BurBusiness D(978) 495- nburgoa@s
frstrf.com 5340 Airport Blvd. Boulder CO - Jeanne HillContracts (303) 442- jhill-jurik@
frstrf.com 5340 Airport Blvd. Boulder CO - Jeanne HillContracts (303) 449- jhill-jurik@
frstrf.com 5340 Airport Blvd. Boulder CO - Jeanne HillContract (303) 449- jhill-jurik@
www.wagn559 West Suite 140 Exton PA - W. R MonaVice Presi (757) 727- GovtMktg@
www.silico1 Cambridg6th Floor CambridgeMA - Paul Jin Chief Execu(617) 501- pjin@silic
www.toyon6800 Cortona Drive Goleta CA - Marcella RDirector of(805) 968- mlindbery
www.sift.i 211 N 1st SSuite 300 MinneapoliMN - Harry FunkVice Presi (612) 578- hfunk@sift
www.silvus10990 WilsSuite 1500Los AngeleCA - Phillip DunCOO (310) 479- phillip@si
www.trexen 10455 Pacifc Center San Diego CA - Deborah AVP&Directo(858) 646- ddoyle@tre
www.utopi11150 W. OSuite 820 Los AngeleCA - Joseph YadEVP of R& (310) 473- joseph@ut
www.game12000 Res Suite 436 Orlando FL 32826 Andrew TosPresident (407) 688- atosh@ga
www.toyon6800 Cortona Drive Goleta CA - Marcella RDirector of(805) 968- mlindbery
http://www 232 East Java Drive Sunnyvale CA - Catherine VP Operati(408) 990- cat@rti.co
www.sara.6300 Gateway Dr. Cypress CA - Parviz Par Chief Execu(714) 224- pparhami@
frstrf.com 5340 Airport Blvd. Boulder CO - Jeanne HillContracts (303) 449- jhill-jurik@
www.poc. Electro-Opt1845 WestTorrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
http://www 6135 N. Tucson Mount Tucson AZ - Michael HaPresident (520) 419- michael@h
www.poc. Products a1845 WestTorrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
http://www 21471 Great Mills Ro Lexington MD - Julie HartsVice Presi (301) 737- julie.hart
www.holoe1620 Fifth Suite 550 San Diego CA - Nathaniel POperation (888) 446- ngallery@
www.sapho130A Knowl Suite A Los Gatos CA - Andrea SinChief Finan(970) 778- a.singewa
www.holoe1620 Fifth Suite 550 San Diego CA - Nathaniel POperation (888) 446- ngallery@
www.trito 200 TURNPIKE ROAD CHELMSFOMA - Bonnie HunContracts (978) 250- contracts@
www.spect5100 Spring Suite 301 Dayton OH - Sivaram P President (937) 256- sgogineni@
http://ww 100 E. RiveSuite 100 Covington KY - Terence AnChief Scien(859) 663- t.andre@t
www.sbgla1288 Hammerwood ASunnyvale CA - Phuong Le Administra(408) 734- phuongl@s
www.cra.c625 Mount Auburn StCambridgeMA - Mark S FeliContracts (617) 491- mfelix@cr
http://ww 100 E. RiveSuite 100 Covington KY - Terence AnChief Scien(859) 663- t.andre@t
www.spila 1785 Locust St. #10 Pasadena CA - Ella MakarOwner (626) 578- ella@spila
optra.com 461 Boston Street Topsfeld MA - James R EnPresident (978) 887- jengel@op
www.ionwe 3401 Louisiana, Ste 3Houston TX - Sue Egan Business c (713) 522- segan@ion
www.neico400 E Apgar Drive Somerset NJ - Ganesh Sk CEO (732) 868- gskandan@
410 Sheridan Road Atchison KS - Blaine W APrinciple (913) 777- springhill
http://www 20 New England BusinAndover MA - B. D GreenPresident (978) 689- green@psi
1413 Brandi Lane Round RocTX - Richard Jo Director o (512) 380- richard.j
www.syntro 3500 Shannon Park DFredericks VA - Albert LauePresident/(540) 374- blauer@syn
www.dsr.u8219 Pickard Ave NE AlbuquerqNM - Danny J Fr President/(505) 270- djfrew@ds
www.mcqi1551 Forbes St. Fredericks VA - Keith ArmsCheif Opera (540) 373- karmstron
http://ww 158 Wheatland DrivePembroke VA - Melissa CaCFO (540) 626- mcampbell
1321 Research Park DBeavercreeOH - Chyi-Shan Director (937) 320- chyi-shan.
1430 N. 6th Ave. Tucson AZ - James FounBusiness (520) 250- fountain@t
http://ww 158 Wheatland DrivePembroke VA - Melissa CaCFO (540) 626- mcampbell
7718 Brass Creek Ct Dexter MI - Jessica BorPresident (734) 417- jboria@bt
www.condu 357 West 910 South Heber CityUT - Nathan HaPresident (435) 654- ndhansen@
www.mets300 Westdale AvenueWestervill OH - Kenneth J President (614) 797- kheater@m
www.tri-au9063 Bee Caves RoadAustin TX - Monte FellContracts (512) 263- mfellingha
www.lunai1 RiversideSuite 400 Roanoke VA - Shirley D ESr. Contrac(540) 961- submissio
www.sapho130A Knowl Suite A Los Gatos CA - Andrea SinChief Finan(970) 778- a.singewa
www.matri1300 Research Park DDayton OH - Carri MillerContracts (937) 427- carri.mill
10 Cottonwood Ct. PlainsboroNJ - Wei Hu President (609) 865- weihu666@
www.poc. Integrated 1845 WestTorrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
www.spila 1785 Locust St. #10 Pasadena CA - Ella MakarOwner (626) 578- ella@spila
www.Polar200 WestsiSuite 320 Huntsville AL - David ChenPresident (256) 562- david.chen
www.musta 6900 K Ave Plano TX - Ron Neal Contracts (972) 747- rneal@mus
www.color1915 Jambo Suite 165 Colorado SCO - Nancy ScallCEO (719) 388- nancy.scal
www.ocean Oceanit Ce828 Fort StHonolulu HI - Ken CheunScience&T(808) 531- kcheung@o
www.CRGr2750 Indian Ripple R Dayton OH - Stephen D Vice Presi (937) 320- viningsd@c
www.survi4695 Millennium DrivBelcamp MD - Greg ThomVP and Chi(410) 273- greg.thom
www.compa 4790 Converse Ct Marietta GA - Kathleen CPresident (678) 461- katemalon
2865 Windside Ct Ann Arbor MI - Kyoung YanPresident (734) 546- kyoung@f
www.resqu4925 Harrison Street Pittsburgh PA - Jorgen PedPresident (412) 681- jorgen.pe
125 Jet Plex Circle Madison AL - Kirk McLauOwner/Pre(256) 319- kirk.mclau
www.materi 135 Rock Road Horsham PA - Thomas Cas President (215) 542- cassin@mat
www.hill-e3035 Prospect Park DrRancho CoCA - Adrian T DManaging (916) 635- atdewald@h
thinkom.c 20000 Mariner Ave, Torrance CA - Stuart CopChief Opera (310) 802- Stuart.Co
www.adval3708 E. Columbia StreTucson AZ - Shibin JianPresident (520) 790- sjiang@ad
58 Linwood road Fort WaltoFL - Andrey SolPresident (740) 541- soloviev@
www.Syste600 West Cummings PWoburn MA - Melinda WDirector, B(603) 718- melinda.w
www.techn11750 Belts3rd Floor Beltsville MD - Sandra SelContracts (240) 790- selhas@te
http://cua 301 North SNuite 400 ChampaignIL - Andrew PalMember (217) 239- apalla@cu
www.unite7 Deer ParkSuite E MonmouthNJ - John C DriePresiden/ (732) 355- jcdries@un
www.ocean Oceanit Ce828 Fort StHonolulu HI - Ken CheunScience&T(808) 531- kcheung@o
http://www 17301 W. Colfax Ave Golden CO - Todd LeesoChief Finan(303) 881- tleeson@re
http://ww 3000 Kent Avenue, SuWest LafayIN - Eric WalterPresident (765) 464- walters@p
1217 Smithfeld StreeState CollePA - Olivia J KuoVice Presi (814) 238- ojkuo41@g
www.1-ACT1046 New Holland A Lancaster PA - Frank MoraAccounting(717) 295- Frank.Mor
www.fttin 1701 MilitaSuite 110 Jupiter FL - Lloyd MazeDirector of(561) 427- LMazer@ft
www.artiu470 Lakesi Unit C Sunnyvale CA - William BaPresident (415) 999- wbachalo@
www.coher1120 SouthBuilding 3,Austin TX - Donald GorVice Presi (512) 382- gorsuch@c
www.strat 5375 Western AvenueBoulder CO 80301 Mark GordCEO (720) 565- mark.gord
http://ww 7167 Florda Blvd Baton Rou LA - Mark TurneDirector of(225) 706- mark.turn
www.poc. Integrated 1845 W. 20Torrance CA 90501 Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
www.windl6409 Fayetteville RoaDurham NC 27713 Robert CreCEO (608) 332- rob@windl
http://www 62 Whittemore Ave, SCambridgeMA - Jeremy Br President (617) 500- jhbrown@j
www.vesce4865 E. 41st Ave Denver CO 80216-440Scott Romm VP Operati(303) 296- rommel@ve
www.hytek1998 Bucktail Lane Sugar GrovIL 60554 John BastiaGeneral M(630) 466- jbastian@
www.mptc545 Swanson Ave Placentia CA - Rick SturdiPresident (310) 980- rick@relia
www.Metis205 Portlan4th Floor Boston MA 02114 Seth KesslePresident/(617) 447- skessler@m
www.wolft9855 Crosspoint Blvd,IndianapoliIN 46256 Stuart Nig CEO (317) 842- snightenhe
www.heron20945 Great Mills Ro Lexington MD 20653 Brett DarceDirector, (240) 298- brett.dar
www.spori515 Courtney Way SuiLafayette CO - Michael UsVP of Busi (303) 516- musrey@sp
www.dynaf10621-J Iron Bridge RJessup MD 20794-938Georges ChPresident (301) 604- glchahine
http://voc P.O. Box 55 Allison ParPA - Anthony GaPresident (412) 979- anthony.ga
www.assur84 South Street Carlisle MA - Nancy FlanContract A(978) 369- flanagan@
http://ada 15373 Innovation Dr. San Diego CA - James ZeidlPresident (858) 705- jrz@adapt
3737 AtwellSuite 208 Dallas TX - Sidney TheiPresident (214) 353- sidtheis@r
www.utrs. 950 N. Kin Suite 208 Cherry HillNJ - Lowell SewVP Contrac(856) 667- lseward@u
www.soart3600 GreenSuite 600 Ann Arbor MI - Andrew DalVice Presi (734) 887- contracts
www.poc. Integrated 1845 W. 20Torrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
www.proge9500 Innovation Driv Manassas VA - Christine SManager of(703) 368- csigety@pr
www.bosto300 Bear Hill Rd Waltham MA 02451 Mark SmithVice Presi (781) 314- msmithers
www.poc. Photonics 1845 W. 20Torrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
www.vecnaMD Suite 500 Greenbelt MD 20770-142Alan Vail Deputy Gen (617) 674- legal@vec
www.teami4750 W. Bancroft Toledo OH - Derek DilleCFO (419) 536- ddiller@te
www.optica 842 S Sierra Madre StColorado SCO - Donald SipPresident (815) 383- don.sipes@
www.fti-ne75 Aero Camino, SuitGoleta CA - Rhonda AdContracts (805) 685- radawi@fti
www.yellow 3065 CrowPO Box 16 Big Sky MT - Richard ClaPresident (406) 995- clarke@bu
1590 N RobSuite 203 Kennesaw GA - Nicholas AlCEO (678) 594- nalley@are
450 Frontier Way, UniBensenvill IL - Elizabeth SCFO (630) 595- espytek1@
www.pereg96 Chewonki Neck RdWiscasset ME - David S StaCEO/CTO (207) 592- dstapp@pe
www.acume 20 Southwest Park WestwoodMA - Douglas ScDirector (781) 461- dougschmi
www.erick12108 Burning Tree RFort Wayn IN - Geroge S LVice Presi (260) 485- gslewis@fr
www.gsehf1069 Industrial Ave South LakeCA - Greg SteveOwner (530) 541- greg@gseh
www.Prade117 Southbury Road Clifton Par NY - Pradeep K President (518) 383- guptap@pr
www.ues. 4401 Dayton-Xenia R Dayton OH - Rick WeddlDirector, C(937) 426- rweddle@u
500 Ryland Street SuiReno NV - Houshang P Eresident (931) 581- hpe.fms@g
http://ww 4820 Southpoint Drive Fredericks VA - Shon Ramse Administra(540) 371- admin@jrm
www.seala1510 Springport Rd SuJackson MI - David SparPresident (517) 784- dsparks@s
www.tda-i 3190 FairvSuite 650 Falls ChurcVA - Scott BradfPresident (703) 226- sbradfeld
www.gener1776 Mentor Ave. SteCincinnati OH 45212 Joe SprengPresident (513) 309- joe.spreng
www.aosen767 N Mary Ave Sunnyvale CA 94085 Michael GeController (408) 735- mgeltz@ao
www.mains200 YellowPines IndusRockledge FL - Michael RizCFO (321) 631- mar@mains
www.twinl848 Alexander Road Princeton NJ - Elizabeth FPresident (609) 759- foley@twin
www.echor100 CarpenSuite 135 Sterling VA - Joseph KenPresident (571) 748- joe.kenne
www.nano-179 Bear Hill Road Waltham MA - David CarnPresident (781) 609- dcarnahan
www.appli6166 Egret Court Benicia CA - Doyle DixoVice Presi (707) 747- poleramic
www.mayf20 Burlington Mall R BurlingtonMA - Bruce Warw Controller (781) 359- warwick@m
www.delcr3015 Village Office PlChampaignIL - Matthew Mi President (217) 363- mcmiller@
www.poc. Integrated 1845 W. 20Torrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
www.chesa44427 Airport Road, California MD 20619 Kevin Sato Director (301) 862- ksatow@cti
www.knexu9120 Beachway Lane SpringfeldVA 22153 Kalyan GupPresident (855) 569- kalyan.gu
3737 AtwellSuite 208 Dallas TX - Sidney TheiPresident (214) 353- sidtheis@r
15 Amherst Road Belmont MA - Natalia PalSecretary (617) 304- cambridge
www.photo900 Middlesex TurnpiBillerica MA 01821 Charles CoPresident (978) 670- eackerman
1981 Pine Hall Road State CollePA 16801 Shihai Zha CTO (518) 605- admin@pol
www.proge9500 Innovation Driv Manassas VA 20110 Christine SManager of(703) 368- csigety@pr
www.magic1855 GriffiSuite B454Dania Bea FL 33004 Russell BurCFO (818) 450- rburke@ma
http://www7970 Cherry Avenue, Fontana CA - Hai Lin President (909) 908- hlin@halte
www.chesa44427 Airport Road, California MD - David MyerDirector (301) 862- dmyers@ct
www.willi 200 Greenleaf St. Fort WorthTX - James GrovController (817) 870- james.grov
www.cyber3885 Research Park DAnn Arbor MI - Charles J J President (734) 668- proposals
www.flight635 Vaqueros AvenueSunnyvale CA - Donna CarrVice Presid(408) 523- donna@fli
www.ras.c111 Dart Circle Rome NY - Stan Hall Vice Presi (315) 339- shall@ras
www.islinc10070 Barnes CanyonSan Diego CA 92121 Nicole Y S Sr. Contrac(858) 373- nsanese@i
PO Box 23 663 OwegoHarford NY - Henry A CaPresident (607) 844- hcarlson@c
4020 Long Beach Blv Long Beac CA - Kevin RougVice Presid(562) 981- kroughen@
www.kordt1101 McMu Building A Huntsville AL - Michael SaExecutive V(256) 990- msaylor@k
www.envir20 Godfrey Drive Orono ME - Joesph ArsDaily Ops (207) 866- jarsenault
www.poc. Electro-Opt1845 WestTorrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
1490 Lumsden Road Port OrchaWA - Douglas S President (360) 876- dbeck23@a
www.spirit731 N US HSuite 1 Tequesta FL - Rich DeFraPresident (561) 741- defran@spi
www.stella6565 Americas Parkwa AlbuquerqNM - Conrad Po Owner (877) 763- cpdodsbirn
www.techf2155 LouisSuite 4200AlbuquerqNM - Susan HaveSr. Busines(505) 903- shaverlan
www.nlightWA VancouverWA 98665-099Huimin HuFinancial A(360) 566- huimin.hua
P.O. BOX 509 MARLBOR NJ - Eric Mies President (800) 881- emies@smi
www.opci.26610 AgoSuite 240 Calabasas CA - Gail Erten Director o (818) 880- gerten@op
naosystem4665 Nautilus Ct. S. Boulder CO - Jeffrey D BPresident (303) 530- jbarchers
www.opton711 E Monument AveDayton OH - Robert MarCFO (415) 341- rob@opton
www.i2cso686 S. Taylor Ave., SuLouisville CO - Douglas CaPresident (720) 300- doug.camp
www.opton711 E Monument AveDayton OH - Robert MarCFO (415) 341- rob@opton
www.equin57 West 57th Street, New York NY - Lawrence W President (646) 416- wolff@equ
http://mza2021 GirardSuite 150 AlbuquerqNM - Robert W Pr President (505) 245- Robert.Pr
www.poc. Electro-Opt1845 WestTorrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
gosage.co One IvybroSuite 190 WarminstePA - Julius OlitaPresident (215) 658- olitaj@gos
www.spyru1860 Hartog Drive San Jose CA - Steve KadaVP Finance(408) 392- skadash@s
www.atcorP.O. Box 422 TrumansbuNY - Richard SmController (607) 257- rsmith@at
www.silico2180 East Suite 210 Salt Lake CUT - Thomas L W CEO (801) 913- twolf@sili
www.esca 2790 SkypaSte 203 Torrance CA - Michael StCEO / Co-f (310) 997- mstewart@
http://ww 10237 Flanders CourSan Diego CA - David J StrCEO (858) 332- dstrobel@
www.struct2888 Loker Ave. East,Carlsbad CA - Unni SanthDirector (760) 918- usanthosh@
frstrf.com 5340 Airport Blvd. Boulder CO - Jeanne HillContract (303) 449- jhill-jurik@
www.toyon6800 Cortona Drive Goleta CA - Marcella RDirector of(805) 968- mlindbery
www.redon811 N. Catalina AvenuRedondo BCA - Edgar A M Chief Excec(310) 292- emendoza@
www.adate8100 ShaffSuite #130Littleton CO - James BudiPresident (303) 792- jim.budim
www.sprunBaird Rese1576 SweeAmherst NY - Michael BrDirector of(301) 960- michael@s
4008 Doe Creek DriveFloyds KnoIN - Patrick Kel CEO&Mana(812) 923- pat@mp-m
www.mcga17439 Lake Avenue Lakewood OH - Michael A President (216) 521- mike@mcg
www.buse11 Tech Circle Natick MA - Judy BudnyContracts (508) 655- judy@buse
www.mari 730 11th SRear WashingtoDC - Sebastian PPresident (202) 536- sphillips
http://pho2555 Industrial Drive Monona WI - Evan SengbVP of Busi (608) 210- sengbusch
cyan-syst 5385 Hollister Ave Santa BarbCA - Minh NguyAccountan(805) 453- minh@cyan
www.ues. 4401 Dayton-Xenia R Dayton OH - Rick WeddlDirector, C(937) 426- rweddle@u
3301 Pinegrove PlaceChampaignIL - Komal A MManaging D (217) 721- masudkom
www.qpea135 South Road Bedford MA - B. D GreenPresident (978) 689- green@qp
http://www 20 New England BusinAndover MA - B. D GreenPresident (978) 689- green@psi
www.crearP.O. Box 71 Hanover NH - Robert Kli President (603) 643- contracts
www.crearP.O. Box 71 Hanover NH - Robert J KlPresident (603) 643- contracts
www.spect5100 Spring Suite 301 Dayton OH - Sivaram P President (937) 256- contact@sp
www.mains200 YellowPines IndusRockledge FL - Michael RizCFO (321) 631- mar@mains
www.iristePO Box 5838 Irvine CA 92616 Edward O'RCEO (949) 975- ejorourke@
www.hdm-s 226 Lincoln Street Allston MA 02134 LeeAnn LiuOperation (617) 562- leeannliu
www.crearP.O. Box 71 Hanover NH - Robert J KlPresident (603) 643- contracts
http://ww 158 Wheatland DrivePembroke VA - Melissa CaCFO (540) 626- mcampbell
www.objec11600 SunrSuite # 210Reston VA - Paul C Bre VP, New Te(703) 725- pbrewer@o
www.adsys16 Technology Dr. SuiIrvine CA - Brian GoldPresident (949) 436- bgoldberg
info@bnon450 Courtney Way, UnLafayette CO - MARK TANVICE PRES (303) 604- MTANNER@
1301 Beal Ave Ann Arbor MI - David Fick Principal E(734) 915- dave.fck@
www.neyas12330 Per Suite 220 Wexford PA - Parag BatavPresident (724) 799- paragb@ne
72 Water Way BarringtonRI - Joseph L MPresident (401) 427- mundy@le
www.toyon6800 Cortona Drive Goleta CA - Marcella RDirector of(805) 968- mlindbery
www.innos2900 South Main StreSalt Lake CUT - Jennifer H CEO/Presid(801) 975- hwu@innos
www.contin 20252 Bancroft CircleHuntingtonCA - Lore V HynContract A(877) 575- lore.hynes
www.csef 8940 Old Annapolis RColumbia MD - Michael KlVice Presi (410) 884- mklassen@
www.trito 200 TURNPIKE ROAD CHELMSFOMA - Bonnie HunContracts (978) 250- contracts@
www.vst-i 9431 Dowdy Drive San Diego CA - Steven L S VP, Contra (858) 587- ssherman@
2509 N Utah St Arlington VA - Evelyn Guer President (571) 431- eguerci@ie
www.metsc1818 LibrarSuite 600 Reston VA - Eric GeorgeCFO (703) 326- egeorge@m
solidstates27-2 Wright Road Hollis NH - Linda Bouth Contract A(603) 598- linda@solid
http://www 119 Silvia Street Ewing NJ - Abhay JoshPresident (609) 434- Abhay@chi
www.syste11525 StonSuite A120Austin TX - Malcolm DPresident/(512) 968- malcolmpr
www.preci410 Sackett Point Ro North Hav CT - John ScanlFinance Ma(203) 287- jscanlon@p
www.d-p-l3409 N. 42nd Pl. Phoenix AZ - Lei Tang President (480) 518- tanglei@d-
990 Park Center DriveVista CA 92081 Charles KuzPresident (760) 652- ckuznia@u
www.hypre175 Clearbrook Road Elmsford NY 10523-110Steve DamAssistant C(914) 592- sdamon@h
www.protec PO Box 781607 San AntoniTX 78278-160Kirk MarchManaging P(512) 380- kmarchand@
www.akita1770 Salem Street North AndMA - Lawrence CEO (617) 441- lawrence.
mlpc.com P.O. Box 223 MiamisburOH - Larry DossePresident (937) 864- larrydoss
www.lunai1 RiversideSuite 400 Roanoke VA - Elizabeth CSenior Con(540) 557- submissio
www.neico400 E Apgar Drive Somerset NJ - Ganesh Sk CEO (732) 868- gskandan@
www.s-et. 1195 Atlas Road Columbia SC - Remis GaskPresident (803) 647- gaska@s-e
www.fttin 1701 MilitaSuite 110 Jupiter FL - Lloyd MazeDirector of(561) 427- LMazer@ft
www.miti. 1037 Watervliet-ShakAlbany NY - Hooshang Technical D(518) 862- hheshmat@
www.astroP.O. Box 7 44 Rudi La Golden CO - Robert LeCCEO/CTO (303) 642- rlechevali
www.illino60 HazelwoP. O. Box 3 ChampaignIL - William A DPresident (217) 417- wdick@illi
http://ww 45 Manning Road Billerica MA - George WitExecutive V(978) 932- gnw@aero
www.dataf10190 Bann Suite 246 Northglen CO - Wolfgang KPresident (720) 872- w.kober@d
www.chrom 180 N Vinedo Ave Pasadena CA - Naresh MeCEO (626) 381- nmenon@c
http://www 1275 Kinnear Road SuColumbus OH - Bradley BeCEO (614) 484- brad.bease
www.Advat560 E. HospSuite 400 San BernarCA - Charles KoVP, Divisi (909) 307- Kondrack@
www.lunai1 RiversideSuite 400 Roanoke VA - Shirley D ESr. Contrac(540) 961- submissio
www.x-wav407 Upshire Circle GaithersbuMD - Jennifer D President (301) 948- jduan@x-w
www.Therm 23440 AirpP.O. Box 66Calumet MI - Keith JohnPresident (906) 482- krj@therm
http://cr 2943 South Wilson C Grand RapiMI - Mike Stitt Chief Techn(616) 735- mike.stitt
www.ues. 4401 Dayton-Xenia R Dayton OH - Rick WeddlDirector, C(937) 426- rweddle@u
815 Kirkley Blvd Belton TX - David K LeiPresident (254) 933- dkleigh@ha
autonomic495 County Road 130ChampaignIL - Joseph GiulCEO (217) 863- joeg@auto
www.broad2545 W. 237th Street,Torrance CA - Freddie LinActing CEO(310) 530- droussell
frstrf.com 5340 Airport Blvd. Boulder CO - Jeanne HillContracts (303) 449- jhill-jurik@
optra.com 461 Boston Street Topsfeld MA - James R EnPresident (978) 887- jengel@op
www.aurigTwo ExecutSuite 305 Chelmsfor MA - Moosa E MChief Finan(617) 894- mmoosa@au
www.miti. 1037 Watervliet-ShakAlbany NY - James F WalVice Presi (518) 862- jwalton@mi
www.mains200 YellowPines IndusRockledge FL - Michael RizCFO (321) 631- mar@mains
5266 Hollister AvenueSanta BarbCA - B. ManjunaCEO (805) 967- manj@maya
www.bihrl 81 Research Dr Hampton VA - Jim Hill Controller (757) 766- jhill@bihr
www.opci.26610 AgoSuite 240 Calabasas CA - Gail Erten Director o (818) 880- gerten@op
www.techs7200 Highway 150 GREENVILLIN 47124-951Mark Deuse President (812) 923- mdeuser@t
www.ipercPO Box 616 Fort Mont NY 10922 Moira AndeBusiness (845) 820- moira.ande
www.wolft9855 Crosspoint Blvd,IndianapoliIN 46256 Stuart Nig CEO (317) 842- snightenhe
53 Old Solomons Isla Annapolis MD 21401 Martin TanCTO (410) 703- martint@t
www.omega 3495 Kent Avenue, S West LafayIN - Jacob SmelPresident (765) 775- jsmelser@
www.net-s1184 Eglin Parkway Shalimar FL - Michael ChPresident (850) 613- Mike.C@Ne
www.ocean Oceanit Ce828 Fort StHonolulu HI - Ken CheunScience&T(808) 531- kcheung@
http://www 2223 Drak 1st Floor Huntsville AL - Steve WernPresident (256) 489- s.werner@
3125 Sterling Circle S Boulder CO - Kelly HellmVP of Fina (303) 640- khellman@l
www.qdime 15061 Springdale StreHuntingtonCA - Julie IsenbVP (714) 893- jisenberg
www.crearP.O. Box 71 Hanover NH - Robert J KlPresident (603) 643- contracts
www.spect5100 Spring Suite 301 Dayton OH - Sivaram P President (937) 256- sgogineni@
www.pnpin3921 Acad3rd Floor AlbuquerqNM - Jeremy WeAdministrat(505) 503- jeremy.we
www.epir. 590 Territorial Drive, BolingbrooIL - SivalingamChief Execu(630) 771- ssivanant
www.astra5777 Central Avenue,Boulder CO - Geoffrey CPresident (210) 834- gcrowley@a
www.wrsys2500 Almeda Avenue,Norfolk VA - Gregory HarDirector of(703) 293- gharris@w
www.toyon6800 Cortona Drive Goleta CA - Marcella RDirector of(805) 968- mlindbery
www.brsc.162 Genesee Street Utica NY - Milissa BenVice Presi (315) 732- benincasa
frstrf.com 5340 Airport Blvd. Boulder CO - Jeanne HillContracts (303) 449- jhill-jurik@
www.softro1080 East Post Road, Marion IA - Robert H SPresident (319) 447- bobs@softr
www.orban490 Virginia Road Concord MA - Samuel MaCTO (978) 501- sam.macmu
www.trids 10201 FairSuite 300 Fairfax VA - Bonnie EdwExecutive (703) 691- bonnie@tr
http://www 36 Central Avenue Hauppaug NY - Yuly MargulPresident (631) 232- yuly@artem
www.matri1300 Research Park DDayton OH - Carri MillerContracts (937) 427- carri.mill
www.nuvot7586 Old Peppers FerRadford VA - Scott MelleExecutive V(800) 341- contracts
51 East MaSuite 201 Newark DE - Eric KelmelCEO (302) 456- kelmelis@p
2703 Sycamore RidgeBeavercreeOH - Raymond SiPresident (937) 320- rsiferd@rb
www.si2te267 Boston Road North BilleMA - Noel M BurBusiness D(978) 495- nburgoa@s
alphaome 24 Cascade Road Arnold MD - Robert SchPresident (410) 626- rschmier@
princeton 5 NAMI LANE MERCERVILNJ - Amarjit KauPresident (609) 586- amarjit@p
thinkom.c 20000 Mariner Ave, Torrance CA - Stuart CopBusiness (310) 802- Stuart.Co
www.utopi11150 W. OSuite 820 Los AngeleCA - Joseph YadEVP of R& (310) 473- joseph@ut
http://ww 5072 West Chester PiEdgmont PA - Lavern D President (610) 356- vwedeven
www.gener1776 Mento Ste 170 Cincinnati OH - Cathy ConaCFO (513) 289- conaty.cat
http://www 20 New England BusinAndover MA - B. D GreenPresident (978) 689- green@psi
www.poc. Electro-Opt1845 WestTorrance CA - Gordon DrChief Finan(310) 320- gedrew@p
www.etege5050 SectiSuite 110 Cincinnati OH - Stuart ShelPrincipal (513) 631- stuart.she
http://www 19805 Hamilton Ave Torrance CA - Linda PapeVice Presi (310) 756- linda@oks
www.ultrac399 Lindbergh AvenuLivermore CA - Ian Kaye CTO and G(925) 455- ikaye@ultra
www.csef 8940 Old Annapolis RColumbia MD - Michael KlVice Presi (410) 884- mklassen@
www.esca 2790 SkypaSte 203 Torrance CA - Michael StCEO / Co-f (310) 997- mstewart@
www.cra.c625 Mount Auburn StCambridgeMA - Mark S FeliContracts (617) 491- mfelix@cr
www.braxt6 North TejSuite 220 Colorado SCO - Maury KellChief Finan(719) 380- maury.kell
www.stott 1670 SouthSuite 310 San MateoCA - Carolyn MaContracts (650) 931- maxwell@s
www.crtwi147 Mill Ridge Rd, SuLynchburg VA 24502- James NeelPresident (434) 420- james.neel
www.nu-tr16955 Via Suite 250 San Diego CA - Teresa FlynContract A(858) 487- teresa.fly
www.nano6201 East O Suite 400 Austin TX - Michael MPresident (512) 389- mmayo@na
http://ww 10237 Flanders CourSan Diego CA - David J StrCEO (858) 332- dstrobel@
www.emerg 6411 Ivy L Suite 303 Greenbelt MD - Everett CarVice Presi (301) 345- everett.c
www.teami4750 W. Bancroft Toledo OH - Derek DilleCFO (419) 536- ddiller@te
http://www 20 New England BusinAndover MA 01810- B. D GreenPresident (978) 689- green@psi
www.crearP.O. Box 71 Hanover NH - Robert J KlPresident (603) 643- contracts
www.iristePO Box 5838 Irvine CA - Edward J OCEO (949) 975- ejorourke@
www.nwraP.O. Box 3027 Bellevue WA - Beate LiepeNWRA Man(425) 556- contracts
www.cra.c625 Mount Auburn StCambridgeMA - Mark S FeliContracts (617) 491- mfelix@cr
www.condu 357 West 910 South Heber CityUT - Nathan HaPresident (435) 654- ndhansen@
www.ipite 2330 Faraday AvenueCarlsbad CA - Michael MChairman, (760)
S 438- mmsalour@
www.dra-in3915 GermSuite 102 BeavercreeOH - Ronald L ClVice Presi (937) 431- rclericus@
www.3dsan531 E. Third St. Dayton OH 45402 Joshua WhiManaging D (937) 285- joshua.whi
www.mains200 YellowPines IndusRockledge FL - Michael RizCFO (321) 631- mar@mains
www.d-p-l3409 N. 42nd Pl. Phoenix AZ - Lei Tang President (480) 518- tanglei@d-
www.dynat1830 Sierr Suite 30 Roseville CA - Elizabeth GChief Finan(916) 783- egreenhil
www.lunai1 RiversideSuite 400 Roanoke VA - Maggie HuSenior Con(434) 483- submissio
www.trexen 10455 Pacifc Center San Diego CA - Deborah AVP&Directo(858) 646- ddoyle@tre
www.navsy14960 Woodcarver RColorado SCO - Karen L BaVP of Fina (719) 481- kbarworth
http://ww 1300 Britt SE AlbuquerqNM - Tom Edmon Director, (505) 767- tom.edmo
www.br-en14450 Broadwinged DGainesvilleVA - Edward /Z President (703) 927- ned@br-en
www.quins24085 Garnier StreetTorrance CA - H. J Kuno Executive (310) 320- Kuno.HJ@q
www.kordt1101 McMu Building A Huntsville AL - Michael SaExecutive (256) 990- msaylor@k
http://www20271 Gol Suite 2066Germanto MD - Yingli Wu President (949) 596- yingliwu@i
www.astra5777 Central Avenue,Boulder CO - Geoffrey CPresident (210) 834- gcrowley@a
www.sigin 4721 Emper Suite 330 Durham NC - Samantha C VFO (919) 323- sventers@s
www.Syste400 West Cummings PWoburn MA - Melinda WDirector B (781) 503- melinda.w
www.spect2066 Walsh Avenue, SSanta Clar CA - Rick Lu President (408) 982- rick.lu@sp
990 Park Center DriveVista CA - Charles KuzPresident (760) 652- ckuznia@u
www.mayf20 Burlington Mall R BurlingtonMA - Bruce C WaController (781) 359- warwick@m
www.nu-tr16955 Via Suite 250 San Diego CA - Teresa FlynContract A(858) 487- teresa.fly
www.nlightWA VancouverWA 98665-099Huimin HuFinancial A(360) 556- huimin.hua
72 Water Way BarringtonRI - Joseph L MPresident (401) 427- mundy@le
PI NamePI Title PI PhonePI EmailRI NameRI POC RI POC Researc Abstract
Kenneth Wa Principal I (706) 864- kwatkins@Stub solid rockeABSTRACT: A Propellant Health Monitorin
Allan DokhGroup Lea (978) 689- dokhan@ps Stub Solid rock ABSTRACT: Physical Sciences Inc. propose
Abhishek TDirector o (310) 479- abhishek@s Stub Airborne nABSTRACT: In this Phase II proposal Silvus
Deborah K Computer (S952) 829- dcharan@atcorp.com HAIPE,IPSEABSTRACT: As the USAF and other militar
John Wu Computer (S952) 829- jwu@atcorp.com airborne,NABSTRACT: The Air Force has identifed th
Sean MonaVice Presi (972) 231- smonahan@ Stub informationABSTRACT: In Phase II of TIGRESS, we wil
Charlie KuzPresident (760) 652- ckuznia@uStub low profleABSTRACT: Multimode fber (MMF) is the
Geoffrey CPresident /(210) 834- gcrowley@a Stub space situaABSTRACT: The ionosphere has signifcan
Paul Wilki Research Sc(310) 320- psproposals@poc.com Machined A p BSTRACT: To address the Air Force need
Chris SullivSenior Aer(808) 531- CSullivan Stub Sensor,HosABSTRACT: Oceanit will develop a workin
Tao Jiang Research Sc(301) 294- tjiang@i-a Stub Weapon Sys ABSTRACT: Current cyber threats analysis
Nick Duan Chief Tech (703) 574- nduan@dte Stub SAML,OpenI ABSTRACT: In Phase II, D-Tech plans to co
Irene Budi Senior Rese(877) 763- irene@stelStub conjunction ABSTRACT: Stellar Science has developed
Geoffrey CPresident /(210) 834- gcrowley@a Stub GPS,IonospABSTRACT: Ionospheric scintillation and T
Richard J Senior Rese(434) 973- barron@baStub sensor fusiABSTRACT: Barron Associates, Inc. propo
Chris UlmePrincipal E(310) 310- psproposals@poc.com Adhesive ap ABSTRACT: To address the Air Force need
Paul HendeBusiness o(303) 999- paul.hend Stub 25K Cryocoo ABSTRACT: Air and space gimbaled Infrar
Patrick A TSenior Scie(805) 968- ptoole@toStub Distribute ABSTRACT: Toyon Research Corporation p
Gerald WilPrincipal (801) 798- geraldw@iStub Radar,GMTABSTRACT: Ground Surveillance Radar (G
Greg Fish CTO (805) 683- Greg.Fish Stub OPTICS,nonABSTRACT: The proposed Phase II effort i
Qin Shen-sSenior Eng(978) 452- qshenschuStub Power ampl ABSTRACT: Auriga will complete the deve
Jack L MeaPrincipal (208) 884- jack.mead Stub supply chaABSTRACT: The objective of this work is t
Hongmei ( Principal S (301) 294- hdeng@i-aStub Trust ManaABSTRACT: Trust and reputation managem
Richard A CEO (818) 880- rahutchin Stub phased arra ABSTRACT: Optical Physics Company (OPC
Gang Yu Chief Techn(805) 722- gangyu@cbStub Curved senABSTRACT: This SBIR program aims to de
Peter SchulPrincipal I (978) 250- pschuler@tStub Visors,di ABSTRACT: Triton Systems has demonstra
Brian UlicnChief Scien(508) 788- bulicny@viStub Relevance ABSTRACT: The purpose of this Phase II is
Michael Gar Principal S (781) 935- mgarrity@Stub Training E ABSTRACT: With the growing demands fo
Edward LarPresident (561) 706- ed@circulaStub Auditory PABSTRACT: The goal of this Small Busines
Greg SkidmDirector, P (814) 861- greg.skid Stub ELECTROMAG ABSTRACT: A hybrid computational Electr
Jim McCracPrincipal I (937) 427- jim@tdkc. Stub Intelligent ABSTRACT: The Situation Awareness User
Kerry WooPrincipal I (937) 427- kwood@tdStub COLLISIONABSTRACT: The Design Knowledge Comp
Yakup BayrCEO&CTO (614) 429- yakup.bay Stub phased arrABSTRACT: During phase I, we successful
Leif JohansGeneral M(805) 277- info@free Stub lasercom,inABSTRACT: In this Phase II effort, we will
Jerry L MarPresident (303) 396- jerry.mart Stub ultracapaciABSTRACT: This SBIR Phase I project is tar
James W TVice Presid(408) 947- jthomas@la Stub laser coati ABSTRACT: The proposed portable, hand
Malcolm DPresident (512) 968- malcolmprStub AutomatedABSTRACT: AutoDrills at Lockheed Martin
James ScheChief Engi (310) 320- jschellenb Stub Linear powe ABSTRACT: QuinStar proposes to develop
Benjamin GLead Softw(567) 712- bgerten@pStub NavigationABSTRACT: PreTalen recognizes that an on
John Carls Chief Techn(703) 437- john.carl Stub NavigationABSTRACT: Echo Ridge and George Maso
John Carls Chief Techn(703) 437- john.carl Stub dynamic spABSTRACT: Echo Ridge and partner Wrigh
Apoorva ShPrincipal I (978) 250- ashah@tritonsystems.com Self-healinCurrent CB garment systems such as Joint
Peter Wood Principal I (256) 457- peter.woo Stub Debris,Debr As MDA continues implementation of the
Barton GolProgram M(805) 966- asc@asc3dStub Framing CaDefensive missiles are being developed to
Doug HeerR&D Devel(281) 292- heermann@ Stub hit detecti Invocon, Inc. proposes the development a
Barry Holl Project Ma(401) 847- bholland@Stub Electro-ExpAmerica"s ballistic missile defense s
Chris Willi Energetics (970) 243- C_William Stub Electro-ExpThrough the use of innovative energetic m
Doyle MotePrincipal I (512) 263- dmotes@trStub Electro-Ex Issues with electro-explosive device (EED)
Amish DesaScientist (626) 471- amish.des Stub 1316/1911/1 The most reliable one-shot electro-explos
Sergey SanDirector, (310) 320- ITProposals@poc.com AcceleratedTo address the MDA need for methodolog
Rock RushiPrincipal I (512) 263- rrushing@tStub AcceleratedMethods have been recently developed b
Jennifer LalPI (540) 626- jhlalli@na Stub AcceleratedThe useful lifespan of emerging state-of-t
Kenneth Wa President (706) 864- kwatkins@AgeAlert.com Smart shelPolymer Aging Concepts, Inc. proposes to
Reinaldo PPresident (303) 795- reyjperez Stub ordnance de The MDA Stockpile Reliability Program for
John TaylorPresident (336) 294- jtaylor@meStub virtual IM We will develop and test a novel, low SWA
Shelly MecResearch Sc(310) 320- psproposals@poc.com Inertial m To address the Missile Defense Agency&q
Amish DesaScientist (626) 471- amish.des Stub Thermoplas One advanced material found to survive h
Thomas RoM&P Engin(818) 991- tom@mateStub Advanced M In this MDA Phase I SBIR program, MATEC
Michael ZaPresident (949) 340- mzani@nexgensemi.com Semiconduc NexGenSemi Corporation develops advan
Maia CookSenior Scie(858) 535- maiacook@p Stub UnmannedUnmanned
v systems are taking on an incre
James OngPrincipal I (650) 931- ong@stottStub unmannedThis a project will advance the state of art i
Brian Free Principal I (334) 246- bfreeman@ Stub Intelligen "Diesel generators provide the majo
Marco AmrSenior Lea(765) 464- amrhein@p Stub energy stoThe US Army and Marines rely signifcantl
Emilio RemPrincipal I (650) 931- remolina@Stub unmannedWe a propose to develop a collaborative co
Stephen DoPrincipal I (540) 663- sdorton@sonalysts.com unmannedWe a propose to develop a collaborative co
David KortSenior Scie(281) 461- korten@traclabs.com Planning,OAutonomous vehicles are becoming more
Jeffrey A GePrinciple I (480) 363- jgetzlaff@unovatech.com SPEECH REC This proposal addresses the signifcant ne
Edward BacTechical Di(310) 679- edbach@syStub multimodal"Remotely sensed data has an inhe
Camille MoSenior Scie(617) 491- cmonnier@Stub Human-Mach Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) play an i
Ofr GarciaResearch Sc(310) 320- EOSProposals@poc.com Gesture R To address the OSD need for a minimally
Hajime InoPrincipal S (607) 257- hinoue@atStub Virtualiza Cyber systems remain susceptible to attac
Jonathan Principal I (512) 682- jmugan@21 Stub autonomicCurrent computer systems are dumb auto
James C JRChief Techn(513) 281- jcaffery@gStub Ethernet,t ABSTRACT: The technology developed un
Joel DouglaVice Presi (781) 503- joel.dougl Stub GPS-deniedABSTRACT: Today"s advanced preci
Joshua SolSenior Eng(321) 631- jsole@maiStub Thermal Ma ABSTRACT: A new generation of superson
Kenneth B Principal
M I (818) 240- morrill@k Stub Mobile tarABSTRACT: The objective of the project is
Jim Burke Principal I (256) 319- jim.burke@Stub Conventiona ABSTRACT: Leveraging the results of our P
G. W Wathu Principal I (310) 530- wathugala Stub Buried ExpABSTRACT: Most of the air delivered air f
Kevin RougVice Presi (562) 981- kroughen@Stub wind tunneABSTRACT: M4 Engineering proposes to d
Fang ZhangPrincipal S (310) 320- EOSProposals@poc.com Cryo-vacuum ABSTRACT: Addressing the Air Force need
Andrew BrSenior Ana(805) 968- abrown@tStub Imagery,Geo ABSTRACT: Toyon Research Corporation p
Steven AdlPrincipal S (781) 273- adlergoldeStub HyperspectABSTRACT: Operational airborne hypersp
William E PSenior Eng(937) 427- bill.piers Stub move-stop-ABSTRACT: The objective of this Phase II
Brian M LaChief Scien(310) 524- blamb@emStub Inverse SynABSTRACT: During the Phase I effort, Elec
Gil Raz Senior Mem (781) 503- raz@syste Stub Radar,ATC,ABSTRACT: Wind-turbine induced clutter
Cheryl Liss Principal E(978) 452- cliss@aur Stub MMIC,T/R M ABSTRACT: Phase II tasks will produce a f
Richard Sc Senior Res(315) 527- upstatescientifc@yahoo.com statistics, The response of an object to a burst of ele
Paul L FeinSenior Par (626) 253- fareed@teStub radar targeA processing approach is proposed for de
Eric Fails Sr. Enginee(919) 341- eric.fails Stub SimulationIn this research effort, Vadum will demon
Robert HohChief Scien(508) 222- rhohlfeld Stub Bayesian clWavelet Technologies, Inc. (WTI) propose
Peter Wood Principal I (256) 457- peter.woo Stub DiscriminatCorvid Technologies in collaboration with
Daniel Cra Principle I (208) 523- dcrawford@ Stub post-intercThe Missile Defense Agency"s (MDA
Jakub MoskResearch Sc(508) 788- jmoskal@viStub Resilient s It is expected that the US military forces w
Kelly Hale Sr. VP- Tec (407) 706- kelly@designinteractive.net EYE TRACKIIntelligence from strategic areas of interes
Frank TannChief Scien(855) 267- frank.tann Stub multimodal"Remotely sensed data has an inhe
Brad ArantChief Tech (949) 573- barant@cyStub autonomic"The complexity of modern comput
Peng Xie Lead Scient(301) 294- pxie@i-a-i Stub Automatic Self-adaptive monitoring systems are high
Sanjiv LalwScientist II (979) 764- sanjiv.lalwani@lynntech.com ConformablSensitive and expensive electronic equipm
Radha AgarVice Presi (973) 994- ragarwal@Stub Materials/The objective will be to develop nano-sca
Fred Allen Group Lead(732) 868- fmallen@neicorporation.com superhydroWe propose to advance the state-of-the-a
Vrinda HarSr. RF Engi (919) 649- vrinda@physicaldevices.com underwaterAn analysis of alternatives, including mod
Marshall CrVP Resear (978) 615- mcross@mStub UnderwateIn this proposal we describe our approach
Tejaswi Ta R&D Engin(310) 473- tejaswi@uStub Physiologi UtopiaCompression and team put forth a
Tracy RausChief Tech (617) 997- tracy@docStub Integrated Generation of a single platorm with multi
Paul Theil Senior Des(858) 848- ptheilman Stub Envelope TrIn response to the SOCOM 13-004 Next G
Todd NichoPrincipal E(919) 341- todd.nich Stub Power Ampli Vadum proposes a feasibility study to def
Tony PadgeDirector o (772) 564- tony@pcpammo.com stealth,amPCP Ammunition Company will deliver a f
John W SiglLLC Member (714) 697- jwsigler@ Stub subsonic,am This program will consist of a three prong
Joshua T KrCEO (919) 418- josh@stillwoodammo.com Sub-sonic Technical abstract 13.1-005 Today there i
Tony PadgeDirector E (407) 924- tony@pcpammo.com ammunition PCP Ammunition Company will research t
Shean McM Director (310) 320- ATProposals@poc.com parallel,G To address the SOCOM need for feld-ope
Brett McMil Scientist (512) 795- brett.mcmiStub AccelerateCrossfeld Technology LLC proposes the de
Nick VitalbPresident (412) 254- nick.vital Stub VALR,nVisiBased upon nVision Technology employee
Vladimir EsDirector, I (310) 320- EOSProposals@poc.com bio-inspir To address the Army"s need for a h
Anthony StPresident (858) 625- astarr@se Stub IR,Infrare ABSTRACT: The team will develop a direc
Carol WeddPresident (419) 536- cwedding@ Stub Scene geneABSTRACT: Infrared (IR) imaging and sens
Tony F F ZaPresident (703) 964- zahrah@ma Stub Reactive mABSTRACT: MATSYS proposes to develop
Michael BaPresident (301) 977- mspb@dspl Stub Ladar,lida ABSTRACT: The objective of this effort is t
Jameson Be Principal E(860) 328- jsb@isl-in Stub air-to-air ABSTRACT: Radar sensors provide an imp
Nathaniel Senior Eng(508) 655- nate@buseStub electrospraABSTRACT: Busek has successfully demo
Jim CraftonVice Presi (937) 429- jwcrafton@Stub Skin Fricti ABSTRACT: Among the technical challeng
Anthony JeSenior RF (303) 449- ajensen@fStub High Tempe ABSTRACT: As more and more advanced
Greg ArnolPrincipal I (937) 427- greg.arnol Stub feature re ABSTRACT: Matrix Research, Inc. propose
Joel DouglaVice Presi (781) 503- joel.dougl Stub SimultaneoABSTRACT: The U.S. military has achieved
George E Corporate S(310) 754- george.bo Stub Munitions,ABSTRACT: The Munitions Environment S
P. K Kelly Director of(303) 449- pkelly@frsStub Two-axis mABSTRACT: As airborne sensors become m
Khurram ShPrincipal I (703) 654- kshafque Stub Geo-registABSTRACT: This Small Business Innovatio
Arlen SchmPresident (650) 561- arlen@vis Stub Digital re ABSTRACT: In the past, systems such as th
Jay P GiblinPrincipal S (978) 689- jgiblin@psStub Quantum Do ABSTRACT: Physical Sciences Inc. (PSI), w
Paul RivkinPrincipal I (315) 732- rivkin@brsStub passive mulABSTRACT: Development and deploymen
Lee PattonSr. Staff E (937) 427- lee.patton Stub passive mulABSTRACT: Interest in bistatic radar, wher
Milan Mash General M(805) 277- mashan@frStub coherent rABSTRACT: Freedom Photonics is proposi
Thomas PolSenior Mem (781) 503- tom.polla Stub 3D ModelinABSTRACT: We propose to develop a syst
Joseph AhaVP Enginee(760) 652- jahadian@Stub RFIC,IntegrABSTRACT: Close-in sensors can be used
Glen R BailChief Engin(480) 850- glen.baile Stub Biological In austere and inaccessible environments
Brian J EllioPrincipal (303) 940- belliott@tda.com SequestratTDA Research, Inc. and the University of
Lawrence CEO (617) 448- lawrence. Stub PolyurethaMitigation and recovery from an attack w
Xinhua Li Senior Scie(617) 621- xli@nanot Stub responsiveChemical warfare agents, such as nerve a
Onur Mudan Principal S (310) 443- mudanyali@holomic.com Rugged and We propose a next-generation reader syst
Raymond PChief Scien(301) 683- peterson@Stub lateral fl Chem-bio attacks are a threat to U.S. milit
David CohnPresident (310) 378- dbctechnology@earthlink.net standoff deA new and promising algorithm is propose
ChristopheScientist (630) 226- proposals@sivananthanlabs.us Focal plan The primary goal of this proposed work is
Paul Glass Lead Engin(412) 224- pglass@naStub Gecko adheHook and loop closures in Army uniforms
Michael D Principal I (603) 643- mdj@creare.com Chemical/BInterfaces on existing military chemical/b
Shantha SaPresident (781) 769- shantha@icetinc.com Polymer,SelThe ultimate goal is to develop coatings to
Neeraj Sin Technical (215) 766- sinha@crafStub CEX,ExplosCombustion Research and Flow Technolog
Thomas CoChief Engi (707) 803- tcook@lithiumstart.com Power,LighThe US DoD Missile Defense Agency (MDA
Kuo-Yen SzSenior Tech(805) 371- kyszema@h Stub CFD,meshin A comprehensive approach is proposed to
Kevin Bric Senior Rese(215) 766- kbrinckmaStub afterburni Finite-rate turbulence- chemistry interacti
Robin Pull Program M(434) 202- robin.pulliam@brightspec.com Gas sensorDesign of a custom chirped-pulse Fourier
Elena BekyCEO and Pr(951) 682- bekyarova@carbonsolution.com carbon nanThis project aims to develop all-solid-state
Greg GrudiChief Tech (720) 204- greg@flashbacktechnologies.com trauma,tri The proposed Phase I work will deliver a n
Byron ZollaChief Scien(512) 389- bzollars@ Stub Ocular dia Rapid evaluation of ocular injuries in aust
Larry ScallyCTO/Presid(719) 388- larry.scal Stub VTOL,UAS,oThe unique capabilities provided by vertic
Andrew CarManufactur(512) 821- andrew.carStub Direct MetThe combustor liner is subject to the high
Glen WhiteAssociate (609) 538- glen@contStub Grid generAccurate flow calculation is crucial to the
Vladimir K Technical (256) 726- proposals-Stub ComputatioCFDRC proposes to develop a computatio
Jeffrey HesChief Tech (434) 297- Hesler@VAStub trace gas VDI and OSU are in a strong position to m
Michael GrSenior Tec (814) 867- mgrissom@ Stub electroact KCF in partnership with Penn State will ev
Steve GalbrPrinicpal I (406) 497- sgalbrait Stub cold chain,Resodyn Corporation proposes to develop
Ninad Patn(310) 320- (310) 320- ATProposals@poc.com UnmannedToaeaddress the Armys need for a low-cost
Paul TechaVice Presi (703) 269- pmt@isl-i Stub Radar,Mill In a number of arid regions of the world,
AmarendraPrincipal I (937) 426- arai@ues. Stub gas turbin Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) are susce
Kamal HadiPresident (860) 486- khadidi@aStub CMAS,lantAmastan, in collaboration with the Univer
Peter Liu Sr. Scientis(253) 872- peter.liu@omax.com Abrasive-wOMAX proposes to develop an abrasive-w
Neeraj Sin Vice Presi (215) 766- sinha@craft-tech.com high altit The problem to be addressed within the p
Daniel HoltPrincipal (802) 777- dholtgosselin@ewa.com low SWAP,bEWA Government Systems Inc. (EWA GSI)
Castro L PhProgram En(781) 529- claicer@giStub Energy StorThe power demands for a wide variety of
Gerald StolPresident (505) 404- LAR@StolaStub IED GroundModern ground warfare platorms are bu
Mark FolletSr. Electri (303) 516- mfollett@sStub Sensors,WISporian proposes to develop a wireless se
Byron ZollaChief Scien(512) 389- bzollars@ Stub atmosphericMitigation, correction, or cancellation of t
Mani SundCEO (603) 821- msundara Stub Dark currenWe propose a simple and elegant techniq
Alex NaumPrincipal S (310) 320- ISProposals@poc.com Power harvTo address the Armys need for a self-reple
Waheguru Principal I (979) 764- waheguru.singh@lynntech.com renewable,LIn remote locations that are inaccessible b
Waheguru Group Lea (979) 764- waheguru.Stub Insect-Bor Military personnel are often deployed to a
Jessica Do Principal I (540) 558- dominoj@lStub Vector-bornThere is a need for a durable, non-toxic te
Bill NordhaPrinciple I (972) 747- bnordhausStub Radar,tran This Phase I SBIR program will defne the
Michael JoEmbedded(256) A 535- michael.j Stub Fuze,DopplPhase IV systems has worked on a variety
Guy RoszelMechanical(570) 602- groszel@keStub 40mm,Minia The objective of this project is to design a
Matthew BiEngineeri (216) 649- birch@orbitalresearch.com Miniature There exists a need to improve the lethali
Bob Burch Chief Tech (407) 601- bburch@dig Stub Computer D g ignitas Technologies Phase I approach w
CHIEU NGUVP APPLIE (949) 273- chieu.nguyen@metronome-software.com Operating Metronome and Raytheon propose the d
Renato LevChief Scien(301) 294- rlevy@i-a- Stub Root-CauseTo support reliable and secure communic
James StruDirector of(714) 974- jstruble@rStub Full Digit Advancing technology in Sample/Hold, A/
Gil Raz Senior Mem (781) 503- raz@STResStub wideband,lSystems & Technology Research (STR
Ian RumseySenior RF (303) 449- irumsey@fStub NetworkingIn this Phase I effort, FIRST RF will develop
Kyle WhalePrinciple I (972) 747- kwhaley@m Stub UAV Radar,Mustang proposes to develop innovative,
William Di Sr. Control (650) 759- w.dickson Stub virtual sta SA Photonics is pleased to propose our FA
David SchePresident (562) 735- davejs@coStub precision CDI is proposing an tactical OIRU design b
Edgar MenChief Excec(310) 292- emendoza@redondooptics.com wireless f Redondo Optics Inc. (ROI) proposes to de
Nic WilliamManager of(480) 820- nicholas.williams@safeinc.us safety,cargThe proposed solution concepts are inten
Joseph GaiChief Engi (631) 981- jgaito@easStub Cargo,surviDevelop an innovative approach for cargo
Shibin JianPresident (520) 790- sjiang@advaluephotonics.com fber ampliTelecommunication 850 nm band is an att
Richard BoManager, C(717) 295- Richard.B Stub heat pipesThis Small Business Innovation Research (
Brandon ZeVice Presi (858) 598- brandon@a Stub Blind SignaAdaptive Dynamics, Inc. (ADI) has develop
Rob BlanchPrincipal I (703) 968- rblanchard@adaptivemethods.com detection, Existing organic sensors of surface comba
Jim MacDoMember Tec (800) 341- jmacdonalStub TR module,Nuvotronics proposes to develop low-cos
Robert HayVP Busine (781) 893- rhay@mmcStub Multi-laye This proposal addresses an opportunity fo
John MurpVP / Proje (678) 296- jmurphy@orionsolutionsllc.com anti-icing Orion Solutions is pleased to submit a rec
Brian MoorSenior Res(315) 339- bmoore@rStub Ambiguity TEhis SBIR develops technologies to autom
Walter RanPrincipal E(401) 849- walt@prometheus-us.com Signal Des We will adapt, tailor and apply novel mate
Tom NugenPresident (253) 872- tom.nugenStub Power OverAnalyze a tethered VTOL system capable o
Antonios Ch Principle (937) 297- tony.chall Stub Power distCurrently 400 Hz power systems onboard
Ronald SeipPresident (808) 261- ronseiple@Stub Launch andThis effort utilizes a new Launch and Reco
AmarendraPrincipal I (937) 426- arai@ues.com Gear,engine Loss of the primary lubrication system in t
Sameer H PI/Sr. Comp(505) 903- shemmadyStub AutomotiveTo address PEO Ground Systems requirem
Richard IvyPrincipal I (864) 972- richard.ivy@quickflex.com Power,SWAP Soldiers and Unattended Sensors can gain
Paul FazzioResearch E(203) 287- pfazzino@pStub kitchen,refPrecision Combustion, Inc. (PCI) will deve
Scott MorrPrincipal I (978) 250- smorrison Stub Energy Harv Our team, which includes a current suppl
ChristopheGroup Lea (979) 764- christopheStub Power sourc To meet the current and future needs of t
Aaron WalkChief Tech (919) 341- aaron.wal Stub linear,Non In this program Vadum will develop a rada
Serena ChaChief Opera (607) 351- serenasch Stub scalable,NeWe will develop and evaluate algorithms
Mohammed Technical D(937) 291- contact@eStub SCREECH,da A novel passive screech liner damping des
Gary BedroPrincipal I (814) 861- gary.bedr Stub radar sign High-fdelity predictions of the radar cros
Sachin JainSr. GNC En(617) 229- sjain@aurora.aero survivabili To maximize the strike effectiveness of mu
Amos FreePresident (818) 788- afreedy@percsolutions.com UnmannedThis Ai proposal is to develop Team Oriented
Ian RumseySenior RF (303) 449- irumsey@fStub DREX,Radar FIRST RF will develop a low SWaP DREX sy
Lance LabuProject Ma(480) 820- lance.labun@safeinc.us self-lubric Safe, Inc. proposes a physical shield to pro
Dmitri Iazi VP Manufa(541) 431- dmitri@lightsmyth.com High effici LightSmyth is a US based manufacturer of
Douglas SmPresident (508) 503- dsmith@plStub Spectral beThe intent of this proposal is to design, an
John MarciManaging (585) 771- john.marc Stub Spectral beSpectral beam combination (SBC) of fber
Timothy WDirector o (607) 428- timw@diam Stub DistributedDiamond Visionics proposes a solution to
David MorgSr. Softwar(913) 851- dmorgan@a Stub image geneA system is described that minimizes the
Yongdong JDirector (678) 287- yjiang@ngStub NANOSPRAY, Many military and commercial application
Stephen GaPrincipal I (406) 497- sgalbrait Stub Abrasion RResodyn Corporation proposes to develop
Edward ClaCTO (303) 522- edward.cl Stub Thermal IntThe aim of the proposal is to develop and
David Erb Director o (207) 933- erbdf@textech.us Parachute Parachutes are a vital technology for mov
Mehmet UrChief Tech (734) 730- muras@com Stub Blast Sens Paradigm Research and Engineering prop
Robert KipChief Scien(312) 873- kipp@delcStub asymptotic,Radar signatures of small boats and ships
Inna AbramCEO/CTO (323) 401- contact@inkographics.com Genetic al This effort will develop a software tool wi
Daniel RenPh.D./V.P. (805) 277- drenner@fStub Wireless CoFreedom Photonics proposes to develop a
Tod CourtnSenior Sof (217) 363- tcourtney@delcross.com antennas,RModern military systems contain numero
Andrew DrChief Scien(315) 334- adrozd@androcs.com Cosite Int Simulation tools that exist today for predi
Tayfun OzdPresident (734) 222- tayfun@vi Stub electromagVirtual EM is proposing to employ multi-c
Rick WalterPrincipal I (505) 767- rick.walter@atacorp.com Compact Opt ATA proposes to develop a Compact Optic
Jacob LoverDirector o (814) 867- loverich@kStub slip ring, This proposal addresses the opportunity t
Tyson LawrPrincipal I (978) 250- tlawrence@tritonsystems.com ProtectionLiner wear in spherical bearings used in f
Robert McCSr. VP, Chi (703) 365- bob.mccaig@assett.net Acoustic S ASSETT, Inc. proposes to develop an acou
Aaron Hat Thermal En(773) 355- aaron.hathaway@thermavant.com Pulsating An oscillating heat pipe (OHP) embedded
Andrew McPresident (225) 590- mccandlesStub interferen Radio systems are easily subjected to unin
Marc RobinSenior Eng(410) 431- marc@signalsystemscorp.com detection,lSignal Systems Corporation proposes to u
Vincent BaVP of Poly (540) 626- vince@nanStub tow cable, The objective of this Phase I SBIR program
Wayne ThoSenior Scie(617) 491- wthorntonStub metrology,e Electronic warfare (EW) systems classify e
William FarDirector of(410) 381- jim.farrell@lakota-tsi.com metrology,G Metrological differences between tactical
Jim CovingPrincipal I (860) 449- jcovingtonStub Automation Naval Combat Systems have evolved into
Kevin BrowPrincipal I (703) 368- kbrown@pr Stub Software DOur approach toward the successful comp
Richard BilSenior Sys (610) 521- richardbil Stub Over the HThe CommLift Vertical Take-Off and Landi
Karl MurphSenior Eng(240) 631- murphy@ro Stub autonomous Robotic Research LLC in an exclusive partn
Troy BeechSenior Eng(321) 631- tbeechner Stub Power elecNaval ships currently operate independen
John Ashe Project Ma(256) 971- ashe@aos-inc.com Control sy To improve the at sea recovery of the Rem
Peter RoosLaser Physi(406) 585- roos@bridStub Nonlinear To address the Navy's needs for a m
Tushar TanPrincipal I (919) 562- tushar.tank@3phoenix.net Automatic Actionable
T situational awareness in clutte
Vincent Pr Principal I (781) 862- premus@oasislex.com Physics-BaU. S. Navy tactical and strategic forces nee
John Dick Principal I (401) 849- jdickmann@sonalysts.com Course of Sonalysts proposes to develop a Mission P
Lewis Hart Principal I (703) 968- lhart@adaptivemethods.com Multi-objeSubmarines conduct operational missions
John MurraPrincipal E(410) 431- jmurray@sStub Automatic Thep proposed effort develops and evaluat
Jason SumManaging (202) 629- jason.e.summers@ariacoustics.com spatial sta Applied Research in Acoustics LLC will form
STEPHEN PRINCIPAL (617) 547- SFULGHUMStub extinction Science Research Laboratory, Inc. (SRL) w
David SonnGroup Lead(978) 689- sonnenfro Stub AbsorptionOperation of a ship-borne Laser Weapons
Thierry CarTechnology(303) 792- thierryc@adatech.com high energyADA Technologies is teaming with the Col
Rick HollanSenior Fell(703) 276- rick@chaotic.com Torpedo,toBy exploiting the high Doppler rate of torp
W. MonachVice Presi (757) 727- reynolds@Stub Torpedo rec In this SBIR project Wagner Associates wi
Charles GraPrincipal I (703) 968- cgray@adaptivemethods.com Torpedo DeTorpedoes are a lethal threat to surface sh
Ryan KilgorPrincipal S (617) 491- rkilgore@cStub Conning OfVirtual Environments (VEs) provide a cost
Roberto C Sr. Researc(407) 706- roberto@designinteractive.net Live Virtu The Data Integrator Ship Handling Assessm
Walt Allen Principal I (301) 840- wallenswoStub Active adaChallenges faced today by the U.S. Navy&
Petersen Cu Senior Eng(302) 456- pcurt@emp Stub wearable cNew enhancements to mobile computers
Mimmo EliPrincipal (617) 440- melia@novStub JP-8 combus Proposed here is an approach to modify t
Scott BierlyPresident (571) 308- scott.bierly@azuresummit.com communicat Next Generation airborne Navy Radar and
Charles KuzPresident (760) 652- ckuznia@uStub harsh envi This program creates a fber optic bi-direc
John Matt Team Lead(310) 320- ATProposals@poc.com Horizontal Addressing the Navy"s need to deve
Harry PerkPrincipal I (512) 263- hperkinsonStub CompositeA polymeric based hull protection system
Jennifer H CEO/Presid(801) 975- hwu@innosystech.com CATHODE,tr The need for wire that is able to be heate
Don HayesPresident (972) 578- don.hayes@microfab.com Direct-WritWe will develop and demonstrate the key
Jeffrey HobMechanical(440) 309- jeff.hobb Stub tungsten r Study to investigate variables to optimize
Conrad Po Owner (877) 763- cpdodsbirnet@stellarscience.com CAD Models The rapid identifcation of ships from peri
Michael MSenior Staf(805) 968- mmoore@tStub motion com To create robust automated video analysi
John ThornPrincipal I (858) 715- jthornton@progeny.net Low Cost,EProgeny will design the Expendable Real T
Mildred HaPrincipal I (781) 879- hastbacka.m@tiaxllc.com hose tube,To develop concepts for affordable flexho
Michael BaPrincipal I (603) 643- mdb@creare.com CONNECTOR, The need to isolate mechanical shock and
Dave WelliSenior Sof (703) 530- dwelling@sStub Simulator,FSedna Digital Solutions, LLC (Sedna) has e
Joseph CarPresident (303) 678- joe.carey@Stub phased arrIn this Phase I SBIR, we will perform syste
Andrew DaiSenior RF (781) 562- adaigle@metamagneticsinc.com T/R SwitchOver the course of this small business inn
Ross Bird Principal I (570) 322- rbird@qortek.com Sonar,PoweQorTek and Lockheed Martin Mission Syst
Geoff ShortPrincipal I (401) 846- gshort@prStub Power Supp The MK48 Heavyweight Torpedo broadba
Derek Yo Senior RF E(808) 531- Dahyo@OCStub RF SpectruOceanit"s approach is to develop an
Waheguru Group Lea (408) 266- waheguru.singh@lynntech.com Undersea ENavy Submarines utilize a large number o
Rock RushiPrincipal I (512) 263- rrushing@tri-austin.com ceramic,Pl Texas Research Institute Austin (TRI/Austi
Mike McFarPrincipal S (925) 798- mcfarland Stub Corrosion, The purpose of this project is to demonst
Adam GoffPrincipal I (434) 220- goffa@lunainc.com HydrophobiThe tow cable strands used to tow the AQ
Ron SteelePrincipal I (703) 968- rsteele@adaptivemethods.com system int Navy tactical software, such as the AN/SQ
Jason BurkPrincipal R(434) 973- barron@baStub fluid dyna Shipboard launch and recovery of remote
Robin HuanVice Presi (978) 988- robin@ter Stub high brigh There is a compelling need for scaling the
Thaddeus BSenior Scie(401) 822- thadbell@cStub Active sonaHistorically, operation of the mid-frequen
Ruben MaoDirector O (310) 507- rmao@daiStub upto C-BanThe United States Navy currently uses kly
Eddy MilanRF Enginee(310) 320- ISProposals@poc.com VSWR,KlystTo address the Navy need for a high peak-
Fred Niell PI (781) 275- niell@divt Stub High PowerDiversifed Technologies, Inc. (DTI) propos
Lawrence SChief Scien(703) 326- stone@metStub False AlarmMetron has developed a detector-tracker
Kevin JonesSenior Rese(954) 331- kevin@aveStub Source sepa This Phase I project will develop an innov
George AnPrincipal I (508) 828- ganderson@progeny.net Shock-ResiThe Navy has identifed the need for an im
Robert StePresident (319) 447- bobs@softrStub Power Mana Softronics Ltd. proposes employing a nove
Mark SullivChief Scien(571) 308- mark.sull Stub emitter parSEWIP Block 2 will utilize a fast-scanning E
Dennis StaSenior Vice(315) 339- dstadelman@ras.com data interpThis SBIR develops clustering and de-inter
Thomas Nul Principal E(919) 341- tom.null@vaduminc.com Robust,cons In this research effort, Vadum will evaluat
Benjamin SStructures (617) 229- bsmith@auStub Battery,HigAurora Flight Sciences and the Lockheed M
JAN PETRICPrincipal I (310) 626- jpetrich@nextgenaero.com Design OptSignifcant resources are required to incre
Alberto LacPresident (240) 631- lacaze@robStub FAULT DETEThe objective for Phase I of this effort is to
Michael PlaChief Execu(541) 929- plackmj@pStub Robot,LogiThe QED team proposes an Advanced Pay
Yi-Je Lim Chief Opera (617) 229- ylim@hstartech.com LCS MissioHstar proposes a mobile, advanced, agile,
Brian StiebAnalyst (805) 968- bstieber@toyon.com Video surveIn an effort to improve the current approa
Mark HawtDirector of(928) 779- mhawthornStub Radome,nex ATC Materials has developed a silicon nitr
Ender SavrPresident (425) 485- ender.savrun@siennatech.com ceramic,MiConventional dielectric materials for rado
Benjamin M Materials (847) 287- bmangrichStub Cerablak, Advanced missile radomes require robust
Zachary TayVice-presi (951) 600- zachary.taylor@gtlcompany.com Diving,OxyGTL proposes to develop a small diamete
Thierry CarTechnology(303) 792- thierryc@adatech.com frst-stage ADA Technologies, in collaboration with S
Daniel MetPrincipal I (540) 961- metreyd@lunainc.com fber optic Current air flasks utilized by the Navy for S
Matthew Ha Principal I (425) 869- matthew.hStub hybrid couEOSPACE proposes developing a practical
Noren Pan President (847) 588- npan@mldevices.com High effici One of the major challenges currently fac
Gary PozarSenior Scie(651) 485- poz0001@a Stub lubricationApplied Colloids proposes the utilization o
Naibing MaPrincipal S (310) 320- ISProposals@poc.com Condition-To address the Armys need for health mo
Prachee ShGroup Lea (310) 530- psharma@Stub DHCP,IP adImprovements in dynamic address assignm
Sharly IbraSenior Mec(520) 574- mercorp@Stub Net Shape Producing complex net shape, narrow, lon
ChristopheVice Presi (949) 583- brown@ercStub SCREECH,Ac This Phase I project will demonstrate how
Darin KnauPrincipal I (603) 643- dak@creare.com combustionCombustion stability is critical to the perfo
An-Dien N CEO (408) 802- a.d.nguye Stub fber optic Veraphotonics proposes to develop a low
Tyson LawrPrincipal I (978) 250- tlawrence Stub hearing losJob related hearing loss is a growing issue
Ninad PatnGroup Lea (310) 320- ATProposals@poc.com hearing pr To address the Navy"s need for a m
Brian Jami President (240) 456- brianj@sbm Stub warfghterThe objective of the proposed program is
Frank ClarkPrincipal S (781) 273- fclark@spectral.com surface vibComposite materials, widely used in aircra
PengchengSenior Scie(302) 998- pengchengStub Sensor,die In this proposal, AlphaSense, Inc. details t
David ZimdMgr of Ter(734) 864- dzimdars@picometrix.com Non DestruIn this Phase I SBIR project, we propose to
Jacob AlexPrincipal I (978) 250- jalexander@tritonsystems.com LightweighThe US Navy seeks to simplify loading, un
Matthew REngineer (804) 878- matthew@turnaroundfactor.com efficiency TAF Proposes to implement a cargo and p
Tony MoretVice Presi (630) 562- tmoretti@Stub detector,LaThe Navy needs an optical repeater based
Mark GrogResearch E(216) 404- mgrogan@Stub self lubric In this proposed Phase I Project, Powderm
Frederick PChief Tech (610) 521- piasecki_f Stub clutch,powOverrunning modes will be modeled with
Feng Xu Senior Rese(301) 294- fxu@i-a-i. Stub Radar SignModeling of radar signature of sea targets
Chris HudsManager of(540) 951- chris@adap Stub Visible Li Navy aircraft operate from and in these h
William AuPrincipal I (603) 643- wea@crearStub Situationa Safe efficient operations on the flight line
William HalPricipal In (512) 479- hallidy@spec.com DRFM,Electr Recent advancements in high speed signa
Sidney TheiPresident (214) 353- sidtheis@rStub Common Dat Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV) such as Fire
Eric HoppePresident (765) 237- eric@indi Stub hgih effici This proposal is focused on the developm
Milan Mash Ph.D/Gene(805) 277- mashan@frStub Optical Tr In this program, Freedom Photonics propo
Gerald TouProject Ma(973) 615- gtourgee@Stub optical ca The David Ross Group will develop an inn
Clark Cole Research Sc(434) 284- clc@zephyrStub program bin An existing binary static analyzer, STARS (S
Brian Sten Lead Scient(407) 542- stensrud@soartech.com OneSAF,Soar The USMC has an immediate need for a fr
Michael RicVice Presi (805) 683- mricci@launchpnt.com PermanentLaunchPoint
M Technologies Inc. proposes t
John Lien Senior Rese(517) 784- sziegenfuss@sealandaire.com Magnetic,Ac Undersea operational supremacy is found
Charles PoPrincipal (408) 723- capcap@aol.com Oxidation This project will develop and demonstrate
Corinna LaBoard Cha (301) 495- clathan@atinc.com Motion SicThe primary objective of this SBIR effort is
William McPrincipal I (860) 326- mcconn_w@sonalysts.com Onboard TeSonalysts will develop and demonstrate a
Richard MaCOO (302) 456- martin@pha Stub Wireless CPSI will leverage our extensive experience
Justin MansVice Presi (505) 245- justin.mansell@mza.com high spati The demonstration of polymer membrane
Gershon WPrincipal S (818) 788- gweltman@ Stub selection tThis proposal is to develop new Operator
Phillip Ma Principal S (321) 262- phillip.mangos@battlepulsetech.com Data MininUnmanned Aerial System (UAS) operation
Erik ThomsSenior Scie(617) 491- ethomsen@ Stub decision s ABSTRACT: Real world uncertainties all bu
Adrian T DManaging (916) 635- atdewald@h Stub Residual s ABSTRACT: It is widely recognized that ne
Benjamin GMaterial a (858) 638- david@seaStub electrotherABSTRACT: This Small Business Innovative
Jim CowardPresident (408) 977- j.coward@Stub HyperspectABSTRACT: SA Photonics is pleased to pro
William BaPrincipal (781) 879- barney.william@tiaxllc.com Taggant,ISRABSTRACT: In this effort, we will develop
Peter GowaSenior Rad(978) 461- gowaski@fStub Radar ReceiABSTRACT: A major challenge and expens
Roger DorvVice Presi (609) 584- dorval@linStub W-band,MPM ABSTRACT: Linearizer Technology-GOV w
JagadishwarFounder an(617) 674- jsirigiri@ Stub Traveling ABSTRACT: We propose to design fabrica
Sudipto GhVice Presi (860) 761- sudipto@tStub EMA,PHM ABSTRACT:
So Electromechanical Actuation
Guojing Li principal i (517) 353- liu@egr.m Stub ballistic Due to the complex wave propagation an
Corinna LaBoard Cha (301) 495- clathan@aStub Situation This SBIR seeks to design, develop, and va
Robert E HPrincipal I (925) 461- rhardesty Stub thermal coThis successful Phase I effort demonstrate
Allan DokhGroup Lead(978) 689- dokhan@ps Stub ammoniumPhysical
d Sciences Inc. proposes to develop
Helmuth E Chief Tech (925) 833- hmeissnerStub AFB(R),Adhe Yb:YAG crystalline fber lasers can have a 9
Karl MurphPrincipal I (240) 631- murphy@ro Stub real time 3Robotic Research, LLC, proposes to develo
Mikhail BelGroup/Pro(858) 646- mbelenkii@ Stub Compact skCurrent technology for weapon azimuth m
Lawrence Principal I (978) 250- ldomash@tStub Anti-reflecTriton Systems, teamed with a major US m
John Matt Team Lead(310) 320- ATProposals@poc.com intermodulIn response to the Army need, Physical Op
Hau DuongChief Opera (626) 795- hau.duongStub solid acid This project develops a person portable, p
Robert FreVP Techno(617) 435- robfreda@Stub Wind energy The objective of the proposed work is to d
Sylvain BruHuman Sys(781) 496- sbruni@apStub live,virtu Many professionals are involved with the
Shiyun RuaProject Ma(508) 804- sruan@xtalStub NanostructDuring Phase I, Xtalic demonstrated the p
Chris SaranLead Metam (805) 637- csarantos Stub metamateriWe will continue developing a plasmonic
Ahmed ShaCTO (302) 456- sharkawy@Stub metamateriCurrent bolometers are broadband detec
Vivek NagaDirector, (617) 668- VNagarka Stub Bright ScinTo address issues of sub-optimal perform
Robert Bis President (617) 519- eyedeal@be Stub measuremen The objective of this proposal is to produc
Daniel Cra Principle I (208) 523- dcrawford@ Stub solid rock The Missile Defense Agency is seeking de
Jean-Marc Member
R Tec
(800) 341- jmrollin@nStub SSPA,PowerNuvotronics is proposing for this Navy SBI
Kris MerkelPresident/(406) 922- merkel@s2Stub wideband aS2 Corporation and subcontractor Montan
Bradley BesPrincipal I (303) 359- bjbest@adStub Simulation,We aim to develop Artifcial Intelligence (
Joeseph TetPresident (610) 581- jgteti@lamsci.com tactical de Per the topic description, naval airborne s
Kirk Price Principal I (360) 566- kirk.price@nlight.net Multi-spectnLIGHT proposes the development of a m
Alex NugenPresident (505) 988- i@alexnugStub sense-makiABSTRACT: In our phase-1 effort we prov
Tom FlorenProgram M(256) 426- tlorence@Stub Sensor,HostABSTRACT: Recent technical demonstrati
Phillip ChaCEO (732) 329- pchan@cytStub CytoSorb,mTrauma and burn injuries are leading caus
Seth TomblPrincipal S (336) 725- seth.tomb Stub antibacteriImprovements in body armor, availability
Amos FreePresident (818) 788- afreedy@pStub decision s Managing basis health needs in HA/DR an
Christine BPrincipal I (858) 751- cbenzie@sStub Nosecone,C Phase 4 of the Phased Adaptive Approach
Brian PasquPrincipal I (609) 921- bpasquini Stub Overhead Pe The Missile Defense Agency has adopted
Paul Koola Research Sc(979) 260- pkoola@kbStub machine leKBSI proposes to research the developme
Vladimir MPresident (949) 733- vmarkov@a Stub atmospheriEffective performance of prospective ene
Donald LinSenior Scie(561) 747- dlink@mza.com Adaptive oAdaptive optics are needed for high-energ
Bethany BrScientist (617) 491- bbracken@cra.com Cognitive Exposure to motion degrades operational
Kevin McCaPrincipal I (703) 592- kevin.mca Stub Game,serioThe"Adaptive Gaming Environment
Tin Aye Technology(310) 320- EOSProposals@poc.com distributedTo address the Navy need for a compact o
Gary DonoProject Ma(904) 475- gdonoher@ Stub master nodOur system concept is based on a number
JOSEPH J J VICE PRES (248) 625- jkovasity@Stub turbojet,T ABSTRACT: Technical Directions Inc. (TDI)
Carl KirkcoCTO (949) 975- cskirkconnStub cryocooler,ABSTRACT: The proposed effort for the M
Richard NeVice Presid(603) 598- rick@solidsStub SWIR,imagABSTRACT: Solid State Scientifc Corporati
David BeelResearch Sc(937) 865- davidbeel Stub ComputatioABSTRACT: Powder-bed based additive m
Paul H Sor Principal I (603) 643- phs@crearStub MEMS,Gyro The Army uses Unattended Ground Senso
John Lebo Chief Opera (443) 672- jlebo@qmpStub Rare earthQM Power will design, build and test a hig
Prachee ShGroup Lea (310) 530- psharma@Stub MANET,perf Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) exhibi
Kathie Ber Senior Scie(607) 272- kberghornStub MicrospherBacterial enteric pathogens causing trave
Terry PattePrincipal S (617) 491- tpatten@cStub Training; t The US Army faces a signifcant burden w
Larry LafferVP Enginee(404) 909- llafferty@ Stub KnowledgeThe objective for this SBIR is to develop a
David JoneDirector- (407) 706- david@designinteractive.net Mobile StrConcern has been raised over the prevale
Eileen KrepResearch E(434) 973- barron@baStub Amputations Limb loss affects approximately 1.9 million
Christine BPrincipal I (858) 751- cbenzie@sStub Third stag Phase 4 of the Missile Defense Agency&q
Subir RoycVP Researc(203) 287- sroychoudhury@precision-combustion. Solid oxid Precision Combustion, Inc. (PCI) is propos
Joel HensleGroup Lead(978) 689- hensley@pStub hydride vaThere is an intense search for new nonline
Edward PreChief Tech (919) 789- preble@kyStub Quasi-phasGallium Nitride (GaN) crystals have recent
Daniel ButtMaterials (256) 851- dbutts@plStub plasma sprThe Navy is developing weapon systems c
SubhadarshCTO (877) 203- nayak@sciencetomorrow.biz MicrostrucState-of-the-art manufacturing cost for Si
Edward PoChairman (818) 991- ed@matechgsm.com Silicon Ca In this Navy Phase I SBIR Program, MATEC
Lindsay AllPrincipal I (603) 640- lva@creare.com machine leAircraft carrier deck operations require a
RaghvendraGNC Engin(617) 229- rcowlagi@aStub Markov Dec Unmanned and partially autonomous aer
Andrey MatPrincipal E(626) 351- andrey.matsko@oewaves.com Photonics,fOEwaves has pioneered the use of photon
John MarciManaging (585) 771- john.marciante@ramphotonics.com MillimeterConventional generation of a high-quality
John P SnyChief Techn(619) 590- john.p.sn Stub Radiation ABSTRACT: Avolare2 proposes to establis
Yakup BayrCEO&Chief(614) 599- yakup.bay Stub FOLDABLE,lABSTRACT: In Phase I, PaneraTech demon
JW Smith Director (650) 968- jwsmith@siStub StructuredABSTRACT: This proposal"s objectiv
Jie Yang Research E(479) 443- jyang@apeiStub high tempeABSTRACT: This Phase II SBIR will focus o
Khurram ShPrincipal I (703) 654- kshafque@objectvideo.com nonlinear fABSTRACT: This Small Business Innovatio
Christoph Owner (303) 469- cbowman@ Stub Space WeatABSTRACT: The DF & NN team prop
Lawrence Senior Scie(720) 872- lwoods@asStub Mid-Bandga ABSTRACT: Phase II will leverage the succ
Adalberto Senior Sof (410) 297- adalberto. Stub Aircraft,m ABSTRACT: SURVICE Engineering is propo
ChristopheSr. Scientis(979) 764- christopheStub High energABSTRACT: To provide longer operating ti
Andrey SolPresident (740) 541- soloviev@ Stub SAR,InertiaABSTRACT: Qunav proposes the developm
George M W President (971) 223- georgew@v Stub SWIR,MWIR, ABSTRACT: A compact night vision imagin
Gary McMilMember of(512) 795- gary.mcmilStub Solid Stat ABSTRACT: Crossfeld Technology propos
Elan FreedVice Presi (703) 324- elanf@percStub resources ABSTRACT: Human planners face signifca
Steven MinPresident (310) 383- sminton@in Stub artifcial ABSTRACT: The internet has become an i
Stuart CardChief Scien(315) 793- Stu.Card@cStub direct anonABSTRACT: Warfghters need to be able t
Wenjian WDirector, (310) 320- ISProposals@poc.com GPS-deniedABSTRACT: Physical Optics Corporation (P
James MagSr Materia(513) 469- jmagato@m Stub polyimide,ABSTRACT: Composite materials are beco
Subrata DaChief Scien(617) 797- sdas@mach Stub Analytics, Under Phase I, we have designed and dev
Yi Wang Group Lea (256) 327- proposals-Stub stem cell, Current methods to discern the differenti
James NiehScientist (617) 491- jniehaus@Stub Mobile AppPost-deployment psychological health issu
Walid SousVP of Rese(858) 412- walid@quaStub auditory,HIn 2010 tinnitus became the most commo
Tayfun OzdPresident (734) 222- tayfun@vi Stub Full-wave, A prototype Computer Aided Design (CAD
Justin Hill Senior Eng(321) 631- jhill@mainStub high densi ABSTRACT: This proposal outlines a scala
Boyd V HunChief Techn(505) 345- bhunter@kStub spectrscopABSTRACT: A new differential spectrosco
Seoung B LSr. Commu(781) 359- sblee@mayStub Next generABSTRACT: Mayflower proposes to devel
Abhishek TDirector T (310) 479- abhishek@s Stub Airborne nABSTRACT: In this Phase II effort Silvus Te
Donald KimCTO (858) 272- dkimball@Stub AlGaN/GaNABSTRACT: The signifcance of the 71-76
Larry SadwCTO (801) 975- sadwick@iStub W-band traABSTRACT: The Air Force has identifed a
Brent RoedDirector o (540) 373- broeder@m Stub Internette ABSTRACT: The Air Force needs a Remote
George HaFounder a (435) 654- gchansen@Stub ConductiveABSTRACT: Conductive Composites has d
Adrian T DManaging (916) 635- atdewald@h Stub residual s ABSTRACT: Aircraft engine and structural
Jason E E LVice Presi (937) 298- jason.linc Stub polyimide,ABSTRACT: The overall objective of the p
Siu F Dick Chief Engi (310) 558- dcheng@ae Stub Composites, ABSTRACT: We have investigated differen
Komal A MProject Ma(217) 721- masudkomStub Fibrous co ABSTRACT: This proposal presents two no
Scott v LavChief Scien(256) 319- scott.vonl Stub vacuum feABSTRACT: Scientic, Inc. will team with Va
Michael HeOwner (703) 629- mike.henryStub GPS,GNSS,U ABSTRACT: In this proposal we describe a
Wais Ali Principal I (858) 798- wais.ali@nu-trek.com Reliability ABSTRACT: Nu-Trek will be designing a re
Timothy J Chief Execu(314) 615- tim.holme Stub expectatioABSTRACT: High Energy X-ray computed t
James PadSenior Aut(617) 500- jpaduano@Stub Gust rejectAurora proposes to develop bio-inspired w
Matthew W Research Sc(818) 899- matt.wrig Stub active den Raytheon Missile Systems Gen 4B W-band
Marc AbraPI (540) 951- mabrams@harmonia.com graphical uWe present the Graphical User Interface T
Michel LediSenior Rese(203) 503- mledizet@Stub West Nile vFlaviviruses, and dengue viruses in particu
Timothy HuPresident (814) 234- thurley@dStub in-shoe fo Although footwear science has made con
Ben C JuricSenior Ana(805) 968- bjuricek@ Stub Collective The team of Toyon and HDT Global propo
Richard A Chief Scien(818) 880- rahutchin Stub Adaptive op Optical Physics Company (OPC) has develo
DeepnarayVP R&D (914) 592- gupta@hypStub SATCOM,DigiModern radio frequency (RF) communica
Sean GuariSenior Scie(617) 491- sguarino@Stub ProvenanceMarine Expeditionary Units (MEUs) are oft
Teresa NieScientist (321) 473- tnieten@mStub Crowd sourcThe basic need in a crisis situation, wheth
Mark ZagarPrincipal I (603) 643- mvz@crearStub cryogenic Cryogenic electronics have the potential t
Carl KirkcoCTO (949) 975- cskirkconnStub Pulse TubeOne of the fundamental implementation
Jason AdasProgram M(970) 461- jason.adaska@numerica.us UAS,airborThe US Navy uses manned and unmanned
Arkady Ba Optical En (760) 722- bablumyanStub Electro-opRF photonic links provide an attractive ap
Suwat ThanPrincipal I (425) 869- suwat@eosStub antenna reThe objective is to develop a wideband, h
Gary Betts Distinguis (978) 670- eackerman@photonicsinc.com Electro-opThis Small Business Innovation Research P
Neil Ferna Manager Fu (781) 461- nfernandeStub environmen Acumentrics proposes to utilize the uniqu
Bryan PelleAerospace(937) 320- pelleybm@Stub Drive ShaftCornerstone Research Group Inc.'s
Mike MullePrincipal I (717) 938- mmullen@p Stub Underwater The US Navy has a requirement for a disp
James WithC.E.O. (520) 574- jcwithers Stub High temperFuture hypersonic sea-level launch system
Kent BueskDirector (610) 964- buesking@m-r-d.com diffusion The Navy is developing high speed projec
Robert JeffPrincipal I (434) 220- jeffersr@l Stub fber reinf Transparent armor usually ranks among th
Ming Luo Manager, (573) 281- mluox@yahoo.com COMPOSITE The main objective of this work is to deve
David JungDirector of(714) 597- davidj@traStub spaced armThis proposal offers the demonstration of
Valery TemOptical En (520) 626- vtemyanko@ Stub Frequency TIPD
D LLC proposes to develop a compact a
Yelena Isy Principal R(781) 275- isyanova@Stub SHG,Nanose The Navy SBIR topic solicits the developm
Sandro ScieResearch As (972) 636- sandro.sci Stub Navy AviatTraditional selection and training practice
Robin HuanVice Presi (978) 988- robin@teradiode.com high brigh There is a compelling need for multi-spec
Laura Hitt Principal I (512) 682- lhitt@21ctStub CollaboratiABSTRACT: 21CT proposes the Classifcati
Yun Wang Vice Presi (310) 216- yun.wang@ Stub Adaptive i ABSTRACT: Laser-based directed energy s
Peng ChengSenior The(888) 415- peng.chenStub chip carrieABSTRACT: A chip carrier for high power
Vladimir MPresident (949) 733- vmarkov@a Stub Data FusioABSTRACT: The proposed technique emp
Steven F MSr. Scientis(609) 921- sfm@sciteStub Overhead PABSTRACT: The mission of the U.S. Air Fo
Edward PatVice Presi (310) 320- psproposals@poc.com composite ABSTRACT: At the Northrop Grumman Ae
Arian LalezSenior RF (303) 449- alalezari@fStub CDL and TCABSTRACT: In order to provide modular, s
Fredric ZioPrincipal I (978) 562- fziolkowsk Stub Airborne r ABSTRACT: The sufficiency of the half-wa
Derek StreMicrosyst (256) 922- dstrembic Stub InstrumentThe AEgis Technologies Group Inc. is prop
Dennis KneSr. Researc(831) 582- dennis.kn Stub UEWR,ionos UHF radars at high latitude observe signif
Raymond CProprietor (510) 420- raymond_cUC MercedJay Sharpin(209) 228- GravitationWe propose a gravitational-radiation milit
Jakub MoskResearch Sc(508) 788- jmoskal@viNortheasteDeborah Gr(617) 373- RF devicesVIStology, Northeastern University and BB
Filip PerichPrincipal I (703) 761- fperich@s Georgia TeBrett Walk(404) 407- RF devicesThe scientifc/technical objective is to dev
Frank HubeProgram M(561) 427- FHuber@ftUniversity Corin Segal(352) 392- Unsteady TPressure gain combustion has the potenti
RamakanthSr. Computa (805) 371- mrk@hyper University Baki Ceteg(860) 486- Pressure g Pressure gain combustion (PGC) offers me
Marthinus President/c(781) 306- tienie@miUniversity Peter Haml(303) 492- Pressure g The Mide/University of Colorado - Boulde
Bono WasisPrincipal R(256) 542- bwa@illinoUniversity Diane Spar(513) 566- efficiency We propose a combined modeling and ex
Shiv Joshi Principal I (310) 626- sjoshi@neUNIVERSITALICE YOU(323) 442- Composites; NextGen Aeronautics (NextGen) and Univ
Bradley DoAdvanced (937) 320- doudicanbUniversity Claudette (937) 229- OPTIMIZATIO Federal Aviation
Carbon fber Administration
reinforced polymerAdvisory
Saul GriffitCEO (808) 782- saul@otheMIT Neil Gershe(617) 253- Composites
Jaco SchuttSr. Enginee(215) 542- schutte@ma Wichita StaKelly Unde(316) 978- UncertaintyAmong the factors that inhibit the use of
Pablo CarriPresident, (319) 541- pablo-carr The UniverLarry Webe(319) 335- Immersed TBhe objective of this proposal is to demon
Goeric DaeResearch Sc(650) 614- gdaeninck University Ulrich Het (206) 484- Hydrodynam This STTR Phase I project aims to design, i
Stephen HilLead Senio(513) 985- stephen.hiPenn StateRobert Bak(814) 867- ParametricAlthough advancements in CFD technolog
Bhargav Gaj President (321) 276- info@vishwMassachuse Karl Iagne (617) 452- Anthropomo Current atmospheric diving suits and rem
Frank ClarkPrincipal S (781) 273- fclark@speUniversity John Kielko(502) 852- surface vibComposite materials are widely used in ai
Jaswinder President&P (847) 215- j-sandhu@Southern IlWayne Glas(618) 453- NDE,UltrasThis research work aims to demonstrate t
James KilpaPI/Principa(949) 733- jkilpatric University Lizhi Sun (949) 259- Lamb waves The NAVY solicits new non-destructive ins
Neeraj Sin Vice Presi (215) 766- sinha@crafStub Vernier-RPPlume signature phenomenology plays an
Ryan McCliTechnical D(847) 491- rmcclin@gStub Type II,In High performance infrared detectors in th
Jijun WangProgram M(302) 894- jw@quantuStub Cognitive sIn Phase I we have developed an integrate
Randall KinDeveloper (937)
I 281- r.king@edaptive.com Modeling,SiOur proposal specifcally addresses the st
Karthik NaManager-Ma (703) 369- karthikn@uStub Combustion Based on the successful Phase I results, T
Boris Laik Principal I (718) 648- borislaik Stub LED array, We propose further developing very large
Ozge C Ozca Image Scien (401) 427- ozge@visi Stub Geo-registWith the advancement of aerial imaging s
Stacy PfautHuman Sys(781) 496- spfautz@aptima.com Natural In Overhead imagery analysts employ comp
Cullen JackCognitive (781) 496- cjackson@Stub GEOINT,Ada Imagery analysts face a number of challen
Douglas TayExplosive (505) 342- dtaylor@tpStub gun barrel,Thermally stable machine gun barrels tha
Sukesh RoyCEO (937) 255- sroy@spectUniversity Gemunu Gu (713) 743- High-pressABSTRACT: This Phase-I research effort is
William J President (860) 464- wjbrowninNorth CarolMatthew R(919) 515- UncertaintMathematical models of physical and biol
Greg BarishChief Tech (310) 944- gbarish@inUniv of CalMatha Han(310) 794- Statistical Clinical monitoring of mental health statu
Silvia D Lu Principal (303) 940- silvia@tdaUniversity X. T Cui (412) 383- flexible e Approximately 5-6% of military injuries in
Gregory BeProfessor (404) 727- gberns@em Emory UnivHolly Somm (404) 727- Training,fmHaving demonstrated the feasibility of fM
Gopi Desh Assistant P(334) 844- gopi@aubuAuburn UniJennifer W(334) 844- cognitive, iK9, LLC, and Auburn University shall colla
Brian Home Principal I (505) 285- bdhomei@s Sandia NatDan Flemin(505) 845- AcceleromInertial navigation systems (INS) are a criti
Dennis TishVice Presi (908) 753- denis.tish Cornell UniMichal Lip (607) 255- Silicon Ni To solve the DARPA need for high-perform
Robert KniChief Techn(260) 489- bobkni@adPurdue UniKirsten Sh (765) 496- dynamic spThere are many different RF devices used
George HolTechical Di(435) 259- George.HolUniversity Janice Kalv(608) 263- Magnetic BThe Navy seeks to develop new, innovativ
Oliver StrbiExecutive V(419) 536- ostrbik@t Brown UnivSharvan K (401) 863- IntermetalThe objective of the work described in thi
John RamsStaff Scient(607) 272- jramsey@aMote Marin Kimberly Ri(941) 388- microencapAgave BioSystems, with their academic pa
Chitra We Research Sc(512) 782- chitra@accTexas A anDouglas E (979) 845- antimicrobMarine mammals like bottlenose dolphin
Michael McSenior Scie(607) 273- mcdougall University W. S Watso(215) 573- static anal Software continues to be a weak link in ou
Lee KrauseVice Presi (321) 591- lkrause@s Vanderbilt George E C(615) 332- model,SoftComplex software systems are typically de
Anthony DiPrincipal I (603) 643- ajd@crearMassachuse Susan M Ki(617) 253- Sensor,air Measurement surveys of full-scale ship ai
Hartmut LeSenior Prin(978) 689- legner@psWest VirginJanet Boyle(304) 293- remote senPhysical Sciences Inc. (PSI) and their acad
Victor PalmScientist (979) 764- victor.pal Carnegie MRobert Kea(412) 268- Neural netAutonomous systems acquire massive am
David Tolli Principal I (412) 983- dtolliver@The Ohio SPer Sederb(614) 292- UnmannedThis a STTR Phase I project will demonstrate
Alberto LacPresident (240) 631- lacaze@robSouthwestMichael La(210) 684- COGNITIVEAutonomous systems continue to be out
Bernard CaPrincipal S (978) 689- dcasse@psSandia NatGilbert V H(505) 284- ENERGY CON Physical Sciences Inc. (PSI), in collaboratio
Richard KasPrincipal I (603) 643- rwk@crearMassachuse Michael Co(617) 253- Photonic CThermophotovoltaic (TPV) power systems
Steve SavoVP Resear (512) 389- ssavoy@naUniversity Contracts a(512) 471- High effic Thermophotovoltaic (TPV) energy convers
Steven HugLead Engin(303) 440- Steven.Hu University Jun Ye (303) 735- Inertial s As strontium and other alkaline-earth me
Michael AnPresident (303) 296- anderson@University James K T (303) 492- Atomic ClocVescent Photonics proposes to develop a
Thomas KoChief Scien(609) 759- kornack@tPrinceton UTodd Regn (609) 258- Magnetic,m We propose to develop a universal atomic
Eric DomesPrincipal I (617) 902- domeshek@ Carnegie MKristen Jac(412) 268- Situation Warfghters face overwhelmingly complex
Nathan SchPrincipal (781) 935- nschurr@aColorado StVincent A (970) 491- Proactive The Navy"s mission success increas
Harvey SmDirector Vi(858) 535- harveysmalGeorgia TeKaren Feig(404) 385- Visual Dis Decision making is driven by context. Con
Jim Diroff Director (734) 853- jim.diroff Michigan SProfessor L(517) 353- flywheel,CPowerTHRU Corporation
KaZaK Technologies proposes
and our programto mee
Michael MPresident (207) 371- mmcaleenaUniversity Vince Cacc(207) 581- Corrosion
James WaltVice Presi (518) 862- jwalton@mi University Josh McGra(512) 471- Flywheel EThe overall objective of the Phase I and P
Kevin Wall Area Mana(781) 275- kwall@qpeUniv of CalSteven Den(805) 893- Green laserGreen laser sources are important in adva
Sven BruecLead Resea(734) 887- sven.brue CUBRC Adam Stotz(716) 204- Map reduce Improving situational awareness and accu
Teresa NieScientist (321) 473- tnieten@mInstitute Diana Thac(850) 202- Map reduce The focus of our Intelligence and Intuition
Rob BlanchPrincipal I (703) 968- rblanchar APL UniverLynette Ari(206) 543- PropagatioWe propose to enhance the capability of
Byron ZollaChief Scien(512) 389- bzollars@ University Gennady Sh (512) 471- GeolocationUS troops and equipment are increasingly
Paul Rudy Project Ma(408) 921- rudy@lumaClemson Un Eric G Joh (864) 986- solid stat To address the Navy"s need for a so
Natalia PalSecretary (617) 304- cambridgeMIT Benjamin S(617) 452- High ElectrThis project is focused on the developmen
Anthony EllSenior Scie(781) 862- ellera@oasPenn. StateCHARLES H(814) 865- CLUTTER,Ac The proposed work will address the core
Yu Chi Chief Tech (469) 951- mikechi2@University Jeffrey Ger(619) 543- EEG,ECG, This project will develop a wireless, body-
Anna GaleaPrincipal E(781) 373- agalea@vi RensselaerJennifer Ro(518) 276- flexible el Continuous physiological monitoring can
Carol WeddPresident (419) 536- cwedding@ Georgia InsJoe Cochra(678) 612- Molybdenum Under this STTR, Imaging Systems Techno
Barry Ives Director A (571) 205- bives@mc1University John R PhD(217) 369- WIRELESS,flWearable human state monitors must be
Tejbir PhooPresident (301) 651- Tejbirsing University Umesh Mis(805) 893- Radios,soliThis research seeks to develop a method
Craig SchwSenior Sys (978) 887- cschwarze Tufts UniveMaria Harl(617) 627- ROIC,Diffr The proliferation of laser based weapons
Fred CowelProgram M(808) 531- fcowell@oJohns HopkArnold Gol(240) 228- FPA,Multisp We propose a solution to the Navy"
Carmen CaPrincipal I (937) 255- ccarney@uPennsylvaniBarbara Jo(814) 865- Nanopowder Cemented cobalt-tungsten carbide is a ma
Michael DeSenior Rese(434) 973- barron@bainet.com Cyber-PhysABSTRACT: Barron Associates, together w
M. A AielloSenior Scie(434) 962- tony.aiello@dependablecomputing.com composition ABSTRACT: The proposed research will de
Matthew Da Principal I (540) 558- davism@lunainc.com Sensors,HiABSTRACT: Luna Innovations Incorporate
Russell MaFounder (540) 808- rmay@primephotonics.com Fiber OpticABSTRACT: Characterization of the mecha
Jeffrey BrePrincipal I (603) 643- jfb@crear DartmouthCharles Sul(603) 646- Motor,UltrGenerator and motor systems with high p
HyunwookResearch E(256) 726- proposals-University Renat S Pro(402) 554- Non Rare-EIn this STTR Phase I project, CFD Research
Xiaomei GuSr. Staff Sc (781) 935- xmguo@bos University Kevin McKo(612) 624- isolator,th Microwave technologies have found a bro
Michael MResearch E(775) 826- m.mckee@Alfred UnivTammara L(607) 871- Metal matrThis Small Business Technology Transfer (S
Zheng YuanChief Techn(518) 496- info@multiUniversity Karel Mato(574) 631- Statistical ABSTRACT: An experimental and comput
Millicent CoSenior Pro (608) 229- coilm@orbSRI InternaDr. Mark Pe(650) 859- TATB,HMX,iAdvanced ordnance and propulsion system
Mano JuddPresident (214) 771- mj@jstdefense.com SIGINT,ConABSTRACT: Judd Strategic Technologies p
JAY KUDVAPrincipal I (310) 891- jkudva@nextgenaero.com structural ABSTRACT: Most modern military aircraft
David NixoManaging P(650) 964- davidnixon@sbcglobal.net AerodynamABSTRACT: The expense in operating lega
Robert HarrPrincipal E(256) 726- proposals-contracts@cfdrc.com unsteady aABSTRACT: Unsteady aerodynamic loadin
Eric BladesDirector, (256) 325- eric.blades@ata-e.com Fatigue,fluABSTRACT: This SBIR program seeks to m
Tyler WintePrincipal I (562) 981- twinter@m4-engineering.com physics-baABSTRACT: This proposal effort seeks to d
Peter ChenSenior Dir (301) 795- pchen@i-a-i.com acoustics,PABSTRACT: In this effort, Intelligent Autom
C. Kumar Pa President (310) 458- patel@pranUCLA Robert Hick(310) 206- coherent bMany military applications require efficien
Daniel LowSenior Scie(301) 314- daniel.lowUniversity Mario Dage(301) 405- UAVs,and di We propose developing high energy dens
Alan FougePresident (508) 329- afougere@University Christophe(401) 874- AUV,Oxygen UUV"s have become increasingly im
Lee H PearPresident (435) 279- BEInnov@fUtah State JR Denniso(435) 797- DielectricsABSTRACT: Over half of spacecraft system
Siddharth VP (301) 405- siddharth. University Dr. Mario (301) 405- rectenna,EWe propose to build a two-dimensional m
Salah KhodTechnology(858) 663- khodja@ulStanford Un Mark Bron(650) 736- free-spaceThe goal of this program is to develop and
C. van President /(781) 306- tienie@miMassachuse Dava Newm (617) 258- Lines of N The Navy is seeking a new light-weight At
Laurent DieV.P. of Ma (617) 945- diehl@eosMIT Lincol Dr. Anish G(781) 981- Quantum ca The team consisting of Eos Photonics Inc.
Arian LalezSenior RF (303) 449- alalezari@frstrf.com metamateriaABSTRACT: As the need for new airborne
Todd R Qu Senior Ass (609) 538- todd@continuum-dynamics.com Design OptABSTRACT: Requirements for enhanced c
Jinfang Liu VP of Oper(717) 898- jfl@electr Stony BrooLydia Chab(631) 632- rare earth Recently, the availability of the high perfo
Julia Deng Principal S (301) 294- hdeng@i-aNorth CarolMladen A (919) 513- Security,T ABSTRACT: The damage and loss caused
Randy ReibVice Presi (406) 585- reibel@briUniversity Amit Ashok(520) 626- FEATURE SP Bridger Photonics, Inc. and the University
Stefan RubProgram M(718) 246- stefan@cryUniversity Twila F Rei(319) 335- PPE evaluatToday the evaluation methods employed
David GuasSenior Staf(607) 257- davidg@atCornell UniLori Demps(607) 255- synthetic dIf a computer system suffers a cyber attac
Neeraj Sin Vice Presi (215) 766- sinha@craft-tech.com Weapons Ba ABSTRACT: This program will address the
Jim Davey Senior Elec(408) 888- j.davey@saphotonics.com Multi-specABSTRACT: Digital binocular helmet-mou
Bennie R KirPrincipal I (512) 238- bennie.kirk@5dsystems.com Helmet Mou ABSTRACT: 5-D Systems (5-D) has develop
Thomas Bur Technical D(512) 583- tburnett@zebraimaging.com Holographic ABSTRACT: Zebra Imaging"s propos
Jeanine AyeDirector of(781) 496- jayers@aptima.com PerformancABSTRACT: Great strides have been made
Ivan PopSteManaging P(413) 549- popstefanija@prosensing.com MillimeterABSTRACT: This Phase I SBIR proposal de
Leah SwanHuman Fact (937) 490- lswanson@aptima.com Performance ABSTRACT: The Air Force command and c
Wesley SheVP of Prod(215) 658- sheridanw@gosage.com SWaP,FPGA, ABSTRACT: The proposed VPHS (Visual Pr
Lloyd LaCoOptical En (520) 360- lacomb@tipdllc.com voxel,HOLOG ABSTRACT: TIPD, LLC proposes to design
Jim Davey Staff Elect (408) 888- j.davey@saphotonics.com Retroftta ABSTRACT: Currently tactical Head up Dis
Jeremy Fis VP. Operat(817) 391- jeremy.fsher@adastralsystems.com HUD,cockpiABSTRACT: Adastral is proposing an innov
Gregory MResearch E(978) 932- gmagoon@aerodyne.com Volatile o ABSTRACT: In this Phase I Small Business
Rajesh GopSenior Dev(512) 646- rajesh.gopi@droidcloud.mobi Integrity,c ABSTRACT: Both the DOD and IC have sig
Gowri RajaPrincipal E(617) 610- gowri@foresightwireless.com Ontology,SABSTRACT: Foresight Wireless, LLC, propo
Michael LePrincipal E(256) 726- proposals-contracts@cfdrc.com Proximity,aABSTRACT: Establishing adequate access
Dale KlamePrincipal I (315) 732- klamer@brsc.com Ground Mov ABSTRACT: Today"s analysts have a
John Fox President (978) 327- john.fox@parietal-systems.com Virtualizat ABSTRACT: The development of exploitati
Stuart W CChief Scien(315) 793- Stu.Card@critical.com data distri ABSTRACT: The overall objective is to ena
Ian RumseySenior RF (303) 449- irumsey@frstrf.com MIMO,Multi ABSTRACT: The current lack of a simple, l
Justin YackProgram M(301) 294- jyackoski@i-a-i.com InformatioABSTRACT: We propose to develop a secu
Elya Kapel Senior Mem (201) 613- ekapelyan@maxentric.com FPGA,SATCO ABSTRACT: As the size, cost, and power c
Brian WoodProject Ma(201) 266- bwoods@maxentric.com FPGA,chaotABSTRACT: MaXentric"s proposed D
J.Todd ReinPrincipal I (719) 520- todd.reinking@welkinsciences.com Digital re ABSTRACT: Welkin Sciences proposes to d
Connie FouDirector (617) 583- connie.fournelle@bostonfusion.com Anomaly De ABSTRACT: Intelligence analysts have acc
Georgiy LeSimulation(781) 496- georgiy@aptima.com Activity r ABSTRACT: Information fusion and knowl
Alper Cagl Senior Scie(781) 839- acaglayan@milcord.com Ontology,InABSTRACT: In the current security environ
Geoff GrosResearch Sc(585) 967- ggross@gmail.com Conflict ReABSTRACT: This proposal details a softwa
Avi Pfeffer Principal S (617) 491- apfeffer@cra.com probabilistABSTRACT: Intelligence, Surveillance, and
Lee KrauseVP Resear (321) 591- lkrause@securboration.com Semantic tABSTRACT: Securboration will develop Cr
Erik ThomsSenior Scie(617) 491- ethomsen@cra.com SchedulingABSTRACT: In the modern battlespace, U
Bruce McQVice Presi (321) 591- bmcqueary@securboration.com SynchronizABSTRACT: There is a gap in the battle pla
Nicholas PiSenior Mem (781) 503- nicholas.pioch@STResearch.com blue force ABSTRACT: We propose to develop expre
Rian QuinnPrincipal I (315) 336- quinnr@ainfosec.com Trusted CoABSTRACT: As networked computing bec
John HowieResearch D(206) 213- john.howie@avirtek.com Secure comm ABSTRACT: The objective of this proposal
Caleb Chri Scientist (617) 661- caleb@magiqtech.com Aerospace,ABSTRACT: We propose to develop an all
Andy Ko Applicatio (540) 961- ako@phoenix-int.com Systems EnABSTRACT: This proposal seeks to provide
William M Principal I (937) 427- bmcquay@tdkc.com Systems EnABSTRACT: The goal of the Agile Worksta
Todd W Grif CTO (570) 916- tgriffith@discoverymachine.com intelligen ABSTRACT: While developing any comple
Jianguo XuPresident (267) 394- xunergy@gmail.com Cryogenic rABSTRACT: This Air Force SBIR Phase I pro
David E Lu Chief Scien(714) 444- dludwig@irvine-sensors.com 3D ImagingABSTRACT: The Threat Assessment Senso
Jason M Kul President (574) 217- jason.kulick@indianaic.com Advanced PABSTRACT: Improvements such as increa
Rodney McResearch Sc(302) 542- cargoudel@gmail.com Hardware in ABSTRACT: This project aims to develop a
Jack Litter Manager (845) 897- jacklippert@kentoptronics.com SWIR Imagin ABSTRACT: This SBIR Phase I proposal pro
Walter ClovPI/Sr. RF E (505) 903- wclover@techflow.com mission plaABSTRACT: Mission planning, briefng, an
Bob PokornDirector, E (301) 294- bpokorny@i-a-i.com multi-agentABSTRACT: Team training and performan
Jason HolmDirector (310) 320- eosproposals@poc.com WAVEGUIDE, ABSTRACT: To address the Air Force need
William P BSenior Rese(888) 446- wpbleha@holoeyesystems.com Head Mount ABSTRACT: Advancements in waveguide
Fedor DimoR&D Head(310) 320- fdimov@luminitco.com Diffractiv ABSTRACT: To address the Air Force need
Xianlian ZhSr. Researc(256) 726- proposals-contracts@cfdrc.com Radiation, ABSTRACT: Electromagnetic (EM) devices
William W CTO (310) 802- Bill.Milroy@thinkom.com airborne,WABSTRACT: The proposed airborne anten
Jeff Collier Principal I (937) 427- jcollier@tdkc.com Cloud CompuABSTRACT: CIRRUS is an innovative marri
Damon VanPrincipal E(303) 784- damon.vanburen@seakr.com Digital be ABSTRACT: Digital beamforming is a key t
Soumya NaPrincipal (760) 804- snag@dtwc.com chaotic sp ABSTRACT: Develop a chaotic spread spe
Michael JaProject an (858) 332- mjacox@spacemicro.com Digital re ABSTRACT: Space Micro will develop an I
Charles ChPresident (805) 558- cchien@creonexsystems.com ADC,channe ABSTRACT: Recent demand for broadban
Vicnent H CEO (603) 727- vberk@flowtraq.com InteroperaABSTRACT: Network traffic is a critical pa
Susanne HePresident (510) 649- susanne@aerosol.us nano-engineABSTRACT: Proposed is a miniature senso
C. E (TommChief Tech (865) 896- thomasce1@seetrue3d.com game-based ABSTRACT: To address Air Force"s n
Martin Vosh Scientist (617) 491- clofdahl@cra.com Game-based ABSTRACT: Although next generation, mi
Daniel BowPrincipal I (860) 326- bowdlerd@sonalysts.com High-FideliABSTRACT: Adapting our next-generation
Brian SchreCEO (847) 946- brian.schreiber@lumirresearch.com Common dat ABSTRACT: The capability to routinely col
Shane StaffSenior Scie(877) 763- shane@stellarscience.com human,Biom ABSTRACT: As the use of electromagnetic
Richard FinExecutive (512) 339- dfnk@appliednanotech.net Volatile o ABSTRACT: The ability to fnd and track in
Victoria R Senior Scie(617) 491- vromero@cra.com Team CogniABSTRACT: Full-spectrum cyber operation
CHIEU NGUVP APPLIE (949) 273- chieu.nguyen@metronome-software.com Remote attABSTRACT: Metronome Software and Ray
Jeffrey A Ge President (480) 363- jgetzlaff@unovatech.com Android,NeABSTRACT: This proposal addresses the A
Patrick NeaSenior Sof (703) 669- Patrickn@imagemattersllc.com tactical,CoABSTRACT: The ability of warfghters on-t
Randall LapPrincipal I (978) 495- pi@si2technologies.com Dual-band,ABSTRACT: SI2 Technologies, Inc. (SI2) wi
Anthony JeSenior RF (303) 442- ajensen@frstrf.com communicat ABSTRACT: High speed communication ch
Leo Diaz Staff Engin(303) 449- ldiaz@frstrf.com remote senABSTRACT: AFRL is poised to beneft from
Leo Diaz Staff Engin(303) 449- ldiaz@frstrf.com V-Band,TwoABSTRACT: As intelligence and sensor sys
C. A ButlerPresident (757) 727- Allen.Butler@va.wagner.com Cloud Comp ABSTRACT: In this SBIR project, Daniel H.
Michael JinChief Tech (707) 694- mjin@siliconmicrodisplay.com 4k2k and 8ABSTRACT: Current HMD systems fall sho
Jason D HaSenior Ana(805) 968- jhannon@toyon.com Helmet mou ABSTRACT: The unique capability of multi
David McDSenior Res(781) 718- dmcdonald@sift.net natural la ABSTRACT: SIFT will dramatically improve
Abhishek TDirector T (310) 479- abhishek@silvustechnologies.com AWACS,C2IS ABSTRACT: Silvus Technologies Inc. propo
Vladimir KoSenior Scie(858) 646- vkolinko@trexenterprises.com SATELLITE ABSTRACT: Trex Enterprises proposes a m
Vijay Venk R&D Scient(310) 473- vijay@utopiacompression.com RPA,PassiveABSTRACT: Mid-air collisions (MAC) in ma
Stephen E Senior Sof (407) 688- seckman@gamesim.com game-based ABSTRACT: GameSim is proposing the de
Ben C JuricSenior Ana(805) 968- bjuricek@toyon.com Volatile o ABSTRACT: The team of Toyon Research C
Gerardo PaCTO (408) 990- research@rti.com DDS,SecuriABSTRACT: The focus of this effort is to d
Michael ZinPrincipal I (714) 224- mzintl@sara.com magnetomet ABSTRACT: Reliable transmission and rec
Arian LalezSenior RF (303) 449- alalezari@frstrf.com VLF,antennaABSTRACT: For decades, very low frequen
Tin M Aye Technology(310) 320- EOSProposals@poc.com MultispectrABSTRACT: To address the Air Force need
Douglas HoStaff Scient(808) 214- dhope214@gmail.com Imaging inABSTRACT: We propose a novel SWIR/MW
Kang Lee Principal S (310) 320- PEProposals@poc.com Thermal Ma ABSTRACT: To address the AFRL"s n
Bill DunkinVice Presi (301) 737- bill.dunkin@compass-sys-inc.com SAA,RPA,UA ABSTRACT: This SBIR pursues and identif
William P BSenior Rese(888) 446- wpbleha@holoeyesystems.com LCOS microdABSTRACT: There is an opportunity to ad
Michael BrVP Produc (408) 348- m.browne@saphotonics.com head mounteABSTRACT: Over the past 30 years, night
William P BSenior Rese(888) 446- wpbleha@holoeyesystems.com LCOS microABSTRACT: Progress in digital display tech
AniruddhaPrincipal I (978) 250- aweling@tritonsystems.com Nano-particABSTRACT: Airborne engineered nano-pa
Sivaram P Sr. Resear (937) 266- spgogineni@gmail.com Airborne NABSTRACT: Personal flter-based sampler
Ryan MeyeSenior Con(859) 663- r.meyer@tier1performance.com PerformancABSTRACT: In order to make flight comba
Jonathan W CTO (650) 793- jonathanw@sbglabs.com HolographiABSTRACT: To date, waveguide displays h
Peter WeyhPrincipal S (617) 491- pweyhrauch@cra.com Natural La ABSTRACT: The Air Force is increasingly u
Stuart M RManaging D (859) 663- s.rodgers@tier1performance.com text messaABSTRACT: The high operations tempo, fr
Francis ReiPresident (626) 578- fmr@spilab.com hypersonicABSTRACT: The U.S. Air Force has a need
Julia R DupChief Techn(978) 887- jrentz@optra.com HypersonicABSTRACT: The Air Force is requires an in
Ernest LewiSr. Researc(713) 522- eklewis.phd@gmail.com NanoparticABSTRACT: Core-shell Metastable Interm
Mohit Jain Manager-N(732) 868- mjain@neicorporation.com oxidation,cABSTRACT: It has been a challenge to rea
Blaine W APrinciple (913) 777- springhillenergetics@gmail.com JP-10 detoABSTRACT: Energetic Materials Research
Allan DokhGrp Leader(978) 689- dokhan@psicorp.com detonationABSTRACT: Physical Sciences Inc., Sandia
Dennis WilCEO/Found(512) 380- dennis.wilson@empi-inc.com detonation,ABSTRACT: Our concept is designed to cr
Brian TackeSenior Prin(540) 374- btacke@syntronics.net Shock HardABSTRACT: Syntronics proposes the deve
Benjamin W Research El(505) 975- bjwelch@dsr.us.com Data acquiABSTRACT: The overall objective of this p
Ron KnobleProgram M(540) 373- rknobler@mcqinc.com Low Cost,DABSTRACT: RIMRIP will be developed to r
Jennifer LalPI (540) 626- jhlalli@nanosonic.com EMI shieldABSTRACT: NanoSonic has recently devel
Chyi-Shan Director (937) 320- chyi-shan.wang@materialsri.com Radiation ABSTRACT: This SBIR Phase I program is t
Valery TemOptical En (520) 622- vtemyanko@optics.arizona.edu nanocomposi ABSTRACT: The development of robust, u
Richard ClaPI (540) 626- roclaus@nanosonic.com stealth,EleABSTRACT: The objective of this program
Jessica BorPresident (734) 417- jboria@btengin.com EMP,EMI,HABSTRACT: BTE proposes a multi-compon
George HaFounder a (435) 654- gchansen@conductivecomposites.com shielding, ABSTRACT: Traditional shielding enclosur
Kenneth J Senior Eng(614) 797- kheater@metss.com hydraulics ABSTRACT: Aircraft hydraulic systems hav
John BullucPrincipal I (512) 263- jbulluck@tri-austin.com Elastomer,PABSTRACT: Elastomeric O-rings provide a
Robert KleiPrincipal I (434) 220- kleinr@lunainc.com Aerospace,ABSTRACT: Unmanned air vehicles (UAVs
Michael BrVP Produc (408) 348- m.browne@saphotonics.com night visio ABSTRACT: The military is constantly look
Nathan KoStaff Engin(937) 427- nathan.kornbau@matrixresearch.com Materials, ABSTRACT: Modern Air Force vehicles em
Wei Hu Senior Scie(609) 865- weihu666@gmail.com Scene gener ABSTRACT: There has been a strong world
Alexander Principal S (310) 320- ISProposals@poc.com human-in-tABSTRACT: To address the Air Force need
Francis ReiPresident (626) 578- fmr@spilab.com Semi-activeABSTRACT: The U.S. Air Force has a need
Jonathan HLead Engin(256) 562- jonathan.hanks@polarissensor.com Wide FieldABSTRACT: The Air Force is seeking advan
Jeff Lyon Prinicipal (972) 747- jlyon@mustangtechnology.com Synthetic ABSTRACT: Mustang Technology Group, L
Lawrence SPresident (719) 388- larry.scally@coloradoengineeringinc.com EW,Communi ABSTRACT: Colorado Engineering Inc. (CE
Ashavani KMaterials (808) 531- akumar@oceanit.com PropulsionABSTRACT: Oceanit proposes to develop
Michael RaDirector, (937) 320- rauschermd@crgrp.com Nanothermi ABSTRACT: Advances in nanotechnology
Martha KleChief E3 Sc(256) 955- martha.klein@survice.com Radio FreqABSTRACT: The use of electronic systems
Kathleen CPresident (678) 461- katemaloney@bellsouth.net NondestrucABSTRACT: Surface traveling waves consi
John F WhiCTO (734) 277- whitaker@fber-sensors.com Surface wav ABSTRACT: The feasibility of developing a
Michael CoVP of Engi (412) 681- michael.cozza@resquared.com Robotics,MABSTRACT: RE2, Inc. proposes a novel de
John BohanVP of Oper(256) 319- john.bohan@aerobotix.net Robotic in ABSTRACT: Aerobotix personnel have eng
Rachael AnStaff Engin(215) 542- andrulonis@materials-sciences.com Analysis,alABSTRACT: Development and use of new
Adrian T DManaging (916) 635- atdewald@hill-engineering.com Validation ABSTRACT: Aircraft engine and structural
William MilCTO (310) 802- Bill.Milroy@thinkom.com low profl ABSTRACT: US Warfghters seek high data
Shibin JianPresident (520) 790- sjiang@advaluephotonics.com fber laser ABSTRACT: Coherent imaging systems ha
Andrey SolPresident (740) 541- soloviev@qunav.com Assured nav ABSTRACT: Qunav proposes the developm
Mark Keck Sr Member(781) 503- mark.keck@stresearch.com Computer A VBSTRACT: Algorithms that perform accu
Murat YasaPrincipal I (240) 790- yasarm@technosci.com energy optABSTRACT: Traditional military aircraft de
David L CarPresident (217) 239- carroll@cuaerospace.com aircraft t ABSTRACT: CU Aerospace (CUA) and team
Peter Alex Senior Res(732) 355- palexandrov@unitedsic.com SiC,CJFET,CABSTRACT: During this program, United S
Venkat Ka Materials (808) 531- vkamavaram@oceanit.com Thermal intABSTRACT: Oceanit proposes a novel nan
David Wic Principal I (720) 352- wickham@reactionsystemsllc.com Cooling,ScrABSTRACT: The development of weapons
Jason WellsDirector, E (765) 464- wells@pcka.com Power convABSTRACT: The move towards more-elec
Kenneth K President a(814) 880- kenkuo39@gmail.com JP-8,liqui ABSTRACT: Addition of nano-sized energe
Tapan DesaLead Engin(717) 295- Tapan.Desai@1-act.com JP-8,PassivABSTRACT: This Small Business Innovatio
Russell JonProgram M(561) 427- RJones@fttinc.com Gas TurbinABSTRACT: The future of gas turbine eng
William BaPresident (415) 999- wbachalo@artium.com Soot measur ABSTRACT: Under this feasibility study, w
Nirali PatelSDR Progr (512) 382- patel@coherentlogix.com wearable eThe eXtreme wrist computer (Xwatch) Pro
Cory DixonRobotics E (720) 565- cory.dixon@stratom.com UnmannedCurrently,
Gr the Expeditionary Fire Support
Anthony GiProject Ma(225) 706- tony.giglio@mezzotech.com thermal,RaThe goal of this program is to develop com
Kang-Bin CDirector (310) 320- ATProposals@poc.com SURTASS,en Physical Optics Corporation (POC) propos
Andy StougVice Presi (919) 749- andy@windlift.com RenewableWindlift will provide a HMMWV-towable
Jeremy Br President (617) 500- jhbrown@jaybridge.com Software,MOur Phase II effort has these major thrust
Scott DavisVP Technol(303) 296- davis@vescent.com EO beamste Vescent Photonics proposes to develop ne
John Jude Engineerin(630) 466- jjude@hytekmfg.com helicopter HMCs approach to Phase I HLRB roller be
Rick SturdiPresident (310) 980- rick@reliantlabsystems.com limiter,MMLimiters protect phased array radars from
Seth KesslePresident/(617) 447- skessler@metisdesign.com ultrasonic This SBIR aims to develop an efficient app
Paul ThogeProject Ma(317) 842- pthogersen@wolftechnical.com AUTONOMOUS The purpose of this multi-phase program
Jason SumSenior Eng(301) 866- jason.summers@heronsystems.com sensor netw A prototype integrated data registration s
Yiping Liu Scientist (303) 516- yliu@sporian.com ceramic,StSporian Microsystems Inc. has spent the l
Jin-Keun ChSenior Rese(301) 604- jkchoi@dynaflow-inc.com cavitating The propeller cleaning system developed
John KominChief Tech (412) 621- john.kominek@vocitec.com (4) GenderVoci Technologies Incorporated (Voci) is th
Joel Lord Principal I (978) 369- lord@assurtech.com MUOS,WCDMA The MUOS Satellite provides a S-WCDMA
Brandon ZeVice Presi (858) 598- brandon@adaptive-dynamics.com JTRS,rifle Today"s military operations depend
Sidney TheiPresident (214) 353- sidtheis@rdrtec.com Radar,MariThis effort develops system concepts, a su
William NicVP Automat (973) 724- william.h.nichols34.ctr@mail.mil Signal ModThis Small Business Innovative Research (
Robert MarResearch Sc(734) 887- bob.marinier@soartech.com adaptationCurrent Mine Countermeasure (MCM) op
Jason HolmDirector (310) 320- EOSProposals@poc.com AUGMENTED To address the Office of Naval Research (O
Paul KesselPrincipal I (703) 368- pkessel@progeny.net METADATAProgeny proposes the development of a T
Michael RuDirector, (781) 314- mrufo@bos Stub UUV,AUV,LiOperations in shallow, complex, and high
Sivanesan Group Lea (310) 320- psproposals@poc.com handheld,pa ABSTRACT: To address the Air Force need
Andreas H VP of Auto(617) 864- ahofmann@vecna.com Autonomous ABSTRACT: Deployment of interesting au
Lee Cross Senior Res(419) 536- LCross@teamist.com high-powerABSTRACT: This project advances the fun
Donald SIPPresident (815) 383- don.sipes@Stub Fiber Opti ABSTRACT: The Etched Air Taper Combine
Joel Luna Principal I (937) 429- jluna@fti-net.com supply chaABSTRACT: The overall objective of this e
Richard ClaPresident (406) 995- clarke@bu.edu Cetane num ABSTRACT: We propose to develop a ligh
Daniel KueAerospace (678) 594- dkuehme@areai.aero UAS,UAV,Ad ABSTRACT: Area-I proposes to develop an
ChristopherPresident (630) 595- cspytek1@aol.com hybrid,GenABSTRACT: There is an urgent Air Force n
David S StaCEO/CTO (207) 592- dstapp@peregrineturbine.com Fuel Effic ABSTRACT: The steadily rising cost of foss
Daniel DaniSr. Enginee(781) 461- ddanila@acumentrics.com High effici ABSTRACT: A hybrid tubular SOFC/gas tur
Jeffery L E Principal I (260) 338- jle.erickson@frontier.com Light weig ABSTRACT: Desired tactical requirements
Greg SteveOwner (530) 541- Greg@gsehfe.com permanentABSTRACT: This proposal outlines an inno
Pradeep K President (518) 383- guptap@pradeepkguptainc.com Life Predi ABSTRACT: The proposed research focuse
Hiroyuki KoPrincipal I (937) 426- hkosai@ues.com energy,genABSTRACT: Military aircraft are steadily m
Houshang P EI (931) 581- HPE.FMS@gmail.com SCREECH,ruABSTRACT: Flow Modeling and Simulatio
Karl LeodleProject Ma(540) 371- karl.leodler@jrmtech.com Track ManaThe MH-60R sensor systems being integra
Jerry Cole Director o (517) 784- jcole@sealandaire.com hydrophone Towed arrays are used extensively in the U
Chance McC Director of(770) 516- cmccoll@tda-i.com real-time, Deployment of Health and Usage Monito
Joe SprengPresident (513) 309- joe.sprengard@generalnanollc.com Carbon nanGeneral Nano manufactures Carbon Nano
Dong-Ik LeSr. optical (408) 735- dlee@aosense.com ultracold The compact, versatile laser system that w
Daniel StapEngineer (321) 631- dstaples@mainstream-engr.com efficiency The largest non-propulsion consumer of N
Thomas KoChief Scien(609) 759- kornack@twinleaf.com magnetomet The Navy seeks to deploy sensitive atomic
John Carls Chief Techn(703) 437- john.carlson@echoridgenet.com Hardware-iEcho Ridge and partner Rockwell Collins p
David CarnPresident (781) 609- dcarnahan@nano-lab.com Sensor,AS8A sensor was developed in the Phase I eff
Brian HayeTechnical D(707) 747- hayesb1@sbcglobal.net Aircraft ReComposite structures on Naval aircraft are
Triveni Up President (781) 359- triveni@mayflowercom.com NavAssure,The objective of this Navy SBIR program is
Duane SettSenior Eng(217) 363- dsetterdahl@delcross.com watercraft Modern marine radar systems can provid
Wenjian WDirector (310) 320- ISProposals@poc.com SimulationTo address the Navy"s need for a co
Dustan HelChief Tech (719) 488- dhellwig@ctic-inc.com P-8,recon CTIs solution for the Maritime Airborne SO
Kalyan GupPresident (855) 569- kalyan.gupta@knexusresearch.com Decision s Mine countermeasures (MCM) missions r
Sidney TheiPresident (214) 353- sidtheis@rdrtec.com SENSE ANDThe implementation of Sense And Avoid (
Natalia PalSecretary (617) 304- cambridge.elec@gmail.com power electThis program aims to develop the technol
Gary Betts Distinguis (978) 670- eackerman@photonicsinc.com Analog-to-DDuring Phase I of this SBIR program, Phot
Nanyan ZhSenior Diel(518) 894- capacitor@polyktech.com energy densIn this SBIR Phase II project, we propose t
Matt FisherPrincipal I (703) 368- mfsher@progeny.net prioritiza Proposed effort is focused on effective ma
Brian SchoChief Scie (206) 422- brian@magicleap.com high resoluABSTRACT: Magic Leap, Inc. proposes to
Gregor WalPrincipal E(909) 202- gwaldherr@haltechnologies.com remote sensABSTRACT: We propose a handheld, dual
Eric PetersPrincipal E(805) 322- epetersen@ctic-inc.com SOA,EW,com ABSTRACT: Chesapeake Technology Inter
Eddie HinoPrincipal I (817) 870- eddie.hinojosa@williams-pyro.com Maintenanc ABSTRACT: The Air Force"s High Ve
Kevin TangResearch E(734) 668- proposals@cybernet.com PrognosticABSTRACT: Inefficient handoffs and limite
Hossein SaVice Presid(408) 523- saberi@flightlab.com Module and ABSTRACT: There is a need to utilize mob
Brian MoorVice Presi (315) 339- bmoore@ras.com electronic ABSTRACT: This SBIR develops and evalua
Jameson Be Principal I (860) 647- jsb@islinc Stub EW,SEI,SpecABSTRACT: The global proliferation of mo
Henry A CaPresident (607) 844- hcarlson@cStub AeroacoustiABSTRACT: Clear Science Corp. proposes
Kevin RougVice Presid(562) 981- kroughen@m4-engineering.com Store sepaABSTRACT: M4 Engineering proposes to d
Robert TraChief Scien(256) 527- rtramel@kStub Store rele ABSTRACT: We propose to develop and d
Donald McTechnical (207) 866- dmccann@environetix.com Passive wirABSTRACT: The U.S. Air Force has a critica
Ofr GarciaResearch Sc(310) 320- EOSProposals@poc.com SuperpositiABSTRACT: Addressing the Air Force&quo
Douglas S Principal E(360) 876- dbeck23@aol.com Thermal Ma ABSTRACT: We propose to develop for th
Eric GamblVice Presi (561) 741- egamble@sStub heat exchaABSTRACT: An innovative approach for re
John McIveSenior Scie(877) 763- jmciver@stellarscience.com FDTD,interABSTRACT: Data integrity is essential for a
Walter ClovPI/Sr. RF E (505) 903- wclover@techflow.com electromagABSTRACT: High-power electromagnetic
Kirk Price Principal I (360) 566- kirk.price@Stub fber laser ABSTRACT: The efficient coherent beam c
Eric Mies President (800) 881- emies@smicron.com optical f ABSTRACT: For this SBIR topic, we have p
Richard A CEO (818) 880- rahutchin Stub Optical PhaABSTRACT: Optical Physics Company (OPC
Jeffrey D BPresident (303) 530- jbarchers@naosystems.com Optical Ph ABSTRACT: Nutronics, Inc. proposes to de
Josh RakerSenior Eng(888) 666- josh@optonicus.com Aircraft P ABSTRACT: To address the Air Force need
Michael HuSenior Eng(720) 289- mike.hulse@i2csolutions.com Thermal Ma ABSTRACT: In response to the U.S. Air For
Tom T Jr. Principal S (505) 238- svetlana@optonicus.com High powerABSTRACT: To address the Air Force need
David GoldPrincipal E(646) 416- david@equStub high-energABSTRACT: We propose an algorithm for
Eric P MagSenior Scie(937) 684- Eric.Magee@mza.com Laser,weapABSTRACT: Laser weapon systems on tac
Jason HolmDirector (310) 320- eosproposals@poc.com MultispectABSTRACT: To address the Air Force need
Wesley SheVP of Prod(215) 658- sheridanw@gosage.com FPA,SWIR,lABSTRACT: The proposed DMBS System i
Reid CarlislDirector, (727) 551- rcarlisle@spyrus.com Remote attABSTRACT: The SPYRUS Secure Operation
Robert JoyTechnical D(607) 257- rjoyce@atcorp.com data proveABSTRACT: The secure, automated dissem
Thomas L W Engineer/Sc (801) 913- twolf@sili Stub Rad-hard,RaABSTRACT: Silicon Technologies, Inc. (STI)
Jim NadeauVP Enginee(310) 997- jnadeau@eStub W-band,V-BABSTRACT: Escape proposes a candidate
Michael JaEngineeri (858) 332- mjacox@spStub Space Comm ABSTRACT: Space Micro proposes to miti
Unni SanthDirector (760) 918- usanthosh@structuralanalyticsinc.com micromecha ABSTRACT: Innovative research and deve
Jacob MortRF Enginee(303) 449- jmorton@frstrf.com Situationa ABSTRACT: FIRST RF proposes a 4- and 7-
Tariq A MuSenior Ana(805) 968- tmujahed@toyon.com Music,CRPAABSTRACT: Global navigation satellite sys
Edgar A M Chief Excec(310) 292- emendoza@redondooptics.com Fuel tank oABSTRACT: Redondo Optics Inc. (ROI prop
SayangdevResearch E(303) 792- sayann@adatech.com Graphene,TABSTRACT: The stable and reliable operati
Michael BrDirector o (301) 960- michael@sprung-brett.com Modular syABSTRACT: The objective of this proposal
Patrick KelCEO&Mana(812) 923- pat@mp-m.com Flight Con ABSTRACT: The Air Force is seeking a com
Michael A President (216) 521- mike@mcgawtech.com cryogenic, ABSTRACT: The goal of this Phase I is to d
Yu-Hui ChiuDirector, A(508) 655- ychiu@busek.com Ionic liqui ABSTRACT: Busek Co. Inc. proposes to ex
Jon Buck Project Ma(202) 380- jbuck@marinedd.com reducing f The objective of this project is to develop
Tye Gribb VP of Rese(608) 210- tye.gribb@phoenixnuclearlabs.com Neutron Gen ABSTRACT: Residual stresses can be creat
John CaulfSenior Scie(805) 453- john@cyan-systems.com Extended DABSTRACT: The Saturation Suppression S
John PorterMaterials S(937) 426- jporter@ues.com 3D CharactABSTRACT: The challenge for manufactur
Komal A MProject Ma(217) 721- masudkomal@gmail.com Mixture thABSTRACT: We present a mixture theory
Kevin F WalPrincipal R(781) 275- kwall@qpeak.com coherent im ABSTRACT: Coherent ladar sources offer a
Michael B FMgr, Indus(978) 689- frish@psicorp.com Lasers,Avi ABSTRACT: Physical Sciences Inc. (PSI) pro
Weibo ChePrincipal I (603) 643- wbc@creare.com Adaptive-CABSTRACT: Hybrid technologies and adap
Bruce R PilPrincipal I (603) 643- brp@creare.com Power qualiABSTRACT: Aircraft power system disturb
Sukesh RoySenior Res(937) 902- sroy@woh.rr.com Particulat ABSTRACT: This topic calls for a fast and a
Gregory CoPI / Engine(321) 631- gsc@mainstream-engr.com Environment This proposal addresses the single largest
Carl KirkcoCTO (949) 975- cskirkconnell@iristechnology.com RenewableIris Technology proposes the developmen
David Liu VP Resear (617) 562- davidliu@hdm-sys.com RenewableThe overarching objective is to provide a d
David B KyPrincipal E(603) 643- dbk@creare.com AutomatedABSTRACT: Accurate measurement of fas
Michelle BPI (540) 626- mberg@nanosonic.com PhotovoltaiABSTRACT: NanoSonic, Inc. researchers h
Donald G Co-Principa(703) 654- dmadden@objectvideo.com Wide area ABSTRACT: Modern aerial Intelligence, Su
Ryan FranzSenior Prin(303) 900- rfranz@adsyscontrols.com Tracking,UABSTRACT: Modern cell phone technolog
David Fick Principal E(734) 915- dave.fck@isoclineengineering.com ASIC,NeuroABSTRACT: Wide feld of view (WFOV) vid
Mark Ollis Director o (724) 799- marko@neyasystems.com Structure ABSTRACT: The production of 3D models
Daniel CrisResearch Sc(401) 427- dan@visionsystemsinc.com 3-d reconsABSTRACT: While the state of the art in b
Thomas L LSenior Scie(805) 968- tlarry@toyon.com Portable,anABSTRACT: A portable high gain (39 dBi) a
Larry SadwCTO (801) 975- sadwick@innosystech.com Gallium NitABSTRACT: Advanced wide bandgap (WB
James P HyPrincipal I (877) 575- jim.hynes@continentalctrls.com ELECTROMAG ABSTRACT: We propose to develop a 5 in
Esteban GoSenior Eng(410) 884- egonzalez@csefre.com CFD; augmen ABSTRACT: Combustion instabilities can b
Tom McDon Principal I (978) 250- tmcdonald@tritonsystems.com back-wall sTriton Systems, Inc., in partnership with th
Matthew W Principal I (858) 587- mwrosch@vst-inc.com Organic pho ABSTRACT: The promise of ubiquitous so
Joseph R GCTO (703) 472- jrguerci@ieee.org MIMO,cogni ABSTRACT: A new cognitive fully adaptive
Kristine BelSenior Ana(703) 326- bell@metsci.com cognitive rABSTRACT: The goals of this project are t
Darlene FrPrincipal I (603) 598- darlene@solidstatescientifc.com GMTI,SAR,IABSTRACT: Solid State Scientifc Corporati
Shubo DattChief Scien(609) 434- sdatta@chipsat.com HIGH CURRE ABSTRACT: Discovery Semiconductors wi
David IrvinPriciple Ch(512) 757- davidirvin@systemsandmaterials.com Surface mod ABSTRACT: Systems and Materials Resear
Codruta ZoResearch C(203) 287- cloebick@precision-combustion.com combustionABSTRACT: Precision Combustion, Inc. pr
Lei Tang President (480) 518- tanglei@d-p-llc.com gridless m This Small Business Innovation Research p
Charles KuzPresident (760) 652- ckuznia@ultracomm-inc.com advanced fAn opportunity exists to signifcantly redu
Amol InamMember of(914) 592- ainamdar@hypres.com RSFQ,IntegThe objective of this project is to develop
David StevSenior Prin(512) 380- dstevens@protection-consultants.com MODELINGProtection
A Engineering Consultants (PEC)
Larry TakiffPresident (339) 203- larry.takiff@akitainnovations.com Protective ABSTRACT: Modern optoelectronic device
Adam HicksResearch Sc(937) 865- adamhicks@mlpc.com DMLS,DirecABSTRACT: Powder-bed based additive m
Ben Beck Principal I (540) 961- beckb@lunainc.com ProtectionABSTRACT: There is a need to identify, qu
Fred Allen Group Lead(732) 868- fmallen@neicorporation.com Corrosion ABSTRACT: We propose to demonstrate t
Mikhail Gae Director of(803) 647- mgaevski@s-et.com III-Nitride ABSTRACT: We propose to develop novel
John AppleProgram M(561) 427- JAppleby@fttinc.com rocket,coaABSTRACT: Liquid rocket propulsion syste
Said JahanVP (518) 862- sjahanmir@mitiheart.com High Tempe ABSTRACT: It is proposed to develop new
Robert LeCCEO/CTO (303) 642- rlechevalier@astronixresearch.com micro-partiABSTRACT: Astronix proposes a particle b
Bono WasisPrincipal R(256) 542- bwa@illinoisrocstar.com turbulent ABSTRACT: Development, implementatio
Timothy OnPrincipal R(978) 932- onasch@aerodyne.com PM aircraftABSTRACT: The goal of this SBIR project i
Kent KrumvSr. Enginee(720) 872- kent@datafusion.com detection, Data Fusion Corporation (DFC) proposes t
Robert Purn Research Sc(626) 381- jaxtelle@chromologic.com Raman spec ABSTRACT: The Air Force is experiencing
H. L MosbaCTO (802) 779- lee.mosbacker@traycer.com Non DestruABSTRACT: Many nondestructive evaluati
Scott LeemSenior Str (480) 598- Scott.Leemans@AdvatechPacifc.com materials cABSTRACT: The overarching objectives fo
Evan Lally Principal I (540) 558- lallye@lunainc.com Automated, ABSTRACT: Luna proposes to develop a u
Dan Xiang Director R (301) 948- dxiang@x-waveinnovations.com NondestrucABSTRACT: There is a signifcant need for
Alan KoivuSenior Res(906) 482- ack@thermoanalytics.com MWIR,LDRABSTRACT:
i We propose a novel multi-fra
Todd PeppeSystem Sof(616) 735- todd.pepper@cri.us.com high dynami ABSTRACT: Sensor saturation and the res
John PorterMaterials S(937) 426- jporter@ues.com PHYSICS-BAABSTRACT: UES proposes to obtain data t
David K LeiPresident (254) 933- dkleigh@harvest-tech.com additive mABSTRACT: The objective of this proposal
Gerald WilVP, Techno(217) 863- gw@autonomicmaterials.com Corrosion ABSTRACT: Chrome-based coating system
Steve JiangResearch Sc(310) 530- sjiang@broadatacom.com clustering ABSTRACT: A SUAS video processing plat
Brian BoonSenior RF (303) 449- bboone@frstrf.com Launch vehABSTRACT: The United States Air Force (U
Elizabeth SSystems En(978) 887- eschundler@optra.com Missile detABSTRACT: The Air Force is seeking a hyp
Cheryl Liss Principal E(978) 452- cliss@aurigamicrowave.com coupling,isABSTRACT: Phase I tasks will produce a d
Hooshang President/(518) 862- hheshmat@miti.cc foil bearin ABSTRACT: MiTi and its subcontractor are
David M SyPI / Sr. En (321) 631- dsykes@mainstream-engr.com Hybrid ProABSTRACT: The objective of this SBIR top
Jiyun ByunResearch S(805) 967- byun@mayachitra.com Scene undeThe primary goal of this SBIR Phase II is to
Ryan OltmaSenior Eng(757) 766- roltman@bihrle.com stall,aero Many existing flight simulators currently l
Richard HuCEO (818) 880- rahutchin@opci.com Star TrackeDuring the Navy sponsored Phase II proje
Nathan ThElectrical (812) 923- nthomas@techshot.com battery maRechargeable batteries self discharge whi
Darrell MasCEO (845) 781- darrell.massie@ipercsolutions.com DistributedThe technical approach to this project is t
Adam FuroBiomedical(317) 842- afurore@wolftechnical.com helmet,undWolf Technical Services, Inc. (Wolf) is deve
Martin TanCTO (410) 703- martint@tanenhausassociates.com Attitude,I The challenge to develop new innovative
Jacob SmelPresident (765) 775- jsmelser@omegamicrotech.com LTCC,PowerThe development of Wide Bandgap Semic
Ben-z LawrPrincipal E(850) 613- Ben-Z.Lawrence@Net-Sensing.com Global PosABSTRACT: The Global Positioning System
Donald HarSenior Digi(808) 531- dharbin@oceanit.COM GPS,signal ABSTRACT: This proposal is for the develo
Hans SchanCTO (256) 489- h.schantz Stub Kalman Fil ABSTRACT: Q-Track proposes to develop
Francois V Project Sci(303) 640- vandenb@st Stub Data AssimiABSTRACT: The Science and Technology i
Michael EnCEO (714) 893- menright@Stub Total elec ABSTRACT: To increase space environmen
Weibo ChePrincipal I (603) 643- wbc@creare.com cryocoolerABSTRACT: Next-generation space-based
Sivaram P Sr. Resear (937) 266- spgogineni@gmail.com High CycleABSTRACT: The drive to increase turbine
Ken CenterSoftware D(505) 503- ken.cente Stub Hosted PayABSTRACT: Incorporating hosted payload
Silviu VelicDirector o (630) 771- proposals@epir.com cryogenic ABSTRACT: A major limitation to the wide
Goeffrey CPresident (210) 834- gcrowley@astraspace.net over the h ABSTRACT: The DoD requires accurate re
Roderick BPrincipal I (703) 293- rbarnes@wrsystems.com OTHR,Coord ABSTRACT: We propose the assembly of a
Timothy E FAnalyst (805) 968- tair@toyon.com AutomatedABSTRACT: In recent years, advances in E
Michael K Principal I (315) 732- krumme@b Stub fully adap ABSTRACT: The challenge set by Fully Ada
James McDSenior RF (303) 449- jmcdonald@ Stub Reflector ABSTRACT: The requirement for a MANPA
Robert H SPI (319) 447- bobs@softrStub preselectoABSTRACT: Softronics Ltd. proposes to im
Samuel MaCTO (978) 501- sam.macmu Stub AEHF SATCO ABSTRACT: The ongoing launch of next ge
Joseph HucPrincipal S (321) 409- joseph.hucStub GMTI,Radar, ABSTRACT: Trident Systems Inc. (TSI) and
Evan C ZauChief Rada(801) 979- evan@arteStub GMTI,SAR,SABSTRACT: GMTI signal processing algori
Errol Engli Sr. Scienti (937) 427- errol.english@matrixresearch.com Wideband ABSTRACT:
G Martix Research proposes to
Anatoliy B Member Tec (800) 341- aboryssenko@nuvotronics.com beamformer ABSTRACT: The Nuvotronics approach is t
Thomas DilSenior Eng(302) 456- dillon@phaStub photodiodeABSTRACT: In this SBIR effort we will deve
Raymond SiProject Ma(937) 320- rsiferd@rbStub GPS,ASIC,aABSTRACT: There are numerous military a
Thomas GoPrincipal I (978) 495- pi@si2technologies.com conformal ABSTRACT: SI2 Technologies, Inc. (SI2) wi
Robert SchPresident (410) 626- rschmier@alphaomegaem.com phased arrABSTRACT: This Phase I SBIR research add
Sarjit S BhaVP-Enginee(609) 586- sarjit@pri Stub Dual modeABSTRACT:
r Princeton Microwave Technol
William W CTO (310) 802- Bill.Milro Stub antenna,loABSTRACT: Situational Awareness (SA) / D
Huili Yu R&D Scient(310) 473- huili@utopiacompression.com 3. List a ABSTRACT: As vision systems are continu
Nelson ForsSr. Enginee(610) 356- nforster@ Stub Bearing ana ABSTRACT: This proposal describes an an
Joe SprengPresident (513) 309- joe.sprengStub carbon nanABSTRACT: Improving heat transfer and e
Dorin V Pr Principal R(978) 689- dpreda@psicorp.com Enhanced hABSTRACT: The Air Force identifed a nee
Shilpa Pra Team Lead(310) 320- EOSProposals@poc.com 3D LADAR,B ABSTRACT: To address the Air Force&quo
Adam NolaChief Tech (513) 631- adam.nolaStub ATR,SAR,HRR ABSTRACT: Database sustainability is a fu
Nahum GatPresident (310) 756- nahum@okStub HyperVideo ABSTRACT: We are proposing to demonst
Ian Kaye CTO and G(925) 455- ikaye@ultra Stub Fuel cell, ABSTRACT: We propose a fuel cell / batte
PonnuthuraPrinicipal (410) 884- pgokulakriStub Augmentor,G ABSTRACT: In recent years, diversifcation
Jim NadeauVP Enginee(310) 997- jnadeau@eStub W-band,V-BABSTRACT: Escape proposes a candidate
Daniel Sto Principal (617) 491- dstouch@cra.com Mission asABSTRACT: Scheduling Air Force Satellite
Triet Tran Chief Techn(719) 219- triet.tran@braxtontech.com Multi-objeABSTRACT: The Braxton Ace Premier Inte
Richard StoPrincipal I (650) 931- stottler@sStub DistributedABSTRACT: The ultimate goal of this prop
James NeelPresident (434) 420- james.neelStub game theorABSTRACT: This project will identify feasi
Kyle Lyson Design Eng(406) 579- kyle.lyson@nu-trek.com ADC,RadiatABSTRACT: The objective of the proposed
Steve SavoVP Resear (512) 389- ssavoy@nanohmics.com Thermoelec ABSTRACT: Military space assets can have
Bert VermeChief Techn(858) 332- bvermeire Stub Hosted PayABSTRACT: Space Micro proposes to leve
Dunning IdPrincipal I (719) 482- dunning.i Stub Satellite t ABSTRACT: A holistic RSO space situation
Lee Cross Principal I (419) 536- lcross@teamist.com EM protectABSTRACT: Under this SBIR, Imaging Syst
John W StePrincipal R(978) 689- steinbeck@psicorp.com Magnetocal ABSTRACT: Physical Sciences Inc. propose
Bruce R PilPrincipal I (603) 643- brp@creare.com Cryogenic rABSTRACT: Cubesats and microsats utilizi
Carl S Kirk CTO (949) 975- cskirkconnStub cryocoolerABSTRACT: The vision of the Microsat Cry
L.J. NickiscSr. Researc(831) 582- lj@nwra.com OTHR,Coordi ABSTRACT: Coordinate Registration (CR) o
Avi Pfeffer Principal S (617) 491- apfeffer@cra.com Multipath,ABSTRACT: Space system operators requi
George HaChief Tech (435) 654- gchansen@Stub ConductiveABSTRACT: A method of fabricating high
De Y Zang Sr. Scientis(760) 438- dzang@ipitek.com PERMEABILI ABSTRACT: In modern battlefelds, Electro
Michael DeVice Presi (937) 431- mdescheneStub RPA,Sense ABSTRACT: Without the capability to sen
Joshua WhiManaging D (937) 285- joshua.whiStub Cetane num ABSTRACT: The Cetane numbers for indiv
Paul YelvinSenior Eng(321) 631- pyelvington@mainstream-engr.com JP-8,JP-5, ABSTRACT: The demand for increased thr
Lei Tang President (480) 518- tanglei@d-Stub Turbine,Hi ABSTRACT: This SBIR project proposes to
Lyn M GreePresident (916) 783- lyng@dynatechengr.com Bearing PoABSTRACT: To provide improved life pred
Nathan Br Principal I (434) 220- nbrown@lunainc.com WIRELESS,m ABSTRACT: Aircraft oleo-pneumatic landi
Vladimir KoSenior Scie(858) 646- vkolinko@tStub TBD ABSTRACT: TBD BENEFIT: TBD
Alison K B President (719) 481- abrown@navsys.com GPS signal ABSTRACT: The biggest demand on a mili
Dan EckelkTechnical (505) 767- eckelkam@aptec.com fnite-set ABSTRACT: Team ATA proposes to develo
Andrew KraSystems En(703) 927- andrew@br-envision.com UNMANNED ABSTRACT:
A In order to accommodate the
Cheng K PaProgram M(310) 320- cpao@quinStub transceive ABSTRACT: QuinStar Technology propose
Craig FarloSenior Scie(256) 617- craig.farl Stub metasurfacABSTRACT: The Air Force has identifed th
Dan Shen Principal S (301) 515- dshen@intusiontech.com Cognitive ABSTRACT: In future military satellite com
Geoff CrowPresident (201) 834- gcrowley@a Stub Dual FrequABSTRACT: The Air Force requires accurat
James BaxtPrincipal E(919) 323- jbaxter@siStub CID,ATR,PhABSTRACT: Current automatic target reco
Mark LuettPresident (781) 503- mark.luettgen@STResearch.com UnmannedABSTRACT:
A Integration of track data from
Lars Karlss CTO (408) 982- lars.karlsson@spectranetix.com HIGH SENSIABSTRACT: Current and future VLF receiv
Joe AhadiaVP Enginee(760) 652- jahadian@ultracomm-inc.com RF PhotoniABSTRACT: This program creates an innov
William LePrincipal (781) 359- lecomte@m Stub GPS,anti-j ABSTRACT: GPS is known to be extremely
Jerry KnighVP Enginee(562) 477- jerry.knight@nu-trek.com anti-jam, ABSTRACT: The end objective is a low pow
Kirk Price Principal I (360) 566- kirk.price@nlight.net Er-doped fABSTRACT: nLIGHT proposes the develop
Vishal Jain Vice Presi (401) 965- vishal@visionsystemsinc.com bundle adjABSTRACT: VSI proposes a flexible sensor
T: A Propellant Health Monitoring (PHM) Sensor for Solid Rocket Motors (SRMs) utilizes actual propellant components in a tiny new sensor
T: Physical Sciences Inc. proposes to design, develop, and demonstrate two types of affordable, portable, non-invasive, real-time sensors to
T: In this Phase II proposal Silvus proposes to develop a prototype Airborne Network Orderwire system. The prototype called Silvus Comm
T: As the USAF and other military services migrate to an IP-based tactical network, i.e., the"IP to the edge"paradigm, the use o
T: The Air Force has identifed the need for a technological capability to provide secure, dynamic and efficient multicast services over crypt
T: In Phase II of TIGRESS, we will continue development of a prototype event geolocating system, known as TIGRESS, which leverages an en
T: Multimode fber (MMF) is the prevalent cable plant in many mil-aerospace systems. The multimode channel has bandwidth limitations
T: The ionosphere has signifcant effects on DoD radio systems. The Air Force needs electric feld measurements in order to nowcast and fo
T: To address the Air Force need for a system to monitor the state of wear of cutting tools in high performance fghter jet production, Phys
T: Oceanit will develop a working prototype module that will undergo testing with each category of Threat engagement. We will articulate
T: Current cyber threats analysis and detection techniques based on intrusion prevention/detection, anti-virus and spam flters often offer
T: In Phase II, D-Tech plans to continue our success from Phase I by enhancing the existing prototype product with the latest Identity Mana
T: Stellar Science has developed innovative techniques for satellite conjunction processing using spatiotemporally indexed ephemeris data
T: Ionospheric scintillation and TEC are required by the IORD. We propose a GPS Autonomous Micro-Monitor ("GAMMA") that
T: Barron Associates, Inc. proposes an aggressive Phase II effort to make on-board threat information fusion technology available for future
T: To address the Air Force need for a liquid shim application system for automated advanced fghter assembly, Physical Optics Corporation
T: Air and space gimbaled Infrared, multi-spectral, and hyperspectral sensor systems require cryogenic cooling to operate. Current cryogen
T: Toyon Research Corporation proposes to develop a decentralized asset management framework which will provide near-optimal loose c
T: Ground Surveillance Radar (GSR) is a fundamental and proven component of Department of Defenses (DoD) Battlefeld Awareness. Adv
T: The proposed Phase II effort is a two year program focused on demonstrating both the feasibility of an integrated semiconductor optica
T: Auriga will complete the development of an innovative linearized K-band High Power Amplifer (HPA) in 24 months with one additional m
T: The objective of this work is to demonstrate a prototype of an innovative method to protect military space microelectronics from unaut
T: Trust and reputation management system has been proven to be an effective method to solve many security issues in Wireless Sensor N
T: Optical Physics Company (OPC) combined two pioneering sets of optical phased array technologies during the frst phase of this project.
T: This SBIR program aims to demonstrate a curved sensor array for a vision system (CSVS) capable of being integrated into small form fact
T: Triton Systems has demonstrated a variable light transmission technology that will be optimized in the proposed Phase II for use in a mil
T: The purpose of this Phase II is to develop a working prototype of the HADRian tool that can assist SOC (Sensing Operations Center) Ope
T: With the growing demands for Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) operations, it becomes increasingly important to determine how to best t
T: The goal of this Small Business Innovative Research project is to model the ability of human listeners to detect and identify specifc audi
T: A hybrid computational Electromagnetic solution will be developed that combines multiple physics techniques in order to handle far-fe
T: The Situation Awareness User-Defnable Operational Picture (UDOP) for Nuclear Awareness (SAUNA) provides an innovative, cost-effecti
T: The Design Knowledge Company"s Economic Modeling of Uncertainty (EMU) program presents an innovative, cost-effective, and d
T: During phase I, we successfully designed a low-profle dual-linear polarization UWB (20-50 GHz) phase array antenna design. A key comp
T: In this Phase II effort, we will develop an adaptive bandwidth free-space optical link using proprietary photonic integrated circuit techno
T: This SBIR Phase I project is targeted at the development of a novel ultracapacitor using ionic liquid electrolytes. Commercially available u
T: The proposed portable, hand-held laser tool will enable efficient feld or depot maintenance of specialty coatings and outer mold line (O
T: AutoDrills at Lockheed Martin drill over 12,000 holes in the wing skins and understructure on each F-35 aircraft. To ensure these holes g
T: QuinStar proposes to develop an efficient, linear solid-state power amplifer (SSPA), operating over the 81 to 86 GHz band, for high data
T: PreTalen recognizes that an ongoing challenge facing the Department of Defense (DOD) and civil/commercial PNT users is the understan
T: Echo Ridge and George Mason University propose to mature, enhance and further demonstrate the PNT equipment hardware in the loo
T: Echo Ridge and partner Wright State University (WSU) propose to prototype and evaluate the Phase I-developed novel performance enh
B garment systems such as Joint Services Lightweight Integrated Suit technology (JSLIST) and Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Tech
ontinues implementation of the Phased Adaptive Approach (PAA), robust operation of BMDS sensors within post-intercept debris environm
e missiles are being developed to intercept reentry vehicles and tactical ballistic missiles before their conventional, chemical and nuclear wa
Inc. proposes the development and testing of a Hypervelocity Impact Damage Assessment system that can track the electrical charge dispe
"s ballistic missile defense system provides the only means currently available to protect it, and its allies, from a catastrophic attach by
the use of innovative energetic materials, Capco proposes to improve the reliability, shelf life, EMI hardening and performance of EED devic
th electro-explosive device (EED) initiators on interceptors have caused the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) to investigate novel ideas to incr
reliable one-shot electro-explosive ordnance device (EED) available for initiating next generation (NexGen) insensitive energetics is though
s the MDA need for methodologies for long-term missile aging assessment and reliability prediction for polymer materials and electronic p
have been recently developed by TRI/Austin Inc. that permit accelerated life testing (ALT) exposures at lower temperatures which are more
ul lifespan of emerging state-of-the-art materials, or legacy materials that remain dormant within complex missile systems for long periods,
Aging Concepts, Inc. proposes to develop a"Smart Shelf Life"(SSL) tag which provides a low cost health monitoring system for o
Stockpile Reliability Program for interceptor ordnance devices is defcient because there are not health monitoring and built-in tests of the
evelop and test a novel, low SWAP-C IMU design that achieves navigation grade accuracy.
s the Missile Defense Agency"s need to accurately measure inertial movement in a stressing flight environment, Physical Optics Corp
nced material found to survive high G-forces while making accurate inertial measurements is thermo plastic formed (TPF) Bulk Metallic Gla
DA Phase I SBIR program, MATECH proposes to demonstrate the life cycle sustainability of ultra-high temperature (UHT), very low erosion, c
emi Corporation develops advanced semiconductor manufacturing technology for tomorrow"s leveraged electronics. The company i
ed systems are taking on an increasing role in the U.S. military. Monitoring unmanned vehicles, sensors, and events in dynamic environmen
ect will advance the state of art in two areas necessary for effective exploitation of intelligent diagnosis, planning, and execution technologi
esel generators provide the majority of power generation in forward operating areas, frequently operating inefficiently and requiring exces
rmy and Marines rely signifcantly on fossil-fuel based tactical power generation to provide electrical energy to deployed troops in small cam
ose to develop a collaborative control user interface that will enable operators to work more effectively with highly autonomous vehicles by
ose to develop a collaborative control user interface that will enable operators to work more effectively with highly autonomous vehicles by
ous vehicles are becoming more and more integral to our nation's defense. A DoD object is to free humans from direct control and m
osal addresses the signifcant need for supervisory control of sensor networks within a fully-immersive synthetic environment with novel H
motely sensed data has an inherent physical detachment from the environment being sensed. At a high-level, we propose leveraging Oblo
ed Aerial Systems (UAS) play an increasingly important role in many military scenarios. For the Navy to incorporate UASsuch as those curren
s the OSD need for a minimally intrusive technology that supports aircraft carrier operator gesture recognition, Physical Optics Corporation
tems remain susceptible to attack and compromise despite the best security efforts. There are two growing trends in the research commu
omputer systems are dumb automatons; their blind execution of instructions makes them open to attack. Their inability to reason means t
T: The technology developed under this SBIR program provides for accurate time synchronization across an entire network for purposes of
T: Today"s advanced precision guided weapons rely on GPS/INS-based solutions to provide accurate navigation data, enabling the m
T: A new generation of supersonic weapons will operate at Mach 3-6. Current infrared window materials are unable to withstand the heat
T: The objective of the project is to develop models for secondary debris generated by mobile targets. This includes the vehicle componen
T: Leveraging the results of our Phase I work, Torch proposes developing/integrating an innovative instrumentation system along with auto
T: Most of the air delivered air force weapons are designed to detonate inside structures. However, due to targeting inaccuracies and othe
T: M4 Engineering proposes to develop a method for accurately correcting dynamic wind tunnel force measurements by removing compon
T: Addressing the Air Force need for a reduced-path-length solar/lunar exclusion sensor test capability that quantitatively characterizes off
T: Toyon Research Corporation proposes research and development of advanced algorithms and real-time software to provide signifcant i
T: Operational airborne hyperspectral imagery (HSI) offers numerous advantages over traditional single or multiband sensing modalities fo
T: The objective of this Phase II SBIR topic is to develop and demonstrate an automated move-stop-move combat identifcation system und
T: During the Phase I effort, Electromagnetic Systems, Inc. (EMSI) completed a full characterization of the feature association utility of our
T: Wind-turbine induced clutter is currently affecting air surveillance radar installations worldwide. The growing need for renewable energ
T: Phase II tasks will produce a full-duplex, multi-channel, S-band transmit-receive (T/R) module for integration into large communication p
onse of an object to a burst of electromagnetic energy consists of an early-time skin response (radar cross section or RCS) and late-time (tar
ing approach is proposed for decluttering that does not require statistical characterization of clues to achieve a reduction in clutter. It is ba
search effort, Vadum will demonstrate the feasibility of a machine learning approach to address the problem of debris mitigation and impr
Technologies, Inc. (WTI) proposes development of algorithms that process radar returns from dense threat complexes and attempt to discr
chnologies in collaboration with Dynetics, Inc ("Dynetics") is pleased to present the following proposal to the Missile Defense A
le Defense Agency"s (MDA) Lethality Program is seeking post-intercept debris data from hypervelocity missile impacts in an exoatmo
cted that the US military forces will be facing many new, unexpected types of mission from combat operations to humanitarian assistance
ce from strategic areas of interest comes from numerous sources, such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Rapid Aerostat Initial Depl
motely sensed data has an inherent physical detachment from the environment being sensed. At a high-level, we propose leveraging Oblo
e complexity of modern computer systems has grown to the point of stressing human ability to understand their behavior completely. The
tive monitoring systems are highly desirable and demanded in military and civilian application scenarios. In this effort, we leverage our in-h
and expensive electronic equipment used in marine environments are generally subjected to harsh extremes. Component lifetimes are typ
ctive will be to develop nano-scale coatings for protection of electronics and other sensitive items from seawater and fresh water. A thorou
ose to advance the state-of-the-art of durable superhydrophobic coatings for application on printed circuit boards (PCBs) found on underwa
is of alternatives, including modeling, will be conducted of such candidates technologies such as localization, energy provision, and reporti
oposal we describe our approach and anticipated results concerning the use of a novel and innovative method for providing Over-The-Hori
mpression and team put forth a novel solution for medical diagnostics and continuous monitoring of combat casualties in the battlefeld to
on of a single platorm with multiple functional units requires a"fresh"approach. Battlefeld CONOPS requires the immediate av
se to the SOCOM 13-004 Next Generation Portable Power Amplifer solicitation, MaXentric proposes the GreenAmp-lite system. The Green
roposes a feasibility study to defne the next generation power amplifer for the Special Operations Forces (SOF) warfghter. This program w
munition Company will deliver a family of Lightweight Advanced Polymer Sub-Sonic Ammunition. We will do this by adapting our current fa
ram will consist of a three prong approach to provide an unbiased assessment and development of subsonic ammunition with the highest
abstract 13.1-005 Today there is no sub-sonic ammunition currently type classifed for use in the calibers provided by any DoD Service. Alt
munition Company will research the design and development of Lightweight .50 caliber precision ammunition under this SBIR Phase I contra
s the SOCOM need for feld-operable computing"bricks", Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop High-perform
d Technology LLC proposes the design and development of an Accelerated Processing Unit (APU) System on Chip (SoC) consisting of a hybrid
on nVision Technology employee's experience developing the DARPA One Shot system and the VALR wind measurement system thro
s the Army"s need for a high-performance, low power bio-inspired parallel processor, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to
T: The team will develop a direct view infrared display utilizing an active thin flm metamaterial emitter technology. Utilizing standalone th
T: Infrared (IR) imaging and sensing is used extensively for military purposes. Evolving threats have motivated a drive toward sensor system
T: MATSYS proposes to develop high energy density reactive materials to enhance the performance of Military Operations in Urban Terrain
T: The objective of this effort is to develop a flexible, modular ladar processing architecture and advanced algorithms suitable for direct dig
T: Radar sensors provide an important capability for combat missions involving air-to-air engagement of enemy aircraft. The main beneft o
T: Busek has successfully demonstrated key technical features of an autonomous, long-term storable, radiation tolerant propulsion modul
T: Among the technical challenges associated with current Air Force scramjet technology development is coupling between the combustor
T: As more and more advanced hypersonic weapons are developed, vehicle temperatures are expected to near 1250K (977C); as flight tim
T: Matrix Research, Inc. proposes to prototype, test, analyze, and demonstrate novel feature representations in multi-agent simultaneous l
T: The U.S. military has achieved unsurpassed air superiority in recent conflicts, a feat that is unlikely to continue as we face increasingly so
T: The Munitions Environment Signature Model being developed by TSC will provide munitions design engineers with a tool for exploring R
T: As airborne sensors become more prolifc and sophisticated, the amount of data they produce overwhelms the current ability to offload
T: This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project will develop innovative simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)-based m
T: In the past, systems such as the Navy"s Relocatable Over the Horizon Radar (ROTHR) used analog HF receivers. Those receivers w
T: Physical Sciences Inc. (PSI), working with Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems (NGES), proposes to develop a passive optical Identifca
T: Development and deployment of airborne multistatic radar systems and the algorithms that control them can be greatly aided by accura
T: Interest in bistatic radar, where the transmitter and receiver are not collocated, has historically waxed and waned, and is once again enjo
T: Freedom Photonics is proposing to develop novel photonic integrated components required to enable revolutionary new capabilities for
T: We propose to develop a systematic framework for constructing 3D scene knowledge from EO/IR video sequences to provide accurate 3
T: Close-in sensors can be used to embed reliability and functional RF test capability directly on to RF chips in order to reduce the cost and
e and inaccessible environments, transport of critical medical, chemical and/or biological samples can be difficult. In this SBIR Phase I, a tec
arch, Inc. and the University of Colorado at Boulder will team together to develop a responsive sequestration coating for chemical warfare
n and recovery from an attack with a chemical or biological agent remains an important challenge for the US Defense and Homeland Secur
warfare agents, such as nerve and mustard agents, pose serious threats to our soldiers and civilians. An efficient barrier coating which can
ose a next-generation reader system for Rapid Diagnostic Tests using lateral flow immunoassay cartridges. The system includes a rugged and
o attacks are a threat to U.S. military personnel and civilians. While there exist feld detection assays and associated mobile readers, it rema
d promising algorithm is proposed based on hyperspectral unmixing by a sequential processor that will be further developed for data fusio
ary goal of this proposed work is to develop a long wave infrared (LWIR) colloidal quantum dot (CQD)-based focal plane array (FPA) in order
loop closures in Army uniforms have been identifed as the critical sources of leaks in protective clothing/equipment, which limits the ove
s on existing military chemical/biological protection garments are not designed to fully eliminate air gaps at fabric folds, fabric surfaces, or h
ate goal is to develop coatings to self-seal or heal a textile material. Soldiers"personal safety is compromised when CB protective uni
on Research and Flow Technology, Inc. (CRAFT Tech) and Prof. Glumac of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) have teame
oD Missile Defense Agency (MDA) is working to acquire laser based strategic Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) technologies. The lase
hensive approach is proposed to develop a tool for guiding and automating mesh refnement for complex CFD targets and simulations. In t
e turbulence- chemistry interaction methodology will be implemented in the CRAFT CFD code to improve high-speed afterburning base flo
a custom chirped-pulse Fourier transform (CP-FT) mm-wave rotational spectrometer to meet the chemical analysis needs of the ARMY wil
ect aims to develop all-solid-state hybrid energy storage devices with flexible nanostructured electrode materials combined with a polymer
osed Phase I work will deliver a noninvasive, small, portable functional pulse oximeter based fnger prototype device capable of heartbeat-
aluation of ocular injuries in austere environments requires the acquisition and transmission of visual examination data by relatively unqual
ue capabilities provided by vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft also create challenges during turns and rearward maneuvers. VTOL a
bustor liner is subject to the highest temperature and pressure in a gas turbine. Combustion produces gas with temperatures exceeding the
flow calculation is crucial to the development and support of air platorms, and CFD has been successful at predicting aerodynamic perform
oposes to develop a computational tool for transient, high-altitude events with mixed continuum and free molecular flow regimes. The pro
OSU are in a strong position to meet the requirements of this SBIR. Building on a strong foundation of closely related sensor work in the mil
rtnership with Penn State will evaluate and demonstrate a new generation of intrinsically safe robotic actuators built up from micro-actuato
Corporation proposes to develop a novel cold chain system with a Lifetime Warranty for the vacuum container. The container composes a
s the Armys need for a low-cost rearward sense-and-avoid system, Physical Optics Corporation proposes to develop an Airborne Enhanced
ber of arid regions of the world, recirculation of dust by the rotorwash of vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft (manned and unmann
barrier coatings (TBCs) are susceptible to damage under service conditions due to environmental contaminants such as calcium-magnesium
in collaboration with the University of Connecticut, proposes to make high temperature phase stable and CMAS resistant coatings of lanth
oposes to develop an abrasive-waterjet (AWJ) system for drilling angled shaped holes in TBC-coated metals and engine components. Water
em to be addressed within the present proposal is the accurate modeling of high altitude transient phenomena associated with short dura
ernment Systems Inc. (EWA GSI) along with University at Albany College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE) and the Rochester In
er demands for a wide variety of advanced battlefeld equipment can range from high-energy for long-term operation to high-rate pulse po
ground warfare platorms are burdened with the critical need for escalating capabilities effectiveness in the face of prohibitive competition
roposes to develop a wireless sensor suite for rotorcraft Generator Control Unit (GCU) and Main Power Relay (MPR) health monitoring. Thi
n, correction, or cancellation of the deleterious effects of atmospheric turbulence on wide feld of view (WFOV) imagery is desired to increa
ose a simple and elegant technique to directly measure the electric charge on the surfaces of small pixels of III-V and II-VI infrared detector
s the Armys need for a self-replenishing power technology for protective eyewear with active lenses, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) pro
e locations that are inaccessible by vehicles due to rugged terrain or high security risks, supplies are delivered via Low Cost Aerial Delivery S
ersonnel are often deployed to areas where they are at risk from insect-borne diseases such as malaria, scrub typhus, leishmaniasis, and Ly
need for a durable, non-toxic textile that is protective against vector-borne diseases, effective after repeating wear and laundering, and co
e I SBIR program will defne the requirements and the development plan for a broadband monolithic microwave transceiver integrated circ
systems has worked on a variety of radar systems that have relied on Doppler processing to perform their function. Recently this approach
ctive of this project is to design and develop an innovative miniature actuation system for use in a 40mm guided, extended flight, surveillan
sts a need to improve the lethality of the warfghter at the squad level in addition to improving the warfghters capabilities for Intelligence,
Technologies Phase I approach will use our 20 years of CGF experience to identify a OneSAF system solution for accurate urban models. We
me and Raytheon propose the development of our Stratus Guardian System (SGS) technology in support of the Governments critical need f
rt reliable and secure communications, a suitable network analysis tool is needed for accurately and efficiently detecting, diagnosing, and p
g technology in Sample/Hold, A/D and D/A technology, coupled with full digital capture, store, delay, modulate and reconstruction, will pro
& Technology Research (STR) with our partner Mercury Defense Systems (MDS, formerly KOR Electronics) present this proposal for dev
ase I effort, FIRST RF will develop and evaluate concepts enabling highly directive multi-beam TCDL communications using phased arrays in
proposes to develop innovative, low Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) Digital Receiver Exciter (DREX) technologies needed for simultaneous
nics is pleased to propose our FALCON Optical Inertial Reference Unit (OIRU) for use on High Energy Laser (HEL) weapon systems on tactica
posing an tactical OIRU design based on a modifed production IMU combined with our LOS/INS module. The combination of production h
Optics Inc. (ROI) proposes to design, build, bench and fly test, and deliver to the Navy an innovative light weight, high-speed, and self-pow
osed solution concepts are intended to provide a replacement seating system coupled with a device to more safely and easily move cargo a
an innovative approach for cargo and personnel handling system that requires minimal labor effort by the crew to operate. The cargo and p
munication 850 nm band is an attractive choice for the physical layer and has been used for the vast majority of the optical local area netwo
l Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will develop and demonstrate a thermal ground plane (TGP) technology with improve
Dynamics, Inc. (ADI) has developed the MAGIC(TM) (Multiple Adaptive Generalized Interference Cancellation) Filter, a revolutionary interfe
rganic sensors of surface combatants may be enhanced through the use of off-board sonobuoy receiver felds to extend both range and ac
ics proposes to develop low-cost/high performance module technology for application in next generation TR modules. A near-hermetic ap
osal addresses an opportunity for the Navy to establish an integrated business and technical strategy to provide an Open Systems active ar
utions is pleased to submit a recently developed nanotechnology based coating to protect the undersea tow cable from corrosion issues id
develops technologies to automate the creation of Electronic Warfare (EW) emitter libraries to correctly identify threat (and other) signals
dapt, tailor and apply novel material classifcation/identifcation algorithms, developed for the US Navy torpedo program, to Mine Counter
tethered VTOL system capable of carrying and maintaining the required communications relay components to at least 500 feet AGL for up
400 Hz power systems onboard US Naval ships use centralized and redundant frequency conversion, whereby 400 Hz power is generated i
t utilizes a new Launch and Recovery (L and R) System called Soft Rail. Soft Rail signifcantly eliminates the surface motion by deploying a u
e primary lubrication system in the power transmission system can result in an immediate or rapid failure of the drive system of military air
s PEO Ground Systems requirements for a low-cost system that can determine and display convoy vehicle spacing in low visibility condition
nd Unattended Sensors can gain a signifcant advantage from advances in camera technology and automated image processing techniques
Combustion, Inc. (PCI) will develop a compact, flexible and efficient Battle Fuel Conditioner (BFC) add-on module that will enable a full ran
, which includes a current supplier of protective eyewear for the US military, proposes to develop an energy harvesting technology for self-
he current and future needs of the Army, improved power systems are needed for missiles, sensors, communication systems, night-vision d
ogram Vadum will develop a radar system capable of linear and nonlinear detection schemes for electronics detection (E-Det) and a linear F
evelop and evaluate algorithms for a system, Veriflow, which can automatically reason about security and correctness of computer networ
assive screech liner damping design concept to damp out low and high order screech modes simultaneously in legacy, pipeline, and advanc
lity predictions of the radar cross sections of ships at sea at X-band and above are complicated by the presence of interactions between the
ize the strike effectiveness of multiple disparate manned and unmanned platorms"while minimizing the potential damage to the str
osal is to develop Team Oriented Programming for Dynamic Automated Target (TOPDAT) Area Threat and Route Optimization. TOPDAT will
will develop a low SWaP DREX system approach that will include a wideband, multichannel frequency conversion capability. Requirements
proposes a physical shield to protect spherical bearings from the abrasive particulate. Since many rotorcraft rod-ends are installed in expos
th is a US based manufacturer of high power high efficiency polarization insensitive diffraction grating using unique, cost-efficient and high
t of this proposal is to design, and later fabricate, a non-polarizing diffractive beam combining device which meets the stringent requireme
beam combination (SBC) of fber lasers is the most practical approach to DEW-class HELs using diode-pumped fber lasers. Use of conventio
Visionics proposes a solution to decouple rendering channels from simulators and displays by developing a novel architecture consisting o
is described that minimizes the logistical footprint and administrative overhead of multi-unit training centers. This system builds on the du
itary and commercial applications have turned to power electronics to run a variety of systems efficiently, quietly, cheaply, and precisely. Th
Corporation proposes to develop a single tough thermoplastic polymer coating material and system solution for aluminum and composite b
of the proposal is to develop and demonstrate a novel thermal management system with superior heat transfer performance for the high h
es are a vital technology for moving equipment, ammunition, and other supplies to the battlefeld. Cargo parachutes are used to drop milita
Research and Engineering proposes to develop a stand-alone blast detection and seat safety deployment system. Proposed sensor system
natures of small boats and ships are inherently complex due to their myriad topside features: railings, antennas, masts, ladders, armament
t will develop a software tool with the ability for near real-time threat and target area routing and de-confliction capability. Through the us
Photonics proposes to develop a novel wireless communications system based on free-space-optical (FSO) technology that can provide air
military systems contain numerous avionics and electronic systems that must perform to very high standards in hostile environments in the
n tools that exist today for prediction of cosite interference in complex RF environments are able to accurately model complex platorms bu
M is proposing to employ multi-core CPU and GPU acceleration for orders of magnitude increase in computation speed in predicting Co-site
oses to develop a Compact Optical Inertial Reference Unit (COIRU) to address the requirements of the Optical Inertial Reference Unit (OIRU
osal addresses the opportunity to develop an optimized power and data bus for aircraft rotor loads monitoring by offering an innovative so
ar in spherical bearings used in fxed wing and rotor craft can be signifcantly accelerated by liquid and solid contamination. Contamination
nc. proposes to develop an acoustic modeling and simulation system that will enable thorough and comprehensive testing of Navy sonar sy
ting heat pipe (OHP) embedded substrate made from low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) material(s) will be designed, simulated, op
tems are easily subjected to unintentional or intentional interference that might disrupt normal communication. This program focuses on d
tems Corporation proposes to use our Coherent Multi-static Acoustic Processing (CMAP) software to process the received acoustic sonobu
ctive of this Phase I SBIR program is to develop and qualify a next-generation HybridSil anticorrosion coating that provides robust, long-term
c warfare (EW) systems classify emitters by matching the signals detected against reference signatures in a tactical EW library. Since emitter
ical differences between tactical sensors result in a wide range of accuracy, completeness, and correctness of features used for object class
mbat Systems have evolved into complex systems, based on networked collections of heterogeneous software from different vendors. As a
oach toward the successful completion of the task is to design a best of breed software management architecture that addresses innovativ
mLift Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is an alternate and novel approach to providing long range, over
esearch LLC in an exclusive partnership with Carolina Unmanned Systems (CUV) and Unmanned Systems International Corporation (UnSysC
ps currently operate independent 60 Hz and 400 Hz power systems, resulting in unnecessary redundancy and high ship costs. A better appr
ve the at sea recovery of the Remote Multi-Mission Vehicle (RMMV), the Advanced Optical Systems (AOS) has teamed with Maritime Applie
s the Navy's needs for a multi-band, pulsed, high average power transmitter for IRCM applications, Bridger Photonics, Inc., in collab
e situational awareness in cluttered and littoral environments with a passive sensor network requires a cost effective system capable of a h
y tactical and strategic forces need a real-time, autonomous classifcation capability to realize the full potential of fxed acoustic surveillance
proposes to develop a Mission Planning-Evaluation Tool (MP-ET) to support submarine Commanding Officers"risk and operational as
es conduct operational missions in a complex environment , as in any military operation, risk is inherent in the execution of these missions
osed effort develops and evaluates features exploiting the swim bladder resonance observed in broadband echoes from fsh for automatic
esearch in Acoustics LLC will formulate and develop new concepts and algorithms for data-driven clutter-adaptive waveform-synthesis and
esearch Laboratory, Inc. (SRL) will develop a prototype Extinction Imager (EI) suitable for shipboard installation based on the research of Ja
n of a ship-borne Laser Weapons System (LWS) requires new capability to dynamically characterize the maritime atmosphere to predict lase
nologies is teaming with the Colorado School of Mines, Raytheon and Q-Peak to propose the development of a novel Maritime Atmospher
ting the high Doppler rate of torpedoes, low-latency, high-reliability, and high-mobility torpedo detection, classifcation and localization (DL
IR project Wagner Associates will develop innovative: (1) hull array passive signal processing (providing more accurate bearing, narrowband
s are a lethal threat to surface ships, and the ability to detect them remains a ship-safety priority. Current torpedo-detection algorithms ar
nvironments (VEs) provide a cost-effective alternative to train students to perform tasks that would otherwise put lives and platorms at risk
Integrator Ship Handling Assessment Management System (DI-SAMS) will gather and integrate data from the multiple automated sub-syste
es faced today by the U.S. Navy"s ASW forces are due to the increasing number of diesel-electric submarines operated by some natio
ancements to mobile computers including smaller sensors, displays and powerful processors have made them much more attractive for the
here is an approach to modify the fuel supply line to existing commercial appliances to allow them to operate on JP-8 fuel, using a JP-8 blu
eration airborne Navy Radar and Communication Systems will continue to rely on and evolve Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) sys
ram creates a fber optic bi-directional repeater for mil-aerospace applications. This repeater boosts the optical signal to overcome link loss
ng the Navy"s need to develop an accurate underwater tracking tool for Horizontal Directional Drilling systems, Physical Optics Corpo
ric based hull protection system will be developed. The development will take three approaches. In the frst approach, plates of Aluminum
for wire that is able to be heated up to high temperatures span a very large and diverse number applications and felds of use from everda
evelop and demonstrate the key elements in a novel alternative method of fabrication of the heaters for dispenser types cathodes. The cur
nvestigate variables to optimize the wire drawing process of Tungsten 3% Rhenium wire and study the validation of that wire using eddy cu
identifcation of ships from periscope and other imagery is a capability important to a variety of submarine missions, including sea control
robust automated video analysis techniques for extracting, measuring, classifying, and identifying objects-of-interest, 3D object models ha
will design the Expendable Real Time Conductivity, Temperature and Depth Sensor (ExCTD) using our proven approach of incorporating Com
p concepts for affordable flexhoses that meet the Navy military specifcation requirements for MIL-H-24135B and that last the average life
to isolate mechanical shock and vibrations between shipboard machinery and the ship hull requires the use of flexible hose assemblies (FH
gital Solutions, LLC (Sedna) has experience in the real world behavior of sensor technology as used in current NAVY combat systems. Sedna
ase I SBIR, we will perform system-level engineering to evaluate integrating Harris Corporation's RT-1944/U with Fidelity Comtech&#
course of this small business innovative research (SBIR) phase 1 (Ph1) program Metamagnetics proposes the development of next generati
nd Lockheed Martin Mission Systems and Sensors (LM MS2) are together proposing a new advanced integrated topology converter architec
8 Heavyweight Torpedo broadband sonar system performance is limited by the current power supplies used to power to the electronics in
quot;s approach is to develop an optically transparent radar absorbing material with super-hydrophobic characteristics comprised of a set
marines utilize a large number of undersea electrical connections to systems located outside the pressure hull (sonar, radar, communicatio
earch Institute Austin (TRI/Austin) frst developed non-conductive coatings (NCC) for marine connector applications in the mid 1990&quot
ose of this project is to demonstrate the effectiveness of using Acree Technologies"Energetic Deposition Processes (EDP) for the deve
cable strands used to tow the AQS-20A from the RMMV are made from Nitronic 50, an austenitic stainless steel that, under normal circums
tical software, such as the AN/SQQ89A (V)15 surface ASW environment, requires hundreds of interacting software components deployed a
d launch and recovery of remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) is a challenging engineering problem requiring careful design and integration o
compelling need for scaling the output of mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) and long-wavelength infrared (LWIR) lasers to much higher po
ly, operation of the mid-frequency active sonar in littoral regions has presented sonar operators with challenges due to the complex nature
ed States Navy currently uses klystron-based and high power modulator tube Radar Transmitters that are increasingly more expensive to ow
s the Navy need for a high peak- and average-power solid-state amplifer to replace existing Klystron tube amplifers in surface Navy radar,
d Technologies, Inc. (DTI) proposes to design and build an advanced, pulsed solid-state transmitter capable of replacing legacy klystron amp
as developed a detector-tracker for Mid Frequency Active (MFA). This detector-tracker computes likelihood functions and likelihood ratio s
e I project will develop an innovative signal processing and information processing concept for improved detection in acoustically noisy litto
has identifed the need for an improved and reduced cost Emergency Buoy Transmission System for the Ohio Class Submarine Replacemen
s Ltd. proposes employing a novel circuit topology to create a state-of-the-art replacement for the emergency buoy HF transmitter. Using le
ock 2 will utilize a fast-scanning ES receiver to rapidly acquire pulse data in the wideband threat spectrum. Depending on the scanning para
develops clustering and de-interleaving algorithms to process non-contiguous clusters of pulses, collected from acquisition scanning receiv
search effort, Vadum will evaluate multiple classifcation techniques to mitigate the effects of corrupted measurements from the new scann
ght Sciences and the Lockheed Martin Sippican propose to develop a new propulsion system to increase the top speed of an EMATT (Expe
t resources are required to increase the sprint speed capabilities of miniature AUVs which are subject to severe weight and volume constra
ctive for Phase I of this effort is to develop a design for an advanced mission payload handling system that provides the combined functiona
team proposes an Advanced Payload Handling System (APHS) capable of semi-autonomous and/or wireless remotely controlled, omni-dire
poses a mobile, advanced, agile, adaptable handling (A3-Hand) system for shipboard mission payload handling. On the LCS seaframes, A3-H
rt to improve the current approach for periscope surveillance detection, the Navy is developing a new panoramic mast video sensor. Utilizi
rials has developed a silicon nitride radome material called reduced density injection moldable pressureless sintered silicon nitride based o
onal dielectric materials for radomes and windows for supersonic/hypersonic tactical missiles exhibit a number of performance limitations
d missile radomes require robust high temperature materials for high speed flight. Current advanced radome materials are limited by therm
oses to develop a small diameter High Pressure Breathing Apparatus concept design capable of achieving 10,000-psi operating pressures. T
nologies, in collaboration with SCUBAPRO, proposes to develop an ultra-high-pressure SCUBA system capable of supplying Navy divers with
ir flasks utilized by the Navy for SCUBA diving weigh about 40 lbs and are rated for 3,000 psi internal pressure, providing 30 minutes to an h
proposes developing a practical, very-wide-bandwidth electrical characterization technique based on advanced photonic signal processing
e major challenges currently facing the US defense forces is the requirement to meet the electricity demands of individual soldiers in a hig
olloids proposes the utilization of its proprietary nanotechnology in order to insure continued operation of powertrain transmissions utilize
s the Armys need for health monitoring of rotorcraft generator control units (GCUs) and main power relays, Physical Optics Corporation (PO
ments in dynamic address assignment protocol (DHCP) are sought for US armed forces to accommodate inclusion of Unit Reference Numbe
g complex net shape, narrow, long, and curved lubrication channels within the body of an investment cast article using controlled solidifca
e I project will demonstrate how control of fuel and/or air distribution can be used to mitigate combustion oscillations. The project will be
on stability is critical to the performance of augmented military jet engines. Instabilities such as screech can result in reduced augmentor p
onics proposes to develop a low weight, high-speed structural health monitoring system capable of measuring load, vibration, and acoustic
ed hearing loss is a growing issue within active and retired military personnel. Ear protection is critical to prevent such injury, but personnel
s the Navy"s need for a miniature wireless earplug-integrated sensor, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new W
ctive of the proposed program is to develop a highly miniaturized wireless pressure sensor for integration with commercial off-the-shelf (CO
e materials, widely used in aircraft, reduce manufacturing cost, improve structural performance, and boost fuel efficiency. However, compo
oposal, AlphaSense, Inc. details the development of a novel, low cost and handheld microwave sensor for the detection and evaluation of i
ase I SBIR project, we propose to demonstrate the feasibility of a Time-Domain Terahertz (TD-THz or THz) system for rapid determination o
avy seeks to simplify loading, unloading and reconfguring (between cargo & passenger missions) the C-2A aircraft with a view to redu
oses to implement a cargo and passenger handling system for the C-2A(R) consisting of foldable seats and a cargo roller system that will im
needs an optical repeater based upon the NGCON (MIL-PRF-64266) because the optical power loss budget on military aircraft is demandin
oposed Phase I Project, Powdermet will develop a low cost solution to contamination issues currently involved in spherical plain airframe b
ing modes will be modeled with all the spring elements in a non-CF induced feld in order to analytically determine normal forces applied.
of radar signature of sea targets in dynamic sea states is a critically important problem in developing methods of detection and identifcati
raft operate from and in these highly dynamic environments with many people performing various tasks, such as ordnance loading, hot fue
ent operations on the flight line or on the deck of an aircraft carrier require effective communications between members of the crew and b
dvancements in high speed signal processing technology offer the possibility for signifcant efficiency of Electronic Attack (EA) Digital RF Me
ed Air Vehicles (UAV) such as Fire Scout could increase its utility to the fleet by operating as a node in an airborne star network. Such a syste
osal is focused on the development of very wide bandwidth, high efficiency power amplifers for next generation EW, radar and wireless co
ogram, Freedom Photonics proposes to implement a Miniature, Efficient, Low-power, Photonic Integrated Circuit Based Subsea Long Haul O
d Ross Group will develop an innovative, miniaturized low-cost undersea transponder for data transmission over long haul underwater cabl
ng binary static analyzer, STARS (STatic Analyzer for Reliability and Security) will be enhanced to perform compiler optimizations that are mo
C has an immediate need for a framework and infrastructure with which state-of-the-art AI technologies can be integrated to replace simpl
oint Technologies Inc. proposes to develop an electric drive system for a Bell 206 helicopter tail rotor. The Navy variant of this helicopter is t
operational supremacy is foundational to continued U.S. security. This supremacy is partly rendered through clandestine operations. Thou
ect will develop and demonstrate a high-temperature ceramic-coated tungsten nosetip for hypervelocity projectiles. The ceramic coating w
ary objective of this SBIR effort is to design, develop, and validate a Portable Automated Sensor Suite (PASS) Motion-induced User Symptom
will develop and demonstrate a game-based adaptive training system for AN/BLQ-10 ESM operators that extends the approach developed
verage our extensive experience and unique capabilities in MMW photonics to design a compact, lightweight, frequency-agile MMW sourc
onstration of polymer membrane deformable mirrors capable of receiving a high-reflectivity coating and handling high energy laser radiatio
osal is to develop new Operator Selection Tools for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS). Our goal is to enhance the effectiveness of UAS opera
ed Aerial System (UAS) operation represents a stressful, cognitively challenging domain where operators are routinely subjected to both occ
T: Real world uncertainties all but guarantee that execution will deviate from even carefully considered plans, and therefore any effective m
T: It is widely recognized that near surface residual stresses play a signifcant role in fatigue performance. Tensile residual stresses are of co
T: This Small Business Innovative Research Phase II project will develop and manufacture an active anti-ice system for use on remotely pilo
T: SA Photonics is pleased to propose the EagleEye missile warning system for aircraft situational awareness. SA Photonics will team with
T: In this effort, we will develop a passive taggant device for laser-designated Identifcation of Friend or Foe. The end result of the program
T: A major challenge and expense of developing electromagnetic sensors is the custom hardware required to generate and receive electro
T: Linearizer Technology-GOV with L-3 Communications EDD proposes to produce a 100W power amplifer covering the 81 to 86 GHz band
T: We propose to design fabricate and test a novel overmoded V-Band (71-76 GHz) Traveling Wave Tube (TWT) for eventual use in a Microw
T: Electromechanical Actuation (EMA) systems are becoming preferred choice in aircraft applications owing to their response time, power
e complex wave propagation and vibration involved in dynamic loading, commonly used sensors, such as electrical resistance strain gauge
seeks to design, develop, and validate a Communication and Operational Multi-Modal Automated Navigation Device (COMMAND) that 1)
essful Phase I effort demonstrated the feasibility of an innovative Heatsink solution to passively dissipate waste thermal loads for the Solid-
ciences Inc. proposes to develop and demonstrate a scale-up process for desensitizing prilled ADN oxidizer for use in composite solid prop
ystalline fber lasers can have a 9 times higher power limit (16.9 kW vs 1.89 kW) for narrowband lasers than a Yb-silica fber laser due to th
esearch, LLC, proposes to develop the Modeling And Perception for HAndheld Computers (MAPHAC) system, which consists of real-time 3D
echnology for weapon azimuth measurements during training exercises is limited by excessive weight, size, cost, power consumption, limite
tems, teamed with a major US manufacturer of optical glass and night vision components, will further develop an innovative manufacturin
se to the Army need, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to mature, in Phase II, the new methodology for Mitigation of Intermodu
ect develops a person portable, propane-fed, solid acid electrolyte fuel cell (SAFC) generator as a lightweight power source for dismounted
ctive of the proposed work is to demonstrate that V Squared Winds proprietary modular, ducted wind turbine technology meets or exceeds
fessionals are involved with the creation of a Live Virtual Constructive & Game (LVC & G) environments and scenarios, from simu
hase I, Xtalic demonstrated the production of a new family of lightweight, high strength, good ductility alloys on a bulk scale; these alloys ex
ontinue developing a plasmonic metamaterial with strong absorption within a narrow band that is dynamically tunable over the 8-10 micro
olometers are broadband detectors and tend to absorb broad IR spectrum for thermal imaging. A key issue with these systems is the lack o
s issues of sub-optimal performance of current X-ray CT scanners used by the frst re-sponding providers to expedite diagnosis and triage, w
ctive of this proposal is to produce an instrument to automatically measure the corneal and scleral surface to facilitate the manufacture of
le Defense Agency is seeking debris ejection data during the post burn-out period of a solid rocket motor in an exoatmospheric environme
ics is proposing for this Navy SBIR number N131-059 to develop the key elements to enable broadband sources (1110 GHz) toward future
ration and subcontractor Montana State University offer their wideband photonic technologies for signal generation and sensing and a wor
o develop Artifcial Intelligence (AI) software that is generalized across entity-level simulation systems and can be used to generate behavio
opic description, naval airborne sensor systems are utilizing or are planning to utilize varying degrees of automation in the prosecution of th
roposes the development of a multiple spectral band laser head that is based on a vertically stacked array of single emitter laser diodes. A
T: In our phase-1 effort we proved feasible our Anti-Hebbian and Hebbian (AHaH) sparse-spiking framework for sense making applications
T: Recent technical demonstrations in hostile fre sensing and classifcation have highlighted the use of costly cryogenically-cooled electro-
nd burn injuries are leading causes of military casualties and need more effective treatments. They are frequently associated with a severe
ments in body armor, availability of equipment, and decreased patient transport times have dramatically improved Soldiers survival of comb
g basis health needs in HA/DR and STTR operations is of critical importance due to the increased risk of disease and health crises stemmin
f the Phased Adaptive Approach (PAA) for BMD interceptors PAA will include the deployment in 2021 of a land based Aegis missile to prov
le Defense Agency has adopted a Phased Adaptive Approach (PAA) to build up the BMDS system by incorporating existing and newly devel
oses to research the development of methods, process and algorithms to decipher the hidden rules or logic of complex traffic patterns&qu
performance of prospective energy-delivering laser systems requires a beaconless adaptive optic method capable of correcting moderate t
optics are needed for high-energy laser (HEL) weapon systems when performance is limited by atmospheric turbulence. This typically requ
to motion degrades operational effectiveness across the Navy, with results ranging from simple motion-induced interruptions (MIIs) to mo
t;Adaptive Gaming Environment - Submarines"(AGE- S) integrates and synchronizes simulated EW data with OBT/SMMTT data to sup
s the Navy need for a compact off-board passive target discriminator using networked sonobuoys, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) propo
m concept is based on a number of ultra-low power"remote nodes"that contain: (1) a battery section; (2) a sensor section (3) a
T: Technical Directions Inc. (TDI) has developed a family of low cost propulsion systems for small air vehicles that will provide all necessary
T: The proposed effort for the Modular Advanced Cryocooler Electronics (MACE) is to increase the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of the
T: Solid State Scientifc Corporation (SSSC) is pleased to propose the development and demonstration of a wide area (WA) multi-threat hos
T: Powder-bed based additive manufacturing (AM) technologies typically involve rapid solidifcation after a laser or electron beam melts a
uses Unattended Ground Sensors (UGS) for the location and tracking of enemy soldiers and vehicles. The sensors can often determine ran
er will design, build and test a high performance 3kW alternator using Parallel Path Magnetic Technology (PPMT) with no at risk rare earth m
d-hoc networks (MANETs) exhibit time varying topology due to mobility and absence of a fxed infrastructure. As a result, the wireless links
enteric pathogens causing travelers diarrhea (TD) in developing countries include enterotoxigenic E. coli (50%), Camplyobacter jejuni, Shige
rmy faces a signifcant burden when authoring training content to meet the rapidly changing nature of potential threats and adversaries. Cu
ctive for this SBIR is to develop a PMESII-PT workbench i.e., a tool that will enable Civil Affairs staff to gather, organize, and maintain knowle
has been raised over the prevalence of behavioral health disorders in military personnel returning from deployment to the Middle East. W
affects approximately 1.9 million people in the United States. It is well established that lower-limb amputees show greater metabolic dema
f the Missile Defense Agency"s Phased Adaptive Approach will include the deployment in 2021 of a land based Aegis missile to prov
Combustion, Inc. (PCI) is proposing an integrated steam reformer and solid oxide fuel cell design capable of very high efficiency and robust
n intense search for new nonlinear optical (NLO) materials suitable to wider wavelength ranges, to greater optical intensities and higher ou
Nitride (GaN) crystals have recently garnered attention as a candidate for use as a Quasi-Phase Matching (QPM) material for frequency conv
is developing weapon systems capable of launching inert projectiles for long-range surface fre support and missile intercept applications.
he-art manufacturing cost for SiC matrix composites CMC components is still very high due to long lead times despite of many research eff
vy Phase I SBIR Program, MATECH proposes to leverage its lengthy experience in ceramic matrix composite (CMC) fabrication with recent a
arrier deck operations require a high degree of coordination to maximize efficiency and safety. The current operational paradigms have evo
ed and partially autonomous aerial systems (UAS) and intelligent decision support systems have become integral components of emerging l
has pioneered the use of photonics for generation of spectrally pure RF signals. The micro Opto-Electronic Oscillator (MOEO) provides the
onal generation of a high-quality RF carrier (signal) beyond 50GHz requires high precision cavity engineering that inherently restricts contig
T: Avolare2 proposes to establish a 90nm metal source/drain"Schottky"CMOS process at Cypress Semiconductor"s high
T: In Phase I, PaneraTech demonstrated feasibility of a Foldable Lightweight Parabolic Antenna (FLPA) that had the minimum required beam
T: This proposal"s objective is for Silicon Space Technology (SST) to develop a high-performance radiation-hardened design platorm
T: This Phase II SBIR will focus on the development of a high temperature (225°C) wirelessly powered, distributed wireless network for use
T: This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project will develop novel nonlinear fltering and joint decision and estimation method
T: The DF & NN team proposes to provide automated space weather (SpWx) attribution tools to characterize abnormal events detect
T: Phase II will leverage the success of Phase I, as well as integrate advances from internal programs, to scale up development of mid-band
T: SURVICE Engineering is proposing to continue development of the fully autonomous, large-volume, hybrid optical hardware and softwar
T: To provide longer operating time and reduced weight power supplies for military platorms including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) a
T: Qunav proposes the development of GPS/INS/FeaTure-based SAR (GIFTS) navigation architecture in order to enable accurate navigation
T: A compact night vision imaging technology will be developed that responds in the visible through the short-wavelength infrared (SWIR)
T: Crossfeld Technology proposes the development of a high-performance Solid State Disk (SSD) for on-board sensor data storage along w
T: Human planners face signifcant challenges in attempting to coordinate and synchronize operations across the unique complexities of th
T: The internet has become an important part of the world"s communication networks. It has also become a resource for terrorists
T: Warfghters need to be able to trust the systems on which their lives depend. Cases include an individual human trusting an individual c
T: Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to advance the development of the Autonomous Lost on Earth Navigation (ALOEN) technolo
T: Composite materials are becoming more prevalent on military aircraft such as the F-22, F/A-18E/F/G, and the F-35 Lightning Joint Strike
ase I, we have designed and developed a limited-scope Mobile Agent-based Distributed Search and Analytics Tool (MADSAT) to support the
methods to discern the differentiation state of stem cells are time-consuming, labor-intensive, costly, invasive, and consequently, ill-suited fo
oyment psychological health issues such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance abuse, and comorbid stress and anger manage
nnitus became the most common service-related disability among veterans, with disability beneft costs projected to exceed $2.26 billion b
pe Computer Aided Design (CAD) software will be developed for predicting Radar Cross-section (RCS) of various targets of interest to MDA
T: This proposal outlines a scalable, low-cost procedure for fabrication of hierarchical hybrid nanomaterials that produce ultra-high pressur
T: A new differential spectroscopic technique is proposed to detect VOCs for environmental monitoring and remdiation at Edwards AFB. T
T: Mayflower proposes to develop and demonstrate next generation MANET technology namely, the Autonomous Cognitive Topology Man
T: In this Phase II effort Silvus Technologies proposes to develop and feld test fully digital beamforming techniques on a 16 antenna array i
T: The signifcance of the 71-76 and 81-86GHz frequencies cannot be overstated. The 10 GHz of spectrum available represents by far the m
T: The Air Force has identifed a need for efficient, lightweight, millimeter-wave transmitter development that supports future generations
T: The Air Force needs a Remotely Operated Sensor, Beacon, and Navigation Aid system that can be dropped to a very precise location and
T: Conductive Composites has developed lightweight materials that provide high levels of conductivity and electromagnetic (EM) shielding
T: Aircraft engine and structural components are being produced from forgings with increasingly complex geometries in a range of aerospa
T: The overall objective of the proposed SBIR program is to rapidly advance and optimize the manufacturing of dual-use carbon fber/polyi
T: We have investigated different strategies for removing the surface porosity from out-of-autoclave (OOA) composites. It was found that
T: This proposal presents two novel approaches for characterizing manufacturing induced damage in fbrous composites. New developmen
T: Scientic, Inc. will team with Vanderbilt University to produce innovative new vacuum feld emission (VFE) devices developed from Vande
T: In this proposal we describe a highly flexible, ultra low-lower power GNSS receiver. By building the receiver from the ground up with flex
T: Nu-Trek will be designing a reliability assessment system for testing RF devices, systems , and subsystems. The reliability system features
T: High Energy X-ray computed tomography (CT) is used to inspect the integrity of solid rocket motors. The purpose of this proposal is to im
oposes to develop bio-inspired wind and lift sensing, and to test implementations that would enable mid-term integration on current and p
Missile Systems Gen 4B W-band submodule for its Solid State Active Denial Technology system currently uses liquid coolant, specifcally a
nt the Graphical User Interface Test Assess and Remediate (GUITAR) framework to integrate disparate tools and manual non-computer bas
es, and dengue viruses in particular, are signifcant human pathogens. No vaccine or specifc therapeutic agent is available against West Ni
footwear science has made considerable progress in the last decade, a performance gap continues to exist between standard issue militar
of Toyon and HDT Global propose to develop technologies to enable achieving Collection Protection of the scale of a city block. In Phase I,
hysics Company (OPC) has developed a turbulence-compensated USPL system which can propagate and control USPL pulses in tactically rel
adio frequency (RF) communication systems require more efficient and flexible use of wider bandwidths at higher carrier frequencies, whic
xpeditionary Units (MEUs) are often frst responders, addressing crises such as natural disasters and regional instability. To adequately resp
need in a crisis situation, whether it is a natural or unnatural disaster, political or social unrest, or some combination, is relevant, timely an
c electronics have the potential to revolutionize digital communications from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), but must operate at cryoge
e fundamental implementation challenges for 4K cryocoolers to support superconducting electronics (SCE) is the size of the cooler. For pla
avy uses manned and unmanned airborne platorms for ISR missions in challenging littoral environments with non-segregated airspace, res
nic links provide an attractive approach to minimizing the impact of an electromagnetic attack on defense and commercial communication
ctive is to develop a wideband, high-sensitivity, high RF power handling optical modulator suitable for use in low-noise microwave photonic
l Business Innovation Research Phase I project will develop an electro-optic modulator that can withstand electromagnetic attacks (EMAs)
rics proposes to utilize the unique properties of bio-fuel to deliver an integral reformer system that will directly utilize the thermal and elec
one Research Group Inc.'s (CRG) demonstrated expertise in the proposed technology presents the Navy with the opportunity to obta
avy has a requirement for a disposable sensor pod to autonomously assess signature levels for in-situ tactical awareness that can be deploy
personic sea-level launch systems require high-density nosetips that can handle extreme heat loads in highly oxidizing conditions, survive&
is developing high speed projectiles for a variety of missions including ship defense, surface fre support, and prompt global strike. Inertial
ent armor usually ranks among the heaviest of all materials on tactical vehicles per size and weighs signifcantly more than opaque armor a
objective of this work is to develop and commercialize light-weight transparent composites with high tensile strength, toughness and impa
osal offers the demonstration of an advanced lightweight transparent armor that combines fused silica glass, GeminiTM spaced armor tech
proposes to develop a compact and efficient multi-spectral laser system with four spectral bands at 532 nm, 685 nm, 700 nm, and 735 nm
SBIR topic solicits the development of a 4-color laser system that enables the detection of ocean mines on the beach and floating/submer
al selection and training practices are essential initial selection tools that show some general levels of predictive validity overall. However, c
compelling need for multi-spectral direct diode lasers for defense and commercial applications. Applications include target illumination an
T: 21CT proposes the Classifcation Labeling of Aggregated Data (CLAD) Phase 2 effort. CLAD supports a"need-to-share"paradig
T: Laser-based directed energy systems are often identifed as being game-changing technologies in advancing the mission of the Air Force
T: A chip carrier for high power density electronics made from low CTE materials and embedded with an oscillating heat pipe will be applie
T: The proposed technique employs a variety of sensors that combine data to form a comprehensive picture of a situation of interest. The
T: The mission of the U.S. Air Force Infrared Space Systems Directorate is to develop, acquire, and sustain space-based infrared surveillance
T: At the Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems (NGAS) El Segundo composites manufacturing facility, large pallets containing as many as
T: In order to provide modular, scalable, and flexible operational capabilities for future Joint Aerial Layer Networks, FIRST RF proposes deve
T: The sufficiency of the half-wave solid designs, thin skin A-sandwich designs, and C-sandwich designs fails at V/W band, where the wave
Technologies Group Inc. is proposing this Phase II SBIR development effort to address the data bandwidth bottleneck that currently exists
rs at high latitude observe signifcant perturbations in measurements of amplitude, phase, range, and Doppler, caused by ionospheric distu
ose a gravitational-radiation military communications system which is based on quantum-mechanical parametric amplifers, oscillators, and
, Northeastern University and BBN are proposing a standards-based solution to seamless insertion of new RF devices and capabilities into m
tifc/technical objective is to develop a language that will allow for seamless insertion of new RF devices and capabilities into EW/ISR netw
gain combustion has the potential to signifcantly improve the specifc fuel consumption for gas turbine engines by realizing a pressure rise
gain combustion (PGC) offers means to a more efficient energy use in propulsion and power generation devices. Integrating PGC concepts i
/University of Colorado - Boulder team is proposing to use Boulder"s modeling capabilities to model the unsteadiness of the pulse ge
ose a combined modeling and experimental program to analyze and optimize a turbine behind a pulse detonation combustor/engine (PDC/
Aeronautics (NextGen) and University of Southern California (USC, RI) team of experienced composite materials, structural design, and ana
ber Administration
reinforced polymerAdvisory Circular
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and strong, on thethe
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development of compliance with
of composite Title 14 of the
aerostructures Code
has ofexpensi
been Federa

he factors that inhibit the use of composite materials in both general aviation aircraft and DoD platorms are the high cost of engineering an
ctive of this proposal is to demonstrate a new method that will make possible the treatment of large-scale problems with current computati
Phase I project aims to design, implement, and demonstrate a rigorous, practical, fast, and re-usable anisotropic mesh adaptation softwar
advancements in CFD technology and high performance computing have proven to be effective and reasonably accurate in assessing the h
tmospheric diving suits and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) have end effectors with simply 1 DOF. This rudimentary manipulation result
e materials are widely used in aircraft to reduce weight and cost, improve structural performance, and boost fuel efficiency. However, com
arch work aims to demonstrate the feasibility of applying a novel Acoustography technique for the semi-quantitative evaluation of bond sh
Y solicits new non-destructive inspection (NDI) methods to address detection and evaluation of kissing bonds and bondline integrity in aero
nature phenomenology plays an increasingly important role in the development of a wide variety of missile defense technologies, both at
ormance infrared detectors in the LWIR regime are highly needed in a number of missile defense missions. In order to image targets from l
we have developed an integrated software and hardware solution to identify personnel who have a natural aptitude for a cognitive skill. T
osal specifcally addresses the stated requirements of the solicitation; we will develop and deploy tools, for improving optimistic modeling
the successful Phase I results, The major objectives of the Phase II SBIR effort will be focused on further continuation and development of
ose further developing very large LED arrays for IRSP applications. Our Phase I effort has demonstrated the feasibility of LED arrays of up to
advancement of aerial imaging sensors, high quality data equipped with partial sensor calibration models is available. There is a recent res
d imagery analysts employ computer-based software as Electronic Light Tables (ELTs), to perform detailed analysis of aerial images in search
analysts face a number of challenges that complicate their ability to gain contextual awareness, particularly when exploiting multiple forms
y stable machine gun barrels that exceed current barrel life, reduce dispersion, and allow higher or longer sustained rates of fre, require er
T: This Phase-I research effort is designed to forward the engineering investigation of the dynamics and control of turbulent combustion in
atical models of physical and biological systems contain parameters that need to be estimated from measured data. Models with paramete
onitoring of mental health status has not evolved much from the routine meeting between patient and clinician, which suffers from a lack
mately 5-6% of military injuries involve some form of major peripheral nerve injury with little chance of spontaneous healing. Currently thes
emonstrated the feasibility of fMRI in awake dogs, we are now ready to move forward with a program aimed at extending this technology t
and Auburn University shall collaborate in the development of prototype procedures for conducting cognitive neuroscience studies employ
avigation systems (INS) are a critical asset to the DoD in environments where GPS is either denied or unavailable. At the heart of these syste
he DARPA need for high-performance MEMS-based optomechanical accelerometers, Applied Optronics proposes to develop a Compact Int
many different RF devices used in military networks. It is highly desirable to have scalable networks, where new devices can be readily ins
seeks to develop new, innovative motor/generator technologies that can effectively operate at speeds up to 1,000 kRPM at power densitie
ctive of the work described in this proposal is to aid in the advancement of Mo-Si-B alloys for use in high temperature applications such as h
oSystems, with their academic partners at the Mote Marine Laboratory, proposes to develop probiotic pharmaceuticals from indigenous co
mammals like bottlenose dolphins are maintained by US Navy's Marine Mammal Program to protect harbors and detect underwater
continues to be a weak link in our critical systems. A prudent operator should employ a defense-in-depth strategy whereby"safe&qu
software systems are typically developed by disparate engineering teams working concurrently. At the same time, software requirements a
ment surveys of full-scale ship airwakes are needed to validate computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models of these wakes. Airwake compu
ciences Inc. (PSI) and their academic partner, West Virginia University (WVU), are pleased to propose a uniquely innovative approach to m
ous systems acquire massive amounts of sensor and communications data over the course of their potentially lengthy missions. Ideally, suc
Phase I project will demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of novel biologically-inspired computational memory models for on-boar
ous systems continue to be outitted with larger amounts of sensors that are capable of collecting extremely large amounts of data over th
ciences Inc. (PSI), in collaboration with Sandia National Laboratories, proposes to develop a high energy density (HED) power source based
hotovoltaic (TPV) power systems offer an attractive approach for compact, simple, and reliable energy conversion needed in applications su
hotovoltaic (TPV) energy conversion produces electrical power from heat energy using, in its most basic form, a thermal emitter and a pho
um and other alkaline-earth metals become increasingly attractive for ultracold-atom applications, there is a growing need to develop com
hotonics proposes to develop a compact laser system and integrate it with a cold-atom micro primary standard developed under the DARP
ose to develop a universal atomic magnetometer magnetometer capable of operation as either a three-axis vector atomic magnetometer o
ers face overwhelmingly complex and uncertain situations in which they must make life-and- death decisions. Today"s information sy
"s mission success increasingly relies on complex decision support systems and automation. Navy command and control systems mu
making is driven by context. Context can be hard to operationalize and harness to the design of decision support systems. Modern military
RU Corporation
chnologies proposes
and our programto meet or exceedand
subcontractors the technical
requirements of thisour
associates STTR by utilizing
proposing its extensive
several conceptsexperience in carbon
to signifcantly fberrim
increase based high s

all objective of the Phase I and Phase II proposed effort is to design and demonstrate the ability to develop a high-speed shock tolerant com
er sources are important in advanced naval mine detection as this wavelength has good penetration though seawater. Mine detection prog
g situational awareness and accuracy of decisions in complex missions relying on streaming open-source data requires scalable information
of our Intelligence and Intuition for Enhanced Decision Making (I2EDM) Phase 1 research is to provide efficient and timely automated pro
ose to enhance the capability of ASTRAL/ASPM by adding to it a treatment of several physical phenomena. Several methods enabling these
s and equipment are increasingly at risk for irradiation by lasers, whether it be from enemy targeting and ranging systems, designators, or h
s the Navy"s need for a solid state fundamental mode green laser for ocean mine detection, Lumany is proposing a compact, high effi
ect is focused on the development of a new generation of GaN-based transistors with breakdown voltages in excess of 1kV that can be used
osed work will address the core physics underlying acoustic reverberation as related to properties of the ocean environment and propertie
ect will develop a wireless, body-worn neurophysiological monitoring suite. The system comprises of multiple'patches'designe
us physiological monitoring can provide invaluable insight into the status of the person monitored. The right sensors can provide important
s STTR, Imaging Systems Technology (IST) in cooperation with Georgia Institute Technology (GIT) will develop and mature models to predic
human state monitors must be mechanically invisible to greatest degree possible, to maximize comfort, wearability, hygiene and signal qu
arch seeks to develop a method of developing solid-state power amplifers that operate at 300 Volts, achieve 100 Watt output and greater t
eration of laser based weapons systems has led to the need for laser threat sensor systems that operate over wide spectral range from the
ose a solution to the Navy"s laser weapons warning problem. The proposed solution employs a combined approach of extending the
d cobalt-tungsten carbide is a material with attractive properties including high hardness and fracture toughness that has found success in
T: Barron Associates, together with subcontractor Rockwell Collins, propose to develop a new class of design and analysis tool that will sign
T: The proposed research will develop a technique to enable compositional reasoning about complex systems of systems. The core of the a
T: Luna Innovations Incorporated is proposing to develop an extreme environment stress and strain measurement system capable of opera
T: Characterization of the mechanical properties and performance of advanced structural materials at high temperatures is critically impor
r and motor systems with high power density are needed as watercraft, aircraft, and land vehicles evolve toward more electric designs. In r
TR Phase I project, CFD Research Corporation and University of Nebraska at Omaha will develop a preliminary computationally-driven frst-
ve technologies have found a broad range of and growing applications, especially in the area of communications. Many microwave tunable
l Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I effort will demonstrate the feasibility of an innovative tungsten carbide (WC) metal matrix co
T: An experimental and computational effort is proposed to develop a data-driven experimentally-validated framework for analysis of plasti
d ordnance and propulsion systems utillize materials, such as RDX and HMX, that provide good performance but cannot meet todays more
T: Judd Strategic Technologies proposes to design, select, and demonstrate conformal antenna concepts and geometries that will enable ta
T: Most modern military aircraft (F-22, F-35, B-2 and others) have integrated conformal antennas, resulting in signifcant system level bene
T: The expense in operating legacy aircraft is reduced if the aerodynamic performance can be improved. Many of these aircraft were desig
T: Unsteady aerodynamic loading and flow separation on modern high speed aircraft weapons bay doors can excite aircraft structural mod
T: This SBIR program seeks to more accurately evaluate the unsteady aerodynamics on the weapons bay door due to the weapons bay, tra
T: This proposal effort seeks to demonstrate the feasibility of developing and integrating a set of analysis modules into a multidisciplinary a
T: In this effort, Intelligent Automation Inc. (IAI) in collaboration with the Stanford University proposes to develop a novel tool for advanced
itary applications require efficient optical sources producing several to hundred watts in continuous-wave (CW) or quasi-continuous-wave (
ose developing high energy density, non-toxic, environmentally friendly zinc-water battery system, which can be manufactured in various fo
ot;s have become increasingly important tools in the collection of environmental data. Their unique ability to operate independent of surfa
T: Over half of spacecraft system anomalies attributed to interactions with the natural space environment including - electron upsets, dam
ose to build a two-dimensional multi-pixel infrared detector based on rectenna technology. The rectennas comprise of a micro-antenna tun
of this program is to develop and fabricate an ultra-low Size, Weight, and Power (SWAP) integrated electro-optic beam-steering technology
is seeking a new light-weight Atmospheric Diving Suit (ADS) design. This suit must be less than 400 lbs; at this weight a diver will be able to
consisting of Eos Photonics Inc. and MIT Lincoln Laboratories will develop a MWIR laser source based on a high power, continuous wave (C
T: As the need for new airborne RF sensing capability grows, Air Force warfghters are increasingly interested in employing conformal ante
T: Requirements for enhanced cruise efficiency and reduced noise for future Air Force mobility transports can be met using advanced prop
the availability of the high performance rare earth based magnets (Nd-Fe-B and Sm-Co) was jeopardized due to the Chinese monopoly of r
T: The damage and loss caused by attacks and security breaches have drawn attentions to develop secure and reliable systems for embedd
hotonics, Inc. and the University of Arizona have successfully demonstrated a Phase I dynamically programmable multi-band compressive i
e evaluation methods employed in the development and assessment of soldier borne Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) system designs a
uter system suffers a cyber attack, any compromised component that is simply reinstalled will remain vulnerable to the attack that damage
T: This program will address the need for a cost effective way to evaluate unsteady aerodynamic loading on deployed aircraft bay doors so
T: Digital binocular helmet-mounted display (HMD) systems are now available that allow high resolution wide feld-of-view (WFOV) digital
T: 5-D Systems (5-D) has developed a concept for a state-of-the-art Vision Processor for Helmet Systems (VPHS) that will provide signifcan
T: Zebra Imaging"s proposed Holographic Video Display solution will be based on proven research, technology and prototypes to me
T: Great strides have been made regarding the integration of training within Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) environments. Gateways a
T: This Phase I SBIR proposal describes our plan to develop a compact dual-channel V-band and W-band radiometer for measuring total pa
T: The Air Force command and control consists of distributed team members who must effectively collaborate to synchronize collective mi
T: The proposed VPHS (Visual Processor for Helmet Systems) is an advanced technology image processing engine that is designed to provid
T: TIPD, LLC proposes to design and construct a 3D visualization system that would implement a 3D database capable of ingesting, conflatin
T: Currently tactical Head up Displays (HUD) are expensive both in cost of acquisition and Life Cycle Cost. In addition, retroft of a more cap
T: Adastral is proposing an innovative approach to the development of a low cost retrofttable head up display. We have designed a optica
T: In this Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) effort, Aerodyne Research, Inc. (ARI) proposes to develop modeling capabilities
T: Both the DOD and IC have signifcant appetite to leverage Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) mobile devices on both unclassifed and clas
T: Foresight Wireless, LLC, proposes a novel access control system, Proximity/Risk Ontology-based Access Control Technology (PROACT), to
T: Establishing adequate access controls that limit access to information without adversely denying access is critically needed by our warfg
T: Today"s analysts have an exceptional amount of GMTI intelligence readily available to them for servicing Requests for Information
T: The development of exploitation algorithms for detecting and identifying activities from streams of ISR sensor data has outstripped the
T: The overall objective is to enable users on-the-move to reliably and securely send and receive information, targeted for recipients? geog
T: The current lack of a simple, low-cost, and high bandwidth communication system on C2ISR (Command and Control, Intelligence, Survei
T: We propose to develop a secure cloud computing environment for infrared (IR) surveillance data gathered by space-based IR sensors. Th
T: As the size, cost, and power consumption of digital signal processing platorms continue to drop and their performance improves, incorp
T: MaXentric"s proposed Digital Chaotic Waveform Study (DC-WavS) will determine an optimal chaotic spread spectrum waveform fo
T: Welkin Sciences proposes to design and build a Wideband Digital Channelizer for SATCOM (WDCS) to address the Air Force"s need
T: Intelligence analysts have access to expanding collections of rapidly evolving information stores, but not all information is equally credib
T: Information fusion and knowledge conflict detection are required for many mission-critical intelligence analysis tasks. Using knowledge
T: In the current security environment, violent extremist organizations are comprised of global networks of loosely connected cells marked
T: This proposal details a software suite which will be developed for the automated identifcation and semi-automated resolution of conflic
T: Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance sensors deployed by the US Air Force generate enormous amounts of data, much of whic
T: Securboration will develop Cross Domain Dissemination of Assured and Appropriate Intelligence Data (CDD-AAID) to seamlessly support
T: In the modern battlespace, US forces must operate in a coordinated fashion across organizational and functional lines. Despite the incre
T: There is a gap in the battle planning community with respect to blue force situational awareness. Specifcally, military commanders and
T: We propose to develop expressive models and associated machine reasoning capabilities to enable blue force capability management a
T: As networked computing becomes more and more critical to the US government and US corporations, it is crucial to protect them again
T: The objective of this proposal is to identify and quantify trust metrics for all of the resources in a complex network infrastructure, determ
T: We propose to develop an all-optical Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) which achieves high sensitivity to accelerations and rotations in a
T: This proposal seeks to provide a software framework by which a decision maker can participate in complex systems design. It involves bu
T: The goal of the Agile Workstation for a Core Architecture Model for Space (AWCAMS) is to provide better understanding of complex spa
T: While developing any complex system, there are invariably tradeoffs among requirements; system performance, system architecture, co
T: This Air Force SBIR Phase I project will devllopa cryocooler that will reduce mass, volume by over 30%, and increase efficiency (by over 2
T: The Threat Assessment Sensor Suite (TASS) under development by Irvine Sensor Corporation under SBIR sponsorship of AFRL provides a
T: Improvements such as increased array size and better non-uniformity correction have been made to resistive emitter arrays fabricated o
T: This project aims to develop a Short Wave Infrared band image projector to provide real time detector stimulation with high dynamic ra
T: This SBIR Phase I proposal proposes to develop a High Speed SWIR Scene Projector that can operate at 800 Hz with growth potential to
T: Mission planning, briefng, and debriefng in live virtual constructive (LVC) exercises has become a distributed operation. These exercise
T: Team training and performance assessment have been explored for decades. However, modern distributed mission operations, i.e., LVC
T: To address the Air Force need for a wide FOV, lightweight, waveguided helmet-mounted display, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) propo
T: Advancements in waveguide optics technology offer the chance to drastically improve upon currently deployed head mounted displays.
T: To address the Air Force need for developing methods and techniques for optimizing a curved transparent holographic waveguide optica
T: Electromagnetic (EM) devices are used increasingly in society, with applications in communication, medicine, security, and defense, amo
T: The proposed airborne antenna design employs flight-proven broadband MMW planar aperture, polarization, feed, and gimbal technolo
T: CIRRUS is an innovative marriage of cloud computing and state-of-the-art compression methods to satisfy the AF131-047 objective, to&
T: Digital beamforming is a key to maximum bandwidth utilization and flexibility for communication satellites. Adaptive beamforming furth
T: Develop a chaotic spread spectrum waveform suitable for use in future military satellite communications applications providing featurel
T: Space Micro will develop an IF L-band (950-2150 MHz) digital channelizer that provides cost and SWaP advantages over the above impl
T: Recent demand for broadband satellite communications (SATCOM) has risen sharply for both the defense and commercial sectors. Tacti
T: Network traffic is a critical part of evaluating real-time end-to-end network trust. This project will leverage our mature commercial netw
T: Proposed is a miniature sensor for real time measurement of nano-particle number concentration, surface area and size distributions, a
T: To address Air Force"s need for high fdelity training and rehearsal environments in next-generation multirole aircraft, Third Dimen
T: Although next generation, military aircraft offer a wealth of technological capabilities and can adopt multiple roles, pilots are now prese
T: Adapting our next-generation game engine to the complex realm of today"s multi-role fghters, we will create a high-fdelity, easily
T: The capability to routinely collect, assess, format, predict, and track readiness, performance, and profciency data from live aircraft, instr
T: As the use of electromagnetic devices has skyrocketed in modern society, so too have concerns about the effects of these devices on th
T: The ability to fnd and track individuals using volatile organic compound (VOC) signatures would greatly enhance US military capability to
T: Full-spectrum cyber operations, including both Cyber Network Attack and Cyber Network Defense, place enormous cognitive demands o
T: Metronome Software and Raytheon propose the development of Metronome"s CLOud-Access LocK (CLOAK) system. CLOAK provid
T: This proposal addresses the Air Force"s signifcant need for a network-centric product that enables on-the-move warfghters to se
T: The ability of warfghters on-the-move to securely send/receive communications using mobile devices is essential to the safety of the w
T: SI2 Technologies, Inc. (SI2) will design and develop a form and ft upgrade for the existing data link antennas on F-35. By leveraging a nov
T: High speed communication channels and tactical data links are becoming increasingly important for both military and commercial applic
T: AFRL is poised to beneft from unlicensed 5 Ghz uplink and 5 Ghz downlink spectrum at V- and W-bands for SATCOM links for airborne IS
T: As intelligence and sensor systems become more complex, the amount of data being transferred increases. Naturally, this calls for a hig
T: In this SBIR project, Daniel H. Wagner Associates, Inc. will develop a cloud-based infrared (IR) data management capability for the Air Fo
T: Current HMD systems fall short of the desired 20/20 visual acuity due to resolution limitations of the microdisplays utilized. A high-perfo
T: The unique capability of multispectral image fusion to provide high spatial and spectral information in a single image makes it an invalua
T: SIFT will dramatically improve the Air Force's ability to train using synthetic teammates by leveraging prior synthetic teammate re
T: Silvus Technologies Inc. proposes the use of its StreamCaster Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radios as a Low-Power-Cost-Weigh
T: Trex Enterprises proposes a method for monitoring atmospheric loss of Earth-to-satellite signals in the V and W bands using only a passi
T: Mid-air collisions (MAC) in manned aircrafts primarily occur when one aircraft overtakes another. In the case of remotely piloted aircraft
T: GameSim is proposing the development of a proof-of-concept Tactical Training Rehearsal Environment (TTRE) built upon Prepar3D, a co
T: The team of Toyon Research Corporation and North Carolina State University propose to develop a simulation environment, capable of p
T: The focus of this effort is to develop a standards-based"proximity-based access control"(PBAC) mechanism that goes beyond
T: Reliable transmission and reception of messages to bomber, tanker and reconnaissance wing-command posts requires a high degree of
T: For decades, very low frequency (VLF) links have been an important part of Air Force"s worldwide logistics infrastructure and resp
T: To address the Air Force need for a space-based, low-weight, low-volume MWIR and SWIR, interferometric IR sensor, Physical Optics Cor
T: We propose a novel SWIR/MWIR imaging system targeted for deployment at geosynchronous orbits. The new system is based on interfe
T: To address the AFRL"s need for a low-thermal resistance thermal/mechanical interface for electronics modules inserted into a car
T: This SBIR pursues and identifes approaches to achieving postern (rear-looking) sense and avoid (SAA) for remotely piloted aircraft (RPA
T: There is an opportunity to advance liquid crystal on silicone (LCOS) microdisplay technology to meet the next generation Head Mounted
T: Over the past 30 years, night vision goggle technology has enabled American fghter pilots to"own the night". As night visio
T: Progress in digital display technology, real time holography, and computational power present the opportunity to advance 3D displays to
T: Airborne engineered nano-particles (NP) are not detectable in an operational environment without sensitive aerosol monitoring instrum
T: Personal flter-based samplers are traditionally used to assess inhalation exposures to particles. When inhaled, however, engineered nan
T: In order to make flight combat training more efficient and effective, many strides have been made in the areas of role-based competenc
T: To date, waveguide displays have not gained wide acceptance. This is largely due to the fact that they can be used to expand the exit pu
T: The Air Force is increasingly using text-chat based communications in operational environments, such as operations using Remotely Pilo
T: The high operations tempo, frequent deployments and other fact-of-life events limit the availability for team training. To mitigate this tra
T: The U.S. Air Force has a need to develop a new forward looking infrared imaging system that can actively mitigate thermal loading assoc
T: The Air Force is requires an innovative multi-aperture sensor for mid-wave infrared (MWIR) and long-wave infrared (LWIR) capable of ex
T: Core-shell Metastable Intermolecular Compounds (CS-MICs) will be examined utilizing gas-phase nanocluster production, formed into a
T: It has been a challenge to realize the benefts of energetic metal nanoparticles due to the severe oxidation that occurs on the particle su
T: Energetic Materials Research and Engineering (EMRE), LLC proposes to develop a technique for using residual missile fuel to generate a
T: Physical Sciences Inc., Sandia National Laboratories and BAE Systems-Ordnance Systems proposed to design, develop, and demonstrate
T: Our concept is designed to create and disperse a vapor cloud from a low-vapor-pressure fuel at near stoichimetric conditions and then d
T: Syntronics proposes the development of a shock hardened miniaturized Remote Interrogator which provides two way wireless commun
T: The overall objective of this program is to develop a robust, state-of-the-art, remote data recovery (RDR) system for on-board data acqu
T: RIMRIP will be developed to remotely gain access to data stored in a data recorder after a shock test. Based on McQ"s extensive R
T: NanoSonic has recently developed high-strength-to-weight ratio, flexible, para-aramid modifed fber composites that mitigate corrosion
T: This SBIR Phase I program is to develop and transition a lightweight shielding material technology for wideband electromagnetic shieldin
T: The development of robust, ultra-light weight, low-cost electrically tunable nanocomposites with the ability to efficiently absorb the ele
T: The objective of this program is to develop structurally conformal materials with frequency-selective radio frequency (RF) transmission a
T: BTE proposes a multi-component architecture composed of structural composites and thin layers of optimal shielding materials. The str
T: Traditional shielding enclosures are fabricated from heavy metallic materials. Polymer and composite systems have been used extensive
T: Aircraft hydraulic systems have traditionally been required to operate down to -65F. However, with the advancement of unmanned air v
T: Elastomeric O-rings provide a critical sealing function for the hydraulic system of extended service high altitude unmanned aircraft. Thes
T: Unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) have recently been operating on extended missions and at higher altitudes. Such operation can cause se
T: The military is constantly looking to improve night vision goggle performance. There are many components to optimize but one that is o
T: Modern Air Force vehicles employ specialized coatings to enhance signature performance by attenuating surface traveling waves. Maint
T: There has been a strong worldwide interest in the development of technologies that would enable hardware in the loop (HWIL) stimulati
T: To address the Air Force need for a wide-feld-of-view seeker combining multiwaveband infrared imaging and semiactive laser (SAL) guid
T: The U.S. Air Force has a need to develop a wide-feld-of-view (WFOV) multimode seeker with one mode being multi-waveband passive i
T: The Air Force is seeking advanced seekers that integrate multiple modes of detection. In particular, this SBIR will pursue development of
T: Mustang Technology Group, LP is proposing a Phase I SBIR study that will expand the capability of air delivered weapons by providing a
T: Colorado Engineering Inc. (CEI), with its teammates, proposes to leverage its collective expertise in communication systems design; rada
T: Oceanit proposes to develop a wet chemical synthesis approach for core-shell energetic nanoparticles which will have high air and mois
T: Advances in nanotechnology have promised non-linear improvements in a variety of energetic materials applications; however, the prac
T: The use of electronic systems within a military aircraft requires shielded enclosures to mitigate radio frequency (RF) interference from ex
T: Surface traveling waves consist of electromagnetic energy where the propagation of that energy is exactly parallel or grazing to the plan
T: The feasibility of developing a prototype traveling-wave scanning system based on non-metallic, broadband, optical-fber-coupled micro
T: RE2, Inc. proposes a novel design, based on several mature technologies, for an Automated Air Inlet Coating (A2IC) system to recoat dam
T: Aerobotix personnel have engineered and delivered eight turn-key robotic painting systems to apply performance coatings to the inlet d
T: Development and use of new composite materials is imperative for continued advancement of airframe and engine systems. In order to
T: Aircraft engine and structural components are being produced from forgings with increasingly complex geometries in a wide range of ae
T: US Warfghters seek high data (>1 Mbps) satellite communications (SATCOM) with as much operational mobility as their weapon syst
T: Coherent imaging systems have the capability to provide high-resolution 3D imagery for target identifcation at stand-off ranges. These s
T: Qunav proposes the development of an assured vision geo-location (AVG) framework that supports accurate geo-registration and naviga
T: Algorithms that perform accurate geo-registration of imagery captured from an aerial platorm are becoming prevalent in the surveillanc
T: Traditional military aircraft design has been based on peak power and peak thermal loads. With the introduction of more-electric aircraft
T: CU Aerospace (CUA) and team partner the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) propose to perform research, developmen
T: During this program, United Silicon Carbide, Inc. (USCi) will develop basic analog and digital circuit blocks capable of operation up to 500
T: Oceanit proposes a novel nanostructured flm as thermal interface materials (TIMs) for efficient thermal managements of high power el
T: The development of weapons that can travel at hypersonic speeds is becoming a high priority to the US Air Force. Continued developm
T: The move towards more-electric aircraft continues to increase the complexity of electrical power systems (EPS) on modern airborne pla
T: Addition of nano-sized energetic particles to liquid fuel (e.g., JP-8 or RP-1) offers the possibility of increasing energy density, while maint
T: This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project proposes to enhance the combustion energy of liquid propellants via add
T: The future of gas turbine engines needed for propulsion and power in small unmanned military aircraft will hinge on the ability to enhan
T: Under this feasibility study, we will investigate innovative methods for characterizing particulate emissions with a high degree of specifc
me wrist computer (Xwatch) Program leverages signifcant previous and on-going investment in processor, RF, rapid product development,
, the Expeditionary Fire Support System (EFSS) resupply doctrine is hazardous to Marines and the transport aircraft (MV-22 or CH-53) as it p
of this program is to develop compact, lightweight, low power thermal management systems for non-lethal weapons platorms, specifcally
Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to advance the development of the Fishing Net Entanglement Avoidance System (FiNEAS) that was deve
will provide a HMMWV-towable renewable energy system capable of harnessing high altitude winds with a tethered wing. The system will b
e II effort has these major thrusts: * Implementing the U2VIS architecture and UI framework designed in Phase I, with third-party UXV softw
hotonics proposes to develop new electro-optic (non-mechanical) laser scanners with unprecedented cost and Size, Weight, and Power (SW
proach to Phase I HLRB roller bearing design was to achieve separation of the radial and axial functions of the bearing so as to enable axial
protect phased array radars from permanent self inflicted damage when the radar transmits signal leaks into the receiver. However, next ge
aims to develop an efficient approach for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of submersible Navy composites. This research leverages ha
ose of this multi-phase program is to develop an autonomous system that is capable of aligning probes for eddy current inspections on stea
pe integrated data registration solution using machine learning algorithm(s) is proposed. The solution will improve upon existing sensor an
Microsystems Inc. has spent the last several years developing polymer derived SiCN sensor and associated packaging technology for applica
eller cleaning system developed in this project uses DYNAFLOW"s advanced cavitating and resonating waterjet technology. This non-
nologies Incorporated (Voci) is the leading small business developing accelerated Human Language Technology based solutions. In Phase I
S Satellite provides a S-WCDMA Bent pipe to a Terrestrial Base Station. The proposed MUOS-Aero provides a B-Band surrogate for the sate
uot;s military operations depend on reliable voice and data communications all the way to the tactical edge, including between individual d
t develops system concepts, a suite of algorithms and software for detection and tracking of moving surface targets (small boats, periscope
l Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Phase II proposal describes Universal Technical Resource Services, Inc."s (UTRS) approach to co
Mine Countermeasure (MCM) operations attempt to balance risk and time via processes that are staff and time intensive. The range of expe
s the Office of Naval Research (ONR) need, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to continue advancing, in Phase II, the new See-Thr
proposes the development of a TRACKER prototype: 1) Design an enterprise system for Navy Records and Task Management. Progeny will e
ns in shallow, complex, and high current areas are becoming more and more important for Naval missions. Areas such as harbors and other
T: To address the Air Force need for a low-cost real-time particulate-loading sensor technology, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes
T: Deployment of interesting autonomous capabilities has been hindered by the difficulty of validating and verifying such systems. Vecna w
T: This project advances the fundamental design practices (e.g., electromagnetic compatibility countermeasures in designing electronic sys
T: The Etched Air Taper Combiner as fst proposed by the US Air Force Academy has the advantages in that the input fber bundle, the com
T: The overall objective of this effort is to develop technologies that extend sustainment modeling and simulation capabilities to support im
T: We propose to develop a lightweight, compact Cetane sensor interfaced to a fberoptic probe immersed in the RPA fuel tank to continuo
T: Area-I proposes to develop an Integrated Multi-mode Propulsion system for UAS Leveraging Speed and Endurance (IMPULSE) to provide
T: There is an urgent Air Force need for an advanced cycle turbo-fan for UAV applications. Spytek Aerospace proposes a 2-ITB, 500 LBT turb
T: The steadily rising cost of fossil fuels together with a heightened sensitivity to emissions has created a new backdrop against which the p
T: A hybrid tubular SOFC/gas turbine power system is proposed to increase the endurance of UAS and RPA. The work to be performed in th
T: Desired tactical requirements for unmanned aerial systems (UASs) exceed current capabilities for performance, reliability, maintainabilit
T: This proposal outlines an innovative parallel hybrid compound differential drive system with infnite variable speed inputs from either th
T: The proposed research focuses on a generalized formulation and an integrated implementation of bearing life and heat generation mod
T: Military aircraft are steadily moving towards the"More Electric Aircraft (MEA)"concept where large flight loads like hydraulic
T: Flow Modeling and Simulation, LLC (FMS), proposes to develop a computational software tool, herein designated AUG3D, that is intende
60R sensor systems being integrated into the Aircraft Carrier Tactical Support Centers (CV-TSC) introduce multiple heterogeneous sensor str
rays are used extensively in the US Navy by both submarines and surface ships. Although present arrays are technologically advanced they
ent of Health and Usage Monitoring Systems (HUMS) on rotorcraft has resulted in signifcant improvements in maintenance action efficienc
Nano manufactures Carbon Nanotube (CNT) materials for aerospace and defense applications. In the phase I program, General Nano demo
pact, versatile laser system that we designed in our Phase I effort will facilitate research into rubidium Bose Einstein Condensates (BECs), wi
st non-propulsion consumer of Navy shipboard power is HVAC. Up to 87% of cooling loads are generated by equipment that is currently co
seeks to deploy sensitive atomic magnetometers on small, inexpensive UAVs that deploy from a sonobuoy tube. There are three primary c
ge and partner Rockwell Collins propose to mature, enhance and further demonstrate the out the window (OTW)-synchronized RF environm
was developed in the Phase I effort that enabled the measurement of a wear liner thickness in a bearing. The goal of the Phase II effort is t
e structures on Naval aircraft are often damaged during manufacturing or in service. Depending on the level of damage, the part will requi
ctive of this Navy SBIR program is to develop and incorporate the capability onboard military aircraft to conduct an approach to near-Catego
marine radar systems can provide detection and tracking of various sizes of ships, and progress in signal processing has allowed for the dete
s the Navy"s need for a consistent physics-based approach to replicate the effects of radio frequency (RF) jammers and radar emitte
tion for the Maritime Airborne SOA Integration SBIR program provides a comprehensive Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) that will lever
ntermeasures (MCM) missions require complex coordination of personnel, equipment, and autonomous vehicles. The mission success hing
ementation of Sense And Avoid (SAA) capabilities on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) present a particular challenge in that collision threa
ram aims to develop the technology for a new generation of normally-off GaN power transistors with breakdown voltages of 1000 V and lin
hase I of this SBIR program, Photonic Systems, Inc. (PSI) and Systems Technology & Research (STR) developed a design for an ultra-wideban
IR Phase II project, we propose to develop high energy density flm capacitors by using our high performance polymer dielectric compositio
effort is focused on effective management of Commanders Intent, where this intent is a concise expression of the purpose of the operatio
T: Magic Leap, Inc. proposes to develop a novel full-color, ultra-high resolution microdisplay for pilot Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) incor
T: We propose a handheld, dual-use optical system that combines our high-precision optical particle analyzer and coherent lidar system. T
T: Chesapeake Technology International"s (CTI"s) proposed solution for the Common Global Information Grid Interface for Elec
T: The Air Force"s High Velocity Maintenance (HVM) initiative aims to better emulate industry"s high daily rate of touch-labor
T: Inefficient handoffs and limited fault evaluation prevent the Air Force from achieving high daily rates of touch-labor maintenance and ra
T: There is a need to utilize mobile computation devices to extend flight training from centralized facilities to remote feld stations. Curren
T: This SBIR develops and evaluates innovative Specifc Emitter Feature (SEF) techniques using multiple algorithms for"Operational S
T: The global proliferation of modern"digital"radar systems has resulted in a two-pronged crisis for traditional electronic intelli
T: Clear Science Corp. proposes to develop and demonstrate accurate and computationally efficient analysis software for computing aircra
T: M4 Engineering proposes to develop methods for rapidly identifying store/aircraft confgurations at elevated risk for adverse separation
T: We propose to develop and demonstrate a rapid store trajectory analysis tool that uses pre-computed, highly-resolved Detached Eddy S
T: The U.S. Air Force has a critical need for new robust strain sensors capable of accurately measuring the strain of structural components i
T: Addressing the Air Force"s need for a rear-looking sense-and-avoid (SAA) system enabling remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) to perfor
T: We propose to develop for the Air Force a high-efficiency Waste Heat Removal System (WHRS) that removes large amounts of waste hea
T: An innovative approach for removing low-quality (<40C) waste heat generated by directed energy and other electrically based techno
T: Data integrity is essential for accurate and deterministic decision making in diverse military and commercial digital systems, and the mos
T: High-power electromagnetic (HPEM) interference can disrupt normal operation of aircraft electronic systems and cause mission abort o
T: The efficient coherent beam combination of a master oscillator power amplifer (MOPA) system requires a reduction in non-linearities o
T: For this SBIR topic, we have proposed a novel high-power optical fber pump combiner design that addresses the specifc challenges ass
T: Optical Physics Company (OPC) is proposing to design and prototype a full function beam director suitable for all current phased array co
T: Nutronics, Inc. proposes to develop a detailed conceptual design for a general purpose, rugged, compact and lightweight beam director
T: To address the Air Force need for a low SWaP, conformal, phased array laser beam director designed for airborne platorms, Optonicus p
T: In response to the U.S. Air Force"s need for fber cooling and pointing in high power fber amplifers of 1kW and up, i2C Solutions
T: To address the Air Force need to accurately hold and cool the end of a high power fbers used in (>1 kW) fber amplifers, Optonicus p
T: We propose an algorithm for aimpoint maintenance that is robust to large changes in target aspect as well as scintillation and atmosphe
T: Laser weapon systems on tactical airborne platorms face many issues with tracking targets and pointing of the laser weapon. Even in a
T: To address the Air Force need for a multispectral imaging system, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new clip-on S
T: The proposed DMBS System is a binocular helmet mounted imaging system that features dual short wave infrared (SWIR) cameras, an e
T: The SPYRUS Secure Operational Environment (SOE) will contain the entire operating environment for the desired COTS portable mobile
T: The secure, automated dissemination of information across security domains requires accurate, complete, and standardized releasabilit
T: Silicon Technologies, Inc. (STI) proposes to extend the results of a DARPA sponsored contract # W31P4Q-11-C-0046,"Design Tools
T: Escape proposes a candidate waveform and signal processing architecture to efficiently support adaptive coding and symbol rates to ma
T: Space Micro proposes to mitigate key technology risks to enable development of future satellite communication architectures using W-b
T: Innovative research and development leading to a dual-use advanced technology product is proposed. The product is a physics-based m
T: FIRST RF proposes a 4- and 7-element Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna (CRPA) covering the full L-band GNSS radio navigation spec
T: Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) antenna arrays can be used to determine the geolocation of GNSS emitters. Knowledge of the
T: Redondo Optics Inc. (ROI proposes to develop, ground and fly test, and deliver to the Air Force a low-cost next generation, aircraft ready
T: The stable and reliable operation of megawatt-class, high-temperature power electronics is critical for military aircraft operations. In par
T: The objective of this proposal is to develop a high torque, compact and reliable rotary electromechanical (EMA) actuator for next-genera
T: The Air Force is seeking a compact, high torque, rotary EMA technology capable of controlling flight control surfaces directly at the hinge
T: The goal of this Phase I is to demonstrate the feasibility of a ICME-based approach to the design of thermal barrier coating architectures
T: Busek Co. Inc. proposes to explore the feasibility of a highly scalable miniature ion beam generator system capable of producing atomic
ctive of this project is to develop a software based FOB energy simulation model that will enable the USMC to effectively analyze FOB energ
T: Residual stresses can be created in engineered components by most common fabrication processes (e.g., welding, joining, machining, ca
T: The Saturation Suppression Sensor Technology (S3-TECH) FPA is the centerpiece for a potentially revolutionary technical break-through r
T: The challenge for manufacturing ceramic matrix composites using the preceramic polymer infltration and pyrolysis (PIP) method is to en
T: We present a mixture theory based approach for process modeling in ceramic matrix composites. The model is derived from a consisten
T: Coherent ladar sources offer advantages over their incoherent counterparts by their ability to measure the amplitude, phase, and frequ
T: Physical Sciences Inc. (PSI) proposes to develop, test, and demonstrate a sensor system for measuring and reporting in real-time the oxy
T: Hybrid technologies and adaptive resource management can signifcantly enhance the capability and range of next-generation aircraft.
T: Aircraft power system disturbances cause signifcant power quality issues such as increased losses, component degradation, and undesi
T: This topic calls for a fast and accurate sensor for measurements of particle number density, size distribution, and mass-based emission f
osal addresses the single largest consumer of ground-based power at forward operating bases and conservatively results in annual fuel sav
ology proposes the development of a complete hybrid power system to meet the Mobile Electric Hybrid Power Sources (MEHPS) needs of
arching objective is to provide a deployable hybrid renewable energy system that reduces fuel consumption and Warfghter vulnerability in
T: Accurate measurement of fastener profle relative to the aircraft skin is critical to ensure that aircraft meet operation specifcations and
T: NanoSonic, Inc. researchers have developed an innovative material technology called HybridSil which can be tailored to minimize the vu
T: Modern aerial Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) benefts greatly from Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (SUAS) equipp
T: Modern cell phone technology has been driven to create processors with capabilities appropriate to video processors for small unmann
T: High resolution 3D LADAR imaging over a wide feld of view usually requires mechanical scanning the sensor"s feld of view using
T: Wide feld of view (WFOV) video capability on unmanned aerial systems (UAS) has outpaced data transmission capability. Identifying reg
T: The production of 3D models from aerial imagery has been an active research area for many years. Given sufficient image texture and a
T: While the state of the art in both single-image reconstruction algorithms and multi-view structure from motion algorithms have advance
T: A portable high gain (39 dBi) and lightweight (10 lbs.) manpack AEHF antenna that automatically tracks a geosynchronous AEHF commu
T: Advanced wide bandgap (WBG) solid state technology is necessary for future military, defense and related Department of Defense (DoD
T: We propose to develop a 5 inch direct hinge line aileron actuator based on our 2 inch highly integrated EM boat ride control actuator. By
T: Combustion instabilities can be a serious problem in combustion devices including augmentors/afterburners. Their prediction is very ch
tems, Inc., in partnership with the National Aerospace Leadership Initiative (NALI) funded Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology (CC
T: The promise of ubiquitous solar power for novel devices and applications depends greatly on the form-factors available, their specifc po
T: A new cognitive fully adaptive radar (CoFAR) architecture is developed that optimizes every major real-time radar function including the
T: The goals of this project are to (i) develop a theoretical framework for a fully adaptive radar (FAR) system that includes specifcation of t
T: Solid State Scientifc Corporation (SSSC) has developed an innovative and computationally efficient GMTI signal processing algorithm wh
T: Discovery Semiconductors will assemble high power InGaAs/InP photodiodes with 50 ohm internal termination in a fber-pigtailed, W1-c
T: Systems and Materials Research Corporation (SMRC) proposes to produce energetic nanomaterials to be used as additives in hydrocarbo
T: Precision Combustion, Inc. proposes a novel approach for nanoenergetic particle addition to aerospace fuels using carbon based nano-p
l Business Innovation Research project proposes to develop a hybrid Cartesian grid/gridless solver for fast prediction of store separation. In
tunity exists to signifcantly reduce the cost of low-profle fber optic transceivers utilized in harsh environment applications by exploiting a
ctive of this project is to develop a novel superconductor-semiconductor hybrid pipelined analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that provides up
n Engineering Consultants (PEC) will use the results of the Phase I numerical analyses of armored tactical vehicles subjected to landmine de
T: Modern optoelectronic devices require encapsulation for environmental protection, but current encapsulants are too heavy for weight-s
T: Powder-bed based additive manufacturing (AM) technologies typically involve rapid solidifcation after a laser or electron beam melts a
T: There is a need to identify, qualify, and certify post-repair corrosion-inhibiting self-healing coatings in order to inhibit further corrosion o
T: We propose to demonstrate the benefts of a self-healing coating (SHC) system (comprised of MIL-PRF-85285 compliant self-healing top
T: We propose to develop novel high-temperature robust control ICs compatible with power SiC device using on insulated gate III-Nitride t
T: Liquid rocket propulsion systems require the use of high pressure LOX, and therefore have the need for LOX compatible materials. This i
T: It is proposed to develop new thermal barrier coatings based on current MiTi Korolon coatings for the turbomachinery of the rocket en
T: Astronix proposes a particle beam generator for satellite thruster applications based on a novel MEMS technology for fabricating dense
T: Development, implementation and validation of a computational model to simulate combustion processes coupled with acoustic pheno
T: The goal of this SBIR project is to demonstrate that the Cambustion DMS500 (or similar technology) can meet EPA and SAE E31 requirem
on Corporation (DFC) proposes the continued development of prototype, next-generation GPS interference detection, characterization and
T: The Air Force is experiencing a number of premature failures of urethanes and epoxies used on the Outer Mold Line (OML) of high perfo
T: Many nondestructive evaluation (NDE) analysis techniques have tried to address premature failures in outer mold lines on aircraft (OML
T: The overarching objectives for this project are to develop a novel approach to Calibration, Verifcation, and Validation (CVV) of advanced
T: Luna proposes to develop a unique, handheld 3D surface inspection tool for accurate measurement of fastener depth and fll flushness o
T: There is a signifcant need for a handheld device that can do fastener flushness measurement and countersink measurement. In this pro
T: We propose a novel multi-frame image processing approach which employs High-Dynamic-Range (HDR) imaging in combination with m
T: Sensor saturation and the resultant loss of information is a problem that plagues both infrared and electro-optical sensors. Saturation oft
T: UES proposes to obtain data to anchor models for additive manufacture by electron beam melting (EBM). In this process, parts are mad
T: The objective of this proposal is to build a foundation for the modeling of polymer powders for use in laser sintering (LS). These models
T: Chrome-based coating systems are being phased out of most applications due to the toxicity of chromium compounds. Emerging coatin
T: A SUAS video processing platorm is developed based on clustering multiple COTS smartphones in which each is deployed with software
T: The United States Air Force (USAF) has a need to upgrade communications systems on board Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicles (EELV
T: The Air Force is seeking a hyperspectral imager capable of detecting missiles, aircraft and artillery fre from a satellite platorm. OPTRA p
T: Phase I tasks will produce a diplexer design for integration into full-duplex, multi-channel, S-band transmit-receive (T/R) modules for larg
T: MiTi and its subcontractor are proposing an innovative integrated and low logistics footprint fueled hybrid solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) an
T: The objective of this SBIR topic is to develop a hybrid electric propulsion system to support a Rapid Response Small SUAS (<30lb) capa
ary goal of this SBIR Phase II is to build a software system capable of automated scene understanding and labeling based on advanced imag
sting flight simulators currently lack the aerodynamics modeling required to train pilots for stall/upset conditions. Further, the process of up
e Navy sponsored Phase II project (SBIR Contract N00014-09-C-0479) Optical Physics Company (OPC) built a miniaturized interferometric s
able batteries self discharge while in storage, and when allowed to remain at an extremely low state of charge for a long period of time, ca
nical approach to this project is to design and develop an improved, three-phase grid connect unit (GCU) capable of switching loads up to 1
hnical Services, Inc. (Wolf) is developing a Modular Anthropomorphic Test Device (ATD) that is specifcally designed for use in blast and balli
enge to develop new innovative devices and methods to create a miniature, low cost, low drift, high accuracy inertial navigation system (IN
lopment of Wide Bandgap Semiconductors such as GaN has enabled tremendous improvements in power amplifer performance such as o
T: The Global Positioning System (GPS) is used by the DoD to provide the position for accessing location and movement of ground, air and
T: This proposal is for the development of a novel algorithm to utilize commercially available signals of opportunity (SoOP) received by sev
T: Q-Track proposes to develop and demonstrate feasibility of a system for absolute localization in GPS-denied environments. A Signals-of-
T: The Science and Technology in Atmospheric Research (STAR) LLC in Boulder, with scientifc support from National Center for Atmospheri
T: To increase space environment awareness, Quantum Dimension proposes to develop algorithms for Total Electron Count (TEC) estimate
T: Next-generation space-based focal plane array infrared detectors require efficient cooling at low temperatures. We propose to develop
T: The drive to increase turbine inlet temperature and overall pressure ratio as well as to reduce turbine weight has led to increases in aero
T: Incorporating hosted payloads onto satellites deployed for other primary missions is an approach that has the potential to provide bene
T: A major limitation to the wide deployment of high sensitivity infrared detector arrays in space environment is the cooling system. Major
T: The DoD requires accurate real-time knowledge of ionospheric variability in order to reduce one of the biggest error sources inherent in
T: We propose the assembly of a coordinate registration assessment suite applicable to over-the-horizon radar (OTHR). The suite includes
T: In recent years, advances in EO/IR sensor technology have produced systems capable of collecting massive amounts of data that have ou
T: The challenge set by Fully Adaptive radar tech techniques is how to best optimize all of the possible radar settings all of the possible tra
T: The requirement for a MANPACK-compatible SATCOM terminal for Special Operations (SOF) and Tactical Air Control Parties (TACP) obvia
T: Softronics Ltd. proposes to implement an advanced VLF receiver front end utilizing a trio of advanced technologies. The frst is a digital
T: The ongoing launch of next generation AEHF satellites promises signifcant new protected MILSATCOM capabilities. To allow dismounte
T: Trident Systems Inc. (TSI) and the SAZE Technologies propose to develop algorithms to detect and characterize moving targets on the gro
T: GMTI signal processing algorithms are developed, which improve the capabilities of SWaP limited airborne radar systems, resulting in be
T: Martix Research proposes to develop a new SATCOM antenna for the Wideband Gapfller link for use aboard the Predator class UAV. Th
T: The Nuvotronics approach is to create a modular array architecture made of batch fabricated micromachined electronically-scanned sub
T: In this SBIR effort we will develop a packaging process and demonstrate (Phase I) a prototype of high power Photodiode (PD) that has a
T: There are numerous military applications where incorporation of Anti-Jam (AJ) GPS technology has been constrained by Size Weight and
T: SI2 Technologies, Inc. (SI2) will continue its groundbreaking research in efficient wideband, low profle array design to develop high gain
T: This Phase I SBIR research addresses an important and timely technological need, specifcally the practical development and demonstra
T: Princeton Microwave Technology [PmT] is proposing the development of compact microstrip based dual mode resonators for the the de
T: Situational Awareness (SA) / Direction Finding (DF), and secondarily Anti-Jam (A/J) capability for GPS/GNSS antennas on small airframes
T: As vision systems are continuously increasing their quantity and capabilities for capturing aerial imagery, they have widely integrated in
T: This proposal describes an analytical software approach to model rolling element bearings for gas turbines and similar drive systems. De
T: Improving heat transfer and enhancing mechanical compliance at interfaces has signifcant impact on military and commercial applicatio
T: The Air Force identifed a need to enhance the capabilities of scramjet-powered hypersonic systems through the development of techno
T: To address the Air Force"s need for non-mechanically steered 3D imaging LADAR, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to d
T: Database sustainability is a fundamental challenge for supporting assisted and automatic target recognition algorithms. We propose a n
T: We are proposing to demonstrate a spectrally agile HyperVideo sensor that can be reconfgured on the fly to produce imagery comprise
T: We propose a fuel cell / battery hybrid powered UAV, designed from the get go with electric power propulsion and controls. A unique fu
T: In recent years, diversifcation of energy dependence on foreign oil has attracted the use of alternative fuels such as the Fischer-Tropsch
T: Escape proposes a candidate waveform and signal processing architecture to efficiently support adaptive coding and adaptive symbol ra
T: Scheduling Air Force Satellite Control Network (AFSCN) resources is a challenge because windows of visibility are limited between satelli
T: The Braxton Ace Premier Intelligent Distributed Scheduler (AceIDS) prototype will demonstrate the feasibility of a distributed scheduling
T: The ultimate goal of this proposed effort is to develop a distributed, intelligent, cooperative AFSCN mission planning and scheduling syst
T: This project will identify feasible game-theoretical approaches for joint waveform adaptation, cognitive spectrum sensing & manag
T: The objective of the proposed effort is the development of a radiation hardened, programmable Sigma-Delta Analog-to-Digital Converte
T: Military space assets can have special constraints in form factor and function. For example, fluid cooling systems normally used for elec
T: Space Micro proposes to leverage existing radiation hardened electronics architecture coupled with state-of-the-art cryptographic soluti
T: A holistic RSO space situational awareness algorithm will be developed that integrates Finite Set Statistics (FISST) with Hiearchical Mixtu
T: Under this SBIR, Imaging Systems Technology (IST) proposes to investigate the feasibility of using its Plasma-shell technology to form no
T: Physical Sciences Inc. proposes to develop a no moving parts magnetic refrigerator system capable of cooling focal plane arrays (FPA) to
T: Cubesats and microsats utilizing electro-optical payloads will require cryogenic refrigeration for cooling the infrared Focal Plane Arrays.
T: The vision of the Microsat Cryocooler System (MCS) Program is to provide the key mechanical and electrical technology building blocks t
T: Coordinate Registration (CR) of OTHR targets requires accurate real-time ionospheric modeling coupled with HF propagation calculation
T: Space system operators require the ability to detect and track potential threats to their platorms. One way to detect and track objects in
T: A method of fabricating highly conductive and shielding electrical conduit and associated fttings is proposed. The technology will be ba
T: In modern battlefelds, Electronic Warfare (EW) plays dominating role. To win the battlefeld, it is a must to win EW frst. In fghting the E
T: Without the capability to sense and avoid other air traffic, UAS flights are limited to flight operations within restricted and warning areas
T: The Cetane numbers for individual fuel components have been extensively tabulated To determine the Cetane number of the resulting f
T: The demand for increased thrust from gas turbine engines, while simultaneously reducing engine size and weight, has lead to real challe
T: This SBIR project proposes to develop a computational aeroelasticity tool for improving the prediction of both aerodynamic forcing and
T: To provide improved life prediction estimates for rolling element bearings used in gas turbines and general rotating machinery, an updat
T: Aircraft oleo-pneumatic landing gear shock struts require a precise gas to fluid ratio. Measuring oil fluid level explicitly requires time con
T: The biggest demand on a military receiver has been from the time required to search and acquire for the military signals when an accur
T: Team ATA proposes to develop a FISST-based holistic integrated framework (FHIF) for multi-target detection, tracking, identifcation, and
T: In order to accommodate the transition from standard to high-defnition imagery in unmanned airborne platorms, it is necessary to fnd
T: QuinStar Technology proposes an integrated solution for W/V-band GEO satellite transceivers to minimize transceiver SWaP and cost wh
T: The Air Force has identifed the need to improve satellite communications by increasing bandwidth, yet seeks to accomplish this withou
T: In future military satellite communications infrastructure, it is envisioned that satellite communications systems and hybrid space-terres
T: The Air Force requires accurate knowledge of the ionospheric environment in order to mitigate ionospheric impacts on vital radio-based
T: Current automatic target recognition (ATR) training processes require expensive data collections or extensive, high fdelity target modeli
T: Integration of track data from Ground Based Sense and Avoid (GBSAA) and Airborne Sense and Avoid (ABSAA) systems offer the possibil
T: Current and future VLF receiver technology for Emergency Action Message (EAM) reception must meet stringent reception capabilities i
T: This program creates an innovative approach to packaging high-power, high-frequency photo-detectors for use in RF photonics applicati
T: GPS is known to be extremely vulnerable to signal interference, both unintentional and deliberate. Military navigation systems for air, se
T: The end objective is a low power, compact unit suitable for miniaturized UAVs, small missiles and handhelds where Anti-Jam (AJ) techno
T: nLIGHT proposes the development of of an all-fber, master oscillator power amplifer (MOPA) confguration that will meet the Air Force
T: VSI proposes a flexible sensor estimation framework for airborne calibration processing of image streams over long time periods. The co
components in a tiny new sensor called AgeAlert. These sensors provide real-time data corresponding to mechanical property degradation
non-invasive, real-time sensors to assess over time the chemical and physical health of solid rocket motors without affecting the motor&qu
e prototype called Silvus Communications Orderwire (SC-Orderwire) is based on the architecture that Silvus has developed in Phase I. Silvu
edge"paradigm, the use of end-to-end IPSEC-based encryption of network traffic using HAIPE devices presents a tremendous oppor
ent multicast services over crypto-partitioned heterogeneous tactical networks, to ensure efficient use of bandwidth-constrained airborne
s TIGRESS, which leverages an ensemble of open-domain text processing and sophisticated spatial reasoning capabilities in order to associa
annel has bandwidth limitations due to modal dispersion. This program will apply channel equalization to the photonic link, leveraging tech
ments in order to nowcast and forecast ionospheric behavior. SBIR Topic AF112-083"Electric Field Instrument for Cube- or Nano-sized
ance fghter jet production, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) developed the Innovative Monitoring System for Performance Assessment of
engagement. We will articulate a clear pathway forward to productization to include package design concepts that meet tactical and envir
virus and spam flters often offer unsatisfactory security properties. They cannot detect new attacks, have high false negative rate and often
uct with the latest Identity Management and Access Control (IdAM) technologies. We will implement the latest IdAM standards (i.e. Open
mporally indexed ephemeris data. Our algorithms frst insert each satellite into a spatially aware data structure, such as a K-D Tree or a Spati
tor ("GAMMA") that makes measurements of Ionospheric scintillation and TEC. GAMMA will be remotely deployable, such as o
n technology available for future DoD, National, and commercial space systems. Fusion of Information for Response to Space Threats (FIRS
mbly, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) developed the Interpolated Liquid Shim Application System (ILSAS), which has demonstrated the ab
oling to operate. Current cryogenic systems are inefficient, costly, subject to vibrations, are typically the high-maintenance portion of a sens
will provide near-optimal loose cooperative control of diverse assets within the Layered Sensing Architecture. We propose to develop an as
DoD) Battlefeld Awareness. Advanced radar systems on large remotely piloted aircraft (RPAs) include Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and G
ntegrated semiconductor optical thresholder and its ability to enable a high frequency Optical Analog to Digital Converter (OADC). Such OA
24 months with one additional month for the fnal report. This innovative approach is expected to bring revolutionary performance (close
ace microelectronics from unauthorized tampering. The method will employ the joint cooperation of multiple countermeasures that operat
urity issues in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). A typical reputation management system evaluates the trustworthy of a sensor node base
ng the frst phase of this project. These are OPC"s Holographic Beam Control (HBC) and Nutronics"Conformal Laser Weapon Sy
g integrated into small form factor. CBRITE"s approach to such a camera system is an active-matrix image array on curved substrate. T
roposed Phase II for use in a military visor application. There is an ongoing need to substitute two separate visors that provide clear and da
Sensing Operations Center) Operators, the persons responsible for the display of information within an EOC (Emergency Operations Cente
rtant to determine how to best train RPA crewmembers. However, little is known regarding the effectiveness tradeoffs of training environm
detect and identify specifc auditory targets within complex, real-world sound environments. Previous approaches, based on linear auditor
niques in order to handle far-feld propagation, near-feld interactions, and detailed interactions with complex objects, such as human anat
ovides an innovative, cost-effective, and deployable solution for supporting nuclear weapon inventory control, tracking, and analysis. The r
n innovative, cost-effective, and deployable solution that enables rapid understanding and prioritization of conjunction events. Our program
array antenna design. A key component of our UWB array is that it has a wide angle scan capability that is critical to achieving uninterrupte
hotonic integrated circuit technology. BENEFIT: LASERCOM links, LIDAR, ground sensing markets, optical coherence tomography, fber opti
rolytes. Commercially available ultracapacitors exhibit high power density, in excess of 6000 Wh/kg, but relatively low energy density of un
y coatings and outer mold line (OML) materials on advance Air Force weapon systems. Laser pulses are scanned over a coated surface with
aircraft. To ensure these holes get the correct fasteners, a technician must measure the depth of each hole and mark the dimension on the
81 to 86 GHz band, for high data rate communications between Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and satellites. We will accomplish this by
ercial PNT users is the understanding of how integrated systems are impacted by degradation of key information. PNT information is a corn
T equipment hardware in the loop (HiTL) test asset successfully prototyped in Phase I. The risk reduction prototyping accomplished in Phas
eveloped novel performance enhancing signal processing algorithms enabled by dynamic spectrum access (DSA)-based cognitive radio (CR
Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology (JSLIST) Chemical Biological Coverall for combat vehicle crewmen (JC3) use a layer of absorptive car
in post-intercept debris environments will become more critical to successful operation of the larger BMDS. Due to a paucity of test data, d
ntional, chemical and nuclear warheads can reach their targets. Both hit-to-kill (HTK) interceptors and fragmentation warheads are being d
track the electrical charge dispersion created when a hypervelocity impact (HVI) occurs between two entities with a closing velocity greate
es, from a catastrophic attach by nuclear or conventionally armed ballistic missiles. A critical component of that system is the Interceptor m
ng and performance of EED devices.
to investigate novel ideas to increase EED reliability. TRI/Austin proposes designing, fabricating, and testing novel electro-explosive devices
) insensitive energetics is thought to be an exploding foil initiator (EFI) detonator, also called a slapper detonator. Slapper detonators are sim
lymer materials and electronic parts, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new Missile Accelerated Aging Assessment a
er temperatures which are more realistic and that reduce the risk of introducing failure mechanisms that are not representative of actual
missile systems for long periods, are often unknown when actual lifetime service data is not available. This leads to unreliability, limitations
t health monitoring system for ordnance based on a new condition monitoring sensor technology called AgeAlert. The AgeAlert sensor in
onitoring and built-in tests of the electronic components and ordnances of such devices that can assess their reliability due to the exposure

nvironment, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new Miniature Inertial Measurement Sensor (MIMS). This proposed s
tic formed (TPF) Bulk Metallic Glass (BMG). Unlike MEMS-based silicon components which have historically shattered when used in higher-
erature (UHT), very low erosion, carbon fber zirconium oxy-carbide ceramic matrix composite (Cf-ZrOCm CMC), developed under prior MDA
aged electronics. The company is proposing the development of a novel layer-by-layer patterned growth from direct digital design for semi
d events in dynamic environments is an intense and demanding task. Today"s unmanned systems provide limited support for detectin
nning, and execution technologies within autonomous vehicles. First, it will create and demonstrate the effectiveness of a software framew
inefficiently and requiring excessive maintenance."Right size"generator operation, energy storage, renewable energy inputs, a
y to deployed troops in small camps and forward operation bases. These generators are sized to support the expected maximum power bu
h highly autonomous vehicles by engaging in a dialog to exchange ideas, ask questions, and resolve differences. We will develop a concept
h highly autonomous vehicles by engaging in a dialog to exchange ideas, ask questions, and resolve differences. We will develop a concept
humans from direct control and move towards supervisory control of multiple, autonomous assets. Achieving this objective will require sign
thetic environment with novel Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs). A methodology and process to design a Synthetic Environment Machine
evel, we propose leveraging Oblong Industries"revolutionary g-speak platorm to restore fully embodied situational awareness throug
rporate UASsuch as those currently being developed under the Unmanned Combat Air System Carrier Demonstration (UCAS-D) programint
tion, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new Non-Imaging Gesture Human Tracking Array Optics (NIGHT-AO). This pro
g trends in the research community to address this: a paradigm of prioritizing missions over individual network resources, and a push for r
Their inability to reason means they don"t consider the larger, constantly changing context outside their immediate inputs. Their nea
n entire network for purposes of processing data collected at multiple computers from multiple sensors in real-time. A software solution (i
navigation data, enabling the munition to adjust its path to reach the target. While this approach is effective when GPS is available, new a
re unable to withstand the heat generated and temperatures associated with hypersonic flight. In Phase I, Mainstream developed an advan
s includes the vehicle component breakup due to expanding high explosives and primary fragments as well as the associated airblast that p
entation system along with automated data processing and data fusion algorithms to better characterize debris damage effects from static
o targeting inaccuracies and other reasons they may land outside a structure and could detonate partially or fully buried in soil. These even
asurements by removing components due to inertia and aeroelasticity. This effort will effectively utilize novel sensors to determine inertial
t quantitatively characterizes off-axis rejection of bright light sources for validation and calibration of sensors in a cryo-vacuum environmen
software to provide signifcant improvements in geo-registration for wide area motion imagery (WAMI) systems such as ARGUS-IS, Gorgon
multiband sensing modalities for DoD intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance tasks. The extremely high information content, which
combat identifcation system under realistic scenarios. In addition, we require the resulting system must work on bistatic radar data. This ad
eature association utility of our TRL 6 moving ground vehicle ISAR imaging technology. This air-to-ground ISAR technology is derived from
owing need for renewable energy sources will likely drive wind farm construction rates to increase over time. Energy department estimates
ation into large communication phased array antennas. An RF section featuring advanced, two-chip Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circui
section or RCS) and late-time (target resonance or TR) returns. Measurements of these target characteristics may be integrated and exploite
eve a reduction in clutter. It is based on a non-parametric algorithm developed by TecFocus on Navy SBIR N00-008 Environmentally Insens
em of debris mitigation and improve multiple target discrimination. This algorithm is a very fast, highly accurate multi-class approach based
complexes and attempt to discriminate between actual threats, countermeasures, and incidental debris generated from the rocket motor
proposal to the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) SBIR solicitation MDA12-028 entitled Improved Target Discrimination of Multiple Targets Usi
ty missile impacts in an exoatmospheric environment for the development and verifcation of analytic debris models being developed by th
tions to humanitarian assistance and disaster recovery (HA/DR). To be able to accomplish such missions, the military will require"resil
s) and Rapid Aerostat Initial Deployment (RAID) cameras, and in various formats, such as imagery, video, audio, and text. Searching throug
evel, we propose leveraging Oblong Industries"revolutionary g-speak platorm to restore fully embodied situational awareness throug
d their behavior completely. The sheer number of software components (and the myriad interactions between them) that are present on a
n this effort, we leverage our in-house machine learning framework, ABMiner and ontological knowledge representation workbench to add
mes. Component lifetimes are typically extended by physical isolation using bags, hard containers or with conformal impermeable coatings.
water and fresh water. A thorough analysis of various commercial and academic superhydrophobic nanoscale coatings will be conducted fo
boards (PCBs) found on underwater vehicles exposed to hydrostatic pressures up to ~10 atm, corresponding to depths of ~100 meters in fr
on, energy provision, and reporting, which are required for long-duration, LPD localization of various types of vessels operating in blue, gree
hod for providing Over-The-Horizon (OTH) L-band links between a submerged tracking device and an overhead satellite without the require
bat casualties in the battlefeld to improve survivability while reducing cost to the military. We propose advances in both physiological diagn
ONOPS requires the immediate availability of multiple sensors and active devices. The sensors include: ultrasound, capnography, blood pre
reenAmp-lite system. The GreenAmp- & #8208;lite combines MaXentric"s envelope tracking technology with a power amplifer
(SOF) warfghter. This program will deliver extended bandwidth, more complex waveform capability, longer battery life, higher feld reliabil
o this by adapting our current family of calibers by decreasing the internal volume and shape of the case to match the optimal performanc
nic ammunition with the highest success rate balanced against technological advancement. Our feasibility study will include: 1) A brass cas
provided by any DoD Service. Although sub-sonic rounds exist for some calibers, these rounds are not cost effective and exhibit excessive d
on under this SBIR Phase I contract. PCP will concentrate our efforts on several separate criteria in order to improve upon the current .50 c
oposes to develop High-performance Arbitrated LOgic processing Topology (HARLOT) device. HARLOT is a computing brick housed in a man
Chip (SoC) consisting of a hybrid CPU/GPU digital signal processor. The APU incorporates high-speed interfaces to external sensors and a N
R wind measurement system through another DoD customer, nVision Technology proposes using scintillation-based wind measurement tec
s Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new highly reconfgurable Memristor-based Brain-like Morphware Processing (BRAINWARE) tec
hnology. Utilizing standalone thin flms that are released from the substrate locally, an active device area with ultra-low thermal mass is ob
ted a drive toward sensor systems with multiple aperture and wide felds of view. As a result, there is a need to improve test capabilities fo
tary Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT). We propose to develop the technology for small fragmentation warhead with high lethality and
algorithms suitable for direct digital processing of high-bandwidth ladar pulses using ultra-high speed, real-time signal processing. The pri
nemy aircraft. The main beneft of radar is the ability to detect targets at long stand-off ranges in all weather conditions. The main disadvan
ation tolerant propulsion module with no moving parts that is suitable for deorbiting small spacecraft. Critical properties of a new, high me
oupling between the combustor and isolator that leads to isolator unstart. Performance is currently restricted because the engine is not ac
near 1250K (977C); as flight times increase, these temperatures are expected to saturate the entire vehicle. Typically, forward-looking RF a
ns in multi-agent simultaneous localization and mapping (MA-SLAM) systems for enhanced navigation accuracy/reliability. The objective of
ntinue as we face increasingly sophisticated adversaries. Operating within an Anti-Access / Area Denial (A2AD) environment requires highl
ineers with a tool for exploring RF fuze sensor alternatives by modeling the dynamic multistatic coherent RF signatures of targets illuminat
lms the current ability to offload that data based on the meager performance of ground station terminals. A high gain antenna supporting
on and mapping (SLAM)-based methods for accurate geo-registration of wide area motion imagery (WAMI). The proposed computational a
HF receivers. Those receivers were expensive to manufacture, and their performance varied over time and temperature. Advances in digi
velop a passive optical Identifcation-Friend-or-Foe (IFF) patch that utilizes the absorptive and emissive properties of quantum dots (QDs) t
m can be greatly aided by accurate modeling and performance prediction. Capturing physical, electromagnetic and environmental real-wo
nd waned, and is once again enjoying a resurgence. A multistatic system is one where multiple transmit sites or multiple receive sites, or bo
evolutionary new capabilities for conformal coherent LIDAR applications. Coherent LIDAR has by nature greatly enhanced capabilities in ter
sequences to provide accurate 3D change detections, informative shadow/occlusion masks for target tracking, and geo-location and compr
s in order to reduce the cost and complexity associated with carrying out reliability studies and product characterization. Recent advancem
ifficult. In this SBIR Phase I, a technical feasibility trade space is used to evaluate technologies used to preserve biomolecules, such as DNA
tion coating for chemical warfare agents. The coating will be easily applied to surfaces where it will cover and contain chemical warfare age
US Defense and Homeland Security. Solicitation topic CBD13-101 envisions a multifunctional sequestration coating that once applied to a c
fficient barrier coating which can sequester and deactivate chemical agents is urgently needed. We propose a broad spectrum responsive n
The system includes a rugged and lightweight reader that is built on a cellphone platorm, a centralized data server, and bio-surveillance ap
sociated mobile readers, it remains imperative to develop next-generation readers that are location-aware, multi-format, and cellular-capa
further developed for data fusion to both enhance sensor sensitivity and eliminate the need for separate background interrogation, thereb
d focal plane array (FPA) in order to signifcantly reduce the cost of LWIR hyperspectral imagers. In order to realize this goal, it will frst be n
equipment, which limits the overall protective capability of the ensemble. New closure systems capable of providing both the shear and pe
t fabric folds, fabric surfaces, or hook-and-loop closures, and thus do not provide a hermetic barrier against exposure. Creare proposes to d
romised when CB protective uniforms become torn. This project aims to achieve this objective by coating or laminating a shape memory e
a-Champaign (UIUC) have teamed up to provide DTRA with an innovative approach to develop new combined effects explosives (CEX) form
m (BMDS) technologies. The laser platorm will be airborne, ideally on an aircraft with long range, extended loitering time, and stealth capa
CFD targets and simulations. In the proposed Phase I effort, HyPerComp, Inc., will develop and demonstrate capabilities for performing geo
high-speed afterburning base flow predictions. UMiss/NCPA will conduct hot-rocket model tests with afterburning and collect base region a
l analysis needs of the ARMY will be informed by current BrightSpec instrumentation which includes a CP-FT spectrometer operating in eith
terials combined with a polymer electrolyte. The hybrid devices utilize a capacitor-like electrode based on graphene and carbon nanotubes
pe device capable of heartbeat-to-heartbeat estimation of: 1) closeness to hemodynamic decompensation of injured warfghters for the p
ination data by relatively unqualifed individuals due to the lack of qualifed ophthalmologists or optometrists in many remote, hostile, or d
and rearward maneuvers. VTOL aircraft lack sensors to provide protection in their rear hemisphere. Low altitude flight, take-off and landing
with temperatures exceeding the melting point of the liner. The components longevity is largely a factor of cooling. Multi-hole flm cooling b
predicting aerodynamic performance for a variety of flows. The accuracy of CFD is governed by the quality of the surface mesh, and much
molecular flow regimes. The proposed technology builds upon the Unifed Flow Solver (UFS) previously developed by CFDRC, which will be
ly related sensor work in the millimeter/submillimeter, we will focus our Phase I efforts on the new challenges of this SBIR topic. The chief
ators built up from micro-actuator module units. The technical approach is based on state-of-the art prosthetic development where the hu
ner. The container composes a passive energy efficient system for transporting blood and pharmaceuticals in hostile environments for up
o develop an Airborne Enhanced Rear Obstacle Avoidance System (AERO). The AERO system is based on a novel integration of two orthogon
L) aircraft (manned and unmanned) results in the loss of visual cues during approach and landing. This condition is typically referred to as b
ants such as calcium-magnesium-aluminum-silicon-oxide systems (CMAS). In this Phase I SBIR program UES, Inc. proposes to investigate th
CMAS resistant coatings of lanthane hexaaluminate (LaMgAl11O19) material as a suitable substitute to YSZ top coat for thermal barrier coa
and engine components. Waterjet technology has technological and manufacturing merits that are unmatchable by many existing machin
mena associated with short duration propulsive and/or detonative events taking into account the mixed continuum/rarefed nature of the fl
ring (CNSE) and the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), proposes to develop a low-power neuromorphic parallel processor (NPP). The
operation to high-rate pulse power. A major drawback of current power storage technologies for these applications is their inability to me
face of prohibitive competition for platorm size, weight, and power (SWAP). Traditionally, stand-alone sensor packages were developed si
ay (MPR) health monitoring. This sensor suite will monitor the GCU for changes in component characteristics (e.g. resistance of relay conta
FOV) imagery is desired to increase the efficiency and accuracy of visual tasks performed at a distance. With recent advances in optical com
f III-V and II-VI infrared detectors. Such charges arise from minority-carrier inversion or majority-carrier accumulation layers caused by surf
cal Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new Ambient Energy Conversion (AEC) system, which is based on integration of three e
ed via Low Cost Aerial Delivery Systems (LCADS). LCADS parachutes, which account for 99% of operational airdrop, are made out of a polyp
rub typhus, leishmaniasis, and Lyme disease. To protect against insect-borne disease, the U.S. military has formulated clothing impregnate
ting wear and laundering, and compatible with current / future military uniforms. The insect resistant textile is also expected to have no de
owave transceiver integrated circuit which will enable the production of the next generation of precision end-game proximity sensors suitab
unction. Recently this approach has been applied to radar fuzes and seekers meant for missile applications. This work has made various co
uided, extended flight, surveillance projectile. Included in the design will be a miniature control and actuation system, an on-board surveilla
ters capabilities for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR). Orbital Research proposes to design an innovative Miniature Canar
n for accurate urban models. We will perform system engineering analysis of alternatives where necessary to provide a compliant system d
the Governments critical need for new innovative solutions to protect applications and data pushed to the cloud computing environment
ntly detecting, diagnosing, and predicting faults in the network. In tactical networks, faults can be very common, and are typically hard and
ulate and reconstruction, will provide the basis for a new Digital RF Memory where all of the RF components can be removed in place of dig
ics) present this proposal for developing new Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM) technology. The combination of STR"s proven
unications using phased arrays integrated on the Fire Scout UAV platorm. Phased array systems allow for dynamic beam steering with grace
ologies needed for simultaneous operation of the U.S. Navy Fire Scout Radar Autonomous Collision and Avoidance System (RACAS) and Coh
HEL) weapon systems on tactical air platorms. The inertially stabilized Optical Reference Beam (ORB) provided by an OIRU serves as a&qu
The combination of production hardware tailored to the OIRU tactical vibration environment provides a competitive OIRU design on a $/rej
weight, high-speed, and self-powered wireless fber optic sensor (WiFOS) structural health monitor system suitable for the onboard and in-fl
re safely and easily move cargo along the length of the aircraft. The seating system is focused on reducing installation and removal time and
rew to operate. The cargo and personnel system approach shall be capable of carrier take-offs and landings and not reduce current aircraft
ty of the optical local area networks (LANs) by taking advantage of comparatively low-cost silicon P-I-N technology for optical receivers as w
e (TGP) technology with improved manufacturability and reliability over previous technology generations. Advanced Cooling Technologies,
on) Filter, a revolutionary interference mitigation technology that offers these specifc advantages: * It has demonstrated successful mitiga
elds to extend both range and accuracy. Leveraging active transmissions in bistatic and multistatic geometries is a force multiplier that can p
TR modules. A near-hermetic approach using a four-step sealing approach is used, along with additional cost-savings realized in module int
ovide an Open Systems active array technology for emerging Naval radar and EW systems, and for modernization/sustainment of existing sy
w cable from corrosion issues identifed in solicitation N131-035. Launched in Q2 2012, Ultra-Ever Dry coating and coating process allow u
entify threat (and other) signals of interest. In this effort RAS will show how to automate the use of the national databases to extract data
pedo program, to Mine Countermeasures (MCM) sonars. This will yield a new capability of exploiting the material and structural compositi
ts to at least 500 feet AGL for up to four days continuously. The VTOL and comms relay package receive power delivered using laser power
eby 400 Hz power is generated in centralized locations and is then distributed to numerous loads located throughout the ship. This distribu
surface motion by deploying a unique depressor/drogue (D/d) system from two lines underwater below the surface interface conditions. T
of the drive system of military air and ground vehicles. This proposal offers a combination of two innovative and cost-effective technologies
spacing in low visibility conditions, TechFlow will adapt the capabilities of its innovative millimeter-wave coherent chaotic radar technology
ted image processing techniques. The processing and resource requirements to utilize these advances, however, impose an unacceptable b
module that will enable a full range of commercial gas cooking appliances to operate normally and reliably using JP-8 or other liquid fuels, L
y harvesting technology for self-powered variable-transmission eyewear. This technology will harvest from several different ambient energ
munication systems, night-vision devices, and other applications. Although conventional batteries can provide power for a wide variety of du
s detection (E-Det) and a linear Forward Looking Ground Penetrating Radar (FLGPR). The radar designed in this effort will leverage existing
correctness of computer networks in real time. Veriflow operates by scanning a network, constructing a formal model of the network&#039
ly in legacy, pipeline, and advanced military afterburners are proposed for development and demonstration in this SBIR project. The propo
ence of interactions between the important scattering objects on the ship, with sizes comparable to a few wavelengths, and the larger struc
g the potential damage to the strike force from the defenders in a high threat environment, we propose to develop REal-time Mission And P
Route Optimization. TOPDAT will dynamically plan and update air vehicle routes and response to threats in real-time for teams of manned a
ersion capability. Requirements and design viability for a flexible multi-mission system that can support advanced radar modes or high-ban
ft rod-ends are installed in exposed locations, sand and dirt cause damage to the spherical bearings and their liners. By preventing these pa
g unique, cost-efficient and high fdelity manufacturing technology. Gratings are etched into fused silica substrate and contain no organics o
h meets the stringent requirements of a fber-laser based Laser Weapon System (LWS). The diffractive beam-combiner is a key element in t
ed fber lasers. Use of conventional diffraction gratings to combine wavelengths is limited in that metal is inherently absorbing. Regardless
a novel architecture consisting of both hardware and software. Modern video processing and networking techniques will be utilized such th
ers. This system builds on the dual foundation of Aechelon Technology's industry-leading industry-leading pC-Nova(tm) Image Gener
quietly, cheaply, and precisely. Therefore, there is an urgent need for efficient energy storage systems with both high energy and power den
on for aluminum and composite boat hulls. The coating functions as an adhesive for attaching doubler plates. It encapsulates and prevents
nsfer performance for the high heat flux, high power radio frequency (RF) electronic systems used in today's military applications. Th
arachutes are used to drop military equipment and supplies from aircraft. The U.S. Army currently uses Low Cost Aerial Delivery Systems (L
system. Proposed sensor system has a Blast Detection Sensor, Energy Storage Module and Electronics Module. It has its own energy harves
nnas, masts, ladders, armaments, pilot stations, outboard engines, storage bins, etc. In boats, the use of fberglass and other radar-penetra
iction capability. Through the use of innovative algorithms based on reactive-navigation, extension of Genetic Algorithm work, and softwar
technology that can provide aircraft maintainers the communications reliability and bandwidth that they need. The goal of this SBIR progr
ds in hostile environments in the presence of numerous potential sources of electromagnetic interference (EMI). On airborne platorms for
tely model complex platorms but they are quickly constrained by computational limits on traditional workstations. The focus of this resear
ation speed in predicting Co-site Interference among antennas on aircraft and other complex structures. The computational engine utilizes
cal Inertial Reference Unit (OIRU) for Navy Tactical Airborne High Energy Laser (HEL) Application solicitation. The COIRU proposes the follow
oring by offering an innovative solution that delivers high power density energy harvesting and reliable delivery of large volumes of data fro
contamination. Contamination is particularly problematic with oscillating loads. The proposed solution will prevent contamination of plain
ehensive testing of Navy sonar systems prior to their integration with felded acoustic sensors and arrays. Traditionally, the complexities of a
s) will be designed, simulated, optimized, fabricated, and empirically tested to demonstrate the OHP technology's ultra-high heat tra
ation. This program focuses on development of an anti-jamming system (AJS) that is backward compatible with the RT-1944/U radio and ca
ess the received acoustic sonobuoy data. The CMAP algorithms and software are an advanced coherent signal processing chain that is the b
g that provides robust, long-term corrosion protection to the Remote Minehunting System (RMS) tow cable within demanding marine envi
tactical EW library. Since emitter signals can differ markedly from their library signatures (due to drift, new modes, propagation effects, etc
of features used for object classifcation. Thus, it is typical practice for Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to develop the required reference lib
are from different vendors. As a result of these efforts, combat systems have become a pinnacle of complexity in terms of software deploy
tecture that addresses innovative techniques for the Install, Activate, and Deactivate activities. Install activity covers the transfer from prod
ach to providing long range, over-the-horizon, communications for surface vessels; it uses a tethered electric UAV to carry a radio payload to
nternational Corporation (UnSysCorp), is developing the Modular Aerostat Communications Relay system (MACRel). MACRel is a system for
nd high ship costs. A better approach is to utilize existing 60 Hz equipment and place the 400 Hz equipment at the load site. However, limit
has teamed with Maritime Applied Physics Corporation (MAPC) to deliver a solution employing passive optical sensors capable of detecting
Bridger Photonics, Inc., in collaboration with NP Photonics proposes a novel solution for nonlinear frequency conversion of a unique 2.0 m
st effective system capable of a high probability of detection of low-level undersea sound sources in large shallow water areas. Distributed p
ntial of fxed acoustic surveillance sensors. In this work, we demonstrate the feasibility of integrating a novel, physics-based automatic class
ers"risk and operational assessment of mission plans. Our approach is to extend the current APB-13 Mission Planning Application (M
the execution of these missions. Understanding operational risk is critical, and managing risk is necessary to affect predictable outcomes. T
echoes from fsh for automatic screening, reducing mid-frequency active sonar clutter. Real world data from shallow water is used to deve
daptive waveform-synthesis and CFAR normalization processing based on physical models of resonant backscattering from heterogeneous
tion based on the research of Janet Shields (Scripps, UCSD). The Shields EI uses radiance contrast measurements of the sky/ocean interfac
itime atmosphere to predict laser effectiveness. Atmospheric attenuation data for ranges to the horizon will be needed to support weapon
t of a novel Maritime Atmospheric LIDAR (MAC-LIDAR) capable of providing critical atmospheric characterization information to support th
classifcation and localization (DLC) can be accomplished with joint active-passive sonar signal processing using the hull array. Our system co
re accurate bearing, narrowband frequency, and signal-to-noise (SNR) data), (2) passive state estimation, (3) torpedo launch platorm local
torpedo-detection algorithms are effective against certain models, but evolving torpedo propulsion systems and enemy tactics constantly c
se put lives and platorms at risk. However, current VE training methods still require highly trained instructors to closely monitor student pr
he multiple automated sub-systems within the Conning Officer Virtual Environment (COVE) and will encompass the development and integ
marines operated by some nations. These threats faced by the U.S. Navy have become increasingly difficult to locate using traditional passi
em much more attractive for the battlefeld, not only as wearable systems for soldiers, but also unattended ground sensors a warfghter ca
rate on JP-8 fuel, using a JP-8 blue flame technology, based on a patented fuel conditioner that has been shown to produce a clean, highly
onically Scanned Array (AESA) systems to have more digitized channels for the flexibility of advanced digital beamforming (DBF), Space-Tim
ptical signal to overcome link loss issues found in systems with multiple lossy connectors. This approach will rely on compact packaging of a
g systems, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new Underwater Tracking System (UNTRAS), based on implementation
st approach, plates of Aluminum 5086 will be bonded to the hull in appropriate locations. In the second approach, polymeric energy absorb
ns and felds of use from everday consumer applications to advanced military and industrial applications. Some of these applications requi
spenser types cathodes. The current methods depend on a wire that may soon not be manufactured anymore. The proposed method, rad
dation of that wire using eddy current testing.
e missions, including sea control, anti-surface warfare, battle group support, covert operations landings, and ISR (intelligence, surveillance,
of-interest, 3D object models have many benefts. Manual creation of a full range of 3D models would be a daunting task. A method for au
n approach of incorporating Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) sensors into a low cost expendable undersea buoyancy driven device. ExCTD
5B and that last the average life of a ship (40 years), Phase I will (a) apply a"useful lifetime estimation"experimental method to
se of flexible hose assemblies (FHAs) and resilient mounting structures. Resilient mounting structures and FHAs, in particular, are ubiquitou
nt NAVY combat systems. Sedna proposes to use its knowledge of real world sensor behavior, combat system array interfaces, existing high
1944/U with Fidelity Comtech's commercial off-the-shelf phased array, the Phocus Array System. The RT-1944/U is a proven design,
he development of next generation ultra-fast and broadband T/R switches with high isolation (>30 dB) based on thin flms of vanadium d
ated topology converter architecture that would signifcantly improve both low frequency rejection, the high frequency switching noise co
d to power to the electronics in the torpedo. The broadband sonar system cannot operate to its full potential due to noise and ripple from
haracteristics comprised of a set of carbon nanotube (CNT) coating layers that adhere to the optical window ports of the imaging system an
hull (sonar, radar, communications masts etc). Long service life of undersea connectors is critical since maintainance and replacement is diffi
plications in the mid 1990"s. These coatings are applied by a plasma spray process, and the patented technology has reduced the co
tion Processes (EDP) for the development of advanced nonconductive anti-corrosion coatings for undersea cable connectors. EDP has the a
steel that, under normal circumstances, exhibits excellent corrosion resistance and strength over a wide temperature range. Unfortunately,
oftware components deployed across a heterogeneous set of compute platorms and communication devices. Navy sonar operators tasked
careful design and integration of hardware and software. The seaway-induced relative motion between the host vessel and ROV is often d
(LWIR) lasers to much higher power, brightness, and energy. Applications of such sources include spectroscopic detection of the"fng
enges due to the complex nature of the ocean acoustic environment in shallow waters. Although there are complex reasons for the appear
ncreasingly more expensive to own and operate. Daico proposes to ultimately replace specifc tube-based Transmitters with fully Solid-State
amplifers in surface Navy radar, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new amplifer by Spatially Combining in a Radial c
of replacing legacy klystron amplifers in Navy radars. The new transmitter will integrate commercially available semiconductors into a nov
d functions and likelihood ratio surfaces from the un-normalized matched flter output of the MFA system. While doing this we have discov
etection in acoustically noisy littoral waters using existing towed arrays or hull-mounted arrays. These relatively shallow waters have many s
hio Class Submarine Replacement Program. Challenging reliability, maintainability, environmental, cost, and space weight and power (SWaP
ncy buoy HF transmitter. Using less than 24 components per transmitter, it features very high power efficiency and extended battery life. Th
Depending on the scanning parameters, large gaps in pulse trains may confuse current deinterleaver technology, and ultimately confuse Em
from acquisition scanning receivers periodically sampling (spectrally, spatially, and temporally) subsets of the signal environment, to better
easurements from the new scanning receivers in the SLQ-32 electronic warfare suite. Vadum will create an Automated Optimization Environ
he top speed of an EMATT (Expendable Mobile ASW Training Target) vehicle to 14 knots. Aurora will perform systems-level analysis to dete
evere weight and volume constraints. This is aggravated when (i) high speed maneuvers are required to last longer periods of time, and (ii)
provides the combined functionality of a pallet jack, fork truck, and an overhead gantry crane. The proposed mission payload handling syst
s remotely controlled, omni-directionally maneuvering operations. Selected design candidates will be evaluated with respect to their abilit
dling. On the LCS seaframes, A3-Hand"s ability to remotely load, unload and transport a wide variety of payloads in and around ISO c
oramic mast video sensor. Utilizing both LWIR and EO technology the sensor will provide a 24 hour operational capability in challenging ma
ss sintered silicon nitride based on ATC's pre ceramic binder technology and previous nitride ceramic work. The goal of the proposed
mber of performance limitations including inadequate thermal shock resistance, variations in electrical (dielectric constant and loss) and str
me materials are limited by thermal, electrical, and impact performance. ATFI has developed an oxide ceramic matrix composite (CMC) whic
0,000-psi operating pressures. The HPBA incorporates a high-pressure regulator and valve that makes it compatible and component replac
ble of supplying Navy divers with vastly increased air capacity to allow longer submersion time. This system employs multiple small compo
ure, providing 30 minutes to an hour of air supply from a single tank. The Navy desires to increase mission capability for free-swimming div
nced photonic signal processing. The characterization method only requires a high-speed mm-wave source and uses exclusively low-speed
nds of individual soldiers in a highly mobile forward operating base. In this Phase I program, we propose to develop and deliver a lightweigh
powertrain transmissions utilized in rotorcraft. This will entail the use of a nanoadditive to the transmissions of interest. These nanoadditi
s, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a Self-contained Wireless Electrical Health Monitoring (SWEM) system based on a
lusion of Unit Reference Numbers (URNs) and additional parameters during the address assignment process. One of the most crucial enab
article using controlled solidifcation investment casting (CSIC) process is a technically challenging problem. MER is proposing a novel techn
oscillations. The project will be done with the perspective that the mechanism of controlling the oscillastions can eventually be implemen
n result in reduced augmentor performance, increased sustainment requirements, or even catastrophic failure. Screech remains a difficult
ring load, vibration, and acoustic emission (AE) responses corresponding to damages occurring in advanced materials and structures. Our n
event such injury, but personnel in variable pressure environments, such as pilots, often cannot use the best hearing protection due to pre
OC) proposes to develop a new Wireless and Passive Noise Measurement and Earplug Evaluation Sensor (WIPAS) system This system is base
with commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) earplugs in a practical and cost effective manner. The most immediate application is the evaluation of
t fuel efficiency. However, composites are susceptible to hidden heat damage, which may occur from fre, exhaust impingement, overheatin
he detection and evaluation of incipient composite heat damage. The merits of the proposed sensor and its advantages over other techniq
ystem for rapid determination of the composite heat damage to airframes. The method employed will be capable of inspecting for heat da
C-2A aircraft with a view to reducing both operator stress and deck residence time during carrier flight operations. Triton Systems, Inc, pro
a cargo roller system that will improve the speed, agility, and flexibility of fleet logistics support operations. The seats will fold against the si
t on military aircraft is demanding. A bi-directional optical amplifying repeater would address the optical loss issue of connecting a fber op
ved in spherical plain airframe bearings. The proposed solution will utilize an advanced low friction cermet. This material will be capable fo
etermine normal forces applied. Transitions, fts, tapers, outer case thickness/wall will be varied to minimize stress and wear surfaces. The
hods of detection and identifcation of potentially threatening ships. As most maritime radars operate at X-band, this EM problem has an ex
uch as ordnance loading, hot fueling, recovery of equipment and personnel, and multiple in-flight mission operations. Mission success requ
ween members of the crew and between members of the crew and the aircraft pilot. Maintainers working on the flight deck or flight line ar
ctronic Attack (EA) Digital RF Memory (DRFM) systems. Typical DRFM technology utilize an RF translation to baseband, Radio Frequency (R
borne star network. Such a system would need to support full-two way communication with up to six other nodes for transfer and relay of
eration EW, radar and wireless communication systems. High-Q tunable notch flters, coupled with high efficiency power appliers (PA) will b
Circuit Based Subsea Long Haul Optical Transponder using photonic integration in InP.
over long haul underwater cable systems where the signal is generated from an undersea node and integrated with an undersea transmiss
mpiler optimizations that are most relevant to highly layered and modular code. STARS will emit binary rewriting rules that will be used by a
an be integrated to replace simplistic CGF behaviors in virtual simulation platorms such as VBS2. SoarTech, along with our partner Aptima,
avy variant of this helicopter is the TH-57. The system will be designed to retroft existing aircraft. The drive system will consist of a perman
ugh clandestine operations. Though Navy submarine and surface ship signatures are measured at land-based silencing facilities or test rang
ojectiles. The ceramic coating will delay oxidation, which causes increased surface roughness, boundary layer transition, much higher heat
S) Motion-induced User Symptomology Toolkit for Evaluating Readiness (MUSTER) to enable unobtrusive, real-time capture, synchronizatio
extends the approach developed for Passive Narrowband Sonar operators in the APB-13 Narrowband Adaptive Trainer. The game elements
ght, frequency-agile MMW source combining wide, continuous, rapid tunability with superb phase noise and moderate output power. Such
andling high energy laser radiation enables the potential for a new generation of low-cost DMs for directed energy weapons. To achieve hig
e the effectiveness of UAS operator selection by adding to the conventional methodology of selection tests new measures for the new skill
e routinely subjected to both occupational and combat stressors and performance failures can have catastrophic effects. Effective performa
ans, and therefore any effective military command will assume that resources must be reallocated to achieve desired outcomes. Unfortunat
Tensile residual stresses are of concern because they accelerate fatigue crack initiation and fatigue crack growth relative to what would occ
system for use on remotely piloted aircraft (RPA). Seashell proposes to design, fabricate, and characterize an anti-ice system based on an e
ss. SA Photonics will team with the University of Arizona Optical Science Center (OSC) and North Carolina State University in the developm
e. The end result of the program will be a device that meets the defnition of Technology Readiness Level 5 or 6. As part of the program w
to generate and receive electromagnetic waves. Radar sensors generate and receive electromagnetic waveforms through custom signal pr
r covering the 81 to 86 GHz band with the goal of a linear output power of 50W at a power efficiency of 20%, > 30% PAE with additional TW
WT) for eventual use in a Microwave Power Module (MPM). The TWT and the solid-state driver system will be designed for future integrati
g to their response time, power consumption, heat load, peak power, and weight related advantages. However, employing EMAs in critical
lectrical resistance strain gauge and accelerometer, cannot adequately measure the true loading history without a specially designed mech
tion Device (COMMAND) that 1) combines AnthroTronix, Inc. (ATinc)'s existing Haptic Automated Communication System (HACS) and
aste thermal loads for the Solid-State Active Denial Technology System (SSADT) eliminating the need for active liquid cooling in and around
r for use in composite solid propellants. Our multi-functional stabilizer coated prilled ADN ingredient will provide superior thermal stability,
n a Yb-silica fber laser due to the higher thermal conductivity (10.7 vs 1.38 W/m C) and the reduced SBS (stimulated Brillouin scattering) g
m, which consists of real-time 3D sensing, processing, and display tools for today"s computers and smart phones. MAPHAC"s l
cost, power consumption, limited IMU accuracy and the need for extensive calibration. A miniature lightweight azimuth sensing device is
elop an innovative manufacturing process for anti-reflection coatings on the front lens surface of soldier optics of all kinds. The new proces
ogy for Mitigation of Intermodulation Spurious Signals Produced in Electromagnetic Environment Generation Systems (MISSPEL) develope
ht power source for dismounted soldiers. The focus of the project will be the development and testing of a complete system including cell
ne technology meets or exceeds the specifcations for a rugged, redeployable wind energy system for military base camp applications. V S
nments and scenarios, from simulator programmers to subject matter experts. However, there is currently no systematic method for assem
ys on a bulk scale; these alloys exhibit potential beyond the classical engineering metals suite. The scientifc and engineering groundwork t
cally tunable over the 8-10 micron range. A metamaterial consisting of one or more bi-layers of thin metal and dielectric flms will trap, con
e with these systems is the lack of sensitivity of the sensors in target detection due to blackbody radiation limit. As a result, one of the man
o expedite diagnosis and triage, we are developing a novel scintillator that offers a unique promise to achieve high-sensitivity, high-resoluti
to facilitate the manufacture of ocular surface prosthetics with a lens diameter up to 24 millimeters. Prior art attempts to measure surface
n an exoatmospheric environment for the development and verifcation of analytic models. Currently little is understood of debris ejection
urces (1110 GHz) toward future electronic warfare (EW), communications and radar systems. RF passive components based on waveguide
eneration and sensing and a workplan to address the needed novel characterization techniques for passive components operating over ver
can be used to generate behaviors in training simulations that are both contextually and tactically realistic. The near-term goal for Phase I is
omation in the prosecution of their missions as part of future naval capabilities. The automation must handle very dense maritime surface
of single emitter laser diodes. A key design aspect of this device is that the proposed laser head is largely based on a multi-emitter pump m
rk for sense making applications. Demonstrated capabilities include optimal pattern classifcation, anomaly detection and complex tempora
tly cryogenically-cooled electro-optical sensors. While capable, these types of sensors come with a higher initial purchase price as well as
quently associated with a severe systemic inflammatory response syndrome, triggered by tissue damage, cytokine and inflammatory media
mproved Soldiers survival of combat injuries. Data suggests that future conflicts will require more aggressive wound management at the po
ease and health crises stemming from ecological changes, population displacement, population density changes, or the disruption of pub
land based Aegis missile to provide early intercept capability. MDA has identifed several technology needs for meeting the next generation
orating existing and newly developed radars, EO/IR sensors, and interceptors to counter new threats, including sensors that are not owned
ic of complex traffic patterns"traces of aircraft, people and equipment on Aircraft Carriers. We call this system that performs automa
apable of correcting moderate to heavy atmospheric distortion of high-power beams. The innovative method described here implements a
ic turbulence. This typically requires adding an illuminator laser to produce a beacon by reflection from the target surface. Since a small sp
duced interruptions (MIIs) to more severe perceptual, cognitive, and motor defcits. Even those who do not suffer from acute motion sickne
ata with OBT/SMMTT data to support integrated team training , provide a stand-alone training mode for individualized instruction using EW
Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new Covert Exemplar Low Power Maritime Activity Target-Discriminator (CELPMAT) syste
section; (2) a sensor section (3) and electronics section. The remote nodes will automatically detect and classify high value targets to type
es that will provide all necessary propulsion functions for sustained flight. A turbine-based engine-generator is utilized to provide the vehic
ogy Readiness Level (TRL) of the current MACE technology to support near term insertion into a spaceborne platorm. MACE will be used
wide area (WA) multi-threat hostile fre indication (HFI) system for remotely-piloted aircraft (RPA). The HFI system consists of a comparativ
a laser or electron beam melts a region of powder. Although parameters can be optimized for lowest cost, highest precision, or optimum m
sensors can often determine range and relative bearing to the signal source, but without knowing its own orientation, these data cannot b
PMT) with no at risk rare earth magnet materials that is smaller, lighter and more efficient than the existing alternator that uses rare earth
re. As a result, the wireless links in MANETs are subject to frequent deterioration in quality. MANETs are also susceptible to attacks due to c
0%), Camplyobacter jejuni, Shigella sonnei and Shigella flexneri, while Norovirus is a common viral cause. High risk regions for TD include a
ential threats and adversaries. Currently, training material is often tied to the implementation platorm and cannot be easily redeployed to
er, organize, and maintain knowledge relevant to stability operations. Two factors limit the militarys ability to manage stability operations.
ployment to the Middle East. While not appearing as an overt physical injury, disruptions of a psychological nature are often as debilitating
es show greater metabolic demands during gait and more limited mobility compared to non-disabled individuals. Currently, there is no low
land based Aegis missile to provide early intercept capability. The third stage rocket motor (TSRM) case in the interceptor payload has bee
f very high efficiency and robust transient operation. By virtue of intimate physical integration, without compromising system complexity, t
optical intensities and higher output and efficiency. Quasi-phase matched semiconductors show potential, particularly periodic orientation
PM) material for frequency conversion applications such as second harmonic generation (SHG) and optical parametric oscillation (OPO), du
d missile intercept applications. Inert projectiles offer signifcant logistical and safety advantages over conventional chemical propellants or
mes despite of many research efforts. ScienceTomorrow, in collaboration with Applied Research Lab of Penn State University and its OEM pa
e (CMC) fabrication with recent advances in Field Assisted Sintering Technology (FAST) to demonstrate dramatic cost reduction and improve
operational paradigms have evolved over many decades of experience. However, the anticipated introduction of unmanned aerial vehicles
tegral components of emerging large-scale cyber-physical systems that will be involved in future military operations. Aircraft carrier decks w
Oscillator (MOEO) provides the highest reported spectral purity at Ka-band in a package the size of a postage stamp. This technology, base
g that inherently restricts contiguous bandwidth coverage. Worse, even if one were capable of fabricating a set of such stabilized, frequenc
ess Semiconductor"s high volume manufacturing facility in Bloomington, MN. Schottky CMOS will have a profound impact on the pe
had the minimum required beamwidth and gain to view at least one GPS satellite anywhere on the earth any time of the day. We achieved
ation-hardened design platorm for building radiation-hardened Application Specifc Integrated Circuits (ASICs) with a gate count>10M a
ributed wireless network for use in jet turbines. The network nodes will be capable of supporting sensors to monitor environmental variab
decision and estimation methods for robust and persistent tracking of multiple targets with nonlinearities in measurement and dynamic m
acterize abnormal events detected at operational sites using the DF & NN patented Enterprise Satellite-as-a-Sensor (E-SAS) system. Th
ale up development of mid-bandgap (1.4 eV) chalcopyrite-based PV. We will optimize chemistries of the device, as well as enable increased
rid optical hardware and software metrology technology demonstrated in Phase I, achieving cost-effective, high-speed, and high-resolution
manned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and solider communication devices, transformative advances are needed to increase the electrochemical en
er to enable accurate navigation in GPS-challenged and GPS-denied environments. The architecture exploits INS as a core sensor and applie
hort-wavelength infrared (SWIR) and medium-wavelength infrared (MWIR) spectral range from 0.4 to 5µm wavelengths. The detectors are m
ard sensor data storage along with Ground Support Equipment (GSE) to download data from the SSD to a secondary data storage system. C
oss the unique complexities of the air, space and cyber domains in a way that maximizes utility of the available resources for addressing mis
become a resource for terrorists and criminals. Today, analysts must laboriously sift through vast amounts of data in order to"connect
al human trusting an individual computer, an individual computer trusting a server or network to which it is connecting, a server or network
rth Navigation (ALOEN) technology proven feasible in Phase I. ALOEN is a stand-alone, compact (12 in. x 10 in. x 8 in.), low-weight (6.4 lb), a
d the F-35 Lightning Joint Strike Fighter. Polyimide carbon fber composites offer performance benefts and tremendous operational cost s
tics Tool (MADSAT) to support the Armys intelligence and operational information and analysis requirements in the era of net-centric warfar
ve, and consequently, ill-suited for clinical applications. To overcome these limitations, we propose to develop a microfluidic stem cell analy
morbid stress and anger management disorders are experienced by substantial numbers of service members. Fortunately, a number of pro
rojected to exceed $2.26 billion by 2014. Methods for objective diagnosis of tinnitus are currently nonexistent and direly needed by the mi
arious targets of interest to MDA. The software will have an advanced computational engine, which will be optimized to run on Graphical Pr
s that produce ultra-high pressure tolerance and surface area vessels. These vessels enable physical storage of hydrogen through compress
nd remdiation at Edwards AFB. This new technique has demonstrated promise with similar materials and can be deployed in a modestly siz
nomous Cognitive Topology Management for highly Mobile Airborne Networks (ACTMAN). ACTMAN represents a comprehensive next gen
chniques on a 16 antenna array integrated with Silvus MIMO radios and CDL terminals from BAE Systems. This effort will advance the TRL o
available represents by far the most ever allocated at any one time, representing 50-times the bandwidth of the entire cellular spectrum. W
hat supports future generations of bandwidth efficient military satellite communications and communications links between Remotely Pilo
ed to a very precise location and provide a broad variety of information and intelligence from a denied territory in a deep Battlespace. This
d electromagnetic (EM) shielding for composite and advanced polymer materials systems. Conductive materials include metal coated carbo
geometries in a range of aerospace alloys. The forging process involves a number of steps required to attain favorable material properties (
ng of dual-use carbon fber/polyimide matrix composites with high thermo-oxidative stability (TOS) for use in aircraft components with serv
composites. It was found that a release layer on the aluminum tool with a microstructure similar to that of woven Teflon release plies wa
us composites. New developments include integration of discontinuous Galerkin ideas with the variational multiscale fnite element metho
E) devices developed from Vanderbilt proprietary laterally confgured VFE triode confgurations. As a prototype demonstration device, Scien
ver from the ground up with flexibility and ultra-low voltage in mind, we are able to achieve a 5-20x improvement in energy-efficiency whil
s. The reliability system features a System-on-Chip (SoC) that provides high frequency (X-band and L band) test signals to the Device Under
e purpose of this proposal is to improve the detection of defects when they are obscured due to physical limitations of CT. Lickenbrock has
erm integration on current and planned small and micro unmanned aerial systems (UAS). By using MEMS hair cells currently under develop
ses liquid coolant, specifcally a water-ethylene glycol mixture, for thermal management. Future active denial systems are expected to use
s and manual non-computer based methods for usability assessment along with providing methods for assisting in the remediation of prob
gent is available against West Nile and dengue viruses. Our goal is to develop peptide-derived therapeutics active against West Nile virus,
t between standard issue military footwear and expedition footwear available on the commercial market. While the provision of in-shoe fo
e scale of a city block. In Phase I, we successfully demonstrated that a system comprising retroft air purifcation, temporary shelters and m
ntrol USPL pulses in tactically relevant scenarios. This design substantially mitigates the disruptive influence of turbulence and includes tw
t higher carrier frequencies, which can be achieved only by direct digital representation of the RF signal itself, for both receivers and transm
al instability. To adequately respond, they must quickly and accurately analyze large amounts of raw information. Fortunately, through crow
mbination, is relevant, timely and accurate information, fltered to present the most pertinent data to the decision makers. Commanders h
AVs), but must operate at cryogenic temperatures. Commercial cryocoolers are large and inefficient and are unable to meet size, weight, an
) is the size of the cooler. For platorms on which there is the possibility of using a"thermal battery,"i.e., a reservoir of cryogenic
with non-segregated airspace, restricted operating regions, and sensor occlusions, while tracking and classifying potentially hundreds of targ
and commercial communications infrastructure. A key component in an RF photonic link is an electro-optic (EO) modulator, and current com
n low-noise microwave photonic links associated with military and commercial antenna applications. Specifcally, the modulator will be des
electromagnetic attacks (EMAs) in all their forms: nuclear electromagnetic pulse, high-power microwave, and ultra-wideband. The modula
ectly utilize the thermal and electrochemical effect of the fuel cell through Acumentrics"tubular technology. This intimate contact wit
avy with the opportunity to obtain an electric tail rotor drive system for implementation on existing naval helicopters. The proposing team&
cal awareness that can be deployed from a submerged submarine utilizing existing platorm capabilities. Progeny Systems Corporation pro
hly oxidizing conditions, survive>30 kg axial mechanical loads,>10 kg transverse balloting loads, thermal shock from surface temperat
nd prompt global strike. Inertial loads and high muzzle velocities impose severe operational conditions on the nosetips and suggest they sh
antly more than opaque armor at the same protection level. This is due to the large thicknesses required to provide the required ballistic pr
ile strength, toughness and impact resistance. Novel techniques will be developed for the design and manufacturing of these lightweight c
ss, GeminiTM spaced armor technology, advanced QuintiumTM polymer and a proprietary interlayer (TAS1411) to reduce weight by over 3
m, 685 nm, 700 nm, and 735 nm for airborne detection of ocean mines. The diode pumped solid-state laser system consists of a master osc
n the beach and floating/submerged mines in the ocean. Q-Peak and PSI have collaborated to submit a proposal that leverages the laser sys
ctive validity overall. However, current Navy selection tools are not good predictors of performance for Navy air system AVOs. In our target
ons include target illumination and detection, terrain/object/building mapping, construction, surveillance, industrial process control, and fre
uot;need-to-share"paradigm to aid in historical cyber traffic analysis and cyber target discovery. The alert-to-share capability determ
cing the mission of the Air Force. Precision efforts, minimal collateral damage, rapid response, and nearly unlimited ammunition are comp
scillating heat pipe will be applied to a real world satellite electronics device to transform high heat flux (e.g. 100-300W/cm2) at the device
re of a situation of interest. The goal is to increase the effectiveness of military surveillance by giving a more complete, integrated picture o
space-based infrared surveillance, tracking and targeting capabilities for missile early warning, missile defense, battlespace awareness and
ge pallets containing as many as a dozen skin tools with skin panels that need to be machined are loaded into a large enclosed environmen
etworks, FIRST RF proposes developing a small, lightweight, robust, multi-band antenna concept that can be adapted to provide customiza
s at V/W band, where the wave length decreases to 0.15. Wall designs suitable with acceptable transmission and cross polarization have be
bottleneck that currently exists between Hardware-in-the-loop (HWIL) Scene Generation computing clusters and the sensor stimulators. T
pler, caused by ionospheric disturbances. Without mitigation of these effects, there is no doubt that the natural ionosphere is a major issu
metric amplifers, oscillators, and transducers. In the transmitter at a remote site A, a parametric amplifer using a Planck-mass-scale, movin
RF devices and capabilities into multifunction Electronic Warfare (EW)/Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) networks withou
nd capabilities into EW/ISR networks. We achieve these requirements by employing subject matter experts that include former EW officers
gines by realizing a pressure rise through the combustor as opposed to a pressure drop. One drawback to this form of combustion is the cy
vices. Integrating PGC concepts in gas turbine engines often results in highly unsteady flow conditions at turbine inlet. Further, the backpre
the unsteadiness of the pulse generated pressures, temperatures and swirl to provide the flow information needed to optimize the turbine
onation combustor/engine (PDC/PDE). In Phase I, a discontinuous-Galerkin, harmonic balance code from the University of Cincinnati (UC) w
erials, structural design, and analyses personnel are responding to the opportunity to develop stochastically verifed composite structural d
h Title 14 of the
aerostructures Code
has beenofexpensive
Federal Regulations regarding
and slow. Custom airworthiness
tooling type
is required forcertifcation requirements
each part produced, for composite
signifcant aircraft structures
capital investment nece
is required to

e the high cost of engineering and the cost of certifcation. Unless manufacturers can control risk when introducing new materials and pro
problems with current computational resources. The idea behind the proposed technique is the use of analytical rotated overset grids to d
otropic mesh adaptation software module for enabling the efficient computation of high Reynolds number flows in large computational dom
nably accurate in assessing the hydrodynamic performance of naval vessels, the effort required to develop associated analysis models rema
rudimentary manipulation results in excessive time spent working a problem underwater, development of task specifc tools that can be op
ost fuel efficiency. However, composites are susceptible to adhesive bond quality issues, including kissing bonds which may occur because o
antitative evaluation of bond shear strength and assessment of adhesive bond quality in airframe sandwich structures. The proposed appr
ds and bondline integrity in aerospace composites since no currently accepted standard exists. In response AS & T Inc. propose, the C
e defense technologies, both at the tactical and strategic levels. With the emergence of recent threats, plume signature phenomenology is
In order to image targets from long distance, it is important that imagers have high sensitivity and high resolution. This leads to technical g
al aptitude for a cognitive skill. The goal of Phase II is to develop a screening tool by expanding previous multi-dimensional approach develo
improving optimistic modeling techniques. The proposed EDAptive PROMOTE solution, focuses on diagnosing, fxing, and reducing rollbac
ontinuation and development of CDC compaction of W-25Re and other composite materials, processing optimization, fabricating test coupo
feasibility of LED arrays of up to 2048x2048 pixels. In this effort, we seek to further increase the resolution of these arrays by developing te
s available. There is a recent research activity in computer vision community that aims to reconstruct 3-d structure of the observed scenes
nalysis of aerial images in search of elements of interest. Conventional display design for ELT software requires analysts to take their eyes a
when exploiting multiple forms of sensor data. Faced with adaptable adversaries, analysts require advanced training tools that span a vari
ustained rates of fre, require erosion-resistant, high temperature materials and techniques to integrate them. The goal of this program is t
ntrol of turbulent combustion in high-pressure combustion systems by developing a set of game-changing nonlinear analysis tools that can
red data. Models with parameters distributed probabilistically require the estimates of a probability measure over the set of admissible pa
nician, which suffers from a lack of quantifcation, irregular and anecdotal reporting, and does not necessarily include input from caregivers
ntaneous healing. Currently these injuries lead to major impairment of voluntary muscle function in the limbs and extremities, making task
ed at extending this technology to the point that a reliable training regimen can be deployed to a wide range of service and working dogs. T
ve neuroscience studies employing fMRI imaging of the brains of unrestrained dogs while they are in an awake and responsive state. IK9 is
ilable. At the heart of these systems are precision acceleration and rotation sensors. Recently, MEMS-based accelerometers have found wi
oposes to develop a Compact Integrated Silicon Nitride Microresonator Accelerometer (OPTIMA), which is based on a combination of a hig
e new devices can be readily installed without hardware or software changes elsewhere in the network. It is known that achieving this goa
to 1,000 kRPM at power densities of 40 kW/kg (excluding heat exchanger) with an overall system efficiency of 95% or better. Such a motor/
mperature applications such as hot gas stream components in turbine engines. Such alloys are being characterized for their monotonic ten
maceuticals from indigenous commensal microbes to enhance gastrointestinal health in the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). The d
harbors and detect underwater mines. The maintenance and betterment of health of these dolphins in captivity is a priority in order to imp
trategy whereby"safe"systems are still monitored to detect breaches and respond to them. Unfortunately, such monitoring is c
e time, software requirements are frequently dynamic, evolving even during active development cycles. Discrepancies between how softw
of these wakes. Airwake computations guide the design of ship superstructures, improve the fdelity of flight simulators, and save time and
quely innovative approach to measuring the three-dimensional air wake velocity feld behind ship structures and towers. The velocity data
ally lengthy missions. Ideally, such systems would incorporate current and historical data into their decision making processes to generalize
nal memory models for on-board exploitation of long-duration sensor data streams to enable autonomous missions in unknown environm
ly large amounts of data over the course of a mission. Even autonomous systems with high storage capacities can run into storage limitatio
ensity (HED) power source based on the principles of thermophotovoltaics (TPV). The core technology of the HED power source is a novel h
version needed in applications such as portable power systems and unmanned aerial vehicles. A key challenge with TPV energy systems is a
rm, a thermal emitter and a photovoltaic converter. Since these systems typically have no or few moving parts, they provide a long term ma
s a growing need to develop compact, robust systems for cooling, trapping, and studying these elements. In this proposal, ColdQuanta will
dard developed under the DARPA IMPACT program. In phase I we will investigate performance enhancements resulting from immobilizing
s vector atomic magnetometer or a scalar (total feld) atomic magnetometer. We furthermore operate the magnetometer in a regime that i
ns. Today"s information systems often overwhelm decision makers still further. Attention to results of cognitive science can contribut
mmand and control systems must provide the users with the right information, at the right time, depending on the context in which they a
pport systems. Modern military task displays often omit important context which can lead to singifcant errors. This problem is exemplifed
nce in carbon
nifcantly fberrim
increase based high speed
rotational flywheel
velocity systems,
and increase to design
storage anddensity/
energy build a 100K RPM
unit as flywheelbysystem.
identifed Unlike
the Navy as a steel flywheelfor
pre-requisite technologie

a high-speed shock tolerant composite flywheel energy storage system (FESS) using a low cost manufacturing process. The Phase I tradeoff
h seawater. Mine detection programs such as the Coastal Battlefeld Reconnaissance and Analysis (COBRA) system and the Airborne Laser
ata requires scalable information extraction and fusion in collaboration between Man and Machine reasoning. SoarTech, with its proven tra
cient and timely automated production and dissemination of information products in support of doctrinal Decision Points for the Company
Several methods enabling these new features have been developed and tested in recent years and are mature enough for transition. Effort
anging systems, designators, or high-energy lasers as weapons themselves. Countering the threat requires detection of the incident laser ra
y is proposing a compact, high efficiency, diode pumped solid state, q-switched laser based on novel laser diode pumps and a unique solid s
n excess of 1kV that can be used in the demonstration of power amplifers operating at 1 GHz with power added efficiencies in excess of 9
cean environment and properties of the acoustic sources, receivers and waveforms that make up ocean-going acoustic systems of interest t
ple'patches'designed to cover the body for ECG, EEG and EMG acquisition along with auxiliary sensors for temperature and m
ht sensors can provide important information related to both the physical and mental state of the subject. Although sensing modalities and
op and mature models to predict mechanical properties of refractory alloys with an eye toward tailoring these alloys for specifc application
earability, hygiene and signal quality. These device attributes are aligned with the goal of closely coupling devices to the body for best-qual
ve 100 Watt output and greater than 90% efficiency at 1 GHz with 10% bandwidths. We will seek to demonstrate switch-mode amplifers th
ver wide spectral range from the visible to infrared and provide sufficient dynamic range to measure the irradiance levels seen in practice. O
bined approach of extending the wavelength spectrum and dynamic range of current State of the Art laser warning systems. The proposed
hness that has found success in a wide variety of applications ranging from drilling bits to armor piercing projectiles. However, with the cla
gn and analysis tool that will signifcantly reduce the time and costs associated with V & V of complex cyber-physical systems-of-system
ems of systems. The core of the approach is to enhance a system modeling language with sufficient formalism to enable such reasoning at b
urement system capable of operating at temperatures>900°C (1652°F) and streaming static and dynamic data at 5kHz. The system will co
h temperatures is critically important for the development of materials that will enable the next generation of military aircraft, including hyp
oward more electric designs. In response, we propose to develop a system that operates at extremely high speed to provide ultra-high pow
ary computationally-driven frst-principles framework for discovery and design of non-RE-containing alloys for high temperature application
ations. Many microwave tunable devices are bulky and incompatible with RF semiconductor IC technology. The slow tuning response speed
en carbide (WC) metal matrix composite for use as a non-carcinogenic penetrator for armor piercing (AP) munitions for small arms. The ob
d framework for analysis of plastically bonded energetic materials at meso and micro scales. A unique data-mining strategy and model redu
e but cannot meet todays more stringent safety and environmental requirements. Unfortunately, in newer compounds created to replace t
nd geometries that will enable tactical SIGINT exploitation of traditional and non-traditional signals of interest ("NTSOI") for th
g in signifcant system level benefts. On legacy aircraft such as the C-130 and its various versions, incorporation of conformal antennas pose
Many of these aircraft were designed before modern prediction methods and flow controls were available and it is probable that operating c
an excite aircraft structural modes and lead to buffet, flutter, or fatigue-induced failures. Rigorous numerical simulations, wind tunnel and
oor due to the weapons bay, transient surface motions, and fluid-structure interaction. The goal of the program is to develop a methodolo
modules into a multidisciplinary analysis and optimization (MDAO) process in order to enhance propeller design and efficiency across a rang
develop a novel tool for advanced propulsion system design, in particular the open rotor system. The novel design architecture is an enhanc
CW) or quasi-continuous-wave (QCW) operation at room temperature (RT) in the MWIR (3-5 micron) and LWIR (8-12 micron) regions. Whi
an be manufactured in various form factors including flexible cells, based on novel metal hydrated ruthenium (IV) oxide chemistry. The cell
to operate independent of surface vessel conditions allows artic measures when traditional means is not possible. It is now well agreed tha
including - electron upsets, damage to components, power system debilities, and complete satellite failures - are attributed to spacecraft c
comprise of a micro-antenna tuned to terahertz reception and an integrated Metal-Insulator-Metal diode. This system captures infrared rad
optic beam-steering technology that utilizes ultra-fast electro-optic active plasmonic waveguide arrays to achieve very wide scanning angle
this weight a diver will be able to self-propel using his legs and fns. The system must ensure the divers safety at a working depth of 1000 ft
a high power, continuous wave (CW) Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) array. The output from the array elements will be beam combined mon
ed in employing conformal antennas to their aircraft. Because conformal antennas minimize the impact to the flight performance of aircraft
can be met using advanced propeller and propfan technology. However, identifying designs that balance performance and acoustics requi
ue to the Chinese monopoly of rare earth production, which undermines our national security and competitiveness in the defense and cle
and reliable systems for embedded systems. Compared to their desktop counterparts, embedded devices are facing more security challeng
mable multi-band compressive imaging system. The team demonstrated three key technical concepts that prove the feasibility of this pow
quipment (PPE) system designs are often extremely slow, expensive, and subjective, resulting in signifcant delays and expense in the feldi
erable to the attack that damaged it; so replacements should provide equivalent services implemented differently. This defense can be app
n deployed aircraft bay doors so as to allow aircraft designers to evaluate/include them in the early design process. As part of it, we will con
ide feld-of-view (WFOV) digital imagery to be displayed on high resolution microdisplays. These digital HMD systems require sensor prepro
VPHS) that will provide signifcant performance improvements over currently deployed systems. Our concept will achieve the government&
echnology and prototypes to meet the HVD objectives and will allow for the natural viewing of streaming 3D data from a variety of sources
(LVC) environments. Gateways and data translation specifcations assist different systems that use different communication protocols in cr
adiometer for measuring total path attenuation on a satellite to ground communications link. Design goals for this instrument include a com
rate to synchronize collective mission planning, briefng, and debriefng activities. To improve collaboration among distributed crews, techn
engine that is designed to provide the image processing requirements of helmet mounted imaging systems. The VPHS will input high resol
se capable of ingesting, conflating, and aligning a wide range of static and dynamic data. The system will implement a massively parallel co
n addition, retroft of a more capable HUD into an existing airframe is complex and the bulk of the HUD competes with other display system
play. We have designed a optical system with a minimal number of elements that can readily be reconfgured to ft multiple cockpits witho
to develop modeling capabilities to be used with portable sensing platorms for predicting the transport and dispersion of volatile organic
ces on both unclassifed and classifed networks. For the unclassifed use scenario, these mobile devices may be enterprise owned or pers
Control Technology (PROACT), to meet the Air Force objective, namely"develop a standards-based access control mechanism that wil
is critically needed by our warfghters in today"s complex battlefeld environment. To address this need, CFDRC is proposing an innov
rvicing Requests for Information (RFI) because of the growing plethora of GMTI collection systems and multiple forensic data archives; how
sensor data has outstripped the ability of existing evaluation tools and techniques. The work proposed here will result in two key products:
on, targeted for recipients? geographic locations, fltered on their credentials, made persistently available if so designated, and tailored for
and Control, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) aircraft prevents the Air Force from realizing the full capability of its airborne r
ed by space-based IR sensors. The IR data is typically massive and needs to be made available to warfghters via a very narrow (56k) comm
eir performance improves, incorporating digital beam-former (DBF) designs into future SATCOM satellite payloads has become an increasin
tic spread spectrum waveform for utilization in secure communications over the target Air Force SATCOM environments. The focus will be
dress the Air Force"s needs to reduce size, weight and power (SWaP) of future SATCOM terminal equipment. Our proposed solution
all information is equally credible or trustworthy. What is needed is the ability to examine inconsistencies in contextusing an understandin
analysis tasks. Using knowledge extracted from various sources, including entities, relations, and events, intelligence analysts identify releva
f loosely connected cells marked by centralized decision making but decentralized execution of operations, where individuals are increasin
i-automated resolution of conflicting, suspicious, inconsistent and deceptive information (CSI-Info). The methods employed will adapt prev
s amounts of data, much of which may be used in a cross-domain security context. All of this data must be assigned an appropriate classifc
CDD-AAID) to seamlessly support the flow of correctly classifed, releasable security metadata to enable rapid dissemination of intelligence
unctional lines. Despite the increasing sophistication of the information systems supporting them, Warfghters are confronted with"st
fcally, military commanders and operators do not have timely and accurate information about what resources are available to them, where
e force capability management across air, cyber, and space domains. To achieve this goal, we will use semantic web tools and standards to d
t is crucial to protect them against new and unknown threats. The feld of trusted computing has grown to provide assurances that the soft
ex network infrastructure, determine a method for securing communications, and demonstrate the feasibility of our approach to quantify a
o accelerations and rotations in a small package using fast-light enhancement. In an optical IMU, the rotation sensitivity depends on the are
lex systems design. It involves building on an already developed engineering integration and trade study tool (ModelCenter) paired with a
er understanding of complex space systems, improve communications among key players in the research and development process, and aid
ormance, system architecture, cost, schedule, risk, standard compliance, and other factors that decision-makers need to address. A team o
nd increase efficiency (by over 20% relative) from the state-of-the art pulse tube cryocoolers and maintain its long life and low vibration ch
sponsorship of AFRL provides a robust sensing capability which includes passive and active sensors with search, detection, tracking, and im
istive emitter arrays fabricated on silicon (Si). There exist additonal wavelengths of interest whose emitter devices require fabrication in oth
timulation with high dynamic range. Our emitter technology is based on GaInAsSb quaternary semiconductor LED arrays hybridized to CMO
800 Hz with growth potential to 2 kHz, and a 1024x1024 spatial format scalable to 2kx2k in the future fabrication. The threshold operation
buted operation. These exercises produce mission data that must be disseminated to all local and remote players for instructional and rese
ted mission operations, i.e., LVC operations, are getting increasingly complex, exceeding the traditional capabilities of separate component
l Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new see-through Multi-Layer Aberration-Compensated Guided Image Conformal Head M
eployed head mounted displays. In addition to size, weight, and power shortcomings, current systems also fail to provide the high acuity an
nt holographic waveguide optical visor for potential integration with combat pilot helmet-mounted displays (HMDs), Luminit, LLC proposes
icine, security, and defense, among others. To study safety and potential health hazards of EM devices, high-fdelity voxelized anatomical b
zation, feed, and gimbal technologies, customized in an affordable, modular, scalable, low-profle high-efficiency antenna subsystem capab
fy the AF131-047 objective, to"Develop a cloud computing architecture that can transport infrared data securely and in compliance
tes. Adaptive beamforming further enhances this flexibility by more effectively removing interferers in the spatial domain. However, adap
s applications providing featureless transmission characteristics as well as the capability to overcome jamming or interference. BENEFIT: M
advantages over the above implementations by leveraging low-cost silicon CMOS technology. Our key technology in this SBIR is the IF L-ba
se and commercial sectors. Tactical SATCOM, such as WGS, require increasingly broadband information contents such as high resolution su
ge our mature commercial network traffic analysis system, FlowTraq, to design and implement a powerful new system, which we call FlowT
ace area and size distributions, and for time- and size-resolved collection of these particles for off-line analysis. This instrument combines t
on multirole aircraft, Third Dimension Technologies (TDT) proposes to develop a new low-cost Warfghter 3D Gaming Environment (W3DGE
ltiple roles, pilots are now presented with an extraordinarily complex set of tasks to master in comparison to third and fourth generation ai
e will create a high-fdelity, easily-deployable flight simulator to provide a training and rehearsal environment for next-generation multi-role
ency data from live aircraft, instrumented ranges, and distributed mission operations simulation environments is represents a unique and c
he effects of these devices on the human body. With today"s technology Air Force and other researchers are only able to model the e
enhance US military capability to defeat asymmetric threats. This program will develop the capability to predict the transport and dispersi
e enormous cognitive demands on operators and teams. When demands are too high or tasks are not properly allocated, performance deg
cK (CLOAK) system. CLOAK provides a comprehensive set of proven attestation methodologies, attesting the Remote Assets from the lowes
s on-the-move warfghters to send and receive time-critical alerts and advisories tailored for specifc geographic regions. A methodology a
s essential to the safety of the warfghter and successful execution of mission objectives. Personnel on-the-move present challenges to the
nnas on F-35. By leveraging a novel wideband low profle array architecture, signifcantly lower scan loss is achieved; this provides stronger
h military and commercial applications. The need for high speed inter-flight communication and data transfer is validated by the existence
for SATCOM links for airborne ISR assets and the data products they generate, such as full motion video and EO/IR imagery and data. Prio
ses. Naturally, this calls for a higher bandwidth communication backbone in the feld. This demand has spawned a requisite for an airborn
agement capability for the Air Force, which we will name CIRRUS, short for Cloud-based IR Remote User Services. CIRRUS will provide high
crodisplays utilized. A high-performance, low-cost microdisplay system is proposed, based on a 4096 x 2240 resolution (4.5um pixel pitch)
single image makes it an invaluable asset to the military. Although providing this capability for helmet mounted display (HMD) systems pos
ging prior synthetic teammate research to develop a generalized and reusable natural language interaction (NLI) development toolkit for co
dios as a Low-Power-Cost-Weight, Rapidly-Installable, Medium-Range, Interplane Communications Capability (LIMRICC) between US Air Fo
V and W bands using only a passive ground-based sensor. The sensor measures the radiometric sky temperature in sub-bands between 66-
case of remotely piloted aircrafts (RPA), their small size, slower cruise speeds and climb rates exacerbate the probability of their involveme
TTRE) built upon Prepar3D, a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS), visual simulation platorm. Lockheed Martin, the developer of Prepar3D and
lation environment, capable of predicting the spatio-temporal distribution of Volatile Organic Chemical (VOC) levels emitted by a person fo
AC) mechanism that goes beyond (yet leverages) traditional Attribute/Role Based Access Control (ABAC/RBAC) approaches. We propose to
posts requires a high degree of robustness and redundancy in the event of a nuclear attack. One key feature of this transmission and rece
logistics infrastructure and response-coordination capability. With an increasingly-global proliferation of nuclear capability, Air Force faces
tric IR sensor, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new Multi-Aperture Coherent Interferometric Telescopic Array Infra
e new system is based on interferometric principles, is scalable, light-weight, and uses easily replicable inexpensive optics. The optics, dete
nics modules inserted into a card carrier, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new Separable near-Isothermal Refresha
for remotely piloted aircraft (RPA). After idenfying and assessing the approaches, this effort develops the most promising and commerciall
next generation Head Mounted Display (HMD) requirements and pave the way for practical real time holography for holographic video dis
n the night". As night vision goggle technology has matured, we have required more from pilots and are asking them to fly multi-role
rtunity to advance 3D displays to a new level of performance. HOLOEYE Systems, Inc. (HSI) is actively involved in the development of ultra-
sitive aerosol monitoring instruments, and even dilute concentrations can be linked to health hazards. Without a means to detect airborne
nhaled, however, engineered nanomaterials (NMs) can elicit adverse cardiopulmonary health outcomes that scale more closely with particl
e areas of role-based competency defnition through the use of Mission-Essential Competencies (MECs), live-virtual-constructive (LVC) simu
n be used to expand the exit pupil but cannot be used to expand the feld of view or improve angular resolution. SBG Labs has developed a
s operations using Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) and in Air Operations Centers (AOC). Training Airmen for these operations using simulatio
team training. To mitigate this training availability problem, training simulations need to incorporate constructive entities as teammates in a
y mitigate thermal loading associated with munitions flight speeds greater than Mach 5. Excessive thermal loading causes the viewing dom
ave infrared (LWIR) capable of extended operation at a speed between Mach 4 and Mach 7 and an altitude between 50,000 and 70,000ft, f
uster production, formed into an atomic beam, accelerated and implanted into polymers of interest for air stability studies as well as prelim
on that occurs on the particle surface, which leads to signifcantly diminished performance during combustion. We propose to improve the
sidual missile fuel to generate a detonative event that will signifcantly enhance the blast of the warhead upon impact. This entails the des
sign, develop, and demonstrate an innovative"Single Event Fuel-Oxidizer Explosive"(SEFOES) to augment the fuel-air explosion
ichimetric conditions and then detonate or at least deflagrate the cloud with a single event system. Our concept relies upon rapid shock c
vides two way wireless communication through earth, water, and salt water. The range through these media is anticipated to be signifcant
) system for on-board data acquisition (OBDA) and fuzing systems used during weapon development research programs. The Phase I effort
ased on McQ"s extensive RF communication, embedded electronics, data recorder, and shock hardening experience, it will develop a
mposites that mitigate corrosion and provide EMI shielding under severe mechanical strain over a temperature range of -145°C to 450°C. O
deband electromagnetic shielding and high power microwave hardening of aircraft signal and power cables. Materials Research Institute p
bility to efficiently absorb the electromagnetic radiation in strategic bands in the RF and microwave region is anticipated to provide valuable
dio frequency (RF) transmission and shielding properties for military aircraft. Materials that allow RF transmission at sensing/communicatio
timal shielding materials. The structure will provide a 65 to 75% weight reduction over an aluminum or steel enclosure while providing the
stems have been used extensively in enclosures for due to their signifcant weight and manufacturing advantages, but have not been able t
advancement of unmanned air vehicles (UAVs), operating envelopes at high altitudes are evolving. UAVs are loitering at high altitudes for u
altitude unmanned aircraft. These new mission requirements translate into service temperatures as low as -100oF and as high as 275oF, in
es. Such operation can cause sections of the aircraft to experience temperatures as low as -100°F, much below the traditional aircraft minim
ents to optimize but one that is often overlooked is faceplate. The faceplate serves both as a substrate for the photocathode as well as a m
g surface traveling waves. Maintenance of these coatings has been historically difficult. Specialized aircraft coatings can degrade over time
ware in the loop (HWIL) stimulation of imaging sensors. Presently, a majority of the image projection systems are based on micro-resistor a
g and semiactive laser (SAL) guidance in a gimbal-free concept, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new ultrawide-fe
being multi-waveband passive infrared imaging, and the second mode being a semi-active laser (SAL). The multimode system is required b
SBIR will pursue development of a Semi-active Laser (SAL) sensor and a passive infrared (IR) sensor into an integrated seeker for precision a
livered weapons by providing a low cost, small form factor, multi-function radar seeker which has a flexible architecture which supports m
munication systems design; radar systems design; electromagnetics (EM) analysis and modeling; antenna design; RF design; advanced proc
which will have high air and moisture stability, energy density and burn rate compared to current state-of-art technology. The proposed app
s applications; however, the practical application of the technology has not matched its promise. One area of particular interest is in produc
quency (RF) interference from external electric equipment. The proposed approach is to reduce the weight of the shielded enclosure while
tly parallel or grazing to the plane of the surface. This is in contrast to the phenomena of specular reflection, where incident energy is at so
and, optical-fber-coupled microwave-feld sensors that can be used for the test and evaluation of coatings applied to the surface of aircraft
ating (A2IC) system to recoat damaged or worn air inlets of performance aircraft. This innovative design will signifcantly reduce downtime
rformance coatings to the inlet ducts of several major programs. These successful systems are comprised of off-the-shelf FANUC robots out
and engine systems. In order to facilitate the accelerated insertion of new composite materials, there is a need for an improved analysis m
geometries in a wide range of aerospace alloys. The forging process involves a number of steps required to attain favorable material proper
nal mobility as their weapon systems. This SBIR topic seeks innovative antenna designs for unmanned aerial vehicles that are robust enoug
ation at stand-off ranges. These systems require relatively short pulse width, transform-limited linewidth pulsed lasers with high pulse ener
urate geo-registration and navigation while precisely characterizing their uncertainties. The framework adopts a multi-pose constrained esti
ming prevalent in the surveillance community. A universal shortcoming of these algorithms is their inability to provide an accurate estimat
oduction of more-electric aircraft, increasing requirements for on-demand high-quality power for flight controls and electro-mechanical ac
o perform research, development and demonstration of energy management optimization tools based upon existing UIUC and CUA experti
ks capable of operation up to 500oC, based on 4H-SiC complementary lateral JFET technology. The following integrated circuits will be desig
l managements of high power electronic components. The proposed TIMs is composed of highly conductive fbers to improve the bulk ther
Air Force. Continued development of these vehicles relies on the ability to cool the combustor using the fuel. The cooling capacity of kero
ms (EPS) on modern airborne platorms. In addition to ever expanding peak and regenerative power demands, several of the loads can intro
sing energy density, while maintaining or improving ignition characteristics of the bulk fuel. When used in stable dispersions of small perce
ergy of liquid propellants via addition of stabilized aluminum nanoparticles. Aluminum oxidizes readily to create aluminum oxide and releas
will hinge on the ability to enhance the efficiency for low fuel burn while maintaining world-class performance. Florida Turbine Technologie
ns with a high degree of specifcity to nonvolatile soot. Currently, no single instrument is available that can provide complete characterizati
RF, rapid product development, integration and miniaturization efforts by Coherent Logix, Incorporated. The proposed Xwatch program ha
t aircraft (MV-22 or CH-53) as it potentially exposes Marines and aircraft to enemy hostilities for a signifcant duration of time as 120mm mo
l weapons platorms, specifcally the Radio Frequency Vehicle Stopper (RFVS) and the Active Denial Technology (ADT) system. In the Phase
e System (FiNEAS) that was developed and proven feasible in Phase I. This self-powered system employs a sonar to locate fshing nets at dis
tethered wing. The system will be capable of generating 10 kW and will be equipped with a backup generator for use during periods of low
hase I, with third-party UXV software integration. * Designing interfaces and data models for planning, executing, and assessing *multivaria
and Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP), thereby enabling use on a variety of previously inaccessible platorms (e.g., soldier mounted, UAV/M
he bearing so as to enable axial bearing movement independent of bearing rotation. HMCs rationale for this approach was that the deline
o the receiver. However, next generation radars have increased transmit power and existing limiters are not able to protect the receivers. T
sites. This research leverages hardware previously developed by Metis Design Corporation (MDC), including distributed digitization hardwa
eddy current inspections on steam condensers. The system aligns the eddy current inspection probe over the appropriate condenser tube
mprove upon existing sensor and data registration solutions by implementing internal models capable of adapting to highly variable opera
packaging technology for application temperatures up to 1350 & #176;C, and demonstrated them in the combustion environments of
g waterjet technology. This non-abrasive technology uses the growth and collapse of cavitating microstructures in the submerged jet over t
logy based solutions. In Phase I of this SBIR, Voci demonstrated the feasibility of automatically clustering audio with useful false-positive an
s a B-Band surrogate for the satellite that provides a S-WCDMA or WCDMA bent pipe to a MUOS-Aero compatible Base Station. This archite
e, including between individual dismounted infantrymen. Competing wireless services, self-protection electronic countermeasures (CREW),
e targets (small boats, periscopes, and land vehicles) and dismounts that extends across the open water, surf zone, and beach. This suite o
c."s (UTRS) approach to continuing the design and development of the Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) Workbench and the
time intensive. The range of experience in the MCM staff further complicates these processes. Existing tools such as MEDAL provide some s
cing, in Phase II, the new See-Through Enabled Efficient Adaptively Focused Lightweight Low-Cost Head-Worn Display (SEEALL-HWD) system
ask Management. Progeny will establish the TRACKER software design by analyzing required functionality, decomposing the system into a s
Areas such as harbors and other close quarters navigation and operation are an expanding area of mission requirements. Specifcally, surfa
ptics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new Handheld Size-Resolved Particulate Monitor (HASPAM). This proposed technology is bas
d verifying such systems. Vecna will address this challenging problem by investigating and developing four key desirable characteristics of su
asures in designing electronic systems in enclosed or partially enclosed spaces) with a strong potential for breaking the barriers in terms of
t the input fber bundle, the combining section, and the output to the gain fber can be individually improved and optimized and then the c
ulation capabilities to support improved investment decisions throughout the weapon system lifecycle. Specifcally, the main objective of
d in the RPA fuel tank to continuously measure, update and report Cetane number to the engine electronics for control of engine settings fo
Endurance (IMPULSE) to provide a paradigm shift in the performance of small unmanned aircraft systems (SUAS). The development of IMP
ce proposes a 2-ITB, 500 LBT turbo-fan engine equipped with ITB driven fan capable of running a generator, thru a second ITB in variable m
ew backdrop against which the performance of traditional aircraft powerplant technology is no longer acceptable. Thermal efficiencies of
. The work to be performed in the fve tasks within the 9 month Phase I effort is described in detail in the full proposal. The applicable aircr
mance, reliability, maintainability, cost and supportability. Mission requirements such as extended endurance, increased power for auxiliar
able speed inputs from either the internal combustion/heavy fuel engine (IC/HFE) or the high speed permanent magnet motor (PMM). Thi
ng life and heat generation models. Since the internal bearing geometry changes with temperature, mechanical stresses, contributing to fa
re large flight loads like hydraulic actuators are replaced with electrical analogs powered by high voltage (270) direct current (DC) systems.
esignated AUG3D, that is intended to provide physics-based, multi-level, validated computational simulations of turbine engine component
ultiple heterogeneous sensor streams of remotely linked data for which training is essential for effective mission execution. These new sup
e technologically advanced they are expensive to procure and operate. Signifcant cost reduction would be a major beneft. One of the prim
s in maintenance action efficiency, increases in safety, and reductions in cost. Current HUMS provide diagnostic and prognostic information
e I program, General Nano demonstrated the ability to improve the mechanical and electrical properties or existing laminated composites u
Einstein Condensates (BECs), with applications including BEC fundamental science experiments, sensors and atomic clocks. Operational fea
y equipment that is currently cooled with 80°F air that is produced by a 40°F chilled water supply. Shipboard chiller efficiency can be increa
tube. There are three primary challenges with this approach: First, existing magnetometer systems are too large to ft on a typical tube-lau
(OTW)-synchronized RF environment emulator technology prototyped and demonstrated in Phase I. The Phase II design and development
he goal of the Phase II effort is to mature that sensor into a system that can be qualifed in spherical bearings such as AS81820 and AS8181
el of damage, the part will require repair or replacement to make operable and safe for flight. While there are many different types of repa
duct an approach to near-Category I precision utilizing Precision Encrypted Y Code available on both L1 and L2 signals from the Global Posi
ocessing has allowed for the detection of some smaller and faster targets, largely due to the wake generated by the boats. However, detecti
y (RF) jammers and radar emitters across the Information Operations Range (IOR), Physical Optics Corporation (POC) is developing a new Ja
Architecture (SOA) that will leverage the connectivity of the GIG to enable Network Centric interoperability and collaboration between Mar
ehicles. The mission success hinges on timely and accurate decision-making for responding to dynamic situations in the area of operations
challenge in that collision threats can be either cooperative or non-cooperative. Cooperative aircraft are here defned as being equipped w
kdown voltages of 1000 V and linear current of 50 A. These devices will be fabricated through a combination of novel epitaxial structures an
ed a design for an ultra-wideband, power-efficient, high-performance analog-to-digital converter (ADC) using a novel combination of electr
ce polymer dielectric compositions, low-cost capacitor production process, and robust capacitor design guided by modeling. It is expected
n of the purpose of the operation and the desired end state. In addition, it is supporting intent across multiple operations and missions. Inc
Mounted Displays (HMDs) incorporating scanning optical fbers. The single mode optical fber preserves the coherence of the light source,
zer and coherent lidar system. This system will be capable of real-time measurement of both local and standoff particle emissions with com
nformation Grid Interface for Electronic Warfare systems small business innovative research (SBIR) program provides a comprehensive Serv
;s high daily rate of touch-labor maintenance and rapid return-to-service. One barrier to HVM is scheduling of the maintenance. Currently,
touch-labor maintenance and rapid return-to-service. We propose to research the best concepts in the commercial and military arenas to
s to remote feld stations. Current limitations in the computational capabilities of mobile computing devices require that the software be p
orithms for"Operational Specifc Emitter Identifcation (SEI)", aka Specifc Emitter Tracking (SET) or Combat Identifcation (CID),
s for traditional electronic intelligence (ELINT) emitter identifcation (ID) methods: (1) the sheer increase in radio frequency (RF) emitters sh
is software for computing aircraft store trajectories and quantifying the risk of trajectory deviations resulting from unsteady flow in the we
vated risk for adverse separation events. The methods developed will require from the user only data that is typically available prior to deta
highly-resolved Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) data which has been compressed and stored in an ea
strain of structural components in high temperature harsh environment applications. During Phase I, Environetix will leverage extensive ex
ly piloted aircraft (RPA) to perform real-time reporting of mid-air-collision (MAC) threats, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to dev
oves large amounts of waste heat from aircraft with negligible impacts on signature and aerodynamic performance. Our WHRS absorbs he
d other electrically based technologies from aircraft is proposed. The proposed innovation removes heat from air platorms in a manner tha
rcial digital systems, and the most common cause of electronic data corruption for many of these systems is electromagnetic interference (
tems and cause mission abort or even endanger the crew. HPEM energy couples into these systems mostly through the conductors in the
s a reduction in non-linearities of the power amplifer sections. Fiber non-linearities, such as stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) and stimu
esses the specifc challenges associated with counter-pumping large-mode-area (LMA) double-clad gain fbers. Based on modeling and de
ble for all current phased array control technologies. The proposed beam director signifcantly simplifes the design of HEL phased arrays b
t and lightweight beam director design for high energy laser phased array weapon systems. Our expertise in target based phase measurem
airborne platorms, Optonicus proposes the development of a new Advanced Phased Array for Conformal High Energy (APACHE) weapon s
rs of 1kW and up, i2C Solutions propose the development of a conformal thermal ground plane (TGP) technology to interface with heat sin
kW) fber amplifers, Optonicus proposes the development of the FibeR Array Cooling and Holding Management SystEm (FRAME) for high p
ell as scintillation and atmospheric turbulence. The approach makes use of flexible, parametrized vehicle models that are capable of repre
g of the laser weapon. Even in an environment free from the effects of the atmosphere, there is still the issue of pointing the laser weapon
poses to develop a new clip-on Sensor-Fused Multispectral Adaptive Low-Power Low-Weight Enhanced Resolution Helmet-Mounted Displa
ve infrared (SWIR) cameras, an embedded image processor and dual digital displays to present the imagery to the pilot. The SWIR cameras
e desired COTS portable mobile device, whether it be an Android-based smartphone or a Windows-based tablet computer. The SOE is one
te, and standardized releasability markings. Existing sensors, information sources, and data processing tools do not all produce the require
-11-C-0046,"Design Tools For Highly Regular Circuit Geometries"to develop a set of design tools and analog cells specifcally fo
e coding and symbol rates to maximize throughput and minimize power consumption for a space-based W- and V- band transceiver. BENE
unication architectures using W-band (for uplink) and V-band (for downlink). An innovative approach to enable a very wideband modem fo
The product is a physics-based methodology and associated software for a analytical model to simulate the manufacturing process for Cera
band GNSS radio navigation spectrum, offering simultaneous anti-jam (A/J) and situational awareness (SA) functionality. Both the 4- and 7-
NSS emitters. Knowledge of the location of these emitters will enhance the situational awareness (SA) of weapon systems and improve the
st next generation, aircraft ready, self-reference (T & P compensated) multi-point fber optic oxygen sensor (FOxSense) network system
military aircraft operations. In particular, military aircraft emphasize mission capability as one of the primary objectives, thereby making relia
al (EMA) actuator for next-generation thin-wing military aircraft flight control. This topic seeks to develop advanced rotary EMA technologie
trol surfaces directly at the hinge line in the next generation of thin-wing aircraft. Proposed for this application is an advanced EMA techno
mal barrier coating architectures and processes to guide the design and selection of a newly defned material/coating system, and to demo
em capable of producing atomic and/or molecular beams with velocities corresponding to energies of 50-100 keV and suitable for Space ap
to effectively analyze FOB energy efficiency under various confgurations and assess the impacts of current and emerging conventional an
., welding, joining, machining, casting, heat treating, press ftting, etc.). They are of particular concern to the aerospace industry because t
tionary technical break-through required in the successful development of improved detection and mitigation of hot target saturation and i
nd pyrolysis (PIP) method is to ensure a fully dense matrix. Material loss during a pyrolysis cycle requires multiple reinfltration and pyrolys
model is derived from a consistent thermodynamic framework for diffusive-reactive flow of an anisotropic, non-linear viscoelastic fluid thro
the amplitude, phase, and frequency modulation of a returned signal. This enables the uses of holographic laser radar to obtain fne resolu
nd reporting in real-time the oxygen concentration in the fuel tank ullage of advanced tactical aircraft such as the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
nge of next-generation aircraft. To implement this strategy, we propose to develop a control system to confgure the Adaptive Power and T
ponent degradation, and undesirable interaction between the source and loads. Transient disturbances have historically been related to no
tion, and mass-based emission factors (indices) as an alternate to EPA Method 5 currently used by DoD for reporting turbine particulate ma
vatively results in annual fuel savings greater than $260 million. U.S. forces currently consume about 300,000 barrels of petroleum-based fu
ower Sources (MEHPS) needs of the United States Marine Corps (USMC) in the Medium power regime as described in the recent Analysis o
n and Warfghter vulnerability in theater. Fielded systems suffer from inefficiency, weight, bulkiness, high cost and inadequate autonomous
eet operation specifcations and to identify areas that require rework to meet tight manufacturing tolerances. Current measurement metho
an be tailored to minimize the vulnerability of flexible electronic devices to environmental threats commonly encountered during military u
ed Aerial Systems (SUAS) equipped with Wide Area Motion Imagery (WAMI) sensors. Given the increasing image capabilities and the small
eo processors for small unmanned aircraft systems. High defnition streaming, video processing and compression, low SWaP and fast devel
nsor"s feld of view using gimbals, or a high peak power laser pulse and a very large focal plane array at the imaging plane. Both tec
mission capability. Identifying regions of interest (often performed though object recognition) enables selective video compression and max
n sufficient image texture and a variety of divergent camera viewpoints, camera pose and scene structure are fully recoverable. Further, so
motion algorithms have advanced considerably in recent years, little work has been performed which leverages the constraints relied upon
a geosynchronous AEHF communication satellite is sought. Toyon proposes an electronically reconfgurable antenna (ERA) placed in the foc
ed Department of Defense (DoD) applications and needs with increased power demand and higher temperature operation ranges. To mak
EM boat ride control actuator. By exploiting the natural physical scaling laws we can create an even more efficient larger motor which opera
ners. Their prediction is very challenging due to nonlinear interactions between various complex phenomena, including acoustics, combus
ter for Advanced Technology (CCAT), is developing the concurrent use of multiple sensor types and methods to collect laser drilling proces
actors available, their specifc power and their cost. Traditional silicon solar panels are prohibitively large for widespread utilization, and ev
time radar function including the scheduler/controller, waveform generator, transmitter, and receiver in a closed loop fashion. The need for
m that includes specifcation of the feedback mechanism from the receiver to the transmitter and specifcation of performance metrics to a
I signal processing algorithm which a hybrid of two existing methods; along-track interferometry (ATI) and the displaced phase center ante
mination in a fber-pigtailed, W1-connectorized microwave package having the following specifcations: (a) Responsivity>0.7 A/W at 155
e used as additives in hydrocarbon based jet and liquid rocket fuels. Using our extensive experience in nanomaterials synthesis, processing
fuels using carbon based nano-particles, hence avoiding challenges currently being faced by metal-based particles including particle stabili
prediction of store separation. In this approach, multi-block structured Cartesian grids with varying grid resolution are used to cover the ma
ment applications by exploiting advances made in optoelectronic (OE) packaging. Presently, the cost associated with traditional hermetic ca
converter (ADC) that provides up to 30 dB dynamic range extension over the state-of-the-art. The pipelined ADC architecture includes both
ehicles subjected to landmine detonation to further explore, develop, and validate state-of-the-art numerical modeling and simulation (M&
ulants are too heavy for weight-sensitive applications, provide too little protection from water or oxygen, or are too difficult to apply in the
a laser or electron beam melts a region of powder. These powders can have an associated cost as much as an order of magnitude greater th
der to inhibit further corrosion on aluminum substrates. Many technologies have been developed in academia and industry to reliably iden
85285 compliant self-healing top coat; MIL-PRF-23377 Class N primer; chromate-free pretreatment) on repaired and restored aluminum. In
ng on insulated gate III-Nitride transistors MISHFETs - over SiC native nitride substrate. SET Inc patented GaN MISHFET technology offers ra
LOX compatible materials. This is especially true in LOX turbopumps, which have inducers, impellers, discharge volutes, and housings expo
urbomachinery of the rocket engines. The proposed coating system will provide thermal and environmental protection and at the same tim
echnology for fabricating dense arrays of micron-scale particle guns in bonded silicon wafer substrates. Individual micro-guns as small as o
ses coupled with acoustic phenomena is critical to quantitatively predict acoustic waves inherent to gas turbine engines, i.e. screech and ru
meet EPA and SAE E31 requirements for measurements of aircraft soot emissions. Combined with the software developed in this project,
e detection, characterization and mitigation modules that can be incorporated into the Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) Software Defned
er Mold Line (OML) of high performance aircraft which cannot be detected by standard lifetime predictions based on visual, electrical, or m
uter mold lines on aircraft (OMLs). Imaging through these layers with various electromagnetic and ultrasonic techniques are proven to be
nd Validation (CVV) of advanced, high-fdelity analytical models; and an validated analysis tool to predict material properties for new mate
astener depth and fll flushness on 5th generation fghter jets. This lightweight 3D"camera"will generate automated, snapshot
tersink measurement. In this proposal, X-wave Innovations, Inc. (XII) propose a handheld, non-contact, three-dimensional (3D) measureme
imaging in combination with model-based lens-flare estimation as a means of mitigating focal plane saturation and lens flare when extrem
tro-optical sensors. Saturation often leads to blooming or dilation of the saturated region, destroying data in surrounding regions. A means
M). In this process, parts are made by scanning an electron beam in a raster defned by a CAD fle over a powder bed such that powder is m
ser sintering (LS). These models will attempt to provide a basis for characterizing new LS material candidates, establishing a fundamental u
m compounds. Emerging coating technologies designed to replace chrome systems exhibit a glaring technical shortcoming, which is that h
h each is deployed with software modules of the clustering support, third-party video processing libraries, and an interface wrapper betwe
pendable Launch Vehicles (EELV"s). Video monitoring of Launch Vehicles (LV"s) during all stages of orbit insertion provides inv
om a satellite platorm. OPTRA proposes to address this need through the development of a grating-based hyperspectral compressive imag
mit-receive (T/R) modules for large communication phased array antennas. Design of the diplexer will include interconnection and distributi
rid solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and mesoscopic gas turbine engine generator (GTG) system with fuel-to-electricity efficiencies to 65%. The u
ponse Small SUAS (<30lb) capability. This requires fast dash (>150mph) while maintaining extended endurance (>15 hrs) on station
abeling based on advanced image processing and computer vision algorithms. The system allows a user to perform content based search a
ditions. Further, the process of updating an existing simulator database can be difficult and costly due to simulation database rights licensin
a miniaturized interferometric star tracker that operates in the near infrared region of the spectrum (MiST-IR). MIST-IR can detect the angu
rge for a long period of time, can be damaged permanently and then must be discarded. The USMC fnds it far too costly and impractical t
apable of switching loads up to 100 kW. The GCUs would be used in a system architecture where they allow for groups of loads to be gather
esigned for use in blast and ballistic testing. The ATD offers improved biofdelity compared to existing ATDs, with a frangible skeletal system
cy inertial navigation system (INS). This challenge is met using arrays of COTS MEMS inertial devices to fabricate a small light weight rugged
amplifer performance such as operational frequency and output power. These device improvements have in turn enabled performance an
d movement of ground, air and sea assets and threats and for precise navigation. For increased accuracy and anti-spoofng, the encrypted
portunity (SoOP) received by several participating cooperative nodes to derive the location of those nodes. The use of multiple transceiver
nied environments. A Signals-of-Opportunity Location Device ("SOLD"), previously demonstrated to yield 1m repeatable locatio
m National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is proposing to conduct research and development in the feld of IWC and CLW estimati
al Electron Count (TEC) estimates with uncertainty estimates that can be implemented in existing DoD GPS User Equipment (UE). Both the
atures. We propose to develop an innovative cryocooler with no mechanical moving parts that can provide cooling at temperatures below
eight has led to increases in aerodynamic/thermal loads that can induce flutter and resonance in blades responsible for structural fatigue.
as the potential to provide benefts to both the hosted payload user community and the host satellite providers. But getting rides to space
ent is the cooling system. Major developments of active cooling capabilities in terms of performance, capacity, reliability and cost remains
biggest error sources inherent in the use of critical systems such as Over the Horizon Radar (OTHR). OTHR is particularly susceptible to trave
radar (OTHR). The suite includes a 3-D ionospheric model coupled with a 3-D magneto-ionic ray tracing code. The propagation model will
ive amounts of data that have outpaced embedded processing capabilities. The mismatch between collection and processing capability res
ar settings all of the possible transmit and receive degrees of freedom to maximize radar performance. The available degrees of freedom,
Air Control Parties (TACP) obviates a small, lightweight antenna system that can withstand the rigors of dismounted operation. The propo
chnologies. The frst is a digital cancellation DSP technique that reduces both atmospheric noise and jamming signals within the desired p
capabilities. To allow dismounted forces to leverage this beneft requires very low size, weight, and power (SWaP) AEHF modems capable o
cterize moving targets on the ground, to be used on SWAP-limited radar systems under development or currently in use on DoD UAV Tier II
rne radar systems, resulting in better detection, geo-location, and characterization of all types of moving targets and ground clutter conditio
oard the Predator class UAV. The proposed antenna is a dual-band, full-duplex, mechanically scanned, array antenna that has very low los
hined electronically-scanned subarray planar aperture modules. A number of such subarray modules are then combined to form a flat or c
wer Photodiode (PD) that has a normal incident, pigtailed fber input and a coaxial RF output that operates from DC to>60GHz. We will
n constrained by Size Weight and Power (SWaP), including handheld systems, unmanned aerial or ground vehicles, and munitions/weapons
rray design to develop high gain wide scan arrays to enable beyond line-of-sight (BLOS) SATCOM links for Evolved Expendable Launch Vehic
cal development and demonstration of a very low-cost, multi-frequency, multi-beam phased array subarray technology. This low-cost suba
l mode resonators for the the design of the low cost diplexers for the GDPAA program.Miniature dual mode resonator based diplexers, in w
NSS antennas on small airframes where wavelengths are comparable to size of the airframe itself present a signifcant challenge. Conventio
, they have widely integrated in autonomous systems to determine the geo-location of objects. The vision-based geo-location systems have
nes and similar drive systems. Detailed approaches for modeling bearing material fatigue life, oil churning, and tribology are presented. Th
ilitary and commercial applications. For example, silicon carbide power electronics operate at much higher temperatures (~250 oC) than t
ough the development of technologies such as advanced endothermic fuels, fuel additives, catalysts or fuel cooling concepts for high-speed
Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new Electronically Scanned LADAR (ESLADAR), based on a novel integrated nonmechanical high-s
tion algorithms. We propose a new approach to SAR/HRR exploitation algorithms that emphasizes simple, well-understood target morphol
fly to produce imagery comprised of broadband, multi-spectral, hyperspectral, or any combination thereof, in the SWIR/MWIR range. Imag
pulsion and controls. A unique fuel cell composed of a high temperature PEM with a JP8 reformer will provide cruise power and trickle cha
uels such as the Fischer-Tropsch jet fuels and hydro-treated renewable jet fuels. However, there are combustion stability issues with altern
e coding and adaptive symbol rates. These adaptive features help maximize link throughput and minimize power consumption for SATCOM
bility are limited between satellites and remote tracking stations on the ground, and there are more requests for access than available reso
ibility of a distributed scheduling system capable of automatically optimizing ground communication resource allocation to space assets fus
ion planning and scheduling system (DICAMPSS) to implement an improved scheduling process and provide greater sharing and availability
spectrum sensing & management in hierarchical spectrum sharing games with primary users, secondary users, persistent jammers an
Delta Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ASIC. The ASIC will be designed to provide flexibility for variable bandwidth and variable resolutio
g systems normally used for electronics and sensor cooling suffer numerous drawbacks in space applications. Conversely, compact, solid-st
e-of-the-art cryptographic solutions to provide a hosted payload interface package. This hardware has flight heritage, and its modularity ha
cs (FISST) with Hiearchical Mixtures of Experts (HME) and Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation (MMAE). Advanced orbit determination flte
sma-shell technology to form novel engineered materials (metamaterials) for electromagnetic protection (EP) of space systems. The specif
ooling focal plane arrays (FPA) to temperatures below 123 K. The system will utilize a multiple stage magnetocaloric effect chain to reject he
the infrared Focal Plane Arrays. The cryocooler technical requirements for performance, size, mass, and power densitycoupled with the pr
rical technology building blocks that will enable a suite of solutions for single FPA dewars on microsat and cubesat platorms. As indicated
with HF propagation calculations to convert radar-measured target signal delays and beam steers to geographical position. Our team is the
way to detect and track objects in the proximity of a satellite or other space vehicle without dedicated sensors and subsystems is to perform
posed. The technology will be based upon creating conductive composite tubes and fttings. Such composites have proven their ability to sh
to win EW frst. In fghting the EW, it is vital to possess the most advanced radio frequency-selective shielding technologies to effectively p
thin restricted and warning areas unless the proponent obtains a Certifcate of Authorization (COA) from the Federal Aviation Administratio
Cetane number of the resulting fuel blend, algorithmic models have been developed that provide accuracy on a par with standard lab-base
nd weight, has lead to real challenges for the design of robust augmentors and interturbine burners (ITBs). Reactive flow simulations of aug
f both aerodynamic forcing and aerodynamic damping and thereby resonant stresses in turbine components. This will be achieved by deve
ral rotating machinery, an update to the lubricant traction, heat generation, and life calculation methodology currently incorporated in a co
level explicitly requires time consuming service and temporary aircraft inoperability. Current approaches to verify the operational readine

e military signals when an accurate internal time reference is not available. Prior research by NAVSYS into network assisted GPS approache
tion, tracking, identifcation, and characterization (DTIC) of space objects. Space objects proliferate in the near-Earth space environment. T
e platorms, it is necessary to fnd a way to reduce the increased transmission bandwidth of the system. One viable solution is to provide a
ze transceiver SWaP and cost while maximizing performance. This will be accomplished by using advanced GaN technologies for the transm
seeks to accomplish this without increasing the antenna payload footprint and without introducing vulnerability to transmission interferen
systems and hybrid space-terrestrial systems are essential components for improved warfghting capabilities and enhanced defensive contr
eric impacts on vital radio-based systems, including communications, navigation, and surveillance systems. Current DoD capability for the s
nsive, high fdelity target modeling and validation whose costs and lead times will limit the ongoing sustainability of ATR target databases.
BSAA) systems offer the possibility of signifcantly improved terminal airspace tracks because they often have complementary sensing geom
stringent reception capabilities in harsh environments. Existing receivers were designed in the 1970s and 1980s to accomplish this task in s
for use in RF photonics applications. We target 5-10 Watts of power at 100 GHz operation in a traveling wave confguration. The approach
tary navigation systems for air, sea, and ground vehicles require reliable GPS performance to provide navigation capability. Some type of G
elds where Anti-Jam (AJ) technology is either currently unavailable or inadequate for mission success in severely jammed environments. U
tion that will meet the Air Force requirements for a 10 mJ, 300 ns pulsed laser source. With the exception of the output power amplifer f
ms over long time periods. The components of the framework will consist of existing software and libraries. The plugin-based framework pro
mechanical property degradation resulting from environmental aging of propellants. The sensors are mounted external to the propellant an
without affecting the motor"s integrity. In Phase II, we will build upon our Phase I success to develop a sensor to monitor specifc gas
us has developed in Phase I. Silvus proposes to demonstrate the SC-Orderwire prototype in Phase II in an airborne network with 1 ground a
es presents a tremendous opportunity for cost savings compared to traditional link layer encryption for implementing needed COMSEC cap
bandwidth-constrained airborne networks. During Phase I of this SBIR, Architecture Technology Corporation (ATC) defned an innovative tec
ng capabilities in order to associate events with any and all spatial information that is extracted or inferred from disparate collections of un
he photonic link, leveraging techniques established for copper interconnect. We optimize the fber launch condition to maximize the effec
trument for Cube- or Nano-sized Satellites"called for the development of"a cubesat- or nanosat-scale Direct Current Electrical
for Performance Assessment of Cutting Tools (IMPACT) that has demonstrated the ability to detect the onset of cutting tool wear and the
epts that meet tactical and environmental considerations. BENEFIT: Dual Use (Military & Commercial) Applications: Production devel
igh false negative rate and often identify attacks after they have happened. We propose a light-weight whitelist-based cyber threat detectio
latest IdAM standards (i.e. OpenID Connect and XACML) in our product to enable advanced functions, including delegate access, policy-dri
ure, such as a K-D Tree or a Spatial Hash Table, and then it scans the data structure looking for satellite conjunctions. While traditional app
e remotely deployable, such as on an ocean buoy or in a battlefeld. It will send data to the user via the Iridium satellite network in near re
Response to Space Threats (FIRST) encompasses three key technical components: (1) autonomous detection algorithms enabled by a uniqu
which has demonstrated the ability to apply highly precise amounts of liquid shim that achieve perfect squeeze-out of cured material. Stu
h-maintenance portion of a sensor system, and take up a considerable amount of size, weight and power (SWaP) onboard air and space pla
re. We propose to develop an asset manager which will perform allocation, assignment, vehicle routing, target prediction, and sensor taski
hetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Ground Moving Target Indicators (GMTI). The ability to identify and track vehicles and dismounts has becom
igital Converter (OADC). Such OADCs would dramatically enhance capability in multiple Air Force platorms. BENEFIT: The integrated optic
volutionary performance (close to 40% PAE under QPSK). Auriga"s HPA will have a linearizer integrated in the MMIC and packaged, re
ple countermeasures that operate at several levels of system abstraction. The target is a class of embedded systems that are implemented
ustworthy of a sensor node based on historical interactions. However, trust initialization remains to be a challenging issue, as there are no h
uot;Conformal Laser Weapon System (CLAWS). HBC addresses target illumination, aimpoint selection, aimpoint maintenance, stair-mode c
mage array on curved substrate. The active-matrix array will consist of a metal oxide thin flm transistor array on curved substrates upon wh
e visors that provide clear and dark transmission with a single lens capable of fast transition, wide light transmission contrast range, fail clea
OC (Emergency Operations Center) COP (Common Operational Picture) during a Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief (HA/DR) operation
ss tradeoffs of training environments. Current tools and processes for evaluating effectiveness lack the flexibility and automation required
roaches, based on linear auditory models, have produced unsatisfactory results. Our novel approach simulates the nonlinear signal process
plex objects, such as human anatomical models, while taking advantage of the computational power of graphics processing units (GPU) and
rol, tracking, and analysis. The results from the Phase I effort demonstrated: (1) the feasibility of our technical approach to meet all Air Fo
conjunction events. Our program advances state-of-the-art in enabling more precise and more frequent fltering and assessments. By using
ritical to achieving uninterrupted communication on the move. We showed that it could scan from zenith down to at least 15 degrees abov
oherence tomography, fber optics market
latively low energy density of under 10 Wh/kg. Boulder Ionics proposes to develop a ultracapacitor with an energy density of over 30 Wh/k
nned over a coated surface with optimal power, energy and positional control to remove a specifc thickness without risk of damage to the
e and mark the dimension on the skin adjacent to the hole. This procedure is known as"gripping". According to Lockheed Marti
lites. We will accomplish this by employing state-of-the-art wide-bandgap gallium nitride (GaN) HEMT devices in conjunction with several c
ation. PNT information is a cornerstone technology that supports increased operational efficiency, productivity, precision, and safety. Becau
rototyping accomplished in Phase I illustrated how efficient and automatic testing of the effects of degraded position, navigation and timin
(DSA)-based cognitive radio (CR) and GPS navigation functionality operating on a common software defned radio (SDR) platorm in a cogn
C3) use a layer of absorptive carbon and selectively permeable membranes respectively offering protection against chemical and biologica
. Due to a paucity of test data, development and performance testing of BMDS sensors in these dense debris environments must rely heav
mentation warheads are being devised. The proposed R & D will develop an ultra-high speed framing camera that will photograph th
ties with a closing velocity greater than 1 km per second. This same system can measure the time of arrival (TOA) of the charge wave front
f that system is the Interceptor missile, which relies of a number of electro-explosive devices (EEDs) to perform reliably in order to successf
g novel electro-explosive devices utilizing magnetic saw initiators to increase reliability by incorporating a single point, insensitive failure m
nator. Slapper detonators are similar to exploding bridgewire (EBW) detonators but less prone to failure because the exploding foil is physi
Accelerated Aging Assessment and Reliability Prediction (MA^3REP), based on thorough systematic analysis of existing age assessment tec
are not representative of actual service conditions. The feasibility of using these methods for ALT of missile subsystems will be investigated
leads to unreliability, limitations on advancing system technology, and unnecessary maintenance. In support of the MDA"s Stockpile
geAlert. The AgeAlert sensor in SSL labels comprises a conductive composite element made from a tiny portion of desensitized double bas
eir reliability due to the exposure of such devices to lengthy periods of environmental effects. In order to compensate for these defciencies

Sensor (MIMS). This proposed sensor is based on a solid-state accelerometer design with a semiconductor laser diode self-mixing interfer
shattered when used in higher-stress gun-launched applications, Tanner Research and Yale University successfully demonstrated BMG use
MC), developed under prior MDA SBIR funding, for advanced aerostructures with integrated thermal protection systems (TPS). This Cf-ZrO
om direct digital design for semiconductor electronics manufacturing. The material growth technology is a modifed heterogeneous patter
ovide limited support for detecting problems and anomalies, and deliver alerts that are generally uninformative and lack context. Given the
ffectiveness of a software framework that specifes how these automation technologies can work together. Second, it will create an intellig
age, renewable energy inputs, and intelligent power management strategies can greatly reduce fuel consumption and reduce the level and
he expected maximum power but are often operated far below rated power due to the dynamic nature of electrical loads. On average, the
nces. We will develop a concept of operations for the collaborative control user interface, and we will create specifc, representative scenar
nces. We will develop a concept of operations for the collaborative control user interface, and we will create specifc, representative scenar
ng this objective will require signifcant advances in decision support and supervisory control concepts. Current operator interfaces require
Synthetic Environment Machine Interface System (SEMIS) with multi-modal inference processing based on gestures and speech is detailed
ied situational awareness through multimodal interaction within the ICEbox environment. The g-speak spatial operating environment (SOE
monstration (UCAS-D) programinto its critical missions without impacting the current sortie rate, an efficient protocol is needed for handling
Array Optics (NIGHT-AO). This proposed device is based on a novel, low size weight and power (SWAP), insect-inspired dual-band (visible-in
work resources, and a push for resilient systems capable of fghting through cyber attacks. ATC-NY will develop VMCIS, the Virtual Machine
heir immediate inputs. Their nearsightedness is particularly dangerous because, in our complex systems, it is difficult to prevent all exploita
real-time. A software solution (in Windows) is desired in order to produce a universal solution, independent from specifc hardware compo
ve when GPS is available, new approaches are needed that can achieve accurate navigation when operating in a GPS-denied environment.
Mainstream developed an advanced cooling technology capable of reducing the temperature of an infrared window while minimizing opti
as the associated airblast that propagates into the environment propelling secondary fragments from the vehicle. The overall scope of the
ebris damage effects from static detonating weapon tests. Our Phase II work plan will focus on developing the instrumentation suite and li
or fully buried in soil. These events could result in collateral damage to people, vehicles in the vicinity. Air force would like to have a fast ru
vel sensors to determine inertial loads due to excitation of multiple structural dynamic modes resulting from a broadband loading environm
rs in a cryo-vacuum environment, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to advance the development of the new solar/lunar exclusio
stems such as ARGUS-IS, Gorgon Stare, and Blue Devil. The proposed algorithms perform joint processing of information extracted from the
high information content, which captures unique spectral signatures of targets and materials of interest, can lessen the reliance on expert
ork on bistatic radar data. This additional requirement is applied so that our solution addresses the A2AD problem. Algorithm developmen
ISAR technology is derived from our TRL 9 air-to-air ISAR technology. Our air-to-ground moving vehicle ISAR technology reliably produces h
e. Energy department estimates indicate 2.3% of the current US electric energy supply is supplied by wind and estimates this to rise to 20%
thic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC) technology will replace the large number of discrete radio frequency (RF) components in existing
cs may be integrated and exploited in the signal/data processor for suppression of non-threating targets such as debris and decoys, all prior
N00-008 Environmentally Insensitive Active Decluttering to address clutter rejection in an active sonar system. The MDA radar problem is
urate multi-class approach based upon the concepts of bagging (bootstrap aggregation), boosting and random subspace projection. This a
enerated from the rocket motor burnout and associated events. We term these objects collectively a Low Relative Velocity (LRV) debris feld
mination of Multiple Targets Using Bulk Filtering for Debris. This proposal will demonstrate our plan to identify and evaluate signal process
ris models being developed by the MDA. Control Vision, Inc. proposes a stabilized, high-speed IR/visible Focal Plane Array sensor suite to p
e military will require"resilient systems"of all kinds digital, electrical and mechanical. The development of such new systems re
udio, and text. Searching through the information for analysis can be challenging, particularly when the intelligence analyst is not co-locate
ied situational awareness through multimodal interaction within the ICEbox environment. The g-speak spatial operating environment (SOE
een them) that are present on a single desktop computer presents a difficult security challenge that continues to confound modern protec
epresentation workbench to address the challenging problem, and propose the self-adaptive monitoring architecture, called SAM. In SAM,
onformal impermeable coatings. However, over time, protective measures become compromised, the resulting exposure causing corrosion
ale coatings will be conducted for protection of electronics from salt fog, seawater and fresh water. Coatings will be procured from the co
g to depths of ~100 meters in fresh or salt water, through a combination of NEI"s in-house coating materials development and evalu
of vessels operating in blue, green and brown water, with near-real time communications, to support global maritime tag track and locate c
head satellite without the requirement for an on or above surface antenna. The encapsulation of an antenna in a dielectrically compensatin
ances in both physiological diagnostic intelligence and associated physiological sensors systems for a complete solution. The system will con
asound, capnography, blood pressure measurement using non-invasive techniques, pulse oximetry, non-invasive hemoglobin measuremen
chnology with a power amplifer MMIC in a single small footprint package. This tight integration is made possible through the extremely hi
r battery life, higher feld reliability, and wide compatibility across radio types. The Phase I deliverable will be a comprehensive trade study
o match the optimal performance requirements of the cartridges. This will result in a sub-sonic ammunition that is lightweight, clean burni
study will include: 1) A brass case utilizing a polymer insert to optimize subsonic interior ballistics, 2) A lightweight low cost aluminum cartr
effective and exhibit excessive deviations in velocity (affecting accuracy), incomplete chamber sealing, absence of clean propellant burn, a
o improve upon the current .50 caliber round by utilizing PCP"s current lightweight polymer .50 caliber case. First, we will compare
omputing brick housed in a man-portable, ruggedized package designed for feld use and offers>16 Terabyte non-volatile memory and&
faces to external sensors and a NAND Flash Controller. The NAND Flash Controller implements XTS-AES-256 encryption commonly used for
on-based wind measurement techniques for both passive wind measurement as well as pseudo-profling along the entire range from the sh
are Processing (BRAINWARE) technology for implementation in upcoming military cognitive processing system and communication platorm
with ultra-low thermal mass is obtained enabling high frames in excess of 100 fps. This technology will enable dynamic intra-band multispe
ed to improve test capabilities for these new sensor systems. Large panoramic IR displays are required to fully test and develop new wide fe
warhead with high lethality and low collateral damage (LCD). We plan to achieve our goal using a powder metallurgy (PM) approach to fab
-time signal processing. The primary applications for this technology require highly accurate individual pulse measurements with limited a
er conditions. The main disadvantage is that radar transmissions are typically easily intercepted and provides a means for an adversary to b
tical properties of a new, high melting point, ionic liquid propellant were measured, confrming it as an excellent candidate for use in electr
ted because the engine is not actively controlled. While simple passive techniques such as cavities for shock capture exist, they result in inc
e. Typically, forward-looking RF and IR sensors are collocated in the same protective radome, which degrades the performance of both syst
uracy/reliability. The objective of this effort is to develop a framework to integrate data from various air and ground sensor systems employ
2AD) environment requires highly capable platorms that can coordinate to achieve a mission objective. To support this vision, we will deve
F signatures of targets illuminated by munition fuze sensors at sub-millimeter wavelengths. Output generated by the MESM will be suitabl
A high gain antenna supporting Ka-Band sensor data offload and Command and Control Uplink is required. Gimbaled reflectors are the st
. The proposed computational architecture and key technologies are capable of handling noisy sensor metadata, and scalable to process la
d temperature. Advances in digital signal processing and integrated-circuit performance have made fully-digital versions of the HF receiver
operties of quantum dots (QDs) to provide a unique signature when interrogated by a weapons targeting pod. The patch will be a flexible, r
netic and environmental real-world effects of multistatics in a simulation capability is imperative to achieve the desired benefts of this effor
es or multiple receive sites, or both, are used to construct the radar picture. A passive radar system is one where the radar designer and use
eatly enhanced capabilities in terms of available advanced systems architecture compared to the more conventional time-of-flight, photon
ing, and geo-location and compression indicators. We construct 3D scene models at a range of fdelities to support robust modeling over a
aracterization. Recent advancements in silicon technology have enabled the development of close-in sensors and stimulus components ran
erve biomolecules, such as DNA, RNA, and bacterial at room temperatures; transport samples from austere locations to safe recover areas
nd contain chemical warfare agents on vehicles or other hardware known or suspected to be contaminated. A color change of the coating w
coating that once applied to a contaminated surface will sequester the contaminating agent, disclose the location of agent contamination
e a broad spectrum responsive nanocomposite gel coating that can irreversibly sequester and deactivate a variety of chemical agents. Our b
a server, and bio-surveillance application software. The server communicates with readers securely over Internet, cellular and other netwo
multi-format, and cellular-capable. A compelling platorm that has already led to several next-generation readers is smartphones and tabl
background interrogation, thereby allowing for fast real time detection. Sensor sensitivity will be improved by a combination of passive FTI
o realize this goal, it will frst be necessary to successfully fabricate and demonstrate the performance of novel LWIR HgTe CQD detector arr
providing both the shear and peel strengths demonstrated by hook and loop systems as well as hermetic sealing against any vapor permea
t exposure. Creare proposes to develop a hermetic garment closure system that seals gaps at interfaces and provides high connection stren
or laminating a shape memory elastomeric polymer composite thin flm with CB protective and excellent self sealing capability to an existin
ned effects explosives (CEX) formulations. CEX represent a class of recently-developed aluminized explosives seeking to provide the perform
d loitering time, and stealth capabilities. The system needs to scale up to 10 megawatts. Any laser solution requires a power source, and la
e capabilities for performing geometry and CFD-based mesh refnement for Euler simulations. The automated methods will be developed q
burning and collect base region and plume data along with Schlieren and IR imagery to extend the data base for validation of the computati
T spectrometer operating in either the 260-290 GHz or 530-580 GHz frequency range. The 260"290 GHz spectrometer uses recently
graphene and carbon nanotubes and a battery-like electrode, comprised of nanostructured LiFePO4 grown on a graphene support. The pro
n of injured warfghters for the purpose of triage; 2) effectiveness of fluid resuscitation in a bleeding or a potentially bleeding patient; and,
ists in many remote, hostile, or disaster regions. In order to be useful for proper diagnosis by qualifed ophthalmologists, the transmitted d
titude flight, take-off and landing are dangerous times for aircraft, even when landing in a well-known designated landing zone (LZ). The risk
cooling. Multi-hole flm cooling bleeds gas from the high pressure stages of the compressor and effuses it to the hot side of the liner where
y of the surface mesh, and much work has been undertaken to automatically generate surface grids from CAD. Unfortunately, quality is qua
veloped by CFDRC, which will be leveraged with several new features for transient chemically reacting two-phase, gas-particle flows intera
ges of this SBIR topic. The chief new analysis challenge is to provide a list of lines that arise from gases that are not in the spectrometer ref
hetic development where the human-mechanism interface is the primary focus. Two competing force delivery technologies will be prototy
s in hostile environments for up to three days. Capacity is four 500 ml liter blood transfusion bags. Energy efficiency is possible by the nov
novel integration of two orthogonal obstacle sense-and-avoid techniques specifcally for rearward operation. The key innovation in the AER
dition is typically referred to as brownout. This is a serious problem for all services and has lead to numerous aircraft and personnel losses
S, Inc. proposes to investigate the feasibility of rationally selected TBCs and their architectures for CMAS resistance and durability. Highly ra
Z top coat for thermal barrier coating applications. These coatings, although deposited by atmospheric plasma spray (APS) exhibit compara
tchable by many existing machine tools. In particular, OMAX will take advantage of patents pending advancements in micro abrasives-wate
ntinuum/rarefed nature of the flow, chemical kinetics, and two-phase flow while leveraging existing computational fluid dynamic technolo
hic parallel processor (NPP). The Phase I technical objectives are: (1) design for one or more neuromorphic architecture(s) that will suppor
plications is their inability to meet the demands of both high-energy and high-power delivery in a single device. State-of-the-art batteries a
nsor packages were developed singly, and treated as individual add-ons to already SWAP-burdened platorms; the inherent inefficiency of s
tics (e.g. resistance of relay contacts), temperature, vibration extremes, voltage surges, and other factors that will indicate the unit is close t
h recent advances in optical components, coatings, microfabrication, and signal processing power, technology now exists to solve the imag
cumulation layers caused by surface states and exist as 2-dimensional electron or hole gases on the mesa sidewalls. They cause surface cur
s based on integration of three energy harvesting sources: a photovoltaic structure, a thermoelectric generator, and a 3D motion energy ha
airdrop, are made out of a polypropylene material and are one-time-use. However, due to their single-use nature, after the supplies are rec
formulated clothing impregnated with permethrin, a chemical insecticide effective against multiple arthropod disease vectors, including m
e is also expected to have no detrimental effect on the physical properties of the textile fabric. Luna, teamed with North Carolina State Uni
nd-game proximity sensors suitable for deployment on low-cost high-volume precision Army weapons. The objective of this SBIR effort is to
. This work has made various commonalities apparent and opened the door to the development of a common processing architecture tha
on system, an on-board surveillance system, and an on-board autopilot system to control the projectile autonomously. All components wil
gn an innovative Miniature Canard-Control Actuation System (MC-CAS) capable of extending the range of 40mm projectiles to 1000m. In ad
to provide a compliant system design that integrates key population modeling technology. Our analysis will identify the mechanism for ped
e cloud computing environment by authorized entities from being exploited or captured by adversaries present in the cloud. SGS incorpora
mmon, and are typically hard and time consuming to detect, isolate and fx. Moreover, in a heterogeneous network, a small network proble
ts can be removed in place of digital logic and analog devices. Removal of multi-stage RF converters and LO schemes reduces the system co
mbination of STR"s proven low size weight and power (SWAP) high performance receiver and digitizer technology with MDS"s
ynamic beam steering with graceful degradation. Wide elevation patterns desirable for air-to-air or air-to-ground communications are achie
oidance System (RACAS) and Coherent Automatic Radar Periscope Detection and Discrimination (C-ARPDD) modes. The design will also sup
ided by an OIRU serves as a"virtual star"and is a key element in the jitter control system of aircraft-hosted optical systems. The
mpetitive OIRU design on a $/rejected jitter basis.
suitable for the onboard and in-flight unattended detection, localization, and classifcation of load, fatigue, and structural damage within th
nstallation and removal time and stowed volume, while also reducing the chance of injury to handling personnel. The project will focus on
s and not reduce current aircraft capabilities. Demonstrate the feasibility of applying the developed approach in a laboratory environment.
hnology for optical receivers as well as high power GaAIAs semiconductor lasers for both the signal sources and the amplifer pumps. For a
Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc. is developing ultra low thermal resistance and high heat flux wick structures to improve thermal perfo
demonstrated successful mitigation of multiple interference types (continuous wave (CW), swept tone, random FM, frequency hopped, et
es is a force multiplier that can provide additional courses of action for the war fghter. Coordinated active engagement with surface ship so
st-savings realized in module interconnects and use of COTS components. A goal of 50% cost savings over today"s module is propose
zation/sustainment of existing systems at lower cost. Transmit/ Receive (T/R) modules typically comprise 50 to 70% of the array acquisition
ting and coating process allow use on non-traditional surfaces such as fabrics, plastics and cabling or glass. The superhydrophobic and oleo
tional databases to extract data and manipulate it into a form suitable for automating the generation of Mission Data or Emitter ID tables n
material and structural composition of acoustic scatterers by providing an estimate of the full scattering kernel, enabling target differentiatio
wer delivered using laser power from the surface vehicle over fber optic cable and converted into electricity on-board the VTOL craft via ph
hroughout the ship. This distribution system approach leads to the placement of large and expensive frequency converters onboard the sh
e surface interface conditions. These lines extend to the ship and are referred to as"Soft Rails"because they are tensioned by t
e and cost-effective technologies to improve the ability of power transmissions to withstand operation under loss-of-lubrication condition f
herent chaotic radar technology, currently being developed under an AMRDEC-sponsored STTR Phase-II program. TechFlows chaos radar te
wever, impose an unacceptable burden in terms of power consumption and/or weight. The proposed technology addresses this defcit by th
using JP-8 or other liquid fuels, LNG or conventional compressed gaseous fuels. The BFC will be controllable, modular, robust, and meet Arm
several different ambient energy sources, for powering both the variable transmission eyewear as well as additional future power needs. T
de power for a wide variety of duty cycles, current batteries do not provide sufficient power to meet high power demands of multiple appli
this effort will leverage existing Vadum linear and nonlinear radar sensors for detecting electronics associated with RCIEDs and extend this
mal model of the network's behavior, and using custom formal logic algorithms to automatically derive whether the network contai
n in this SBIR project. The proposed novel passive damping liner design concept is very retrofttable and implementable in any current or fu
wavelengths, and the larger structures of the ship which are electrically large. Interactions with the ocean surface are also important. Differ
develop REal-time Mission And Path Planner (REMAPP) that will provide secure routes of ingress and egress to designated targets. The gen
real-time for teams of manned and unmanned air vehicles on complex missions in hostile environments. The core challenge is to determin
vanced radar modes or high-bandwidth communications will be investigated. FIRST RF will also pursue an innovative DREX integration appr
eir liners. By preventing these particulate from contacting the spherical ball, the shield will prevent much of the contamination damage tha
bstrate and contain no organics or polymers. They may be as large as 150 mm in diameter with clear aperture up to 135 mm. LightSmyth is
m-combiner is a key element in the system in that provides for combining several high power lasers which differ in wavelength by ~ 5nm int
nherently absorbing. Regardless of the metal layer thickness, optical power is absorbed in the grating, altering the spectral and efficiency p
echniques will be utilized such that any display in the system can be connected to any image generator in the system during runtime. This t
ading pC-Nova(tm) Image Generators'diskless components and Nexus XL(tm?) Unifed Storage architecture, enabling image generato
both high energy and power densities. Supercapacitors have gained substantial attention for these applications since they offer outstandin
es. It encapsulates and prevents water from corroding metal substrates plus it is hydrophobic and can include corrosion inhibitors and color
's military applications. This new thermal bonding and sealing technology will improve thermal heat conduction from high power mi
w Cost Aerial Delivery Systems (LCADS) parachutes for 99% of operational airdrops . These parachutes are made out of a low cost polypropy
ule. It has its own energy harvesting device.
berglass and other radar-penetrable materials for hulls and decks further complicates the radar signature by exposing interior geometry. Ra
etic Algorithm work, and software architecture it will optimize the performance of multiple platorms by increasing survivability and increas
need. The goal of this SBIR program is to develop such an optical wireless communication system, which should have the following attribute
EMI). On airborne platorms for example, there could be dozens of RF systems radiating and receiving mission critical signals simultaneous
stations. The focus of this research will be on updating existing electromagnetic interference and vulnerability (EMI/EMV) simulation tools
he computational engine utilizes method of moments for accuracy.
n. The COIRU proposes the following innovative technical approach to address the customer challenges: Single center mounted spinning m
very of large volumes of data from a rotating frame to a fxed frame. The system non-intrusively harvests energy from the main rotor and w
ll prevent contamination of plain airframe bearings without signifcant additional friction or cost. The modifcation will not impact the bear
aditionally, the complexities of accurately simulating the detail characteristics and nuances of acoustic sensors and the ocean environment
ology's ultra-high heat transfer rates under real-world microchip operating conditions as found in shipboard Transmit/Receive modu
with the RT-1944/U radio and can be retroft into the Multiple Vehicle Communications System (MVCS) platorms used for communications
nal processing chain that is the baseline for the P-3/P-8A Multi-static Active Coherent (MAC) program and was developed under the Office
e within demanding marine environments. The proposed HybridSil anticorrosion coatings will be molecularly engineered specifcally for Nit
modes, propagation effects, etc.), ships with AN/SLQ-32(V) or SEWIP Block 1/2 systems use a labor-intensive process to iteratively"ta
evelop the required reference libraries so that they are tailored to each tactical sensor type and, in some cases, sensing environments. The
xity in terms of software deployment activities. This issue is exacerbated when ships force personnel who are charged with the operation a
ty covers the transfer from producer to consumer and the installation at the consumer site. Activate and Deactivate cover initialization and
ic UAV to carry a radio payload to suitable altitude, rather than an aerostat. The tether provides power from an unmanned surface vessel (U
MACRel). MACRel is a system for deployment and recovery of a Lightweight Aerostat System (LAS) to an unmanned surface vehicle (USV). T
t at the load site. However, limitations in current electronic power densities make components too large to be strategically located. Mainst
tical sensors capable of detecting 6DoF position with accuracies surpassing the human eye. The sensors are a key component of the propos
cy conversion of a unique 2.0 micron Thulium fber laser that will achieve the Navy"s desired laser specifcations in a single, compact
hallow water areas. Distributed passive arrays and autonomous sensor platorms have the potential for persistent monitoring of surface an
el, physics-based automatic classifcation algorithm into a new, large aperture Planar Array Prototype (PAP). The approach differs from tradi
Mission Planning Application (MPA) by using a fuzzy logic approach. This method enables encoding the heuristics used by experts into an a
to affect predictable outcomes. The Adaptive Methods ForeSight system addresses risk management by providing automated task-centered
om shallow water is used to develop and evaluate features for discriminating between the broad peaks characteristic of an aggregate echo
kscattering from heterogeneous aggregations of swim-bladder-bearing fsh that will signifcantly improve active sonar detection capability i
ments of the sky/ocean interface at the horizon to determine the aerosol extinction coefficient along a horizontal path. This measurement
ill be needed to support weapons selection against surface or airborne targets. Systems that can characterize the atmosphere continuously
zation information to support the effective operation of next generation laser weapons. The proposed system is based on laser light scatter
sing the hull array. Our system combines passive cues and a new active signal processing technology for deployed waveforms. The signal pr
3) torpedo launch platorm localization, and (4) enhanced data fusion, classifcation, and alerting algorithms and software, referred to in th
s and enemy tactics constantly chip at away at the present defense capability. This proposal will demonstrate opportunities to use the hull-
ors to closely monitor student progress, effectively intervene when students"actions risk imparting negative learning, and provide de
mpass the development and integration of an automated electronic Conning Officer Handling Assessment form (e-COSA). DI-SAMS will prov
t to locate using traditional passive acoustic sonar due to the advancement of quieting technologies in submarines. Low-Frequency Active (
d ground sensors a warfghter can leave behind for situational awareness. Unfortunately, while the technologies for hands-free interfacing h
hown to produce a clean, highly efficient combustion process from JP-8. Our approach features a key technology enabling the rapid, efficien
beamforming (DBF), Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP), and agile wideband waveforms including Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (M
l rely on compact packaging of active optical device in a manner compatible with 29504 and NGCON termini.
RAS), based on implementation of tunable ELF transmitters. The system comprises two battery-operated units: diver operated handheld de
proach, polymeric energy absorbing layers will be applied to the hull in appropriate thickness to provide impact and abrasion resistance to
Some of these applications require heater wire that operate at very high temperatures. There are still a number of military and defense syst
more. The proposed method, radically alters the manufacturing approach introducing a complete data driven technology that will produce c

nd ISR (intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance) operations. When spotting a new vessel, the imagery taken from submarines can be
a daunting task. A method for automatically generating 3D models from data gathered at sea would make populating a 3D model database
buoyancy driven device. ExCTD will be launched from the submarine, notionally from the 3"launcher, ascend toward the surface wh
n"experimental method to characterize existing MIL-H-24135B hose compounds; (b) design candidate new compounds formulated to
FHAs, in particular, are ubiquitous on all U.S. Navy ships, serving as a leak-free conduit for fluids and gases between interconnected pieces o
em array interfaces, existing high fdelity simulation, and general combat system test techniques to advance a concept that better matches
e RT-1944/U is a proven design, as is the Phocus Array System. We will do system engineering to show the anti-jam performance that can b
ased on thin flms of vanadium dioxide (VO2) metal-insulator transition (MIT) materials produced via pulsed laser deposition method. The
gh frequency switching noise content and still ft within the confnes of the design envelope. As the prime contractor for the MK48 CBASS t
tial due to noise and ripple from these power supplies. Progeny Systems will leverage our extensive experience gained from our developme
w ports of the imaging system and provide X-band radar protection without compromising optical performance in the visible and infrared s
ntainance and replacement is difficult and costly. Protection of undersea connectors from corrosion is a challenge. Current anti-corrosion te
d technology has reduced the cost of ownership for the U.S. Navy by reducing down time of submarines for replacement of failed connecto
cable connectors. EDP has the advantage that it produces high density, porosity free, uniform coatings on complex shaped objects, includi
mperature range. Unfortunately, the cables are experiencing early life corrosion problems due to salt water deposit buildup that occurs ove
es. Navy sonar operators tasked to perform maintenance often do not have the technical expertise with multiple operating systems and ha
e host vessel and ROV is often difficult to measure or model, which may render automatic control approaches ineffective and force reliance
copic detection of the"fngerprint"of molecular absorptions and infrared countermeasure systems in response to increasingly s
complex reasons for the appearance of clutter, research has shown that biological backscatter currently produces serious interference in m
ransmitters with fully Solid-State Transmitters (SSTx). The proposed feasibility study will demonstrate signifcantly higher standards for Ava
Spatially Combining in a Radial confguration many Amplifer Modules (SCRAM). It is based on spatial combining of an array of over 350 po
ilable semiconductors into a novel DTI combiner architecture, and will deliver higher availability, simplifed maintenance, and an overall red
While doing this we have discovered a number of features that signifcantly reduce false alarms. The process involves identifying a feature,
tively shallow waters have many sources of noise and interference which make it difficult to track the multiple targets with classical fltering
d space weight and power (SWaP) objectives require innovations in several key design areas. To meet these requirements, Progeny will des
ncy and extended battery life. The 5 cubic inch, 3 ounce transmitter module is designed to directly interface to the existing buoy system.
ology, and ultimately confuse Emitter ID, which is already a challenge given densities of hundreds of emitters and therefore thousands of p
he signal environment, to better perform Emitter Identifcation (EID). The end result will be improved correct EID, with confdence level, an
Automated Optimization Environment (AOE) to train three advanced classifcation techniques using existing electronic intelligence (ELINT)
m systems-level analysis to determine propulsion system requirements and component-level specifcations. Aurora and Lockheed will work
longer periods of time, and (ii) vehicle stability can no longer be guaranteed at high speeds due to vehicle design constraints. In the case o
d mission payload handling system, Loading for Naval Resupply Division (LNRD), will be modeled and simulated to establish the feasibility o
uated with respect to their ability to provide an assured capability of acquiring and lifting both palletized and uniquely shaped payloads fro
of payloads in and around ISO containers and mission vehicles will immediately improve LCS"s operations efficiency. We anticipate th
onal capability in challenging maritime environments. Advancements address operational necessity for rotating the mast and viewing limit
c work. The goal of the proposed work for Phase I is to further refne and optimize the material formulation and to further characterize the
ectric constant and loss) and structural performance (mechanical strength) with temperature, and difficulty in fabrication to the desired sh
mic matrix composite (CMC) which has demonstrated required electrical, thermal and structural performance. This proposal will focus on im
mpatible and component replaceable with existing conventional SCUBA and SCBA equipment. The HPBA tank incorporates several GTL inn
m employs multiple small composite cylinders and a custom frst-stage pressure reduction regulator coupled with commercial-off-the-shelf
capability for free-swimming divers, but air supply remains the most signifcant impediment to this goal. Development of smaller air flasks
e and uses exclusively low-speed optical detection, eliminating the need for high-speed photodiodes. This effort would build on the recent
develop and deliver a lightweight, high efficiency, flexible solar sheet for mobile solar applications for Army unmounted soldiers. Based on
ns of interest. These nanoadditives will coat the interacting gears with a low coefficient material that will insure operation beyond the 30 m
oring (SWEM) system based on a new design fusing POCs proprietary and state-of-the-art technologies. The innovation in use of ultralow-p
ss. One of the most crucial enabler in integration of large scale networks including MANETs and sensors with the armed forces is ease of us
MER is proposing a novel technology to resolve the CSIC technical limitations by utilizing PolyCapillary material (PCM), an advanced powd
ons can eventually be implemented into a retrofttable, closed loop approach. It has been well established that the relationship between th
lure. Screech remains a difficult problem to predict and mitigate, and its occurrence can limit the operational flight envelope of military sys
d materials and structures. Our novel sensing system consists of a fber bragg grating (FBG) sensor array interrogated by a low-cost, light-we
st hearing protection due to pressure changes risking barotrauma. Current physiological monitoring systems can measure in-ear pressure le
WIPAS) system This system is based on an innovative surface acoustic wave (SAW)-based passive and wireless pressure sensor and an acous
application is the evaluation of earplug performance, specifcally with regards to the important issue of middle ear pressure equalization a
exhaust impingement, overheating, or during repairs. The earliest heat damage stage, referred to as"incipient"heat damage, m
ts advantages over other techniques are listed below: a) Compact, handheld and low cost, b) Sensitive for incipient heat damage detection
capable of inspecting for heat damage underneath paint and coatings to detect hidden and early-stage degradation of the composite. We w
erations. Triton Systems, Inc, proposes to meet this requirement using a combination of proven cargo/seat handling equipment designs and
The seats will fold against the sidewalls of the aircraft with a one-touch latch operable in less than 30 seconds per seatpair. The seats and c
ss issue of connecting a fber optic link in the aircraft network. Challenges include meeting the requirements for shock and vibration, opera
. This material will be capable for application as a powder coating or consolidated and adhered inner cylinder for use as the bearing"
e stress and wear surfaces. The specifc outcome of Phase I is to use the high fdelity modeling to assist in detecting wear, heat generation
band, this EM problem has an extremely large electric-size and it is further complicated by the sea wave phenomena. Simulation tools exist
operations. Mission success requires a high level of coordination and communication. This research is designed to advance the state of the
on the flight deck or flight line are often subject to extremely loud noise felds (110 to 140 dBA), which makes natural voice communication
o baseband, Radio Frequency (RF) sampling, storing digitized samples into memory and then reversing the process to reconstruct the RF sig
r nodes for transfer and relay of data, imagery, command and control with 360 degree coverage, within a 110NM UAV slant range. This wo
ciency power appliers (PA) will be designed and analyzed. The PA-flter co-design techniques is expected to produce very wide bandwidth,

ated with an undersea transmission system while minimizing the use and number of undersea optical amplifers (repeaters). The David Ros
riting rules that will be used by a binary rewriter to produce an optimized version of the application binary and its libraries that retains all f
along with our partner Aptima, proposes to apply our vast expertise in the design, development and integration of artifcial intelligence te
e system will consist of a permanent magnet (PM) generator attached to the tail rotor output of the turbine gearbox and a direct drive PM
ed silencing facilities or test ranges at sea, these signatures can degrade over time for a variety of reasons, making the platorm more vulne
yer transition, much higher heat transfer rates, and substantial ablation of tungsten and carbon-carbon materials. If laminar flow over the n
eal-time capture, synchronization, and analysis of environmental, physiological, physical, and subjective measures associated with motion-i
tive Trainer. The game elements include a student avatar whose appearance reflects student progress, medals for accomplishment of majo
nd moderate output power. Such a source will have extensive commercial applications in next-generation wireless communications, as well
energy weapons. To achieve high actuator count and high speed, a new structural architecture need to be demonstrated. We propose to d
new measures for the new skills and aptitudes associated with the control of intelligent, semi-autonomous robotic systems. Taking this ne
rophic effects. Effective performance in such conditions has many dimensions, including technical profciency, probability of catastrophic fa
ve desired outcomes. Unfortunately, reallocation is typically a manual process that results in sub-optimal use of resources and force effectiv
owth relative to what would occur in the absence of residual stress. Compressive residual stresses, on the other hand, have the opposite eff
an anti-ice system based on an electrothermal system that will be light weight, low power, and able to be retroftted to existing RPA. Seash
State University in the development of the compact, wide bandwidth flight qualifable systems. The EagleEye combines the OSC expertise
5 or 6. As part of the program we will conduct a feld test at operationally realistic distance using a standard military EO/IR/laser sensor pac
eforms through custom signal processing hardware called a Receiver / Exciter (REX). The REX is complex, expensive, and custom made. Wh
0%, > 30% PAE with additional TWT development. The HPAs linear power is based on an adjacent channel power ratio of < -30 dB at a 1 sym
l be designed for future integration in a compact MPM. The TWT will be designed to generate&gt;50 W of output power with&gt;30 dB line
ever, employing EMAs in critical flight control applications demands reliability assurance and capability to predict failures ahead of time. Th
ithout a specially designed mechanism. In the Phase I study, an innovative mechanism was successfully designed, constructed and proved
mmunication System (HACS) and Engineering Acoustic Inc&#039;s tactors with the Lockheed Martin Distributed Operations (DisOPS) GPS-d
tive liquid cooling in and around the Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMICs). The Heatsink solution utilizes the embedment of
ovide superior thermal stability, hydrophobicity, isocyanate compatibility and impact insensitivity. In Phase II, we will build upon our Phase
stimulated Brillouin scattering) gain coefficient (10**(-15) to 10**(-12) vs 10**(-11) m/W). Thus, there are many efforts underway to devel
mart phones. MAPHAC&quot;s long-term vision is to provide timely and accurate&quot;video game&quot;-like information about places h
weight azimuth sensing device is proposed based upon detection of the sky polarization pattern. The proposed device falls into the categor
ptics of all kinds. The new process will signifcantly improve the glint reduction at large angles of incidence compared to current methods.
on Systems (MISSPEL) developed and proven feasible in Phase I. Up to 30 dB in-band reduction of intermodulation products (IMP) up to 7t
complete system including cell and stack scale-up and testing, and a SAFC specifc water recovery subsystem. The SAFC system shall produ
ary base camp applications. V Squared suggests a quickly deployable, low-profle, high energy density design concept that offers signifcan
no systematic method for assembling environments and designing experiments or training from these multiple perspectives. To meet this n
c and engineering groundwork that has been established for electrodeposited nanostructured Al alloys (nano-Al) will be employed in this p
and dielectric flms will trap, concentrate and absorb a narrow frequency band while strongly reflecting out-of-band light. Tuning the frequ
imit. As a result, one of the many important applications such as low concentration chemical detection cannot be performed. A solution to
ve high-sensitivity, high-resolution X-ray imaging through its integration into exist-ing CT detectors. The material we propose is recently dis
art attempts to measure surface topology, especially in the bearing region of these large diameter lenses, failed due to the steep curvature
is understood of debris ejection during this phase of the solid rocket burn. Control Vision, Inc. proposes developing a sensor suite containin
mponents based on waveguide are very low loss but are limited in bandwidth. Components based on substrate material such as ceramic o
components operating over very wide bandwidth, at frequencies up to 110 GHz. In the Phase 1 effort, we will develop concepts for very w
The near-term goal for Phase I is to defne and develop a concept for improving simulation training using AI in VBS2 and JSAF, focusing on i
dle very dense maritime surface picture conditions that can exceed 1,000+ surface contacts that quickly become overwhelming for operato
ased on a multi-emitter pump module that is currently under commercial development at nLIGHT. The commercial laser product, upon wh
detection and complex temporal signal prediction. In the phase-2 effort we will develop a production ready Scalable and Extensible Neura
initial purchase price as well as high life cycle costs per platorm. This activity will implement a broad area hostile fre sensing architecture
ytokine and inflammatory mediator release, ischemia-reperfusion injury, and others, as well as complications such as hemorrhage and rhab
e wound management at the point of injury to deal with more complex wounds, particularly with respect to infection control. There is a si
hanges, or the disruption of public utilities. Despite the critical needs for rapid epidemiological surveillance, assessment, and response in
for meeting the next generation requirements. One of the technology needs is a higher performing Nosecone. To address that need, San
ding sensors that are not owned by the MDA. Optimally utilizing these next generation of high fdelity Overhead Persistent Infrared (OPIR)
is system that performs automated rule learning from data traces - TraceLogic. Operations on aircraft carriers are described as controlled c
hod described here implements a beaconless sensor based on the collection of target-scattered light. Post-processing of the beacon-detect
e target surface. Since a small spot is needed, the laser must be projected from the main aperture, complicating the optical design. With th
t suffer from acute motion sickness often experience some level of sopite syndrome, characterized by persistent fatigue and drowsiness. W
dividualized instruction using EW serious addictive games in accordance with evolving cognitive science research, and an Assessment capab
t-Discriminator (CELPMAT) system based on the innovative data fusion of multi-modal sensors for surface, subsurface, and air target detecti
assify high value targets to type using AD &amp; D&quot;s proven automated detection and classifcation technology. The remote node wi
or is utilized to provide the vehicle propulsion and all necessary electrical power for onboard functions within a small installed package. A
ne platorm. MACE will be used to drive and control the Raytheon Stirling / Pulse Tube Two-Stage (RSP2) Cryocooler. The RSP2 is of great in
system consists of a comparatively wide feld of view sensor that employs miniature optics and a custom short-wave infrared (SWIR) came
highest precision, or optimum microstructure, these optimizations require trade-offs between scan rate, layer thickness, bed heating, and u
orientation, these data cannot be converted to the geo location and ground track of the source. There is therefore a need for a sensor to d
g alternator that uses rare earth magnets. The Parallel Path Magnetic Technology combines magnets in parallel to drive high flux densities
so susceptible to attacks due to collaboration between nodes to achieve near optimal performance. The performance and security of such
High risk regions for TD include areas where US service members are deployed. The rapid identifcation of immune responses to enteric pa
cannot be easily redeployed to new platorms or systems. In addition, training materials cannot be easily explored or managed through a s
to manage stability operations. First, there simply are not enough trained personnel for the mission. As a result, soldiers not trained in sta
al nature are often as debilitating, and there is an increasing need for support tools. Such tools should allow for standardized tracking, mon
viduals. Currently, there is no lower-extremity prosthesis available that can monitor the metabolic costs of the amputee. The proposed solu
the interceptor payload has been identifed as an excellent component for weight reduction through the use of high temperature composi
mpromising system complexity, the proposed design enables very high thermal efficiency and a readily scalable modular design, made poss
, particularly periodic orientation (PO) of thick gallium nitride flms (PO-GaN) to meet many of the NLO device requirements if new method
parametric oscillation (OPO), due to its wide bandgap (3.4eV), high thermal conductivity (220-260 W/m-k), and wide transparency window
entional chemical propellants or explosive ordnances. The launch conditions of future hypersonic projectiles will put extreme mechanical a
n State University and its OEM partners, will investigate ceramic fber-reinforced ceramic matrix composite fabrication via a novel feld assis
matic cost reduction and improved CMC performance. FAST is also known as&quot;Spark Plasma Sintering&quot;(SPS). MATECH proposes t
tion of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and other automated systems are likely to require major changes to existing operational procedure
perations. Aircraft carrier decks will be central to many such operations involving multiple UAS, traditional piloted aircraft, sensory equipme
age stamp. This technology, based on OEwaves crystalline whispering gallery mode (WGM) resonator, can be modifed to provide wideband
a set of such stabilized, frequency-dense cavities to mimic discrete 30-120GHz band coverage, the absence of wideband electrical gain in th
ave a profound impact on the performance and reliability of most of the integrated circuits (ICs) providing critical functionality for electroni
ny time of the day. We achieved signifcantly high gain compared to traditional GPS receivers so that Time to First Fix is expected to be imp
SICs) with a gate count&gt;10M and Total Ionizing Dose (TID) performance&gt;1 Mrad. Meeting this objective enables building of satellites
to monitor environmental variables or actuators for system controls. The nodes will be powered via a magnetically coupled RF energy tran
n measurement and dynamic model. The key innovations in this effort include i) powerful measures of nonlinearity and non-Gaussianity, ii
e-as-a-Sensor (E-SAS) system. The DF &amp; NN Space Situational Awareness (SSA) fusion tools, Modern Technology Solutions Incorporate
vice, as well as enable increased temperature for reduced the defect density by a combination of new substrates and refned thermal man
high-speed, and high-resolution non contact inspection of machined detail parts and assemblies for manufacturing and production of adv
increase the electrochemical energy storage density of batteries. The energy densities of current batteries are restricted by their utilization
ts INS as a core sensor and applies SAR measurements to mitigate inertial drift. Fusion of SAR and INS data is implemented at two levels. Da
wavelengths. The detectors are made using low cost deposition techniques, at atmosphere, using CMOS readout integrated circuits (ROICs
secondary data storage system. Crossfeld&#039;s approach will provide increased bandwidth and storage capacity to on-board sensor data
able resources for addressing mission objectives. The signifcant disparities in domain-specifc capabilities and their inter-dependencies mak
f data in order to&quot;connect the dots&quot;. In this project, we propose to develop a scalable system for link analysis of data extracte
connecting, a server or network trusting an individual computer connecting to it, and (new here) one network trusting another with which
in. x 8 in.), low-weight (6.4 lb), and power-conserving (17 W) system that is capable of providing better than 2.8 m circular error probable
d tremendous operational cost savings for the DoD due to their superior strength-to-weight ratio when compared to titanium. To take full
s in the era of net-centric warfare and cloud computing. MADSAT is built on: 1) agent-based, distributed execution of optimized query plan
op a microfluidic stem cell analyzer for accurate, non-invasive identifcation of the cell differentiation state in conjunction with automated
rs. Fortunately, a number of proven, evidence-based treatments have been developed to help these communities with these issues. Althou
ent and direly needed by the military. QUASAR and Otosound are partnering on this SBIR project to develop an efficient and objective ti
optimized to run on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) and multi-core Central Processing Units (CPUs).
e of hydrogen through compression and adsorption at densities predicted to exceed DOE 2015 requirements by 65% and 98% for volumetr
an be deployed in a modestly sized unit to provide continuous monitoring. BENEFIT: This technology is applicable to various types of mon
sents a comprehensive next generation MANET technology that provides; (1) Low Probability of Intercept (LPI)/ Low Probability of Detectio
This effort will advance the TRL of both linear and non-linear digital techniques. Non-linear beamforming technique use the recent fundam
of the entire cellular spectrum. With 5 GHz of bandwidth available per channel, gigabit and greater data rates can easily be accommodated
ons links between Remotely Piloted Aircrafts (RPAs), satellites and terrestrial terminals. As RPAs and associated battlefeld sensors prolifera
itory in a deep Battlespace. This system has to provide real time information on the activities, weather, and dangers in the forward area, as
erials include metal coated carbon fbers and nonwovens, along with nickel nanostrands. The performance capabilities of the materials have
n favorable material properties (e.g., heat treatment, rapid quench, and cold work stress relieving). These processing steps, however, also r
in aircraft components with service temperatures exceeding those of PMR-15. This objective will be achieved through the development an
of woven Teflon release plies was effective at reducing the porosity. These structures allow trapped gases to escape during curing, so that
multiscale fnite element methods for the modeling of interface and interphase phenomena in these material systems. The second approa
ype demonstration device, Scientic and Vanderbilt will develop a novel low noise/low distortion VFE differential amplifer, which achieves t
vement in energy-efficiency while providing support for a wide variety of GNSS codes. The proposed flexible code generator is able to effici
test signals to the Device Under Test (DUT). The SoC also receives the signal at select test points in the DUT signal chain, and converts the
mitations of CT. Lickenbrock has developed an advanced variant of the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, and other algorithms, fo
hair cells currently under development for the replication of insect flight, our approach will have long-term applicability to Army UAS conce
nial systems are expected to use up to 1024 of these submodules. Because each submodule has both an inlet and an outlet, the coolant pa
isting in the remediation of problems discovered. GUITAR is multifaceted approach to increasing usability by leveraging integrated tools an
s active against West Nile virus, dengue viruses, and other flaviviruses. In Phase I of this project, we identifed several candidate tetrapepti
While the provision of in-shoe foot orthoses (ISFOs) is commonplace in commercial athletic and outdoor footwear, the provision of similar
ation, temporary shelters and mass-efficient sealant can create this environment within a two-day setup period. HDT developed conceptua
e of turbulence and includes two independent methods for controlling the precise range of flamentation. The adaptive optic correction a
elf, for both receivers and transmitters. Previously, HYPRES built, delivered to US Army CERDEC, and demonstrated an advanced digital-RF r
mation. Fortunately, through crowdsourcing, there are vast, knowledgeable, and unexploited resources in local and military populations tha
decision makers. Commanders have unique information requirements due to short timelines and unknown background data on their assign
e unable to meet size, weight, and power requirements for UAVs. Our approach and the innovation is a reverse turbo-Brayton cryocooler th
quot;i.e., a reservoir of cryogenically-cooled fluid that can be used to precool the cryogenic subsystem, there is a tremendous opportunity t
ying potentially hundreds of targets. In this Phase I effort, we propose to design an integrated planning tool for airborne ISR platorms that
(EO) modulator, and current commercially available EO modulators are not able to withstand the 10kW peak power pulses that can results
fcally, the modulator will be designed to be highly-resistive to electromagnetic attack from high-power microwave and electromagnetic pu
nd ultra-wideband. The modulator is a modifed form of our state-of-the-art low-Vpi lithium niobate Mach-Zehnder modulator, so it will sim
nology. This intimate contact with the fuel cell will levelize heat transfer and supply energy for reforming, enabling the reduction of air-sup
helicopters. The proposing team&#039;s track record of innovation in electric propulsion positions CRG for successful implementation of a h
Progeny Systems Corporation proposes to develop an innovative Check Range Sensor Pod to allow ships and submarines to measure underw
mal shock from surface temperature rise of 2000°C/sec from a Mach 8 launch with point heat fluxes of 4500 BTU/ft2-sec. Multicomponent
the nosetips and suggest they should be made from refractory metals. While metals provide sufficient density for aerodynamic stability, th
provide the required ballistic protection. For this reason, transparent armor is one of the frst places engineers look to reduce overall weig
ufacturing of these lightweight composite materials with improved blast resistance, energy absorbing capability and thermal properties. HA
1411) to reduce weight by over 30% of the current state of the art. Ballistic testing will be completed on a 52 psf single laminate convention
system consists of a master oscillator and power amplifer (MOPA) laser, a frequency doubling laser, and three singly resonant optical para
posal that leverages the laser system development expertise of Q-Peak and the ocean LIDAR modeling experience of PSI to provide an exce
vy air system AVOs. In our targeted solution, we utilize proprietary methodologies that combine standard methods for selection and trainin
ndustrial process control, and free-space optical communications. Existing, commercially available direct diode lasers have some of the mo
alert-to-share capability determines if multiple analysts are continually accessing information with common entities, and alerts relevant an
unlimited ammunition are compelling advantages to laser weapon systems. Among the primary challenges to development and deployme
g. 100-300W/cm2) at the device package to a lower heat flux at the heat sink areas - and do so with minimal thermal resistance. Deliverab
re complete, integrated picture of situations to enable a quicker response while eliminating errors from potential failures of individual sens
nse, battlespace awareness and technical intelligence. To support this mission, enhanced sensors are being developed for the Space-Based
nto a large enclosed environmentally controlled precision milling machine (PMM). Unfortunately, to maintain tight tolerances, the skin pan
be adapted to provide customizable&quot;pick-and-choose&quot;options, including spatial coverage, spectral support, polarization, and fo
on and cross polarization have been fabricated as flat panel construction sample panels and have been evaluated for 0 &amp; #61616; and
ers and the sensor stimulators. The existing data links use COTS based video interfaces that result in a bandwidth shortall by at least 100x f
atural ionosphere is a major issue in the performance of the important radar functions (detection, track, classifcation, intercept support) o
using a Planck-mass-scale, moving s
naissance (ISR) networks without re
s that include former EW officers
his form of combustion is the cycl
rbine inlet. Further, the backpres
n needed to optimize the turbine stages for
e University of Cincinnati (UC) will be impl
ly verifed composite structural desi
omposite aircraft structures
capital investment necessi
is required to win

roducing new materials and pro

lytical rotated overset grids to defne the geometry. Instead of exactly ftting the bodies, an immersed boundary technique will be used, all
flows in large computational domains. To this effect, it focuses on developing: (a) a set of portable and cache-friendly dynamic data structu
associated analysis models remains a challenging and time consuming task. Decomposing and manipulating the design geometry for mesh
task specifc tools that can be operated by the pliers or acceptance that a specifc job simply can&#039;t be accomplished. Vishwa Robotics
onds which may occur because of initial fabrication or service related issues. Detection of such weakened bonds requires an easily used de
h structures. The proposed approach will utilize thermal and mechanical excitation methods to separate the weak/kissing bonds in the adh
AS &amp; T Inc. propose, the Conformal Array Laser Imager for Bondline Evaluation and Repair (CALIBER), designed expressly for this purp
me signature phenomenology is increasingly central to Missile Defense Agencys fundamental mission of development of a Ballistic Missile
solution. This leads to technical goals of having low noise, low dark current in small size pixels in large arrays. While saturated performance
ulti-dimensional approach developed in Phase I and predict vigilance skill performance and aptitude for enlisted classifcation and officer ca
sing, fxing, and reducing rollback and repeatability errors in optimistic models and simulations. In addition, PROMOTE aids in the conversio
timization, fabricating test coupons and small scale throat/prototype large scale parts for the MDA/prime contractor part needs (Aerojet, R
of these arrays by developing technologies that will permit smaller pixels and physically larger arrays. We will also work to improve the ele
tructure of the observed scenes relying on the content of the imagery in fully automated ways. However the research has not matured into
ires analysts to take their eyes away from the image they are analyzing to perform routine functions. This interaction overhead typically lea
ed training tools that span a variety of mission contexts. Because no analyst can be an expert in every sensor platorm, what is needed is a
em. The goal of this program is to eliminate the need to carry extra barrels and change them in combat. The ideal barrel would consist of a
nonlinear analysis tools that can signifcantly improve the post-processing speed and intelligent data mining of large numerical or experime
ure over the set of admissible parameters. We propose to use frequentist-based approaches for non-parametrically estimating probability
rily include input from caregivers. This is unfortunate given today&#039;s technology, where people routinely volunteer to track their own
mbs and extremities, making tasks of walking, reaching, grasping, etc. very difficult or impossible for many patients. It is not enough to focu
e of service and working dogs. The ad
wake and responsive state. IK9 is an
d accelerometers have found wide
based on a combination of a high-Q silicon ni
is known that achieving this goal
of 95% or better. Such a motor/generator will have a wide range of applications, i.e. it can be used as the core building block of a very ligh
cterized for their monotonic tensile properties in tension and compression as well for their creep resistance. Likewise, multiphase Mo-Si-B
lphin (Tursiops truncatus). The dolphin gastrointestinal microbiome will be characterized by 16S rRNA deep sequencing, and culturable com
ptivity is a priority in order to improve the ftness and readiness of these animals for defense missions. Accacia International proposes to de
nfortunately, such monitoring is challenging in practice, since there is no universal pattern that characterizes misbehaving software. We will
iscrepancies between how software is defned and how it is implemented at the modular level can cascade into critical system errors when
ght simulators, and save time and reduce risk during flight tests to defne launch and recovery envelopes for ship and aircraft combinations.
es and towers. The velocity data is needed to support the validation of CFD models that will ultimately be used to provide sufficient safety
n making processes to generalize from experience and avoid repetitive errors. However, the sheer quantity of data gathered can make stora
missions in unknown environments. The key innovation in this effort is a computationally and space-efficient computational memory mod
ties can run into storage limitations when burdened with large amounts of sensor data over long mission durations. This proposal will devel
he HED power source is a novel high-temperature, spectrally-selective metamaterial emitter with a tailored emission spectrum matched to
nge with TPV energy systems is achieving a high-energy conversion efficiency, and one of the critical aspects of the energy conversion proc
arts, they provide a long term maintenance-free power generation. Key factors affecting performance include matching the emitter spectru
n this proposal, ColdQuanta will team with Dr. Jun Ye at JILA and the University of Colorado at Boulder to develop a portable, turn-key syste
ents resulting from immobilizing the cold-atom sample with an optical lattice formed from an optical feld whose wavelength is chosen to m
magnetometer in a regime that is inherently free of sources of drift in the lasers or cell to achieve unprecedented low drift at low frequency
f cognitive science can contribute to the design of a new generation of systems that are far more helpful: based on knowledge of user roles
g on the context in which they are operating, and must do it in a proactive manner. Today, massive quantities of data are passed blindly be
rors. This problem is exemplifed in undersea warfare and specifcally contact management for safe littoral navigation. In littoral navigation,
y as a steel flywheelfor
pre-requisite technologies that are limited
shipboard integration by the speed
of flywheel energyinstowage
which they can safely
systems. Theserotate,
systemsPowerTHRU has already
have the potential demonstrated
to reduce drain onthat

ing process. The Phase I tradeoff design studies will assess the FESS size, operating speeds and material requirements needed to achieve th
) system and the Airborne Laser Mine Detection System (ALMDS) currently use frequency-doubled 1-µm lasers as the laser source. The gen
ng. SoarTech, with its proven track-record of basic and applied research and transition into actual deployment, will bring forward advanced
Decision Points for the Company and below in austere environments. Operating in the Cloud, I2EDM will continuously fuse tactical informa
ture enough for transition. Efforts will be made to ensure the enhancement will not come with signifcant loss of efficiency. The Phase I effo
detection of the incident laser radiation, the direction from which it is originating, and characterization of its wavelength and temporal prof
iode pumps and a unique solid state crystal with excellent energy storage properties for high peak power, short pulsed green lasing output
added efficiencies in excess of 90%. To achieve this performance, this project will develop new approaches to increase the breakdown volt
ing acoustic systems of interest to the U.S. Navy. Present day active acoustic system performance models, which contain reverberation mod
sensors for temperature and motion capture. The core of the Phase I project will focus on demonstrating the feasibility of the device for E
Although sensing modalities and the information that can be gleaned from them is a fairly well advanced science, the sensors themselves l
ese alloys for specifc applications. In particular, this research will focus on addressing core aspects of Integrated Computational Materials E
devices to the body for best-quality signal capture and continuous health monitoring by seamlessly integrating with the body, under clothin
strate switch-mode amplifers that use a novel gate design with Gallium Nitride forming the basis for solid state power amplifcation.
adiance levels seen in practice. OPTRA, Inc. proposes a solution based on the complementary combination of CMOS readout integrated cir
warning systems. The proposed wide optical bandwidth will be achieved by adapting previously developed methods. The system will explo
rojectiles. However, with the classifcation of cobalt as a strategic and critical material that the US Department of Health and Human Servic
cyber-physical systems-of-systems, and that will pave the way to certifcation of systems that were previously too complex to rigorously ce
sm to enable such reasoning at both the system and system-of-systems levels. The enhancements that will be developed are in three majo
data at 5kHz. The system will consist of a multichannel readout system, extreme environment transducers, and different, but easily applie
of military aircraft, including hypersonic vehicles. Instrumentation that can survive the high temperature environment while delivering acc
speed to provide ultra-high power density. The resulting system will be compact, lightweight, efficient, robust, and reliable. Our team is ide
for high temperature applications. While rare-earth (RE) based alloys have played a pivotal role in modern defense and high-tech industry,
The slow tuning response speeds, high material losses, and device noise at higher frequencies have also limited their widespread applicati
munitions for small arms. The objectives of this effort are to: 1) Mechanically compact the WC and binder powders, 2) Sinter the compacted
-mining strategy and model reduction technology based on thermodynamics and manifold learning techniques and on nonlocal dispersive
compounds created to replace them, the performance falls with the sensitivity. The ORBITEC team proposes the development of new ener
est (&quot;NTSOI&quot;) for threat detection, avoidance, and targeting on the C-130. We will frst identify and specify potential conforma
ation of conformal antennas pose special challenges, since the structural and material designs are fxed and only minimal changes can be m
nd it is probable that operating costs could be reduced if recent advances were used. Since a complete redesign is out of the question, the
al simulations, wind tunnel and flight tests are typically carried out to investigate the aerodynamic loading on the doors, but analyses often
gram is to develop a methodology that will allow the unsteady aerodynamic loads on deployed aircraft bay doors to be evaluated early in t
esign and efficiency across a range of multi-point flight conditions. Emphasis will be placed on defning the interdisciplinary interactions an
design architecture is an enhancement of the Collaborative Optimization technique. It allows discrete design choices and leverages on Vari
LWIR (8-12 micron) regions. While QCLs have become the sources of choice in these spectral regions, the only realistic option to attain hun
um (IV) oxide chemistry. The cells are flexible and have a low recharge voltage. This makes them useful in a variety application as well (mou
ossible. It is now well agreed that artic regions are critical to man&quot;s understanding of the environment. Historically sensor packages f
s - are attributed to spacecraft charging. While measurements of electron emission, surface potential, and electrostatic breakdown provid
This system captures infrared radiation, rectifes it and converts it to a direct current for further processing. In this Phase II project, we plan
achieve very wide scanning angle with diffraction limited beam quality. We develop a very scalable electro-optic plasmonic waveguides arr
ety at a working depth of 1000 ft of sea-water; protecting the body from the high external pressure at depth, while providing a sustainable
nts will be beam combined monolithically using a unique spectral beam combining technique. The combined outputs will reach power leve
the flight performance of aircraft, they offer the possibility to install a greater number of antennas, or larger antennas, than conventional a
erformance and acoustics requirements for multiple flight conditions poses a serious analytical challenge, given structural constraints, wei
titiveness in the defense and clean energy sectors and creates a strategic vulnerability for the United States. This STTR proposal aims at de
are facing more security challenges, such as the more possible physical access to a target device and more constrained computing environm
prove the feasibility of this powerful technology: 1. Advanced algorithms were used to develop compressive measurement basis sets for im
delays and expense in the felding of improved designs. Recent rapid advancements in digital human modeling now allow the developmen
erently. This defense can be applied proactively, to create a&quot;moving target&quot;by periodic reconfguration. Implementing these str
process. As part of it, we will conduct a wind tunnel demonstration of a&quot;retrofttable&quot;bay door that is integrated with an array
MD systems require sensor preprocessing, optical distortion correction, and image processing between the sensor inputs and the microdispl
pt will achieve the government&quot;s performance requirements and address the two most challenging technical issues for practical helm
3D data from a variety of sources without the need for glasses, head tracking or any other supporting devices. Zebra Imaging&#039;s light-
t communication protocols in cross-platorm communication at an engineering level. However, little work has been conducted to ensure th
for this instrument include a compact design with built in calibration loads, including a COLFET that achieves a low temperature reference w
among distributed crews, technologies must manage training activities and evaluate collaborative performance. Current mission planning
s. The VPHS will input high resolution image data from imaging sensors, process that data to yield enhanced visualizations and output the
mplement a massively parallel computation and display engine capable of generating fringe information and directly&quot;writing&quot;fr
mpetes with other display systems for valuable cockpit volume. The objective of this program is to develop a new approach to the HUD arc
red to ft multiple cockpits without modifying the core optical elements. It meets the requirement to reduce power space and cooling by 2
nd dispersion of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by individuals. The intended application of these capabilities is to supplement
may be enterprise owned or personally owned (governed by a Bring Your Own Device policy). Given the limited battery and CPU on mobile d
cess control mechanism that will dynamically adjust data access for individuals based on their proximity to others/organizations in terms o
eed, CFDRC is proposing an innovative method called CAPSA (Controlling Access using Proximity-focused Semantic Analysis) for granting acc
tiple forensic data archives; however, only a small fraction of this GMTI is exploited because analysts lack trust in automated GMTI exploita
e will result in two key products: (1) a sophisticated simulator capable of modeling complex behaviors and relationships in a consistent man
f so designated, and tailored for their devices, facilitating their rapid reaction to changing operational conditions. The team proposes to int
he full capability of its airborne reconnaissance and surveillance assets. The synergy between different sensor platorms will provide enhan
rs via a very narrow (56k) communication channel. The current point-to-point solution of IR data compression implementation at the data d
yloads has become an increasingly attractive option. The advantages offered by digital beam-forming stem from the ability to create comp
environments. The focus will be on chaotic signal generation schemes that are based on fnite-precision digital models, rather than underly
uipment. Our proposed solution for the WDCS will facilitate the introduction of additional Digital IF technology, such as all digital modems a
in contextusing an understanding of temporal evolution, to consider how different conflicts may be related, and how the underlying source
telligence analysts identify relevant documents, integrate facts into summaries about current situation, and augment existing knowledge w
where individuals are increasingly adept at leveraging various forms of communication, transaction mechanisms, and travel patterns in su
ethods employed will adapt previous research work performed by the PI&quot;s while advancing the work to better meet the needs of the
assigned an appropriate classifcation before it may be disseminated. Normally, classifcation information is stored as metadata attached to
pid dissemination of intelligence products across security domains. Securboration is teaming with Matrix International, a leading provider o
ers are confronted with&quot;stovepipes,&quot;making it difficult to gain a full appreciation of blue force activities involving others outsid
ces are available to them, where they are, and how best to use them in a mission. Blue force awareness currently stems from readiness app
ntic web tools and standards to develop a friendly force knowledge representation that captures cross-domain dependencies among physic
provide assurances that the software on a computing system has not been tampered. While the basics of trusted computing have been
ity of our approach to quantify and adopt the end-to-end trust of components in large network infrastructures. The proposed approach wi
on sensitivity depends on the area enclosed by a circular optical path, so it is impossible to signifcantly reduce the size of a standard fber o
ool (ModelCenter) paired with a SysML environment (e.g. MagicDraw or Rhapsody). The new features will include the auto-generation of us
nd development process, and aid in making better acquisition decisions for space. AWCAMS will be an open-source, standards-based fram
akers need to address. A team of experienced system engineers can be leveraged to understand and explain many of these tradeoffs using
its long life and low vibration characteristics. Our specifc technical objectives also include: a total cryocooler mass of less than 500 g, com
earch, detection, tracking, and imaging modes. Work under this task will be focused on signal and data processing of TASS sensor suite targ
devices require fabrication in other materials, such as gallium arsenide (GaAs). For both Si and GaAs substrate materials, attempts to&quot
tor LED arrays hybridized to CMOS read-in integrated circuits. This project leverages read-in circuit design and control electronics that were
cation. The threshold operational region could exceed the specifed 1200 to 1800 nm at power level of many microwatts per pixel in the n
players for instructional and research purposes. The warfghter&quot;s ability to modify and distribute this mission data is currently limited
abilities of separate component solutions, such as mission planning, briefng, debriefng and performance assessment. The key challenges
Guided Image Conformal Head Mounted Display (MAGIC-HMD) system based on advanced waveguide volume diffractive optics in photopol
fail to provide the high acuity and felds-of-view that are desired by today&quot;s war fghters as well as commercial users. When laser ey
s (HMDs), Luminit, LLC proposes to develop a novel Curved Wave-guided Holographic Display (CWHD) for pilot visors. This system will be b
h-fdelity voxelized anatomical body models have been used in conjunction with sophisticated EM and thermal solvers to predict energy ab
ciency antenna subsystem capable of near-term deployment for E-band (71-76 GHz) and W-band (81-86 GHz) high-data rate communicatio
data securely and in compliance with DoD standards.&quot;The user can designate image areas of interest or let CIRRUS processes automa
spatial domain. However, adaptive beamforming doesn&#039;t account for frequency differences in interferers, and may be difficult to im
ming or interference. BENEFIT: Military applications for this technology include warfghter satellite communications and AISR. Commercial
nology in this SBIR is the IF L-band digital channelizer to down-convert the entire IF L-band signal, digitize the signal in a 500 MHz bandwid
ntents such as high resolution surveillance images and videos, while on the other hand, civilian applications require high defnition multime
new system, which we call FlowTrust, to evaluate real-time trust scores of networked computer systems based on observed network traffic
ysis. This instrument combines two novel technologies: (1) a self-sustaining laminar-flow water condensation particle counter and collector
D Gaming Environment (W3DGE). The W3DGE is a game-based, networked, reconfgurable trainer that can travel anywhere and be assemb
to third and fourth generation aircraft. Ensuring pilots are comprehensively trained across these complex, interrelated tasks is simply not e
nt for next-generation multi-role aircraft. Built on COTS hardware, the tactics, techniques, and procedures trainer will offer the user a high
ents is represents a unique and critical capability for the Air Force. Lumir Research Institute proposes to build the Predicting, Analyzing, an
hers are only able to model the electromagnetic effects on the human body of communications, medicine, security, or military devices in a
redict the transport and dispersion of VOCs in both interior spaces and the environment will assist in defning the technical requirements a
perly allocated, performance degrades, and missions may fail. To avoid operator overload, a thorough, real-time evaluation of the state of th
e Remote Assets from the lowest network layer, through the Operating System (OS, Kernel) layer, and through the Application layer. These
aphic regions. A methodology and process to design a Geographically-Aware and Targeted Secure Information Dissemination (GATSID) serv
-move present challenges to the communications infrastructure of any organization. Providing the right actionable information to the right
achieved; this provides stronger links and longer ranges over a wider feld-of-view. SI2&quot;s array technology is inherently wideband ena
sfer is validated by the existence of the Intra-Flight Data Link (IFDL) for the F-22 and the Multifunction Advanced Data Link (MADL) for the F
nd EO/IR imagery and data. Prior to going operational with V/W SATCOM, it is necessary to understand and empirically characterize atmos
awned a requisite for an airborne antenna supporting satellite communication at V/W band. The target platorm for this antenna is a large
rvices. CIRRUS will provide high-performance IR data management on the Secure Cloud that is highly available, focused on end-user requi
0 resolution (4.5um pixel pitch) mixed-signal LCoS backplane developed for Digital Cinema Initiative (DCI) applications, capable of nominal
unted display (HMD) systems poses a signifcant challenge to developers. HMD systems based on previous processor technology have been
(NLI) development toolkit for constructive agents. We will simplify the creation of constructive agents by making it easy to develop and t
ity (LIMRICC) between US Air Force Command Control Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C2ISR) wide body air crafts. For highe
rature in sub-bands between 66-86 GHz at a sample of elevation angles. A Monte Carlo photon tracing algorithm calculates anticipated rad
he probability of their involvement in a MAC. Therefore, there exists a need for a postern sense and avoid (SAA) capability that will enable R
n, the developer of Prepar3D and the prime contractor for the F-22 and F-35, will be supporting GameSim with ffth generation aircraft subj
OC) levels emitted by a person for several scenarios of interest. The approach applies&quot;frst principles&quot;, Computation Fluids Dyna
AC) approaches. We propose to develop an innovative, generic PBAC architecture, leveraging several reference technologies: (1) ObjectSec
ure of this transmission and reception capability is the VLF radio, capable of broadcasting worldwide by use of ground transmitters and pro
uclear capability, Air Force faces an urgent need to update legacy VLF equipment to reliably support scenarios where its applicability is vita
erometric Telescopic Array Infrared (MACInTIR) sensor. The proposed MACInTIR sensor system is based on a unique combination of a cohe
xpensive optics. The optics, detectors, and interferometric signal processing principles draw heavily on decades of experience in ground-ba
parable near-Isothermal Refreshable Interface (SIRI) for electronics modules. The innovation in enhanced surface morphology, and integrati
most promising and commercially viable candidate. The effort concludes with a demonstration of performance and capability in a relevant
graphy for holographic video displays and near to eye displays for defense, industrial, medical and consumer applications. LCOS builds on t
are asking them to fly multi-role extended missions that may occur in degraded visual environments. Pilots need a visualization system tha
ved in the development of ultra-high resolution Liquid Crystal on Silicon (LCOS) spatial light modulators (SLM) and associated optical system
hout a means to detect airborne NP exposure, there is a potentially hazardous delay in implementation of exposure control protocols. Cur
at scale more closely with particle number or surface area rather than the conventional metric of mass concentration. Real-time monitors t
e-virtual-constructive (LVC) simulation for realistic practice and assessment in various environments, and performance data capture for aft
lution. SBG Labs has developed a break-through solution that overcomes these traditional limitations. We are currently leveraging this brea
these operations using simulations requires synthetic teammates that understand and use text-chat in a realistic, human-like manner, exhi
uctive entities as teammates in a way that enhances training for the human participants. In modern operational environments text messag
l loading causes the viewing domes to emit a high background radiance, which reduces the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the sensor below
between 50,000 and 70,000ft, for navigation and terminal homing applications. The leading edge of a vehicle traveling at Mach 7 may exp
stability studies as well as preliminary exothermic properties. This will include depth profling via ESCA, XPS, determination of chemistry st
tion. We propose to improve the energetic properties and air-stability of aluminum nanoparticles by encapsulating them with a relatively n
pon impact. This entails the design of an integrated active case and related explosive systems technology that will use air and other eleme
o augment the fuel-air explosion of JP-10. This technology will enable smaller weapon systems to deliver lethal impulses with comparable l
oncept relies upon rapid shock compression of the fuel followed by flash vaporization. Just prior to impact, an annular ring of HE surround
ia is anticipated to be signifcantly greater than 5 meters at a data rate of 50kbits/sec or greater. Two technologies are used simultaneously.
rch programs. The Phase I effort will include supporting a technical start-up meeting at Eglin AFB FL, developing secure data transmit/ rece
ning experience, it will develop an extremely small form factor and inexpensive solution to meet all of the requirements of this system. Du
ature range of -145°C to 450°C. Our Kevlar based composites can be formed and seamed to maintain EM immunity in product lengths curr
s. Materials Research Institute proposes to use metalized nanometric and micrometric materials as conductive fllers to formulate the light
s anticipated to provide valuable armor for electronic devices that suffer from electromagnetic interference. In this proposal, we demonstr
mission at sensing/communication frequencies while enabling broadband electromagnetic shielding outside of these frequencies are usefu
el enclosure while providing the same structural rigidity and comparable EMI/EMP isolation. The enclosure uses proven technologies, and
ntages, but have not been able to provide adequate levels of electromagnetic shielding. Conductive composite materials will be used to fa
e loitering at high altitudes for upwards of 24 hours. As a result, sections of the hydraulic system are becoming cold soaked and prone to le
-100oF and as high as 275oF, in the presence of red hydraulic fluid. The property of compression set is used as a major consideration for th
elow the traditional aircraft minimum of -65°F. Currently, in order for the hydraulic systems to function without leakage of the hydraulic oil,
the photocathode as well as a method for sealing the tube for high vacuum. It is usually made from Corning 7056 glass, of a thickness grea
coatings can degrade over time and compromise desired performance. Unfortunately all LO defects are not evident as part of a visual insp
ms are based on micro-resistor arrays, deformable mirror devices, spatial light modulators, and liquid crystal light valves. In this SBIR progra
s to develop a new ultrawide-feld-of-view Seeker for Small Agile Munitions (S4SAM). The proposed S4SAM includes image, SAL, and naviga
e multimode system is required because of the continued need for military operations to be conducted in difficult urban environments wer
integrated seeker for precision and agile munitions. The enhanced capability is required to address military operations in difficult environm
e architecture which supports multiple radar modes and high speed data link communications. The seeker will be capable of prosecuting s
design; RF design; advanced processing architectures; and Digital Signal Processing (DSP) algorithms design to develop a concept/architectu
rt technology. The proposed approach will use facile, cost effective and scalable wet chemical process. Oceanit&quot;s prior experience in
of particular interest is in producing core-shell energetic materials based on metal (fuel)/metal oxide (oxidizer) chemistry that demonstrate
t of the shielded enclosure while maintaining the shielding effectiveness of this enclosure by using a composite material. This engineering
n, where incident energy is at some other angle besides grazing and the surface than reflects the incident energy into a complimentary ang
applied to the surface of aircraft without damaging the coating layers is investigated. The concepts to be employed in performing the mea
ll signifcantly reduce downtime between aircraft overhauls, reduce worker injuries, and provide uniform coating to the repaired inlets. Uti
f off-the-shelf FANUC robots outitted with long composite tools to reach inside the inlets and accurately deposit coatings. Aerobotix propo
need for an improved analysis methodology that allows designers to reduce the time and cost associated with material and structural deve
attain favorable material properties (e.g., heat treatment, rapid quench, cold work stress relieving, and artifcial aging). These processing s
al vehicles that are robust enough to adapt to the multiple missions a Predator class (or larger) UAV may encounter in theater, are compatib
ulsed lasers with high pulse energy to illuminate the target of interest. Here we proposed to demonstrate and build near 1550nm single fre
pts a multi-pose constrained estimation (MPCE) approach that ensures correct observability by decoupling landmark error states from moti
ty to provide an accurate estimate of the uncertainty of the solution. In this proposal we describe a solution for geo-registration based aro
ntrols and electro-mechanical actuation devices will pose further challenges for energy efficiency and mission capability. Therefore, there is
n existing UIUC and CUA expertise to expand the operational envelope of military and commercial vehicles (aircraft and automobiles). Suc
g integrated circuits will be designed (i) operational amplifer; (ii) voltage reference circuit; and (iii) logic gates with the following functions
e fbers to improve the bulk thermal conductivity and highly conductive bonding layer to reduce the total thermal contact resistance of TIM
uel. The cooling capacity of kerosene-based fuels is low even with endothermic cracking reactions. Increasing the fuel cooling capacity by
nds, several of the loads can introduce very high rates of current change (dI/dt) within the EPS, all of which implies signifcant spectral powe
stable dispersions of small percentages of additives, only limited physical changes to existing combustion systems may be required. The cu
reate aluminum oxide and releases 30% more heat per unit volume than kerosene. Thus, small additions of aluminum nanoparticles to kero
ance. Florida Turbine Technologies, Inc. (FTT) is currently developing spar-shell technologies to enable a revolutionary leap in gas turbine effi
provide complete characterization of soot emissions. Instrumentation for reliable detection and characterization of nonvolatile particulate
he proposed Xwatch program has been structured to work closely with industry to create the military version of an iPhone, but with ubiqui
nt duration of time as 120mm mortar ammo is unloaded manually from the aircraft by, often, low density, high demand Marines in hot land
ology (ADT) system. In the Phase I effort, Mezzo designed thermal management systems for both applications which utilize Mezzo&quot;s a
sonar to locate fshing nets at distances >310 ft and hydrodynamic structure with control surfaces to maneuver the towed array TL-29A aro
ator for use during periods of low wind.
cuting, and assessing *multivariant missions*, that is, missions that include primary and contingency components * Implementing the mul
ms (e.g., soldier mounted, UAV/MAV, UGV, micromunitions, and more). The Vescent EO scanner provides previously unrealizable performan
his approach was that the delineation of axial and radial loads will ensure that each load bearing member can withstand the static and dyna
t able to protect the receivers. Therefore more robust limiters which can handle the transmitted power are needed. These limiters must als
g distributed digitization hardware, piezoelectric-based damage-localization sensors, and a data accumulation hub. Collaborating with Good
the appropriate condenser tube based on a provided positional information and visually signals the operator to continue with inspection fo
dapting to highly variable operating environments. The prototype will demonstrate IDR capability in a relevant laboratory environment usi
he combustion environments of a range of commercial burner rigs and aerospace turbine engines. Based on our expertise in high-tempera
ures in the submerged jet over the fouling to remove it. In Phase I, we successfully demonstrated the feasibility of such a DYNAJETS diver t
udio with useful false-positive and false-negative rates. In Phase II, Voci is is partnering with Vickers &amp; Nolan Enterprises to develop a
patible Base Station. This architecture would allow standard MUOS terminals to operate in mountainous or extremely northern or souther
tronic countermeasures (CREW), and hostile jamming can saturate the spectrum and impair essential communications. Adaptive Dynamics
urf zone, and beach. This suite of algorithms and software will perform accurate long-term tracking of detected targets with high probabilit
uage (ATML) Workbench and the associated suite of tools initially developed and described in the SBIR Phase I Project (N121-027) conducte
s such as MEDAL provide some support to address these issues, but those tools lack a comprehensive coverage of the process; in particula
orn Display (SEEALL-HWD) system. Successfully developed and proven feasible in Phase I, SEEALL-HWD is based on free-form imaging optics
decomposing the system into a set of modular components, and determining component interfaces; 2) Develop a web-based prototype ap
requirements. Specifcally, surface, underwater and buried mines pose one of the most serious threats to US Navy vessels operating in litto
This proposed technology is based on size separation of visible emissions particles in a micro-virtual impactor and real-time load measure
ey desirable characteristics of such systems: that they be declarative, generative, self-aware, and prescient. Declarative means that behavio
breaking the barriers in terms of computer aided design (CAD) simulation accuracies and capabilities. It furthers the art of exploiting availab
ed and optimized and then the components are spliced together to create the fnished device. Pump efficiencies of over 96% and power h
pecifcally, the main objective of this proposed Phase I research effort is to develop the concept for a new simulation capability that enhanc
s for control of engine settings for RPA internal combustion engines (ICE) operating on heavy fuels. The sensor will be based on laser light s
SUAS). The development of IMPULSE will lead to a state-of-the-art, high-energy-density power system that is cruise efficient for extended e
, thru a second ITB in variable modes for additional power on demand and at high altitude. Northrop Grumman has indicated signifcant in
eptable. Thermal efficiencies of current offerings hovering around 30% and below indicate that even modern turbine/turboprop engines a
ull proposal. The applicable aircraft and system requirements will be identifed. A preliminary SOFC combustor will be designed and a benc
nce, increased power for auxiliary/sensor systems, and low altitude, low speed maneuverability are becoming paramount, specifcally, in th
anent magnet motor (PMM). This variable speed input optimizes propulsion system performance and efficiency. This approach delivers nea
anical stresses, contributing to fatigue, are intricately coupled with thermal effects. Therefore, a realistic simulation of bearing performance
70) direct current (DC) systems. The initial instantiation of these electrical analogs resulted in higher-than-anticipated demand and regene
ns of turbine engine component flow felds, particularly those associated with thrust augmentors, i.e., afterburners. This tool will be ideall
ission execution. These new support centers utilize modern service based architecture and high speed data links to provide the capability t
a major beneft. One of the primary cost drivers of the towed array is the hydrophone itself and a new design and manufacturing concept
ostic and prognostic information to maintenance crews through Condition Based Maintenance (CBM), which allows parts to be replaced on
existing laminated composites using a proprietary manufacturing method. General Nano's work in performed in partnership with a leading
nd atomic clocks. Operational features readily accommodate cooling cycles for achieving BEC. The versatility of the laser system is a critical
rd chiller efficiency can be increased by introducing an intermediate sink water system at 68°F to directly cool the equipment loads and add
o large to ft on a typical tube-launched UAV. Second, sources of magnetic noise such as the motor are close to the sensors and have the po
hase II design and development activities will result in a deliverable prototype system capable of demonstrating functionality, value, mitiga
ngs such as AS81820 and AS81819. To reach that goal, NanoLab and its subcontractors will refne the sensor design, demonstrate their inse
are many different types of repair methods, resin injection offers a less intrusive method of repair and does not require near the post-proc
d L2 signals from the Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites. Mayflower&quot;s approach to meet the Navy objective in this SBIR progra
d by the boats. However, detection of small boats still remains a very challenging problem. Most small boats are simply not visible to a typ
tion (POC) is developing a new Jamming Effect Simulation and Synchronization (JESS) system based on our physics-based RF propagation sim
and collaboration between Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Forces (MPRF) airborne platorms, sensor systems and authorized users.
uations in the area of operations that pose considerable risks to mission assets; both personnel and equipment. However, no decision suppo
ere defned as being equipped with ADS-B that broadcasts that aircraft&quot;s position and velocity vectors. Non-Cooperative targets mus
on of novel epitaxial structures and advanced fabrication technologies. Thanks to the very high critical electric feld of GaN, in addition to th
ng a novel combination of electronic and photonic hardware together with digital processing software. During Phase II, we will develop a p
ided by modeling. It is expected that prototype wound capacitor with energy density of 4 J/cc can be achieved by the end of the Phase II p
tiple operations and missions. Including intent as a quantitative and deterministic input into data exchange operations will have a large posi
he coherence of the light source, enabling a diffraction-limited spot to form each pixel--enabling a pixel pitch less than 2.7 microns for high
ndoff particle emissions with compliance to EPA standards. Our innovative in-situ optical sensor is capable of accurately measuring interre
provides a comprehensive Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) that will leverage the connectivity of the GIG to enable interoperability an
g of the maintenance. Currently, once an aircraft arrives at the depot, it spends time in the maintenance queue waiting for the problem to b
mmercial and military arenas to enhance existing aircraft maintenance capabilities, and develop the concept demonstration for an Automa
es require that the software be partitioned between a more powerful centrally located host and the mobile computing devices. This requir
T) or Combat Identifcation (CID), to provide a common functionality for sustained Electronic Warfare (EW) systems. The effort leverages R
radio frequency (RF) emitters sharing similar characteristics and of course spectrum and (2) ever increasing digitization of radar front-ends
ng from unsteady flow in the weapons bay. The software will include physics-based, reduced-order models that predict six-degrees-of-freed
is typically available prior to detailed influence load collection. One of the approaches will make use of independent parametric informatio
compressed and stored in an easily reusable and distributable format. The tool will rapidly determine store+bay confgurations that display
onetix will leverage extensive experience in wireless high temperature sensor materials, devices, packaging, and data acquisition, to develo
orporation (POC) proposes to develop a new SAA Postern Insect Eye/Neuromorphic (SAPIEN) sensor system. SAPIEN is an electro-optical se
ormance. Our WHRS absorbs heat from aircraft thermal loads, including a Thermal Energy Storage (TES) system that absorbs and stores he
om air platorms in a manner that will allow the system to meet size, weight, and power constraints and not signifcantly impact survivabilit
s electromagnetic interference (EMI). Unexpected and unmitigated EMI, especially from high power systems (HPEMI) can cause deleteriou
y through the conductors in the power distribution network (PDN) of packaged chipsets. This process needs to be better understood. Mod
llouin scattering (SBS) and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS), provide an upper limit on the operating power of kW-class fber laser system
bers. Based on modeling and design optimization, we will fabricate kilowatt capable power combiner prototypes for pump coupling to dou
he design of HEL phased arrays by presenting a complete beamlet tracking and steering in an extraordinarily compact design. A full 50 cm
in target based phase measurement approaches provides us with a unique insight into the basic requirements of both the subaperture for
High Energy (APACHE) weapon systems. The APACHE architecture, based on an a thermalized conformal optical design and novel electron
nology to interface with heat sinks integrated into the active precision pointing fber support structure. The result is a highly efficient therm
ment SystEm (FRAME) for high power laser applications. The FRAME system is based on a new circularly symmetric cooling confguration t
models that are capable of representing a vast array of potential targets. Information about the platorm orientation collected from on-boar
sue of pointing the laser weapon to a specifc hit point when there are no features in the required direction. Even if there are features in th
solution Helmet-Mounted Display (SMALLER-HMD) system. This proposed system is based on compressed sensing of advanced low-power
to the pilot. The SWIR cameras offer high resolution and high frame rate FPAs (1280 x 1024 &amp; 60Hz) with accommodation to 2560 x 2
tablet computer. The SOE is one element in a proposed family of devices incorporating features from the SPYRUS Secure Pocket Drive, the
ls do not all produce the required markings, nor can they always follow the latest version of standards such as the DoD Discovery Metadata
ls and analog cells specifcally for use in automating the design of Rad Hard analog circuits. STI was able to prove feasibility of a revolutiona
- and V- band transceiver. BENEFIT: Escape&#039;s approach to adaptive coding and adaptive symbol rate provides maximum throughput
able a very wideband modem for W/V band MILSATCOM applications is described and a work plan defned to demonstrate feasibility. Spac
e manufacturing process for Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs). Once developed and validated, the methodology would be used in the co
unctionality. Both the 4- and 7-element confgurations are backwards compatible with ADAP/GAS-1N and GAS-1 standard military CRPA co
eapon systems and improve their effectiveness. In the proposed effort, Toyon Research Corporation proposes to design and fabricate a fve
ensor (FOxSense) network system for the real-time in-situ monitoring of the oxygen ullage environment for the closed-loop fuel tank inertin
objectives, thereby making reliability of power systems components one of the most essential design parameters. Specifcally, ffth-genera
dvanced rotary EMA technologies for primary flight control actuation systems; enable thin-wing architectures on next generation aircraft an
ation is an advanced EMA technology based on an axial flux, permanent-magnet machine structure. The unique shape of this device enabl
rial/coating system, and to demonstrate this systems&#039;ability to survive in an environment representative of a reusable oxygen-rich st
00 keV and suitable for Space applications. The proposed system combines the technologies of ion beam generation from an electrospray
t and emerging conventional and alternative power systems. At the end of Phase II, MDD will have developed a comprehensive energy sim
he aerospace industry because they are difficult to measure and can lead to premature failure of flight-critical components. There are seve
on of hot target saturation and image degradation effects in imaging sensors. The S3-TECH&quot;s innovative technology will demonstrate
multiple reinfltration and pyrolysis cycles to maximize matrix density. While the frst cycle typically uses a ceramic powder flled polymer, su
non-linear viscoelastic fluid through a poroelastic body. A salient feature of the method is that the constraints due to stoichiometry are tak
c laser radar to obtain fne resolution 3D images or synthetic aperture synthesis to image through a number of small sub-apertures rather t
as the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. The O2 sensor system is intended to support the Onboard Inert Gas Generation System (OBIGGS) aircraft fu
fgure the Adaptive Power and Thermal Management System (APTMS) based on the subsequent flight profle to enable the APTMS to use t
ve historically been related to nonlinearities such as uncontrolled diode rectifers, zero crossing distortion, and fluctuating loads. However
reporting turbine particulate matter (PM) emission rates. There is a need for thorough research to experimentally determine the accuracy
00 barrels of petroleum-based fuels per day. During wartime OPTEMPO, generators burn more fuel than any other single source, including
escribed in the recent Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) study. Under the proposed program, we propose to design, fabricate, and prove in tes
ost and inadequate autonomous control capabilities. HDMs team, including partners ZeroBase Energy and Raytheon, proposes the Adaptive
es. Current measurement methods rely on mechanical dial indicators that struggle to provide the required accuracy, are difficult to use in ti
ly encountered during military use. NanoSonic will apply our HYBRIDSIL Solar materials to flexible solar cells to demonstrate environmenta
image capabilities and the small Size, Weight and Power (SWAP) budget of the typical SUAS, there is a growing need for a video exploitatio
ession, low SWaP and fast development are fundamental industry requirements that mesh perfectly with the SUAS ISR mission. Having bui
y at the imaging plane. Both techniques add considerable size, weight, power requirements, and cost to the sensor system. Boulder Nonlin
ctive video compression and maximizes the useful content in data transmission. Neuromorphic classifers currently hold the records for gre
are fully recoverable. Further, software for fully reconstructing a scene from an image set is now freely available. As the range of viewpoint
rages the constraints relied upon by both approaches. When an area of interest is imaged from a long distance with little angular diversity
e antenna (ERA) placed in the focal region of a foldable parabolic dish with an offset focus. Toyon has repeatedly demonstrated and patente
rature operation ranges. To make further advancements, an enabling high temperature and extreme harsh environment integrated circuit
fficient larger motor which operates on 270VDC. The optimization of EM actuator parameters starts with straightorward math and require
ena, including acoustics, combustion, and turbulence. The goal of this project is to provide a framework that will allow the development o
ds to collect laser drilling process data. This data is then processed by a specially designed integrated control system to generate a real-time
or widespread utilization, and even smaller scale inorganic cells are too rigid and too heavy to be integrated into all next generation aero-st
osed loop fashion. The need for such an adaptive and flexible architecture is driven by the ever increasingly challenging military radar envi
tion of performance metrics to assess FAR system performance, and (ii) to develop analytical as well as computer simulation methods for d
the displaced phase center antenna (DPCA) technique. Hybrid ATI/DPCA exploits the complementary information from each method and
Responsivity&gt;0.7 A/W at 1550 nm wavelength; (b) -3 dB Bandwidth&gt;60 GHz; (c) -9 dB Bandwidth&gt;80 GHz; (d) 1 dB Compression
omaterials synthesis, processing, and incorporation, SMRC will synthesize or modify nanoparticles with surface treatments to maximize the
particles including particle stability, agglomeration, oxidation, solid combustion by-products containing metals and the environmental issue
olution are used to cover the majority of the computational domain except near the body surfaces for taking advantages of ease of grid ge
ated with traditional hermetic can (HC) packaging dominates the overall cost of transceivers felded in the aerospace systems such as the F-
d ADC architecture includes both superconductor and semiconductor analog-to-digital converters and mixed-signal inter-range circuitry. Th
cal modeling and simulation (M&S) tools and techniques. In Phase I, PEC identifed the key technical issues, which include the high loading
r are too difficult to apply in the feld. Akita Innovations proposes to develop and test a new paradigm for optoelectronic device encapsula
an order of magnitude greater than the bulk material. Although less costly powders exist, they have large size and shape distributions whic
mia and industry to reliably identify visible and hidden corrosion on aluminum surfaces and components, restore lost coating material, or c
aired and restored aluminum. Innovations are proposed for a self-healing polyurethane-based top coat that satisfes the functional perform
aN MISHFET technology offers radical device performance improvement over SiC MOSFETs and other device types in terms of transconduc
arge volutes, and housings exposed to or submerged in LOX. The high pressures present in these turbopumps dictate that the LOX compati
al protection and at the same time provides sufficient damping characteristics to prevent fatigue failure. Furthermore, when applied to the
dividual micro-guns as small as one micron crossectional diameter are possible, on a pitch of under 2 microns. A fully scalable array of the
bine engines, i.e. screech and rumble. For a rigorous high-fdelity numerical model for acoustic combustion in engine augmentors, we iden
ftware developed in this project, the DMS500 will represent a robust, cost-effective instrument package that can be rapidly adopted and de
System (JTRS) Software Defned Radio (SDR) or a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) SDR.
s based on visual, electrical, or mechanical inspection. Consequently, changes in chemical composition and physical properties can occur w
nic techniques are proven to be defcient. Typically differentiation of layers, structural defects, and chemical composition changes cannot b
material properties for new materials with a minimized set of tests. The primary objective for the proposed Phase I effort will be to demons
l generate automated, snapshot-based 3D maps of flled and unflled fasteners on the aircraft&quot;s unfnished surfaces. High-resolution
ee-dimensional (3D) measurement system (called SnapSCAN). The SnapSCAN utilizes a unique design based on our 3D scanner that has a M
ation and lens flare when extremely bright sources are present in MWIR imagery. Collecting multiple image frames with varying optical flu
n surrounding regions. A means for enhancing imagery through post processing to minimize the effects of blooming and maximize the valu
wder bed such that powder is melted and resolidifed to build a part layer-by-layer. While vendor-provided parameters will result in a part,
es, establishing a fundamental understanding of material behavior so that existing molding grade polymers can be adapted for use in LS, a
ical shortcoming, which is that hey fail to replicate the self-healing functionality that stems from the reduction of Cr [VI] present in chrome
and an interface wrapper between video applications and the clustering environment. The smartphones are clustered in a local network bu
es of orbit insertion provides invaluable information about the health and status of a launch platorm. A modernization effort to enable im
hyperspectral compressive imager. In this design, a grating would be used to diffract the incoming light from the energetic events. The di
de interconnection and distribution circuits for integration with active MMIC devices into the RF circuits within the T/R modules. The anticip
tricity efficiencies to 65%. The ultra-high speeds of the oil-free mesoscopic GTG with novel foil bearings and the high fuel-to-electricity con
ndurance (&gt;15 hrs) on station and low acoustic noise operation. Full details of the requirements are provided in the solicitation. These U
perform content based search and retrieval queries in a context-aware fashion. The system seeks to answer the following questions in a fu
mulation database rights licensing, complex simulation host architectures, and the need to re-validate updated models. The proposed effor
IR). MIST-IR can detect the angular separation of stars very accurately. This accuracy enables MiST-IR to calculate a GPS independent celesti
t far too costly and impractical to perform manual maintenance recharges every 3 to 6 months on the millions of rechargeable batteries in
w for groups of loads to be gathered under a single generator. When the overall sum of loads is low, both generators are not required to me
, with a frangible skeletal system and soft-tissue covering that simulates the human form. Sensors are provided to document loads experie
ricate a small light weight rugged IMU/INS with GPS and a embedded dual processor architecture capable of multiple I/O connections. Ben
in turn enabled performance and capability improvements in the end applications such as EW systems and radar T/R modules. The advanc
and anti-spoofng, the encrypted Precise Positioning Service (PPS) is utilized by the U.S. military and allied forces. The P(Y) code length and
The use of multiple transceiver devices within a network possessing the capability to receive and transmit radio/TV signals can enable a ne
ed to yield 1m repeatable location indoors, provides the desired&quot;absolute location reference. Q-Track&quot;s proposed SOLD sensor
he feld of IWC and CLW estimation from GPSRO and satellite microwave radiances. Key to the success of GPS RO inversions is the prior kno
User Equipment (UE). Both the TEC estimates and the associated uncertainty estimates are vital to enable modern space environment mo
e cooling at temperatures below 123 K while rejecting heat at temperatures higher than 300 K. The cooler uses compact, efficient electroc
sponsible for structural fatigue. In the past, analyses of the unsteady flows that could excite structural failure modes were performed over
iders. But getting rides to space and accommodation on a dedicated satellite bus in the current climate of shrinking budgets is becoming in
city, reliability and cost remains a primary need. Current conventional cooling systems are bulky and introduce additional vibration, heat, a
s particularly susceptible to traveling ionospheric disturbances (TID&quot;s) which are underspecifed by current methods. Consequently, O
de. The propagation model will have sufficient fdelity to accurately capture the effects of atmospheric gravity waves down to the high freq
tion and processing capability results in processing only subsets of data collected and/or large processing latency by only obtaining the data
he available degrees of freedom, including transmitter parameters such as beamshape and waveform, receiver parameters such as beamfor
smounted operation. The proposed antenna system combines a deployable reflector and an off-the-shelf beam alignment tool leveraging t
ming signals within the desired passband, signifcantly improving the SNR of the VLF signal. The second is a unique component technology
(SWaP) AEHF modems capable of operating at up to 256 kbps. ORB Analytics proposes a 0.1 pound, 1.1 Watt, modem design with applicati
rrently in use on DoD UAV Tier II and lower airborne platorms. Trident proposes to use the Model-Aided Adaptive Processing GMTI algori
rgets and ground clutter conditions, providing two-channel radar systems with capabilities for detection and geo-location of slowly moving
ay antenna that has very low loss and is much more compact than the reflector antenna that is typically used for airborne SATCOM. The ty
hen combined to form a flat or conformal array antenna aperture providing necessary antenna system to operate in the WGS uplink (20.2-2
s from DC to&gt;60GHz. We will apply and extend (Phase II) the aforementioned packaging process to single PD, balanced PD and array of P
ehicles, and munitions/weapons. The essential elements for incorporating AJ capability into GPS receivers are multi-channel RF front end
volved Expendable Launch Vehicles (EELVs). We will evaluate available SATCOM links and downselect the most favorable to target the array
y technology. This low-cost subarray technology is the fundamental building block required for the practical realization of a large hemisphe
e resonator based diplexers, in which the main feature and advantage lies in the fact that each of the dual mode resonators can be used as
signifcant challenge. Conventional Blade, Bicone, and Cavity-Back Spirals are ill-suited to these applications based on their size, weight, po
based geo-location systems have found their applications in many aspects, such as environment real time monitoring, search and rescue, r
and tribology are presented. The resulting analytical bearing code will enable gas turbine engineers and designers to better assess engine
r temperatures (~250 oC) than their silicon counterparts (&lt;~120 oC) and occupy smaller volumes. Unfortunately, with current thermal m
l cooling concepts for high-speed propulsion systems. Physical Sciences Inc. (PSI), in collaboration with the United Technologies Research C
ntegrated nonmechanical high-speed ferroelectric liquid-crystal (FLC) spatial light modulator (SLM) as a phased-array based scanner with 3
well-understood target morphology and the corresponding scattering physics generated by this morphology. This approach trades the pote
, in the SWIR/MWIR range. Imagery will be produced at full FPA spatial resolution (e.g., MPixels) at camera frame rates. Under Phase-I, w
ide cruise power and trickle charging to the batteries. Batteries will provide surge power to arrive on station in 2-3 minutes after initiation
ustion stability issues with alternative fuels in the aircraft engines including augmentors. In addition, the U.S. military has been using JP-8 a
power consumption for SATCOM Airborne W- and V- band transceivers operating in a dynamic channel environment. BENEFIT: Escape&#0
sts for access than available resources. Human scheduling at a centralized location is a difficult, time-consuming, and inefficient endeavor b
rce allocation to space assets fusing electronically-generated routine and real-time priority access requests with real-time space and groun
e greater sharing and availability of information and knowledge. To realize this goal will require development of SOC-based intelligent soft
ary users, persistent jammers and asymmetric information structures. Develop anti-jamming strategies by game-based means of frequency
andwidth and variable resolution requirements of current satellite control systems. Nu-Trek&quot;s concept provides a universal, radiation
ns. Conversely, compact, solid-state thermoelectric devices provide many advantages in refrigeration and power generation. These highly r
ht heritage, and its modularity has proven the ideal platorm for a wide variety of missions. This modularity is especially important for hoste
dvanced orbit determination flters such as Splitting Gaussian Mixture Unscented Kalman Filters will perform as banks of experts to test wh
EP) of space systems. The specifc research to be performed under this proposal is to develop and numerically simulate a metamaterial-like
tocaloric effect chain to reject heat to a 300 K environment while enabling FPA cooling below 123 K with an efficiency better than 100W/W
ower densitycoupled with the programmatic requirements for minimal cost and development timeare extremely challenging. Flight-ready c
cubesat platorms. As indicated in SBIR Topic AF131-093, the range of missions of interest is broad. Therefore, it is essential that the propo
aphical position. Our team is the developer of one of the most sophisticated ionospheric data assimilation capabilities currently in existenc
ors and subsystems is to perform additional processing on existing system sensor data streams to identify perturbations caused by a nearb
tes have proven their ability to shield as well as their aluminum counterparts at about 1/3 the weight. Both rigid and flexible versions will b
ding technologies to effectively protect electronic equipment, electronic communications and data storage systems on which the C4I system
e Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). As part of the requirement to fly in the NAS, UAS need to perform Terminal Area Operations. Ter
on a par with standard lab-based cetane tests. Utilizing comprehensive two dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC) to provide an rapid
Reactive flow simulations of augmentors and ITBs can be used to speed the design cycle of next-generation turbine engines. However, in o
nts. This will be achieved by developing an interface between our CFD software, FlowSimulatorTM, and a commercially available FEM softw
ogy currently incorporated in a commercial-of-the-shelf (COTS) analysis program is proposed. Existing analysis tools are based on correlatio
to verify the operational readiness of landing gear shock struts forgo measuring oil fluid level directly, and instead compare x-dimension (sh

network assisted GPS approaches used the JTRS network itself to transfer time from another GPS receiver to reduce the initial time uncerta
near-Earth space environment. These objects range from operational satellites used for commercial communications or scientifc studies to
ne viable solution is to provide an onboard image processing computer that tracks objects of interest and transmits only that portion of the
GaN technologies for the transmitter SSPA and InP technologies for the receiver LNA. As a result of recent SBIR sponsored research, QuinS
ability to transmission interference or jamming. One mature and popular technology explored over the past several decades is a class of en
es and enhanced defensive control over complex collaborative missions. These wideband space communication networks entail unprecede
Current DoD capability for the specifcation and forecasting of the ionosphere relies heavily on GPS measurements of ionospheric total ele
ability of ATR target databases. Radar based systems for combat identifcation (CID) suffer from sustainability issues due to the extreme co
ave complementary sensing geometries and measurement error statistics. Systems &amp; Technology Research (STR) proposes a Phase I eff
1980s to accomplish this task in specifc environment and against specifc threats. Since that time, both the nature for the threat and existin
ave confguration. The approach matches the electrical mode profle at the detector interface to the coax mode profle. BENEFIT: This pro
ation capability. Some type of GPS jamming signal mitigation technique is needed beyond conventional flter methods since these interfere
verely jammed environments. Under the proposed effort, Nu-Trek, Inc. will team with key GPS primes and leverage our collective capabiliti
of the output power amplifer fber, this device will be based on commercial off the shelf (COTS) components. This proposal is based on
The plugin-based framework provides flexibility to switch the components easily. The core of the framework is a belief propagation engine
ted external to the propellant and automatically track degradation passively without embedment. They are accurate because the sensing e
p a sensor to monitor specifc gas species that are markers of the chemical and mechanical aging processes of polybutadiene composite pro
rborne network with 1 ground and 3 airborne nodes. Each SC-Orderwire maintains a local database of node locations, radio parameters, a
plementing needed COMSEC capabilities. Despite the attractive cost advantages offered by HAIPEs, their widespread use in tactical network
n (ATC) defned an innovative technology called Adaptive and Integrated Multicast for the Airborne Networks (AIM-AN) that will meet this n
from disparate collections of unstructured text. We plan to extend the state-of-the-art spatial event reasoning system developed in Phase
condition to maximize the effective modal bandwidth (EMB). We will utilized built-in-test methods to measure the link bandwidth insitu a
at-scale Direct Current Electrical Field instrument for measuring high precision electric felds at both high and low inclination Low Earth Orb
set of cutting tool wear and the ensuing degradation of part quality. The performance of the system is made possible by two novel sensors
l) Applications: Production development program for a sensor system to enhance or replace legacy MWS, HFI, or LW systems to be integrat
telist-based cyber threat detection and prevention framework for Weapon Systems, called SecureVisor. SecureVisor is composed of three m
uding delegate access, policy-driven ABAC, and identity federation. By creating the necessary IdAM core services, a service-oriented IdAM
junctions. While traditional approaches to satellite conjunction analysis have polynomial runtimes (O(n^2)), this spatial indexing approach
dium satellite network in near real-time. GAMMA will make use of ASTRA&quot;s existing Connected Autonomous Space Environment Sens
on algorithms enabled by a unique sensor and on-board processing; (2) recursive Bayesian state estimation/prediction that integrates diver
ueeze-out of cured material. Studies with the system demonstrate a 300% reduction in material use, a 450% reduction in touch labor, a 450
SWaP) onboard air and space platorms. Current Cryocooler technology used by the Department of Defense generally fall into one of two ca
rget prediction, and sensor tasking for a heterogeneous collection of assets while taking into account other asset managers and assets. Th
ehicles and dismounts has become a key focus. Small (< 10 lb) radars with SAR imaging capabilities exist for RPAs, but GMTI capabilities are
. BENEFIT: The integrated optical thresholder technology would permit processing of the RF spectrum at the antenna and allow lighter da
ed in the MMIC and packaged, requiring no other interface or digital chips to accomplish the required linearity goals. Its feasibility has bee
d systems that are implemented using high-density FPGAs. A dual-use commercial network security system will be prototyped to demonstra
allenging issue, as there are no historical interactions in the initialization phase of the reputation management system. In this effort, we pro
point maintenance, stair-mode correction and kill assessment; whereas, CLAWS addresses local and target path phasing control. Their syne
y on curved substrates upon which a polymer based broadband photo-detector will be incorporated. A state-of-the-art laser lithography to
nsmission contrast range, fail clear operation and other specifc platorm requirements. Our team, which includes current contractors for vi
Disaster Relief (HA/DR) operation in providing information for the COP to support the EOC commander and Incident commander. The tool
ibility and automation required for providing quick, clear, and useful guidance to support evolving missions and training environments. Thu
ates the nonlinear signal processing observed in auditory physiology, signifcantly extending the state of the art. By mimicking functionally
phics processing units (GPU) and other optimizations. The approach will leverage existing, mature physics models with demonstrated capa
nical approach to meet all Air Force program objectives; (2) the ability of our approach to support a network-centric SOA for positive inven
tering and assessments. By using revolutionary risk metrics, we help the operators determine what needs to be done to reduce risks and to
down to at least 15 degrees above the horizon, superior to any existing phase array designs. Our design also features a single PCB (RT/Duro

n energy density of over 30 Wh/kg through the use of ionic liquid electrolytes and nanostructured electrodes. Ionic liquids have very wide e
ss without risk of damage to the substrate material. In Phase 1, the contractor demonstrated the feasibility of using closed loop electronics
ot;. According to Lockheed Martin Manufacturing Technology (ManTech), gripping takes an average of 70 seconds per hole. This amounts t
ices in conjunction with several circuit innovations. First, we will employ a quasi-switching mode of operation for the MMIC amplifer to im
tivity, precision, and safety. Because Global Positioning System (GPS) provides such a low cost and accurate method for determining PNT inf
ed position, navigation and timing (PNT) on host systems can be done in the context of the DYnamic Spectrum Environment emulator (DYSE
d radio (SDR) platorm in a cognitive network (CN) (Elemental SDR-hosted Cross Application Performance Enhancements, ESCAPE). We wil
n against chemical and biological threats. It is not uncommon for garments to be torn/cut in the feld during critical mission operation, com
bris environments must rely heavily on M &amp; S capabilities. Several post-intercept debris prediction tools exist, although their ability to
g camera that will photograph the last 100 microseconds before collision. Fifteen images of the collision will be taken in succession during t
(TOA) of the charge wave front at transducers placed throughout the vehicle. Using the known speed of light, minus the reactive effects o
orm reliably in order to successful carry out its mission. MDA is seeking ways to improve on the EED&quot;s reliability and lower the failur
ingle point, insensitive failure mechanism. TRI/Austin will team with the Institute for Advanced Technology at the University of Texas at Au
cause the exploding foil is physically separated from the NexGen insensitive explosive charge (e.g., insensitive HNS-4). We propose to leve
is of existing age assessment technologies and reliability prediction methods with subsequent coupling of selected candidates to derive a c
subsystems will be investigated by the research team assembled, which includes a major missile propulsion defense contractor. The techn
ort of the MDA&quot;s Stockpile Reliability Program, NanoSonic offers our expertise in developing master curves for viscoelastic BMDS com
rtion of desensitized double base propellant and conductive fllers. The sensor responds to the tiny mass loss resulting from stabilizer dep
ompensate for these defciencies a series of reliability engineering life extension testing techniques, functional testing of aged components

r laser diode self-mixing interferometric technique and a microsphere gyroscope based on whispering gallery modes. Self-mixing interferom
cessfully demonstrated BMG use as an alternative materials technology that survives gun-launch type shocks. BMG survivability has been
ction systems (TPS). This Cf-ZrOCm CMC has demonstrated high temperature erosion resistance (arc jet, LHMEL), very large and complex lo
a modifed heterogeneous patterned nucleation deposition process which is key to manufacturing electronics in a single prototyping system
ative and lack context. Given their existing limitations and shortalls, it is unlikely that today&quot;s technologies and display metaphors wi
Second, it will create an intelligent collaborative anomaly management system that enables operators and vehicles to work together as a
mption and reduce the level and frequency of maintenance. Predictive load profling strategies, integration, and communications between
electrical loads. On average, the generators are loaded less than 50% of the available peak power capability. Inherently, these generators
e specifc, representative scenarios describing situations and events that beneft from collaborative control. We will develop a preliminary
e specifc, representative scenarios describing situations and events that beneft from collaborative control. We will develop a preliminary
rrent operator interfaces require continuous attention from the operator to a single unmanned vehicle. In fact, many require the attention
n gestures and speech is detailed. The Phase 1 Work Plan employs the Rational Unifed Process and AGILE software methodologies to ensur
atial operating environment (SOE) is the world&quot;s frst fully-embodied, spatially aware computing environment, and the result of nearl
t protocol is needed for handling UAS on aircraft carrier decks. We propose to design and develop a system for Taxiing OPerations via Gestu
ect-inspired dual-band (visible-infrared) optical array design that utilizes POC-developed mature components and COTS components. The in
elop VMCIS, the Virtual Machine Cognitive Immune System, which combines both approaches. VMCIS constantly monitors systems at ma
is difficult to prevent all exploitable situations. Additionally, the lack of autonomous oversight of our systems means they are unable to fgh
nt from specifc hardware components (e.g., NICs) in data capture computers. The effort in this Phase II program will produce a technolog
ng in a GPS-denied environment. In response, vendors are developing new navigation-aiding sensors and improving the performance of exi
d window while minimizing optical distortion. At the completion of the Phase I effort, Mainstream will have completed a computational de
vehicle. The overall scope of the project involves developing the computational and testing methodologies needed to generate mobile targ
the instrumentation suite and live-fre feld test measurements to gather the data required to validate our concept. Data from multiple hig
force would like to have a fast running capability to assess the risk due to these events in their assessment tools. It is also possible that the
m a broadband loading environment. Methods for system identifcation and optimal estimation will be included within this development.
t of the new solar/lunar exclusion projection (SLEP) system proven feasible in Phase I. The SLEP system is based on a novel integration of at
of information extracted from the WAMI imagery and information extracted from typical navigation sensors, such as GPS and IMU devices.
an lessen the reliance on expert data analysts and improve response time through automated processing. However, the enormous stream
roblem. Algorithm development includes effort in detection, tracking, and classifcation routines for both bistatic synthetic aperture radar
R technology reliably produces high-quality, wide dynamic range moving ground vehicle ISARs with minimal impact on sensor area coverag
and estimates this to rise to 20% by 2030, representing an increase of nearly 10x the number of wind turbines. Wind-turbine induced clutt
ency (RF) components in existing systems. An embedded command microcontroller will provide internal protection and built-in test capabil
ch as debris and decoys, all prior to dedicated track processing, threat target discrimination/identifcation, intercept, and post intercept sur
em. The MDA radar problem is quite similar. The algorithm provides reliable performance without tuning to clutter or environmental stati
om subspace projection. This algorithm will allow for de-emphasis (probabilistic soft decisions) or suppression (hard decisions) of unintere
elative Velocity (LRV) debris feld, in which the threat is embedded. Because practical radars cannot resolve objects in the LRV debris feld,
ntify and evaluate signal processing techniques and algorithms that will minimize the system degradation caused by dense threat complexe
ocal Plane Array sensor suite to provide high temporal resolution data of post-intercept debris feld velocities and temperatures.
lopment of such new systems requires new design tools that can support the designer in exploring solution spaces and analyzing the suitab
telligence analyst is not co-located within the conflict area. Design Interactive, Inc., along with the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sci
atial operating environment (SOE) is the world&quot;s frst fully-embodied, spatially aware computing environment, and the result of nearl
nues to confound modern protection technologies. Every day, new exploits are created that take advantage of obscure combinations of soft
chitecture, called SAM. In SAM, we mature data mining techniques to set up a multi-feature model for the monitored application. The mul
lting exposure causing corrosion and short circuit-driven malfunctions. There is a need for advanced technologies that effectively protect e
ngs will be procured from the commercial marketplace, internally from UDC, and from academia. UDC will develop test methods designed
materials development and evaluations of existing nanostructured water-repellent coating technologies. The proposed program ultimately a
al maritime tag track and locate capabilities in support of national and homeland defense.
na in a dielectrically compensating tethered cocoon that includes a sensor and means to maintain its depth just below the surface of fresh
ete solution. The system will consist of the state of the art physiological sensors and medical hardware communicating wirelessly to an em
vasive hemoglobin measurement, electrocardiography and video laryngoscopy. Each of these sensors provides the clinician with informatio
ossible through the extremely high efficiency and low power dissipation provided by envelope tracking. Since very little power is dissipated
be a comprehensive trade study and a proposed PA design which includes system architecture and verifcation simulations. Vadum will st
n that is lightweight, clean burning (due to the internal volume and dimensions), and has better accuracy and standard deviations than cur
tweight low cost aluminum cartridge case utilizing a polymer insert, and 3) A polymer cartridge case with an optimized internal volume. To
ence of clean propellant burn, and inability to cycle the action on gas operated weapons. For 5.56mm, 7.62mm, and 0.338 calibers, we p
ber case. First, we will compare the performance of the current round against our polymer case with the same currently felded projectile
abyte non-volatile memory and&gt;1 TeraFLOPS computational capability while consuming&lt;12 watts of power (&gt;24 hours operation o
6 encryption commonly used for whole disk encryption, and can securely erase the complete non-volatile memory system in a few seconds
ong the entire range from the shooter to the target. By modifying existing hardware nVision can quickly adapt the system to perform pass
em and communication platorms. Based on solid-state memristors, mixed-signal silicon neurons and low-power clockless system architect
able dynamic intra-band multispectral infrared displays capable of simulating IR scenes in the LWIR frequency band. We believe this approa
lly test and develop new wide feld of view IR sensors. IST is developing display technology that efficiently emits IR and can be scaled to ve
metallurgy (PM) approach to fabricate a high reactivity, self consuming, controlled fragmentation warhead. Our design parameters include
se measurements with limited ability to improve detection statistics over multiple pulses. The direct detection ladar systems of interest uti
es a means for an adversary to both detect, track, and potentially target blue force aircraft. A new sensor system that exploits target illumi
ellent candidate for use in electrospray thrusters. The electrospray propellant selected was then operated in a 100µN-class electrospray th
ck capture exist, they result in increased drag. We propose a closed-loop control scheme that seeks to actively isolate the inlet from the com
es the performance of both systems. FIRST RF proposes a signifcantly different approach to the challenge of High-Speed Weapon Radome
d ground sensor systems employed for exploitation and interdiction tasks, focused on compact, multi-modal feature representations tailore
support this vision, we will develop compact feature representations of scenes that enable multiplatorm scene matching, geolocation, an
ted by the MESM will be suitable for use with radar imaging techniques including synthetic aperture radar (SAR), inverse synthetic apertur
. Gimbaled reflectors are the standard choice, but their design requires very sophisticated gimbals and control algorithms. Phased arrays
adata, and scalable to process large-scale WAMI data in real-time using onboard, distributed processing units such as feld-programmable
igital versions of the HF receivers technically viable and cost-effective. The objective of this project is to design and prototype an HF digital
od. The patch will be a flexible, robust, and low-cost composite capable of being placed on military vehicles, soldiers, and buildings. During
the desired benefts of this effort. Highly parameterized transmitter and receiver models with well-defned command and feedback interfa
where the radar designer and user do not control the radio frequency (RF) transmissions. This effort will develop a capability to model and
ventional time-of-flight, photon counting LIDAR system.The developed components are key to enable low SWaP, distributed optical apertur
o support robust modeling over a broad range of imaging geometries and viewpoint diversities. 3D models are constructed efficiently by le
rs and stimulus components ranging from direct current (DC) to RF signals. One can envision a universal reliability system on-a-chip (RFREL
e locations to safe recover areas, recover samples after precision delivery to any specifed location; establish a transport command, contro
d. A color change of the coating will indicate locations of underlying surface chemical warfare agent contamination. The agents will be conta
location of agent contamination, detoxify the agent and be removable so as to enable further clean-up and recovery operations. Akita Inno
variety of chemical agents. Our base material is a fast curing gel modifed with functional groups and ions. Nanoparticles are added to tailo
nternet, cellular and other networks. Reader design aims to provide the ultimate in accuracy, sensitivity, operability, light weight and cost, a
readers is smartphones and tablets. These devices provide key elements of a mobile reader: camera; touch screen; processor; storage; batt
by a combination of passive FTIR spectroscopy, and active thermal imaging, with pulsed illumination from an advanced, compact CO2 lase
ovel LWIR HgTe CQD detector arrays. This will be accomplished through a collaboration between the Episensors Technologies team and Pro
ealing against any vapor permeation across the closure need to be developed to address this shortall to reduce the dangers of Warfghter
d provides high connection strength between two cloth articles as well as between cloth and smooth surfaces, such as for garment interfa
elf sealing capability to an existing soldier garment fabric material. The potential mechanisms of passive and active self repair are presente
es seeking to provide the performance of both (i) high-energy explosives and (ii) high-blast explosives in a single explosive fll. Given the criti
requires a power source, and laser power sources with the required level of energy discharge have traditionally been chemical based and
ted methods will be developed quickly within our in-house CAD2Mesh grid generator and HYCE CFD simulation environment. This will allo
e for validation of the computational models under development. CRAFT Tech will implement an EDC turbulent chemistry model for applic
GHz spectrometer uses recently developed segmented CP-FT techniques coupled with high-throughput signal digitizers to achieve real-tim
on a graphene support. The proposed device combines the advantages of anode, cathode and electrolyte to deliver energy densities&gt;1
otentially bleeding patient; and, 3) fluid volume required by a bleeding patient to prevent over or under resuscitation. In addition, the dev
thalmologists, the transmitted data must be a relatively high resolution stereo image that provides the tele-operator with the ability to focu
nated landing zone (LZ). The risk to the warfghter and expensive military assets increases markedly in confned LZs during night and in deg
o the hot side of the liner where the gas forms an insulating flm. Enhanced cooling allows higher combustions temperatures and improved
AD. Unfortunately, quality is quantifed in terms of conformance to the surface rather than relevant fluid dynamics (i.e. flow gradients, bou
-phase, gas-particle flows interacting with multiple bodies in relative motion under mixed continuum-rarefed regimes. The new tool will in
t are not in the spectrometer reference catalog. We have already demonstrated the absolute intensity calibration and well defned lineshap
very technologies will be prototyped and evaluated in the Phase I project, electroactive polymer actuation units and magneto-rheological fl
efficiency is possible by the novel shape and super insulating qualities proposed. Preliminary work and prior examples demonstrate the m
n. The key innovation in the AERO system is its unique system design that provides highly accurate obstacle detection and avoidance as wel
us aircraft and personnel losses in Afghanistan and Iraq. Other conditions leading to a degraded visual environment (DVE) include snow an
sistance and durability. Highly ranked TBC architectures will be selected for further development in Phase II.
ma spray (APS) exhibit comparable coefficient of thermal expansion and thermal conductivity to that of traditional YSZ top coat. These rem
cements in micro abrasives-waterjet (&quot;AWJ) technology supported by an ongoing NSF SBIR Phase II grant, processes for mitigating AW
utational fluid dynamic technologies to minimizing development time. Past simulation work in the area of mixed continuum/rarefed flows
c architecture(s) that will support the required NPP functionality, (2) develop the critical neuromorphic building blocks required for the prop
evice. State-of-the-art batteries are typically high-energy devices with insufficient high-rate capability for pulse power applications, while el
ms; the inherent inefficiency of stand-alone capabilities can no longer be tolerated or treated as viable for modern applications. One critica
at will indicate the unit is close to the end of its serviceably life. The complete data set will be logged, analyzed for prognostic and diagnosti
ogy now exists to solve the imaging through turbulence problem with compact integrated optical instrumentation. Recently, Nanohmics sc
dewalls. They cause surface current leakage down the sidewalls that dominate the dark current in small pixels. Quantifying the effect of di
rator, and a 3D motion energy harvester. Operation of these sources is supervised by a miniature power management unit. All components
nature, after the supplies are recovered from the drop zone, parachutes are disposed of by burning them in a pit dug directly on the drop z
pod disease vectors, including mosquitoes. However, alternatives to permethrin are sought. Permethrin is toxic to humans and to wildlife, in
ed with North Carolina State University (NCSU), is addressing the Armys need to develop insect resistant uniforms that will provide a physic
objective of this SBIR effort is to integrate proven pulse-Doppler proximity sensor technology into a form factor that is suitable for deploym
mon processing architecture that would allow for these powerful techniques to be available to miniature sensors needed for artillery type f
tonomously. All components will be tested to withstand gun launch parameters of 4,000 psi, and 22,000 gs. This effort will utilize economic
0mm projectiles to 1000m. In addition to this, Orbital Research will also design and develop a low-cost surveillance system capable of capt
l identify the mechanism for pedestrian and vehicular modeling. We will leverage research in blending crowd approaches with continuous fl
sent in the cloud. SGS incorporates the following innovative software-based features: Hypervisor Security - providing trusted virtual machin
network, a small network problem along any part of an end-to-end path can potentially degrade the user experience signifcantly. But identi
schemes reduces the system complexity, cost, size, weight and power requirements while signifcantly enhancing the reliability and MTBF.
er technology with MDS&quot;s leadership in DRFM technology will provide both innovation and experience in pursuing the proposed tech
round communications are achieved by using a linear array topology. These arrays also have the beneft of a narrow azimuth radiation patt
) modes. The design will also support the integration of multiple Radio Frequency (RF) applications that have historically been treated as se
raft-hosted optical systems. The low-frequency band of the IMU signals below the band used to stabilize the ORB can serve as an angle ref

and structural damage within the blades, rotor gears, shafts of a helicopter rotor and to wirelessly transmit the acquired and processed se
sonnel. The project will focus on developing conceptual ideas that will meet the user needs for the C-2 aircraft. Safe, Inc. will perform a trad
ach in a laboratory environment.
and the amplifer pumps. For a fber optic link to connect the aircraft network to an external pod through a pylon, a fber optic repeater w
ctures to improve thermal performance in TGP&#039;s used to cool electronic systems. The advanced TGP&#039;s further consist of ceram
ndom FM, frequency hopped, etc.) to J/S levels typically exceeding 30dB in narrowband applications, and 60 dB in wideband applications. *
engagement with surface ship sources and many receivers, combined with existing monostatic active returns, may improve signal-to-noise
today&quot;s module is proposed. Phase I will provide environmental testing of a high-power test article that demonstrates key aspects of
0 to 70% of the array acquisition costs which itself represents 60 to 80% of a radar system cost. The cost reduction benefts of applying an
The superhydrophobic and oleophobic properties have numerous benefts on substrate including corrosion prevention. Regenerative char
ission Data or Emitter ID tables needed in operational EW systems to quickly identify the threat. Important to this are algorithms to determ
nel, enabling target differentiation and offering far more information than that contained in just the specular/diffractive response: namely s
y on-board the VTOL craft via photovoltaics. Such a system is smaller, lighter weight, and much easier to deploy and recover than any lighte
uency converters onboard the ship and long cable runs. Additionally, the needed distribution equipment feeding all the 400 Hz loads is redu
because they are tensioned by the D/d system. The D/d is inherently stable underwater and signifcantly reduces the surface motion in the
er loss-of-lubrication condition for signifcantly longer periods of time. The goal of the Phase I program is to demonstrate the feasibility of t
ogram. TechFlows chaos radar technology offers several benefts over conventional pulsed doppler or frequency modulated continuous wa
ology addresses this defcit by the active and dynamic control of power consumption through the selective activation of system resources
e, modular, robust, and meet Army and other DoD feld needs including for feld use, maintainability and modular integration into kitchen s
additional future power needs. The capability will be demonstrated using variable transmission technology developed by Triton.
ower demands of multiple applications. Ultracapacitors can meet the high power demands, but do not provide sufficient specifc energies.
ted with RCIEDs and extend this baseline capability with innovation through use of Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) radar techniques. Th
rive whether the network contains inconsistencies, errors, or violations of specifed invariants. Veriflow will confrm correctness, or provide
plementable in any current or future augmentor systems without adding complexity and weight to the system or requiring supplemental c
surface are also important. Different electromagnetic analysis techniques are required for the small and large structures, and so the use of
s to designated targets. The generated routes will provide the necessary coverage from radar detection, identifcation and acquisition by e
he core challenge is to determine the optimal strike routing and utilization of limited defensive resources to de-conflict and protect air vehi
nnovative DREX integration approach with the rest of a sophisticated phased array system. This integration approach seeks to minimize sys
f the contamination damage that shortens bearing life on rotorcraft. By allowing inspection without removal or with partial removal, the sh
ure up to 135 mm. LightSmyth is uniquely positioned to supply Navy with requested grating for high energy laser with minimum technical r
differ in wavelength by ~ 5nm into a single beam without suffering wavefront distortion due to thermal absorption of the laser. Recent impr
ring the spectral and efficiency properties of the grating and inducing optical aberrations that reduce beam quality. Designed to overcome
he system during runtime. This type of separation will allow for specifc image generator tasks to be offloaded from specifc rendering chan
tecture, enabling image generators to be administered from a centralized location, with a single copy of databases and a shared CM system
tions since they offer outstanding advantages over conventional capacitors and batteries such as storing energy longer, discharging faster, lo
de corrosion inhibitors and colorant. Basic polymer components are tough thermoplastics which are intrinsically impact resistant and abras
conduction from high power microcircuits to their heat sink by using diamond nanoparticle paste and will have the added benefts of bein
made out of a low cost polypropylene material and are considered one-time-use. The ability to quickly and easily dispose of the parachutes

y exposing interior geometry. Radar detection, identifcation, and tracking of watercraft depends on accurately characterizing radar signatu
creasing survivability and increasing probability of kill in a dynamic, high threat environment. The design will be robust enough to accomm
ould have the following attributes: high-speed data rates, communication coverage area as far as 300 feet radius from the aircraft being m
sion critical signals simultaneously over a very wide range of frequencies. Undesired electromagnetic coupling between these systems can e
lity (EMI/EMV) simulation tools to the latest parallel computing clusters. As a result of this effort the time required for analyzing cosite inte
ngle center mounted spinning mass gyroscope as the inertial stabilization sensor Gyroscope rotor caging to the gyroscope case using a sta
nergy from the main rotor and wirelessly communicates loads data to a HUMS data aggregator. This innovative development work will be c
fcation will not impact the bearing installation time, methods or required equipment. The solution will not signifcantly increase initial bre
sors and the ocean environment have precluded providing detail stimulation for testing new sonar systems. The objective of this project is
ipboard Transmit/Receive modules. With guidance from a large supplier of Naval radar systems, ThermAvant will prototype OHP-based co
torms used for communications among the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), the Remote Multimission Vehicle (RMMV), and the Unmanned Infl
was developed under the Office of Naval Research&quot;s (ONR) Littoral ASW Multi-static Program (LAMP). SSC will use our Multi-Static Pe
rly engineered specifcally for Nitronic 50 and unlike current state-of-the-art anticorrosion coatings, have the capability of withstanding extr
ve process to iteratively&quot;tailor&quot;or&quot;color&quot;reference signatures to more closely resemble the signals they expect to d
ases, sensing environments. The process of developing this tailored library is often called&quot;coloring&quot;the reference library. The SM
are charged with the operation and maintenance of these systems do not possess the same levels of expertise and skill that the software v
eactivate cover initialization and shutdown of the software, respectively. We will leverage USW-DSS tools and processes such as Install Any
m an unmanned surface vessel (USV) to the UAV and also bi-directional communications between them. Since electric power is supplied fro
manned surface vehicle (USV). The work will include a sensor study that allows for a low cost method for the MACRel system to identify an
o be strategically located. Mainstream proposes a modular, low cost, ultra-power dense point of use conversion system that is scalable to va
a key component of the proposed Autonomous Vehicle Recovery System (AVRS) that will provide rapid position and rate information and/
pecifcations in a single, compact, and efficient package. This system will capitalize on Bridger&quot;s expertise in nonlinear conversion and
rsistent monitoring of surface and subsurface acoustic targets. However these sensor platorms generate a tremendous amount of data tha
. The approach differs from traditional&quot;intel-based&quot;classifcation methods by using fundamental knowledge of normal mode pr
uristics used by experts into an automated, quantifable evaluation of operational risk. Our approach is to use a simulation engine to run m
oviding automated task-centered tools which capture the complete operational context, apply specifc risk assessment to current and reco
racteristic of an aggregate echo from a school of fsh and the comparatively flat echo from target and target-like scatterers. Exploitation of
ctive sonar detection capability in littoral waters by reducing the number of false contacts and decreasing the amount of display clutter. The
izontal path. This measurement is combined with models of atmospheric extinction as a function of altitude and vertical backscatter meas
ze the atmosphere continuously and that also can operate on-demand, will provide the greatest flexibility. Physical Sciences Inc., with its su
em is based on laser light scattering to measure attenuation of a laser beam traveling long distances in the atmosphere and mostly bounde
ployed waveforms. The signal processing is carried out in real time within a common time-frequency representation for active-passive torp
s and software, referred to in this proposal as Innovative Passive Processing (IPP). These IPP algorithms will signifcantly advance the Passiv
ate opportunities to use the hull-mounted sensor to signifcantly close that gap by increasing the probability of detecting torpedoes and red
egative learning, and provide detailed assessments of student skills. The demand for VE-based mariner training has been growing for over
orm (e-COSA). DI-SAMS will provide instructor support for providing Urgent Alerts, Periodic Reports and After Exercise / Summary Reports i
marines. Low-Frequency Active (LFA) and Compact Low-Frequency Active (CLFA) sonars were developed to improve the detection range of
ogies for hands-free interfacing have improved greatly, the challenge of limiting power and weight still exist. The latest generation of mobil
ology enabling the rapid, efficient production of aerosolized and gaseous JP-8-derived products with little or no loss in fueling value and th
ultiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) techniques. These evolutionary requirements all lead to the need for more Digital Receiver/Exciter (D

nits: diver operated handheld detector (HHD) and beacon ELF transceiver (BETR) that is placed inside the drill head (into the standard beac
mpact and abrasion resistance to the hull. In the third approach, a composite material based on an aramid fber reinforcement will be used t
mber of military and defense systems that use vacuum tubes/electronics. For example, some of the typical vacuum electronic devices (VED
en technology that will produce consistent heater elements in a wide range of confguration and will allow quick turnaround for design chan

y taken from submarines can be useful to construct three-dimensional (3D) computer-aided design (CAD) models of ships that can be used
populating a 3D model database practical as well as enabling updates to be generated as more information is gathered. Toyon Research Cor
er, ascend toward the surface while taking measurement and then change buoyance near the surface to descend while still providing real ti
e new compounds formulated to be cost-comparable and performance-improved relative to current compounds; (c) validate cost/perform
between interconnected pieces of shipboard equipment. Typical shipboard FHAs consist of reinforced polymer hoses that utilize various co
e a concept that better matches what a combat system will encounter upon deployment with new or modifed sensor arrays. Sedna propos
anti-jam performance that can be achieved with this approach. Furthermore, we will develop a concept design for a variant of the Phocus
d laser deposition method. The crystalline uniformity of these flms will be strictly monitored via controlled deposition parameters includin
contractor for the MK48 CBASS torpedo, MS2 is uniquely positioned to work with QorTek in both assuring that the developed units meet p
ence gained from our development and manufacture of low-noise power supplies, such as the Progeny designed Power Regulator Module (
ance in the visible and infrared spectrums. Oceanit will also research and develop a radar absorbing material (RAM) for the metal or compo
allenge. Current anti-corrosion technologies cannot easily be applied to complex connector geometries and are subject to a very specifc fo
r replacement of failed connectors from cathodic or corrosion related mechanisms. In spite of the outstanding performance of the original
complex shaped objects, including the insides of tubes and is capable of coating large structures on a commercial basis. In addition, the co
r deposit buildup that occurs over repeated operations and subsequent system stowage. Because of the difficulty and logistics associated w
ultiple operating systems and hardware devices deployed on the platorm. Detailed Software Version Description (SVD) documents are nec
hes ineffective and force reliance on manual operation by a very small number of highly trained operators. The success of a launch or recov
ems in response to increasingly sophisticated seeker technologies and increased threat ranges. Existing, commercially available direct diode
oduces serious interference in midfrequency active sonar. This proposal will show that air bladders of small fsh, which are found with grea
fcantly higher standards for Availability (Ai), Reliability and Maintainability while reducing Total Cost of Ownership by adapting, to a shipbo
bining of an array of over 350 power amplifer modules of 1 kW output to produce 350 kW of peak RF power at 5% duty cycle. The amplife
maintenance, and an overall reduction of operating costs in comparison to existing klystron systems. This particular architecture is well-su
ss involves identifying a feature, characterizing its statistical behavior, and developing a likelihood ratio function based on the probability d
ple targets with classical fltering approaches such as particle flters or Kalman fltering. It is a multisource problem because of background n
e requirements, Progeny will design a cost effective, highly shock survivable, and compact Class E amplifer assembly to replace the current
e to the existing buoy system.
ers and therefore thousands of pulses to be associated into individual pulse trains. Azure offers a two-pronged approach to solving this pro
ect EID, with confdence level, and a corresponding reduction in the size of candidate emitter lists and ambiguities. It addresses a wide vari
g electronic intelligence (ELINT) databases; these techniques will be tested using corrupted radar emitter intercept measurements that are
. Aurora and Lockheed will work with top battery manufacturers to develop a safe, high energy-density battery that provides sufficient pow
design constraints. In the case of the ASW training target EMATT, the design challenge extends well beyond selecting more powerful moto
lated to establish the feasibility of the system. It will be battery powered and remotely operated by a single operator. The system will weigh
nd uniquely shaped payloads from the confnes of a standard ISO container or from Twenty Foot Equivalent (TEU) flat-racks and transferrin
ations efficiency. We anticipate that the A3-Hand platorm can become a ubiquitous tool for both the military and industry. Our key innovati
ating the mast and viewing limitations, however, they do not address additional difficulties operators face in reliably detecting aircraft in lar
n and to further characterize the material for radome applications. ATC will also, as part of the Phase I option, mold subscale radomes and b
y in fabrication to the desired shape. We propose to develop high strength, high toughness, high temperature stable, low dielectric constan
ce. This proposal will focus on improved impact performance, as well as incorporating lower cost fber reinforcements to keep costs down.
ank incorporates several GTL innovations integrated into an optimized solution including graphite composite structures with integration of G
d with commercial-off-the-shelf SCUBA parts. It is designed to provide more than twice the amount of breathing air while shedding 30% of
evelopment of smaller air flasks and a regulator system that could accommodate up to 10,000 psi of internal air pressure is sought. Howeve
effort would build on the recent breakthroughs in ultra-wide-bandwidth electro-optic modulator characterization methods at EOSPACE. The
y unmounted soldiers. Based on highly efficient GaAs III-V materials, the flexible solar cells will be fabricated using MicroLinks proprietary e
nsure operation beyond the 30 minute period specifed by military standard after loss of lubricating oil, possibly much longer. This technolo
e innovation in use of ultralow-power wireless sensors, efficient power harvesting, and accurate diagnostic and prognostic algorithms, will e
th the armed forces is ease of use and reduction in effort required to deploy, monitor and maintain the networks. Signifcant improvement
terial (PCM), an advanced powder metallurgy technology, to produce channel forming materials with tailorable mechanical and metallurgic
that the relationship between the location and timing of local heat release can couple with acoustic modes in the augmentor. Examples of
nal flight envelope of military systems. Many of the passive techniques used to suppress combustion instabilities in stationary gas turbines
errogated by a low-cost, light-weight, low-power miniaturized stand-alone laser based detection system combined with state-of-the-art mu
ms can measure in-ear pressure levels, but require customized ear pieces. The proposed solution will use recent developments in pressure s
ss pressure sensor and an acoustic sensor that is small enough (224 mm) to be inserted in and removed from the ear canal. These sensors
iddle ear pressure equalization and the risk of eardrum rupture among pilots undergoing rapid ascent or descent. More generally, the abilit
incipient&quot;heat damage, may reduce upper use temperature, cause matrix mass loss, and reduce mechanical flexural strength. We pro
ncipient heat damage detection, c) Capable of quantitative analysis of the incipient heat damage levels, d) Capable of interrogating through
gradation of the composite. We will experimentally investigate a BMI based composite before and after heat damage, and compare THz to o
handling equipment designs and lightweight materials to offset any weight increase associated with the new cargo/seat handling hardware
nds per seatpair. The seats and cargo rollers will be attached to the existing seat rails with quick-click hardware allowing removal from the
nts for shock and vibration, operating temperature range, and optical port flexibility supported by the NGCON connector family. A design th
der for use as the bearing&quot;s self-lubricating liner. The material will exhibit state of the art contamination resistance while minimizing a
detecting wear, heat generation zones and high stress areas in the clutch design.
henomena. Simulation tools exist for high-frequency electromagnetic (EM) simulation. However, existing tools are insufficient in following t
gned to advance the state of the art in wireless communications aboard ship by developing a usable Visible Light Communications (VLC) sys
kes natural voice communications challenging or impossible. Missed communication and miscommunication are a constant risk, either of w
process to reconstruct the RF signal prior to transmission to the victim radar. This allows for both time domain and frequency domain man
110NM UAV slant range. This would require multiple high-speed channels. The Phase 1 base effort will concentrate on frst developing a co
produce very wide bandwidth, high efficiency power amplifers with bandwidths greater than 4 to 1 and efficiencies greater than 60 perce

lifers (repeaters). The David Ross Group will identify how these technical solutions might be integrated into an underwater distributed net
and its libraries that retains all functionality of the original application.
ration of artifcial intelligence technologies, bringing it to bear to help develop more realistic entity-level scenarios for USMC simulated trai
e gearbox and a direct drive PM motor replacing the tail rotor gearbox. Power electronics and electric cables connect the generator to moto
making the platorm more vulnerable to detection. Vulnerability levels can be exacerbated if signature degradation occurs. As it is expected
terials. If laminar flow over the nosetip can be maintained, tungsten&quot;s properties enable it to heat-sink the incident aerodynamic hea
easures associated with motion-induced sickness and fatigue, as well as resulting human performance degradation within operational task
dals for accomplishment of major LOs, scoring that rewards consistent correct response, and animations that reflect correct and incorrect a
wireless communications, as well as military applications including reconfgurable and covert communications and electronic warfare. Our p
demonstrated. We propose to develop this architecture to achieve a low-cost DM with high reflectivity and scalable to both a large apertu
us robotic systems. Taking this need into account, we have oriented our proposed SBIR project toward the critical aspects of future UAG ope
cy, probability of catastrophic failures, mission productivity, resistance to stress symptomology, teamwork, and long-term work engagemen
se of resources and force effectiveness. To provide a system that can dynamically reallocate resources across air, space, and cyber domains
other hand, have the opposite effect and can be used to improve fatigue performance. To effectively understand and predict residual stress
etroftted to existing RPA. Seashell will meet the weight, power, and retroftting criteria by utilizing a high performance heating element an
Eye combines the OSC expertise in advanced detection systems with SA Photonics expertise in compact advanced lens design, wide feld of
d military EO/IR/laser sensor package. This technology is a critical tool for reducing fratricide incidence both within the US armed forces, a
xpensive, and custom made. When sensor systems are built, the&quot;back-end&quot;signal and data processing hardware and software a
power ratio of < -30 dB at a 1 symbol rate spacing with a 12/4 APSK modulated carrier, which will be achieved at an output power backoff
output power with&gt;30 dB linear gain and power added efficiency&gt;30%. The overmoded circuit coupled with multiple electron beam
predict failures ahead of time. Through the Phase-I effort, Qualtech Systems, Inc. (QSI) in collaboration with Lockheed Martin Corp., and Mo
signed, constructed and proved to be able to recover the strain wave history caused by ballistic impact. A microprocessor was also designed
buted Operations (DisOPS) GPS-driven mission planning and support system, and 2) incorporates a novel software system (WayPOINT) to p
ution utilizes the embedment of high thermal conductivity Thermal Pyrolytic Graphite (TPG) within 6061T6 aluminum to create a high therm
e II, we will build upon our Phase I success to develop a scalable prilling and coating process that is affordable and easy to implement on th
many efforts underway to develop crystalline fbers using laser media such as YAG. One of the difficulties of the technique appears to cons
;-like information about places humans and robots have visited. Fusion of sensor data from many warfghters combined with data from rob
osed device falls into the category of biomimicry as it imitates a solution found in nature: many animals and insects are known to use the sk
compared to current methods. The new anti-reflectance technology will allow computationally designed nanostructures to be applied to l
dulation products (IMP) up to 7th order were demonstrated in Phase I by applying a prototype MISSPEL system with 1 GHz bandwidth to a
em. The SAFC system shall produce over 50W electrical power for 500 hours with a system energy density above 1000 Wh/Kg.
ign concept that offers signifcantly lower costs than required, machine size and deployment flexibility, minimal shipping volume while mee
tiple perspectives. To meet this need, Aptima proposes to develop LVC &amp; G-AED (Live Virtual Constructive &amp; Game - Assisted Expe
no-Al) will be employed in this proposed Phase II project. The four main objectives are: (i) address technical aspects of large-scale producti
t-of-band light. Tuning the frequency of the absorption band may be achieved either by MEMS actuation to change geometry, or by carrier
nnot be performed. A solution to this problem is to employ cryogenic systems where the sensors are cooled either thermoelectrically or wi
aterial we propose is recently discovered, and offers exceptionally high scintilla-tion efficiency, high density, high effective atomic number, a
failed due to the steep curvature of the sclera. An instrument will be developed to enable such measurement. A 3-dimensional model of
veloping a sensor suite containing an infrared microbolometer-based focal plane array and a high resolution visible camera. A third optica
trate material such as ceramic or printed circuit board can provide a broader band of operation but exhibit high loss especially at high freq
will develop concepts for very wide bandwidth, very high frequency passive components and characterization techniques and show feasib
I in VBS2 and JSAF, focusing on improving the behavioral realism of the AI while reducing the need for support personnel.
ecome overwhelming for operators to adjudicate. A promising strategy to adjudicate the surface contact picture automatically is to optimal
mmercial laser product, upon which the proposed system will be based, has already undergone the process development, thermal characte
dy Scalable and Extensible Neural Sense-making Engine (SENSE) built from clustered low-power single-board computers. We will furthermo
hostile fre sensing architecture that uses lower cost discrete sensors which do not require cryogenic cooling assemblies. The sensing arch
ns such as hemorrhage and rhabdomyolysis that can cause multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) and multi-organ failure (MOF). O
o infection control. There is a signifcant need to develop and translate platorm technologies that can address these injuries while providi
e, assessment, and response in the feld, very few technical aids exist to support these efforts. The objectives of our proposed AREA syste
cone. To address that need, San Diego Composites, Inc. (SDC) is proposing a program to use industry-available composite materials to deve
rhead Persistent Infrared (OPIR) and possibly Airborne Infrared (ABIR) systems will include enhancing their capabilities to perform characte
ers are described as controlled chaos. Complex organizational systems such as onboard carriers adapt and learn and hence do not operate
processing of the beacon-detected feld will allow retrieval and complete characterization of the turbulence-perturbed wavefront. During t
ating the optical design. With this type of beacon, performance is often degraded by speckle, spot size, and branch cuts. The mid-wave infr
stent fatigue and drowsiness. While many research efforts have investigated motion sickness symptoms, there has been little progress in d
earch, and an Assessment capability that is suitable for evaluation of complex multi-path tasks and measurement of desired skills against a
subsurface, and air target detection. Based on a comprehensive integration of both a COTS array of acoustic vector sensors and total feld m
echnology. The remote node will also extract key kinematics such as bearing in azimuth and declination angle, bearing rate, etc. These key
hin a small installed package. A team with representatives from the U. S. Air Force, an aerospace prime contractor, and TDI has been forme
ryocooler. The RSP2 is of great interest to the Department of Defense because it is the only spaceflight cryocooler available that can provid
short-wave infrared (SWIR) camera based on a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) focal plane array (FPA). The spectral band of operation, in t
yer thickness, bed heating, and use of support materials. The University of Louisville&quot;s (U of L) Dislocation Density based Crystal Plasti
herefore a need for a sensor to determine the UGS azimuth, roll, and pitch relative to an earth-referenced frame. Creare proposes to comp
arallel to drive high flux densities allowing high power density and high efficiency generators to be designed without rare earth magnets. Q
rformance and security of such networks are of great interest and must be evaluated before deployment. The goal of this SBIR is to design
immune responses to enteric pathogens would be advantageous to discovering potential vaccine candidates and defning exposures to ent
explored or managed through a single system. To increase the efficiency of training authoring, management, and delivery, we propose to de
result, soldiers not trained in stability operations often take up the CA role. Secondly, too few people understand the importance of 2nd a
w for standardized tracking, monitoring, and mitigation of anger and stress outside of face-to-face treatment, and enhance the overall treat
the amputee. The proposed solution, code-named TEQUILA (Total Energy expenditure QUantifcation In Lower limb Amputees), will provid
se of high temperature composite materials to reduce the amount of internal insulation and external thermal protection material. Also, a p
able modular design, made possible by the use of PCI&quot;s high heat flux steam reformer designed to effectively remove heat from the
ice requirements if new methods of PO crystal growth are developed, especially hydride vapor epitaxy (HVPE). For the proposed project, P
), and wide transparency window (0.36-7um). Additionally, recent work has also demonstrated the ability to produce Periodically Oscillatin
es will put extreme mechanical and aerothermal loads on the projectile nosetip. These conditions combined with the high-density requirem
fabrication via a novel feld assisted sintering technique. Under the concurrent application of high pulsed current density, pressure and tem
&quot;(SPS). MATECH proposes to team with Thermal Technology Inc., the leader in SPS processing and equipment manufacturing, in execu
o existing operational procedures to maximize utility. Modeling is an attractive approach for optimizing future operational procedures, but
piloted aircraft, sensory equipment, and human operators. Aurora Flight Sciences proposes to develop an algorithmic toolkit, called ODETTE
e modifed to provide wideband tunability, together with its high spectral purity and small SWaP. In the proposed program, OEwaves will u
of wideband electrical gain in this range would invalidate such an approach. Recognizing this basic limitation, the proposed work will gene
critical functionality for electronic systems operating in high radiation environments. The Schottky process flow will be based on an existing
to First Fix is expected to be improved signifcantly under heavy interference and low signal situations. FLPA is also shown to have an excell
tive enables building of satellites that can meet aggressive, leading-edge size, weight, and power (SWAP) goals. SST&quot;s proprietary Har
netically coupled RF energy transmission system. Resonant coupling systems will allow low power sensor nodes to be powered continuous
nlinearity and non-Gaussianity, ii) efficient and accurate nonlinear point estimators that outperform widely-used extended Kalman flter and
Technology Solutions Incorporated operational experience, Space Environment Technologies SpWx expertise, and Intelligent Software Soluti
strates and refned thermal management to enable&gt;15% efficient modules on lightweight and flexible polymer substrates. As an added
facturing and production of advanced military aircraft, such as the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). Our proprietary approach for improved GD &a
are restricted by their utilization of predominantly single electron per molecular site charge storage processes. Vanadium diboride (VB2) u
is implemented at two levels. Data fusion at the level of signal processing derives information about inertial error states from SAR signal da
eadout integrated circuits (ROICs). The imager does not require bump bond hybridization and is compatible with 5µm and smaller pixel pitc
capacity to on-board sensor data acquisition systems, and most importantly, enable ultra-high-speed download of data. Crossfeld&quot;s
nd their inter-dependencies make it difficult to synchronize the usage of assets across domains to fulfll a large number of tasks in a comple
for link analysis of data extracted from social media. Our work considers the process of knowledge extraction, information integration and
work trusting another with which it is inter-connecting. Military airborne networks and the emerging commercial Internet of Things and Pe
an 2.8 m circular error probable (CEP) performance (Kalman fltered) in a&quot;lost-on-Earth&quot;scenario wherein no prior position kno
mpared to titanium. To take full advantage of the weight savings of polyimide composites, a full understanding of the reaction kinetics, vola
xecution of optimized query plans; 2) data modeling for integrating heterogeneous, distributed data sources; 3) distributed fusion for comp
in conjunction with automated cell sorting at high-throughput. Our technology enables signifcant improvements in analysis speed, non-in
munities with these issues. Although treatment options are offered at many Veterans Affairs Medical Centers (VAMCs) and Medical Treatme
elop an efficient and objective tinnitus diagnostic device. This device will integrate Otosound&quot;s patented Auditory Evoked Responses

ts by 65% and 98% for volumetric and gravimetric standards. In Phase I Mainstream exceeded DoEs 2015 gravimetric requirement by 2-fold
pplicable to various types of monitoring application and is an orthogonal signature that complements standard IR molecular fngerprints. T
LPI)/ Low Probability of Detection (LPD) topology management which autonomously form, maintain, repair, and optimize the network; (2)
echnique use the recent fundamental innovations in difference co-array signal processing. Depending on antenna element placement, diffe
tes can easily be accommodated with reasonably simple radio architectures. With propagation characteristics comparable to those at the w
iated battlefeld sensors proliferates, requirements for additional military satellite communications capacity will continue for the foreseeab
d dangers in the forward area, as well as, serve as a navigation beacon (or provide offset targeting) in GPS denied environments. In Phase I,
capabilities of the materials have now been extended and tested to include broadband frequency capabilities and protection in high-altitud
processing steps, however, also result in the introduction of residual stress. Excessive bulk residual stresses can have negative consequence
ved through the development and validation of predictive thermosetting polyimide process models and manufacturing robustness demons
to escape during curing, so that they do not generate bubbles/pores in the laminate. Initial work yielded a decrease in porosity from 3% to
rial systems. The second approach is developed for a mixture theory that is governed by a homogenized set of equations. A two-level split
ential amplifer, which achieves the properties of ultrafast switching speed and insensitivity to temperature and radiation. This VFE differen
e code generator is able to efficiently support C/A, L2C, M, P, and L5 codes. The system frmware will execute on low-voltage, low-power RI
T signal chain, and converts the amplitude of the signal at each point in the DUT to a DC signal through the use of an RF peak detector. The
orithm, and other algorithms, for improving fdelity of CT. The EM algorithm is an iterative CT algorithm. It has a limitation of long comput
applicability to Army UAS concepts from&quot;small&quot;down to&quot;nano&quot;size ranges. Such hair cells have the ability to yield
et and an outlet, the coolant path of each active denial system will have up to 2048 O-ring seals, with the overall system design incorporati
by leveraging integrated tools and both automated and manual assessment strategies along with external environmental conditions data to
fed several candidate tetrapeptides able to neutralize multiple flaviviruses in in-vitro assays. These very short peptides have a molecular w
otwear, the provision of similar devices that can be accommodated in an army boot has not received signifcant attention. The high rates o
eriod. HDT developed conceptual designs for a HEPA-based system capable of supplying 100,000 CFM and ft on a mobile trailer. To meet C
The adaptive optic correction and the flamentation control are both closed loop, and can correct for variations in temperature, pressure,
strated an advanced digital-RF receiver for military satellite communications (MILSATCOM X and Ka bands). This was built around a custom
ocal and military populations that can address information requirements (IR) and analysis needs. However, Marines need an effective system
background data on their assigned Area of Operations. Crowdsourcing data, properly fltered and managed, provides an instant&quot;qui
erse turbo-Brayton cryocooler that provides refrigeration at 4.2 K and rejects heat at 77 K through boil-off of liquid nitrogen. The cryocoole
re is a tremendous opportunity to reduce the required size of the cryocooler dramatically. For example, the upper stage(s) of expander com
ol for airborne ISR platorms that can generate vehicle routes and sensor schedules in real time that satisfy vehicle dynamic constraints, airs
eak power pulses that can results from an electromagnetic attack, such as an electromagnetic pulse (EMP). In the proposed program, TIPD,
crowave and electromagnetic pulse sources.
-Zehnder modulator, so it will simultaneously enable a low-noise-fgure photonic link and provide protection from EMAs. A microwave-pho
nabling the reduction of air-supplied oxygen to the system. With Acumentrics&quot;knowledge of 10kW operations, it will be shown that
successful implementation of a hybrid electric tail rotor drive meeting the Navy&#039;s operational needs. CRG proposes to develop a hy
d submarines to measure underwater magnetic and acoustic radiated signatures at forward sites removed from shore-based fxed monitori
0 BTU/ft2-sec. Multicomponent functionally graded materials with densities&gt;15 g/cc are necessary for a nosetip to meet the identifed
sity for aerodynamic stability, they react to form low melting compositions that can damage the projectile. Other high temperature materi
neers look to reduce overall weight, leading to the reduction in size of transparent armor windows, signifcantly restricting the feld of view
bility and thermal properties. HABSonic LLC in collaboration with Missouri S &amp; T will perform research on advanced materials for trans
2 psf single laminate conventional design (control) and three fused silica based designs (36 to 38 psf). Environmental testing will demonstra
hree singly resonant optical parametric oscillators (OPOs). The Nd:YAG thin disk based MOPA laser can generate 2.5 J pulses at 1064 nm wi
erience of PSI to provide an exceptionally strong development team to meet Navy requirements. During the Phase I program a study effort
methods for selection and training of industry personnel, such as the training needs assessment and job analysis processes, with our job tas
iode lasers have some of the most desirable attributes: highest efficiency, greatest compactness (small size, weight, and power or SWaP), a
on entities, and alerts relevant analysts that the potential for collaboration exists. The notifcation indicates to users what information may
s to development and deployment is beam control, identifed in the 2007 report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Directed Ener
mal thermal resistance. Deliverables at conclusion of two-year effort will include a demonstration OHP-based chip carrier prototype attache
tential failures of individual sensors. In Phase I of this program, AS&T developed and performed a proof-of-the-concept demonstration of d
g developed for the Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS) for surveillance applications. The increased numbers of detector elements and im
ain tight tolerances, the skin panels must remain in the PMM enclosure post-machining, locked down on the tools while a time-consuming
tral support, polarization, and form-factor. This is dubbed the Modular Array of Multi-Band Apertures (MAMBA) concept. The MAMBA conc
luated for 0 &amp; #61616; and 60 &amp; #61616; CP incidence for the Phase I effort. The best of these flat panel designs will be chosen f
width shortall by at least 100x for applications in multispectral, hyperspectral, and laser radar. AEgis proposes a method of bypassing thes
assifcation, intercept support) of the Thule Upgraded Early Warning radar (UEWR). This work will develop signal processing techniques to

ndary technique will be used, allowing the use of cylindrical, Cartesian, spherical, elliptic or other analytical orthogonal grids to cover the w
he-friendly dynamic data structures that ease the implementation in a hydrodynamic code of fast mesh refnement and coarsening operati
ng the design geometry for mesh construction, while capturing near-feld and far-feld effects and interactions among moving components,
e accomplished. Vishwa Robotics proposes a teleoperated, anthropomorphic end effector that mimics the dexterity of a human hand that w
bonds requires an easily used detection approach to routinely monitor composite health of military aircraft. We propose a solution based o
e weak/kissing bonds in the adhesively bonded test coupons. Finite element analysis (FEA) will be conducted to design optimal thermal an
, designed expressly for this purpose. The novelty of the proposed approach lies in the integration of a new sensor technology developed b
evelopment of a Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS). The Missile Defense Agencys modeling and simulation directorate is developing, u
s. While saturated performance levels of traditional systems based on bulk semiconductors have not quite met the requirement of applica
listed classifcation and officer career path aptitude assessments. The task-specifc physiological test and the proof-of-concept screening to
n, PROMOTE aids in the conversion and embedding of non-optimistic models into optimistic models. PROMOTE will integrate these techniq
contractor part needs (Aerojet, Raytheon) and scientifcally characterizing the materials behavior including high temperature properties an
will also work to improve the electrical to optical conversion efficiency of these arrays by optimizing the number of quantum wells to match
he research has not matured into robust systems ready for operational settings. In this proposal, a novel architecture that reconstructs the
nteraction overhead typically leads to losses in visual momentum and in situation and context awareness, and requires signifcant cognitive
or platorm, what is needed is a training tool that senses and adapts to the analyst&quot;s knowledge and skill level by constructing an ind
he ideal barrel would consist of a high temperature alloy with a strongly-bonded, erosion-resistant liner. TPL&quot;s Barrel Armor technolog
g of large numerical or experimental data sets. Moreover, a system based on nonlinear dynamical phase-space analysis (such as Chaos The
metrically estimating probability measures that describe the distribution of parameters across all members of a given population in the case
nely volunteer to track their own health related behavior, such as exercise and sleep, via smartphone. This same technology could be used
patients. It is not enough to focus therapeutic treatment on the segmental nerve injuries alone, new methods to treat and stimulate the di

core building block of a very lightweight electrical energy storage system for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or to maintain power quality i
e. Likewise, multiphase Mo-Si-B alloys have been studied in terms of monotonic and cyclic crack growth and creep fatigue interactions. Les
p sequencing, and culturable commensals will be isolated by plating dolphin gastric and fecal samples on a range of media. Cultured microb
acia International proposes to develop probiotic pharmaceuticals to treat and prevent gastrointestinal diseases in dolphins. Preliminary res
s misbehaving software. We will capture an application&quot;s intended behavior as it is coded in an IDE. The behavior will be stored as a
e into critical system errors when modules are integrated. More troubling is that integration of modules containing poorly specifed or poor
r ship and aircraft combinations. Current full-scale test techniques involving mast mounted anemometers are costly and time-consuming, a
used to provide sufficient safety margins for ship aircraft operations under extreme weather and sea-state conditions. PSI will employ its pr
of data gathered can make storage and processing of an unfltered data stream practically difficult. As a result, many current autonomous s
ent computational memory model that is able to: i) handle long-duration data streams; ii) identify informative features in data streams; iii)
urations. This proposal will develop a Learning-based Approach for Relevant Data Abstraction (LARDA) from a set of sensors that produce a
emission spectrum matched to the external quantum efficiency spectrum of a low-bandgap PV cell. The focus of the Phase I effort is to en
ts of the energy conversion process is creating spectral emissions from the high-temperature emitter that are well matched with the bandg
de matching the emitter spectrum more precisely to the conversion characteristics and designing mechanical conversion systems that conc
evelop a portable, turn-key system that can produce, utilize, and optically trap ultracold strontium atoms. The resulting system will serve as
whose wavelength is chosen to minimize the differential light shifts between the states of the clock transition in rubidium vapor. The optica
dented low drift at low frequency. The magnetometer is being developed for volume manufacture and is capable of competing with with flu
ased on knowledge of user roles, tasks, and context, systems can help proactively flag decision points; select relevant information and proj
ties of data are passed blindly between nodes, with no ability to adapt the delivery or presentation of information to suit users&quot;needs
navigation. In littoral navigation, workload may be high and team members operating in discrete roles may proceed without awareness of i
has already demonstrated
to reduce drain onthat
ship50,000 RPM
electrical carbonand
systems fber
to flywheels can betodesigned
provide access and
an almost operated safely
instantaneous in the
supply commercial
of electrical and military
energy. m

quirements needed to achieve the energy density levels and charge/discharge rates. Tests of composite material coupons fabricated with th
sers as the laser source. The generation of green laser light via frequency doubling of a 1-µm laser has typical conversion efficiencies that a
ment, will bring forward advanced imagery and text processing technology integrated in a Hadoop-based distribution framework from its ac
ontinuously fuse tactical information with human intuition and experience to push data relevant to the decision support matrix to the Com
oss of efficiency. The Phase I effort consists of incorporating into ASTRAL/ASPM the surface loss model TOTLOS, which takes into account su
ts wavelength and temporal profle. Nanohmics Inc., in partnership with Professor Gennady Shvets of the University of Texas at Austin, prop
short pulsed green lasing output at 520nm from the fundamental mode. This proposed approach meets the program requirements by elim
to increase the breakdown voltage of GaN high electron mobility transistors, advanced epitaxial structures with minimum current collapse
which contain reverberation models as an essential component, are over twenty years old. At the same time, new applications for models c
the feasibility of the device for EEG and evoked applications due to the high technical challenge and stringent signal quality requirements c
cience, the sensors themselves lag behind in terms of being sufficiently unobtrusive and wearable. A near-term solution is possible by com
grated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) as it applies to novel Molybdenum-Silicon-Boron Composites (Mo-Si-B) and its associat
ting with the body, under clothing and gear. They must be robust to dynamic motion in moist environments and under constant mechanica
state power amplifcation.
n of CMOS readout integrated circuitry and diffractive optics to provide the full set of threat characterization metrics. In the Phase I R &amp
methods. The system will exploit on going design work created for visible multi-threat optical systems and leverage advances in FPA techn
ent of Health and Human Services has classifed as&quot;reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen&quot;a replacement is necess
usly too complex to rigorously certify. The focus of this tool is on explicitly modeling and verifying the behavioral and interaction characteris
be developed are in three major areas: (1) a novel real-world type system and associated type-checking mechanism that will allow real-wo
, and different, but easily applied, methods of attachment for a metallic and a composite substrate. Accurate high temperature strain meas
nvironment while delivering accurate measurements reliably is needed to support validation of new materials such as high-temperature in
ust, and reliable. Our team is ideal for this project because we have focused intense effort on the development of advanced high-speed tu
defense and high-tech industry, sustainability of RE-based materials is being questionable. New design framework for non-RE high perform
mited their widespread applications.Recent advances in processing complex oxide and multiferroic thin flms present the opportunity for st
powders, 2) Sinter the compacted powders into a fully dense composite, 3) Characterize the structure of the composite, 4) Characterize the
ques and on nonlocal dispersive reduced order model will be devised. Reduced order methods will capture the particle-matrix decohesion
es the development of new energetic materials that will be both high performance and insensitive. The Phase II work will focus on develop
and specify potential conformal antenna installation locations on the AC/MC-130Js. This objective will include identifying a number of pos
d only minimal changes can be made in terms of design modifcations and retro-ftting. However the payoffs are signifcant; in fact the usefu
esign is out of the question, the issue is whether relatively minor, and inexpensive, changes to the airframe might be advantageous. Since
on the doors, but analyses often only consider steady loads on rigid doors and neglect transient and aeroelastic effects. Higher fdelity mul
y doors to be evaluated early in the design process such that designs can be optimized to avoid aeroelastic instabilities or fatigue induced fa
interdisciplinary interactions and corresponding effects on overall propeller efficiency. Next, each of the analysis modules will be validated
gn choices and leverages on Variable Complexity Optimization to perform high-fdelity designs at moderate costs. The study of advanced pr
nly realistic option to attain hundred-watt power level with good beam quality is to coherently combine multiple QCL emitters into a single
variety application as well (mounted on air frame support elements to monitor structural integrity, for example.) The objectives of this pro
nt. Historically sensor packages for UUV&quot;s have been based on&quot;adaptions&quot;of ship deployed equipment. This is particular
electrostatic breakdown provide important information, the great need for materials characterization in spacecraft charging is a nondestru
In this Phase II project, we plan to fabricate 2-D arrays of rectennas, quantify their fgures of merit, test them at IR wavelengths, and integr
-optic plasmonic waveguides array that provides the electro-optic phase shift in sub-wavelength waveguide cross-section in the near-feld.
h, while providing a sustainable 1 ATM internal pressure. Mide in partnership with MIT propose to create a next generation ADS built from
ed outputs will reach power levels exceeding 25 Watts with excellent beam quality (M2
er antennas, than conventional airborne antennas, which in turn enables increased sensor performance (e.g. bandwidth, gain, etc.). In ord
given structural constraints, weight considerations, and drivetrain interactions. Supporting conceptual and preliminary designs thus requir
s. This STTR proposal aims at developing the next generation of rare earth free permanent magnets with high magnetic performance, ther
constrained computing environment (e.g., limited RAM and CPU power). Together, these challenges lead to a favorable hardware/software
ve measurement basis sets for imaging and target classifcation. The algorithms and basis sets were validated experimentally with imaging
eling now allow the development of a multi-scale, comprehensive PPE evaluation tool, which will provide operational, performance, and in
guration. Implementing these strategies requires an effective way to create diversity. Randomization has proven effective against many kno
r that is integrated with an array of dynamic pressure transducers in order to quantify the unsteady surface loading on it. The door is part o
sensor inputs and the microdisplay outputs. Sensors on the helmet can be visible near infrared (VNIR), short-wavelength infrared (SWIR), l
technical issues for practical helmet-mounted displays (HMD) - power consumption and weight. Our concept will allow multiple, high data
es. Zebra Imaging&#039;s light-feld technology is based on the concept of a 2D array of light-emitting holographic elements (&quot;hoge
has been conducted to ensure that derived human performance data are developed and can be communicated in a common, integrated m
es a low temperature reference without the need of cryogenic cooling. To simplify the electronics design, direct detection at RF is anticipat
mance. Current mission planning and evaluation systems fail to effectively communicate performance results. Thus, Aptima proposes to dev
ed visualizations and output the imagery to operator displays. The VPHS will employ imaging algorithms to provide for digital fusion of the
nd directly&quot;writing&quot;fringes at video rates. A novel display system employing acousto-optic modulators and electro-optic phased
a new approach to the HUD architecture that will show signifcant improvements in all areas of performance when compared to legacy sys
ce power space and cooling by 25% compared to current HUDs. Our Phase I study will survey the available state of the art in HUDs and com
se capabilities is to supplement existing (e.g. visual) data-gathering approaches for individual identifcation and tracking for purposes of thr
ted battery and CPU on mobile devices, ensuring mobile end point integrity and attestation is a signifcant challenge. This project shall re
others/organizations in terms of attributes (e.g. location, mission, assignment) derived from existing sources.&quot;PROACT is an innovati
mantic Analysis) for granting access based on a warfghters proximity to information. By leveraging CFDRC&quot;s existing technology for n
rust in automated GMTI exploitation algorithms that are capable of grander analysis. Analysts need confdence in the automated tools in o
relationships in a consistent manner and (2) a test and evaluation architecture which will both enable the evaluation of complex exploitatio
itions. The team proposes to integrate: wireless physical layer broadcast; link layer multicast where supported by hardware and frmware o
sor platorms will provide enhanced battlefeld awareness as well as enhanced net-centric, collaborative targeting. Until now, the upgrade
ion implementation at the data downlink server reduces system&quot;s resiliency. Therefore there is a need for distributed architecture fo
m from the ability to create composite antenna patterns that vary with both spatial direction and frequency, while also accounting for the d
gital models, rather than underlying analog chaotic sources, or algorithms that presume infnite precision. This is to ensure a greater proba
ogy, such as all digital modems and all digital spectrum monitoring equipment, into the Air Force&quot;s future SATCOM terminals, yieldin
d, and how the underlying sources factor into the credibility of the information. In response, we will develop inference algorithms for dete
d augment existing knowledge with inferred information. To deal with large amount of data, analysts require automated solutions to link e
anisms, and travel patterns in support of malicious agendas. Within these multiple layers of information, intelligence analysts require a cap
to better meet the needs of the challenging CSI-Info identifcation and resolution domain. The multi-stage software suite will include proce
s stored as metadata attached to the data in question; unfortunately, there are a number of places where current classifcation processes fa
nternational, a leading provider of high quality analysis for the Intelligence Community, to provide the team with domain expertise and gui
activities involving others outside of their immediate organization. Without such knowledge, the decision-making that drives military opera
rrently stems from readiness applications such as Status of Resources and Training System (SORTS), which provide broad subjective measur
main dependencies among physical and logical assets, and relationships among effects, capabilities, assets, and organizations. We will then
of trusted computing have been developed for the last few years, there is currently no method to bootstrap a network of fully trusted heter
ures. The proposed approach will verify the trust in critical components, adopt their trust values due to changes in network confgurations,
uce the size of a standard fber optic gyroscope or ring laser gyroscope without sacrifcing sensitivity. However, using the phenomenon of f
nclude the auto-generation of user interfaces for decision support as well as the ability to compose new architectures automatically. In p
n-source, standards-based framework that integrates with existing DoD and Air Force resources and environments. AWCAMS will include a
in many of these tradeoffs using standard system engineering tools available today. However, understanding second, third or tertiary affec
ler mass of less than 500 g, compressor dimension of 110 mm in length and approximately 40 mm in diameter. The power consumption is
cessing of TASS sensor suite target data using neural inspired, cognitive processing techniques for accurate target and target activity charac
ate materials, attempts to&quot;tile&quot;small arrays into larger ones for reasons of cost and design flexibility have met with limited succ
and control electronics that were developed under SLEDS - a longer wavelength projector program. By leveraging existing system componen
any microwatts per pixel in the near term and increased performance as future SWIR lasers increase their associated power outputs. Two d
s mission data is currently limited. A fully distributed and automatically managed mission recording and playback capability is needed for m
assessment. The key challenges are the disconnection of the aforementioned mission capabilities and the lack of an integrated distributed
me diffractive optics in photopolymer material layers on curved and transparent polymer visor substrates. The innovation in the MAGIC-HM
ommercial users. When laser eye protection is incorporated into classical optics HMD designs even more mass is added thereby compound
pilot visors. This system will be based on a unique ZEMAX design, amended with MACROS, for thick reflection guided holograms. By fne-tu
rmal solvers to predict energy absorption rates and tissue temperature elevation. However, available voxel models are limited in postures a
Hz) high-data rate communication links on a variety of aeronautical platorms. The utilization of low-loss spatial combining (subarray-moun
or let CIRRUS processes automatically select areas of&quot;detectability.&quot;In either case, the cloud optimizes performance (compress
ferers, and may be difficult to implement for varying beam-bandwidths. Adding channelization before the beamformer and implementing
nications and AISR. Commercial applications for this technology include internet routing.
the signal in a 500 MHz bandwidth, and produce multiple signal streams in different channels for DoD SATCOM. BENEFIT: The digital chan
s require high defnition multimedia broadcasting, and high-speed internet access. Such applications impose on the underlying communica
ased on observed network traffic. By the time a network component is identifed as having suffered a breach or fault, that component wi
on particle counter and collector developed by our frm and (2) the opposed migration aerosol size classifer developed at the California Ins
travel anywhere and be assembled in hours. An innovation of W3DGE is a unique quick-change displaytrue 3D or high acuitydepending on
nterrelated tasks is simply not economically feasible in live exercises. To effectively, efficiently, and economically prepare our nation&quot;
trainer will offer the user a high-fdelity mission training and rehearsal environment while providing a useful instructor control interface, sc
uild the Predicting, Analyzing, and Tracking Training Readiness and Needs (PATTRN) tool, a software suite that will provide access to perform
security, or military devices in a very limited set of scenarios due to limitations in the data sets and modeling tools. While several detailed
ng the technical requirements and operational application of VOC-based sensors with the goal of achieving&quot;reverse&quot;modeling
time evaluation of the state of the individual and the team is required. Assessments of behavioral, neurophysiological, and physiological sig
ugh the Application layer. These methodologies include: attesting Remote Assets at the network layer via Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) me
tion Dissemination (GATSID) service with Human Computer Interfaces (HCIs) is detailed. The Phase 1 Work Plan employs the Rational Unife
tionable information to the right persons, at the right times, and right locations, in a mobile context, requires context-sensitive services tha
ology is inherently wideband enabling the extension of operational frequencies to other data links. The proposed array development could
anced Data Link (MADL) for the F-35. Unfortunately, the frequencies of operation and antenna systems for these two are unique, and thus
d empirically characterize atmospheric propagation physics such as signal attenuation, phase distortion and depolarization. AFRL&quot;s W
atorm for this antenna is a large UAV, such as the Predator or Reaper. The major design challenges of this topic stem from the high gain re
able, focused on end-user requirements, and easy to use and manage. CIRRUS will provide end-user tools for analysts to develop IR data/
applications, capable of nominal 240 fps (80fps/color) operation and beyond. Digitally-controlled analog pixel signal architecture allows for
processor technology have been unable to perform the required low-latency processing needed to ingest video from multiple high resoluti
making it easy to develop and test the required situation and linguistic knowledge. We will (1) extend the existing model of the situation
R) wide body air crafts. For higher likelihood of transition our approach uses antennas that already exist on wide body C2ISR platorms. BEN
orithm calculates anticipated radiometric sky conditions for a variety of atmospheric profles and then selects the profle(s) matching obser
SAA) capability that will enable RPAs to maneuver away from the path of an intruding aircraft approaching from the rear. UtopiaCompressi
with ffth generation aircraft subject matter expertise. A detailed mission analysis of relevant missions for multi role aircraft will identify the
&quot;, Computation Fluids Dynamics (CFD) models to predict the transport of the VOC chemicals within environments on time and length
ence technologies: (1) ObjectSecurity&quot;s OpenPMF model-driven security policy automation technology, which allows the flexible aut
e of ground transmitters and propagating radio waves. Despite the challenges of launching a VLF signal, the VLF radio has a number of adva
rios where its applicability is vital, including the nuclear command control and communications (NC3) environment where support of resou
a unique combination of a coherent telescopic array, orthogonal 2x2 array Fizeau interferometer beam combiner optics, low-power, comp
ades of experience in ground-based astronomical applications designed to yield the highest sensitivity and resolution in the IR with cost-eff
urface morphology, and integration of ultrahigh-conductivity materials will enable the system to provide a near-isothermal mechanical inte
ance and capability in a relevant environment. BENEFIT: This technology can potential increase aircraft and UAV safety from a sense and
er applications. LCOS builds on two dominant technologies that have created the modern world of electronics and displays: IC and liquid cr
s need a visualization system that enables day/night/adverse weather operations and that is digital. Currently felded night vision and day
M) and associated optical systems. HSI is also involved in designing true 3D real time holographic displays based on sub-hologram display te
exposure control protocols. Currently employed NP monitoring sensors rely on light scattering or mass recognition, techniques that do not
centration. Real-time monitors that provide output by number or surface area are ill-suited for personal sampling and cannot distinguish N
performance data capture for after-action review. To take full advantage of these capabilities, a solution is needed that will integrate them i
are currently leveraging this break-through to create a high-resolution tactical HMD. The key insight underlying this proposal is the realizati
ealistic, human-like manner, exhibiting both the strengths and weaknesses of real humans. To address this need, we propose to develop So
tional environments text messaging communications are increasingly common. To be effective, synthetic teammates will need to be capabl
ratio (SNR) of the sensor below the level required for reliable guidance, navigation, and situational awareness. The Spectral Imaging Labor
icle traveling at Mach 7 may experience temperatures over 1700C, while typical optical materials such as Zinc Sulfde (ZnS) oxidize at aroun
S, determination of chemistry state at depth, coupled with long term studies at controlled humidity environments followed by ESCA, XPS.
psulating them with a relatively noble metal that can undergo an exothermic inter-metallic reaction during combustion. Building upon NEI&
that will use air and other elements to generate the enhanced blast in a single-stage event. We will use a combined approach consisting of
thal impulses with comparable lethal performance of the larger systems they will replace. SEFOES design is based on augmenting the fuel-
, an annular ring of HE surrounding the part of the tank is initiated. The implosion super-compresses the fuel into the supercritical regime
ologies are used simultaneously. Ultra-sound is used for long range communication through water, and RF is used for long range communic
oping secure data transmit/ receive software, and designing and building a prototype bench top system to demonstrate the feasibility of su
requirements of this system. During Phase I, McQ will select the appropriate COTS/custom electronic components to perform a series of so
mmunity in product lengths currently up to 100&quot;. These tough materials are offered herein as non-parasitic, cable shielding to impro
ctive fllers to formulate the lightweight shielding material. Model simulation will be employed to identify and verify the most promising co
e. In this proposal, we demonstrate a combined nanotechnology, chemistry, and biotechnology approach to provide a materials solution to
e of these frequencies are useful for both RF operations and survivability. NanoSonic will design, fabricate and experimentally measure th
e uses proven technologies, and uses inexpensive stock materials. The enclosure provides for heat rejection, rugged gasketing for recurring
osite materials will be used to fabricate and test composite enclosures that provide the weight and manufacturing advantages of polymer b
ming cold soaked and prone to leakage. As a consequence, the DoD is seeking new hydraulic sealing capability to reduce or eliminate leaka
d as a major consideration for the selection of gaskets and seals. None of the commercial O-ring elastomeric materials can function effecti
hout leakage of the hydraulic oil, heater blankets are used. As heater blankets signifcantly increase the weight of the aircraft, add complex
ng 7056 glass, of a thickness great enough to reduce halo due to reflected photons from the photocathode. We have verifed that by increa
ot evident as part of a visual inspection or point inspection reflectance measurement. Full-up vehicle testing to evaluate coating performan
al light valves. In this SBIR program, researchers of Fontus Applied Technologies propose an innovative scene projector system using our ad
M includes image, SAL, and navigation modules, an avionics processor, and a power source. The S4SAM mimics a vertebrate eye, which both
ifficult urban environments were damage effects must be controlled through precision guidance of munitions. Given the highly cluttered n
y operations in difficult environments such as urban terrain, to maneuver in cluttered environments, to offer precision targeting, and to mi
will be capable of prosecuting stationary and moving targets by executing radar modes such as Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Doppler Be
to develop a concept/architecture and Receiver Exciter (REX) for a multi-function radar seeker with embedded communications. The Phas
anit&quot;s prior experience in designing and fabricating novel nanomaterials will be critical in the success of the proposed effort. BENEFI
zer) chemistry that demonstrate thermite-like reactions. Cornerstone Research Group Inc. (CRG) proposes to adapt an existing in-situ manu
osite material. This engineering specialty has been successfully demonstrated in the external enclosures of military systems where extrem
energy into a complimentary angle determined by Snell&quot;s law. While sensors exist to determine specular performance on aircraft, cur
employed in performing the measurement of microwave surface waves will be explored and implemented through the design, developmen
oating to the repaired inlets. Utilizing a fast, accurate, manipulator to perform multiple functions offers a low-cost, reliable tool for automa
eposit coatings. Aerobotix proposes to expand the capability of existing, mature designs to include the additional complex articulation requ
with material and structural development and test programs. The goal of the proposed research is to develop, demonstrate, and validate a
tifcial aging). These processing steps, however, also result in the introduction of residual stress. Excessive bulk residual stresses can have ne
ncounter in theater, are compatible with the outline and mounting (i.e.light weight and low-profle) of such aircraft, and are capable of supp
nd build near 1550nm single frequency fber laser with pulse energy of greater than 10mJ and pulse width of 30ns to 300ns by using our in
landmark error states from motion states. Our AVG approach will support a Bayesian formulation with three methods, namely, outlier and
n for geo-registration based around the popular simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) approach. This solution includes a graphic
on capability. Therefore, there is a new and pressing need for dynamic optimization for energy management of more-electric aircraft. Tech
(aircraft and automobiles). Such a subsystem control methodology will optimize aircraft power generation, distribution, utilization, and as
tes with the following functions NOT, NAND, NOR, AND, OR. In order to reduce the complexity of the fabrication process and to ensure bett
hermal contact resistance of TIMs. BENEFIT: Nanocomposite TIMs fnd applications in military environment that includes power system e
sing the fuel cooling capacity by raising the fuel flow or allowing it to reach higher temperatures is not practical because the additional fue
implies signifcant spectral power across a wide range of frequencies. Recent work on electrical accumulator unit (EAU) technology sugge
systems may be required. The culmination of a) increases in widespread availability and affordability of a large variety of nano-sized particl
f aluminum nanoparticles to kerosene can signifcantly increase the fuel&quot;s combustion enthalpy, reducing fuel consumption and its a
volutionary leap in gas turbine efficiency. The subject of this proposed program is to further develop the ARTICTM cooling technology for us
ization of nonvolatile particulate matter to obtain mass concentration, particle number concentrations, size distributions and specifc surfa
on of an iPhone, but with ubiquitous communication, position, navigation, and computer capability in the form factor of a watch with an ex
high demand Marines in hot landing zones. Thus, the EFFS community requires a method that reduces the exposure of the transport aircraft
ns which utilize Mezzo&quot;s advanced micro tube heat exchangers and micro tube thermal energy storage (TES) devices. Micro tube the
uver the towed array TL-29A around the fshing nets or other obstacles to prevent entanglement and damage. FiNEAS developed to date h

onents * Implementing the multivariant mission designs in the U2VIS prototype framework for usability testing. * Studying the software pl
eviously unrealizable performance such as sub-millisecond scanning, high resolution (sub microradian) refractive scanning, full 2-D operatio
an withstand the static and dynamic force vectors to which it will be exposed during numerous and frequent helo bay door operations. Du
e needed. These limiters must also be low cost and in a form factor compatible with integration with shipboard radar systems. Our propose
tion hub. Collaborating with Goodrich EPP (now UTC Aerospace), during Phase I MDC investigated the feasibility of wave propagation in thic
or to continue with inspection following a prior obstruction detection check. The design of Wolf Technical Services Multi-Axis Autonomous
vant laboratory environment using actual E-2 flight data where truth is known. Feedback from this demonstration will be incorporated into
n our expertise in high-temperature materials and packaging processes, we propose to develop a conformal packaging and&quot;stick on&
bility of such a DYNAJETS diver tool with self-rotating multi-nozzle heads and developed the concept design through experiments on surrog
Nolan Enterprises to develop a prototype Automated Speaker Clustering System (ASCS) and accelerate the technology transfer process. Th
r extremely northern or southern latitudes that cannot see the MUOS satellites. An in-theater base station would provide local calls and po
munications. Adaptive Dynamics, Inc. has developed the novel Multiple Adaptive Generalized Interference Cancellation (MAGICTM) flter, w
cted targets with high probability of detection and minimal false alarms at reduced computational complexity.
se I Project (N121-027) conducted under Contract No. N68335-12-C-0158. The ATML Workbench integrated development environment (ID
rage of the process; in particular, there is no direct replanning support. Additionally, the tools do not help the inexperienced staff understa
ased on free-form imaging optics coupled to a waveguide with a see-through decoupling hologram and active lens for providing virtual ima
velop a web-based prototype application for a limited set of TRACKER functionality. Progeny will develop a web-based application which su
US Navy vessels operating in littoral and very shallow waters (VSW), denying access by the Navy to critical seaways and ports such as those
ctor and real-time load measurement by integrated quartz crystal microbalance mass sensors. The innovative design of the multistage micr
. Declarative means that behavior is defned by declarative constraints, rather than by procedural code. Generative means that the system
thers the art of exploiting available engineering knowledge for simplifying electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) simulation. Ultimately, the
encies of over 96% and power handling capabilities of 1.5kW have been demonstrated as well as both co and counter pumped designs. W
mulation capability that enhances, combines and integrates simulation tools to provide an effective capability to model multiple processes
sor will be based on laser light scattering and will be made small and light enough to be part of the RPA system, able to make real time cal
is cruise efficient for extended endurance, yet provides high power-density required for rapid response dash capabilities. The Phase I IMPU
mman has indicated signifcant interest for a flexible high performance, turbo-fan for possible use on to be specifed programs capable of ge
ern turbine/turboprop engines are ready for game changing improvements. The Peregrine Turbine engine is just such an engine. With ther
stor will be designed and a bench-top parameters will be tested. The test results will be used to develop an overall propulsion system effici
ing paramount, specifcally, in the 10,000 lb class of vehicles. These desired capabilities are not currently optimized with present engine-ba
ency. This approach delivers nearly double the peak takeoff/climb power of electrically compounded superchargers and/or PMM direct po
mulation of bearing performance requires innovative numerical techniques to integrate the very small mechanical time scales with the large
-anticipated demand and regeneration power spikes which has caused undue demands on the electrical generators. Industry and the US A
rburners. This tool will be ideally suited for closely integrating physical testing and design of gas turbine engines, especially for application
a links to provide the capability to display and process many data streams simultaneously. Current training system approaches lack the scala
ign and manufacturing concept is needed. This is the main focus of the solicitation and addresses a real need in the US Navy. This presents
ch allows parts to be replaced on an as-needed basis. This marks an improvement over legacy approaches, which relied on conservative life
med in partnership with a leading OEM and research institution.
y of the laser system is a critical factor in its applicability to a wide variety of physics packages, and allows end-user reconfguration of func
ool the equipment loads and adding active refrigeration to fan coil units that condition the air for non-equipment loads. This strategy will re
e to the sensors and have the potential to overwhelm the sensors. Third, existing UAVs are built using magnetic materials that can degrade
ating functionality, value, mitigated development risk and compatibility with felded flight trainer systems. It will be used to introduce and
r design, demonstrate their insertion and operation in a bearing environment, develop readout electronics for maintainers, and test the be
s not require near the post-processing of other methods. However, this method of repair has usually only been utilized for cosmetic purpo
Navy objective in this SBIR program is to develop an innovative suite of algorithms and signal processing software enhancements for use on
ts are simply not visible to a typical marine radar any more than a large breaking wave. To tackle this complex problem, we plan to simulta
physics-based RF propagation simulation software and robust prediction and synchronization of jamming effects. The innovation in physics-
r systems and authorized users. This SOA will provide a flexible, automatically reconfgurable architecture for the tasking, authorization, au
ment. However, no decision support tools are presently available for mission personnel to exploit the most up to date situation information
rs. Non-Cooperative targets must be addressed with radar sensors that detect, acquire, track, and determine the targets collision potential
ric feld of GaN, in addition to the excellent transport properties of high electron mobility transistors, these devices will show much lower i
ing Phase II, we will develop a prototype with a sample rate of >10 GS/s and >8 effective bits (ENOB) at 20 GHz, which can be operated eith
eved by the end of the Phase II project.
operations will have a large positive impact on all aspects of prioritized information sharing, from local and off-platorm communications, t
h less than 2.7 microns for high resolution in a small footprint. The proposed solution will address the resolution, frame rate, color depth,
of accurately measuring interrelated aerosol properties such as particle size, size distribution, and mass concentration while our miniature
GIG to enable interoperability and collaboration between Electronic Warfare (EW) systems and authorized users. This SOA will provide a fle
ueue waiting for the problem to be identifed, which requires a crew debrief and manually downloading on-board fault identifcation data. O
pt demonstration for an Automated Aircraft Maintenance Prediction System (AAMP). The AAMP system will be designed to (a) discover th
e computing devices. This requires simulation software that supports flight training applications to be modular and scalable to take advan
systems. The effort leverages RAS multi-technique extraction and fusion algorithms addressing modern emitters and the Multi-Technique
g digitization of radar front-ends including solid state transmitters, digital arbitrary waveform generators (DAWGS), and active electronically
that predict six-degrees-of-freedom aerodynamic forces and moments acting on the store with hook ups to the Flowfeld Influence Predic
dependent parametric information for the store, bay, and ejector. enhance the Phase I method for predicting store trajectory response subj
e+bay confgurations that display large sensitivity to flow unsteadiness. The technique makes maximum re-use of high-fdelity CFD modelin
g, and data acquisition, to develop and lab-test a prototype surface acoustic wave (SAW) strain sensor. The technology uses licensed, paten
m. SAPIEN is an electro-optical sensor for non-cooperative SAA based on the unique combination of multi-aperture superposition compoun
stem that absorbs and stores heat from the cooling system of a High Energy Laser (HEL). Our WHRS consumes no electrical power, so our
t signifcantly impact survivability or aerodynamic performance. This is accomplished through use of a gas expansion process powered by t
ms (HPEMI) can cause deleterious effects ranging from subtly incorrect calculations to catastrophic systems failures. To reduce overall design
ds to be better understood. Modeling and simulation (M &amp; S) of the HPEM interaction with the PDN is needed to identify problem are
er of kW-class fber laser systems. These non-linear effects can be reduced with the use of short fber lengths, which requires high brightne
types for pump coupling to double-clad Yb-doped polarization-maintaining (PM) fber. We will characterize the prototype feed-though com
y compact design. A full 50 cm diameter beamlet array steerable over a 100 deg cone will have a volume of only 0.037 cubic meters. Giv
ents of both the subaperture for a phased array weapon system beam director and for the full phased array beam director. Examining the
optical design and novel electronic beam controls that accommodate all necessary acquisition, pointing, and tracking functions, will provide
e result is a highly efficient thermal management solution, with respect to both volume and thermal performance, that is seamlessly integ
ymmetric cooling confguration that combines the functions of fber fxation and cooling in a integrated design. The circular symmetry and
ientation collected from on-board sensors and minimal user input provide initial constraints, and the model&#039;s structure parameters
n. Even if there are features in the desired hit point direction, it is likely that the effects of the laser weapon on the target will obscure this f
sensing of advanced low-power multispectral sensors and an adaptive fusion algorithm that overlay multispectral digital imagery with symb
with accommodation to 2560 x 2048 FPAs when they become available. The system has an external data interface that allows imagery colle
SPYRUS Secure Pocket Drive, the Hydra PC Personal Encryption Device approved for classifed, and the Rosetta SPYCOS secure token family.
h as the DoD Discovery Metadata Specifcation (DDMS). Further, contextual information and the current mission profle often determine th
prove feasibility of a revolutionary new set of design tools for analog design. The new design tool was developed to permit the analog des
provides maximum throughput and system gain advantages to wideband space terminals and commercial V-band terminals which operate
to demonstrate feasibility. Space Micro has defned an approach that will enable very large instantaneous bandwidth communications wh
odology would be used in the cost effective development of CMC components by the Air Force and its major CMC suppliers. The proposed
GAS-1 standard military CRPA confgurations, offering full GNSS coverage and the ability to geolocate signals of interest. The key to the pro
ses to design and fabricate a fve-inch, fve-element GNSS CRPA. Also, we will produce a fve-element distributed aperture arrangement. Th
the closed-loop fuel tank inerting lightning protection warning system of tactical aircraft. The proposed next generation FOxSense system
ameters. Specifcally, ffth-general military aircraft such as F-22 and F-35 employ state-of-the-art avionics, environmental control systems an
res on next generation aircraft and subsystems. The main goal of this SBIR Phase I project is to develop and demonstrate technical and insta
nique shape of this device enables efficient integration into the wing structure and represents a promising solution for this application. BEN
ative of a reusable oxygen-rich staged combustion engine turbine via limited, exploratory testing in test environments that mimic key chara
generation from an electrospray ion source utilizing ionic liquids and efficient high electric feld generation by compact pyro-electric crystal
ped a comprehensive energy simulation and analysis tool, with the following capabilities: a) Survey and assess the energy usage of indivi
tical components. There are several established methodologies for characterizing the residual stresses within a component, but those that
tive technology will demonstrate breakthroughs in sensor dynamic range management and image processing techniques to mitigate dynam
eramic powder flled polymer, subsequent cycles do not. We propose to team with Teledyne Scientifc, both to access measured data on f
nts due to stoichiometry are taken into account in a physically and mathematically consistent manner. Maximization of the rate of entropy
r of small sub-apertures rather than one large monolithic aperture potentially leading to low volume conformal imaging systems. While he
ation System (OBIGGS) aircraft fuel tank inerting systems. OBIGGS protects fuel tanks of military and civilian aircraft from explosion by sup
fle to enable the APTMS to use the most appropriate cooling system(s), heat sink(s), and energy source(s) to maximize the aircraft capabilit
and fluctuating loads. However, high frequency transients and harmonics are increasingly being associated with the growing number of no
mentally determine the accuracy of DMA and CNC, and also to seek alternative intrusive/non-intrusive measurement techniques for charac
ny other single source, including aircraft. Environmental control units used to condition shelter air space consume 75%80% of generator po
esign, fabricate, and prove in test a single-trailer version of objective MEHPS-Medium solution capable of delivering 5kW of continuous, sus
Raytheon, proposes the Adaptive Hybrid Power System (AHPS), featuring high power density at maximum efficiency while ensuring rapid a
accuracy, are difficult to use in tight areas, and demand a high degree of operator skill. The goal of this project is development of an au
ls to demonstrate environmental protection, ease of application and minimal impact on the packaged weight of the target system BENEFIT
wing need for a video exploitation system which can handle large volumes of imagery in a low SWAP hardware package. ObjectVideo (OV)
he SUAS ISR mission. Having built end-to-end SUAS ISR Payloads, including in particular the video processing component, Adsys Controls is
e sensor system. Boulder Nonlinear Systems (BNS) proposes to use high speed (&gt;100 kHz) non-mechanical random access beam steerin
urrently hold the records for greatest accuracy of object recognition and speech recognition, but are too computationally intensive for dep
ilable. As the range of viewpoints decreases, however, traditional methods of 3D structure-from-motion (SFM) become mathematically ill-c
ance with little angular diversity in viewpoint, multi-view constraints alone are often insufficient to produce an accurate 3-d reconstruction
atedly demonstrated and patented the idea that antenna properties (gain pattern, polarization pattern, and phase) can be adaptively varied
h environment integrated circuit (IC) technology is needed. Military electrical power requirements are growing and without technological a
raightorward math and requirements defnition but becomes complicated by soft constraints like speed vs life and application specifc det
hat will allow the development of new models of combustion instabilities benefting from an open, large, and multi-disciplinary community
ol system to generate a real-time, bi-modal breakthrough detection (BBTD) device to monitor and control the laser cooling hole drilling pro
d into all next generation aero-structures, particularly medium-endurance and long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The prom
y challenging military radar environment that includes operation against elusive and fleeting targets embedded in extremely complex clutt
mputer simulation methods for determining the performance improvement achieved by the FAR system over standard fee-forward radar (F
rmation from each method and combines the relative advantages for signifcantly improved performance, especially in mountainous and u
gt;80 GHz; (d) 1 dB Compression Photocurrent&gt;50 mA @ 60 GHz modulation frequency and&gt;50% modulation depth; and (e) 1 dB C
face treatments to maximize their dispersability in liquid fuels. The resistance of the materials to form large colloids is paramount and will b
als and the environmental issues posed by metal-based nano-fuels. We are seeking to develop an alternate, affordable method to synthesi
ng advantages of ease of grid generation and computational efficiency of the Cartesian grid approach. Near the body surfaces, on the othe
aerospace systems such as the F-35, F-22 and B-2. While electronic components are commonly used in mil-avionics without hermetic can p
ed-signal inter-range circuitry. The motivation behind this superconductor-semiconductor hybrid-technology approach is to circumvent the
, which include the high loading rate behavior of materials and bolted and welded connections, human surrogate modeling, and load pred
optoelectronic device encapsulation using spray-on, UV-cured crosslinked fluorinated acrylates containing glass or silica flake material. The
ize and shape distributions which leaves the fnal part with a less than optimal fnish and microstructure. Input from powder angle of repo
restore lost coating material, or create a barrier to future corrosion. The research team at Luna Innovations Incorporated has developed a c
t satisfes the functional performance requirements for the present application. The proposed SHC system is expected to be capable of self
e types in terms of transconductance and speed of response, due to an extremely high electron sheet density and high electron channel m
mps dictate that the LOX compatible materials also be high strength. LOX compatible materials are also needed for injectors, valves, and oxy
rthermore, when applied to the entire rotating group, including the shaft, the coating provides low friction and wear resistance to ensure r
ons. A fully scalable array of the guns can deliver a laminar low-energy beam (&lt;5keV) to a high voltage arrayed accelerator to achieve fn
n in engine augmentors, we identifed several critical technology components. These include compressible LES, low Mach number schemes
at can be rapidly adopted and deployed by the military. The proposed project directly addresses the critical need identifed by the Departm

physical properties can occur without warning, compromising functionality of the coating. Well established methods for Non-Destructive
al composition changes cannot be adequately determined with these techniques. THz Time-domain ranging has shown to be useful in dete
Phase I effort will be to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach. Advatech Pacifc&quot;s approach consists of two main co
nished surfaces. High-resolution 3D surface data is converted to a reading of flushness and depth for multiple fasteners in a single image, w
d on our 3D scanner that has a MEMS laser projector and a split lens 3D sensor, allowing much faster and accurate measurements than any
e frames with varying optical flux densities provides information over a diverse set of dynamic ranges. Additionally, the temporal variation
blooming and maximize the value of remaining image content is proposed. Also proposed is a control method to actively control both IR an
d parameters will result in a part, frst part yield is low. Predictive modeling of optimum machine parameters for a given powder and part d
s can be adapted for use in LS, and qualifying LS feedstock for use in production. BENEFIT: Increased adaptation of LS grade polymers whic
tion of Cr [VI] present in chrome-based systems to a Cr [III] oxide layer, which passivates the surface of the substrate when damage occurs.
e clustered in a local network built from the available interfaces of the phones. The message passing interface framework is employed to im
modernization effort to enable improved monitoring of a LV through all stages of orbit insertion requires more capable antenna systems sup
om the energetic events. The diffracted orders would then be imaged onto a digital micromirror device (DMD). The DMD will be used to p
thin the T/R modules. The anticipated advantages of this approach are size, weight, and cost reductions and maximized manufacturability a
nd the high fuel-to-electricity conversion efficiency of SOFCs will result in a small, lightweight oil-free hybrid power system with increased sy
ovided in the solicitation. These UAVs use combustion engines for propulsion and often carry a payload specifc to their mission. Currently h
er the following questions in a fully-automated manner: (i) What objects are present in the scene? (ii) Where are they located in the scene w
ated models. The proposed effort will address this need and overcome these limitations through the introduction of an external hardware/s
culate a GPS independent celestial fx, i.e., latitude and longitude coordinates. The primary objective of this proposed Continuing Developm
ons of rechargeable batteries in its inventory. In response to their requirement for an innovative means to perform autonomous maintenan
nerators are not required to meet these loads. Traditionally, however, both generators are operated since there is no way to couple them.
ided to document loads experienced during impact events.
of multiple I/O connections. Bench top testing will demonstrate an ultra low drift IMU/INS GPS-independence, especially when in GPS-den
d radar T/R modules. The advances in device technology have not come without their own set of limitations which must yet be overcome. O
orces. The P(Y) code length and complexity requires precise time and ephemeris to provide successful acquisition and tracking. The requi
radio/TV signals can enable a new method of positioning and navigation. Synchronization of the receiver nodes or of the commercial broa
k&quot;s proposed SOLD sensor a compact, lightweight tag ultimately costing about $50 in volume also creates&quot;Virtual Landmarks&
PS RO inversions is the prior knowledge of cloud properties (rain, cloud liquid content, ice, etc.). STAR will apply its knowledge and expertis
modern space environment models to use the GPS TEC data for supporting the specifcation and forecasting of ionospheric effects and imp
uses compact, efficient electrochemical compressors with no moving parts to enhance the system reliability and eliminate payload jitter.
ure modes were performed over an array of aerodynamic conditions that encompassed likely disturbance frequencies and inter-blade phas
shrinking budgets is becoming increasingly difficult. Opening up opportunities to occupy slots on commercial satellite busses is a practical p
duce additional vibration, heat, and power consumption. The goal of this project is to develop the technology required for the fabrication o
urrent methods. Consequently, OTHR target location errors can reach 10s-100 km. The objective of this work is to test the feasibility of a re
vity waves down to the high frequency limit. The propagation model will be designed to populate OTHR coordinate transform data for exa
tency by only obtaining the data after missions are flown. Most of the data collected lies outside the scope of the mission; however the sh
ver parameters such as beamformer and coherent processing, and radar timeline parameters such as antenna scan pattern, as well as rapi
beam alignment tool leveraging third party non-networked smart-phone software to close a link with an AEHF satellite. Beam tracking and
unique component technology and topology that offers extraordinary VLF preselection selectivity, on the order of 1.6 KHz bandwidth at -1
att, modem design with application specifc integrated circuit (ASIC) accelerators for fxed physical layer functionality including AEHF modu
Adaptive Processing GMTI algorithm developed by the late Dr. Howard Mendelson, which is a fully adaptive and computationally efficient a
nd geo-location of slowly moving weak targets comparable to estimates currently available only from systems with three or more channels.
ed for airborne SATCOM. The typical SATCOM reflector antenna must be oversized in order to compensate for poor efficiency due to spill-o
perate in the WGS uplink (20.2-21.2 GHz) and uplink (30-31 GHz) bands with corresponding circular polarization (CP) states. It is assumed t
e PD, balanced PD and array of PDs that work from DC through entire W-band. Demand of such packaging methods and processes arose fr
are multi-channel RF front end down conversion, analog to digital conversion (ADC), and digital AJ processing. The goal of this program is
most favorable to target the array development; note, however, that SI2&quot;s proposed array architectures are scalable to alternate frequ
al realization of a large hemispherical phased array useful for horizon-to-horizon simultaneous coverage of multi-satellite Tracking, Telemetr
mode resonators can be used as a doubly resonant circuit and therefore requires half the number of resonators for an nth degree flter, res
ns based on their size, weight, polarization, and/or pattern, and are generally difficult to array for DF purposes. In meeting this challenge, T
monitoring, search and rescue, reconnaissance missions, and situational awareness. One of the key challenges in the vision-based geo-loca
esigners to better assess engine lubrication system thermal loads and size bearings for adequate life early in the engine design process. Th
tunately, with current thermal management techniques, decreased heat sink volume and air flow available for cooling associated with min
United Technologies Research Center (UTRC), proposes to develop fuel modifcation technologies that will enhance the endothermic capa
ased-array based scanner with 3D flash mosaic imaging. POC&quot;s ESLADAR offers high precision for improved 3D imaging area rates and
gy. This approach trades the potentially superior, but vastly more costly approach of large high fdelity training sets for simplistic models wh
a frame rates. Under Phase-I, we will use models to produce high fdelity signatures of known threat targets (e.g., three stage ICBM), with
on in 2-3 minutes after initiation. The fuel cell will startup during the flight and take over power supply. The fuel cell will supply trickle pow
U.S. military has been using JP-8 as the single battle feld fuel to power both diesel engines and generators for electricity. However, operatin
vironment. BENEFIT: Escape&#039;s approach to adaptive coding and adaptive symbol rate provides maximum throughput and system ga
uming, and inefficient endeavor because pre-planned routine tasks need to be combined with emergent priority access requests in real-tim
s with real-time space and ground resource status changes. During this research, we select and test candidate optimization algorithms from
ent of SOC-based intelligent software that allows graphical editing and management of decision processes associated with their constellatio
game-based means of frequency diversity, hybrid satellite-terrestrial networking &amp; physical medium access layers BENEFIT: If success
pt provides a universal, radiation hardened Sigma-Delta ADC solution which is real-time programmable for specifc satellite subsystem requ
power generation. These highly reliable devices have no moving parts, operate over a large range of temperatures, do not emit toxic or env
is especially important for hosted payloads, where each mission will be unique, yet will rely on the proposed architecture to ensure both s
m as banks of experts to test which RSO and environment models best ft space surveillance observation data that includes electro-optical
ally simulate a metamaterial-like structure that consists of a two layer frequency selective surface (FSS). The FSS consists of two metal laye
n efficiency better than 100W/W. The system relies on static magnets and magnetocaloric materials and an innovative fluid handling system
emely challenging. Flight-ready cryogenic refrigerators that have been developed for large satellites do not meet technical requirements fo
ore, it is essential that the proposed approach yield solutions that are modular and confgurable. Iris Technology will employ advanced com
capabilities currently in existence, GPSII (GPS Ionospheric Inversion; pronounced&quot;gypsy&quot;). Our team is also very experienced i
perturbations caused by a nearby object. Of the sensors commonly deployed on space vehicles, the Global Positioning System (GPS) is the
h rigid and flexible versions will be developed. Cables will be secured and tested in the new conduits. BENEFIT: Will result in very lightweig
systems on which the C4I system is established, while the microwave bands of data communications, which are the life-support lines in ba
m Terminal Area Operations. Terminal Area Operations are intended to facilitate UAS operations in a confned volume of airspace near a reg
phy (GCxGC) to provide an rapid extensive analysis of the fuel will allow the use of these tables and algorithms to calculate cetane numbers
n turbine engines. However, in order for these simulations to be truly predictive, accurate chemical-kinetic models of JP-5/8 surrogate com
ommercially available FEM software, ANSYS. The validity of this computational aeroelastic approach for accurate prediction of resonant str
ysis tools are based on correlations and algorithms that have not been updated in more than two decades and are not capable of accuratel
nstead compare x-dimension (shock strut extension) to gas pressure and/or aircraft gross weight, often leading to improperly serviced shoc

o reduce the initial time uncertainty and speed the acquisition time. This required at least one receiver on the network to have already acq
unications or scientifc studies to pieces of debris generated by launch vehicles, delamination of the on-board spacecraft materials, and acc
ransmits only that portion of the image in high-defnition. However, UAV onboard processing must fall within strict SWAP constraints. In
SBIR sponsored research, QuinStar is has developed state-of-the-art GaN and InP MMICs operating at these frequencies, and proposes to a
st several decades is a class of engineered materials known as frequency selective surfaces (FSSs). The characteristics of FSSs allow the sam
ation networks entail unprecedented complexity and unpredictability of the operating environments as well as extremely high stake of elec
urements of ionospheric total electron content (TEC). Currently TEC data is sparse in regions of interest. However there are many GPS receiv
lity issues due to the extreme complexity of the target databases and the high costs and latency of incorporating new targets to meet evol
earch (STR) proposes a Phase I effort to develop a multi-hypothesis tracking and fusion capability that combines track data from ABSAA EO
nature for the threat and existing VLF transmitter environment has changed and become more dynamic, requiring a higher performance, m
mode profle. BENEFIT: This program will create components that signifcantly outperforming electronic counterparts and at rendering pho
er methods since these interference signals are in the GPS bands and therefore cannot be removed with traditional in-band fltering. Cons
leverage our collective capabilities to develop the mixed mode RF and digital adaptive processing AJ ASIC. Nu-Trek&#039;s resulting four-
nts. This proposal is based on an Er-doped fber amplifer that is resonantly-pumped by highly efficient 153x nm fber-coupled pump lase
rk is a belief propagation engine to globally optimize the sensor parameters. The input to the approach is an image stream and its associate
e accurate because the sensing element degrades in the same way under the same environment as the propellant in motor itself. Applica
of polybutadiene composite propellants. We will demonstrate and validate the efficacy of our prototype sensors in an analog motor to ens
de locations, radio parameters, application QoS requirements and network management information. SC-Orderwire architecture includes d
despread use in tactical networks is currently not possible because the use of HAIPEs impairs, and sometime precludes, the operation of n
rks (AIM-AN) that will meet this need. The AIM-AN technology includes a hybrid multicast routing scheme that dynamically adapts to chang
oning system developed in Phase I of this effort with a combination of novel techniques, including supervised, semi-supervised, and unsup
asure the link bandwidth insitu and auto-negotiate to the maximum rate available. Lastly, this program will incorporate a ruggedized vertica
nd low inclination Low Earth Orbit orbits.&quot;In Phase-I we developed a conceptual design for a miniature, low-cost, lightweight, high se
de possible by two novel sensors that were developed and demonstrated by POC in the Phase I effort. Because tool life is known to vary fro
HFI, or LW systems to be integrated with IR Countermeasure (IRCM) systems.
ureVisor is composed of three major components: 1) a whitelisting tool to identify allowed safe programs; 2) a security enhanced hypervis
ervices, a service-oriented IdAM environment can be established to support cross-domain interoperability and extensibility. We will integr
)), this spatial indexing approach are capable of achieving linearithmic (On*log(n)) or even linear (O(n)) runtimes, depending on which data
nomous Space Environment Sensor (CASES) GPS software receiver design, with signifcant reductions in size, weight and power, and the add
/prediction that integrates diverse information sources to monitor threat behavior; and (3) statistical decision support algorithms that emp
% reduction in touch labor, a 450% increase in production speed, improved uniformity by the virtual elimination of the possibility of trappe
e generally fall into one of two categories. The frst category, space Cryocooler, includes multiple candidate technologies capable of reachin
r asset managers and assets. The proposed design creates a&quot;team of teams&quot;behavior, which can accommodate large numbers
r RPAs, but GMTI capabilities are not yet available on Tier I/II programs of record. Incorporating dismount detection and tracking capabiliti
he antenna and allow lighter data cables to be used in the platorm. These benefts would be realized by many platorms, like the F-35.
arity goals. Its feasibility has been shown during Phase I as a proof-of-concept (POC) demonstration. We scheduled two design and fabricati
will be prototyped to demonstrate this new protective solution. This prototype will be readily adaptable for military ground as well as aero
ment system. In this effort, we propose to develop an effective Trust Initialization Mechanism (T-INIT) based on Bayesian Fusion for evaluatin
path phasing control. Their synergistic use performs target path wavefront control and local phase control: With CLAWS running a high ba
te-of-the-art laser lithography tool will be employed for photoresist exposure patterning on a curved substrate. A detectivity D* of larger th
cludes current contractors for visors and displays for the military, will fabricate prototype visor devices to demonstrate critical aspects of th
Incident commander. The tool will allow the operator to make information accessible to the COP by leveraging metadata annotations des
s and training environments. Thus, Realistic Assessment of Performance in Devices (RAPID) is a data-driven, model-based decision support
e art. By mimicking functionally important nonlinearities, we are simulating human perceptual capabilities that are relevant to predicting th
models with demonstrated capabilities, existing GPU acceleration, and mature graphical user interfaces. Physics interfaces prototyped and
rk-centric SOA for positive inventory control and assessment; (3) the value of our unique mixed-initiative environment for human-systems
to be done to reduce risks and to mitigate those risks deemed the highest priority. Our program utilizes applied math and computer science
o features a single PCB (RT/Duroid) and a standard-size coaxial feeding cable with feature sizes that can be manufactured with advanced PC

es. Ionic liquids have very wide electrochemical stability windows, up to 6 V. As the energy density of ultracapacitors depends on the squar
of using closed loop electronics to automatically remove operator-specifed layers of multi-layer coatings. The operator selects the surface
econds per hole. This amounts to over 230 hours per aircraft. Systems and Materials Research Corporation (SMRC) proposes GripChek, an
on for the MMIC amplifer to improve its efficiency. Phase I results presented in this proposal indicate that with this technique, drain efficie
method for determining PNT information, our reliance on GPS systems is critical. While some users may understand the need for a backup
um Environment emulator (DYSE) technology. The Phase II design and development activities will result in a deliverable prototype system
Enhancements, ESCAPE). We will quantitatively show the beneft of exploiting functionality and information traditionally present in each o
g critical mission operation, compromising the protective capability of the ensemble. Typical feld repair methods involve patching tears in
ols exist, although their ability to model high-velocity (&gt;3 km/s) intercepts of complex threats and Non-Lethal Objects is not adequately
ll be taken in succession during the 100 microseconds with a resolution of 1 centimeter. By imaging the collision, the proposed ultra-high s
ight, minus the reactive effects of the skin of the vehicle on the&quot;charge&quot;, the system can calculate the exact point of impact. Fu
t;s reliability and lower the failure or inadvertent activation rate of these devices. SEA CORP proposes that instead of improving on the EED
y at the University of Texas at Austin, home to a world class pulsed power supply for prototype testing, and partner with Battelle, Inc. to de
tive HNS-4). We propose to leverage our reliable TRL-7 Initiation Safety Device (ISD) technology developed with insensitive EFI detonator s
selected candidates to derive a cost-effective solution. The innovations in using a systematic approach for state-of-the-art technology analy
on defense contractor. The techniques to be used in the Phase I effort will include the use of thermal and non-thermal accelerated environm
curves for viscoelastic BMDS components as a proven systematic approach to accelerated aging testing for long-term durability predictions
oss resulting from stabilizer depletion during aging by a resistance change in the sensor. SSL tags, integrating the AgeAlert sensor into a p
onal testing of aged components, and analytical methods/tools could be use to increase the confdence level for the long term reliability of

ery modes. Self-mixing interferometers and high-Q microresonators with whispering gallery modes are among POC&quot;s mature technol
ks. BMG survivability has been demonstrated in the MEMS S &amp; A device as an inertial sensing structure. The fact BMG is potentially u
HMEL), very large and complex low conductivity (&lt;2W/m-C), rain erosion survival (nylon bead at AMRDEC) and can be net shape formed
ics in a single prototyping system. The novelty is a 10,000x manufacturing improvement rate leading to quick turn prototype and pilot pro
logies and display metaphors will scale to accommodate the increased demands of multi-vehicle and mission management in the future. B
d vehicles to work together as a team, so the benefts of automation can be enjoyed while minimizing the errors that might otherwise resu
n, and communications between the multiple devices on a micro-grid will yield additional fuel savings. Radiance Technologies, Inc. propose
ty. Inherently, these generators have low energy conversion efficiencies when operated signifcantly below rated power, which equates to w
l. We will develop a preliminary ontology that describes the semantics and pragmatics of the information exchange between the operator a
l. We will develop a preliminary ontology that describes the semantics and pragmatics of the information exchange between the operator a
act, many require the attention of several operators. In addition, designing and building the decision support components often requires s
oftware methodologies to ensure a focus on a supervisory operator&quot;s needs and system goals. Examples of innovative proposed func
ronment, and the result of nearly 25 years of research and development into novel methods of human-computer interaction. The g-speak
m for Taxiing OPerations via Gesture UNderstanding (TOPGUN). The fundamental premise of our approach is to use the same communicatio
ts and COTS components. The innovation in optical array confguration, angular resolution, embedded processing network algorithm and s
nstantly monitors systems at many execution levels and automatically takes corrective actions when necessary. VMCIS reasons about syste
ms means they are unable to fght through attacks. Keeping our adversaries completely out of our systems may be an unreasonable expecta
rogram will produce a technology that reduces the latency between the transmission of data from a NIC at one location to the user applica
mproving the performance of existing sensors. However, there is currently no systematic method to evaluate tradeoffs in navigation accura
e completed a computational design of the cooling approach as well as an experimental evaluation of a subscale prototype. In Phase II, Ma
needed to generate mobile target secondary debris (MTSD) data, generating a suite of virtual or real test data, and develop a limited-scop
concept. Data from multiple high-speed cameras with customized optics will be correlated and fused to derive fragment three-dimensiona
tools. It is also possible that they may want to target a road or an airport runway to disable enemy mobility but without causing civilian ca
luded within this development. This work will include demonstration of the proposed technology on a hardware prototype CTS system. Th
ased on a novel integration of athermalized compact projection and polarization control optics with spatial light modulation. SLEP provides
s, such as GPS and IMU devices. In Phase II, integration with a WAMI sensor in an Air Force sensor integration lab is proposed. The software
However, the enormous stream of data collected with continuously operating HSI sensors far exceeds the throughput of existing real-time
bistatic synthetic aperture radar and range-Doppler maps. BENEFIT: As a result of this work, the Government will have a code set for testin
al impact on sensor area coverage rate. EMSI has demonstrated that that these moving vehicle ISAR images can support feature-aided trac
ines. Wind-turbine induced clutter is fundamentally different from typical ground clutter in that the rotating turbines appear Doppler shifte
otection and built-in test capability as well as serial-to-parallel command conversion. Design of the module will include interconnection and
intercept, and post intercept surveillance and track for damage assessment. The proposed program exploits and compares these two uniqu
g to clutter or environmental statistics. It therefore does not require large experimental data collection to set critical parameters, and does n
ssion (hard decisions) of uninteresting scatterers, while maintaining ballistic missile target tracks within the BMDS (Ballistic Missile Defense
e objects in the LRV debris feld, algorithms must operate only on range and Doppler data for determining the radar track. We propose to u
caused by dense threat complexes, consisting of large numbers of uninteresting ballistic objects. We will discuss a Debris Bulk Filtering algo
es and temperatures.
n spaces and analyzing the suitability of a specifc solution for a specifc mission or task, as well as for a class of potential future missions an
al Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) group at the University of Central Florida, proposes the Ecological Gesturing Ontology (EGO), a
ronment, and the result of nearly 25 years of research and development into novel methods of human-computer interaction. The g-speak
of obscure combinations of software bugs and unexpected behavior to sidestep existing defenses. Response is slow, requiring human effor
monitored application. The multi-feature monitoring model can be used to monitor the execution of the application online. ABMiner tool
ologies that effectively protect electronics and sensitive components used in marine environments. Technologies can further beneft from
develop test methods designed for the evaluation of such coatings and will investigate cost effective application methods for utilizing the t
e proposed program ultimately aims to demonstrate that a PCB protected with a superhydrophobic coating can successfully operate in wat

h just below the surface of fresh or saltwater will provide for the efficient launching of the signal towards the zenith.
mmunicating wirelessly to an embedded platorm hosting diagnostic intelligence, connected to a medic device for simultaneous monitoring
ides the clinician with information that may lead to the utilization of an active device such as defbrillation who last resort employment mu
ce very little power is dissipated as heat, the package and heat sink size can be minimized. Integration has benefts in terms of cost and rep
tion simulations. Vadum will study and simulate several amplifer topologies to achieve efficiencies of greater than 70% over the entire 30
nd standard deviations than currently available subsonic ammunition. We will eliminate the problems experienced with traditional sub-so
an optimized internal volume. To address the gas energy required to operate gas powered weapons, SWS has an optional secondary prope
.62mm, and 0.338 calibers, we propose to investigate the feasibility of producing cost effective, functional and accurate sub-sonic rounds.
same currently felded projectile. We will do load development with the current projectiles as well as newer developmental projectiles to
power (&gt;24 hours operation on a single charge with standard military battery packs). This performance results from innovative future-pr
memory system in a few seconds by issuing a stream of parallel block erase commands. The chip set will achieve the 1 TFLOPS performance
dapt the system to perform passive measurements as well as provide a level of wind profling that will increase the probability of hit on targ
power clockless system architecture, the proposed technology offers an entirely new way of implementing high-performance massively par
cy band. We believe this approach is readily capable to enable simultaneous scene generation across multiple bands (i.e. SWIR, MWIR, LW
emits IR and can be scaled to very large sizes. This new display technology is based on Plasma-shells. Plasma-shells are hollow gas encapsu
. Our design parameters include reactive material formulation, powder particle size, warhead case design, attenuation techniques and con
ction ladar systems of interest utilize pulse repetition rates of 10-35kHz and have pulse widths of less than 10ns. The architecture will be
ystem that exploits target illumination provided by commercial broadcast stations would provide an attractive air surveillance capability w
in a 100µN-class electrospray thruster developed by Busek. Schematics were generated for an analog-based thruster fre control system an
ely isolate the inlet from the combustor to prevent unstart while monitoring and minimizing the drag in the inlet using flow control. The sh
of High-Speed Weapon Radomes by relocating the antenna sensors to alternate regions of the weapon. FIRST RF has developed a revolu
al feature representations tailored for navigation applications in which low-bandwidth, low-rate communications between agents constrain
scene matching, geolocation, and mapping over bandwidth constrained data links. Our approach is based on a statistical hierarchical frame
(SAR), inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR), and joint time-frequency analysis (JTFA). In Phase I, TSC developed an innovative method fo
ntrol algorithms. Phased arrays have been used to simplify the mechanical steering problem as well as reduce the height, but they are exp
nits such as feld-programmable gate arrays (FPGA). The key innovations in this effort are: i) development of distributed SLAM based geo-re
sign and prototype an HF digital receiver (HFDR) for the next generation OTHR. In Phase I, the high level design of the HFDR was complete
s, soldiers, and buildings. During the Phase I program PSI evaluated, through a quantitative system model, the feasibility of detecting a pas
d command and feedback interfaces, which are capable of real-time simulation, offer great utility to sensing system and control algorithm d
velop a capability to model and predict the performance of bistatic and multistatic radar systems using one or more airborne receivers and
WaP, distributed optical apertures which has the potential to greatly improve sensitivity, resolution and capability of comact LIDAR system
are constructed efficiently by leveraging scalable distributed processors as well as a sparse volumetric reasoning algorithm that separates
liability system on-a-chip (RFRELIC) for RF characterization where DC and AC sensors/stimulus may be implemented monolithically to realiz
sh a transport command, control, and monitoring system. In the feasibility trade space, key technology components and parameters are an
mination. The agents will be contained in the coating where they will be reactively decontaminated. The coating will be robust, but easily str
d recovery operations. Akita Innovations LLC and FLIR Systems, Enzyme Technology unit (formerly Agentase) will team to develop a chemica
Nanoparticles are added to tailor the reactivity and mechanical properties of the gel coating. The basic gel system will deactivate mustard
perability, light weight and cost, as well as the ability to read cartridges of different formats and for different indications. Using this system
h screen; processor; storage; battery; frmware; operating system; and wireless connectivity. They are inexpensive and ubiquitous, and will c
an advanced, compact CO2 laser with proven tunability over 120 isotopic wavelengths. The objectives of the Phase I program are to prove
nsors Technologies team and Prof. Guyot-Sionnest&quot;s group at the University of Chicago. The Episensors team will leverage its extensi
educe the dangers of Warfghter exposure to Chemical or Biological Agents. In this proposal, we explore developing and optimizing new clo
aces, such as for garment interfaces to rubber gloves, boots, and respirator seals. Our closure system employs a novel gasket approach that
nd active self repair are presented. The healing process is anticipated to be enhanced by the shape memory properties and the continuous
ingle explosive fll. Given the critical role played by fast aluminum reactions in the very early stages of CEX detonation and the strong sensiti
onally been chemical based and require jumbo jet sized aircraft which do not ft the desired mission profle. Lithium ion battery technology
ation environment. This will allow us to run many cases to investigate optimal mesh refnement strategies that will then be incorporated in
ulent chemistry model for application with fnite-rate reactions which is computationally efficient and a more sophisticated MEPDF method
nal digitizers to achieve real-time, broadband spectrum acquisition performance. The key components are: 1) the high speed arbitrary wav
to deliver energy densities&gt;100 Wh/kg, maintain power densities above 1 kW/kg and provide longer life cycle than a typical rechargeab
suscitation. In addition, the device will be capable of transmitting this information wirelessly to a tablet, laptop and/or workstation. This pr
-operator with the ability to focus on external and anterior gross ocular structures all the way down to internal ocular structures having sub
fned LZs during night and in degraded visual environments (DVEs). A solution is needed to increase the situational awareness of obstacles
tions temperatures and improved turbine efficiency. Shaped flm cooling holes improve flm effectiveness. However, conventional manufact
ynamics (i.e. flow gradients, boundary layer dynamics etc.), and users must undertake costly grid refnement studies to determine a suitab
fed regimes. The new tool will incorporate several innovations: i) octree Cartesian mesh for automatic mesh generation and dynamic adapt
bration and well defned lineshapes required for the subtraction and deconvolution that are a necessary foundation for this task. To satisfy
units and magneto-rheological fluid micro-hydraulic valves with flexible matrix composite actuation units.
ior examples demonstrate the merit of prototyping and proving feasibility for the proposed system in Phase I.
detection and avoidance as well as situational awareness in degraded visual environment such as rain, fog, dust, or during nighttime opera
ironment (DVE) include snow and of course nocturnal operations. Although measures such as approach profle changes and pilot training i

aditional YSZ top coat. These remarkable thermo physical properties were obtained despite the non homogeneity of material composition
rant, processes for mitigating AWJ piercing damage in delicate materials, and accessories for 3D AWJ machining. These advancements are e
mixed continuum/rarefed flows has produced a mature one-way coupled framework for steady-state applications utilizing the CRAFT CFD
ding blocks required for the proposed NPP architecture, (3) perform system design analysis to evaluate various building block and architect
ulse power applications, while electrochemical capacitors are characterized by inherently high power and low energy. Therefore, a strong n
modern applications. One critical application where this new truth is readily apparent is in the space of improvised explosive device (IED) d
yzed for prognostic and diagnostic estimations, and wirelessly transmission to maintenance personnel and/or a Health Monitoring and Usa
ntation. Recently, Nanohmics scientists have developed and demonstrated a passive extended-scene, plenoptic wavefront sensor that has
xels. Quantifying the effect of different passivation techniques on surface electric charge is crucial to minimizing sidewall leakage current. I
anagement unit. All components are integrated into the eyewear platorm. The innovative photovoltaic structure is an inherent component
n a pit dug directly on the drop zone. This creates two problems: burning of the low cost polypropylene material releases toxic byproducts,
oxic to humans and to wildlife, insects are increasingly resistant to its effects and the procedures by which it is applied are burdensome to
niforms that will provide a physical barrier to the penetration of an insect proboscis. This proposed program with build upon our teams ong
actor that is suitable for deployment on low-cost high-volume precision Army weapons. This architecture leverages the flexibility of wideba
ensors needed for artillery type fuzing applications. In addition to powerful digital processing capabilities new concepts in antenna reconfg
. This effort will utilize economical and innovative approaches to achieve the proper control authority including but not limited to, collapsib
veillance system capable of capturing images through an electro-optical or infrared (EO/IR) camera system. During the Phase I program, Or
wd approaches with continuous flow modeling, geographic cell local laws, and agents. We will provide a multi-resolution framework that is
- providing trusted virtual machines for enterprise-grade cloud platorms through a Secure Hypervisor Architecture that offers Mandatory A
xperience signifcantly. But identifying and resolving this problem may require knowledge and action across different domains and planes.
hancing the reliability and MTBF.
ce in pursuing the proposed technology development. DRFM systems are an important tool in EW applications. The ability to use them on S
a narrow azimuth radiation pattern conducive to point-to-point communications and networking waveforms. Highly selective flters isolate
ve historically been treated as separate systems (such as Communications, Navigation, and Electronic Warfare) with lower overall SWaP and
he ORB can serve as an angle reference during target acquisition slews. Present state-of-the-art OIRUs are too large for tactical use, and are

t the acquired and processed sensor data from the rotating frame of the rotor to a remote wireless data-logger receiver/gateway located in
raft. Safe, Inc. will perform a trade study on these concepts and select the best concept to develop into a prototype for initial testing.

a pylon, a fber optic repeater with amplifcation is needed to compensate the loss of the link caused by the power division by the multiplic
&#039;s further consist of ceramic materials with coefficients thermal of expansion (CTE&#039;s) closely matching those common semicon
0 dB in wideband applications. * The core algorithm is very well developed, and is currently being applied to both narrowband (5/25 KHz U
rns, may improve signal-to-noise ratio performance resulting in increased: probability of detection, detection range, submarine holding tim
hat demonstrates key aspects of our approach.
duction benefts of applying an Open approach for these distributed units are substantial. Our prior work indicates T/R Unit production cos
n prevention. Regenerative characteristics of the coating prevent wetting of the surface or substrate and prevent the salt corrosion. This re
to this are algorithms to determine ambiguities and then eliminate them based on additional criteria from ELINT data bases and other ava
ar/diffractive response: namely scattering from internal regions and internal boundaries, and reradiation or&quot;ringing&quot;due to the
eploy and recover than any lighter than air solution (aerostat).
eding all the 400 Hz loads is redundant to the 60 Hz distribution system. A more effective and survivable approach would utilize the existing
educes the surface motion in these lines. Thus payloads are stable as they traverse the Soft Rails on a trailer-like launch and recovery carria
o demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed technologies under real world conditions.
uency modulated continuous wave radar systems (which are commonly used for automotive collision mitigation), such as interference reje
e activation of system resources according to the time-varying immediate processing requirements of the active image processing algorithm
modular integration into kitchen systems. The key to this device is a compact reformer design which has been tested in both military and com
y developed by Triton.
ovide sufficient specifc energies. Lynntech proposes to develop an advanced energy storge device that provides high specifc energy and hi
ut (MIMO) radar techniques. The resulting system will perform new tasks including radar imaging operation for earth surface and shallow
confrm correctness, or provide a specifc example vulnerability if one exists. Moreover, our algorithms are real-time: Veriflow can vet netw
tem or requiring supplemental cooling air. The proposed screech liner hardware concept will be designed, computationally analyzed, fabric
ge structures, and so the use of a single technique will either be computationally prohibitive (in the case of full-wave techniques suited for
entifcation and acquisition by enemy air defense systems by using the aircrafts&quot;active (e.g. self-protecting electronic countermeasur
o de-conflict and protect air vehicles and thereby maximize mission success in a complex and changing threat environment. TOPDAT will ap
approach seeks to minimize system SWaP by eliminating redundant enclosures, cabling, and thermal management systems. The resulting
val or with partial removal, the shield will further reduce maintenance requirements. Incorporation of the shield concept into future bearin
laser with minimum technical risks, at a fraction of the solicited price and with superior performance. LightSmyth already has gratings tha
orption of the laser. Recent improvements in both fber lasers and in laser diodes have made compact and power-efficient systems possible
quality. Designed to overcome the peak-power damage limitations for use in petawatt (short-pulse) lasers, multi-layer dielectric (MLD) diff
ded from specifc rendering channels as desired to create higher fdelity simulations. Source data necessary for the image generators will no
tabases and a shared CM system. The addition of universal digital video routing and enhanced network connectivity will enable Image Ge
nergy longer, discharging faster, longer shelf life, and excellent reversibility. However, current commercially available supercapacitors usually
sically impact resistant and abrasion resistant. Thermoplastic coatings are feld repairable using a heat gun. No solvents chemical mixing is r
have the added benefts of being a high electrical resistivity and being hydrophilic. Our design will improve the RF electronic system reliabi
easily dispose of the parachutes in a less toxic manner will be a signifcant beneft to the parachute users. Wizbe Innovations, Tex Tech Indu

ately characterizing radar signatures and their variability over anticipated operating conditions. However, at these wavelengths, watercraft c
ill be robust enough to accommodate platorm enhancements, onboard/offboard jamming, reactive Suppression of Enemy Air Defense me
radius from the aircraft being maintained, highly reliable communication, low probability of intercept (LPI), low C-SWaP transceivers, so tha
ing between these systems can easily occur, leading to loss of function of one or more critical systems. In addition to this cosite interferenc
required for analyzing cosite interference on complex platorms will be signifcantly reduced. ANDRO will build upon its existing E3Expert fr
o the gyroscope case using a stable platorm actuators controller design Swappable fber-coupled laser source that does not degrade optic
tive development work will be completed through collaboration between KCF Technologies and its partners. This partnership provides a hi
t signifcantly increase initial breakaway/running torque, temperature or maintenance cost. It is universal to all SAE Aerospace bearings (AS
s. The objective of this project is to introduce a capability that enables thorough sonar system testing prior to integration with the acoustic
ant will prototype OHP-based cooling solutions that can be directly attached to GaN, Si or SiC microchips without the thermal/mechanical s
RMMV), and the Unmanned Influence Sweep Unmanned Surface Vehicle (UIS USV).
. SSC will use our Multi-Static Performance Model (MSPM) simulation tool to show the improvement in detection range, time to detect, du
he capability of withstanding extreme flexing, abrasion, and seawater flow operations. Importantly, the proposed template inorganic copoly
mble the signals they expect to detect. To enable ships to automatically build and update their tactical EW librarieswhile improving their ab
uot;the reference library. The SMEs objective is to optimize the classifcation performance (w.r.t. some metric(s)) using a feature-based clas
tise and skill that the software vendors utilize when delivering software to a platorm. When these factors are combined together in a casu
and processes such as Install Anywhere packages, patch manager, backup manager and reinstallation scheme. Additionally, our solution wil
nce electric power is supplied from the surface, the UAV endurance is unlimited. The essential innovations are (1) an autonomous UAV to b
he MACRel system to identify and react quickly to changing environment conditions that influence the launch, stable flight and recovery of
sion system that is scalable to various load levels and output types. The proposed solution will increase the power density of naval power e
sition and rate information and/or commands to ship control systems in response to motion between the RMMV and the capture spine. Th
tise in nonlinear conversion and the manufacture of MWIR lasers, along with a very attractive emerging nonlinear material to offer, 1) The
tremendous amount of data that would require a great deal of operator supervision and detailed understanding of target signatures. 3 Pho
al knowledge of normal mode propagation constraints to exploit natural differences in the way surfaced and submerged sources excite the
use a simulation engine to run multiple trials of a course of action-scenario combination, and evaluate the output with a fuzzy logic engine.
assessment to current and recommended COA sin a near real time process. ForeSight uses information from all relevant, available data sou
t-like scatterers. Exploitation of this feature is important because biologics can produce high level echoes, move, and are not amenable to
he amount of display clutter. The new signal processing concepts and algorithms developed and evaluated in this work will comprise (1) clu
de and vertical backscatter measurements from a ceilometer to predict extinction along arbitrary slant paths. In Phase I SRL will test an EI p
Physical Sciences Inc., with its subsidiary Q-Peak Inc., proposes to develop an advanced, highly compact Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging
atmosphere and mostly bounded by seas or oceans. The system concept is similar to conventional LIDAR, but greatly simplifed to make it
sentation for active-passive torpedo DLC but uses a novel technique, invented by chaotic.com, called Doppler-fltered pulse compression (D
l signifcantly advance the Passive Tracking and Detection, Classifcation, and Localization (DCL) state-of-the-art and result in much improve
y of detecting torpedoes and reducing false torpedo alerts. Work will be focused on developing improvements across three areas of the tor
ining has been growing for over a decade and currently exceeds the number of available instructors, limiting the potential of this method. T
fter Exercise / Summary Reports in order to increase instructor performance and reduce instructor workload.
improve the detection range of these quiet submarines. LFA and CLFA were originally designed for use in a deep-water, low-clutter environ
t. The latest generation of mobile processors enables smartphones that can remain idle for days, or operate for an entire trans-continental
or no loss in fueling value and thus the potential to operate at efficiencies in the 90%+ range. Due to its compact size, this novel technology
more Digital Receiver/Exciter (DREX) modules, but proliferating them on most platorms has historically not been possible due to the Size,

drill head (into the standard beacon housing). BETR&quot;s receiver remotely receives command signals from the HHD in order to emit diff
fber reinforcement will be used to build up areas on the hull that need impact and abrasion resistance. The proposed approach has been u
vacuum electronic devices (VEDs) that produce the electron beams. The Navy is using rhenium-tungsten (abbreviated Re-W or W-Re) heat
quick turnaround for design changes. The technology developed in Phase I will allow the heater designers to go beyond the limitations of c

models of ships that can be used for identifcation in future sightings, for computer-generated simulations, and for capabilities assessment.
is gathered. Toyon Research Corporation proposes to implement a method for constructing a 3D model from a series of submarine-acquire
scend while still providing real time data. Real time telemetry is provided to the submarine over a two wire communications driven by RS 4
ounds; (c) validate cost/performance of new compounds via testing of key properties, e.g, compression set, abrasion, and UV/sunlight wea
mer hoses that utilize various combinations of polymer tubing; fabric and metal braiding; separation layers; and protective outer coverings.
fed sensor arrays. Sedna proposes to optionally move the high fdelity injection point from post array signal conditioning to the array inter
esign for a variant of the Phocus Array that will be designed specifcally for the RT-1944/U radio.
d deposition parameters including oxygen pressure, substrate distance from target, and laser power. This will ensure the best quality oxide
that the developed units meet performance requirements and providing the technology transition path directly to production line of the M
igned Power Regulator Module (PRM) used in the MK54 Lightweight Torpedo, to develop concepts and solution for the MK48 Low-noise po
al (RAM) for the metal or composite casing of the periscope mast sensor head using more conventional RAM and classic dielectric layering
d are subject to a very specifc form of corrosion called cathodic delamination. A fundamentally new type of anti-corrosion coating has been
ing performance of the original Bond-Coat system, the application is limited to flat or cylindrical surface geometries due to the need for un
mercial basis. In addition, the coatings that will be demonstrated in this project have a proven track record for corrosion protection. EDP de
fficulty and logistics associated with retrieving and storing the RMS on the LCS platorm, freshwater rinsing and other cleaning methods are
ription (SVD) documents are necessary to ensure that an operator with limited expertise can perform the complex job of reinstallation and
The success of a launch or recovery is thus highly dependent on the profciency and alertness of the operator(s). Recovery of the RMMV fr
mmercially available direct diode or semiconductor lasers have some of the most desirable attributes: highest efficiency, greatest compactn
l fsh, which are found with great abundance in the ocean, have an acoustic resonant frequency that is within the current AN/SQS-53C ech
nership by adapting, to a shipboard environment, our proven, scalable transmitter architecture, called (m+n) Automatic Redundancy Techn
er at 5% duty cycle. The amplifer uses the new generation of rugged 50 Volt laterally diffused metal oxide semiconductors, and can tolerat
particular architecture is well-suited for applications from UHF to S-band and beyond. Pulsed versions of this system are scalable to a mega
ction based on the probability distribution of the feature&quot;s response when a target is present to the distribution when no target is pr
roblem because of background noise sources and the natural tendency of the multiple signals to overlap. This project proposes an evolutio
assembly to replace the current system. Our focus for this effort will be to design a compact transmitter that can reliably survive the extrem

ged approach to solving this problem: Leverage Azure&quot;s Novel Emitter Parametrics NAVSEA SBIR; and, Azure&quot;s proposed new R
iguities. It addresses a wide variety of challenging emitter signal classes for which current approaches are noted to have problems (RF agili
ntercept measurements that are noisy, biased, and missing pulses. Vadum&quot;s innovative AOE approach, which optimizes parameters o
ttery that provides sufficient power and capacity to meet the sprint speed performance requirements. Aurora will size a high-efficiency mo
d selecting more powerful motors and high-capacity batteries. As outlined in the solicitation, advancements in motor and battery technolo
e operator. The system will weigh less than 1500 lbs. and will have a deck load of less than 150 pounds per square inch when transporting a
t (TEU) flat-racks and transferring them to the desired location aboard the LCS. The study will focus on the ability of the APHS candidate de
ry and industry. Our key innovations includes several components: a highly maneuverable Omni-directional mobile platorm with an adapt
n reliably detecting aircraft in large quantities of video data. Ability to reliably detect aircraft targets in EO/IR video would leverage the tech
on, mold subscale radomes and begin to develop conversion/burnout and sintering processes for the subscale radomes.
ure stable, low dielectric constant continuous fber reinforced ceramic composite radomes and windows with wide band-pass for GPS navig
forcements to keep costs down. ATFI will partner with materials research and design (MR &amp; D) during the Phase I project to develop a
e structures with integration of GTL&quot;s BHL technology that provides high-pressure oxygen compatibility and gas permeable resistanc
athing air while shedding 30% of the cylinder weight without restricting mobility of the diver. With this additional submersion time, divers w
al air pressure is sought. However, flasks manufactured using similar materials to those currently in service would be far too heavy and bulk
zation methods at EOSPACE. The proposed technique is a fast, swept-frequency approach and is robust against virtually all common weakn
ed using MicroLinks proprietary epitaxial lift-off (ELO) technology. The performance of ELO solar cells will be further improved through the i
ssibly much longer. This technology will be tested for feasiblity in Phase I utilizing point and line contact tribology testing techniques. Succe
and prognostic algorithms, will enable the system to nonintrusively detect all failure modes of the GCU and main power relays in Army roto
works. Signifcant improvements in the usability of networks can be realized by replacing the currently used static and primarily manual ad
able mechanical and metallurgical properties to match and work with those of the target investment cast high purity aluminum alloy. The t
s in the augmentor. Examples of exploiting this by pulsing fuel at the correct phase to mitigate can be found, but the requirements for the f
bilities in stationary gas turbines are unsuitable for military propulsion systems. Advanced active control techniques involving high-bandwid
mbined with state-of-the-art multichannel wireless data acquisition node and high-performance energy harvesters. Veraphotonics novel se
cent developments in pressure sensing and small, wireless near feld communication electronics to provide a simple, universal system that
om the ear canal. These sensors wirelessly interface with the WIPAS system&quot;s compact external interrogator unit. The WIPAS system w
escent. More generally, the ability to integrate highly-miniaturized wireless sensors into the distal portion of a COTS earplug (e.g. that porti
chanical flexural strength. We propose an innovative approach that detects this very early matrix damage via changes in the mechanical fle
Capable of interrogating through coating layers, e) High throughput measurement process, and f) Easy and safe to the operators.
at damage, and compare THz to other inspection methods for determining changes in the composite characteristics. The proposed method
w cargo/seat handling hardware. A roller system will be used to load both cargo and seats including a removable roller system with quick-r
ware allowing removal from the aircraft when needed. The complete cargo and passenger handling system will weight less than the existing
ON connector family. A design that enables the number of fber ports required presents a major challenge to any optical repeater technolog
tion resistance while minimizing additional friction or cost. Additionally, the material will not increase initial torque on the system nor opera

ols are insufficient in following three aspects: incapable of modeling the fne features on the topside of ships which often have signifcant s
e Light Communications (VLC) system to provide high bandwidth, reliable communications for maintainer to maintainer and maintainer to a
n are a constant risk, either of which could imperil operational tempo or crew safety. A new solution is needed to enable high-reliability co
main and frequency domain manipulation of the radar signal. Direct Digital conversion of RF signals has the potential to reduce DRFM size, p
centrate on frst developing a complete set of system requirements from tops down system analysis. Innovative AESA concepts will be synt
efficiencies greater than 60 percent across the operating band. A prototype proof-of-concept PA-flter module will be developed for operati

o an underwater distributed network to achieve objective data rates, distances, power consumption, and minimal repeater use. Specifcally

enarios for USMC simulated training. Most crucial to our work will be the design and development of a full infrastructure, called SERUM (S
es connect the generator to motor. LaunchPoint Technologies will use its ironless dual Halbach array axial flux motor/generator technology
radation occurs. As it is expected that certain missions present high levels of risk, it would be advantageous to create a self-test range at se
nk the incident aerodynamic heating and avoid ablation for the Mach 8 launch condition of interest. Development of the ceramic material
radation within operational task environments.
at reflect correct and incorrect answers. The adaptive algorithm relies upon teaching by question and answer, with feedback that evaluates
ons and electronic warfare. Our photonic system multiplies and upconverts a low-noise, low-frequency reference signal onto an optical carr
d scalable to both a large aperture and a large number of actuators while maintaining a high response speed.
ritical aspects of future UAG operations that are inadequately covered in current selection systems. These concern the ability of the operat
and long-term work engagement. Effective selection methods for UAS operators should accurately, efficiently, and holistically predict these
ss air, space, and cyber domains, Charles River Analytics proposes a Phase II effort to develop and evaluate a full-scope prototype for Reallo
stand and predict residual stress effects on fatigue durability or crack initiation, which accounts for the majority of the total component life
erformance heating element and Seashell&quot;s proprietary icephobic coating. The enhanced heating element will provide superior ther
vanced lens design, wide feld of regard opto-mechanics, and space qualifable electronics. BENEFIT: The proposed development will enab
th within the US armed forces, and also between US and coalition forces. Key aspects of the technology include (a) no onboard power req
cessing hardware and software and the&quot;front-end&quot;antenna and REX hardware must be designed and integrated. The developm
ved at an output power backoff from saturation of less than 3 dB. The HPA will be in the form of a linearized MPM with < 16 lbs, and desig
ed with multiple electron beams will enable scaling this technology to W-band and terahertz (THz) frequencies for a range of military and
h Lockheed Martin Corp., and Moog Inc. developed a proof-of-concept hybrid EMA PHM scheme for real-time (and offline) detection, identi
microprocessor was also designed and built for recording and processing the strain wave signals. Combining the innovative wave recovering
oftware system (WayPOINT) to provide intelligent, automated multimodal information processing and display to support dismount infantry
aluminum to create a high thermal conductivity path for waste heat to be driven to a heat rejection surface. TPG has a very high thermal
ble and easy to implement on the industrial scale. We will characterize the efficacy of our coated ADN particles as a function of scale-up to
of the technique appears to consist of attaining optical quality and accurate diameter control on fber drawing or consolidation of the green
ers combined with data from robot-mounted sensors will enable more complete visualization of the battlespace. In the MAPHAC concept, t
d insects are known to use the sky polarization pattern for navigation. Phase-I results validated the proposed concept by imaging the angle
nanostructures to be applied to lens surfaces of any radius of curvature or aperture. Phase II will demonstrate the various manufacturing st
stem with 1 GHz bandwidth to a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) broadband power amplifer. No additional in-band spurious signals are in
above 1000 Wh/Kg.
nimal shipping volume while meeting or exceeding all other performance attributes. Such a system would save signifcant energy costs and
tive &amp; Game - Assisted Experimental Designer), a decision-support system that will guide individuals through a ten-step research proc
al aspects of large-scale production, (ii) demonstrate a production rate of 100 kg/day, (iii) develop and refne the process to reliably fabrica
o change geometry, or by carrier density modulation to change the refractive index of semiconductor layers. The metamaterial may be fabr
d either thermoelectrically or with liquid nitrogen which can lead to higher sensitivity in detection. However, one major drawback of these
, high effective atomic number, and fast decay with no afterglow. Our Phase I research has accomplished the growth of this material in co
ent. A 3-dimensional model of each patient&quot;s eye will be created and used to design a virtual ftting lens. This will reduce the time,
on visible camera. A third optical sensor will be developed which will provide in-situ scene corrections via two-color temperature and high
high loss especially at high frequencies. . To provide RF components with low loss and wide-bandwidth of operation, Nuvotronics is propo
tion techniques and show feasibly developed into a useful product for the Navy.
port personnel.
cture automatically is to optimally allocate the resources of airborne sensor suites that are typically deployed on manned and unmanned a
development, thermal characterization, and environmental testing, thus signifcantly improving the development time, product developm
d computers. We will furthermore develop the Network Adaptive Internet Intrusion Detection (NetAID) application that will utilize SENSE f
ng assemblies. The sensing architecture will employ a split function design to separate event detection from situational awareness notifca
and multi-organ failure (MOF). Organ failure signifcantly increases the risk of morbidity and mortality in wounded warfghters. Despite th
dress these injuries while providing infection control. This proposal seeks to build on Phase I work using a flowable keratin based carrier sys
tives of our proposed AREA system of handheld apps are: (1) To provide data collection that is rapid, error free, properly directed and high
able composite materials to develop a reduced weight and lower cost clamshell composite Nosecone. The goal is to achieve a Technology a
capabilities to perform characterization and discrimination functions, in addition to precision tracking. SciTec, Inc. has extensive experience
learn and hence do not operate on predetermined low level rules, but rather on high level guidelines. Critical situations that have never be
e-perturbed wavefront. During the Phase I program we will perform detailed theoretical analysis, modeling, design and integration of the B
d branch cuts. The mid-wave infrared (MWIR) thermal emissions from the spot heated by the HEL can also be used as the beacon. This bea
here has been little progress in developing real-time sensors for assessing motion exposure and related performance degradation. This cap
rement of desired skills against a Virtual Mentor (VirtEx). AGE-S will compliment the next generation requirements for enhancing submarin
c vector sensors and total feld magnetometers and POC&quot;s novel multiband compound eye based nonimaging optical sensor, this sys
gle, bearing rate, etc. These key kinematics as well as target classifcation features will be passed via a covert communicate message to the
ntractor, and TDI has been formed to convert this SBIR sponsored propulsion technology to power a gravity weapon in flight. TDI will resize
ocooler available that can provide appreciable refrigeration (&gt;400 mW) at 10K. MACE is unique from other cryocooler electronics in th
e spectral band of operation, in the SWIR, is selected specifcally for detection of a broad class of weapons including artillery fre, surface-to
ation Density based Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Method (DDCP-FEM) enhanced in Phase I for Ti64 materials to predict local and global
frame. Creare proposes to complete the development, fabrication, and testing of a novel, high performance, MEMS gyrocompass based on
d without rare earth magnets. QM Power will develop the high performance alternator and perform initial comprehensive testing with the
The goal of this SBIR is to design and develop a performance evaluation system for MANETs. The proposed performance evaluation networ
es and defning exposures to enteric infections of interest. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) are the current gold standard to m
t, and delivery, we propose to develop and evaluate the feasibility of a Collaborative Repository and Exchange for Adaptable Training Enviro
erstand the importance of 2nd and 3rd order effects on a population in asymmetric warfare. This Phase II program will focus on developin
nt, and enhance the overall treatment plan for individuals struggling with psychological health issues. To meet this need, Design Interactive
wer limb Amputees), will provide an accurate, low-profle, and convenient metabolic energy expenditure (EE) and physical activity (PA) inte
mal protection material. Also, a potential confguration of the TSRM employs a flattened spherical shape propellant case. San Diego Compo
ffectively remove heat from the stack. In this Phase I, we will demonstrate operation of a high efficiency reformer with bio-fuels and identif
PE). For the proposed project, Physical Sciences, Inc. (PSI) will team with the GaN Lab at Ostendo Technologies, a premier developer and p
o produce Periodically Oscillating Polarity GaN (POP-GaN) via several techniques. Such periodically poled structures have been used for QP
ed with the high-density requirements present a signifcant materials challenge. No economical monolithic component is projected to survi
urrent density, pressure and temperature the green structure will be consolidated. Processing-microstructure-properties relationships will
uipment manufacturing, in executing this proposed program. As part of its&quot;Defense Wide Manufacturing Science and Technology Pro
ure operational procedures, but baseline models of the current operational procedures do not exist and cannot be easily formulated. Wha
lgorithmic toolkit, called ODETTE (Observation-based Discrete Event Training and Test Environment), for automatically modeling carrier dec
oposed program, OEwaves will utilize the difference in frequency response of modes of different families in a WGM resonator made with e
on, the proposed work will generate a high-quality tunable signal by heterodyning phase-correlated optical tones combining high power an
flow will be based on an existing conventional 90nm process already in production at Cypress. Development of high-performance digital an
A is also shown to have an excellent gain pattern that substantially suppresses the interference. During the Phase I, we carried out an exten
oals. SST&quot;s proprietary HardSIL &amp; #61652; technology has been successfully integrated within 250nm, 180nm and 130nm proce
nodes to be powered continuously. Actuator nodes will require a capacitive based energy storage system that provides greater amounts o
-used extended Kalman flter and unscented flter, iii) improved methods for mesh adaptation for efficient approximate density estimation
e, and Intelligent Software Solutions JSpOC Mission System (JMS) expertise provide the precise talents needed for this effort. The project w
olymer substrates. As an added beneft, mid-bandgap devices will improve the performance of CIGS-based devices for space applications b
ry approach for improved GD &amp; T (geometric dimension and tolerancing) provides a system that is capable of being (a) integrated with
sses. Vanadium diboride (VB2) undergoes an extraordinary 11 electron per molecule electrochemical oxidation process. Coupling this ano
al error states from SAR signal data (such as slow-time IQ samples). Data fusion at the measurement level utilizes local and global feature-a
with 5µm and smaller pixel pitches. In this effort SWIR sensitive nanocrystal quantum dot (NQD) flms will be formed on an existing low n
nload of data. Crossfeld&quot;s proposed solution will provide more than an order of magnitude faster download speed than the current i
arge number of tasks in a complex mission. As a result, human planners may overlook critical dependencies of task across domains and ma
tion, information integration and analysis. The goal is to design an integrated framework that will enable Air Force intelligence analysts to e
mercial Internet of Things and People (IoTaP) are complex dynamic environments. One problem is the need for sophisticated techniques; an
io wherein no prior position knowledge is available. In Phase I, POC completed the design of the ALOEN system through theoretical analysi
ding of the reaction kinetics, volatile removal, and viscosity profle for both the polyimide condensation reaction and addition crosslinking p
s; 3) distributed fusion for complex analytics based on Bayesian network (BN) models; and 4) web-based and customized user interfaces in
ements in analysis speed, non-invasiveness, device automation, and marked reduction in logistical burden and operating cost. In Phase I, ke
s (VAMCs) and Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFs), practical issues such as availability and location prevent many service members from ta
nted Auditory Evoked Responses-Based Objective Tinnitus (AER-BOT) diagnostic methodology with QUASAR&quot;s practical dry EEG senso

gravimetric requirement by 2-fold and achieved 75% of DoEs 2015 target value for volumetric storage. The hybrid nanomaterial is compose
dard IR molecular fngerprints. The technology can be used for laboratory instruments, chemical detection and identifcation, as well as ex
r, and optimize the network; (2) Rapid authentication technology that facilitates exceptional level of security assurance in a timely manner;
ntenna element placement, difference co-array processing has the potential to provably create O(N^2) spatial degrees of freedom using on
tics comparable to those at the widely used microwave bands, and well characterized weather characteristics allowing rain fade to be unde
y will continue for the foreseeable future. In order to provide Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance communications bet
enied environments. In Phase I, McQ performed research to demonstrate conceptually a broad range of technologies for the AiR Dropped
ties and protection in high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) environments. The proposed work shall build on the successes of the Ph
can have negative consequences including: part distortion, reduced crack initiation life, and increased crack growth rates. While bulk residu
anufacturing robustness demonstration for two, commercially available, state-of-the-art materials of interest, requested by the high tempe
decrease in porosity from 3% to 1%. A new technology has been demonstrated for rapidly coating the Al tooling with a microstructured re
et of equations. A two-level split of the deformation map into an elastic component and a phase/damage evolution component leads to tw
and radiation. This VFE differential amplifer will be valuable for targeted applications requiring temperature-immunity and radiation-hard
ute on low-voltage, low-power RISC processing cores operating in parallel. A novel current-mode correlator provides long correlation length
use of an RF peak detector. The URel SoC measures the DC current, gain, and compression point of each test point in the DUT signal chain
has a limitation of long computation times with large image volumes involving 100&#039;s of CT slices. Approaches to accelerating its com
air cells have the ability to yield information on local flow felds before those flows produce inertial effects on a vehicle. Our university par
overall system design incorporating a complex set of manifolds for distributing coolant to the submodules. Every seal and coolant line juncti
nvironmental conditions data to identify and assist in the remediation of issues before they are encountered in the feld. GUITAR is fully ex
hort peptides have a molecular weight below 500, affording them the favorable drug characteristics of small molecules. In Phase II, we will
fcant attention. The high rates of lower extremity injuries in the military point to the urgent need to close the footwear performance gap b
ft on a mobile trailer. To meet Class II shelter requirements, an analysis of 2nd-world construction identifed the need to reduce the overal
ations in temperature, pressure, and water vapor along the path. This design was evaluated for sensitivity and performance using both so
. This was built around a custom bandpass superconducting analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that samples at 30 GigaSamples/s. The prese
Marines need an effective system to use these distributed human processing resources. MapReduce addresses a similar distributed paralle
d, provides an instant&quot;quicklook&quot;into the human terrain, atmospherics, and current events. This also assists the Intelligence Op
of liquid nitrogen. The cryocooler is predicted to reduce size, weight, and input power by at least an order of magnitude as compared to th
e upper stage(s) of expander components can be replaced with a simple two-fluid heat exchanger, reducing expander volume and, more su
vehicle dynamic constraints, airspace constraints, and sensor constraints, while serving the ISR mission objectives with varying degrees of s
In the proposed program, TIPD, LLC will develop design concepts and materials candidates for a novel EMP-hard modulator based on its pr

on from EMAs. A microwave-photonic link using this modulator can be used wherever a photonic link is normally used, or it can be added t
operations, it will be shown that this unique bio-fuel system will supply over 40%LHV net efficiency. This Phase I proposal will describe an ag
. CRG proposes to develop a hybrid electric tail rotor drive system for naval helicopters that will lead to redundancy advantages, decrease
from shore-based fxed monitoring facilities. The expendable pod will be reconfgurable to take measurements at a set depth down to 300
a nosetip to meet the identifed launch requirements. Only a few materials meet the density requirement but do not meet the oxidation re
Other high temperature materials like graphite or carbon-carbon are too light to maintain stability. The proposal seeks to develop multi-m
antly restricting the feld of view afforded to military personnel making them more vulnerable to outside threats. Novel material solutions a
on advanced materials for transparent composites. The optical transparency is achieved by modifying the refractive index of the resin mat
ronmental testing will demonstrate that these materials also increase the armor&quot;s durability, as the materials used have been shown
erate 2.5 J pulses at 1064 nm with width less than 4 nanoseconds, which can be converted to over 1.25 J pulses at 532 nm through a frequ
e Phase I program a study effort to (1) guide the selection of the laser wavelengths and (2) develop an innovative, compact, multi-spectral
alysis processes, with our job task inventory to goal directed task analysis mapping process. The results include a powerful linkage matrix p
, weight, and power or SWaP), and wavelength selectability from the UV to the mid-IR bands. The main disadvantage is poor output beam
s to users what information may be benefcial to share and why, based on the relationship of their independent investigations. The alert-to
oard Task Force on Directed Energy Weapons and the more recent 2010 US Air Force Chief Scientist&quot;s Report on Technology Horizons
d chip carrier prototype attached to simulated real chip(s) on test board with integrated heat sink. BENEFIT: The expected beneft of this p
the-concept demonstration of decision-support operations based on the fusion of heterogeneous data. This was done by utilizing sensors
bers of detector elements and improved sensitivity of these next-generation, wide-feld-of-view (WFOV) electro-optic (EO) and infrared (IR)
he tools while a time-consuming touch probe process is used to meet F-35 tolerance requirements. Physical Optics Corporation (POC) propo
MBA) concept. The MAMBA concept will provide the flexibility to support confgurations including high-gain directional panel, omni-directio
at panel designs will be chosen for the radome fabrication effort of Phase II. The thickness, stiffness, and bird strike resistance of these des
oses a method of bypassing these COTS based interfaces using GPU-Direct and a custom parallel optical interface that meet and exceed the
signal processing techniques to mitigate the effects of the perturbed polar region ionosphere on the radar track function. This will be acco

l orthogonal grids to cover the whole computational domain. Since the geometry of these grid topologies have explicit analytical equations
fnement and coarsening operations, (b) a set of algorithms and corresponding numerical software for performing anisotropic mesh adapta
ons among moving components, are manual processes and place the heaviest demands on time in the analysis process. An integrated mod
dexterity of a human hand that would provide signifcant beneft to the underwater industry by expanding the range of operations a diver i
. We propose a solution based on three innovations, including this combination: a flexible movable mechanical bulk wave exciter that may
ed to design optimal thermal and mechanical excitation sources and to properly model the effects of disbonds in sandwich interface. Coup
w sensor technology developed by AS &amp; T with a new NDI method, both of which have been independently developed well beyond the
ation directorate is developing, updating, improving, and validating end-to-end modeling and simulation capabilities for the entire missile fl
met the requirement of applications, it is expected that novel quantum systems will bring new development stage for infrared imagers. In
he proof-of-concept screening tool will be initially evaluated at the Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS) directly after the candidate
OTE will integrate these techniques into existing development tools and environments. By reducing the effort required to develop optimisti
high temperature properties and select hot-fre testing in coordination with MDA sponsors and establish cost-effective manufacturing for t
mber of quantum wells to match the RIIC capabilities. We also propose exploring methods of shifting to longer wavelengths with Type-I LED
chitecture that reconstructs the 3-d geometry of the scene in the form of a geo-registered 3-d point cloud given imagery from multiple sen
and requires signifcant cognitive shifting, which all contribute to degraded performance. To overcome these challenges, an immersive and
skill level by constructing an individualized training program. To meet this need, Aptima, Inc. and its partner Rickard Consulting Group/Patc
L&quot;s Barrel Armor technology was developed to explosively weld refractory liners to medium and large caliber barrels. In Phase I, TPL d
pace analysis (such as Chaos Theory) will be explored for reduced order modeling, devising control strategies, and providing quantitative in
of a given population in the case where only aggregate longitudinal data are available. We will investigate least squares method combined
same technology could be used by clinicians to improve the timeliness, accuracy, and quality of care - in part by leveraging input from fam
ods to treat and stimulate the distal neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) must be developed to maintain muscle responsiveness and welfare w

V) or to maintain power quality in micro-grids that experience high pulse loads such as airframes and Navy ships. We have identifed that
nd creep fatigue interactions. Less is known about their cyclic deformation response. Computer modeling has been applied to the Mo-Si-B a
range of media. Cultured microbes will be tested for their ability to inhibit pathogen growth using a panel of known dolphin infectious age
ases in dolphins. Preliminary results related to the indigenous commensal microbes, including potential probiotic strains obtained from our
The behavior will be stored as a model, and will be captured using a combination of automatic program analysis and manual tuning. We lev
ntaining poorly specifed or poorly tested code can imperceptibly weaken the system from a security perspective, enabling an attacker to ex
are costly and time-consuming, and they do not extend to the critical region aft of the ship&quot;s stern. We propose an autonomous ship
conditions. PSI will employ its proven Instant Eye micro-air vehicle (MAV) in order to measure the entire 3D air wake velocity feld as well a
sult, many current autonomous systems utilize only recent sensor data. In contrast, biological systems quickly summarize highly complex se
tive features in data streams; iii) learn from unlabeled sensor observations; iv) adapt to new scenarios; v) store learned experience in short
m a set of sensors that produce a large volume of raw data on-board an autonomous system. LARDA will generate a data abstraction and ha
ocus of the Phase I effort is to engineer the metamaterial emitter and demonstrate coupling to Sandia&quot;s existing PV cells, with expect
are well matched with the bandgap of the photovoltaic cells. On this project, Creare and our research institution partners at the Massachus
cal conversion systems that concentrate the radiant energy to maximize photovoltaic conversion and limit the conversion cost ($/W) by min
he resulting system will serve as the foundation for a strontium-based optical clock or gravimeter that is feld-deployable for DoD missions
on in rubidium vapor. The optical lattice can potentially increase the Ramsey interrogation time, reduce collisional broadening, and improve
apable of competing with with fluxgate magnetometers on both performance and price.
ct relevant information and project trends; present information emphasizing relationships to thresholds and deviations from expectations;
mation to suit users&quot;needs. To address these challenges, Aptima, with the support of Colorado State University (C.A.P. Smith) and con
proceed without awareness of important general context. This proposal addresses these issues by pairing PSEs expertise in designing scien
nlythe commercial
of electrical and military
energy. markets
Incorporating by storage
such distributing overinto
systems 950next
active systems from
generation 2004 -power
integrated 2012. PowerTHRU
systems has shall rely on
potential that feld
to meet peaklevel

terial coupons fabricated with the low cost composite material manufacturing process will be completed. Transient shock analysis will also
cal conversion efficiencies that are ~50% for the process. For unmanned vehicles or manned platorms with limited space and power, the lo
stribution framework from its academic partners CUBRC and Dr. Corso from the University of Buffalo. The resulting stream of entity and be
cision support matrix to the Commander in the feld. The Modus Operandi Team&#039;s solution will defne, prototype, and develop a fus
TLOS, which takes into account surface forward scattering in its effect on both propagation and reverberation. A Phase I Option is also propo
University of Texas at Austin, proposes to build, test, and demonstrate a high-performance wide spectral band, high dynamic range laser thr
e program requirements by eliminating the need for second harmonic generation to achieve green laser emission, which is expensive, ineffi
s with minimum current collapse, and improved fabrication technology to reduce the parasitic capacitances of these devices. The device de
e, new applications for models come with new requirements as to their faithfulness to physics and execution speed. Several defciencies ar
ent signal quality requirements compared to the&#039;simpler&#039;ECG and EMG modes. A prototype EEG system will be built that cons
term solution is possible by combining known engineering solutions in a novel way. By building on well understood technologies, our team
osites (Mo-Si-B) and its associated processing method. Specifcally the research will focus on Molybdenum-Silicon-Boron Composites (Mo-
s and under constant mechanical stresses. MC10 &amp; UIUC jointly propose Mechanically-iNvisible electronic Tattoo (Mentat), an ultra-lig

n metrics. In the Phase I R &amp; D effort, OPTRA, Inc. will develop optical and electronics models, perform tradeoff analyses, predict syste
leverage advances in FPA technologies. The optical bandwidth will require multiple diffraction gratings integrated with reflective wide FOV
n&quot;a replacement is necessary. Carbides represent a group of materials with inherent high hardness and strength, but that are extrem
vioral and interaction characteristics of all system components, and propagating them through successively higher levels of integration to u
mechanism that will allow real-world attributes to be associated with the types of entities in system models, (2) rigorous specifcation of sub
ate high temperature strain measurements are critical in the development and characterization of modern aerospace materials and validati
ials such as high-temperature intermetallics and composites. Prime Photonics, teaming with researchers at Virginia Tech, proposes to deve
ment of advanced high-speed turbomachines, alternators, motors, and power electronics for many challenging aerospace and terrestrial ap
mework for non-RE high performance materials proposed in this work is powered by state-of-the-art frst-principles methods identifying th
ms present the opportunity for state-of-the-art microwave components. These technologies open the way for establishing electrically tune
e composite, 4) Characterize the physical properties of the composite, and 5) Produce a 5.56mm diameter, 500mm long rod with the propo
e the particle-matrix decohesion, matrix tearing, and nonlinear viscoelastic behavior of a binder using constitutive laws calibrated at the me
ase II work will focus on developing new compounds and synthesizing them in sufficient quantities to begin safety testing. The synthesis w
ude identifying a number of possible areas and solutions for antenna placement and metal component replacement to facilitate the use of
s are signifcant; in fact the usefulness of older legacy aircraft will be severely limited unless new antennas are included to detect new threa
e might be advantageous. Since there might be a large range of design options that could affect the performance in an operational setting,
lastic effects. Higher fdelity multidisciplinary analysis tools are critically needed to better understand and characterize the effects of unstea
instabilities or fatigue induced failures. The program will leverage methods previously developed by ATA that facilitate fully-coupled, unstea
nalysis modules will be validated against simulated or experimental data. A modern propeller confguration will be selected as the base de
e costs. The study of advanced propulsion systems is multidisciplinary in nature due to the aerodynamics, structures, acoustics and propulsi
ultiple QCL emitters into a single output beam. In Phase I, we have performed analysis of QCL arrays, and showed that this approach is wel
mple.) The objectives of this proposal include: (i) building galvanic cells that beneft from a highly efficient cathode material, based on hydr
yed equipment. This is particularly true in the case of Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth, (CTD) and Oxygen, (O2) sensors. This has resu
pacecraft charging is a nondestructive methods which directly measures the magnitude, spatial distribution, and temporal evolution of inte
em at IR wavelengths, and integrate them with readout electronics to make a complete infrared sensor system. We will also seek to move t
e cross-section in the near-feld. plasmonics enable sub-diffraction-limit dimension, allows for ultra-high speed, low power consumption, o
next generation ADS built from three innovative approaches. Firstly, Mide will carefully design a composite outer shell for the ADS. A com

e.g. bandwidth, gain, etc.). In order to enable tactical SIGINT exploitation of traditional and non-traditional signals of interest (NTSOI) on ex
d preliminary designs thus requires fast-turnaround models appropriate for analysis of a wide design and operational space without sacrifc
igh magnetic performance, thermal stability and mechanical strength. The effort will focus on the development of new Mn-based magnets
o a favorable hardware/software co-design approach to deal with security issues for embedded systems. This proposal presents a trustul c
ted experimentally with imaging hardware and mock battlespace scenes. 2. Hardware was developed to perform compressive sensing in tw
operational, performance, and injury assessments, and will facilitate design development and optimization. We propose utilizing the Santos
oven effective against many known attacks. ATC NY and Cornell University will develop DivA to provide a fundamentally different, and com
loading on it. The door is part of an existing sub-scale weapons bay model representative of the Joint Strike Fighter. In Phase I, the unstead
ort-wavelength infrared (SWIR), long-wavelength infrared (LWIR), or millimeter wave sensors and can have their images fused to provide a c
pt will allow multiple, high data rate video sources to be combined and pre-processed for presentation to pilots via a high resolution HMD.
ographic elements (&quot;hogels&quot;), which reconstruct a full-parallax light-feld above and below the emission surface of the display,
cated in a common, integrated manner. As a result, it is nearly impossible to effectively and efficiently capture, store, model, and report hu
direct detection at RF is anticipated. Phase I research will result in a detailed radiometer design, and an algorithm coded to extracting total
ts. Thus, Aptima proposes to develop the Test-bed for Collaboration, Assessment, and Planning (T-CAP), a generalizable test-bed for measur
provide for digital fusion of the sensor imagery and other sophisticated image processing functions. The VPHS will support sensor resoluti
ulators and electro-optic phased array scanning will generate holographic images and optical wavefronts which provide the operator with
ce when compared to legacy systems. In addition, the new HUD concept will include design features, including increased modularity, whic
state of the art in HUDs and components, and will match the modular design to the required cockpits. We will also study the ft into the c
and tracking for purposes of threat monitoring. The proposed effort will involve the refnement of&quot;forward&quot;models (for predic
challenge. This project shall research mechanisms to improve client attestation for mobile and points connecting to cloud based secure h
es.&quot;PROACT is an innovative approach that determines relevance of data to users based on proximity and the risk in providing the da
&quot;s existing technology for numerically quantifying information relevance using fuzzy logic techniques based on the semantic web, CAP
ence in the automated tools in order to adopt them into their workflow; thus we must sufficiently validate these GMTI exploitation algorith
evaluation of complex exploitation algorithms using a variety of approaches and support the rapid transition of tools to the warfghter. BEN
rted by hardware and frmware of mobile devices and infrastructure; network layer multicast where supported by routing infrastructure; an
argeting. Until now, the upgrade cost and complexity has prevented the Air Force from felding a long-term, adequate solution. FIRST RF pr
ed for distributed architecture for IR data storage, processing and management. We will design a secure cloud computing platorm which w
, while also accounting for the distortions in the wireless channel. In response to the Air Force solicitation, MaXentric is proposing a power
This is to ensure a greater probability that the predicted theoretical performance can be successfully achieved in practical implementation
uture SATCOM terminals, yielding additional SWaP savings for those devices. For transportable SATCOM terminals, a reduction in SWaP and
op inference algorithms for detecting and resolving conflicting information in multi-source text data, and will design algorithms that place t
re automated solutions to link events, entities and related knowledge across multiple sources. Aptima proposes to develop a system for De
telligence analysts require a capability to detect and resolve conflicting, inconsistent, suspicious, and deceptive data, reducing the uncertai
software suite will include processing elements to: (1) Recognizing and resolve formatting inconsistencies (specifcally data feld formats); (
current classifcation processes fail to assign necessary security markings to sensor metadata, forcing human analysts to review the data ma
m with domain expertise and guide the effort. In addition, APG Technologies, a company with experience in deploying Information Assuranc
making that drives military operations spanning air, space, and cyber domains will be sub-optimal and potentially detrimental. To support s
provide broad subjective measurements of generic readiness (e.g. personnel, equipment and it&quot;s condition, training), rather than com
and organizations. We will then develop a semantic reasoner to infer current/future blue capability readiness and availability based on mu
p a network of fully trusted heterogeneous devices to provide end-to-end trust (EtET). Without EtET, only a single client needs to be compro
anges in network confgurations, polices or being compromised, and protect their operations in spite of compromises. The main componen
ever, using the phenomenon of fast light, which we will produce through Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in a fber, the sensitivity of an optic
chitectures automatically. In particular, easy to use&quot;dashboard&quot;visualization techniques will allow decision makers of various
onments. AWCAMS will include an agile extensible, tailorable technical framework; a core architecture model for space with initial test data
ng second, third or tertiary affects is much more complex and addressed today primarily by system engineering experts performing custom
eter. The power consumption is less than 20 W, and the life time is expected to be 10 years. BENEFIT: Applications of such a cryocooler inc
target and target activity characterization. This cognitive processing will be fused using cross-modal correlation techniques with other situ
bility have met with limited success. Issues such as chip-to-chip I/O pitch, relatively large&quot;seams&quot;created by gaps between adja
raging existing system components, we aim to increase the likelihood of project success, reduce program cost, and ensure compatibility wi
associated power outputs. Two designs have entered into the consideration: (1) a new low viscosity nemetic-base LC material with sub-mil
ayback capability is needed for mission planning, briefng, and debriefng in both crew and team mission areas. Signifcant advancements i
lack of an integrated distributed collaborative software environment to facilitate the aforementioned mission capabilities. We propose to e
The innovation in the MAGIC-HMD includes a new thin diffractive optics waveguide design that allows seamless extension of the device pu
mass is added thereby compounding the problem. To solve these problems a novel approach is needed based on advanced optical design t
on guided holograms. By fne-tuning the parameters of the waveguide, integrated holograms, and image source, high-resolution excellent
models are limited in postures and anthropometry which are well known to have signifcant effect on model prediction. The goal of this stu
atial combining (subarray-mounted transceiver electronics) together with proven (dichroic) polarizer, integrated diplexer, and tracking/lobi
ptimizes performance (compression ratio and compression/dissemination speed) automatically. Cloud elements intelligently partition the i
beamformer and implementing the adaptive beamformer on a subchannel level resolves these issues. By making the adaptive beamform

COM. BENEFIT: The digital channelizer can be integrated into Ka-band WGS terminal to process L-band signal into multiple channels. This s
e on the underlying communication system support for variable data rates ranging from a few Mbps to 100&#039;s Mbps for different cha
ach or fault, that component will have interacted with many others in its network. Components not directly compromised by an intrusion m
er developed at the California Institute of Technology. The self-sustaining water condensation counter provides single particle detection, do
e 3D or high acuitydepending on training needs. The true 3D (unaided, naked eye) display is a new variant of TDT&quot;s Angular Slice 3D
mically prepare our nation&quot;s pilots for next generation, multirole aircraft, we propose to design and demonstrate a Next Generation, M
ul instructor control interface, scenario management tools, and student performance tracking. The proposed effort will begin with a miss
at will provide access to performance data from various environments regardless of the native format. PATTRN will collect data from variou
ng tools. While several detailed 3D voxel models of human internals have been generated, these models are static and cannot be efficientl
g&quot;reverse&quot;modeling capabilities to backtrack individuals and activities of interest (e.g. use odor signatures to look back in time)
hysiological, and physiological signals which correlate with individual and team performance can provide the information necessary to eval
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) methods in Data-In-Transit (DIT); attesting Remote Assets&quot;Health via beyond-PKI Challenge-Response A
Plan employs the Rational Unifed Process and AGILE software methodologies to ensure a focus on an on-the-move Warfghter&quot;s ne
es context-sensitive services that can respond to changing battlefeld conditions. These services must be capable of determining on-the-fly
posed array development could potentially provide new capabilities to the F-35 in terms of creating data links at other frequencies to enab
these two are unique, and thus not interoperable. This is a problem for not only legacy, but for next generation aircraft, as well. FIRST RF
d depolarization. AFRL&quot;s Wideband SATCOM Communications Experiment (WSCE) program aims to develop the space and ground ha
topic stem from the high gain requirement and airborne platorm. The antenna must steer and track with a very narrow beam while minim
for analysts to develop IR data/product subscriptions and queries, display results, and share products and tools with other analysts across
xel signal architecture allows for system-specifc color performance varying from 10-18 bit, without overloading the interface bandwidth be
ideo from multiple high resolution sensors, but recent advances in integrated circuit (IC) process technology and small form-factor printed
e existing model of the situation, (2) improve the cognitive fdelity of its procedures for language generation, and (3) encode knowledge ab
wide body C2ISR platorms. BENEFIT: The benefts of this program would be in developing a viable and cost effective air to air wireless net
cts the profle(s) matching observed conditions. The algorithm then uses the same profle(s) to calculate signal transmission loss at V and W
from the rear. UtopiaCompression Corporation (UC) proposes to develop a high resolution color EO sensor based visual perception system
multi role aircraft will identify the specifc mission to be presented in the proof-of-concept. The specifc assessment and sensor needs for tha
nvironments on time and lengths scales associated with individual motion. The Phase I effort will develop physics-based models to calculat
ogy, which allows the flexible authoring and management of human-understandable, generic policies in models and the automatic generati
e VLF radio has a number of advantages including omni-directional long-range propagation, and low diffraction. Given the importance of re
ronment where support of resources like the Emergency Action Message (EAM) network would be most critical. Simultaneously, the prolife
mbiner optics, low-power, compact, liquid, crystal-based, multispectral tunable flters, wave-front sensors and correctors, high-resolution S
resolution in the IR with cost-effective optical solutions. The system is designed to ft within a 2 foot cube. Light weight is assured by build
near-isothermal mechanical interface, even with repeated insertions. As a result, this process offers a separable thermal mechanical interfa
and UAV safety from a sense and avoid scenario. Further, a proven system will accelerate UAV integraiton into the U.S. National Air Space a
nics and displays: IC and liquid crystals. The economic importance of these developments has fostered massive funding for design, develop
ntly felded night vision and day vision technologies are not integrated and do not work as well as needed under many illumination conditio
ased on sub-hologram display technology. In particular, the combination of HSI high resolution, fne pixel pitch SLM phase modulators and
ognition, techniques that do not allow for detection of key NP properties related to their potential toxic effects, including surface area, rea
mpling and cannot distinguish NMs from other airborne particles. As a result, exposure assessment tools are inadequate to evaluate the he
eeded that will integrate them into a holistic end-to-end system, mapping from performance data gathered in various assessment environm
ying this proposal is the realization that if our HMD were scaled in size and if the proposed innovations can be realized, it will be possible to
need, we propose to develop Social Language for Synthetic Teammates (SLST) (pronounced&quot;Celeste&quot;), a set of technologies and
ammates will need to be capable of text messaging with their human teammates. To address the limitations of the language understandin
ness. The Spectral Imaging Laboratory (SPILAB) will investigate the feasibility of developing a multiple aperture, artifcial compound eye (AC
inc Sulfde (ZnS) oxidize at around 200C. OPTRA proposes a system based on a multi-aperture telescope. This approach uses multiple small
nments followed by ESCA, XPS. SEM-EDS of individual particles will also be undertaken to compare to the average XPS profles. Surface pa
combustion. Building upon NEI&quot;s experience in functionalizing nanoparticles, and that of our university collaborator&quot;s capabiliti
ombined approach consisting of both small-scale experimentation on selected design confgurations in addition to modeling and simulation
s based on augmenting the fuel-air mixture while simultaneously achieving uniform ignition of the vaporized/aerosol cloud of JP-10 in a sin
uel into the supercritical regime in ~ 100 &amp; #61549;s. Concurrently, a liquid or solid phase oxidizer liberates atomic or monatomic oxy
is used for long range communications through earth. The RF link is autonomously frequency agile in order to provide the maximum coupl
demonstrate the feasibility of such a system for weapon research and development activities. The Phase II effort would miniaturize the de
ponents to perform a series of soil and salt water communication testing to determine the expected communications range, reliability and
arasitic, cable shielding to improve the RF performance and save several pounds of weight per yard relative to current over-braiding wires,
and verify the most promising conductive fller and optimize the structure and composition of the shielding material. Prototype shielding m
o provide a materials solution to overcome the existing barriers with electromagnetic shielding. Nanocomposites with compositional and t
and experimentally measure the selective RF transmission properties of multi-layer materials with spatially-structured electromagnetic pro
n, rugged gasketing for recurring maintenance, and can actually increase the interior enclosure volume for a given form factor when compa
cturing advantages of polymer based systems while also providing required levels of electromagnetic shielding. The proposed conductive c
ility to reduce or eliminate leakage experienced while operating in cold soaked environments. The new seals should support UAV hydrauli
ric materials can function effectively as a seal over under these conditions. Currently the hydraulic system is heat traced to mitigate the pro
ight of the aircraft, add complexity to the design, and require electrical power, alternative approaches are needed. Critical weak points w
. We have verifed that by increasing the index of refraction on the faceplate and by allowing it to be curved, signifcant performance gain
g to evaluate coating performance in a maintenance setting is time consuming and expensive. The traveling wave attenuation is the true m
ne projector system using our advanced electro-optic technology. The proposed scene generator is fast, wide spectrum range, fairly easy to
mics a vertebrate eye, which both provides ultrawide feld of regard for target detection and narrow feld of interest for high-resolution targe
ons. Given the highly cluttered nature of urban environments and associated problems with line-of-sight designation, additional precision
er precision targeting, and to minimize collateral damage. Multimode seeker operation also improves munition performance in GPS-denie
Aperture Radar (SAR), Doppler Beam Sharpening (DBS) and Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI). The key innovation for this study is th
dded communications. The Phase I work will include architecting and modeling of the entire system concept and a detailed block design of
s of the proposed effort. BENEFIT: Successful outcome of the proposed research could have wide ranging impact on many DoD application
to adapt an existing in-situ manufacturing technique to produce core-shell particles in an affordable, scalable process. The in-situ technolo
f military systems where extreme radio frequency environments are present. The proposed approach leverages decades of experience in t
ular performance on aircraft, currently a useful feld inspection capability to assess coating performance for traveling wave does not. Co
through the design, development, and performance evaluation of four key system components: photonic, nonintrusive, microwave-feld-se
ow-cost, reliable tool for automatically coating air inlets. The manipulator will be able to rapidly map the complex geometry of an air inlet,
ditional complex articulation required for inspection/painting at the depot level. Aerobotix&#039;approach can use the paint paths the AF
lop, demonstrate, and validate a linked knowledge-base-type set of analysis tools that facilitate development of material design data for co
ulk residual stresses can have negative consequences including: part distortion during machining and/or during service, reduced crack initi
aircraft, and are capable of supporting high data rate SATCOM at Ku and/or Ka-bands at both military and commercial frequencies. Under
of 30ns to 300ns by using our innovative Er-doped glass fbers. The laser beam should have near diffraction limited beam quality to reach
ee methods, namely, outlier and clutter-suppression, outlier-estimation, and outlier-aware fltering. Each applies explicit modeling of non-G
This solution includes a graphical model that captures the complex relationships between the input observations (2D keypoints extracted
nt of more-electric aircraft. Techno-Sciences, Inc. proposes a control system development based of hybrid systems theory. The effort will re
n, distribution, utilization, and associated thermal management based upon potential tactical vehicle operational power requirements and
cation process and to ensure better compatibility with the standard processes available in modern silicon fabs, we propose to develop a com
nt that includes power system electronics and avionics systems comprising of high heat flux components. Several commercial sectors such
ctical because the additional fuel would have to be dumped overboard or lead to coke formation. Therefore, there is a strong need to deve
tor unit (EAU) technology suggests that an appropriately designed LRU may be capable of addressing many of these challenges; however, t
arge variety of nano-sized particles, b) understanding of nano-sized particle ignition and combustion, and c) advances in colloidal science of
ucing fuel consumption and its associated cost. However, the two major drawbacks of using aluminum nanoparticles in liquid fuel are: (i) o
RTICTM cooling technology for use in small military gas turbine engines. The challenges posed by adapting this technology to the very small
e distributions and specifc surface area are proposed. Integration of the methods will be used to provide the missing information needed f
orm factor of a watch with an expandable display. In phase I of this program industry-driven product requirements were derived to develo
exposure of the transport aircraft and the Marines on the ground by allowing a single Marine to rapidly unload palletized EFSS ammunition
ge (TES) devices. Micro tube thermal energy storage devices were shown to signifcantly reduce the power requirements of a radiator-cool
age. FiNEAS developed to date has a dimension of 190cm x 90cm x 75cm, offers toolless installation onto tow cable; easy retrieval from the

sting. * Studying the software planning ecosystem on submarines and qat Jaybridge to determine the best point for Phase II.5/III implemen
active scanning, full 2-D operation with only three control electrodes, and a remarkably wide feld of view (270 degrees demonstrated). Th
nt helo bay door operations. During Phase II work, HMC will conduct more in depth contact stress evaluations of HLRB designs under stres
oard radar systems. Our proposed solution uses a GaN based MMIC as a solution.
bility of wave propagation in thick GFRP with neoprene/rubber coatings/core, leading to a demonstration using 4 MD7 digital SHM sensors
Services Multi-Axis Autonomous Probe Manipulator (MAAPM) accomplishes these objectives while focusing on ease and safety in both ope
tration will be incorporated into subsequent prototype development, culminating in a demonstration where the prototype is integrated wi
al packaging and&quot;stick on&quot;installation strategy for high temperature conformal sensors. The Phase I effort primarily included: w
n through experiments on surrogate fouled NAB plates. The design allows self-induced rotation to increase coverage, simplify diver efforts,
e technology transfer process. The prototype ASCS will be extended beyond the experimental ASCS in several important ways. The prototyp
would provide local calls and potentially reach back for global coverage through polar satellites. The MUOS-Aero design makes use of tech
Cancellation (MAGICTM) flter, which has demonstrated remarkable performance for protecting narrowband UHF communications by sepa

d development environment (IDE) will provide all fle-handling functionality and integrated access to each tool in the suite. The Signal Mod
the inexperienced staff understand and deal with various situations. Existing tools are mostly passive, representing data, but not interpretin
tive lens for providing virtual imagery at the correct focal depth. The augmented-reality imagery is made possible through a novel tiling of m
web-based application which supports a subset of the functionality described in the TRACKER Functional Requirements Document (FRD),
seaways and ports such as those in the Middle East and the Pacifc. The Navy needs enhanced capability beyond the performance of curren
ve design of the multistage micro virtual impactor and the integration of quartz crystal microbalance sensors enable the HASPAM to measu
nerative means that the system is built from separately validated components that interact within an inferencing environment to produce
EMC) simulation. Ultimately, the proposed research aims to develop, implement and test a unifed platorm which includes new hybrid met
and counter pumped designs. When the input and output signal core fbers are the same a 99% signal core efficiency has been demonstrat
ility to model multiple processes and factors. Frontier Technology, Inc. (FTI) will identify the new simulation capabilities and requirements,
stem, able to make real time calculations of the Cetane number of the fuel being utilized. BENEFIT: Success of both Phases of the SBIR pro
sh capabilities. The Phase I IMPULSE program will entail an extensive trade study of existing, emerging, and hybrid advanced power system
specifed programs capable of generating power at high altitude. The Spytek confguration would provide a power demand capability of 30
is just such an engine. With thermal efficiencies in excess of 50% possible, it is now within reach to reduce fuel burn for a given mission by
n overall propulsion system efficiency model and estimate endurance. Plans for Phases II and III will be developed based on the Phase I acco
ptimized with present engine-based propulsion systems. Engine Research Associates, Inc. (ERA) developed and manufactures the Migratin
rchargers and/or PMM direct power (contributing up to 30% of the input power). An innovative direct injected/heterogenous charged IC/H
hanical time scales with the large characteristic times corresponding to thermal transients. In the proposed Phase I effort, the updated life
enerators. Industry and the US Air Force are investigating concepts to ameliorate the effects of these transient power issues on the genera
ngines, especially for applications involving designs that employ augmentors. The software tool will be will be designed to support testing
system approaches lack the scalability, flexibility and fdelity to provide a realistic training experience. An innovative training systems archit
ed in the US Navy. This presents SeaLandAire Technologies, Inc. with a unique opportunity to leverage construction and manufacturing tec
which relied on conservative life estimates that resulted in early component retirement due to a lack of accurate component usage data to

end-user reconfguration of functionality to address a broad range of applications Our compact laser system design minimizes critical comp
pment loads. This strategy will result in annual fuel savings of $937,000 per ship. Mainstream is developing a family of AFCUs with high-effi
netic materials that can degrade the performance of the magnetometers. This proposal describes a development program to solve this eng
It will be used to introduce and promote the technology towards a Phase III activity and adoption into the training community. The prototy
s for maintainers, and test the bearings with sensors against the applicable standards.
been utilized for cosmetic purposes and has not allowed the complete restoration of the structural performance of the part. This is due to m
ftware enhancements for use on a dual-frequency SAASM GPS receiver (the enhanced receiver is referred to as HIPR) to meet the near-Cate
lex problem, we plan to simultaneously consider a number of relevant factors related to: the sensor, the radar scattering phenomenology,
ffects. The innovation in physics-based, Test and Training Enabling Architecture (TENA)-compliant electronic warfare (EW) object models an
or the tasking, authorization, authentication, and Situational Awareness for MPRF systems. The solution will also provide a process for inco
up to date situation information and maximize mission performance. To fll this capability gap, we will develop a decision support system ca
ne the targets collision potential as well as support the clearing maneuvers. ADS-B signals lack encryption and can be readily spoofed for d
e devices will show much lower input and output capacitance than the state-of-the-art devices commercially available today, which will allo
GHz, which can be operated either in the classic Nyquist sampling mode or in a compressive sensing mode. The photonic ADC design deve

d off-platorm communications, to data stratifcation (e.g. combat vs. C4I data types) and transmission methodologies (radio, microwave, sa
olution, frame rate, color depth, contrast and feld of view (FOV) requirements for next generation HMDs. BENEFIT: Magic Leap anticipates
ncentration while our miniature lidar sensor based on a unique heterodyne scheme can provide similar capabilities in remote detection. B
users. This SOA will provide a flexible, automatically reconfgurable architecture for the tasking, authorization, authentication, and Situatio
-board fault identifcation data. Once the faulty subsystem is identifed, the aircraft can then be routed to the appropriate repair station. W
ill be designed to (a) discover the relationships and dependencies of subsystem faults; (b) leverage the knowledge of these relationships to
dular and scalable to take advantage of a distributed architecture. Advanced Rotorcraft Technology,Inc.(ART) has pioneered the developm
mitters and the Multi-Technique SEI Test-bed (FPGAs and C/C++) developed for AFRL. In Phase I, existing and new government and RAS co
DAWGS), and active electronically scanned arrays (AESAs). The former exacerbates the need for higher precision SEI while the latter unfortu
o the Flowfeld Influence Prediction Trajectory Generation Program (FLIP 4) and statistical analysis algorithms. The goal is more accurate ev
ng store trajectory response subject to unsteady aerodynamic loads. The techniques developed in this effort will complement existing meth
use of high-fdelity CFD modeling by storing unsteady bay flow felds using efficient Proper Orthogonal Decomposition based compression
technology uses licensed, patented SAW devices fabricated using stable high-temperature flms, LGS substrates, and proprietary sensor att
perture superposition compound eyes with a high-sensitivity, compact IR laser ranger, photo-detector array, and a custom algorithm to det
mes no electrical power, so our WHRS adds no additional electrical loads to aircraft generators. Our WHRS requires no heat exchangers to
expansion process powered by the low pressure third stream flow of an advanced, three stream engine. By expanding the third stream flo
failures. To reduce overall design cost due to re-spins, design tools are required to support EMI/HPEMI immunity studies at the initial stage
s needed to identify problem areas through sensitivity studies, and to evaluate possible solutions. Multi-conductor transmission line (MTL
ths, which requires high brightness pump sources and efficient pump/signal combination methods. Wavelength stabilized 976 nm pump so
e the prototype feed-though combiners using both axial refractive index profling and a newly developed fber-mode-analysis (FMA) measu
of only 0.037 cubic meters. Given the thickness of the beam steering unit of only a few centimeters, the beam director can transmit out a
y beam director. Examining the basic requirements for each of the candidate target based phase sensing method reveals a common set of
d tracking functions, will provide a new system suited for an airborne platorm&quot;s unique vibration, thermal, and operational environm
rmance, that is seamlessly integrated with precision pointing capability. Ultimately, the successful implementation of the developed techn
sign. The circular symmetry and material used solve the problems of stress and the subsequent polarization effects generated by current V
el&#039;s structure parameters are refned during the course of the track. As the structure parameters converge, the motion of the target i
n on the target will obscure this feature. Add in the effects target illumination (scintillation) and the problem is confounded even more. Tra
pectral digital imagery with symbology, presenting the resulting image in real time to the user on a low-profle HMD. The innovations in SM
terface that allows imagery collected outside the cockpit such as FLIR, LIDAR, or synthetic imagery to be fused on a pixel by pixel basis with
etta SPYCOS secure token family. Initial SOE form factor will be a removable microSD device that will contain a hardware security processin
ission profle often determine the level of protection required for given data -- context that a sensor cannot possible have. The ATC-NY tea
veloped to permit the analog designer to design and simulate layout extracted circuits without the need to pass the design to the physical l
l V-band terminals which operate in channels with ample bandwidth but are power-limited.
s bandwidth communications which will enhance security, propagation and data throughput at W/V band frequencies. In Phase II we will
or CMC suppliers. The proposed methodology would be applicable to a broad class of CMCs and components for military and commercial
als of interest. The key to the proposed design is an antenna element which maintains vector RF pattern performance over the full frequen
buted aperture arrangement. The proposed effort will build on existing development at Toyon, in which a fourteen-inch, seven-element GN
xt generation FOxSense system is based on the integration of ROI&quot;s proven and previously demonstrated state-of-the-art technologie
nvironmental control systems and electrical actuation systems requiring up to fve times the heat load over fourth-generation platorms suc
demonstrate technical and installation feasibility and practicality of the proposed rotary EMA technology. BENEFIT: Enable thin wing next
solution for this application. BENEFIT: If successful, this project will result in a small, high-torque, hinge-actuator technology suitable for u
vironments that mimic key characteristics of the intended operational environment. BENEFIT: The TBC modeling system and LOX-Hydrocar
by compact pyro-electric crystals. For the Phase I effort, Busek will demonstrate the feasibility by designing and testing key components of
assess the energy usage of individual equipment and energy systems in any given USMC FOB b) Make recommendations that will allow fo
hin a component, but those that are widely available either require the destruction of part or can only measure near-surface stresses. The
ing techniques to mitigate dynamic saturation effects. Cyan Systems will develop the S3 Tech to support enhanced dynamic range in real ti
th to access measured data on fber placement in tested CMC&quot;s and to have a team member ready to beneft from knowledge learne
imization of the rate of entropy production due to dissipation, heat conduction, and chemical reactions results in a set of equations for the
ormal imaging systems. While heterodyne techniques are more sensitive than incoherent techniques, pulsed laser systems, which have hig
an aircraft from explosion by supplying to the ullage Nitrogen-Enriched-Air (NEA) that reduces the fractional O2 content. If the fuel system i
to maximize the aircraft capability while minimizing fuel consumption. Based on the planned flight profle, the control system employs red
d with the growing number of nonlinear and regenerative loads. While Electrical Accumulator Units (EAU) have been developed for aircra
surement techniques for characterizing combustion particles generated from aircraft engines. As the topic states, the ultimate goal of thes
nsume 75%80% of generator power. Mainstream proposes a new method of providing environmental control to forward-deployed military
elivering 5kW of continuous, sustained power. The resulting High Efficiency Renewable Energy System (HERES) will implement the most a
efficiency while ensuring rapid and safe deployment. HDM's approach features next generation power electronics, real-time power manage
project is development of an automated, hand-held tool for measurement of fastener profle that is fast, easy to use, and highly accurate.
ht of the target system BENEFIT: HybridSil flexible, environmentally protective coating technology will allow optimized performance of fle
are package. ObjectVideo (OV) proposes to leverage its technologies and experience in low-power aerial video exploitation, developed un
ng component, Adsys Controls is well positioned to conduct the work with insight and experience. Adsys Controls will assess and benchma
ical random access beam steering to produce a tiled image at the focal plane array. With this approach, we expect to enhance the imaging
omputationally intensive for deployment in autonomous systems. This proposal describes a programmable microchip for energy-efficient a
FM) become mathematically ill-conditioned, resulting in noisy and/or erroneous results. Since real-world mission flight patterns often do n
e an accurate 3-d reconstruction. It is proposed that the additional constraints provided by surface properties learned from image data wil
phase) can be adaptively varied using active impedance devices that are suitably placed within the ERA aperture. This will enable adaptive
ing and without technological advances including higher temperature operation and associated high temperature electronics and ICs, trad
s life and application specifc details of the cost function. The BLDC motor we propose to build and test has signifcantly better metrics than
nd multi-disciplinary community of researchers, a framework needed to tackle difficult multi-physics problems such as combustion instabili
he laser cooling hole drilling process for gas turbine components. The monitoring and control system will collect data from multi-mode sen
aerial vehicles (UAVs). The promise of organic photovoltaics and organic electronics are the low mass and inherent flexibility enabled by su
dded in extremely complex clutter (e.g., urban terrain), dense multitarget scenarios, and signifcant intentional (e.g., electronic attack (EA))
er standard fee-forward radar (FFR) systems. We propose to develop a general FAR framework that can be applied to a variety of missions.
especially in mountainous and urban clutter environments, where traditional GMTI algorithms (e.g., STAP) are prone to false alarms. In pha
odulation depth; and (e) 1 dB Compression Photocurrent Density&gt;0.64 mA/um^2. One packaged device will be delivered each to Loc
e colloids is paramount and will be determined using accelerating aging techniques. The energy density of fuels with these new nanoadditi
e, affordable method to synthesize these carbon-based additives which could easily form a long term stable dispersion in commercial fuels
r the body surfaces, on the other hand, a gridless solver is used for accurate implementation of surface boundary conditions. After the suc
avionics without hermetic can packaging, OE components are relatively unproven. This program addresses fber optic system affordability b
y approach is to circumvent the limitations of each technology while taking full benefts of their respective strengths. In addition to develo
rrogate modeling, and load predictions for landmines. These issues will be examined in more detail, through a combination of experimenta
glass or silica flake material. The nanosized (thickness) flakes will provide both a high barrier to oxygen and water and enhanced scratch re
nput from powder angle of repose, Continuous Cooling Transformation (CCT) diagrams, thermo-mechanical boundary conditions, 3-Dimens
Incorporated has developed a comprehensive system for the corrosion protection of aerospace components. Luna&quot;s self-healing an
is expected to be capable of self-healing scratches and cuts (without any external heat or stimulus) when used on repaired aircraft parts, a
sity and high electron channel mobility at AlInGaN/GaN heterointerface, the feature not available in SiC technology. Electron concentration
ded for injectors, valves, and oxygen rich turbines. LOX compatible materials, also known as combustion resistant materials, will not burn w
n and wear resistance to ensure reliable operation of the bearings. Korolon is a high temperature, scratch resistant flexible ceramic coating
rrayed accelerator to achieve fnal energy of 100keV or more. Fabrication uses a new method of etching high-aspect ratio holes through la
LES, low Mach number schemes, efficient time advancement, non-reflecting boundary conditions, turbulent combustion modeling for LES,
l need identifed by the Department of Defense for new techniques for rapid, accurate measurements of particle number, size, and mass-b

d methods for Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) of thin flms such as hardness tests, and measurements of capacitance and dissipation ha
g has shown to be useful in determining layer differentiation but not chemical composition. This is due to the nature of THz time-domain te
pproach consists of two main components: (1) High Fidelity, Multi-Scale Analysis Tool, aligned, calibrated, verifed, and validated with (2) a
ple fasteners in a single image, with very little user interaction required. This data provides the technician with a repeatable, near-instant r
ccurate measurements than any other handheld devices on the market. The key innovation of the proposed SnapSCAN is the integration o
ditionally, the temporal variation of lens-flare artifacts over multiple frames differs statistically from that of the underlying scene content. O
hod to actively control both IR and EO cameras to maximize the dynamic range of the sensors and capture more information from the scen
rs for a given powder and part dimensions will increase frst part yield. In Phase I, we envisage a DOE (Design of Experiments) approach o
tation of LS grade polymers which should lead to decreased raw material costs, increased supply chain security, and broader mechanical pr
substrate when damage occurs. Building on recent breakthrough technologies in self-healing polymers, a functional additive is proposed a
ace framework is employed to implement the clustering environment. The functions in a user program written in traditional languages call
re capable antenna systems supporting 10-20 Mbps data rates. Potential SATCOM data links supporting the required data rates have been
MD). The DMD will be used to perform two distinct functions: order sorting and spatial fltering. The order sorting is accomplished by plac
d maximized manufacturability and reproducibility. Diplexer modeling and equivalent circuit development will be completed in Phase I. Th
d power system with increased system efficiency and power for longer duration missions, higher speeds and larger electrical loads. Taking a
cifc to their mission. Currently however, these propulsion systems must be sized for take-off power and are therefore oversized and less effi
re are they located in the scene with respect to each other? The system does not label every item in the image/video frames rather it revie
uction of an external hardware/software host called the StallBox. With this solution, the StallBox is integrated with the existing simulator, re
s proposed Continuing Development (CD) project is to conduct high altitude ground testing of the key MiST-IR component.
perform autonomous maintenance and health monitoring of rechargeable batteries, Techshot, Inc. developed a concept for an Autonomou
there is no way to couple them. This leads to extra fuel consumption and wear-and-tear on the generators. The GCU is able to connect load

nce, especially when in GPS-denied situations. An advanced heading system with a suite of advanced algorithms will be tested externally a
s which must yet be overcome. One issue that plagues equipment designers is the need for improved thermal efficiency which is exacerbat
uisition and tracking. The required acquisition time and time to frst fx is directly dependent upon the time accuracy and environment as
nodes or of the commercial broadcast towers is not necessary for this method to be effective, thereby opening up an existing planet-wide r
eates&quot;Virtual Landmarks&quot;that allow the system to combine location estimates from multiple users at various times so as to yie
apply its knowledge and expertise in cloud data assimilation with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model to provide better esti
ng of ionospheric effects and impacts on DoD radio-based systems, including communication, navigation, surveillance and geolocation. DoD
ty and eliminate payload jitter. The cooler also uses a novel dilution cycle to enable the system to provide efficient cooling. The proposed
requencies and inter-blade phase of blade vibrations to obtain a measure of the structural damping response. However, the prescription o
ial satellite busses is a practical possibility for these cases. On the other side, the owners of potential commercial hosting platorms may be
ogy required for the fabrication of thermoelectric devices capable of cooling infrared arrays from 300 to 123 K. We propose the developme
ork is to test the feasibility of a real-time system which will assimilate novel ionospheric measurements capable of fully capturing TID prope
oordinate transform data for examination of the impacts of travelling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs). The suite builds on a parametric clim
e of the mission; however the sheer volume of pedestrian data is prohibitive to timely processing of mission critical information present wit
nna scan pattern, as well as rapidly changing and competing mode requirements such as surveillance, tracking, SAR, and emerging techniq
HF satellite. Beam tracking and control is native to the antenna system and consumes minimal power. Deployment of the antenna is simp
order of 1.6 KHz bandwidth at -100 db response with a 1.2 KHz bandwidth at -3 db. The third technology is an unusual application of a uni
nctionality including AEHF modulation, demodulation and forward error correction. Careful modem design will also allow the use of low re
e and computationally efficient algorithm that works on a single CPI and does not require training data or covariance matrix estimation. Tri
ms with three or more channels. Classical GMTI systems do not use modern SAR image formation processing to resolve the ground clutte
for poor efficiency due to spill-over losses and feed blockage in order acheive the required gain and data rate. BENEFIT: The proposed SAT
ation (CP) states. It is assumed to operate both uplink and downlink through the same shared aperture running in dual-band mode, while s
methods and processes arose from recent progress in PDs and array of PDs based on modifed uni-traveling-carrier (MUTC) thin-layered st
ing. The goal of this program is to integrate multi-channel RF front-end and Digital AJ processing circuitry onto a single ASIC and interface
es are scalable to alternate frequency ranges and geometries. SI2&quot;s low profle, conformal, highly efficient array architecture provides
multi-satellite Tracking, Telemetry and Command (TT &amp; C) systems such as that employed by the Air Force Satellite Control Network (A
ators for an nth degree flter, resulting in a compact confguration. High selectivity is offered by this approach resulting in isolation that will
ses. In meeting this challenge, ThinKom proposes an innovative (yet proven) conformal ultra-wideband antenna element, named WaveTrap
nges in the vision-based geo-location systems is to accurately estimate the geo-locations of objects. Since no geo-registration algorithm pro
n the engine design process. The proposal contains a plan to commercialize the bearing analytical code for gas turbine engines. BENEFIT:
for cooling associated with miniaturization of devices result in thermal management challenges. Mismatch of mechanical properties is als
enhance the endothermic capacity and combustion efficiency of hydrocarbon fuels for mid-scale scramjets. These fuels are required to ma
proved 3D imaging area rates and fast scan laser beams over a large FOV to 5°, directly addressing the acquisitions platorm requirements o
ing sets for simplistic models which capture key salient scattering phenomenology. BENEFIT: Key benefts include, 1) reduced cost to imple
ets (e.g., three stage ICBM), with various backgrounds of Earth, clouds, clear sky, etc., including hardbody and plume signatures for boost p
he fuel cell will supply trickle power to the battery so that dash capability is retained. BENEFIT: Since this UAV will be fueled by JP8, logistic
or electricity. However, operating compression ignition engines with JP-8 have encountered various technical and performance related issu
mum throughput and system gain advantages to wideband airborne terminals and commercial V-band terminals which operate in channel
iority access requests in real-time. AFSCN schedulers need an intelligent, distributed, real-time planning and scheduling tool that uses spac
date optimization algorithms from both the classical non-evolutionary and evolutionary algorithm to build an intelligent scheduling engine
associated with their constellations and individual satellites. This software must be able to negotiate resolution of conflicts with the DICAM
access layers BENEFIT: If successfully developed, the technology can potentially reduce technology risks in support of the Advanced Extrem
specifc satellite subsystem requirements. Radiation hardening, to the most extreme, is addressed by our partner&quot;s top-notch, valid
ratures, do not emit toxic or environmentally-unfriendly gases and are easily integrated into thermal systems, and offer a number of advant
ed architecture to ensure both security and reliable high performance. Due to flight heritage on these electronics, the proposed hosted pa
ata that includes electro-optical and radar angles, range, OCS, and RCS. The FISST/HME/MMAE integrated algorithm will detect changes in
e FSS consists of two metal layers perforated with tuned apertures bonded to a dielectric substrate. The gap between the two metal layer
n innovative fluid handling system is used to circulate refrigerant in the system. During Phase I we will design a three stage magnetic refrige
meet technical requirements for future cubesats. In addition, there are point designs that need to be optimized for each mission. Creare
nology will employ advanced component technologies and new electronic architectures to develop a miniature (nominally 50W) version of
r team is also very experienced in developing algorithms for OTHR CR; we have developed an extensive computational HF propagation tool
Positioning System (GPS) is the most suitable for this purpose. The GPS signal stream will be perturbed by any nearby radio-reflective obje
FIT: Will result in very lightweight composite conduit for HPM shielding. Weight savings of 50% to 75% over current technologies.
ch are the life-support lines in battlefelds, must be kept opened only for friends with absolutely no interrupt anytime. IPITEK proposes to d
ed volume of airspace near a regional terminal area or near a restricted airspace. To better support safe UAS operations in the terminal are
hms to calculate cetane numbers for the fuel in remotely piloted aircraft. Typical commercial GCxGC instrumentation is too large to be app
models of JP-5/8 surrogate combustion are needed. Existing models have limited predictive capability, especially at vitiated conditions, du
curate prediction of resonant stresses in turbine components will be demonstrated with the measured unsteady pressures on the blade sur
and are not capable of accurately predicting the life of bearings using new materials such as Pyrowear 675, M50 NiL, and ceramic rolling el
ding to improperly serviced shock struts. Gas pressure is typically adjusted during inspections, which can adversely alter the gas to fluid ra

the network to have already acquired and tracked the GPS signals. Under this SBIR, we proposed to develop methods to reduce the direct
ard spacecraft materials, and accidental/intentional collisions. The ever-increasing number of space objects creates a need for the develop
ithin strict SWAP constraints. In order to meet this challenge, multiple mobile processors will be evaluated to determine which has the bes
e frequencies, and proposes to apply these technologies to this program. Furthermore, we propose to integrate most of the receiver functi
aracteristics of FSSs allow the same surface to be completely opaque in a certain frequency band(s) while simultaneously being completely
ll as extremely high stake of electronic attacks and countermeasures. Therefore, it is essential to develop cognitive spectrum management
wever there are many GPS receivers that normally only provide position, navigation or timing (PNT) information in these regions. The objec
orating new targets to meet evolving mission needs. In order to enable sustainable, reliable radar CID through salient physical features, SIG
bines track data from ABSAA EO and radar sensors as well as GBSAA radar trackers. We will evaluate the performance of these algorithms o
equiring a higher performance, more adaptable receiver. Decreased numbers of USAF VLF transmitters covering the same geographic area
ounterparts and at rendering photonic technologies overwhelmingly practical for application in antenna systems.
aditional in-band fltering. Consequently, a cancellation method that preserves the GPS signals while eliminating the undesired interferenc
Nu-Trek&#039;s resulting four-channel, M-code compatible ASIC solution will deliver&gt;55 dB AJ removal while addressing the most agg
53x nm fber-coupled pump lasers. By utilizing novel fber laser amplifer technologies already demonstrated and reported, nLIGHT anticipa
an image stream and its associated navigational data when available. The proposed framework is an online system wherein the sensor estim
opellant in motor itself. Applications include (1) mechanical property data for verifying existing strategic SRM propellant models and (2) st
ensors in an analog motor to ensure system reliability. Several prototype sensors will be delivered to the Air Force for further evaluation at
rderwire architecture includes data replication and replicated computation features to maintain the consistency of distributed databases d
me precludes, the operation of networking protocols and network optimization/acceleration techniques critical to the functioning of missio
that dynamically adapts to changes in the black MANET for optimized usage of the network resources, and an HAIPE-compliant multicast in
ed, semi-supervised, and unsupervised algorithms, which will increase the amount of domain knowledge about events and event structure
incorporate a ruggedized vertical connector (RVCON) has extremely low-loss optical coupling, offering increased bandwidth through highe
re, low-cost, lightweight, high sensitivity E-feld instrument using the double probe technique to provide in-situ measurements of ionosphe
use tool life is known to vary from cutter to cutter, POC&quot;s IMPACT has been designed to detect the onset of tool wear of each unique

2) a security enhanced hypervisor; and 3) Trusted Platorm Module (TPM) to provide the root of trust. In all, the proposed SecureVisor is a
and extensibility. We will integrate our IdAM solution with existing DoD/IC software application frameworks, including the DCGS DIB and
ntimes, depending on which data structure is used and how efficiently it is tuned. In phase I, Stellar Science has demonstrated the feasibilit
e, weight and power, and the addition of solar panels and battery for extended autonomous remote operation. Deliverables include a proto
on support algorithms that employ predictive knowledge of threat state and state uncertainties to enable autonomous responses appropr
nation of the possibility of trapped voids, and reduction of operator variability through automation, compared with the current process. A c
technologies capable of reaching an objective ~30K temperature and below, but these systems typically cost >$1M because of the low bui
an accommodate large numbers of diverse assets with tolerant synchronization. Interfaces will accept information needs from multiple sou
detection and tracking capabilities into small RPAs will be a signifcant force multiplier and improve the tactical commanders Battlefeld Aw
many platorms, like the F-35.
heduled two design and fabrication cycles of the GaN HEMT MMIC process before delivery of compact linearized HPA modules that meet o
or military ground as well as aerospace applications. BENEFIT: This work brings the benefts of a defense-in-depth strategy to embedded cy
on Bayesian Fusion for evaluating the initial trustworthy of WSNs. The objective of this effort is to improve existing trust initialization strate
: With CLAWS running a high bandwidth inner loop, HBC provides a mid-bandwidth outer loop to measure CLAWS biases, compensate stai
rate. A detectivity D* of larger than 1012 cmHz1/2/W has been targeted for this system. BENEFIT: There is broad potential for commerc
demonstrate critical aspects of the fundamental performance capabilities that will eventually lead to use in specifc aircraft pilot helmet sys
aging metadata annotations describing the repository with respect to an ontology. The ontology provides a formal representation (OWL) o
, model-based decision support tool that comprehensively analyzes the effectiveness of existing and future training solutions and provides
that are relevant to predicting the detection and identifcation of auditory targets. During Phase I we demonstrated the feasibility of this a
hysics interfaces prototyped and demonstrated in Phase I will be fully implemented and integrated into the code baselines. Acceleration a
nvironment for human-systems collaboration; and (4) the ability for our cognitive engineering and human factors skills to identify needs in
plied math and computer science based quantitative and theoretical analysis of the collision detection and collision avoidance mission (CD/
manufactured with advanced PCB manufacturing techniques. In Phase II, we will further optimize/refne the array design and demonstra

capacitors depends on the square of the operating voltage, ultracapacitors using ionic liquid electrolytes could offer energy densities three
The operator selects the surface color for removal and designates a specifc removal area. When the system is triggered, the laser produce
(SMRC) proposes GripChek, an automated, zero time added, hole depth measurement solution. Technicians tend to use fasteners that are
with this technique, drain efficiencies of up to 71% are possible. Second, we will utilize Envelope Tracking (ET) and Digital Pre-Distortion (D
nderstand the need for a backup system, there is no clear method to determine requirements for a backup system to achieve graceful degra
a deliverable prototype system capable of demonstrating functionality, value, mitigated development risk and compatibility with a wide va
n traditionally present in each organic application to provide mutual-beneft through tightly coupling measurements in the multifunction c
ethods involve patching tears in the feld, which is temporary, not completely effective and time consuming, further limiting mission capab
ethal Objects is not adequately vetted due to insufficient test data at these closing speeds. In order to fll this gap, flight test data at tactica
llision, the proposed ultra-high speed camera will directly record the physical properties in and around the warhead location to provide a d
ate the exact point of impact. Further, the proposed system would capture the total Radio Frequency energy radiated and conducted from
instead of improving on the EED design, that EEDs be replaced by COTS automotive airbag inflators to perform the required pneumatic fun
partner with Battelle, Inc. to develop a health monitor for the prototype. In Phase I, simulations and experiments will be conducted to de
with insensitive EFI detonator specifcally for initiating gun-launched warheads or igniting solid rocket motors (SRM). This high voltage in-l
state-of-the-art technology analysis, missile aging assessment, reliability prediction, and integration with nondestructive testing and sensor
on-thermal accelerated environments for aging missile components and materials. In addition, new approaches for quantifying levels of re
long-term durability predictions. Arrhenius time-temperature superposition (TTS) measurements will be conducted to predict the service
ting the AgeAlert sensor into a passive wireless transponder such as a passive Radio Frequency Identifcation (RFID) tag are bonded externa
el for the long term reliability of ordnance devices. Therefore, there is a need to develop technically sound and cost effective methods for l

ong POC&quot;s mature technologies. We plan to combine these technologies to develop a less expensive and ultraminiature inertial meas
ure. The fact BMG is potentially useful in inertial measurement units (IMU) has been previously established at Tanner through the proof-of-
C) and can be net shape formed into missile structure components, like the Strake leading edge (SLE), while reducing weight by 68% of the
ick turn prototype and pilot production semiconductor manufacturing. The program has defned objectives and goals outlined to meet co
on management in the future. Building on research results and lessons learned, we propose a novel approach and interface (CAMI: Contex
errors that might otherwise result from automation biases. During this Phase 1 project, we will develop a concept of operations and a high
iance Technologies, Inc. proposes to design and build a highly confgurable power manager to optimize generator operation, reduce fuel co
rated power, which equates to wasted fuel in order to provide power capacity that is unused during the majority of operation. Thus, tech
xchange between the operator and the vehicle. We will develop a software architecture that specifes the capabilities, algorithms, knowled
xchange between the operator and the vehicle. We will develop a software architecture that specifes the capabilities, algorithms, knowled
ort components often requires signifcant expertise in computer science, artifcial intelligence, and software engineering. This makes the co
ples of innovative proposed functionality include: a collaborative unmanned sensor group, sensor action ring overlay, HMI sensor toolkits,
mputer interaction. The g-speak system&quot;s conceptual debut was in the movie Minority Report and recently appeared in the Iron Man
s to use the same communication modality (i.e., gestures) for controlling UAS as for piloted aircraft. Our solution uses on-board cameras to
cessing network algorithm and speed (at low SWAP) will enable the device to rapidly recognize, acknowledge, and learn new commands us
sary. VMCIS reasons about system state using a probabilistic, hierarchical logic engine that is built around a model of mission-success. It di
may be an unreasonable expectation, and our systems need to adapt to attacks and other disruptions to achieve our objectives. What is ne
one location to the user application at another location to less than 0.5ms with a jitter of less than 0.2ms. This will be accomplished by le
te tradeoffs in navigation accuracy with different sensor combinations for different scenarios, and therefore no systematic method for the G
bscale prototype. In Phase II, Mainstream plans to perform wind tunnel experiments on a full scale prototype based on the results of the P
data, and develop a limited-scope prototype software tool suitable for MTSD that is available for use at the conclusions of the project. The s
erive fragment three-dimensional state (position, velocity, angular momentum) and size information. A high-speed multi-band radiometer w
y but without causing civilian casualties in the vicinity. SBIR Phase II proposal is to develop these fast running models (FRMs) using innovati
dware prototype CTS system. The proposed development will create an excellent compliment to modern test and analysis methods. BENE
light modulation. SLEP provides collimated source irradiance with known polarization characteristics over broadband infrared (1 to 20 mic
on lab is proposed. The software prototype developed in Phase II will provide real-time processing of WAMI imagery using a combination o
hroughput of existing real-time data analysis and telemetry systems. This SBIR program addresses the critical HSI data-processing needs o
ent will have a code set for testing various exploitation algorithms to address move-stop-move scenarios for A2AD applications. Commercia
s can support feature-aided tracking with extremely high confdence values. The Phase II effort shall integrate moving ground vehicle ISAR
g turbines appear Doppler shifted to the radar in the same way as airborne moving targets. Moreover, wind farms present the radar system
e will include interconnection and distribution circuits as well as the mechanical and thermal confgurations. The anticipated advantages of
ts and compares these two unique algorithmic approaches - target resonances (TRs) and radar cross-section covariance (CSC). Both of thes
et critical parameters, and does not degrade as a result of mismatch between assumed and actual conditions. It has been demonstrated o
BMDS (Ballistic Missile Defense System) threat environment. The approach inherently manages large data sets, high dimensionality, mis
the radar track. We propose to use expectation maximization (EM) algorithm that work on this basis to derive suitable object tracks withou
scuss a Debris Bulk Filtering algorithm, we are currently developing, that will de-emphasize the non-threatening objects, allowing the MDA

ss of potential future missions and tasks. Such a capability is referred to as&quot;tradespace exploration&quot;. This project will develop a
ical Gesturing Ontology (EGO), a primarily naturalistic gesture-based control interface for fully-immersive, synthetically-augmented display
mputer interaction. The g-speak system&quot;s conceptual debut was in the movie Minority Report and recently appeared in the Iron Man
se is slow, requiring human effort to diagnose and develop new counter-measures to each new threat. GrammaTech envisions a new para
pplication online. ABMiner tool allows us to use various machine learning techniques, including ensembles, to select the most signifcant s
ologies can further beneft from efficient heat dissipation (high thermal conductivity), electrical insulation (low electrical conductivity) and
ation methods for utilizing the technologies. UDC will examine various application and curing methods and their impact on coating perfor
g can successfully operate in water with performance comparable to a pressurized canister used to house electronics. This requires maintai

vice for simultaneous monitoring of multiple casualties. The system will provide alerts in advance for the emergent need of intervention an
who last resort employment must be assured in its reliability. The redundant and unnecessary inclusion of control electronics, read out scr
benefts in terms of cost and reproducibility as well. The RF PA MMIC requires no calibration or tuning allowing GreenAmp- &amp; #8208;l
ater than 70% over the entire 30-3000 MHz band. Vadum will evaluate several integration and packaging techniques, including optimal ch
erienced with traditional sub-sonic ammunition by uneven distribution of powder and/or fllers by utilizing our reduced volume cases. Th
has an optional secondary propellant charge concept to supplement the gas energy from the primary granular propellant. SWS will conduc
and accurate sub-sonic rounds. This study will expand on a similarly focused feasibility study our company conducted during the year prior
er developmental projectiles to evaluate the potential of these projectiles to meet the requirements. We will investigate changes to our pa
results from innovative future-proofed design based on a scalable modular core architecture, COTS components, state-of-the-art graphics p
hieve the 1 TFLOPS performance and 16 TB non-volatile storage capacity required by Special Operations Forces in a low-power (12W) mobi
ease the probability of hit on target.
high-performance massively parallel high-speed processing capability, crucial to replace today&quot;s high power supercomputing system
tiple bands (i.e. SWIR, MWIR, LWIR). BENEFIT: Direct view infrared displays will enable immersive IR simulation environments for multi-ap
ma-shells are hollow gas encapsulating devices. When the Plasma-shell device is energized the gas inside ignites into plasma. Proper selectio
attenuation techniques and consolidation processes. The proposed material system will use a blend of several elemental or compound po
10ns. The architecture will be used to develop an advanced Ladar Pulse Analyzer (LPA) that will perform highly accurate pulse measurem
ctive air surveillance capability without the vulnerability of being intercepted that is inherent in traditional radar systems. During Phase I th
ed thruster fre control system and critical features, such as orbital and thruster fre timers, and pointing sensors, were validated. As part o
e inlet using flow control. The shock trapping scheme is based on a cavity in the isolator section and the flow control system consists of arc
FIRST RF has developed a revolutionary new conformal, high temperature, forward-looking, high gain antenna, suitable for seeker applicati
ations between agents constrains data throughput. A layered sensing processing framework is needed that combines information, gleans m
on a statistical hierarchical framework that learns the representation directly from the observed data. We will develop a both the statistica
eloped an innovative method for predicting sub-millimeter wavelength radar signatures of ground targets including smooth and rough surf
duce the height, but they are expensive, less efficient and suffer from scan loss at extreme angles from boresight. FIRST RF proposes a nov
f distributed SLAM based geo-registration with centralized fusion to enable large-scale WAMI processing, ii) development of computationa
esign of the HFDR was completed, and signifcant progress was made in the detailed design of the digital down converter (DDC) and the an
the feasibility of detecting a passive QD-based IFF indicator at operationally relevant standoff distances using the operating characteristics
g system and control algorithm designers. Providing the ability to simulate the wide array of situations multistatic systems have to face (ex
e or more airborne receivers and one or more airborne or ground-based transmitters. Radar modes to be analyzed include Air Moving Targe
pability of comact LIDAR systems. BENEFIT: Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (SUAS) have shown to be very effective to carry out persiste
soning algorithm that separates parallax from ground motion using just a few image frames. The 3D modeling processing is extendable to
emented monolithically to realize a low cost system. This proposal proposes a suite of test structures, stimuli and sensors to embed test ca
mponents and parameters are analyzed and rated for how well they support meeting technical objectives. The output of the trade space is
ating will be robust, but easily stripped off / peeled off from the underlying surface and it will leave the vehicle / hardware undamaged and
e) will team to develop a chemical agent sequestration coating. Akita will develop a 2 part, 100% solids polyurethane formulation which wil
system will deactivate mustard agents rapidly. The functional groups will capture phosphorus-based nerve agents efficiently. The ions will
t indications. Using this system it will be possible to provide affordable rapid diagnostics in remote places and to collect real-time geo map
ensive and ubiquitous, and will continue to advance rapidly. During Phase I, Celadon (Hyattsville, MD) and its partner, Mobile Assay (Bould
he Phase I program are to prove the essential elements of the advanced algorithm supported by acquisition of new feld data and to devel
ors team will leverage its extensive experience in nanotechnology, infrared technologies, device design and fabrication to develop and test
veloping and optimizing new closure systems which achieve the same range of peel and lap shear strength performance as control hook an
oys a novel gasket approach that flls voids and provides enhanced adhesion and sealing to surfaces with micrometer-scale roughness. In P
y properties and the continuous release of novel nanosealing agents from the membrane. The materials are robust thermally and environm
detonation and the strong sensitivity of CEX performance to variations in CEX ingredients, the development of a validated high-fdelity CEX
. Lithium ion battery technology offers a potential lightweight, robust, and compact option which could be deployed on a much smaller UA
that will then be incorporated into a mesh refnement guidance tool.
ore sophisticated MEPDF method for turbulence chemistry interactions which has recently been extended for application to high-speed flow
: 1) the high speed arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) capable of creating tailored waveforms (pulses) for spectrum acquisition and analy
e cycle than a typical rechargeable battery. The proposed approach extends to the conformal fabrication of current collectors, electrodes a
ptop and/or workstation. This project will also investigate the application of pulse oximeter type sensors to other areas of the body includi
rnal ocular structures having sub-millimeter scales. In order to obtain appropriate data, a portable feld instrument must allow the operato
uational awareness of obstacles behind the aircraft. The Colorado Engineering Inc. (CEI) team proposes to leverage its collective expertise w
However, conventional manufacturing methods do not provide practical ways to create shaped flm cooling holes. Direct Metal Laser Sinteri
nt studies to determine a suitable surface mesh for production work. This effort will develop a low cost CFD-based grid processing tool that
h generation and dynamic adaptation to transient flow properties and moving bodies, ii) a cell-by-cell automatic selection of Boltzmann an
undation for this task. To satisfy these requirements and to broaden the range of applications, we have chosen high spectral purity, frequen

g, dust, or during nighttime operation. Moreover, the algorithm also provides the capability to track object trajectories. The design also pro
ofle changes and pilot training implemented to date have reduced this accident rate, it remains unacceptably high. Landing systems are be

geneity of material composition and non uniform thermal path inherent to APS. Amastan will demonstrate homogeneous LaMGAl11O19 co
ning. These advancements are essential for the proposed development. The Phase I R &amp; D will include both basic and optional tasks. F
ications utilizing the CRAFT CFD Navier-Stokes flow solver for the continuum portion of the flow, the Automatic Efficient Generalized Interfa
ious building block and architecture confgurations with a focus on implementation in the next generation hybrid CMOS semiconductor fab
ow energy. Therefore, a strong need exists for a device that can simultaneously fulfll the unique high-power and high-energy requirements
provised explosive device (IED) detection. This small business innovation research (SBIR) topic enables the opportunity to mature sensor sys
/or a Health Monitoring and Usage System (HUMS) mounted on the rotorcraft. This system will also assist with Condition Based Maintenan
optic wavefront sensor that has operational characteristics that allow it to be used as an imager simultaneously with making wavefront me
mizing sidewall leakage current. In Phase I, we will develop and demonstrate the viability of our measurement technique. In Phase II, we wi
ucture is an inherent component of the eyewear lens and converts light energy in the ultraviolet and infrared spectra into electric power, pr
aterial releases toxic byproducts, which is a health hazard to the warfghters, and; the volume of drops performed generates a signifcant m
it is applied are burdensome to personnel in the feld. This proposal describes a novel approach to the formation of insect repellant clothin
m with build upon our teams ongoing efforts in this area to evaluate the physical properties required for these fabrics to prevent insect bite
everages the flexibility of wideband RF circuits and digital signal processing to mitigate the problem of operating an RF proximity sensor in a
ew concepts in antenna reconfguration to perform spatial processing have recently shown promise and will enhance multifunction next ge
ding but not limited to, collapsible air foils, miniaturized actuated control surfaces, and folding props coupled to a miniature brushless mot
During the Phase I program, Orbital will perform preliminary aero analysis on the 40mm projectile integrated with the MC-CAS, design the
ulti-resolution framework that is OneSAF compliant for a seamless urban population model approach. We will also leverage our existing app
itecture that offers Mandatory Access Control (MAC), referencing monitor design, and virtual resource isolation protection; Virtual Machin
s different domains and planes. Furthermore, fault analysis schemes designed for the traditional networks are not fully suitable to wireless

ons. The ability to use them on SWAP limited platorms while increasing their performance metrics is an important goal for future EW capa
ms. Highly selective flters isolate TCDL uplink and downlink channels and allows for multi-beam functionality as well as the ability to simult
are) with lower overall SWaP and cost requirements. This concept is a next-generation DREX design with improved SWaP for a C-Band (525
oo large for tactical use, and are susceptible to linear vibrations. The FALCON OIRU, based on SA Photonics fber optic gyro (FOG) technolo

gger receiver/gateway located in the non-rotating frame of the rotor assembly. In Phase I, ROI will focus on developing a multi-channel WiF
rototype for initial testing.

e power division by the multiplicity of directional couplers and the propagation loss of the transmission fber. A fber optic amplifying bi-dir
matching those common semiconductor materials. The CTE matching feature allows the TGP to be soldered directly to the semiconductor d
to both narrowband (5/25 KHz UHF MILSATCOM) and wideband (GPS, MUOS WCDMA, L-band FHSS) signals. * It is entirely a digital signal p
on range, submarine holding time, and ultimate success in submarine prosecution. This has become progressively more important with the

ndicates T/R Unit production costs will be reduced on the order of 50% while active array operation and maintenance costs, which are ultim
revent the salt corrosion. This response to the solicitation offers a number of tests both lab and feld based to qualify the characteristics an
m ELINT data bases and other available data bases such as Orders of battle, Operational ELINT and SEI databases. The approach leverages R
r&quot;ringing&quot;due to the elastic response. We will adapt the current torpedo-based MIRK algorithms to MCM sonars to reduce fals

pproach would utilize the existing 60 Hz distribution system to provide power to compact PUCs located directly at the load site. This would
r-like launch and recovery carriage. This operation is analogous to a gondola traversing a suspended cable. All this is done while the ship re

ation), such as interference rejection and the ability for multiple chaos radar systems to operate within the same frequency band using diff
ctive image processing algorithm(s). Thus, QuickFlex&#039;s pioneering innovation will aid our war fghters by enabling their access to valu
en tested in both military and commercial applications. In this Phase I effort we will develop and demonstrate a compact, appliance-indepe

vides high specifc energy and high specifc power and is both solid-state and flexible. The energy storge device is based on combining adva
n for earth surface and shallow sub-surface object detection and beam steering for improved situational awareness of threat locations. Wh
e real-time: Veriflow can vet networks continuously as the network state evolves, detect transient errors and signal immediate alarms, and
computationally analyzed, fabricated, and tested in Phase-I and Phase-I option of this SBIR project by leveraging an existing augmentor inst
f full-wave techniques suited for small structures) or inaccurate (in the case of high-frequency asymptotic solutions for large structures). In
ecting electronic countermeasures, standoff jammers, other SEAD measures) and passive techniques (terrain masking) of radar avoidance.
eat environment. TOPDAT will apply a proven, state-of-the-art algorithm for planning for coordinated manned and unmanned assets. TOPD
agement systems. The resulting system will be low-profle, air cooled, and contain all necessary structural, RF, environmental enclosure, an
hield concept into future bearing production can lead to increased shield life and further reduce costs. Safe&quot;s strategy is to select a s
htSmyth already has gratings that approach the requested performance and only small design modifcation and performance verifcation w
power-efficient systems possible, but all depend on a diffractive beam combining device to achieve required power levels. The existing tec
s, multi-layer dielectric (MLD) diffraction gratings are essentially transmission gratings paired with a dielectric mirror stack. Although the lac
y for the image generators will not be limited to just the image generator computer, but rather a centralized location. These steps above wil
onnectivity will enable Image Generator components to be pooled for enhanced trainer availability while simultaneously reducing sparing r
available supercapacitors usually have a specifc energy density of less than 10 Wh/kg, which becomes the limiting factor in system design
No solvents chemical mixing is required. Technical work entails procuring aluminum and composite test specimens, formulating several diff
e the RF electronic system reliability and will be compatible with current manufacturing processes. ACTA&#039;s thermal interface materia
Wizbe Innovations, Tex Tech Industries, Pioneer Aerospace, and Transcome Industries will work together to develop and produce a parachu

these wavelengths, watercraft can span hundreds to thousands of wavelengths, well beyond the capability of any full-wave electromagne
ession of Enemy Air Defense measures, and minimize strike platorm exposure. The proposed development builds upon BeemmLink the so
, low C-SWaP transceivers, so that they can integrate with existing maintainer radio communications equipment and ruggedized design for
ddition to this cosite interference, there is also the potential for EMI due to sources of electromagnetic energy not located on the platorm
uild upon its existing E3Expert framework and integrate a new EM analysis tool, uCAST (UTD Complex Antenna Simulation Tool). uCAST is a
urce that does not degrade optical alignment Gyroscope signals digitized in the base of the COIRU mechanism A simple digital and power
rs. This partnership provides a high degree of capability in helicopter wireless communication, energy harvesting, and fber optic strain sen
o all SAE Aerospace bearings (AS81819, AS81820, AS81935, AS82819, AS8942), all sizes and material options
to integration with the acoustic array. The ASSETT approach leverages existing simulation and acoustic data management system to produc
ithout the thermal/mechanical stresses induced by traditional thermal management materials&quot;CTE mismatch with such chips. Phase

tection range, time to detect, duration of track and other key metrics. Additionally, SSC has a Likelihood Ratio Tracker (LRT), which is an aut
posed template inorganic copolymer has undergone extensive corrosion qualifcation (ASTM G44, GM 9540P, ASTM B117, ASTM G67, ASTM
ibrarieswhile improving their ability to respond to new threat emitterswe propose to develop a system for Generation of EW Libraries and
ric(s)) using a feature-based classifer. The proposed Hierarchical Emitter Library Optimization (HELO) technology mimics the coloring proc
are combined together in a casualty or outage situation onboard a vessel, it results in a real loss in ship capability and operational readines
me. Additionally, our solution will leverage Universal Gateway Bulk Data Transfer components and NSSN Shipboard Monitoring System (NSM
are (1) an autonomous UAV to be tethered to takeoff, follow above, and land on, a USV, (2) to provide UAV power and communications ove
nch, stable flight and recovery of the LAS. Using sensor inputs, iMACRel makes it possible to predict when to deploy or retract tether in orde
e power density of naval power electronics to levels required to be strategically located, lower cost by 30%, and increase reliability by 20%
RMMV and the capture spine. The AOS team&quot;s solution will also provide control messages to the Twin Boom Extendable Crane (TBEC
onlinear material to offer, 1) The highest conversion efficiency into the MWIR and LWIR, 2)Continuous, narrowband (&lt;1cm-1), tunability t
nding of target signatures. 3 Phoenix, Inc. (3 Phoenix) has teamed with the Integrity Applications Inc. (IAI) to develop a robust suite of dete
d submerged sources excite the shallow water waveguide. OASIS has successfully employed this approach in the past on both towed and f
output with a fuzzy logic engine. Our fuzzy logic rule set will be developed by interviewing current and former submarine Commanding Offi
m all relevant, available data sources, coupled with Navy doctrine, instructions, messages, lessons learned, additional relevant guidance, a
move, and are not amenable to other sensing modalities. Because the frequency and sharpness of the resonances depend strongly on the
in this work will comprise (1) clutter-adaptive waveform and matched-flter synthesis using a data-driven approach to mitigate reverberatio
hs. In Phase I SRL will test an EI prototype on nominal 5 km east coast ocean ranges (1) under daylight and starlight conditions, (2) in the vis
dar (Light Detection and Ranging) sensor capable of continuous, automated mapping of atmospheric extinction. The lidar will operate at a
but greatly simplifed to make it compact and practical for use on war ships. The mast mounted system will illuminate the atmosphere surro
pler-fltered pulse compression (DFPC). DFPC provides high probabilities of detection and correct classifcation while virtually eliminating co
e-art and result in much improved forward sector TD for ships with a passive hull array such as U.S. DDGs and CGs with the SQQ-8A(V)15 (in
ents across three areas of the torpedo-detection chain: beamforming, detection, and classifcation. 1. Utilize extended bandwidth and ot
ng the potential of this method. To more efficiently meet training demands and enhance the effectiveness of VE-based training, we propose

a deep-water, low-clutter environment. Active clutter has signifcantly increased as these active sonars moved from deeper water to littoral
e for an entire trans-continental flight under heavy-use. These advancements have mainly been achieved with low-power-by-design approa
mpact size, this novel technology can be integrated within a commercial appliance designed for propane or natural gas with minimal modif
ot been possible due to the Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) and Cost (SWaP-C) profle of existing solutions. Azure Summit is pleased to offe

om the HHD in order to emit different ELFs/ELFs combinations for drill head tracking. BETR&quot;s transmitter serves to emit optimal ELFs/
e proposed approach has been used commercially to prevent corrosion, impact damage and wear in structures that see high use in harsh e
abbreviated Re-W or W-Re) heater wire in existing vacuum tube technologies to heat the cathodes of the electron guns. Domestic manufac
to go beyond the limitations of current methods in terms of shape and distribution of the heater element within the heater. In Phase I, we

and for capabilities assessment. Currently the task of ship recognition from images requires substantial human involvement, and model bui
om a series of submarine-acquired 2D images. Toyon has developed industry-leading techniques for dense 3D reconstruction from moving
e communications driven by RS 485 communications architecture. A prototype will be built in Phase I based upon previous research and sig
t, abrasion, and UV/sunlight weatherability. The&quot;useful lifetime estimation&quot;method has been previously successfully applied to
; and protective outer coverings. Unlike rigid metal conduit, which can typically withstand harsh service requirements for the life of the shi
al conditioning to the array interface point. By making this move and adding real world sensor faults, the combat system will be stressed wi
ill ensure the best quality oxide flms as in the fabrication of T/R switches crystalline uniformity as well as the design of the R/F microwave
ectly to production line of the MK48. Low frequency noise that is not rejected by the power supply will couple to the sonar system hardwa
ution for the MK48 Low-noise power supply. During Phase I, Progeny Systems will demonstrate the feasibility of our concept and approach
M and classic dielectric layering techniques.
f anti-corrosion coating has been devised to address the problem. The proposed coating utilizes the characteristic of self-assembly, to achie
eometries due to the need for uniform coating thickness. Numerous nonsymmetrical outboard connector types are currently used in Navy
for corrosion protection. EDP deposited nonconductive coatings will signifcantly improve the life of outboard cable connectors, which will
and other cleaning methods are unacceptable. Therefore, Luna Innovations and its team will apply a sol-gel derived, mechanically-durable
complex job of reinstallation and maintenance. This proposal seeks to design a software installation and maintenance toolkit that greatly re
ator(s). Recovery of the RMMV from the LCS Independence variant is especially challenging and labor-intensive. The overall objective of the
est efficiency, greatest compactness (small size, weight, and power or SWaP), and wavelength selectability from the UV to the mid-IR bands
hin the current AN/SQS-53C echo-ranging band and cause serious performance degradation. It is proposed that the performance degradati
n) Automatic Redundancy Technology Transmitter, (m+n) in short, for coherent transmitters. The (m+n) main building block is an innovativ
semiconductors, and can tolerate high voltage standing wave ratios. This will allow hot swapping of the individual amplifer and power sup
is system are scalable to a megawatt power level for high duty factor coherent radars. An L-band version of the transmitter will be discusse
distribution when no target is present. The power and virtue of working with likelihood ratios is that there is a principled and optimal way
This project proposes an evolutionary approach by building on currently-used detection algorithms using a new probabilistic framework to
at can reliably survive the extreme environments (including shock levels exceeding 4000 g&quot;s) experienced by this safety critical syste

d, Azure&quot;s proposed new RUBIK algorithm, which combines the functions of Deinterleaver and Emitter ID into a single processing bloc
noted to have problems (RF agility, pulse repetition frequency (PRF) agility, pulse-width agility (PW), combinations of RF/PRF and/or PW ag
h, which optimizes parameters of the classifers, reduces risk by allowing a wide range of classifcation techniques to be quickly optimized a
ora will size a high-efficiency motor matched to a novel propeller design which will ensure efficient operation across the range of EMATT op
ts in motor and battery technology are continuously entering the market. Although those systems have been successfully utilized for a varie
square inch when transporting a payload. LNRD will be adaptable and use mecanum wheels to allow maneuverability in tight spaces while
ability of the APHS candidate designs to maneuver precisely on deck in very tight spaces and conduct payload-handling tasks safely whilst t
l mobile platorm with an adaptable footprint, a highly reconfgurable fork / end-effector design with high dexterity and strength for the va
IR video would leverage the technology to its full potential and increase the effectiveness of human operators. Relevant algorithms should
ale radomes.
ith wide band-pass for GPS navigation and guidance, for wrap-around antennae, and for terminal homing for supersonic/hypersonic tactica
the Phase I project to develop a second generation CMC material, as well as test impact resistance and electrical performance.
ity and gas permeable resistance. An innovative high-pressure regulator/valve system has been proposed that combines an integrated des
itional submersion time, divers will have increased operational flexibility resulting in a higher likelihood of mission success. The proposed P
would be far too heavy and bulky if fabricated to meet this pressure. Lighter weight materials are required. Luna Innovations Incorporated
ainst virtually all common weaknesses in photonic measurement systems, such as optical power fluctuations and spectral changes in the op
e further improved through the integration of innovative nano-technology-based optically functional textures within the cell structure. Nan
bology testing techniques. Successful completion of Phase I will lead to the testing of this proposed technology with more complex gear sys
d main power relays in Army rotorcraft (e.g., AH-64A/D, CH-47, and OH-58) at 90% probability of detection with 95% confdence, as well as
d static and primarily manual address assignment approach with a more efficient automated procedure. Further improvements in usability
high purity aluminum alloy. The technologies have the advantage of producing large diameter tubes with micro porous walls that have a fra
d, but the requirements for the fast pulsing preclude practical implementation. In the proposed project, spatial movement of the heat relea
hniques involving high-bandwidth active cancellation of instabilities have not been applied to real systems due to their inherent complexit
arvesters. Veraphotonics novel sensor interrogation technology offers a number of advantages including compact sensors and low-power, li
e a simple, universal system that can be used to measure the in-ear pressure of any subject wearing any earplug. The Triton In-Ear Warfght
rogator unit. The WIPAS system works both as an earplug ft/performance evaluator and as a noise dosimeter. The innovations in the WIPA
of a COTS earplug (e.g. that portion proximal to the middle ear) would make it practical to continuously monitor a wide variety of physiolog
ia changes in the mechanical flexural response of a structure. We use a small lightweight optical imaging detector that can rapidly monitor
d safe to the operators.
cteristics. The proposed method will be able to measure these properties on a wide variety of composite systems with a remotely position
ovable roller system with quick-release attachment hardware for the ramp. The roller system design will be compatible with existing C-2 sea
will weight less than the existing seats. The foldable seats will be rated to 20G+ emergency loads in both the folded and in-use positions. T
to any optical repeater technology when size, weight, and power are considered. To address this, Vega Wave Systems and Illum Technologie
torque on the system nor operating temperature. The result will be a bearing system with increased lifetime compared to current technolo

ps which often have signifcant scattering contributions due to their comparable size to X-band wavelength; incapable of capturing the inte
o maintainer and maintainer to aircraft communications. The system will be encryption capable and, because of the unique nature of VLC, w
eded to enable high-reliability communications between personnel on the flight deck and flight line. Creare proposes an ultrasonic commun
potential to reduce DRFM size, power consumption, and unit cost and allows for a multiple parallel DRFM architecture capable of addressi
ative AESA concepts will be synthesized and feasibility determined. Risk/Reward trades will be accomplished on multiple AESA approaches
ule will be developed for operation from L Band to C Band in the frst phase of the project. The concepts developed for the prototype L to C

minimal repeater use. Specifcally, the proposed study will focus on developing an undersea transponder and supporting electronics, that m

infrastructure, called SERUM (Simulated training Exercises with Robust Unmanned Models) to support advanced AI for the USMC&quot;s
ux motor/generator technology and electric motor/generator drive technology to achieve signifcant weight savings and efficiency gains ov
s to create a self-test range at sea rather than transiting to the nearest permanent installation. SeaLandAire Technologies, together with its
opment of the ceramic material and coating process will build on our prior ceramic-coated tungsten experience. Phase I will include fabrica

wer, with feedback that evaluates the response, provides the correct response, gives hints for making a correct response, and foreshadows
rence signal onto an optical carrier (laser) using ultra-broadband electro-optic (EO) modulation. Modulation sidebands injection lock a seco

concern the ability of the operator to work within the two required types of UAS teams, namely: (1) Mixed-Initiative Teams (the operator a
ntly, and holistically predict these key outcomes. Our solution to this challenge is to develop a customized suite of 1) assessments measurin
a full-scope prototype for Reallocation and Cross-Domain Optimization using Relationally-Consistent Semantic Extensions (ReCOURSE). Ou
jority of the total component life under high-cycle applications, accurate and reliable residual stress data are required in the near-surface re
ement will provide superior thermal conductivity and mechanical properties while lowering the overall flm weight when compared to exis
proposed development will enable the Air Force to have signifcant new capabilities in determining the early detection of surface to air and
clude (a) no onboard power requirement; (b) detectable at long ranges with conventional EO/IR equipment; and (c) low unit cost. BENEF
ed and integrated. The development of sensors is slowed and complicated by this separate but interdependent hardware and software. Fur
ed MPM with < 16 lbs, and designed to operate up to 80 C. The fnal amplifer stage is a TWT employing a robust, all-metallic circuit from th
ncies for a range of military and commercial applications in the areas of radar, satellite and high speed point to point communication and a
me (and offline) detection, identifcation, and diagnosis of faults and degradations, their level/severity estimation, and forecasting. The Pha
g the innovative wave recovering mechanism and the microprocessor with a battery and a protection gear, an instrumented projectile was c
ay to support dismount infantry operations. The system will support a variety of input modalities, including automated recognition of stand
e. TPG has a very high thermal conductivity 10 times that of aluminum 6061T6. However, TPG is not a structural material and cannot be m
cles as a function of scale-up to ensure processing reliability and a desensitized ADN.
ng or consolidation of the green ceramic fbers. Onyx Optics proposes producing doubled-clad true crystalline fbers and planar guides fro
pace. In the MAPHAC concept, the environment is shown to the user using personal computers, laptops, or handheld computers (e.g., sma
ed concept by imaging the angle-of-polarization pattern in the sky, both in clear sky and overcast conditions, and accurately determining az
ate the various manufacturing steps of the scalable technology, as well as the ability to meet durability requirements specifed in MIL-C-675
al in-band spurious signals are introduced, and the fundamental signals remain unaffected, ensuring the high fdelity of the approach. In Ph

save signifcant energy costs and eliminate the majority of the fuel logistics burden for base encampments. The performance of the techno
hrough a ten-step research process from defning the research question, choosing variables of interest, and developing relevant measures.
ne the process to reliably fabricate nano-Al alloys with properties demonstrated in Phase I and (iv) continue metallurgical analysis and mec
s. The metamaterial may be fabricated with standard lithography techniques and processes that are compatible with microbolometer man
er, one major drawback of these systems is the size, weight and power (SWaP) issue as they tend to be rather bulky and cumbersome which
the growth of this material in conventional and specialized formats suitable for simultaneously achieving high X-ray absorption and high sp
lens. This will reduce the time, cost, and skill level needed for ftting. The instrument will; eliminate measurement errors due to saccadic
wo-color temperature and high temporal resolution velocity measurements. The goal of the Phase II program is a flight ready sensor suite
operation, Nuvotronics is proposing to design new RF passives based on our proven PolyStrata integrated transmission line technology. Po

ed on manned and unmanned airborne platorms conducting ship self-defense and maritime surveillance operations. Early detection and c
opment time, product development risk and likelihood of program success. At the heart of the proposal is nLIGHT&quot;s capability of pro
plication that will utilize SENSE for its adaptive pattern recognition and anomaly detection capabilities. BENEFIT: The anticipated benefts
om situational awareness notifcation to simultaneously cover a broader surveillance area while reducing the workload required to monitor
ounded warfghters. Despite this, there have been few advances in treating these underlying causes of organ injury. In this Phase II SBIR p
owable keratin based carrier system for slow-release of antibiotics. Data from our Phase I project demonstrated that flowable keratin biom
free, properly directed and highly effective; (2) to provide improved support for situational awareness, analysis and decision making so th
goal is to achieve a Technology and Manufacturing Readiness Level (TRL/MRL) 6 by the end of a Phase II program and to transfer the techn
ec, Inc. has extensive experience developing robust, signature based autonomous exploitation capabilities for data collected from EO/IR sy
cal situations that have never been seen before are best tackled by such an adaptive and well trained organization. The main outcomes of t
g, design and integration of the BLAST breadboard. The proof-of-concept BLAST breadboard will demonstrate the detection and characteriz
be used as the beacon. This beacon would not be affected by speckle and would have fewer or no branch cuts. We propose using fnite ele
formance degradation. This capability is needed by the Navy to ensure mission success. To provide this capability, we propose to design an
ements for enhancing submarine EW operations including digitizing signals at the sensor level and improving the signal processing and Con
nimaging optical sensor, this system is able to passively monitor targets in complex environments through cooperative distributed sensing.
ert communicate message to the&quot;Master Node.&quot;The&quot;Master Node&quot;will correlate target contact information from a
y weapon in flight. TDI will resize an existing propulsion system to provide the necessary propulsion system features for operation of a new
other cryocooler electronics in that it is architected to support a wide range of cryocoolers. In addition to driving and controlling the above
including artillery fre, surface-to-air missiles, man-portable missiles (MANPADS), and even rocket-propelled grenades (RPG&quot;s), morta
erials to predict local and global strengths, grain morphologies, and other layer-by-layer interfacial characteristics will be enhanced for Co-C
ce, MEMS gyrocompass based on the most accurate MEMS rate gyroscopes currently available. The compass will provide azimuth, roll, and
comprehensive testing with the application experience and guidance of DRS Fermont who designed and manufactures the existing high pe
performance evaluation network will measure effectiveness of complex MANETs without causing any intrusion or disruption to their opera
re the current gold standard to measure serum antibody titers in response to enteric pathogens. However, ELISAs have signifcant limitatio
nge for Adaptable Training Environments (CREATE). CREATE eases the difficulty of authoring, managing, and deploying training content by u
program will focus on developing a workbench that uses an OODA loop framework for capturing and organizing knowledge.
eet this need, Design Interactive proposes further development and evaluation of the prototype Mobile Stress and Anger management Too
EE) and physical activity (PA) intensity level monitor that is compatible with both transtibial and transfemoral prostheses. The TEQUILA syst
ropellant case. San Diego Composites, Inc. (SDC) is proposing a program to demonstrate a high temperature Composite TSRM casewith a lo
former with bio-fuels and identify operating maps to minimize start-up and transient time, and through modeling, develop thermally integr
gies, a premier developer and provider of III-nitride flms and devices, and a world leader in the methods of HVPE since 1997. PSI has deve
tructures have been used for QPM in other material systems, such as Lithium Niobate, Potassium Titanyl Phosphate, and GaAs, so the dem
component is projected to survive the extreme conditions immediately after projectile launch, followed by less severe conditions during fl
ure-properties relationships will be established frst empirically during the Base Period and numerically in the option period to allow compl
ring Science and Technology Program,&quot;OSD has separately identifed both CMCs and FAST (Frequency Assisted Sintering Technology)
nnot be easily formulated. What is needed is a system that can monitor current operations and translate the observed behaviors into a mo
utomatically modeling carrier deck operations based on observed traffic flow data. The proposed research will enable analyses and simulati
n a WGM resonator made with electro-optic material to realize wideband tunability. Tunability is achieved by application of a DC voltage on
l tones combining high power and low noise. In contrast to conventional RF-photonics approaches, a high quality tunable RF signal will be
nt of high-performance digital and mixed-signal components by the design community will allow for greater levels of machine-intelligence i
Phase I, we carried out an extensive analysis to determine the necessary beamwidth required. We also designed and built a prototype refl
50nm, 180nm and 130nm processes from multiple manufacturers resulting in hardened processes&gt;1 Mrad TID. Requirements for an AS
that provides greater amounts of power in short pulses. Communication with the sensor nodes will also necessitate the development of a
approximate density estimation based on a numerical solution of Fokker-Planck equation, iv) mathematical models defning a continuum o
eded for this effort. The project will develop JMS compatible SpWx attribution capabilities including visualization, integration, and validatio
d devices for space applications by enable 30% higher performance at nominal operational temperatures due to lower temperature coeffic
pable of being (a) integrated with current production tooling and processes, (b) driven by industry-standard metrology software on the asse
ation process. Coupling this anode with a high capacity air cathode provides VB2-air batteries that have a theoretical volumetric energy de
utilizes local and global feature-aided inertial mechanizations. Local aiding applies changes in parameters of unknown features that are extr
l be formed on an existing low noise 1k x 1k format CMOS ROIC, and its spectral responsivity, detectivity, lag and other optical performance
wnload speed than the current implementation (50 Gbps versus the current&lt;1.5 Gbps). The GSE will use Crossfeld&#039;s network in
s of task across domains and may also miss many opportunities to synergize domain capabilities that would have achieved the desired effe
ir Force intelligence analysts to efficiently analyze data from online sources. Probabilistic inference methods for classifcation, entity resolu
for sophisticated techniques; another is the difficulty of integrating these into a comprehensive end-to-end solution for wireless mobile ad
stem through theoretical analysis, simulation, and feld testing. In Phase II, POC will fnalize the ALOEN design and build a system-level prot
action and addition crosslinking polymerization is required. The objective of this Phase II SBIR effort will be to advance the processing scie
nd customized user interfaces integrated within Ozone Widget Framework. We have demonstrated that MADSAT can query distributed SAL
and operating cost. In Phase I, key technology concepts were successfully demonstrated. Two different designs were developed using physi
t many service members from taking full advantage of these options. In our Phase I effort, we designed and demonstrated Remote Exercise
R&quot;s practical dry EEG sensor technology into a turn-key device intended for audiologists. In Phase I of this project, QUASAR and O

hybrid nanomaterial is composed of a moderate strength structure with tunable orientation, surface area and volume. It is additionally incl
n and identifcation, as well as explosive and environmental contaminant detection.
ty assurance in a timely manner; and (3) Effective RF radio transceiver technology that mitigates jamming signals and interferences in a con
tial degrees of freedom using only O(N)antenna elements. This is a huge step forward from any state of the art system. The antenna arrays
cs allowing rain fade to be understood, link distances of several miles can confdently be realized. Our goal in Phase II is bring the benefts
nnaissance communications between the RPA, warfghter and analysts, to transfer command and control communications to the RPA, the
echnologies for the AiR Dropped Remotely Operated Sensor System (ARDROSS). As its name implies, ARDROSS is a beacon system and una
build on the successes of the Phase I effort and continue in developing lightweight composites structures for broadband electromagnetic h
k growth rates. While bulk residual stresses are often accounted for with simple approximations that ensure safety, there is an opportunity
st, requested by the high temperature composites community. The technology developed will be made available directly to all high tempe
tooling with a microstructured release layer. During phase II, the topography, adhesion, durability, and surface energy of the coating will be
volution component leads to two-level description with embedded interphases and damage evolution. These methods possess enhanced
re-immunity and radiation-hardness such as advanced elecommunication, military, and space microelectronics. The differential amplifer is
provides long correlation lengths (&gt;65,000 bits) while maintaining energy-efficiency and a small silicon footprint. The Phase 2 effort is d
est point in the DUT signal chain and sends the test data to a data acquisition card and a PC for further analysis. In Phase I Nu-Trek develop
pproaches to accelerating its computation speed involves the utilization of many parallel graphical processing units on one computer. Algo
on a vehicle. Our university partners are leading experts in how insects fly, and have reverse-engineered the nervous systems of insects to
Every seal and coolant line junction in the electronics enclosure must be 100% reliable with no potential for leakage. An alternative, advan
ed in the feld. GUITAR is fully extensible, so that 3rd parties can add their own tools to GUITAR. GUITAR is designed to incorporate tradition
ll molecules. In Phase II, we will further investigate and optimize these hit peptides against flaviviruses. We will systematically vary the com
the footwear performance gap by providing military personnel with footwear and in-boot orthoses that incorporate up-to-date biomechan
ed the need to reduce the overall leakage area by 80% or more. Environmentally-robust polyurea foams were identifed as the best means t
and performance using both solutions to differential equations and using extremely high fdelity wave-optic simulation. These tools allow
s at 30 GigaSamples/s. The present project focuses on the development of an RF digital-to-analog converter (RF-DAC) for the correspondin
sses a similar distributed parallel computational processing problem, but not the inherent diversity of human resources. Inspired by MapR
is also assists the Intelligence Operational planners to direct their assets to confrm or deny conclusions drawn from the crowdsourcing dat
of magnitude as compared to the current state-of-the-art 4.2 K cryocooler. The nitrogen boil-off rate is reasonable, enabling missions of up
g expander volume and, more substantially, compressor volume by reducing the required exergy lift. Success on this program is thus expect
ectives with varying degrees of specifcity, and maximizing on-station time. The route planner conducts a tree search over a parameterized
P-hard modulator based on its proven EO polymer/sol-gel modulator platorm, which has achieved low drive voltages (~ few volts), low inse

rmally used, or it can be added to other electronic systems to provide a protected path for received signals that isolates the electronic syste
ase I proposal will describe an aggressive pathway to proving this technological breakthrough, demonstrating a major frst step to the build
dundancy advantages, decreased maintenance cost, greater flight deck safety, reduced noise, and higher system efficiency. CRG envisions a
ents at a set depth down to 300 meters. Launched from the submarine, the Check Range Pod deploys a sensor array, tracks its relative posi
but do not meet the oxidation resistance leading to multicomponent functionally graded materials combination requirements. A high-dens
oposal seeks to develop multi-material nosetip designs that employ a thin coating or small tip applied to a dense substrate. The Phase I pro
reats. Novel material solutions are required to reduce the weight and thickness relative to current transparent armor. To this end, Luna Inco
refractive index of the resin matrix to match with the refractive index of the glass fber. Different variables affecting the transparency durin
materials used have been shown to be temperature, moisture, and delamination resistant. This SBIR proposal is unique in combining four m
ulses at 532 nm through a frequency doubling system. The 1.25 J pulses are split into the desired 500 mJ pulses at 532 nm and three 250 m
ovative, compact, multi-spectral laser transmitter based on the combination of an efficient, high-energy, fundamental laser source and non
lude a powerful linkage matrix product, which combines tasks characteristics (e.g., task difficulty, severity, importance, frequency, etc.) wit
advantage is poor output beam quality. TeraDiode&quot;s technology of Wavelength Beam Combination (WBC) effectively solves the poor
dent investigations. The alert-to-share capability accelerates the discovery of knowledge and completion of investigations, enables users to
Report on Technology Horizons as a necessary focus for science and technology research. This Phase II proposal offers a robust adaptive
T: The expected beneft of this proposed Phase II effort is the deployment of higher power processors aboard satellite payloads. Such an e
is was done by utilizing sensors with differing modalities, some typical for imaging (visible, MWIR, LWIR) and some associated with non-im
ectro-optic (EO) and infrared (IR) sensors motivates the need for advanced algorithms that can efficiently provide real-time exploitation of l
l Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to continue the development of the Rapid Advanced Non-contact Measurement System (RANMS), de
n directional panel, omni-directional mast, and switched-beam directional antennas with the ability to mix-and-match support for frequenc
bird strike resistance of these designs must be the maximum possible while providing good circular polarization (CP) transmission and low c
erface that meet and exceed the bandwidth requirements. Without this interface, it will be impossible to provide real-time, high-fdelity HW
r track function. This will be accomplished through the development and application of a high fdelity desktop simulation that includes the

have explicit analytical equations, the donor search and optimization algorithms needed for the overset domain connectivity become extre
orming anisotropic mesh adaptation in general, and isotropic adaptation in particular, (c) a robust, order of accuracy preserving, and comp
lysis process. An integrated modeling and hydrodynamics analysis framework is proposed. It incorporates a feature-based modeling enviro
the range of operations a diver in an atmospheric suit, or a pilot of an ROV can accomplish.
nical bulk wave exciter that may be operated in impulse or chirped mode, and a compact lightweight rapid zooming optical imaging approa
onds in sandwich interface. Coupons consisting of composite epoxy panels bonded to a Ti-alloy, fabricated with predefned phantom disbon
ently developed well beyond the conceptual stage. The development of CALIBER will provide an NDI sensor whose output images reveal b
apabilities for the entire missile fly-out scenarios. As part of this broad objective, the simulation of the effects of vernier engines plumes fo
nt stage for infrared imagers. In recent years, Type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice (T2SL) has experienced signifcant development, from theoreti
MEPS) directly after the candidate is administered the Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test to assess the vigilance of abou
ort required to develop optimistic models, the PROMOTE solution will allow organizations to obtain the performance benefts of optimistic
ost-effective manufacturing for transition to MDA sub-systems such as SM3-BlockIIA, Block IIB applications. Proposed materials include W-
nger wavelengths with Type-I LED by utilizing a triple layer quantum well architecture. Finally, we will explore the potential for cascading m
given imagery from multiple sensor platorms is presented. The 3-d cloud is equipped with LE and CE measurements through propagation o
ese challenges, an immersive and context-based method of interacting with overhead imagery software to support and improve visual sear
er Rickard Consulting Group/PatchPlus Consulting is developing the Contextually Relevant Exploitation &amp; Analysis Training Environmen
e caliber barrels. In Phase I, TPL demonstrated the ability to adapt its Barrel Armor technology to small caliber gun barrelsa clad M240 barre
es, and providing quantitative information for system identifcation and comparison. The specifc objectives of this effort are: (1) Remove n
least squares method combined with delta function approximation methods or linear spline approximation methods or other plausible app
art by leveraging input from family, as well as patients. To address this opportunity, we propose SupportTeam, a mobile application that co
le responsiveness and welfare while the slow process of axonal regeneration continues at the proximal injury site. TDA Research, Inc. (TDA

ships. We have identifed that it is feasible in principle to build a 500 kW motor/generator operating above 750 kRPM using emerging tec
as been applied to the Mo-Si-B alloy system. However, only 2D studies have been conducted on this material. The accuracy of prediction w
of known dolphin infectious agents, while qPCR assays will be developed to confrm the presence of the selected probiotic candidates in a
obiotic strains obtained from our University research partner has enabled Accacia to get a headstart on the project. We will isolate candida
alysis and manual tuning. We leverage modeling languages developed at the University of Pennsylvania for the purpose of runtime verifca
ective, enabling an attacker to exploit undefned program states to exert undue control over the underlying system. The objective of the pr
We propose an autonomous ship airwake measurement system that is man-portable and may be set up and operated by a single person. De
D air wake velocity feld as well as specifc air wake flow features, such as downwash behind the stern and concentrated vortical regions ste
kly summarize highly complex sensory information streams into a lifetime of well-organized memories, which can be quickly accessed to aff
tore learned experience in short term and long term memories and their semantic associations; and v) perform prediction and inference us
nerate a data abstraction and handling framework that is generic enough to be useful for a variety of current and future autonomous syste
ot;s existing PV cells, with expected TPV efficiency of at least 20% and output power density of 1.5 W/cm2. In Phase II, a full-fledged HED po
ution partners at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) will further the development of metallic photonic crystal emitter techno
the conversion cost ($/W) by minimizing the required photovoltaic footprint. Nanohmics Inc., an early stage technology development comp
eld-deployable for DoD missions.
lisional broadening, and improve the readout of the hyperfne populations as well as reduce systematic error resulting from motion of the

d deviations from expectations; suggest courses of action based on past experience; and expedite coordination with other parties. We pro
University (C.A.P. Smith) and consultant Krishna Pattipati, proposes to develop a Cognitive-service Utilized for Proactive Intelligent Decision
PSEs expertise in designing scientifcally principled interfaces to support challenging cognitive and collaborative tasks with Georgia Techs e
as shall rely on
potential that feld
to meet peaklevel
highexperience to achieve
power electrical 100Kand
demands RPMsupport
with anshipboard
mass. THE of
BENEFIT to this improved
next generation designpower
high electric will offer an

Transient shock analysis will also be performed to establish the shock tolerant FESS design confguration and corresponding bearing suppor
h limited space and power, the loss in efficiency due to frequency doubling impacts size, weight, and power. It is highly desirable to develop
esulting stream of entity and behavior recognition events from large-scale unstructured and uncalibrated raw data from many sources is fu
ne, prototype, and develop a fusion approach that goes beyond JDL level 0 (Subobject assessment) and 1 (Object assessment) fusion to app
on. A Phase I Option is also proposed and consists of developing a strategy for incorporating more physically-based bottom loss models into
nd, high dynamic range laser threat detector and characterization module with an instantaneous feld-of-view that exceeds one hemispher
mission, which is expensive, inefficient, bulky, and temperature sensitive. Lumany&quot;s proposal leverages several prior related achievem
s of these devices. The device development will be closely coupled to circuit design and simulation to ensure the required record circuit-lev
on speed. Several defciencies are identifed in current applied models, based on their deteriorating ability to meet the new demands. Man
EG system will be built that consists of a slim and unobtrusive patch covering the scalp positions Fp1, Fp2, C3, Cz, C4, O1, O2, A1 and A2. N
derstood technologies, our team is poised to prepare rugged miniature sensors that are embedded in a flexible adhesive patch and worn di
m-Silicon-Boron Composites (Mo-Si-B) fabricated through a novel powder processing based on the Georgia Tech Reaction Sintered (GTRS). M
onic Tattoo (Mentat), an ultra-lightweight evolution of MC10&quot;s existing conformal (flexible &amp; stretchable), adhesive commercial

m tradeoff analyses, predict system performance, and develop a SWaP estimate.

egrated with reflective wide FOV optics. FPA enhancements will address anticipated dynamic range requirements
nd strength, but that are extremely brittle. This proposal seeks to increase the fracture toughness of tungsten carbide by two parallel proce
y higher levels of integration to uncover undesirable emergent behaviors that can appear anywhere within the larger system. The approach
, (2) rigorous specifcation of subsystem and system properties using pre- and post-conditions, (3) synthesis of system-of-system specifcatio
aerospace materials and validation of vehicle and component performance models. These models are used in determining design paramet
t Virginia Tech, proposes to develop a new, robust fber optic strain gage system capable of accurate strain measurements under both dyna
ging aerospace and terrestrial applications. During the Phase I project, we will optimize design trades, create a preliminary design, conduct
rinciples methods identifying the relationship between the atomic confguration and thermo-mechanical/magnetic properties of the mate
for establishing electrically tuned ferromagnetic RF resonance devices with reduced bias felds, faster tuning speed, and minimized device
500mm long rod with the proposed material. By successful completion of the Phase I project, a new material and processing technique, ca
titutive laws calibrated at the mesoscale from the micro-CT experiments and digital database created by computational homogenization m
n safety testing. The synthesis will involve both exploration of new compounds and producing larger quantities o existing compounds. Coup
placement to facilitate the use of conformal loadbearing antennas (&quot;CLAS&quot;antennas). This will be followed by identifying and s
are included to detect new threats, particular at lower frequencies there is a dire need to develop and implement conformal antennas on
mance in an operational setting, the exercise is akin to conceptual design; many design options must be ranked. Any aerodynamic predictio
characterize the effects of unsteady loads and to design measures for mitigating buffet, flutter, and fatigue. This SBIR project will deliver bre
at facilitate fully-coupled, unsteady fluid-structure interaction simulation of flexible structures exposed to subsonic, supersonic, and hypers
n will be selected as the base demonstration application and will be optimized and assessed against current state-of-the-art propeller perfo
tructures, acoustics and propulsion system coupling together, and recently there has been an emphasis on multi-design-point optimization
howed that this approach is well suited for necessary power scaling. We have developed a design, which should produce 10 W of output p
cathode material, based on hydrated Ru(IV) oxide, and (ii) extending the operational time of the cells by using seawater based electrolytes
ygen, (O2) sensors. This has resulted in commercial sensor packages that are&quot;cobbled&quot;together, with a result that they are not
n, and temporal evolution of internal charge appropriate to practical spacecraft charging problems. Pulsed electro-acoustic (PEA) and press
tem. We will also seek to move towards more reliable and repeatable performance of the rectenna devices, and specifcally aim to use adv
peed, low power consumption, on-chip integration, and low-unit-cost. The innovative scalable plasmonic array design can steer efficiently t
e outer shell for the ADS. A composite design will reduce the overall weight considerably over current aluminum designs. Secondly, the tea

signals of interest (NTSOI) on existing aircraft in a practical manner, FIRST RF proposes a suite of antennas designed to provide broadband c
perational space without sacrifcing physical fdelity. A frst step in addressing this need involves development of a multidisciplinary design
ment of new Mn-based magnets under two forms: (i) new ternary Mn-Bi-X single phase and (ii) nanocomposites of the newly developed M
his proposal presents a trustul computing framework based on ARMfs TrustZone for embedded systems. Our framework is a hybrid approa
erform compressive sensing in two spectral bands simultaneously. Images up to 64 x 128 were formed with nearly 10x compression and ta
We propose utilizing the Santos digital human model as the foundation for this tool, and believe it will allow for a tremendous improveme
ndamentally different, and complementary, logical diversityto generate modules that provide equivalent services by different algorithms. D
ke Fighter. In Phase I, the unsteady loading on the doors due to different door scheduling confgurations and that due to a store separation
their images fused to provide a composite multispectral image. This fused image can provide increased situational awareness by combinin
pilots via a high resolution HMD. 5-D&quot;s unique approach uses pipelined, distributed processing spread across multiple FPGA/proces
emission surface of the display, allowing the viewer a perspective correct visualization within the display view volume. Interaction within t
ure, store, model, and report human performance data in a way that is usable both within and across LVC environments and systems, thus
orithm coded to extracting total path attenuation from measured brightness temperature. BENEFIT: Successful development of the propos
eneralizable test-bed for measuring and assessing: how well distributed mission crews collaborate on mission planning; the effectiveness o
VPHS will support sensor resolution up to 2560x2048 formats and up to 96Hz frame rate with less than 1 frame latency. The unit will specif
which provide the operator with a full set of visual clues. This approach can be scaled to larger displays with higher angular resolution base
ding increased modularity, which will permit easy retroft into existing airframes and will offer a signifcant reduction in Life Cycle cost, both
e will also study the ft into the cockpits to maximize the available feld of view and at the same time match the required eye motion box an
orward&quot;models (for predicting the spatial and temporal evolution of known VOC emissions) as well as the development of&quot;inv
nnecting to cloud based secure handheld hosted on DOD/IC networks. This shall include researching; client masquerading,&quot;backgrou
y and the risk in providing the data to the user. PROACT utilizes novel semantic models in order to provide this capability. PROACT will be de
based on the semantic web, CAPSA will provide a flexible method of determining proximity. CAPSA avoids a ridged defnition of proximity,
these GMTI exploitation algorithms. Black River will develop a GMTI Algorithm Validation System (GAVS) that ensures high quality, high co
n of tools to the warfghter. BENEFIT: If successful, the results of this effort will provide a signifcant and unique capability for evaluating co
rted by routing infrastructure; an efficient, reliable, scalable multicast transport protocol; multicast address mapping per geography, creden
, adequate solution. FIRST RF proposes an innovative multi-band antenna system that provides a rapid response to the Air Force&quot;s n
ud computing platorm which will facilitate sharing of IR data and allow personalized user-developed applications by eligible users to meet
MaXentric is proposing a power efficient digital beam-forming system codenamed SABER (Satellite Adaptive Beamforming aRray) that will
eved in practical implementation. Through literary, analytical, and simulation-based investigations, several such waveforms will be compare
rminals, a reduction in SWaP and interface complexity throughout the post-IF terminal equipment string will also yield a reduction in the ti
will design algorithms that place the potentially conflicting information in context to suggest resolutions and to understand the social conne
poses to develop a system for Detecting Relation, Entity, and Attribute Misinformation (DREAM) to support processing of data with redund
ptive data, reducing the uncertainty in analysis associated with misinformation. In response, we are proposing to develop semSCI, a Seman
(specifcally data feld formats); (2) Perform common referencing and uncertainty alignment (unit conversion and qualitative/quantitative o
n analysts to review the data manually to ensure its correct classifcation. We propose to address this shortcoming by designing and demo
deploying Information Assurance capabilities and will support the proto-type effort. CDD-AAID will access sensor data and tag it with met
entially detrimental. To support situation awareness of blue force activities, we propose to design and demonstrate a Blue Force Readiness,
ndition, training), rather than comprehensive mission-specifc readiness to execute in complex areas of operation. This gap is widening with
ess and availability based on multiple, potentially conflicting domain data sources. We will integrate the software within a web service and
single client needs to be compromised before a leak of critical information. AIS, Inc. proposes EOLuS, an effort to develop a capability for
mpromises. The main components to implement the proposed RE2ET approach are: Secure Regenerated Keying (SRK) technology to delive
a fber, the sensitivity of an optical sensor of a given size and shape can be enhanced by orders of magnitude. Optical accelerometers can l
allow decision makers of various interests to better understand the signifcance of parameter changes within complex systems and thus aid
del for space with initial test data defning an illustrative space system; customizable role-based dashboards for architecting, engineering, a
ering experts performing custom analysis on the system under design. These experts leverage their detailed knowledge of the system, sim
lications of such a cryocooler include cooling of telecommunication base station components, sensors in space and in-flight applications an
ation techniques with other situational data available from the host and from other monitoring systems to create an integrated, accurate, a
ot;created by gaps between adjacent chips, and precision chip alignment all have posed signifcant problems to tiling smaller chips into larg
ost, and ensure compatibility with existing systems. Phase 1 effort will focus on fabrication and characterization of emitter devices and des
tic-base LC material with sub-millisecond speed, and (2) a novel switched path confguration using Ferro-electric Liquid Crystal which is capa
reas. Signifcant advancements in software technology and automation for data management, fusion, and dissemination, as well as online
on capabilities. We propose to employ our experience and expertise in collaborative systems, distributed mission planning and scheduling,
mless extension of the device pupil to a very large size, the use of a spatial and angular multiplexing technique to enhance the FOV, and dis
sed on advanced optical design techniques. HOLOEYE Systems, Inc. (HSI) and our partners have extensive experience with waveguide optic
ource, high-resolution excellent image quality with a wide feld-of-view and large eyebox is achieved in the design. In Phase I, Luminit will r
el prediction. The goal of this study is to develop an interactive software tool to manipulate the pose and morph the shape of voxel models
rated diplexer, and tracking/lobing circuitry substantially reduces the losses (and costs) of&quot;traditional&quot;combining, dual-pol feed
ments intelligently partition the image into compressible&quot;parts&quot;and distribute them among multiple, proven, and established (
making the adaptive beamformer work on a beam-subchannel basis, the beamformer processing resources can be easily assigned to beam

nal into multiple channels. This should reduce the SWaP of the SATCOM terminal. Research can be used within commercial satellite commu
0&#039;s Mbps for different channels which can vary in bandwidth. The proposed SATCOM wideband digital channelizer enables a SATCOM
y compromised by an intrusion may be secondarily compromised by sending sensitive information to a compromised host, being logged in
vides single particle detection, does not require liquid fll reservoirs, and can be operated in any orientation. This condensation technology
of TDT&quot;s Angular Slice 3D Display (AS3D), a holographic stereogram-based display that recreates all human visual cues, including no-g
emonstrate a Next Generation, Multirole Fighter Instruction and Rehearsal Environment (GeMFIRE). Three core activities characterize this e
osed effort will begin with a mission analysis of the next-generation multi-role fghter domain. Using this mission analysis as a foundation,
TRN will collect data from various environments, translate the data from its native format into a common format, store the data, routinely
re static and cannot be efficiently posed and morphed to model different scenarios. In this paper we propose a physics-based set of softwa
r signatures to look back in time). Using an established environmental chamber and a trace chemical analytical platorm based on ion mob
he information necessary to evaluate state and optimize team performance. To address these challenges, Charles River Analytics proposes a
eyond-PKI Challenge-Response Authentication; attesting the OS layer via profling; and attesting the Application layer via Software-Based A
the-move Warfghter&quot;s needs and system goals. Examples of innovative functionality include: cloud construct, semantic agents, geog
apable of determining on-the-fly what is needed tactically, strategically, geographically, and temporally, in austere, secure communications
nks at other frequencies to enable data transfer to/from other platorms such as: F-22, B-2, smart weapons, UAV, etc. Phase I will culminate
ration aircraft, as well. FIRST RF proposes a single low-profle, dual-frequency antenna system capable of operation with both IFDL and M
evelop the space and ground hardware to execute the atmospheric characterization mission. Unfortunately, WSCE, which is the stepping s
a very narrow beam while minimizing Size, Weight and Power (SWaP) to support the platorm. It also must survive the environmental cond
tools with other analysts across the community. CIRRUS will be based on existing cloud computing standards, practices, and tools, includin
ding the interface bandwidth between the driver board and the backplane, which limit all-digital microdisplays beyond 1080p resolution. P
gy and small form-factor printed circuit board (PCB) design have opened up new opportunities. Toyon plans to exploit these technology adv
n, and (3) encode knowledge abstractly in conjunction with a compiler for converting it to ACT-R. We will incorporate concepts from situa
st effective air to air wireless networking capability. This could be utilized for the surveillance demands of the military or law enforcement,
gnal transmission loss at V and W bands. The sensor will also collect radiometric data from the sun, when available, to confrm the model
r based visual perception system for detection, alerting and avoidance of postern air traffic. Sensor placement on the RPA will be determine
ssment and sensor needs for that exemplar mission will be used as requirements during Phase I development. In addition to the proof-of-c
physics-based models to calculate VOC emission rates associated with activities such as breathing, perspiration or desquamation (skin cell lo
odels and the automatic generation of the technical ABAC enforcement, and (2) OpenPMF&quot;s ABAC features for fne-grained, contextu
tion. Given the importance of reliable VLF communication, the Air Force needs a militarized VLF antenna designed for airborne use and cap
itical. Simultaneously, the proliferation of modern technologies with both intentional and unintentional VLF radiation (including switching p
and correctors, high-resolution SWIR and MWIR sensor-arrays, a real-time image processor, and control electronics. The phased-array teles
. Light weight is assured by building the infrastructure from carbon fber reinforced polymer (CFRP) which has been qualifed in space. The
rable thermal mechanical interface (STMI) with customizable specifc thermal resistance ranging down to&lt;0.1 deg C-in./W (in thermal va
nto the U.S. National Air Space and globally.
ssive funding for design, development, and production. This has created a dynamic LCOS industry that addresses the requirements of proje
under many illumination conditions. By developing a Digital Multispectral Binocular System (DMBS), pilots can be provided with imagery fr
pitch SLM phase modulators and sub-hologram technology will allow a true holographic 3D monitor/work station to be realized. The real tim
ects, including surface area, reactivity and chemical composition. Triton Systems proposes to develop a novel GPS-enabled wearable perso
re inadequate to evaluate the health risks posed by engineered NMs in the workplace and deployed environments. The objective of this
d in various assessment environments over time, to competency profciency ratings and role requirements; ultimately resulting in accurate
be realized, it will be possible to create a HUD that meets the full suite of requirements for the RTHUD. The frst innovation entails a techn
&quot;), a set of technologies and tools that enable the rapid and affordable creation of synthetic teammates that understand and generate
ns of the language understanding technologies, the Air Force has conducted research and development in natural language understanding
ture, artifcial compound eye (ACE) sensor with active cooling throughout the dome structure to eliminate the problems associated with hi
his approach uses multiple small optical windows, minimizing atmospheric distortion across each window and enabling conductive cooling
average XPS profles. Surface passivation chemistries will be examined with regard to the coating chemistry, implantation depth, and polym
ity collaborator&quot;s capabilities in testing energetic materials, we will demonstrate the feasibility of a scalable approach for producing a
ition to modeling and simulation. BENEFIT: Currently fuel that remains upon missile impact does not contribute to the blast created by th
ed/aerosol cloud of JP-10 in a single event. In Phase I, we will design using state-of-the-art modeling and simulation our SEFOES device usin
erates atomic or monatomic oxygen under the shock loading. The high-pressure, partially oxidizer mixture exits through specially designed
r to provide the maximum coupling with different soil types and moisture contents. BENEFIT: The development of the technology for a Rem
I effort would miniaturize the design, develop miniaturized antenna architectures for RDR system, build shock-hardened RDR tactical system
unications range, reliability and data rate of the proposed NFC based solution. After fnalizing an approach based on the results of this testi
e to current over-braiding wires, foil wraps, and metal conduit. The EMI SE of Metal Rubber modifed Kevlar is equal to that for a 2 mm thic
material. Prototype shielding materials will be fabricated for shielding effectiveness characterization. Experimental data and simulation re
posites with compositional and thickness control involving nanomaterials and amorphous matrices with highly tunable properties will allow
y-structured electromagnetic properties. Early NanoSonic research has demonstrated frequency-selective notch RF flter and resonant freq
a given form factor when compared with aluminum. BENEFIT: The beneft of this technology is that the weight of enclosures can be decre
ding. The proposed conductive composite material systems have been proven in fabricating composites by standard manufacturing proces
als should support UAV hydraulic system operations for components capable of operating up to 5000 psi, in MIL-PRF-83282, MIL-PRF-8725
is heat traced to mitigate the problem. TRI/Austin proposes the development and testing of an innovative polymeric compound which will
needed. Critical weak points within these hydraulic systems are the elastomeric seals (typically o-rings). However, no existing seal materi
ed, signifcant performance gain is possible. In addition to a desire to improve performance of these tubes also comes a desire to help prot
g wave attenuation is the true measure of the coating effectiveness and cannot be properly characterized or evaluated at a single point usin
de spectrum range, fairly easy to fabricate, and low cost, compared with the currently available technologies. BENEFIT: Scene generation t
interest for high-resolution target identifcation. This approach allows us to minimize the trade-off between ultrawide feld of view against
esignation, additional precision can be obtained via passive infrared imaging provided from the flight vehicle. The additional image inform
nition performance in GPS-denied environments and enables selectable man-in-the-loop operation. Operational mode selection permits in
key innovation for this study is the addition of a high speed data link communications capability to the seeker which will allow the weapon
pt and a detailed block design of the REX subsystem. CEI will combine its extensive expertise with embedded hardware and software, anti-t
impact on many DoD application including precision munitions and counter-munitions capability e. g. propellants, explosives, thermobarics
ble process. The in-situ technology that CRG employs is simple to implement, easily scaled to relevant scales, and offers a higher quality of
rages decades of experience in this feld, providing a proven design methodology to solve applications of lightweight composite materials w
r traveling wave does not. Compass Technology Group (CTG) proposes to develop a new concept in microwave nondestructive evaluatio
nonintrusive, microwave-feld-sensitive probes; microwave traveling-wave signal launchers; a flexibly positionable sensor head; and a subsy
omplex geometry of an air inlet, map the thickness of the inlet&quot;s coating to determine which areas need to be addressed, and precis
h can use the paint paths the AF has paid for and validated to execute complete or partial repairs. If we use similar robotic technology we w
ent of material design data for composite structures. The composite analysis methodology will include important mechanical behaviors of
uring service, reduced crack initiation life, increased crack growth rates, and an overall reduction in part life. While bulk residual stresses ar
commercial frequencies. Under Phase I of this SBIR topic, ThinKom proposes to conduct a trade of our in-development commercial CTS an
n limited beam quality to reach the desired targets and detectors. The goal of the Phase I program is to prove the proposed technical appro
pplies explicit modeling of non-Gaussian errors at a different level of processing. The Bayesian formulation generally involves nonlinear and
vations (2D keypoints extracted from the imagery and tracked frame-to-frame) and the hidden variables that are being estimated (the pose
systems theory. The effort will result in the construction of an expressive framework to pose the pertinent issues for energy management i
tional power requirements and environmental conditions. Current approaches are not capable of dynamically allocating resources in a mo
abs, we propose to develop a completely planar lateral JFET technology to realize a complementary JFET structure that would enable more
Several commercial sectors such as telecommunication, data farms and computing centers would greatly beneft from the high performanc
re, there is a strong need to develop new endothermic fuels and reactors that can deliver substantially higher heat sink capacities. In this
y of these challenges; however, there may exist an opportunity to improve the previous generation designs&#039;performance through the
) advances in colloidal science of nano-sized particle/liquid suspensions, now allows for development of enhanced nanofluid fuels. Overall
oparticles in liquid fuel are: (i) oxidation (with dissolved oxygen/additives) during storage will result in a thick shell of oxide that would inh
this technology to the very small scale required of unmanned and remotely piloted vehicles will be addressed during this program. Specifc
he missing information needed for complete PM characterization. Calibration means for the set up and validation of these measurements w
rements were derived to develop a preliminary design specifcation used to create and demonstrate the hardware development platorm t
load palletized EFSS ammunition from the aircraft and transport the ammunition over austere terrain from and back to the landing zone. S
r requirements of a radiator-cooled thermal management system bya factor of 10-20, but at the cost of weight. Micro tube TES devices red
ow cable; easy retrieval from the water; freedom of pitch and roll; and does not interfere with the SURTASS. Testing of Phase I full-scale bas

point for Phase II.5/III implementation of the multivariant mission designs.

(270 degrees demonstrated). The focus of this SBIR program is to mature and transition this EO scanner technology for a wide array of Nav
ons of HLRB designs under stresses similar to those in helo bay door operations. These evaluations will include Roller Hertzian calculations

using 4 MD7 digital SHM sensors mounted on a large (8 x 5) curved 1 thick GFRP fairing structure with 3 rounds of damage, including a ~1.5
g on ease and safety in both operation and installation. The separable subsystems allow for compact storage and manageability as the dev
re the prototype is integrated with E-2 systems in a hardware in the loop laboratory. Performance of the prototype will be measured in term
ase I effort primarily included: working with turbine engine OEMS to defne applications, the development of key fabrication processes, an
coverage, simplify diver efforts, and clean the propeller surface efficiently and safely. In the proposed Phase II development work, we will
ral important ways. The prototype ASCS will incorporate diarization to support the automatic clustering of unsegmented multi-speaker aud
S-Aero design makes use of technology developed by Assurance Technology Corporation for the Naval Research Laboratory, Code 8120. Th
nd UHF communications by separating out multiple overpowering interfering signals while preserving the desired communications signal. T

tool in the suite. The Signal Model Library will be populated with signal models representing the signals required by the selected TPS samp
esenting data, but not interpreting it, leaving issues of issue detection, option generation, and option evaluation entirely up to the staff. The
ossible through a novel tiling of multiple microdisplays providing high visual acuity, a POC-developed backlight to provide the high dynamic
Requirements Document (FRD), draft version 0.2. This effort will focus on integrating the Alfresco enterprise content management system a
eyond the performance of currently available anti-mine systems to detect, localize and neutralize such mines. Boston Engineering propose
ors enable the HASPAM to measure size-selective mass concentration in real time. As a result, this technology offers the capability to provid
encing environment to produce behavior. Self-aware means that the system is aware of its own internal state, including the functional statu
which includes new hybrid methodologies and schemes based on surrogate models (e.g., artifcial neural networks, ANNs) and statistical m
e efficiency has been demonstrated. The problem arises when transitioning from a LMA SIF type fber to a PCF type fber involving large co
n capabilities and requirements, and show how they can be integrated with existing capabilities to provide a holistic, integrated concept fo
ss of both Phases of the SBIR program would move the Company rapidly toward the development of a device for jet fuel analysis in the fel
d hybrid advanced power systems, which will assess their ability to perform the mission set forth in the solicitation. The program will begin
a power demand capability of 30% over engine baseline. Spytek&quot;s FI-304/ITB engine, equipped with variable burner flow control and
fuel burn for a given mission by over 50%. Historical improvements in aircraft powerplant efficiency have centered on improvements in a
eloped based on the Phase I accomplishments. BENEFIT: The work to be performed can be applied commercially in the felds of aerospace
d and manufactures the Migrating Combustion Chamber (MCC) internal combustion engine, which has the potential to be the next generati
cted/heterogenous charged IC/HFE with a brake thermal efficiency approaching 50% and the variable compression valves that increase the
d Phase I effort, the updated life models will be validated against experimental data. Additionally, the elastohydrodynamic traction models,
ient power issues on the generator by developing electrical accumulators (analogs to hydraulic accumulators) with the goal of supplying/si
be designed to support testing through test matrix optimization and direct test support, e.g., selection and placement of instrumentation,
nnovative training systems architecture is needed, capable of running embedded on the tactical systems as well as ashore, and having the a
struction and manufacturing techniques perfected in the sonobuoy industry to deliver a low cost hydrophone for thin line towed arrays. So
curate component usage data to determine actual component life. HUMS has shown its value over time, yet it is still a passive system that

m design minimizes critical component counts without sacrifcing versatility. Hardware economization not only benefts the system cost and
g a family of AFCUs with high-efficiency integrated heat pumps to cool and heat with a 68°F water sink. During Phase I, Mainstream design
pment program to solve this engineering challenge: First, Use Twinleaf&quot;s new SAM-2 atomic magnetometer system that has been un
training community. The prototype will be capable of accurately emulating the RF environment in a manner that is synchronous with the fl

mance of the part. This is due to many reasons including the repair resin rheology and wetting, compatibility and reactivity of the repair res
o as HIPR) to meet the near-Category I approach and landing requirements of accuracy, integrity, continuity, and availability (high assuranc
adar scattering phenomenology, and the CAD geometry and CEM modeling. Each of these technical areas relies on some knowledge and int
c warfare (EW) object models and a robust prediction algorithm will enable JESS to overcome inherent latencies of distributed networked t
ill also provide a process for incorporation of legacy systems into the SOA. This architecture will be used to develop a concept demonstratio
lop a decision support system called CARPE; a Cognitive Architecture for RePlanning and Execution, that shall support decision making for M
and can be readily spoofed for drug trafficking, identity denial and false target generation purposes. Spoofng can translate the position of
ly available today, which will allow much higher switching frequencies and lower losses. The device performance will be tested through the
e. The photonic ADC design developed in phase I can easily be adapted to the design of other ADCs at different points in the ENOB vs. samp

hodologies (radio, microwave, satellite).

BENEFIT: Magic Leap anticipates that the proposed Phase I SBIR will result in a preliminary design for a color, ultra-high resolution micro-di
pabilities in remote detection. Both sensors will be fully integrated into a small package that is capable of making local and standoff PM m
tion, authentication, and Situational Awareness (SA) of EW systems. The solution will also provide a process for the incorporation of legacy
he appropriate repair station. Williams Pyro proposes a system that will constantly monitor the aircraft&quot;s systems, store pertinent in
wledge of these relationships to enable the detection of new faults; and ultimately (c) determine the recommended maintenance actions
RT) has pioneered the development of modular, scalable simulation software to support reconfgurable simulator applications. ART&quot;s
nd new government and RAS concepts are investigated and performance assessed in resolving ambiguities among emitters of the same ty
ision SEI while the latter unfortunately makes it much more difficult to accomplish reliable SEI using classical methods. Under this SBIR pro
ms. The goal is more accurate evaluations of new aircraft/store confgurations with quick turnaround times that account for all of the relev
rt will complement existing methods by prioritizing cases for investigation with more computationally expensive test and analysis methods
composition based compression techniques, and allows these data compressed flows to be shared and re-used over and over again for fast
rates, and proprietary sensor attachment methodology. Environetix will perform extensive testing and evaluation during Phase I, using num
y, and a custom algorithm to detect and locate obstacles with high angular resolution. The innovative use of multi-aperture infrared signal
S requires no heat exchangers to reject heat, so our WHRS has negligible impacts on signature and aerodynamic performance. In Phase I, w
y expanding the third stream flow, its temperature is reduced to a level that accommodates removal of low quality heat. This innovation pr
munity studies at the initial stages of the design. We propose to develop the frst flexible, fast multi-transmission line (MTL) simulation and
onductor transmission line (MTL) simulations can model this process. Simulation inputs include the circuit geometry, so the tool interface m
ngth stabilized 976 nm pump sources allow for maximum pump absorption and reduced quantum defect, improving performance and stab
ber-mode-analysis (FMA) measurement technique. This characterization will be used to determine the signal loss and modal transformatio
beam director can transmit out a window only slightly larger than the laser beam itself, even over a 120 degree cone of regard. This window
method reveals a common set of requirements that can be met by a Generalized Phased Array Weapon System Beam Director (GPAWS-BD).
ermal, and operational environment. This development will leverage Optonicus&quot;expertise in high power phased array design. In Pha
entation of the developed technology will enable the use of revolutionary next-generation airborne laser weapons systems and allow the U
n effects generated by current V-groove based approaches. The architecture proposed is scalable from single to multiple fber confguratio
verge, the motion of the target is tracked by comparing the model to the camera output in order to determine the relative position and or
m is confounded even more. Tracking features in the target scene under these conditions is difficult because the apparent motion of the il
fle HMD. The innovations in SMALLER-HMD include optical tiling of visible/NIR and SWIR images using small on-helmet multi-aperture com
sed on a pixel by pixel basis with the imagery captured in real-time ( 1 frame latency) from the SWIR sensors. The system is designed to be
n a hardware security processing subsystem, a secure operating system such as NSA&quot;s SE Android, SE Linux, or Citrix XenClient XT, an
t possible have. The ATC-NY team will develop DocMark, a hybrid rule-based and probabilistic document marking system informed by the
pass the design to the physical layout team. The tool has shown the potential to facilitate reuse and reducing the cost of porting analog ci

requencies. In Phase II we will complete design and development of a satellite W/V-band transceiver. BENEFIT: In Phase III we anticipate
ents for military and commercial applications. The approach includes direct consideration of relevant mechanisms involved in the Polymer I
erformance over the full frequency band and over the full feld of view. Element-to-element uniformity is also maintained in terms of vecto
ourteen-inch, seven-element GNSS CRPA will be released as an off-the-shelf product by October 2013. Toyon will use direction-fnding algo
ated state-of-the-art technologies: 1) the use of self-reference, temperature and pressure compensated, fuel inert fber optic oxygen senso
r fourth-generation platorms such as F-15 and F-16. As such, new thermal greases are required that offer thermal resistances that are facto
BENEFIT: Enable thin wing next generation aircraft designs with distributed electric actuation
ctuator technology suitable for use in thin-wing military aircraft. Other aircraft could use this system as well. Compared to current hydrauli
deling system and LOX-Hydrocarbon compatible TBC systems envisioned in this proposal have obvious commercial potential, especially for
g and testing key components of a novel single emitter electrospray ion source powered by pyroelectric crystals. We shall model the ion so
commendations that will allow for improvements to FOB energy usage, with the suggested changes applying to confguration, operation, an
sure near-surface stresses. The only technique that allows deep, non-destructive interrogation of residual stresses is neutron diffraction. H
nhanced dynamic range in real time and recorded imagery for dynamic range and saturation reconstruction / compensation. Our concepts
o beneft from knowledge learned here to improve the reliability of CMC&quot;s for hypersonic application. The two-fold approach we pro
sults in a set of equations for the evolution of the natural confguration, the heat flux vector, and evolution of the concentration of the chem
ed laser systems, which have high frequency fdelity and can provide a cw local oscillator, are needed. In this Phase I SBIR program, we pro
l O2 content. If the fuel system is not effectively inerted then the overall mission effectiveness is degraded. When fully-developed in Phase
the control system employs reduced-order physical models to forecast the cooling power, heat rejection rate, energy consumption, and dy
) have been developed for aircraft power systems to provide peak power transient support and power absorption for regenerative loads, ch
states, the ultimate goal of these research efforts is to develop a fast technique with ~1 Hz per 10-1000 nm diameter scan that is capable o
rol to forward-deployed military shelters that will result in a system that is 35% more fuel efficient. This energy savings is based on experim
ERES) will implement the most advanced, highest specifc power and energy (i.e., lowest mass) components to achieve the aggressive techn
tronics, real-time power management, advanced energy storage, solar power capabilities, and HAZMAT encapsulation. High efficiency pow
easy to use, and highly accurate. Our approach relies on proven noncontact inspection technology that has been shown to provide extreme
ow optimized performance of flexible photovoltaic solar cells used for any solar energy technology application. Flexible solar cells and conf
video exploitation, developed under DARPA and ONR funding to support the ARGUS-IS and WFPAC projects, to address this need. The prop
ontrols will assess and benchmark a number of new generation System On Chip processors including the latest in cell phone and broadcast
e expect to enhance the imaging capability as well as reduce the size, weight and cost of the sensor system. In Phase I, BNS will demonst
microchip for energy-efficient acceleration of neuromorphic classifers. Neuromorphic classifers interpret sensor data much like the huma
mission flight patterns often do not permit imagery of target terrain from the ideal range of viewpoints, current SFM methods are often una
ties learned from image data will improve reconstruction performance signifcantly. The proposed Phase I effort is focused on the developm
perture. This will enable adaptive tracking which would be accomplished by adjusting impedance values in a systematic way. Feedback and
erature electronics and ICs, trade-offs will have to be made on, for example, payload vs. capability which is not a desirable situation. The v
signifcantly better metrics than any comparable motor currently available. Working with prime contractor feedback we will develop conc
ems such as combustion instabilities. To accomplish this goal, OpenFOAM will be used to develop two models for combustion instabilities:
collect data from multi-mode sensors related to the laser pulse interaction with the turbine component material and resulting plasma plum
nherent flexibility enabled by such devices, and the potential for sizable cost reductions due to scalability. However, organic electronics suff
onal (e.g., electronic attack (EA)) and unintentional electromagnetic interference. The CoFAR architecture incorporates fully adaptive multid
applied to a variety of missions. Using a frst principles approach, we develop a framework that consists of seven components: environme
are prone to false alarms. In phase I of the proposed effort SSSC plans to demonstrate the performance of ATI/DPCA on a two-channel Ku-
ice will be delivered each to Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company and Air Force for system level testing. Additionally, packaging techn
fuels with these new nanoadditives will be studied by bomb calorimeter and fber supported droplet combustion studies. After down selec
e dispersion in commercial fuels without use of surfactants and will enhance their energetic properties. The energetic would convert comp
undary conditions. After the successful development of a cross-platorm (Window, Linux, and Mac) CFD software product, FlowSimulatorTM
fber optic system affordability by 1) reducing the transceiver manufacturing costs by eliminating expensive ceramic substrates, metalized
strengths. In addition to developing the ADC, the input/output subsystem of the cryocooled digital-RF receiver will be improved to deliver
h a combination of experimental and analytical approaches. The resulting data and improved models will be combined into an overall mod
d water and enhanced scratch resistance to the coating while preserving its flexibility, while the fluorinated crosslinked acrylate will contrib
l boundary conditions, 3-Dimensional Finite Volume (3DFV) methodology, and part geometry in the form of an STL fle, will be utilized in U
nts. Luna&quot;s self-healing and anti-corrosion additives can be applied using chrome-free, low-VOC water based primers and we have a s
used on repaired aircraft parts, and provide enhanced corrosion protection. The proposed SHC system will be demonstrated on repaired te
chnology. Electron concentration and mobility in two two-dimensional channels are remarkably stable within broad temperature range, sp
esistant materials, will not burn when in contact with LOX. Some materials may be LOX compatible only up to a certain pressure level or flo
esistant flexible ceramic coating that has demonstrated excellent adhesion to nickel superalloys and thermal and environmental barrier cha
igh-aspect ratio holes through laminated conductors. Greater than 107 guns per cm2 are possible. A current per ion gun in excess of a mill
nt combustion modeling for LES, Lagrangian multiphase modeling for liquid breakup and evaporation, and a CFD method that accurately, ye
article number, size, and mass-based emission factors in order to meet existing regulations for military aircraft. We propose to use laborato

f capacitance and dissipation have been used extensively for NDE of coatings, but incapable of depth profling, identifcation, and tracking
he nature of THz time-domain techniques, which are hindered by low spectral resolution and low (nanowatt) power output. Additionally, t
erifed, and validated with (2) a novel approach to Testing, which entails the use of existing test databases and new testing performed with
with a repeatable, near-instant reading on whether or not to re-work the fastener. By enabling rapid, accurate, and repeatible inspection o
ed SnapSCAN is the integration of 3 state-of-the-art technologies (including 3D scanning and measurement technology, MEMS laser color im
the underlying scene content. Our technique provides a robust methodology for exploiting this information to restore and even enhance
more information from the scene. BENEFIT: The proposed mitigation techniques will result in algorithms which will maximize image conte
sign of Experiments) approach of varying key build parameters for a selected set of part elements that would enable a better understandin
urity, and broader mechanical properties. In addition, will potentially create a tool to help manage powder feedstock through recycling an
unctional additive is proposed as a means for incorporating self-healing functionality into primers for aluminum. When a coating containin
tten in traditional languages calling third party video processing libraries such as OpenCV are hooked to the functions in the wrapper, and t
e required data rates have been identifed during previous studies conducted by the United States Government. FIRST RF is partnering wit
r sorting is accomplished by placing bandpass flters in front of two detectors: one collecting illumination from mirrors in the Son state and
will be completed in Phase I. The diplexer capability will be demonstrated and evaluated in Phase II with prototype fabrication, assembly,
d larger electrical loads. Taking advantage of existing aerospace and industrial fuel cell technology, and MiTi&#039;s mesoscopic turbomac
e therefore oversized and less efficient for part-load cruise conditions. The proposed engine has much greater efficiency, when compared
mage/video frames rather it reviews an image/video and automatically forms a semantic, easily understandable description of the images/v
ted with the existing simulator, requiring only minor changes to the existing system software to enable the communication between the Sta
T-IR component.
ped a concept for an Autonomous Battery Management System (ABMS) during its Phase I research project. ABMS is a fully-integrated, stab
The GCU is able to connect loads from the adjacent GCU and turn off the generator attached to that GCU. In this fashion, loads can be gro

ithms will be tested externally and compared with candidate Kalman Filter solutions before being integrated with the IMU/INS to demonst
mal efficiency which is exacerbated by the continuing requirement for smaller equipment footprints combined with increased functionality
me accuracy and environment as current system do not perform well in degraded environments. A Cooperative GPS Networked Acquisition
ning up an existing planet-wide resource with an established and ubiquitous infrastructure to be used for localization. BENEFIT: First respo
sers at various times so as to yield improved location estimates. With uncorrelated errors, the location estimate improves approximately as
WRF) model to provide better estimates of cloud felds, so that GPSRO retrievals can be performed in better conditions. NCAR&quot;s WRF
urveillance and geolocation. DoD Space Environment missions most lack TEC where it is most needed: in operational warfghting theaters,
efficient cooling. The proposed system will efficiently provide 0.5 W of refrigeration at 123 K in a compact package. The unique characteri
nse. However, the prescription of vibration modes, non-deforming blades, and lack of circumferential non-uniformities in geometry and th
mercial hosting platorms may beneft fnancially from the revenue that can be collected from selling satellite bus&quot;real-estate&quot;a
3 K. We propose the development of tall barriers nanoscale superlattices as the active elements of multi-stage thermoelectric coolers. The
able of fully capturing TID properties in the OTHR signal reflection region, specify fully the perturbed ionosphere and how it modifes OTHR
suite builds on a parametric climatological model, and be capable of ingesting data from a range of sensors (sounders, GPS) and for a range
n critical information present within the data. Advancements in embedded processing technology are needed for future generations of suc
king, SAR, and emerging techniques such as multi-static operation and MIMO waveforms, combine to provide an almost limitless set of par
ployment of the antenna is simple, repeatable, and rapid. Weight and volume are minimized through the use of a feed offset mechanism w
s an unusual application of a unique consumer component to provide digitization of VLF signals with orders of magnitude more dynamic ra
n will also allow the use of low resolution, low power, data converters and calibration and tracking on the modem will provide signifcant fu
ovariance matrix estimation. Trident will identify SWAP-limited radar systems currently in use or under development on DoD Tier II and low
sing to resolve the ground clutter into target size (or smaller) resolution cells and thus attempt to detect small moving targets using test cel
ate. BENEFIT: The proposed SATCOM array antenna will acheive the same gain and data rate as a much larger reflector antenna. The new
nning in dual-band mode, while splitting both channels in the array backplane. The design modularity will make possible to install the array
ng-carrier (MUTC) thin-layered structures. The speed, bandwidth, and high power of these devices generate great interests of direct RF gen
onto a single ASIC and interface this device with next generation military GPS receivers. RBS Technologies has formulated a Phase I effort t
cient array architecture provides an ideal solution for enabling high data rate BLOS communications on an EELV. In Phase I, SI2 will survey p
orce Satellite Control Network (AFSCN). As demonstrated by the Geodesic Dome Phased Array Antenna (GDPAA) Advanced Technology Dem
ch resulting in isolation that will exceed specifcation at low insertion loss. Other resonator structures, such as balanced to unbalanced , an
tenna element, named WaveTrap. Under this new SBIR topic, ThinKom proposes to develop a Quad-input Wavetrap that allows SA/DF to b
o geo-registration algorithm provides a perfect solution, it is essential that the geo-location systems return accurate estimates of geo-locati
r gas turbine engines. BENEFIT: Improved analytical software will reduce design issues in development and provide more reliable engines
h of mechanical properties is also exacerbated by the broader range of component operating temperatures. New, thermal interface mater
s. These fuels are required to maintain thermal balance for the flight vehicle using only the onboard fuel as heat sink without sacrifcing int
isitions platorm requirements of the Air Force. Innovation in design allows placement of the ESLADAR in front or behind midwave infrared
include, 1) reduced cost to implement HRR and SAR exploitation algorithms and 2) databases that can be readily updated in the feld to in
nd plume signatures for boost phase and ascent, and reentry vehicle signatures for midcourse. The simulations will place the sensors in ty
UAV will be fueled by JP8, logistics concerns will be alleviated and rapid refueling will be possible. An additional beneft is that as the aircraft
cal and performance related issues. Therefore, it is important to study the effect of chemical and physical properties of JP-8 and alternative
minals which operate in channels with ample bandwidth but are power-limited.
d scheduling tool that uses spacecraft telemetry data and automatically allocates antennas based on complex optimization criteria for ope
an intelligent scheduling engine and leverage our experience hosting a deterministic de-confliction engine within our Ace Visual Scheduler
ution of conflicts with the DICAMPSS community in an automated or semi-automated manner. Such a distributed intelligent communicatio
support of the Advanced Extremely High Frequency satellite systems to provide worldwide, secure, survivable, and jam-resistant commun
partner&quot;s top-notch, validated simulation suite which enables design/layout iteration until the level of hardness is achieved. BENEFI
ms, and offer a number of advantages in spot cooling of microsensors and microelectronics. While successful in a number of commercial ap
tronics, the proposed hosted payload interface package will rapidly achieve high TRL to serve current hosted payload needs. BENEFIT: The
algorithm will detect changes in RSO and environmental characteristics such as spacecraft size, reflectivity, and confguration or drag and s
ap between the two metal layers will be an array of tiny, hollow, gas encapsulating structures called Plasma-shells. Plasma-shells are a rugg
gn a three stage magnetic refrigerator capable of providing 1 W of cooling power. The design will comprise selection of magnetocaloric ma
timized for each mission. Creare proposes to develop a cryogenic refrigerator that leverages technologies and capabilities previously demon
ture (nominally 50W) version of our highly successful Low Cost Cryocooler Electronics (LCCE). As with LCCE, the developed mini-LCCE will s
mputational HF propagation tool set. One of the major limitations in CR accuracy is the inability of current CR algorithms to properly accou
any nearby radio-reflective object in the form of multipath noise. We demonstrate the use of this multipath noise to perform a trilateratio
er current technologies.
pt anytime. IPITEK proposes to develop a DNA-based, all-dielectric, pattern-less, multilayer-periodic structures (MPS) for frequency selectiv
AS operations in the terminal area, integrating data from the ABSAA and GBSAA sensors increases the probability of maintaining safe separ
mentation is too large to be appropriate for this application, however the use of microfabricated components allows us to reduce the size a
ecially at vitiated conditions, due to the scarcity of experimental data and the laborious nature of building models by hand. Even less is kno
teady pressures on the blade surface and vibratory strains for the TFE731 turbine case. BENEFIT: Design engineers in engine manufacturer
, M50 NiL, and ceramic rolling elements. In this Phase I project, updates to traction, heat generation, and fatigue life calculations in the CO
adversely alter the gas to fluid ratio degrading a shock struts ability to absorb and dissipate impact forces that can result in airframe damag

op methods to reduce the direct P(Y) acquisition time under situations where no unit on the network has yet acquired a GPS solution. The
ts creates a need for the development of new algorithms capable of fusing and exploiting space surveillance data sources to improve the ab
to determine which has the best balance of processing power, flexibility, ease of programmability and relevant built-in image processing c
grate most of the receiver functions (LNA, mixer, etc.) on a single InP chip. This will reduce the cost as well as enhance the performance of
multaneously being completely transparent in another band(s). This property can be exploited to create antenna designs which allow mu
ognitive spectrum management and agile waveform adaptation solutions that are not only context-aware and capable of learning and prob
ation in these regions. The objective of the proposed work is to develop algorithms that will allow these receivers to compute TEC and othe
ugh salient physical features, SIG proposes to leverage existing HRR-based saliency technology to develop a knowledge base of target class
rformance of these algorithms on available sensor data and demonstrate the improved tracking accuracy resulting from the combination o
ering the same geographic area means an overall weaker VLF signal which is driving the need for receivers with higher sensitivity. Other sig

nating the undesired interference is needed. Antenna nulling methods are a common solution for mitigating jammer signals from GPS, ho
al while addressing the most aggressive integration effort ever pursued in military GPS. BENEFIT: The compact unit will target SWaP/C cons
ed and reported, nLIGHT anticipates that we will achieve&gt;70% optical to optical efficiency for Er-doped amplifer. The use of high efficien
system wherein the sensor estimation is continuously refned as more spatial overlap is discovered. The proposed system can be dynamica
RM propellant models and (2) stand-alone&quot;Smart Shelf-Life&quot;labels attached to tactical SRMs or packaging to monitor aging and
ir Force for further evaluation at the system level. Following its existing approach to this sensor type, PSI will manufacture these sensors in
tency of distributed databases despite network partition and merges. SC-Orderwire requires no external coordination to setup and its MAC
tical to the functioning of mission applications. To overcome these problems, Architecture Technology Corporation designed an innovative
an HAIPE-compliant multicast integration scheme that enables secure, efficient and seamless multicast across the red-black boundaries. A
about events and event structures that informs the event geolocating system. We expect that by integrating forms of spatial inference with
eased bandwidth through higher power entering the receiver. This connector solves the cable problem in existing low-profle transceivers
-situ measurements of ionospheric E-felds. The name of the new instrument is DIME (Double-probe Instrumentation for Measuring E-feld
nset of tool wear of each unique cutting tool, allowing the machinist to continue drilling so long as the cutter continues to make parts of ac

ll, the proposed SecureVisor is a combined hardware-software security solution to detect and prevent cyber threats to Weapon Systems. O
rks, including the DCGS DIB and the Ozone Widget Framework (OWF), to demonstrate real mission support. We will continue solidifying ou
e has demonstrated the feasibility of these concepts and created prototype fltering plug-ins for the CAOS-D Conjunction Analysis architect
tion. Deliverables include a prototype GAMMA for remote operation on land, and a buoy-ready system. Software and documentation will a
autonomous responses appropriate to risk severity and likelihood. The Phase II plan aggressively pursues advancement of this technology
red with the current process. A cost savings analysis projected a $5.7M savings for liquid shim application on the advanced fghter alone, w
ost >$1M because of the low build quantities and the extreme demands of the environment, and excessively high overhead costs of large c
rmation needs from multiple sources and will be&quot;plug-n-play&quot;so that organic assets can come on-line at any time to help fulfll
tical commanders Battlefeld Awareness and is the focus of this Advanced Radar Concepts for Small RPAs program. The Advanced Radar

earized HPA modules that meet or exceed requirements. BENEFIT: The linearizer technology developed under this SBIR supports the high d
n-depth strategy to embedded cyber warfare. It will introduce a novel network security appliance that is, itself, secured from potential COT
e existing trust initialization strategy by taking a set of context parameters into consideration. Our fnal target is, based on our studies in Pha
e CLAWS biases, compensate stair mode errors and steer the beam to the desired aimpoint on the target. During the second phase, the O
e is broad potential for commercial applications in the development of such large FOV image sensors; for example the vehicles that are auto
specifc aircraft pilot helmet systems. BENEFIT: The variable light transmission technology provides a pilot with the capability to make the
a formal representation (OWL) of the conceptual domain. Repositories of information are annotated with respect to this ontology in order
e training solutions and provides training stakeholders with clear and quick recommendations on how to effectively train RPA Pilots and Sen
onstrated the feasibility of this approach. In Phase II, we plan to develop an advanced computer model for predicting the capabilities of hum
e code baselines. Acceleration and optimization techniques tuned to the problem will be implemented, benchmarked, and verifed. A prel
factors skills to identify needs in the operational environment. Phase II will build an operationally capable prototype of SAUNA based on th
collision avoidance mission (CD/COLA) problem to deliver a TRL-6 ready capability to efficiently address the problem and advance the state
the array design and demonstrate its key performance parameters such the bandwidth, wide scan angle, polarization, etc. on a prototype

ould offer energy densities three times those of commercial ultracapacitors with organic electrolytes. In Phase II, Boulder Ionics will demon
m is triggered, the laser produces pulses at a rate of 10,000 per second, and optics in the tool move the laser target point so that the pulse
ns tend to use fasteners that are known to be too long. This adds unnecessary weight, and the practice is fundamentally incompatible with
ET) and Digital Pre-Distortion (DPD) to linearize the resulting switching-mode amplifer and extend its efficiency over a wide dynamic range
system to achieve graceful degradation. The problem is confounded by the multiplicity of applications and use of PNT information in each
and compatibility with a wide variety of existing and anticipated augmentation methods. It will be at a maturity level and documented suc
urements in the multifunction common SDR-cognitive network context. ESCAPE benefts to be demonstrated will include improved comm
g, further limiting mission capability. Triton proposes to develop novel coatings with the ability to autonomously repair tears/cuts in the C
this gap, flight test data at tactical closing speeds need to be better utilized for validation of M &amp; S tools. Remote RF/IR sensor data co
warhead location to provide a defnitive measure of the interceptor&quot;s lethality. The proposed camera would also be valuable in the
rgy radiated and conducted from the HVI impact point as the charge wave front propagates throughout a structure. The radiated and cond
orm the required pneumatic functions. These inflators have a proven reliability record of greater than 99.9999% and are currently produce
riments will be conducted to develop magnetic saw bridges initiated with a specifc electrical action and inherently insensitive to external s
tors (SRM). This high voltage in-line ISD has Safe and Arm, and Arm-Fire logic capable of providing the built-in test (BIT) functionality requir
ondestructive testing and sensors are in full compliance with MDA requirements and will allow selection of an optimal suite of aging tests a
aches for quantifying levels of remaining life in materials after aging in multi-stress environments will be evaluated. Unique data analysis pr
conducted to predict the service life for polymer materials and electronic parts within current missile systems. During Phase I, feasibility of
on (RFID) tag are bonded externally to the monitored ordnance item, ordnance casing or packaging so that the AgeAlert sensor&quot;sees&
and cost effective methods for life extension of ordnance devices. We plan the investigation of test methods and techniques already used

and ultraminiature inertial measurement unit suitable for the flight environment. The innovative sensor design will enable fabrication of ul
at Tanner through the proof-of-concept accelerometer hardware highlighted in this proposal. The proposal is aimed at characterizing perfo
e reducing weight by 68% of the baseline Inconel part. In this Phase I, MATECH proposes to conduct material life cycle and sustainability ev
es and goals outlined to meet commercialization standards to successfully integrate the technology into industry
ach and interface (CAMI: Contextual Anomaly Management Interface) for anomaly management to support effective unmanned systems s
oncept of operations and a high-level user interface design; design scenarios describing situations and events that beneft from collaborati
nerator operation, reduce fuel consumption, and seamlessly integrate with multiple devices with and without external communications. Th
majority of operation. Thus, technology innovations are needed that allow for better utilization of a generator&#039;s power capacity when
capabilities, algorithms, knowledge requirements, and interfaces of each software module. We will develop a limited software prototype t
capabilities, algorithms, knowledge requirements, and interfaces of each software module. We will develop a limited software prototype t
e engineering. This makes the cost of developing, maintaining, and modifying these systems exorbitant. Our approach is to design reusable
ng overlay, HMI sensor toolkits, gesture table, 3D holograms, temporal timeline, health and status displays and data product tools. A cogni
cently appeared in the Iron Man flms. What began as a movie concept has developed into a spatially aware, networked OS, designed from
lution uses on-board cameras to track flight deck directors and to recognize their gestures without requiring modifcations to operator equ
ge, and learn new commands used in standard carrier operations. As a result, this device offers seamless integration of upcoming unmanne
a model of mission-success. It directs corrective actions using a System Controller that can manipulate both the hypervisor to checkpoint, r
chieve our objectives. What is needed is an autonomous controller within the computer system that can sense the state of the system and
This will be accomplished by leveraging results from the Phase I work and developing new software approaches to reduce latency further
e no systematic method for the Government to rapidly determine how best to invest limited budgets to achieve mission requirements. Un
pe based on the results of the Phase I. This ambitious effort will be accomplished by leveraging Mainstream&quot;s extensive experience i
conclusions of the project. The scope involves (1) developing HFPB computational methodologies capable of computing the detonation of
h-speed multi-band radiometer will collect data on freball combustion dynamics that can be combined with pressure/impulse measureme
ing models (FRMs) using innovative testing (and instrumentations) and analytical simulation methods is presented here. BENEFIT: With th
test and analysis methods. BENEFIT: The new technology developed in this Phase II SBIR will be hardware and software for correcting wind
broadband infrared (1 to 20 micrometers) with a uniform intensity profle in a compact form operable in a cryo-vacuum environment. SLEP
MI imagery using a combination of central processing unit and graphics processing unit hardware. Integrated performance demonstration an
cal HSI data-processing needs of airborne platorms by developing algorithms and software for efficient, high-fdelity compression and stor
r A2AD applications. Commercialization is anticipated through licensing software to DoD prime contractors.
rate moving ground vehicle ISAR feature-aided tracking into a major radar vendor&quot;s operational MHT tracker and thus advance the te
d farms present the radar system with a relatively high density of false targets. STR&quot;s proposed approach to wind-turbine induced c
. The anticipated advantages of this approach are size, weight, and cost reductions and maximized manufacturability, reproducibility, flexib
n covariance (CSC). Both of these approaches are based upon the underlying physics of electromagnetic (EM) scattering from exo-atmosph
ns. It has been demonstrated on a Navy active sonar using selected clues relevant to ASW. The similarity of the processing structure of th
ta sets, high dimensionality, missing features and sample outliers while being cautious of over-ftting. The approach has been applied in th
ive suitable object tracks without rejecting tracks for threats because a strict rejection threshold for tracks is not employed. These tracks w
ening objects, allowing the MDA radar sensors to focus on the principal functions of acquiring, tracking, and discriminating the primary thr

quot;. This project will develop a prototype of a tool to support the designer of a resilient system in allocating functionalities to either hard
synthetically-augmented displays. EGO allows the teleworking intelligence analyst to stand within a fully-immersive synthetically-augmente
cently appeared in the Iron Man flms. What began as a movie concept has developed into a spatially aware, networked OS, designed from
ammaTech envisions a new paradigm for building system security that endows the computer, itself, with the tools to diagnose new attacks,
s, to select the most signifcant semantic features to characterize the monitored application. Moreover, we will enhance ABMiner by integr
low electrical conductivity) and compatibility with the interconnectivity of electronic assemblies. SOCOM has identifed a responsive and p
d their impact on coating performance. The coatings that are mechanically durable and weather resistant will be identifed. Coatings will b
lectronics. This requires maintaining key properties electrical, mechanical, and thermal over time under a range of specifed operating an

mergent need of intervention and when administered the system will track intervention impact to provide actionable feedback to the medi
control electronics, read out screens, multiple power supplies, extra batteries and poor design flexibility leads to too much weight, a costly
wing GreenAmp- &amp; #8208;lite modules to be directly plugged into systems out of the box. The system leads to a minimization of weigh
echniques, including optimal chip partitioning (frequency, power, etc.), and evaluate technologies to realize highly integrated multi-functio
g our reduced volume cases. The fnal result will be a more reliable and accurate round for covert operations. This will beneft not only the
ular propellant. SWS will conduct an extensive interior ballistic evaluation looking at thousands of propellant blends to identify the best con
conducted during the year prior to the release of SOCOM13-005. We will reconsider the technical approaches that were rejected and criti
will investigate changes to our patent pending case designs such as interior shoulder angles that can potentially increase efficiency while m
nents, state-of-the-art graphics processing units (GPUs), and unique software architecture. Its communication-optimized, thread distributio
rces in a low-power (12W) mobile device.

h power supercomputing systems. These bio-inspired innovations in BRAINWARE architecture coupled with clockless (asynchronous) system
ation environments for multi-aperture sensor systems. Ultra-low thermal mass thin flms technology will enable high frame rates to be obt
nites into plasma. Proper selection of gas and shell material allows for efficient emission of light in ultraviolet, blue, green, red, or IR. The te
veral elemental or compound powders capable of participating in an energetic (exothermic) chemical reaction. The existence of different p
highly accurate pulse measurements, including intensity, arrival time and pulse width. An advanced Ladar Scene Generator (LSG) will also
radar systems. During Phase I the feasibility of a new airborne passive radar system concept was established. Under Phase II the concept w
nsors, were validated. As part of the Phase II effort, Busek shall continue development of the deorbit module advanced under the Phase
ow control system consists of arc flament plasma actuators coupled with skin friction sensors. When there is potential for unstart, the actu
nna, suitable for seeker applications in the hypersonic environment. The solution makes use of unique, end-fre antennas that are construc
combines information, gleans meaning from the collected data, and re-tasks sensor-seekers in a timely manner to garner actionable intell
will develop a both the statistical models and the corresponding algorithms for generating virtual maps from imagery, evaluate algorithm t
ncluding smooth and rough surfaces at sub-millimeter wavelengths, cavities, and surrounding terrain accurately and quickly. This signature
esight. FIRST RF proposes a novel two-axis mechanically steered aperture system for the Wide Field-of-Regard (FOR) High Gain Ka-Band D
) development of computationally efficient and FPGA-suitable feature matching approaches, iii) development of fast camera ray-to-3D terr
own converter (DDC) and the analog front end (AFE). A fully-functional HFDR DDC that meets project performance specifcations was impl
ng the operating characteristics of a laser targeting pod. In parallel, chemical procedures were developed that produced QDs that emit ligh
ltistatic systems have to face (ex. varying transmitter cooperativeness, limitations on available emissions, hostile environments where pass
nalyzed include Air Moving Target Indication (AMTI), Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI), and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). A capab
ery effective to carry out persistent Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) missions. A signifcant constraint in sensor implemen
ling processing is extendable to integrate data from other 3D sources and the 3D change detection processing is extendable to integrate ch
uli and sensors to embed test capability directly into integrated circuits. BENEFIT: This technology has potential to revolutionize assessing
The output of the trade space is a feasibility rating for each concept evaluated. System components evaluated include processes, methods
icle / hardware undamaged and fully decontaminated. The deadly agents adsorbed by the flm will also be decontaminated automatically.
yurethane formulation which will polymerize in place to absorb and sequester the agent contaminant. FLIR will provide proven enzymatic t
agents efficiently. The ions will accelerate the reaction against nerve agents, such as VX. A colorimetric functional group will indicate the lo
and to collect real-time geo maps about the distribution of health conditions, spread of epidemics and biothreats.
d its partner, Mobile Assay (Boulder, CO), will demonstrate that the Mobile Assay TrackerTM app for iOS and Android is superior to visual de
n of new feld data and to develop an integrated sensor architecture based on the results. The new active/passive sensor will have the cap
fabrication to develop and test detector arrays utilizing HgTe CQD flms as the IR absorber material. The Guyot-Sionnest group will apply t
performance as control hook and loop closures while demonstrating several magnitude order better resistance to vapor permeation such
micrometer-scale roughness. In Phase I, we will develop preliminary prototype gasket materials and closures and measure their sealing pro
e robust thermally and environmentally to undergo industrial processing and feld use. The Phase I effort will develop and screen formula
t of a validated high-fdelity CEX design tool capable of accounting for size effects and fnite-rate chemistry effects is proposed. This approa
deployed on a much smaller UAV platorm with a 5-10 thousand pound payload capacity. The technical challenges for developing a suitabl

for application to high-speed flows. The MEPDF method is more computationally expensive but can provide state-of-the-art accuracy in hig
r spectrum acquisition and analysis, 2) high-power active multiplier chains (AMC) used for generating the millimeter/submillimeter excitati
f current collectors, electrodes and electrolyte which allow the hybrid devices to be integrated in the next generation of electronic devices.
o other areas of the body including but not limited to the forearm area, to determine optimal placement for effective and robust portable r
trument must allow the operator to vary illumination intensity, spectral output, slit width, and other illumination patterns. Preferably the v
everage its collective expertise with radar systems design, electromagnetics, antenna design, advanced embedded processing architecture
holes. Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) is an additive process that is capable of producing complex geometry using a single method. DM
D-based grid processing tool that can be used to guide the creation of suitable surface meshes by building upon the experience of Continuu
matic selection of Boltzmann and Navier-Stokes solvers based on continuum breakdown criteria, iii) kinetic models for two-phase rarefed
sen high spectral purity, frequency agile hardware and confgurable software. The hardware design will allow multiple frequency bands an

trajectories. The design also provides military-accepted standard interfaces such as RS232 or MIL-STD-1553. In addition, the compact, low
bly high. Landing systems are being developed under current programs to address this problem, but the projected costs of these systems s

homogeneous LaMGAl11O19 coatings with better control of phase and microstructure through the use of its innovative spray process calle
e both basic and optional tasks. For the basic tasks, an AWJ system will be assembled by incorporating the above advancement to demonst
matic Efficient Generalized Interface Surface (AEGIS) Toolkit for continuum breakdown determination and interfacing, and a representative D
hybrid CMOS semiconductor fabrication technology, and, (4) Draft the requirements specifcation that documents the NPP architecture, cri
er and high-energy requirements for battlefeld applications. To provide a new generation of battlefeld-specifc batteries, Giner, Inc. propos
opportunity to mature sensor system development paradigms for the IED application by combining multiple sensor modalities into a single
with Condition Based Maintenance CBM by indicating to maintenance personnel when an GCU system could fail. Phase I efforts will focus o
ously with making wavefront measurements. In fact, imaging is part of the measurement process of this sensor, and the unique and innova
ent technique. In Phase II, we will develop an instrument and study a variety of passivation techniques with the goal of eliminating sidewall
ed spectra into electric power, preserving&gt;90% of visible light transmission. The thermoelectric generator and 3D motion energy harves
ormed generates a signifcant manpower burden towards parachute disposal. This proposal aims to develop a promising and attractive tec
mation of insect repellant clothing. Instead of using a chemical insecticide, textiles surfaces are modifed to have unique physical properties
ese fabrics to prevent insect bites, as well as provide the flexibility and breathability with the physical and thermal comfort for our war fgh
rating an RF proximity sensor in an EMI dense environment. The key innovations for the proposed effort: (1) Partitioning the digital and RF f
ll enhance multifunction next generation applications. It is the expectation that this effort would focus on two areas with four major tasks:
led to a miniature brushless motor. There is a need for a rapidly deployable, extended range, surveillance projectile for use on the battlefe
ted with the MC-CAS, design the various subsystems, perform structural analysis to ensure the various subsystems survive gun launch load
will also leverage our existing applied research in integrating valid traffic models into OneSAF. We will establish performance criteria that he
ation protection; Virtual Machine Encryption - providing both secure Data-At-Rest (DAR) and Data-In-Transit (DIT) through Public Key Infras
are not fully suitable to wireless networks such as mobile ad hoc networks and cognitive radio networks. To address these issues, Intelligen

mportant goal for future EW capabilities. The goal of this proposed effort is to develop an advanced all digital Electronic Attack (EA) DRFM sy
ty as well as the ability to simultaneously transmit and receive on each channel. FIRST RF proposes an innovative approach that leverages i
mproved SWaP for a C-Band (5250-5900 MHz) radar and communication array. A binary phase or frequency shift keying communication wav
s fber optic gyro (FOG) technology, addresses the size and vibration issues of the aircraft-hosted tactical HEL application. The FALCON OIRU

n developing a multi-channel WiFOS SHM system that minimizes power consumption and maximizes power generation. Specifcally, ROI wil

er. A fber optic amplifying bi-directional repeater to boost optical (digital) signals bound for hardpoint pylons is thus highly demanded for
d directly to the semiconductor device using standard manufacturing practices, which helps to minimize the thermal interface resistance be
ls. * It is entirely a digital signal processing solution intended to function with a single antenna. * Its computing requirements are readily ac
essively more important with the proliferation of diesel electric and other quiet threat submarines that present greater challenges to today

aintenance costs, which are ultimately even more signifcant, can be reduced by greater than 50%. MMCC, together with Saab Sensis, will d
to qualify the characteristics and suitability for specifed purpose.
ases. The approach leverages RAS extensive expertise gained from EWIR / KILTING and CED database development, analysis and applicatio
ms to MCM sonars to reduce false classifcations and other performance degrading issues. Phase I will examine and characterize the physics

ctly at the load site. This would eliminate the need for separate 400 Hz distribution systems and eliminate the need for all the 400 Hz distri
All this is done while the ship remains underway further reducing motion. Soft Rail has been successfully demonstrated at sea off the SEAL

e same frequency band using different chaotic spreading codes, low probability of intercept/detection, multipath rejection, and increased r
s by enabling their access to valuable real-time information that is otherwise impractical. The proposed system will leverage and extend pr
ate a compact, appliance-independent, add-on design suitable for integration with multiple commercial gas appliances. This system will inc

vice is based on combining advanced electrode and electrolyte materials that provide rapid discharging and high capacities. During Phase
wareness of threat locations. When combined with existing E-Det algorithms and low-power waveforms, the proposed radar will signifcan
nd signal immediate alarms, and scale to large and highly dynamic environments. The key personnel are well-qualifed. We previously deve
aging an existing augmentor instability /screech liner damping rig designed, fabricated, and utilized to excite a low order tangential mode a
olutions for large structures). In the proposed Phase I project, we will use a hybrid technique that combines regions where a full-wave solv
in masking) of radar avoidance. Moreover, when a new threat is detected by on-board or off-board sensors, REMAPP will re-plan in real tim
ned and unmanned assets. TOPDAT will use the concept of Team Oriented Plans to structure the overall activity and then use planning algo
RF, environmental enclosure, and DREX subsystems required for a next generation sensor. The successful completion of this program will a
e&quot;s strategy is to select a shield material that will minimize heat build-up due to hysteresis and also enable heat dissipation for whate
and performance verifcation will be required to fully meet them.
ed power levels. The existing technology of Multilayer Dielectric Reflection Gratings (MLD) developed for high power laser pulse compressi
ric mirror stack. Although the lack of metallic surfaces exist eliminates absorption issues, MLD gratings by defnition rely on interference wi
d location. These steps above will make it possible to reconfgure any image generator channel to any display very quickly during runtime if
multaneously reducing sparing requirements.
limiting factor in system design and many applications. nGimat proposes to develop new solid-state supercapacitors based on solid state e
ecimens, formulating several different coating materials, test and evaluation. Programmatic work will compare the proposed solution to cu
#039;s thermal interface material (TIM) uses a diamond nanoparticles paste to improve heat transfer and will be able to accommodate larg
o develop and produce a parachute fabric that can be disposed of in an environmentally safe manner.

y of any full-wave electromagnetic solver. Asymptotic (ray-tracing) solvers do very well at quickly predicting the signatures of large, comple
t builds upon BeemmLink the software framework for modeling, simulation, visualization, and analysis of dynamical systems The proposed
ment and ruggedized design for military operation.
ergy not located on the platorm of interest. These sources of external interference could be due to systems operating on nearby platorms
nna Simulation Tool). uCAST is a UTD (Uniform Theory of Diffraction) based code developed by Applied EM, Inc. that is currently being enh
nism A simple digital and power interface for operation ATA&quot;s proposed COIRU addresses all of the requirements of the solicitation t
esting, and fber optic strain sensors.

a management system to produce a low risk system design approach. The system will produce high fdelity, realistic time series data simula
mismatch with such chips. Phase I and Phase I Option (if awarded) research efforts will focus not only on optimizing thermal performance b

tio Tracker (LRT), which is an automated Bayesian multi-static detection and tracking fusion engine. This Bayesian processor will process th
0P, ASTM B117, ASTM G67, ASTM G66), demonstrated self-cleaning characteristics within actual marine environments, revealed exceptiona
Generation of EW Libraries and Automatic Threat Identifcation (GELATI). GELATI will perform the following: (1) generate data sets containi
nology mimics the coloring process in order to generate an Emitter Library that optimizes the classifer performance while avoiding the nee
pability and operational readiness. The solution that Progeny Systems will deploy to address these software deployment challenges will int
pboard Monitoring System (NSMS). We will develop a prototype and CONOPS-type white paper for deployment usage.
power and communications over the tether, and (3) paired UAV autopilots (one at the surface and one on the UAV) to allow the UAV to fo
o deploy or retract tether in order to decrease strain on the aerostat and the tether itself. The objective is to increase the communications
, and increase reliability by 20% over current solutions. This high level of power density is achieved without the use of high temperature SiC
n Boom Extendable Crane (TBEC) and the Remote Operator Panel (ROP). The added controls will generate position and rate messages for u
owband (&lt;1cm-1), tunability throughout the entire MWIR and LWIR regions of interest, and 3) A flexible, robust, compact form factor no
to develop a robust suite of detection, classifcation, and localization (DCL) algorithms that will improve automated target recognition (ATR
in the past on both towed and fxed horizontal line arrays. The Phase I effort will determine the feasibility and identify any technical issues
mer submarine Commanding Officers and reviewing relevant submarine grounding, collision, mission, and exercise reports. We will leverage
, additional relevant guidance, and user defnable parameters in it generation of mission risk assessment and risk control recommendation
onances depend strongly on the relative density of fsh species and their depth, physically motivated features of the spectral shape and aut
approach to mitigate reverberation and clutter due to resonant scattering from fsh, (2) clutter-adaptive CFAR normalization of the within-b
starlight conditions, (2) in the visible and 1000 nm wavelength bands and (3) with both black light trap targets and clear horizon measurem
ction. The lidar will operate at a wavelength of 1.0 micron at a transmit power consistent with eye safety. It will operate autonomously and
illuminate the atmosphere surrounding a ship and produce 3-D images of atmospheric attenuation surrounding the ship. MAC-LIDAR cons
tion while virtually eliminating confusable clutter. DFPC also provides the high Doppler and range resolution needed to spatially resolve salv
nd CGs with the SQQ-8A(V)15 (in both passive only and active plus passive modes).
tilize extended bandwidth and other improvements to the hull-array adaptive beamformer (ABF) to better detect both kinematic and acous
of VE-based training, we propose to design and demonstrate a Shiphandling Educator Assistant for Managing Assessments in Training Envir

ed from deeper water to littoral environments. Adaptive Methods proposes to develop an active adaptive beamformer (ABF) for LFA and C
with low-power-by-design approaches which allow processors to consume less energy when not in use. Unfortunately, scenarios requiring p
natural gas with minimal modifcations to the appliance and its operating characteristics.
Azure Summit is pleased to offer this proposal to NAVAIR in which we leverage our existing efforts for the Missile Defense Agency (MDA),

tter serves to emit optimal ELFs/ELFs combinations to track a drill head. The HHD incorporates low SWaP ELF receiver based on POC&quot;
ures that see high use in harsh environments. The polymeric system on which the proposed approach is based is low cost, tough, and easy
lectron guns. Domestic manufacturing sources for this type of heater wire are decreasing causing a continual increase in the costs to both
within the heater. In Phase I, we will develop new formulation of solutions containing tungsten particles and an associated printhead that c

man involvement, and model building is labor-intensive. This research project seeks to demonstrate the feasibility of applying modern comp
3D reconstruction from moving sensor platorms. The effort will include development of methods for segmenting target ship data from ma
d upon previous research and signifcant experience with deployable systems prototyping. The prototype will be in water tested to determi
reviously successfully applied to EPDM and nitrile rubber (NBR) motor mounts. The candidate new compounds are based on recent publica
quirements for the life of the ship, polymer-based FHAs degrade over time and need to be replaced often. Creare plans to develop an FHA t
ombat system will be stressed with real world like stimuli at the system development site. Stimulation at the system development site allow
he design of the R/F microwave switch have both been shown to be crucial elements of the switching speed and isolation bandwidth perfo
uple to the sonar system hardware and will reduce the high performance extended bandwidth of the CBASS (Common Broadband Acoustic
ity of our concept and approach by establishing performance goals based on the Navy requirements that will be verifed by testing and ana

cteristic of self-assembly, to achieve extremely even coatings on complex geometries. The coating is applicable to multiple surface types wi
ypes are currently used in Navy Submarines that cannot be coated using the current technology. TRI/Austin Inc. proposes the development
ard cable connectors, which will translate into a decrease in the frequency of dry-docking submarines thus resulting in signifcant cost savin
el derived, mechanically-durable and optically-transparent, hydrophobic coating that has excellent watershedding properties and that is eas
aintenance toolkit that greatly reduces the effort, knowledge, and time required for these activities. The toolkit will automate nearly every
sive. The overall objective of the research is to provide increased recovery automation to enhance safety and repeatability while reducing
from the UV to the mid-IR bands. The main disadvantage is poor output beam quality. TeraDiode&quot;s technology of Wavelength Beam
d that the performance degradation resulting from fsh swim bladders can be largely eliminated by exploiting the known resonant character
ain building block is an innovative High Power Amplifer design that supports true hot-swapping, automatic failover and graceful power deg
dividual amplifer and power supply units, a Navy requirement. This new amplifer will signifcantly increase the critical path mean time bet
f the transmitter will be discussed in this proposal.
is a principled and optimal way to combine this feature information with the likelihood ratio surface produced from the matched flter outp
new probabilistic framework to determine the instantaneous localization (azimuth, range, and depth) of multiple targets and their trajecto
enced by this safety critical system. Our transmitter assembly will incorporate modernized electronics, innovate and compact packaging (su

er ID into a single processing block. In Phase I, Azure will utilize actual radar data collected in our lab, and also work with the Navy to obtain
nations of RF/PRF and/or PW agilities, and complex modulations). It also addresses multiple interleaved PRFs of different pulse-widths and
niques to be quickly optimized and evaluated. Many classifcation candidate techniques exist, each with advantages and disadvantages; du
on across the range of EMATT operating speeds. Efficiency gains will be realized through the design and optimization of a new fxed-pitch p
en successfully utilized for a variety of applications, the development of an optimization strategy that (i) combines individual subcomponen
euverability in tight spaces while transporting and loading payloads. For this effort QinetiQ North America is expected to provide design sup
oad-handling tasks safely whilst the LCS is operating in elevated sea-state conditions. A combination of state-of-the-art engineering analysis
dexterity and strength for the various types of payloads, an efficient control system and ergonomic control unit, and an intuitive operator f
ors. Relevant algorithms should be both computationally efficient and robust under a full range of operating conditions, including cloud clu

or supersonic/hypersonic tactical missiles. The Phase I program will fabricate a fber reinforced ceramic composite with the required elect
ectrical performance.
that combines an integrated design concept leveraging innovative valve and regulator technologies. The proposed phase 1 effort develops c
mission success. The proposed Phase I program includes regulator design and prototyping, composite cylinder procurement, integration w
. Luna Innovations Incorporated will team with a leading commercial producer of DOT approved composite air flasks to design a flask and r
ns and spectral changes in the optical source and electrical small-signal limit restrictions. The optical paths in the measurement system are
es within the cell structure. Nano-texturing will be incorporated within thin-flm material layers typically employed as anti-reflection (AR) c
ogy with more complex gear systems in Phase II and to fnal use and commercialization in Phase III.
with 95% confdence, as well as predict the remaining useful life with
urther improvements in usability can be obtained if networks can be tuned to respond optimally to reconfguration commands in the deplo
micro porous walls that have a fraction of the base metal mechanical properties. Mechanically, the micro porous tubes will have the advant
atial movement of the heat release rather than temporal will be demonstrated through a combination of fuel and air placement. The effort
due to their inherent complexity. In this research program, we propose to apply an advanced fueling system for low-bandwidth, active scre
mpact sensors and low-power, lightweight sensor interrogation instrument which incorporates closed loop feedback control algorithms for
rplug. The Triton In-Ear Warfghter Monitoring System will measure in-ear pressure levels of subjects wearing their own personal hearing p
ter. The innovations in the WIPAS system allow evaluation and measurement in real time without compromising the earplug, which is curre
nitor a wide variety of physiological parameters during military operations.
etector that can rapidly monitor large structures and identify regions exhibiting incipient heat damage. We combine small mechanical excit

ystems with a remotely positionable sensor. The sensor will be suitable for hand-held single point measurements; and adaptable to robotic
compatible with existing C-2 seat and floor tracks. This provides the Navy the option to avoid a costly requalifcation program for a new se
he folded and in-use positions. The benefts of this system include reduced time required onboard carriers, minimized crew effort, eliminat
ve Systems and Illum Technologies will design an NGCON-based fber optic repeater utilizing Illum&quot;s patented Ferrule-Pak technology
me compared to current technologies.

; incapable of capturing the interaction between ships and complex sea states; not suitable for state-of-the-art Graphic Processing Unit (GP
se of the unique nature of VLC, will be difficult to intercept and jam in the operational theatre. Further, by avoiding traditional RF, the syste
e proposes an ultrasonic communications system to enable voice and data communications for maintainers on the flight deck and flight line
architecture capable of addressing emerging threat environments. SPEC&quot;s proposed Direct Conversion DRFM (DCD) approach provid
ed on multiple AESA approaches to select candidate approach that can meet the derived system detail requirements.
eveloped for the prototype L to C band amplifer will then be applied to higher frequency designs with the goal of extending the concept fo

nd supporting electronics, that meet the minimum requirements, but targets the stretch objectives specifed.

vanced AI for the USMC&quot;s simulation technology portolio. This infrastructure will allow for robust, unmanned entities (Soar-based an
ht savings and efficiency gains over designs based on conventional iron core motors; thus enabling a technically and commercially viable so
e Technologies, together with its partners will utilize our extensive experience in expendable Navy sonobuoy platorms to develop an inexpe
ence. Phase I will include fabrication and characterization of oxidation-resistant ceramic coated tungsten nosetip specimens.

ect response, and foreshadows future LOs. Eye-tracker measurements will evaluate student performance and tailor feedback to student ac
n sidebands injection lock a second laser to a frequency offset from the frst by a selectable multiple of the reference. EO modulation is bo

-Initiative Teams (the operator and single or multiple semi-autonomous UASs). The key mixed-initiative team skill factors will include super
uite of 1) assessments measuring cognitive skills, non-cognitive attributes and operational stress coping processes embedded within 2) a n
antic Extensions (ReCOURSE). Our approach includes four primary components: (1) a semantically rich, logically grounded representational
re required in the near-surface region. The proposed work plan will develop improvements to a novel near-surface residual stress measurem
m weight when compared to existing technology. The icephobic coating will make the system more robust to environmental icing conditions
y detection of surface to air and air to air missiles to enable utilizing counter measure techniques.
nt; and (c) low unit cost. BENEFIT: The basic paradox that prevents wide adoption of taggant technology stems from two conflicting realiti
dent hardware and software. Furthermore, there is no capability to test software patches, confguration upgrades or waveform frequency c
obust, all-metallic circuit from the coupled cavity family. LTI has developed a predistortor with the nonlinear characteristics needed to line
nt to point communication and advanced scientifc research in the areas of imaging and spectroscopy. BENEFIT: The proposed TWT amplif
mation, and forecasting. The Phase-II effort is geared towards advancing the EMA PHM technology to a deployment-ready state through sta
an instrumented projectile was completed. In order to validate the accuracy of the instrumented projectile, a special facility was also desig
g automated recognition of standard hand and arm signal communications using ATinc&#039;s instrumented glove (iGlove), and output mo
uctural material and cannot be machined into the necessary heatsink confguration for the SSADT program by itself. By embedding the TPG

lline fbers and planar guides from Er-doped and Yb-doped single crystal YAG by employing Onyx Optics&quot;manufacturing technology (
r handheld computers (e.g., smart phones). Using an intuitive user interface, the warfghter can navigate through the virtual world by runn
s, and accurately determining azimuth. In the Phase-II effort we will build a miniature prototype using polarizer-on-pixel technology, devel
uirements specifed in MIL-C-675. Sample lenses with the new technology will be delivered to the Army for testing.
gh fdelity of the approach. In Phase II, fully automated prototype systems will be developed based on two implementations of the MISSPE

The performance of the technology will be demonstrated in the proposed effort through the design, fabrication and testing of a full scale
d developing relevant measures. This process is both sufficiently high-level to capture the questions of the various professionals involved in
e metallurgical analysis and mechanical testing. To achieve these goals, Xtalic will (i) design and construct a continuous reel-to-reel plating
atible with microbolometer manufacturing. We believe that this plasmonic perfect absorber approach offers considerable advantages over
er bulky and cumbersome which have largely challenged their use in UAV&quot;s.
igh X-ray absorption and high spatial resolution, and thus has established its efficacy for demanding military and civilian CT applications. A
surement errors due to saccadic and random eye motion, measure topology under the eyelids, spatially align topology data to a fxed locati
ram is a flight ready sensor suite capable of debris measurement during a solid rocket burn.
transmission line technology. PolyStrata offers unprecedented performance in propagation loss, wide band operation and linearity, enablin

operations. Early detection and classifcation of potential threats is possible using high range resolution and tracking radar. Additional classi
nLIGHT&quot;s capability of producing single emitter laser diodes from 639 to 2100 nm. nLIGHT currently produces high performance sing
NEFIT: The anticipated benefts of this effort include the development of a generic scalable sense-making system/utility capable of operati
he workload required to monitor the hostile fre sensing system for remotely piloted vehicles. BENEFIT: This project will greatly reduce the
gan injury. In this Phase II SBIR proposal, CytoSorbents plans to demonstrate the broad utility of blood purifcation, using an advanced, bio
rated that flowable keratin biomaterials loaded with antibiotics (KeraStat ICG) supported keratinocyte and fbroblast proliferation while pre
nalysis and decision making so that feld users do not have to wait to analyze data and take action; and (3) To consequently dramatically re
rogram and to transfer the technology to the Prime Contractors for evaluation during the Production Development phase of the SM3 Blk 2B
for data collected from EO/IR systems plus an understanding of the evolving BMDS infrastructure through our work with MDA&quot;s Ent
nization. The main outcomes of the proposed TraceLogic project are: (i) research of the design and demonstration of methods, process and
te the detection and characterization of wavefront aberrations and the ability to compensate for distortions in simulated perturbations eq
cuts. We propose using fnite element analysis, scaling law and wave-optics modeling, to do a detailed study of this concept.
pability, we propose to design and demonstrate a framework for Sensing and Representing Negative Effects of Motion (SERENE). SERENE ha
ng the signal processing and Control and Display (C &amp; D) sub-systems.
cooperative distributed sensing. In addition, the CELPMAT system possesses onboard ruggedized electronics for data fusion and low-powe
arget contact information from all nodes and develop a tactical picture based on remote node contacts. By combining bearing and contact
features for operation of a newly identifed weapon system. Operational prototypes will be designed, built, and tested to confrm full ope
riving and controlling the above-described 10K cryocooler from Raytheon, MACE is equally applicable to the 35K Raytheon variant of RSP2
d grenades (RPG&quot;s), mortars, and smaller arms fre. The system will feature innovative extensions of recently-developed HFI capabili
eristics will be enhanced for Co-Cr including a detailed Design of Experiments, and developed support structure optimization. By coupling th
ass will provide azimuth, roll, and pitch with much better than 2 degrees of accuracy in a ruggedized package capable of withstanding the h
manufactures the existing high performance 3kW Tactical Quiet Generator unit. DRS Fermont will then perform the testing necessary to en
usion or disruption to their operation. We propose a completely novel performance measurement network to monitor data-communication
, ELISAs have signifcant limitations preventing their application in high-throughput screening of large sample numbers for multiple pathoge
d deploying training content by using semantic technologies to extract meaning from training materials, and then provides a collaborative,
nizing knowledge.
ress and Anger management Tool (MSAT), a CBT treatment support suite that links providers and patients in a way that they never have be
al prostheses. The TEQUILA system will also provide real-time user feedback via a wireless handheld touchscreen device; analytic software
e Composite TSRM casewith a low aspect ratio propellant tank with application to the SM3 Blk IIB LDACS. The goal is to show a weight red
odeling, develop thermally integrated designs for various SOFC systems in both steady state and transient operation. Solid models with suffi
of HVPE since 1997. PSI has developed orientation-patterned (OP) GaAs crystals for applications in NLO devices, and is now a commercial su
hosphate, and GaAs, so the demonstration of periodic poling capability in GaN leads to optimism in utilizing GaN for QPM applications. Gro
y less severe conditions during flight to target. The objective of this proposed effort is to develop and demonstrate an innovative multi-laye
he option period to allow complete exploitation of the benefts of the novel processing approaches. The research will utilize multi-scale ma
y Assisted Sintering Technology) as key areas of interest. This proposed effort aims to integrate these two OSD identifed manufacturing sci
he observed behaviors into a model. Creare will use novel machine vision techniques and Radio Frequency Identifcation (RFID) technologie
will enable analyses and simulations of future carrier deck operations involving new elements such as UAS and autonomous decision suppo
by application of a DC voltage on the resonator, which will result in different frequency shifts of transverse electric (TE) and transverse magn
quality tunable RF signal will be derived from a single, shot-noise-limited master oscillator. The new technique unifes, for the frst time, the
r levels of machine-intelligence in spacecraft, aircraft, and missile applications. Schottky CMOS is 100% compatible with current CMOS proc
signed and built a prototype reflector antenna and measured its performance in compact range to demonstrate the feasibility of FLPA. Our
rad TID. Requirements for an ASIC platorm were developed through meetings with system prime contractors and Mil/Aero customers com
ecessitate the development of a high temperature transceiver. This transceiver will be based on HTSOI electronics and employ a high temp
models defning a continuum of multi-target data association problems in complexity and problem space, and v) ensemble tracking based
zation, integration, and validation tools at the Battlefeld Evaluation Assessment SSA Testbed (BEAST), and selected E-SAS sites. AFRL will d
ue to lower temperature coefficients and reduced joule-heating losses. We will address the following: 1) optimize the thermal managemen
metrology software on the assembly line, and (c) readily handled, maintained, and calibrated. We have brought together a unique team w
heoretical volumetric energy density greater than that of gasoline. During the Phase I, Lynntech demonstrated VB2-air batteries with high
f unknown features that are extracted from SAR images thus providing a completely self-contained solution that does not require any prior
g and other optical performance metrics will be characterized. The ability to manufacture the nanocrystals at high volumes (kg/hour), at a
se Crossfeld&#039;s network interface to provide a pluggable fber optic link between the on-board SSD and secondary storage. Crossfeld
d have achieved the desired effects much faster, with fewer resources and with higher probability of a successful outcome. We propose to
ds for classifcation, entity resolution and clustering can semi-automatically detect and link multiple aliases, document timelines, forensical
d solution for wireless mobile ad hoc network (MANET) attestation despite $SWAP constraints. Our solution is agent/capability-based Man
ign and build a system-level prototype. The ALOEN algorithms will be tested through a star image simulation environment that includes rea
e to advance the processing science for MVK-14 FreeForm carbon fber composites resulting in a robust manufacturing process of compon
ADSAT can query distributed SALUTE data sources and perform complex analytics via distributed belief propagation on a hierarchical BN mo
igns were developed using physics-based simulations, followed by state-of-the-art fabrication and engineering. Experiments were undertak
d demonstrated Remote Exercises for Learning Anger and Excitation Management (RELAX) a remote, technology-enabled, anger treatment
I of this project, QUASAR and Otosound demonstrated the ability to interface a sound player with QUASAR&quot;s EEG system in order to

and volume. It is additionally included with high strength material to enhance vessel pressure tolerance and hydrogen physisorption withou

ignals and interferences in a contested spectrum environment. In addition, the ACTMAN technology is designed to cope with high speed m
art system. The antenna arrays elements have non-uniform (aperiodic) spacing between them to achieve the above theoretical degrees of
in Phase II is bring the benefts of solid-state amplifers to the W-Band while achieving the better performance than the TWT amplifers. T
communications to the RPA, the Air Force is interested in utilizing the W-band frequency range (81-86 GHz). InnoSys shall develop high per
OSS is a beacon system and unattended ground sensor (UGS) capable of being precisely deployed via air drop in remote areas. The system
or broadband electromagnetic hardening. These next steps will include investigating the format and mass fraction of each shielding constit
e safety, there is an opportunity to improve the understanding of the bulk residual stress felds in forged parts and to monitor them as a ro
vailable directly to all high temperature composite structure manufacturers, and material process models integrated into commercial mode
face energy of the coating will be optimized such that smooth, porosity-free OOA composites may be produced reliably and at low cost. Th
ese methods possess enhanced stability properties as compared to the standard Galerkin methods, and they come equipped with built-in e
onics. The differential amplifer is the most widely used circuit building block in analog ICs and, as such, is an ideal candidate for this applica
footprint. The Phase 2 effort is divided into two fabrication efforts: a proof-of-concept (PoC) microchip and a prototype microchip. The proo
lysis. In Phase I Nu-Trek developed system and sub-block requirements, designed key SoC blocks, and developed a specifcation and top lev
ing units on one computer. Algorithmic speed improvement approaches include a mathematical formulation that improves progress of the
he nervous systems of insects to understand how vision and hair sensors are used together to enable flight control and stability. Aurora an
or leakage. An alternative, advanced thermal management system could eliminate the use of liquid coolant, thereby greatly improving relia
designed to incorporate traditional usability assessment tools (e.g., GOMS tools, video recording tools, etc.), graphical user interface design
e will systematically vary the composition of our initial hits to obtain variants with greater efficacy. We will also confrm the mechanism of
corporate up-to-date biomechanical knowledge and state-of-the-art materials. In the Phase I project, DIApedia, LLC, led a multidisciplinary
re identifed as the best means to tighten the envelope within a two-day period. In Phase II, we will assemble and demonstrate a prototyp
tic simulation. These tools allowed sensitivity evaluations to be made resulting in a robust system design as well as a rigorously scaled feld
er (RF-DAC) for the corresponding digital-RF transmitter, that handles at least 1 GHz instantaneous bandwidth with an 8 GHz carrier (X-band
man resources. Inspired by MapReduce, we propose to design and demonstrate a system for Crowdsourcing with Intelligent Supervision to a
awn from the crowdsourcing data. Our solution, implemented as a monitoring system to world events, could act as a&quot;frst alert&quo
onable, enabling missions of up to nominally 8 hours using a small dewar of liquid nitrogen. Successful completion of this program will dra
ss on this program is thus expected to lead to insertion opportunities on a wide range of packaging-constrained platorms that would other
ree search over a parameterized maneuver space so paths are kinematically feasible. The search samples neighborhoods in the space and o
e voltages (~ few volts), low insertion loss (~ 5dB or less) and high speed operation suitable for RF photonics links. The EMP-hard propertie

that isolates the electronic system from its antenna. The hardened microwave-photonic links developed here eliminate any metallic conne
ng a major frst step to the build of a 10kW fuel cell building block operating on bio-fuel.
ystem efficiency. CRG envisions a complete electric drive system consisting of a generator fed by the main transmission which supplies pow
nsor array, tracks its relative position, and maintains a command and control datalink. Upon completion of recording events the submarine
ation requirements. A high-density core will be utilized and functionally graded utilizing plasma transferred arc (PTA) processing to oxidatio
dense substrate. The Phase I program will select substrate and coating materials to address thermochemical stability and projectile perform
rent armor. To this end, Luna Incorporated proposes a transparent three dimensional woven S-glass fber reinforced polyurethane composit
affecting the transparency during the resin processing and manufacturing will be optimized to produce transparent composites. Continuou
sal is unique in combining four material systems that are currently available and utilizing them in a novel method to make an advanced ligh
ulses at 532 nm and three 250 mJ pump lasers for three OPOs that produce 150 mJ pulses at 685nm, 700 nm and 735 nm, respectively. In
ndamental laser source and nonlinear optical frequency converters suitable for EO based mine detection. The output wavelengths will span
importance, frequency, etc.) with knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics (KSAOs). In turn, this linkage matrix is resourced to id
WBC) effectively solves the poor output beam quality problem of direct diode lasers. Using WBC technology, TeraDiode will be able to build
of investigations, enables users to beneft from analysis of previous or concurrent investigations, and reduces duplication of effort. BENEFIT
roposal offers a robust adaptive system for pointing, tracking, and jitter control in advanced laser weapons systems. BENEFIT: Potential com
oard satellite payloads. Such an enabling technology will be applicable commercial and military satellite applications, as well as terrestrial o
nd some associated with non-imaging detection. The collected data used was to demonstrate optimal methods of identifcation, discrimina
rovide real-time exploitation of large volumes of data using limited processing and bandwidth resources. SciTec has been a leader in the re
asurement System (RANMS), demonstrated in Phase I of this program, which consists of a new 3D proflometer mounted in the spindle of t
-and-match support for frequencies across UHF, L, S, C, X, Ku, and Ka Common Data Link (CDL) bands. This variety of available confguration
tion (CP) transmission and low cross polarization over the relatively wide range of incidence angles (0 &amp; #61616; to 65 &amp; #61616
provide real-time, high-fdelity HWIL simulation required to adequately test these complex sensor/seeker systems. HWIL T &amp; E allow
top simulation that includes the combined effects of both large and small scale ionospheric structures. These efforts will be rooted in real-

main connectivity become extremely efficient. The proposed approach then can combine highly scalable algorithms for the solution of the
f accuracy preserving, and computationally efficient treatment of the problem of non-conforming mesh interfaces resulting from mesh ada
a feature-based modeling environment facilitating rapid layout and confguration of vessels automating the creation and parameterization o

zooming optical imaging approach that can monitor any area from the complete airframe to a specifc joint. We identify regions exhibiting
with predefned phantom disbond defects, shall be the primary focus of this study. A correlation between acoustography results for predict
r whose output images reveal bondline adhesive strength and the lower threshold which qualify as kissing bonds. In form and function, CA
cts of vernier engines plumes for liquid propulsion systems on sensor systems has a great potential to enhance our defensive capabilities. T
cant development, from theoretical modeling, material growth to device processing and packaging. Performance of LWIR detector based o
st to assess the vigilance of about potential recruits and support the classifcation process of sailors.
rformance benefts of optimistic modeling and simulation without the additional development and maintenance costs.
. Proposed materials include W-25Re alloys and select composites with small % of alloying additions such as Hf, HfC, TaC, HfN in select geo
re the potential for cascading multiple active regions for longer wavelength LEDs. The array design will also be improved, with changes ma
urements through propagation of errors in the sensor calibration and the geometry reconstruction stages. The CVG team proposes to use a
support and improve visual search is needed. Aptima proposes to develop IMAGINE (Imagery Management through Agile, Geo-Interactive,
mp; Analysis Training Environment (CREATE). CREATE is an innovative adaptive training system that accelerates contextual learning by using
ber gun barrelsa clad M240 barrel was made and test fred. In Phase II, TPL will extend this technology to explosively weld refractory liners
s of this effort are: (1) Remove noise from large data sets and reduce the quantity of data needed to be further analyzed by separating the
n methods or other plausible approximation methods in order to achieve the convergence required for near real-time estimation. Project t
eam, a mobile application that collects, analyzes, and monitors the input about the status and behavior of patients suffering from PTSD/TBI
ury site. TDA Research, Inc. (TDA) and our partners at the Univ. of Pittsburgh (UP) propose to develop a soft, flexible, neuromuscular electr

ve 750 kRPM using emerging technologies and materials. In our preliminary analysis we have identifed several technologies and projected
ial. The accuracy of prediction was found to be very good when the 2D microstructure based simulations were conducted. These studies ca
elected probiotic candidates in a sample dolphin population. A process for encapsulation of probiotic candidates will be developed to exten
project. We will isolate candidate probiotic bacteria from the indigenous commensal bacteria present in dolphin fecal and oral samples an
r the purpose of runtime verifcation. These languages provide two levels of information: an abstract description of a system&quot;s high-le
system. The objective of the proposed work is the creation of the Robust Software Modeling Tool (RSMT), which enables software design
d operated by a single person. Detailed measurements of the air velocity vectors above the flight deck and far into the wake region aft of th
concentrated vortical regions stemming from the flow past the blunt-ship structures. The proposed approach will integrate a fve-hole pitot
ch can be quickly accessed to affect current reasoning tasks. Lynntech&quot;s Autonomous Deep Perception (ADP) system will use deep be
form prediction and inference using the observations and the learned models. The proposed model provides a framework for modeling an
nt and future autonomous systems, but specifc enough to directly support missions felded with autonomous systems in the near-term. Th
In Phase II, a full-fledged HED power source, with anticipated TPV efficiency of ~30% and power density of 2.5 W/cm2, incorporating both
photonic crystal emitter technology that can provide thermal emissions specifcally tailored to a given photovoltaic cell and a given emitte
e technology development company (Austin, TX) and Professor Gennady Shvets at The University of Texas at Austin propose to develop a co

or resulting from motion of the atoms in the microwave interrogation region. A successful Phase I effort will result in a clock design that im

ation with other parties. We propose to identify decision-making needs in the context of Maritime Operations Centers (MOCs) and align th
for Proactive Intelligent Decision-support (CUPID). The Aptima team will ensure success by leveraging a three pronged effort including: 1) g
rative tasks with Georgia Techs expertise in the cognitive science of the role of context in decision making. This proposal uses contact mana
is improved
ation designpower
high electric will offer an immediate
technologies opportunity
without in the ship
compromising commercial
electricalUPS industry
systems, to bridge
thermal the power
signature outage
and RCS. timePhase
During between loss
I, our of g

nd corresponding bearing support system. Under Phase II, the composite flywheel manufacturing approach will be validated through high s
r. It is highly desirable to develop a solid-state laser whose primary wavelength is in the green and does not require frequency doubling. La
aw data from many sources is fused with a continuously adapting agent simulation and extended into probabilistic predictions of alternativ
Object assessment) fusion to approach level 2 (Situation assessment) and level 3 (Impact assessment) fusion. The intelligence data will con
y-based bottom loss models into ASPM reverberation modeling, testing the strategy for a specifc environment, and comparing the results
iew that exceeds one hemisphere of solid angle. Based on Nanohmics&#039;existing, proven, and patent-pending Argus visible/near-infrar
es several prior related achievements, specifcally in Lumany&quot;s commercialization of the world&quot;s frst CW diode pumped solid s
re the required record circuit-level performance.
to meet the new demands. Many of these defciencies can be addressed by on-going developments in related basic research programs. Th
C3, Cz, C4, O1, O2, A1 and A2. Novel sensor designs will be evaluated to enable high quality recordings through hair. A miniaturized electro
ible adhesive patch and worn directly on the skin. Our system is called&quot;Miniature Integrated Circuits Reporting Overall status&quot;(
Tech Reaction Sintered (GTRS). Model development will focus on Mo-Si-B composite systems fabricated using ultrasonic spray drying of the
retchable), adhesive commercial platorm for wearable electronics. Mentat will miniaturize and reduce the profle of conventional wearable

ten carbide by two parallel processes: bottom up and top down. Nanosized tungsten carbide will be used in the bottom up process to prod
the larger system. The approach is based on an extension of the&quot;design for verifcation&quot;paradigm but applied in a multidiscipli
of system-of-system specifcations from the specifcation of subsystem and system properties using specifcation-extraction technology, an
d in determining design parameters and material selection for high speed flight vehicles and component life prediction. Without accurate s
measurements under both dynamic and static loading of test samples at high temperatures. A novel glass system will be used to manufactu
te a preliminary design, conduct fabrication trials, and estimate production costs. We will then fabricate and test a prototype system during
magnetic properties of the material. During Phase I, we will focus on demonstrating the feasibility of the approach by investigating the ther
ng speed, and minimized device size. During Phase I, Boston Applied Technologies Incorporated (BATi) together with University of Minnes
rial and processing technique, capable of producing high-performance AP penetrators, will be delivered.
omputational homogenization method. Novel microtomography based experimental protocols for multiscale model validation will be deve
tities o existing compounds. Coupled analytical chemistry and modeling will verify the synthesis and project the potential performance of th
be followed by identifying and specifying relevant system components necessary to achieve high DF performance on the C-130 such as re
plement conformal antennas on aircraft such as the AC/MC-130Js to enable tactical operations. The goal of this SBIR is to develop confor
nked. Any aerodynamic prediction must be computationally fast and accurate and, while classic panel methods meet these criteria, they ar
This SBIR project will deliver breakthrough technologies to signifcantly improve predictive capabilities. Hybrid RANS/LES methods with low
subsonic, supersonic, and hypersonic flows. The program will take a building block approach to gradually add complexity to the simulation
nt state-of-the-art propeller performance. Lastly, the software developed within this effort will leverage M4 Engineering&quot;s signifcant
multi-design-point optimization. These are readily handled by the architecture. Moreover, since it becomes important to study the propuls
hould produce 10 W of output power at RT. In Phase II, we will develop the processing required for the fabrication of such arrays, fabricate
ing seawater based electrolytes and fuel. Anticipated benefts of the proposed approach include: (i) creating power sources with extended
r, with a result that they are not well ft for purpose. During Phase I the D-2 the team demonstrated a new suite of specifcally designed AU
electro-acoustic (PEA) and pressure wave propagation (PWP) are such methods. Only outside of the US are there active spacecraft chargin
s, and specifcally aim to use advanced photolithography (DUV steppers) or nano-imprinting for the fabrication of the nano-scale MIM junc
ray design can steer efficiently the optical beam over wide angle range >1700, while being ultrafast, compact and power efficient, with low
minum designs. Secondly, the team will use lessons learned from MIT&quot;s Bio-Suit Mechanical Counter Pressure Space Suit Design. Mos

designed to provide broadband coverage while simultaneously maintaining a conformal form-factor. The proposed approach leverages con
ent of a multidisciplinary design environment that captures key aerodynamic and acoustic interactions, building on the demonstrated capab
osites of the newly developed Mn-Bi-X and Fe or FeCo. The research will be a conjugated effort encompassing crystal structure prediction a
Our framework is a hybrid approach consisted of both hardware and software components. The trustworthy of our approach roots from a h
h nearly 10x compression and target detection was performed. 3. A dynamically programmable processor was implemented to enable rap
ow for a tremendous improvement in the speed and efficiency of PPE development and felding. Program objectives are to create the integ
ervices by different algorithms. DivA exploits the constructive logic principle of&quot;proofs as programs.&quot;A developer creates an ini
d that due to a store separation event will be studied, but Phase II will extend the mapping to door cycling events and also include structura
uational awareness by combining the signifcant features from each sensor into a composite fused image presented to the eyes. Currentl
ad across multiple FPGA/processor chips mounted to a semi-flexible circuit board. This approach minimizes the overall power consumption
iew volume. Interaction within the visualization volume can occur with a number of off-the-shelf (OTS) devices including gesture input dev
environments and systems, thus hindering current efforts to fully assess trainees&quot;readiness. To overcome these challenges, we will d
ssful development of the proposed dual band radiometer will result in a compact, all-weather instrument suitable for continuous monitori
ion planning; the effectiveness of specifc mission planning, briefng, and debriefng technologies; and methods for delivering collaborative
ame latency. The unit will specifcally target minimum SwaP to meet helmet mounted system requirements. BENEFIT: The VPHS will be de
h higher angular resolution based upon the roadmaps of the underlying components. The proposed system will address the shortcomings
reduction in Life Cycle cost, both by reducing cost of acquisition and by increasing reliability. This project will achieve its ends by reviewing
h the required eye motion box and other specifc airplane cockpit requirements. This will include matching any collimation and bird strike s
as the development of&quot;inverse&quot;modeling capabilities (for inferring a VOC emission source given a fnite number of VOC measur
t masquerading,&quot;background&quot;monitoring, rooted device detection, application&quot;cracking&quot;detection, ARM Trustzon
this capability. PROACT will be designed such that it can be implemented in a scalable manner that conforms to open architecture such as S
a ridged defnition of proximity, allowing it to identify proximity beyond the spatial, organizational, and operational realms. During Phase I,
that ensures high quality, high confdence data products are produced by the exploitation tools delivered to the analysts. The GAVS will use
nique capability for evaluating complex exploitation algorithms
s mapping per geography, credentials and metadata markups; automated means for tailoring per those markups; and a secure, robust, dist
ponse to the Air Force&quot;s needs by utilizing existing antenna mounting locations. Commercial applications of this technology have also
cations by eligible users to meet their unique requirements. Our key innovation would include Google Maps-like user interface for the pres
ve Beamforming aRray) that will combine the adaptive weight calculation and channel equalization on a single processing platorm. The sy
such waveforms will be compared on the basis of communication performance, covertness (i.e.,&quot;featureless&quot;transmission with
ill also yield a reduction in the time required for the warfghter to the get the terminal&quot;on the air&quot;. Welkin Sciences ongoing inv
d to understand the social connections behind the differing information. We will design an extensible framework that integrates data prepr
processing of data with redundant, erroneous, and deceptive information. Our solution combines strong theoretical foundation in cross-d
sing to develop semSCI, a Semantic Application to Detect and Resolve Suspicious and Conflicting Information that enables analysts to comb
on and qualitative/quantitative observation transformation and comparison); (3) Perform anomaly detection for statistical and rule-based a
tcoming by designing and demonstrating a system supporting Automatic Secure Classifcation of Unmarked Sensor Data (ASCUS). ASCUS w
s sensor data and tag it with metadata that includes the required DoD standard associated with a documents security classifcation. The tec
onstrate a Blue Force Readiness, Activity, and Capability Modeling Engine (BlueFRAME) that represents, informs, maintains, and evolves co
ration. This gap is widening with the emergence of Integrated Battle Planning Capability (IBPC) that seeks to coordinate and synchronize jo
ftware within a web service and evaluate the prototype within a testbed that simulates the context of a living plan. BENEFIT: Today&#039
effort to develop a capability for realizing end-to-end trust in a dynamic network a network in which every client would verify and monitor
Keying (SRK) technology to deliver secure communications among critical components, Mutual Authentication module to verify the authenti
de. Optical accelerometers can likewise be enhanced to high sensitivity using fast-light phenomena. Our approach will allow the constructi
in complex systems and thus aid in communication and design evaluation. The system capabilities will be based on a Core Architecture Mo
s for architecting, engineering, and analysis; and a prototype interface for interfacing with external engineering and simulation tools. BENE
ed knowledge of the system, similarity to past systems and past tradeoffs and their broad understanding of engineering/physics principles.
pace and in-flight applications and (other) military applications (e.g., in tanks and missiles), high temperature superconductor components
create an integrated, accurate, and timely local situation awareness picture. BENEFIT: The commercial use of space is continuing to expand
ms to tiling smaller chips into larger arrays. Integrating drive and control electronics further complicates this problem. The new electronic pa
ation of emitter devices and design study of read-in circuits and control electronics. BENEFIT: The commercial application of this program
ectric Liquid Crystal which is capable of&gt;1 kHz switching to overcome the FLC 50% duty cycle, resulting in a consistent stable image being
dissemination, as well as online learning, web-based visualization, and software decision support tools can be put to use in meeting this cu
mission planning and scheduling, data distribution and integration to develop Web of Expertise for Collaborative Learning and Planning We
que to enhance the FOV, and dispersion compensation to provide color imagery. The compact and lightweight MAGIC-HMD can be integrat
experience with waveguide optics and HMDs, having designed and manufactured both monocular and binocular planar waveguide HMDs.
design. In Phase I, Luminit will research and analyze the feasibility of the CWHD military human systems technology and will design and de
morph the shape of voxel models according to anthropometry parameters and 3D body scans. In the Phase I, we will demonstrate the capa
l&quot;combining, dual-pol feed, diplexer, pointing, rotary joint, and waveguide losses, thereby enabling 50 dBi+ class equivalent gain perf
ultiple, proven, and established (COTS) lossy and lossless compression applications to accomplish optimal, combined lossy and lossless com
es can be easily assigned to beams ranging from a few kHz of bandwidth to hundreds of MHz. Additionally, the beamformer can adapt mor

thin commercial satellite communication systems to enable simultaneous tuning of multiple channels.
al channelizer enables a SATCOM terminal to simultaneously receive multiple channels of confgurable bandwidth, up to an aggregate band
mpromised host, being logged into from that host, or by acting on tainted information. Loss of trust can thereby cascade from host to host.
. This condensation technology also provides concentrated particle deposit that is amenable to elemental or chemical analysis. The oppos
human visual cues, including no-glasses-required stereopsis, head-motion parallax and matched vergence-accommodation (viewer&quot;s
core activities characterize this effort. First, we will leverage existing analyses of pilot tasks and workload in multirole aircraft to develop a P
mission analysis as a foundation, we will create scenario content for a proof-of-concept and investigate various technological solutions to mo
ormat, store the data, routinely assess and track readiness and predict future readiness or future training profciency fall offs. PATTRN will
ose a physics-based set of software tools based around a fast GPU-accelerated structural solver. The voxels will frst be morphed into a new
tical platorm based on ion mobility spectrometry, we will obtain empirically derived physical characteristics for a minimum of twelve spec
harles River Analytics proposes an Adaptable Toolkit for the Assessment and Augmentation of Performance by Teams in Real Time (ADAPT
ation layer via Software-Based Attestation (SBA). Ultimately, CLOAK provides the ability to ensure that only trustworthy processes are runni
construct, semantic agents, geographic input tools, relay software component, heuristic fltering, dynamic map of battlefeld, network topo
austere, secure communications environments. Existing systems fail to limit delivery using geospatial and other mission factors, resulting i
s, UAV, etc. Phase I will culminate in a hardware demonstration of a small-scale array optimized for RF requirements identifed by the Air Fo
operation with both IFDL and MADL systems. The FIRST RF solution is signifcantly advantageous in that it breaks from traditional, timewor
ly, WSCE, which is the stepping stone to the operational system is years away. Instead of waiting for WSCE ground sites to become availab
survive the environmental conditions described in RTCA/DO-160. FIRST RF proposes a novel two-axis mechanically steered aperture syste
rds, practices, and tools, including critical security practices regarding authentication, encryption, and segmentation. CIRRUS will make use
plays beyond 1080p resolution. Phase I will implement conventional DisplayPort architecture to support deep-color 4k2k content inputs, uti
s to exploit these technology advances to dramatically improve HMD processing capabilities. Toyon proposes to develop a high-performanc
incorporate concepts from situation semantics and utilize a psycholinguistically-motivated model of word meaning based on packets repre
the military or law enforcement, or to allow for a communication infrastructure based on airborne relaying in cases where satellite or cell p
available, to confrm the modeling results. The radiometer includes a steerable antenna and is packaged for long-term autonomous data c
ent on the RPA will be determined by considering trade-offs between minimizing: 1) the feld of view obstruction by the airframe, 2) effects
ent. In addition to the proof-of-concept, our team will deliver a roadmap for the entire TTRE, as well as documentation detailing how infor
tion or desquamation (skin cell loss). The integration of CFD and source terms models will be validated on Phase I testing involving tracer si
atures for fne-grained, contextual access enforcement across distributed, interconnected software applications, and (3) our TRL 9 standard
esigned for airborne use and capable of reliable operation in a Nuclear Command Control and Communications (NC3) environment. Despi
F radiation (including switching power electronics and their VLF-radiating magnetic cores) has created an electromagnetic interference (EM
ctronics. The phased-array telescopes and Fizeau interferometer optics allow the MACInTIR sensor to be utilized as a long-range, passive sp
has been qualifed in space. The same material is employed for the primary mirrors of the interferometric elements in a replication process
lt;0.1 deg C-in./W (in thermal vacuum), and ease of implementation with virtually no change to hardware. Local variations in specifc therm

esses the requirements of projection and holographic displays by taking advantage of the latest technological advances. HOLOEYE Systems
can be provided with imagery from on-helmet VIS/NIR and SWIR sensors that can be augmented with aircraft mounted sensors. Because i
tation to be realized. The real time true holographic display will add a new sense of realism for users without eye fatigue not achievable in
ovel GPS-enabled wearable personal sensor that will provide the capability to monitor airborne NP concentration as a function of size, surfa
onments. The objective of this Phase-I proposal is to combine available technologies into a novel, prototype personal monitorthe Persona
; ultimately resulting in accurate prediction of readiness and an optimal development plan. To address these challenges, our team propose
e frst innovation entails a technology improvement that signifcantly increases the angular bandwidth of our gratings. If successful, it will e
es that understand and generate socio-linguistically realistic text-based language. BENEFIT: We expect the full-scope Social Language for S
natural language understanding capabilities in its synthetic teammate program. Our team proposes to design and develop a natural langua
the problems associated with high temperature thermal loading. BENEFIT: The actively cooled ACE sensor will enable hypersonic missiles
and enabling conductive cooling of the windows through their mounting surfaces. For sufficiently small light sources, this approach can ma
y, implantation depth, and polymer composition, and from this, air stability factors for a given condition can be provided which is of great u
calable approach for producing aluminum-based core-shell nanoparticles that will have signifcantly better energetic properties than the b
ribute to the blast created by the warhead. This proposal develops a method wherein that fuel which is currently dead weight will be used
mulation our SEFOES device using strict mass and volume design constraints to assess its lethality prior to its demonstration. The SEFOES de
exits through specially designed holes (nozzles) in a&quot;piccolo&quot;tube that surrounds the tank. The superheated mixture undergo
ment of the technology for a Remote Interrogator could be useful for through the earth communications for search and rescue in mines or
ock-hardened RDR tactical systems that can be used in weapon systems, static bench testing of operational hardware through non-optimal
h based on the results of this testing, McQ will perform trade studies and a downselection of components that would both conform to the s
r is equal to that for a 2 mm thick copper plate and nearly double that for an EMI shielding commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) product over 4
erimental data and simulation results will be reviewed to refne the shielding material with a goal leading to a successful demonstration of
ghly tunable properties will allow for utilization in selective RF shielding applications. The materials and characterization advances made in
notch RF flter and resonant frequency fltering behaviors in such multi-layer materials. We will build on those initial experimental demons
eight of enclosures can be decreased 65 to 75% without sacrifcing strength, shielding, durability, versatility, or price.
standard manufacturing processes that match the shielding effectiveness of metallic structures, at less than half the weight. The proposed
n MIL-PRF-83282, MIL-PRF-87257, MIL-PRF-5606 hydraulic oil and Nitrogen gas. The seals should be capable of sealing in storage down to -
polymeric compound which will meet these demanding requirements. Experimental design techniques will be utilized for systematically de
However, no existing seal materials can satisfy all requirements of this system, as determined from discussions with seal manufacturers and
also comes a desire to help protect them from laser damage on the battlefeld. An optical limiter that could be incorporated into the facep
or evaluated at a single point using a reflectometer. This proposed Matrix Research effort will result in a traveling wave inspection tool that
es. BENEFIT: Scene generation technique, a powerful tool for characterization and test of imaging sensor, will become essential lab tools fo
n ultrawide feld of view against effective resolution. The S4SAM operates in the short-wave and midwave infrared wavebands, which explo
cle. The additional image information would allow soldiers on the ground to adjust the laser designator spot accordingly and thereby incre
ational mode selection permits in-flight target updates using a human-operated laser designator or autonomous guidance to the target usin
er which will allow the weapon solution to receive In-Flight Target Updates (IFTUs) and provide Battle Damage Assessments (BDAs). BENEF
ed hardware and software, anti-tamper (AT), Information Assurance (IA) and Built-in Test (BIT) to develop a heterogeneous, scalable, morph
ellants, explosives, thermobarics, multi-purpose warhead. This technology will advance the coatings for all metallic nanoparticles for applic
es, and offers a higher quality of particles than what is reported in literature. The process allows for a safer method of particle incorporation
ghtweight composite materials with effective RF shielding. BENEFIT: The proposed approach has applicability for a wide range of military
owave nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of specialized coatings in support of the Air Force&quot;s requirement for in-situ microwave trave
onable sensor head; and a subsystem containing an optical source and optical-beam-conditioning elements. Construction of the photonic
eed to be addressed, and precisely recoat those areas, if not the entire area of the duct. By allowing the manipulator to be easily repositio
e similar robotic technology we will know where to position the paint nozzle throughout the duct to create a successful part. This approach
ortant mechanical behaviors of the material in a form that can be used as a stand-alone engineering tool, or linked to a comprehensive set
e. While bulk residual stresses are often accounted for with simple approximations that ensure safety, improved understanding of bulk resid
development commercial CTS and VICTS-based Ka and Ku SATCOM COTM antenna products, including the pointing and stabilization system
ove the proposed technical approach is realistic and achievable. BENEFIT: This proposed single frequency high energy and high peak powe
generally involves nonlinear and non-Gaussian models that does not admit a closed form solution and as such will be implemented using
hat are being estimated (the poses of the platorm at each frame). The model also provides an explicit representation for the uncertainty in
issues for energy management in aircraft systems, creation of optimization metrics, implementation of necessary computational tools and
ally allocating resources in a model-based approach. Additionally, there is a gap in the ability to rapidly reconfgure an energy/power alloc
ructure that would enable more efficient and faster logic architectures for digital and mixed signal high temperature capable integrated circ
eneft from the high performance nanocomposite TIMs.
her heat sink capacities. In this Phase I project, Reaction Systems will identify a new fuel consisting of a single hydrocarbon or a blend tha
&#039;performance through the design of an EAU from a frequency-domain perspective. The primary objective of this Phase I effort is t
nhanced nanofluid fuels. Overall objectives of the proposed Phase I effort are development and evaluation of several candidate nanofluid f
hick shell of oxide that would inhibit nanoparticle participation in combustion. (ii) agglomeration of settled nanoparticles to form large parti
sed during this program. Specifc challenges include: i) adapting the cooling and manufacturing technologies to a very small scale and ii) de
dation of these measurements will also be investigated. Laser induced incandescence (LII) techniques calibrated with NIST traceable mean
ardware development platorm to facilitate immediate SW development by customers. In this phase II program an emphasis is given to dem
and back to the landing zone. Stratom proposes to address this need for rapid unloading and transportation of the mortar rounds, and oth
ight. Micro tube TES devices reduced the power consumption (factor of 3 to 7) and weight (10% to 47%) of VCS-cooled systems. Mezzo con
. Testing of Phase I full-scale basic work model in open waters at a towing speed of 5 knots and 502.5 ft length towed cable demonstrated

chnology for a wide array of Navy and DoD needs. Specifc goals include the development of new manufacturing processes that reliably pro
ude Roller Hertzian calculations that determine the magnitude of subsurface stresses carried by the HLRB bearing materials of fabrication

unds of damage, including a ~1.5 kJ impact in salt-fog and rain conditions. Building on this success, the Phase II effort seeks to develop a cu
ge and manageability as the device is setup within the confned space work area. Wolfs design approach allows one system to be used on a
ototype will be measured in terms of improved kinematic accuracy of a number of selected contacts of interest against a known performan
of key fabrication processes, and proof of principle demonstrations. Simple proof of principle packaging prototypes, demonstrating all key
ase II development work, we will conduct more systematic tests to improve the efficiency and ergonomic of this tool concept further and de
unsegmented multi-speaker audio. The prototype ASCS will incorporate feature and model robustness that will extend the system&quot;s
earch Laboratory, Code 8120. This Software Reprogrammable Payload technology has off-the-shelf RF modules that would be reprogramme
desired communications signal. This technique has been further developed and demonstrated with high fdelity simulations to be effective

quired by the selected TPS samples. The Translator will be capable of parsing ATLAS inputs, extracting test logic, handling common MIL-PRF
ation entirely up to the staff. The Navy is interested in exploring whether cognitive architectures can help address these issues. Recent year
ght to provide the high dynamic range, and an innovative low profle waveguide using free-form plastic optics. In Phase I, POC has successfu
e content management system and developing a prototype for the Document Management, Tasker Management, Records Management, a
es. Boston Engineering proposes to meet the Navys requirements for shallow water, complex environment missions with an advanced auto
ogy offers the capability to provide data on the particulate size and mass of visible emissions in support of cost-effective air regulatory repo
te, including the functional status of its components. Prescient means that the system is able to predict the chances of success of a particu
networks, ANNs) and statistical models combined with stand-alone solvers in an integrated fashion to solve problems of higher complexity
PCF type fber involving large core transition. Past efforts have relied on a step transition between the two fbers. In this proposal a continu
a holistic, integrated concept for sustainment simulation. FTI proposes to develop innovative enhancements to existing models and simula
ce for jet fuel analysis in the feld designed both for commercial markets and for meeting the Air Force specifcations for use in the RPA en
icitation. The program will begin with an exhaustive evaluation and down-selection of potential power systems, and will end with extensive
variable burner flow control and variable turbine, addresses issues of power on demand generation at high altitude using the ITB coupled w
e centered on improvements in aerodynamics of turbine components together with material capability enhancements that have enabled s
ercially in the felds of aerospace propulsion of UAS, and aerospace APU. Other applications include land based mobile propulsion systems,
potential to be the next generation quiet, reliable, low weight heavy fuel engines that will meet the desired next generation UAV mission r
pression valves that increase the CI/HFE expansion ratio and efficiency while reducing exhaust energy below propeller noise. The compoun
ohydrodynamic traction models, which along with heat generation, are key contributors to the stability of bearing element motion, will be u
ors) with the goal of supplying/sinking 100% of the transients above/below the average generator load. This SBIR challenges the notion of
d placement of instrumentation, thereby improving test efficiency and reducing test cost. AUG3D will be comprised of comprehensive mod
well as ashore, and having the ability to scale to support multiple MH-60R sensor suites, targets, platorms and communication links. Duri
one for thin line towed arrays. Sonobuoys are produced in high volume and are expendable which drives the requirement for a low cost de
et it is still a passive system that provides no active fatigue damage alleviation. This SBIR effort is focused on the development of a HUMS i

only benefts the system cost and volume, but also reduces power consumption and increases stability and reliability of the system. The las
ring Phase I, Mainstream designed, built, and demonstrated an H3-sized AFCU which weighs 35% less than the legacy fan coil and has a coo
ometer system that has been uniquely designed to ft on a sonobuoy-launched UAV when it becomes available in 2013. Second, implemen
er that is synchronous with the flight path/dynamics and resultant OTW view from an aircraft cockpit as simulated in a flight simulator. The

y and reactivity of the repair resin to the substrate, and mechanical properties. Accordingly, a resin having the necessary viscosity, wetting,
y, and availability (high assurance). The proposed solution will not depend upon any signals from ground-based or space-based augmentati
elies on some knowledge and interaction with the other areas to sufficiently address the detailed concepts. To be successful with this integ
ncies of distributed networked test and training environments and provide consistent, realistic, jamming effect replications with propagatio
develop a concept demonstration for Phase II that will demonstrate and validate the feasibility of the system to operate in a tactical airbor
all support decision making for MCM missions with replanning, retasking, and rescheduling capabilities, and shall interoperate with the ME
fng can translate the position of drug traffickers away from drop zones. Enemies may want to hide the identities of military aircraft as comm
mance will be tested through the fabrication of a power conversion circuit with efficiencies exceeding 90 %.
rent points in the ENOB vs. sampling rate trade space. The PSI/STR teams innovative design meets this programs challenging ENOB, dc pow

or, ultra-high resolution micro-display based on our Fiber Scanned Display technology. The preliminary designs developed in Phase I will lea
making local and standoff PM measurement up to 300 meters. Both measurement methods, the optical particle sensor for PM measurem
s for the incorporation of legacy systems into the SOA. This architecture will be used to develop a concept demonstration for Phase II that
quot;s systems, store pertinent information, and allow for a quick, error free transfer to the service depot&quot;s computer. The transfer w
mmended maintenance actions without crew debrief. The concept AAMP system will demonstrate the capacity to do the following: Analy
mulator applications. ART&quot;s existing Boeing 737-800NG avionics training simulator can be adapted to utilizing a remote mobile comp
s among emitters of the same type operating at the same RF, Mode and&quot;beam&quot;. Automatic, adaptive feature extraction, match
al methods. Under this SBIR program ISL will develop new SEI techniques that overcome these problems and provide the Air Force with a c
s that account for all of the relevant aerodynamics including sensitivities to initial conditions (store release times) resulting from unsteadine
nsive test and analysis methods. BENEFIT: M4 Engineering currently offers the Rapid Unsteady Store Analysis Tool to address the demand
used over and over again for fast trajectory fly-outs using existing store trajectory software tools. The database will be adapted for use with
uation during Phase I, using numerous frst generation prototype sensors to investigate current limits of LGS SAW strain sensor technology,
of multi-aperture infrared signal data processing will enable SAPIEN to warn of impending MACs. The result is a commercially viable design
amic performance. In Phase I, we will generate a preliminary design of our WHRS and project its performance. In Phase II, we will build an
w quality heat. This innovation provides a low pressure source for expanding the third stream air to maximize its ability to absorb heat. Perfo
ission line (MTL) simulation and analysis tool to model the effect of HPEMI in standard circuit simulation tools, and perform this analysis w
geometry, so the tool interface must be computer-aided design (CAD)-based to represent the system geometry in three dimensions. The T
improving performance and stable operation over a wide range of temperatures. Such advances are required to enable feld-able directed
al loss and modal transformation through the device. These unique characterization techniques will be used to fully understand and optim
gree cone of regard. This window can be curved to match the contour of the aircraft to minimize aerodynamic drag and turbulence. Additi
tem Beam Director (GPAWS-BD). The GPAWS-BD is comprised of (1) a common subaperture optical train; (2) a rigid full-array superstructur
ower phased array design. In Phase I, Optonicus will demonstrate feasibility through detailed optical design, preliminary mechanical design
weapons systems and allow the US Air Force to maintain future air superiority. BENEFIT: If successful, the proposed thermal ground plane t
gle to multiple fber confgurations. An active control technology is used enable tilt in two dimensions making the system useful for close p
mine the relative position and orientation of the target. During Phase I, we will develop a prototype implementation of the algorithm and d
se the apparent motion of the illumination is construed as motion of the tracked features. Even more difficult than tracking under these c
all on-helmet multi-aperture common optics with bandwidth reduction and improved signal recovery using coded aperture techniques sup
ors. The system is designed to be light weight and with a component distribution to minimize the moment arm on the helmet. The unit is in
E Linux, or Citrix XenClient XT, and an external form factor that will mimic standard modules for storage, communication, and other enhanc
marking system informed by the current mission profle. DocMark will fll in incomplete and non-standard releasability metadata for data o
ing the cost of porting analog circuits by 2-4x over conventional methods. And in fact has been used to manually design a proof of concep

NEFIT: In Phase III we anticipate dual use applications. Military for MILSATCOM systems which would beneft from high capacity satellite u
anisms involved in the Polymer Impregnation and Pyrolysis (PIP) process for CMCs, whose modeling is of immediate interest to COI Cerami
lso maintained in terms of vector performance over frequency and angle, which is a key performance discriminator for both anti-jam nullfo
on will use direction-fnding algorithms developed in-house to estimate the angle of arrival (AOA) of GNSS emitters using both simulated a
uel inert fber optic oxygen sensors 2) the use of fluorescence lifetime signal processing electronics; and 3) the use of advanced sensor calib
hermal resistances that are factors lower, exhibit increased mechanical compliance due to thermal expansion coefficients, and possess rob

ll. Compared to current hydraulic technology, this system should simplify installation, improve efficiency, reduce maintenance, and lower o
mercial potential, especially for designers and manufacturers of reusable LOX-Hydrocarbon rocket engines. The techniques and test proto
stals. We shall model the ion source with emphases upon effects of crystal temperatures on the electric feld created and feld enhanceme
ng to confguration, operation, and/or equipment c) Measure and assess the efficacy of implemented FOB energy improvements d) Me
stresses is neutron diffraction. However, this technique is not widely utilized by industry because suitable neutron sources and instrument
n / compensation. Our concepts for automated saturation control will be based on scene statistics and mission requirements. BENEFIT: o D
n. The two-fold approach we propose uses a physical analog of CMC PIP processing to understand the PIP process. We propose to use pho
of the concentration of the chemical constituents. Both diffusion-dominated and reaction-dominated processes are considered. A multisca
his Phase I SBIR program, we propose to construct a novel eye-safe, coherent, laser source that can be used in innovative laser radar applica
. When fully-developed in Phases II and III, the sensor system will also report fuel tank pressure and fuel temperature. In Phase I, PSI will a
ate, energy consumption, and dynamic response of the APTMS with a given confguration. Based on these predicted resource requirement
orption for regenerative loads, challenges posed by More Electric Aircraft (MEA) require further advances in EAU high frequency performan
m diameter scan that is capable of measuring accurate number densities, size distributions, and mass based emission factors. The technique
ergy savings is based on experimental results from the Phase I, proof-of-concept analysis. In Phase II, Mainstream will fnalize the detailed
s to achieve the aggressive technical objectives posed by the AoA. The generator, solar, battery, and fundamental bus architecture design c
ncapsulation. High efficiency power electronics, achieved through advanced materials, such as silicon carbide (SiC), and innovative topologi
been shown to provide extremely high accuracy. BENEFIT: The technology developed on this project will provide a new methodology fo
tion. Flexible solar cells and conformal antennas could potentially be integrated into personal electrics, clothing, windows and curved struc
, to address this need. The proposed system would provide the ability to process the full feld-of-view of WAMI sensors, detect and track t
test in cell phone and broadcast video processors. An evaluation of software development platorms will be performed to assess ease of c
. In Phase I, BNS will demonstrate non-mechanical beam steering at sub-millisecond speeds and verify a path to speeds under 10 micro-
sensor data much like the human brain does, allowing them to efficiently recognize dismounts, equipment, buildings, terrains, and other in
rent SFM methods are often unable to supply accurate 3D terrain models even during flights where extensive video imagery is acquired. N
effort is focused on the development of an aerial image-based 3-d reconstruction algorithm that combines the relative strengths of both si
a systematic way. Feedback and control would be used for fne impedance adjustments to account for surface distortion effects, interferen
not a desirable situation. The very nature of ffth-generation stealth aircraft poses increased challenges when it comes to thermal manage
r feedback we will develop concepts for redundancy and failsafe disconnects. Though a primary focus is the innovative motor, we will stud
dels for combustion instabilities: a CFD model and a nonlinear acoustics model. A CFD model is needed as it has the potential to be truly p
terial and resulting plasma plume. Current single mode breakthrough detection methods, which predominantly use broad band spectral s
However, organic electronics suffer from rapid degradation when exposed to the elements, particularly oxygen and water vapor. In this pro
ncorporates fully adaptive multidimensional channel dependent waveforms, multi-objective and adaptive resource allocation, control, and
f seven components: environment, transmitter, receiver sensor, adaptive detector, covariance matrix estimator, mission processor, and con
ATI/DPCA on a two-channel Ku-band SWaP limited (&lt;85 lbs.) radar system. The system will operate in Video SAR mode, which performs
ng. Additionally, packaging techniques for balanced and arrayed photodiodes will be investigated. BENEFIT: The anticipated benefts/app
ustion studies. After down selection, successful candidates will be tested using a small rocket motor test stand. The results of these tests w
e energetic would convert completely to CO2/H2O with no unusual plume signature, no deposition, and no need for a surface passivation l
ftware product, FlowSimulatorTM, which integrates a fully automated grid generator, 6-DOF analysis, flow solvers, and post-processor all to
e ceramic substrates, metalized fber and active alignment process, 2) reducing the transceiver assembly, handling and fber-related repair
eiver will be improved to deliver the best performance from the high-dynamic range ADC.
be combined into an overall modeling and analysis procedure that is applied to two vehicles designated by the sponsor. Live fre and feld d
crosslinked acrylate will contribute toughness, flexibility, and some barrier properties. The complete material will be transparent to light f
of an STL fle, will be utilized in University of Louisville&quot;s (U of L) Dislocation Density based Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Model (DD
er based primers and we have a strong relationship with established paint manufacturers to meet MIL-SPEC requirements. Luna&quot;s coa
be demonstrated on repaired test coupons in Phase I for proof of concept, and on repaired Air Force aircraft parts in the feld in Phase II. A
hin broad temperature range, spanning from cryogenic up to 500°C or even higher. Gate dielectric incorporated into MISHFET design enable
to a certain pressure level or flow velocity; however, materials that are compatible with LOX at all pressure and flow velocity levels are nee
al and environmental barrier characteristics that make it attractive to a wide array of applications to turbopump components. Collaboration
nt per ion gun in excess of a milliampere is possible, but 1 microamp/gun is suitable for thrusters of many newtons from a single 200mm w
a CFD method that accurately, yet efficiently captures high frequency acoustic waves in a complex geometry setting. Most of these require
raft. We propose to use laboratory-generated flame soot, representative of aircraft exhaust, and a suite of state-of-the-art particulate instr

ling, identifcation, and tracking of chemically based degradation that occurs in-use. Ultrasound, Forward-Looking Infrared Systems (FLIR), a
att) power output. Additionally, the prospect of developing a hand-held device that is low-cost and easy to use is improbable for such syste
and new testing performed with augmented ASTM tests and bi-axial testing. The second function will be to generate new material charact
rate, and repeatible inspection of multiple fasteners in a single snapshot, Luna&quot;s 3D fastener inspector will provide a key capability fo
technology, MEMS laser color image projection technology, and ultra compact computer technology) into one compact, handheld device.
on to restore and even enhance MWIR imagery adversly effected by extremely bright scene content. BENEFIT: There will be immediate be
which will maximize image content under conditions including but not limited to saturation. These methods will frst be targeted toward po
uld enable a better understanding of the process, and provide data to anchor models of the build process. This effort will be restricted to T
r feedstock through recycling and mapping process parameters to measured powder quality.
inum. When a coating containing such an additive incorporated is damaged, reactant material from the self-healing additive will be release
e functions in the wrapper, and then the wrapper automatically decide the parallelization approach based on the function characteristics a
ment. FIRST RF is partnering with an industry leader in system integration onto launch vehicles to frst, perform a thorough requirements/l
rom mirrors in the Son state and one collecting illumination from mirrors in the Soff state. These flters will have no overlap and will span t
prototype fabrication, assembly, and testing. BENEFIT: This flter and diplexer technology is applicable to military and commercial commun
Ti&#039;s mesoscopic turbomachinery experience, the proposed 9-month program will conduct design studies to balance the power dema
ater efficiency, when compared to a turbine engine, so to reduce overall take-off weight (of engine and fuel) for a 15-25 hour endurance. F
able description of the images/videos. In this Phase II.5 effort, we plan to bring this technology to a commercially ready product to the leve
communication between the StallBox and the simulator host. With the StallBox, the host database remains untouched and the aerodynam

. ABMS is a fully-integrated, stable platorm for storing and automatically charging rechargeable batteries safely in a warehouse environme
. In this fashion, loads can be grouped together and migrated to be connected to a single generator which would then presumably be opera

ed with the IMU/INS to demonstrate accurate azimuth and optimum position determination.
ned with increased functionality. While the development of ceramic multi-layer technologies has allowed smaller footprints to be realized
tive GPS Networked Acquisition System (COGNAS) provides a network of participants and optimization strategies to enable successful acqu
ocalization. BENEFIT: First responders operating in a disaster area will beneft from the proposed system.
mate improves approximately as square root n where n is the number of user passes through the Virtual Landmark, converging to the 30cm
r conditions. NCAR&quot;s WRF Data Assimilation is an advanced modeling system that can ingest and extract information from a variety o
perational warfghting theaters, and over oceans. In these areas, DoD vehicles, equipped with two-frequency GPS have the ability to estima
package. The unique characteristics of the cryocooler permit distributed cooling over a large area with high thermodynamic efficiency, res
uniformities in geometry and thermal effects limited their accuracy. With advances in computer speed, automation, parallelization, and nu
te bus&quot;real-estate&quot;available due to excess SWaP margin not allocated to the primary payload. PnP Innovations is proposing t
tage thermoelectric coolers. The top stage element in contact with the infrared array will be able to remove at least 0.5 W of heat at 123 K
sphere and how it modifes OTHR signal propagation, and use that information to improve OTHR coordinate registration. To address this ob
(sounders, GPS) and for a range of TID scale variations that will be formulated as part of this proposal. The impact of TIDs will be assessed
ded for future generations of such systems to maximize their ability to disseminate mission critical information during missions. Toyon Rese
ide an almost limitless set of parameters that can be varied.&quot;Optimal&quot;parameter selection can become unclear, and can chang
use of a feed offset mechanism which is lightweight yet robust enough to withstand the expected harsh conditions. BENEFIT: This lightwei
s of magnitude more dynamic range than conventional analog-to-digital converters available today. All of these techniques are combined i
modem will provide signifcant further terminal SWaP reduction. BENEFIT: Many current and proposed DoD systems use continuous phase
velopment on DoD Tier II and lower UAV platorms, and perform trade studies to develop baseline algorithms that will ft within the SWAP
mall moving targets using test cells which have very poor target to clutter-plus-noise ratios. We exploit the fne spatial resolution of SAR, an
rger reflector antenna. The new smaller array antenna will allow for replacement of the oversized SATCOM radome currently used on Perd
make possible to install the array on a UAV while ftting different installation conditions along with other possible options for the Predator c
e great interests of direct RF generation in microwave photonic system for simplifcation, higher gain, wider dynamic range and lower Noise
has formulated a Phase I effort that will defne and assess architectures for the RF front end ASIC subsystem and the AJ digital processing A
EELV. In Phase I, SI2 will survey potential SATCOM links, analyze their impact on antenna performance requirements, and downselect a spe
DPAA) Advanced Technology Demonstration (ATD) effort, the success of this endeavor rests heavily upon the development of a low cost sub
h as balanced to unbalanced , and aperture coupled resonators will also be investigated to justify the choice. The flter structures will be stu
Wavetrap that allows SA/DF to be accomplished in a single antenna, while also allowing ultra-wide bandwidths from 200MHz to 2GHz to e
accurate estimates of geo-location uncertainties. Accordingly, a precise uncertainty estimation when computer vision algorithms are used
d provide more reliable engines in production. The software will also be benefcial to other high end bearing applications such as rocket tu
s. New, thermal interface materials (TIMs) are needed to prolong the lifetime of high power electronic components, and can be accomplis
s heat sink without sacrifcing integrated system performance. Our proposed high density, miscible liquids as fuel additives will enhance the
ont or behind midwave infrared forward-looking infrared optics. In Phase I, POC plans to design, develop, and evaluate the ESLADAR conce
readily updated in the feld to include additional target knowledge. Commercialization opportunities for this work exist in the areas of da
tions will place the sensors in typical space surveillance and tracking orbits (similar to DSP and STSS / PTSS). The M &amp; S will be used to
onal beneft is that as the aircraft consumes fuel, its gross weight will reduce thereby further increasing range. The RIPPED UAV will eventu
properties of JP-8 and alternative fuels on combustion at conditions relevant to augmentors and diesel engines. Combustion Science &amp

plex optimization criteria for operation in a&quot;lights out&quot;environment that will reduce the burden on human schedulers and enab
within our Ace Visual Scheduler (AceVSC) product. Braxton applies multi-objective optimization using evolutionary algorithms which is one
ributed intelligent communications resource scheduling capability will provide better quality schedules; faster scheduling; handling larger, m
able, and jam-resistant communications for high-priority military ground, sea, and air assets.
of hardness is achieved. BENEFIT: The proposed technology surpasses current state of the art for the level of hardness and ADC performa
ful in a number of commercial applications (e.g. beverage cooling, mattresses, industrial and biomedical tools), engineering applications of
ed payload needs. BENEFIT: The proposed work will result in an enabling technology for hosted payloads, with a massive cost savings to th
and confguration or drag and solar radiation pressure. Avanced numerical integration techniques and GPU parallelization will ensure algo
a-shells. Plasma-shells are a rugged building block that have many properties desirable for operation in harsh space environments. When e
e selection of magnetocaloric materials, fluid refrigerant and the design of the fluid circulation system. During Phase II we will build two de
nd capabilities previously demonstrated on prior programs. Our cryogenic refrigerator will meet mission requirements for size, weight, per
E, the developed mini-LCCE will support a wide range of mechanical cryocooler solutions, making it the ideal solution to meet the Air Force
CR algorithms to properly account for traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs). Our previous investigations into TID mitigation produced a
h noise to perform a trilateration which exploits both time and frequency perturbations in the data to detect and track radio-reflective obj

ures (MPS) for frequency selective shielding. The MPS consist of only a pair of two flms, with slightly different permittivity and permeability
bability of maintaining safe separation in this more-dense environment. Three obvious advantages of combine data from the ABSAA and G
nts allows us to reduce the size and power requirements of these instruments by several orders of magnitude. During Phase 1 we propose
models by hand. Even less is known about the combustion of alternative, synthetic jet fuels under these conditions. The proposed effort w
ngineers in engine manufacturers like Honeywell Engines, GE Engines, Pratt Whitney, and Rolls-Royce can use the developed tool for turbin
atigue life calculations in the COTS program SHABERTH are proposed. Starting from a comprehensive review of recent technical literature,
hat can result in airframe damage or personnel injuries. An automated method for directly measuring oil fluid level, gas pressure(s), and te

et acquired a GPS solution. The cooperative signal acquisition algorithms shall use shared data between network participants to speed di
e data sources to improve the ability to detect, track, identify, and characterize man-made space objects. Current algorithmic approaches
evant built-in image processing capabilities. The industry standard Qseven carrier board will provide a common platorm for testing multipl
as enhance the performance of the receiver. BENEFIT: The key W/V band transceiver technologies developed for this program can beneft
antenna designs which allow multiple antennas to share the same aperture. Prior antenna based FSS solutions involve the use of gimbaled
and capable of learning and probing for subscriber distributions, quality of services, mission priorities and traffic patterns, but also agile in
ceivers to compute TEC and other relevant space environment data. To address this objective, we propose to: i) survey typical DoD GPS Us
knowledge base of target class and aspect dependent geometric features (such as the distance between critical scattering structures such
esulting from the combination of ABSAA and GBSAA measurements. BENEFIT: A robust multi-sensor integration capability for detecting ai
with higher sensitivity. Other signals that from other DoD components or transmitters that will be deployed in the future can create&quot

ng jammer signals from GPS, however many existing military platorms have limited space and power requirements that do not allow for tr
pact unit will target SWaP/C constrained military assets such as miniaturized UAVs, small missiles and handhelds where Anti-Jam (AJ) techn
amplifer. The use of high efficiency 153x nm diode lasers in conjunction with highly efficient fber coupling techniques indicates that we wi
oposed system can be dynamically tuned for either speed/efficiency or accuracy, depending on the requirements of the operator. The cen
r packaging to monitor aging and provide remaining life of the propellant throughout life of the asset. These smart labels provide immedia
will manufacture these sensors in conjunction with Vtech Technologies. The frst transition path will be via Aerojet to the Minuteman III mo
ordination to setup and its MAC protocol seamlessly handles node join/leave and network partition/merges. To limit overhead and enhanc
poration designed an innovative software product called CAPTAIN (Crypto-Partitioning Aware PEP for Tactical Networks) and successfully e
ross the red-black boundaries. A practical and easily deployable solution for supporting tactical multicast operations, the software-only tec
g forms of spatial inference with robust statistical and symbolic models of the implicit structure of complex events, we can achieve a level o
existing low-profle transceivers that have fxed fber pigtails, prone to breakage during assembly and operation. BENEFIT: Higher data r
umentation for Measuring E-felds). The work proposed for Phase-II is to&quot;build technology that demonstrates the Phase-I design&quo
er continues to make parts of acceptable quality. The fully developed IMPACT system, which POC plans to integrate into facilities at Lockhe

er threats to Weapon Systems. Our solution will not only provide high level of security, but also minimizes impacts on the platorm in terms
. We will continue solidifying our product strength with enhanced enterprise and mobile capabilities, as well as a Software-as-a-Service (S
D Conjunction Analysis architecture. In phase II, we will build upon and expand this initial proof of concept through several comprehensive
ftware and documentation will also be provided. We anticipate a broad customer base, including Department of Defense agencies as well
dvancement of this technology through development of autonomous sensor technology, flight code integration, simulations, and hardwar
on the advanced fghter alone, with larger savings projected for masking, post-cure machining, and extension of the system to gap fll, fuel t
ly high overhead costs of large contractors. The second category, airborne tactical Cryocooler, are affordable at a typical cost between $5,0
on-line at any time to help fulfll sensing objectives. We will build upon Toyon&quot;s existing fngerprinting, fusion, prediction, tasking an
program. The Advanced Radar Concepts for Small RPAs Phase I program clearly demonstrates the feasibility of innovative approaches nee

der this SBIR supports the high data-rate requirements of future transformational communications satellites terminals. Demand for higher
self, secured from potential COTS component exploits. It will prepare this technology for deployment into an existing government network
et is, based on our studies in Phase I, to build an advanced trust initialization strategy integrating with existing reputation/trust managemen
During the second phase, the OPC-Nutronics team will demonstrate the closed loop real time execution of HBC+CLAWS control algorithms
xample the vehicles that are automated or self-driving need large FOV image sensors for their sensing units in order to provide comparable
t with the capability to make the visor opaqueable at will, thereby providing optimum contrast for maximum visual performance. This prog
espect to this ontology in order to enable the system to (1) Infer which repositories are relevant to a high level query (statement of informa
ffectively train RPA Pilots and Sensor Operators. More specifcally, the tool provides guidance on the training environments and/or devices
predicting the capabilities of human listeners. We will 1) prototype a computer program that includes a dynamical model of the human au
nchmarked, and verifed. A preliminary hybrid graphical user interface will be developed to allow setup, execution and visualization of hyb
prototype of SAUNA based on the Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC) Mission System (JMS) UDOP and infrastructure. SAUNA will facili
e problem and advance the state-of-the-art for the space operator. Our Phase II program will seek to help the space operators to understa
polarization, etc. on a prototype array with measurements at the anechoic chamber. We will also develop a roadmap for low-cost mass-fab

ase II, Boulder Ionics will demonstrate a novel ultracapacitor design using ionic liquid electrolytes. To address the cost-effectiveness and ulti
er target point so that the pulses cannot dwell on one spot. Between pulses, sensors interrogate the surface and electronics compare the s
undamentally incompatible with the JSF program&#039;s ESH mission. Likewise, fasteners that are installed too short must be removed an
iency over a wide dynamic range. During Phase I, we demonstrated the power and versatility of this approach by using measured GaN MM
use of PNT information in each system that is reliant upon GPS. A clear understanding of how the integrated system (host and PNT) uses th
turity level and documented such that third parties can operate it in a wide variety of testing scenarios. A key innovation in the proposed r
ted will include improved communications and reduced primary user (PU) interference performance for DSA radios, improved position, vel
mously repair tears/cuts in the CB protective garments. Since the proposed coating system is expected to be a next-to-skin application, the
ls. Remote RF/IR sensor data collections are useful, but in situ data collections interrogating discrete debris pieces would provide more pre
ra would also be valuable in the development of interceptors with the required accuracy.
tructure. The radiated and conducted RF waveform signatures contain information as to the damage incurred as a result of the collision. Th
9999% and are currently produced in the millions per year by a number of manufacturers on highly automated production lines under very
herently insensitive to external stimuli. Specimens with and without artifcial defects replicating reliability issues will be tested in Fire and
-in test (BIT) functionality required. Phase I research will focus on developing, implementing and demonstrating an EED with self-test logic
an optimal suite of aging tests and reliability prediction methods relevant to extending shelf life of polymer and electronic parts of missile
aluated. Unique data analysis procedures and mathematical models will be utilized to extrapolate the life data obtained under accelerated
ms. During Phase I, feasibility of predicting the shelf-life of polymer missile parts shall be established by conducting real time aging testing
the AgeAlert sensor&quot;sees&quot;the same thermal environment as the ordnance device propellant. No embedment of the sensor int
ds and techniques already used by industry and/or presently under research for life extension of manufactured products or devices; and ho

esign will enable fabrication of ultraminiature sensors capable of accurately measuring inertial movement. In Phase I, POC will test the feas
al is aimed at characterizing performance metrics for the inertial sensing ranges achieved by the MEMS combs fabricated in various BMG al
rial life cycle and sustainability evaluations to demonstrate Cf-ZrOCm CMC&quot;s robustness to life cycle environmental exposures and pe

rt effective unmanned systems supervision. PSE has three key elements in place to ensure successful concept development and transition:
nts that beneft from collaborative anomaly management for autonomous vehicles; design a software framework that specifes the capabil
out external communications. The power manager consists of an energy storage device, inverter/charger, generator-synchronizer, renewabl
tor&#039;s power capacity when said generator is online, while at the same time providing the on-demand dynamic load power desired by
p a limited software prototype that illustrates key elements of our approach to demonstrate its utility and feasibility. Finally, we will develo
p a limited software prototype that illustrates key elements of our approach to demonstrate its utility and feasibility. Finally, we will develo
ur approach is to design reusable, ontology-driven decision support tools that can be confgured into an Autonomy Management Platorm (
and data product tools. A cognitive analysis plan is utilized for analysis of problem domain functionality with respect to operator workload
e, networked OS, designed from the ground-up as a whole-body, human-computer interaction platorm. The g-speak SOE is designed to h
g modifcations to operator equipment or to the carrier deck. The underlying software will build on state-of-the-art video-based human tra
ntegration of upcoming unmanned air systems (UAS) into current carrier operations, and maintains or improves current sortie rates, directly
h the hypervisor to checkpoint, rollback, and migrate VMs, and the operating system to install, remove, restart, or kill applications. VMCIS
nse the state of the system and reason about that state. 21CT proposes SATPAM, which uses prediction to learn abstractions that allow it t
oaches to reduce latency further than that achieved in Phase I. Software will be developed and demonstrated via an intermediate demons
hieve mission requirements. Under this effort, we will build a navigation simulation tool that enables such tradeoffs in sensor accuracies, n
m&quot;s extensive experience in high heat flux cooling and the development of robust military-systems. BENEFIT: Without the developm
of computing the detonation of the explosive, the breakup of the weapon casing, the expansion of the detonation products, the fracture a
h pressure/impulse measurements to better characterize advanced weapon blast wave phenomenology. A heat flux model, not currently in
esented here. BENEFIT: With the concern over collateral damage caused by a conventional weapon detonation, different types of damage
and software for correcting wind tunnel data for balance motion. The hardware component of the product will be a balance assembly inc
cryo-vacuum environment. SLEP will enable measuring sensor performance to nominally 10^-9/sr of ratio of sensor response at an off-axis
d performance demonstration and accuracy evaluation are also proposed. BENEFIT: The successful completion of this research and develo
gh-fdelity compression and storage that can be implemented in real time or near-real time, thereby eliminating existing bottlenecks that l

T tracker and thus advance the technology to TRL 8 for ground-based post-processing. A future Phase III effort shall integrate ground vehic
roach to wind-turbine induced clutter mitigation is based on characterization of the clutter followed by adaptive fltering to simultaneously
cturability, reproducibility, flexibility, and ease of replacement. In Phase I, the MMICs were designed to predict performance capability and
M) scattering from exo-atmospheric objects: 1.) The TR frequency (or frequencies) of a resonant object depends directly on its shape and
of the processing structure of the X-band radar used by BMD to that of the sonar for which this processing was designed suggests that it co
approach has been applied in the research areas of: malware/phishing/spam detection, ovarian cancer detection, protein interaction predi
is not employed. These tracks will then be processed using a Bayesian classifer or a kernel Bayesian classifer to discriminate between thre
nd discriminating the primary threat objects. We will evaluate the performance of this algorithm against multiple scenarios including cases

ng functionalities to either hardware or software. The tool will be based on the principles of optimization and will provide a rationalization
mmersive synthetically-augmented environment and, through ecologically designed naturalistic gesturing and vocal commands, purposefull
e, networked OS, designed from the ground-up as a whole-body, human-computer interaction platorm. The g-speak SOE is designed to h
e tools to diagnose new attacks, reason about their impact to the system, and implement countermeasures in an automatic fashion. Auton
will enhance ABMiner by integrating the weighted ensemble methods to automatically adjust to drifting features inherited in software app
has identifed a responsive and promising nanotechnology-derived platorm: protective superhydrophobic coatings. In response to the nee
will be identifed. Coatings will be verifed for use up to 100m depths and have good thermal conductivity and low electrical conductivity. A
range of specifed operating and environmental conditions, including hydrostatic pressure. The Phase I program will demonstrate the feas

actionable feedback to the medic during pre-hospital and transport medical care. The diagnostics will also accommodate for differences am
eads to too much weight, a costly device and overall inadequate performance. The proposed study will show that the Integrated Clinical En
leads to a minimization of weight, heat and bulk. This allows for a system where the battery can be reduced in size and integrated into the
e highly integrated multi-functional modules to improve overall performance and reliability and to reduce volume, mass, and cost. In orde
ons. This will beneft not only the military, but law enforcement, Department of Homeland Security, and other special tactics teams. These
nt blends to identify the best confguration to achieve optimal subsonic performance.
ches that were rejected and critically review our proprietary technologies (Patents Pending) related to incorporating into the manufacturing
tially increase efficiency while maintaining the same exterior dimensions. We will also investigate several combinations of polymers to ach
tion-optimized, thread distribution architecture reduces communication overhead by 33% resulting in faster program execution. Its aggress

h clockless (asynchronous) system design enable extremely low power feld-reconfgurable signal/image processing and control technology.
nable high frame rates to be obtained. Direct view infrared displays have another useful application in active IR camouflage at high dynami
et, blue, green, red, or IR. The technology is suitable for both flat and conformable large area panoramic dome displays. Under this SBIR IST
tion. The existence of different powder materials will allow for tailoring of the mechanical and reactive properties of the material through
Scene Generator (LSG) will also be developed with the capability to generate high-bandwidth pulse waveforms with programmable intensi
d. Under Phase II the concept will be fully developed using a combination of simulated and experimental data collections. BENEFIT: The
dule advanced under the Phase I. Additional thruster confgurations will be tested for best performance, and a prototype thruster delivera
is potential for unstart, the actuators will make the cavity a high drag cavity, which would act as a shock trapping device. In normal operatio
d-fre antennas that are constructed from conformal, high-temperature dielectric materials. The proposed work is targeting seeker system
anner to garner actionable intelligence and execute a course of action. This is only possible if the platorms have sufficient context and are
m imagery, evaluate algorithm tradeoffs, and demonstrate real-time mapping and scene recognition from multiple agents. We will evaluat
rately and quickly. This signature modeling capability will enable the MESM to provide results with much faster execution than is possible u
gard (FOR) High Gain Ka-Band Data Link. This concept offers reliability and performance in a compact package that is compatible with grou
ent of fast camera ray-to-3D terrain model intersection algorithm, and iv) development of a distributed computational framework to enable
ormance specifcations was implemented, and an AFE design with excellent noise fgure and dynamic range performance was completed.
hat produced QDs that emit light within the wavelength range of a targeting pod&quot;s sensors. These procedures, as well as an overcoa
ostile environments where passive operation is critical) allows for critical design decisions to be assessed. Relevant performance metrics m
tic Aperture Radar (SAR). A capability to model and predict the performance of these systems is critical to future development and deploym
nt constraint in sensor implementation is the relatively small size and weight of SUAS. Thus, high performance sensors that offer low size, w
ing is extendable to integrate change indications form multiple sensing modalities. The 3D scene modeling and analysis capabilities provid
ential to revolutionize assessing complex electronics for military use. Integration of voltage regulation to supply the necessary voltages and
ated include processes, methods, and equipment used to collect biological samples; methods and equipment used to store biological samp
decontaminated automatically. During the coating application process and the period when the coating is left on the vehicle, chemical age
R will provide proven enzymatic technologies for disclosure and decontamination of chemical agents. These will be integrated into the coati
nctional group will indicate the location of contamination within the coating after deactivation. We have demonstrated that the basic gel co

d Android is superior to visual detection; that it meets or exceeds all other Phase I requirements; that it can quantify results; and that it can
passive sensor will have the capability to detect surface contaminants, airborne biological particles, and chemical vapor and aerosol agents
uyot-Sionnest group will apply their substantial expertise to develop synthesis methods for generating CQDs with good optical absorption
tance to vapor permeation such systems. This will be accomplished through a new closure system proposed to be based on polymer microf
es and measure their sealing properties and mechanical strength to demonstrate the feasibility of the closure sealing approach. In the Opti
will develop and screen formulations comprising an innovative stabilized nanoparticles containing CBW agent neutralizers, uniformly dispe
effects is proposed. This approach combines advanced modeling capabilities and time-resolved small-scale testing in order to identify and
allenges for developing a suitable battery system require innovative approaches to scale existing kilowatt class technology into the megawa

e state-of-the-art accuracy in high-speed fnite-rate turbulent chemistry modeling. The NCPA afterburning hot-rocket experiment will be sim
millimeter/submillimeter excitation pulse and the low noise heterodyne receiver, 3) high-speed, 8-bit signal PCI digitizer with FPGA accumu
generation of electronic devices.
r effective and robust portable resuscitation monitoring. This work effort will utilize simulated bleeding and resuscitation data gathered at t
nation patterns. Preferably the video data should be live or at least capable of being streamed and the data must be transmitted from aust
mbedded processing architectures, and radar algorithms to identify and assess solutions for a rear hemisphere, tail-rotor obstacle avoidance
metry using a single method. DMLS sequentially spreads layers of powder metal and selectively melts regions defned by a 2D slice of a 3D
upon the experience of Continuum Dynamics, Inc. (CDI) in developing fast reliable airframe design codes, panel methods and CFD solvers f
c models for two-phase rarefed flows, iv) kinetic and fluid models of chemical reactions. In Phase I, we will demonstrate UFS for high-fdelit
ow multiple frequency bands and flexible physical confgurations. This design uses all-solid-state electronic component technologies develo

3. In addition, the compact, low cost system is easy to acquire and integrate with airborne platorm. In Phase I, POC will perform a technica
rojected costs of these systems suggest fleet-wide implementation is improbable. What is needed is an affordable aid to the pilot/operators

its innovative spray process called Uniform Melt State Process (UniMelt). This process offers uniform melting in three dimensions of the pr
above advancement to demonstrate the technical feasibility of meeting the Army&#039;s requirements for drilling angled shaped holes in
terfacing, and a representative Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) flow solver for the rarefed flow simulation. Application of this meth
uments the NPP architecture, critical building blocks, functional requirements and performance characteristics. This Phase I effort will es
cifc batteries, Giner, Inc. proposes a new type of hybrid, solid-state cell that takes advantage of the high-energy and high-power capabilitie
e sensor modalities into a single package, signifcantly reducing SWAP, simultaneous to advancing the overall effectiveness and refnement
ld fail. Phase I efforts will focus on defning the system requirements, evaluating competing system options, developing an initial design for
ensor, and the unique and innovative features of the foundational plenoptic camera at its heart allow image processing operations that can
h the goal of eliminating sidewall leakage in small pixels of Type-II InAs/GaSb strained layer superlattice photodiodes.
or and 3D motion energy harvester replenish eyewear power both day and night. Therefore, this AEC system offers over 72 hr of operation
op a promising and attractive technology that will potentially solve both of the above identifed problems. Next generation natural fber der
have unique physical properties to deter insect contact with the clothing, thereby minimizing the risk of bites or stings. The proposed prot
hermal comfort for our war fghters. This development will build on existing technology and processing methods to ensure the above prop
) Partitioning the digital and RF functions to leverage the use of COTS signal processing integrated circuits. (2) Maximizing the bandwidth o
two areas with four major tasks: 1) The generalization of the Doppler processing for use with existing FMCW or Bi-Phase coded radar wave
rojectile for use on the battlefeld to allow the war-fghter to locate and engage targets at extended ranges in potentially dangerous enviro
systems survive gun launch loads and develop GNC algorithms for an autopilot and man-in-the loop system. During the Phase I option, Orb
lish performance criteria that helps guide a confgurable cultural representation for urban populations. Our approach will demonstrate how
it (DIT) through Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) protection that are suitable for classifed operations; Network Virus/Malware Protection - pr
o address these issues, Intelligent Automation, Inc. (IAI) proposes to develop a SCalable AutoNomic Fault detection and root-cause analysis

al Electronic Attack (EA) DRFM system minimizing Radio Frequency (RF) component technology that will result in reduced size/cost/comple
ovative approach that leverages innovative phased array architecture to provide a highly functional TCDL communications node with multi-
shift keying communication waveform using the HAD-DREX hardware will be applied. We will show how our design is capable of generatin
L application. The FALCON OIRU can be packaged in a 2 inch cube, and provides high sensitivity and low errors required for dual use as a jitt

r generation. Specifcally, ROI will assemble a self-power, wireless WiFOS transceiver interrogation system based on ROI&quot;s monolithic

ons is thus highly demanded for optical power loss budget on military aircraft. We propose to develop compact fber amplifers in the 850 n
e thermal interface resistance between the TGP and the semiconductor device.
uting requirements are readily achieved with commodity COTS components suitable for the SWaP constraints defned for the MVCS. * It can
sent greater challenges to today&quot;s Navy. A successful solution must incorporate a capability to locate, with reasonable accuracy, all po

together with Saab Sensis, will develop GaN power amplifer open T/R unit designs tailored for USN radar and EW systems such as AMDR.

elopment, analysis and applications and our development of several generations of emitter parameter measurement algorithms to extract
mine and characterize the physics of the problem using mathematical modeling and recent successful testing with recorded sonar data again

the need for all the 400 Hz distribution equipment. In this Phase I SBIR, we propose to develop a 40 kW high power density, affordable PU
demonstrated at sea off the SEAL support ship the C Commando. Soft Rail can be used to L and R just about any payload including; surface R

tipath rejection, and increased range resolution due to the ultra broadband nature of the chaotic baseband signal. Such system attributes a
stem will leverage and extend proven QuickFlex technology to dynamically manage system power consumption according to the instantane
s appliances. This system will include full balance of plant (pumps, blowers, etc.) and control algorithms required for seamless integration w

d high capacities. During Phase I, the electrodes and electrolyte will be developed and tested to meet specifc energy, specifc power requi
he proposed radar will signifcantly advance the state of the art in short range IED detection. The outcome of the Phase 1 program will be a
ell-qualifed. We previously developed two prototype network verifcation systems. Initial evaluations of our systems have found 23 real bu
te a low order tangential mode and then attempt to attenuate it using the new concept.
s regions where a full-wave solver is applied with regions where a high-frequency solver is applied, overcoming the limitations of using a si
s, REMAPP will re-plan in real time increasing the survivability of the strike force. The proposed approach will be centered around Linear Te
tivity and then use planning algorithms to work out the details. The planning algorithm works by iteratively planning for each asset individu
ompletion of this program will allow naval airborne assets to have unprecedented capabilities for operating in a variety of ISR and force pro
nable heat dissipation for whatever heat is developed due to flexure. The shield material will be selected for inherent temperature resistan

igh power laser pulse compression will be used to develop the non-polarizing beam combiner gratings. The requirements as outlined in the
defnition rely on interference within the stack, resulting in much higher intensities within the stack and leading to optical damage at reduce
ay very quickly during runtime if there should be a hardware failure. In an era where simulators are used more than ever, tremendous cost

capacitors based on solid state electrolytes and graphene based electrodes. The graphene will be processed to signifcantly increase the eff
pare the proposed solution to current practice and estimate a cost beneft to the government. A preliminary experiment and extending Res
will be able to accommodate large differences in thermal expansion between the electronic part and the heat sink.

g the signatures of large, complex shapes, but they suffer in capturing the effects of detailed features measuring a few wavelengths or less.
dynamical systems The proposed effort will result in the proof-of-concept implementation of functionalities for asset allocation and path-p

s operating on nearby platorms such as a high power radar on a ship, or could be due to intentional jamming. In order to ensure maximum
M, Inc. that is currently being enhanced with parallel processing capabilities under a related NAVAIR SBIR Phase II activity. As part of that eff
equirements of the solicitation topic and offers improved optical IRU performance in an incredibly small package (2&quot;x2&quot;x2&qu

realistic time series data simulating the performance of specifc acoustic array types with the ability to mimic the effects of a wide range o
ptimizing thermal performance but also on developing a form factor and manufacturing process(es) that can be easily integrated into curre

yesian processor will process the multi-static&quot;s processors contact reports and fuse common contacts across different sonobuoys. Th
vironments, revealed exceptional UV durability (ASTM G154 and G155), and is currently undergoing sea trials on a combat active U.S. Navy
g: (1) generate data sets containing representative signal parameters by thoroughly exploring the envelope of tactical and EW scenarios; (2)
formance while avoiding the need for a labor-intensive manual process that requires SME knowledge. HELO employs a general Hierarchical
e deployment challenges will integrate our existing strategies and strengths in the end-user minimal concept, paired with an innovative soft
yment usage.
the UAV) to allow the UAV to follow USV movements and to control UAV takeoff and landing. The Phase I performance metrics are demon
o increase the communications range between the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) seaframes and Mission Package Unmanned Surface Vehicles
t the use of high temperature SiC semiconductors, which can signifcantly increase system cost. In Phase I, Mainstream will optimize the po
position and rate messages for use by the TBEC control system to simultaneously manipulate up to eleven tag-lines attached to the recover
, robust, compact form factor nonlinear conversion subsassembly. In addition this system will capitalize on NP Photonics&#039;expertise i
tomated target recognition (ATR) of surface and subsurface contacts in high clutter littoral environments. We propose novel feature extracti
and identify any technical issues associated with applying the concept to the PAP arrays under consideration by PMS-485. Under the Phase
exercise reports. We will leverage or develop, as necessary, modular interfaces to the existing Mission Planning Application (MPA). Simulatio
nd risk control recommendations, providing integrated risk management panels and widgets in the AN/BYG-1 mission planning Human Sys
res of the spectral shape and auto-regressive coefficients from speech recognition are leading candidates for investigation. Another produc
AR normalization of the within-beam time series using model-based and data-driven assessment of range-dependent amplitude statistics, a
ets and clear horizon measurements. These measurements will be used to design a Phase II EI camera system capable of 24/7 extinction pr
t will operate autonomously and continuously. The Phase I program will consist of analysis and conceptual designs of the lidar sensor. The P
nding the ship. MAC-LIDAR constructs 3-D images of attenuation by combining data from time gated 2-D images of laser light scattered bac
n needed to spatially resolve salvos more efficiently than traditional high-resolution waveforms. To make reliable performance predictions f

detect both kinematic and acoustic-signature torpedo characteristics 2. Develop a kinematic feature-detector algorithm capable of detec
ng Assessments in Training Environments (SEAMATE). SEAMATE will enable a smaller number of expert instructors to effectively work with

beamformer (ABF) for LFA and CLFA which provides improved active clutter reduction and improved signal to interferer and noise ratio. AB
fortunately, scenarios requiring persistent use, such as an unattended ground sensor or providing situational awareness to a soldiers head-

Missile Defense Agency (MDA), NAVAIR, and Azure IR &amp; D in DREX technology. Azure has a miniature wideband DREX module running

LF receiver based on POC&quot;s magnetic feld processing modules and ELF command transmitter to remotely control the BETR to genera
sed is low cost, tough, and easy to process. The polymeric system shows environmental stability and durability in maritime environments.
ual increase in the costs to both government and industry to manufacture and purchase the wire. Various factors combine to create the dim
d an associated printhead that can ink-jet dispense the solutions into the desired pattern. The development also includes the process that

sibility of applying modern computer vision techniques to create a Ship Shape system that computes 3D CAD models from submarine peris
menting target ship data from marine backgrounds, automatically estimating the relationship among image viewpoints, compensating for ta
will be in water tested to determine the effectives of the design and provide a basis for engineering changes for the Phase I Option where an
unds are based on recent publications presenting advances in blends of EPDM and nitrile, as well as blends of NBR and HNBR (hydrogenate
Creare plans to develop an FHA that is affordable (based on a total life cycle cost basis), durable, and can withstand extreme shipboard serv
e system development site allows for cost effective repair of undesirable combat system behavior that would eventually have occurred at t
ed and isolation bandwidth performance. In fact, sub pico-second responses have been theorized for VO2 based T/R switches when more e
S (Common Broadband Acoustic Sonar System) transmit and receive functions. The approach is to develop a modular solution in line with N
will be verifed by testing and analytical modeling. The re-designed power supply will have an input voltage of 275 VDC and will perform a D

able to multiple surface types with good adhesion and is highly resistant to water and ionic permeation. Initial cost projections for the coati
n Inc. proposes the development of a second generation NCC for marine connectors that will permit application to complex surface geome
resulting in signifcant cost savings to the Navy.
edding properties and that is easily applied to RMS tow cables in a thin and low-cost package. The primary function of the coating will be t
olkit will automate nearly every activity required for system installation and maintenance. Of particular node is removing the requirement
nd repeatability while reducing operator workload. Barron Associates, Inc. and its research partners propose a tiered research and develo
echnology of Wavelength Beam Combination (WBC) effectively solves the poor output beam quality problem of direct diode lasers. We wil
ng the known resonant characteristics of biologics to transmit at frequencies away from that of the resonant biological backscattering. The
failover and graceful power degradation. The frst (m+n), invented in 2008 and deployed in a mission critical ASR-3 application in 2010, de
e the critical path mean time between failures compared to present Klystron-based amplifers. The innovation in this solid-state amplifer an

ced from the matched flter output, namely multiply the likelihood ratios together to form a cumulative likelihood ratio surface. Peaks in th
multiple targets and their trajectories in the short-term by spatio-temporal clustering. Autonomous detection and localization using long-ter
vate and compact packaging (such as embedded components), robust shock hardening, and efficient thermal management strategies. Inco

so work with the Navy to obtain simulated data which is representative of the problem in the context of SEWIP Block 2.
RFs of different pulse-widths and modulations generated from single emitters. The approach leverages and refnes existing RAS algorithms
dvantages and disadvantages; during Phase I Vadum will evaluate three renowned techniques and determine which of these best solves the
timization of a new fxed-pitch propeller which matches the propeller load to the most economical motor operating conditions. Componen
mbines individual subcomponents such as shroud, propeller(s), shaft, gearing, motor(s), and batteries, and (ii) adheres to stringent design s
s expected to provide design support and information on their Shipboard Weapons Loader.
e-of-the-art engineering analysis tools will be employed to verify the structural design approach and defne a safe operational envelope for
unit, and an intuitive operator feedback system for diagnostic capabilities. The A3-Hand system will be designed with the following consid
ng conditions, including cloud clutter, water droplet clutter, day and night, and weather-driven illumination and temperature variations. Toy

omposite with the required electrical and mechanical properties. Dielectric constant and loss tangent of the composites will be measured fr

oposed phase 1 effort develops concept designs that leverage mechanism technologies and integrated composite structures and pressure v
nder procurement, integration with COTS components, followed by pressure and functionality testing. The critical task of the program is the
e air flasks to design a flask and regulator system to meet the Navy&quot;s desired criteria. The manufacturer&quot;s extensive experience
in the measurement system are entirely in optical waveguides, optical-bias and alignment-free, and the system has no mechanical moving
mployed as anti-reflection (AR) coatings to ensure compatibility with existing fabrication processes. This work will be performed in collabor

guration commands in the deployment environment. This SBIR aims at automating the task of dynamic address allocation and maintenanc
orous tubes will have the advantage of matching the shrinkage pattern of the investment cast Aluminum alloy. Metallurgically, the PCM pro
uel and air placement. The effort will utilize an existing test rig with two-stream mixing to mimic the fan and core air streams. This offers the
m for low-bandwidth, active screech suppression. The fueling system, called CFIS (Carbureted Fuel Injection Scheme), provides control of t
feedback control algorithms for robust sensor wavelength demodulation integrated with power conditioning for energy harvesting power
ng their own personal hearing protection in simulated pressure scenarios, ensuring that personnel are not exposed to a dangerous level of
mising the earplug, which is currently impossible. Unlike the conventional earplug whose performance typically degrades over time (due to
combine small mechanical excitation of the structure under test with a lightweight camera that images the surface resonant frequency, di

ments; and adaptable to robotic or gantry scanning of large area regions. The reflection T-Ray sensor will have non-contact operation, with
ualifcation program for a new seat design (mindful of the fact that the C-2 seating must withstand catapults and traps) while leaving the do
, minimized crew effort, eliminated need for hand-loaded cargo, improved crew member safety, and reduction of seat removal from the air
patented Ferrule-Pak technology that is 5x smaller than the smallest commercially available transmitter/receiver optical subassemblies.

e-art Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) or GPU-cluster acceleration. We propose to develop a hybrid method based on the novel Bidirectional
avoiding traditional RF, the system will be safer in and around environments in which stray RF energy can be hazardous.&#039;
on the flight deck and flight line. In Phase I, we will develop the core technology and overall system architecture. In Phase II, we will design
on DRFM (DCD) approach provides an optimized combination of direct digital RF up and down conversion from 2-18GHz, broad band DRFM
goal of extending the concept for high efficiency, very high bandwidth power amplifers through 110 GHz.

nmanned entities (Soar-based and otherwise) to exist in both constructive (e.g. OneSAF, JSAF) and virtual (e.g. VBS2) simulation environme
cally and commercially viable solution that has eluded the aviation industry in the past. The drive system is estimated to add 7 to 9 kg to th
y platorms to develop an inexpensive, simple, yet highly functional expendable sensor pod to autonomously characterize submarine signa
osetip specimens.

and tailor feedback to student actions. Sonalysts will conduct feasibility studies to determine the best method of injecting signals and noise
e reference. EO modulation is both coherent and ultra-broadband, rendering the lasers mutually coherent, while oscillating at a widely tuna

am skill factors will include supervisory control capability and accurate trust in automation; (2) Inter-Personal Teams (the operator, the com
ocesses embedded within 2) a novel, adaptive, multistage content delivery and protection framework, and 3) optimized via stealth scoring
cally grounded representational layer that can query, integrate and control data management, analysis, and defnitional information techno
-surface residual stress measurement technique, will demonstrate the effectiveness of this measurement technique under representative c
o environmental icing conditions and lower the power consumption by making the removal of ice and water from the surface more efficien

tems from two conflicting realities: The cost and time required to feld a dedicated, optimized taggant sensor is impractical given the limit
grades or waveform frequency changes without the expense of traveling to the operational site to connect with the sensor front-end hardw
ear characteristics needed to linearize 92 to 96 GHz W-band TWT. Integration and test with the TWT is planned for January 2013. LTI is des
EFIT: The proposed TWT amplifer or the MPM can be employed for commercial satellite communications and high bandwidth point to po
ployment-ready state through stages of test-rig demonstration and feld-validation. The PHM technology will be implemented and package
, a special facility was also designed and constructed. Experimental studies successfully demonstrated the capability and accuracy of the in
ed glove (iGlove), and output modalities, including haptic feedback, auditory feedback, and visual feedback on a map-based display. The Ph
by itself. By embedding the TPG within aluminum a structural component can be made so that the heatsinks can be mechanically integrat

uot;manufacturing technology (Adhesive-Free Bond (AFB)). A scalable manufacturing process for designs to multi-kilowatt operation is the
hrough the virtual world by running, walking, or examining objects close up
arizer-on-pixel technology, develop the required real-time software, perform feld tests and verify performance and azimuth measurement

implementations of the MISSPEL methodology: (1) a stand-alone software toolkit that analyzes a known signal script and generates a mod

ication and testing of a full scale prototype machine. It will be suitable for a range of military testing for durability and power production p
various professionals involved in simulation development, yet sufficiently rigorous to ensure that specifc research questions are addresse
a continuous reel-to-reel plating line, (ii) improve and optimize processing conditions to increase the manufacturing rate, (iii) expand the op
rs considerable advantages over a coupled split-ring and cut wire approach that is being pursued by other groups, because the material los

y and civilian CT applications. A patent application in-corporating the Phase I results have been fled. The Phase II research is a logical exte
gn topology data to a fxed location in the eye, measure eye toricity, and create a 3 dimensional&quot;real life&quot;color model of the eye

operation and linearity, enabling the next generation of low loss passives components. For this proposal, Nuvotronics is offering in this ph

d tracking radar. Additional classifcation is possible by combining EO/IR interrogation, and association with stored data and available off-bo
produces high performance single emitter diodes that achieve the following performance at wavelengths at or near the solicitation specifc
system/utility capable of operating on arbitrary data streams. Generic capabilities include pattern recognition, prediction, anomaly detectio
is project will greatly reduce the life cycle cost of hostile fre sensor payloads for both manned and unmanned aerial vehicles. The solution
ifcation, using an advanced, biocompatible, porous polymer sorbent, to prevent or treat organ failure in both trauma and burn injury. Buil
fbroblast proliferation while preventing colony formation of Gram-positive, Gram-negative and anaerobic bacteria. This Phase II project se
To consequently dramatically reduce delays between data collection, analysis, decision making, and actual disaster response. To accomp
opment phase of the SM3 Blk 2B program.
our work with MDA&quot;s Enterprise Sensors Laboratory. These capabilities are typically robust because they exploit features with a kno
tration of methods, process and algorithms to decipher the hidden rules or logic of complex traffic patterns, (ii) research of the developme
ns in simulated perturbations equivalent to Rytov&gt;0.3. In Phase II a highly-developed prototype-level BLAST system will be tested and pr
dy of this concept.
of Motion (SERENE). SERENE has three parts: (1) a suite of inexpensive and unobtrusive sensors that synchronously collect physiological, b

cs for data fusion and low-power digital processing based on artifcial neural networks and covert communications to rapidly detect targets
combining bearing and contact data from separate nodes which are holding the same contact, a geographic areas of probability (AOP) of t
lt, and tested to confrm full operational capability of the new propulsion system. BENEFIT: This program will provide a general purpose tu
he 35K Raytheon variant of RSP2. With straightorward changes to the control frmware, MACE also supports comparably sized cryocoolers
recently-developed HFI capabilities, based on the fndings of the successful Phase I study, to allow detection of energetic battlefeld events
cture optimization. By coupling this model with a selective laser melting (SLM) process development cell, constructed at Mound Laser &am
ge capable of withstanding the harsh environment in the feld. The sensor will be low-cost and consume little power. In Phase I we demon
form the testing necessary to ensure the alternator is a high performance, robust replacement for the existing rare earth alternator. The pr
to monitor data-communication network thru packet sniffing. A flexible architecture is proposed in which both wired or wireless interface
ple numbers for multiple pathogens simultaneously. The difficulty of multiplexing ELISAs in a single well leads to increased usage of serum
d then provides a collaborative, web-based environment to search, manage and deliver those training materials.

n a way that they never have before. The tool meets the most critical needs of patients by providing real-time mobile support when anger
screen device; analytic software will provide more extensive details regarding EE and PA intensity levels obtained via long-term monitoring
The goal is to show a weight reduction and increase propellant volume compared to traditional cases and to achieve TRL 6/MRL 7 at end o
peration. Solid models with sufficient detail to predict volumetric and gravimetric power densities will also be developed. BOP component
ices, and is now a commercial supplier of OP-GaAs. The combined team will provide a technical effort comprehensive from crystal growth
g GaN for QPM applications. Growth of large area, thick POP-GaN crystals with an embedded periodic polarity structure present several cha
onstrate an innovative multi-layered material system that is capable of surviving the extreme conditions immediately after projectile launch
esearch will utilize multi-scale material characterization and integrated multi-scale multi-physics computational modeling for developing pro
OSD identifed manufacturing science and technology focus areas. As will be described in more detail later in this proposal, feld assisted sin
Identifcation (RFID) technologies to observe deck operations and identify discrete events. We will develop model-generation algorithms t
and autonomous decision support systems. The proposed research is summarized as follows: We will develop a Markov Decision Process m
electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) modes of the resonator. Two lasers injection locked to each mode will also move in frequency in
que unifes, for the frst time, the low-noise characteristics of highly coherent master oscillators and high-power heterodyning. In simple te
mpatible with current CMOS process equipment and requires fewer process steps, providing military IC suppliers with a convenient path to
strate the feasibility of FLPA. Our proposed technology is based on a reflector surface made out of embroidered conductive yarns, thus ena
ors and Mil/Aero customers combined with a survey of existing radiation-hardened products. A structured ASIC platorm with metal-progr
ctronics and employ a high temperature microcontroller for data management. This microcontroller will also be used to control the actuato
and v) ensemble tracking based on a novel joint density and (point) estimation (JDE) framework. The Phase I effort demonstrated the proo
selected E-SAS sites. AFRL will direct the focus of the effort among the following main goals: deploy the data fusion tools in the BEAST and
ptimize the thermal management of the process to enable better coupling of thermal energy to the back contact and utilize high-temperat
ought together a unique team well recognized for high-quality metrology technology for complex manufacturing. BENEFIT: The successful
ated VB2-air batteries with high capacities and rate capabilities. The Phase II project involves developing VB2-air batteries which have practi
n that does not require any prior knowledge of mission environments. Global aiding uses geo-referenced landmarks for the INS error reset.
at high volumes (kg/hour), at a cost only slightly above the chemical constituents, and to print the flms at atmosphere, will also be demon
nd secondary storage. Crossfeld&quot;s network interface supports 40/56G InfniBand and 1/10/40G Ethernet network technology, with e
essful outcome. We propose to develop the Dynamic Agent-based Reallocation and Tasking (DART) system to offer a framework for resourc
, document timelines, forensically analyze content, and assist analysts in identifying threats. BENEFIT: The Web has made it easy to access
n is agent/capability-based Mandatory Access Control, information dispersal complementing strong encryption, and Trusted Computing Gr
on environment that includes realistic flight, electro-optics and environment models. We will test the device and perform a flight test using
anufacturing process of components for transition into DoD platorms. Maverick will focus efforts on MVK-14 FreeForm as the polyimide re
pagation on a hierarchical BN model to determine nuclear proliferation threat. We have initiated an effort to develop cloud-based MADSAT
ring. Experiments were undertaken to demonstrate microfluidic stem cell manipulation and impedance identifcation of the cell differentia
nology-enabled, anger treatment and management system based on current evidence-based Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) interventio
R&quot;s EEG system in order to produce the relevant brain AER signals. The team also defned efficient analysis methods as well as user re

d hydrogen physisorption without loss of volumetric storage. Furthermore, the novel storage medium comprises a safe technology that wo

signed to cope with high speed mobility, persistent topology changes, and frequent membership changes. These technology components w
the above theoretical degrees of freedom (DoFs). However unlike traditional aperiodic antenna array design which depends purely on com
ance than the TWT amplifers. The benefts that we will bring to W-Band amplifer design with our solid-state approach include the realizab
. InnoSys shall develop high performance solid state vacuum device (SSVD)-based 81 to 86 GHz W-band transmitters to provide cost-effecti
rop in remote areas. The system will feature a modular design that allows the Air Force to deploy beaconing sensors capable of being conf
raction of each shielding constituent in a composite, alternative composite fabrication processes, and the ability to custom ft the construc
arts and to monitor them as a routine part of quality assurance, which would reduce design uncertainty associated with residual stresses a
ntegrated into commercial modeling software. BENEFIT: The proposed program will directly impact manufacturing of polyimide matrix com
uced reliably and at low cost. This project will solve a long standing problem with out-of-autoclave composites that will lead to their rapid a
ey come equipped with built-in error estimation modules that help distinguish modeling errors from numerical errors. A signifcant feature
n ideal candidate for this application. The implementation of VFE triodes in a differential amplifer confguration will promote the developm
a prototype microchip. The proof-of-concept microchip will be designed, fabricated, and tested in order to inform the design of the protot
eloped a specifcation and top level design for the entire reliability assessment system. Upon completion of the development effort, the UR
on that improves progress of the algorithm at each iteration. Additionally, algorithms that reduce noise and artifacts that can obscure defe
t control and stability. Aurora and its partners are already collaborating on research into insect-based visual guidance concepts. Thus Auror
, thereby greatly improving reliability. Ultramets open-cell foam heat sink technology allows the liquid coolant to be replaced with air, elim
), graphical user interface design tools (e.g., LiquidApps, Visual Studio), and allow creation of data capture methods for non-computer base
l also confrm the mechanism of action of the antiviral peptides by verifying that they block the entry of viruses into host cells. Successful
edia, LLC, led a multidisciplinary team of experts in composite materials, footwear biomechanics, military medicine, and manufacture of m
ble and demonstrate a prototype system system, including the components identifed in Phase I (mobile air purifcation unit, polyurea seal
s well as a rigorously scaled feld experiment that will match operational parameters. An affordable and low risk feld test was designed u
dth with an 8 GHz carrier (X-band). This will be implemented using state-of-the-art SiGe BiCMOS chips that can sample at rates of 30 GS/s
g with Intelligent Supervision to address IRs in Crisis Situations (CRISIS). CRISIS provides a crowdsourcing algorithm to employ diversely skill
ld act as a&quot;frst alert&quot;capability that would indicate an upcoming problem or crisis well in advance of the typical news and inte
mpletion of this program will dramatically improve digital communications from UAVs. During the Phase I project, we will fnalize specifcati
ined platorms that would otherwise preclude closed-cycle refrigeration, and in so doing enable the use of high performance SCE-based RF
eighborhoods in the space and obtains bounds on the various constraints and information objectives to determine promising regions to ex
cs links. The EMP-hard properties of the modulator will derive from the unique, dielectric breakdown suppression properties of TIPD&quot

ere eliminate any metallic connection between the antenna and the protected system, the protection is always on (instantaneous response

ransmission which supplies power to a high-efficiency electric motor mounted directly at the tail rotor. The electric motor will be capable o
recording events the submarine retrieves the processed sensor data and the pod scuttles. Our Phase I effort will design and demonstrate f
arc (PTA) processing to oxidation resistant compositions which meet nosetip requirements for the duration of flight. Compositions will be
al stability and projectile performance. A preliminary trade study will rank important material parameters by using thermostructural equati
einforced polyurethane composite armor material. The S-glass fbers will be specially coated with a nanofber functionalized sol-gel interfac
nsparent composites. Continuous fber reinforced transparent composite panels of various orientations and thicknesses will be manufactu
ethod to make an advanced lightweight transparent armor.
nm and 735 nm, respectively. In this phase I program, we will focus on the design of the whole laser system and demonstrate high efficienc
The output wavelengths will span across the visible and near infrared spectral region to enable discrimination between targets, separating m
linkage matrix is resourced to identify and develop selection criteria that are expected to be predictive of performance. The primary objec
gy, TeraDiode will be able to build a multi-band diode laser module that satisfes or exceeds 100% of the Navy requirements for this program
es duplication of effort. BENEFIT: The alert-to-share capability connects analysts investigating similar activity, which reduces duplication of
systems. BENEFIT: Potential commercial applications will be of a military nature, as the effort proposed herein is heavily focused toward a
plications, as well as terrestrial ones with ultra-high heat flux and/or constrained heat rejection rates.
hods of identifcation, discrimination and tracking of the target necessary to determine various aspects of its state and features for augmen
SciTec has been a leader in the research and development of algorithms to exploit Overhead Persistent Infrared (OPIR) data for enhanced e
meter mounted in the spindle of the PMM, two laser tracker and intelligent target pairs following the motion of the PMM head, and a pair o
variety of available confgurations and frequency coverage options allows for support of a variety of communications protocols, including p
mp; #61616; to 65 &amp; #61616;) required for the streamlined shape typical of dorsal airborne radomes. The object of the Phase II effo
ystems. HWIL T &amp; E allows systems to be exercised more rigorously at much less cost than can be achieved in flight testing. Thousan
ese efforts will be rooted in real-world data, namely that taken as part of the MDA Ionospheric Data Collection (IDC) program and also pola

lgorithms for the solution of the CFD problem in orthogonal grids along with the advantages of overset grids. Phase II of this proposal will
erfaces resulting from mesh adaptation, and (d) optimization strategies for maximizing the efficiency of adaptive implicit flow computation
creation and parameterization of structured, unstructured, and overset grids. CFD solvers are seamlessly integrated and directly linked wit

t. We identify regions exhibiting suspicious bond quality by detecting the areas of resonance change or reduced damping, as a weakened b
acoustography results for predicted bond quality in a range of appropriately flawed test specimens (initially fabricated and aged conditions
bonds. In form and function, CALIBER is geared towards feld deployment. Founded on a previously successful NDI sensor developed for d
ance our defensive capabilities. The opportunity for MDA presented by this effort is to signifcantly improve flowfeld-modeling approaches
mance of LWIR detector based on T2SL has become comparable, even better than that of HgCdTe. However, LWIR T2SL devices have been

nance costs.
as Hf, HfC, TaC, HfN in select geometrical shapes (mechanical test coupons, small scale disks and small scale throat/large scale prototype pa
o be improved, with changes made to improve efficiency by reducing surface recombination and by increasing thermal conductivity to the
The CVG team proposes to use a volumetric probabilistic 3-d representation (P3DM) and dense image matching to reconstruct the geome
t through Agile, Geo-Interactive, Natural Embodiment), a tool and framework for interacting with imagery that leverages direct, embodied
ates contextual learning by using Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) technology to construct individualized training pro
xplosively weld refractory liners to high temperature alloys. The refractory liners are not only erosion resistant to reduce bore wear; they al
rther analyzed by separating the noise from nonlinear dynamics, (2) Remove redundant information from large sets of data, (3) Identify dyn
r real-time estimation. Project tasks are to survey existing techniques and select non-Bayesian candidate methods for near-real-time estim
patients suffering from PTSD/TBI. SupportTeam is novel because it includes input from family and caregivers, as well as patients, and uses s
ft, flexible, neuromuscular electro-stimulation (ES) electrode prosthetic with elastic composite wires and controlled release of neurotransm

eral technologies and projected their respective performance. Technical risk factors and technical unknowns have been identifed along wi
were conducted. These studies can be extended to model the failure mechanisms with high level of accuracy because of capturing the stres
dates will be developed to extend shelf life and confer resistance to degradation in gastric and bile environments. A Phase II plan will be de
olphin fecal and oral samples and determine their antimicrobial activity against gastrointestinal (GI) pathogens. The immunomodulatory eff
ption of a system&quot;s high-level behavior, and a mapping from high-level behavior to the source-level variables and procedures that ac
, which enables software design to be precisely defned incrementally from the ground up by developers and later verifed against assumpti
far into the wake region aft of the ship&quot;s stern are possible with this system. In Phase I, we will demonstrate the feasibility of our pro
ch will integrate a fve-hole pitot probe with appropriate pressure transducers onto the Instant Eye MAV and use it to map the velocity feld
on (ADP) system will use deep belief neural networks, coupled with life-long learning methods, with the goal of allowing autonomous syste
es a framework for modeling and solving a large variety of autonomous learning and prediction problems that arise in UAV and UGV missio
ous systems in the near-term. The core algorithms of this framework will comprise both supervised and unsupervised machine learning tec
2.5 W/cm2, incorporating both an enhanced metamaterial emitter and a new state-of-the-art PV cell will be demonstrated.
tovoltaic cell and a given emitter operating temperature. These engineered metamaterials will enable signifcant improvements in overall s
at Austin propose to develop a complete system for energy recovery that incorporates a novel flm to cover a hot power source.

ll result in a clock design that improves upon stability, accuracy, and size, weight, and power as compared to commercially available primar

tions Centers (MOCs) and align those needs with cognitive science fndings on Situation Awareness (SA) and Dynamic Decision Making (DDM
ee pronged effort including: 1) groundbreaking theoretical design approach and metrics; 2) rapid prototyping of a tangible Cognitive Servic
This proposal uses contact management and navigation in the littoral environment as an illustrative test case for the creation of PDS eleme
er outage
d RCS. timePhase
During between loss
I, our of grid
team will power and
develop rimgenerator start-up,
designs and in performance
predict a safe and efficient manner.
via fnite THEanalysis,
element BENEFITtest
of the carbon
coupon fber system
fabrication and is

will be validated through high speed testing. The overall goal is to verify the power and energy density gains and reduced footprint possib
t require frequency doubling. Laser sources for naval mine detection require 1 - 5 ns pulses, pulse energies of greater than 100 mJ, and ave
babilistic predictions of alternative futures. Human intelligence and knowledge is effectively integrated throughout the recognition-fusion-p
on. The intelligence data will continue to be updated in the cloud as new intelligence arrives, even when the end users are offline. As proce
ment, and comparing the results to the current bottom loss models used in ASPM as well as parabolic equation and mode codes. Potential P
pending Argus visible/near-infrared threat sensor (Argus), the innovative Argus-EC (Extended Capability) architecture combines a sophistica
;s frst CW diode pumped solid state laser delivering visible light output from the fundamental mode. In addition to Lumany&quot;s experti

ated basic research programs. The proposed work matches the modeling gaps to research progress and outlines an approach for implemen
ough hair. A miniaturized electronics data acquisition system will be built that supports the 8 signal channels with a novel ultra-low power w
Reporting Overall status&quot;(MICRO). The MICRO system includes sensors for a broad range of physiologic signals. MICRO comprises di
ng ultrasonic spray drying of the constituent components.
profle of conventional wearable electronics, resulting in electronics systems that look like tattoos in weight and thickness. Software apps w

n the bottom up process to produce highly dense fne-grained structures either through the refnement of commercial powder or of the sin
gm but applied in a multidisciplinary engineering setting, with detailed analyses of both the cyber and physical natures of the system. We
fcation-extraction technology, and (4) proofs of properties of system-of-system specifcations using a theorem-proving system. BENEFIT: T
e prediction. Without accurate strain data in the presence of both high temperatures and large loads, the safety and reliability of the system
system will be used to manufacture the strain gages so that they can withstand higher strain levels than fused silica, up to 20,000 microstra
d test a prototype system during Phase II.
pproach by investigating the thermodynamic stability, magnetic anisotropy, and mean-feld estimated Curie temperatures of proposed sele
gether with University of Minnesota (UMN) have been working diligently on the fabrication and evaluation of multiferroic heterostructures

le model validation will be developed as well. The detailed understanding gained through these co-designed simulations and experiments
the potential performance of the new explosives. The option periods will further scale up the synthesis to allow more extensive testing an
rmance on the C-130 such as receiver, processor, RF cable types, and navigation system, and predicting antenna performance as installed o
of this SBIR is to develop conformal antennas which can be retroftted on the AC/MC-130J. The frequency range of interest is 10 MHZ to 6
hods meet these criteria, they are restricted to situations where potential flow is valid. This prevents application to many flow controls whic
brid RANS/LES methods with low-dissipation schemes and tightly-coupled fluid-structure interaction will be used for weapons bay flow sim
dd complexity to the simulation of the deployed bay door, beginning with rigid CFD analyses at selected flight conditions and advancing to
4 Engineering&quot;s signifcant experience with MDAO as well as several robust, open-source tools. BENEFIT: Potential applications will i
s important to study the propulsion system design in context of the airplane (with the airframe integration an important challenge), such a
rication of such arrays, fabricate and characterize prototype devices. We will design, fabricate, and characterize a second generation of dev
ng power sources with extended lifetime that can be adapted to system geometry and product requirements for a particular application en
suite of specifcally designed AUV/UUV CTD &amp; O2 sensors. These new sensors are ideally suited for deployment on a variety of AUV/U
e there active spacecraft charging groups where these capabilities exist. Spacecraft environment fluxes are typically dominated by low ene
tion of the nano-scale MIM junctions. Large numbers of these rectennas connected in a conformal, light-weight array should be able harve
act and power efficient, with low loss to the laser beam, the large optical aperture > 1cm allows the device to handle very high laser beam
Pressure Space Suit Design. Most notably the concept of&quot;Lines of Non-Extension&quot;(LoNE). The LoNE are lines along the body tha

roposed approach leverages conformal antenna technologies already successfully demonstrated for a variety of applications, including broa
ding on the demonstrated capabilities of the CDI CHARM model in proprotor and propeller design. This model can capture complex unste
sing crystal structure prediction and experimental work based on equilibrium and non-equilibrium synthesis approaches. The new single ph
y of our approach roots from a hardware-based ARMfs TrustZone enabled device. In our Phase I implementation, we implemented a prelim
was implemented to enable rapid switching between system tasks and adaptive measurements. Based on the positive outcome of these d
bjectives are to create the integration framework and protocols allowing multiple third-party simulation and modeling components to wor
&quot;A developer creates an initial implementation of a component with a program extracted from a constructive proof; DivA uses heuristi
events and also include structural response studies using Finite-element-modeling (FEM) software such as ABAQUS. The Phase I computati
presented to the eyes. Currently there are no vision processors that perform all the necessary computation for sensor image fusion within
s the overall power consumption of the processing system relative to a monolithic, single-core design and creates a lightweight, physical fo
vices including gesture input devices, 3D wand pointers, depth cameras, ball mice and touch panels. Overall, the display architecture and
come these challenges, we will develop the integrated Performance Assessment and Tracking System (iPATS). Work under iPATS will include
suitable for continuous monitoring of total path attenuation. Attention to a modular design adaptable to other frequency bands, in a comp
hods for delivering collaborative technologies and visualizing individual and crew performance during training. T-CAP will leverage existing
ts. BENEFIT: The VPHS will be developed primarily for man portable applications with the helmet systems being the primary application. T
m will address the shortcomings of the current technologies by providing improved 3D visualization tools to assist the operator in critical sit
will achieve its ends by reviewing state of the art technologies that can be applied across all areas of the HUD functionality including data a
any collimation and bird strike specifc requirements. BENEFIT: This modular HUD will ft a low-cost HUD into the full range of tactical airc
n a fnite number of VOC measurements distributed in space and/or time). BENEFIT: The proposed work can ultimately be applied in the f
&quot;detection, ARM Trustzone security extentions, software TPM and TCG software stack, use of hardware MTM modules, smartcard ba
ms to open architecture such as SOA and therefore easily integrates with IT systems. In Phase I, Foresight Wireless will fully specify and desi
erational realms. During Phase I, CFDRC will create an initial version of CAPSA based on its existing semantic-based technology to demonstr
o the analysts. The GAVS will use a Design of Experiments process to provide statistically signifcant validation within reasonable cost const

arkups; and a secure, robust, distributed fle system. This will yield a publish-subscribe-query Data Distribution Service (DDS) with archival o
tions of this technology have also been identifed. Furthermore, FIRST RF&quot;s solution will supplement, not remove the existing antenn
ps-like user interface for the presentation of Geospatial IR data, and an application programming interface (API) which would provide a feed
ngle processing platorm. The system is composed of high speed digitizers, FPGAs, and a rad-hardened general-purpose processor that ena
tureless&quot;transmission with low-probability of intercept, detection, or exploitation), resilience (anti-jamming and interference-toleran
uot;. Welkin Sciences ongoing involvement in the evolving standardization of Digital IF technology, such as the Army&quot;s Future Advanc
ework that integrates data preprocessing, merging, conflict detection and assessment techniques, and methods for performing the necessa
theoretical foundation in cross-document entity resolution with validated solutions for conflict and activity pattern learning and detection.
on that enables analysts to combine diverse sources of structured and semi-structured information within a common schema to automatica
on for statistical and rule-based anomalies; (4) Identify data association transitivity requirement violations (to make sure that if X is similar t
d Sensor Data (ASCUS). ASCUS will process incoming sensor data, checking for empty felds and parsing out security-relevant concepts emb
nts security classifcation. The technology will be developed to support current manual reclassifcation by automating the review process in
orms, maintains, and evolves computational situation models. Our approach includes four primary components: (1) a semantically rich, log
to coordinate and synchronize joint planning across the air, space, and cyber domains at an increased operational tempo. To narrow this ga
ing plan. BENEFIT: Today&#039;s military is increasingly globally distributed, and must rely on diverse elements of power spanning air, cyb
y client would verify and monitor the trustworthiness of its peers before communicating sensitive information. With this technology, server
tion module to verify the authenticity of different components, Autonomic Trust Management agent that monitors and collect component b
pproach will allow the construction of gyroscopes and accelerometers from fber-based components and reliable, efficient telecom-grade l
based on a Core Architecture Model (CAM) for Air Force ISR satellite constellation systems. Tasks will include creating a representative sate
ering and simulation tools. BENEFIT: AWCAMS will provide a quantitative assessment of the technology trade space and alternative archite
engineering/physics principles. Unfortunately these experts are not available on all projects and may not be accessible to answer tradeoff
re superconductor components such as those used in electronics and fault circuit limiters. The experience obtained from such a project wi
of space is continuing to expand as many more countries, in addition to the US, deploy space assets. Local Area Space Situation Awareness
s problem. The new electronic packaging technology developed by Indiana Integrated Circuits, LLC and known as&quot;Quilt Packaging&qu
rcial application of this program is the development of an SWIR image projector with unprecedented resolution capable of testing a wide v
n a consistent stable image being projector to the sensor. Whichever approach is down selected after Phase 1 material/component evalua
n be put to use in meeting this current need. The TechFlow Scientifc team has an established background in web-based technology and au
ative Learning and Planning We-CLAP, which connects previously disparate capabilities into a seamless whole. We will focus on the followi
ght MAGIC-HMD can be integrated into any helmet system for use by aviators and dismounted battlefeld airmen. In Phase I, POC will deve
ocular planar waveguide HMDs. HSI will design a binocular, wide FOV, high resolution holographic waveguide whose specifcations will exc
echnology and will design and develop a proof-of-concept CWHD. The successful demonstration of the proof-of-concept CWHD and the rel
I, we will demonstrate the capability of using a combined geometrical and elasticity deformation approach for fast deformation of voxel m
0 dBi+ class equivalent gain performance in an extremely compact (5&quot;x 20&quot;aperture) low-drag form-factor. In addition, the mo
ombined lossy and lossless compression and speed performance. These&quot;parts&quot;are not merely spatial&quot;chips&quot;of the
the beamformer can adapt more effectively, since interferers are optimally nulled within each subchannel. This SBIR focuses on verifyin

dwidth, up to an aggregate bandwidth of 500MHz. BENEFIT: The proposed L-band digital channelizer enables low-cost and low power imp
ereby cascade from host to host. Re-establishing end-to-end network trust therefore requires determining the timing, nature, and participa
or chemical analysis. The opposed migration aerosol classifer provides particle size-selection based on electrical mobility in an inherently
accommodation (viewer&quot;s eyes are focused where they are lookingcontrary to typical stereo 3D displays). TDT is partnering with Lock
n multirole aircraft to develop a Probabilistic Training Model, which does not limit pilots to only those scenarios defned by an instructional
ous technological solutions to most effectively recreate the multi-role fghter&quot;s environment and stimuli, at the same time keeping th
profciency fall offs. PATTRN will enhance the capabilities of existing data processing tools by providing access to data from a wide variety o
will frst be morphed into a new body shape according to specifed anthropometric parameters. Then a parametric skeletal model will be e
cs for a minimum of twelve specifed VOCs, evaluate their potential atmospheric chemical breakdown/reactivity, and develop transport and
e by Teams in Real Time (ADAPTER). ADAPTER will provide a framework that flexibly integrates both current and emerging sensors, and fus
trustworthy processes are running on a mobile endpoint. CLOAK is also capable of operating with Raytheon&quot;s Cross-Domain Solution
map of battlefeld, network topology maps and user-centric HCI. A feasibility analysis is performed on system functionality with respect to t
other mission factors, resulting in spurious, superfluous message and alert delivery, and bandwidth congestion. What is needed is a system
irements identifed by the Air Force and reviewed by a supporting prime contractor. BENEFIT: The specifc objective of this research is to p
breaks from traditional, timeworn technology approaches in order to offer a lower cost, modular, simply scalable solution that also enables
E ground sites to become available, this SBIR topic seeks to characterize the channel through ground-based radiometry at sites around the g
chanically steered aperture system for the V/W-Band Data Link. This concept offers reliability and performance in a compact package that is
mentation. CIRRUS will make use of open source user interface components providing lightweight access to the system from a wide variety
ep-color 4k2k content inputs, utilizing the experience with 3-D 1080p consumer product (ST1080) release. Firmware and support software
es to develop a high-performance, SWaP-optimized helmet vision processor (HVP) based on the latest in 28-nm Field Programmable Gate A
meaning based on packets representing bundles of semantic and pragmatic linguistic knowledge. Situation models compiled from this kno
g in cases where satellite or cell phone infrastructure is destroyed.
or long-term autonomous data collection to characterize atmospheric loss in different climates. The Phase I program designs the radiomet
uction by the airframe, 2) effects of airframe vibration, and 3) occlusion of air traffic by engine exhaust. The system will perform robust det
cumentation detailing how information was collected for the roadmap. BENEFIT: GameSim intends to commercialize the technology that r
Phase I testing involving tracer simulants, and developing a Concept of Operation for the overall simulation in preparation for Phase II activ
tions, and (3) our TRL 9 standards-based RTI DDS data-centric publish-subscribe middleware as a flexible application platorm to showcase
tions (NC3) environment. Despite the robustness of VLF transmission and reception there are still issues that impede a sensor&quot;s abil
lectromagnetic interference (EMI) environment for VLF reception that has never been worse especially in modern airborne environments.
tilized as a long-range, passive space-based, IR-imaging payload, with a large, effective aperture of minimum size, weight, and power. By el
elements in a replication process. Thus, not only are they light weight, but they are cheap, easy to fabricate, and readily produced in quanti
Local variations in specifc thermal resistance are much less than +/-25%. The STMI is robust, shows consistent performance over typical q

cal advances. HOLOEYE Systems, Inc. (HSI) is a leader in the development of high resolution, small pixel pitch LCOS microdisplays. HSI alrea
raft mounted sensors. Because it is a totally digital system, sensor fusion and symbology overlay will be possible, providing even aircraft tha
ut eye fatigue not achievable in standard stereo displays. In this program HSI will study and design key components of this system. As it evo
ration as a function of size, surface area, and surface activity. This sensor combines efficient NP collection and size discrimination with rea
pe personal monitorthe Personal Aerosol Collector and Spectrometer (PACS). The work proposed under Task 1 involves the design and con
se challenges, our team proposes to develop the PrePARE (Predictive Performance and Readiness Evaluation) system, a solution that incorp
our gratings. If successful, it will enable us to reduce the power requirements by 3x relative to current designs and by more than 4x relative
full-scope Social Language for Synthetic Teammates (SLST) to have immediate and tangible beneft to military training programs using sim
gn and develop a natural language interface toolkit, SynChat, that will leverage prior Air Force investments and will develop and integrate o
r will enable hypersonic missiles and munitions to navigate using wide angle imaging, and to target using forward looking infrared sensing.
t sources, this approach can match the resolution achievable with a single large aperture and enables the use of an algorithm to remove a
n be provided which is of great use at a chemical level considering the exothermic properties of nanothermite. The goal of this Phase I is to
energetic properties than the base aluminum nanoparticles. The emphasis will be on obtaining nanoparticles with minimal agglomeration
urrently dead weight will be used to generate a signifcant blast contribution, thus increasing the yield of the warhead with small additiona
ts demonstration. The SEFOES design developed in Phase I will be assembled and tested to assess its blast overpressure performance as a f
e superheated mixture undergoes a thermodynamic process known as flash vaporization, which reduces or eliminates the time required to
or search and rescue in mines or underwater. The ruggedness, small size, and power consumption of the Remote Interrogator make this tec
hardware through non-optimal media, and support feld testing the hardware in penetration tests to-be-conducted at Eglin AFB, FL. BENE
hat would both conform to the specifed RIMRIP form factor, shock, and environmental specifcations. The complete tests results and desi
-the-shelf (COTS) product over 4 18 GHz. The proposed materials have an areal density of 0.008 g/cm2, resist acids, are nickel and silver-fr
o a successful demonstration of the material concept feasibility on 6-ft long shielded cables. BENEFIT: The proposed lightweight shielding
racterization advances made in the Phase I of this SBIR proposal will be seminal towards developing new electromagnetic radiation shieldi
hose initial experimental demonstrations to design, fabricate and test materials with arbitrary frequency-selective passband and stopband p
y, or price.
an half the weight. The proposed solution is affordable, corrosion immune, and transitionable to the feld and also to similar platorms/app
le of sealing in storage down to -100F and operation from -70F to 160F (threshold) and 275F (objective). METSS proposes to meet the SBIR
be utilized for systematically developing the optimized formulation resulting in a unique, low cost, high strength, chemically resistant O-rin
ons with seal manufacturers and distributors. To satisfy this need, Luna is teaming with several manufacturing and testing experts to deve
d be incorporated into the faceplate of the tube (to take advantage of the high flux densities near the image plane) would be very benefci
veling wave inspection tool that can be used on the flight line to directly measure surface wave attenuation over areas of the aircraft, not ju
will become essential lab tools for more and more research institutions, and the market will grow signifcantly as the growing investment fl
infrared wavebands, which exploits disparate physical phenomena between reflective and thermally emitted target signatures, maximizing
ot accordingly and thereby increase the probability of correctly identifying and tracking targets from non-targets. The Spectral Imaging Lab
mous guidance to the target using the passive mode seeker sensor information. A key challenge is to develop such a sensor with sufficien
mage Assessments (BDAs). BENEFIT: Mustang views this SBIR as an opportunity to expand the capabilities of our existing line of affordable,
heterogeneous, scalable, morphable, reconfgurable/programmable, multiprocessor REX system for a diverse set of missile types in a Mod
metallic nanoparticles for applications such as catalysis, environmental remediation, chemical and biological sensors, nanoelectronics.
method of particle incorporation as no particles are handled by workers and there is no mixing. It is not a colloidal process, so there is no r
ility for a wide range of military and industrial applications where electronic systems must function in a RF environment. The proposed ap
ment for in-situ microwave traveling wave testing. The offered design specifcally addresses the need for high-fdelity measurements of airc
s. Construction of the photonic sensors will be all-dielectric, they will have dimensions much smaller than the wavelengths of the surface w
manipulator to be easily repositioned via a mobile base, it is anticipated that the proposed A2IC system can be used both in a depot environ
a successful part. This approach allows the re-use of the process settings and manufacturing knowledge required to create parts that mee
or linked to a comprehensive set of analysis tools, that reside at major airframe and engine design organizations, for flling out and extendin
oved understanding of bulk residual stress felds would enable higher quality design and analysis methods. This could lead to overall highe
pointing and stabilization system, against the unique packaging, environmental, and system requirements of military aero UAV&quot;s, incl
high energy and high peak power fber laser can be used as innovative lidar component for wind lidar, measurements of the atmosphere an
such will be implemented using a marginalized particle flter as an alternative to the extended Kalman flter. The main goal of Phase I is to
esentation for the uncertainty in the poses of the aircraft and directly characterizes the noisy input observations as inliers or outliers. This
essary computational tools and initial verifcation through simulation. We emphasize the wide applicability of the hybrid control architectu
confgure an energy/power allocation strategy based on a specifed objective function whilst satisfying hard constraints on the system state
mperature capable integrated circuits. This Phase I study will provide concrete information to confrm the feasibility of the idea and critical i

ngle hydrocarbon or a blend that can undergo other endothermic reactions and produce heat sink capacities that are higher than are avail
objective of this Phase I effort is to conceptually design and demonstrate the feasibility of a frequency-domain-based EAU (FDEAU). Such d
of several candidate nanofluid fuels using RP-1 as a representative liquid propulsion fuel. Our approach includes: 1) Develop stable colloi
nanoparticles to form large particles will not only result in reduced benefts towards combustion properties, but also create problems duri
es to a very small scale and ii) development means of controlling leakage flows. FTT has already taken the frst steps to transition the seque
brated with NIST traceable means will be used to measure soot volume fraction, primary particle size, and specifc PM surface area. Conden
gram an emphasis is given to demonstrating superior interference mitigation which is critical to the successful operation of the Xwatch in a
on of the mortar rounds, and other palletized cargo from a MV-22 or CH-53, by developing a self-propelled robotic pallet (SPRP) vehicle tha
VCS-cooled systems. Mezzo considered several confgurations for the TMS systems but determined that a split system with the low tempe
ngth towed cable demonstrated capability to move >50 ft horizontally to either side in

turing processes that reliably produce high throughput (>80%), low beam distortion (M2 < 1.5), low cost, wide-angle (>50 x 15 degrees), an
bearing materials of fabrication under applied loads that are more representative of helo bay door operations. During Phase II HMC also pl

se II effort seeks to develop a customized system suitable for long-duration installation in a submarine environment. Major tasks will focus
lows one system to be used on a wide range of condenser sizes without need for modifcation.
erest against a known performance baseline.
rototypes, demonstrating all key process steps, were installed on non-planar surfaces and key aspects of the performance up to 600 &amp
f this tool concept further and develop a prototype system, which will be built and tested in feld during Phase II Option. Our fundamental a
t will extend the system&quot;s application beyond telephonic audio to other types of recordings of importance to the Navy. The prototype
ules that would be reprogrammed with a MUOS compatible bent-pipe waveform to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed MUOS-Aer
elity simulations to be effective when applied to wideband waveforms, potentially mitigating interference levels in excess of 80dB above th

ogic, handling common MIL-PRF-32070 ATLAS calls, and producing IEEE 1671.1 Test Descriptions. The Reader will allow user keyword searc
ddress these issues. Recent years have seen increased development of cognitive architectures, which are ideal platorms for encoding expe
tics. In Phase I, POC has successfully demonstrated the SEEALL HWD system for an enhanced performance optical see-through HWD to sup
gement, Records Management, and Search requirements laid out in the FRD, as this functionality most closely aligns with the Phase I effort
missions with an advanced autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). This AUV, GhostSwimmer, underwent limited sea testing in summer 20
cost-effective air regulatory reporting, which directly addresses the Air Force objective. In Phase I, POC will demonstrate the feasibility of th
e chances of success of a particular course of action. These characteristics, combined, have the potential to dramatically improve V &amp;
e problems of higher complexity and to enhanced high power electromagnetic pulses/electromagnetic compatibility (HPEMP/EMC) analysi
fbers. In this proposal a continuous mode adapter between a 20um LMA fber and a 40um PCF core will be developed and demonstrated
nts to existing models and simulations as much as possible to leverage existing capabilities and ensure development that is more efficient.
ecifcations for use in the RPA environment.
ems, and will end with extensive high-fdelity simulation of combined power system, propulsion system, and airframe models. The Phase I
h altitude using the ITB coupled with selective flow control . High power density ITB equipped gas turbine engines are capable of providing
hancements that have enabled steadily increasing turbine inlet temperatures. The Peregrine Turbine makes use of an entirely new innovati
ased mobile propulsion systems, APU&quot;s for portable power, and automotive electric power units. In general the proposed hybrid cou
d next generation UAV mission requirements. It operates on a new cycle of operation that offers a very quiet and cool exhaust (without th
w propeller noise. The compound differential transmission allows remote, low torque soft/start cabability. Reliability and maintainability ar
earing element motion, will be updated for both Newtonian and visco-elastic effects. Finally, preliminary bearing performance simulations
his SBIR challenges the notion of supplying 100% of the transient electrical load through the Electrical Accumulator Unit (EAU), by explorin
omprised of comprehensive modules capable of accurately capturing spatial and temporal changes in physical parameters critical to augme
s and communication links. During the Phase I effort, JRM produced a design for a comprehensive, physics-based warfare simulation enviro
he requirement for a low cost design. SeaLandAire personnel have extensive experience in the sonobuoy industry and are well versed in bo
on the development of a HUMS interface which will automatically reduce the damage on aircraft components in real-time by modifying the

reliability of the system. The laser system integrates a laser module, control electronics and power supply into a single 19 rack-mount enclo
the legacy fan coil and has a cooling capacity over 15,280 Btu/hr. Mainstream will advance the AFCU architecture by designing and buildin
able in 2013. Second, implement magnetic noise and heading error compensation algorithms in the SAM-2 control unit that were frst deve
mulated in a flight simulator. The effect on communication systems, sensors and instrumentation is as though they were truly subjected to t

the necessary viscosity, wetting, and adhesion characteristics along with aircraft matrix mechanical properties would make a unique resin i
ased or space-based augmentation system (GBAS/SBAS). During the Phase I SBIR Program, Mayflower developed advanced integrity moni
. To be successful with this integrated technical approach, we must be diligent to maintain an overall focus on implementing solutions in th
ffect replications with propagation and attenuation including terrain and weather effects. As a result, JESS offers flexible EW object models
em to operate in a tactical airborne maritime environment. CTI will use its extensive airborne Navy and USMC Electronic Warfare (EW) and
nd shall interoperate with the MEDAL-EA system. We will develop novel techniques for deviation detection, interactive deviation cause anal
ntities of military aircraft as commercial traffic or flood the skies with false targets to stress or overwhelm the system to hide ulterior activiti

grams challenging ENOB, dc power, and sampling rate goals by leveraging the team members work on previous ADC programs: photonic sa

gns developed in Phase I will lead to proof-of-concept prototypes in Phase II. These prototypes will be used to further study the performan
article sensor for PM measurements and lidar for opacity measurements from stationary sources, also have prior U.S. EPA approval. The te
demonstration for Phase II that will assess of the feasibility of the system to operate in a real airborne EW environment. To provide this so
quot;s computer. The transfer will be done over a secure wireless connection when the aircraft is in range of the system&quot;s wireless a
pacity to do the following: Analyze the current and historical data of C-130 aircraft health and maintenance records to learn the inter-relati
o utilizing a remote mobile computer for the instrument displays and pilot inputs, providing a convenient prototyping system to evaluate s
daptive feature extraction, match algorithm selection, and provisional library updates minimize operator interaction and provide high confd
nd provide the Air Force with a capability to engage emerging emitter threats in complex RF environments. BENEFIT: The proposed SBIR p
times) resulting from unsteadiness in the surrounding flow. These unsteady effects become more likely with gravity-dropped, lighter stores
ysis Tool to address the demand for a store separation analysis tool that considers unsteady aerodynamic effects. This software has been d
ase will be adapted for use with engineering force estimation methodologies, such as the Multiple Distributed Airloads model as well as re
S SAW strain sensor technology, and then develop a next generation prototype LGS SAW sensor design to optimize strain sensitivity, accura
is a commercially viable design in the postern feld of view providing detection, localization independent of forward looking SAA, airframe
ance. In Phase II, we will build and demonstrate a subscale prototype WHRS. In Phase III, we will demonstrate our prototype WHRS on a co
ze its ability to absorb heat. Performance losses are minimized by introducing the expanded air into the exhaust nozzle to generate thrust. P
ools, and perform this analysis within a graphical computer-aided design (CAD) tool to provide near-real-time interactive EMI feedback duri
metry in three dimensions. The TechFlow Scientifc team has an extensive background in HPEM effects on electronics, from hardware testin
ed to enable feld-able directed energy weapons. To achieve these goals, nLIGHT proposes the development of a novel&quot;Light Guide
ed to fully understand and optimize the design and manufacturing processes for this new class of high-power feed-through pump combine
mic drag and turbulence. Additional advantages are that the beam director works identically on all polarization states, has an area fll facto
2) a rigid full-array superstructure; and (3) subaperture beam steering. Our program proposes to evaluate 3 subaperture beam steering ap
n, preliminary mechanical design, and analytical modeling. In Phase II, Optonicus will demonstrate application of APACHE to an airborne pl
proposed thermal ground plane technology will allow for higher performing and more reliable high power fber amplifers. Beyond the pro
ing the system useful for close packed arrays of fbers in HEL beam director applications. In Phase I, Optonicus will develop a proof of conce
mentation of the algorithm and demonstrate its efficacy on imagery provided by the government. BENEFIT: This technology will be useful fo
cult than tracking under these conditions is the process of estimating the target pose. MZA proposes to develop an aimpoint maintenance
g coded aperture techniques supplemented by adaptively fusing these images with tactical symbology using ASIC fusion hardware in a 40-d
arm on the helmet. The unit is intended to support sophisticated image processing with adaptive fusion, and the integration of external airc
mmunication, and other enhancements. SOE will be designed, based on SPYRUS experience with the NSA&quot;s Commercial Solution for
releasability metadata for data objects in a repository, or for data provided via a web service API. In doing so, it will also provide additional
anually design a proof of concept RFID chip. BENEFIT: This project will develop an automated analog design tool to be used in the porting

eft from high capacity satellite uplink / downlink capability at W-band and V-band. In addition, there is growing commercial interest in W-b
mmediate interest to COI Ceramics, Inc. (COIC), who along with United Technologies Research Center are our industry endorsers. Phase I wi
riminator for both anti-jam nullforming as well as amplitude and phase based direction fnding systems. The CRPA is compatible with NAVW
emitters using both simulated and measured manifold data of each array. The AOA information will be used to geolocate the GNSS emitter
the use of advanced sensor calibration algorithms. In Phase I, ROI will assemble, and demonstrate the performance of a next generation FO
ion coefficients, and possess robust thermal performance over severe temperature cycles. It is also highly desirable that these materials off

educe maintenance, and lower operational cost. It should also fnd service in many other non-aviation applications, such as industrial auto
. The techniques and test protocol/apparatus envisioned for the Phase II activity have clear potential for dual use in the rocket engine, airc
eld created and feld enhancement experienced by the ionic liquids. We will test the hypothesis by conducting experiments to seek the gen
B energy improvements d) Measure and assess current and emerging technologies and techniques and assess the efficacy of them on FO
neutron sources and instrumentation are only available at a handful of national labs and university sites, which require a major time and m
sion requirements. BENEFIT: o Developed Concept for wide dynamic range sensors with full preservation of the hot and dim objects o De
process. We propose to use photopolymer additive manufacturing to build multiple identical models of a preform that has stochastically va
cesses are considered. A multiscale fnite element method is proposed for the mixture model that yields numerical schemes with enhanced
d in innovative laser radar applications. BENEFIT: Eyesafe laser sources, emitting in the 1.451.70-m region, are used extensively within the
emperature. In Phase I, PSI will adapt its laser-based oxygen sensor developed previously for measuring ullage O2 in transport aircraft to m
predicted resource requirements, the system will then optimize the confgurations for the remaining flight periods to maximize performanc
n EAU high frequency performance. Creare&quot;s objective is to develop an EAU which incorporates frequency domain control method
d emission factors. The technique should be applicable to various engine types and operating conditions under a variety of test environmen
stream will fnalize the detailed design and perform experimental tests to validate the efficiency improvement and business case for transi
mental bus architecture design choices will all be scrutinized with the maximization of sustained power capacity on the single trailer as the
de (SiC), and innovative topologies will result in over 70% reduction in weight and volume. The adaptive Intelligent Controller technology w
l provide a new methodology for high speed, easy to use measurement of fastener profle in aircraft assemblies.
hing, windows and curved structures.
WAMI sensors, detect and track targets, and transmit only interesting imagery, events, and metadata back to the ground, conserving both b
be performed to assess ease of code implementation. A software development toolchain and codebase will be developed that will lay the
path to speeds under 10 micro-seconds. In Phase II, we will build and demonstrate a non-mechanical beam steering breadboard system.
, buildings, terrains, and other interesting features in video. The proposed platorm will increase the capabilities of UAS while greatly reduc
ve video imagery is acquired. Neya systems will exploit two types of learned heuristic scene reconstruction from individual images can hel
s the relative strengths of both single-image reconstruction and context algorithms and state of the art multi-view stereo. The result is an a
ace distortion effects, interference/jamming, and/or known threat directions. The reflector will be a foldable conducting mesh. This will all
hen it comes to thermal management. Many of the complications due to thermal management issues affect electronics performance. To a
e innovative motor, we will study the feasibility of a wide range of coupling alternatives including a variable reduction ratio hybrid valveless
it has the potential to be truly predictive; however, they are computationally complex and expensive. A nonlinear acoustic model is more
nantly use broad band spectral sensing devices, are not considered sufficiently effective or reliable. The current alternatives are fxed pulse
gen and water vapor. In this program Vanguard will demonstrate the applicability of atomic layer deposition ultra-barrier coatings for enca
esource allocation, control, and scheduling, as well as knowledge-aided (KA) and model based adaptation and expert reasoning. The CoFA
ator, mission processor, and controller. In our formulation, the mission performance objective induces component performance objectives
Video SAR mode, which performs high-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging and GMTI simultaneously, on the same pulses of d
T: The anticipated benefts/applications of this work are :(1) 60 GHz cellular; (2) Hybrid fber/wireless systems from X-Band to W-Band; (3)
and. The results of these tests will yield a preliminary validation to the concept that nanoenergetic additives can positively affect the energ
o need for a surface passivation layer. In Phase I, we propose to synthesize several carbon-based additives for commercial aerospace fuels a
solvers, and post-processor all together, based on this hybrid Cartesian grid/gridless approach in Phase II, the technical objectives of Phase
handling and fber-related repair costs by adding a removable fber connector, and 3) reduce fber cable maintenance costs by incorporating

the sponsor. Live fre and feld data for these vehicles will be obtained and used to modify and validate the modeling procedures. The key m
erial will be transparent to light from the UV to the NIR and will contribute less than 175 g/square meter to the device due to the highly eff
sticity Finite Element Model (DDCP-FEM) to predict local and global strengths, grain morphologies, and other layer-by-layer interfacial chara
C requirements. Luna&quot;s coating system will be suitable for aerospace aluminum alloys, titanium, and composites. By working closely w
ft parts in the feld in Phase II. As part of the Phase I work, damaged aluminum alloy panels will be repaired and restored. Subsequently, th
ated into MISHFET design enables low gate leakage currents and is a key feauturesfeature for achieving high reliability in a broad range of o
e and flow velocity levels are needed for use in advanced liquid rocket propulsion systems. Throughout the evolution of the gas turbine,
ump components. Collaborations will be established in Phase II with turbine engine OEMs to expand the application of the proposed coati
newtons from a single 200mm wafer assembly. Ion guns interdigitated with electron guns create a charge neutral beam prior to high-volta
ry setting. Most of these required technology components are already available in the IllinoisRocstar Rocstar Simulation Suite physics modu
state-of-the-art particulate instruments to quantify the uncertainties in the DMS500 measurements. The major uncertainties are the effec

ooking Infrared Systems (FLIR), and Raman spectroscopy detect oxidation and fracture zones in polymeric structures and coatings, but lack
use is improbable for such systems. Traycer has developed a hand-held, 100nW/cm^2 beam sensitivity (&lt;100pW pixel NEP) broadband,
o generate new material characterization predictions using augmented ASTM test data with the analysis tool that is validated over the enti
or will provide a key capability for technicians on the F-35 flight line during the ramp up to high-rate production. The proposed Phase I eff
one compact, handheld device. It is a true standalone system that requires neither additional assistant component for 3D data stitching, de
FIT: There will be immediate benefts in military applications of this technology to surveillance, reconnaissance, and target acquisition and
s will frst be targeted toward post processing software but will later be targeted at real-time applications. These methods will be packaged
This effort will be restricted to Ti:6A:4V, the most mature alloy for the EBM process. Our partner, CalRAM Inc, is a veteran-owned small bu

f-healing additive will be released into the site of damage where it will polymerize and restore the coating&quot;s protective function. By c
on the function characteristics and current load situations in the cluster. This ensures the traditional video processing algorithms to be eas
form a thorough requirements/link/systems analysis and second, complete a design of an active antenna solution which offers the required
have no overlap and will span the spectral range of the instrument, thus separating spectrally distinct overlaying orders. The DMDs will al
military and commercial communication and radar systems for high-performance, low-cost, satellite and mobile communications.
udies to balance the power demand between fuel cell and GTG to establish a hybrid confguration able to meet the specifed mass, loiter an
l) for a 15-25 hour endurance. Furthermore, Mainstream&quot;s patent-pending design that integrates the electrical and mechanical syste
ercially ready product to the level that is applicable to an actual system in a mission.
s untouched and the aerodynamic model elements needed to provide the enhanced stall/upset model capability are introduced into the ex

afely in a warehouse environment. ABMS is easily expandable and stackable to accommodate various battery lot sizes. Personnel can query
would then presumably be operating at a higher part-load ratio and therefore at a better efficiency. As the loads begin to increase again, th

smaller footprints to be realized through embedded circuitry and denser packaging, the thermal conductivity of such packages has not kep
ategies to enable successful acquisition and reduce acquisition and tracking time with initial coarse time and position estimates. The code

andmark, converging to the 30cm accuracy with which SOLD defnes Virtual Landmarks. We estimate the system is feasible for a 200MHz p
ract information from a variety of observing systems and, in particular, from microwave satellite radiances, such as SSMI/S. Variational assim
cy GPS have the ability to estimate TEC. The algorithms will be tested using data from commercial GPS receivers as well as military DoD GP
gh thermodynamic efficiency, resulting in low input power and reduced mass. In Phase I, we will demonstrate the operation of a proof-of-
utomation, parallelization, and numerical techniques, a direct coupled approach to resonant stress/fatigue analysis is now possible. Our ap
PnP Innovations is proposing to leverage the SPA standards to create a Hosted Payload architecture that offers MOSA features to the pote
e at least 0.5 W of heat at 123 K. Recent models predict that metallic and HgCdTe-based superlattices have thermoelectric fgures of merit
e registration. To address this objective we propose to: i) Survey state of the art TID observations and generation mechanisms ii) Establish
e impact of TIDs will be assessed over a range of different TID conditions (directional spectrum) and OTHR operating scenarios to assess the
tion during missions. Toyon Research Corporation proposes an embedded architecture that incorporates image processing algorithms with
become unclear, and can change rapidly with environmental operating conditions. Black River proposes to address these issues by develop
nditions. BENEFIT: This lightweight, robust design with price-points targeted towards dismount usage may render it attractive to commerc
hese techniques are combined into a candidate modular front end architecture optimized for the airborne VLF environment, and designed
D systems use continuous phase modulation (CPM) methods such as Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK) and powerful forward error co
ms that will ft within the SWAP limits. BENEFIT: Ground moving target detection and characterization algorithms have benefts and applic
fne spatial resolution of SAR, and construct tests statistics which integrate target signals using resolution cells uncontaminated by returns f
M radome currently used on Perditor class UAVs with a smaller, more streamlined radome with much less aerodynamic drag. Lower drag tra
ssible options for the Predator class and other types of AF and other DoD UAV platorms. The batch fabricated micromachined electronical
r dynamic range and lower Noise Figure (NF). However, performance, especially saturation photocurrent of these PDs is critically affected b
m and the AJ digital processing ASIC subsystem that when combined into a single GPS AJ ASIC will be compatible with state of the art L1/L2
uirements, and downselect a specifc targeted link to guide the array development. We will optimize our advanced array architectures for th
he development of a low cost subarray architecture. Under this proposed effort, Alpha Omega Electromagnetics (AOE) will conduct both m
e. The flter structures will be studied for integration with LTCC or LTCC-M technologies . It is expected that the diplexer structures will cost
idths from 200MHz to 2GHz to enhance future A/J capability, and allow for a variety of others signals to be received. The Quad Wavetrap w
puter vision algorithms are used in the geo-location process. should be thoroughly studied. UtopiaCompression Corporation (UC), leveragin
ng applications such as rocket turbopumps and satellites.
mponents, and can be accomplished in two ways: (1) Reducing the device junction temperature given an equivalent thermal management s
as fuel additives will enhance the performance of hypersonic propulsion systems by: 1) increasing endothermic heat sink of the fuel, 2) sup
and evaluate the ESLADAR concept, using a computer model. We will build a proof-of-concept prototype, showing the non-mechanical bea
this work exist in the areas of data mining, face recognition, sensor fusion and semantic representations of sensor data.
). The M &amp; S will be used to predict radiance signal at the sensor aperture, and establish sensor operating and performance requirem
nge. The RIPPED UAV will eventually fnd a foothold in the industrial surveillance market as well as in law enforcement and border protecti
ines. Combustion Science &amp; Engineering, Inc. (CSE) has developed a detailed surrogate kinetic mechanism to model the combustion c

on human schedulers and enable them to focus on higher level objectives. Charles River Analytics proposes to design and demonstrate th
utionary algorithms which is one of the fastest growing areas of research among computational intelligent topics. AceVSC will be integrate
ster scheduling; handling larger, more complex sets of requests; and handling additional communication system capabilities. The goals of t

l of hardness and ADC performance (ENOB/Speed/etc.).

ols), engineering applications of thermoelectric devices overall have been relatively limited. The adoption of solid-state thermoelectric dev
with a massive cost savings to the government. The hosted payload interface package will allow the government to share resources, includ
U parallelization will ensure algorithm speed and robustness with the goal of maintaining a future space catalog approaching 100,000 obje
sh space environments. When exposed to electric felds, the gas in these shells creates an enclosed plasma discharge. The encapsulated p
ing Phase II we will build two deliverable refrigerators based on the Phase I design. BENEFIT: Successful construction of a magnetic refrige
equirements for size, weight, performance, and reliability. It will also be affordable, modular, and applicable to multiple missions with mini
al solution to meet the Air Force&quot;s wide range of intended cubesat and microsat missions and orbits. BENEFIT: The mini-LCCE devel
ns into TID mitigation produced a number of tools and ideas that we here propose to architect into a signifcant advance in TID mitigation.
ect and track radio-reflective objects up to several thousand meters from the vehicle. To implement this algorithm we describe a radiation-

ent permittivity and permeability, which is periodically overlapped each other forming a multilayer structure. The proposed MPS feature m
bine data from the ABSAA and GBSAA sensors are 1) the difference in technologies; 2) the differences in locations; 3) possibility of cross sen
ude. During Phase 1 we propose to develop a method to analyze the cetane number using a microfabricated GCXGC system with nanofabr
onditions. The proposed effort will use computer-aided mechanism generation to construct detailed chemical-kinetic models for JP-8 surro
use the developed tool for turbine design and analysis. Design engineers in GE Energy, Vestas, etc. can use the developed tool for wind turb
ew of recent technical literature, new algorithms and characterizations will be incorporated into a single bearing version of SHABERTH. The
uid level, gas pressure(s), and temperature would yield greater confdence of shock strut operational readiness, and vastly increase inspecti

network participants to speed direct P(Y) and direct M-code acquisition to reduce the search space for disadvantaged units, and allow long
Current algorithmic approaches to the space object cataloguing problem treat the sub-problems of detection, tracking, identifcation, and
mon platorm for testing multiple mobile ARM-based processors. Each processor will be frst tested against multiple image processing alg
ped for this program can beneft future DoD, NASA, and upcoming commercial satellite communication systems. For DoD, the results of th
tions involve the use of gimbaled fxed beam antennas. Such systems suffer from slow switching between users and limited electrical scan,
traffic patterns, but also agile in waveform adaptation to provide active countermeasures for persistent and adaptive RF interferences and a
to: i) survey typical DoD GPS User Equipment (UE) and identify onboard parameters that are readily available to develop required algorith
critical scattering structures such as a bumper and windshield) from existing data for compact, robust CID. This simple and robust physical f
gration capability for detecting airspace intruders will increase the operational capability of unmanned systems. Our track integration appro
d in the future can create&quot;clutter&quot;in the band. These, along with interference from the power grid, atmospheric effects (&quo

irements that do not allow for traditional antenna nulling/beam-steering anti-jam solutions requiring considerable power and size. A SWa
helds where Anti-Jam (AJ) technology is either currently unavailable or inadequate for mission success in severely jammed environments.
techniques indicates that we will be able to achieve&gt;40% electrical to optical power conversion of the pump laser modules. Resonant p
ements of the operator. The central tenets of the proposed approach are (i) use temporal ordering of the images to increase the computati
se smart labels provide immediate&quot;go, no-go&quot;indication to the user in the feld without special training or equipment. This P
Aerojet to the Minuteman III motor. BENEFIT: The proposed portable, non-invasive, real-time sensor will enable remote assessment of the
es. To limit overhead and enhance LPD and scalability SC-Orderwire architecture includes airborne node location prediction. PHY layer of SC
cal Networks) and successfully established its implementation feasibility during the Phase I SBIR effort. Designed to be integrated within ex
perations, the software-only technology will operate within the existing network infrastructure, including COTS routers and HAIPE devices.
x events, we can achieve a level of performance for event geolocating which goes beyond what is possible with the more&quot;shallow&qu
ation. BENEFIT: Higher data rate (&gt;10 Gbps per fber) over the installed MMF, including 50/125, 62.5/125 and 100/140 variants. Spec
nstrates the Phase-I design&quot;. Specifcally, we will build the new DIME instrument, based on our Phase-I designs, and integrate it into
ntegrate into facilities at Lockheed Martin and Boeing, will be a robust, affordable system that will dramatically reduce the cost associated

mpacts on the platorm in terms of power, processing cycles and operation performance. BENEFIT: We anticipate that by the end of our P
ell as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution for cloud security, to ensure operational readiness and product commercialization. We have
through several comprehensive test and refne algorithm development cycles. The algorithms will be validated using current space object
ent of Defense agencies as well as researchers in the feld of space weather, both commercial and educational. BENEFIT: The IORD require
ation, simulations, and hardware demonstrations. BENEFIT: Operational implementation of this technology is anticipated as part of a spac
on of the system to gap fll, fuel tank sealant application, and hard shim forming. The fully developed Phase II ILSAS, which POC plans to int
le at a typical cost between $5,000 and $20,000, but they are generally designed for a high operating temperature range (>65K) for the obj
ng, fusion, prediction, tasking and routing algorithms and the Tracked Object Manager (TOM). In Phase I, we developed the prototype asse
ty of innovative approaches needed to bridge the gap between advanced weapon system radars and small Size Weight & Power (SWaP) ra

es terminals. Demand for higher data-rates is ever present and growing. Although the primary target of this SBIR is for satellite communica
an existing government network application. It will demonstrate this technology in a practical ground-based application in preparation for d
ting reputation/trust management system, so that we can successfully minimize the warm-up period and achieve the full advantages of the
f HBC+CLAWS control algorithms in the laboratory using a low power laser and a processor suitable for a real-time feld test. At the end of
s in order to provide comparable FOV to the human eye. Also broad-band, large view cameras and sensors are utilized for general vehicles
m visual performance. This program will demonstrate the technical capability of the technology to meet specifc requirements and demon
evel query (statement of information need), based on the situation at hand; (2) Formulate queries for each relevant repository that (partial
g environments and/or devices best suited to achieve specifed training requirements and how current devices can be modifed to better a
namical model of the human auditory system and a decision model for predicting human performance; 2) design a new experiment using t
xecution and visualization of hybrid computational EM simulation results. The fnal solution will be a full end-to-end modeling tool that pro
infrastructure. SAUNA will facilitate data gathering, storage, and analysis in order to maximize the potential of positive inventory control (P
the space operators to understand the probability of collision, the uncertainty in current estimates, and the differences in risks across the o
a roadmap for low-cost mass-fabrication of the array for faster transition to the market. BENEFIT: The proposed research and developmen

ess the cost-effectiveness and ultimate commercial potential of the design, Boulder Ionics will also demonstrate an innovative high-through
ce and electronics compare the sensor signal to an operator-specifed criterion. The Phase II system concept will not involve robotic positio
d too short must be removed and replaced with the correct fastener. GripChek uses the drilling operation itself to determine and record the
ach by using measured GaN MMIC data in conjunction with simulations. We were able to improve the amplifer average efficiency by more
ed system (host and PNT) uses this data and the resulting effects from a degraded situation requires an in-depth investigation to fully comp
key innovation in the proposed research will continue to be the application of an adaptive, automated test scheduler based on stochastic m
SA radios, improved position, velocity and time (PVT) performance for GPS, and improved robustness to unintentional and intentional inter
e a next-to-skin application, the proposed effort will focus on chemistries that pose no health issues when selected materials are exposed t
s pieces would provide more precise metric data for validation purposes. Here, we propose a debris tagging concept that would allow us t

red as a result of the collision. The proposed system will collect, encode, and transmit the data needed to model the impact damage and p
ated production lines under very strict quality control methods. Inflators have been successfully used by SEA CORP in a number of pneuma
issues will be tested in Fire and No-Fire situations to examine the effects the defects cause. Discharge pressure will be recorded and matc
trating an EED with self-test logic in prototype hardware. That is, demonstrating a high voltage in-line EED as detonating initiator and/or de
er and electronic parts of missiles. In Phase I, POC will demonstrate the feasibility of the MA^3REP methodology by constructing a prototyp
data obtained under accelerated conditions to reliability performance for the materials under dormant storage conditions. While this Phas
onducting real time aging testing in conjunction with accelerated aging studies to build confdence in the TTS shift curve results. A systema
No embedment of the sensor into the propellant is required, not are any electrical connections required to the ordnance device. A handhe
ured products or devices; and how such techniques can be applied to ordnance devices, and we plan the investigation of analytical tools u

In Phase I, POC will test the feasibility of the proposed sensor system and carry out an experimental demonstration of sensor operation. In
mbs fabricated in various BMG alloys.
environmental exposures and performance in mission relevant conditions. In the subsequent Phase II program, should it be awarded, MAT

ept development and transition: (1) task and display requirements for anomaly management, (2) an established design process to translate
mework that specifes the capabilities, algorithms, knowledge requirements, and interfaces of each software module; develop a limited soft
enerator-synchronizer, renewable energy input, and intelligent controller. The proposed system will operate as a 10 kW redundant power p
d dynamic load power desired by the attached equipment. PC Krause and Associates (PCKA) has previously demonstrated a power buffer c
feasibility. Finally, we will develop autonomous vehicle evaluation metrics, paying special attention to the efficiency and effectiveness of th
feasibility. Finally, we will develop autonomous vehicle evaluation metrics, paying special attention to the efficiency and effectiveness of th
tonomy Management Platorm (AMP) that can assist an operator in controlling and directing several unmanned vehicles at the same time.
th respect to operator workload, varying levels of automation, and portrayal of information for sensor monitoring and re-tasking. A softwa
The g-speak SOE is designed to help programmers write applications that use gestural input, function well on large screens and for simultan
f-the-art video-based human tracking, pose estimation, and gesture recognition technologies previously developed by our team to produc
oves current sortie rates, directly addressing upcoming UAS acquisition program requirements. In Phase I, POC will provide a feasibility stud
tart, or kill applications. VMCIS also provides APIs so developers can add customized instrumentation and remediation actions.
learn abstractions that allow it to recognize the right events at the right level of detail. These abstractions allow SATPAM to break the world
ted via an intermediate demonstration as well as a larger full system demonstration. BENEFIT: The developed technology will provide an e
tradeoffs in sensor accuracies, navigation flters, and other components of an overall systems solution. Standard interfaces allow sensor m
BENEFIT: Without the development of advanced cooling strategies for high-speed weapon radomes, missile performance improvements w
tonation products, the fracture and breakup of the pickup truck components, and the residual blast and debris fly out into the environmen
heat flux model, not currently included in standard damage models, will be evaluated from the radiometer measurements. The plan to int
ation, different types of damage mechanisms must be considered. One of these is secondary debris from ejecta when a conventional weap
ct will be a balance assembly including additional sensors such as accelerometers and gyroscopes in addition to conventional strain gauges.
of sensor response at an off-axis angle to normal incidence per solid angle with a 14 orders of magnitude dynamic range from 0 to 12 degr
etion of this research and development will result in improved capabilities for correlating, fusing, and exploiting multi-sensor EO/IR ISR ima
nating existing bottlenecks that limit the timely utilization of these valuable data. Our compression system features lossless algorithms for

ffort shall integrate ground vehicle ISAR feature-aided tracking for real-time airborne use in a next generation Air Force ISR radar system suc
aptive fltering to simultaneously suppress the clutter and preserve target responses. This approach is designed to address the problems of
edict performance capability and circuit integration. The module capability will be demonstrated and evaluated in Phase II with prototype f
pends directly on its shape and electrical size, 2.) For symmetrical objects (re-entry vehicles or RVs) a strong resonance occurs when the ob
was designed suggests that it could provide the same advantages to reduce clutter in the BMD mission. The question in the proposed effo
ection, protein interaction prediction, real-time human pose recognition and general feature selection. This proposal presents the novel ap
fer to discriminate between threats and other objects in the LRV debris feld. Simulations of this process will be conducted in Phase I using
ultiple scenarios including cases where the primary threat objects are contained within debris originating from chuffing, separation, or inte

and will provide a rationalization for the particular selections of the allocations. The tool will utilize models expressed in both UML and in se
nd vocal commands, purposefully investigate integrated intelligence data within the environment by exploring, searching for, fnding, and re
The g-speak SOE is designed to help programmers write applications that use gestural input, function well on large screens and for simultan
s in an automatic fashion. Autonomy-oriented computation offers the potential to allow complex computer systems to police themselves, d
eatures inherited in software applications. Additionally, we leverage our work on ontological knowledge representation techniques to repre
coatings. In response to the need for a feasibility study, an exhaustive evaluation of existing superhydrophobic coating technologies (mate
and low electrical conductivity. A comprehensive report detailing test methods, results will be submitted at the end of Phase I program.
ogram will demonstrate the feasibility of producing a more durable and longer-lasting superhydrophobic coating that outperforms state-of

accommodate for differences among individuals and function without prior medical information. It will maintain data continuity for downs
ow that the Integrated Clinical Environment (ICE) can be utilized to allow incorporation of best of breed sensors and devices in a package wh
d in size and integrated into the handheld PA device. During Phase I the GreenAmp-lite system will be compared to alternate PA designs an
volume, mass, and cost. In order to achieve both high efficiency and linearity, Vadum will survey and evaluate candidate approaches, inclu
her special tactics teams. These rounds can be manufactured using our patent pending assembly and loading systems currently used. This

rporating into the manufacturing process the rapid production of interior case volumes, optimal for sub-sonic calibers and projectiles. This
combinations of polymers to achieve optimal obtuation while maintaining structural integrity. With other calibers, we have found that thes
r program execution. Its aggressive dynamic power management scheme reduces power consumption by up to 93% over traditional metho

ocessing and control technology. In addition, the BRAINWARE-based processors offer unprecedented capabilities: immediate sleep and wak
ve IR camouflage at high dynamic rates.
ome displays. Under this SBIR IST will focus on the challenge of large area geodesic dome displays emitting in the 8 -12 micron range using
operties of the material through engineered variations of the volume fraction of each reactant and by adjusting their particle size. The cons
orms with programmable intensity, time of arrival, duration, and shape for use in testing the LPA. BENEFIT: Direct Detection LADAR techn
data collections. BENEFIT: The new system will provide the Air Force with a capability for covert air surveillance by providing a new passiv
nd a prototype thruster deliverable shall be fabricated, loaded, and delivered for additional testing. Remaining electronics for initiating an
apping device. In normal operation, the actuators will be adjusted to minimize the drag of the cavity. The skin friction sensors that are base
work is targeting seeker system application for Ku- and Ka-band. The part count is low and the construction method is very simple and rob
have sufficient context and are able to jointly localize and coordinate. Initially, this effort will focus on multi-view descriptors for wide-base
multiple agents. We will evaluate both the accuracy in matching scenes and the computational complexity. We will also evaluate the inter
aster execution than is possible using more traditional facet-based modeling approaches. TSC demonstrated excellent execution times, mod
age that is compatible with ground-based fxed or mobile platorms, and is easily adapted to future requirements for high datarate airborn
mputational framework to enable airborne processing in SWaP constrained environment. The Phase I effort demonstrated the proof of conc
e performance was completed. In Phase II we will design and build high-performance HFDR prototypes that meet the program objectives a
rocedures, as well as an overcoating method that was developed to improve the emission quantum yields and stability of the QDs, provide
Relevant performance metrics must be developed and utilized to handle the complicated task of predicting the value of decision trades in
uture development and deployment. Analysis of airborne multistatic systems is signifcantly more complex than that of ground-based syste
nce sensors that offer low size, weight and power consumption (low SWaP) will be in high demand and as they are deployed in SUAS, they
g and analysis capabilities provides a practical and rich source of high-fdelity spatial constraints that is fully up-to-date and immediately ex
pply the necessary voltages and waveforms to multiple channels; on-chip RF sources for input stimuli; and digital controllers and monitors
ent used to store biological samples; use of balloons to transport samples using wind motion from austere locations to safe areas for recove
left on the vehicle, chemical agent will not be spread to other surfaces nor will it be able to evaporate through the coating. The coating pro
e will be integrated into the coating formulation for in place disclosure and detoxifcation of chemical agents. In Phase I of this effort we w
monstrated that the basic gel composites form peelable gel coatings and sequester phosphorus and sulfur-containing compounds with hig

n quantify results; and that it can play an important role in chem-bio surveillance. In addition, we will confgure Celadon&#039;s clinical im
hemical vapor and aerosol agents making possible detection of a large number of agent types with a single sensor.
Ds with good optical absorption and electrical properties in the 8-12 micron range. The LWIR CQD detector arrays will be fabricated and tes
d to be based on polymer microfber adhesives inspired by the foot-hairs found on geckos. The proposal describes a methodology to design
re sealing approach. In the Option phase, we will improve our closure designs for manufacturability and integration with existing military c
gent neutralizers, uniformly dispersed in a moisture vapor breathable shape memory polymer (SMP) matrix. This will be followed by the fab
e testing in order to identify and tune the dominant design variables leading to an optimal CEX formulation. By relying on validated frst-pri
ass technology into the megawatt range. In Phase 1, Lithiumstart proposes to address key elements of risk by testing the technical feasibili

hot-rocket experiment will be simulated with both the EDC and MEPDF methods with fnite-rate reactions and simulation results compared
PCI digitizer with FPGA accumulator for real time signal averaging enabling a near 100% measurement duty cycle.

d resuscitation data gathered at the USAISR as well as data gathered in related human hemorrhage studies involving a liter or less of blood
a must be transmitted from austere environments. There is a wide range of current devices that perform at least part of these tasks. Digi
ere, tail-rotor obstacle avoidance capability. The sensor system must be low-cost and ft within very tight size, weight, and power (SWaP) bu
ons defned by a 2D slice of a 3D CAD model. Theoretically any geometry can be built. Solid Concepts is one of the most technically advanc
panel methods and CFD solvers for DoD, NASA and industry. The proposed tool would be built around a low-cost CFD solver and would outp
demonstrate UFS for high-fdelity characterization of short duration propulsive/detonative events in mixed continuum/rarefed flows and i
component technologies developed by VDI and demonstrated throughout the frequency band of interest.

se I, POC will perform a technical feasibility and operational suitability test of the AERO system. A scaled-down version of the system will be
ordable aid to the pilot/operators promising a signifcant reduction in the DVE accident rate. Under this effort, ISL will exploit the Electronic

ng in three dimensions of the processed materials by axial injection of uniform precursor droplets into an axis-symmetric plasma hot zone
r drilling angled shaped holes in TBC-coated metals and engine components. The Phase I optional tasks will be carried out provided the Pha
ulation. Application of this methodology to transient problems was also performed but contained many defciencies from both a numerica
stics. This Phase I effort will establish the preliminary NPP system design. In Phase II, we will implement the design and fabricate a tangib
nergy and high-power capabilities of batteries and capacitors in a single device by combining a symmetric capacitor and a rechargeable batt
all effectiveness and refnement of two core technologies: ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and non-linear radar (NLR). The Phase I effort w
, developing an initial design for the system, and prototyping and demonstrating critical aspects of the system in a laboratory environment
e processing operations that can mitigate scene distortions due to turbulence aberration. The Integrated Camera for Imaging Through Turbu
m offers over 72 hr of operation with electrochromic-based protective eyewear, or over 300 days using POC&#039;s liquid crystal lenses, w
Next generation natural fber derived parachute fabrics are proposed herein bestowed with trigger controlled enhanced degradation mecha
ites or stings. The proposed protective surface fnish can be factory-applied as a post treatment, with applicability to most military garmen
ethods to ensure the above properties are attained as well as mechanical durability, launderability, and low cost.
(2) Maximizing the bandwidth of the RF subsection so as not to constrain the selection of an application specifc operational or signal band
W or Bi-Phase coded radar waveforms. 2) Adaptive antenna feed networks. 3) Sample implementation of the generalized processor to eval
in potentially dangerous environments. Furthermore, the rapid deployment and ease of use will make it a candidate in any scenario where
m. During the Phase I option, Orbital will perform static wind tunnel tests to more accurately quantify the performance of the 40mm projec
r approach will demonstrate how fdelity will be increased in order to have meaningful interactions with other models. We will focus on va
rk Virus/Malware Protection - providing comprehensive cloud-based virus and malware detection capabilities; Multi-Faceted Intrusion Dete
detection and root-cause analysis (SCAN-Fault) scheme that can analyze the monitored network as a whole and assist the users (i.e., netwo

sult in reduced size/cost/complexity and increase capability and effectiveness through wider bandwidth. Specifcally we will explore Direct
ommunications node with multi-beam capability. Commercial applications of this technology have also been identifed.
ur design is capable of generating highly complex adaptive transmit waveforms such as radar waveforms with spectral transmit notches an
rors required for dual use as a jitter control virtual star and as a low-frequency IMU angle reference.

ased on ROI&quot;s monolithic integrated optics microchip technology, integrated with smart power management, on-board data process

pact fber amplifers in the 850 nm band satisfying the requirements of next generation LANs. New glasses and fbers will be developed for

nts defned for the MVCS. * It can be readily deployed as a low-cost retroft applique between the antenna and the radio, by adapting an An
, with reasonable accuracy, all potential sonobuoy receivers to appropriately synchronize the timing basis. Additional acoustic processing fu

and EW systems such as AMDR. The proposed design employs cost-effective commercially sourced multi-layer circuit board populated with

surement algorithms to extract conventional pulse parameters (RF, PW, PRI), RF and PRF agility parameters, intentional modulations on pu
g with recorded sonar data against real targets. In Phase II we will insert the algorithms in an MCM sonar and demonstrate signifcant redu

gh power density, affordable PUC modules that have three times the power density and half the cost of the MFPMs used in the PNCC. We
any payload including; surface RHIB&quot;s, UAV, RMMV&quot;s and perhaps even large UAV&quot;s. Soft Rail may be the most signifca

d signal. Such system attributes are critical to the successful implementation of a technology solution that can address PEO Ground System
ption according to the instantaneous resource requirements of the processing algorithm in reconfgurable technologies. To maximize the be
quired for seamless integration with commercial appliances. Phase I Option work will include environmental testing and further integration

cifc energy, specifc power requirements. During Phase II, Lynntech will optimize the cell components and fabricate and test scaled-up cells
of the Phase 1 program will be a system design based on a theoretical analysis of MIMO radar design, preliminary MIMO measurements, a
ur systems have found 23 real bugs in a real operational network of 178 routers, and scaled to networks of a several hundred devices while

ming the limitations of using a single technique for both. This work will build on a previous successful prototype of this basic concept for si
will be centered around Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) which is a very powerful specifcation language that provides a very natural way to mod
planning for each asset individually, looking for interactions between the plans - and then replanning - taking into account the identifed in
g in a variety of ISR and force protection roles.
or inherent temperature resistance and in particular, a material that is chemically stable will be chosen. In order to minimize the weight and

e requirements as outlined in the announcement are stringent and include 1) High power handling capability, 2) High Diffraction Efficiency
ding to optical damage at reduced power levels. We propose to use an all-glass diffraction grating whose high efficiency is yielded by inhibi
ore than ever, tremendous cost savings can be realized by virtually eliminating simulator downtime due to image generator failures.

d to signifcantly increase the effective surface area and decorated with oxides to introduce additional psudocapacitance and increase perm
ry experiment and extending Resodyn Corporation&quot;s existing Polymer Thermo Spray technology suggests a high likelihood of success

uring a few wavelengths or less. Yet, these detailed features can play an important role in the overall radar signature. We propose to develo
s for asset allocation and path-planning/motion-planning. We will determine minimal acceptable asset packages that maximize the probab

ing. In order to ensure maximum likelihood of mission success, modern military platorms must consider the mitigation of cosite and inter-
ase II activity. As part of that effort bottlenecks in current algorithms were identifed as well as other algorithms which may be problematic
ackage (2&quot;x2&quot;x2&quot;) at a very low price ($120,000/unit). ATA anticipates a successful Phase I and Phase II effort will provide

mic the effects of a wide range of anomalous array performance. This time series data can in turn be used to stimulate the sonar processin
an be easily integrated into current products and assembly flows utilized by T/R Module manufacturers.

ts across different sonobuoys. The LRT processing is a proven method to dramatically improve the detection and false alarm characteristics
als on a combat active U.S. Navy vessel within the Atlantic fleet. Building from this extensive technical foundation, NanoSonic will augmen
of tactical and EW scenarios; (2) account for signal attenuation and distortion by noise and propagation effects; (3) compute recommended
O employs a general Hierarchical Evolutionary Programming (H-EP) based upon the Genetic Programming (GP) optimization paradigm to ac
pt, paired with an innovative software framework that provides tools and libraries to streamline the software deployment process. The soft

performance metrics are demonstration of suitable power and communications over a&gt;525 ft. tether, tethered takeoff and landing of a
age Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) by developing a modular aerostat communications relay system for the radio that is semi-autonomo
Mainstream will optimize the power electronic and thermal management system architecture, and develop the control system for both. In
tag-lines attached to the recovery capture spine and RMMV. Removing the inherent human latencies from the current system and impleme
NP Photonics&#039;expertise in the manufacture of fber lasers and their existing proprietary design for a PRF selectable, high average po
We propose novel feature extraction methods in tandem with an efficient nonlinear adaptive kernel elastic net (AKEN) classifcation. The pro
n by PMS-485. Under the Phase I Option, the sizing and timing requirements associated with the implementation of the PAP classifcation
ning Application (MPA). Simulation outputs will be processed through a Fuzzy Logic (FL) engine to compute risk and effectiveness for presen
G-1 mission planning Human System Interface.
or investigation. Another product of the work is an understanding of the system bandwidth required to achieve reliable automatic screenin
dependent amplitude statistics, and (3) clutter-adaptive cross-beam and image-based normalization using model-based and data-driven ass
em capable of 24/7 extinction predictions. SRL will also test MEMS Inertial Measurement Units to develop a design for an image-stabilized
designs of the lidar sensor. The Phase I Program Option will consist of additional engineering design to integrate the sensor into the design
mages of laser light scattered back to system with polarization fltering. Beam attenuation will be computed using a single wavelength laser
liable performance predictions for torpedo DLC, a method for extracting, validating, and generalizing highly realistic channel and target imp

ector algorithm capable of detecting various torpedo motion patterns (for example, wake-homing torpedoes) with the hull array 3. Devel
tructors to effectively work with larger groups of students through a combination of improved performance tracking, automated feedback,

to interferer and noise ratio. ABF algorithms ability to suppress loud acoustic interference arriving in the sidelobe region of beams will red
al awareness to a soldiers head-mounted display are considered heavy-use and the feasibility of mobile processors for extended mission ti

wideband DREX module running in the lab today. Azure will leverage these technologies to develop 1 GHz wideband DREX concepts for NA

otely control the BETR to generate frequencies required for tracking. In Phase I, POC will develop UNTRAS design concept, perform detaile
bility in maritime environments. The polymeric based protection system is very lightweight and does not require a signifcant amount of vol
actors combine to create the diminishing manufacturing base. To address this need for a replacement heater wire/heater assembly for this
nt also includes the process that will convert the printed particles into the conductive traces acting as heating elements. The feasibility of th

AD models from submarine periscope imagery of ships, with operator involvement limited to 15-30 minutes per model. We propose to leve
viewpoints, compensating for target ship motion, and integrating results into a 3D model. A performance metric suitable for predicting aut
s for the Phase I Option where another prototype will be built and tested. The expendable nature of the device requires a low cost approac
of NBR and HNBR (hydrogenated nitrile rubber).
ithstand extreme shipboard service environments for the life of the ship. In Phase I, we will complete a proof-of-concept demonstration of
ld eventually have occurred at the installation site or, even worse, at deployment. Furthermore, Sedna proposes the reuse of existing high
based T/R switches when more efficient RF microwave designs are utilized which is a marked improvement over existing MEMs and GaN T/R
a modular solution in line with Navy torpedo performance upgrade programs to counter continuously evolving threats upgrades of the Mk
of 275 VDC and will perform a DC to DC conversion to generate low output voltages from 3.3 VDC to 28 VDC with an output noise less than

tial cost projections for the coating are favorable, with the potential for convenient and environmentally friendly manufacture using standa
ation to complex surface geometries. The technology developed by this SBIR will be capable of coating, with uniform thickness, surfaces w

function of the coating will be to shed salt water through its inherent hydrophobic nature as the RMS is retrieved from the sea. This capab
de is removing the requirement that shipboard personal be required to edit confguration fles and input data on a command line as both o
ose a tiered research and development program that assesses and quantifes the degree of recovery automation achievable with varying le
em of direct diode lasers. We will build a dual-band MWIR and LWIR laser for this program based on WBC of high power quantum cascade
nt biological backscattering. The objective of this proposal is to demonstrate the feasibility and efficacy of using a modifed transmit spectru
al ASR-3 application in 2010, delivers&gt;99.99% Ai. (m + n) has been commissioned for more than two years without any operating failure
on in this solid-state amplifer and power supply will enable the Navy to replace the Klystron amplifer, which is exhibiting decreasing availa

elihood ratio surface. Peaks in this new surface become candidates for detections. When combined in this fashion, the likelihood ratios fro
n and localization using long-term signal clustering with the Bayesian Information Criterion allows targets to be tracked as they move throu
mal management strategies. Incorporation of new technologies will improve mission performance and increase transmit windows due to im

EWIP Block 2.
d refnes existing RAS algorithms and software modules (C/C++ and MATLAB) such as clustering using multiple parameters measured on a si
ne which of these best solves the problem presented in this SBIR topic. Classifcation techniques to be evaluated include: Neural Network (N
operating conditions. Component-level and total-vehicle performance will be estimated analytically to assess performance and stability. Veh
(ii) adheres to stringent design space requirements still poses a signifcant challenge. To close this technological gap, the NextGen team wi

e a safe operational envelope for the APHS under simulated ship motions. Selected APHS candidate designs will be evaluated under the Pha
signed with the following consideration; 1) Improved platorm motion capability and improved forks/arms positioning capability; 2) Enhanc
and temperature variations. Toyon Research corporation proposes a suite of parallelizable algorithms based on statistical appearance and a

e composites will be measured from 1 GHz to 20 GHz, and from 75 GHz to 100 GHz over room temperature to 1200C. Flexural strength and

mposite structures and pressure vessel technologies being developed at GTL. An integrated design approach is expected to provide a 90% re
critical task of the program is the design and fabrication of a pressure-reducing regulator to step-down ultra-high cylinder pressure of up to
rer&quot;s extensive experience in the design and manufacture of flasks for DoD, including underwater applications, will be leveraged with
stem has no mechanical moving parts. As the method does not rely on high-speed photodetection, it can be extended beyond 110 GHz to 1
ork will be performed in collaboration with TelAztec LLC. During the Phase I program, detailed theoretical modeling of the nano-patterned a

dress allocation and maintenance. To meet the goals of this SBIR, we propose a FLexible dynamic Initialization Product (or FLIP) in this prop
loy. Metallurgically, the PCM process can produce tubes from different materials to eliminate cross contamination between the tubes and t
d core air streams. This offers the ability to explore manipulation of the oxidizer stream in addition to fuel placement as a migigating strateg
n Scheme), provides control of the spatial distribution of heat release, allowing for manipulation of symmetry and convective time delays in
ng for energy harvesting power management. In Phase I, we will demonstrate the muti-channel interrogation system&quot;s capability to
exposed to a dangerous level of pressure while affording them the best hearing protection possible.
cally degrades over time (due to movement, etc), the features offered by the WIPAS enable reliable determination of protection provided to
e surface resonant frequency, directly probing the local flexural strength of the composite material. This technique, called the Fast Imaging

ave non-contact operation, with working distances adjustable from less than 1 cm up to 10 cm. Measurement will be real time, with wavef
s and traps) while leaving the door open for a possible new seat design in the future. A new cargo cage design will be explored that will a) t
tion of seat removal from the aircraft. Commercial applications include commercial mixed cargo and passenger flights in remote areas, othe
eiver optical subassemblies.

ased on the novel Bidirectional Analytic Ray Tracing (BART) algorithm and the 3D fast Method of Moments (MoM) algorithm. Besides the f
e hazardous.&#039;
ecture. In Phase II, we will design, fabricate, and test the system and deliver prototype units to the Navy.
rom 2-18GHz, broad band DRFM performance, and multi-channel DRFM threat EA capability in minimum size, weight and power (SWaP). T

e.g. VBS2) simulation environments simultaneously, and will also include the necessary hooks and mechanisms to allow entities to both pe
estimated to add 7 to 9 kg to the vehicle while increasing vehicle efficiency, reliability, flyability, and operational performance. Within the
sly characterize submarine signatures for increases in in-situ tactical awareness. This in-situ calibration sensor pod will be deployed from a

hod of injecting signals and noise into individual subsystem processing algorithms, considering both recorded and simulated signals. The ob
while oscillating at a widely tunable frequency separation. The locked lasers combine on a high-speed photodiode (PD), generating a beat

al Teams (the operator, the commander, the mission controller, etc). The optimal formation and functioning of such inter-personal teams w
3) optimized via stealth scoring optimization techniques. One key innovation will be a suite of scoring algorithms grounded in data mining
d defnitional information technologies; (2) a computational inference layer that takes sensor data, quantitative metrics, and other types of
echnique under representative conditions, and will develop technology to implement the measurement. BENEFIT: The proposed residual
er from the surface more efficient. The system will be tested over a wide range of icing conditions in a commercial icing research tunnel to

nsor is impractical given the limited scale on which optical taggants are currently used; yet, Practical feld demonstration of taggant capabi
with the sensor front-end hardware. This project applies the Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) to develop a modular and open&q
nned for January 2013. LTI is designing a linearizer operating with a TWT 81 to 86 GHz, and has demonstrated appropriate correction chara
and high bandwidth point to point digital radio links. A W-band or THz frequency device can be used for other commercial applications su
ill be implemented and packaged into software by using QSI&quot;s TEAMS toolset for design and analysis of health management systems
capability and accuracy of the instrumented projectile in recording impact-induced force histories. In the Phase II study, it is required to ref
k on a map-based display. The Phase I effort included development of a prototype system and initial validation of the system within a pilot
nks can be mechanically integrated into the overall assembly. Peregrine&quot;s innovative composite approach utilizes the high thermal c

o multi-kilowatt operation is the principal objective of the proposed work. Femtosecond inscribed waveguides will be investigated. Delivera

ance and azimuth measurement accuracy and develop a low-cost method of manufacture of the polarizer-on-pixel technology. Subsequen

gnal script and generates a modifed signal script that will yield greatly reduced IMP; and (2) a real-time hardware toolkit that can reduce IM

rability and power production performance. The program will provide a strong basis for fnal design of a commercial system and rapid tran
research questions are addressed. The focus of the Phase II effort is to build a working prototype of the AED tool, including the user interfa
facturing rate, (iii) expand the operating window and develop strategies to maintain consistent operating conditions and (iv) investigate and
groups, because the material losses in real metals will always broaden out a resonance that relies on current loops in metals. By completio

Phase II research is a logical extension of the Phase I efforts, and is aimed at delivering large area scintillators suitable for medical and indu
life&quot;color model of the eye.

Nuvotronics is offering in this phase I to design an ultra-low loss architecture, which will integrate the different micro-flters, active and pass

stored data and available off-board information. It is envisioned that a sensor suite resource manager (RM) would be employed to automa
at or near the solicitation specifcations. While each device is rated for&gt;2 year reliability under CW, as will be shown later in the proposal
on, prediction, anomaly detection, sensory fusion and motor control.
ned aerial vehicles. The solution approach will make the integration of hostile fre capability onto both military and civilian law enforcemen
oth trauma and burn injury. Building upon work accomplished in Phase I, CytoSorbents will test a portable, robust, and logistically-friendly
bacteria. This Phase II project seeks to expand these fndings into in vivo models of infected excisional and burn wounds, comparing our Ke
l disaster response. To accomplish this, our technical approach includes advanced in-app capabilities for data collection; machine learnin

they exploit features with a known causal relationship to the threats and the algorithms have been constructed using rigorous mathematic
s, (ii) research of the development of distributed sensor fusion architecture combining knowledge of aircraft carrier operations and sensor
AST system will be tested and proven in realistic feld environments.

hronously collect physiological, behavioral, and environmental indicators of motion exposure; (2) a fusion engine that combines Complex E

ications to rapidly detect targets and discriminate vessel intent. The system will be compact enough to ft into half the volume of an A-size
ic areas of probability (AOP) of target position will be calculated and passed via a covert communicate message to the remote operator or
will provide a general purpose turbojet engine-generator system that will also provide the propulsion for other applications such as missiles
rts comparably sized cryocoolers from other vendors. BENEFIT: The immediate beneft to USAF and the Department of Defense is that M
on of energetic battlefeld events from RPAs at altitudes of 15,00025,000 ft., with subsequent cueing of existing fne-tracker or high-resoluti
onstructed at Mound Laser &amp; Photonics Center (MLPC), parameters determined by the software will be experimentally tested, validate
ttle power. In Phase I we demonstrated that the key components of the compassthe precision rate gyro and high-accuracy inclinometersca
ting rare earth alternator. The program will build upon the phase I effort where QM Power designed a drop in replacement alternator with
both wired or wireless interfaces can be used. A distributed approach is proposed that collects and analyzes data at measurement nodes. W
ads to increased usage of serum sample as well as reagents. Therefore, an assay is needed that can be multiplexed to detect several differe

time mobile support when anger/stress triggers are encountered during their day to day life by continuously tracking their stress/anger leve
tained via long-term monitoring. Such feedback will be helpful to the user, for example, to establish daily activity goals and progress towar
to achieve TRL 6/MRL 7 at end of Phase II. In the Phase II project, SDC will develop the design, perform analysis, build test articles, burst te
be developed. BOP components and parasitic loads will be determined. During the Option period, we will demonstrate stable reformer op
prehensive from crystal growth to NLO devices and laser systems as well as a strong pathway to commercialization of the developed NLO d
rity structure present several challenges, which if solved, will provide a commercialization route for POP-GaN as a QPM material with highe
mediately after projectile launch, followed by less severe conditions during flight to target. The concept is based on a tungsten core with a
onal modeling for developing processing-properties-structure correlation. The success criteria are set in comparison to current fabrication m
in this proposal, feld assisted sintering technology can consolidate materials in as short an active process time as 2 minutes! FAST has been
p model-generation algorithms to use these observed discrete events to create executable sub-models associated with each primary task. T
lop a Markov Decision Process model of carrier deck operations, and survey various existing algorithms for learning of unknown state trans
de will also move in frequency in response to the applied DC feld, and their beat on a fast photodetector produces the desired tunable MM
ower heterodyning. In simple terms, the approach combines high-power emitters with very low RIN characteristics, without resorting to hi
pliers with a convenient path to upgrade existing fabrication lines and offer ICs with latch-up and single event upset (SEU) immunity at faste
ered conductive yarns, thus enabling a low weight foldable parabolic antenna that can be carried inside a thigh holster. In Phase II, we will
d ASIC platorm with metal-programmable cells and IOs will be developed using a 130nm process enhanced with HardSIL &amp; #61652; te
so be used to control the actuators. BENEFIT: The flexibility obtained by being able to locate sensors and actuators anywhere (&lt;225°C) i
e I effort demonstrated the proof of concept by developing core technologies that form the basis of the proposed algorithms. The Phase II
ta fusion tools in the BEAST and in E-SAS operational environments, enhance space weather drill-down visualization, validate tools on exte
ontact and utilize high-temperature substrates with reduced coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), 2) optimize the back contact of the dev
turing. BENEFIT: The successful completion of this SBIR will provide military and commercial aircraft manufacturers with the capability for
B2-air batteries which have practical anode thicknesses and which provide current densities and capacities needed for military applications
ndmarks for the INS error reset. Both local and global aiding are enhanced by integrity monitoring that removes SAR measurement outlier
t atmosphere, will also be demonstrated. We will demonstrate that the innovation can be scaled to larger format arrays (e.g., 4k x 4k and la
rnet network technology, with effective data transfer bandwidths up to 50 Gbps. BENEFIT: The solid state disk will support ultra-fast data
to offer a framework for resource allocation across diverse domains with particular focus on the coordination of air, space and cyber resou
Web has made it easy to access an enormous amount of open source data. The richness and size of this data has made it a priority to dev
ption, and Trusted Computing Group (TCG) Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) inspired Distributed Attestation for Mobile, Multicast & Mu
e and perform a flight test using a high-altitude balloon. We will evaluate the prototype performance and demonstrate navigation precisio
-14 FreeForm as the polyimide resin system based on its processing ease, affordability, high-performance thermal oxidative stability at tem
to develop cloud-based MADSAT within the Apache Hadoop framework. For Phase II, we propose full-scope agent- and cloud-based deve
entifcation of the cell differentiation state, which frmly established proof-of-concept of the technology. In Phase II, efforts will focus along
avioral therapy (CBT) interventions. RELAX (1) enables the practice of anger management strategies remotely through mobile phone interf
alysis methods as well as user requirements and system specifcations. In the process, six technical challenges were identifed: 1) Patient A

prises a safe technology that would gain immediate market penetration in the area of hydrogen storage, transportation and delivery. Phase

These technology components will be implemented with low overhead and will be interoperable with legacy airborne network systems. We
n which depends purely on computational approaches, the proposed aperiodic array approaches have a closed form solution, enabling de
ate approach include the realizable small size and weight you can obtain with a MMIC design even with power combining. Our amplifer w
ansmitters to provide cost-effective, affordable compact, lightweight, highly efficient and linear W-band high power sources that meet or e
g sensors capable of being confgured to detect different targets for different missions and relay this information over a long haul commun
ability to custom ft the construction of the composite to meet specifc shielding requirements. New constituent materials are proposed to
sociated with residual stresses and would allow for higher performing structure. The proposed program will develop an approach for qualit
acturing of polyimide matrix composite structures used in commercial and military aircraft applications.
sites that will lead to their rapid adoption throughout the aerospace industry. BENEFIT: An exciting new technology will be developed for p
rical errors. A signifcant feature of our methods is a thermodynamically consistent damage driving criterion that relates interphase damag
ation will promote the development of VFE ultrahigh-speed ICs, logic gates, and systems. This program will establish the technology and th
inform the design of the prototype. The PoC chip will contain test structures and/or initial designs for all of the experimental portions of th
the development effort, the URel Sys will be offered in a rack mounted chassis. Each chassis will be able to test 8 DUTs. The user can rack m
d artifacts that can obscure defects and are due to practical physical limitations of the CT scanner are being developed. Phase I showed th
l guidance concepts. Thus Aurora is not only transitioning MEMS airflow sensor fabrication capabilities, but also leveraging ongoing researc
ant to be replaced with air, eliminating the risks to the electronics from liquid leakage at the O-ring seals. In Phase I, Ultramet modeled, d
methods for non-computer based assessment methods. Once issues are captured GUITAR utilizes previous issue solutions and guidelines t
uses into host cells. Successful completion of these Phase II experiments will place us in an excellent position to initiate testing in animal
medicine, and manufacture of military footwear in the design of an advanced modular ISFO and a new boot container assembly which inclu
r purifcation unit, polyurea sealant material system) optimized for large-scale, feld-expedient deployment. Formulations of polyurea foam
ow risk feld test was designed using an existing USPL system from PM&AM as well as existing adaptive optic components available from ot
t can sample at rates of 30 GS/s and above. The transmitter chip design will involve digital flters and up-converters in addition to the DAC
gorithm to employ diversely skilled crowds to address problems for MEUs, focusing on four key components: (1) an evolvable ontology of cr
nce of the typical news and intelligence channels. Modus Operandi proposes to develop a crowdsourcing system to analyze and fuse data f
roject, we will fnalize specifcations for the cryocooler; design the cryocooler and cryostat; determine the size, weight, and input power fo
high performance SCE-based RF communications electronics on platorms that are presently the exclusive purview of traditional approach
etermine promising regions to explore. This approach permits the use of complicated dynamic constraints such as sensing geometry, aircraft
ression properties of TIPD&quot;s sol-gel materials, which have been used in high dielectric breakdown strength applications like claddings

ways on (instantaneous response), and the recovery time after a pulse is very short (~250 microseconds); to our knowledge, this performan

e electric motor will be capable of functioning over a range of speeds and could have the ability to pivot in flight providing greater operatio
ort will design and demonstrate feasibility of the magnetic and acoustic sensors, develop data processing algorithms, and develop a high lev
n of flight. Compositions will be optimized with characterization including the severe thermal shock test and arc-jet testing with samples an
by using thermostructural equations to compute inertial stresses, temperatures, and thermal stresses. Fabrication techniques considered in
er functionalized sol-gel interface layer to provide enhanced fber matrix interaction. The sol-gel layer will also be formulated with a tuned
d thicknesses will be manufactured and evaluated to meet specifc threat levels. The performance of the transparent composites will be st

m and demonstrate high efficiency frequency doubling and OPOs using advanced quasi-phase matched crystals. Meanwhile, the capability o
on between targets, separating mines and vegetation. The primary objective of the Phase I Option program is to develop the initial layout o
performance. The primary objective of our selection tool is to screen for applicants that do not meet minimum baseline performance on di
avy requirements for this program. TeraDiode&quot;s technical approach is scalable to much higher power and beam quality, up to multiple
ity, which reduces duplication of effort and improves efficiency and accuracy in determining false/true positives (by combining their histori
erein is heavily focused toward advancing strategic and tactical laser system capabilities. Optical communications and military applications

ts state and features for augmented space surveillance. During Phase II, we will extend the proposed technology and enhance the operatio
ared (OPIR) data for enhanced extraction, tracking, and exploitation of low-observable target signatures in a timely manner to provide info
n of the PMM head, and a pair of 3D accelerometers to capture the last axis of motion of the PMM. All of these devices will be controlled w
unications protocols, including persistent/synchronous legacy CDL and directional time-division multiple access (DTDMA) protocols. Throug
The object of the Phase II effort is to design, fabricate, and measure a V/W band airborne radome in order to verify the electrical and stru
hieved in flight testing. Thousands of scenarios can be run to test the sensor performance and the ability of the seeker algorithms to opera
tion (IDC) program and also polar region measurements of total electron content using two-frequency (Transit) satellite beacon data obser

ds. Phase II of this proposal will result in a highly scalable and accurate CFD code for moving/deformable objects such as a towed array and
aptive implicit flow computations. Because mesh adaptation inherently destroys load balance, this STTR project also focuses on the develo
ntegrated and directly linked with algorithms for mesh refnement and adaptivity. Updating grids in critical flow regions (streamlines, wake

duced damping, as a weakened bond reveals itself in response to mechanical excitation. This technique, called the Fast Imaging Non-Destru
fabricated and aged conditions) and the results of shear testing of the flawed specimens will be drawn. In addition, microstructure evalua
ssful NDI sensor developed for detection of hidden delaminations, disbonds and crushed core damage in composites, this effort therefore b
flowfeld-modeling approaches to better support testing of advanced BMDS sensing systems within high-level simulation environments. T
r, LWIR T2SL devices have been shown to be limited by surface leakage, especially at lower operating temperature. This proposed effort w

e throat/large scale prototype part using UTRON&quot;s innovative, cost-effective and compact Combustion Driven Powder Compaction (C
sing thermal conductivity to the RIIC. A process for high yield flip-chip hybridization will be developed and studies regarding the expected y
tching to reconstruct the geometry and the appearance of the scene starting from a set of images with partial calibration data. The P3DM t
that leverages direct, embodied control beyond typical input devices. IMAGINE will be a multi-modal, naturalistic, and flexible environmen
struct individualized training programs that adapt to learner performance. As analysts gain contextual knowledge, the system will populate
ant to reduce bore wear; they also help to insulate the barrel from heat. Even so, alloys with higher temperature capabilities than steel wil
arge sets of data, (3) Identify dynamically signifcant information within a very short amount of time to enable scientists and engineers to q
methods for near-real-time estimation of probabilistic parameters; develop theoretical and computational ideas to validate capability for de
rs, as well as patients, and uses statistical techniques to better understand behavior and focus treatment. To process the data, SupportTeam
ntrolled release of neurotransmitters and growth factors to maintain healthy muscle function and promote reinnervation at the NMJs.

ns have been identifed along with potential solutions. This framework will guide us in our Phase I analysis which is aimed to provide a mo
y because of capturing the stress profle in the material with very high level of accuracy, including the stress concentration location and ma
ments. A Phase II plan will be developed to demonstrate the safety of the probiotic and evaluate its efficacy in the treatment of gastrointes
gens. The immunomodulatory effects of the selected probiotic strain on cytokines like TNF and TGF-B will also be evaluated. The selected p
variables and procedures that actually implement the system. These models will supply a runtime monitor with the information needed to
nd later verifed against assumptions that are made top-down by management. This greatly reduces the risk of integrating third party modu
nstrate the feasibility of our proposed approach with tests of critical aspects of the system both in our laboratory and in the feld. In Phase
d use it to map the velocity feld. Phase I measurements will be conducted behind a moving truck, a stationary truck in a large wind tunnel
al of allowing autonomous systems to quickly generate and archive small, salient, and highly-accessible representations of sensor informati
hat arise in UAV and UGV missions. The Phase I effort will include; development of proposed models, solution of UAV and UGV problems u
nsupervised machine learning techniques to extract, cluster, and label relevant features from sensor data that can support planning and dec
be demonstrated.
ifcant improvements in overall system efficiency. In Phase I, we will we will identify the best substrate material for the emitter, develop imp
a hot power source.

to commercially available primary standards based on cesium. In Phase II a complete laser system will be developed and integrated with a p

d Dynamic Decision Making (DDM). From this combination, we will develop a set of design guidelines. Using those guidelines, we will desig
ing of a tangible Cognitive Service middleware; and 3) pursuing a clearly identifed transition environment, the Distributed Common Groun
se for the creation of PDS elements that integrate context into decision tools. Critically, rather than indiscriminate the unprincipled addition
EFIT of the
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ns and reduced footprint possible through effectively integrating the generator, bearing and flywheel components. To achieve the desired
of greater than 100 mJ, and average powers of ~ 50W. In this STTR program, we propose to study the feasibility of constructing a diode-pu
oughout the recognition-fusion-prediction process through a task-aware collaboration environment. As equal participants in the ongoing in
he end users are offline. As processing is completed, the distributed data will then be recombined, or reduced, into the normalized fused re
tion and mode codes. Potential Phase II efforts include: (a) incorporate tested models, where appropriate, into ASPM; (b) use ONR TREX13
chitecture combines a sophisticated embedded processor with low-cost, novel, and lightweight optical system. The Argus-EC detectors are
dition to Lumany&quot;s expertise in visible solid state laser technology, the proposing team includes Clemson University&quot;s Professo

tlines an approach for implementing new or modifed algorithms and incorporating them into existing models in order to remedy the know
ls with a novel ultra-low power wireless protocol to allow enable live streaming over a 48 hour period while operating on a tiny coin cell. Th
gic signals. MICRO comprises discrete components on a flexible, stretchable substrate. Each component is less than 2 mm across and fts w

t and thickness. Software apps will run on remote smart devices to integrate and evaluate wearer status in context of personal parameters

commercial powder or of the sintering parameters. While the top-down approach will utilize powder production by arc melting of tungsten
sical natures of the system. We will demonstrate the capabilities of this new tool on a realistic problem involving the design of autonomou
em-proving system. BENEFIT: There is extensive potential for the application of the technology that will result from this research in many
afety and reliability of the system can be placed in jeopardy. Currently there are no methods capable of accurately providing such data. Du
ed silica, up to 20,000 microstrain. In addition, an interrogator (signal conditioner) based on a new optical architecture will be developed t

e temperatures of proposed selenide structures. Successful completion of Phase I effort will be bridged to the Phase II work where a wider
of multiferroic heterostructures and device designs and simulations. In this Phase II proposal, BATi and UMN propose to continue our eff

ed simulations and experiments will have a profound impact on the development of new continuum constitutive theories and design of no
allow more extensive testing and move the technology toward pilot plant production. The ultimate result of the Phase II STTR program wi
tenna performance as installed on the AC/MC-130Js. Finally, we will identify SIGINT solutions for other platorms such as C-17, P-8, using t
range of interest is 10 MHZ to 6 GHZ. Building on prior designs developed for the Comanche, F-18, and Basset UAVs, in Phase I we will deve
ation to many flow controls which may initiate a rotational, non-isentropic flow, possibly with energy addition. A recently developed theory
e used for weapons bay flow simulation including unsteady loading and structural response. The proposed research enables: (1) Improved
ght conditions and advancing to static and then dynamic fully-coupled FSI analysis by the end of Phase I. The methodology will be validated
EFIT: Potential applications will include the use of the developed software with any complex integrated system containing propellers/open-
an important challenge), such a design/analysis technology will be particularly useful. The architecture is completely modular in nature lev
erize a second generation of devices with higher output power of several tens of watts. Furthermore, we will develop a plan for extending t
nts for a particular application envisioned; (ii) the cell can be re-fueled with electrolyte concentrates and rejuvenating solutions, to provide
ployment on a variety of AUV/UUV platorms. Additionally the technology is ideally suited for the rigors associated with high latitude AUV/
e typically dominated by low energy particles with penetration depths into dielectric materials&lt;2 microns, which is less than the resoluti
eight array should be able harvest energy sufficient to help power complete systems including UAVs. Further, they will work as uncooled IR
to handle very high laser beam power. Existing beam steering device are bulky, hybrid and cant be integrated on miniature multifunction
oNE are lines along the body that do not move during articulation. By creating sub structure along LoNE lines the team can reduce joint co

ty of applications, including broadband synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and body-worn direction fnding (DF), to provide exceptional broadb
model can capture complex unsteady interactions of multiple propellers and airframe components and includes a validated noise prediction
s approaches. The new single phase Mn-Bi-X magnets, are anticipated to provide (BH)max of at least 17 MGOe, higher than the current sta
tation, we implemented a preliminary prototype and demonstrated its feasibility to protect embedded system. In Phase II, we will extend T
the positive outcome of these demonstrations, the team has determined a Phase II prototype design to meet the Army&quot;s Phase II go
nd modeling components to work seamlessly within the Santos platorm, and to execute the integration of several of the most important o
tructive proof; DivA uses heuristic methods to generate alternative proofs of the same proposition, and therefore alternative implementati
ABAQUS. The Phase I computational effort will perform simulations of the&quot;empty&quot;weapons bay in various confgurations and c
n for sensor image fusion within the size, weight, and power constraints required for a helmet mounted system. What is needed is a small
creates a lightweight, physical form factor that is ideal for both internal and external helmet mounting. In Phase I, 5-D will develop a plan
all, the display architecture and systems will be designed in a modular fashion allowing for a sustainable roadmap of evolving capability an
S). Work under iPATS will include development of a common integration framework to describe the type, structure, and content required fo
ther frequency bands, in a compact package suitable for installation in standard aircraft probe canisters will promote sales for ground-base
ing. T-CAP will leverage existing measurement approaches and technologies to assess collaboration and mission planning, briefng, and deb
being the primary application. The advanced technology image processor will support hosting the most sophisticated image processing alg
o assist the operator in critical situations such as deconfliction, line-of-sight analysis, and satellite control. Current 3D displays cannot provi
UD functionality including data and video processing, image generation and optics and selecting those most supportive of the project objec
nto the full range of tactical aircraft, with a signifcant improvement in reliability, and a reduction in acquisition and life cycle costs.
an ultimately be applied in the feld of threat monitoring; the models, algorithms, and software tools developed through this work can be i
are MTM modules, smartcard based client attestation, and client attestation using e-fuses. BENEFIT: The most important anticipated ben
Wireless will fully specify and design PROACT and prove its performance and feasibility through system modeling and prototyping efforts. Th
c-based technology to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach. At the end of Phase I, CFDRC will conduct a security analysis on CAPSA
tion within reasonable cost constraints and accommodate the evaluation of a diverse set of exploitation algorithms goals, to include target t

tion Service (DDS) with archival of persistent messages (a blackboard), where DDS topics map to multicast addresses and correspond to geo
not remove the existing antenna functionality. The additional antenna bands provided can then enable a solution that is tailored to the cu
API) which would provide a feedback loop to warfghters for specifc spatiotemporal data requests. In order to support the narrow link, we
eral-purpose processor that enable the system to efficiently beam-form while also rapidly adapting to changes in operating conditions (suc
mming and interference-tolerant), and hardware feasibility. In particular, several chaotic spread spectrum waveforms will be implemented
the Army&quot;s Future Advanced SATCOM (FAST) working group, will help assure SATCOM community acceptance of the WDCS Digital IF
thods for performing the necessary inferences to resolve conflicting data, when appropriate. Our work will ensure that the system is able t
pattern learning and detection. When fully developed, DREAM will provide intelligence analysts with a powerful analysis tool that (1) fnds
a common schema to automatically tag entities and relationships, including metadata about provenance such as timeliness and reliability. s
to make sure that if X is similar to Y and Z, then Y and Z should also be similar for consistency sake); (5) Extend stochastic graph matching te
security-relevant concepts embedded in the metadata. This information will be passed into a reasoning engine, which will use probabilisti
utomating the review process in two critical ways. First, by providing updated security classifcation metadata along with the rationale for t
nents: (1) a semantically rich, logically grounded computational representation that can capture complex situation models including concep
ational tempo. To narrow this gap, Securboration is developing the Blue-force Awareness Capability and Understanding System or BACUS. O
ments of power spanning air, cyber, space and other domains to achieve timely desired effects against increasingly sophisticated adversarie
tion. With this technology, servers could be protected from rogue clients, preventing possible attack, additionally, user and machine authen
monitors and collect component behavior metrics and to guarantee that all interacting components meet the end-to-end trust requirement
eliable, efficient telecom-grade lasers. Unlike fast-light methods which use atomic phenomena, our design will not require locking of lasers
de creating a representative satellite system model, formulating the infrastructure for decision support including auto-generator user interf
ade space and alternative architectures to determine the utility and beneft of proposed and existing technologies, and support parametric
be accessible to answer tradeoff questions at the decision makers discretion. We propose a solution called the Complex System Trade Stud
obtained from such a project will also help us in developing cryocoolers, using some of the principles of the cryocoolers in the current prop
Area Space Situation Awareness (LASSA), however achieved, will be an important capability for these systems to insure their owners of the
wn as&quot;Quilt Packaging&quot;(QP) can alleviate many of the problems associated with tiling arrays, while delivering desired electronic
ution capable of testing a wide variety of high-resolution SWIR detector arrays. These detectors are currently too large to be tested using ex
se 1 material/component evaluation, the design will incorporate a new larger format LCoS array to be fabricated in the Phase 2. Phase II is
n web-based technology and automation for data management, fusion, dissemination, and visualization in providing situational awareness
ole. We will focus on the following aspects: access, distribution, connection/conversion, indexing and synchronization of data from various
airmen. In Phase I, POC will develop a baseline design of the MAGIC-HMD system with at least 40 deg FOV and demonstrate the feasibility
uide whose specifcations will exceed that which is currently available with micro-CRT and classical optics. Additionally, HSI&quot;s cutting e
of-of-concept CWHD and the relevant simulation and test results will lead to the further development of a full-functioning binocular Phase
h for fast deformation of voxel models. This novel approach allows for interactive user operation with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) and p
form-factor. In addition, the modular scalable nature of the proposed design extends its applicability to the broadest possible range of aer
y spatial&quot;chips&quot;of the original image, but artully-constructed image components across several image dimensions, designed to
. This SBIR focuses on verifying the effectiveness of adaptive beamforming on a subchannel level, using polyphase flter banks for prepro

bles low-cost and low power implementation of TV set-top boxes for both SATCOM as well as terrestrial based systems, whereby simultane
the timing, nature, and participants of all suspect communications, to identify and halt compromise cascades as they occur. FlowTrust bu
ectrical mobility in an inherently more compact form than commercial mobility size classifers. Both technologies are compatible with devi
ays). TDT is partnering with Lockheed Martin to integrate W3DGE with Prepar3D, a professional training and simulation environment, and t
arios defned by an instructional designer. Second, we will develop a scenario creation tool to allow trainers and SMEs to create, alter, comp
muli, at the same time keeping the training package easily deployable and affordable. The work accomplished in Phase I will be used as a ba
ess to data from a wide variety of environments, and in a wide variety of formats, along with linking raw data to performance measuremen
arametric skeletal model will be extracted from the morphed voxel mesh which can be used to perform the posing in a graphical articulatio
tivity, and develop transport and dispersion (T &amp; D) models of VOC patterns in both interior spaces and outdoor environment. BENEF
t and emerging sensors, and fuses sensor data to provide performance assessment. ADAPTER will enable comprehensive and holistic chara
n&quot;s Cross-Domain Solution (CDS), in which the credentials verifed during secure DIT operations are utilized by the CDS system to det
m functionality with respect to the ability to send and receive target updates for dynamically changing battlefeld conditions. A software te
stion. What is needed is a system that not only constrains message delivery by geographic location, but also is also capable of processing ot
objective of this research is to provide improved and advanced functionality to the F-35 data link system. Development of a wide scan arra
alable solution that also enables equivalent operation with fewer apertures around the platorm; all while maintaining conformance to the
radiometry at sites around the globe either within the bounds of a WSCE ground station or as a standalone system. FIRST RF has assemble
nce in a compact package that is compatible with airborne platorms. The proposed system enables precision tracking without requiring be
o the system from a wide variety of network-connected devices. Finally, CIRRUS will make use of IR data-specifc compression techniques t
Firmware and support software development for frame-buffering, color correction, and basic OSD (On Screen Display) features for system
8-nm Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)/System-on-a-Chip (SoC) process technology. To achieve the highest level of performance in th
n models compiled from this knowledge will interpret chat text in terms of observable situation elements and relevant activities. Synthetic

e I program designs the radiometer and Monte Carlo atmosphere modeling algorithm. BENEFIT: The development of the described sensor
e system will perform robust detection and tracking of air traffic, passive ranging to estimate range and range rates, predict impending colli
mmercialize the technology that results from this SBIR in two ways. First, GameSim intends to promote the ffth generation tactical training a
in preparation for Phase II activities, which principally involve the development of back-tracking algorithms for a&quot;track to source&qu
pplication platorm to showcase our PBAC solution. By using a model-driven security approach integrated with the state-of-the art DDS mid
hat impede a sensor&quot;s ability to receive emergency-action messages effectively. These include the Electromagnetic Pulse from a loca
modern airborne environments. In response to these demands, there is an urgent need to update legacy VLF systems to support a more co
m size, weight, and power. By electronically correcting and combining the optical felds of the telescope array, high-resolution imagery can
, and readily produced in quantity. They also demonstrate excellent optical quality. The design allows for up to six interferometer elements
stent performance over typical qualifcation-level vibration and thermal cycle exposures, is compatible with the space environment, and co

ch LCOS microdisplays. HSI already has a 3.74µm pixel pitch 4096 x 2400 pixel microdisplay coming out in Q2 2013. In this proposal we lay
ssible, providing even aircraft that do not have a HUD with heads-up symbology. Our DMBS will allow pilots to replace two separate system
mponents of this system. As it evolves this holography development will provide new realism to displays including near to eye, multiuser mo
n and size discrimination with real-time monitoring of surface area and activity. Our proposed technology will enable real-time classifcatio
sk 1 involves the design and construction of a prototype PACS to collect particles and to directly detect particle number and mass concentr
n) system, a solution that incorporates a standardized mechanism for defning performance metrics that can be applied across operational
ns and by more than 4x relative to existing tactical HUDs. It addition, it will allow us to increase the visual acuity by 3x relative to our high-r
tary training programs using simulation and synthetic teammates in domains where text-chat is used. The improved ability to generate real
and will develop and integrate other needed technologies. We see a signifcant opportunity to advance the state of the art in the integrati
orward looking infrared sensing. It will be useful for both Air-to-Surface and Air-to-Air missiles. The forward looking imaging capability will
use of an algorithm to remove atmospheric distortion. The sensor will have an outer layer made from a heat-resistant alloy, and an inner la
mite. The goal of this Phase I is to provide well controlled production routes for Core-Shell MICs along with implanted substrates for further
cles with minimal agglomeration and high air-stability. In Phase I, the core-shell nanoparticles will be tested for energetic enhancement usi
e warhead with small additional complexity.
overpressure performance as a function of distance including its lethality. At the end of Phase I, we will have demonstrated the feasibility o
r eliminates the time required to vaporize the liquid fuel. The residual freball from the HE and turbulent mixing of vapor and any liquid dr
emote Interrogator make this technology applicable as a location/communications device to be carried by an individual in danger of being
onducted at Eglin AFB, FL. BENEFIT: The successful development of the remote data recovery (RDR) system would have an immediate imp
e complete tests results and design will be presented at both a formal preliminary design review (PDR) at the end of Phase I, as well as docu
esist acids, are nickel and silver-free to mitigate galvanic corrosion, and survive anticipated vibration and mechanical loads associated with s
proposed lightweight shielding material is expected to have advantages over cable shields made of metal wires or metal particulates in we
lectromagnetic radiation shielding materials know-how for a range of strategic DoD missions and expansion of strategic RF component testi
lective passband and stopband properties. This will allow us to establish the design relationship between the physical structure and the m

nd also to similar platorms/applications. All proposed components are available from commercial domestic sources. An enclosure that is a
METSS proposes to meet the SBIR program requirements using o-ring confgurations based on a core-shell design. The core-shell design pro
ength, chemically resistant O-ring compound that retains its mechanical properties over a wide range of temperatures. The performance p
ring and testing experts to develop new o-ring seals with the requisite performance for low-temperature hydraulic systems. Tasks will inclu
ge plane) would be very benefcial. A variety of new glass types have become available that may prove to have advantages when used in im
n over areas of the aircraft, not just reflectance at a point. The effort includes CEM modeling to design small traveling wave exciters and the
ntly as the growing investment flows into these areas. Success of this program will lead to a new generation of commercial scene generatio
ed target signatures, maximizing the probability of correct target identifcation in highly cluttered urban terrain. The precision autonomous
argets. The Spectral Imaging Laboratory (SPILAB) will investigate the feasibility of developing an infrared artifcial compound eye (ACE) ima
elop such a sensor with sufficiently small size, weight, and power so that it is compatible with munitions currently under development. Po
of our existing line of affordable, high-performance, RF seekers. The impressive size, weight and power characteristics of the sensor concep
rse set of missile types in a Modular Open Systems Architecture (MOSA) format. BENEFIT: CEI has a history of success commercializing tec
cal sensors, nanoelectronics.
colloidal process, so there is no route for agglomeration or phase separation. The proposed work will demonstrate the feasibility of using th
environment. The proposed approaches can either be retroftted into existing systems, or implemented into new systems reducing the we
gh-fdelity measurements of aircraft surface coatings in a feld environment and is based on a wide-band probe technology that can operat
the wavelengths of the surface waves, and they will be held by the sensor-head mechanism so that they remain in close proximity to the su
be used both in a depot environment as well as a forward-deployed environment, providing a single cost-effective solution. BENEFIT: Wit
equired to create parts that meet stringent performance requirements. In Phase I Aerobotix will determine how much additional articulati
ations, for flling out and extending the property trends. BENEFIT: The product of this SBIR program will be a set of computational tools for
. This could lead to overall higher performing structure. The proposed work plan will develop improved technology for the measurement o
of military aero UAV&quot;s, including the link requirements associated with the Ku &amp; Ka military &amp; commercial bands, to defne
surements of the atmosphere and gas contents of the Earth, and ranging. It also can be used as light source for optical sensing.
r. The main goal of Phase I is to demonstrate the technical feasibility of the proposed AVG solution. The Phase I development of observab
ations as inliers or outliers. This model is combined with an efficient inference procedure that is able to overcome some inherent challenge
y of the hybrid control architecture and the design software to a range of defense and commercial users. The effort is particularly of interes
d constraints on the system state. To fll this technology gap, this proposal introduces innovations that will produce the industry standard fo
asibility of the idea and critical information for the major R &amp; D work in Phase II aimed at developing and commercializing basic analo

es that are higher than are available with JP-7. The new hydrocarbons will be readily available and likely less expensive than JP-7 and the h
ain-based EAU (FDEAU). Such design will include understanding how the frequency content of the power flow in the EPS translates into an
cludes: 1) Develop stable colloidal systems using techniques such as metal-ligand stabilization, polymer coating for controlling zeta potenti
es, but also create problems during fuel transportation. Hence, passivation (from oxidation) and stabilization (to prevent agglomeration) o
rst steps to transition the sequential impingement cooling technology into a light weight structure for application in such small engines. W
specifc PM surface area. Condensation particle counters (CPC) will be used to obtain particle concentrations. These measurements will be
ful operation of the Xwatch in a multi-mode, multi-band, contested RF environment. This effort will produce a detailed design and implem
robotic pallet (SPRP) vehicle that is capable of rapidly transporting cargo in and out the aircraft over unimproved terrain, while requiring on
split system with the low temperature components cooled by a vapor compression system and the high temperature components cooled b

wide-angle (>50 x 15 degrees), and low SWaP scanners. In phase I we xperimentally validated new manufacturing processes for high yield p
ons. During Phase II HMC also plans to fabricate and use more sophisticated testing apparatus with which to test more matured HLRB proto

ronment. Major tasks will focus on the optimization of sensors placement, fabrication and testing of suitable hardware to withstand a relev

e performance up to 600 &amp; #176;C were demonstrated. The ultimate goal of this proposed Phase II effort is to develop a genetic/stan
ase II Option. Our fundamental and long term involvement with cavitation, erosion, and cavitating jet studies will enable us to develop an a
tance to the Navy. The prototype will have improved usability it will run faster, support the clustering of a larger number of speakers, and s
bility of the proposed MUOS-Aero architecture during Phase I. The proposed approach would be extended into a low cost (~$25K in 50 unit
levels in excess of 80dB above the desired signal. In the proposed work, Adaptive Dynamics will develop enhancements to the MAGICTM f

der will allow user keyword searching through unstructured text to manually build IEEE 1671.3 UUT Description and IEEE 1671.4 Test Confg
deal platorms for encoding expert knowledge and interacting with users. TRUFAST (Transparent Reasoning under Uncertainty for Antimine
optical see-through HWD to superimpose computer-generated information onto an individual&#039;s view of the real world. In Phase II, P
ely aligns with the Phase I effort and other Progeny software development efforts such as Nosis. 3) Investigate the target Navy Marine Corp
limited sea testing in summer 2012 and is ready for the next step. Our proposed program is aimed at advancing the technology, as well equ
demonstrate the feasibility of this technology by assembling a portable prototype using both custom-developed and commercial-off-the-sh
o dramatically improve V &amp; V for complex autonomous systems. Vecna will leverage signifcant, recent advances in the feld of model-b
mpatibility (HPEMP/EMC) analysis. The development of surrogate and statistical models is necessary to mimic the behavior of complex HPEM
be developed and demonstrated. In the Phase 2 program this mode adapter will be built into a multiple copies of a fnished high power, rug
elopment that is more efficient. In addition, FTI proposes to develop an innovative integration infrastructure that combines the capabilities

nd airframe models. The Phase I program will result in a ranked evaluation of potential system feasibility and provide a description of the pa
engines are capable of providing power on demand using an additional combustor between HP and LP turbine stages. The key advantage
s use of an entirely new innovative thermodynamic cycle that effectively converts what would otherwise be rejected heat into more useful
general the proposed hybrid could beneft a large number of applications where a high system energy density is required. The SOFC/GT com
iet and cool exhaust (without the need for a muffler), high efficiency, low vibration, reduced weight, low manufacturing costs and is simple
Reliability and maintainability are vastly improved using a robust high-speed, multi-fuel combustion system capable of stable operation on
earing performance simulations in a typical turbine engine operating environment will demonstrate technical feasibility of the modeling ap
umulator Unit (EAU), by exploring concepts where lower frequency components of the transient load are supplied/sunk by the generator w
cal parameters critical to augmentor design. A particular focus of the proposed tool is on flow felds resulting from engine augmentors tha
-based warfare simulation environment, to be fully implemented in a Phase II effort. This Scalable, Comprehensive Simulation Architecture
dustry and are well versed in both the design and manufacturing concepts of hydrophones to meet performance requirements while minim
nts in real-time by modifying the control system output, allowing component life to be extended beyond that which has been realized with

into a single 19 rack-mount enclosure. Our proposed Phase II effort will build the prototype laser system and perform subsystem and syste
itecture by designing and building two production representative sample H3 units in Phase II. These AFCUs will be subject to qualifcation t
2 control unit that were frst developed in Phase I of this project. Design and integrate sensors on a Latitude Engineering low-magnetic-nois
gh they were truly subjected to the RF operating environment encountered by the aircraft. The system calculates these characteristics on-th

ties would make a unique resin injection repair material that could enable restoration of the performance of the damaged part to its origin
eloped advanced integrity monitoring algorithms and analyzed the feasibility of meeting the requirements of near Category I approaches w
on implementing solutions in the form of robust software tools, not just performing technical studies. The primary objective of this effort i
offers flexible EW object models with complete geometric freedom dictated by the operator, and inclusion of both noise jamming and repe
MC Electronic Warfare (EW) and Net Centric experience to research and develop an innovative SOA and set of data schemas that are applic
interactive deviation cause analysis, minimally disruptive rescheduling, causal and plan model learning. We will implement and integrate t
he system to hide ulterior activities. This investigation is focused on merging ADS-B and RDRTec&quot;s Fire Scout SAA radar in a manner t

ious ADC programs: photonic sampling, multi-channel ADC interleaving, and signal processing algorithms for calibration, nonlinearity corre

d to further study the performance of the design concepts, and allow us to analyze in greater detail the real world performance characteris
e prior U.S. EPA approval. The technology developed by this proposal would signifcantly advance next-generation particle measurement in
environment. To provide this solution CTI will use its extensive EW experience to research and develop an innovative SOA and set of data
of the system&quot;s wireless access points. Software running on the depot&quot;s computer system will efficiently store current flight da
e records to learn the inter-relationships and nominal state. Perform root-cause analysis on system faults to detect future faults that requ
prototyping system to evaluate software and hardware architectures for mobile computer training applications in Phase I. A trainee at a r
teraction and provide high confdence reports. Representative, stressing conventional, very narrow, long pulse width and intentionally mod
. BENEFIT: The proposed SBIR program will provide the Air Force with the capability to identify and engage emerging advanced digital rada
h gravity-dropped, lighter stores, and the likelihood of negative consequences increases in weapons that are designed for agility (neutrally
effects. This software has been delivered to the Air Force Seek Eagle Office (AFSEO) for use on a demonstration basis. While ongoing discu
uted Airloads model as well as reduced domain unsteady CFD solver based methodologies and will be integrated with the FLIP 4 store-sepa
optimize strain sensitivity, accuracy, and dynamic range. Preliminary sensor packaging will be designed and tested with sensor attachment t
of forward looking SAA, airframe vibration and exhaust hindering mitigation, collision hazard recognition, attitude, heading, airspeed estima
rate our prototype WHRS on a compatible aircraft with a suitable directed energy system or surrogate heat source. BENEFIT: Our high-effic
haust nozzle to generate thrust. Preliminary assessment indicates that steady-state heat removal in excess of 100kW is attainable with this s
me interactive EMI feedback during the design process. Coupling fast MTL analysis tools with an interactive graphical interface will reduce th
electronics, from hardware testing to M &amp; S. We have experience with each step of the solution, including the circuit layout, CAD inter
ment of a novel&quot;Light Guide&quot;combiner that results in minimal pump brightness loss and minimal power loss, enabling high pow
wer feed-through pump combiners. BENEFIT: The successful completion of Phase I will validate the proposed novel design concept for high
ation states, has an area fll factor around 98%, and eliminates Venetian blinding phase shift between beamlets of up to 14,000 waves/seco
3 subaperture beam steering approaches, each of which has different potential strengths and weaknesses. Nutronics, Inc. will apply our th
tion of APACHE to an airborne platorm utilizing extensive thermal and vibrational modeling, detailed mechanical design, and assemble a la
fber amplifers. Beyond the proposed fber amplifer, the proposed conformal TGP technology could be applied as an improved thermal m
cus will develop a proof of concept design, including materials development, for a single fber FRAME and verify packaging using thermal a
This technology will be useful for the engagement of ground and maritime targets in military and law enforcement. Suppression and surve
evelop an aimpoint maintenance algorithm based on target rotation estimates from enhanced image reconstructions. We will develop this
ng ASIC fusion hardware in a 40-degree FOV with 100% binocular overlap and 1:1 magnifcation. The compact and low-power SMALLER-HM
nd the integration of external aircraft systems to include sensor imagery, embedded symbology and other aircraft/mission data. The system
&quot;s Commercial Solution for Classifed (CSfC) center, to be approvable for SECRET, and potentially TOP SECRET depending on the Opera
so, it will also provide additional provenance data, indicating the rules or algorithms used, confdence values, etc., that downstream proces
gn tool to be used in the porting of analog ic&#039;s. It will reduce the cost of design and porting by 2-4x.

wing commercial interest in W-band and V-band for terrestrial wireless communication.
ur industry endorsers. Phase I will include modeling of specifc stages used in the PIP process using existing data obtained from COIC under
he CRPA is compatible with NAVWAR Trinity requirements, and is suitable for aircraft, ground mobile and maritime environments. BENEFIT:
d to geolocate the GNSS emitter. BENEFIT: Toyon&quot;s proposed Phase I SBIR effort includes a study of the geolocating performance of
ormance of a next generation FOxSense system for the safety in-situ monitoring of the oxygen environment of a fuel tank that will comply
desirable that these materials offer facile reworking/reapplication, can be manufactured according to existing methods and are highly scala

lications, such as industrial automation and robotics.

ual use in the rocket engine, aircraft engine and stationary power generation sectors.
ting experiments to seek the generation of ion currents of either positive or negative polarities. The Phase II effort shall fabricate a prototy
assess the efficacy of them on FOB energy usage e) Make future recommendations to USMC GT &amp; ES pertaining to FOB energy man
hich require a major time and monetary commitment to access. In this project, a compact, high-flux neutron generator platorm will be de
of the hot and dim objects o Develop and characterized novel algorithms which limit saturation while maximize system NEI. o Develop circ
preform that has stochastically varied fber placement, and then studying their infltration using poly vinyl alcohol in aqueous solution. Sub
merical schemes with enhanced stability properties. The multiscale method comes equipped with a built-in error estimation module that h
are used extensively within the commercial, scientifc, and military communities. Applications such as communications, spectroscopy, non
age O2 in transport aircraft to meet the challenging F-35 requirements. Phase I will culminate with performance testing in simulated flight
periods to maximize performance objectives. In Phase I, we will prove the feasibility of our approach by developing a control system for a
equency domain control methods to remediate high frequency system power transients. Our EAU provides increased bandwidth, real-time
nder a variety of test environments to provide a sound, accurate basis for DoD to report PM emission rates to the regulatory authorities. We
ment and business case for transitioning the proposed system to the military. Mainstream, a recognized leader in military heating and coolin
pacity on the single trailer as the primary objective. The recurring cost of HERES will be an important secondary objective.
elligent Controller technology will add a layer of sophisticated power management to maximize renewable energy harvest, and cut fossil fu

o the ground, conserving both bandwidth and operator attention. For Phase I, the OV team will survey low-power COTS processing hardw
ll be developed that will lay the foundation for development of a next generation hardware platorm to meet the challenging ISR needs of S
m steering breadboard system. BENEFIT: Methods for providing 3D LADAR imaging are needed for several small platorm sensor applic
ilities of UAS while greatly reducing the form factor and power requirements of the control systems. Achieving these goals is possible throu
n from individual images can help address this shortcoming. The frst approach learns global, persistent 3D shape cues from image feature
ti-view stereo. The result is an automatically generated 3-d model that is optimally constrained by all information contained in a set of coll
le conducting mesh. This will allow for compact and safe storage of a reflector with greater than 12 inch aperture. Adaptation provides com
ct electronics performance. To address this need we propose to design and implement WBG ICs based on basic IC building blocks (transist
e reduction ratio hybrid valveless hydraulic transmission. BENEFIT: A lightweight EM aileron actuator will will have both military and comm
onlinear acoustic model is more computationally tractable in the short term and provides a viable validation tool for the CFD model. Linear
rrent alternatives are fxed pulse number per hole protocols that result in component airflow variation of up to +/- 10%. This leads to unne
n ultra-barrier coatings for encapsulating organic photovoltaic arrays. The approach will render suitable device lifetimes and will enable int
and expert reasoning. The CoFAR architecture is also applicable to both monostatic and distributed sensing applications with heterogeneou
ponent performance objectives on the adaptive detector, covariance matrix estimator, and mission processor (tracker). We will also devel
neously, on the same pulses of data, and at a high frame rate. By performing SAR and GMTI simultaneously there will be no need to switch
ems from X-Band to W-Band; (3)Optical phased array radar; and (4)Space systems fber optic transponders.
es can positively affect the energy density of hydrocarbon-based jet and rocket fuels. BENEFIT: If nanoenergetic additives are proven to inc
or commercial aerospace fuels and compare the fuel/nano-additives blends to the base fuels and metal nanoparticle-laden fuels in terms
he technical objectives of Phase II.5 work are to add more functionalities to the software, transfer the software to NAVAIR for further test a
intenance costs by incorporating built-in-test for health monitoring of the fber optic cable plant.

modeling procedures. The key metrics will be the occupant injuries, overall vehicle response, and local deformations. The entire modeling
o the device due to the highly effective barrier and strength properties of the engineered material. The spray-on UV cure will allow the enc
er layer-by-layer interfacial characteristics. By employing a model guided Design of Experiment approach using Mound Laser &amp; Photon
composites. By working closely with an aircraft maintenance consulting group, Luna will be able to address potential issues as identifed by
d and restored. Subsequently, the panels will be coated with an in-house developed or a qualifed chrome-free pretreatment, a compatible
h reliability in a broad range of operating temperatures. Highly controllable SET Inc. patented MEMOCVDTM MEMOCVD growth and fabri
he evolution of the gas turbine, materials with specifc benefts have been applied as surface treatments when the material alone does no
pplication of the proposed coating system. BENEFIT: The coating technology developed in this program will have several civilian and milita
neutral beam prior to high-voltage acceleration, making possible greater thrust than conventional thruster technology. The approach exten
ar Simulation Suite physics modules. We propose a series of enhancements for the purpose of adding new physics, bringing the existing mo
major uncertainties are the effects of particle shape and density as a function of mobility diameter and the effects of instrument counting s

structures and coatings, but lack the resolution for detailed chemical depth profling. To detect early signs of degradation and estimate coa
lt;100pW pixel NEP) broadband, kHz frame rate, THz camera (THEIA). THEIA can use reflected phase variation to investigate layer thickness
ol that is validated over the entire realm of the design space for which the tool is expected to be deployed using far fewer tests. Advatech
ction. The proposed Phase I effort will focus on demonstrating the feasibility of the technology to meet program goals, with an emphasis
mponent for 3D data stitching, dedicated computer for calculation, nor wired power supply. It can replace two different gauges on the mark
ance, and target acquisition and tracking. For example, this technology may be used to mitigate the saturation effects of directed energy&q
These methods will be packaged such that they may be embedded directly into the sensors or as a separate control and processing unit.
Inc, is a veteran-owned small business and the premier commercial manufacturer of aerospace parts made by EBM in the USA. Modeling

&quot;s protective function. By combining this self-healing functionality with chrome-free pretreatment and aerospace primers and top co
processing algorithms to be easily ported to the platorm. BENEFIT: Anticipated Benefts: These products will have the following competiti
olution which offers the required EIRP and beam agility to close the link. The proposed architecture leverages array antenna modules whic
rlaying orders. The DMDs will also be used for spatial fltering of the incoming light. A series of detector measurements will be made as a
obile communications.
meet the specifed mass, loiter and dash requirements. Overall subsystem performance predictions will be made and compared to existing
e electrical and mechanical systems also reduces the size of the generator and provides far greater motor starting torque, whenever low-te

ability are introduced into the existing simulation only when the simulated aircraft&quot;s flight conditions demand it. In this manner, the

ery lot sizes. Personnel can query the State-of-Charge (SOC) and State-of-Health (SOH) of every battery with minimal effort. Moreover, ABM
loads begin to increase again, the GCU would turn the generator back on and split the microgrid so that the individual generator would pow

ity of such packages has not kept pace with the device technology itself. With the increased power densities expected from newer device t
d position estimates. The code search is partitioned across the network of GPS receivers effectively increasing the number of GPS parallel

ystem is feasible for a 200MHz processor with memory of about 774kB/user/hour. With algorithm optimization and improvements in datab
such as SSMI/S. Variational assimilation of observations is a unique and convenient mean to produce physically consistent retrievals on thr
eivers as well as military DoD GPS receivers. Our innovations provide signifcant advantage for DoD for use in GPS UE to resolve these iono
rate the operation of a proof-of-concept electrochemical compressor and the dilution cycle; design the Phase II system; and predict detaile
analysis is now possible. Our approach is to compute the coupled unsteady fluid, thermal, and structural felds simultaneously at points al
offers MOSA features to the potential user community. We will develop a Hosted Payload Interface Unit (HPIU) that standardizes the interfa
e thermoelectric fgures of merit ZT compatible with these operational needs. We will perform calculations to optimize material parameters
eration mechanisms ii) Establish what OTHR outputs are desired from simulations iii) Demonstrate ingestion of various ionospheric speci
operating scenarios to assess the nature of TID activity most relevant to OTHR accuracy. We propose developing high level design for a m
mage processing algorithms with a heterogeneous processing architecture to process raw sensor data into sub regions of mission critical im
address these issues by developing a theoretical optimal performance prediction, to develop an initial set of metrics that can be used to e
render it attractive to commercial markets as well. The beam tracking and alignment software leverages tools which are available publicly
VLF environment, and designed by technical staff with a long history in VLF design and operation. BENEFIT: This system is designed solely
K) and powerful forward error correction such as turbo codes. Besides AEHF, UHF SATCOM terminals use multi-h CPM and shaped offset Q
orithms have benefts and applications to military, homeland security, counter-drug, border control and law enforcement needs.
ells uncontaminated by returns from clutter regions larger than the targets, resulting in improved detection. The longer coherent integrati
erodynamic drag. Lower drag translates directly into better fuel economy and longer flight endurance.
ated micromachined electronically-scanned subarray planar aperture modules, which will be used to form necessary high-gain flat or confo
these PDs is critically affected by the packaging material, structure and process. Therefore, developing a reliable, efficient, cost-effective an
atible with state of the art L1/L2 GPS modernized SWaP constrained receiver technology; be capable of accepting RF inputs from a 2-eleme
dvanced array architectures for the targeted system requirements and EELV integration restrictions and demonstrate achievable performanc
etics (AOE) will conduct both mechanical and electrical evaluations and analysis of several planar subarray architectures with the objective
the diplexer structures will cost around one dollar in large quantity and the technology will be US based. BENEFIT: The design of the comp
received. The Quad Wavetrap would incorporate directive azimuth beam capability offering enhanced gain through selectable azimuth (a
ssion Corporation (UC), leveraging its unique capabilities and expertise in computer vision, control and estimation, and path planning and m

quivalent thermal management system and (2) accommodation of thermal strains at heterogeneous interfaces to inhibit mechanical failure
rmic heat sink of the fuel, 2) suppressing coking in coolant passages during endothermic cracking of the fuel, and 3) forming a cracking pro
howing the non-mechanical beam steering concept, using the FLC SLM to achieve the required steering rate and resolution. Based on this p
sensor data.
ating and performance requirements. The sensor design will serve as a basis for a sensor model to check the sensor&#039;s capabilities in
nforcement and border protection. Compared to traditional battery powered UAV, RIPPED will have ~4X the mission duration. Ultimately,
anism to model the combustion characteristics of jet fuels including alternative fuels. In the current work, CSE will acquire new experiment

es to design and demonstrate the feasibility of a framework for Scheduling Tasks for AFSCN Resources using MBO Autonomous Planning (ST
topics. AceVSC will be integrated with the distributed architecture of Braxton&quot;s Ace Mission Premier Planning Software (AceMPS). T
stem capabilities. The goals of the Phase I research are to understand the current and future satellite communications resource scheduling

of solid-state thermoelectric devices into these and other markets has been hampered by two primary challenges- 1) materials composition
nment to share resources, including the launch vehicle and frequency allocation, with other satellite integrators, both governmental and no
atalog approaching 100,000 objects. RSO Detection, Tracking, Identifcation, and Characterization will be improved by the integrated set of
a discharge. The encapsulated plasma will absorb, reflect, or transmit incident RF radiation. By controlling the plasma electron density enc
onstruction of a magnetic refrigerator with no moving parts will enable high reliability, stable FPA platorms to be constructed for space app
e to multiple missions with minimal development. During Phase I, we will develop a set of requirements, design a refrigerator to meet the
. BENEFIT: The mini-LCCE developed on this Program will address the key technology component that must be developed to enable the ob
cant advance in TID mitigation. In Phase I we will develop an HF propagation simulation capability that combines models of TIDs with 3D r
gorithm we describe a radiation-hardened Sum Product Network to Indicate Proximate Objects in Space (SNIPS) which infers the existence

e. The proposed MPS feature multiple, very narrow pass-bands, allowing users quickly switch transmission frequency from one to another
cations; 3) possibility of cross sensor cueing. Challenges associated with fusing the data from the GBSAA and the ABSAA are coordinate sys
ed GCXGC system with nanofabricated NEMS resonators for detection, optimize an algorithm for cetane number calculation, and demonstr
cal-kinetic models for JP-8 surrogate compounds at conditions relevant to augmentors and ITBs. Building kinetic models via computer uses
the developed tool for wind turbine design.
aring version of SHABERTH. The updated code will be tested against both published bearing life data and proprietary information provided
ness, and vastly increase inspection efficiency and accuracy. To meet this critical need, Luna proposes to develop a non-obtrusive, ultra low

dvantaged units, and allow longer correlation times for weak signal and high interference environments. We shall develop a Phase II plan f
on, tracking, identifcation, and characterization separately, which can lead to a loss of information. Ideally, the sub-problems should be tr
st multiple image processing algorithms, benchmarked for speed and throughput. Ease of programmability will be evaluated as time spen
stems. For DoD, the results of this SBIR research topic can be directly applied to future MILSATCOM programs. For example, Air Force has a
users and limited electrical scan, multi-beam and anti-jamming capabilities. Kord Technologies proposes to team with Digital Fusion/Kratos
d adaptive RF interferences and adversarial jamming. IFT team proposes a network survivability oriented Markov game (NSOMG) framew
ble to develop required algorithms for TEC estimation; ii) design, develop and demonstrate algorithms that could potentially be deployed
This simple and robust physical feature domain will be used to train a novel probabilistic classifer architecture that characterizes the uncer
ems. Our track integration approach that combines airborne EO, airborne radar and ground radar tracks will yield improved tracking perfor
grid, atmospheric effects (&quot;spherics&quot;) and jammers make it difficult for present-day VLF receivers to maintain sensitivity on the

iderable power and size. A SWaP optimized GPS AJ solution is required that can protect GPS on handheld radios, manpack radios, highly sp
everely jammed environments.
pump laser modules. Resonant pumping of the fber amplifer leads to a quantum defect of ~ 4.5%, simplifying thermal management of the
mages to increase the computation efficiency, (ii) use spatial overlap of the images which are temporally disjoint to correct for any accumu
l training or equipment. This Phase II project will fabricate and bench test PHM sensors and health monitoring hardware/software for a l
enable remote assessment of the propellant&quot;s structural integrity in felded SRM systems. The ability to assess the current and future
cation prediction. PHY layer of SC-Orderwire leverages Silvus&quot;unique expertise with multi-antenna technology to provide a large one
igned to be integrated within existing network hardware devices such as inline network encryptors (INEs) and routers, the CAPTAIN softwa
COTS routers and HAIPE devices. Based on the confrmed feasibility, ATC will implement a full prototype of AIM-AN during the proposed Ph
with the more&quot;shallow&quot;approaches which focus solely on the spatial properties of individual events and event structures. In ad
/125 and 100/140 variants. Specifc platorms/systems present transition opportunities. F-35 Enhanced video performance. The increased
e-I designs, and integrate it into a candidate flight CubeSat. We propose to deliver an almost complete CubeSat bus containing the DIME E-
cally reduce the cost associated with variations in cutting tool life. BENEFIT: The IMPACT system will reduce the cost associated with variati

ticipate that by the end of our Phase II effort we will have matured the SecureVisor sufficiently and we will be able to demonstrate its func
ct commercialization. We have formed a top-notch R &amp; D team for this effort based on our core team from Phase I. With the help of
dated using current space object catalogs and also future proofed using catalogs containing up to 100,000 space objects. We will also deve
onal. BENEFIT: The IORD requirements specify TEC and scintillation.. GPS data are generally not available from remote or ocean locations.
gy is anticipated as part of a spacecraft protection system on future military and civil platorms. The Phase II effort will place Barron Associa
e II ILSAS, which POC plans to integrate into Northrop Grummans (NGCs) integrated assembly line (IAL), will be an affordable, production-re
erature range (>65K) for the objective mission. The Cryocooler design resulting from the Phase I SBIR is a military-grade Cryocooler capabl
we developed the prototype asset manager, built a realistic contemporary operational scenario, and demonstrated real-time closed-loop plu
Size Weight & Power (SWaP) radar systems that can operate on Tier I/II programs of record RPAs. The objective of Phase II is to mature sm

is SBIR is for satellite communication systems in K-band, the linearizer technology addressed in this program is readily applicable to other c
d application in preparation for deployment into aerospace- and ground-based military applications. This project will bring the COTS exploit
chieve the full advantages of the trust/reputation. BENEFIT: The proposed T-INIT system provides a solid solution for robust, efficient and a
eal-time feld test. At the end of Phase II, with laboratory demonstration of real time operation, the technical maturity of HBC+CLAWS will a
are utilized for general vehicles driving in foggy or rainy environments. Driving aid devices for dark, foggy or rainy situations are already in
pecifc requirements and demonstrate the manufacturability of our process that would lead to cost effective commercial products. Many du
relevant repository that (partially) satisfy the information need expressed in the high level query; (3) Reason about the results returned by
vices can be modifed to better address training requirements. The core decision model underlying the RAPID Tool analyzes the effectivene
design a new experiment using the database of aircraft and ambient sounds currently being collected by AFRL; and 3) validate the predictio
nd-to-end modeling tool that provides high-fdelity and optimal run times, with seamless interfaces between the physics techniques, contro
al of positive inventory control (PIC) and increase the accuracy of daily nuclear weapon-related material tracking. BENEFIT: SAUNA will faci
e differences in risks across the operational domain. Our EMU management plan incorporates user feedback for development with the inte
posed research and development offers a new design paradigm in developing conformal wideband low-profle antennas. We anticipate tha

strate an innovative high-throughput, low-cost synthesis method for the electrolyte. BENEFIT: The new ultracapacitor power supply will inc
pt will not involve robotic positioning, but a COTS counter-weight positioning device will be included in the design to relieve the operator of
tself to determine and record the depth of the hole in real time - exactly the right length fastener every time. GripChek will beneft the airc
lifer average efficiency by more than a factor of 3, while simultaneously meeting the -36 dBc ACPR linearity requirement. Finally, to realize
depth investigation to fully comprehend potential impacts. Currently there is no tool or standardized methodology to evaluate or accomplis
scheduler based on stochastic multi-dimensional optimal search algorithms to efficiently produce valid test results. In Phase II, we will cou
intentional and intentional interference for both applications. The evaluation and demonstration activities produce both comprehensive la
selected materials are exposed to humans. It is expected that the coating will be applied/dispersed through the fabric layer of the protecti
ng concept that would allow us to record essential data (e.g. velocity, size, temperature, etc.) for the largest target debris pieces created du

model the impact damage and project a visual simulation of the event to ground controllers and/or crew.
EA CORP in a number of pneumatic applications to do mechanical work, so adaption to the specifc devices required in the Interceptor miss
ssure will be recorded and matched to MDA specifcations. Phase II will involve teaming with an EED manufacturer, evolving the laboratory
as detonating initiator and/or deflagrating igniter with BIT functionality. The BIT can be overlaid on the existing Safe and Arm logic containe
ology by constructing a prototype based on identifcation of proven technologies suitable for cost-effective coupling of age acceleration an
rage conditions. While this Phase I feasibility study specifcally targets one type of missile component, the test and analysis protocol will be
TS shift curve results. A systematic approach to documenting system status, predicting system failures, and determining expiration dates of
the ordnance device. A handheld wireless RFID reader provides electrical energy to the SSL tag, queries the sensor and calculates remain
nvestigation of analytical tools used by industry and research institutions for the purpose of enhancing long term reliability of devices and

nstration of sensor operation. In Phase II, POC plans to fabricate the full sensor system and proof of concept testing at government facilities

ram, should it be awarded, MATECH will complete a test matrix developed with our partners to meet PDR requirements and propose to co

shed design process to translate requirements into design, and (3) an established and viable transition plan and customer. CAMI integrates
e module; develop a limited software prototype that illustrates key elements of our approach, and specify metrics for evaluating the utility
e as a 10 kW redundant power plant or a 20 kW power plant using the new AMMPS generators or the legacy TQG generators; accepting 10
demonstrated a power buffer concept that addresses mismatches between dynamic loads and generation capabilities on modern more-e
efficiency and effectiveness of the operator-vehicle collaboration.
efficiency and effectiveness of the operator-vehicle collaboration.
nned vehicles at the same time. We also propose an ontology editor that lets non-computer scientists create and update the assets, capabi
nitoring and re-tasking. A software testbed is also created for analysis and testing of proposed algorithms and HMI visualizations. At the end
on large screens and for simultaneous users, work across multiple computers and screens, and can be built from loosely-coupled small prog
eveloped by our team to produce an efficient and reliable system for gesture-based control of UAS during carrier deck operations.
POC will provide a feasibility study for a natural dialogue-based gesture-recognition human control interface for UAS in carrier-based opera
remediation actions.
allow SATPAM to break the world into small, relatively independent, pieces that allow employment of existing reasoning methods.
ped technology will provide an effective alternative to current systems that utilize costly, proprietary network components from a single ve
andard interfaces allow sensor models and other components to be easily plugged into the system. Parameters and scenarios are defned v
e performance improvements will be halted. With the advanced cooling approach developed through this effort, Mainstream will have a te
bris fly out into the environment including the effects of air drag.; (2) outline the data collection and cataloging process needed for a typica
r measurements. The plan to integrate these data products into the Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manual Joint Weaponeering System tool
jecta when a conventional weapon is partially or completely buried. Secondary debris has the potential to cause damage/injury to collate
on to conventional strain gauges. M4 Engineering has initiated discussion with Triumph Aerospace Systems regarding the fabrication of suc
dynamic range from 0 to 12 degrees with 0.1 degree angular resolution. In Phase II, we will develop a full SLEP system based on the Phase I
oiting multi-sensor EO/IR ISR imagery in a layered sensing framework. Signifcant benefts are expected in military applications where coord
features lossless algorithms for data archival along with an innovative lossy method capable of producing compression ratios of order 50-fo

on Air Force ISR radar system such as Dismount Detection Radar (DDR). BENEFIT: EMSI&quot;s moving ground vehicle radar imaging techn
gned to address the problems of multiple turbines in a single range cell as well as short CPI and asynchronous scanning. The Phase 1 study
uated in Phase II with prototype fabrication, assembly, and testing. BENEFIT: Auriga&quot;s low-cost, full-duplex T/R module at S-band will
g resonance occurs when the object size is exactly an integral number of wavelengths, 3.) Resonance frequencies are only function of the t
he question in the proposed effort is not whether the proposed processing works, but whether it can provide similar performance within t
is proposal presents the novel application of this approach to ballistic target detection and debris mitigation.
ill be conducted in Phase I using NASA&quot;s orbital debris evolution program on modeled LRV debris. Radar observations will be taken a
rom chuffing, separation, or intercept events.

expressed in both UML and in semantic languages, like OWL. The designer will be able to enter problem formulations, descriptions of func
ing, searching for, fnding, and reviewing sensor data. Further, the naturalistic human-machine interaction will incorporate a graphical inter
on large screens and for simultaneous users, work across multiple computers and screens, and can be built from loosely-coupled small prog
r systems to police themselves, detecting intrusion, performing self-healing, and directly countering cyber threats.&quot;
presentation techniques to represent the execution of an application program in an understandable way to enable human experts to adjust
hobic coating technologies (materials and methods) is proposed herein. Technologies will be evaluated vis--vis Lynntech&quot;s own super
the end of Phase I program.
oating that outperforms state-of-the-art coatings available from commercial sources and research groups specifcally intended for protectin

intain data continuity for downstream caregivers as casualties are transported through echelons of care. The system will be built with an o
sors and devices in a package which can simultaneously display data of at least 3 patients&quot;vital signs, incorporate remote monitoring
pared to alternate PA designs and compared in terms of weight, heat, bulk and feasibility. Conceivable systems, which meet or exceed the
uate candidate approaches, including re-confgurable predistortion linearizers, to select the approach that meets all performance specifca
ding systems currently used. This product can be easily commercialized using our current contacts with dealers and distributors worldwide.

nic calibers and projectiles. This feasibility effort will include evaluation of viability of polymer casings, case volume to projectile weight bal
calibers, we have found that these combinations greatly enhance accuracy . Finally, we will investigate the addition of a flashtube to our ca
up to 93% over traditional methods. By design, HARLOT allows external laptop-based system control and access to storage via standard and

bilities: immediate sleep and wake-up function, low noise and electromagnetic emission and high resistance to hardware attack. In Phase I,

in the 8 -12 micron range using the Plasma-shell technology. BENEFIT: The proposed panoramic IR display technology is important to the
sting their particle size. The consolidation will occur below the reaction initiation temperature to prevent any energy release during compa
T: Direct Detection LADAR technology is a utilized in a wide range of critical government and commercial applications including 3-D imaging
llance by providing a new passive RF sensor for combat aircraft that can display air target detections and tracks with militarily signifcant co
ning electronics for initiating and executing the deorbit maneuver will be fabricated and tested. The various subsystems shall be integrate
kin friction sensors that are based on an existing Surface Stress Sensitive Film sensor hardened to operate in high enthalpy flows. The flow c
n method is very simple and robust. The proposed Phase II program will fabricate and test a small array demonstrating the performance b
ti-view descriptors for wide-baseline correspondence. Then it will demonstrate these methods for joint localization and coordination to acc
y. We will also evaluate the interpretability of the scene representations by humans to support human-in-the-loop control and processing.
d excellent execution times, modeling accuracy, and modeling flexibility at sub-millimeter wavelengths for targets having smooth and roug
ements for high datarate airborne terminals for satellite uplink. The proposed system is a beam waveguide which enables precision trackin
demonstrated the proof of concept by developing core technologies that form the basis of the proposed algorithms. The Phase II effort wi
at meet the program objectives and that can be easily transitioned to production. Three prototypes will be created: a COTS prototype for q
and stability of the QDs, provide a foundation for preparing these materials. In the Phase II program, PSI will build upon the system model
g the value of decision trades in radar design and algorithmic control. Black River proposes to develop an extensible model of passive multi
than that of ground-based systems. The problem also becomes more difficult when the goal is passive operation; however, being passive p
they are deployed in SUAS, they will multiply the capabilities of our defense forces many-fold. The revolutionary technology developed by F
y up-to-date and immediately exploitable for downstream scene understanding applications that require accurate target detection, tracking
digital controllers and monitors to coordinate testing activities such as supplying power to the Device Under Test (DUT) and capturing devi
locations to safe areas for recovery; use of guided parafoils to deliver samples to specifed locations with GPS accuracies; a near real-time c
ough the coating. The coating process will not aerosolize the liquid agent on the surface and it will prevent the agent from evaporating to th
ts. In Phase I of this effort we will demonstrate the ability to sequester and detoxify chemical agent simulants in the coating while preventi
-containing compounds with high capture capacity. Preliminary test of the gels against 4 chemical simulants show that the gel can sequest

gure Celadon&#039;s clinical immunoassay software, ImmunoFITTM, for Phase I assays and receipt of assay results from the Mobile Assay
r arrays will be fabricated and tested by the Episensors team. This synergistic effort will provide a high probably of success by utilizing both
escribes a methodology to design, fabricate, and evaluate these closure systems, leveraging previous research team experience in both bio-
ntegration with existing military chemical/biological protective garments. In Phase II, we will refne the fabrication methods for our gasket m
x. This will be followed by the fabrication of a proof-of concept SMP material incorporated with the further down selected stabilized nanop
n. By relying on validated frst-principles numerical simulations that describe detonation, anaerobic reaction and aerobic reaction, the propo
by testing the technical feasibility of three key innovations. If successful, Phase 2 will focus on issues of practicality by building and demon

and simulation results compared to the NCPA data collected as part of the Phase I effort and a plan for Phase II model refnement/validatio

involving a liter or less of blood loss, all of which are being conducted under existing Flashback projects that are synergistic to this propose
at least part of these tasks. Digital imaging of slit lamps is accomplished via auxiliary fttings that couple video or still cameras into their op
ze, weight, and power (SWaP) budgets to be feasible and suitable for VTOL manned and unmanned aircraft. CEI offers a unique combinatio
e of the most technically advanced suppliers of Direct Digital Manufacturing (DDM) services. Their DMLS department specializes in aerospa
w-cost CFD solver and would output guidance on local surface mesh correction and refnement based upon both surface topology and flow
d continuum/rarefed flows and illustrate its advantages for simulation of unsteady effects. New capabilities for two-phase flows, chemical k

own version of the system will be developed and tested in POC laboratory. We anticipate that at the end of Phase II, AERO will reach techno
ort, ISL will exploit the Electronic Bumper developments made under previous Air Force and Navy sponsorship to defne a system that will d

axis-symmetric plasma hot zone with laminar process gas flow and uniform temperature profle. The innovative thermal process will lead to
l be carried out provided the Phase I feasibility is demonstrated. A micro JetMachining Center (&quot;JMC) currently being developed as a
fciencies from both a numerical and modeling standpoint. Recently, an unsteady framework has been developed for high-altitude transien
the design and fabricate a tangible prototype NPP chipset, at the CNSE facilities. This SBIR initiative will lead to the development of innova
capacitor and a rechargeable battery in one unit cell. Preliminary data is shown for some hybrid devices that have been successfully fabrica
radar (NLR). The Phase I effort will: Establish performance, form factor, and application requirements; conceptually integrate two existing se
em in a laboratory environment on actual or representative GCU components. Sporian will work with Lockheed Martin Advanced Technolo
amera for Imaging Through Turbulence (ICITT) is constructed with a plenoptic wavefront sensor at its heart, but the measurements are not

C&#039;s liquid crystal lenses, without external charge, while weighing

ed enhanced degradation mechanisms. Developed materials will eliminate parachute combustion-derived health risks, provide a green, low
cability to most military garment types. Minimal changes to the fabrics weight, wear resistance and breathability/comfort are expected. Th

pecifc operational or signal bandwidth. (3) Maintaining generic functionality in the signal generation capabilities of the RF subsystem so th
he generalized processor to evaluate ASIC and commodity processor trade. 4) An example fuze design similar to a M782 form factor will be
candidate in any scenario where aerial surveillance is needed such as law enforcement, wilderness rescue operations, or natural disaster r
erformance of the 40mm projectile platorm along and fnally develop a hardware integration plan highlighting the key components to be c
her models. We will focus on validity of the approach for representation balanced with resource utilization. Our fnal report will provide ou
ties; Multi-Faceted Intrusion Detection - providing an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) against malicious activities that is modifed for virtua
and assist the users (i.e., network operators) in maintaining, optimizing, and securing the managed network. The proposed approach will s

pecifcally we will explore Direct Digital RF Conversion approaches that eliminate the RF signal translation modules of conventional architec
n identifed.
ith spectral transmit notches and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) waveforms for communications applications. Includ
agement, on-board data processing, and wireless data transmission optoelectronics, and self-power using energy harvesting. In Phase II, th

and fbers will be developed for building amplifers near 850nm.

and the radio, by adapting an Anti-Jam flter module developed for similar requirements (currently at TRL 6+). In the proposed effort, ADI
Additional acoustic processing functionality required for bi-static processing will be identifed, leveraging existing Pulse Active Sonar Functi

ayer circuit board populated with open foundry and commercially supplied MMICs, assembled using industry standard processes. The over

s, intentional modulations on pulse and scan patterns. Approaches are assessed and selected for PHASE II software development and dem
and demonstrate signifcant reduction in false classifcations and other performance degrading issues as well as real time target classifcatio

e MFPMs used in the PNCC. We propose to develop these modules using SiC FETs and nano crystalline cores for the flter chokes. The succe
ft Rail may be the most signifcant advancement to at-sea L and R since the development of the Davit.

can address PEO Ground Systems requirements. TechFlows fundamental research under the AMDREC-sponsored STTR program constitutes
echnologies. To maximize the beneft, the Company&#039;s proposed solution will manage the on-chip resources of the processor as well
al testing and further integration demonstration. Phase II work will produce a prototype suitable for testing in a feld environment to ensure

fabricate and test scaled-up cells to target military specifcations. The energy storage device will provide a solid-state flexible power source
minary MIMO measurements, and existing Vadum short-range radars.
a several hundred devices while performing network-wide checks in less than one millisecond. This proposal will extend these prototypes w

otype of this basic concept for simpler systems involving only one small object, using Remcom&#039;s commercial XFdtd (full-wave) and XG
ovides a very natural way to model the rules of engagement and multi-platorm coordination and Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees (RRTs) th
ng into account the identifed interactions. The result is an efficient algorithm that fnds high quality coordinated plans for many assets. Du

order to minimize the weight and volume of the bearing shield, Safe has created a concept which remains close to those bearing surfaces w

ty, 2) High Diffraction Efficiency over a 40 nm bandwidth, 3) Polarization insensitivity, 4) Low absorption. Additionally, PGL has been inform
igh efficiency is yielded by inhibiting transmitted orders, and can therefore be made of a single material with no coatings or layers. Used in
image generator failures.

docapacitance and increase permittivity. These supercapacitors have the advantages of high specifc energy density, power density, operati
gests a high likelihood of success.

signature. We propose to develop a practical signature prediction capability for watercraft that hybridizes the solution of two mature elect
kages that maximize the probability of reaching their designated targets, and use these elementary packages for constructing viable asset

he mitigation of cosite and inter-system EMI prior to deployment, whenever subsystems are added or changed, and periodically during the
ithms which may be problematic in transferring to a parallel environment. That work proceeded into Phase II where a commercial grade GP
I and Phase II effort will provide a very small optical IRU that can operate in a wide variety of military environments including airborne, gro

to stimulate the sonar processing system in the development environment allowing the evaluation of how the system responds to both nom

n and false alarm characteristics of multistatic contacts and overcome the bearing ambiguity of using omnidirectional sonobuoy sensors by
ndation, NanoSonic will augment its HybridSil anticorrosion technology for protecting Nitronic 50 stainless steel cables from harsh corrosive
ects; (3) compute recommended revisions to the reference signatures in the tactical EW library to optimize emitter classifcation performa
GP) optimization paradigm to achieve this optimization. This approach provides a computationally scalable process that rigorously quantife
re deployment process. The software framework will be packaged into a standard hardware product for delivery, drawing on a couple of fe

thered takeoff and landing of a multirotor UAV from a 30 knot moving vehicle and control of a high voltage brushless DC motor&quot;s sp
the radio that is semi-autonomously deployed and retrieved from the LCS Unmanned Influence Sweep System USV.
p the control system for both. In Phase II, Mainstream will demonstrate a full-scale prototype on a simulated naval power system. Mainstre
the current system and implementing controls of the ROP improves recovery by decreasing the time needed to align the capture spine wit
a PRF selectable, high average power, high-peak-power, pulsed 2.0 micron Thulium fber laser as a pump source for the nonlinear conversio
net (AKEN) classifcation. The proposed DCL engine will be optimized for situational awareness within an operating scenario consisting of c
ntation of the PAP classifcation algorithm on a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware platorm will be analyzed. Finally, a plan will be w
risk and effectiveness for presentation to a decision maker. We will develop an initial Risk Assessment Display, aimed at presenting risk ele

ieve reliable automatic screening of fsh echoes without signifcantly reducing target detections. Beyond the benefts of reliable screening,
model-based and data-driven assessment of spatial statistics of clutter from fsh. The performance and feasibility of these new concepts an
a design for an image-stabilized EI system that will scan the horizon while correcting for low-frequency pitch and roll. In Phase II the SRL EI
egrate the sensor into the designated demonstration platorm, as well as a demonstration of the laser transmitter. The Phase II Program wil
d using a single wavelength laser source at 1064 nm. The Phase I activities will provide a proof-of-concept instrument as well as preliminary
y realistic channel and target impulse response functions from legacy data is proposed.

es) with the hull array 3. Develop a classifer that incorporates data from the hull kinematic and acoustic-feature detectors, as well as any
e tracking, automated feedback, and efficient alerting methods. The SEAMATE instructor support system will include a tablet-based interfac

delobe region of beams will reduce clutter and improve detection performance. Adaptive Methods proposes to apply our approach to Rob
ocessors for extended mission times is severely diminished. In order to realize the full potential of these processors under extended missio

wideband DREX concepts for NAVAIR in the 2-18 GHz band that support next generation AESA with full flexibility for improved radar modes

design concept, perform detailed frequency domain analysis and modeling to identify optimal frequency/set of frequencies for accurate un
quire a signifcant amount of volume to provide signifcant improvements in impact and abrasion resistance. The proposed protection syste
er wire/heater assembly for this Navy SBIR program, we propose two approaches for replacing the traditional and conventional method of
ng elements. The feasibility of the fabricated heaters will be demonstrated following the stringent battery of tests that are part of the QC p

s per model. We propose to leverage current computer vision techniques and demonstrate proof-of-concept algorithms for each phase of
metric suitable for predicting automated target recognition performance will be created. The initial software implementation of the propos
vice requires a low cost approach, and as such a detailed Bill of Materials will be developed, part costs will be estimated and the higher co

oof-of-concept demonstration of our system. In Phase II, we will fabricate and test a full-scale prototype system.
oposes the reuse of existing high fdelity and array interface test software. The approach protects and enhances the NAVY&quot;s previous
over existing MEMs and GaN T/R switch technologies. Other advantages of switches based on VO2 MIT materials include low fabrication co
lving threats upgrades of the Mk-48. The central aim will be to design this new, very low noise power supply solution that will enable full w
DC with an output noise less than 0.15mVrms/rtHz and will be capable of providing an output power of approximately 1275 watts. The pow

endly manufacture using standard immersion baths. The Phase I study will establish concept feasibility, demonstrating key performance cr
th uniform thickness, surfaces with 90 degree angles. The process will also enable coating of connector inside diameters. TRI/Austin will be

trieved from the sea. This capability will drastically reduce the propensity of salt accumulation on the stainless steel tow cable assembly. In
ata on a command line as both of these activities are error prone and can be confusing. A signifcant part of the tool design will be aimed a
mation achievable with varying levels of cost. A simulation environment that includes vehicle, flow, and recovery system models will be deve
of high power quantum cascade lasers with an average/peak power of 10/20 W and high beam quality. TeraDiode&quot;s technical approa
sing a modifed transmit spectrum (of currently unavailable bands) and an associated innovative in-situ analysis and selection method, to m
ars without any operating failures to date. The proposed feasibility study will confrm (m+n) is adaptable to shipboard environments, utilizi
ich is exhibiting decreasing availability; this directly addresses the Navy&quot;s requirements. In Phase I, POC will demonstrate the feasibil

fashion, the likelihood ratios from a well-constructed feature will reinforce the peaks due to targets and reduce those due to clutter. This w
o be tracked as they move through the noisy littoral space. Outputs from existing systems can also be directly processed by this framework
ease transmit windows due to improved transmitter efficiency. To accomplish these improvements, innovative technology approaches will

ple parameters measured on a single pulse, time based de-interleaving, RF Agile clustering, and cluster correlation grouping clusters collect
uated include: Neural Network (NN) (tried and true), Support Vector Machine (SVM) (currently best in class), and Random Forest (RaFo) (st
ss performance and stability. Vehicle safety will be assessed, risk reduction activities and opportunities to improve vehicle performance wil
ogical gap, the NextGen team will leverage previous work and proven methods in order to develop a hydrodynamic optimization tool that g

s will be evaluated under the Phase I program comparing their capabilities to defned criteria and metrics developed from the outline prese
positioning capability; 2) Enhanced human-machine interface and enhanced functionality for both LCS seaframes; 3) Enhanced reachability
d on statistical appearance and apparent change modeling combined with track-before-detect framework that enables detection of aircraft

to 1200C. Flexural strength and thermal shock resistance of the composite will be determined, and Weibull parameters will be calculated

h is expected to provide a 90% reduction in weight and an 80% reduction in size compared to a standard 3,000 psi 7.25 inch diameter and 2
a-high cylinder pressure of up to 10,000 psi to an intermediate pressure of 140 psi. The frst prototype design will be validated through pre
plications, will be leveraged with Luna&quot;s novel optical fber strain sensing technology to streamline design. Weight savings will be opti
e extended beyond 110 GHz to 1THzmerely by changing the electrical signal generator. Additionally, unlike many photonic methods, our ch
modeling of the nano-patterned absorber will be performed for various nano-pattern types and material choices, and the resultant solar cel

tion Product (or FLIP) in this proposal. FLIP includes DHCP modifcations to include URNs in the confguration process and creation of DHCP
ination between the tubes and the aluminum alloy that can produce brittle conditions within the investment cast article near thin sections
placement as a migigating strategy. Complimenting the tests will be the development of analytical flame response transfer functions which
try and convective time delays in the augmentor without structural modifcations. In the proposed research program, we will apply CFIS fu
tion system&quot;s capability to wirelessly measure load, vibration, and AE response combined with energy harvesting power management

ination of protection provided to the device wearer. In Phase I, POC will perform modeling and simulation of the SAW sensor, and demons
chnique, called the Fast Imaging Non-Destructive Inspection Technique (FINDIT), can directly and nondestructively test the mechanical flex

ment will be real time, with waveforms acquired at rates up to 1000 Hz, allowing large areas to be scanned.
sign will be explored that will a) take fuller advantage of the available cargo space (particularly overhead) than the current design , and b) in
nger flights in remote areas, other military aircraft, and mid-sized business jets.

s (MoM) algorithm. Besides the fne features of ships, the proposed tool can also take account of scattering of rough sea surfaces. Both BAR

size, weight and power (SWaP). The direct conversion concept is based on Nyquist sampling and the use of passive anti-aliasing flters to co

isms to allow entities to both perceive the world and make actions within it. Using SERUM, we will then develop prototype robust intellige
tional performance. Within the phase I activity this estimate will be confrmed with detailed engineering design and modeling. Additional d
sor pod will be deployed from a submerged submarine utilizing existing platorm capabilities. It will be able to measure underwater magne

ed and simulated signals. The objective will create realistic display response on the AN/BLQ-10, so the operator is naturally trained on the d
todiode (PD), generating a beat tone at their frequency difference, eliminating optical phase noise. Our concept has been validated in benc

g of such inter-personal teams will be of critical importance to successful UAS operations. In other words, both near-term and long-term U
rithms grounded in data mining advances designed to boost performance prediction. These will be embedded in performance-based asses
ative metrics, and other types of information as input and uses it to output defnitions, descriptions, analyses, and projections of world stat
BENEFIT: The proposed residual stress measurement method is a signifcant improvement to existing residual stress measurement technolo
mercial icing research tunnel to ensure anti-icing performance. BENEFIT: Anticipated Beneft: As the use of remotely piloted aircraft (RPA)

demonstration of taggant capabilities cannot be conducted with current sensors (whether EO/IR, night vision, LIDAR, target designators, or
o develop a modular and open&quot;Virtual&quot;or VREX reusable subsystem. The VREX allows testing sensor software patches, confgura
ted appropriate correction characteristics for this band. The design of this linearizer and the W-band TWT for operation at 81 to 86 GHz wi
ther commercial applications such as long stand-off range security imaging and advanced scientifc research in the areas of sensitivity enha
of health management systems. The technology will be demonstrated for (a) real-time application by embedding on an EMA controller, an
hase II study, it is required to refne the instrumented projectile for more advanced applications. For example, instrumented projectiles wit
tion of the system within a pilot experiment comparing performance on a dual task using singular and combined input and output modaliti
roach utilizes the high thermal conductance of TPG with the structural capabilities of 6061T6 aluminum to provide an enabling solution for

des will be investigated. Deliverables to ARL include double clad planar and crystal fbers of various lengths. Optical and mechanical proper

on-pixel technology. Subsequently in the Phase-II effort we will design and build a low-cost miniature prototype, develop the required real

rdware toolkit that can reduce IMP in a free-play scenario of random signals. The performance enhancement offered by the MISSPEL proto

ommercial system and rapid transition into the marketplace.

D tool, including the user interface, underlying exploration and optimization model, and knowledge database. This prototype will be demon
onditions and (iv) investigate and elucidate the deformation behavior of nano-Al alloys under unaxial tension tests at different rates and an
nt loops in metals. By completion of Phase II, we will have evaluated a fully integrated plasmonic absorber microbolometer system for dete

ors suitable for medical and industrial CT and to pursue its commercialization. To ensure success, we have amended our team by the additi

ent micro-flters, active and passive components needed on a single common PolyStrata monolithic backplane to deliver a 1-110 GHz wide

) would be employed to automatically construct the surface picture with the use of classifcation aids that leverage the merging of informa
ll be shown later in the proposal by increasing the emitter stripe width and by using pulse operation it is expected that the output power c

tary and civilian law enforcement aircraft more likely. The autonomous event cueing will reduce the workload on aircrew, thus enhancing
robust, and logistically-friendly blood purifcation system that combines a state-of-the-art battery-powered blood pump with CytoSorbent
burn wounds, comparing our KeraStat ICG formulation to the standard of care for these injuries. Additionally, we will conduct safety and s
data collection; machine learning and social science based data analysis to identify health risks, impending health crises, and to forecast d

ucted using rigorous mathematical frameworks. We propose researching robust, signature based characterization and discrimination capab
aft carrier operations and sensor capabilities to generate trace data; and (3) eventual integration with existing virtual carrier simulation syst

engine that combines Complex Event Processing for real-time extraction of indicators from raw sensor inputs, with probabilistic models to d

nto half the volume of an A-size buoy. In Phase I, POC will demonstrate the feasibility of the system by providing system-level concepts and
sage to the remote operator or on scene assets such as patrol aircraft, surface ships, or submarines to facilitate a rapid response and reacq
her applications such as missiles, targets, decoys, UAVs, and other small aircraft of a similar size to the subject application for this program
Department of Defense is that MACE will be the frst spaceflight design cryocooler electronics for the Raytheon RSP2 Cryocooler, which is th
sting fne-tracker or high-resolution imaging systems. For detection and discrimination of targets, the wide area hostile fre indication syste
e experimentally tested, validated, and used for input in the iterative model. Upon validation between model and development cell, an OE
d high-accuracy inclinometerscan provide the accuracy and stability needed to meet the UGS pointing accuracy requirements. In Phase II,
p in replacement alternator without rare earth magnets and determined through analysis that the design can meet or exceed the targeted
es data at measurement nodes. We also propose a database synchronization approach using which terabytes of data collected during netw
tiplexed to detect several different pathogens in a single well and requires minimal technician time to perform. In this Phase I, Agave BioSy

y tracking their stress/anger levels with physiological sensors. An integrated provider portal provides powerful information to support prac
ctivity goals and progress towards meeting them during and following rehabilitation, as well as provide a means of metabolic and kinemati
alysis, build test articles, burst test articles and correlate test results with predictions. The goal is to transfer the technology to the propulsi
demonstrate stable reformer operation with bio-fuel for 250 hours, and experimentally examine reformer + stack operation at subscale lev
alization of the developed NLO devices in Phase III. In Phase I the team will demonstrate HVPE methods to grow nitrogen- and gallium-pola
aN as a QPM material with higher performance and wavelength range capability than the existing materials in the market today.
based on a tungsten core with a fracture tough oxidation resistant coating and an outermost sacrifcial layer. An ablative layer is intended to
mparison to current fabrication methods: (a) Chemical Vapor Infltration, (b) Melt Infltration, and (c) Polymer Impregnation Pyrolysis. Scien
time as 2 minutes! FAST has been demonstrated for metals, glasses, ceramics, and nano-composite materials. Little information is available
ociated with each primary task. These sub-models will then be combined into a global model of deck operations. In Phase I, we will demon
learning of unknown state transition relations in MDPs. To address scalability, we will investigate modifcations of these algorithms that are
roduces the desired tunable MMW signal. This approach directly addresses the requirements for a widely tunable, high performance an
cteristics, without resorting to high-resonance cavity construction. Specifcally, the novelty of the proposed work is reflected in: (a) the frst
ent upset (SEU) immunity at faster speeds and lower power consumption. The Schottky transistor&quot;s performance and SEU immunity
thigh holster. In Phase II, we will optimize the mechanical design and carry out necessary mechanical and RF tests to ensure the fnal protot
d with HardSIL &amp; #61652; technology to provide a metal-programmable system on a chip (MPSoC) capability. Results from modeling t
actuators anywhere (&lt;225°C) in an engine environment will be very valuable to the turbine industry. Engineers will be able to employ th
oposed algorithms. The Phase II effort will be focused towards refnement, advancement, and integration of these enabling technologies a
ualization, validate tools on extended real data sets, add forecast capabilities to the SpWx attribution framework, integrate AFRL/RVB space
mize the back contact of the device to best match electrical and mechanical requirements of this improved process, 3) optimize flexible mi
ufacturers with the capability for improved GD &amp; T (geometric dimension and tolerancing) that signifcantly reduces both cost and cyc
needed for military applications. Specifc work in the Phase II involves optimization of the material, development of thick, high performan
moves SAR measurement outliers using INS-based feature tracking. The ultimate goal of Phase II is to demonstrate GPS-like performance us
ormat arrays (e.g., 4k x 4k and larger) and to small pixel sizes (&lt;4µm). We will also demonstrate the ability to print vertical and mosaicked
disk will support ultra-fast data acquisition applications such as 4K video recording, GSPS transient digitizers, and medical image recording
tion of air, space and cyber resources in fulflling mission objectives. Our approach leverages key elements from research in mixed-initiative
ata has made it a priority to develop automated analysis methods that can help analysts predict, understand, and explain events around th
ation for Mobile, Multicast & Multiple Operator Networks (DAM3ON). The goal is secure and trusted transactions in a distributed Network
demonstrate navigation precision similar to that of the Global Positioning System (GPS). At the end of Phase II, we will deliver the prototyp
hermal oxidative stability at temperatures between 500F to 550F, and dual use capability for turbine engine components. A thorough char
pe agent- and cloud-based development of MADSAT and demonstration and evaluation using actual represented data sources. We will enh
Phase II, efforts will focus along two directions. First, an advanced cell sorter will be developed for separating cells of different characteristi
ely through mobile phone interfaces; (2) integrates with evidence-based treatments through the implementation of an existing CBT anger
nges were identifed: 1) Patient Attentiveness, 2) Sound Range, 3) Spectral Resolution, 4) Sound Quality, 5) Signal Quality, and 6) Audiologica

ansportation and delivery. Phase II will demonstrate this technology as well as demonstrate system storage densities in excess of 100 g-hyd

cy airborne network systems. We have also implemented and demonstrated the functional components of aforementioned capabilities in t
losed form solution, enabling designers to cross validate experimental outcomes with theoretical predictions. In Phase II Silvus will test a p
wer combining. Our amplifer will weigh on the order of ounces and be less than a cubic inch in size. A further advantage of our approach
gh power sources that meet or exceed the following specifcations: bandwidth of +/- 3 GHz, ripple less than 0.4 dB, an input less than 1 mW
mation over a long haul communication (LHC) link to a user or backend server. The system will enable the Air Force special operating forces
tuent materials are proposed to improve shielding performance for high energy particles. Furthermore, Conductive Composites will work c
ll develop an approach for quality management of residual stresses in aerospace forgings, will develop technology to support quality system

chnology will be developed for producing out-of-autoclave structural composites with smooth surface fnishes. This method will enable the
n that relates interphase damage to fatigue life prediction in composites. Both methods accommodate p-refnement feature that leads to h
l establish the technology and the roadmap that will lead to the manufacture of efficient, compact E-band vacuum nano-electric devices ba
f the experimental portions of the system. The prototype chip will be a full low-power GNSS receiver, which will be capable of providing a l
test 8 DUTs. The user can rack mount as many chassis as desired, testing tens of parts simultaneously. It will be offered with custom and c
g developed. Phase I showed the feasibility of signifcantly increasing speed and signifcantly improving image fdelity. Phase II will involve
t also leveraging ongoing research on understanding of how best to integrate multiple bio-inspired sensors into flight control systems.
In Phase I, Ultramet modeled, designed, fabricated, and tested low-cost, high-performance heat sinks for actively cooled high-power elect
issue solutions and guidelines to assist in remediation of discovered issues. GUITAR focuses on using commonly available technologies to m
ition to initiate testing in animal models of flavivirus diseases during Phase III of this project.
t container assembly which includes a high performance energy storage and return element. This work provides a basis for a series of Phas
. Formulations of polyurea foam combined with fabric sheeting and real-world substrates will be developed into standard assemblies. Fina
tic components available from other contracts. During the Phase I option, a detailed design of the Phase II prototype will be completed an
onverters in addition to the DAC itself. Similar advanced digital transmitters should be extendable to MILSATCOM Ku (14 GHz) and Ka (30 G
s: (1) an evolvable ontology of crowd capabilities to drive human-centered problem partitioning; (2) probabilistic models of crowd skills an
ystem to analyze and fuse data from witnesses and participants to fnd relevant information in times of disaster or emerging crisis. The fna
size, weight, and input power for the overall cryogenic system; and perform a proof-of-concept test on a critical cryocooler component. Du
purview of traditional approaches.
such as sensing geometry, aircraft avoidance, and fuel consumption. The sensor scheduler selects particular tasks and start times, refning t
ength applications like claddings for EO polymer modulators and high energy storage density capacitors. The Phase I program will comprise

o our knowledge, this performance is superior to any existing protection technology.

flight providing greater operational flexibility.

gorithms, and develop a high level pod design with deployment and employment operational concepts. Phase I option will develop the Ph
d arc-jet testing with samples and subscale nosetips delivered to the Navy.
ication techniques considered in the Phase I will include adhesive bonding, brazing, and HIP-induced diffusion bonding. In the Base effort n
also be formulated with a tuned refractive index and coefficient of thermal expansion to maintain optical clarity during temperature chang
ransparent composites will be studied by laboratory tests. The experimental results will also be validated with the fnite element simulation

tals. Meanwhile, the capability of a thin-disk MOPA laser to produce&lt;4 nanosecond pulses will be demonstrated. Modeling and simulati
m is to develop the initial layout of the transmitter and provide capability description of the unit to be built during the Phase II effort. The la
mum baseline performance on dimensions that are hard or impossible to train, such as innate aptitudes, predispositions, and other individu
and beam quality, up to multiple kWs of power if required for the application.
itives (by combining their historical experience/observations). Furthermore, the notifcations can alert analysts to recall historical investigati
cations and military applications such as target locating and unmanned vehicle guidance will beneft from the system identifcation algorith

ology and enhance the operational level of the software for data fusion. By designing and assembling an FPGA-based multi-sensor data-fu
a timely manner to provide information that is critical for resolving ambiguities, developing tactical parameters, discriminating events and
hese devices will be controlled with a computer system installed in the PMM control room that will be connected to the PMM control syst
cess (DTDMA) protocols. Through the exclusive use of affordable, high-volume manufacturing techniques, FIRST RF&quot;s apertures rema
er to verify the electrical and structural performance predictions that will be completed as part of the design effort. Extension of the resin
of the seeker algorithms to operate in real-world, non-idea operation. However, as the sensors/seekers improve, the requirements for test
nsit) satellite beacon data observed at a receiver stationed near Thule.

bjects such as a towed array and the towing vehicle.

oject also focuses on the development of a measurement-based approach for assessing workload unbalance, and a set of smart and porta
flow regions (streamlines, wakes, boundary layers) and management of overset grids around moving components are supported. Distribut

lled the Fast Imaging Non-Destructive Inspection Technique (FINDIT), can directly and nondestructively test the mechanical properties of co
addition, microstructure evaluation of the bonded samples will also be carried out. The proposed method will be portable, easy to use, an
omposites, this effort therefore builds upon and broadens the applicability of a new NDI technology. The proposed development is anticipa
evel simulation environments. This effort will work out the details to correctly represent vernier interactions within plume flowfelds and to
perature. This proposed effort will address surface processes in order to suppress this bottle neck of T2SL technology. By using a novel gate

n Driven Powder Compaction (CDC) at high pressures (e.g., up to 150 tsi). The samples will be fabricated using commercially available fne
studies regarding the expected yield will be conducted on custom made passive RIIC substitutes that will permit individual control of select
tial calibration data. The P3DM technology is at Technical Readiness Level (TRL) 4, with critical modules of the system parallelized and impl
ralistic, and flexible environment that layers on top of existing software and that includes Control devices to supplement conventional mou
wledge, the system will populate a computational, didactic model that is capable of identifying exercises that will maximize the learners&q
rature capabilities than steel will be used as the primary barrel material, and TPL&quot;s cladding technology will permanently bond the lin
ble scientists and engineers to quickly understand the underlying physics and control the spatio-temporal dynamics, (4) Develop a set of d
deas to validate capability for describing near-real-time parameters; develop general methodology for near-real-time quantifcation of stoc
To process the data, SupportTeam will leverage statistical techniques to classify, predict, and analyze the data submitted. Data and results w
e reinnervation at the NMJs.

s which is aimed to provide a more in depth analysis along with simulations and inputs from consultants to confrm the feasibility to build s
ss concentration location and magnitude and crack length for intergranular fracture. The present work will strive to develop 3D models of th
y in the treatment of gastrointestinal disease in dolphins. Candidate probiotics will be characterized for colonization and adhesion and for t
lso be evaluated. The selected probiotics will be microencapsulated and freeze-dried to facilitate dosage and delivery. The viability of the m
with the information needed to both determine when behavior is abnormal and determine what low-level events need to be tracked to ob
k of integrating third party modules into an existing software system. RSMT is an incremental modeling tool that will be implemented as an
oratory and in the feld. In Phase II, we will develop, test, and validate a complete prototype of the system and demonstrate its performanc
nary truck in a large wind tunnel with existing experimental data and CFD and behind an operational Navy ship. These three measurement
presentations of sensor information. Using this transformed, highly relevant view of the incoming data, autonomous systems can identify a
tion of UAV and UGV problems using the models, performance optimization for SWaP constrained onboard processing, quantitative and qu
hat can support planning and decision-making for future autonomous missions.

erial for the emitter, develop improved photonic crystal designs for these substrates at a range of operating temperatures, and fabricate a s

eveloped and integrated with a physics package. The Allan variance of the resulting clock will be tested over long times.

g those guidelines, we will design and prototype a general and extensible framework for Pro-Active Decision Support (PADS). During Phase
the Distributed Common Ground System-Navy (DCGS-N). The Aptima team believes that the CUPID Cognitive Service will offer unique ben
minate the unprincipled addition of context to current decision tools, we will utilize current decision science research to incorporate contex
vent that
quality poses no risk automation.
manufacturing to any personnel or equipment
If awarded a Phase in
II, the
teamwhich allows
will work the system
to apply Phaseto be used not
I materials, only in the commercial
confgurations UPS man
and automated indu

ponents. To achieve the desired power and energy densities in a composite flywheel operating at speeds to 100,000 rpm in a shock and vib
bility of constructing a diode-pumped solid-state laser source that meets these requirements.
al participants in the ongoing information-fusion process, decision-makers gain a deeper understanding of the current scenario and the im
ed, into the normalized fused results, and made available to the decision makers or analysts for further refnement. The analyst will then h
nto ASPM; (b) use ONR TREX13 data sets along with full environmental inputs, to evaluate the improved version of ASTRAL/ASPM, and dem
em. The Argus-EC detectors are capable of accurately determining the angle-of-arrival of incident laser radiation, while characterizing the w
mson University&quot;s Professor Eric Johnson, the PalmettoNet Endowed Chair in Optoelectronics and his group at Clemson&quot;s Cente

els in order to remedy the known defciencies.

e operating on a tiny coin cell. The end result of the Phase I project will be an evaluation device that demonstrates the key features of the n
less than 2 mm across and fts within the spongy adhesive substrate. MICRO includes power scavenging capabilities which augment an on-

context of personal parameters and health history. In Phase II we will conduct military-grade environmental testing of electronics hardwar

uction by arc melting of tungsten carbide and tungsten to produce fne lamella structures. By controlling the fnal sintered microstructure, t
volving the design of autonomous multi-UAV systems within the context of a larger systems-of-systems application. The proposed team wi
esult from this research in many DoD and non-DoD applications. Complex systems of systems arise in many domains including: manned air
curately providing such data. During Phase I Luna will design and demonstrate the feasibility of a prototype readout system and sensors. D
architecture will be developed to enable the use of the fber optic strain gage for both static tests and dynamic tests with strain rates exce

he Phase II work where a wider range of candidate materials will be examined and screened out for further computational and experiment
UMN propose to continue our efforts on developing and further optimizing high quality multiferroic thin flm heterostructures through nan

tutive theories and design of novel energetic materials. BENEFIT: Demolition, mining, seismic prospecting, geographical mapping, explosiv
of the Phase II STTR program will be new, insensitive explosives that will have use across a wide range of military and civilian applications.
atorms such as C-17, P-8, using the design results of the C-130 solution, including analyzing and highlighting structural and performance co
sset UAVs, in Phase I we will develop structural excited antenna designs, identify potential installation locations, and validate performance b
on. A recently developed theory allows the Navier Stoke equations to be written in a form similar to the classic panel method formulation.
research enables: (1) Improved fdelity and multidisciplinary analysis; (2) Greatly reduced numerical dissipation; and (3) Improved acoustic
e methodology will be validated using flight test data and will lay the foundation for development of a unifed capability in Phase II that ca
tem containing propellers/open-rotors. Generic to any system containing propellers/open-rotors, the developed software could be utilized
completely modular in nature leveraging on our expertise in modeling and simulation and agent based systems, and allows any analysis cod
ill develop a plan for extending the performance of these arrays up to 100 W. Our approach, leveraging advanced material growth and fabr
juvenating solutions, to provide optimized cell performance, while minimizing self-discharge; (iii) as seawater or seawater with a small amo
sociated with high latitude AUV/UUV operations. The Phase II program will result in a UUV/AUV CTD &amp; O2 environmental monitoring
s, which is less than the resolution of current PEA/PWP methods. Box Elder Innovations Phase II effort will develop both PEA and PWP me
er, they will work as uncooled IR detectors with detectivity that is comparable to liquid nitrogen cooled MCD detectors.
ated on miniature multifunction aperture for EO/IR sensors. The use of novel plasmonic metallic nano-structure waveguide array, with effic
nes the team can reduce joint complexity to two dimensions, while still allowing full range of motion. Thirdly, Mide will use super-elastic sh

F), to provide exceptional broadband RF performance. These proven antenna technologies use broadband loading techniques as well as no
udes a validated noise prediction capability. Extensions of this model for propellers in transonic flight and their integration with current-gen
GOe, higher than the current state of the art Alnico (10 MGOe) while the new nanocomposite Mn-Bi-X / Fe (FeCo) magnets can provide (BH
tem. In Phase II, we will extend TCES to support multicore platorms, more advanced target OS and fortify the security. BENEFIT: The propo
eet the Army&quot;s Phase II goals. The Phase II system will produce 2-megapixel images with 10x compression in four spectral bands. In
several of the most important of these components, including soft armor models, casualty prediction capabilities, and design capabilities.
erefore alternative implementations of the component (with strong guarantees of equivalence). The Nuprl logical programming environme
ay in various confgurations and compare/validate the results using the available experimental data. The proposed hardware and knowledg
stem. What is needed is a small, light weight, low power, vision processor for helmet systems (VPHS) so the entire digital vision system can
Phase I, 5-D will develop a plan to design and fabricate a VPHS based on our approach and will analyze the performance of our initial desi
admap of evolving capability and performance. BENEFIT: Aligned with the HVD solicitation Phase III&quot;Dual Use Application&quot;goa
ructure, and content required for integrating performance data across training environments and systems. When complete, iPATS will inclu
ll promote sales for ground-based as well as airborne applications.
ission planning, briefng, and debriefng performance, the results of which are effectively communicated to instructors and trainees via intu
ophisticated image processing algorithms, affording users the ability to&quot;see&quot;at night and during period of impaired visibility. Th
Current 3D displays cannot provide the level of detail and comfort needed because the displays contain unacceptable visual artifacts, absen
t supportive of the project objectives. A conceptual architecture will be developed incorporating the selected technologies. The performan
ition and life cycle costs.
oped through this work can be integrated with volatile organic compound (VOC) sensing hardware to form a platorm to be used by the Un
most important anticipated benefts of this research shall be improved cypher security for mobile devices in the DOD and IC. If security an
eling and prototyping efforts. The PROACT product has enormous potential for military and commercial applications. A prototype PROACT
uct a security analysis on CAPSA to confrm its security and its ability to detect insider threats. In Phase II, CAPSA will be expanded and opti
orithms goals, to include target tracking, milling activity detection and other Activity Based Intelligence analysis. Additionally, Black River w

addresses and correspond to geographic and other fltering criteria. Policy Based Access Control to DDS topics will support restriction based
solution that is tailored to the current situation&quot;s demands. The Phase I program will demonstrate FIRST RF&quot;s unique ability to
er to support the narrow link, we will evaluate various image processing approaches which would minimize data transfer. Several feature ex
nges in operating conditions (such as the number of users, jammers, etc.). BENEFIT: With the SABER platorm implementing flexible, powe
waveforms will be implemented in MATLAB, passed through representative SATCOM channel models, and analyzed statistically and spectra
ceptance of the WDCS Digital IF interfaces to downstream Digital IF equipment. BENEFIT: Converting SATCOM terminal functions from an
ensure that the system is able to rapidly adapt to new and evolving data sets, and integrates with analysts&quot;information systems. Fur
werful analysis tool that (1) fnds feasible probabilistic association between entity and event mentions across different sources; (2) detect a
ch as timeliness and reliability. semSCI will represent the asserted facts in the structured and semi-structured information using a semantic
end stochastic graph matching technique to identify exclusive OR (XOR) violations; (6) Develop human touch points for the resolution of CS
ngine, which will use probabilistic models derived from operationally relevant classifcation guides to determine a default classifcation leve
ata along with the rationale for the marking based on the security guides inferred rules. The analyst will approve updates before being com
tuation models including concepts and associations; (2) a demand-driven translation service that rectifes raw blue force sensor feeds base
nderstanding System or BACUS. Our approach for BACUS leverages Securboration&quot;s expertise in enterprise-wide service oriented arch
easingly sophisticated adversaries. Although new C2 organizations and systems have arisen to address domain-specifc threats in cyber an
onally, user and machine authentication could be securely transported across a network to provide different information to different users
he end-to-end trust requirements, and Trust Authority module that continuously evaluates and adopts the trust level value assigned to each
will not require locking of lasers to specifc wavelengths, and will allow freedom in component selection based on cost, efficiency, radiation
uding auto-generator user interface tools, developing satellite architecture generation techniques, and applying the technology to represen
ologies, and support parametric sensitivity analysis for systems and systems of systems. AWCAMS will enable the Air Force to improve cro
d the Complex System Trade Study Tool (CS-TST), that will allow decision makers in the Space and Missile System Center (SMC), Intelligence
e cryocoolers in the current proposal, for superconductor magnets in magnetic resonance imagingiMRIjsystems, transformers, motors and
ems to insure their owners of their operability and status. The multimodal sensor suites and associated interpretive processing to be develo
hile delivering desired electronic performance, thermal management and design flexibility. QP enables sub-micron chip-to-chip alignment,
tly too large to be tested using existing SWIR image projectors. In addition to their military application, SWIR detectors are useful for inspec
cated in the Phase 2. Phase II is to fnish the detailed system design and develop the prototype per the Phase I selection. BENEFIT: The ne
providing situational awareness and decision support tools to the Army and the Air Force. Our team also includes subject matter experts
hronization of data from various related LVC systems, and data presentation to human users. The proposed effort includes carrying out a tr
and demonstrate the feasibility of fabricating wide-FOV diffractive waveguide optics on curved visor substrates that supports 20/20 visual a
Additionally, HSI&quot;s cutting edge LCOS microdisplays are ideal for designing a high brightness and high resolution projection engine. Th
full-functioning binocular Phase II CWHD prototype that will support color images with parameters satisfying the Air Force requirements. S
phical User Interface (GUI) and produces nearly conserved volume during posing. In the Phase II, automated process of matching voxel mo
e broadest possible range of aeronautical platorm sizes and gain requirements. BENEFIT: The proposed planar aperture and related techn
l image dimensions, designed to optimize compression performance through the cloud. At the warfghter&quot;s terminal, applications fro
polyphase flter banks for preprocessing. The research compares this approach with a more traditional approach using Digital Down Conve

sed systems, whereby simultaneous reception of multiple TV channels is highly desirable for the commercial market.
des as they occur. FlowTrust builds on principles of flow analysis and epidemiology to determine the extent to which a trust breach perme
ologies are compatible with devices small enough to be wearable. This Phase I project aims to demonstrate the precision and accuracy of t
nd simulation environment, and thereby directly addresses the Air Force&quot;s requirements for training, evaluating and preparing person
s and SMEs to create, alter, compose, and deploy components of multirole exercises that employ our Probabilistic Training Model. Third, we
ed in Phase I will be used as a baseline for further investigation in a follow-on Phase II effort. BENEFIT: The anticipated benefts of the pro
ata to performance measurement and readiness models. The ultimate goal of PATTRN is to provide a data framework that is both site- and
posing in a graphical articulation editor. Displacements of the parametric skeletal model are mapped back to the voxel mesh to provide b
nd outdoor environment. BENEFIT: Successful commercialization of this research will require incorporation of the developed models and a
omprehensive and holistic characterization of team performance across these sensors with advanced modeling techniques that will help e
utilized by the CDS system to determine ad control cross-domain operations. BENEFIT: Through Metronome Software&quot;s CLOAK, the G
ttlefeld conditions. A software testbed is also created for analysis and testing of software service and HCI visualizations. At the end of Phase
o is also capable of processing other context-sensitive factors affecting the mission. The objective of this research is to determine the fea
Development of a wide scan array capability has applications to many airborne platorms. The high efficiency and low cost of the proposed
maintaining conformance to the platorm OML, LPI and LPD functions. This system is compatible with both legacy aircraft IFDL and MADL
e system. FIRST RF has assembled experts in radiometry and RF remote sensing, passive millimeter wave antenna and component design,
ion tracking without requiring beam motion, such as with sequential lobe (or conical scanning) systems. To control risk to the program and
pecifc compression techniques to maximize data availability across the community. BENEFIT: Benefts to the Air Force will include improve
een Display) features for system implementations will be completed. Phase I will also address the feasibility of further pixel reduction to 3.6
ghest level of performance in the smallest possible SWaP package, Toyon will utilize advanced high-level synthesis tools to obtain accurate
and relevant activities. Synthetic agents built with CANTO will utilize expectations and default assumptions about other agents&#039;goals

opment of the described sensor will allow for low-cost characterization of V/W-band communication signal losses in the atmosphere. By lo
ge rates, predict impending collisions, issue collision alerts to postern air traffic and if necessary, execute avoidance maneuvers. The algorit
ffth generation tactical training and rehearsal environment and associated GameSim customization services to the U.S. Navy and Marines.
s for a&quot;track to source&quot;capability. This approach is well-suited to support the AFRL Research Lab activities through realizing the
with the state-of-the art DDS middleware we can automate much of the PBAC policy management, and can produce novel, highly useful pro
ectromagnetic Pulse from a local event, Ducted EMP through the aircraft structure, Aircraft Electromagnetic Interference, Nuclear Scintillati
LF systems to support a more comprehensive set of foreseeable battlefeld scenarios. In our proposed approach, FIRST RF leverages establ
ray, high-resolution imagery can be achieved. In Phase I, POC will develop a preliminary design for the MACInTIR sensor, evaluate its effecti
p to six interferometer elements to be combined in an arrangement that comes close to providing the sensitivity of a flled aperture while r
h the space environment, and conforms to space qualifcation requirements including high vacuum, microgravity, radiation, atomic oxygen,

Q2 2013. In this proposal we lay out the study to take this basic 3.74µm design and confgure it into a 5 Mpixel 2500 x 2000 microdisplay w
ts to replace two separate systems (their night vision system and their day targeting system) with a single system that is more capable than
luding near to eye, multiuser monitors, and projection displays. BENEFIT: Drug creation, medical imaging, oil exploration, virtual conferenc
will enable real-time classifcation of NPs in terms of size and surface chemistry. The product platorm will combine efficient NP collection w
ticle number and mass concentration by size. The frmware needed to translate the real-time PACS data to particle number, surface area, a
an be applied across operational environments; a performance data warehouse for gathering measured performance data across assessme
acuity by 3x relative to our high-resolution HMD. The second innovation entails a technology improvement that will enable us to signifcant
mproved ability to generate realistic chat-text based on social context will both make training more realistic, but also enable new members
e state of the art in the integration and application of text-based communications for command and control training environments. Much o
d looking imaging capability will also be useful for commercial aircraft traveling at hypersonic speeds.
at-resistant alloy, and an inner layer made from a material with high thermal conductivity which will be actively cooled. The heat load on th
mplanted substrates for further energetic studies and plans for scale-up productions can be designed. BENEFIT: Providing a route to air-st
d for energetic enhancement using bomb calorimetry. Further, air stability of the nanoparticles will be tested by exposing them to standard

ve demonstrated the feasibility of SEFOES as a function of its confguration to ensure compatibility with the munition delivery system. In P
mixing of vapor and any liquid droplets quickly ignites/detonates the fuel/oxidizer mixture. The work plan consists of tasks to: defne metri
an individual in danger of being trapped underground, water, ice, or snow, for example, a skier covered by an avalanche, a spelunker trapp
m would have an immediate impact on the weapons development community that is in need of a remote data recovery system for a wide r
he end of Phase I, as well as documented in a fnal report. BENEFIT: A remote interrogator for munitions recorder instrument packages wil
echanical loads associated with standard transport aircraft flight profles. NanoSonic shall form composite conduit utilizing our HybridSil An
wires or metal particulates in weight savings, flexibility, mechanical durability, higher shielding capability, and lower manufacturing cost. It
n of strategic RF component testing in Phase II. The advances made under this proposal will be crucial for widespread utilization and comm
the physical structure and the material properties of such materials, and their frequency-dependent RF shielding behaviors. We will also c

tic sources. An enclosure that is approximately 12x24x6 inches in size will be fabricated, tested for electromagnetic shielding effectiveness,
design. The core-shell design provides greater flexibility to design a composite product that will meet the stated physical, chemical, and the
emperatures. The performance properties of the O-ring compositions will be verifed by an extensive test program throughout the Phase I e
hydraulic systems. Tasks will include fabrication of ultra-low-temperature seals, internal and external testing of the o-ring form factor, and p
have advantages when used in image intensifer tube (IIT) faceplates. High index glasses and chalcogenide glasses have promise to improve
l traveling wave exciters and then integrate them into a versatile traveling wave measurement tool. This single tool excites traveling waves
n of commercial scene generation systems for many imaging sensor development applications.
rain. The precision autonomous and SAL guidance is supported by new computationally efficient algorithms embedded in the avionics pro
tifcial compound eye (ACE) imaging sub-system that can be integrated with a SAL sub-system. The combined system will have a size, weig
rrently under development. Polaris Sensor Technologies, Inc. is addressing this need through development of a SAL seeker that will be int
aracteristics of the sensor concept make it viable for air-delivered weapon and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) applications. The dual use,
y of success commercializing technologies developed under government programs. The most recent evidence of this success can be seen

onstrate the feasibility of using the in-situ process to fabricate core-shell structures to meet the Air Force&#039;s future supply demands fo
to new systems reducing the weight of the overall system.
robe technology that can operate over the whole 2 to 18 GHz range. Additionally, the proposed concept is conducive to being compact and
emain in close proximity to the surface of an aircraft, even during the scanning process. In this way, the characteristics of traveling waves m
effective solution. BENEFIT: With the draw down in Iraq and Afghanistan, coupled with a waning defense budget, the USAF will have to do
e how much additional articulation is required and will demonstrate an advanced end-of-arm tool. BENEFIT: This effort will validate that en
a set of computational tools for quickly and reliably predicting the fundamental mechanical properties and strengths of fber reinforced co
hnology for the measurement of bulk residual stress and will demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach under representative conditio
mp; commercial bands, to defne the modifcations/upgrades necessary to support such aero UAV applications. Preliminary RF, mechanical,
e for optical sensing.
hase I development of observability-consistent and outlier-aware vision-based estimation methods will be focused on four main areas: 1)
ercome some inherent challenges to the problem, namely that the poses of the aircraft are not Euclidean (and therefore nontrivial to mod
he effort is particularly of interest to the next generation of more-electric military aircrafts. BENEFIT: The primary application is to utilize hy
produce the industry standard for aircraft energy management software. This SBIR effort will lead to design improvements that will provid
and commercializing basic analog and logic circuits capable of operation up to 500oC. BENEFIT: Various harsh environment applications, s

ess expensive than JP-7 and the higher heat sink capacities will be obtained at lower temperatures, where coking will not occur. Reaction S
flow in the EPS translates into an optimal FDEAU design and optimal integration strategy of the FDEAU into the EPS. Modeling, simulation,
oating for controlling zeta potential, surfactant addition, etc. Commercially available energetic particles will be selected based upon volum
on (to prevent agglomeration) of the aluminum nanoparticles is essential to maximize the benefts of aluminum nanoparticle additions. Ad
ication in such small engines. With this program, FTT proposes to produce a concept design and to demonstrate manufacturing feasibility w
ns. These measurements will be combined with the LII measurements to obtain soot equivalent mean volume diameter. Particle mobility d
ce a detailed design and implementation of the interference mitigation reference platorm and will provide a clear demonstration of a trans
proved terrain, while requiring only minimal input and control from a single Marine operator. Furthermore, by developing a multi-use helib
mperature components cooled by a radiator system was the most efficient. The thermal management systems designed in this program are

turing processes for high yield production of devices with the required performance attributes. In phase II we will increase the TRL and dem
o test more matured HLRB prototype design(s). This equipment will provide more representative and accurate Hertzian calculations than w

le hardware to withstand a relevant environment, development of robust algorithms to determining health state, and fnally a compelling u

ffort is to develop a genetic/standardized high-temperature conformal packaging and installation technology for use in extreme aerospace
ies will enable us to develop an adaptable DYNAJETS diver tool which allows tuning of the tool and the operation conditions depending on
arger number of speakers, and support the clustering of audio cuts of shorter length all with better accuracy. And fnally, the prototype AS
into a low cost (~$25K in 50 unit quantity) MUOS-Aero product during a Phase II development.
nhancements to the MAGICTM flter applicable to the Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW), optimize the algorithm as a VHDL core for insertion i

ption and IEEE 1671.4 Test Confguration fles, in addition to automatically handling well-formed input fles and .TPSI fles. The Allocator will
g under Uncertainty for Antimine Systems in real-Time) leverages mixed-initiative interaction, human-behavior models, explanation, and ad
w of the real world. In Phase II, POC proposes to incrementally improve the SEEALL-HWD through a three-stage development process, from
gate the target Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) / ONE-Net environments and document a plan for integration. Progeny will investigate e
ncing the technology, as well equipping it with the appropriate sensor/payload package, with a particular focus on littoral and VSW operati
loped and commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components and conducting proof-of-concept experiments at a POC laboratory. The experimen
advances in the feld of model-based autonomy to develop prototypes of systems with these characteristics. In order to ground the analys
mic the behavior of complex HPEMP scenario. Such models bridge the gap between the experimental and the analytical expectations. BENE
pies of a fnished high power, ruggedized combiner for delivery to the Air Force for integration and testing. BENEFIT: To enable the develop
e that combines the capabilities of these models to provide the holistic sustainment simulation capability sought. FTI proposes to accomp

d provide a description of the path forward for further development. The team will recommend a system to be further evaluated through
rbine stages. The key advantages of an ITB equipped gas turbine engine include ITB operations with capability to vary T4.5 allow for consta
e rejected heat into more useful work to drive a fan, prop, or generator. The Peregrine Turbine not only incorporates both reduced turbine
sity is required. The SOFC/GT combustor hybrid could also be of interest in low emission applications.
anufacturing costs and is simple to service. The MCC engine is scalable from 0.4 HP to well over 1,100 HP. The overall objective of ERA&#0
m capable of stable operation on JP-8/DF-2 fuels (with the added safety and redundancy inherent with twin pack parallel hybrid propulsion)
cal feasibility of the modeling approach and showcase expected improvements over the current state-of-the-art models. Phase II will featu
upplied/sunk by the generator while the Electrical Accumulator Unit (EAU) supplies/sinks the higher frequency components. A frequency
ting from engine augmentors that produce combustion instabilities. BENEFIT: Most aerospace technology development programs utilize co
hensive Simulation Architecture (SCSA) offers realistic, physics-based, real-time simulation of the entire MH-60R sensor suite, the CV-TSC s
mance requirements while minimizing cost. The low cost towed array hydrophone design proposed here is based on previous work perform
hat which has been realized with HUMS alone. In addition, through control system output modifcation, damage rates on specifc compone

nd perform subsystem and system testing to verify compliance with the stated specifcations. We will refne the laser system design, yieldin
s will be subject to qualifcation tests including shock, cooling and heating capacity tests, and EMI testing. In the Phase II Option, Mainstrea
e Engineering low-magnetic-noise Non-Articulating Magnetic Anomaly Detection NAMAD UAV design that is uniquely suited to fly magnetic
ulates these characteristics on-the-fly (OTF) as the instructor/pilot operates the simulator. A primary objective of the RF path simulation is t

of the damaged part to its original capability. This would initially fnd signifcant use in reducing costs associated with manufacturing relate
of near Category I approaches with a dual frequency SAASM GPS receiver enhanced with these algorithms. The results of the feasibility st
primary objective of this effort is to develop, integrate, and deliver commercial quality software tools for simulation and analysis of small b
of both noise jamming and repeater jamming effects, which directly address the Navy requirements. In Phase I, POC demonstrated the fea
of data schemas that are applicable to the MPRF domain. CTI will also leverage our development of a similar SOA for the USMC Air Groun
e will implement and integrate these technologies as reasoning services with MEDAL-EA to provide a seamless decision support experience
re Scout SAA radar in a manner that increases the total SAA system performance against cooperative and non-cooperative which includes a

or calibration, nonlinearity correction, and compressive sensing. The prototype ADC uses all-COTS parts, thereby achieving extraordinary p

al world performance characteristics of the displays. A high-pixel density Fiber Scanned Display will enable high angular resolution over a w
eration particle measurement instruments and achieve high accuracy and remote sensing capability. In Phase I, we will demonstrate feas
innovative SOA and set of data schemas that are applicable to the widest possible classes of EW systems. CTI will also leverage our deve
efficiently store current flight data and recommend maintenance or repairs. The software will also analyze historical data from multiple air
to detect future faults that require flight line maintenance. Employ an open architecture design for the interface between aircraft subsyst
ations in Phase I. A trainee at a remote facility with a mobile computing device can then select any display or switch panel from a cockpit
ulse width and intentionally modulated signals are investigated and characterized. A demonstration concept for assessing the feasibility of
e emerging advanced digital radar systems in complex RF environments.
re designed for agility (neutrally stable or even unstable missile airframes). Negative consequences include collisions between the store an
ation basis. While ongoing discussions with the Air Force program customers reinforce the likelihood of this transition path the method con
grated with the FLIP 4 store-separation trajectory simulation code. This tool will be demonstrated by rapidly performing Monte Carlo type s
tested with sensor attachment to candidate high-temperature metals and ceramics. A complete sensor prototype including a LGS SAW stra
ttitude, heading, airspeed estimation, timed warning, day/night operation while minimizing cost, size, weight, and power of Group 2-4 RPA
source. BENEFIT: Our high-efficiency Waste Heat Removal System (WHRS) is attractive for rejecting heat from aircraft heat loads, includin
of 100kW is attainable with this system. Coordination with OEMs will ensure that the resulting system meets Power and Thermal Managem
graphical interface will reduce the time spent in design while increasing the overall accuracy of the resulting model. BENEFIT: This project
ding the circuit layout, CAD interfaces, transient MTL simulation, and HPEM coupling to electronics. We also have experience using, integr
al power loss, enabling high power CW fber lasers for DE applications. A key design aspect for these kW-class fber laser amplifers for direc
ed novel design concept for high-power feed-though pump combiners. It will also establish unique characterization techniques that can be
mlets of up to 14,000 waves/second due to a fast slewing target. The Phase I effort will design and evaluate the beam director in the conte
. Nutronics, Inc. will apply our thermal and vibration modeling tools to evaluate candidate initial opto-mechanical designs and utilize these
hanical design, and assemble a laboratory prototype. In Phase III, Optonicus will integrate the APACHE into a functional laser phased array s
plied as an improved thermal management system to a broad array of high power electronic systems. Military applications could include u
verify packaging using thermal and mechanical fnite element analysis modeling. In Phase II, Optonicus will build a deliverable prototype o
orcement. Suppression and surveillance applications are possible.
nstructions. We will develop this algorithm for operation in an airborne beam control and pointing system. The algorithm will be robust in
act and low-power SMALLER-HMD will result in a versatile integrated day/night/adverse weather visualization system. In Phase I, POC will d
ircraft/mission data. The system is fully digital allowing a variety of cutting edge image enhancement algorithms in addition to the image fu
SECRET depending on the Operational Security Doctrine. The SPYRUS Secure Operating Environment will give the DoD/IC user the flexibili
es, etc., that downstream processors can use in making release decisions. BENEFIT: DocMark&quot;s application of releasability metadata
data obtained from COIC under subcontract, and quantifcation of material properties with the goal of satisfying a set of target properties
aritime environments. BENEFIT: The proposed technology is a one-for-one drop-in replacement of existing military CRPAs, but with full GN
the geolocating performance of small CRPAs, of large CRPAs, and of a distributed aperture array. Toyon is profcient at both fabricating CRP
nt of a fuel tank that will comply with all target performance specifcation. In Phase II, the MIL-SPEC aircraft ready FOxSense oxygen networ
ng methods and are highly scalable. To address this need, ADA Technologies, Inc. proposes the development of uniquely treated nanomate

II effort shall fabricate a prototype ion source based on the Phase I fndings and demonstrate its operation. BENEFIT: The proposed novel
ES pertaining to FOB energy management and operational optimization
ron generator platorm will be developed, permitting neutron diffraction-based residual stress measurements to be made in a factory or lab
imize system NEI. o Develop circuitry in the commercial electronics / ROIC to adapt integration time for minimal saturation effects o Deve
alcohol in aqueous solution. Subsequent evaporation of the solvent will mimic the volume reduction associated with pyrolysis. Guided by s
n error estimation module that helps distinguish modeling errors from numerical errors. Efficient solution of coupled mechanical and therm
mmunications, spectroscopy, nonlinear optics, and imaging can all beneft from the development of a new eyesafe laser source, especially i
mance testing in simulated flight environments and conditions. BENEFIT: The real-time O2 sensor resulting from the proposed R &amp; D w
eveloping a control system for a simplifed APTMS, demonstrate its ability to dynamically optimize the operation confguration of this subsy
s increased bandwidth, real-time characterization of system transfer functions, and improved high frequency performance for transients an
to the regulatory authorities. We propose an innovative system combining the established DMA technique and a non-intrusive laser-based
der in military heating and cooling systems, is well poised to develop and feld the proposed system.
dary objective.
e energy harvest, and cut fossil fuel demand, based on current operational and environmental conditions. High capacity and long-life lithium

w-power COTS processing hardware, particularly that designed for the competitive mobile consumer electronics market. The most promis
et the challenging ISR needs of SUAS platorms. BENEFIT: This activity will have two major benefts. The frst is the creation of a flexible, p
eral small platorm sensor applications. However, these applications place severe restrictions on size, weight, power and cost. Therefore, te
ving these goals is possible through the creation of specialized hardware accelerators which can potentially yield&gt;100x improvement in
D shape cues from image features culled from a library of images labeled with ground-truth structure .The second approach learns a tempo
mation contained in a set of collected aerial images. The proposed system is general enough to exploit high angular diversity datasets, but
perture. Adaptation provides compensation for any perturbations from the ideal parabolic shape. No phase shifters or mechanical servome
basic IC building blocks (transistors, diodes, resistors, analog circuits such as operational amplifers, logic gates such as inverters, NAND, NO
will have both military and commercial aircraft applications as more electric aircraft are developed and wing profles become smaller.
n tool for the CFD model. Linear models are not considered because they have been amply studied and cannot provide information about
up to +/- 10%. This leads to unnecessarily high numbers of defective parts from over- and under-drilling. It is estimated this multi-mode con
vice lifetimes and will enable integration into UAV wing-skins using low-temperature co-curing techniques. BENEFIT: The benefts of the p
g applications with heterogeneous multiplatorm resources. An integral part of this project is the development of a high fdelity CoFAR mod
sor (tracker). We will also develop a computer simulation and experimental test to demonstrate the performance of the model, and will an
y there will be no need to switch between modes of operation, thus there will be fewer gaps in coverage that may result in broken tracks.

rgetic additives are proven to increase the output of jet engines and rocket motors, SMRC will be prepared to transition this technology to
anoparticle-laden fuels in terms of burning rate, fuel energy density and ignition temperature through laboratory-scale studies of the atomi
ware to NAVAIR for further test and evaluation, and improve the robustness of the software based on the feedbacks from the JSF store sep

formations. The entire modeling process will be transitioned to the Marine Corps, through development of training materials such as repor
ay-on UV cure will allow the encapsulant to be easily applied to a variety of devices, in the feld as well as in a factory. Applications will inc
sing Mound Laser &amp; Photonics Center&quot;s (MLPC) direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) development cell, the parameters given by t
potential issues as identifed by Depot and Air Force customers, as well as validate that the coating materials and application methods for
free pretreatment, a compatible MIL-PRF-23377 Class N primer and the proposed SH top coat. The corrosion resistance and overall coating
TM MEMOCVD growth and fabrication processes will ensure high MISHFET yield exceeding at 60%. The use of technologies and manufactu
when the material alone does not have sufficient structural strength. The use of coatings eliminates a signifcant amount of characterization
ill have several civilian and military applications, aside from rocket engines. The proposed TBC can be used in UAVs, gas turbine engines, ra
technology. The approach extends service life because of very low sputter erosion in the high-voltage electrodes, and requires no magneti
physics, bringing the existing models closer to frst principles, and increasing the numerical efficiency and accuracy. We include a validati
e effects of instrument counting statistics (including particle charging and transmission issues). These results will be incorporated into softw

of degradation and estimate coating lifetime, ChromoLogic, LLC (CL) proposes to develop a Coating Integrity Monitoring by Spectroscopic A
on to investigate layer thickness and high spectral fdelity to determine chemical composition of urethane and epoxies, which compose OM
using far fewer tests. Advatech will utilize a Design of Experiments (DOE) based methodology with existing test data augmented with new
rogram goals, with an emphasis on demonstrating accuracy and repeatability, simultaneous inspection of multiple fasteners, and operatio
wo different gauges on the market: Protrusion/Flushness Gauge (Analog or Digital) and Countersink Gauge (Analog or Digital). It can provid
tion effects of directed energy&quot;laser dazzlers&quot;on guided missile electro-optics. Since the methods developed in this project w
e control and processing unit.
e by EBM in the USA. Modeling success will enable improved part yield for EBM manufacturers, with potentially successful frst part yields

nd aerospace primers and top coats that combine to meet appropriate military coating system specifcations, a systems that approaches the
will have the following competitive advantages, when compared with current state-of-the-art products such as traditional radar surveillanc
ges array antenna modules which have been designed for closing SATCOM links in high dynamic environments. The Phase I program will
measurements will be made as a series of pseudo-random masks are applied to the DMD. Using these measurements, the image on the DM

made and compared to existing fuel cell and turbogenerator subsystem data. The overall hybrid system confguration concept will be estab
starting torque, whenever low-temperature starting is required. MEC is uniquely qualifed for this type of work with years of experience in

s demand it. In this manner, the existing simulation host architecture and proprietary database remain unmodifed, and the validation of th

h minimal effort. Moreover, ABMS technology is adaptable to any type of rechargeable battery used by the military, and is expected to be lo
e individual generator would power the loads to which they are directly attached.

es expected from newer device technologies, an improved and advanced multi-layer packaging technology is being developed which takes
sing the number of GPS parallel correlators. The optimization also increases performance in GPS signal degraded environments such as SV

ation and improvements in database management, the algorithm may be made substantially more efficient. Q-Track will feld-test how the
cally consistent retrievals on three-dimensional regular grids. Accuracy of IWC and CLW retrievals will be estimated and their potential imp
e in GPS UE to resolve these ionospheric effects and its impact on DoD communication, navigation, and geolocation solutions. BENEFIT: Ou
ase II system; and predict detailed cryocooler performance by analysis. In Phase II, we will design, build, and demonstrate a prototype cryo
felds simultaneously at points along the engine operation line and at design and off-design conditions. Airfoils are allowed to deflect unde
PIU) that standardizes the interface to payloads and offers a confgurable daughter card option to handle the less malleable host side interf
to optimize material parameters to maximize ZT for each cooling stage. We will use our extensive experience in molecular beam epitaxy to
tion of various ionospheric specifcation models into Raytracing software iv) Use TIDDBIT to specify TID&quot;s as realistic perturbations to
veloping high level design for a measurement system capable of providing real time estimates of TIDs in a format relevant for the propagati
ub regions of mission critical importance with massive throughput. Image processing algorithms, such as registration, background modelin
of metrics that can be used to evaluate the environment, and then to formulate an adaptive method to drive parameter selection. We will
ools which are available publicly, conforming to an open architecture defnition. It is expected that sales of the SBIR technology could reac
T: This system is designed solely for VLF narrowband use. It has direct applicability to other DoD users as well as international VLF users, g
multi-h CPM and shaped offset QPSK which can be demodulated using the same architecture proposed for GMSK. NASA has recommended
w enforcement needs.
n. The longer coherent integration times of SAR make more target energy available to the processor, which we exploit with new algorithm

necessary high-gain flat or conformal apertures, will be fabricated using the PolyStrata fabrication process developed by Nuvotronics. The a
eliable, efficient, cost-effective and adaptable packaging approach lies on the critical path toward optical down-conversion and direct RF ge
epting RF inputs from a 2-element (option of 4-element) CRPA simultaneously at L1 and L2 GPS frequencies, provide at least 30dB of anti-j
monstrate achievable performance via high fdelity electromagnetic simulations. We will validate our simulations and manufacturing approa
architectures with the objective of developing a very low cost subarray that will provide equivalent performance to the current state-of-th
BENEFIT: The design of the compact diplexer will be very useful for S Band commercial application. These include telephone and tower stru
n through selectable azimuth (angle-of-arrival) discrimination. BENEFIT: ThinKom&quot;s conformal WaveTrap antenna technology can re
mation, and path planning and mapping, proposes an innovative algorithmic prototype for accurately estimating uncertainty of the vision-b

aces to inhibit mechanical failure. Our work plan is designed to develop new materials to address both challenges. We will investigate two
el, and 3) forming a cracking product distribution that, entering the scramjet combustor results in fast ignition and complete combustion. O
e and resolution. Based on this prototype, in Phase II, POC will develop and implement a breadboard sensor demonstrating mosaic imagin

he sensor&#039;s capabilities in detection, identifcation, and characterization of the targets of interest, and to establish optimal sensor op
he mission duration. Ultimately, the hybrid power module could be adapted for other markets and applications such as APU in the industri
CSE will acquire new experimental data at low pressure augmentor conditions as well as high pressure diesel engines conditions with jet fu

g MBO Autonomous Planning (STARMAP). STARMAP is an intelligent real-time planning and scheduling framework for distributed market-b
r Planning Software (AceMPS). This architecture will be enhanced to accommodate the data processing needs of remote schedulers. The p
munications resource scheduling domain including SOC, 22 SOPS, and JSpOC user requirements, investigate integration requirements, elab

llenges- 1) materials composition with relatively low ZT compared to other cooling methods, and the ability to cost-effectively manufacture
ators, both governmental and non-governmental. This will result in faster development times and lower cost with minimal impact to payloa
mproved by the integrated set of algorithms, while scarce Air Force space surveillance sensors will be optimally scheduled for maximum Spa
the plasma electron density encapsulated in these shells, the apertures of the FSS can be effectively closed, shielding sensitive sensors from
to be constructed for space applications. Commercial applications of the technology include high performance refrigerators for scientifc
design a refrigerator to meet these requirements, assess production cost, and fabricate and evaluate the performance of a representative b
st be developed to enable the objective small cryocooler systems for microsats and cubesats, namely the cryocooler electronics. The radia
mbines models of TIDs with 3D ray tracing to allow generation of simulated TID-affected OTH radar data (vertical and oblique ionograms, ba
NIPS) which infers the existence of potential threats to space platorms using GPS multipath noise and validates the detection via anomaly d

n frequency from one to another, while blocking any unwanted frequencies. Phase I work will prove the feasibility of the proposed MPS fo
nd the ABSAA are coordinate systems, reference points, latencies and data rates, and disparate data formats and data content. BENEFIT: T
mber calculation, and demonstrate the system in a benchtop scale system. BENEFIT: The development of a method for rapid cetane numb
inetic models via computer uses only well-defned algorithms, rate rules, and data sets; the process is less error-prone and more systematic

proprietary information provided from a gas turbine company. Results from the comparisons will determine the best methods to improve l
evelop a non-obtrusive, ultra low-power, wireless system comprised of conformal solid-sate capacitive fluid level, pressure, and temperatu

We shall develop a Phase II plan for a prototype system to be used to demonstrate the performance under live tracking conditions of the co
y, the sub-problems should be treated as interdependent through the use of a holistic integrated framework, such as the fnite-set statistics
y will be evaluated as time spent adapting a functioning x86 implementation of each algorithm over two steps, basic functionality of the al
ms. For example, Air Force has an ongoing W/V band Satellite Communications Experiments (WSCE) program using the same frequency all
o team with Digital Fusion/Kratos to address the drawbacks of prior approaches by investigating the feasibility of integrating FSSs into phase
Markov game (NSOMG) framework for dynamic spectrum management and waveform adaptation of the advanced wideband satellite com
t could potentially be deployed on operational UE to produce TEC, etc, accounting for operational realities for PNT systems iii) feasibility s
ture that characterizes the uncertainty of target decisions. SIG will emphasize the selection of physics-based features that are relevant acro
ll yield improved tracking performance over each modality on each own. These benefts arise from the following integration processing im
ers to maintain sensitivity on their intended target signals due to the adjacent strong interferers saturating the A/D converter and forcing th

radios, manpack radios, highly space-constrained UAVs, and munitions. The proposed Miniature Anti-Jam GPS Nulling Utility Module (MAG

ying thermal management of the fber amplifer, and leading to overall electrical to optical efficiency in the range of 25%. BENEFIT: Comm
isjoint to correct for any accumulated drift and (iii) to locally optimize the sensor parameters and use the belief propagation to globally opti
toring hardware/software for a live propellant used in strategic and tactical SRMs. Polymer Aging Concept&quot;s experience in fabricating
to assess the current and future state of missiles will improve the system&quot;s performance and its reliability, while simultaneously redu
chnology to provide a large one-hop link range of 150-200 km for data rate sufficient for Orderwire application using small inexpensive aer
and routers, the CAPTAIN software product will enable the DoD as well as civilian agencies to reap the cost savings produced by employing
AIM-AN during the proposed Phase II effort to transition the technology to the feld to enable secure and efficient multicast in airborne net
vents and event structures. In addition to pursuing unsupervised approaches to knowledge acquisition from text, we also plan to explore a
deo performance. The increased available bandwidth reduces the latency in real-time video systems and offers higher resolution imagery.
beSat bus containing the DIME E-feld instrument, together with two Langmuir Probes and a magnetometer, which if flown will raise the TR
e the cost associated with variations in cutting tool life by identifying maximum acceptable tool wear in real time. First, the IMPACT reduce

be able to demonstrate its functions to evaluate the near real-world use on multiple platorms. Our proposed techniques in threat detecti
m from Phase I. With the help of our business consultant, we will be able to start our marketing and business development effort to promo
space objects. We will also develop an analyst tool that will help characterize the performance characteristics of various fltering algorithm
from remote or ocean locations. GAMMA will provide remote autonomous operation, and will provide a high accuracy low cost solution fo
I effort will place Barron Associates in a unique position to pursue our marketing strategy of partnering with major aerospace prime contra
be an affordable, production-ready, automatic system that will dramatically reduce cost, increase the rate of production, and improve prod
military-grade Cryocooler capable of reaching temperatures traditionally reserved for the space Cryocooler, but at a recurring price more ty
strated real-time closed-loop plug-and-play operation of multiple asset managers controlling assets simulated using SLAMEM. In Phase II w
ective of Phase II is to mature small SWaP GMTI technology and demonstrate real-time GMTI radar capabilities within the stringent SWaP c

m is readily applicable to other communication programs throughout the DoD agencies. The need for highly efficient, high-linear transmitt
roject will bring the COTS exploit countermeasure technology investigated during Phase I from TRL 3 to TRL 7.
olution for robust, efficient and accurate trust initialization for wireless sensor networks. We expect to produce a software prototype equip
cal maturity of HBC+CLAWS will advance to TRL 4 or better. BENEFIT: The HBC+CLAWS combination forms a viable path to practical HEL p
or rainy situations are already integrated into high-end cars, but this program will develop low cost devices with the potential for including
e commercial products. Many dual use applications will be developed with our teaming partners including head-up-display (HUD) applicati
on about the results returned by the queried relevant repositories in order to flter out irrelevant items: (4) Transform the remaining results
PID Tool analyzes the effectiveness tradeoffs based on relationships between training requirements and devices/environments. Once integr
FRL; and 3) validate the predictions of our computer model against the detection and identifcation performance of human listeners. BEN
n the physics techniques, controlled through an integrated, user-friendly graphical user interface. BENEFIT: The outcome of this SBIR will b
cking. BENEFIT: SAUNA will facilitate effective positive inventory control through system-induced reduction of manual comparison and da
ck for development with the intended user in mind, and being able to adjust the developments based on real user feedback. Our EMU pro
ofle antennas. We anticipate that the proposed technology will lead to low-cost and low-profle antenna solutions for high speed data com

racapacitor power supply will increase the lifetime and capability of advanced spacecraft. Unlike batteries, ultracapacitors can provide hun
design to relieve the operator of the requirement to lift the tool, its umbilical, and waste collection hose. The operator will receive graphica
me. GripChek will beneft the aircraft industry by reducing weight, cost, and waste with zero time added. BENEFIT: SMRC&#039;s GripChek
ty requirement. Finally, to realize the 50W power levels required, we will employ innovative power combining techniques. We are proposin
odology to evaluate or accomplish these types of assessments. The Quantitative Assessments Leveraging Effects-based analysis for degrade
st results. In Phase II, we will couple the adaptive test scheduler with a rule-based expert system to capture subject matter expert (SME) te
produce both comprehensive laboratory grade performance data as well as feld demonstrations. BENEFIT: Commercialization opportuniti
h the fabric layer of the protective ensemble as a conformal coating around the textile fbers or a fne non-woven mat. The target will be to
t target debris pieces created during these collisions. These data would then be used to validate post-intercept debris prediction tools in th

required in the Interceptor missile is entirely feasible. Interface with the devices is a threaded ftting, and the same electrical circuits that
ufacturer, evolving the laboratory initiator into a feld-ready prototype, and developing a health monitor for the prototype. Research into m
ting Safe and Arm logic contained in the ISD and used to control Arm and Fire signal separation, identifcation, and critical event timing.
coupling of age acceleration and advanced reliability assessment. In Phase II, POC plans to demonstrate a prototype methodology by usin
test and analysis protocol will be versatile enough to deal with other missile subsystems. These technical objectives will support the goals
determining expiration dates of inactive parts shall be conveyed to the MDA during Phase II. This approach shall then be utilized on comp
he sensor and calculates remaining life of the ordnance device by use of sensor-propellant correlation models developed by acceleration ag
g term reliability of devices and how such analytical techniques can be used in ordnance devices.

pt testing at government facilities.

requirements and propose to conduct sled testing to validate hot erosion capabilities bringing this material to TRL5. This MDA Phase I prop

n and customer. CAMI integrates notions from ongoing efforts with innovative concepts for supporting human supervision of automation an
metrics for evaluating the utility and efficiency of collaborative anomaly management.
acy TQG generators; accepting 10 kW inputs from AC sources and one 3 kW renewable source such as solar. All confgurations are packaged
n capabilities on modern more-electric aircraft. The patent-pending power-sharing control concept is, with minor modifcations, applicable

te and update the assets, capabilities, tasks, and environment of the various unmanned vehicles. These ontologies are used by the decision
nd HMI visualizations. At the end of Phase I, results of the research of are presented coupled with a limited demonstration of the SEMIS wi
from loosely-coupled small programs. By design, g-speak understands the relationships between the operator and the environment. By u
carrier deck operations.
e for UAS in carrier-based operations. A fnal report will be delivered including system performance metrics and plans for Phase II. Addition

ng reasoning methods.
ork components from a single vendor. In addition, external time synchronization approaches, which utilize GPS or IRIG, require additional h
eters and scenarios are defned via external fles, allowing the user to perform trade studies on sensor capabilities without code modifcatio
effort, Mainstream will have a technology capable of mitigating the issues that come from aerodynamic heating in the next generation of a
oging process needed for a typical MTSD test; (3) generating a suite of data for use in developing a limited-scope MTSD fast-running model;
Joint Weaponeering System tools will be updated with the information derived from the feld measurements. Our proposed hardware/soft
o cause damage/injury to collateral concerns that must be determined and minimized for all soil types. Additionally, if the weapon detonate
s regarding the fabrication of such unique balance hardware. The software that will be developed consists of methods that will be used to
LEP system based on the Phase I results and implement identifed improvements to enhance system performance. We plan to design and f
military applications where coordination among multiple airborne and ground assets is necessary and real-time performance is critical. In p
compression ratios of order 50-fold. In Phase II, the software products will be implemented and tested with onboard processing hardware,

ound vehicle radar imaging technology has been described as&quot;a key enabler for feature-aided tracking and a game changer for autom
ous scanning. The Phase 1 study indicates that the STR approach is well suited for this challenge. Signifcant clutter reduction while preserv
duplex T/R module at S-band will drive down size and cost for large phased-array systems. The module will be well-suited for quick adaptati
uencies are only function of the target shape and are aspect-angle independent, 4.) Signal amplitude of a TR frequency is only mildly aspec
de similar performance within the constraints of the BMD scenario. The objective is therefore to show the feasibility of tailoring the prove

dar observations will be taken at several simulated sites and combined in the tracking program to address data acquisition from multiple ra

ormulations, descriptions of functions, systems and components. Additionally, this project will analyze and formalize various allocation prob
will incorporate a graphical interface that enables efficient interaction with and transitions between various modes of information presenta
from loosely-coupled small programs. By design, g-speak understands the relationships between the operator and the environment. By u
enable human experts to adjust the automatic reasoning system. Finally, we will integrate the proposed techniques in a workable self-ada
-vis Lynntech&quot;s own superhydrophobic coatings technology, derived from various polymer/nanoparticle composites. Studies propos

pecifcally intended for protecting PCBs immersed in water. In Phase II, working with a DoD prime contractor, we will continue to refne the

he system will be built with an open, modular architecture to enable constant evolution by modifcation and addition of sensors and diagno
incorporate remote monitoring, operate for 7+ hours with battery power while providing interoperability with Special Operations Forces (S
ems, which meet or exceed the specifcations outlined in the SOCOM 13-004 SBIR solicitation, will then be ranked in terms of complexity, p
meets all performance specifcations with the highest reliability and lowest SWaP (Size, Weight, and Power).
alers and distributors worldwide.

e volume to projectile weight balancing, projectile shape, brass case interior sleeves, and propellant bonding. By recommending commer
addition of a flashtube to our cases to enhance powder ignition resulting in better standard deviations. We believe that due to our manufa
cess to storage via standard and well-supported interfaces (Ethernet or USB). Closed-loop liquid-based cooling keeps the system cool. In Ph

e to hardware attack. In Phase I, POC will defne the specifcations, develop architecture of the BRAINWARE-based generic neuromorphic p

y technology is important to the military because it address a problem that previously was not solved. The proposed display will allow test a
ny energy release during compaction and preserve the stored chemical energy of the exothermic reaction between the reactant powders.
pplications including 3-D imaging, aerial mapping, weapons seekers, ISR, EW and navigation systems, atmospheric study, and ground transp
racks with militarily signifcant coverage and geolocation accuracy.
us subsystems shall be integrated to perform a single degree-of-freedom demonstration that includes: two 100µN-class electrospray thrus
n high enthalpy flows. The flow control scheme is based on a class of high amplitude and high bandwidth plasma actuators called localized
emonstrating the performance benefts. BENEFIT: Thermal management is the greatest challenge to this particular application. FIRST RF
alization and coordination to accomplish an objective. Our thesis is that tightly coupled&quot;vision-based&quot;navigation will provide th
he-loop control and processing. BENEFIT: The military is increasingly relying on autonomous agents to keep personnel safe while achievin
targets having smooth and rough surfaces. TSC also presented preliminary analysis of high frequency terrain backscatter data collected by
which enables precision tracking without requiring beam motion, such as with sequential lobe (or conical scanning) systems. The outcom
algorithms. The Phase II effort will be focused towards advancement and integration of these enabling technologies and will include develo
e created: a COTS prototype for quick delivery, a ruggedized prototype for extended feld testing, and a fnal pre-production prototype. Eac
will build upon the system model and synthetic procedures while incorporating the QDs into a polymer composite in order to deliver a proto
xtensible model of passive multistatic radar with AMTI, GMTI, and SAR modes integrated with a closed-loop sensor manager simulation an
eration; however, being passive provides added survivability since there are no transmitted waveforms to be detected. Passive radar system
onary technology developed by Freedom Photonics will open up the possibility of implementing a distributed aperture LADAR, leading to a
ccurate target detection, tracking, and/or geolocation in urban and high relief environments. BENEFIT: The automated development of 3D
er Test (DUT) and capturing device performance simultaneously as the stressors are being applied is possible. Beyond HTOL and acceptanc
PS accuracies; a near real-time command and control system with world-wide coverage using SATCOM. The sample storage method is sim
the agent from evaporating to the surrounding air.
nts in the coating while preventing breakthrough of the agent through the coating.
ts show that the gel can sequester simulants at surface loadings&gt;12 g/m2 with at least 95% capture efficiency. We will optimize the form

y results from the Mobile Assay app. The Phase II plan is to implement all required features; confgure TrackerTM and ImmunoFITTM for ch
bably of success by utilizing both the chemical synthesis experience of the Guyot-Sionnest group and the IR device experience of the Episen
rch team experience in both bio-inspired micropatterned closure development and incorporation of these materials into systems with herm
rication methods for our gasket materials and produce and test prototypical closure systems.
down selected stabilized nanoparticles eventually as a free membrane or coated onto to a fabric. The highly moisture breathable, tear resi
n and aerobic reaction, the proposed CEX design tool is capable of providing a level of understanding of the complex detonation event that
acticality by building and demonstrating a 1 megawatt system suitable for feld tests and evaluation.

se II model refnement/validation will be formulated including the acquisition of hot-rocket PIV data in Phase II.

at are synergistic to this proposed effort. The deliverables of this 6 month project will include the working resuscitation monitoring device,
deo or still cameras into their optics. Similarly, there are portable slit lamps that are suitable for use in the feld but none that have standar
ft. CEI offers a unique combination of experience through its ongoing development programs for autonomous sense and avoid radar system
epartment specializes in aerospace components and produce parts that push the technologys limits. Solid Concepts SBIR Phase 1 goal is to
both surface topology and flow requirements/properties. Phase I will focus on technology demonstration and framework/interface defniti
s for two-phase flows, chemical kinetics in fuel rich environments, and generalized 6 degree-of-freedom hard body interactions will be adde

Phase II, AERO will reach technology readiness level (TRL) 5/6 and will be ready for initial tests.
hip to defne a system that will detect tail-rotor hazards and warn the pilot of impending collisions, as well as explore algorithmic approach

ative thermal process will lead to more homogenous coatings with more stable microstructure and precise control of the materials phase d
currently being developed as a part of the NSF SBIR Phase III commercialization effort, with position accuracy 5 to 10 times better than th
eloped for high-altitude transient flows, which relies on a more tightly coupled and synchronized methodology between the continuum an
ad to the development of innovative silicon-based NPP chipset designs that can transition to production.
at have been successfully fabricated and tested. We expect that successful implementation of this technology will also lead towards power
eptually integrate two existing sensor technologies into a new combined MMGPR capability and evaluate gaps in the combined capability t
heed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratory and Titanium Mirror, Inc. on the proposed effort.
, but the measurements are not used for wavefront reconstruction or adaptive optics, but rather for correcting the measured image of the

health risks, provide a green, low cost alternative and potentially cause a signifcant decrease in the required manpower for parachute disp
ability/comfort are expected. The protective surface fnish does not present any health hazard and no harmful chemicals are released into

bilities of the RF subsystem so that software programmable waveforms can be generated in the digital subsystem. (4) Implementing commo
lar to a M782 form factor will be developed that shows compatibility of the chosen new processor and with existing components. During th
operations, or natural disaster response. This solution will provide a portable, low cost alternative to full scale aerial reconnaissance vehic
hting the key components to be considered at a system level capable of sustaining high-g loads of setback, set forward, balloting, low cost, l
. Our fnal report will provide our feasibility assessment and show capacity and scalability of the approach. Phase I will result in a defnition
tivities that is modifed for virtualized networking environments; and Active Virtual Network Defense - providing a comprehensive set of ac
rk. The proposed approach will signifcantly improve the reliable and secure access to battlefeld network, and reduce the cost and risks for

modules of conventional architectures. This direct digitization of RF signals will cover input frequencies between 2 GHz and 18 GHz. This is e

munications applications. Included will be the benefts of our tightly coupled FPGA-Digital Signal Processor (DSP) solution that enables a su
energy harvesting. In Phase II, the WiFOS system will be engineer into a fly qualifyable system for testing and demonstration aboard a Navy

6+). In the proposed effort, ADI will perform detailed physical layer simulations and hardware tests to support the design and implementati
xisting Pulse Active Sonar Functional Segment (PASFS) capability. Modeling and simulation can be employed, leveraging existing air ASW m

try standard processes. The overall objective is to realize designs having affordable Life Cycle Costs3 to 5 times less than that of traditional a

software development and demonstration within the SEWIP Block II architecture. During and after Phase II, RAS will work with SEWIP Block
ell as real time target classifcation. A library of reflectivity kernels will be created and requirements for an engineering change proposal will

es for the flter chokes. The successful development of this technology will improve the affordability and survivability of Naval ships.

nsored STTR program constitutes an Army-sponsored investment of nearly $850,000 which can be leveraged by PEO Ground Systems towar
sources of the processor as well as I/O and other system resources to achieve the lowest possible power consumption while maintaining re
in a feld environment to ensure the product effectively addresses the Warfghters needs such as for use in the Battlefeld Kitchen.

olid-state flexible power source for multiple battlefeld applications including miniaturized sensors, communication devices, and missiles.

al will extend these prototypes with verifers for a much richer set of policies and algorithms to support a much wider range of devices, pro

mmercial XFdtd (full-wave) and XGtd (high-frequency) EM analysis software. After feasibility is demonstrated in Phase I, the prototype hybri
xploring Random Trees (RRTs) that are suitable for a real-time path planning in complex, high constrained environments. REMAPP will bene
inated plans for many assets. Due to the heterogeneity of the assets and the situations they face, we will use a suite of planning algorithm

close to those bearing surfaces which require protection. This design strategy will minimize the impact of the shield on the assembly weigh

dditionally, PGL has been informed that a lower dispersion device with a larger grating period is preferred for most applications. These are
th no coatings or layers. Used in an immersion topology, this grating allows for a fully monolithic SBC fber laser system to be realized, with

y density, power density, operating voltage, cycling stability, chemical density, and charge-discharge rate based on the signifcant enhancem

the solution of two mature electromagnetic modeling technologies based on ray tracing and method-of-moments. Phase I will focus on hyb
ges for constructing viable asset groups. These implementations will demonstrate that BeemmLink is capable of efficiently handling the req

ged, and periodically during the service life of the platorm to ensure continued compliance as the equipment ages. Through this proposed
e II where a commercial grade GPU based code was developed using NVIDIA&quot;s CUDA platorm. In this Phase I effort we will assess the
onments including airborne, ground, and sea-based. Because of the COIRU&quot;s small size and performance capability, it can support a

the system responds to both nominal array performance as well as anomalous behavior. In addition, the system will have the capability to

directional sonobuoy sensors by using the localization effect of a distributed feld of omnidirectional sensors.
steel cables from harsh corrosive and abrasive damage within simulated RMS environments. A statistical design of experiments including ri
e emitter classifcation performance; and (4) rapidly classify threat emitters even if their reference signatures are not yet updated. By levera
process that rigorously quantifes the performance of the classifcation algorithms without knowledge of its algorithms. Using the perform
elivery, drawing on a couple of feasible, innovative strategies for software deployment. The system will be designed with an open architectu

e brushless DC motor&quot;s speed and design of tether control system and surface based support package.
stem USV.
d naval power system. Mainstream&quot;s proposed technology will not only improve the reliability and power density of military power
ed to align the capture spine with the RMMV receiver. Recovery of the RMMV is safer for personnel and equipment, therefore ship mission
urce for the nonlinear conversion subsystem to offer 1) The highest average power 500kHz Thulium fber laser that exhibits single frequenc
perating scenario consisting of cluttered littoral environments. Efficient methods of implementation will be derived to enable real-time algo
analyzed. Finally, a plan will be written that details the steps for integration of the algorithm into the Shallow Water Surveillance System (SW
play, aimed at presenting risk elements, risk factors, and an aggregated risk timeline which will present FL output to the Commanding Office

he benefts of reliable screening, the developed features themselves offer the potential to improve associations in automatic tracking. This
sibility of these new concepts and algorithms will be evaluated individually and as an integrated processing system with simulated midfrequ
ch and roll. In Phase II the SRL EI system will be tested with a COTS ceilometer and an aethalometer to measure both aerosol and atmosphe
mitter. The Phase II Program will develop and test a feld-worthy prototype sensor package. The Phase III Program will integrate and test th
nstrument as well as preliminary evaluation data in a laboratory environment in the Base period (range of up to 105 ft) and in a longer unde

feature detectors, as well as any other available sensors, to determine whether a contact has weapon-like characteristics Other benefts in
ill include a tablet-based interface that supports at-a-glance awareness of individual student status to effectively direct the instructor&quot

es to apply our approach to Robust Adaptive Matched Filtering to beamformed data that will improve the detection of weak signals of inte
ocessors under extended mission times, the Army needs more performance-power flexibility than simply a binary in-use/not-in-use state. N

xibility for improved radar modes, communications, SIGINT, EW, and other shared aperture concepts, and with low SWaP-C to enable doing

et of frequencies for accurate underwater drill-head tracking. Based on the design concept developed, POC will assemble a scaled-down U
e. The proposed protection system can be contractor supplied or the Navy can perform the efforts to install the system; the processing is re
nal and conventional method of W-Re heater wire fabrication. These two innovative approaches provide highly efficient precise, cost-effec
of tests that are part of the QC process of the current heaters. The long term opportunity is the implementation of the developed technolo

pt algorithms for each phase of the computation, including image segmentation, sparse shape reconstruction, dense shape reconstruction
re implementation of the proposed algorithm will be used to assess the potential of the proposed reconstruction process and provide the b
be estimated and the higher cost parts will have cost reduction approaches applied. Progeny is uniquely qualifed to perform this research

nces the NAVY&quot;s previous investment in this software.

aterials include low fabrication costs, low insertion losses, and high isolation over broad bandwidths of operation. Together, these attribute
ly solution that will enable full wide bandwidth utilization of the MK48 torpedo through its novel noise reducing injection signal circuitry, s
proximately 1275 watts. The power supply shall reside in a volume of 225 cubic inches and weigh less than 13 lbs.

monstrating key performance criteria using coated test coupons.

de diameters. TRI/Austin will be teaming with a major underwater connector manufacturer to develop materials that can be processed usi

less steel tow cable assembly. In addition, Luna will include corrosion inhibiting compounds and/or pigments to provide a secondary line o
f the tool design will be aimed at the system integrator to enable efficient packaging of the deployed systems and for deployment testing p
very system models will be developed. The team will follow a building-block approach that frst maximizes the autonomy that is achievable
aDiode&quot;s technical approach is scalable to much higher power and brightness levels.
alysis and selection method, to mitigate the resonant backscattering effects due to biologics on mid-frequency active sonar returns, in parti
o shipboard environments, utilizing state of the art solid state technology, with capability&gt;500kW peak output power in frequencies thro
OC will demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed amplifer, by developing a scaled down prototype by combining power of four amplifer

duce those due to clutter. This will reduce the false alarm rate without lowering detection probability. We plan to adapt and apply this proc
ctly processed by this framework to further improve sonar performance. The Phase I research objectives are to evaluate with underwater a
tive technology approaches will be identifed and detailed electrical and mechanical designs will be developed. This effort will include com

relation grouping clusters collected in non-contiguous time intervals. Approaches are assessed and selected for PHASE II software develop
s), and Random Forest (RaFo) (state of the art). NNs are known to be robust and generalize well when not over-trained. SVMs are optimal, i
mprove vehicle performance will be identifed, and a Phase II development plan will be identifed. In the Phase I Option, Aurora will investi
dynamic optimization tool that guides the selection and/or design process of subcomponents for a vehicle specifc propulsion system. The

eveloped from the outline presented within this proposal. The results of the study will provide the basis for a candidate system down selec
frames; 3) Enhanced reachability, manipulability, and maneuverability with better controls; 4) Reduced equipment footprint and weight; 5)
that enables detection of aircraft at the farthest possible standoff distance (fewest pixels on target) allowing operators maximum time for t

ll parameters will be calculated to assess the composite&quot;s potential reliability.

000 psi 7.25 inch diameter and 26-inch long aluminum tank.
gn will be validated through pressure testing at our facilities to demonstrate safe operation and proper gas flow. Following successful proof
esign. Weight savings will be optimized by intimately calibrating measured material response to design models. Furthermore, this non-intru
many photonic methods, our characterization method can operate down to a few hundred kHz.
oices, and the resultant solar cell performance will be analyzed. The Phase I program will result in the demonstration of a scalable, lightwei

n process and creation of DHCP classes/ group confgurations using URNs and associated attributes. A key feature of FLIP is inclusion of a w
ent cast article near thin sections. Prefabricated channels produced via PCM will have the advantage of producing net shape complex lubric
sponse transfer functions which will help interpret the reasons the control measures work.
h program, we will apply CFIS fueling to a high-fdelity augmentor rig designed to generate screech instabilities that are relevant to modern
y harvesting power management for monitoring composite rotor blade structures under loading. In Phase II, the self-powered multifunctio

of the SAW sensor, and demonstrate WIPAS feasibility by developing a limited-capability bench-top prototype. This TRL-3 prototype will be
uctively test the mechanical flexural properties of composite material. Flexural damage has been shown to provide a frst warning of incipie

han the current design , and b) include consideration of various options to reduce cage weight through the use of lightweight composite m

of rough sea surfaces. Both BART and MoM can be accelerated by inexpensive GPUs.

passive anti-aliasing flters to cover a very wide frequency range with no active RF components required for up or down conversion.

evelop prototype robust intelligent agents (and apply existing agents) that can serve as robust, tactically viable role-players for a particular
esign and modeling. Additional design optimizations and features will be evaluated that have the potential to further reduce the mass or in
e to measure underwater magnetic and acoustic felds, with E-felds measured by proxy through their induced magnetic response. The pod

rator is naturally trained on the displays and controls of the installed equipment. In addition to the embedded algorithm, Sonalysts will inve
ncept has been validated in benchtop experiments (Nature Photonics paper); in this effort we will design and specify requirements for an in

both near-term and long-term UAS operating requirements will change dramatically as UV technology evolves, and the UAS operator and cr
ded in performance-based assessments that simulate tasks placing considerable demands on executive-level cognitive skills (mental simula
es, and projections of world states; (3) an empirically informed efficacy-mining function that learns resource effectiveness based on operati
ual stress measurement technology and will fll a critical gap in capability for near-surface residual stress measurement, enabling high-quali
of remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) continues to grow the need for an anti icing system to extend the environmental conditions in which they

on, LIDAR, target designators, or rangefnders). The proposed technology will avoid this paradox by allowing taggant operations using a cur
nsor software patches, confguration upgrades or waveform frequency changes without the need to modify or access the physical electrom
for operation at 81 to 86 GHz will be completed in phase I. BENEFIT: This technology has value for both space-borne and airborne plato
h in the areas of sensitivity enhanced Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) and Electron Paramagne
edding on an EMA controller, and (b) post-mission PHM decision-making. EMAs used in K-Max Remotely Piloted Helicopter and Marlin Aut
ple, instrumented projectiles with smaller diameter and higher impact velocity are necessary to simulate the harsh environments encounte
bined input and output modalities. The Phase I Option and Phase II efforts will expand on the haptic language development, expand the ca
provide an enabling solution for SSADT&quot;s needs.

s. Optical and mechanical properties, including scattering and absorption losses and refractive index difference evaluations will be perform

otype, develop the required real-time embedded processing software, modify the device for automatic compensation of pitch and roll, and

ent offered by the MISSPEL prototypes will be evaluated and demonstrated to the government. Successful demonstration of these prototyp
se. This prototype will be demonstrated to be usable by any individual, regardless of background, enabling them to quickly and efficiently c
on tests at different rates and annealing conditions, as well as conduct biaxial tests to assess the formability of nano-Al sheets. Successful c
microbolometer system for detecting chemical and biological agents.

amended our team by the addition of a major manufacturer of advanced X-ray detec-tors, who has agreed to participate in the Phase II pro

ane to deliver a 1-110 GHz wide band source.

leverage the merging of information from organic and inorganic sources. It is also desirable that the RM is capable of dynamically tasking t
xpected that the output power could be increased by a factor of 2-4x, thus enabling the pulse requirements of the program (2-8 W) from a

load on aircrew, thus enhancing aircrew safety and eliminating the need for dedicated monitoring.
d blood pump with CytoSorbents sorbent bead technology, that can be easily stockpiled and used in far-forward medical facilities. This bloo
ally, we will conduct safety and stability testing necessary for fling this combination product with the FDA.
g health crises, and to forecast disease progression; and collaborative decision support tools for ad hoc team formation, course of action a

ization and discrimination capabilities, identifying a viable concept for deploying these capabilities into the right combination of sensor and
ng virtual carrier simulation systems and programs, to accelerate commercialization. Our solution will likely produce signifcant long term b

ts, with probabilistic models to detect motion sickness symptoms and MIIs from those indicators; and (3) a hybrid suite of cognitive model

viding system-level concepts and preliminary hardware designs validated by simulation and modeling with associated data fusion algorithm
itate a rapid response and reacquisition of the target for fne localization and prosecution.
ject application for this program.
eon RSP2 Cryocooler, which is the best performing 10K Cryocooler available. This program will yield a high fdelity brassboard with a part-f
area hostile fre indication system will also capitalize on existing algorithm strategies based on spectral-temporal data already obtained by
del and development cell, an OEM selected component will be fabricated using a commercial SLM station at U of L. Scientifc Simulation Sy
uracy requirements. In Phase II, we will build a complete prototype MEMS gyrocompass and demonstrate its use for UGS applications.
an meet or exceed the targeted performance in a smaller and lighter package than the existing rare earth alternator.
es of data collected during network monitoring can be transmitted and collected at a centralized control center for off line or near real-tim
orm. In this Phase I, Agave BioSystems demonstrated proof-of-concept for the use of flow cytometry microspheres in a multiplex assay to d

erful information to support practitioners in what they have deemed their most difficult task in CBT, determining the patterns that trigger a
means of metabolic and kinematic data sharing with healthcare personnel (e.g., for use in assessing both physical and mental health). Furth
er the technology to the propulsion contractors for evaluation during the Production Development phase of the SM3 Blk 2B program.
+ stack operation at subscale levels. In Phase II we will develop, fabricate, and test the thermally-integrated power generator developed in
grow nitrogen- and gallium-polar flms at nearly equal rates to moderate thicknesses and characterize the flms. Phase II will optimize the H
s in the market today.
r. An ablative layer is intended to dissipate absorbed thermal energy from aerothermal loading, thereby limiting steep thermal gradients in
mer Impregnation Pyrolysis. ScienceTomorrow will collaborate with an OEM for process optimization and commercialization that will allow t
als. Little information is available in the public domain, however, about the application of FAST to CMC fabrication. Given the lack of an expe
tions. In Phase I, we will demonstrate the basic framework of our approach in a laboratory setting, and in Phase II, we will extend the techn
tions of these algorithms that are incremental and operate in a multi-resolution framework. Finally, we will develop a relatively high-fdelity
ely tunable, high performance and low SWaP signal generator. It also naturally lends itself to the extension of the frequency of operation to
work is reflected in: (a) the frst use of tunable injection locking to guarantee true frequency agility to the 300GHz range and beyond; (b) c
performance and SEU immunity benefts are expected to become even more pronounced at advanced linewidths (45nm and below), usher
F tests to ensure the fnal prototype at the end of Phase II is battlefeld ready (ready for 810G certifcation). We will also demonstrate GPS
ability. Results from modeling the MPSoC platorm based upon a 130nm HardSIL &amp; #61652; enhanced process with commercial EDA
ineers will be able to employ this system to quickly make and test design changes. This system will also be useful in health monitoring app
of these enabling technologies and will include development of new algorithms and measures to handle the issues identifed during Phase
ework, integrate AFRL/RVB space weather sources and tools, provide GPS Signal-to-Noise Ratio scintillation attribution, deploy Wideband G
d process, 3) optimize flexible mid-bandgap AgCIGS and buffer layers in order to achieve desired electrical and mechanical performance, an
cantly reduces both cost and cycle time in aircraft production. There are also numerous other potential applications to the production of m
opment of thick, high performance VB2 electrodes, cell performance testing, and evaluation of cell performance under simulated condition
nstrate GPS-like performance using SAR/inertial mechanization in GPS-denied flight test environments. Phase II will fully develop all compo
ty to print vertical and mosaicked multi-spectral image and active/passive sensors. BENEFIT: The technology will beneft a wide variety of o
rs, and medical image recording (MRI, PET/CT scan, digital X-Rays). The 56G network interface will enable high-rate sensors and transducer
from research in mixed-initiative planning and resource allocation algorithms and provides a scalable service based architecture with web-b
nd, and explain events around the world. This project will produce a scalable solution that will help analysts make sense of, and monitor, ev
actions in a distributed Network Centric Operations environment. TPM chips, security enhanced bootloaders, microkernels that enforce cap
e II, we will deliver the prototype and a comprehensive report, including simulations, to the Air Force. The Phase II result will be a technolo
e components. A thorough characterization of the material will lead to computational models for the kinetics and viscosity profles. Dielec
sented data sources. We will enhance the data modeling capability in coherence with the Armys cloud data strategies, accessing DataSpace
ng cells of different characteristics. Design optimization and experimental characterization will be carried out for enhanced performance. S
ntation of an existing CBT anger management course; (3) provides information, direction, and feedback through physiological sensors; and
Signal Quality, and 6) Audiological Information. In Phase II, these challenges will be addressed, a prototype device that meets the requirem

e densities in excess of 100 g-hydrogen/L-system and 12% g-hydrogen/g-system; well beyond DoEs 2015 targets. Safe, portable and low-pre

aforementioned capabilities in the Mayflower Tactical MANET Test bed (TMT). In the proposed Phase II SBIR program, the Mayflower team
ns. In Phase II Silvus will test a prototype modular digital beamformer system in a dynamic air-to-air environment. BENEFIT: There are num
ther advantage of our approach is the ability to combine the fnal amplifer. The achievable power capability for our amplifer combined in
0.4 dB, an input less than 1 mW, a power output greater than 50 W, gain higher than 49 dB, harmonics less than 10 dBc, a VSWR less than
ir Force special operating forces to understand the situation and the issues in a denied territory. BENEFIT: The ARDROSS can be seamlessly
nductive Composites will work closely with suppliers and the Air Force Intellectual Property Office to ensure that the technology is adequa
hnology to support quality system implementation, and will demonstrate the quality system in a production environment. The proposed qu

hes. This method will enable the adoption of OOA composites for a wide range of commercial and military applications. The new process
efnement feature that leads to higher than quadratic convergence in the L2 norm with quadratic or higher interpolation functions. BENEF
vacuum nano-electric devices based on our cold cathode nanostructure material technology. BENEFIT: The developments at Vanderbilt U
h will be capable of providing a live demonstration. This project is a collaboration with the University of Michigan Integrated Circuits Labora
will be offered with custom and commercial reliability software. BENEFIT: Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) typically used to test RF devices,
age fdelity. Phase II will involve implementing and improving a complete working system and deploying the system at the Hill AFB CT Facil
into flight control systems.
actively cooled high-power electronics. A novel graphite foam was developed based on processing methods used in long-established, ongo
monly available technologies to maximize its adoption.

ovides a basis for a series of Phase 2 experimental studies aimed at validating the performance of the new footwear designs through huma
d into standard assemblies. Final form articles of the sealant system applied to a range of representative building envelope features will be
I prototype will be completed and a Critical Design Review (CDR) will be conducted. Then during the Phase II effort that follows, the OPC-P
TCOM Ku (14 GHz) and Ka (30 GHz) bands.
bilistic models of crowd skills and preferences to not only identify crowd resources, but understand their capabilities; (3) a market-based op
aster or emerging crisis. The fnal system will accept input from the crowd, extract events and entities in the context of natural language, n
itical cryocooler component. During Phase II, we will build and test a critical cryocooler component or a complete cryocooler.

r tasks and start times, refning the route as necessary to comply with sensor resource constraints and achieve the given information goals
he Phase I program will comprise modulator design, materials selection, electrical/thermal modeling, and high frequency/high voltage mat

hase I option will develop the Phase II prototype design.

sion bonding. In the Base effort nosetip confgurations will be selected and fabricated. In the Option, they will be evaluated with tensile and
larity during temperature changes. The resulting transparent armor material will be lightweight and environmentally stable allowing for en
ith the fnite element simulations. Optically transparent composites will fnd immediate application in military tactical vehicles. This progra

nstrated. Modeling and simulation on the performance of the whole laser system will be carried out.
during the Phase II effort. The laser system designed will meet requirements on SWaP parameters to support deployment on a tactical unm
edispositions, and other individual antecedents or precursors. Furthermore, our approach is also aimed at maximizing retention from the p

ysts to recall historical investigations, which then saves analyst the time required to start a&quot;new&quot;investigation from scratch. An
he system identifcation algorithms developed herein.

PGA-based multi-sensor data-fusion platorm, AS&T will be able to verify and optimize performance of the predictive system. The program
eters, discriminating events and supporting battlespace awareness and missile defense objectives. SciTec has leveraged these algorithm de
nected to the PMM control system and will&quot;listen&quot;to the PMM tape and&quot;watch&quot;the motion of the PMM to provide
FIRST RF&quot;s apertures remain lightweight, durable, and reliable while reducing the reliance on discrete components and custom hardw
gn effort. Extension of the resin Vacuum Infusion Process (VIP) to fabricating the laminate portion of construction sample panels to radome
prove, the requirements for test instruments become more challenging. Hyper-Computing clusters are being developed for phenomenology

ce, and a set of smart and portable algorithms for transferring data across cores or processors to evenly redistribute the computational wo
ponents are supported. Distributed-object computing algorithms to process, manage, and enable interoperability among large scale analys

t the mechanical properties of composite material. FINDIT quantitatively measures the associated surface tilt-tip surface changes, and may
will be portable, easy to use, and will possess the ability to conduct close-to-the-edge and round curvature inspection. In addition, this me
roposed development is anticipated to lead to a portable, non-contact inspection instrument for rapid detection and evaluation of kissing b
ns within plume flowfelds and to provide an efficient mechanism to support incorporating these representations into the FLITES scene gen
technology. By using a novel gated photodiode design and correlating the influence of structural design and material quality on surface leak

sing commercially available fne powders as raw materials and geometries to be fabricated include 3.5 inch long tensile dogbones, disks (1-
ermit individual control of selected pixels within the array and group control of the remaining pixels.
the system parallelized and implemented on GPU hardware for real-time processing.
to supplement conventional mouse/keyboard input systems; A context-driven command and visualization model that will interact with ima
hat will maximize the learners&quot;contextual expertise. CREATE will be designed to accommodate the analyst&quot;s typical workflow, so
ogy will permanently bond the liner to the barrel. Prototype barrel blanks will be made and machined into ready-to-fre machinegun barrels
dynamics, (4) Develop a set of dynamical invariant tools to extract underlying physics from high-pressure combustion systems and compare
r-real-time quantifcation of stochastic model parameters; analyze proposed methodology to include bias and convergence properties of e
ata submitted. Data and results will be securely transmitted and available to the clinician at any time. We plan to build SupportTeam upon

confrm the feasibility to build such a machine in Phase II with a reasonable promise of success. The research will be performed jointly wit
strive to develop 3D models of the alloy microstructure, and conduct analysis over a range of temperatures and strain rate; all of which are
onization and adhesion and for their ability to modulate the host inflammatory response. Agave BioSystems will work with the US Navy Ma
nd delivery. The viability of the microencapsulated probiotic bacteria during delivery and after release in simulated digestive tract condition
events need to be tracked to observe the critical behavior.
ol that will be implemented as an Eclipse plugin targeting the Java language. It could, however, be extended to apply to virtually any compil
and demonstrate its performance and value in a feld test. The system will then be ready for use by the Navy to map ship airwakes.
ship. These three measurement campaigns will establish the feasibility of the Instant Eye integrated measurement system and pave the wa
onomous systems can identify and focus on mission-relevant input, as well as quickly scan through historical, compactly-represented data a
processing, quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the proposed technologies, and demonstration of proof of concept using real-world

g temperatures, and fabricate a sample photonic crystal. The performance of this sample will be fully characterized in a laboratory TPV facil

er long times.

on Support (PADS). During Phase I, we will generate use cases associated with MOC staff, identify relevant cognitive science fndings, system
tive Service will offer unique benefts to C2 system designers and users by enabling productive, proactive user interactions.
e research to incorporate context into decision systems in a scientifcally principled, intelligent, and effective way. Our proposal outlines th
only in the commercial
nfgurations and automatedUPS manufacturing
industry, but also in any military
technology to theorfabrication
commercial applicationfor
of hardware that requires sea
prototypes pulse power.

o 100,000 rpm in a shock and vibration environment will require robust, well damped and low loss bearings. UT-CEM as subcontractor will e

the current scenario and the impact of decision alternatives, and thus arrive at better decisions. Our proposed objectives for Phase-I inclu
fnement. The analyst will then have the opportunity to adjust certainty assessments and constraining assumptions, add missing informatio
ersion of ASTRAL/ASPM, and demonstrate its efficacy; (c) test the resulting code on other data sets, including those of NAVO; (d) help guide
iation, while characterizing the wavelength, spectral width, pulse format, and irradiance of the laser source. If vehicle position and attitude
group at Clemson&quot;s Center for Optical Materials Science and Engineering Technologies. Additionally, the proposing team includes So

nstrates the key features of the neurophysiological monitoring suite.

apabilities which augment an on-board battery, providing extended operating time. To eliminate wired connections and enable transmission

al testing of electronics hardware to establish system robustness. We will assess realistic proxy metrics for comfort &amp; wearability while

e fnal sintered microstructure, the fracture toughness of the binderless tungsten carbide will be increased by producing a dense material
plication. The proposed team will take advantage of Barron Associates&quot;expertise in SysML, multidisciplinary engineering analysis, unc
y domains including: manned aircraft, unmanned air systems, medical devices, rail and other surface transport systems, nuclear power syst
e readout system and sensors. During Phase II the system will be optimized to meet the performance requirements needed for the Air Forc
amic tests with strain rates exceeding 1000 microstrain per millisecond. BENEFIT: The initial target product application for the proposed h

r computational and experimental investigation. Phase II work will also introduce multiscale simulation technique and promote experimen
m heterostructures through nano-engineering of interlayers. A prototype of isolator operating at frequencies above 10 GHz, exhibiting low

, geographical mapping, explosive welding, detonating cord (cased or bare) and prospecting rely on energetic materials, such as high explo
military and civilian applications.
g structural and performance constraints to enable similar DF/SIGINT performance on other platorms, such as the C-17, P-8, and the RC-1
tions, and validate performance by breadboard testing and simulation. In Phase II the design will be matured and performance validated by
assic panel method formulation. The proposed research will use this formulation to develop an extended panel method that can be used to
ation; and (3) Improved acoustics modeling for weapons bay tonal content. The merits of the proposed approach will be investigated and d
fed capability in Phase II that can analyze a analyze a dynamic store separation with a fully flexible door undergoing cycling and predict son
loped software could be utilized by commercial companies such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman.
ems, and allows any analysis code to be used for the different disciplines. The result of this study will help us understand the benefts of us
vanced material growth and fabrication, will result in robust, compact, and cost-effective monolithic QCL beam combining solutions exceed
ter or seawater with a small amount of added fortifying chemicals is used as the fuel, no extra load needs to be carried with the cell, and h
p; O2 environmental monitoring package that will enhance the Navy&quot;s capability to perform rapid environmental assessments using i
develop both PEA and PWP mesurement systems with a resolution of ~1 micron while maintaining or improving current temporal resoluti
D detectors.
cture waveguide array, with efficient and fast electro-optic material, will enable miniature fast beam-steering devices that have never been
ly, Mide will use super-elastic shape memory alloys to enhance the LoNE joint design, allowing the joints added flex while still providing str

loading techniques as well as novel materials currently under development by FIRST RF to deliver a conformal package requiring minimal a
heir integration with current-generation sizing and design tools will lay the foundation for a design capability that can address key perform
e (FeCo) magnets can provide (BH)max ~ 70 MGOe at 177C which exceeds the current state of the art Nd-Fe-B magnets (52 MGOe) at room
he security. BENEFIT: The proposed effort directly supports DoD Net-centric Warfare (NCW) efforts to provide tomorrowfs warfghters wit
ession in four spectral bands. In addition, the system will use advanced algorithms to provide jointly optimized image reconstruction and c
bilities, and design capabilities. In Phase II we will implement this strategy, delivering a platorm integrating the CPAT ballistic assessment t
logical programming environment provides powerful support for both of these tasks. DivA will also provide a library interface through whic
oposed hardware and knowledge base will be developed with a&quot;realistic&quot;goal of eventual integration and use by existing air pla
e entire digital vision system can be helmet mounted without impacting helmet ergonomics. The SA Photonics VPHS system will be imple
e performance of our initial design. 5-D&quot;s key personnel will apply their extensive experience developing high-speed data processors
t;Dual Use Application&quot;goal, Zebra Imaging&#039;s primary commercialization strategy is to design and build a display that is data an
When complete, iPATS will include a data warehouse for extracting and storing performance data, a mechanism for enabling the distributi

o instructors and trainees via intuitive visualizations. When fully implemented, T-CAP will maximize training effectiveness by balancing the n
period of impaired visibility. The technology is projected to provide a general purpose application architecture, and with minimal impact o
acceptable visual artifacts, absence of full parallax, require special headgear, and induce nausea in many users. The current visualization sy
ted technologies. The performance and cost metrics estimated for the conceptual architecture will be used as the basis for a business case

a platorm to be used by the United States Department of Defense for identifcation and tracking, supplementing existing (e.g. visual) appr
n the DOD and IC. If security and attestation techniques are conceptualized in the performance of a phase I award resulting from this prop
plications. A prototype PROACT product will be designed and developed in Phase I and Phase II, which will then be commercialized in Phas
CAPSA will be expanded and optimized to utilize more proximity information available in various military systems and demonstrate scalabili
alysis. Additionally, Black River will promote algorithm acceptance by utilizing analysts&quot;own RFI responses as ground truth in the algo

pics will support restriction based upon security classifcation/clearance, roles and credentials, and will be enforced with strong encryption
IRST RF&quot;s unique ability to develop a custom tailored solution without sacrifcing cost or schedule. BENEFIT: The multi-band antenn
data transfer. Several feature extraction and motion detection techniques can be utilized for data compression which can be further tuned
orm implementing flexible, power efficient algorithms for beam-forming and channel equalization, MaXentric introduces a scalable, low-cos
analyzed statistically and spectrally. The most optimal of these waveforms will then be implemented on an FPGA-based hardware testbenc
COM terminal functions from analog to digital offers several size, weight, power and cost advantages. If the conversion is done early in the
&quot;information systems. Further, by leveraging our ongoing work with Joint Inter Agency Task Force South (JIATFS) in Key West, FL, we w
ss different sources; (2) detect and remove conflicts in relational knowledge across different records; and (3) learn and detect normal, confl
red information using a semantic annotation formalism to create a knowledge graph data model. Leveraging this knowledge graph, semSCI
h points for the resolution of CSI-Info (for the cases where resolution was not automatically attained). These research and implementation
mine a default classifcation level for the data. This default classifcation will be inserted into the data&quot;s security metadata, along with
prove updates before being committed to the system. Secondly, the user will be provided an interface to adjust the classifcation by selecti
raw blue force sensor feeds based on active situation models; (3) a deductive inference layer that analyzes and projects blue force states; a
rprise-wide service oriented architectures applied to joint readiness evaluation, tactical and operational planning and assessment, and inte
main-specifc threats in cyber and space, the ability to manage and coordinate blue forces and capabilities to deliver effects across all doma
nt information to different users in an automatic fashion. When EOLuS is demonstrated as a successful capability providing end-to-end tru
trust level value assigned to each component. Our approach to develop trust metrics will leverage EnrGie SKR technology and AVIRTEK&qu
ased on cost, efficiency, radiation resistance or other factors. Combined with photonic integrated circuit technologies, this will allow the co
lying the technology to representative Air Force and industry problems. Although the tool-suite will be tailored specifcally to satellite syste
ble the Air Force to improve cross-functional development, increase interoperability, and promote integrated activities supported by space
ystem Center (SMC), Intelligence Reconnaissance Surveillance (ISR) the capability to understand complex system tradeoffs in a timely mann
tems, transformers, motors and generators, such as those on wind turbines, and for cryogenic vacuum pumping in semiconductor and flat
erpretive processing to be developed under this SBIR Topic will provide an array of sensors and associated processing that commercial user
b-micron chip-to-chip alignment, customizable chip I/O potentially as dense as 10 micron pitch, and can reduce&quot;seams&quot;betwee
R detectors are useful for inspection of continuous processes such as high temperature manufacturing processes, plastics recycling of auto
ase I selection. BENEFIT: The near term beneft will directly increase the US military (Air Force, the Army, Navy, and NASA;s) and DoD cont
includes subject matter experts in mission planning, briefng, and debriefng. We will leverage our solid background in mission planning an
d effort includes carrying out a trade study of candidate technologies, evaluating the potential employment and integration of selected tech
ates that supports 20/20 visual acuity through display tiling and an eyebox approaching 3030 mm. POC plans to develop in Phase II curved
resolution projection engine. This will result in an HMD design addressing each of the shortcomings of the current systems. Additionally, w
ing the Air Force requirements. Since CWHD is based on well-established Luminit waveguided HMD technology, the successful Phase II dev
ed process of matching voxel models to 3D anthropometry body scans will be developed. Model verifcation and validation, software optim
lanar aperture and related technologies have already been successfully demonstrated at W-band (94 GHz), flight- and link-tested at Q-band
&quot;s terminal, applications from the cloud decompress the image&quot;parts&quot;and re-assemble them into a usable image. Cloud
proach using Digital Down Conversion (DDC) through performance simulations. It also evaluates the feasibility of implementation on SEAKR

al market.
nt to which a trust breach permeates a network. It accomplishes this by categorizing network sessions according to potential to propagate
e the precision and accuracy of the combined technology, and that it may be made to be unobtrusive, battery operable and suitable for pe
evaluating and preparing personnel on ffth-generation aircraft. In Phase I, TDT will analyze relevant ffth-generation missions, then design
bilistic Training Model. Third, we will integrate these capabilities within an existing distributable flight simulation environment and extend
he anticipated benefts of the proposed technology include providing a high-fdelity, cost-efficient training solution for deployed operators a
framework that is both site- and protocol-independent, thus enabling readiness and future profciency assessment across environments. P
k to the voxel mesh to provide boundary conditions for the structural solver. By utilizing GPU technology, we expect the run time for these
n of the developed models and algorithms into a prototype trace chemical sensing platorm capable of measuring complex odor profles. T
deling techniques that will help experimenters create and use models that support research on performance and the development of augm
me Software&quot;s CLOAK, the Government will have the capability for secure attestation to remote assets regardless of which&quot;com
sualizations. At the end of Phase I, results of the research of are presented coupled with a demonstration of the GATSID system with three
research is to determine the feasibility and readiness of an operational, commercially-viable Geographically-Aware and Targeted Secure Inf
cy and low cost of the proposed array architecture makes it a good candidate for high data rate communications, RADAR, ISR, EW/EA functi
h legacy aircraft IFDL and MADL communications and will be valid for next generation aircraft offering inter-flight communication between
ntenna and component design, and active millimeter wave / RF electronics design. The proposed architecture includes multi-band/-spectr
o control risk to the program and the overall design, FIRST RF has budgeted to produce a scaled prototype of the proposed design during th
he Air Force will include improved end-user access to IR data, products, and tools and increased potential for data/product and tool sharing
y of further pixel reduction to 3.6 um pitch based on an innovative pixel architecture for 8k4k (33 Mpx) microdisplays for next-generation v
ynthesis tools to obtain accurate estimates of the hardware resources required to run the fusion-based image processing algorithm chain. T
about other agents&#039;goals and behaviors to prepare suitable responses and incrementally generate language from the situation mode

l losses in the atmosphere. By long-term monitoring of loss in various climates, the Air Force will be able to predict availability of commun
voidance maneuvers. The algorithms will be run on COTS massively-parallel computing subsystems to facilitate the use of multiple visual se
es to the U.S. Navy and Marines. We then intend to expand the target market internationally to the nine partner countries that have agreed
ab activities through realizing the Phase III concept identifed in the solicitation: a portable VOC signature detector with an embedded back
produce novel, highly useful proximity attributes (e.g. business process centric proximity, data-distribution centric proximity etc.). RTI and
c Interference, Nuclear Scintillation, Jamming and Natural atmospheric events such as lightning. SARA, using their extensive experience in b
proach, FIRST RF leverages established concepts for VLF antenna applications, applies proven techniques for militarization, and combines th
CInTIR sensor, evaluate its effectiveness by modeling, and demonstrate the feasibility of fabrication using a laboratory prototype. In Phase I
itivity of a flled aperture while remaining much more compact. Dual imaging cameras behind the interferometer allow broad wavelength
ravity, radiation, atomic oxygen, and low outgassing. These attributes directly address the AFRL requirements for a new STMI for spaceborn

pixel 2500 x 2000 microdisplay with a diagonal of ~12mm for HMD applications. The research will also detail the path to 12 bit dynamic ran
ystem that is more capable than either existing system. Digital, high resolution sensors and displays will replace analog image intensifer tu
oil exploration, virtual conferencing, mathematical analysis, airport security and product design.
combine efficient NP collection with NP characterization. BENEFIT: A functional portable sensor that would allow for the ability to detect t
particle number, surface area, and mass concentration will be developed and tested under Task 2. These studies will pave the way for the
rformance data across assessment modalities such as simulations, live flight ranges, and even game-based environments; a mechanism for
that will enable us to signifcantly reduce size, weight and cost of the system and, in the process, engineer a more compact, robust, afforda
c, but also enable new members of the community to efficiently learn the jargon and communications conventions of their new domain. W
ol training environments. Much of the challenge of integrating language capabilities into new domains in training systems is both the develo
tively cooled. The heat load on the optical windows will be dissipated by thermal conduction through the inner layer. A prototype will be de
NEFIT: Providing a route to air-stable core-shell metastable intermolecular compounds as well as the corresponding energetic studies has t
ed by exposing them to standard and accelerated aging conditions. In Phase II, a prototype system to produce core-shell nanoparticles will

e munition delivery system. In Phase II prototypes will be produced and evaluated with the objective of transitioning to Next Gen Cruise M
consists of tasks to: defne metrics and diagnostics for evaluating the performance; fabrication and testing of baseline test articles for evalu
an avalanche, a spelunker trapped in a cave, or a scuba diver trapped under water.
data recovery system for a wide range of testing platorms. Remote data recovery from live explosive payload systems will provide a major
ecorder instrument packages will allow for more reliable retrieval of data collected for instrumentation during a shock test compared with c
conduit utilizing our HybridSil Anti-Corrosion polymer matrix resins and Metal Rubber modifed Kevlar as flled and pre-preg based compos
nd lower manufacturing cost. It is also expected to have advantages over shielding materials made of carbon nanotubes or carbon nanofb
widespread utilization and commercialization activities in both electromagnetic shielding and functional bio-nanocomposite materials. The
elding behaviors. We will also consider methods whereby the passband of the material may be actively&quot;opened&quot;to allow com

agnetic shielding effectiveness, and delivered. BENEFIT: Lightweight conductive composite cases can provide 50-75% weight savings over
tated physical, chemical, and thermal response requirements. Polymer-polymer core-shell designs will considered, as well as designs incor
rogram throughout the Phase I effort. This systematic experimental design development approach is a very effective method for the develo
g of the o-ring form factor, and preparation for scale-up and technology transition in tandem with team members. BENEFIT: The propose
glasses have promise to improve performance and we have also evaluated using glass with a curved front surface. BENEFIT: There are mu
ngle tool excites traveling waves on a coating in situ then measures them some distance away. This tool can be moved to various locations o

ms embedded in the avionics processor. In Phase I, POC will demonstrate the feasibility of the S4SAM by laboratory prototyping and mission
ned system will have a size, weight, and power (SWaP) well below the required 6in diameter, 5lb, and 50W. BENEFIT: The combined SAL/A
nt of a SAL seeker that will be integrated with Spectral Imaging Laboratory&quot;s WFOV IR imager. The SAL seeker is based on technology
AV) applications. The dual use, radar communication architecture of the multi functional RF system supports new applications such as Inte
nce of this success can be seen in the presentation of the Tibbetts Award to CEI by the Small Business Administration. This prestigious awa

#039;s future supply demands for high energy density explosive compounds. Advantages resulting from CRG&#039;s proposed concept wil

conducive to being compact and lightweight. BENEFIT: By the end of Phase I, a detailed methodology and design for the inspection tool w
racteristics of traveling waves may be extracted without disrupting their propagation and without contacting or damaging the coatings dur
budget, the USAF will have to do more with less. One viable and likely path forward is maintaining aircraft in the inventory, versus procurin
T: This effort will validate that enhanced articulation capability can be added to off-the-shelf robotics to support depot/feld level repair of
d strengths of fber reinforced composite materials. It is expected that accelerated insertion of materials will be facilitated through develop
ch under representative conditions. BENEFIT: The proposed residual stress measurement technology is a signifcant improvement that wo
ons. Preliminary RF, mechanical, and tracking designs, and installation concepts for each system approach shall be provided so that an info

focused on four main areas: 1) Modifcation of the MPCE method to address the observability issue and optimize performance; 2) Develo
and therefore nontrivial to model) and the combinatorial nature of labeling each input as an inlier/outlier. We provide an outline for expe
primary application is to utilize hybrid controllers for energy management and optimization in more-electric fghter airframes across multipl
n improvements that will provide an enhanced aircraft subsystem and control suite that demonstrates the viability of the control approach
arsh environment applications, such as the propulsion systems of hybrid and all-electric vehicles, electrical actuation on military and comm

oking will not occur. Reaction Systems will also design a heat exchanger/reactor that will maximize heat transfer and be constructed in Pha
the EPS. Modeling, simulation, and analysis will be utilized to demonstrate that the proposed design is capable of meeting the relevant re
l be selected based upon volumetric heating rates, density, average agglomeration number, etc. 2) Characterize ignition behavior of nanofl
inum nanoparticle additions. Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc. (ACT) proposes a novel method to passivate and stabilize aluminum nan
strate manufacturing feasibility with the production of prototype models. The results from the Phase I program will support a detailed desi
me diameter. Particle mobility detection methods will be used to obtain particle size distributions with corrections for soot aggregate morp
a clear demonstration of a transition path to viable product. Beyond the Phase II, the interference mitigation reference platorm will be bro
by developing a multi-use heliborne robotic vehicle the SPRP can be used in additional mission application areas such as air-to-ground or s
ems designed in this program are simple, reliable, and robust and offer signifcant performance benefts over conventional heat exchanger

we will increase the TRL and demonstrate EO scanner operation in a relevant military environment.
rate Hertzian calculations than were available during Phase I efforts. Phase II efforts will also involve the design of advanced HLRB models t

h state, and fnally a compelling underwater demonstration of a prototype system. The Phase II Option will aim to subsequently test the pro

gy for use in extreme aerospace environments: including temperatures ranging from -60 &amp; #176;C up to 1000 &amp; #176;C, and high
ration conditions depending on the types of fouling to optimize cleaning effectiveness while protecting the underlying NAB surface.
acy. And fnally, the prototype ASCS will be architected to be maintainable and extensible so that it can be evaluated under realistic deploym

hm as a VHDL core for insertion into the baseband processing chain of an ITT Exelis Soldier Radio-Rifleman (SR-R), and perform feld testing

and .TPSI fles. The Allocator will be capable of comparing IEEE 1671.1 Test Description and IEEE 1671.4 Test Confguration inputs against a
vior models, explanation, and adaptation using episodic memory in order to perform its issue detection, option generation, and option eva
tage development process, from planar waveguides (Stage I), an initial conformal waveguide (Stage II), to an optimized conformal HWD (Sta
ration. Progeny will investigate each target deployment environment for TRACKER and document a plan for integration and certifcation in
ocus on littoral and VSW operational conditions.
a POC laboratory. The experimental validation will include particle characterization of visible emissions. In Phase II, POC plans to build a por
cs. In order to ground the analysis, Vecna will use its own robotic systems, QCBot and RPR, as testbeds for evaluating the technology. QCBo
he analytical expectations. BENEFIT: IST will commercialize the proposed modeling methodologies through the sale and support of the en
BENEFIT: To enable the development of MOPA based directed energy systems by providing low loss fber optic pump combiners with opti
sought. FTI proposes to accomplish this in a two-pronged approach: 1) develop innovative enhancements to existing simulation capability

o be further evaluated through bench-testing and wind-tunnel testing during a Phase II program. BENEFIT: Identifcation and developmen
ility to vary T4.5 allow for constant speed to be maintained over a wide range of power. The complete hybrid capable, multi-ITB turbo-fan
corporates both reduced turbine inlet temperatures for signifcant reductions in CO and NOx emissions, it also has a greatly reduced exhau

The overall objective of ERA&#039;s proposed Phase I development program is to establish a baseline approach for a 1,100 HP MCC heav
pack parallel hybrid propulsion). A hybrid fuel cell assisted battery pack, thermal electric waste heat exhaust recovery, and integrated pho
he-art models. Phase II will feature a signifcantly more rigorous development and validation of thermal models for both steady-state and t
ncy components. A frequency domain EAU concept will be defned, mathematically modeled and operated in a simulated electrical syste
development programs utilize computational simulation tools, and in particular CFD codes, in conjunction with major experimental/testing
H-60R sensor suite, the CV-TSC station&quot;s main sensor control, display, and analysis hardware, and the sensor datalink. This design also
based on previous work performed at SeaLandAire and provides a signifcant reduction in cost over the standard hydrophone used in the T
mage rates on specifc components may be tailored to extend the life up to the next scheduled maintenance activity. The development of a

e the laser system design, yielding an improved production model design. A Phase II option will validate the laser system operation by dem
n the Phase II Option, Mainstream will build a smaller H1-sized AFCU prototype, similar to the H3. Qualifcation tests will be performed wit
s uniquely suited to fly magnetic feld sensors.
tive of the RF path simulation is to add as much realism as possible while minimizing latency so that the RF modeling emulation is correlate

iated with manufacturing related flaws such as those occurring in the development program of the CH-53K heavy lift helicopter as well as o
s. The results of the feasibility study have demonstrated that the Navy&quot;s availability requirement for LPV-250 can be met with the cu
imulation and analysis of small boat and sea state problems. In addition, there are a number of study, V &amp; V, and analysis activities th
ase I, POC demonstrated the feasibility of JESS by designing, developing, and integrating a proof-of-concept prototype for distributed simul
ilar SOA for the USMC Air Ground Task Force EW (MAGTF-EW) to provide lessons learned and ensure a robust architecture. CTI will ensure
mless decision support experience to MCM mission personnel. We will deliver progressively mature versions of CARPE that will be evaluated
on-cooperative which includes added immunity of ADS-B spoofng.

hereby achieving extraordinary performance using ordinary components. The approach is scalable in ENOB and sample rate as the perform

high angular resolution over a wide feld of view in pilot head-mounted displays, enhancing situational awareness. In addition to working w
hase I, we will demonstrate feasibility of a compact sensor/system concept that is capable of measuring local and standoff particle emissio
CTI will also leverage our development of a similar SOA for the USMC Air Ground Task Force EW (MAGTF-EW) to provide lessons learned
historical data from multiple aircraft stored in its database and make suggestions on preventative maintenance and on part ordering, spec
nterface between aircraft subsystems and the ground based databases to manage maintenance records. Incorporate wireless technology t
or switch panel from a cockpit overview and render a full size image on the touch screen to exercise procedural training with that displa
pt for assessing the feasibility of implementing SEI technology into current EW systems is formulated. In Phase II an SEI/SEF enhanced sub

collisions between the store and aircrafteither inside the bay or outside as a result of store orientation prior to fring. Targeted application
s transition path the method contained in RUSAT represents a signifcant increase in the data collection effort relative to a standard store c
y performing Monte Carlo type simulations using large numbers of store fly-outs, each starting at different times of the unsteady cavity flow
ototype including a LGS SAW strain sensor, sensor packaging, and attachment will be fabricated, and calibration protocols will be developed
ht, and power of Group 2-4 RPA. In Phase I, POC will identify and determine requirements, candidate architecture, equipment and compon
rom aircraft heat loads, including waste heat from the cooling systems of High Energy Lasers (HELs). Our WHRS is also attractive for rejecti
ts Power and Thermal Management System (PTMS) requirements for 5th and 6th generation fghters. BENEFIT: This SBIR effort (Phase I an
ng model. BENEFIT: This project will develop a fast high power electromagnetic interference (HPEMI) multi-transmission line (MTL) simulat
so have experience using, integrating, and augmenting the specifc tools we plan to use in the solution. We understand HPEM interference
ass fber laser amplifers for directed energy applications is the reliability, robustness, and manufacturability of the pump/signal combiner a
terization techniques that can be used in a subsequent Phase II effort that will optimize and develop the design and manufacturing method
e the beam director in the context of a complete beam control system for an HEL phased array with acquisition, tracking, pointing and stee
hanical designs and utilize these results as inputs to our rigorous covariance analysis tools to develop performance predictions for the diffe
a functional laser phased array system, demonstrate APACHE in the feld, and explore commercialization of APACHE technology for free sp
tary applications could include unmanned aircraft systems, manned aircraft and directed energy weapon systems among numerous others
l build a deliverable prototype of the FRAME system for a single fber, which will be validated and delivered to AFRL/RDLA for evaluation. O

The algorithm will be robust in that it will operate under active target illumination and while the target is changing pose. BENEFIT: Impro
tion system. In Phase I, POC will demonstrate the feasibility of SMALLER-HMD by providing a laboratory demonstration of a full-color HMD w
ithms in addition to the image fusion. The DMBS is attached with a quick release bracket, and attached to the helmet via the standard ban
give the DoD/IC user the flexibility of COTS mobile devices and their unobtrusive nature combined with security. The Phase I end goal will
lication of releasability metadata rules and its ability to learn from existing marked data will dramatically speed the secure exchange of data
tisfying a set of target properties for the composite. The models will be validated against benchmark test data and predictions will be comp
g military CRPAs, but with full GNSS coverage. This increased capability without an increase in size or footprint, and maintaining compatibi
profcient at both fabricating CRPA prototypes and implementing angle of arrival algorithms. The result of this SBIR effort will be an effective
ready FOxSense oxygen network system will be qualifed on a relevant tactical aircraft platorm. In Phase III the FOxSense system will be tr
nt of uniquely treated nanomaterials dispersed in a polymer matrix that offer substantially decreased thermal resistance through improved

. BENEFIT: The proposed novel ion source combines the benefts of the efficiency and compactness of electrospray ionic-liquid ion emissio

nts to be made in a factory or laboratory setting. BENEFIT: The fabrication costs of critical aerospace components for which residual stress
nimal saturation effects o Develop algorithmic optimization approaches for saturation and high flux scatter compensation to be able view
iated with pyrolysis. Guided by such a physical observation of the PIP process, we will work with Teledyne to mathematically model prefor
of coupled mechanical and thermal felds is facilitated via a staggered solution procedure that retains program modularity and therefore ca
eyesafe laser source, especially in situations where the laser is propagating long distances in free space, and the potential for human expos
g from the proposed R &amp; D will: a) improve aircraft safety by providing continual pilot awareness of fuel tank inerting status; b) enable
ation confguration of this subsystem, and show the benefts of technology hybridization and adaptive resource utilization. In Phase II we w
cy performance for transients and harmonics. During Phase I we will develop a multifunctional analytical model of the aircraft power syste
and a non-intrusive laser-based technique, LII (Laser Induced Incandescence), to address the above requirements listed in this topic. The c

High capacity and long-life lithium batteries will be used to store power harvested from solar energy. Safe and compact encapsulation, mee

ronics market. The most promising candidates will be evaluated in the lab against a benchmark consisting of representative video processi
rst is the creation of a flexible, powerful test platorm. Using this platorm, researchers can easily implement, test and fly different alternati
ht, power and cost. Therefore, techniques for minimizing these parameters without sacrifcing other performance requirements will have a
y yield&gt;100x improvement in energy efficiency and performance over general purpose computing solutions. Additional benefts of the p
second approach learns a temporally-evolving model of transient cues specifc to target weather, lighting, and scene conditions. Our propo
h angular diversity datasets, but exhibits graceful degradation as the viewpoint diversity decreases. The decrease in information due to low
e shifters or mechanical servomechanism would be used. The control of active impedance devices requires very little power (microprocesso
ates such as inverters, NAND, NORs, etc.) that will lead to and enable faster, more efficient analog and digital/logic architecture at high tem
ng profles become smaller.
nnot provide information about limit cycles. For Phase I, this work will use simple combustion-instabilities problems to evaluate current CF
s estimated this multi-mode concept could reduce airflow variation from +/- 10% as currently experienced to +/- 2%-- a fvefold reduction.
BENEFIT: The benefts of the proposed flexible encapsulation scheme are the enabling of co-cured organic solar arrays around curved sha
ment of a high fdelity CoFAR modeling and simulation capability that is based on a highly successful environment developed over the past 2
rmance of the model, and will analyze the performance of the FAR system in terms of global performance metrics, component performanc
hat may result in broken tracks. Video SAR is ideal for detection and tracking of non-cooperative, maneuvering, and move-stop-move targe

to transition this technology to both military and civilian aircraft. If these same improvements can be applied to jet engines and rocket mo
ratory-scale studies of the atomization, vaporization, ignition, and flame stabilization behaviors. In Phase II, optimization of the fuel blend a
eedbacks from the JSF store separation collaboration team. The outcome of our Phase II.5 work will be a refned CFD software product rea

training materials such as reports, computer exercises, and tutorials. The fnal product will allow the Marine Corps and other DoD activitie
n a factory. Applications will include flexible solar panels, displays, antennas, and OLED and LED lighting. BENEFIT: Anticipated Benefts fro
nt cell, the parameters given by the model can be experimentally tested, validated, and used for input for the iterative model. In addition, a
als and application methods for sustained corrosion protection on war-fghting systems will be quick, mobile, fnancially viable, and reliable
on resistance and overall coating performance will be compared with state-of-the-art complete chrome and non-chrome coating systems. A
e of technologies and manufacturing capabilities readily available at the proposer&quot;s facilities guaranties rapid commercialization and
cant amount of characterization and mechanical property testing that is required before new substrate materials can be introduced in stru
in UAVs, gas turbine engines, ramjet engines, cruise missiles, decoys, and small aircraft engines. The proposed technology also has a great
trodes, and requires no magnetic elements. The microgun approach was investigated under previous NRO and SBIR grants. Experiments to
accuracy. We include a validation roadmap that will systematically validate the high-fdelity methodology, starting from academic canonic
ts will be incorporated into software that will quantify the uncertainties of the DMS500 instrument for measuring aircraft soot emissions. E

y Monitoring by Spectroscopic Analysis (CIMOSA) system, which utilizes Spatially Offset Raman Spectroscopy (SORS) to detect and grade su
and epoxies, which compose OMLs. Moreover, the high dynamic contrast associated with THEIA allows for imaging curved surfaces. Trayce
g test data augmented with new test data and additional parametric data from specifcations and procedures. This approach will utilize, pr
multiple fasteners, and operation in the expected production line lighting environment. Luna intends to leverage its strong existing relation
(Analog or Digital). It can provide high accuracy comprehensive analysis results. The system startup time is only a few seconds. There is no
hods developed in this project will not be specifc to the MWIR band, they may be more generally applied over the visible to LWIR range of

ntially successful frst part yields for lots sizes of one to a few. Improved yield is critical for commercially viable additive manufacturing and

s, a systems that approaches the performance levels of chrome-based systems can be attained. BENEFIT: The coating systems that result f
h as traditional radar surveillance systems: Ability to do intensive video processing using COTS smartphones with good SWAP capabilities
ents. The Phase I program will be focused on the system requirements analysis, followed by hardware prototyping of custom array modul
surements, the image on the DMD can be reconstructed using the tenets of compressive imaging. Advantages of this approach include no

nfguration concept will be established and a detailed preliminary design for GTG subsystem including compressor and turbine impeller me
work with years of experience in energy conversion and the development of lightweight engines, permanent magnet motor/alternators, an

modifed, and the validation of the existing confguration is not violated.

military, and is expected to be low enough in cost to make it disposable. During Phase II, Techshot will fnalize the ABMS design, fabricate f

is being developed which takes into account the substrate materials and processing, the heat spreader material and attachment method, t
graded environments such as SV obscuration, multipath and interference. BENEFIT: This research will produce a cooperative network of G

. Q-Track will feld-test how the system improves the accuracy of GPS and other location data. In addition, Q-Track&quot;s approach has th
stimated and their potential impact for improving radiative transfer calculations will be assessed. BENEFIT: Improved cloud products retrie
olocation solutions. BENEFIT: Our innovations and commercialization partnerships as outlined within this proposal provide signifcant adva
nd demonstrate a prototype cryocooler system and deliver it to an Air Force research lab for further evaluation. BENEFIT: The proposed
foils are allowed to deflect under the aerodynamic and thermal loads and can include the effects of thermal coatings as well as flm-cooling
he less malleable host side interface. SPA does not currently provide the features necessary to protect system users from unauthorized acce
nce in molecular beam epitaxy to grow the designed structures. Finally, we will develop device structures and metallization methods approp
uot;s as realistic perturbations to ionospheric models v) Demonstrate ability to raytrace HF radio signals through TID perturbed ionospheri
ormat relevant for the propagation model. The design is expected to utilize modern direct digital multi-channel HF hardware that can prov
egistration, background modeling, tracking, and classifcation; written to leverage the size weight and power (SWaP) benefts of a GPU/DSP
ive parameter selection. We will develop a radar performance model that can be used to evaluate overall system performance in a realistic
f the SBIR technology could reach 1000 units in the intended market, with sales easily 10 times that in commercial markets.
well as international VLF users, given export approval. This effort will result in a signifcant manufacturing opportunity for Softronics Ltd.
GMSK. NASA has recommended the use of GMSK for most NASA links through the year 2030. The proposed modem design can also be us

h we exploit with new algorithms to improve the detection of weak and extremely slow moving targets. Even fast targets are difficult to de

developed by Nuvotronics. The array backplane will provide all signal, control and power connections to the subarray modules. BENEFIT: W
own-conversion and direct RF generation in modern microwave photonic system. Leveraging the experiences of fabricating and packaging u
es, provide at least 30dB of anti-jam protection for up to 2 (option of 3) 24MHz wide Gaussian noise interference sources; successfully pass
ations and manufacturing approach via fabrication and test of a breadboard array demonstrator. In the follow-on Phase II program, SI2 will
mance to the current state-of-the-art L- and S-band subarray developed by AOE under the GDPAA ATD program and the Advanced Electron
nclude telephone and tower structure and band selection switches. The technology and flter synthesis can be used up to higher frequenci
eTrap antenna technology can revolutionize commercial wireless communications by consolidating and&quot;hiding&quot;(integrating) ma
mating uncertainty of the vision-based geo-location process. The proposed approach sequentially analyzes the uncertainties for each step o

llenges. We will investigate two different, macroscopic carbon nanotube (CNT) architecutresdouble sided vertically aligned arrays on foil su
tion and complete combustion. On a potential Phase II, we will demonstrate the feasibility of this advanced fuel concept to increase the cap
or demonstrating mosaic imaging over a 5 deg x 5 deg FOV, with steering rates and resolutions defned in Phase I. In Phase II, the ESLADAR

nd to establish optimal sensor operations for the targets of interest. In P-I, we will demonstrate key aspects of the sensor in the lab. In P-II,
tions such as APU in the industrial and leisure markets.
el engines conditions with jet fuel and it surrogate components. These experimental data will be used to improve and validate the CSE sur

mework for distributed market-based optimization (MBO) of antenna resources to improve scheduling effectiveness of satellite networks. O
eds of remote schedulers. The prototype is tested using our existing Ace Simulator (AceSIM). This product simulates the AFSCN and the s
e integration requirements, elaborate the heuristics, algorithms and techniques for distributed scheduling, analyze them as to their feasibil

y to cost-effectively manufacture low-profle, earth-abundant thermoelectric devices in high-throughput. Thin flm devices fabricated using
st with minimal impact to payload reliability or performance.
ally scheduled for maximum Space Situation Awareness for commercial entities, military commanders, and JSpOC operators. The integrate
d, shielding sensitive sensors from incident electromagnetic (EM) threats. The proposed structure will be numerically simulated and optimi
mance refrigerators for scientifc instruments as well as low maintenance cooling and refrigeration systems for commercial and residential u
erformance of a representative breadboard. During Phase II, we will fabricate and qualify one or more protoflight refrigerators. Successful
ryocooler electronics. The radiation hard, miniature low cost cryocooler electronics will be compatible with a wide range of tactical and sp
ertical and oblique ionograms, backscatter ionograms, Doppler-shifted surface clutter, delay and angle effects on targets, etc.). These simul
dates the detection via anomaly detection on concomitant effects such as perturbation of communication signals. A verifable sum product

easibility of the proposed MPS for selective frequency shielding by refning modeling, selecting materials, testing dielectric properties of sel
ts and data content. BENEFIT: The results provided by this Phase I SBIR program will demonstrate the feasibility of using a combined airbo
a method for rapid cetane number determination in a small portable package offers a technology valuable not only to military customers b
error-prone and more systematic than building models by hand. Phase I will result in a detailed reaction model including rigorous statistica

e the best methods to improve life prediction accuracy. The Phase I project will also create a prototype graphical user interface for a mode
d level, pressure, and temperature sensors. The system will have the ability to wirelessly transmit in real-time, autonomously record data t

ive tracking conditions of the cooperative acquisition approach and document the Phase I simulation results, and proposed Phase II, system
k, such as the fnite-set statistics (FISST) framework. Additionally, current methods employ unnecessarily restrictive assumptions, such as l
eps, basic functionality of the algorithm and optimized algorithm using features built into the hardware such as a GPU. The results of the
am using the same frequency allocation plan. This is a strong indication that the proposed work is completely in sync with the trend of futu
ity of integrating FSSs into phased array antennas. Such antennas possess one key attribute which makes them uniquely appealing their a
advanced wideband satellite communications. There are four major intertwined components: i) observed or reported system states includin
for PNT systems iii) feasibility study for algorithm application to operational UE, and assessment of existing hardware At the end of Phase
ed features that are relevant across a wide range of sensing modalities (HRR, SAR, EO), expanding the availability of target training data and
lowing integration processing improvements: (1) The ground and air radars will have different look angles to the intruders and thus integra
the A/D converter and forcing the automatic gain control to attenuate the input signal on order to avoid overload. This attenuation effectiv

GPS Nulling Utility Module (MAGNUM) ASIC solution will leverage existing mature Mayflower ASIC technology and proven Small Antenna S

range of 25%. BENEFIT: Commercial applications of this type of laser system may be used in materials processing where the eye-safe wa
elief propagation to globally optimize the sensor parameters for hundred thousands of images. BENEFIT: Sensor estimation capabilities
&quot;s experience in fabricating PHM sensors from propellant binders demonstrated feasibility of the approach. Participation by a SRM pr
ability, while simultaneously reducing the life cycle cost. This type of sensor could provide a large cost savings to all systems employing ene
tion using small inexpensive aerodynamic omni-directional antennas and no external power ampliers. SC-Orderwire uses a MIMO-OFDM w
savings produced by employing HAIPEs to meet the COMSEC requirements for tactical networks. The proposed Phase II effort will build a
efficient multicast in airborne networks. BENEFIT: This research will yield a software-based solution to secure and efficient multicast in cryp
m text, we also plan to explore a tighter integration between the TIGRESS prototype and LCC&quot;s family of fully-customizable informatio
offers higher resolution imagery. F-22 - Increase performance of the backbone communication bus by a factor of 25X. B-2 5X increased in
r, which if flown will raise the TRL level of the DIME instrument to 9. The Phase-II proposal team consists of key members of the same team
al time. First, the IMPACT reduces cutting tool waste by allowing the manufacturer to use the full extent of the life of each unique tool. Sec

sed techniques in threat detection and prevention can also be applied in a wide range of application scenarios. Essentially any kind of com
ss development effort to promote our product and solutions to customers. By collaborating with our AF stakeholders closely, the D-Tech te
tics of various fltering algorithms and chains of fltering algorithms. BENEFIT: Timely and accurate conjunction fltering is a critical need of
gh accuracy low cost solution for global monitoring.
h major aerospace prime contractors for integration of specialized capabilities. Barron Associates will pursue commercialization of the prop
of production, and improve product quality. BENEFIT: Testing of the ILSAS has demonstrated a 300% reduction in material use, a 450% red
, but at a recurring price more typical of the tactical Cryocooler marketplace. The Phase II SBIR will move the system design developed in th
ted using SLAMEM. In Phase II we will advance the prototype asset manager incorporating decentralized fusion and tasking. We will perfo
ities within the stringent SWaP constraints of these Teir I/II RPAs. BENEFIT: GMTI and dismount detection radar is a force multiplier that w

y efficient, high-linear transmitters is vital for many modern communication systems. A large application potential also exists in the purely

duce a software prototype equipped with distributed reputation management system for military as well as researchers in the networking c
s a viable path to practical HEL phased array systems in the air and on the ground. The target application is a conformal HEL system in a jet
s with the potential for including these features in cars for the entire car industry.
head-up-display (HUD) applications, general display applications and windows.
Transform the remaining results so they can be displayed within a common COP. BENEFIT: It is desirable (although very difficult) to have
vices/environments. Once integrated with a performance measurement system, the decision model can be automatically and continually re
mance of human listeners. BENEFIT: The model of auditory detection and identifcation we will develop will have broad implications for m
T: The outcome of this SBIR will be a modeling suite that seamlessly integrates high-fdelity electromagnetic simulation in the near-feld of
n of manual comparison and data accessibility. SAUNA will automate data gathering, storage, and management, including the ability to rap
eal user feedback. Our EMU program is founded on human factors and usability technologies that will help users understand and ultimatel
olutions for high speed data communication links on aircrafts. It will enable low-drag and light-weight solutions in addition to increased an

ultracapacitors can provide hundreds of thousands of cycles, increasing the lifetime and reducing the life cycle cost of satellites, particular
he operator will receive graphical interface information from position tracking sensors to place the tool in the optimum position for coating
ENEFIT: SMRC&#039;s GripChek solution is simpler, faster, and easier to integrate to an automated drilling system in comparison to any oth
ing techniques. We are proposing a 2-tier, 64-way combining structure with the 1st tier consisting of a new 4-way combining network and t
ffects-based analysis for degraded PNT [QUALE-PNT] system will fll this void. This HITL test asset includes algorithms for parametric setup a
e subject matter expert (SME) testing methodology to promote rapid search through the universe of test cases. We will also incorporate a
T: Commercialization opportunities for the subject technology are numerous in both the commercial and DoD sectors. Deployment and w
woven mat. The target will be to add as little material as required to the ensemble in order to have minimal negative impact of garment we
cept debris prediction tools in the phase space of interest for the BMDS.

the same electrical circuits that are used to activate EEDs can be adapted to the inflators.
r the prototype. Research into magnetic saw initiators will develop insensitive, reliable, low cost EEDs for use in interceptors that ensure lo
tion, and critical event timing.
prototype methodology by using a complex missile or payload component for verifcation of the approach.
bjectives will support the goals of the Stockpile Reliability Program that relate to identifcation of trends in missile reliability.
ch shall then be utilized on complex payloads and verifed relative to naturally aged components. TRL 9 shall be achieved upon successful r
dels developed by acceleration aging of sensors and propellant samples. The SSL tags will provide individual propellant aging data for ordna

to TRL5. This MDA Phase I proposal benefts from the active participation and support of Raytheon Missile Systems (Tucson, AZ) and Lockh

an supervision of automation and anomaly management in a way that respects and balances the strengths and limitations of both the hum

. All confgurations are packaged onto a Light Tactical Trailer (LTT) with two 10 kW generators. Radiance will establish an open communicati
minor modifcations, applicable to the challenges addressed by this proposal. PCKA proposes an intelligent power-management module (

tologies are used by the decision support tools, which allows for flexibility and extensibility of AMP. The benefts will be reduced cost of op
d demonstration of the SEMIS with the AFRL&quot;s ICEbox in a supervisory operator mission scenario. Market segments are defned for co
rator and the environment. By using a variety of hand gestures, as well as interaction with physical objects and/or mobile devices, g-speak

s and plans for Phase II. Additionally, POC will demonstrate the feasibility of NIGHT-AO by building a proof-of-concept prototype. In Phase I

GPS or IRIG, require additional hardware components that are costly and must be maintained over the life of the system, thereby leading to
abilities without code modifcation. BENEFIT: The navigation simulation tool will be a product that missile system developers and Governm
eating in the next generation of advanced spacecraft and weaponry.
scope MTSD fast-running model; (4) developing a limited-scope prototype software tool suitable for weaponeering applications. BENEFIT:
ts. Our proposed hardware/software approach will address critical debris data collection capability gaps in a timely and cost effective mann
itionally, if the weapon detonates underground next to a buried wall or structure or under a slab like a floor, sidewalk or runway; failure of
of methods that will be used to accept the output from the hardware and compute the model motion and the associated inertial, aeroelas
rmance. We plan to design and fabricate a SLEP prototype satisfying the Air Force requirements and test its performance in a cryo-vacuum
time performance is critical. In particular, this technology addresses the mismatch in precision between guided weapons and the target loc
h onboard processing hardware, for use with ACES-HY and similar hyperspectral sensing platorms. Structured fle formats compliant with

g and a game changer for automated target recognition&quot;. Air Force transition systems include Dismount Detection Radar (DDR) and o
t clutter reduction while preserving targets was achieved and verifed on measured ATC radar data. SINR improvements of over 20 dB were
be well-suited for quick adaptation to many systems in the L- to X-band range, requiring multiple concurrent communication links capable o
R frequency is only mildly aspect-angle dependent, 5.) For non-symmetrical objects, resonances are very low in amplitude (a signifcant ind
e feasibility of tailoring the proven active sonar decluttering algorithm for application to the BMD radar.

data acquisition from multiple radar platorms.

formalize various allocation problems and investigate algorithms for specifc problems. VIStology will be collaborating with Raytheon, espe
s modes of information presentation GEOINT, HUMINT, SIGINT, etc. EGO shall be the frst naturalistic human machine interface design to s
rator and the environment. By using a variety of hand gestures, as well as interaction with physical objects and/or mobile devices, g-speak

echniques in a workable self-adaptive monitoring prototype capable of checking the execution of dynamically evolving applications.
ticle composites. Studies proposed will thoroughly evaluate coating technologies and identify promising options for both salt and fresh wat

or, we will continue to refne the structure and architecture of our superhydrophobic coating in order to maximize compatibility, durability

d addition of sensors and diagnostic intelligence. These will translate into cost-of-ownership savings for TCCC response, lower battlefeld KI
with Special Operations Forces (SOF) feld computing devices. The integration of best of breed devices into a single platorm will allow the
ranked in terms of complexity, performance and realizability.

g. By recommending commercially feasible methods to manufacture reliable sub-sonic rounds, this study addresses a need to improve t
e believe that due to our manufacturing and assembly process, the addition of a flashtube will be a simple change if the performance warr
oling keeps the system cool. In Phase I, POC will develop a system CONOPS and requirements document, perform trade studies, and develo

E-based generic neuromorphic processing elements with dual analog/digital capabilities and dynamically reconfgurable synapses, and dem

proposed display will allow test and verifcation of wide feld of view IR sensors in a realistic environment. Ultimately the technology can be
between the reactant powders. This effort will combine our unique expertise in powder consolidation with new approaches in reactive po
spheric study, and ground transportation.

o 100µN-class electrospray thrusters, sun tracker, and breadboard control electronics. After the single axis validation test, mechanical desig
plasma actuators called localized arc flament plasma actuators BENEFIT: Surface Stress Sensitive Films are being investigation for a variety
particular application. FIRST RF believes that we offer a practical approach to solving the antenna design. It leverages proven radiator tec
&quot;navigation will provide the necessary foundation, context, and features for MA-SLAM. We have two transition paths lined up to com
ep personnel safe while achieving critical missions. Today, the military uses robots to detect and neutralize IEDs, and the Air Force is initiati
in backscatter data collected by the Air Force, which will be used in the MESM terrain model. In Phase II, TSC will fully develop the tool in C
scanning) systems. The outcome of the program will be an on-the-move demonstration of the full terminal. Both the aperture and the tra
nologies and will include development of new algorithms to handle the issues identifed during Phase I, transitioning of technology and pr
l pre-production prototype. Each prototype will provide an opportunity for evaluation and tuning of the technical specifcations and interf
posite in order to deliver a prototype with a TRL value of 5 to the Air Force. The patch will be evaluated under realistic solar and thermal c
p sensor manager simulation and tracking model, and a suite of performance measurement tools. A user interface is included to facilitate s
e detected. Passive radar systems have traditionally been developed to exploit a particular emitter. The vision of future systems is to adapt
ed aperture LADAR, leading to a high resolution system capable of distinguishing an object hidden under foliage, while remaining conform
e automated development of 3D models from aerial video data will enable high performance ISR applications in complex urban and high te
ble. Beyond HTOL and acceptance testing on-chip, on-chip Built-In-Test (BIT) has other applications to increase system reliability. An integrat
he sample storage method is simplifed by storing at room temperatures. Transport is simplifed by using custom latex balloon capable of li

ciency. We will optimize the formulation to improve mechanical strength and capture efficiency. Testing against live agents (e.g. HD and VX)

kerTM and ImmunoFITTM for chem-bio assays; and enhance the system so that end-users are able to confgure new assays without softwa
R device experience of the Episensors team.
materials into systems with hermetic sealing requirements.

ly moisture breathable, tear resistant elastomeric SMP liner releases agents when torn or cut to form an instantaneous flexible but tough
e complex detonation event that is not attainable with currently available simplifed modeling approaches.

esuscitation monitoring device, as well as a rigorous statistical analysis of its effectiveness based on existing data.
feld but none that have standard imaging capability. There are also smartphone fxtures available in the form of eyepieces that directly mo
us sense and avoid radar systems for unmanned airborne platorms and for rotocraft sensor solutions enhancing situational awareness in D
Concepts SBIR Phase 1 goal is to assess the feasibility of implementing DMLS to manufacturing combustor liners with shaped flm cooling h
and framework/interface defnition to establish proof-of-concept and set the stage for follow-on development work.
rd body interactions will be added. In Phase II, we will fully develop an advanced, high-fdelity simulation tool for high altitude, transient pr

as explore algorithmic approaches to providing autonomous avoidance of obstacles.

control of the materials phase due to better control of material composition, particle size and uniform thermal processing path. Caterpillar
racy 5 to 10 times better than those of OMAX&#039;s two production lines of high-pressure AWJ machining systems, will be incorporated i
logy between the continuum and rarefed flows solvers and addresses the many defciencies of earlier work. This new technology is now le

ogy will also lead towards power storage devices that are safer, conformal, and flexible for a wide range of applications.
gaps in the combined capability to be addressed; develop and evaluate candidate implementation architectures, hardware modules, and co

ting the measured image of the scene for turbulence-induced distortions.

ed manpower for parachute disposal. Plant-based or biodegradable materials will be used exclusively using simple, green, scalable and rob
mful chemicals are released into the environment. Proof-of-concept studies will be performed on surface modifed fabric swatches with sub

ystem. (4) Implementing common industry standard interfaces to facilitate easy integration (Plug &amp; Play).
h existing components. During the option phase a demonstration would be performed using existing electronics with the enhanced antenn
cale aerial reconnaissance vehicles.
set forward, balloting, low cost, long shelf life and extreme operating conditions.
. Phase I will result in a defnition that will be used to propose the specifc thread for Phase II.
iding a comprehensive set of active networking defense mechanisms based on virtual switching, allowing for shielding virtual domains aga
and reduce the cost and risks for network management.

ween 2 GHz and 18 GHz. This is expected to reduce size and power requirements by signifcant margins. The per unit price reduction would

(DSP) solution that enables a substantial amount of signal processing to be performed directly in the DREX, which greatly simplifes the int
nd demonstration aboard a Navy helicopter platorm such as the H-60, H-1, H-53, or V-22. In Phase III, with the support of a strategic partne

ort the design and implementation of the MAGIC (TM) Filter for protecting the Harris SeaLancet(TM) RT-1944/U radio as a retroft applique
d, leveraging existing air ASW mission planning tools, to provide evaluations of overall system performance across a variety of environment

mes less than that of traditional approaches.

, RAS will work with SEWIP Block II prime Lockheed Martin and the government to defne, install and demonstrate the technology on a sui
engineering change proposal will be defned. Project activities will be structured to meet PMS 495 decision gate requirements including tes

rvivability of Naval ships.

d by PEO Ground Systems towards an accelerated A13-027 Phase-I SBIR program that will yield a risk-mitigated vehicle collision deterrence
onsumption while maintaining required processing throughput.
n the Battlefeld Kitchen.

unication devices, and missiles.

much wider range of devices, providing a flexible platorm for reasoning about network behavior. We will also extensively evaluate our algo

d in Phase I, the prototype hybrid solver will be developed into a commercial product in Phase II.
environments. REMAPP will beneft from mission specifcations expressed in very general forms, combining and recombining information to
use a suite of planning algorithms to do the planning for individual assets, with the right algorithm chosen for the situation with intelligent m

he shield on the assembly weight, on the flexural resistance, and on the overall bulk of the assembly.

or most applications. These are all challenging requirements but they may be best met with the proposed MLD type gratings.
laser system to be realized, with no free-space components. The grating and the monolithic SBC sytem re-design are the focus of the Phase

sed on the signifcant enhancement of electric double layer capacitance, psudocapacitance, permittivity, and operation voltage. Therefore

oments. Phase I will focus on hybrid formulation development and proof of concept through numeric experiments. In Phase II, hybridizatio
ble of efficiently handling the required computational complexity of algorithms commonly used in the context of mission planning.

ent ages. Through this proposed effort, we will show how the GPU-based parallelization of EMIT will lead to signifcant reductions in simul
Phase I effort we will assess the feasibility of integrating the uCAST kernel into the E3Expert and develop a work plan for building requirem
ance capability, it can support a wide variety of applications such as high-energy lasers, target designation, laser radar and laser counterme

stem will have the capability to receive information the acoustic arrays and perform testing and performance analysis of the array perform

esign of experiments including rigorous corrosion, abrasion, mechanical, and environmental testing will be employed to down-select Phase
es are not yet updated. By leveraging existing and developing technologies, we will demonstrate GELATI&quot;s conceptual and engineerin
ts algorithms. Using the performance assessment of the classifer, a large set of potential emitter libraries (population) is iteratively refned
esigned with an open architecture both in hardware and software, which provisions the solution to be extensible and scalable to other tec

power density of military power supplies, but can also satisfy commercial power supply goals
uipment, therefore ship missions are not delayed due to long recovery sea details.
aser that exhibits single frequency, transform-limited, 2.0 ns pulses, 2)Selectable, rapid PRF switching, and 3) An efficient, compact, robust
derived to enable real-time algorithm operation on existing hardware/frmware platorms such as the Persistent Littoral Undersea Surveilla
w Water Surveillance System (SWSS) autonomous detection, classifcation, and tracking (DCT) baseline, which leverages the OASIS-led real
utput to the Commanding Officer. We will also examine the run-time feasibility of using a simulation engine for real-time evaluation of risk

tions in automatic tracking. This project will demonstrate the feasibility of exploiting fsh swim bladder resonances to improve automatic sc
system with simulated midfrequency active sonar data representative of the AN/SQS-53C operating in a shallow-water environment with v
sure both aerosol and atmospheric scattering and absorption.
Program will integrate and test the package on a designated Navy platorm.
up to 105 ft) and in a longer underground tunnel in the Option period (range up to 800 ft).

characteristics Other benefts include reduced development time and costs by reducing the need to retune the torpedo classifer when thr
tively direct the instructor&quot;s attention. SEAMATE will also provide dynamic feedback and reporting to assist instructors&quot;awaren

detection of weak signals of interest normally masked by loud interference in correlations. The feasibility of our concepts will be demonstr
binary in-use/not-in-use state. New hardware and software approaches are needed to enable a continuum of tunable performance-powe

with low SWaP-C to enable doing this cost-effectively at the system level.

C will assemble a scaled-down UNTRAS laboratory prototype for testing. In Phase II, the UNTRAS design will be further refned and optimize
l the system; the processing is relatively simple.
ighly efficient precise, cost-effective heater solutions for cathodes for VEDs provide equivalent or enhanced performance at lower cost and
ation of the developed technology, materials, equipment and processes into production for a flexible design of low cost and high reliability

tion, dense shape reconstruction, and CAD modeling with limited user interaction.
uction process and provide the basis for a recommended system design.
ualifed to perform this research based upon previous design and experience with all aspects of the ExCTD.
ration. Together, these attribute make the development of VO2 switches based on MIT materials a very attractive solution for next generati
ucing injection signal circuitry, such that at every stage within the power supply noise reduction, rejection, emissions will be addressed.

terials that can be processed using conventional application equipment and procedures.

nts to provide a secondary line of defense against corrosion processes.

ms and for deployment testing prior to package dissemination.
the autonomy that is achievable within the basic confnes of the existing infrastructure. Based on the simulation results, innovative modif

ency active sonar returns, in particular, the AN/SQS-53C.

utput power in frequencies through C-Band. This proposal will demonstrate the feasibility of our innovative High Power Amplifer in variou
ombining power of four amplifer modules. In Phase II, POC will design the packaging and prepare a fnal prototype.

plan to adapt and apply this process to the LFA/CLFA tracker Metron is developing under ONR funding.
e to evaluate with underwater acoustic sounds and establish feasibility of the system for improved performance in active clutter reduction
ped. This effort will include comprehensive dynamic shock, and thermal Finite Element Analyses of the transmitter assembly

d for PHASE II software development and demonstration within the SEWIP Block II architecture. During and after Phase II, RAS will work w
over-trained. SVMs are optimal, in the sense of maximized decision boundary margin, when classes are linearly separable. RaFos have been
hase I Option, Aurora will investigate a hydroelastically tailored propeller to further improve propeller and motor efficiencies across all ope
specifc propulsion system. The optimization tool will expose several options to compromise between design parameters such as top speed

or a candidate system down select and recommendations for a Phase II program to fabricate a full-scale APHS Proof-of-Concept demonstrat
uipment footprint and weight; 5) Reduced operator workload with task space control; and 6) Enhanced robustness with fault detection.
ng operators maximum time for target evaluation and response.

flow. Following successful proof-of-concept demonstration, the team will fabricate an advanced prototype, leveraging fndings from the in
dels. Furthermore, this non-intrusive sensing system will enable a means of health monitoring, reducing operational risk and maintenance

onstration of a scalable, lightweight (25%, AM1.5G), flexible solar sheet of dimensions 13 cm x 13 cm for Army unmounted soldier mobile p

feature of FLIP is inclusion of a web-based graphical user interface for easy DHCP confgurations.
ducing net shape complex lubricating channels within the body of an investment cast article with minimal impact on the CSIC process in te

ities that are relevant to modern engine designs (transverse instabilities). We will then apply and investigate strategies for mitigating screec
I, the self-powered multifunctional sensor device will be developed for feld use to monitor load history and detect damage presence and

ype. This TRL-3 prototype will be experimentally evaluated in laboratory-controlled environment. In Phase II, we plan to build and validate
provide a frst warning of incipient heat damage before visual manifestation. FINDIT quantitatively measures the associated tilt-tip surface

use of lightweight composite materials and/or parts consolidation.

or up or down conversion.

able role-players for a particular domain (e.g. JTAC training) that require minimal babysitting and maintenance on the part of scenario oper
to further reduce the mass or increase the utility of the system.
ced magnetic response. The pod will collect meaningful and timely data, while remaining covert.

ded algorithm, Sonalysts will investigate the feasibility of creating a PC-based emulator for the AN/BLQ-10 displays and controls, creating a r
nd specify requirements for an integrated module, based on a silicon-photonic circuit comprising laser cavities, waveguides, couplers, and f

ves, and the UAS operator and crew courses will have to change accordingly. As a result, new selection criteria must be added to current cr
vel cognitive skills (mental simulation, task prioritization, and real-time replanning). Phase I deliverables, (KSAO ontology, assessment conte
ce effectiveness based on operational data; and (4) a multi-objective optimization layer that generates options and tradeoffs between soluti
easurement, enabling high-quality measurements in the near-surface regime under conditions typical of the aerospace industry. This techn
mental conditions in which they operate is becoming increasingly important. The lack of anti-icing equipment on RPAs limits the use of the

ng taggant operations using a currently felded sensor. Applications include Identifcation of Friend or Foe (Combat ID), Search and Rescue,
y or access the physical electromagnetic hardware. The VREX offers a reusable, commercial off-the-shelf REX module to accelerate radar in
space-borne and airborne platorms, as well as ground-based systems. This work will result in a new baseline for W-band HPA efficiency a
n (DNP) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy.
iloted Helicopter and Marlin Autonomous Underwater Vehicle are the candidates target systems for this effort. The goal of the demonstrati
he harsh environments encountered by the small arm projectiles used in military&quot;s operations. In order to meet these requirements,
age development, expand the capabilities of the WayPOINT software, and validate the COMMAND prototype through a series of experime

nce evaluations will be performed. Special pump couplers intended for acceptance of high power from diode bar stacks and/or other large

mpensation of pitch and roll, and extensively feld test the device in all manner of sky conditions to verify performance and azimuth measu

demonstration of these prototype implementations, which are easily integrated with current Army Electronic Proving Ground (EPG) test op
them to quickly and efficiently create scientifcally valid experimental scenarios, saving manpower, time, and fnancial resources.
y of nano-Al sheets. Successful completion of the proposed work will demonstrate the feasibility of fabricating this new class of alloys at ec

to participate in the Phase II program to conduct detailed evaluation of the scintilla-tor through its integration into some of their new dete

capable of dynamically tasking the platorm via flight profle changes in response to the evolving surface picture, taking into account missio
s of the program (2-8 W) from a single laser device at 639, 80x and 1700 nm.

rward medical facilities. This blood purifcation system will be tested in two porcine models of trauma/rhabdomyolysis and burn/inhalation

am formation, course of action analysis, and resource allocation. Additionally, accompanying visualizations help to facilitate greater situati

e right combination of sensor and fusion processing systems to demonstrate how these systems can further enhance defense against comp
y produce signifcant long term benefts that address the technical and pragmatic problems associated with improving the performance and

a hybrid suite of cognitive models that analyze degradation to perceptual, cognitive, and motor performance based on fusion results. Comb

associated data fusion algorithms. In Phase II, fully functional data collection prototypes will be designed and fabricated for at-sea experim

fdelity brassboard with a part-for-part upgrade path to a spaceflight design, greatly reducing the risk for technology insertion. More gene
mporal data already obtained by SSSC, suitably modifed for the desired targets of interest and the operating conditions of the RPA. In orde
at U of L. Scientifc Simulation Systems (S^3) will port the Phase II model to a high performance computing system in addition to programm
its use for UGS applications.
enter for off line or near real-time analysis. The innovation of this SBIR lies in computation of network effectiveness in context sensitive man
ospheres in a multiplex assay to determine immunogenicity of candidate vaccines as well as prior pathogen exposure in blood. This novel m

mining the patterns that trigger anger and stress in patients. Expansions include an upgraded, unobtrusive physiological sensor suite, real-ti
hysical and mental health). Furthermore, unlike traditional activity monitors that must be separately donned, the TEQUILA system will alwa
f the SM3 Blk 2B program.
d power generator developed in Phase I on bio-fuels for 1000 hrs, and perform a TRL-5 demonstration of the technology at 10 kWe.
flms. Phase II will optimize the HVPE methods for much thicker PO flms and demonstrate NLO devices fabricated from these flms.

miting steep thermal gradients in the underlying oxidation protection layer. Thermo-structural modeling will guide the selection of appropria
mmercialization that will allow the OEM to exploit the benefts of the FAST processing method for SiCf/SiC turbine components. Ultimately
ication. Given the lack of an experience base in applying FAST to CMCs, MATECH proposes initiating this effort by focusing on the fundamen
Phase II, we will extend the technique to a more complex environment representative of aircraft carrier operations. In Phase III, we will app
develop a relatively high-fdelity software simulation of carrier deck operations, including the simulation of various sub-systems and huma
of the frequency of operation to the ultimately desired value of 300 GHz. Since the electro-optic effect is extremely fast, the architecture p
300GHz range and beyond; (b) combined phase-noise inhibition and high-power scaling that is otherwise not possible in conventional shot
widths (45nm and below), ushering in a new era of component innovation for military and commercial systems alike, accelerating adoption
). We will also demonstrate GPS performance of the antenna under light/heavy interference/jamming and/or low signal conditions. In the
d process with commercial EDA synthesis and layout tools from Cadence showed a usable gate density of 90K gates/mm2. Therefore a 10x
useful in health monitoring applications by allow sensor placement without regard to energy harvesting capabilities of the specifc locatio
e issues identifed during Phase I, transitioning of technology and prototyping, integration of technologies into an existing ISR system, deta
attribution, deploy Wideband Global Services SpWx attribution at 3 SOPS, provide satellite damage assessments for DMSP, gather and fus
nd mechanical performance, and 4) optimize submodule design, patterning and printing for the new mid-bandgap material. Each of these
plications to the production of military vehicles aircraft, ground vehicles, and sea-going vessels.
mance under simulated conditions. The development of VB2-air cells can provide batteries with signifcantly longer operation time and/or r
ase II will fully develop all components of the GIFTS navigation mechanization. SAR and inertial experimental data will be applied to verify t
gy will beneft a wide variety of other military electro optical applications, including head mounted night vision imaging, missile seekers, an
high-rate sensors and transducers to be connected to high-speed networks.
ce based architecture with web-based user interface. BENEFIT: The complete DART system will offer potential benefts across a broad set o
s make sense of, and monitor, events being discussed or planned online. Analysts want to understand who the protagonists are, what they
rs, microkernels that enforce capability based access control, hypervisors, security enhanced operating systems, robust encrypted distribut
Phase II result will be a technology readiness level (TRL)-4 prototype ready for transition to productization and certifcation. BENEFIT: The
tics and viscosity profles. Dielectric sensors will be used to correlate the viscosity models with autoclave processing parameters. This will
a strategies, accessing DataSpace through DSMS API. MADSAT will support natural-language-based search and analytics queries. Query pla
ut for enhanced performance. Second, the microfluidic stem cell analyzer will be integrated with COTS component technologies to develop
ough physiological sensors; and (4) supports communication and direction by the therapist through a web-based therapist interface. Based
e device that meets the requirements built, and pilot clinical trials conducted to validate performance of the system. Finally, a regulatory st

rgets. Safe, portable and low-pressure hydrogen compression will also be demonstrated with the technology as a safe and controlled hydro

IR program, the Mayflower team will augment and enrich the ACTMAN technology, test and demonstrate it on the Mayflower TMT with liv
nment. BENEFIT: There are numerous applications of the ground breaking technology development enabling O(N^2 ) spatial degrees of fr
y for our amplifer combined in unit cells is over 500W. BENEFIT: For unmanned systems, video data constitutes the only&quot;eyes-in-t
s than 10 dBc, a VSWR less than 1.3:1, weight less than 10 lbs, efficiency greater than 30 percent, an operating temperature range of -40 to
The ARDROSS can be seamlessly integrated with the OmniSense Common Operating Picture (COP) user interface technology developed un
re that the technology is adequately defned, licensed, and protected. Composite panels and tubes will be fabricated, tested for electromag
n environment. The proposed quality system will combine advanced computational process modeling and residual stress measurement tec

applications. The new process greatly reduces the time and cost to manufacture OOA materials. In addition to aerospace applications, th
interpolation functions. BENEFIT: The SBIR program emphasizes that the research and development effort should lead to a marketable pr
he developments at Vanderbilt University with diamond, carbon nanotubes (CNTs), and nano-diamond have led to VFE diodes and triodes
chigan Integrated Circuits Laboratory, who has extensive experience with fabricating advanced integrated circuits. BENEFIT: The proposed
typically used to test RF devices, components, and sub systems are very large and cost between tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars
he system at the Hill AFB CT Facility. The Phase III commercialization will involve a software and computer workstation product that will be

s used in long-established, ongoing commercial manufacturing of vitreous carbon foam at Ultramet. The resulting open-cell graphite foam

footwear designs through human subject testing involving military personnel in a training environment.
uilding envelope features will be evaluated in functional and environmental performance trials. The envisioned customer primarily involves
e II effort that follows, the OPC-PM&AM Research team will build and demonstrate the Phase II Prototype in the laboratory and feld, bring
apabilities; (3) a market-based optimization system to perform load management and mapping while addressing a scarcity of properly skille
he context of natural language, normalize the information, and fuse it with data from other sources using cloud-based distributed processin
mplete cryocooler.

ieve the given information goals. Multiple plans are presented to the operator if goals are in conflict or several different solutions exist, allo
high frequency/high voltage materials characterization, while the Phase I Option will include prototype phase modulator development and

will be evaluated with tensile and flexure tests of bonded interfaces. The Phase I effort will be performed by Materials Research &amp; Des
nmentally stable allowing for enhanced multi-hit ballistic performance.
tary tactical vehicles. This program will meet the Navy&quot;s need to develop superior transparent armor systems for force protection.

ort deployment on a tactical unmanned Airborne vehicle (TUAV).

maximizing retention from the pool of applicants while also very effectively screening out those applicants that do not meet baseline perfo

ot;investigation from scratch. Analysts performing defensive operations often do not share information with analysts performing counter o

predictive system. The program will culminate with technology laboratory tests and feld demonstrations in an operational environment. B
has leveraged these algorithm development experiences to identify an innovative end-to-end processing suite for the rapid detection, extra
he motion of the PMM to provide a true second source inspection system. BENEFIT: The new RANMS 3D proflometer is a direct replacem
e components and custom hardware. BENEFIT: As a result of this SBIR, this approach will generate both near-term and long-term cost sav
ruction sample panels to radome laminate fabrication is also a signifcant feature of the proposed Phase II effort. BENEFIT: FAA certifcati
g developed for phenomenology modeling needed to produce realistic stimuli. A new data communications bus is required to interface the

distribute the computational workload in order to achieve maximum scalability on a given massively parallel processor.
rability among large scale analysis geometry and mesh models are supported. The framework integrates design and analysis processes, sea

tilt-tip surface changes, and may be automated, removing subjective judgment factors. We envision commercial aircraft application in prod
e inspection. In addition, this method will be more reliable for detecting weak/kissing bonds so as to enhance the reliability and reduce the
ection and evaluation of kissing bonds in aerospace composites in addition to a broader range of flight-line composite NDI tasks.
ations into the FLITES scene generation framework.
d material quality on surface leakage a high performance LWIR FPA with dark current below 1 &amp; #61549;A/cm2 at 67K will be demons

long tensile dogbones, disks (1-1.5 inch diameter) as well as small scale throat/large scale prototypes for potential hot-fre testing. We wi

model that will interact with imagery software to interpret the analysts input based on current task and interaction environment; Output
alyst&quot;s typical workflow, so that it could be used for both training as well as mission preparation/rehearsal.
ready-to-fre machinegun barrels. The prototypes will be subjected to live fring tests to demonstrate their increased abilities over currently
ombustion systems and compare experimental and numerical data in a solid quantitative manner, and (5) Develop reduced order model (R
and convergence properties of estimators; conduct proof-of-concept 3D computations of the proposed methodology; and prepare fnal rep
plan to build SupportTeam upon an established open source mobile client/server stack that is aimed at supporting the mHealth developme

arch will be performed jointly with the University of Wisconsin and the University of Virginia.
s and strain rate; all of which are not yet available for this alloy in the existing studies.
s will work with the US Navy Marine Mammal Program in the Phase II to demonstrate the performance of the probiotic at colonizing the d
mulated digestive tract conditions will be tested to ensure efficacy of the probiotic. In addition to US Navy, marine theme parks employing

d to apply to virtually any compiled language.

vy to map ship airwakes.
urement system and pave the way for the prototype development in Phase II.
al, compactly-represented data archives to apply past experience to current decisions in real time.
roof of concept using real-world data from multiple use-cases. The project will beneft from the Ohio State University&quot;s expertise in c

cterized in a laboratory TPV facility. We will also develop a preliminary system design and optimize the photovoltaic cell specifcations, both

cognitive science fndings, systematize those fndings into a set of guidelines, design the general PADS framework, develop a limited proof-o
ser interactions.
ve way. Our proposal outlines the steps needed to combine current research with practice to create concept PDS elements supporting mod

s. UT-CEM as subcontractor will establish the composite flywheel structure and manufacturing layup, while MiTi will be responsible for syst

osed objectives for Phase-I include the demonstration of the feasibility of recognition of HADR-mission-relevant entities and behaviors and
umptions, add missing information, remove irrelevant or inaccurate data, and otherwise influence the direction of machine processing prio
ng those of NAVO; (d) help guide the ASPM enhancements through the OAML process.
e. If vehicle position and attitude are supplied, Argus-EC can geolocate the laser source, and provide updated threat position information in
, the proposing team includes Soraa Laser Diode, the only commercial GaN laser diode manufacturer in the United States, founded by Prof

nections and enable transmission of the data to any desired distance, the antenna is formed directly on to the flexible substrate and is itsel

comfort &amp; wearability while electronic tattoos operate under sustained PPE/gear loads during feld activity, or unloaded but needing t

d by producing a dense material with high hardness and strength.

plinary engineering analysis, uncertainty propagation, and design of multi-UAV control software. It will also leverage extensive experience a
port systems, nuclear power systems, weapons systems, and networked information systems. Development and demonstration of the tech
rements needed for the Air Force and a prototype delivered for testing. Phase III will transition the technology to the Air Force and comme
t application for the proposed high temperature fber optic strain gage will be for high temperature materials and structures testing, marke

hnique and promote experimental synthesis and characterization of several prominent candidate materials for confrmation of their magne
ies above 10 GHz, exhibiting low insertion loss, and tunable with moderate electric felds will be fabricated and evaluated.

etic materials, such as high explosives, for successful work. Plastically bonded explosives (PBE) consist of particulate solid high explosives em

h as the C-17, P-8, and the RC-135 (Rivet Joint). BENEFIT: The primary anticipated beneft is improved SIGINT on legacy manned airborne
d and performance validated by scale-model testing. Additionally, retroft costs will be estimated and steps for retroftting will be defned.
anel method that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of flow control and other strategies to improve operational performance. BEN
proach will be investigated and demonstrated in Phase I for benchmark weapons bay problems. Limited wind tunnel tests will be conducte
dergoing cycling and predict sonic fatigue, buffet, limit cycle oscillation, and flutter. BENEFIT: The methods and tools that will be develope
p Grumman.
us understand the benefts of using open rotor technology compared to state of the art engines, and whether change of aircraft design itse
eam combining solutions exceeding the requirements of this solicitation, and provide the military with the required laser sources.
o be carried with the cell, and high energy densities up to values exceeding 2000 Wh L-1 are projected, depending on the specifc cell conf
vironmental assessments using its expanding fleet of AUV/UUV vehicles. The program includes the development of enhanced calibration eq
roving current temporal resolution. Measurement systems will be interfaced to an environmental chamber for in-situ charging studies in a

ng devices that have never been done before. The plasmonic beam steering resolution and scalability will be able to generate diffraction lim
dded flex while still providing structural rigidity.

mal package requiring minimal aircraft modifcation during installation on existing aircraft. Combining these proven technologies with low-c
ty that can address key performance and acoustics metrics. Phase I will demonstrate optimization of propeller performance subject to no
e-B magnets (52 MGOe) at room temperature.
vide tomorrowfs warfghters with the capability to access information they need at anytime and anyplace. Embedded system becomes a ke
mized image reconstruction and classifcation/detection. The team&quot;s proven expertise and experience with compressive sensing algo
g the CPAT ballistic assessment tool, Rhino 3D CAD software, and extending the capabilities of Santos to high-fdelity soft armor modeling. U
e a library interface through which a system integrator or automated recovery mechanism can discover modules and thereby create a vast n
gration and use by existing air platorms such as the F-35/Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) and J-UCAS. BENEFIT: The proposed program is of direct
tonics VPHS system will be implemented on a seventh generation device with size, weight, power, and cost (SWaPC) savings. The VPHS sys
ping high-speed data processors using cutting-edge FPGA and microprocessor technology to achieve the Phase I objectives. BENEFIT: Ou
nd build a display that is data and application agnostic and that can be used for a variety of purpose. Such is the case with a 2D monitor w
anism for enabling the distribution of data across LVC environments, as well as a&quot;dashboard&quot;for effectively presenting integrate

effectiveness by balancing the needs of training exercise managers, training managers, and trainees, and enable them to tailor subsequen
cture, and with minimal impact on the size, weight and power requirements of the target systems. The open source nature of the VPHS wi
ers. The current visualization systems also do not have the capability to fuse static digital data with incoming LIDAR or video or allow the a
as the basis for a business case analysis to demonstrate the viability of the approach. BENEFIT: Large numbers of current tactical aircraft

menting existing (e.g. visual) approaches. Commercialization opportunities for this work will similarly derive from integration of the propo
e I award resulting from this proposal, Droidcloud intends to further develop those techniques as part of a phase II award, and will then loo
then be commercialized in Phase III. BENEFIT: In military market, PROACT can be leveraged to extend existing access control methods and
stems and demonstrate scalability to the Global Information Grid (GIG). BENEFIT: The Air Force will greatly beneft from a proximity-based
onses as ground truth in the algorithm validation process to overcome simulated data shortcomings and we will identify problem character

enforced with strong encryption and capability based security. GATSID will address a major aspect of the challenge of delivering On-deman
ENEFIT: The multi-band antenna system proposed by FIRST RF will enable rapid communication between various C2ISR aircraft. The syner
ssion which can be further tuned by user specifed update threshold. We will leverage available IR datasets and the cloud computing infrast
ric introduces a scalable, low-cost technology to the satellite communication market. As a result, there are multiple applications for this te
n FPGA-based hardware testbench for demonstration by the end of Phase I. This study will guide the design for our Phase II hardware proto
e conversion is done early in the signal plane then devices downstream such as modems and spectrum analyzers do not need to have expe
uth (JIATFS) in Key West, FL, we will design our system to be readily integrated into a real multi-source intelligence analysis system, and can
3) learn and detect normal, conflicting, and deceptive activity patterns among multiple entities reported in different data sources. BENEF
ng this knowledge graph, semSCI can infer not only spatial, temporal, and naming conflicts but any inconsistency indicating suspicious and d
se research and implementation tasks will be performed over a period of 9 months with intermediate system testing and evaluation summ
t;s security metadata, along with an associated confdence level in the evaluated classifcation level. We will learn the parameters of our pr
djust the classifcation by selecting rules that apply to the classifcation or the option to override the system. This approach provides imme
and projects blue force states; and (4) an empirically informed inductive inference layer that learns associations based on historical blue fo
anning and assessment, and intelligence analysis to access a variety of diverse readiness data, reason about it, and gain a clear understandi
to deliver effects across all domains remains limited. The proposed system addresses this longstanding operational need, offering a seman
pability providing end-to-end trust, it can be built upon to realize a whole host of new levels of IT simplifcation and increased data security
SKR technology and AVIRTEK&quot;s Autonomia environment, which is an autonomic computing environment, to build the Autonomic Trus
chnologies, this will allow the construction of a rugged, compact, high sensitivity IMU ideal for unmanned aerial vehicles, orbital launch ve
ored specifcally to satellite systems in this work, it will be based on a generic infrastructure that can be applied to any complex system dev
ed activities supported by space systems. AWCAMS has signifcant commercial applications to many industries, including banking, utilities
ystem tradeoffs in a timely manner, without requiring direct access to the domain experts. The CS-TST will leverage domain knowledge cap
mping in semiconductor and flat panel display manufacturing processes.
processing that commercial users can exploit to meet their particular LASSA requirements. This concept"s ability to detect and track small d
duce&quot;seams&quot;between array elements to less than 10 microns. The IIC team proposes to integrate QP technology for application
cesses, plastics recycling of automotive and consumer products, agricultural raw material cleaning and sorting, and a growing biological im
Navy, and NASA;s) and DoD contractors ability to test faster sensors and in additional spectral bands. While this project is for a military ap
ckground in mission planning and our experience with development of web-based interactive tools to design and develop an online tool fo
and integration of selected technologies to form a reasonable problem solving and decision support process, conducting system design an
ans to develop in Phase II curved see-through MAGIC HMD scalable prototype system with binocular color with a FOV approaching 120 deg
e current systems. Additionally, we will address the challenges of curved waveguide structures and their manufacturability, while also looki
ology, the successful Phase II development will lead to further development and production of a reliable product for military applications th
n and validation, software optimization, and interface development and integration with other AFRL software will also be conducted in Pha
, flight- and link-tested at Q-band (44 GHz), and has been successfully produced and deployed (40,000+ units) at Ka-band (23, 26, and 38 GH
hem into a usable image. Cloud flexibility allows moving the algorithms among platorms to optimize performance based on different plato
lity of implementation on SEAKR&#039;s advanced onboard processing hardware systems. Advanced processing systems, rapid signal pro

ording to potential to propagate negative trust, flagging risky communications as they occur, and facilitating fast identifcation of compromi
ery operable and suitable for personal monitoring, reporting nano-particle number concentration, surface area, size distribution, while pro
eneration missions, then design the W3DGE for training these missions and demonstrate feasibility with a proof-of-concept testbed. In Pha
ulation environment and extend that environment to adaptively include commercial devices that enable simulation features that mimic the
olution for deployed operators and low-cost pilot preparation to maximize limited training time and funding. This affordable system will m
essment across environments. PATTRN will not only enable longitudinal studies of performance across a wide variety of environments, but
e expect the run time for these tools to be on the order of minutes. BENEFIT: Efficient and accurate morphing and posing of voxelized ana
asuring complex odor profles. This platorm will have dual use applications: DoD and Homeland Security applications for tag, track and loc
e and the development of augmentation strategies. ADAPTER will include an interface for experimenters to monitor the results of experim
s regardless of which&quot;compartment&quot;on the mobile device initiates or receives the connection request. These attestations provi
of the GATSID system with three mobile wireless devices in a time sensitive targeting mission scenario. Market segments are defned for co
y-Aware and Targeted Secure Information Dissemination (GATSID) system. This research will investigate the challenges and enabling techno
ations, RADAR, ISR, EW/EA functions and more. SI2 is committed to advancing the state-of-the-art of active electronically steered arrays (A
r-flight communication between any mixed aircraft fleet. BENEFIT: The greatest beneft to the Air Force will be the enabling of inter-airc
ture includes multi-band/-spectral radiometers/sensors for thorough link characterization, as well as the systems to process, reduce and di
of the proposed design during the Phase I program. BENEFIT: Benefts of the proposed approach include low manufacturing cost, light w
or data/product and tool sharing in Air Force, Joint, and Coalition operations, leading to higher overall mission success across the entire su
rodisplays for next-generation visual acuity and FOV HMD applications. BENEFIT: A glass-type wearable prototype evaluation consisting of
ge processing algorithm chain. Toyon will also employ the latest in high-density, small form-factor part selection and PCB design and fabric
anguage from the situation model. BENEFIT: The proposed CANTO toolkit will increase the cognitive fdelity of interactive constructive age

o predict availability of communications in various regions. The ground-based sensor requires no airborne or satellite counterpart, allowin
tate the use of multiple visual sensors and will be designed to meet the SWaP (Size, Weight and Power) constraints of RPAs. BENEFIT: Utop
rtner countries that have agreed to purchase F-35s, starting with the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy of the United Kingdom. Second, Game
etector with an embedded back-tracking algorithm for real-time application. BENEFIT: The simulation environment will provide AFRL with
n centric proximity etc.). RTI and Object Security are uniquely qualifed to deliver and support this framework. RTI is the leading vendor of
ng their extensive experience in both VLF sensor development and EMI\EMP mitigation proposes a two-pronged approach: advancement o
r militarization, and combines these into a novel yet pragmatic antenna system architecture that provides unprecedented capability in term
laboratory prototype. In Phase II, POC will develop and test a prototype MACInTIR sensor system, demonstrate its capability to perform mu
ometer allow broad wavelength coverage in the atmospheric windows across the SWIR and MWIR bands. Beam combination is by conventi
nts for a new STMI for spaceborne applications. In Phase I, POC will demonstrate the feasibility of SIRI by validating the improved thermal p

ail the path to 12 bit dynamic range and 180Hz operation. BENEFIT: Highest resolution and contrast imagery benefting a multitude of app
place analog image intensifer tubes and high voltage miniature cathode ray tubes (CRTs). MTBFs will be improved as will functionality and

d allow for the ability to detect the size and surface area of nano-particles in the environment in real time and capture these particles for m
tudies will pave the way for the Phase II studies that will integrate wireless capabilities into the PACS frmware and test the robust nature o
environments; a mechanism for mapping this data to competency profciency ratings to predict current readiness; and an analysis tool tha
a more compact, robust, affordable RTHUD. BENEFIT: If the technical objectives are achieved the chief beneft will be an HUD that meets
ventions of their new domain. With the SLST technology, Airmen will be better prepared to meet real-world operational challenges. We wil
aining systems is both the development of domain specifc knowledge that is usable by the constructive entities and extending domain gen
nner layer. A prototype will be designed based on results from fluid, thermal and optical simulations using FEA, as well as from breadboard
sponding energetic studies has the potential to open up several new avenues for commercial success including but not limited to sales of c
uce core-shell nanoparticles will be designed and delivered to the Air Force. Additionally, a DoD prime contractor will be included in the Pha

ansitioning to Next Gen Cruise Missile or similar for further system development and demonstration in Phase III. BENEFIT: Demonstration
of baseline test articles for evaluating the effectiveness of our concept; and modeling and simulations to defne candidate concepts, develo

ad systems will provide a major safety advantage over traditional methods of recovering data from a warhead, post-test. The secure data t
ng a shock test compared with current methods -- the data can be recovered immediately after the test, without the slow and delicate pro
led and pre-preg based composites for use as cable shields compatible with both composite and aluminum enclosures for demonstration a
on nanotubes or carbon nanofbers in lower cost, greater mechanical durability, and higher shielding performance.
o-nanocomposite materials. The high quality materials developed as a major part of this proposal are anticipated to provide effective block
quot;opened&quot;to allow communication and sensing, and then&quot;closed&quot;to reduce RCS to as low a value as possible. During

ide 50-75% weight savings over metallic cases while still meeting shielding requirements.
nsidered, as well as designs incorporating an inner core made of a mechanical actuator (spring or otherwise) encapsulated with a outer she
y effective method for the development of new materials. At the end of the Phase I effort we will mold some prototype O-rings for addition
embers. BENEFIT: The proposed Phase I program intends to demonstrate the low-temperature seal for use in aerospace hydraulic system
surface. BENEFIT: There are multiple benefts to the military in improving image intensifer tube performance via alternate faceplate mate
n be moved to various locations on the surface of the aircraft to evaluate the coating. BENEFIT: Although this topic is somewhat unique to

oratory prototyping and mission analysis to predict system performance. In Phase II, POC plans to develop a full-scale compact and power-
BENEFIT: The combined SAL/ACE system will enable soldiers in the feld to designate targets with greater precision in cluttered urban env
L seeker is based on technology demonstrated to have the desired detection range and angular sensitivity with existing laser designators a
rts new applications such as Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaisance (ISR) and cooperative networks. Commercial applications of the
ministration. This prestigious award is given to small businesses that represent excellence in achieving the mission and goals of the SBIR pro

G&#039;s proposed concept will allow for high volume production of a material whose theoretical value has been promised but could not

design for the inspection tool will affirm the feasibility of the approach for determining traveling wave performance of specialty coatings.
ng or damaging the coatings during in situ measurements. The four subsystem components will be combined to form a breadboard demon
n the inventory, versus procuring new aircraft, driving the need for the ability to maintain aircraft even at the depot level, and ideally, in th
pport depot/feld level repair of coatings. This technology will reduce the cost of repairs as depot contractors will have confdence in purch
will be facilitated through development of linked engineered material databases, which are capable of conducting quick virtual testing of lam
signifcant improvement that would fll a critical gap in capability for bulk residual stress measurement, enabling high-quality measurement
shall be provided so that an informed down-select can be made for a subsequent detailed design and fabrication effort to be conducted in

ptimize performance; 2) Development and characterization of outlier/clutter detection and removal procedures for reliable estimation; 3)
We provide an outline for experiments on real and synthetic data and metrics to validate the accuracy of the uncertainty estimates from t
c fghter airframes across multiple mission segments. This technology will enable better energy efficiency across multiple subsystems and im
viability of the control approach in Phase II of this program. These enhancements will have major implications for the expansion of aircraft
actuation on military and commercial aircraft, space exploration, and energy exploration applications, require compact and efficient electr

ansfer and be constructed in Phase II. BENEFIT: The technology developed in this project will be particularly well-suited for the new Ai
pable of meeting the relevant requirements from MIL-STD-704, MIL-STD-461, and the performance objectives identifed at the beginning o
terize ignition behavior of nanofluids using single droplet experiments for examining the effect of additive type, particle size, oxide layer th
vate and stabilize aluminum nanoparticles using a coating. The proposed effort will leverage upon ACT&quot;s work performed on passivati
gram will support a detailed design and fabrication of hardware to be tested within FTT&quot;s core engine demonstrator during a follow-o
rections for soot aggregate morphology using the fractal dimensions and corrected drag for these aggregate particles. The LII measuremen
on reference platorm will be brought to production by partners and/or 3rd party OEMs, serving to extend the capabilities of felded system
n areas such as air-to-ground or ship-to-shore resupply, and the movement of palletized cargo at forward operating bases.
er conventional heat exchanger technology. Mezzo looks forward to the opportunity to demonstrate the performance benefts of the micro

esign of advanced HLRB models that incorporate alternative bearing components and fabrication materials capable of providing greater yie

aim to subsequently test the prototype system through a variety of environments and loads as well as quantifying the system performance

to 1000 &amp; #176;C, and high-g accelerations. Ultimately, such packaging should be easily installed with no permanent changes to the e
e underlying NAB surface.
evaluated under realistic deployment conditions and matured within the Phase II Option.

(SR-R), and perform feld testing in a tactical electro-magnetic interference (EMI) environment.

st Confguration inputs against a database of ATE capabilities.

ption generation, and option evaluation functions. We call this combination of features Cognitive Episodic replan Assessment (CErA). CErA i
n optimized conformal HWD (Stage III in the Phase II Option period), with the goal of generating an integrated system in a compact, low co
r integration and certifcation in each environment. 4) Integrate and test the prototype within a representative NMCI environment. With su

Phase II, POC plans to build a portable and feld- deployable handheld prototype with remote operational capability and test its performanc
evaluating the technology. QCBot is a hospital delivery robot, and RPR is used in warehouse logistics applications. BENEFIT: The technolog
h the sale and support of the envisioned approaches as an HPEMP/EMI/EMC software package interface compatible with the existing CAD
optic pump combiners with optical signal feed throughput that allow for the low loss, low scatter transition from LMA to PCF type fbers.
to existing simulation capability; and 2) develop an innovative sustainment modeling infrastructure that can serve as the basis for an integ

: Identifcation and development of feasible power system technology to meet the performance specifcations for long endurance and fast
rid capable, multi-ITB turbo-fan has specifc design features for optimizing use at high altitude, which are currently not available through o
also has a greatly reduced exhaust gas temperature and the attendant reduced heat signatures which is of tactical signifcance to modern w

proach for a 1,100 HP MCC heavy fuel engine system integrated with an advanced high power density 70 kW generator to meet the desire
ust recovery, and integrated photo voltaic solar panels are potential sources of supplemental power to extend the electrical energy supply e
odels for both steady-state and transient effects, the formulation and implementation of experimentally validated churning and drag mode
ed in a simulated electrical system with other aircraft key electrical system components (e.g., generator, actuators, energy storage). A scal
with major experimental/testing efforts. There is a very strong need for high fdelity computational analyses to (1) assist in pre-test plannin
e sensor datalink. This design also supports multiple scenario and sensor tier elements and provides the ability to add additional sensors wi
andard hydrophone used in the TB-29 array will maintaining the specifcation requirements.
ce activity. The development of a system to track the amount of damage occurring on this component allows for optimization of the flight c

e laser system operation by demonstrating BEC generation.

ation tests will be performed with the H1 prototype as well, demonstrating scalability.
modeling emulation is correlated with the other flight trainer systems and cockpit displays.

K heavy lift helicopter as well as other Navy aircraft.

LPV-250 can be met with the current GPS constellation with the proposed HIPR solution. Mayflower NavAssure Dual Frequency SAASM P(Y
amp; V, and analysis activities that will be performed to support this development.
t prototype for distributed simulations with 1-meter aircraft position prediction accuracy. In Phase II, POC plans to expand the validated Ph
ust architecture. CTI will ensure that the developed architecture and data schemas fully comply with customer requirements and will supp
s of CARPE that will be evaluated by Subject Matter Experts using simulation assisted decision-making.

and sample rate as the performance of electronic ADCs improves, and its output is compatible with standard interfaces for digital data sign

areness. In addition to working with the DoD to address defense applications, Magic Leap is working to commercialize low cost, compact, h
cal and standoff particle emission in real time. In Phase II, we will develop and build a system prototype that will be ready for feld operati
-EW) to provide lessons learned and ensure a robust architecture. BENEFIT: The use of a SOA to enable the connectivity of Air Force EW sy
ance and on part ordering, specifcally parts with long lead times. The wireless communication, server software, and data mining algorithm
ncorporate wireless technology to automatically transmit aircraft data to the depot, so priority and sequence of maintenance actions will b
cedural training with that display. In addition, ART&quot;s authoring tool supports embedding interactive displays and switches with the
Phase II an SEI/SEF enhanced subsystem prototype is developed, integrated with a candidate EW system, and demonstrated in a laboratory

or to fring. Targeted applications extend from initial screenings early in the weapon design and aircraft integration planning processes to f
ort relative to a standard store certifcation analysis. The methods presented in this proposal will address that issue by requiring substantia
times of the unsteady cavity flow library. In Phase II a master control/scheduler will be developed to run each trajectory on separate proces
ation protocols will be developed. Feasibility of Environetix&quot;s LGS SAW strain sensors will be demonstrated by testing in laboratory fu
tecture, equipment and components. Feasibility will be established through modeling and simulation and laboratory prototype testing. In P
WHRS is also attractive for rejecting heat from condensers of VCSs on Air Force tactical aircraft and for similar applications on commercial ai
EFIT: This SBIR effort (Phase I and II) will result in the development and implementation of a heat rejection system capable of removing lar
ti-transmission line (MTL) simulator with a seamless interface to the Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE). The syste
e understand HPEM interference and are at the forefront of research into how it causes effects. We will leverage this solid background to d
y of the pump/signal combiner as well as the fber amplifer system. This SBIR proposal addresses this need by providing a pump/signal com
sign and manufacturing methods required for reliable deployment in future military and commercial applications. High-power, feed-thoug
ition, tracking, pointing and steering functions ready for Phase II prototyping. BENEFIT: Tactical and long-range HEL systems are set to tra
ormance predictions for the different approaches and will trade these against risk, cost, and size, weight, and power. BENEFIT: The propos
f APACHE technology for free space laser communication and astronomical use. BENEFIT: The Optonicus APACHE system will enable place
ystems among numerous others. Commercial applications could include consumer electronics (e.g., cell phones and laptop computers).
d to AFRL/RDLA for evaluation. Optonicus will also present designs for multiple fber FRAME. BENEFIT: The Optonicus FRAME system will e

changing pose. BENEFIT: Improved imaging and beam control techniques have broad applicability throughout the government and private
monstration of a full-color HMD with fused imagery containing at least SWIR, LWIR, and symbology. POC plans to develop in Phase II a high
the helmet via the standard banana clip on the HGU-55 helmet. BENEFIT: The DMBS system is being developed as a replacement for night
curity. The Phase I end goal will be to provide a proof-of-concept design and prototype demonstrating the feasibility of the concept and to
peed the secure exchange of data -- especially when that data includes legacy information, sensor data, or other incompletely-marked data
ata and predictions will be compared with experimental measurements in order to assess the modeling approach and feasibility for a more
print, and maintaining compatibility with existing designs, avoids modifcations to existing airframes and other vehicles. The cost savings is
his SBIR effort will be an effective geolocating system ready for integration onto new or existing platorms. The new system will enhance the
II the FOxSense system will be transitioned to the Air Force for integration to the closed-loop OBIGS system of a tactical aircraft, and to the
mal resistance through improved energy transfer in relevant confgurations. ADA&quot;s proposed approach will lead to ultrahigh performa

ctrospray ionic-liquid ion emission source, with a low power and compact electric feld generation source provided by pyroelectric materia

ponents for which residual stresses are an important concern (e.g. bulkheads) can be in excess of $100,000. Currently, the only techniques
r compensation to be able view dimmer object directly adjacent to the hot objects in the feld off regard. o Demonstrate both radiometric
to mathematically model preform geometry and the subsequent polymer infltration and pyrolysis, such that matrix flling of an actual cera
ram modularity and therefore can be coupled with commercial codes using user defned interfaces. An interactive processing and modeling
d the potential for human exposure is high.
el tank inerting status; b) enable closed-loop feedback control of NEA thereby enhancing efficient use of engine bleed air for cooling aircraft
ource utilization. In Phase II we will design, build, and demonstrate the software for the complete control system and deliver it to the Air Fo
model of the aircraft power system, EAU, and controller, and refne our design of the controller. During Phase II we will complete the desig
ements listed in this topic. The combined system is expected to enable quantitative and simultaneous measurements of particle number d

nd compact encapsulation, meeting HAZMAT regulations, will enable the system to be deployed via a two-trailer confguration. With its sys

of representative video processing and exploitation algorithms. Evaluation metrics emphasize algorithmic performance, power consumpti
nt, test and fly different alternative image processing algorithms. That will speed the development cycle, enabling improvements in our nati
mance requirements will have a signifcant beneft in these areas.
ons. Additional benefts of the platorm include greater radiation and fault tolerance due to the distributed nature of the neuromorphic arc
nd scene conditions. Our proposed reconstruction approach exploits both types of monocular processing along with traditional multiview
ecrease in information due to low view angle diversity is compensated by single-image constraints on surface orientation derived by machin
very little power (microprocessor and digital controller). Toyon has all the necessary computational EM and RF systems design software ne
al/logic architecture at high temperatures (350 to 500 C) including wide/high temperature, harsh environment ICs and associated electron

problems to evaluate current CFD models in OpenFOAM, plan potential modifcations to these models, and develop a nonlinear acoustic m
to +/- 2%-- a fvefold reduction. Tighter control of airflow results in longer turbine component life, reduced overall production cycle times
c solar arrays around curved shapes, particularly those found on UAV wing-skins and bodies. However, the encapsulation system will also b
nment developed over the past 20 years and utilized by such programs as the DARPA/AFRL KASSPER project. The CoFAR simulation environ
metrics, component performance metrics, training data support, and computational complexity. BENEFIT: Radar systems are crucial for ro
ring, and move-stop-move targets such as enemy dismounts or vehicles in traffic. As a bonus, GMTI detections can be placed directly on SA

ied to jet engines and rocket motors, the Department of Defense (DoD) and civilian air carriers will be signifcantly impacted, not only by d
, optimization of the fuel blend and further quantifcation of performance improvement and initial transients will be performed. BENEFIT:
efned CFD software product ready for commercialization.

ne Corps and other DoD activities to successfully assess the effects of design changes for reducing injuries and improving vehicle performa
BENEFIT: Anticipated Benefts from this development project are much lighter weight flexible solar panels for use on Air Force unmanned a
he iterative model. In addition, an Adaptive Metallic Powder Layering System will be developed to address the key issue of uniformly layerin
le, fnancially viable, and reliable. BENEFIT: The total annual US cost estimates for corrosion related expenses are in excess of $300 billion,
d non-chrome coating systems. A successful outcome will be the demonstration that the proposed SHC exhibits better performance than t
ties rapid commercialization and system insertion of these novel devices leading to transformative changes in the SiC and other power devic
terials can be introduced in structural applications. This effort proposes the application of a robust burn resistant vitrious enamel coating t
osed technology also has a great potential for use in systems that require corrosion and wear resistant TBC coatings. Examples include: turb
and SBIR grants. Experiments to prove the manufacturing started recently with internal funding. A Phase 2 grant has been awarded to con
, starting from academic canonical problems to realistic augmentor geometries and physics of engineering interest. These include premixed
asuring aircraft soot emissions. Existing DMS500 measurements will be analyzed with this procedure to demonstrate potential compliance

py (SORS) to detect and grade subsurface defects and estimate remaining lifetime of OML coatings. This enhancement to current NDE ana
imaging curved surfaces. Traycer has assembled a team at The Ohio State University&quot;s Hyperspectral Engine Lab for Integrated Optic
es. This approach will utilize, predictive analytics, uncertainty quantifcation, probabilistic methods, data mining, and variance-based sensi
verage its strong existing relationships with prime airframe contractors to help guide the technical effort on a path toward realistic transitio
s only a few seconds. There is no need for any pre-setups such as system calibrations. The measurement time for a fastener can be less tha
over the visible to LWIR range of imaging devices. Programmable consumer digital cameras in the visible band could eventually be controlle

able additive manufacturing and part qualifcation for aerospace. BENEFIT: Improved acceptance of additive manufacturing of metal parts

The coating systems that result from the additives developed in this proposal will exhibit extended lifetimes and maintenance cycles that w
nes with good SWAP capabilities Ability to scale up the performance by increasing the computing power to achieve 70 mega pixels per sec
ototyping of custom array modules for this application in Phase II. Hardware exists now to support higher fdelity system models which incl
ages of this approach include no moving parts and no infrared (IR) focal plane array (FPA). BENEFIT: High sensitivity (low per-pixel NEf&#03

pressor and turbine impeller mean line analysis will be completed. Phase II hardware and testing plans will be prepared. BENEFIT: The hy
nt magnet motor/alternators, and power electronics. In phase I, MEC will also construct and test a bench-top, proof-of-concept hybrid syste

lize the ABMS design, fabricate fully operational prototypes, and perform laboratory tests to validate performance characteristics, while pl

terial and attachment method, the fnal package into which the modules are mounted, newer devices and attachment materials, and the m
oduce a cooperative network of GPS receivers that allows consistent acquisition and reduction of time of acquisition and tracking by optimi

Q-Track&quot;s approach has the ability to serve as a GPS back-up, providing GPS-quality location estimates (or better) in urban areas whe
Improved cloud products retrievals from the coming COSMIC-2 mission, which in turn will improve polarized radiative transfer calculation
proposal provide signifcant advantage for DoD for use in GPS User Equipment to resolve ionospheric effects and its impact on DoD commu
tion. BENEFIT: The proposed solid-state cryocoolers will eliminate mechanical vibrations and substantially improve the reliability of cryo
al coatings as well as flm-cooling. The simulations will produce stress and deflection felds as well as a measure of aerodynamic damping t
em users from unauthorized access to sensitive operational data. This research will address that concern by extending the SPA standards to
nd metallization methods appropriate to perform ZT measurements, measure the ZTs of fabricated devices and compare results with theor
rough TID perturbed ionospheric model vi) Explore OTHR inversion to obtain TID parameters BENEFIT: At the end of Phase-I, we will deli
annel HF hardware that can provide high fdelity characterization of TIDs at relatively low cost. BENEFIT: The system is aimed at improving
er (SWaP) benefts of a GPU/DSP/FPGA hardware architecture will allow key functionality to produce saliency in the data. This provides onb
ystem performance in a realistic simulated environment, and which can be used as the basis for further development and evaluation. BEN
mmercial markets.
opportunity for Softronics Ltd.
ed modem design can also be used for commercial Ku-/Ka-Band SATCOM. Each of these systems would beneft greatly from a reduced SW

ven fast targets are difficult to detect using classical GMTI when the radial component of the velocity is small, but with SAR, even modest ta

he subarray modules. BENEFIT: WGS uplink (20.2-21.2 GHz) and uplink (30-31 GHz) for UAVs will be provided through a single dual-band ap
es of fabricating and packaging ultra-broadband optical and millimeter-wave components, PSI has the knowledge base and unique capabili
rence sources; successfully pass GPS M-code signals that can be used by modernized GPS receivers for navigation; and consume less than 1
ow-on Phase II program, SI2 will build on the Phase I effort by refning the array design and developing and fabricating a representative full
gram and the Advanced Electronic Components for Sensor Arrays (AECSA) program. Results from this investigation will then be used to sele
n be used up to higher frequencies.
uot;hiding&quot;(integrating) many antenna systems, making WaveTrap particularly well suited for small ground vehicles, aircraft, and stati
the uncertainties for each step of an image-to-map geo-location algorithm and fuses the uncertainties into a fnal accurate uncertainty esti

vertically aligned arrays on foil substrates, and planar CNT-based paper materials. The materials will be decorated with nanoparticles desig
fuel concept to increase the capabilities of scramjet systems. We will perform detailed numerical modeling and subscale testing of our pro
hase I. In Phase II, the ESLADAR will ft the SWaP constraints of a tactical pod. BENEFIT: Commercial applications will include airborne, gro

s of the sensor in the lab. In P-II, we will build and deliver a full prototype. BENEFIT: While the proposed sensor will be designed for space

mprove and validate the CSE surrogate kinetic mechanism for wide range of conditions including augmentors and diesel engines with vitiati

ctiveness of satellite networks. Our approach involves frst defning and analyzing requirements, then designing a cooperative monitoring fr
t simulates the AFSCN and the space segment, acting as a stimulator for real-time scheduling. We construct various scenarios to test the a
analyze them as to their feasibility in several dimensions, further prove the feasibility of the techniques through prototype development, a

hin flm devices fabricated using vapor epitaxy are showing promise at companies such as Nextreme, but adoption has been limited by the

d JSpOC operators. The integrated algorithms will have a rigorous math and physics base, will be posed in a uniform framework, and will ac
umerically simulated and optimized to estimate device performance across frequency and temperature, and to predict sensor performanc
for commercial and residential use.
toflight refrigerators. Successful completion of this program will enable advanced sensor systems for space-borne surveillance and reconna
h a wide range of tactical and space cryocoolers. It will be pairable with tactical coolers to provide a low cost Microsat Cryocooler System (
cts on targets, etc.). These simulated data will be used to demonstrate the effectiveness of ionospheric data assimilation in reconstructing
ignals. A verifable sum product network localizes nearby objects and uses belief propagation to determine the track and threat indications

esting dielectric properties of selected materials, fabricating demo samples and preliminarily measuring the RF shielding efficiencies of the
sibility of using a combined airborne and ground-based SAA data to provide a complete airspace picture in the terminal area. A system de
not only to military customers but also civilian petrochemical refners, and distributers.
odel including rigorous statistical validation testing and uncertainty analysis. Phase II will result in a comprehensive, validated full model an

aphical user interface for a modern, fully integrated, platorm independent rolling element bearing analysis tool based on the fundamental
me, autonomously record data to embedded memory, and will require minimal retroft implementation modifcations. Finally, the system w

ts, and proposed Phase II, system architecture and demonstration plan in the Phase I report. BENEFIT: The NAVSYS VMAG (Vector Mapped
estrictive assumptions, such as linearity and Gaussian distribution of uncertainty within the fltering problem, which do not enable appropr
ch as a GPU. The results of these tests will then be evaluated to determine if there is a platorm that provides the necessary processing p
ely in sync with the trend of future space terminal and communication link development. NASA and other space agencies are involved in a
hem uniquely appealing their ability to perform electrical beam steering. Utilizing electrical beam steering (rather than mechanical beam
or reported system states including status of satellites, earth stations, warfghters, and communication links; ii) on-line learning and subsyste
ng hardware At the end of Phase-I, we will deliver results of a feasibility study for algorithm application to GPS receivers in general, and GP
ability of target training data and facilitating future development and capabilities. These salient features enable sustainable development,
to the intruders and thus integration can mitigate their respective cross-range errors. (2) The ground radar will have a larger feld of regard
erload. This attenuation effectively reduces the sensitivity for weak target echoes. What is therefore needed is a more advanced approac

ogy and proven Small Antenna System (SAS) architecture into a single AJ ASIC that can be integrated into next generation military GPS rece

rocessing where the eye-safe wavelength and high peak power capability of the fbers developed may provide an advantage in terms of ap
: Sensor estimation capabilities for airborne image acquisition systems for Remote Sensing Applications. On-board processing capabilities f
roach. Participation by a SRM prime contractor in the propellant selection, health monitoring hardware/software design and bench top de
ngs to all systems employing energetic materials throughout the DoD, NASA, and commercial industry. Our sensor will offer signifcant adva
Orderwire uses a MIMO-OFDM waveform in the L-band. Additional range is achieved by the use of optimized relay capability at the SC-Ord
posed Phase II effort will build a TRL 6 prototype of the CAPTAIN software product and demonstrate its effectiveness in a laboratory networ
ure and efficient multicast in crypto-partitioned heterogeneous wired and wireless networks. Potential customers of the commercial produ
of fully-customizable information extraction systems (including CiceroCustom and CiceroEvent), as well as knowledge base tools (Lorify). T
ctor of 25X. B-2 5X increased in available bandwidth for targeting and communications systems
f key members of the same team that developed and flew the DICE mission, which launched October 2011. BENEFIT: The ionospheric ele
the life of each unique tool. Second, the IMPACT reduces the cost of reworking parts whose quality is unacceptable due to early onset of t

rios. Essentially any kind of computer systems can potentially beneft from our technology. As the world becomes more and more digitaliz
akeholders closely, the D-Tech team is confdent in completing Phase II successfully, with technology innovations and quality deliverables.
ction fltering is a critical need of the Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC). The collision warnings produced by the JSpOC are of critical im

ue commercialization of the proposed technology through a three-pronged approach. First, the effort will open consulting services and co
ction in material use, a 450% reduction in touch labor, a 450% increase in production speed, improved uniformity by the virtual elimination
he system design developed in the Phase I SBIR to a flight confguration demonstration unit. BENEFIT: The Phase II effort will lead to a larg
usion and tasking. We will perform live closed-loop testing of the new decentralized control framework using multiple asset managers and
n radar is a force multiplier that will help the tactical commander to dispel the fog of war and the uncertainty of ever changing battlefeld c

potential also exists in the purely commercial communication market, where demand for high data-rate is ever increasing. Cellular base sta

s researchers in the networking community to investigate reputation management in dynamic wireless networks. First, the proposed T-INIT
a conformal HEL system in a jet fghter. Conformal HEL designs (enabled by the proposed beam control method) promise extremely lightw

(although very difficult) to have the ability to adapt a COP (Common Operational Picture) application to include new information sources a
automatically and continually refned with multimodal data to support current and future tradeoff analyses, provide blended learning solu
will have broad implications for military, aerospace and automotive technologies. The model will predict sound source detection and identi
c simulation in the near-feld of antennas and in the vicinity of human anatomical models, with high-fdelity propagation calculations over
ment, including the ability to rapidly ingest and store data from the various current formats used, such as MS SharePoint and Excel. It will
p users understand and ultimately buy-into the technology and developed system. BENEFIT: Our EMU program will directly beneft the spa
tions in addition to increased antenna performance. It&#039;s anticipated that the proposed antenna technology also has signifcant poten

cycle cost of satellites, particularly for those in low earth orbit. In addition, the higher power density of ultracapacitors will enable increased
he optimum position for coatings removal. To focus SBIR funds on product development, the contractor will provide a legacy laser but con
system in comparison to any other real-time hole-depth measurement system under development. The baseline technology has been prov
4-way combining network and the 2nd tier, a 16-way radial combiner. With this combination, simulations indicate an overall 85% combinin
algorithms for parametric setup and autonomous analysis across numerous degradation types affecting PNT systems. BENEFIT: QUALE-PNT
ases. We will also incorporate a data base into the design to organize and capture set up, run time and post processed information. The te
DoD sectors. Deployment and widespread adoption of cognitive radio and cognitive radio networks is very slowing progressing in commerc
al negative impact of garment weight, air permeability and comfort.
se in interceptors that ensure long service life, even after being in storage for years.

missile reliability.
all be achieved upon successful reliability assessments that reduce unnecessary costly inspections of multifaceted military and commercial
l propellant aging data for ordnance reliability and service life extension programs.

e Systems (Tucson, AZ) and Lockheed Martin Co. (Palmdale, CA).

s and limitations of both the human operator and the inherent capabilities of automation.

ll establish an open communications protocol and implement drivers to interface with existing and future external communications protoc
nt power-management module (IPMM), consisting of an energy storage device, power electronic converters, and appropriate power-sharin

nefts will be reduced cost of operations and increased productivity of the operators while saving time and money in the design, deployme
arket segments are defned for commercialization, including PED systems, UxV ground control stations, medical imaging, and Cyber Warfare
and/or mobile devices, g-speak is uniquely capable of restoring embodiment to the task of computing in general, and immersive situation

of-concept prototype. In Phase II, POC plans to build an improved prototype system to be tested in a laboratory simulating the aircraft-carr

of the system, thereby leading to long term costs. The proposed software-based solution provides the benefts of greatly reduced cost by a
system developers and Government evaluators can use to quantify the benefts of new or improved sensors, navigation flters, or other nav

oneering applications. BENEFIT: The objectives at the conclusion of this SBIR effort are to produce a fast-running tool for predicting MTSD a
a timely and cost effective manner. BENEFIT: The proposed system will expand the amount of data being collected from current static wa
r, sidewalk or runway; failure of that structure could result in additional damage or undesirable collateral effects. Current analytic and wea
the associated inertial, aeroelastic, and rigid aerodynamic loads. The frst product that this new technology will go into will be wind tunne
performance in a cryo-vacuum chamber. BENEFIT: The proposed SLEP system will provide the Air Force with the required reduced-path-l
ded weapons and the target location systems used to select targets. Although the military is the primary customer with a need for precise
ured fle formats compliant with the National Imagery Transmission Format Standard (NITFS) will be developed to serve as a standardized e

unt Detection Radar (DDR) and other next generation Air Force ISR radar systems. Non DoD transitions opportunities exist in border securit
mprovements of over 20 dB were observed. BENEFIT: If the proposed Phase 2 approach is successful a software upgrade path for existing A
nt communication links capable of transmitting and receiving multiple beams simultaneously.
ow in amplitude (a signifcant indicator of the non-threating nature of the object.

llaborating with Raytheon, especially in the development of use cases and scenarios, as well as in the evaluation of the tool.
an machine interface design to support the best practices of multimodal information presentation across multiple interaction modalities th
and/or mobile devices, g-speak is uniquely capable of restoring embodiment to the task of computing in general, and immersive situation

ally evolving applications.

ptions for both salt and fresh water applications. Feasibility studies are designed to predict coating performance at different depths (varyin

aximize compatibility, durability and longevity on PCBs exposed to and immersed in fresh and salt water under hydrostatic pressure.

CC response, lower battlefeld KIA rates from potentially survivable causes, higher unit readiness levels and lower lifetime medical costs for
o a single platorm will allow the necessary weight, power, functionality and performance specifcations to be achieved using battlefeld CO

y addresses a need to improve the survivability of Special Operations Forces and other Governmental Agencies in the Global War on Terror
change if the performance warrants it.
erform trade studies, and develop preliminary system, hardware and software architectures and designs. The result will be a design docum

econfgurable synapses, and demonstrate BRAINWARE technology feasibility. We expect that at the end of Phase II, a BRAINWARE technolo

Ultimately the technology can be expanded to multi-spectral test applications to allow testing of a full range of sensors simultaneously. Bey
h new approaches in reactive powder design to develop a new generation of small fragmentation warhead with high lethality and LCD. BE

validation test, mechanical designs shall be produced for the fnal deorbit module concept. BENEFIT: International consensus is forming
being investigation for a variety of applications in aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, and biomedical research. Skin friction is a quantity of inte
It leverages proven radiator technology and addresses thermal impact on the antenna. The specifc benefts are: 1) Thermal impact on t
transition paths lined up to commercialize our results, both of which contribute to the AFRL mission. These will include both indoor and o
IEDs, and the Air Force is initiating research in autonomous weapons platorms. The technology we are developing is directly aimed at sup
SC will fully develop the tool in C++ software and document the system from technical and user perspectives. BENEFIT: The results of the
al. Both the aperture and the tracking system are transitionable technologies. BENEFIT: The proposed antenna is orders of magnitude low
ansitioning of technology and prototyping, integration of technologies into an existing ISR system, detailed quantitative and qualitative eval
echnical specifcations and interfaces to meet program objectives. BENEFIT: The HF digital receiver proposed in this Phase II project will pr
nder realistic solar and thermal conditions. BENEFIT: The proposed research will provide the military with a rugged, low cost, passive indic
nterface is included to facilitate sensor architecture and system parameter trade studies, illuminator model library defnition, and the const
ion of future systems is to adapt to the local RF emitters, dynamically developing a passive radar strategy which is suitable to the local RF e
oliage, while remaining conformal to the surface of the aircraft. Because of the high levels of photonic integration to be attempted, this hig
ns in complex urban and high terrain relief environments. 3D scene models provide strong spatial constraints for focusing target detection
ase system reliability. An integrated circuit can monitor and report state of health. In the event that a circuit within a chip has failed, the ch
ustom latex balloon capable of lifting a variety of system weights to selectable altitudes.

ainst live agents (e.g. HD and VX) will be carried out in collaboration with Dr. Harry Salem at the Army Edgewood Chemical and Biological Ce

fgure new assays without software programming

nstantaneous flexible but tough rubbery barrier nanocomposite thus allowing shape recovery and self-repair. The coated fabric will be te

rm of eyepieces that directly mount to slit lamps both portable and desktop. However, none of these systems supply digital stereo images
ancing situational awareness in DVEs.
liners with shaped flm cooling holes.
ent work.
ool for high altitude, transient propulsive/detonative events. Numerical studies will be conducted to address specifc components of the ne

rmal processing path. Caterpillars Solar Turbines and Pratt &amp; Whitney have both expressed interest in supporting and participating in
g systems, will be incorporated into the design of a prototype AWJ system for Phase II R &amp; D.
rk. This new technology is now leveraged for the present application and will demonstrate the current capabilities. Simultaneously, improve

ures, hardware modules, and control elements; and perform specifc analysis, simulation, and modeling to evaluate the feasibility of achie

g simple, green, scalable and robust chemistries that can easily be transitioned into large scale manufacturing.
modifed fabric swatches with subsequent assessment by in vivo assay.

onics with the enhanced antenna switching network.

for shielding virtual domains against adversarial penetration and exploitation.

e per unit price reduction would allow for multiple parallel DRFM architectures capable of simulating emerging threats to US radar system

X, which greatly simplifes the interface to the platorm general purpose processor while providing a highly adaptable antenna interface.
the support of a strategic partner, the WiFOS technology will be transitioned to Navy operations.

944/U radio as a retroft applique. The Phase I project will conclude with a live demonstration using a COTS hardware Wi-Fi testbed.
e across a variety of environmental and tactical scenarios.

onstrate the technology on a suitable test-bed.

gate requirements including testing with actual sonar data and developing documentation to satisfy data calls.

ated vehicle collision deterrence radar system prototype mature enough to be mounted on a test vehicle at the end of Phase-I.

so extensively evaluate our algorithms using real operational network snapshots, ensuring millisecond-level verifcation latency.

and recombining information to pursuit myriad purposes which is extremely important for dynamically changing environments such as po
or the situation with intelligent meta-reasoning.

MLD type gratings.

design are the focus of the Phase I proposal.

nd operation voltage. Therefore, the proposed supercapacitor energy storage devices will enable a signifcant overall improvement in futur

riments. In Phase II, hybridization algorithms will be refned and implemented in a radar signature tool, including a commercial-grade GUI.
ext of mission planning.

to signifcant reductions in simulation time, greatly improve the usability of the tool, and make it possible to add higher-fdelity modeling fo
a work plan for building requirements to test and prototype its interface. During Phase II we plan to develop a commercialized version of E3
laser radar and laser countermeasure systems.

nce analysis of the array performance.

employed to down-select Phase I optimized systems. Transition success is ensured through multiple Phase III transition partners and an es
uot;s conceptual and engineering feasibility in Phase I, while ensuring that GELATI successfully interfaces with current and future transition
population) is iteratively refned (evolved) until an optimal (or sufficiently good) emitter library is generated. The solution is hierarchical be
ensible and scalable to other technologies, platorms and projects.

3) An efficient, compact, robust form factor pump subassembly.

sistent Littoral Undersea Surveillance (PLUS) processor.
hich leverages the OASIS-led real-time DCT development and integration effort under the ONR Persistent Littoral Undersea Surveillance (PLU
e for real-time evaluation of risk and effectiveness.

onances to improve automatic screening and tracking performance of U.S. Navy mid-frequency active sonar systems.
hallow-water environment with various sources of biologically induced clutter, as generated by a validated sonar-simulation model and a va

e the torpedo classifer when threat torpedo characteristics change.

o assist instructors&quot;awareness of student progress. As such, the system will increase the effectiveness and efficiency of VE-based train

f our concepts will be demonstrated by use of simulated data and comparison to the existing processing system.
m of tunable performance-power ratios. We propose implementing an OpenMP-like library to enable software and hardware control to ach

ll be further refned and optimized, and POC will build a full-scale system prototype and create its test plan in a near relevant environment.

d performance at lower cost and are amenable to automated manufacturing.

gn of low cost and high reliability heating elements.
ractive solution for next generation T/R switch applications.
emissions will be addressed.

ulation results, innovative modifcations will be considered within given cost and technical risk guidelines.

e High Power Amplifer in various existing Radar Systems, like SPS-49, SPN-43, SPY-1B (Pre-driver), AeroStat and so forth.

mance in active clutter reduction that reduces false alarms and improves performance in detection, classifcation, tracking, and displays.
nsmitter assembly

d after Phase II, RAS will work with SEWIP Block II prime Lockheed Martin and the government to defne, install and demonstrate the techn
arly separable. RaFos have been shown to have similar classifcation performance to SVMs but with less computational complexity. The stu
motor efficiencies across all operating speeds.
gn parameters such as top speed, speed range, required vehicle length and overall endurance

HS Proof-of-Concept demonstrator for simulated operational test and evaluation.

ustness with fault detection.

e, leveraging fndings from the initial effort and develop a preliminary engineering and manufacturing plan to be refned in Phase II.
perational risk and maintenance costs.

rmy unmounted soldier mobile power generation.

impact on the CSIC process in terms of production volume and process cost. The PCM produced lubricating channels.

te strategies for mitigating screech by manipulating the heat release distribution using CFIS injectors.
d detect damage presence and locations in helicopter rotor blades.

II, we plan to build and validate a complete TRL 5-6 system, demonstrate its feld worthiness, and evaluate its productization.
res the associated tilt-tip surface changes, and may be automated, removing subjective judgment factors, rendering the approach fully func

nce on the part of scenario operators.

displays and controls, creating a realistic representation of the same pre-processed signals. This approach will reduce development costs an
ties, waveguides, couplers, and flters; with hybrid III-V gain integration, packaged with a compact EO modulator, a surface-mounted photo

eria must be added to current criteria to accommodate these changes.

SAO ontology, assessment content, storyboards, scoring and adaptive delivery algorithms, cut score simulations), will provide a preview of
ons and tradeoffs between solutions. ReCOURSE will provide signifcant value to the Joint Forces Air Component Commander, specifcally s
e aerospace industry. This technology is important to many industries (e.g., aerospace, transportation, utilities, etc). Current design metho
ent on RPAs limits the use of these aircraft when environmental conditions indicate a high probability for an icing hazard. In general, RPA la

Combat ID), Search and Rescue, and Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance.
EX module to accelerate radar innovation and lower the expense of developing, testing, and maintaining sensor systems. The VREX flls a cr
line for W-band HPA efficiency and linearity. It will also provide a key component in the production of compact, efficient, linezr HPAs to me

ffort. The goal of the demonstration is to verify and validate the performance, usability, and maturity of the PHM technology and set off th
der to meet these requirements, additional considerations, such as wireless transmission and non-stand-alone designs will also be explored
pe through a series of experiments, including within the context of an operational task with active duty military personnel.

ode bar stacks and/or other large pump module formats will be designed, fabricated and tested.

erformance and azimuth measurement accuracy.

nic Proving Ground (EPG) test operations, will ensure rapid transition to production-ready capability in Phase III.
nd fnancial resources.
ting this new class of alloys at economically viable rates and volumes, as well as identify suitable applications for more rapid commercializa

tion into some of their new detectors.

cture, taking into account mission profles, OPSITs/TACSITs, platorm kinematic capabilities, airspace restrictions, and threat profles. In add

bdomyolysis and burn/inhalation injury to reduce excessive cytokines, myoglobin and other inflammatory mediators in blood, with the goal

ns help to facilitate greater situational awareness and user comprehension. We have a community of interested users who are motivated

r enhance defense against complex raids.

h improving the performance and capability of our aircraft carriers, doing more with less.

ce based on fusion results. Combined, these components provide a real-time assessment framework to detect, predict, and potentially prev

nd fabricated for at-sea experimentation to discriminate targets of interest.

echnology insertion. More generally, MACE will provide the space cryocooler user community with a control electronics platorm that can
ng conditions of the RPA. In order to integrate with existing sensor pods without A-kit changes, the Phase II imager will remain uncooled an
system in addition to programming a usable interface to facilitate commercialization transition. BENEFIT: Due to the lengthy development

tiveness in context sensitive manner.

exposure in blood. This novel multiplex microsphere-based assay will cover the most common causative pathogens of diarrhea.

physiological sensor suite, real-time biofeedback, and additional mitigation and training strategies among others.
d, the TEQUILA system will always be with the amputee, collecting EE and PA intensity level data whenever the prosthesis is worn.

he technology at 10 kWe.
ricated from these flms.

guide the selection of appropriate materials and geometries for each layer. Upon completion of modeling, demonstration articles will be f
turbine components. Ultimately, the FAST process will enable the production of more affordable 2700°F capable CMCs.
ort by focusing on the fundamentals.
erations. In Phase III, we will apply the technique to an actual carrier environment.
f various sub-systems and human operators involved. This simulation environment will be used throughout the duration of the proposed re
xtremely fast, the architecture provides sub microsecond agility, limited only to the settling time of the resonator.
not possible in conventional shot-noise-limited oscillators; and (c) nearly lossless, fber distribution of the tunable RF carrier with absolute p
ems alike, accelerating adoption by commercial IC foundries and enabling the development of novel computing, communication, and cons
/or low signal conditions. In the second half of Phase II, we will focus on demonstrating dual use of the FLPA for communication applicatio
90K gates/mm2. Therefore a 10x10mm2 interior chip area would have 12M raw gates and 9M usable gates with TID performance&gt;1Mra
apabilities of the specifc location.
into an existing ISR system, detailed quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the system and its components, and demonstration of techn
sments for DMSP, gather and fuse SpWx data from MDA&quot;s Space Tracking and Surveillance System spacecraft, assess SpWx impacts o
bandgap material. Each of these approaches have been demonstrated to reduce defects. BENEFIT: We have a natural evolution of our prod

y longer operation time and/or reduced weight compared to existing batteries. BENEFIT: High energy density VB2-air batteries have signif
al data will be applied to verify the system functionality and evalute its characteristics in a post-processing operational mode. BENEFIT: If s
sion imaging, missile seekers, and fre control systems. Commercial applications include surveillance imaging, cell phone camera, multi-spe

ntial benefts across a broad set of tactical scenarios where resources from diverse domains are required to achieve mission success includi
o the protagonists are, what they have done, and what they are planning. They have limited time and manpower available to do this by han
tems, robust encrypted distributed fle systems, scalable reliable multicast transport protocols and [zero knowledge] remote attestation pro
and certifcation. BENEFIT: The ALOEN system will provide a high-altitude platorm with the capability to estimate its geodetic position wi
rocessing parameters. This will result in a robust process for the fabrication of complex MVK-14 FreeForm carbon fber composite compon
and analytics queries. Query planning and execution in the cloud will be built on the MapReduce framework. We plan to transition MADSA
mponent technologies to develop an integrated prototype for automated operation. The functionality of differentiation state identifcation a
based therapist interface. Based on our Phase I success, we recommend a Phase II effort focused on developing and experimentally evalua
e system. Finally, a regulatory strategy towards obtaining FDA approval on an AER-BOT system will be drawn.

gy as a safe and controlled hydrogen release mechanism. A scale-up production plan, market study and market penetration points will be c

t on the Mayflower TMT with live radios, and will ensure its commercialization via Air Force feld test and demonstration in Phase II by wor
ling O(N^2 ) spatial degrees of freedom with just O(N) antenna elements in the felds of wireless communications (both commercial and m
stitutes the only&quot;eyes-in-the-sky&quot;and thus the only link that a ground crew may have with what is actually going on in the vicin
ating temperature range of -40 to +55C, and reliability consistent with typical airborne terminal life of 10^5 hours. BENEFIT: Dual Use and C
erface technology developed under past SBIRs. McQ is supplying sensor technology and user display technology to many DOD, DOE, DHS,
fabricated, tested for electromagnetic shielding, and delivered to AFRL/AFIT for further testing. BENEFIT: Lightweight broadband shielding
residual stress measurement technology to establish a robust system of production control. BENEFIT: The proposed program offers a logic

on to aerospace applications, this technology can be adapted to other industries, including renewable energy, automotive, and consumer
rt should lead to a marketable product. With that in view, Advanced Computational Technology will perform code development parts of ph
ve led to VFE diodes and triodes with high gain and stable emission current demonstrating the potential for manufacture of next generation
circuits. BENEFIT: The proposed receiver will achieve a 5-20x improvement in energy-efficiency over existing solutions while providing supp
undreds of thousands of dollars. This constrains the amount of testing that is affordable, slowing progress on new processes and process n
workstation product that will be a 3rd party add-on to industrial CT systems. BENEFIT: The beneft to the Department of Defense will be th

esulting open-cell graphite foam acts as a high thermal conductivity, high surface area cooling fn, and was tested under a range of heat flux

ned customer primarily involves JPEO CBD and the armed services anti-terrorism force protection construction units.
n the laboratory and feld, bringing the technical maturity to TRL 5.
essing a scarcity of properly skilled resources to address tasks; and (4) a combination of semantic reasoning and provenance modeling to re
oud-based distributed processing.

eral different solutions exist, allowing the operator to apply mission-level judgment in directing the platorm.
se modulator development and roadmapping the testing needs of Phase II.

y Materials Research &amp; Design, Inc. (MR &amp; D), Exothermics, and Southern Research Institute (SoRI).

systems for force protection.

that do not meet baseline performance on critical non-trainable KSAOs.

th analysts performing counter operations, and alert-to-share can facilitate coordination of their efforts to accelerate the discovery of know

n an operational environment. BENEFIT: The US military relies upon a diverse array of sensing resources to achieve enhanced space situati
uite for the rapid detection, extraction, and tracking of dim closely-spaced targets in data from WFOV sensors viewing cluttered scenes. BEN
roflometer is a direct replacement for current touch probes and has the potential to revolutionize the industrial metrology market. Touch
ear-term and long-term cost savings for Air Force and DoD, ensuring that no new development of the baseline technology is required to su
effort. BENEFIT: FAA certifcation (acceptance) of new materials for airborne applications (commercial and now probably military ) focuse
ns bus is required to interface the clusters to stimulators and device under test. This proposal addresses that challenge.

el processor.
esign and analysis processes, seamlessly linking solvers with the modeling and meshing process, enabling rapid development of computatio

ercial aircraft application in production and normal hangar maintenance, automotive safety, and other areas of composite application such
nce the reliability and reduce the costs during manufacturing and in-service operations.
composite NDI tasks.

49;A/cm2 at 67K will be demonstrated.

potential hot-fre testing. We will develop the key CDC process optimization for various proposed materials, suitable thermal processing/sin

teraction environment; Output displays such as large screens or mobile device interfaces to complement and augment the computer scree

increased abilities over currently felded machinegun barrels.

Develop reduced order model (ROM) and devise control strategies by exploiting the POD-based or wavelet-based dynamical system as they
thodology; and prepare fnal report and periodic progress reports.
porting the mHealth development community.

the probiotic at colonizing the dolphin intestine and promoting gastrointestinal health.
marine theme parks employing dolphins for recreational purposes will also beneft from the superior-quality probiotics developed by Acca

University&quot;s expertise in computational memory modeling and Novateur Research Solution&quot;s experience in sensor exploitatio

tovoltaic cell specifcations, both of which are necessary emitter design inputs.

ework, develop a limited proof-of-concept prototype, and elaborate a plan for Phase II technology development and transition.

pt PDS elements supporting modern operational decision-making through the effective and appropriate integration of context.

MiTi will be responsible for system integration and overall fabrication.

evant entities and behaviors and the feasibility of such recognition and the subsequent fusion/prediction at scale. We also propose to deve
ction of machine processing prior to the predictive analysis step.
ed threat position information in real time.
e United States, founded by Professors Shuji Nakamura and Steve DenBaars of University of California, Santa Barbara.

the flexible substrate and is itself flexible in multiple directions simultaneously.

tivity, or unloaded but needing to operate wet. Mentat will provide leap-ahead beyond current state-of-art technology in ultra-low-power

o leverage extensive experience at Rockwell Collins in the use of formal methods for large, complex industrial applications. BENEFIT: The p
t and demonstration of the technology within this project will provide an effective and efficient mechanism for reducing the risk of adoptio
ogy to the Air Force and commercial industry through Luna&quot;s Product Development Division. BENEFIT: The proposed system will me
als and structures testing, marketed to DoD and NASA, university and commercial laboratories. Beyond fber sensor applications, the novel

s for confrmation of their magnetic performance.

d and evaluated.

rticulate solid high explosives embedded in a polymer matrix. As such, they rely on weak forces for adhesion between the explosive partic

GINT on legacy manned airborne platorms. The program aims to produce a technology and methodologies that provide low cost SIGINT ca
s for retroftting will be defned. BENEFIT: As antenna technology has improved over the years, and there are more sensors and RF signals
e operational performance. BENEFIT: A successful research program will lead to the development of an advanced panel method that can r
nd tunnel tests will be conducted for computational model validations. In Phase II, a comprehensive experimental program will be execute
s and tools that will be developed under this SBIR can directly impact the design of a variety of geometrically complex hardware that is dep

her change of aircraft design itself will be required to realize the potential of such concepts. BENEFIT: The result of this proposed program
required laser sources.
pending on the specifc cell confguration implemented.
pment of enhanced calibration equipment and methodologies to ensure the highest quality oceanographic data, while reducing the Cost of
r for in-situ charging studies in a simulated space environment. The project with bring this capability to the US including signifcant improv

be able to generate diffraction limited beam that could match the beam quality of steering mirrors.

e proven technologies with low-cost and lightweight surface treatments provides a low-risk path to realizing program goals, with long-term
peller performance subject to noise constraints in multiple flight conditions while incorporating realistic wing and airframe interference, lay

Embedded system becomes a key portal into the Information Technology infrastructure in the NCW concept. The TCES framework will imp
e with compressive sensing algorithms, imaging hardware, and rapid prototyping will enable the development of state-of-the-art compress
gh-fdelity soft armor modeling. Under a separate task, we will also integrate into CPAT the PISAT whole-body penetrating injury assessmen
dules and thereby create a vast number of logically distinct versions of the same system.
he proposed program is of direct relevance to the U.S Air Force and its prime contractors responsible for the design of weapons bay doors.
(SWaPC) savings. The VPHS system will perform image processing for at least two sensor inputs and two microdisplay outputs. BENEFIT:
hase I objectives. BENEFIT: Our VPHS will provide the performance necessary to realize next generation HMD systems while maintaining a
is the case with a 2D monitor which can be connected to any computer or gaming console through a standard interface, Zebra Imaging&#
or effectively presenting integrated performance data to trainees and instructors, supporting instructor analysis of trainee readiness and tra

enable them to tailor subsequent training given the assessment of the distributed team and to tailor the use of enabling technologies given
en source nature of the VPHS will allow it to be integrated into a host of systems and application environments.
ing LIDAR or video or allow the analyst to view the battles space form arbitrary points-of-view BENEFIT: The proposal will enable a numbe
mbers of current tactical aircraft and tactical trainers are ftted with legacy HUDs which are of limited performance and are or are becoming

ve from integration of the proposed inverse modeling capabilities into deployed sensing hardware to form an integrated platorm for identi
phase II award, and will then look to transition these techniques into its COTS products.
sting access control methods and enable dynamic information access capabilities required by User Defned Operational Picture (UDOP). PRO
y beneft from a proximity-based access control solution like CAPSA that provides a new dimension to access control. Additionally, CAPSA&q
e will identify problem characteristics where the GMTI exploitation algorithm performs well through the use of a Relevance Vector Machin

allenge of delivering On-demand Information: What you need, When you need it?, enabling situation awareness systems to exploit tactica
various C2ISR aircraft. The synergy between different sensor platorms will provide enhanced battlefeld awareness as well as enhanced ne
and the cloud computing infrastructure to evaluate the feasibility of this distributed system and user interface. BENEFIT: The Intelligence
multiple applications for this technology in both commercial and DoD markets. A large potential commercial market involves wireless dev
n for our Phase II hardware prototype of a Digital Chaotic Spread Spectrum SATCOM System (DC-SSATS). BENEFIT: Within the DoD marke
alyzers do not need to have expensive conversion equipment. Likewise analog fber can be replaced with digital fber offering better signal
ligence analysis system, and can design experiments on real, operational data. BENEFIT: Phase I will build the foundation to automaticall
different data sources. BENEFIT: DREAM will allow intelligence analysts and commercial users to reduce the uncertainty in their knowled
tency indicating suspicious and deceptive information involving the logical expressions of subject and property values in the multi-dimensi
em testing and evaluation summarized in a deliverable format. BENEFIT: The research study and software prototype will provide an analys
ll learn the parameters of our probabilistic models using machine learning techniques on an appropriate set of training data. BENEFIT: ASC
m. This approach provides immediate beneft to the user community while the CDD-AAID goes through the certifcation process. BENEFIT
ations based on historical blue force data. During Phase I, we will create a demonstration prototype that leverages in-house and external co
t it, and gain a clear understanding of blue force readiness within a mission relevant context. BENEFIT: BACUS benefts DoD&quot;s emph
erational need, offering a semantically expressive model emphasizing dependencies among domain assets, and key relationships among bl
ation and increased data security. BENEFIT: When EOLuS is demonstrated as a successful capability providing end-to-end trust, it can be b
ent, to build the Autonomic Trust Management (ATM) agents. In addition, we will leverage AVIRTEK&quot;s feature selection algorithm to
aerial vehicles, orbital launch vehicles and spacecraft. BENEFIT: The system will be ideal for unmanned aircraft, with a sensitivity and SWa
plied to any complex system development program. BENEFIT: Benefts include improved communication between stakeholders, better de
tries, including banking, utilities, and communications, where architecture-based systems engineering would have high payoff due to the c
leverage domain knowledge captured from engineering experts specializing in SMC/ISR&#039;s infrared systems and new software tools d

ability to detect and track small debris as well as observe and interpret activities near high value host satellites will provide signifcant capa
ate QP technology for application to scalable, flexible, lower-cost GaAs-based emitter arrays for a new generation of high-performance infra
ting, and a growing biological imaging technique, spectral-domain optical coherence tomography.
ile this project is for a military application, the SWIR spectral region is receiving more interest in general due to the unique capabilities and
gn and develop an online tool for distributed mission planning, briefng, and debriefng in LVC exercises. BENEFIT: The software develop
ess, conducting system design and software implementation to demonstrate a proof of concept in suitable scenarios, and fnally exploring t
with a FOV approaching 120 deg (horizontal) x 80 deg (vertical), demonstrating the capability to support higher resolution displays. BENEF
anufacturability, while also looking at pathways to color. BENEFIT: Increased pilot situational awareness in both military and comme
oduct for military applications that replaces classical optics in HMD systems with curved, thin, light, ergonomic diffractive optics. BENEFIT:
are will also be conducted in Phase II. BENEFIT: This work will result in an interactive software tool for generating anthropometric voxel mo
ts) at Ka-band (23, 26, and 38 GHz) in Commercial Point-to-Point applications. ThinKom is actively developing new Commercial Terrestrial
rmance based on different platorms&quot;capabilities. In Phase I we will design and implement a cloud architecture feasibility test setup
cessing systems, rapid signal processing design methodology, channelizer development experience, and knowledge of adaptive beamformin

g fast identifcation of compromised hosts. BENEFIT: The resulting system will greatly aid in real-time evaluation of end-to-end network tru
area, size distribution, while providing size- and time-resolved samples for off line analysis. BENEFIT: This instrument will provide a means
proof-of-concept testbed. In Phase II, TDT will optimize the design and fabricate a full low-cost prototype to evaluate and quantify training
mulation features that mimic the cockpit environment of the multirole fghter. BENEFIT: The primary beneft of GeMFIRE will be in supporti
ng. This affordable system will make it possible for end-users with limited budgets to obtain a quality mission rehearsal environment and a
ide variety of environments, but will also contribute to the ongoing efforts to achieve greater interoperability. BENEFIT: The proposed PAT
hing and posing of voxelized anatomical models is valuable to a wide range of users. Human thermal comfort analysts, biomedical scientis
pplications for tag, track and locate, civil law enforcement forensic applications, border control and inspection applications, and health mo
o monitor the results of experiments as they unfold and see the real-time effects of their augmentation strategies. BENEFIT: ADAPTER will
equest. These attestations provide assurance that the underlying system maintains its trusted state. Metronome and Raytheon envision th
rket segments are defned for commercialization including DoD network-centric systems, UAS ground control stations, semantic Web, cloud
e challenges and enabling technology required to design and build a prototype GATSID system that securely transmits messages to a class o
e electronically steered arrays (AESA) for defense applications. The results of this program will influence future research and be applied to s
will be the enabling of inter-aircraft communication and data transfer between any mixed aircraft fleet. The FIRST RF technology and deve
ystems to process, reduce and disseminate the data. BENEFIT: The immediate beneft of the proposed technology is to support the charac
low manufacturing cost, light weight, a balanced center of mass, improved reliability, a built in signal tracking module. In addition to the a
sion success across the entire surveillance community.
rototype evaluation consisting of 4k2k resolution microdisplay for each eye will be fabricated, establishing a solid foundation for a highly-sc
ection and PCB design and fabrication practices to ensure that the overall system design meets SWaP requirements. BENEFIT: At the end o
ty of interactive constructive agents in training simulations in order to provide more realistic communication with the human trainee. Ultim

or satellite counterpart, allowing for inexpensive long-term monitoring. As utilization of the V and W bands for limitary and commercial co
nstraints of RPAs. BENEFIT: UtopiaCompression&#039;s (UC) passive color EO sensor based postern sense and avoid system can enable th
United Kingdom. Second, GameSim intends to reach out to our large publishing partners to secure funding for a video game adaptation of
ironment will provide AFRL with a robust means of establishing sensor requirements for an emerging, VOC-based detector, and the basis fo
ork. RTI is the leading vendor of DDS middleware and has extensive experience with sensor fusion, defense networks, and supporting TRL 9
onged approach: advancement of VLF receive antenna magnetometers, and advancement in EMI\EMP reducing treatments, to meet the Ai
unprecedented capability in terms of sensitivity, polarimetric diversity, and both spatial and active interference fltering. BENEFIT: As a re
trate its capability to perform multi-aperture interferometry and provide high-resolution long-range IR images, and identify a path toward s
Beam combination is by conventional glass optics held rigidly in place. Processing of the interferometer signals to remove the instrumental
alidating the improved thermal performance of the refreshable interface. In Phase II, POC plans to develop a prototype to show improveme

ry benefting a multitude of applications including digital night vision, 2D and 3D onsite and remote medical visualization, military and com
mproved as will functionality and situational awareness. BENEFIT: SA Photonics&quot;DMBS has the following technological innovations to

and capture these particles for more complex off-line laboratory analysis would fnd numerous commercial applications in industrial hygien
are and test the robust nature of the PACS under feld conditions. BENEFIT: The prototype monitor that will be established through this w
adiness; and an analysis tool that can utilize this data to help make informed decisions about optimal learning paths and selection. BENEFI
neft will be an HUD that meets the full suite of RTHUD requirements. Due to our novel optical design, the proposed system can meet the
d operational challenges. We will enhance Persona, our commercial product for agent authoring, to use more socio-linguistically realistic la
tities and extending domain general reasoning capabilities for the new domain. Our solution focuses on these key challenges. BENEFIT: W
FEA, as well as from breadboard tests. BENEFIT: Resolution of 1.5 arc-minutes at 10m for sufficiently small light sources Small individual w
ding but not limited to sales of core-shell cluster beamlines, R &amp; D services for customers with specifc chemistry desires, and delivery
ractor will be included in the Phase II team to help defne functional performance criteria and test under simulated use conditions, thereby

se III. BENEFIT: Demonstration of SEFOES device for application in liquid based munition systems will have multiple applications througho
efne candidate concepts, develop designs, and assist in analysis of experimental results. BENEFIT: The feasibility study will provide engine

ead, post-test. The secure data transmit capability and data telemetry of tactical system performance could also be used in combat throug
ithout the slow and delicate process of disassembling the device under test to gain access to the recorder, to then download the data. Mc
m enclosures for demonstration against narrow and wideband HPM sources. BENEFIT: NanoSonic would primarily develop Metal Rubber m

cipated to provide effective blocking and selective response (flters) to RF and microwaves up to 110 GHz. BENEFIT: The ability to control th
low a value as possible. During Phase I NanoSonic would work with the current supplier of custom RF shielding materials, and the RF syste

e) encapsulated with a outer shell to support system interfacing and surface mating requirements. BENEFIT: The technology developed un
me prototype O-rings for additional proof testing. BENEFIT: These new o-rings could be utilized by the oil industry, NASA high altitude resea
e in aerospace hydraulic systems. This is targeted for drop-in replacement into hydraulic systems of existing and future UAVs. Cost effectiv
nce via alternate faceplate materials. These benefts include: Protection against battlefeld laser damage. By using alternative glass types
his topic is somewhat unique to the platorm under consideration, this tool could be used for a variety of EMI measurements.

a full-scale compact and power-efficient seeker capable of being controlled by both autonomous closed-loop guidance and a human-oper
precision in cluttered urban environments. Commercial applications include surveillance activities in law enforcement, border control, hom
with existing laser designators and has a small volume enabling the integration of the two sensor modes into a monolithic unit. BENEFIT
Commercial applications of the flexible radar seeker include: imagery aided navigation and aircraft collision avoidance systems.
mission and goals of the SBIR program, stimulating technological innovation, and increasing the commercialization of Federal research. CEI w

as been promised but could not be practically realized prior to now due to production limitations. BENEFIT: Operational Benefts: (1) En

rformance of specialty coatings. If successful, this program will fulfll a critical Air Force need in manufacturing and maintenance of the nex
ed to form a breadboard demonstration system based on a completely fber-enclosed optical network. BENEFIT: The proposed aircraft-coa
he depot level, and ideally, in the feld. The A2IC system presented in this proposal is an enabling technology to meet this increased maint
ors will have confdence in purchasing a turn-key robotic system capable of executing the work.
ucting quick virtual testing of laminates, i.e., supplemented by limited physical testing, rather than proceeding directly to complete experim
bling high-quality measurements in aerospace materials. This technology is important to the aerospace community, but is applicable to ma
cation effort to be conducted in Phase II. BENEFIT: ThinKom&quot;s CTS and VICTS technologies have considerable SWAP advantages ove

dures for reliable estimation; 3) Development of methods for explicit modeling and estimation of measurement outliers; and, 4) Defnitio
the uncertainty estimates from the algorithm. BENEFIT: The military currently employs geo-registration algorithms in a number of applicati
cross multiple subsystems and improved range while aircraft still meets performance requirements without compromising the existing cap
tions for the expansion of aircraft mission envelopes, and our goal is to jointly develop with UIUC the aircraft energy management software
uire compact and efficient electrical power systems with reduced cooling requirements. Power modules based on Silicon Carbide (SiC) are

ularly well-suited for the new Air Force High Speed Strike Weapon (HSSW) program. This program represents a unique opportunity to deve
ves identifed at the beginning of the project. BENEFIT: Frequency-domain based electrical accumulator unit (FDEAU) technology offers
type, particle size, oxide layer thickness, dispersant material, etc. 3) Examine spray combustion characteristics of select nanofluid fuels thro
ot;s work performed on passivation of Aluminum nanoparticles, to meet the targets set by Air Force. BENEFIT: ACT has developed sever
e demonstrator during a follow-on Phase II SBIR program. BENEFIT: Development of this technology is expected to contribute to the achie
e particles. The LII measurements of primary particle size and equivalent mean volume diameter of soot will be used to qualify the mobilit
the capabilities of felded systems and/or providing superior performance in new systems.
perating bases.
erformance benefts of the micro tube heat exchanger technology on a full-scale thermal management system.

capable of providing greater yield strength and corrosion resistance.

ntifying the system performance and accuracy on a real or representative composite component.

no permanent changes to the engine components or surfaces, and sufficiently small and conformal to avoid disrupting aerodynamic flows

eplan Assessment (CErA). CErA is a general approach that could be applied to many domains; TRUFAST performs CErA for MCM.
ted system in a compact, low cost, lightweight, ergonomic packaging. Throughout the Phase II, AITT workflow integration will drive prototy
tive NMCI environment. With support from the sponsor, Progeny will integrate and test the Phase II prototype within a representative NMC

apability and test its performance in characterizing airborne particulates. BENEFIT: In addition to air quality monitoring near DoD stationa
ations. BENEFIT: The technology proposed is useful to a broad range of government and commercial applications consisting of extensivel
ompatible with the existing CAD tools. The developed methodologies will support IST&quot;s ongoing internal and previously DoD-funded
n from LMA to PCF type fbers.
an serve as the basis for an integrated capability with other sustainment models and tools. BENEFIT: This research is applicable to DoD and

tions for long endurance and fast dash has great potential to change the way Group 2 SUAS are used in theater and in civilian use. The adde
currently not available through other manufacturers. BENEFIT: The ITB-Turbo Fan concept will provide a higher density gas turbine engin
tactical signifcance to modern weapons systems. BENEFIT: The reduced fuel burn made possible by the Peregrine Turbine will not only re

kW generator to meet the desired mission requirements. This will be established by modeling and empirical analysis. BENEFIT: The overall
nd the electrical energy supply essential to meeting the 24 hour duration program goal. BENEFIT: Maximum hybrid core engine power de
idated churning and drag models, an expansion of the traction and material properties databases, and the development of an interactive u
tuators, energy storage). A scaled prototype frequency domain EAU prototype will be tested in a laboratory environment to prove the fea
es to (1) assist in pre-test planning, (2) design and improve ground test facilities and test techniques, (3) interpret experimental data, (4) pro
ility to add additional sensors with a minimum amount of complexity and cross-domain coupling.

ws for optimization of the flight control system output to reduce structural component damage while maintaining the required maneuverab
ssure Dual Frequency SAASM P(Y) code GPS receiver will be used as the baseline for implementation and demonstration of the above softw

plans to expand the validated Phase I design into a full-scale, high-fdelity prototype and validate and demonstrate it with TENA and the Joi
mer requirements and will support a successful concept demonstration during Phase II.

ard interfaces for digital data signal transfer.

mmercialize low cost, compact, high feld of view, high resolution consumer wearable display systems.
hat will be ready for feld operation assessment and data gathering for regulatory approval. BENEFIT: The technologies developed under t
e connectivity of Air Force EW systems will provide many of the same benefts realized by the business IT community through its&#039;wid
ware, and data mining algorithms all make up Williams-Pyro&quot;s Maintenance and Repair Aircraft Diagnostic System (MaRADS). BENE
ce of maintenance actions will be scheduled prior to aircraft arrival. Utilize other existing computing and software technologies. BENEFIT:
e displays and switches with the training tutorial, allowing a remote student access to interactive training from a tutorial on the mobile com
nd demonstrated in a laboratory environment using real-world emitter data to show increased identifcation performance. After Phase II, R

egration planning processes to fnal stores certifcation. In Phase I, the technology will be developed and validated using high-fdelity data
hat issue by requiring substantially reduced data collection. The software product developed in this effort will augment the higher fdelity
ch trajectory on separate processors on DOD HPC resources and produce trajectory statistics, plots and animations from these runs BENEF
trated by testing in laboratory furnaces up to 1600°F (870°C) to obtain data for sensor performance characteristics including reliability, accu
laboratory prototype testing. In Phase II, POC plans to fnalize the SAPIEN architecture, validate models, and mature algorithms prior to fab
ar applications on commercial aircraft. Our WHRS is also an attractive alternative to VCSs for Air Force tactical aircraft and commercial aircr
n system capable of removing large, low quality thermal loads applicable to fghter, bomber, and gunship platorms. Work being conducted
cuit Emphasis (SPICE). The system will include a computer-aided design (CAD) interface capable of editing the design&quot;s mechanical p
verage this solid background to develop a CAD-based transient MTL simulation tool for modeling HPEM interactions with the PDN. BENEF
d by providing a pump/signal combiner that optimizes the brightness preservation of the pump lasers. A unique feature of this combiner is
cations. High-power, feed-though fber combiners are a critical enabling technology for the implementation of advanced multi-kilowatt fb
-range HEL systems are set to transform military operations in all services in the next 10-20 years. Conformal designs, such as those enable
nd power. BENEFIT: The proposed effort has numerous potential benefts and commercial applications, including (but not limited to): laser
APACHE system will enable placement of conformal, compact, high energy laser weapons on DoD airborne platorms. The technology has a
hones and laptop computers).
e Optonicus FRAME system will enable scalability of fber arrays at high power without adverse thermal effects and provide actuated tilt co

hout the government and private sectors. We will be able to use the demonstrated robust aimpoint maintenance algorithm to revolutioniz
ans to develop in Phase II a high resolution (2560x2048 pixels) SMALLER-HMD clip-on prototype that meets the space, weight, ergonomics
loped as a replacement for night vision goggles that will also facilitate the integration of other sensors and systems that are part of the pilo
feasibility of the concept and to verify the Technology Readiness Level (TRL). BENEFIT: Over the past decade, the news reports have been
other incompletely-marked data items -- enabling real-time or near real-time collaboration across security domains. By adding provenance
proach and feasibility for a more comprehensive methodology development in Phase II. BENEFIT: Due to the proliferation in potential app
her vehicles. The cost savings is substantial. Furthermore, the ability to navigate using the radio navigation signals of all satellite services o
The new system will enhance the situational awareness and effectiveness of weapon systems.
m of a tactical aircraft, and to the commercial avionics sector. BENEFIT: The self-reference multi-point FOxSense oxygen network system rep
ch will lead to ultrahigh performance TIMs that will lead to cooling by&gt;30°C for a heat flux of 100 W/cm2 over a temperature range of -5

provided by pyroelectric materials. Such a device is applicable to a variety of applications ranging from energetic ion beams for materials p

. Currently, the only techniques available in commercial production facilities to measure bulk residual stress (not just near-surface residual
o Demonstrate both radiometric and not radiometric compensation techniques. o Have a Radiation Mitigation Technology robust enough
hat matrix flling of an actual ceramic fber preform can be optimized. BENEFIT: A model that can optimize matrix flling for a polymer infltr
eractive processing and modeling program is developed in conjunction with Rolls-Royce as our industrial partners for validation of the mod

gine bleed air for cooling aircraft systems, c) increase the mission readiness rate and reduce flight preparation costs by informing ground cr
ystem and deliver it to the Air Force for further evaluation and integration with an actual hardware system. BENEFIT: The proposed contro
ase II we will complete the design, fabricate a prototype EAU which integrates the controller, and demonstrate performance with high-fdel
surements of particle number density, size distribution, shape parameters, and mass-emission indices at temporal resolution better than 5

trailer confguration. With its systematic approach to power surety, flexibility, modularity, and scalability, this system will harness and mana

performance, power consumption, and ease of development and integration, with a goal of producing a usable prototype for Phase II. BE
nabling improvements in our national UAS capability. Secondly, the creation of a new, cutting edge hardware platorm will bring a generatio

d nature of the neuromorphic architecture, and the ability to efficiently provide hints to the classifer. BENEFIT: The proposed system can
along with traditional multiview algorithms to create a 3D terrain estimation system which operates without angular view constraints. B
ce orientation derived by machine learning algorithms. BENEFIT: Benefts of the proposed approach include improved sensor model estim
d RF systems design software needed for Phase I. We have successfully exercised these tools on many antenna projects. BENEFIT: The resu
ment ICs and associated electronics using WBG AlGaN/GaN and SiC devices that can drive SiC transistor gates and provide analog and/or dig

d develop a nonlinear acoustic model in OpenFOAM. A plan to conduct new experiments for Phase II will be devised. BENEFIT: Combusti
d overall production cycle times and costs, and an increase in gas turbine efficiencies.
encapsulation system will also be of relevance to a wide variety of flexible organic electronics, including flat-panel displays. UAV systems in
t. The CoFAR simulation environment will provide accurate assessments of realistic performance gains relative to conventional (non-FAR) ra
Radar systems are crucial for robust surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance in all weather conditions and over wide ranges of
tions can be placed directly on SAR images for enhanced situational awareness. BENEFIT: The new ATI/DPCA mode will signifcantly reduce

ifcantly impacted, not only by decreased fuel consumption but also by decreased emissions. In addition, the same materials may also wor
nts will be performed. BENEFIT: The creation of inexpensive fuel additives to enhance the combustion properties of conventional and futu

and improving vehicle performance in land mine attacks.

or use on Air Force unmanned aircraft systems as well as tents, buildings, and clothing. The weight reduction will expand the performance
the key issue of uniformly layering inexpensive powders in a method compatible with DMLS. BENEFIT: Due to the costs and the relatively s
nses are in excess of $300 billion, or 3.1% of the GDP. Much of the costs are associated with the maintenance of metal materials; 20% of th
hibits better performance than the currently used non-chrome system and approaches that of the chrome based system. BENEFIT: Succes
in the SiC and other power devices control ICs employed in Air Force and other DoD branches as well as in a broad range of commercial ap
esistant vitrious enamel coating to components exposed to LOX. BENEFIT: Potential application for all future and existing liquid propellan
coatings. Examples include: turbopumps, cryogenic liquid pumps/compressors, refrigerant compressors, and many others. The use of mor
2 grant has been awarded to continue the work. BENEFIT: In satellite applications, the approach offers higher thrust per unit area and sma
interest. These include premixed combustion, liquid fuel injection, breakup and evaporation, some non-premixed spray combustion, all co
monstrate potential compliance with government requirements. A proposed Phase II project will demonstrate regulatory requirement com

nhancement to current NDE analysis techniques will reduce the frequency of paint/depaint operations, resulting in cost savings, reduced en
l Engine Lab for Integrated Optical Systems (HELIOS) and The Edison Welding Institute (EWI) to work with AFRL program managers to devel
mining, and variance-based sensitivity analysis. BENEFIT: Following the success of the Phase II prototype development effort, the design en
n a path toward realistic transition and commercialization. BENEFIT: The F-35 has over 40,000 flled fasteners on its outer mold line, each
me for a fastener can be less than one second. BENEFIT: The key advantage of the proposed handheld SnapSCAN is the non-contact nature
and could eventually be controlled with these algorithms, presenting a large market for this technology. Multiple frames with exposure tim

ve manufacturing of metal parts for aerospace predicated on reduced cost, resulting from fewer scrapped parts, and the metadata necessa

es and maintenance cycles that will in turn result in extended lifetimes of the assets they protect. This will result in signifcant cost savings f
o achieve 70 mega pixels per second Video processing algorithm development is facilitated in this platorm by automatic parallelization an
fdelity system models which include embedded antenna performance. BENEFIT: The proposed effort to investigate potential SATCOM da
ensitivity (low per-pixel NEf&#039;T]) owing to superior D* of single element photodetectors relative to focal plane arrays Higher dynami

ll be prepared. BENEFIT: The hybrid SOFC/GTG power system is specifcally intended for military application and in particular is intended fo
op, proof-of-concept hybrid system to confrm simulated component efficiency and fuel savings. BENEFIT: The Phase I effort will provide th

rmance characteristics, while planning for full-scale production.

attachment materials, and the manufacturing and assembly processes in order to yield a high performance, thermally efficient, cost effecti
cquisition and tracking by optimizing the code search across the network of participants. This can be extended to commercial GPS receiver

es (or better) in urban areas where Signals-of-Opportunity are present but GPS signals are unavailable or marginal due to jamming, interfer
zed radiative transfer calculations needed for various sensors used by the Air Force.
s and its impact on DoD communication, navigation, and geolocation solutions.Outside of direct implementation for traditional GPS equipm
lly improve the reliability of cryocooling systems for infrared focal plane arrays. Their military applications include space-based surveillance
asure of aerodynamic damping that can be used during design to reduce or avoid structural fatigue. BENEFIT: The commercial products fo
y extending the SPA standards to include multi-layer security. BENEFIT: If space flight becomes more accessible because of the proposed
and compare results with theory. BENEFIT: High efficiency thermoelectric coolers possess a myriad of applications including portable coo
t the end of Phase-I, we will deliver a full prototype software system to simulate the effects of TIDs on OTHR signals that could be used to i
The system is aimed at improving the accuracy of HF geolocation systems. A cost effective TID measurement network providing executable
ncy in the data. This provides onboard capability for discernment between mission critical and mission indifferent regions on the entire data
velopment and evaluation. BENEFIT: An accurate and efficient simulation capability of airborne fully adaptive radar systems will help rese
neft greatly from a reduced SWaP modem.

all, but with SAR, even modest target accelerations can be exploited to detect targets. BENEFIT: Improved GMTI data exploitation increase

ed through a single dual-band aperture. Minimized size and weight will be achieved with benefts to payload to maximize UAV mission cap
wledge base and unique capabilities of accomplishing this goal. BENEFIT: The potential applications for high-frequency, high-power pho
igation; and consume less than 1 watt. BENEFIT: The development of a microelectronic chip implementation for anti-jam GPS processing t
fabricating a representative full scale prototype array. BENEFIT: Current EELVs have omnidirectional antennas that provide adequate gain
tigation will then be used to select a fnal candidate subarray architecture for design, fabrication and demonstration in a follow-on Phase II

ound vehicles, aircraft, and stationary wireless systems. WaveTrap can act as a bridging device, access point, inter-connecting various wire
a fnal accurate uncertainty estimate of geo-location. A successful feasibility study during Phase I will demonstrate that the proposed algo

corated with nanoparticles designed to reduce acoustic mismatch and promote interfacial heat transfer, as well as enhance elastic recovery
g and subscale testing of our proposed approach and assess the impact of this enhancing technology to identify pathways for various appli
cations will include airborne, ground-based, and subsurface 3D LADAR imaging systems; detection of littoral zone targets; natural disaster a

ensor will be designed for spaceborne service, OKSI will be able to use this sensor (once completed in Phase-II) in our BMDS work supporti

ors and diesel engines with vitiation. BENEFIT: The ultimate result of this research will be a comprehensive chemical kinetic mechanism th

ning a cooperative monitoring framework, developing a market-based task assignment algorithm, developing a limited-scope prototype, a
ct various scenarios to test the ability of the scheduling system in response to ground resource and satellite anomalies, while collecting per
rough prototype development, and develop the Phase II system design. TRACLabs will provide their DCI agent architecture. ISS will provid

doption has been limited by the production cost and overall limited volume that can be generated from thin flms. What is needed is a pro

a uniform framework, and will accurately model uncertainty. BENEFIT: Improved detection, tracking, identifcation, and characterization of
nd to predict sensor performance. Simulations will be validated with basic experiments. BENEFIT: Reliable space systems, including sate

e-borne surveillance and reconnaissance. BENEFIT: The result of this program will be a lightweight, efficient, reliable, and affordable cryoco
ost Microsat Cryocooler System (MCS) solution for severely cost-constrained payloads. For more demanding, long life (7+ year) missions, th
a assimilation in reconstructing the ionospheric TID structure affecting OTHR measurements, leading to Phase II development of an operati
e the track and threat indications of the objects. BENEFIT: SNIPS benefts a range of spacecraft and platorms by enabling immediate and a

e RF shielding efficiencies of the samples. Phase II will ultimately produce prototypes of proposed MPS. BENEFIT: The novel DNA-based M
the terminal area. A system design and architecture will be provided to the Air Force at the conclusion of the Phase I effort.

ehensive, validated full model and reduced models appropriate for multidimensional CFD. BENEFIT: Accurate chemical-kinetic models for p

tool based on the fundamental SHABERTH methodology enhanced by the new life prediction techniques. BENEFIT: Essentially all detailed
odifcations. Finally, the system will be ruggedized to withstand the operating environment with considerations including temperature, vibr

e NAVSYS VMAG (Vector Mapped Assisted GPS) and NAMPA (Networked Assisted M-Code Puncture Acquisition) technologies will provide r
m, which do not enable appropriate application to the problem of estimation for space objects. BENEFIT: Team ATA has been developing
vides the necessary processing power to perform on-board image processing for a UAV. BENEFIT: The key beneft is to preserve the ability
space agencies are involved in a program called&quot;Integrated Interplanetary Network. W-band is one of the main frequency bands this
g (rather than mechanical beam steering) is signifcantly more robust mechanically and also permits very fast redirection of the beam(s). B
; ii) on-line learning and subsystem performance evaluation; iii) NSOMG based prediction and scheduling; and iv) joint spectrum allocation
GPS receivers in general, and GPS UE in particular. BENEFIT: At the end of the proposed Phase-I work we will have assessed the viability o
nable sustainable development, operation, and maintenance of a compact, robust, and discriminative CID database. BENEFIT: A successfu
will have a larger feld of regard than either the air EO or air radar sensors and thus integration can mitigate the airborne sensor detection
ded is a more advanced approach to increase the usable dynamic range of VLF receivers. BENEFIT: High dynamic range VLF signal detectio

ext generation military GPS receivers, or directly into a small CRPA array to support extremely space/cost constrained platorms. BENEF

vide an advantage in terms of application speed or quality. If such systems are found to be useful for industrial applications, nLIGHT will pur
n-board processing capabilities for updating traffic reports.
ftware design and bench top demonstrations optimizes probabilities of success and technology implementation. BENEFIT: This Phase II p
sensor will offer signifcant advances over the current state of the art at affordable prices and with the ability to transition to felded system
ed relay capability at the SC-Orderwire network layer. SC-Orderwire uses multi-antenna adaptive beamforming to protect against adversari
ctiveness in a laboratory network. BENEFIT: The CAPTAIN software product developed by this effort will, in the near future, beneft USAF
tomers of the commercial product from this research include the military, the homeland defense and the commercial enterprises. For the m
knowledge base tools (Lorify). This will incorporate the rich semantic models created by users of these interactive systems into an integrat

1. BENEFIT: The ionospheric electric feld is a key parameter required by the IORD. The DIME (Double-probe Instrumentation for Measurin
cceptable due to early onset of tool wear. Finally, the IMPACT enables the manufacturer to further reduce costs because the system makes

ecomes more and more digitalized and connected and protecting cyber assets becomes more critical, the proposed solution has tremendo
ations and quality deliverables. BENEFIT: Benefts: - Provide the DoD and other government agencies with lightweight IdAM technologies
ed by the JSpOC are of critical importance in protecting U.S. and allied spacecraft against destructive collisions, and in protecting the lives o

open consulting services and contract R &amp; D opportunities for integrating on-board spacecraft protection technologies into future syst
formity by the virtual elimination of the possibility of trapped voids, and reduction of operator variability through automation, compared w
Phase II effort will lead to a large number of applications. This Cryocooler will eliminate the need for cryogens on airborne missions provid
ing multiple asset managers and real unmanned aerial vehicles at Camp Roberts. BENEFIT: This project has three tremendous benefts. Fi
nty of ever changing battlefeld conditions. Pushing this important and proven technology down to the smallest RPAs will provide accurate

ever increasing. Cellular base stations and point-to-point terminals will beneft from this technology.

works. First, the proposed T-INIT solution has tremendous applications potential in dynamic military applications. Given the GIG vision, suc
ethod) promise extremely lightweight, high performance and cost-effective options which can enhance utility and speed deployment. Th

clude new information sources and to display the information therein in an effective manner for HA/DR decision makers, including Emerge
es, provide blended learning solutions, and quickly assess how well training devices and environments will achieve desired learning outcom
und source detection and identifcation in military environments, and will provide predictions across a wide variety of background noise co
y propagation calculations over rough terrain or within urban settings. Antenna designers, engineers, and health physicists could use this t
MS SharePoint and Excel. It will support system-based data fusion, reducing human error and ensuring operators can conduct legitimate an
gram will directly beneft the space warfghter in not only easily understanding the space situation awareness domain of conjunctions and a
nology also has signifcant potential in the commercial airborne platorms due to its low-cost and light-weight characteristics in addition to

acapacitors will enable increased capability, including higher power burst communications, actuators and thrusters. Commercial applicatio
ill provide a legacy laser but conduct product design for a state of technology COTS laser. The goal of the project is to build and demonstrat
seline technology has been proven by Sandia National Laboratory, and has been addressed as a preferred solution for both Lockheed Marti
indicate an overall 85% combining efficiency. BENEFIT: Future warfghters will require increased SATCOM capacity for improved situationa
T systems. BENEFIT: QUALE-PNT will provide DoD, DHS, DOT and commercial PNT system users, system developers, and product testers an
t processed information. The test asset functionality will automatically collect data; emulate GNSS; emulate secondary PNT such as IMUs,
slowing progressing in commercial uses due to the issues such as the likelihood of causing increased interference for incumbent spectrum
aceted military and commercial systems.

external communications protocols.&quot;

s, and appropriate power-sharing controls, to act as a buffer between a tactical generator and dynamic loads. The IPMM will essentially fu

money in the design, deployment, and maintenance of decision support systems for multi-asset coordination.
dical imaging, and Cyber Warfare markets.
general, and immersive situational awareness in particular.&quot;

atory simulating the aircraft-carrier CONOPS environment.

efts of greatly reduced cost by allowing the use of COTS Ethernet hardware, rather than proprietary single-vendor solutions, as well as not
s, navigation flters, or other navigation components for high altitude munitions, thereby directing development efforts in a manner that is

nning tool for predicting MTSD and publication of accepted methodologies and procedures for cost effective testing and collection of seco
collected from current static warhead ground testing. It will also signifcantly decrease the amount of time and labor required to reduce th
ffects. Current analytic and weaponeering tools are unable to estimate these types of damage or undesirable side effects. Successful com
gy will go into will be wind tunnel instrumentation that measures forces and moments. This type of instrumentation is usually defned as sti
with the required reduced-path-length solar/lunar exclusion sensor test capability that quantitatively characterizes off-axis rejection (OAR) o
ustomer with a need for precise location information from mobile sensors, smaller scale operations would be able to use these capabilities
ped to serve as a standardized exchange format. BENEFIT: The product of the proposed SBIR effort, after Phase II, will be a data compress

portunities exist in border security applications and drug enforcement activities.

ware upgrade path for existing ATC radars will be designed and demonstrated that mitigates wind farm interference. This upgrade will allow

uation of the tool.

multiple interaction modalities that will increase presence, decrease workload, and support decision-making.
general, and immersive situational awareness in particular.&quot;

mance at different depths (varying pressure and temperature). Risks and potential payoffs will be addressed and the option that best achiev

nder hydrostatic pressure.

d lower lifetime medical costs for combat wounded.

be achieved using battlefeld CONOPS.

ncies in the Global War on Terror.

he result will be a design document for SOCOM evaluation. In Phase II, we will fabricate a prototype system based on the Phase I design.

Phase II, a BRAINWARE technology system prototype with processing power equivalent to ffty million neurons and occupies less than ffte

e of sensors simultaneously. Beyond military applications, the plasma based technology has commercial applications in digital billboards an
with high lethality and LCD. BENEFIT: The proposed program will have dual use applications in military as well as in commercial industrie

ernational consensus is forming around the need for orbital debris management, which poses risks to functioning space assets. It is likely t
. Skin friction is a quantity of interest in many aerodynamics applications such as validation of CFD, and investigation of hypersonic inlets. A
efts are: 1) Thermal impact on the antennas is managed while maintaining overall platorm capability and performance. 2) The antenna de
e will include both indoor and outdoor navigation demonstrations. BENEFIT: The primary beneft of successful completion of this effort is
eveloping is directly aimed at supporting these missions. In the near term, our technology is most applicable to mapping systems, for exam
es. BENEFIT: The results of the proposed Phase II work will provide the Air Force with a tool for synthesizing RF signatures for use in deve
enna is orders of magnitude lower cost than phased arrays, with no scan loss. It is moderately lower cost than conventional two axis gimba
quantitative and qualitative evaluation at component and system levels, and demonstration of technologies in operationally representative
ed in this Phase II project will provide a signifcant performance beneft to the next generation OTHR system compared to current analog d
a rugged, low cost, passive indicator of friendly or non-combatant individuals or entities prior to a targeted weapons deployment. The succ
l library defnition, and the construction of sensing environment test conditions. BENEFIT: An accurate and efficient simulation capability o
which is suitable to the local RF environment. The algorithm which does this may be referred to as an Illuminator Selection Manager, and pa
gration to be attempted, this high performance can be achieved while maintaining low SWaP, such that it can be integrated in a SUAS.
nts for focusing target detection on areas of interest, such as the ground plane, confdently identifying parallax effects, and predicting occlu
t within a chip has failed, the chip would re-route to an alternate parallel path and greatly extending the reliability of the chip. For example

wood Chemical and Biological Center (ECBC).

pair. The coated fabric will be tested and demonstrated for the key criteria of establishing the sealing mechanism and performance . The C

ems supply digital stereo images and it is unlikely that slit lamps would be available in remote environments. To address this problem, Nano

ss specifc components of the new tool for problems of interest to the Army.

supporting and participating in our Phase I study.

abilities. Simultaneously, improvements regarding two-phase flows and hard-body interaction will also be performed.

evaluate the feasibility of achieving the performance, form factor, and application requirements.

rging threats to US radar systems.

adaptable antenna interface.

hardware Wi-Fi testbed.

t the end of Phase-I.

el verifcation latency.

anging environments such as pop-up threats.

ant overall improvement in future power electronics systems enabling new military and commercial capabilities.

luding a commercial-grade GUI.

o add higher-fdelity modeling formulations without sacrifcing run time or decreasing the efficiency of the cosite engineers.
p a commercialized version of E3Expert built with uCAST&quot;s UTD based parallel processing capabilities for cosite analysis.
III transition partners and an established pilot scale HybridSil manufacturing infrastructure.
with current and future transition targets.
d. The solution is hierarchical because the evolution of the population is achieved jointly in two stages: (1) evolution of the coloring functio

ttoral Undersea Surveillance (PLUS) program.

r systems.
sonar-simulation model and a validated analytical model of scattering from heterogeneous aggregations of swim-bladder-bearing fsh.

s and efficiency of VE-based training methods, while reducing demands for highly trained instructors.

are and hardware control to achieve this level of power-aware programming.

in a near relevant environment.

t and so forth.

cation, tracking, and displays.

nstall and demonstrate the technology on a suitable test-bed.

omputational complexity. The study performed in Phase I will answer the question of which classifcation technique minimizes the emitter c

to be refned in Phase II.

g channels.

its productization.
endering the approach fully functional under adverse circumstances.

will reduce development costs and also support additional shore-based delivery modes.
ulator, a surface-mounted photodetector, and voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) to provide the reference.

tions), will provide a preview of the full Phase II content suite, and lay the foundation for transition to UASISST and platorm-specifc system
onent Commander, specifcally supporting analyzing/approving a recommended target list received from the Joint Targeting Board. BENEF
ities, etc). Current design methods are evolving to include residual stress effects and these methods beneft from high quality residual stres
n icing hazard. In general, RPA launches can only be made after specifc environmental conditions are met that minimize icing risk. These en

ensor systems. The VREX flls a crucial capability lapse in the current radar development and upgrade efforts. BENEFIT: Currently, without
pact, efficient, linezr HPAs to meet the needs of SATCOM W-band AISR communications, for which no alternative solution currently exists.

PHM technology and set off the deployment and commercialization drive. BENEFIT: The PHM scheme will provide a means to monitor a
one designs will also be explored.
litary personnel.
ons for more rapid commercialization efforts.

tions, and threat profles. In addition, the RM must have situational awareness of the local airspace traffic in order to conduct the mission

mediators in blood, with the goal of preventing or treating organ failure.

ested users who are motivated to work with us in Phase II, and developed a complete and effective strategy for rapidly transitioning the A

ect, predict, and potentially prevent negative effects of motion exposure.

rol electronics platorm that can support virtually any cryocooler need. MACE&quot;s 600W drive capacity envelopes the practical power r
I imager will remain uncooled and occupy a small size, weight, and power envelope without a refrigerator. The development of this sensor
Due to the lengthy development time and cost found in current direct digital manufacturing (DDM) technologies, the proposed work would

pathogens of diarrhea.

r the prosthesis is worn.

, demonstration articles will be fabricated and evaluated via microstructural characterization and high heat flux testing.
apable CMCs.

t the duration of the proposed research for validation and testing of the model generator.
unable RF carrier with absolute phase reference.
uting, communication, and consumer electronic products. BENEFIT: Space-based systems and avionics applications require highly integrat
PA for communication applications as well. We will initially target INMARSAT as a potential communication application to demonstrate tran
s with TID performance&gt;1Mrad. BENEFIT: Silicon Space believes the existing or potential military requirements and military potential fo

nts, and demonstration of technologies in operationally representative scenarios. BENEFIT: Automatic interpretation of sensory data has b
acecraft, assess SpWx impacts on satellite operational capabilities, and achieve TRL 5/6 for SpWx attribution on an operational system. BE
ve a natural evolution of our product development through R &amp; D, Roll-to-roll Prototype/Development (within R &amp; / Engineering)

sity VB2-air batteries have signifcant commercial potential based on their substantially higher energy densities compared with current prim
operational mode. BENEFIT: If successfully demonstrated, GIFTS has a signifcant potential for both DOD applications and commercial use
ng, cell phone camera, multi-spectral imaging, machine vision, industrial inspection, and others. This technology is signifcant in that we ha

achieve mission success including disaster response, counter terrorism, counter narcotics and various operations which involve coordinati
power available to do this by hand, but they also have expertise and commonsense that is far beyond the present capabilities of software t
owledge] remote attestation protocols all exist, but no architecture integrating these and exploiting their synergies has existed heretofore.
estimate its geodetic position with GPS-like accuracy in a GPS-denied environment. This will allow the platorm to perform accurate and re
carbon fber composite components. BENEFIT: A robust, thick-part cure cycle that has been validated with analytical data, testing, and
rk. We plan to transition MADSAT into the DCGS-A Standard Cloud (DSC).
fferentiation state identifcation and cell sorting will be extensively demonstrated using human iPSCs progressing along various lineage com
oping and experimentally evaluating a full-scope RELAX system.

rket penetration points will be completed by the end of Phase II. BENEFIT: The development of this nanomaterial hybrid vessel for hydro

demonstration in Phase II by working closely with prime contractors. BENEFIT: There is signifcant interest in autonomous networking capa
cations (both commercial and military), RADAR, electronic warfare, RF geo-localization, Anti-jam equipment etc. Additional DoFs can be use
at is actually going on in the vicinity of an unmanned air vehicle. A ground crew hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away, the video
hours. BENEFIT: Dual Use and Commercial W-band power amplifers, boosters, transmitters and related applications include: radar, autom
nology to many DOD, DOE, DHS, Counter Narcotics and Terrorism Program Office applications. These customers provide the opportunity to
Lightweight broadband shielding conductive composite systems can replace heavy metallic structures while still providing electromagnetic
proposed program offers a logical next-step in the continued improvement of structural engineering methods. Advances in residual stress

rgy, automotive, and consumer electronics. The phase II project proposed herein aligns well with the government&#039;s Open Manufact
m code development parts of phase II in a modular form that can be integrated with other commercial fnite element analysis packages via
manufacture of next generation space hardened, temperature independent electronics derived from a non-solid state/non-semiconducto
ng solutions while providing support for a wide variety of GNSS codes. Systems containing this GNSS receiver will have reduced battery and
on new processes and process nodes, such as GaN and small feature size CMOS. In the proposed work, Nu-Trek is developing a System-on
Department of Defense will be the capability to deploy improved computed tomography (CT) algorithms for improving defect detection in s

tested under a range of heat flux and air flow conditions. Graphite was chosen based on its high thermal conductivity and excellent corrosi

ction units.
and provenance modeling to reduce solutions, identifying consistencies and inconsistencies in the process.

accelerate the discovery of knowledge and completion of both missions.

o achieve enhanced space situation awareness. As a result, given the vast resources providing a war-fghter with information, the military in
ors viewing cluttered scenes. BENEFIT: Our proposed product will satisfy several critical objectives for demonstrating feasibility of applying
ustrial metrology market. Touch probe metrology is inherently slow because to capture the measurement of any machined feature, the pro
line technology is required to support integration of JALN support on new platorms. There are numerous military applications for lightweig
nd now probably military ) focuses on reliability and safety of flight, requiring either reference to or the creation of an extensive data base f
t challenge.

apid development of computationally efficient and accurate hydrodynamic simulations for performance assessment of vessels at the earlie

as of composite application such as boats.

, suitable thermal processing/sintering, geometrical and physical property (density) changes, geometry/surface/part quality, select mechan

and augment the computer screen-based visualization of imagery and its manipulation.

based dynamical system as they evolve in a reconstructed phase space. BENEFIT: This research effort on the development nonlinear spati

ity probiotics developed by Accacia International.

experience in sensor exploitation and onboard processing.

ment and transition.

egration of context.

t scale. We also propose to develop initial use-cases, identify target transition partners, and draft key component and system architecture d
a Barbara.

t technology in ultra-low-power electronics, wireless communications &amp; management for energy efficiency.

al applications. BENEFIT: The proposed effort will open up new opportunities for providing enhanced, advanced verifcation tools for cybe
m for reducing the risk of adoption of the technology in relevant domains. We will lever our relationships with industry and regulatory auth
IT: The proposed system will meet the Air Force&quot;s needs for an extreme environment strain measurement system capable of providi
er sensor applications, the novel low modulus glass system will be marketed for specialty optical and electrical insulator applications. Addi

on between the explosive particles and binder material, which are highly influenced by the morphology of the microstructure. In order to p

s that provide low cost SIGINT capabilities on existing platorms.

are more sensors and RF signals in the modern battlefeld, additional antennas are a necessity for any older aircraft vehicle currently in use
vanced panel method that can represent much more complex aerodynamics, including flow controls, that are beyond the capabilities of cu
imental program will be executed, and the simulation capabilities will be refned and validated against experimental data and realistic targe
lly complex hardware that is deployed into, or otherwise exposed to, high speed, turbulent flow over a range of flight conditions and must

result of this proposed program is a design tool for advanced propulsion system design for use in all types of aircraft, including compound

data, while reducing the Cost of Ownership to the Navy.

e US including signifcant improvement in spatial resolution of embedded charge distribution measurements. BENEFIT: Potential applicatio

g program goals, with long-term potential for reuse of antennas for multifunction applications, including transmit functions. BENEFIT: Alth
ng and airframe interference, laying the groundwork for a more general multidisciplinary model in Phase II. BENEFIT: Potential Air Force Ap

pt. The TCES framework will improve the embedded system security. It has a great potential to be used in a large variety of military embedd
ent of state-of-the-art compressive sensing algorithms and hardware during the Phase II effort.
dy penetrating injury assessment tool being developed concurrently by CFD Research Corporation.

e design of weapons bay doors. The successful measurement and utilization of the unsteady loading data on the bay doors will signifcantly
microdisplay outputs. BENEFIT: There are multiple benefts to the Air Force in having a Vision Processor for Helmet System (VPHS). Imple
HMD systems while maintaining a minimal footprint and power requirements. The performance achievable with our design will enable ultr
dard interface, Zebra Imaging&#039;s objective is to defne the interface for 3D holographic displays and build the frst commercially viable
lysis of trainee readiness and training gaps. BENEFIT: iPATS will enable trainers and training researchers to (1) identify persistent gaps in re

e of enabling technologies given any assessed defciencies and strengths during the training event BENEFIT: T-CAP will be a generalizable t

he proposal will enable a number of critical holographic display applications based on its here-to-fore undelivered combination integrated 3
rmance and are or are becoming difficult to maintain due to their aging and obsolescent technology. Many of these airframes are candidat

an integrated platorm for identifcation and tracking. Outside of the United States Department of Defense, such a system could fnd use in

Operational Picture (UDOP). PROACT would rapidly and accurately identify and provide information pertinent to the users based on proxim
ss control. Additionally, CAPSA&quot;s semantic-based approach to numerically quantifying proximity provides a more flexible, data-driven
se of a Relevance Vector Machine. BENEFIT: Black River&quot;s proposed revolutionary approach to GMTI exploitation algorithm validatio

reness systems to exploit tactical sensor data and deliver customized, location-specifc intelligence products. BENEFIT: Critical and Capraro
wareness as well as enhanced net-centric, collaborative targeting. By designing the system to use existing antenna&quot;s mounting locati
face. BENEFIT: The Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) data captured by the space-based Infrared (IR) sensors is typically m
cial market involves wireless devices that need to maximize the potential usable bandwidth in a crowded spectrum. On the DoD side, the D
BENEFIT: Within the DoD market, secure chaotic SATCOM systems have potential applications in addressing the need for increased IP SATC
igital fber offering better signal fdelity. Analog amplifers, power dividers and switches are replaced with smaller and less costly Digital IF
d the foundation to automatically detect and resolve conflicts for intelligence applications. This capability enables analysts to quickly and re
the uncertainty in their knowledge bases and detect suspicious and anomalous patterns across multiple documents. For DoD applications,
erty values in the multi-dimensional semantic space with the use of stream entropy algorithms. BENEFIT: This project will result in the de
prototype will provide an analyst with a range of CSI-Info identifcation and resolution mechanisms. The application of these methods can
et of training data. BENEFIT: ASCUS&quot;s ability to identify missing security metadata and automatically suggest default classifcation m
e certifcation process. BENEFIT: CDD_AAID will provide a self contained service that will ensure accurate and correct security/releasabilit
verages in-house and external commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products to validate the feasibility of our approach for supporting situation a
CUS benefts DoD&quot;s emphasis on developing a joint Battle Planning Capability (IBPC) across air, space, and cyber. BACUS will integrate
, and key relationships among blue capabilities, organizations, effects, assets, and available domain data sources. The proposed reasoning
ding end-to-end trust, it can be built upon to realize a whole host of new levels of IT simplifcation and increased data security. EOLuS will p
s feature selection algorithm to determine the best metrics for measuring and quantifying trust. BENEFIT: Avirtek has solid record of perfo
rcraft, with a sensitivity and SWaP that addresses the unique requirements of smaller airframes and autonomous operation. This includes
between stakeholders, better decision making, and a more explicit understanding of the effects of engineering constraints on overall cost,
uld have high payoff due to the complexity of their systems.
ystems and new software tools developed using Discovery Machine&#039;s Modeler technology. BENEFIT: Understanding complex system

ites will provide signifcant capabilities helping to insure long term operability of these critical assets.
ration of high-performance infrared scene projector systems. BENEFIT: There is considerable interest from the scene simulation communi

e to the unique capabilities and parameters associated with that waveband. The Camera industry is expanding their product offering throu
BENEFIT: The software developed under this SBIR will have broad applicability to online team collaboration in both the military and the pr
scenarios, and fnally exploring the connection and applicability of We-CLAP to existing and novel systems within AFRL and other agencies.
gher resolution displays. BENEFIT: Commercial applications of the MAGIC-HMD will include the replacement of current classical optics- ba
ness in both military and commercial aerospace, including enhanced simulator environments. Augmented reality applications for dismoun
mic diffractive optics. BENEFIT: The CWHD offers many competitive advantages such as cost-efficiency, compactness, light weight, low pow
erating anthropometric voxel models with realistic postures. The models and software developed can beneft biomedical scientists, health
ing new Commercial Terrestrial Point-to-Point (38 dBi and 43 dBi) planar antenna products for E-band (71-86 GHz) as well as (DO-160) Com
architecture feasibility test setup on representative servers, test it, quantitatively evaluate feasibility, and prepare a commercialization plan
owledge of adaptive beamforming algorithms and implementations make SEAKR an ideal choice for performing this work. BENEFIT: Benef

uation of end-to-end network trust in a live system, including not only DoD networks, but those of trust-sensitive commercial organizations
instrument will provide a means to monitor, on a routine basis, human exposures associated with airborne synthesized nano-materials.
o evaluate and quantify training effectiveness and mission readiness. BENEFIT: An anticipated beneft of the W3DGE (Warfghter 3D Gamin
ft of GeMFIRE will be in supporting cost-effective training and rehearsal for next generation, multirole aircraft pilots. However, we recogniz
on rehearsal environment and a tactics, techniques, and procedures trainer in a scalable hardware solution. The proposed multi-role fgh
ity. BENEFIT: The proposed PATTRN system will provide the following benefts: Data translation capability from esoteric data formats to a
ort analysts, biomedical scientists, and electromagnetic device manufactures will be able to use these morphable and posable models to p
tion applications, and health monitoring and diagnosis for both military and civilian populations. A similar platorm can also be used for ind
ategies. BENEFIT: ADAPTER will beneft Air Force and USCYBERCOM Cyber Operations (as well as those organizations that design and deve
nome and Raytheon envision the productizaton of CLOAK in Raytheon&quot;s multiple programs of record. The success of CLOAK proven w
ol stations, semantic Web, cloud computing and maritime situational awareness markets. BENEFIT: In phase I, Unova designs an Geograph
y transmits messages to a class of receivers determined by geographical, temporal, tactical, strategic and social constraints. BENEFIT: The c
ure research and be applied to solutions for other wide scan wideband array needs.
e FIRST RF technology and developmental plan offers a lower cost, modular approach that enables a much quicker design cycle. This resul
hnology is to support the characterization of atmospheric phenomena on millimeter wave satellite/ground links through multi-band and m
ing module. In addition to the airborne SATCOM application described here, this architecture will support emerging requirements for milli

a solid foundation for a highly-scalable microdisplay system comprised of microdisplay, driver board hardware/frmware, and mixed-signal h
rements. BENEFIT: At the end of the Phase I effort Toyon will have developed a candidate architecture and established SWaP estimates for
n with the human trainee. Ultimately, this will more effectively prepare trainees for mission-time coordination with their human teammat

ds for limitary and commercial communication increases, the developed technologies will fnd increasing use to predict the reliability of com
and avoid system can enable the national airspace integration of group 2 to 4 UAS by providing an effective solution to mitigate the risk of
g for a video game adaptation of the technology.
-based detector, and the basis for conducting research and analyzing back-tracking algorithms.
e networks, and supporting TRL 9 technology in mission-critical applications. ObjectSecurity has been the leading provider of model-driven
ucing treatments, to meet the Air Force&quot;s NC3 needs. BENEFIT: The successful completion of the Phase I program provides a basel
nce fltering. BENEFIT: As a result of this SBIR, FIRST RF&quot;s technology will enable robust EMI mitigation in a highly-sensitive VLF re
ges, and identify a path toward space-flight-ready IR sensor hostable payloads as well as performance improvement. BENEFIT: The MACIn
nals to remove the instrumental point-spread function uses a light-weight on-board processor that runs in real time. BENEFIT: Anticipate
a prototype to show improvements attainable using SIRI technology. BENEFIT: Upon successful completion of this project, a new capabilit

al visualization, military and commercial surveilance analysis, and all applications requiring real time holography.
wing technological innovations to ensure user acceptance and programmatic success: Innovative see-through, low-profle optics Very high

l applications in industrial hygiene and occupational safety. The ability of such a sensor system to transmit collected NP data in real-time to
ill be established through this work will represent a way, for the frst time, to assess personal exposure to airborne particle concentrations
ing paths and selection. BENEFIT: With the PrePARE system, the U.S. Air Force will have the capability to track current readiness against co
proposed system can meet the stipulated requirements for TFOV, visual acuity, power, brightness, and latency. Due to our compact monol
ore socio-linguistically realistic language, broadening Persona&quot;s commercial appeal and enabling us to serve a wider customer base in
ese key challenges. BENEFIT: With the SynChat natural language toolkit, the U.S. Air Force will have the capability to develop and integrat
light sources Small individual windows enable conductive cooling of infrared windows in hypersonic airstream Small individual windows m
c chemistry desires, and delivery of processes which generate scaled up amounts of core-shell thermites at a level applicable to use within
mulated use conditions, thereby achieving TRL 5. BENEFIT: In addition to satisfying the Air Force&quot;s need for core-shell nanoparticle

e multiple applications throughout the DoD weapon development programs and commercial industry. Integration of our device onto severa
sibility study will provide engineering data and fundamental knowledge that has implications for numerous DoD applications where advan

d also be used in combat through battle damage assessment (BDA) initiatives. The commercial transportation and energy exploration indu
to then download the data. McQ has expertise with small custom embedded system design, g-hardened applications, data recorders, dev
rimarily develop Metal Rubber modifed Kevlar based composites as a super lightweight cable shielding alternative to heavy metal over-bra

BENEFIT: The ability to control the response in the RF regime and concomitant shielding of defense critical devices (circuits and componen
lding materials, and the RF system group at a major U.S. aircraft manufacturer to evaluate and test developed materials. BENEFIT: EMI shi

T: The technology developed under this SBIR program should be highly adaptable to other high performance DoD and industrial hydraulic fl
ndustry, NASA high altitude research vehicles, cold regions military operations, automotive, and unmanned aerial vehicles for homeland se
g and future UAVs. Cost effectiveness will be critical and production methods and teaming arrangements will be developed with cost as a
By using alternative glass types and leveraging AFRL research, we can provide an optical limiter capability to night vision goggles to preven
MI measurements.

oop guidance and a human-operated laser designator. BENEFIT: The proposed S4SAM will not only address the major Air Force requiremen
enforcement, border control, homeland security. The ACE system alone will fnd applications in search and rescue, machine vision, robotics
nto a monolithic unit. BENEFIT: Successful development of the Multimode WFOV Seeker will enhance warfghting capability and force p
n avoidance systems.
ization of Federal research. CEI was presented with this award at a White House ceremony. CEI has developed software and hardware tech

T: Operational Benefts: (1) Enhanced thermite tailorability, (2) improved energy density with no cost to reactivity, (3) increased stabili

ring and maintenance of the next generation of specialty coatings for advanced aircraft. Such a development could also strongly impact oth
NEFIT: The proposed aircraft-coating test system will provide accurate profles of the material properties of coating layers, including attenu
gy to meet this increased maintenance need.

ding directly to complete experimental characterization. This toolset is expected to include property correlation, trends, and factors. Key te
mmunity, but is applicable to many other industries as well. For example, pressure vessels, turbines, industrial facilities, and heavy equipm
siderable SWAP advantages over ESA architectures and are much more conformal than dish-based systems. ThinKom has already realized

ement outliers; and, 4) Defnition of performance metrics that faithfully characterize estimation errors and uncertainty reduction. BENEF
gorithms in a number of application areas (e.g. image-based navigation, targeting, situational awareness). Accurate uncertainty characteriz
t compromising the existing capabilities. In the commercial sector, similar advances are required for more-electric aircrafts to be efficient a
ft energy management software tools of choice for the industry. BENEFIT: The Phase I results will lay the foundation to develop a prototyp
ased on Silicon Carbide (SiC) are able to provide the required performance in these application areas due to the unique material properties

nts a unique opportunity to develop a new, inexpensive endothermic fuel with higher heat sink capacity to sustain higher flight Mach num
r unit (FDEAU) technology offers several benefts in military airborne applications, the frst commercialization opportunity that this SBIR wil
tics of select nanofluid fuels through a co-axial injector with a gaseous oxidizer. BENEFIT: This SBIR effort will successfully demonstrate th
NEFIT: ACT has developed several nanofluids for the thermal energy market. The proposed effort will expand upon the network already es
ected to contribute to the achievement of VAATE program goals by signifcantly reducing turbine cooling requirements in future small turb
ill be used to qualify the mobility size distribution measurements. BENEFIT: The present SBIR Phase I program will lead to a measurement

oid disrupting aerodynamic flows. The packaging should be widely adaptable for many conformal sensor technologies with future developm

rforms CErA for MCM.

ow integration will drive prototype development.
ype within a representative NMCI environment.

ty monitoring near DoD stationary and mobile visible emissions sources, the HASPAM technology can be used, with minor modifcations, b
lications consisting of extensively networked automated systems comprised of many interconnected discrete deployments of software and
rnal and previously DoD-funded research on plasma-based HPM/EMP structures. Furthermore, it supports UT&quot;s research objectives o

esearch is applicable to DoD and commercial industries employing complex maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) and supply chain ma

ater and in civilian use. The added capabilities could signifcantly reduce life-cycle costs of the system, and bringing rapid response ability to
higher density gas turbine engine capable of hybrid operations by being able to generate signifcant electric power and operate with incre
Peregrine Turbine will not only reduce direct operating costs but also reduce support logistics requirements for felded weapons systems. T

al analysis. BENEFIT: The overall DoD and commercial market need for such an advanced MCC engine (and high power density generator s
um hybrid core engine power densities below 1lb/hp. - Double the peak takeoff power by electrically assisted supercharging and/or direct 5
development of an interactive user interface to effectively apply the models to practical applications. BENEFIT: 1. Generalized formulation
ry environment to prove the feasibility of the control system and EAU converter. BENEFIT: he frst commercial application of the SBIR resu
erpret experimental data, (4) provide insight to flow regions where experimental diagnostics are not located, (5) extrapolate results from g

aining the required maneuverability, flying quality, and handling qualities.

emonstration of the above software enhancements for the Phase II technology demonstration. The goal of the technology development in

onstrate it with TENA and the Joint Integrated Mission Model (JIMM).

technologies developed under this SBIR project could potentially lead to a compact, low-cost, dual-use sensor or system to measure highe
ommunity through its&#039;widespread adoption of SOA concepts and practices. These include greater interoperability, increased re-use
nostic System (MaRADS). BENEFIT: The beneft to the MARADS system is that maintenance information is transmitted to the depot prior
software technologies. BENEFIT: Besides flight light maintenance for the Air Force and commercial airlines, this technology has direct appl
rom a tutorial on the mobile computing device. Under Phase I, potential architectures for a variety of training applications for mobile co
n performance. After Phase II, RAS will work with platorm primes and the government to provide a technology demonstration on an oper

alidated using high-fdelity data for relevant aircraft-store confgurations. BENEFIT: The commercial product to be developed is engineerin
will augment the higher fdelity and more resource intense offering in the current RUSAT software product. The proposed effort will create
imations from these runs BENEFIT: The schemes and software developed in this effort has applications to a variety of felds including aero
teristics including reliability, accuracy, resolution, dynamic range, and response time. BENEFIT: Environetix will adapt the commercializatio
d mature algorithms prior to fabricating and testing a prototype SAPIEN system in a relevant environment. BENEFIT: Recent (1991-2000) F
tical aircraft and commercial aircraft, because our WHRS is compact and lightweight, and our WHRS requires no heat exchangers to reject h
atorms. Work being conducted for the JSF (F-35) in the JAETMIS and AETD programs is exploring use of advanced, variable three stream e
the design&quot;s mechanical properties and displaying simulation results in near real time. This tool will beneft the military by enabling a
eractions with the PDN. BENEFIT: The completion of this software will be of great beneft to the whole of the HPEM directed energy (DE)
ique feature of this combiner is that it enables the use of robust glass-clad fber, thereby addressing the most common source of fber failu
n of advanced multi-kilowatt fber laser systems, for which there are numerous military and commercial applications.
mal designs, such as those enabled by the proposed bidirectional beam director, promise extremely lightweight, high performance, and cost
cluding (but not limited to): laser communication, space situational awareness, astronomical ground based imaging, laser radar, laser range
platorms. The technology has additional military applications for DoD land and sea based platorms and, in a lower power confguration,

ects and provide actuated tilt control. Successful completion of the FRAME system development will bring benefts to military HEL weapon

enance algorithm to revolutionize the way beam directors and imaging systems are designed for aircraft weapons support, thus broadening
s the space, weight, ergonomics, power, performance, and integration (SWEPPI) requirements for current and next-generation helmets. BE
systems that are part of the pilot&quot;s cockpit and mission operational environment. In addition the development approach is structure
de, the news reports have been flled with details of sensitive and even classifed information falling into the wrong hands. In many if not a
domains. By adding provenance information to any releasability metadata it supplies, DocMark will increase confdence in future automat
the proliferation in potential applications of Ceramic Matrix Composites in military and commercial aerospace engines and in industrial gas
n signals of all satellite services offers increased resistance to jamming in the GPS degraded or denied environment. The near term applica

ense oxygen network system represents a new, innovative, and reliable solution for the in-situ measurement of the oxygen ullage fuel-tank
2 over a temperature range of -55°C to 200°C. BENEFIT: ADA&quot;s proposed TIM technology holds immense potential in providing an ex

rgetic ion beams for materials processing, to small high specifc impulse electric propulsion devices and potentially application in remote s

ss (not just near-surface residual stress) require the destruction of the part. The widely accepted&quot;gold standard&quot;for nondestru
tion Technology robust enough to help with sensors that are actively jammed by lasers or spoofed by high radiance clutter or solar reflectio
matrix flling for a polymer infltration and pyrolysis (PIP) processed CMC will be applicable to all CMC systems manufactured by PIP, as wel
artners for validation of the modeling approach. BENEFIT: This effort will result in a cost effective ICMSE based modeling and analysis tools

tion costs by informing ground crews when inerting service is needed or not; and d) provide early indications of maintenance requirements
. BENEFIT: The proposed control system will enable future aircraft to fully realize the performance benefts of adaptive energy and therma
rate performance with high-fdelity laboratory testing. BENEFIT: Our EAU will improve aircraft power quality by increasing the ability to da
emporal resolution better than 5 Hz. The goals of this Phase I project are: 1) to identify off-the-shelf components that can be used to build

his system will harness and manage various innovative power technologies to cut fuel consumption 40% - 70%.

sable prototype for Phase II. BENEFIT: Anticipated benefts of the proposed solution are: Low-SWAP, low-cost COTS hardware platorm
re platorm will bring a generational improvement in the performance and cost of today&quot;s very light vision systems. By reducing SWa

NEFIT: The proposed system can function as a general purpose data classifer with little modifcation. Many commercial electronics are look
ut angular view constraints. BENEFIT: The economic and military of accurate aerial modeling from video is already established, and ther
de improved sensor model estimation and high accuracy 3-D modeling capabilities. Applications include support of downstream processin
nna projects. BENEFIT: The result of this effort will be a light-weight AEHF high gain and self-steering antenna system. The key to this will
es and provide analog and/or digital control. BENEFIT: The anticipated benefts and potential commercial applications include power mana

be devised. BENEFIT: Combustion instabilities are thermo-acoustic phenomena characterized by pressure oscillations with well-defned fre

at-panel displays. UAV systems including Vulture and Raven, as well as those currently under development, will be the intended transition t
tive to conventional (non-FAR) radar without the need for extensive and costly flight tests and experiments. BENEFIT: The CoFAR architec
nditions and over wide ranges of interest. Most radar systems employ a feed-forward processing chain in which they frst perform some low
CA mode will signifcantly reduce the false alarm rate for size, weight, and power (SWAP) limited systems performing moving target detecti

he same materials may also work in terrestrial diesel engines since a limited number of references have demonstrated improvements in die
perties of conventional and future derived fuels will increase the availability of propulsion grade fuels by upgrading lower quality fuels and

tion will expand the performance of UAS and reduce the logistical demands for forward bases. The enhanced oxygen and water barrier pro
e to the costs and the relatively small number of usable powder feedstock materials, the proposed work would not only provide savings in
ce of metal materials; 20% of the estimated corrosion-related costs involve scraping and repainting steel structures. A self healing coating
based system. BENEFIT: Successful completion of this program will offer a complete package to repair, restore and subsequently protect t
a broad range of commercial applications. BENEFIT: The successful completion of the proposed Phase I work will yield robust high-temp
ture and existing liquid propellant engine turbopumps including booster and upper stage engines. The coating can be applied to any meta
nd many others. The use of more efficient and durable TBC/EBC will lead to increased engine efficiency by maximizing turbine inlet temper
her thrust per unit area and small thruster size based on low-cost semiconductor manufacturing. The thruster architecture is fully scalable
remixed spray combustion, all coupled with resolved acoustic waves and turbulent fluctuations, and their corresponding subgrid scale effec
rate regulatory requirement compliance during feld measurements. BENEFIT: The proposed project will demonstrate the application of n

ulting in cost savings, reduced environmental pollution and more efficient maintenance planning. BENEFIT: CIMOSA will provide an easy t
AFRL program managers to develop a laboratory evaluation tool using the Traycer THz camera THEIA. This strong team represents a large e
evelopment effort, the design environment can be made available for initial deployment for evaluation and improvement. Involvement of
ners on its outer mold line, each of which must be manually flled and inspected for flushness during production. Reduction in the time req
pSCAN is the non-contact nature, which eliminates the possibilities of damaging the fastener and surrounding surfaces during scanning an
ultiple frames with exposure times covering the full dynamic range of intensities in the scene would be automatically taken, with a compos

parts, and the metadata necessary for part qualifcation. Commercial application could be a product to sell to additive manufacturing foun

esult in signifcant cost savings from the maintenance of the coatings and the assets over their lifetime as well as limit lost productivity due
m by automatic parallelization and hiding low-level details from high-level programming Commercial Applications: The technologies in this
nvestigate potential SATCOM data link options and develop an antenna system to support enhanced telemetry and live video downlink con
cal plane arrays Higher dynamic range with signifcantly reduced problems with localized saturation Excellent uniformity with 100% Spixe

on and in particular is intended for the family of SUASs used for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR), target tracking and acq
The Phase I effort will provide the proof-of-concept needed by the Air Force and Mainstream to decide whether or not the product is tech

e, thermally efficient, cost effective packaging solution.

ded to commercial GPS receivers for use in civil organizations to reduce the effects of GPS signal degraded environments such as multipath

arginal due to jamming, interference, or line-of-sight blockage. BENEFIT: The proposed effort enables existing location estimate errors to b

ntation for traditional GPS equipment, other avenues may make sense including applications like UAVs, Emergency/First Responder, Homela
include space-based surveillance, missile detection, and missile tracking systems. Scientifc applications include cooling for space-based in
FIT: The commercial products foreseen from this SBIR program are physics based analytical tools which would be valuable in providing a m
essible because of the proposed hosted payload architecture technologies, there is broad appeal to a signifcant user community. The diver
plications including portable cooling and precise temperature control for electronics, optics and medical systems. The temperature differen
HR signals that could be used to improve coordinate registration (CR). We will have demonstrated the viability of assimilating TIDDBIT and o
nt network providing executable input to an advanced coordinate registration system would take the accuracy of systems such as Next Gene
fferent regions on the entire data sets onboard. BENEFIT: The successful completion of this research will result in the development of hard
tive radar systems will help researchers and developers to streamline and enhance the processes of adaptive radar requirements defnition
GMTI data exploitation increases the utility of SWaP limited radar systems, making it possible to detect small, slow, and weakly reflecting ta

ad to maximize UAV mission capabilities. Initially will be designed for the Predator class UAV and other types of AF and other DoD UAV plat
high-frequency, high-power photodiode technology and its capabilities are vast and could have a profound impact on our society. Traditio
on for anti-jam GPS processing that will reduce size, weight, and power by a factor of ten has a very large market for resource constrained
nnas that provide adequate gain to support required data rates when within line-of-sight (LOS) of the ground terminal, but they are not ad
onstration in a follow-on Phase II effort. BENEFIT: The results of this research will provide one of the critical technologies needed to suppo

nt, inter-connecting various wireless networks, such as WANs, MANs and LANs, dramatically improving connectivity assurance for various t
onstrate that the proposed algorithm can provide accurate estimates of geo-location uncertainties, thereby corroborating its potential effic

well as enhance elastic recovery of the TIM after expansion and contraction associated with thermal cycling. BENEFIT: The primary benef
entify pathways for various applications. BENEFIT: Full development of our technology will result in the production of advanced fuel produ
al zone targets; natural disaster assessments; coastal zone surveys; environmental assessments; and search-and-rescue systems. POC&quot

se-II) in our BMDS work supporting the Navy Aegis and GMD live missile defense tests. We already operate a series of HyperVideo-class se

e chemical kinetic mechanism that can be used for predicting combustion properties of petroleum-based jet fuels as well alternative fuels.

ing a limited-scope prototype, and formally evaluating the framework to demonstrate its effectiveness.TBA BENEFIT: We anticipate STARM
e anomalies, while collecting performance data for analysis. BENEFIT: Braxton anticipates several benefts of a scheduling system capable o
ent architecture. ISS will provide JSpOC, JMS, and ALPS expertise. DF &amp; NN will provide E-SAS and EMI detection experience. BENEF

in flms. What is needed is a process that can result in conformable, large-area, thin flm thermoelectric devices produced using methods t

tifcation, and characterization of space objects using data fusion from multiple sensors. Optimal scheduling of Air Force space surveillance
le space systems, including satellites, provide a signifcant opportunity to advance man&#039;s ability to communicate information and to

nt, reliable, and affordable cryocooler that enables usage of next-generation focal plane technology in space-borne surveillance and reconn
g, long life (7+ year) missions, the mini-LCCE will be paired with miniature pulse tube coolers, or possibly other small space coolers, from a
ase II development of an operational capability. BENEFIT: An ionospheric data assimilation method with the fdelity to model TIDs in real ti
ms by enabling immediate and autonomous reaction to threats from the local area. Government transition opportunities include satellite p

ENEFIT: The novel DNA-based MPS could signifcantly impact capability for anti-Electronic Warfare defense, as well as numerous commerc
the Phase I effort.

ate chemical-kinetic models for petroleum-derived and alternative jet fuel combustion in vitiated air would speed the development of next

BENEFIT: Essentially all detailed rolling element bearing analysis programs are based on work that is several decades old and targeted for
tions including temperature, vibration, de-icing, and environmental effects. BENEFIT: Successful implementation of the proposed technolo

tion) technologies will provide rapid TTFF (Time to First Fix) initialization among a networked user groups. Military applications will be purs
Team ATA has been developing technology for the U.S. Government and Aerospace contractors since 1975. During this time, we have dev
y beneft is to preserve the ability to stream video offboard UAVs while reducing the size, weight, and power required by the harware. BRE
f the main frequency bands this program plan to use to relay data from landers, rovers, satellites, back to Earth. Commercially, the data c
ast redirection of the beam(s). BENEFIT: Kord anticipates two key results from this contract. First, we will demonstrate the ability of the an
and iv) joint spectrum allocation and waveform adaptation. Our approach follows a general feedback control system structure: State Obser
will have assessed the viability of producing TEC (and other ionospheric parameters) from existing dual-frequency GPS receivers that comp
database. BENEFIT: A successful Phase I will result in a CID ATR framework that addresses the efficiency and sustainability issues associate
e the airborne sensor detection limitations. (3) The air and ground sensors will have different probabilities of detection due to different op
ynamic range VLF signal detection Next generation EAM system

onstrained platorms. BENEFIT: The proposed Mayflower Miniature Anti-Jam GPS Nulling Utility Module (MAGNUM) ASIC will be a prac

trial applications, nLIGHT will pursue commercialization of such products as an addition to their existing line of 1µm commercial PFL produc
tation. BENEFIT: This Phase II project will mature the Technical Readiness Level (TRL) of PHM sensors from TRL 3 (active R &amp; D is initi
ity to transition to felded systems in the near term.
ming to protect against adversarial jamming. BENEFIT: The techniques being developed under this program could have wide applicability w
in the near future, beneft USAF programs such as BACN (Battlefeld Airborne Communications Node), TACP-M (Tactical Air Control Party
ommercial enterprises. For the military, this technology will facilitate effective and timely dissemination of ISR and C2 video, voice, etc., am
eractive systems into an integrated spatial reasoning framework. BENEFIT: We believe there is a growing need for systems capable of prov

be Instrumentation for Measuring E-felds) instrument is a miniature, low-cost, lightweight, high sensitivity E-feld instrument using the dou
costs because the system makes iterative process optimization possible. This system will fnd application in commercial and military aerospa

proposed solution has tremendous application potential for military systems as well as commercial sector.
h lightweight IdAM technologies for information assurance and cyber security - Establish a approach and best practices in achieving enterp
ons, and in protecting the lives of astronauts during space flight. By reducing the number of objects requiring high-fdelity and computation

tion technologies into future systems. Second, we will pursue commercialization of sensor fusion algorithms produced in this effort, levera
hrough automation, compared with the current process. A cost savings analysis projected a $5.7M savings for liquid shim application on the
ens on airborne missions providing a signifcant CONOPS advantage. These sensors can be marketed to both Air Force, other military, NASA
s three tremendous benefts. First, is the fundamental advancement of decentralized control and fusion algorithms which will enable multi
allest RPAs will provide accurate and timely situational awareness information to commanders of forward operational bases and the small t

ations. Given the GIG vision, such heterogeneous and dynamic wireless sensor webs will be common and therefore secure, robust, efficien
ity and speed deployment. The conformal design and advanced features of the proposed beam control system also make it suitable for

cision makers, including Emergency Operations Center commanders and feld responders. This kind of feature is not part of the currently
achieve desired learning outcomes. BENEFIT: The results of our Phase II activities will be the RAPID Tool, an automated and adaptable too
e variety of background noise confgurations. This project is targeted toward a specifc military application being developed at AFRL. Additi
health physicists could use this tool to assess health and safety risks in a variety of environments by determining the potential for radiation
erators can conduct legitimate analysis; this includes fusion of augmenting and ancillary data points, including 2D/3D context, current world
ess domain of conjunctions and an&quot;at-a-glance&quot;understanding, but allowing users to understand the quantifed risks associated
ght characteristics in addition to increased performance over legacy antenna systems.

hrusters. Commercial applications of high-energy ultracapacitors include windmill blade pitch drives, vehicle starting, hybrid-electric vehicl
roject is to build and demonstrate a feld-worthy production prototype with a capability of at least TRL 7. Lasertronics anticipates participati
solution for both Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman. SMRC&#039;s GripChek system does not rely on added components attached
capacity for improved situational awareness. Current SATCOM bands are already overly congested indicating the need to exploit nontraditio
elopers, and product testers an autonomous, repeatable, and reliable method for quantifying how integrated navigation and timing system
te secondary PNT such as IMUs, other RF sources and assistance data such as D-GPS; emulate interference signals; emulate RF paths betwe
erence for incumbent spectrum users. In some cases, incumbent users may be public safety personnel whose lives could be placed in dang
ds. The IPMM will essentially function as an energy reservoir; charging and discharging its energy storage device as appropriate to ensure

e-vendor solutions, as well as not requiring an external synchronization system. Utilizing commodity Ethernet equipment helps to reduce c
ment efforts in a manner that is most benefcial to the end solution. This has applicability not only to munitions, but also to UAVs and man

ve testing and collection of secondary debris data to support future FRM enhancement, development, and/or validation. The published rep
e and labor required to reduce this data into a format that can be used in effectiveness models. All existing Government and contractor ope
able side effects. Successful completion of this project will result in an integrated approach to developing FRMs that can predict secondary
mentation is usually defned as sting balance assemblies. Initial customers will be the Defense Agencies and its contractors. Defense Agen
cterizes off-axis rejection (OAR) of bright light sources for validation and calibration of sensors in a cryo-vacuum environment. SLEP will fnd
be able to use these capabilities along borders, near ports, or along the coastline to monitor for illegal or terrorist activities. Potential comm
Phase II, will be a data compression algorithm software suite for immediate use in operational DoD and commercial hyperspectral systems

erference. This upgrade will allow for construction of wind farms near ATC radars without concerns for signifcant performance degradation
d and the option that best achieves the objective of this technology pursuit will be identifed and recommended for further development.

m based on the Phase I design.

rons and occupies less than ffteen cubic centimeters will reach technology readiness level (TRL) 5 and will be ready for initial testing for Ar

pplications in digital billboards and signage. The proposed technology allows for large area multi color displays that are a fraction the cost o
well as in commercial industries. The material can be transitioned into several Air Force hardware programs for military operations in urb

tioning space assets. It is likely that in the near future, international agreements will require provisions in spacecraft design to reposition s
estigation of hypersonic inlets. A point version of this sensor could be used for both ground test and flight test measurements of skin frictio
performance. 2) The antenna design is such that the radiation pattern is optimized and efficiency is maximized, while ensuring environmen
ssful completion of this effort is a revolutionary new capability for extracting features for mapping systems. This capability has numerous c
le to mapping systems, for example, platorms that are mapping a region of interest. It will also have commercial application to emergency
ing RF signatures for use in development, testing, and evaluation of munitions sensors and signal processing algorithms, including SAR, ISA
han conventional two axis gimbaled reflectors, due to one key design parameter that influences the selection of motors: whereas conventi
es in operationally representative scenarios. BENEFIT: Wide-area motion imagery has proven to be a critical asset for persistent surveillanc
m compared to current analog designs. In particular, the HFDR&quot;s high dynamic range will improve the system&quot;s ability to detec
weapons deployment. The successful completion of the development program will enable the Air Force to limit or eliminate friendly fre c
d efficient simulation capability of airborne multistatic systems will help researchers and developers to streamline and enhance the process
nator Selection Manager, and passive radar performance prediction is a critical component. A performance prediction model will also allow
an be integrated in a SUAS.
allax effects, and predicting occlusion and shadowing effects. Keys to the success of a practical tool to accomplish these functions is the int
liability of the chip. For example if an amplifer failed, you could switch to a parallel amplifer. If a duplicate circuit does not exist, the signa
hanism and performance . The CWA simulant and actual agent permeation will be carried out by the proposing frm and an Army certifed

s. To address this problem, Nanohmics Inc. proposes to develop an easy to use, handheld Android platorm that provides 3-D imaging with

cosite engineers.
s for cosite analysis.
evolution of the coloring functions to generate a parameter library for a particular parameter type and (2) evolution of the set of paramete

swim-bladder-bearing fsh.
echnique minimizes the emitter candidate list in the presence of biased, noisy, and incomplete scanning receiver measurements.
SST and platorm-specifc systems for unmanned aviation.
he Joint Targeting Board. BENEFIT: The research performed under this effort will have immediate beneft to Air Operations Center Weapon
t from high quality residual stress data.
that minimize icing risk. These environmental launch specifcations cause unwanted delays and expense due to grounded aircraft. Designin

s. BENEFIT: Currently, without radar front-end hardware, test centers can exercise the mission software with digital simulation but not w
rnative solution currently exists.

ill provide a means to monitor and assess health conditions of EMAs facilitating detection, identifcation, level estimation of faults and deg
in order to conduct the mission effectively and maximize on-station time.

gy for rapidly transitioning the AREA system to end users.

envelopes the practical power range of interest. MACE provides simultaneous temperature, vibration, and piston position control. Incorp
The development of this sensor represents a unique opportunity in the development of advanced aircraft survivability equipment. BENEF
logies, the proposed work would provide savings in cost and time for fabricating complex components from a digital design. Commercial p

flux testing.
plications require highly integrated, cost-effective, state-of-the-art integrated circuits (ICs) capable of withstanding harsh radiation laden en
application to demonstrate transmit/receive capability of the antenna. We will also engage potential Phase III partners along with U.S. Air
rements and military potential for the results of this proposed Phase II 130nm SOC program were touched upon within the Phase I solicitati

erpretation of sensory data has been a persistent topic of research in the areas of information theory, sensor fusion, computer vision, patte
on on an operational system. BENEFIT: The competitive advantage of this Data Fusion &amp; Resource Management (DF &amp; RM) ANO
t (within R &amp; / Engineering) and Production. Commercialization of the mid-bandgap devices will be marked by demonstration on R &a

ities compared with current primary and rechargreable batteries. Specifc benefts for DoD include extended duration unmanned aerial ve
applications and commercial users. Numerous platorms (both military and civilian) that perform layered sensing using SARs will beneft fro
nology is signifcant in that we have reduced the cost of a fnished focal plane array (FPA) from tens of thousands of dollars per wafer to ten

rations which involve coordination of air, space and cyber resources. DART will optimize the allocation of resources to best meet mission o
present capabilities of software to replicate. Thus, our approach is to develop semi-automated methods that analysts can intuitively interac
ynergies has existed heretofore. BENEFIT: The transition opportunities of integrating the RADTiN/DAM3ON solution into industrial and com
torm to perform accurate and reliable midcourse navigation corrections to minimize target location errors. For military applications, this sy
with analytical data, testing, and process modeling will signifcantly increase the use of polyimide composites in military aircraft as well as in

essing along various lineage commitment pathways. A multi-disciplinary team with experience in all aspects of the proposed effort includin

omaterial hybrid vessel for hydrogen storage would have immediate application in hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen powered applications.

in autonomous networking capability that can be readily deployed in the realm of disaster relief network where multiple parties may oper
t etc. Additional DoFs can be used to enhance spectral efficiency of tactical ad hoc networks by signaling in the spatial dimension, to comp
ds of kilometers away, the video data link becomes absolutely critical to the safety and success of the mission. The W-Band Transmitter will
pplications include: radar, automotive radar, airborne radar, high data rate satellite communications, road condition detection, intelligent h
mers provide the opportunity to introduce the technology developed under this SBIR to a broad base of government customers. These opp
e still providing electromagnetic shielding. Weight savings can be as much as 75%. The ability to fabricate composites structures that meet
ods. Advances in residual stress technology over the past decade (or more) have resulted in improved tools for the analysis of residual stres

ernment&#039;s Open Manufacturing initiative, since it will dramatically reduce the expense of acquiring future warfghter systems.
te element analysis packages via the User Defned Modular Interconnects. This will help in easy transfer of the developed technology to pra
n-solid state/non-semiconductor approach with nano-vacuum emitter devices that have numerous applications in military and commercia
ver will have reduced battery and thermal requirements, making them smaller and operate longer in the feld. Low-power operation is parti
u-Trek is developing a System-on-Chip (SoC) based reliability assessment system that will be offered in conjunction with custom and comm
r improving defect detection in solid rocket motor inspection. Commercial applications include automotive components, baggage handling

onductivity and excellent corrosion resistance. The foam ligaments act as an extended surface for heat dissipation. By forcing cooling air th
r with information, the military incorporates stochastic algorithms into sensor fusion systems to process the sensors' information. Military a
onstrating feasibility of applying innovative algorithmic approaches in real time to provide signifcant improvements in low-observable, mu
of any machined feature, the probe needs to touch the part in several places in different areas on the feature. The RANMS 3D proflometer
military applications for lightweight, directional, frequency-agile, conformal antennas on land, air and sea vehicles for communication netw
ation of an extensive data base for structural coupons. The qualifcation of new materials for radomes which have no established FAA data

sessment of vessels at the earliest stage of the engineering process.

rface/part quality, select mechanical tensile properties at room and elevated temperatures (e.g., RT to 3750-4100-4500 degF or higher in c

he development nonlinear spatio-temporal data analysis tools would allow investigation of turbulent reacting flow phenomena in a real-tim

ponent and system architecture designs.

vanced verifcation tools for cyber-physical systems-of-systems. By partnering with Rockwell Collins, the result of this SBIR effort and follow
with industry and regulatory authorities to promote the application of the technology developed under the proposed effort by: (a) using the
ement system capable of providing accurate static and dynamic data at high speeds. Other agencies such as NASA, DARPA, and the Navy wh
ical insulator applications. Additionally, the novel static/dynamic Fabry-Perot interrogator will have widespread sensing applications includ

the microstructure. In order to predict the performance of these PBEs it is necessary to resolve their microstructural behavior with sufficie

r aircraft vehicle currently in use. Even for modern variants of legacy vehicles there can be signifcant improvements in the SIGINT capabiliti
are beyond the capabilities of current formulations. The resulting software will be of great beneft to the government (especially the Air Fo
erimental data and realistic targeted applications. BENEFIT: The proposed computational and experimental effort will provide a much need
ge of flight conditions and must be capable of surviving the harsh unsteady loads that result from that environment. This includes design o

of aircraft, including compound aircraft and civilian platorms, leading to improved performance and efficient operation across the vehicle

ts. BENEFIT: Potential applications include 1) spacecraft charging, 2) high voltage DC power transmission line insulation characterization a

ansmit functions. BENEFIT: Although FIRST RF&quot;s proposed approach focuses on antennas suited for low-profle receive-only applicati
BENEFIT: Potential Air Force Applications Immediate applications of the projected technology will be the ability to refne designs of prop

a large variety of military embedded systems/applications. Besides, embedded system enables a large number of civilian applications, rangi

on the bay doors will signifcantly impact the design cycle via the identifcation of dangerous tones and undesirable flow feld patterns that
r Helmet System (VPHS). Implementation of seventh generation devices Complete helmet mounted digital vision system with&lt;1 fram
e with our design will enable ultra high resolution systems employing multiple high resolution sensors and microdisplays. The potential a
uild the frst commercially viable light-feld display to that standard. A particularly good example of this multi-use strategy exists with a colla
(1) identify persistent gaps in readiness for trainees within and across training environments; (2) modify and provide more refned training

T: T-CAP will be a generalizable test-bed for measuring and assessing: how well distributed mission crews collaborate on mission planning;

livered combination integrated 3D database, massively parallel computation engines and the packing of the system optimized for small size
of these airframes are candidates for cockpits upgrades to include panoramic displays which compete for space with a conventionally conf

, such a system could fnd use in a number of non-military applications, with dozens of potential clients including local and state police, the

ent to the users based on proximity measures. In civilian markets, PROACT can be used for context-sensitive access provision by the Depar
ides a more flexible, data-driven approach that other proximity-based access control solutions do not provide. Any military IT system, espe
I exploitation algorithm validation that employs real-world data in algorithm testing and evaluation, at a statistically signifcant level, will co

s. BENEFIT: Critical and Capraro will contact the USAF transition professionals of whom we are already aware, specifcally those local to th
antenna&quot;s mounting locations, these benefts can be realized with minimal cost to the war fghter. The Ku-band spectrum has dual us
nfrared (IR) sensors is typically massive and needs to be delivered to Warfghters in the feld via a very narrow communication channel. Th
pectrum. On the DoD side, the DBF platorm provides an architecture for the next generation of satellite payloads. By using digital beam-f
g the need for increased IP SATCOM connectivity. According to Thomson Reuters, Lockheed Martin won a $1.9 billion contract from the U.
smaller and less costly Digital IF dividers and high speed network equipment. SATCOM terminals can be deployed in smaller packages allow
nables analysts to quickly and reliably integrate growing and diverse data stores with the much-needed support for identifying and managi
ocuments. For DoD applications, DREAM will support new PCPAD workflow by focusing the analysts on most critical data to reduce the ana
This project will result in the development of software products for the data management for intelligence market, supporting the integrati
pplication of these methods can improve entity resolution, data association, common referencing, and ultimately fusion and situation unde
suggest default classifcation markings will ease the workload of intelligence analysts seeking to classify mistakenly unmarked sensor data
and correct security/releasability metadata that will work with any cross domain solution.
proach for supporting situation awareness of blue force activities. BENEFIT: The research performed under this effort will have immediate
e, and cyber. BACUS will integrate with, and provide data to, ongoing AFRL IBPC efforts. As a result, joint air, space, and cyber missions will b
urces. The proposed reasoning capability offers an up-to-date picture of current and expected blue capability readiness across these dom
eased data security. EOLuS will provide a strong foundation for future research in this feld, providing the frst steps on the road to fulflling
Avirtek has solid record of performance in addressing the often-competing demands of innovation, technology readiness, and commercia
omous operation. This includes self-guided ordinance and unmanned aerial vehicles, where traditional optical IMU systems are too large t
ering constraints on overall cost, schedule, and risk for new systems. These are based on a rigorous, model-based connection between syste

Understanding complex systems earlier in the design process is valuable in nearly all domains. Markets from medical devices to satellite s

m the scene simulation community in the production of large scale IRSP systems for testing large format imagers. Near term commercializa

ding their product offering throughout the IR spectrum for both military and commercial applications, which would beneft from enhanced
n in both the military and the private sector. Any military agency that is involved in mission planning could beneft from using this software
within AFRL and other agencies. BENEFIT: Collaboration tools are increasingly important as the world becomes smaller. We see the produ
ent of current classical optics- based HMD systems and head-up display (HUD) systems with a thin, light, and low-profle HMD system that c
reality applications for dismounted soldiers, as well as in commercial and consumer markets.
mpactness, light weight, low power consumption, high brightness, and fully see-through. This advanced design will beneft the optical and
eft biomedical scientists, health and medical physicists, and bioenvironmental engineers who study the effect of EM devices on safety and
86 GHz) as well as (DO-160) Commercial Aeronautical antenna subsystems at Ku- and Ka-bands SATCOM applications. Direct commercial b
epare a commercialization plan and preliminary design for Phase II. BENEFIT: CIRRUS solves the topic&quot;s IR compression and standar
ming this work. BENEFIT: Benefts of this research include improved bandwidth utilization and flexibility for communication satellites, imp

nsitive commercial organizations such as cloud storage, banks, and hospitals. It will be capable of tracking intrusions and potential breaches
e synthesized nano-materials.
he W3DGE (Warfghter 3D Gaming Environment) platorm is the ability to simulate all human visual cues, including stereopsis, head motion
raft pilots. However, we recognize considerable beneft for other forms of aircraft (e.g., UAVs), particularly those with multiple mission sets
n. The proposed multi-role fghter simulator&quot;s game engine is also capable of being adapted to numerous training applications, inclu
y from esoteric data formats to a common data format. Interoperability with existing data processing tools. Standardized means of taggin
phable and posable models to predict tissue temperatures for a wide range of the population in any pose. Biomechanical engineers will be
platorm can also be used for industrial applications (process monitoring and quality control), and health monitoring and disease diagnosis
ganizations that design and develop tools for Cyber Operations) by improving their ability to assess operator and team states and dynamica
d. The success of CLOAK proven with its operations in these programs will become the springboard for wider deployments.
ase I, Unova designs an Geographically-Aware and Targeted Secure Information Dissemination (GATSID) service that contains a Human Com
ocial constraints. BENEFIT: The completion of this project will result in the creation of a secure alert dispatch system for mobile devices tha

quicker design cycle. This results in hardware that may be validated on-platorm sooner and at a fraction of the cost of traditional method
links through multi-band and multi-spectral sensors. The proposed architecture can either be operated as a standalone system on a US Do
emerging requirements for millimeter-wave mobile data backhaul enabling smaller, higher density network cells. V-band and W-band have

are/frmware, and mixed-signal high-bandwidth cabling for Phase II effort where customizable flexible microdisplay system for specifc high
d established SWaP estimates for the HVP. As part of the Phase I effort a synthesizable model of the HVP image processing chain will be dev
tion with their human teammates. CANTO will achieve this by leveraging generalizable elements in the existing Synthetic Teammate Proje

se to predict the reliability of communication networks.

e solution to mitigate the risk of MAC from overtaking aircraft. Specifcally, for non-cooperative UAS, a passive system that meets the SWaP

eading provider of model-driven security technologies for access control for over 10 years. BENEFIT: The benefts of a mature proximity-ba
Phase I program provides a baseline and defnes the future development process of the VLF receive antenna system. It does this by defning
ation in a highly-sensitive VLF receive antenna. The beamforming technology will have applicability to a variety of military and civilian app
rovement. BENEFIT: The MACInTIR sensor system, with its small SWaP and high performance will be extremely useful for a wide range of D
real time. BENEFIT: Anticipated benefts are a light-weight space based sensor for SWIR/MWIR imaging that is inexpensive, easy and rap
n of this project, a new capability for near-isothermal bondlines that can be applied in many assemblies will be available. In addition, a new

ugh, low-profle optics Very high contrast, daylight readable OLED microdisplays Minimum head-borne weight and a neutral center of gra

collected NP data in real-time to a remote source will be critical in both military and civilian building infrastructure monitoring as well as bi
airborne particle concentrations by different metrics across a wide size range in near real-time. It will also allow speciation of collected parti
rack current readiness against competency standards and optimize training event planning by predicting future profciency fall offs. While p
ency. Due to our compact monolithic architecture and solid-state electronics, the proposed system can meet the stipulated goals for size, w
o serve a wider customer base in the simulation and virtual training markets.
apability to develop and integrate natural language capabilities into training systems in a way that will be more affordable than today&quot
eam Small individual windows minimize atmospheric distortions across each window Algorithm using closure phases eliminates phase err
a level applicable to use within the propulsion and energy delivery needs of the military. Furthermore, the use within microdevices at sma
need for core-shell nanoparticle based energetic materials, the core-shell nanoparticles also have several applications in biomedical, optics,

gration of our device onto several ongoing weapon system procurement for UAVs and the Next Gen Cruise Missile will augment their capab
s DoD applications where advanced, multi-purpose energetic materials can provide enhanced blast and lethality. The approach represents

tion and energy exploration industries could also utilize remote, miniature, shock-hardened data recorder systems that could replace on-bo
applications, data recorders, developing custom reliable communications solutions, and developing polished products that are used by vari
ernative to heavy metal over-braiding, metal foils and other parasitically attached shielding structures. The innovative super lightweight na

devices (circuits and components), as well as enhanced communication by blocking unwanted radio frequencies while allowing necessary
ped materials. BENEFIT: EMI shielding materials are used to block unwanted electromagnetic felds from interfering with the operation of

ce DoD and industrial hydraulic fluid applications. Other candidate military platorms include NASA high altitude research vehicles and sur
aerial vehicles for homeland security applications. Additionally these seals could be used for platorms for high altitude weather surveillan
will be developed with cost as a major consideration. Once validated, this new seal would have immediate use in high altitude UAV plator
to night vision goggles to prevent them from being damaged by battlefeld lasers. Improved resolution and MTF via higher index optical

s the major Air Force requirements for precise target tracking and enhanced target recognition, but also can be adopted by other military a
rescue, machine vision, robotics, and vehicle situational awareness/safety systems.
arfghting capability and force projection by providing better precision, lower collateral damage, and flexible targeting. Commercialization

ped software and hardware technologies for a variety of government programs, and the team has transitioned over 37 products to producti

o reactivity, (3) increased stability and safety, and (4) No handling of nanoparticles. Commercial Applications: (1) Underwater welding

nt could also strongly impact other DoD services as well, since similar technologies are used across the DoD. Furthermore, other materials
f coating layers, including attenuation constant, permittivity, and permeability, along a given scan path and over a broad measurement ban

ation, trends, and factors. Key tests required to characterize a new material system will be documented. Development, validation, and com
trial facilities, and heavy equipment all contain critical structure with signifcant amounts of residual stress. As design and analysis techniqu
s. ThinKom has already realized VICTS antennas at C, X, Ku, Ka, and W bands, and has recently developed EHF VICTS antennas. ThinKom ha

uncertainty reduction. BENEFIT: Phase I development will create a foundation for prototyping and transitioning of the technological app
Accurate uncertainty characterization in solutions from geo-registration algorithms will provide a measure of confdence in the result, and
electric aircrafts to be efficient and dependable. Aircraft manufacturers, avionic system integrators and engine manufacturers are intereste
oundation to develop a prototype control suite for comprehensive development and testing in the Phase II program. Incorporating the Pha
o the unique material properties of SiC. The control electronics, used to control high power modules, need to be placed in close proximity t

sustain higher flight Mach numbers while also providing improved ignition and flameholding properties compared to JP-7. Because scram
on opportunity that this SBIR will target, including: (1) Expanded peak-power and regenerative power capabilities in the electrical power sy
will successfully demonstrate the use of nanofluid fuels in liquid rocket engines and open up a market for these nanofluid fuels in liquid pr
nd upon the network already established by ACT. ACT will closely collaborate with fuel suppliers and engine manufacturers to commercializ
equirements in future small turbomachinery systems. In addition to new power generation product offerings, commercial applications of th
ram will lead to a measurement system for characterizing soot volume fraction, mass concentration, primary particle size, aggregate size d

chnologies with future development effort.

sed, with minor modifcations, by the DoD for real-time monitoring of airborne chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield ex
ete deployments of software and hardware. Using this technology, customers will be able to monitor automated system components and d
UT&quot;s research objectives on developing efficient large EM structure analysis and complex board-level simulation methodologies. IS

haul (MRO) and supply chain management (SCM) systems. These organizations must all adapt to the integration and use of simulation techn

bringing rapid response ability to smaller, Group 2 SUAS, as opposed to larger, more expensive platorms, could greatly reduce the overall lo
ic power and operate with increased power at high and low altitudes.
s for felded weapons systems. The Peregrine Turbine is not limited to aircraft applications but may be employed wherever fuel efficiency a

d high power density generator system); although hard to estimate, is considered to be substantial in supporting the next generation UAS m
ed supercharging and/or direct 50% power contribution from the brushless PM motor. - Extended S-UAS range and endurance from an effi
NEFIT: 1. Generalized formulation with all model coefficients under user control provides an effective vehicle to continually update the mod
rcial application of the SBIR results will likely be on military aircraft with potential frst application of the resulting knowledge on F-35 deriva
ed, (5) extrapolate results from ground tests to flight conditions, (6) help identify the source of problems, including failures of experiments,
the technology development in this SBIR program is to accomplish the program objectives via software-only upgrade to the SAASM GPS re

nsor or system to measure higher accuracy local and remote air particles and PM emissions under regulatory standards. In addition, for m
nteroperability, increased re-use, more agile business processes, improved visibility, and reduced maintenance costs. In the Air Force EW d
s transmitted to the depot prior to the aircraft arriving. This allows the maintenance debrief to start earlier than the current method. Hang
, this technology has direct applications to other highly urgent line maintenance settings including ground combat vehicles. The AAMP sys
ning applications for mobile computing devices will be examined, including weapon system training, maintenance training, and collective
ology demonstration on an operational tactical platorm. BENEFIT: The key beneft provided to the government by this SBIR is improved

ct to be developed is engineering software for analyzing store separation. The technology bridges the gap between comprehensive but low
. The proposed effort will create a tool that will allow prediction of store separation performance with signifcantly reduced resource alloc
a variety of felds including aero-optics, flow control, combustion modeling and biomechanics. It will also be useful to many other areas w
x will adapt the commercialization strategy used for its initial commercially available product, the EVHT-100 Wireless High Temperature Sen
BENEFIT: Recent (1991-2000) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) statistics indicate that most (80%) mid-air collisions (MACs) occur whe
s no heat exchangers to reject heat to the ambient environment.
dvanced, variable three stream engines in later production blocks, providing an excellent opportunity for integrating this heat rejection syste
beneft the military by enabling accurate prediction of EMI/HPEMI effects on foreign or domestic electronics systems, and will beneft milit
the HPEM directed energy (DE) community, in that it will help us better understand the HPEM interactions with IC chipsets that lead to HP
ost common source of fber failure in high-power fber laser systems. BENEFIT: nLIGHT is actively pursuing kW class CW fber lasers, whic
ight, high performance, and cost-effective options for HEL weapons. The target application is a conformal HEL system in a jet fghter. One
imaging, laser radar, laser rangefnding, aircraft self defense (both commercial and military), air-base defense, ship self-defense, and tactic
in a lower power confguration, free space laser communication. Commercial applications include high-power fber laser welding, cutting,

benefts to military HEL weapon systems enabling high power systems to be developed. Commercial applications include high power laser

apons support, thus broadening MZA&#039;s DoD customer base. Another ready application is laser communication from commercial or
and next-generation helmets. BENEFIT: Military applications of the SMALLER-HMD system will include multispectral fused imagery for use
velopment approach is structured to accommodate the technology advances of the sensors and displays in order to realize the performanc
he wrong hands. In many if not all cases, the cause of the data loss was the use of unprotected personal mobile devices; portable storage d
se confdence in future automated or semi-automated release processes. The need for accurate, rule-based releasability markings extends
ace engines and in industrial gas turbine industries, the proposed dual-use high technology product has an immediate and expanding mark
onment. The near term application of this technology includes the NAVWAR Trinity program for airborne platorms, as well as a number o

nt of the oxygen ullage fuel-tank environment of tactical jet fghter aircraft. Its aircraft ready compact package, lightweight, and power effic
ense potential in providing an excellent interface for heat transfer between high energy output components such as power electronics mo

otentially application in remote sensing.

ld standard&quot;for nondestructive measurement of bulk residual stresses is neutron diffraction; however, access to this technique is quit
radiance clutter or solar reflections. o S3-TECH will address the main challenges with high flux and dynamic saturation events in imaging s
ems manufactured by PIP, as well as the CMCs of interest to our partner, Teledyne Scientifc.
ased modeling and analysis tools for optimizing the processing technologies in CMC manufacturing. The new methods developed under thi

ns of maintenance requirements or OBIGGS system malfunction. An oxygen sensor system meeting Air Force specifcations will be the frst
s of adaptive energy and thermal management, and enhance the capability and range of aircraft. In the near term, the control system will
ity by increasing the ability to damp high frequency transients, oscillations, and harmonics. This technology will have broad application to
nents that can be used to build the combined system, 2) to develop robust and unambiguous procedures to calibrate the combined system

w-cost COTS hardware platorm Robust video exploitation system built to scale to very large resolutions with minimal hardware footprint
vision systems. By reducing SWaP while expanding processing capability, more complex missions will be brought within reach of very lightw

commercial electronics are looking for new ways of interacting with the outside world that can beneft through this technology. In each of
is already established, and there are a number of existing companies which proftably market such services today (see, for example, http:/
upport of downstream processing (tracking, geo-positioning, geo-registration), augmented reality / situational awareness, and simulation/t
nna system. The key to this will be the ERA feed antenna system. The goal is that whole antenna structure will be foldable or collapsible fo
applications include power management, distribution, control, and supply and other dual use needs which are both vast and diverse for bo

oscillations with well-defned frequencies and with amplitudes that can be large enough to cause damage to a combustor. Tools that can p

will be the intended transition targets for the proposed technology.

s. BENEFIT: The CoFAR architecture developed in this project will result in a new radar architecture ideally suited to meet the challenges o
hich they frst perform some low-level processing of received echo data and then pass the processed data on to some higher-level processo
erforming moving target detection in mountainous and urban environments. This advance will improve the ability of UAV platorms to per

monstrated improvements in diesel engine performance including an increase in power and a decrease in solid particle emissions by incorp
pgrading lower quality fuels and/or reducing the volume of higher grade fuels consumed. The additive also improves fuel stability and igni

ed oxygen and water barrier properties of the material will improve the lifetime and performance of flexible solar panels, displays, and ligh
ould not only provide savings in both cost and time for optimization and fabrication of components, but would allow for less traditional po
tructures. A self healing coating will be benefcial to any industry sector that suffers from corrosion, such as infrastructure, transportation,
tore and subsequently protect the damaged aircraft parts with a SHC system. The need for a cost-effective, environmentally-favorable, self
work will yield robust high-temperature GaN MISHFET usable in high-temperature control ICs. The realization of the proposed novel techno
ating can be applied to any metallic turbopump component in the current fleet of engines with minimal design or hardware modifcations.
maximizing turbine inlet temperature and/or reducing the amount of cooling air required for airfoils.
ster architecture is fully scalable and thrust can be electronically regulated. With deflection circuitry, thrust can also be electronically vecto
orresponding subgrid scale effects. BENEFIT: The IllinoisRocstar Chimera-overset mesh code, RocfloCM, and multiphase particle software
demonstrate the application of new technology to provide a rapid, real-time method for measuring the number, size, and mass of refractor

: CIMOSA will provide an easy to use tool for the Air Force to rapidly evaluate OML coatings, thereby optimizing maintenance procedures o
strong team represents a large experience base and knowledge of these types of materials and the techniques historically employed for ND
d improvement. Involvement of initial users can be leveraged to accelerate the development and expansion of the capabilities of the tool i
ction. Reduction in the time required to fll and inspect fasteners is critically required to reduce aircraft build time for future full-rate produ
ding surfaces during scanning and measurement, improves accuracy, and eliminates sources of human error. The image guided quick measu
omatically taken, with a composite HDR image then constructed from these frames. Lens flare due to reflections internal to the camera wo

ll to additive manufacturing foundries or a product licensed to the machine manufacturer for incorporation into machine control software.

well as limit lost productivity due to unavailability of assets during maintenance.

ications: The technologies in this proposal technology can be implemented as a video processing algorithm engine and sold as products or
etry and live video downlink connection from launch to end-of-mission for the nation&quot;s EELV fleet will provide the following direct be
llent uniformity with 100% Spixel operability Signifcantly lower cost of the single element detectors relative to an infrared focal plane arr

ce (ISR), target tracking and acquisition. Development of a wide variety of small, lightweight power systems will initially support military m
hether or not the product is technically and commercially viable. The system-level modeling in Phase I will provide a clear picture of the be

environments such as multipath and urban canyon.

sting location estimate errors to be improved approximately as the square root of n where n is the number of users passing through a Virtu

ergency/First Responder, Homeland/Border Security, etc. For example the Coast Guard or DHS could utilize over bodies of water or in locati
clude cooling for space-based infrared observatories. Commercial applications include cooling systems for communication satellites, super
uld be valuable in providing a means to predict both aerodynamic forcing and aerodynamic damping in relevant geometries via a single hig
fcant user community. The diversity of that community extends to government and military agencies, universities, and commercial compan
stems. The temperature differences required in air conditioning are usually within the capacity of thermoelectric heat pumps, but their rela
ity of assimilating TIDDBIT and other ionospheric measurements, and shown how the resulting ionospheric specifcation can be used with
acy of systems such as Next Generation OTHR and HF Emitter Geolocators to new levels of accuracy. Recent interest in Next Generation OTH
esult in the development of hardware and software providing a potentially revolutionary improvement in information available to the warf
ve radar requirements defnition, data collection / validation planning, and development of the environmental assessment and intelligent r
all, slow, and weakly reflecting targets, thus providing capabilities that are in high-demand from a variety of platorms. There continues to

es of AF and other DoD UAV platorms will be considered also.

d impact on our society. Traditionally, photodiode is made for detection of photonic input signal based on EO effects. Today, as high freque
market for resource constrained military applications, which include handheld systems, unmanned aerial or ground vehicles, and munition
nd terminal, but they are not adequate for beyond line-of-sight (BLOS) phases of the launch trajectory. In order to enable the desired video
al technologies needed to support the realization of a large, hemispherical phased array antenna capable of horizon-to-horizon coverage.

nectivity assurance for various types of handheld devices, and enhancing network flexibility for many types of user devices.
y corroborating its potential efficacy. BENEFIT: In support of autonomous systems in accurately geo-locating objects using computer vision

ng. BENEFIT: The primary benefts are performance improvements derived from enhanced thermal conductance and extreme mechanical
oduction of advanced fuel products that will have applications in high-speed military systems, as well as in future high-speed commercial a
-and-rescue systems. POC&quot;s ESLADAR can also provide remote surveillance at U.S. borders, 3D mapping, mission planning, 3D simula

e a series of HyperVideo-class sensors (also called snapshot hyperspectral, or 4-Dimensional Imaging Spectrometer 4DIS) in support of live

et fuels as well alternative fuels. CSE has developed a four-component surrogate kinetic model for augmentor conditions with vitiation in a

BENEFIT: We anticipate STARMAP will have immediate beneft to the AFSCN enterprise by enabling intelligent distributed contact reques
of a scheduling system capable of automatically optimizing satellite and ground resources fusing electronically-generated routine and real-
MI detection experience. BENEFIT: The most direct target for the results of this effort is the Air Force Satellite Control Network (AFSCN). By

evices produced using methods that are not hampered by vapor epitaxy deposition. To solve this challenge, Nanohmics Inc., working in coll

g of Air Force space surveillance sensors including ground and space based electro-optical systems. More accurate ephemerides developm
ommunicate information and to observe conditions on the ground using advanced sensor systems. Satellites are an important part of mod

e-borne surveillance and reconnaissance systems. Commercial applications include cooling for sensors used in infrared astronomical and h
ther small space coolers, from a proven space cryocooler prime contractor provider. Iris&#039;s long term objectives are to develop and p
he fdelity to model TIDs in real time will allow improved OTHR Coordinate Registration accuracy. Improved CR accuracy will enhance the a
n opportunities include satellite programs such as the Wideband Global Satellite Communications (SATCOM) program, Defense Satellite Com

e, as well as numerous commercial needs for EMI-suppression in broadband and high-speed electronics industries. The military and civilian

speed the development of next-generation augmentors and ITBs. This effort would complement the AFOSR Multi University Research Initi

ral decades old and targeted for use on mainframe computers. A modern, updated, and user friendly microcomputer based analysis tool th
ntation of the proposed technology will provide aerospace maintainers with an extremely helpful tool to verify the operational readiness of

Military applications will be pursued in all major DoD branches by tailoring the implementation of this technology to their specifc needs. C
5. During this time, we have developed outstanding relationships that we will leverage to bring integrated detection, tracking, identifcation
r required by the harware. BRE has identifed several opportunities to commercialize the technology developed under the proposed effor
Earth. Commercially, the data crowding at the current Ku/Ka band satellites is well documented. ESA has been experimenting Q/V satellite
demonstrate the ability of the antenna system to operate multiple antennas located in the same aperture, thereby reducing overall antenn
rol system structure: State Observation (SO) - System Identifcation (SI) - Controller Actuator. BENEFIT: The proposed NSOMG framework
quency GPS receivers that compute TEC for their internal position corrections, but which do not normally report the TEC directly or make i
nd sustainability issues associated with the development, operation and maintenance of current non-cooperative ATR technology. The prop
of detection due to different operating bands, geometries, and phenomenology; thus integration will provide a more complete picture of p

e (MAGNUM) ASIC will be a practical interference mitigation solution that offers signifcant benefts to improving GPS performance in hosti

e of 1µm commercial PFL products. For instance, there is substantial interest in 15xx to 19xx nm lasers for a variety of plastics welding and
m TRL 3 (active R &amp; D is initiated) to TRL 5 (component and/or breadboard validation in relevant environment). Commercialization of P

m could have wide applicability with many types of mobile networks. The use of mobile networks is expected to explode both in military an
CP-M (Tactical Air Control Party Modernization), and CMBDDS (Crypto-Modernization Black-Side Data Distribution System). Also, CAPTAIN w
ISR and C2 video, voice, etc., among tactical edge users as well as implementation of other net-centric services. For the homeland defense
eed for systems capable of providing a wide range of accurate spatial and temporal information about events from unstructured texts with

E-feld instrument using the double probe technique to provide in-situ measurements of ionospheric E-felds. It is suitable for many satelli
commercial and military aerospace manufacturing, as well as in automotive and industrial infrastructure manufacturing, thereby reducing

best practices in achieving enterprise-wide cross-domain interoperability of identities and attributes, as well as IdAM SaaS capabilities for cl
ng high-fdelity and computationally-intensive conjunction analysis, Stellar Science will enable the JSpOC to continue to perform its mission

ms produced in this effort, leveraging the company&quot;s past successes in licensing specialized analysis and design software. Finally, we
for liquid shim application on the advanced fghter alone, with larger savings projected for masking, postcure machining, and extension of
th Air Force, other military, NASA, classifed customers, and commercial companies.
lgorithms which will enable multiple groups of assets to perform concurrent missions as an efficient autonomous agile team. Second is the
perational bases and the small tactical units critical for the protection of personnel and concentration of force. Moreover, agencies respo

herefore secure, robust, efficient and timely routing solution is necessary. The proposed architecture, algorithms, and the developed softw
system also make it suitable for imaging. The HEL system can be a reconnaissance as well as a target engagement tool. One can foresee d

ature is not part of the currently available EOR systems. Our proposed solution is to capture adequate metadata about available repositori
an automated and adaptable tool that facilitates rapid, data driven analyses of the effectiveness of training environments and devices in rel
being developed at AFRL. Additionally, this model may prove useful in military training simulators, which have traditionally relied primarily
mining the potential for radiation exposure to personnel. Its hybrid capabilities will allow it to be used to perform detailed assessments of f
ing 2D/3D context, current world events, and weather data.
nd the quantifed risks associated with future potential collisions. This is a huge operational and cost beneft as it helps enable safety of fligh

le starting, hybrid-electric vehicles, grid-scale energy storage, backup power supplies and cameras. Ultracapacitors developed in this progra
asertronics anticipates participation of subject matter experts from OEM organizations and testing services of a ARL-Penn State an experien
on added components attached to the drill head, but instead relies on data generated by the AutoDrill controller and minimal sensor hardw
ng the need to exploit nontraditional frequency spectra, such as the E-band up and down links at 81-86 GHz and 71-76 GHz, respectively. Th
ted navigation and timing systems are impacted by degradation of key PNT information. Regarding the commercialization potential and the
signals; emulate RF paths between GNSS/interference and PNT systems including complex urban multipath profles; emulate PNT system h
ose lives could be placed in danger without reliable communication and location capabilities. The proposed technology offers to improve t
device as appropriate to ensure that load demands are met while driving the operation of the tactical generator into a more efficient opera

net equipment helps to reduce cost and provide increased flexibility in hardware selection. The overall beneft is the provision of the same
nitions, but also to UAVs and manned systems. It also has commercial potential for supersonic transport, and space applications.

/or validation. The published reports will be a complete recipe for test instrumentation and setup, data collection, data reduction, modelin
Government and contractor operated warhead test facilities would beneft from this improved instrumentation. Potential commercial app
RMs that can predict secondary debris due WBSD events.
nd its contractors. Defense Agencies would include Air Force, NASA, and Navy; and contractors will include Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and N
uum environment. SLEP will fnd commercial applications such as delivery and testing of advanced space systems, on-board spacecraft syst
errorist activities. Potential commercial applications include police and homeland security applications. Geo-registration is also fundament
mmercial hyperspectral systems and software packages for data analysis. The software will enable efficient telemetry of the imagery to the

ifcant performance degradation.

nded for further development.

be ready for initial testing for Army use.

ays that are a fraction the cost of LED technology.

ms for military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) and other low collateral damage scenarios. Commercial applications include Homeland

spacecraft design to reposition satellites to disposal orbits, or to completely deorbit them. In recognition of this, legal frameworks develop
test measurements of skin friction. Other applications include a sensor for feedback in closed loop flow control. The S3F sensor has recentl
ized, while ensuring environmental operation.
. This capability has numerous commercial applications in various business sectors such as defense, search and rescue, mapping, mining, a
mercial application to emergency search and rescue, remote exploration, and other robotic applications.
ng algorithms, including SAR, ISAR, and JFTA. Application of the tool will result in improved performance of munitions systems.
on of motors: whereas conventional gimbaled reflectors have a center of mass that is out over the pedestal, the proposed antenna has a c
al asset for persistent surveillance and reconnaissance of large geospatial regions. However the utility and value of these assets to the anal
e system&quot;s ability to detect targets in the noisy, high clutter HF environment. Also, its simultaneous acquisition of wideband and nar
o limit or eliminate friendly fre casualties and unnecessary destruction of military equipment or non-combatant property during air-to-grou
amline and enhance the processes of requirements defnition, data collection / validation planning, and development of passive radar sens
e prediction model will also allow an assessment of the military utility of such systems by providing inputs to higher level simulations. The m

omplish these functions is the integration of 3D data from multiple viewpoints and modalities, ability to process video data from arbitrary c
e circuit does not exist, the signal could still be re-routed to an alternate path which might yield result in a soft failure versus non-operating
osing frm and an Army certifed laboratory on both the intact and self-sealed materials. The outcomes/ deliverable are frst time data on

m that provides 3-D imaging with integral slit lamp illumination that transmits high resolution images via satellite/cell phone/radio.
evolution of the set of parameters used by the classifer.
ceiver measurements.
o Air Operations Center Weapon System(s) (AOC WS) that are assigned to multiple geographic and functional combatant commands. Additi

ue to grounded aircraft. Designing an anti-ice system that can be retroftted to an existing RPA will eliminate environmental launch requirem

with digital simulation but not with the signal processing software. The VREX provides high-fdelity radar system simulation and enables sig

evel estimation of faults and degradations, and their forecasting. These capabilities are crucial for acceptance of a relatively new engineerin
d piston position control. Incorporation of a low frequency input ripple flter simplifes insertion by enabling direct connection to the prima
survivability equipment. BENEFIT: The new sensor combines staring imaging technology, miniature imaging optics technology, recent dev
m a digital design. Commercial propulsion and airframe applications stand to greatly beneft from improved DDM especially by the eliminati
tanding harsh radiation laden environments. Scaling conventional semiconductor transistors from 2000 nm to 150 nm provides the IC with
e III partners along with U.S. Air Force personnel to identify another communication if necessary to demonstrate FLPA&#039;s ability to tra
upon within the Phase I solicitation. Excerpts state&quot;The enduring role of semiconductors in satellite communications will continue to

or fusion, computer vision, pattern recognition, machine learning, and psychology, but is still in a very primitive state. Robust detection and
anagement (DF &amp; RM) ANOM technology is in its affordability derived from the data-driven pattern learning software, ability to autom
arked by demonstration on R &amp; D&quot;s decommissioned production equipment. Mid-bandgap modules with High-Temperature sub

ed duration unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) flight times, reduced carry weight for soldiers, and extended duration sensors. The battery has
ensing using SARs will beneft from improved navigation robustness in GPS-challenged environments. GIFTS will provide a) precise reconstru
sands of dollars per wafer to tens of dollars, making FPA development highly affordable. Facile solution processing of NQD solid imagers al

esources to best meet mission objectives and will ensure that required dependencies between tasks are effectively managed across domain
at analysts can intuitively interact with in order to do their job more efficiently. The software will not only be useful for government defen
N solution into industrial and commercial networks are based upon: integrating the software solution into an existing network and data sec
For military applications, this system could act as a backup to a GPS on a weapon, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), or even a high-altitude
es in military aircraft as well as in commercial markets that need to reduce fuel consumption. A successful research effort would result in a

s of the proposed effort including microfluidics, stem cell bioengineering, and systems engineering has been assembled to ensure successf

hydrogen powered applications. The vessel could safely store hydrogen for transport and delivery but would also facilitate a controllable yet

where multiple parties may operate jointly with network merge and disconnect during the relief effort, requiring autonomous topology man
n the spatial dimension, to compute direction of arrival of a large number of RF sources, to spatially null interference from jammers, to trac
on. The W-Band Transmitter will solve these problems and meet the market needs. The W-Band transmitter is uniquely suited for higher ba
condition detection, intelligent highway systems, imaging, vision systems, mm-wave landing systems, directed energy, active denial, radar i
vernment customers. These opportunities will generate revenue both from the improved information fusion implementation but also from
omposites structures that meet the shielding requirements of demanding environments enables a new feld for manufacturing lightweight
s for the analysis of residual stress effects on material performance. Technology is available, for example, to predict fatigue crack growth ac

uture warfghter systems.

the developed technology to practical application in the industry. With the advanced solutions that our methods will facilitate, with integra
ations in military and commercial systems. These nano-electronic devices will replace transistors, providing electronic functions that are rad
eld. Low-power operation is particularly useful for handheld devices, autonomous vehicles, and asset/fleet tracking systems, where energy
unction with custom and commercially available reliability software. The compactness, robustness, and the low price point ($500 in volum
components, baggage handling at airports, and micro CT for small animal, tissue-engineering and materials imaging.

ipation. By forcing cooling air through the foam, heat is removed very rapidly due to the high thermal conductivity and the extremely high
e sensors' information. Military applications include, but are not limited to remote sensing, active tracking of fast-moving targets including
ovements in low-observable, multiple, closely-spaced target detection and state vector estimation using WFOV EO/IR staring sensor data. F
re. The RANMS 3D proflometer returns a measurement of the entire machined feature in less than a second, and, if laser trackers are used
ehicles for communication networks as well as point-to-point links. Even during Phase I, FIRST RF identifed several potential transition par
h have no established FAA data base becomes time consuming and costly. Improved electrical performance is not an element of the FAA c
0-4100-4500 degF or higher in consultation with MDA sponsor and subcontractorsAerojet/SORI), microstructures and microchemistry. Bas

ting flow phenomena in a real-time basis. This tool set should also allow devising intelligent control strategies through reduced order mode
sult of this SBIR effort and follow-on developments should be a powerful analysis tool that combines Barron Associates&quot;developed te
proposed effort by: (a) using the results developed under this effort as examples for others to examine, (b) adapting the results to illustrate
s NASA, DARPA, and the Navy which are performing research on extreme environment materials and systems will also beneft from the tec
pread sensing applications including temperature, pressure, and vibration measurements and will be marketed by Prime Photonics as part o

structural behavior with sufficient detail. The vast majority of multiscale constitutive models today are based on low-order statistics, e.g., v

ovements in the SIGINT capabilities down to 10 MHz. Use of structural excitation CLAs antennas can provide vehicles the capability to detec
overnment (especially the Air Force) and all industries that need rapid estimation of aerodynamic forces; application include aircraft, ships,
al effort will provide a much needed high-fdelity prediction tool for low-dissipation aerodynamics and fluid-structure interaction applicatio
ironment. This includes design optimization of weapons bay doors, landing gear doors, external fuel pods, attachment hardware for wing a

ent operation across the vehicle performance envelope. The trade study conducted in this effort will also enable to make informed decision

ine insulation characterization and design, 3) electrostatic breakdown in high voltage electronic devices, and 4) high feld breakdown in sem

low-profle receive-only applications like SIGINT, these antennas also have the potential to provide support of more comprehensive receive
ability to refne designs of propeller systems for retroft to current generation aircraft. Maximum impact will occur, however, with the app

ber of civilian applications, ranging from large SCADA systems, to communication devices such as cell phones and radios, and to smart sens

esirable flow feld patterns that could trigger large amplitude vibrations in the structure that could lead to fatigue and failure. Details of the
ital vision system with&lt;1 frame latency Reduced size, power, and weight compared to previous generation processors Up to four high
microdisplays. The potential applications for this technology expand beyond military HMDs into the commercial markets for simulators a
lti-use strategy exists with a collaborative display that can be used for commercial sports and events visualization as well as battlefeld train
nd provide more refned training events targeted at ameliorating shortalls in readiness; and (3) identify, longitudinally, the training value (im

collaborate on mission planning; the effectiveness of specifc mission planning, briefng, and debriefng technologies; and methods for deliv

e system optimized for small size, weight, and power (SWaP) requirements. The holographic system will deliver a true holographic display g
space with a conventionally confgured HUD. Further, the aircraft structure under the coaming/glare shield can required costly changes to a

uding local and state police, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and airports.

e access provision by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for domestic security operations; by the Centers for Disease Control and
ide. Any military IT system, especially those using Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), can beneft from the CAPSA technology since it provid
atistically signifcant level, will considerably increase analysts&quot;confdence in using automated tools while cutting overall evaluation co

ware, specifcally those local to the team at the AFRL-Rome Site (Franklin Hoke, Jr. of the Office of Research and Tech Applications, Jan Norel
e Ku-band spectrum has dual use applications. Commercial applications of this technology have been identifed by FIRST RF.
ow communication channel. The cloud centric IR data platorm will offer signifcant improvements over point to point solutions by minimiz
ayloads. By using digital beam-forming, payloads will remain flexible while providing better performance.
$1.9 billion contract from the U.S. Air Force this past month, commissioning them to build the ffth and sixth AEHF satellites by 2022. Thes
eployed in smaller packages allowing for more transportable systems.
pport for identifying and managing the potentially erroneous, misleading, or deceptive content that may appear within these collections. B
st critical data to reduce the analysis time and increase detection of hostile activities. For commercial applications, DREAM will enable faste
market, supporting the integration of semi-structured and structured data from a variety of sources to include highly technical data format
mately fusion and situation understanding activities. These in turn can lead to thwarting insurgencies, uncovering terror cells, preventing IE
mistakenly unmarked sensor data, and help ensure mission-critical data is distributed in a secure and timely manner.

r this effort will have immediate beneft to Air Operations Center Weapon System (AOC WS) and its confguration across multiple regional a
space, and cyber missions will be better synchronized, managed, and optimized. BACUS also has signifcant potential to beneft the comm
ility readiness across these domains. Prospects for transition to DoD customers include joint-level and specialized commands such as USST
frst steps on the road to fulflling the dream that currently is end-to-end trust. Widely deployed trusted endpoints would be able to prevent
ology readiness, and commercialization. We have successfully applied AUTONOMIA - an autonomic control and management environment
tical IMU systems are too large to use. The system can be used in the tracking and control of launch vehicles for placing payloads into orb
based connection between system decisions and actual engineering computations, traceability and documentation of changes that are ma

om medical devices to satellite systems can beneft from better ways to assess effects of changes. Particularly those effects that happen at

agers. Near term commercialization would be the production of IRSP systems based on the gallium arsenide (GaAs) Quilt Packaging proces

ch would beneft from enhanced capabilities of a testing projector device along the lines of the proposed. Furthermore, the fundamenta
beneft from using this software to bring geographically distributed mission planning teams together. We could also apply the developed
omes smaller. We see the product that we&quot;re producing, Web of Expertise for Collaborative Learning and Planning (We-CLAP), as an i
nd low-profle HMD system that can provide more capable, ergonomic, digital vision systems. Due to its extreme compactness, the MAGIC-H

esign will beneft the optical and HMD industry. Monocular and binocular CWHDs will fnd numerous commercial applications in real-time 3
ect of EM devices on safety and health hazards. The software tool has broad applications on communication, medicine, security, and defen
pplications. Direct commercial benefts from the proposed development are therefore anticipated to be direct and immediate.
ot;s IR compression and standards/security compliance problem with cost-effective, proven technologies. It is applicable to similar needs a
or communication satellites, improved response to atmospheric effects, and reduction of interference in the spatial domain. Additionally, t

ntrusions and potential breaches of data confdentiality and data integrity through multiple network hops, allowing instantaneous assessm

ncluding stereopsis, head motion parallax and vergence-accommodation, for unaided, naked-eye (true 3D) visualization. The W3DGE uses t
hose with multiple mission sets (e.g., ISR versus strike). We also plan to enhance our user-friendly agent development environment, Agent
merous training applications, including other airframes, naval platorms, or disaster relief operations.
s. Standardized means of tagging data across discrete environments. Routine assessment of trainees&quot;profciency across multiple en
Biomechanical engineers will be able to use these models to predict tissue displacements during motion for any body type. Our software
monitoring and disease diagnosis. As an example, the human breath has been shown to contain thousands of different molecules and aero
or and team states and dynamically apply strategies to optimize performance. ADAPTER will enable the efficient development and evaluatio
er deployments.
vice that contains a Human Computer Interface (HCI) for target updates based on specifc geographic defned areas. This product: 1) enabl
ch system for mobile devices that can be used with confdence in adverse communications and hostile environments, including warfghting

of the cost of traditional methods. The technology approach with this design will also allow for simple scalability to various platorm requi
a standalone system on a US DoD installation, or as part of a WSCE ground station, and fnally as a complement to an operational downlin
k cells. V-band and W-band have been considered for this application because of the size of unlicensed spectrum as well as the low atmos

rodisplay system for specifc high-resolution military (HMD) and commercial (medical, industrial, cinema, etc.) applications will be fne-tune
mage processing chain will be developed to aid in estimating hardware resources. This modeling and simulation effort will also enable devel
isting Synthetic Teammate Project implementation and closing technological gaps using advances in knowledge representation, psycholingu

ive system that meets the SWaP constraints can provide a rear view mirror capability to detect, alert and avoid air traffic from behind. For

benefts of a mature proximity-based access control capability will be signifcant -- both because it can expose information to those who mi
a system. It does this by defning the system inputs, the sensors current state of the art, possible future system performance, and demonst
ariety of military and civilian applications, including improved emergency-beacon tracking/geolocation (especially in high-EMI environment
mely useful for a wide range of DoD space and aircraft sensor platorms. As a result, high-resolution long-range IR imaging could be easily a
hat is inexpensive, easy and rapid to manufacture, and can readily be deployed on commercial buses. The principles developed under this
ill be available. In addition, a new modular flexible application paradigm will be demonstrated for customizing STMIs with increased mating

eight and a neutral center of gravity (CG) for reduced user fatigue and greater display stability in a dynamic training environment. VIS/NIR

tructure monitoring as well as bio-warfare agent detection.

llow speciation of collected particles to determine the size range associated with specifc particles of interest, such as NMs apart from back
ture profciency fall offs. While portions of this capability exist in limited contexts today, they are not integrated into a holistic system that c
et the stipulated goals for size, weight, and durability. Due to our revolutionary manufacturing process, projected MTBF, and simplifed insta

ore affordable than today&quot;s development methods. More affordable development will permit the Air Force to apply these capabilitie
sure phases eliminates phase errors between windows for sufficiently small sources Physically conformal: sensor surface contours can exac
e use within microdevices at small scales is also an avenue for a successful core-shell chemistry immediately as the current coating levels m
pplications in biomedical, optics, and electronics. Core-shell nanoparticles can be used for in-vitro and deep tissue imaging, as semiconduc

Missile will augment their capabilities for maximum mission flexibility.

hality. The approach represents a novel concept that could provide alternative solutions for pulse detonation engines.

ystems that could replace on-board flight recorders or down-hole oil and gas instrumentation systems, respectively.
d products that are used by various government and military agencies. Therefore, this RIMRIP system will integrate with a variety of milita
e innovative super lightweight nanocomposites would be primarily transitioned to protect cables within aircraft against harsh EM environm

encies while allowing necessary signals is anticipated to play a vital role in the advancement of Air Force applications. The development of
nterfering with the operation of electrical and electromagnetic systems. Most EMI shielding materials exhibit uniform shielding as a functio

titude research vehicles and surveillance platorms for homeland security. Commercial applications include sealing on platorms used for h
high altitude weather surveillance, monitoring of hurricanes, and forest fres.
use in high altitude UAV platorms. There is also a signifcant potential market for ultra-low-temperature seals to be incorporated into hyd
and MTF via higher index optical glasses and a redesign of the objective lens assembly. This will allow users to see smaller targets with high

n be adopted by other military air, land, and sea autonomous vehicles where payload size, weight, and power are at a premium. The impro

le targeting. Commercialization of the technology will initially be focused on precision munitions, both at the Air Force and within the Arm

ned over 37 products to production for use in DoD and Government systems. CEI also has experience commercializing technology develope

ations: (1) Underwater welding and (2) plateless/jointless railroad track installation or repair.

D. Furthermore, other materials in use on DoD platorms require QA methodologies during manufacture and after deployment, so the tech
over a broad measurement bandwidth. The outstanding resolution provided by the traveling-wave test system would make it possible to id

Development, validation, and commercialization of this tool-set for both military and commercial aircraft and engine systems are the ultima
As design and analysis techniques evolve to incorporate residual stress effects, it is important to have residual stress measurement techniq
EHF VICTS antennas. ThinKom has also realized CTS flat plate antennas at X, Ku, Ka and EHF bands. Further, ThinKom, alone and in coopera

itioning of the technological approach for assured vision geo-location (AVG) with precise estimation of geo-location uncertainty. Successfu
of confdence in the result, and enables principled fusion of the resulting solution with measurements from other sensors/algorithms. Thi
gine manufacturers are interested in technologies that will provide better fuel economy and improved range for next generation of aircrafts
program. Incorporating the Phase I algorithms and software tools along with Air Force guidance for most desired features, the optimizatio
to be placed in close proximity to the power switches (to reduce noise and interference), where operation at elevated ambient temperatu

ompared to JP-7. Because scramjet power represents new technology, it is difficult to estimate the size of the market that these vehicles ul
abilities in the electrical power system, (2) Improved power capability utilization of high-performance batteries on the aircraft, (3) Improved
these nanofluid fuels in liquid propulsion systems. The nanofluid fuels are particularly attractive for volume-limited systems. By introducin
e manufacturers to commercialize the technology developed under this program.
gs, commercial applications of this technology include retroft into the host of small engines used for distributed power generation today.
ary particle size, aggregate size distribution and mean size, and number concentration. This development may be scaled down to provide su

ogical, nuclear, and high-yield explosive (CBRNE) events. The HASPAM can be incorporated by other government agencies for detecting and
mated system components and diagnose component faults and failures, test systems for proper behaviors, upgrade individual components
el simulation methodologies. IST, Inc. has a history of successfully developing and commercializing innovative technologies. Over its 13 ye

ation and use of simulation technologies to make their processes more efficient than they currently are. The solution that these organizatio

ould greatly reduce the overall logistical footprint of the fleet. In light of the potential performance increases the identifed power systems

ployed wherever fuel efficiency and low emissions are desired. Peregine Turbine Technologies intends to develop application-specifc proto

rting the next generation UAS missions and flling various enhanced commercial market needs. The direct beneft of this development wo
ange and endurance from an efficient direct injected heterogenous charge combustion system capable lean burn/part load operation on lo
le to continually update the models as the materials and manufacturing technologies advance. In addition, bearings with multiple material
sulting knowledge on F-35 derivatives. The knowledge garnered from this project will have wide spread use on other military vehicles incl
cluding failures of experiments, and (7) optimize testing to reduce cost and shorten test time. The results of using AUG3D in making such e
nly upgrade to the SAASM GPS receiver in the existing aircraft navigation systems and also develop a 24 channel SAASM GPS receiver for us

ry standards. In addition, for military, industrial, and commercial applications, the sensor and system platorm could also become other de
nce costs. In the Air Force EW domain, these benefts will translate to the ability for users to see and control a wider range of EW assets th
than the current method. Hangers can be assigned and people and the tools can be routed to the proper area. This speeds up the time th
combat vehicles. The AAMP system could be used to help insure the reliability of systems used on military vehicles and improve the perfo
intenance training, and collective mission training using a distributed simulation communications protocol. BENEFIT: Extending effective
ernment by this SBIR is improved situational awareness, thereby providing enhanced survivability, of which several cases can envisioned. Ex

between comprehensive but lower-fdelity design tools that rely on simplifed and/or empirical aerodynamic models and high-fdelity CFD
nifcantly reduced resource allocation in order to avoid unpleasant&quot;surprises&quot;during vehicle development and testing. Satisfyin
be useful to many other areas where the interaction of unsteady flows with objects are important such as weather sensor deployment, reli
0 Wireless High Temperature Sensor System, to demonstrate, commercialize and deploy a LGS surface-acoustic-wave (SAW) strain sensor sy
d-air collisions (MACs) occur when one aircraft overtakes another from the rear hemisphere (postern collision). Remotely Piloted Aircraft (R

tegrating this heat rejection system within future blocks of the JSF. The heat rejection system also provides a potential thermal managemen
cs systems, and will beneft military as well as civilian system designers by guiding them to appropriate levels of shielding and protection to
s with IC chipsets that lead to HPEMI on electronic systems, currently the least-understood part of the problem. The Joint Radio-frequency
ng kW class CW fber lasers, which will also be based on its advanced fber technologies. This direction of research will enable improvemen

HEL system in a jet fghter. One can also foresee deployment on remotely piloted armed unmanned air vehicles (UAVs). The beam directo
nse, ship self-defense, and tactical precision strike.
wer fber laser welding, cutting, precision hole drilling, and materials processing. Additionally lower-power versions of the system can be u

cations include high power laser welding, cutting and materials processing.

munication from commercial or private aircraft to satellite or ground-based receivers or transmitters, facilitating robust broad-band comm
tispectral fused imagery for use in both fxed-wing and rotorcraft fleets, as well as Special Forces operations. As an integrated day/night vis
n order to realize the performance enhancements afforded by the technology evolution in those respective areas. These advances will all s
obile devices; portable storage devices, including laptops and USB memory devices; and other media, including CDs and DVDs. As indicated
ed releasability markings extends beyond the DoD and Intelligence Communities into frst responder groups (e.g., in releasing information t
immediate and expanding market. SAI will market the methodology, the software and technical expertise (services) to CMC manufacturer
platorms, as well as a number of Army initiatives aimed at improving the performance of ground-based platorms. Commercial sales are

age, lightweight, and power efficient multi-point FOxSense network system with build-in intrinsic T &amp; P self-referencing, on-board em
ts such as power electronics modules and corresponding heat spreaders. Our approach is applicable to any polymer system and maintains

r, access to this technique is quite limited, available at only a handful of national lab and university facilities nationwide. Commercial entiti
ic saturation events in imaging sensors, and will be robust enough to be used on a broad variety of MWIR and other imagers in use by the D

w methods developed under this project will be implemented in modular form so that they can be easily integrated into the research and

rce specifcations will be the frst product resulting from this project. A similar product will also serve: a) the civilian aviation market, wher
ear term, the control system will support the demonstration of the Integrated Vehicle Energy Technology (INVENT) program at the Air Force
gy will have broad application to More Electric Aircraft in military, commercial, and UAV venues.
o calibrate the combined system, and 3) to deliver data processing models, software, and proof-of-concept data for the combined system.

th minimal hardware footprint Focus on ease of development and integration aids future development Leverages recent DoD research e
ought within reach of very lightweight, perhaps even hand-launched unmanned aircraft systems. Performance of Small UAS platorms will

ough this technology. In each of these applications the proposed system will be able to perform the task with much greater accuracy and p
es today (see, for example, http://www.geoinfra-engineering.com/en/services/aerial-photography-and-3d-terrain-modelling). In many curr
nal awareness, and simulation/training.
will be foldable or collapsible for easy transport on a back pack. A considerable market is seen for such a capability that includes special op
are both vast and diverse for both the military and commercial sectors and markets and include, for example, aeronautics, off-grid and sol

to a combustor. Tools that can predict potential combustion instabilities in early design stages will considerably reduce costs associated w

y suited to meet the challenges of an ever increasingly complex RF environment. The architecture will amenable to real-time operation in b
on to some higher-level processor, which extracts information to achieve a mission objective. The application of artifcial cognition to rada
e ability of UAV platorms to perform intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance ISR missions, thus enhancing the situational awareness

solid particle emissions by incorporating nanomaterials.

o improves fuel stability and ignition properties which will enable increase in the thrust from a given engine and/or increase the aircrafts&q

le solar panels, displays, and lighting, and will have application in commercial sectors as well as defense.
ould allow for less traditional powder feedstock materials to be used. The cost of powder feedstock materials currently considered appropr
s infrastructure, transportation, utilities, and production and manufacturing. A durable, thermally stable, autonomous self healing corrosio
, environmentally-favorable, self-healing coating that heals completely and multiple times has been expressed by both the private sector as
on of the proposed novel technology will lead to transformative changes in the aircraft electronics signifcantly increasing the operating tem
sign or hardware modifcations. Other potential applications include all pumps used in industrial commercial sector applications to move o

t can also be electronically vectored to eliminate mechanical gimbals and all other mechanical parts. The arrayed guns are redundant and
and multiphase particle software tool, Rocpart, will be fully embedded within a commercially-oriented design tool for predictive modeling.
mber, size, and mass of refractory aircraft exhaust emissions in engine test facilities and under real-world operating conditions that meet cu

mizing maintenance procedures of military aircraft. CIMOSA could be extended to other DOD agencies as well, such as the Army and Navy,
ues historically employed for NDE. The ability of the camera to determine integrity of each layer will be evaluated and compared to other
n of the capabilities of the tool in parallel with the Phase III effort. When brought to fruition in Phase II, the end result will be a calibrated
ild time for future full-rate production. Luna&quot;s handheld 3D fastener inspector is a transformative new tool, capable of making accu
r. The image guided quick measurement can interactively guide the operator to fnd the optimal location for the scanner, make measureme
ctions internal to the camera would also be reduced using the methods devised here.

n into machine control software. The approach we advocate could be applied to other additive manufacturing methods.

m engine and sold as products or licenses for the mobile imaging and video service markets. The potential applications for the ESVPP techno
ill provide the following direct benefts: 1) Selection of data link options providing the highest value in terms of availability and performanc
tive to an infrared focal plane arrays Commercial Applications: Unmanned aerial vehicle intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; M

ms will initially support military missions. Subsequent commercial applications include border patrol and search and rescue for emergency
provide a clear picture of the benefts in terms of flight endurance and operational capability (i.e., silent mode endurance) of the proposed

of users passing through a Virtual Landmark location up to the approximately 30cm accuracy with which the Virtual Landmark is defned u

over bodies of water or in locations where ionospheric effects have a greater impact. There are numerous potential applications for our inn
communication satellites, superconducting instruments, and SQUIDs.
evant geometries via a single high-fdelity calculation. These will help improving the physics-based design systems for turbine-component
ersities, and commercial companies. If an integration standard for payloads is agreed-to, it will be much easier to promote widespread use
lectric heat pumps, but their relatively poor coefficient of performance prohibits wide deployment. An increase of the thermoelectric fgur
c specifcation can be used with raytracing codes to predict how OTHR signals are modifed by TID&quot;s. Finally, we will have studied ho
interest in Next Generation OTHR within the Department of Defense, specifcally applied to a NORAD/NORTHCOM homeland defense mis
nformation available to the warfghter from Wide Area Airborne Surveillance (WAAS) data. This capability will be of great interest for future
ntal assessment and intelligent radar parameter control algorithms. Commercial entities could exploit this tool to identify applications whe
f platorms. There continues to be a need for advanced ISR capabilities for remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) for both military and commercia

EO effects. Today, as high frequency microwave, millimeter wave and terahertz range are rapidly explored, photodiodes, especially ones wit
r ground vehicles, and munitions/weapons. In addition, there is signifcant potential market for civilian law enforcement and homeland se
order to enable the desired video monitoring of the flight, higher data rate links are necessary. There are a number of SATCOM links that co
of horizon-to-horizon coverage. This array will be capable of providing multiple links to simultaneously support several control operations r

s of user devices.
ng objects using computer vision algorithms, the proposed technology will compute a precise uncertainty estimation for the vision-based g

ctance and extreme mechanical compliance that will be stable over multiple thermal cycles. For example, we have developed CNT-based T
future high-speed commercial applications.
ing, mission planning, 3D simulation, obstacle identifcation, and autonomous navigation under rugged conditions. The technology is perfe

rometer 4DIS) in support of live missile defense testing. The proposed sensor has major advantages compared with the present 4DIS sens

tor conditions with vitiation in an earlier SBIR. This model will be improved and validated against the experimental data obtained in the cu

igent distributed contact request scheduling to improve scheduling effectiveness of satellite networks, and enable decreased staffing by AF
cally-generated routine and real-time priority access requests. First, a reduction in the number of personnel required to schedule AFSCN re
ite Control Network (AFSCN). By both demonstrating signifcantly improved performance during Phase II and ensuring that the ultimate re

, Nanohmics Inc., working in collaboration, proposes to develop thermoelectric devices based on high-ZT thermoelectric nanopowders. B

accurate ephemerides development leading to earlier prediction of potential conjunctions, requiring less propellant for avoidance maneuv
es are an important part of modern communication and information procurement for both Government and commercial entities. Governm

ed in infrared astronomical and hyperspectral sensors and infrared vision systems.

m objectives are to develop and prove a set of cryocooler electronics that supports the entire microsat mission space of interest and to ultim
d CR accuracy will enhance the applicability of OTHR as a wide area surveillance asset for Air Force and Homeland Security applications wit
M) program, Defense Satellite Communications System (DSCS), and TACSAT. Potential commercial licensing includes placement with major sa

dustries. The military and civilian applications include high power antennas, radomes, flters, polarizers, stealth techniques, diplexers, dichr

R Multi University Research Initiative (MURI) to develop JP-8 surrogate kinetic models at combustor conditions. We would work closely wit

ocomputer based analysis tool that can accurately predict fatigue life would have widespread application in both military and commercial r
rify the operational readiness of aircraft landing gear shock struts. In addition to the clear benefts of such a sensing system for maintainin

hnology to their specifc needs. Civilian applications include public sector infrastructure and logistics, which will compliment private sector a
detection, tracking, identifcation, and characterization algorithms to market. ATA&quot;s success in generating additional revenue tied to o
eloped under the proposed effort: 1. Near-term disaster assessment from UAV or Balloon 2. Robotic Video Applications 3. Weather-balloo
been experimenting Q/V satellite link systems (AlphaSat for example.) Several W-band projects, such as DAVID Mission and WAVE Project, a
thereby reducing overall antenna footprint. We will produce a design for a breadboard prototype antenna module that can be fabricated a
he proposed NSOMG framework for dynamic radio spectrum management and waveform adaptation has tremendous applications potentia
report the TEC directly or make it available as an output from the device. We will have utilized our understanding of GPS and algorithm dev
erative ATR technology. The proposed method provides a low-cost, quick turn-around solution for target insertion into ATR databases, at a
ide a more complete picture of potential intruders. (4) The air and ground sensors will have different false alarm statistics, also due to diffe

roving GPS performance in hostile environments where anti-jam systems were never before possible on extremely space-constrained vehic

a variety of plastics welding and biomedical applications. It is expected that these high average power, high pulse energy eye-safe fber lase
onment). Commercialization of PHM sensors will greatly advance Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) of strategic Solid Rocket M

ed to explode both in military and civilian applications. The military airspace directly addressed by this proposal will become increasingly c
ibution System). Also, CAPTAIN will address the needs of the USAF&quot;s Joint Aerial Layer Network (JALN). Furthermore, the US Navy&q
vices. For the homeland defense, this technology will be very useful in emergency response communications, which tend to have the chara
nts from unstructured texts within multiple sectors of the U.S. government, including the Departments of Defense, Department of Homela

ds. It is suitable for many satellite buses including Cubesats.

manufacturing, thereby reducing the costs associated with manufacturing in the United States. This cost offsetting technology will aid in kee

l as IdAM SaaS capabilities for cloud security - Gain valuable knowledge and experience in various technologies and best practices, with th
o continue to perform its mission in the future as the number of tracked space objects and debris particles grows to exceed 100,000. In add

nd design software. Finally, we will pursue direct opportunities to commercialize sensor electronics in spin-off ventures that exploit the int
re machining, and extension of the system to gap fll, fuel tank sealant application, and hard shim forming. Beyond meeting the Air Force m

omous agile team. Second is the development of the Decentralized Asset Manager application, a tool which greatly expands the usefulnes
orce. Moreover, agencies responsible for border patrol, law enforcement, and search and rescue operations will beneft from this technolo

rithms, and the developed software tool can be applied to various military networks for major programs like layered sensing program, surve
gement tool. One can foresee deployment on remotely piloted armed unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) where the imaging function provides

tadata about available repositories in a format that supports automated reasoning in order to support identifying relevant repositories auto
environments and devices in relation to RPA training requirements. Specifcally, the RAPID Tool will facilitate and house the automatic proc
ave traditionally relied primarily on visual information and cues. In addition, the development and felding of an auditory detection model
erform detailed assessments of felds or specifc absorption rate (SAR) for near-feld analysis or far-feld analysis, well beyond the range wh

t as it helps enable safety of flight for our space-based assets. Our EMU Phase I system has already proven signifcant improvements over e

pacitors developed in this program are expected to have widereaching impacts on U.S. energy security and balance of trade.
of a ARL-Penn State an experienced UARC BENEFIT: Cost effective, less time consuming aircraft maintenance
roller and minimal sensor hardware attached to the drive harness. GripChek will be cost effective and provide high return on investment. I
z and 71-76 GHz, respectively. This proposal addresses the uplink requirement by proposing a 50 W high-efficiency linear power amplifer f
mercialization potential and the market interest in this technology, the PNT system manufacturers already perform many manual tests on
h profles; emulate PNT system host platorm effects including motion; and emulate antenna patterns. The test asset will continue to lever
ed technology offers to improve the cooperation between primary users and secondary users in the increasingly crowded RF spectrum. In a
erator into a more efficient operating regime. Due to this new loading profle seen by the generator, fuel conversion efficiency will signifcan

eft is the provision of the same level of system performance with greatly reduced costs. Several commercial applications exist. The frst
nd space applications.

lection, data reduction, modeling and simulation, FRM development, and validation and verifcation related to secondary debris generated
ation. Potential commercial applications include any impact test facility such as those for automobile windshields.

Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman. These customers are those involved in developing, testing, and/or certifying aerospac
ystems, on-board spacecraft systems and commercial space simulation test facilities. The innovative system design allows reduced size and
o-registration is also fundamental to commercial augmented reality applications.
t telemetry of the imagery to the ground, thereby overcoming existing bottlenecks that limit the timely utilization of these data and enablin
l applications include Homeland Security operations and law enforcement operations requiring low collateral damage.

of this, legal frameworks developed by the United Nations and DoD Instruction 3100.12 (Space Support) require satellites in low earth orbit
ntrol. The S3F sensor has recently been used to detect shear forces on tires and a means of using the system for predictive maintenance of

h and rescue, mapping, mining, and robotics.

munitions systems.
al, the proposed antenna has a center of mass about the azimuth center of rotation, implying that much less sophisticated motors with low
value of these assets to the analysts signifcantly depends on the quality of geo-registration. For example, the performance of common app
acquisition of wideband and narrowband data supports multiple channel monitoring and instant channel switching. The same HFDR design
atant property during air-to-ground attacks. In addition, the proposed IFF patch can be extended to applications beyond its current require
velopment of passive radar sensors and their intelligent control algorithms. Commercial entities could exploit this tool to identify applicatio
o higher level simulations. The models developed under this effort should include the effects of items such as apertures and receivers, tran

cess video data from arbitrary collection geometries, and efficient processing of computationally complex 3D modeling algorithms. The 3D
oft failure versus non-operating condition. The additional cost/size of Built-In-Test (BIT) and parallel paths in RF integrated circuit processes
deliverable are frst time data on the proof of concept Phase I in situ self sealing mechanisms for an ultra thin CB protective liner material a

ellite/cell phone/radio.
nal combatant commands. Additionally, advances in this area of plan analysis and maintenance could help in other military domains across

e environmental launch requirements and provide both economic and productivity improvements to the military and commercial RPA users

ystem simulation and enables signal processing testing in the test center environment without the expense of radar front-end hardware. Th

ce of a relatively new engineering system in safety and performance critical applications, such as control surface actuations in aviation, spa
ng direct connection to the primary spacecraft bus.
ng optics technology, recent developments in digital signal processing, SWIR detection algorithms designed for other platorms, focal plane
d DDM especially by the elimination of tooling, dies, and casting molds. The time savings for engineering development in the form of rapid
m to 150 nm provides the IC with speed-power-cost benefts, but the traditional transistor becomes more susceptible to radiation effects at
strate FLPA&#039;s ability to transmit/receive for communication applications. BENEFIT: The proposed Foldable Lightweight Parabolic An
communications will continue to fuel advances in platorm capabilities for the foreseeable future. Digital processing will have to operate at

itive state. Robust detection and persistent tracking of targets in the scene is a critical frst step towards enabling systems capable to interp
arning software, ability to automatically detect and characterize the unexpected abnormal signatures, and its extendibility/reusability deriv
dules with High-Temperature substrates will likely represent the second or third generation of product from AST, the frst being our producti

uration sensors. The battery has a dual use for both military and civilian applications. Military applications include UAVs, soldier power, co
will provide a) precise reconstruction of the flight trajectory; and, b) accurate geo-registration of SAR images. In addition, the technology w
ocessing of NQD solid imagers also allows the potential for detector developments to proceed rapidly, reducing design cycle times from the

ffectively managed across domains. We have developed a transition strategy focused initially on disaster response working with the Center
be useful for government defense and intelligence analysts, but will also address the needs of the commercial background investigation ind
an existing network and data security hardware product as a licensed sale; integrating the software solution into an existing mobile platorm
e (UAV), or even a high-altitude manned aircraft. In the commercial sector, the proposed system could be used as a backup to GPS on pass
research effort would result in a complete set of processing instructions for MVK-14 FreeForm carbon fber prepreg that could be used by

en assembled to ensure successful completion of project milestones.

d also facilitate a controllable yet high flow rate of hydrogen release.

uiring autonomous topology management, rapid authentication, and unintentional radio frequency interference mitigation. The ACTMAN t
erference from jammers, to track a large number of targets using low SWaP RADARs etc. Today&#039;s advanced computing platorms can
r is uniquely suited for higher bandwidth communication for multi-senor video streams and more complex command and controls.The 201
ted energy, active denial, radar imaging, UAV guidance, point-to-point/point-to-multi point transmitters and repeaters, communications, ch
on implementation but also from the sale of additional systems.
d for manufacturing lightweight shielded structures.
o predict fatigue crack growth accounting for residual stress effects. By specifcally accounting for residual stress effects in these calculation

ethods will facilitate, with integrated graphics tools for easy visualization and comprehension of the intricate stress felds, and with the orde
electronic functions that are radiation and temperature insensitive; the nanodiamond electron [cold cathode] sources will have numerous
tracking systems, where energy sources are limited. The flexible code generator supports C/A, P, M, L1C, L2C, L5, and Galileo E1 in a single
e low price point ($500 in volume for a baseline model) of the SoC-based reliability assessment system makes reliability testing much more
ls imaging.

ductivity and the extremely high surface area of the foam structure. Heat transfer testing was performed both with and without foam, and
of fast-moving targets including space objects (satellites, space debris), and cross-communication systems. Commercial sectors that are effe
FOV EO/IR staring sensor data. First, our work builds upon an existing clutter suppression technique that has been developed and tested fo
nd, and, if laser trackers are used to track the motion of the precision milling or drilling machine, a true second source measurement system
d several potential transition partners across DoD. Outside of DoD, directional antennas will fnd commercial application in the area of netw
ce is not an element of the FAA certifcation for safety of flight. The proposed Phase II effort provides an opportunity to acquire structural d
uctures and microchemistry. Based on the optimum process conditions, representative small scale hollow throat liner and other large thru

ies through reduced order modeling for the development of intelligent engines and will have a major impact on understanding of high-spe
n Associates&quot;developed technologies with Rockwell Collins own suite of proven formal methods software tools. With recent wide in
) adapting the results to illustrate the potential to engineers and managers who indicate interest in the technology, and (c) seeking develop
ms will also beneft from the technology developed during this program. The system and sensors will enable high temperature, extreme loa
eted by Prime Photonics as part of the existing VectorLight product line. During the Phase I, Prime Photonics will work closely with US Air F

ed on low-order statistics, e.g., volume fractions. Therefore, image-based modeling we propose offers a clear and compelling advantage. In

e vehicles the capability to detect, locate, and target threats in a frequency domain not envisioned when the vehicles were built. The prop
pplication include aircraft, ships, submarines, automobiles, wind energy.
-structure interaction applications of high-speed aircraft over wide range of loading frequencies. This technology has immense potential in
attachment hardware for wing and fuselage weapons, control surfaces for supersonic and hypersonic vehicles, etc. The methods will allow

nable to make informed decisions about the feasibility of advanced propeller and open rotor designs which will be particularly benefcial to

nd 4) high feld breakdown in semiconductor materials/devices and solar arrays. Potential markets exist for each of these applications for m

of more comprehensive receive functions (like direction fnding and geolocation). These technologies also begin to enable a path towards
will occur, however, with the application of the projected tools to design of new mobility platorms, including the Advanced Theater Transpo

es and radios, and to smart sensors such as meters, radars, cameras. Ensure the security of embedded system applications is a critical elem

fatigue and failure. Details of the dynamic response of a structure to this unsteady loading data on it can be incorporated in to the design p
tion processors Up to four high resolution sensor inputs Up to two high resolution microdisplay outputs Graphics engine for symbology o
mmercial markets for simulators and training, to the medical feld for remote diagnosis, and even into the high end gaming market.
ization as well as battlefeld training, monitoring, and planning visualization for the DoD. The two use cases require wide angles of view for
ngitudinally, the training value (impact and payoff) associated with each of these environments individually, and combined.

hnologies; and methods for delivering collaborative technologies and visualizing individual and crew performance during training. In suppo

liver a true holographic display generating a light feld with vergence and accommodation clues aligned. Currently available 3D displays ca
can required costly changes to accommodate a new HUD unless the HUD is physically small and/or custom designed to ft. The developme

e Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for tracking and responding to public health crises; and by corporations for dynamic info
CAPSA technology since it provides an extra dimension (proximity) of access control. Additionally, the CAPSA technology can help identify i
hile cutting overall evaluation costs. Additionally, the GMTI Algorithm Validation System will indicate operating conditions under which an

and Tech Applications, Jan Norelli, Director-SBA) and the Navy (Dawnbreaker-TAP contractor). Ray will also work with the SBIR TPOC and Pr
tifed by FIRST RF.
oint to point solutions by minimizing the security attack risks, and will add great resilience and flexibility to the information system infrastru

th AEHF satellites by 2022. These satellites will provide protected SATCOM services to high-priority government and defense facilities. The

ppear within these collections. By reviewing the sources&quot;social connections, shared information, and potential biases, we will place c
cations, DREAM will enable faster and more accurate detection of deception in social media, online fraud, and social engineering activities
ude highly technical data formats for the purposes of identifying suspicious, conflicting, deceptive, and inconsistent information. Given the
overing terror cells, preventing IED attacks and result in stable and peaceful nation states. In commercial applications these technologies ca

uration across multiple regional and functional AOCs. Additionally, advances in this area of situation modeling and analysis could help in ot
nt potential to beneft the commercial sector in areas such as business intelligence and just-in-time / vendor managed inventory. For examp
cialized commands such as USSTRATCOM or US CyberCommand. Domain-specifc nodes such as Air Operations Centers would also beneft
dpoints would be able to prevent malicious hosts from probing them for weaknesses, and provide the ability to extend data protection con
and management environment - to a wide range of network-centric applications such the Autonomic Network Defense (AND) system for s
cles for placing payloads into orbital or sub-orbital trajectories. The reduced SWaP will be very valuable for reducing costs or improving pe
mentation of changes that are made, and communication of engineering results back up the chain of command to the decision maker. The

arly those effects that happen at the secondary or tertiary level.

e (GaAs) Quilt Packaging processes proposed for this SBIR effort, or their modifcation to address similar IRSP technologies. If arrays can be

Furthermore, the fundamental material and component developments in this proposal is applicable across many application areas to 1)
could also apply the developed tools and techniques in this software to the general problem of comprehensive team collaboration for even
and Planning (We-CLAP), as an important contributor. We-CLAP will support teams that must work collaboratively. Large-scale events like s
reme compactness, the MAGIC-HMD technology can be expected to have a variety of commercial applications, including use by Homeland

mercial applications in real-time 3D virtual reality, medicine, avionics, education, CAD, portable computing and communication devices, ind
n, medicine, security, and defense. In civilian application, these models and tools can be used to study risks of accidental and job duty RF o
rect and immediate.
It is applicable to similar needs across myriad government agencies. CIRRUS can be commercialized as an interactive information managem
e spatial domain. Additionally, the techniques proposed here enable practical implementation of sophisticated, high performance adaptive

allowing instantaneous assessment of the scope of loss of trust. The principles developed will be applicable to analysis of a wide variety of

visualization. The W3DGE uses the new Curved AS3D (Angular Slice 3D Display), which is a major technology innovation as it reduces syste
evelopment environment, AgentWorks, with authoring capabilities that will increase its appeal in the simulation-based training market as w

ot;profciency across multiple environments. Routine performance measurement evaluations across multiple environments. Predicting f
or any body type. Our software will signifcantly reduce the computational burden of modifying these voxel models, enabling efficient mo
of different molecules and aerosol particles that contain biological signifcant information. Researchers have already identifed biomarkers
cient development and evaluation of operator and team state models that will facilitate laboratory research on operator and team perform

ed areas. This product: 1) enables real-time dynamic updates of battlefeld entities, 2) allows for posting of new target updates for dissemi
ironments, including warfghting, peace-keeping, drug interdiction, border patrol, law enforcement, and intelligence collection. Advanced a

lability to various platorm requirements (i.e. gain, beamwidth, G/T, EIRP, SWAP). FIRST RF has identifed additional commercial and militar
ement to an operational downlink hubsite. The proposed system will predict and report pending fade events to allow for network traffic rer
ectrum as well as the low atmospheric loss. The proposed architecture meets the requirements of this potentially very lucrative applicatio

tc.) applications will be fne-tuned and prototyped.

tion effort will also enable development of a prototype HVP capable of meeting the solicitations requirements. Such a system would repres
edge representation, psycholinguistics, situation modeling, and natural language generation. In addition, CANTO will reduce the time and d

void air traffic from behind. For cooperative UAS, the proposed passive system can augment on-board active systems by providing postern

ose information to those who might need it, and because it will keep whose without a need to know from accessing it. This measurably imp
tem performance, and demonstrates a new high payoff technique for noise and clutter cancellation. The Phase I program produces a base
ecially in high-EMI environments), emergency low-data-rate/local communications. The antenna miniaturization techniques will afford app
ange IR imaging could be easily achieved with a smaller, low-cost system. Commercial applications include commercial IR surveillance satel
principles developed under this program are easily transferred to airborne platorms to provide larger apertures with greater resolution an
ing STMIs with increased mating surface area contact characteristics and controlled thermal conductivity. The overall result will be three-fo

training environment. VIS/NIR and SWIR sensors with the ability to overlay external MWIR and LWIR sensors Improved MTBF due to an

est, such as NMs apart from background aerosol. Such a personal device will be valuable not only for air force personnel in deployed and do
rated into a holistic system that cumulates and evaluates performance measurements across training, exercise, test, and evaluation context
ected MTBF, and simplifed installation and maintenance requirements, the proposed system can meet the targeted goals for LCC. With re

r Force to apply these capabilities across a broader set of operational domains and allow more of our warfghters to beneft from these new
sensor surface contours can exactly match the desired vehicle surface contours
y as the current coating levels may provide a means for initial microdevice tests. Our current work has focused upon the control of the che
p tissue imaging, as semiconductor core-shell nanoparticles can have high quantum yield and narrow fluorescence emission. Core-shell nan

tion engines.

integrate with a variety of military instrument packages to provide a general remote interrogator product to be used in various environmen
craft against harsh EM environments including High Power Microwave (HPM) and Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP). The HPM hardened compo

pplications. The development of multifunctional, composite thin flm materials with large dielectric (nonconducting) response, high therma
bit uniform shielding as a function of frequency. Materials developed through this program would provide selective EMI shielding versus f

e sealing on platorms used for high altitude weather surveillance, and monitoring of hurricanes and forest fres.

seals to be incorporated into hydraulic systems of other military and commercial aircraft.
s to see smaller targets with higher contrast. Improved (reduced) f/#, which increases the amount of signal and the SNR. This will reduce

wer are at a premium. The improved sensor stabilization enables such platorms to produce 3D imagery, which is becoming vital to various

he Air Force and within the Army. Polaris has identifed two Army programs which have the same requirements. Development of a comm

mercializing technology developed under Government-funded programs. Products are packaged as COTS items, listed on a catalog price she

nd after deployment, so the technology developed in this effort could very well be adapted to other similar material.
tem would make it possible to identify a wide range of both electrical and physical defects in coatings, and in particular ones that are too s

d engine systems are the ultimate goals of this program.

dual stress measurement techniques capable of providing the necessary supporting data. The proposed technology expands residual stress
, ThinKom, alone and in cooperation with various partners, is developing various SATCOM COTM antenna systems, including pointing and s

-location uncertainty. Successful accomplishment of Phase I tasks will enable to a) develop and verify all main algorithmic system compone
m other sensors/algorithms. This has direct impact on image-based navigation, as mentioned above, where the geo-registration solution c
e for next generation of aircrafts.
desired features, the optimization control suite will be enhanced and tested extensively in Phase II as a product demonstration unit. Applic
at elevated ambient temperatures above 200oC is required and higher switching frequency is desired to beneft from the capabilities of S

he market that these vehicles ultimately might represent. However, based on the Air Launched Cruise Missile (AGM-86) program and the l
ries on the aircraft, (3) Improved power quality across a wide frequency range and during mode transitions in the electrical power system,
e-limited systems. By introducing energetic nano-particles to the fuel, density-Isp of liquid propulsion systems can be signifcantly increase
buted power generation today.
may be scaled down to provide subsets of the information as needed. We expect to also provide calibration means to ensure the reliability o

ment agencies for detecting and monitoring indoor/outdoor air quality and airborne threats in strategic buildings and locales. Major comm
upgrade individual components and verify uninterrupted performance, and optimize system parameters. For commercial markets, clear ap
tive technologies. Over its 13 year history, the team at IST has designed, developed, and deployed several commercial electronic products i

e solution that these organizations will seek must address the analysis problems of sustainment that can be adaptable, flexible, and easily

ses the identifed power systems may bring, Area-I has already garnered support from industry leaders for future integration of the IMPULS

evelop application-specifc prototypes for markets that include not only commercial aircraft applications but also power generation, naval

beneft of this development would be the next generation of high power-to-weight, quiet, compact, heavy fuel engine - generator systems
n burn/part load operation on logistically available JP-8/DF-2 fuels. - A reliable means of remote starting through a variable speed differenti
bearings with multiple materials, such as hybrid ceramic bearings can be readily modeled. 2. Integration of mechanical and thermal intera
se on other military vehicles including US Army ground vehicles, Navy aircraft and certainly advanced Air Force vehicles. However as&quo
of using AUG3D in making such evaluations in the AEDC test work-flow will be carefully documented to help quantify where improvements
nnel SAASM GPS receiver for use in newer Navy aircraft.

orm could also become other derivative standoff instruments such as LDV, laser range fnder and wind meter. Extension of the technology
rol a wider range of EW assets through the use of a common service provider and SA interface, providing for collaboration and enhancing e
area. This speeds up the time the aircraft gets to the hanger and also minimizes down time of resources (people and tools). A less obviou
vehicles and improve the performance of in-theater vehicle maintenance.
l. BENEFIT: Extending effective training simulation to mobile computing devices can tremendously expedite training, allowing centrally lo
several cases can envisioned. Examples include ambiguity resolution between emitters of the same type at the same RF, PW and PRI; enha

mic models and high-fdelity CFD models that are restrictive because of high computational overhead. Benefts include more reliable weap
velopment and testing. Satisfying this existing demand provides a tremendous commercial potential for the developed software tool.
weather sensor deployment, relief-aid drops and search and rescue airdrops.
stic-wave (SAW) strain sensor system. The strategy involves developing several generations of prototype sensor devices and making them a
on). Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPAs) are no longer limited to intelligence and military operations outside FAA regulated airspace. Unmann

a potential thermal management solution for other aircraft, such as Small, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (SUASs), and Unmanned Combat A
els of shielding and protection to avoid undesired EMI/HPEMI effects. Having an interactive design tool to predict effects in near real time w
blem. The Joint Radio-frequency Effectiveness Model (JREM) software is a mature tool that has been through a formal Verifcation and Vali
esearch will enable improvements in nLIGHT&quot;s understanding of handling high average powers in fber lasers, which will ultimately tie

ehicles (UAVs). The beam director, beam control and steering methods developed during this project are also applicable to ground based sp

r versions of the system can be used in free-space laser communications, and in civilian astronomical use.

tating robust broad-band communications that do not interfere with aircraft navigation systems. Without effective compensation of atmos
ns. As an integrated day/night visualization system the SMALLER-HMD can be incorporated by the U.S. Air Force into the current F-22 and F
areas. These advances will all serve to promote the improvement in situational awareness for pilots in their respective missions. Introduc
ding CDs and DVDs. As indicated earlier, the growth of capabilities in personal mobile devices makes them prime candidates for theft and c
s (e.g., in releasing information to partners or to the public), health care (for medical records) and commercial enterprises that need to pro
(services) to CMC manufacturers and other the end-users of CMC materials.
latorms. Commercial sales are motivated by increased usage of UAVs in domestic airspace with a need for more robust, jam resistant and

P self-referencing, on-board embedded calibration, state-of-the-art data transmission, compatibility with existing fber optic aircraft netwo
y polymer system and maintains the highly desirable properties of polymers including low density, ease of manufacturing into various shap

s nationwide. Commercial entities can purchase instrument time at these facilities, but it is costly (approximately $20,000 per day), require
and other imagers in use by the DOD.

ntegrated into the research and commercial fnite element analysis packages via User Defned Modular Interconnects typically provided by

he civilian aviation market, where inerting systems are now required to be installed in several new construction civilian aircraft, ranging from
NVENT) program at the Air Force. In the long term, the control system will signifcantly enhance the static and dynamic performance of air

t data for the combined system. These efforts are expected to prepare the groundwork for the delivery of a prototype measurement system

everages recent DoD research efforts The proposed solution has potential applications in both DoD and commercial markets. The techno
nce of Small UAS platorms will approach that of much larger and higher cost platorms with a commensurate reduction in logistics require

ith much greater accuracy and performance with a lower power budget than other solutions. Military applications include object recogniti
terrain-modelling). In many current defense-related missions, gathering a wide range of target views is either impossible (i.e. cross-border

apability that includes special operations forces as well as other ground forces. The electronic beam steering of this system may also fnd a
ple, aeronautics, off-grid and solar, industrial and semiconductor sputtering, food processing, large electric motor control, electric vehicles,

erably reduce costs associated with the design and testing of gas turbine engines. Hence, the tools developed here will be of considerable

nable to real-time operation in both monostatic and distributed sensing applications with heterogeneous resources. In addition to meeting
tion of artifcial cognition to radar systems offers much promise for improved sensing as well as the creation of new sensing modalities. Spe
ancing the situational awareness for soldiers, intelligence officers, and commanders in order to identify threats and make critical decisions.

e and/or increase the aircrafts&quot;mission duration with lower pollutant emissions. The initial application of this technology will be conv
als currently considered appropriate for DMLS can be as much as an order of magnitude greater than their bulk counterparts. The time sav
autonomous self healing corrosion protection coating will increase serviceable lifetime, reduce costs and improve operational efficiencies. C
sed by both the private sector as well as other branches of the armed services. This proposed program will spur the development of a new
ntly increasing the operating temperature of the complex blocks including control circuits and power switches. This will also greatly simplif
ial sector applications to move oxygen. The coating system can be applide to existing designs and incorporated into new designs.

arrayed guns are redundant and highly fault tolerant, with low sputter erosion. No magnetics are required. Other applications include high
ign tool for predictive modeling. The Phase II anticipated result is that we will have fully demonstratedon realistic hardware geometries and
perating conditions that meet current EPA and SAE requirements. The fundamental research involved will lead to a better understanding o

ell, such as the Army and Navy, for assessment of protective coatings on aircraft carriers, naval ships, and submarines. In the civilian marke
aluated and compared to other types of NDE techniques. BENEFIT: Traycer&quot;s business model is to sell THz imaging components into
e end result will be a calibrated and validated analytical design environment prototype that can be widely deployed among the dispersed e
ew tool, capable of making accurate non-contact measurements of flushness and depth on multiple fasteners at once. It will directly reduc
or the scanner, make measurement and show the results in real-time. By whole surface measurement, it can provide accurate and compreh

ring methods.

pplications for the ESVPP technology exhibit excellent potential in a wide variety of markets in both government and commercial sectors, e
ms of availability and performance. 2) A new antenna architecture utilizing the selected data link and meeting physical, environmental and e
veillance and reconnaissance; Monitoring high crime areas for muzzle flash

earch and rescue for emergency responders. The technology will also support portable remote power system needs that may have variable
ode endurance) of the proposed hybrid drivetrain. The engine, alternator, and charge management system will be designed in Phase I. The

he Virtual Landmark is defned using the Signals-of-Opportunity. Once a sufficient density of Virtual Landmarks have been determined usin

potential applications for our innovation and are confdent that this will increase the likelihood of adoption of our technology after Phase I

systems for turbine-component durability. The proposed analytical and numerical tools are applicable to commercial and military engine m
sier to promote widespread use of the concept. Developers and integrators alike will enjoy the determinism associated with developing a fl
rease of the thermoelectric fgure of merit ZT above 3 is needed before thermoelectric technology can replace current refrigeration and air
Finally, we will have studied how OTHR itself might be used in such assimilations and the improvements to OTHR CR. The main beneft of
RTHCOM homeland defense mission, provides incentive to invest in developing this technology.
will be of great interest for future military systems that rely on the automated processing of aerial surveillance video. For example, the deve
tool to identify applications where adaptive radar could cost effectively satisfy system requirements, either with reduced payload (size wei
for both military and commercial applications. In the civil sector, infrastructure monitoring, border protection, and maritime situational aw

photodiodes, especially ones with high output power, have become critical devices and indispensable ways of photonic link demodulation
w enforcement and homeland security. The microelectronic chip implementation will also be a candidate for replacing current technology f
number of SATCOM links that could potentially provide higher data rates. High gain, wideband, wide scan coverage array antennas are need
port several control operations ranging from low altitude to geostationary satellites in different directions. The resulting subarray technolo

estimation for the vision-based geo-location systems. Accurate characterization of geo-location uncertainty will enable deployment of comp

we have developed CNT-based TIMS with&lt;10 mm2 K W-1 at contact pressures of 0.2 MPa, resulting in potentially signifcant componen

nditions. The technology is perfect for aerial drones, terrestrial drones, and robots because it is designed for UAVs with small size, light wei

ared with the present 4DIS sensors. With the permission of the Air Force, the new sensor (or a second prototype) could become a fxture

rimental data obtained in the current work at low pressure augmentor conditions as well as high pressure diesel engines conditions. This d

enable decreased staffing by AFSCN schedulers. STARMAP technology will also be incorporated into our AgentWorks commercial product b
el required to schedule AFSCN resources to include the time to train the scheduling team. Second, an improved real-time scheduling interfa
and ensuring that the ultimate results can be integrated into Air Force operations, the Air Force will have a strong incentive to operationaliz

hermoelectric nanopowders. BENEFIT: In addition to niche applications such as payload cooling (~$100 500M/year), needs in a number

ropellant for avoidance maneuvers, and thus increasing commercial spacecraft operational lifetimes. Increased automation of JSpOC oper
nd commercial entities. Governmental uses of space based sensor systems include Defense, Communications, and Homeland Security. Com

ion space of interest and to ultimately provide complete cryocooler systems based upon those electronics.
meland Security applications with dramatic cost savings over alternative microwave radar solutions. In the US counter drug mission of the
ncludes placement with major satellite operators. SNIPS will enhance the existing AgentWorks product suite with algorithms and aspects re

ealth techniques, diplexers, dichroic sub-reflectors and reflection array lenses, Radio Frequency Identifcation (RFID), radar cross section (RC

tions. We would work closely with MURI participants to produce a combined model that is valid for a wide range of conditions. This model

n both military and commercial rotating machinery.

a sensing system for maintaining, inspecting, and reducing safety risks to DoD aircraft and personnel, potential commercial application for

will compliment private sector applications such as commercial logistics and mobile device applications.
ating additional revenue tied to our Phase I and Phase II SBIR projects has allowed ATA to grow and expand its business through Phase III co
o Applications 3. Weather-balloon borne imaging of crop yields
VID Mission and WAVE Project, are designed to perform preliminary tests for the commercial use of the W-band. The fact that FCC allows n
module that can be fabricated and tested in Phase II using materials suitable for space applications. The second key result will be the abili
remendous applications potential in many military applications. It can be used to maintain tactical space communications with dynamic sp
anding of GPS and algorithm development to design, develop and demonstrate algorithms that could potentially be deployed on operation
sertion into ATR databases, at a signifcant savings compared to conventional signature database enablers. The selection of salient, physics
alarm statistics, also due to different operating bands, geometries, and phenomenology; thus integration will reduce false tracks. (5) The a

tremely space-constrained vehicles with limited budgets. The MAGNUM ASIC can be used in all commercial GPS receivers that need some

pulse energy eye-safe fber lasers will be useful in materials processing, biomedical, and other light industrial applications.
VHM) of strategic Solid Rocket Motors (SRMs) by providing real time, non-destructive propellant properties for aging model verifcation. In

oposal will become increasingly crowded with manned and ever more unmanned systems, making the coordination function addressed in t
N). Furthermore, the US Navy&quot;s ADNS program and the US Army&quot;s WIN-T program that currently rely on the use of HAIPEs for
ns, which tend to have the characteristics of mobile ad hoc networks and high security requirements. In the private sector, AIM-AN will ena
Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the national intelligence organizations overseen by the Offi

setting technology will aid in keeping the United States competitive in a global manufacturing economy.

ogies and best practices, with the potential of enhancing related open industry standards, and contributing the knowledge back to the DoD
grows to exceed 100,000. In addition to beneftting JSpOC, this technology can be used to aid the Naval Space Command (NSC), the Nation

n-off ventures that exploit the intellectual property developed in the proposed program.
Beyond meeting the Air Force manufacturing needs, the ILSAS has the potential to become the new standard in advanced adhesive applic

ch greatly expands the usefulness of thousands of small UAVs from traditional&quot;look over the next hill&quot;to autonomous convoy ov
ns will beneft from this technology. GMTI will improve their ability to efficiently search and patrol large areas. They will be able to concen

e layered sensing program, surveillance network, JUMPS, DCGS, etc. Second, due to the increasing popularity of ubiquitous computing tech
e the imaging function provides broad area surveillance, and the HEL function negates identifed targets. Another application is space-bas

tifying relevant repositories automatically, fltering and transforming their data, and display the results, thus mitigating the problem. The n
te and house the automatic processing of multimodal data to continually refne and validate its underlying model of the relationships of rel
of an auditory detection model has implications for automotive technology areas, the FAA, the U.S. Department of the Interior and Nation
alysis, well beyond the range where high-fdelity calculations would be feasible with current modeling solutions. GPU and other accelerati

signifcant improvements over existing capabilities and will further that through the development and implementation of the prototype al

d balance of trade.

ide high return on investment. It will eliminate manual hole-depth measurement process saving thousands of labor-hours per aircraft. The
fficiency linear power amplifer for the transmitter. High efficiency is required to reduce the UAV prime power requirements and to reduce
perform many manual tests on their integrated systems, and have expressed interest in QUALE-PNT. However, they did not want to take on
e test asset will continue to leverage technology developed through Air Force and Army Phase I and II SBIR funding for DYSE. DYSE emulate
ingly crowded RF spectrum. In addition, through the development proposed, high-dividends could result from a tighter-coupling of electro
onversion efficiency will signifcantly increase (estimated improvement of 25%), as the generator is either operated at full capacity or turned

rcial applications exist. The frst is for multi-sensor data acquisition systems, which are used in university and research labs as well as large

d to secondary debris generated from blast events. Such publications would be a valuable resource to the Government, in particular the Do

sting, and/or certifying aerospace vehicles. There are numerous universities performing aerodynamic research and development which are
m design allows reduced size and weight and facilitates easy incorporation into an existing space simulation test facility. Specifcally, the SLEP

ization of these data and enabling efficient data archiving both on-board and on ground computing systems. Sensors include ACES-HY and
ral damage.

quire satellites in low earth orbit to de-orbit in fewer than 25 years. The propulsion system proposed here provides key features necessary
m for predictive maintenance of fleet vehicles is underway. The sensor also has use in biomedical applications include ongoing research for

ss sophisticated motors with lower torque and mass requirements can be used to drive the assembly. Further, our approach employs a stati
he performance of common applications such as targeting, tracking of high valued targets, and activity analysis, all are a function of georeg
witching. The same HFDR design is suitable for other HF, VHF, and UHF radar systems that use simultaneous reception from multiple anten
ations beyond its current requirements because its spectral output can be deliberately controlled. For example, the use of tunable QD emis
loit this tool to identify applications where existing active sensors could be replaced with new passive systems satisfying system requiremen
h as apertures and receivers, transmitted waveforms, signal processing algorithms, clutter, and relative motion of the transmitter, receiver, a

3D modeling algorithms. The 3D modeling and analysis tool will generate of actionable 3D-derived data products such as 3D change dete
n RF integrated circuit processes will be minimal given today&quot;s scale of integration.
hin CB protective liner material and delivery of representative samples of known compositions. The Phase I option will demonstrate the mo
in other military domains across air, maritime, ground, and space operations. This research will also have direct application to enhance our

ilitary and commercial RPA users. Potential Commercial Applications: Outside of military use, the anti-ice system will be applicable for us

of radar front-end hardware. This innovative approach reduces the time required to test a new release and reduces the need for radar and

urface actuations in aviation, space, and underwater vehicular platorms. The PHM technology developed through this effort will be implem
d for other platorms, focal plane array technology, and commercially available products to produce an innovative, wide-area imaging system
evelopment in the form of rapid prototyping of designs as well as complex geometries that do not lend themselves to conventional machin
usceptible to radiation effects at smaller geometries. The successful development of rad-hard, metal source/drain Schottky-barrier CMOS (
oldable Lightweight Parabolic Antenna (FLPA) has tremendous commercial applications in the defense and civilian markets. While FLPA tech
rocessing will have to operate at signifcantly higher data rates and consume less power per gate to meet the ever increasing demands of b

abling systems capable to interpret activities in the scene and provide timely situational awareness and effective forensic analysis capabiliti
its extendibility/reusability derived from the Dual Node Network (DNN) DF &amp; RM technical architecture. The data-driven core of the D
AST, the frst being our production single-junction flexible monolithically integrated CIGS product. Our customers for this product will be d

include UAVs, soldier power, communication systems, weapons systems, remote sensors, and surveillance systems. Private sector applicati
ges. In addition, the technology will enable a use of lower-cost inertial measurement units. This will provide a signifcant overall reduction i
cing design cycle times from the multiple months required of bulk semiconductors to just a few days. Furthermore, solution processing als

sponse working with the Center for Asymmetric Warfare and will validate the tactical utility of DART in a large scale disaster response feld
rcial background investigation industry.
n into an existing mobile platorm developer as part of an NSP offering, as an OEM sale; or developing our own distribution channel to sell
used as a backup to GPS on passenger as well as cargo aircraft. NASA could use this system for its high-altitude vehicles, as well as for navig
r prepreg that could be used by high-temperature part fabricators. The increase in manufacturing capability for this material would allow d

rence mitigation. The ACTMAN technology would ensure that the networking capability is sustained at all times while protecting the netwo
vanced computing platorms can easily ft the required signal processing to realize such gains in DoF. Example Air Force applications: The E-
command and controls.The 2012 budget for UAV predator and reaper modifcations is approximately $325 million and from $475 million t
d repeaters, communications, chemical sensing, sensors, cloud measurement systems, molecular spectroscopy, plasma diagnostic sensors,

tress effects in these calculations, designs can become more efficient and require lower safety margins. This leads to higher, more aggressiv

e stress felds, and with the orders-of-magnitude effect of the interphase on the fatigue life of fbrous composites, these computational too
ode] sources will have numerous applications in military and commercial systems.
L2C, L5, and Galileo E1 in a single compact module, and also allows new codes to be programmed into the system as they are created, there
kes reliability testing much more affordable, accelerating process and device commercialization.

oth with and without foam, and the data showed that for a given power dissipation and coolant flow rate, the foam-based heat sinks yielde
Commercial sectors that are effectually use the multi-parametric sensor fusion technology include robotics, geospatial information system
as been developed and tested for autonomous processing of R &amp; D data sources that share many of the attributes of these new system
cond source measurement system is created that is fully qualifed and extremely fast. The RANMS metrology system can initially be used ub
al application in the area of networking between commercial airliners and airborne internet access (especially over oceans).
portunity to acquire structural data for new materials that offer improved electrical performance. Innegra laminates also offer improved re
hroat liner and other large thrust throat components will also be fabricated using a special die/punch assembly and scaling up in Phase II.

ct on understanding of high-speed time-evolving phenomena related to ignition, flame growth, and stability in high-pressure combustors.
ware tools. With recent wide interest in cyber-physical systems, potential commercial applications should increase signifcantly in the com
hnology, and (c) seeking development contracts to exploit the technology for new customers.
e high temperature, extreme load data to be taken in the presence of high electro-magnetic felds to verify turbine and scramjet engine pe
cs will work closely with US Air Force stakeholders and company commercial contacts to identify candidate applications and candidate acqu

ear and compelling advantage. In contrast to much of the existing work on analysis of PBEs, the proposed work will capture the underlying

he vehicles were built. The proposed antenna elements will provide these capabilities covering both traditional and non-traditional signals

nology has immense potential in military and commercial aircraft sectors. Direct applications of this technology are in low-speed landing ge
cles, etc. The methods will allow engineers to accurately predict the dynamic response of these structures under the unsteady fluid dynam

h will be particularly benefcial to the airline as well as engine industry.

r each of these applications for measurement systems developed in Phase II.

begin to enable a path towards the support of a variety of transmit functions, including communications, radar, and even electronic warfa
ng the Advanced Theater Transport that can enhance Air Force transport capabilities. Potential Civil Applications Increased fuel costs hav

tem applications is a critical element. The proposed TCES framework can potentially improve existing embedded system applications by enh

e incorporated in to the design process at an early stage and thus help in the design of&quot;better&quot;doors. Also risk assessment stud
Graphics engine for symbology overlays System data link to platorm using single link Additional object detection and feature detection
gh end gaming market.
s require wide angles of view for seated and standing viewers, 30hz update for live action viewing, natural and unencumbered interactivity
y, and combined.

mance during training. In support of collaboration among distributed teams, T-CAP will enable training managers to assess the effectivene

Currently available 3D displays cannot provide the level of detail and comfort needed because the displays contain unacceptable visual artif
m designed to ft. The development of new technology enables a modular and low profle HUD design which has the potential to mitigate in

by corporations for dynamic information access.

SA technology can help identify insider threats by their complete lack of proximity to information. Due to the semantic-based approach to d
ting conditions under which an algorithm performs well and poorly, which promotes analyst understanding, usage, and trust of automated

work with the SBIR TPOC and Program team to identify AFRL, then USAF and DoD PMs, PEOs, user groups, programs of record, Governmen

the information system infrastructure. The cloud computing approach would allow users to request past, present and future IR datasets via

ment and defense facilities. The associated demands of highly covert and resilient communications suggests a great applicability of DC-SSA

potential biases, we will place conflicting information in its proper context to make informed inferences about its resolution. Our extensib
and social engineering activities.
onsistent information. Given the difficult budget climate, DoD is leaning toward multi-purpose technologies that fuse various collection dis
plications these technologies can help avert fnancial crime, credit card fraud, and result in fewer loan defaults, for example. The improved

ing and analysis could help in other military domains across air, maritime, ground, and space operations. This research will also have direct
r managed inventory. For example, Securboration has applied the techniques proposed in BACUS to develop our subscription-based Busine
ations Centers would also beneft from increased awareness of available forces across collaborating domains and commands. Prospects are
ty to extend data protection controls beyond the server to the client. At the completion of Phase I of EOLuS, a number of the outstanding q
work Defense (AND) system for small and enterprise networks. The AND prototype, which has been demonstrated to the Air Force Battle La
r reducing costs or improving performance. A small, low power inertial measurement device could prove useful on manned or unmanned
and to the decision maker. These capabilities couple decision makers with engineers, enabling more precise and informed architecture d

SP technologies. If arrays can be tiled on all 4 sides, then emitter arrays will no longer be limited by RIIC size/yield, drastically reducing arra

oss many application areas to 1) enhance the performance of other projectors throughout the visible and IR region; 2) enable higher frame
nsive team collaboration for events or complex tasks for other military teams or private sector business. Army and Navy aviation mission p
oratively. Large-scale events like severe weather disasters or military response operations always exhibit the characteristics of being comple
ons, including use by Homeland Security and for aerial frefghting, highway patrol, medical, commercial aviation, space exploration, perso

and communication devices, industrial human system interfaces, law enforcement, frefghting, space exploration, video game markets, and
s of accidental and job duty RF overexposures over a broad set of exposure conditions. In medicine application, the techniques developed
interactive information management system and as stand-alone compression applications. There are signifcant commercial applications in
ated, high performance adaptive beamforming on existing onboard processing hardware. Commercialization opportunities are many, and

e to analysis of a wide variety of network systems, including complex hardware, multiple-host software installs, and systems-of-systems. A

gy innovation as it reduces system complexity (lower cost) and improves rendering budgets (better performance) without loss of fdelity. Th
ation-based training market as well as in the entertainment (e.g., video game) market.

tiple environments. Predicting future training profciency falloffs. The proposed PATTRN system has the following potential commercial a
el models, enabling efficient modeling of RF effects on human bodies undergoing dynamic motion, such as walking, driving a car, or sitting
ave already identifed biomarkers in the breath which indicate with a high degree of specifcity and selectivity, various health conditions (e.g
h on operator and team performance. ADAPTER technologies will also further the development of our commercial AgentWorks toolkit, inte

f new target updates for dissemination to subscribers, 3) provides real-time situational awareness and the creation of a Common Operation
telligence collection. Advanced applications include advanced multi-media content including messages, alerts, reports and multicasts using

dditional commercial and military applications for this technology enabling GB/s data rates for extended range communications.
ts to allow for network traffic rerouting minutes ahead of a condition or event which would affect an operational loss of data.
entially very lucrative application.

ents. Such a system would represent an enabling technology allowing the use of true multispectral fusion for not only HMD applications bu
ANTO will reduce the time and difficulty of creating constructive agents in new simulation domains. This is because (1) CANTO&#039;s fou

ve systems by providing postern data at higher resolutions (frame rates and bearing angle resolution). Additionally, the same system can be

accessing it. This measurably improves upon current approaches (attribute-based, and role-based) by adding much fner-grained informatio
hase I program produces a base for a focused development effort for obtaining a new more capable VLF communication system for the Air
ization techniques will afford applicability of this VLF antenna system to smaller payloads, including Class 1 UAVs, opening a whole new rea
commercial IR surveillance satellites, space telescopes (NASA), homeland security, law enforcement, aerial surveillance, agriculture, and ge
rtures with greater resolution and sensitivity than current technology without increasing the system size, weight, and power demands. Gro
The overall result will be three-fold: a low thermal resistance bondline, a new flexible manufacturing paradigm to produce low thermal resi

sors Improved MTBF due to an all-digital architecture

rce personnel in deployed and domestic situations but also for assessing community exposures in environmental settings (e.g., indoor and o
cise, test, and evaluation contexts over time and maps that measured performance to predicted competency profciency ratings. By providi
e targeted goals for LCC. With regard to manufacturability our monolithic integrated optical approach means that once NRE associated wit

fghters to beneft from these new training capabilities. The broader application of language capable constructive models will help address
used upon the control of the chemistry of the nanoparticle, and implanting this into the sample of interest. The analysis and demonstratio
escence emission. Core-shell nanoparticles with a dielectric core and a metallic shell are also being investigated for cancer treatment. The

o be used in various environments.

MP). The HPM hardened composite conduit shall be later transitioned to dual use domestic applications in commercial aircraft and specif

nducting) response, high thermal conductivity, low-cost and high throughput, that are also robust and capable of being conformally coated
selective EMI shielding versus frequency, and would thus be useful to block specifc sources of RF noise or permit low-loss transmission at

al and the SNR. This will reduce the noise in the image and allow users to see targets under lower levels of illumination. Better fltering of

hich is becoming vital to various DoD and commercial applications involving surveillance, situational awareness, tracking, navigation, and ai

ments. Development of a common sensor for both agencies will lower cost to both. Further application could extend beyond air- or gun-la

ems, listed on a catalog price sheet, supported with technical application notes and marketing materials, and made available for sale to bo

in particular ones that are too small to be detected by other test methods. Accurate test results provided by the coating-test system can in

chnology expands residual stress measurement capability to support these important challenges.
ystems, including pointing and stabilization subsystems, for ground and airborne applications. Current and potential uses of both VICTS an

ain algorithmic system components of the AVG framework; and, b) demonstrate the technical feasibility through extensive simulations and
e the geo-registration solution could be used to aid the system in GPS-denied environments. Because the approach is an extension to the

oduct demonstration unit. Applications of the developed control approach include next generation tactical fghter, advanced mobility, or re
beneft from the capabilities of SiC power modules. In various sensing systems, placing the sensing circuit close to the actual sensor substa

sile (AGM-86) program and the later AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missile program, which built over 1700 missiles at a cost of about $1M eac
s in the electrical power system, (4) Improved over-current protection mechanisms used to prevent battery failures, (5) Improved PHM at b
ems can be signifcantly increased to levels approaching those of solid-propellant rockets. Development of an efficient distribution method
means to ensure the reliability of these measurements. Results made available with these integrated diagnostics will provide a complete c

uildings and locales. Major commercial applications of HASPAM include use by manufacturing, agricultural, and other industries that genera
For commercial markets, clear applications include: power grids and energy delivery infrastructure; cooperative teams of robots in healthca
commercial electronic products including automotive test systems, image processing boards, and a family of large area touch screens.

e adaptable, flexible, and easily integrated into existing models, and management and data systems. This capability must be able to be imp

future integration of the IMPULSE with currently felded SUAS leading to the possibility of Phase III funding. Additionally, through a strateg

ut also power generation, naval propulsion, non-aero military applications such as tank drives, oil and gas industry, railway propulsion, cons

y fuel engine - generator systems for various military markets. Such a system does not presently exist in the military or commercial market
rough a variable speed differential gear system. - Low noise propulsor for covert missions. Commercial Benefts: - Lightweight, multi-fuel hy
of mechanical and thermal interactions provides a greatly improved simulation of bearing life and overall dynamic performance. 3. Update
orce vehicles. However as&quot;electrifcation&quot;continues in automotive and construction industries (e.g.,&quot;more electric&quo
p quantify where improvements occur and efficiencies are gained, and to provide guidelines for future users to make the best choices in co
ter. Extension of the technology could become commercially viable for other handheld or portable air pollution instrument including detec
or collaboration and enhancing effectiveness. The common service interface will also provide for the more effective use of existing assets t
eople and tools). A less obvious beneft is the Maintenance and Repair Learning Algorithm (MaRLA) that takes historical data from all con

ite training, allowing centrally located computers and instructors to support students in the feld with a mobile computing device. ART can
at the same RF, PW and PRI; enhanced threat warning and self-protection against radar-guided airborne and ground-based threats; reductio

efts include more reliable weapon systems with increased range, standoff distance and kill probability. The technology will reduce the risk
he developed software tool.

ensor devices and making them available to the Air Force to validate advanced structural concepts and technologies for hypersonic flight ap
AA regulated airspace. Unmanned aircraft are making their way into commercial arenas like aerial photography, land surveying, and crop m

UASs), and Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles (UCAVs). This provides an important contribution as an enabling technology for achieving the th
redict effects in near real time will shorten development times and reduce the costs of the resulting systems.
gh a formal Verifcation and Validation (V &amp; V) process. It models RF propagation very well, and uses either the DREAM tool or empir
er lasers, which will ultimately tie to power scaling as well. Commercial roadmaps also call for further improvements in the output power a

so applicable to ground based space object imaging, laser rangefnders, as well as commercial aircraft and ship defense. OPC has already

effective compensation of atmospheric and aero-optics disturbance, bit-error rates of such communication systems will be limited. The de
orce into the current F-22 and F-35 fghters, the HH-60 Pave Hawk search-and-rescue helicopter, and ground vehicles using SWIR headlamp
eir respective missions. Introduction of the concept to other services and mission profles has been met with enthusiasm. The DMBS will b
prime candidates for theft and compromise. Implementing data security using the SPYRUS comprehensive schema for a Secure Operating
cial enterprises that need to protect trade secrets yet share data with partners.
r more robust, jam resistant and lower cost navigation systems. The elements demonstrated in this program can also be utilized in commer

xisting fber optic aircraft networks and cost affordable price makes it a very attractive solution for a large number of fuel-tank, cryogenic f
manufacturing into various shapes and form factors, and low cost. These benefts permit introduction of this technology into a wide range

mately $20,000 per day), requires travel, and is subject to the scheduling issues that are inherent in a shared-use facility. As such, the tech

erconnects typically provided by such programs. High end graphics tools will be integrated into the overall computational framework for ea

tion civilian aircraft, ranging from jumbo to regional jets, and retroftted to much of the existing airliner fleet; and b) non-aviation markets
and dynamic performance of aircraft thermal management systems while reducing the overall vehicle fuel consumption. Commercial appl

a prototype measurement system ready for gas turbine applications should this project be encouraged for Phase II. BENEFIT: If the Phase-I

commercial markets. The technology to be developed under this project is adaptable and applicable to a wide range of aerial surveillance s
ate reduction in logistics requirements. In addition to DoD applications, the platorms will also enhance the capabilities for other frst resp

ications include object recognition for autonomous systems, navigation for autonomous systems through optical flow, and voice and gestu
her impossible (i.e. cross-border surveillance into denied airspaces) or undesirable (to reduce flight time and/or fuel cost).The proposed wo

ng of this system may also fnd applications on moving platorms such as humvees, aircraft, and ships.
motor control, electric vehicles, applications in which large currents must be switched, X-Ray machines and transmission of electrical powe

ped here will be of considerable interest to the gas turbine industry. From a broader perspective, again due to the multi-physics nature of c

esources. In addition to meeting the challenges of emerging military radar environments, the CoFAR approach is ideal for addressing the co
n of new sensing modalities. Specifcally, FAR offers the potential for two to ten times performance over state-of-the-art in terms of outpu
eats and make critical decisions. The proliferation of UAV&quot;drone&quot;platorms is expected to continue since they offer a cost effec

n of this technology will be conventional and future derived military propulsion fuels. Easier access to ultra-high grade fuels that can be us
bulk counterparts. The time savings for engineering development in the form of rapid prototyping of designs as well as complex geometrie
mprove operational efficiencies. Chrome-free and low-VOC coating systems will also provide an environmentally conscious solution to corro
spur the development of a new coating technology to address the unmet needs of a number of different applications. Once a coating is de
hes. This will also greatly simplify the system thermal management, reduce the system weight and increase the reliability. The developed c
ated into new designs.

Other applications include high performance electronics and semiconductor manufacturing equipment.
ealistic hardware geometries and flow conditionsa new methodology that permits high-fdelity predictive simulations of the effects of acou
lead to a better understanding of the physical properties of aircraft soot in general and the applied, instrument-specifc, research will enabl

ubmarines. In the civilian market, CIMOSA could used to detect oxidative corrosion in coatings on commercial airplanes and automobiles,
ell THz imaging components into system-level integrators with established channels to market and application and industry expertise. This
deployed among the dispersed engineering teams on any given program. It will be capable of generating material properties for new mate
ers at once. It will directly reduce the time required to inspect fastenrs; and its imroved accuracy and repeatibility will prevent the need fo
an provide accurate and comprehensive results that are impossible by other tools. The measurement results can be interactively displayed

nment and commercial sectors, especially in traffic control market, the commerce data processing/data-mining market, and the surveillanc
ng physical, environmental and electrical requirements. 3) An order of magnitude increase in communications bandwidth for signifcantly i

em needs that may have variable load demands.

m will be designed in Phase I. The value proposition for the electric propulsion product is a signifcant increase in operational capabilities for

marks have been determined using an expensive, high precision indoor navigation system, further navigation through the area may be accom

n of our technology after Phase II/III.

ommercial and military engine manufacturers in order to design airfoils for advanced demonstrator engines. If they are adopted as a standa
m associated with developing a flight experiment to a known interface. If the architecture is similarly well-defned, it will be easy for any of
ace current refrigeration and air conditioning technologies. Thermoelectric coolers have long contributed to space missions. For example,
o OTHR CR. The main beneft of this work is the improvement of OTH CR through realistic specifcation of HF propagation in a perturbed io

nce video. For example, the developed technology is expected to beneft the Night Stare, Gorgon Stare, Angel Fire, Constant Hawk, TAILWIN
r with reduced payload (size weight, and power), or enhanced performance. The use of a simulated environment as an algorithm testbed a
tion, and maritime situational awareness represent components of a growing civil market for commercialization of GMTI algorithms and SA

s of photonic link demodulation or high frequency signal generation. For example, Terahertz or sub-Terahertz frequencies have proven to b
or replacing current technology for applications where size and power is not a constraint because the microelectronic implementation will
overage array antennas are needed to accommodate the large bandwidth and high data rate required to successfully use one of these SATC
The resulting subarray technology should have far reaching applications including serving as a basic building block of an ESA for the air and

will enable deployment of computer vision technique within the military and civilian applications. Within the commercial domain, the k

potentially signifcant component lifetime (&gt;3x) lifetime improvements. We have also characterized the mechanical response of CNT-ba

or UAVs with small size, light weight, and low power consumption. It also has medical, manufacturing, and scientifc applications.

ototype) could become a fxture in BMDS system testing on board HALO-I and ground based tracker-mounts. The sensor can also be used f

diesel engines conditions. This detailed surrogate mechanism will benefts U.S. Military to evaluate the combustion properties of various je

gentWorks commercial product by expanding it to include distributed market optimization agents, providing adaptive display capabilities, a
oved real-time scheduling interface allows Satellite Operations Centers (SOCs) to intelligently plan and adjust their missions in signifcantly
strong incentive to operationalize the Phase II development of the proposed DICAMPSS. We are already marketing Aurora, our general inte

500M/year), needs in a number of large commercial applications would be met by the proposed technology. Unrecovered waste heat from

eased automation of JSpOC operations, combined with increased situation awareness for all space operators. Improved speed, accuracy, a
ns, and Homeland Security. Commercial industries that rely heavily on satellites include Oil and Gas exploration, Mining, Telecommunicati

US counter drug mission of the current ROTHR system, it is necessary for intercepting aircraft to perform&quot;cold-nose intercepts&quot
e with algorithms and aspects resulting from this research.

on (RFID), radar cross section (RCS) argumentations and EM interference (EMI) protections, and etc. It could have a huge potential market

range of conditions. This model could also be used in simulations of military diesel engines, particularly engines using exhaust gas recycle (

ential commercial application for this technology is broad. The proposed shock strut sensing system will beneft the commercial aircraft ind
its business through Phase III commercialization and other spin-off contracts. As reported in the ATA Company Commercialization Report,

-band. The fact that FCC allows non-exclusive use of these bands by private sectors will speed up the arrival of W/V band satellite era. This
econd key result will be the ability to mitigate the adverse effects from unwanted RF signals. Based on Kord&quot;s antenna concepts, pro
ommunications with dynamic spectrum sharing, routing adaptation and interference mitigations. In addition, some relevant Defense Acqui
ntially be deployed on operational equipment. We will have investigated some of these realities using ASTRA&quot;s new CASES dual-frequ
The selection of salient, physics-based features will reduce the template/database dimensionality for multi-phenomenology ATR by replac
will reduce false tracks. (5) The air radar tends to generate false tracks due to main beam ground clutter; but with anticipated upgrades to g

al GPS receivers that need some kind of radio frequency interference (RFI) protection. The commercial market size is very large.

rial applications.
s for aging model verifcation. Internal Air Force studies have shown potential savings of up to 50% of the lifecycle costs of strategic assets b

dination function addressed in this proposal critical to network efficiency and reliability. Even the civilian airspace might beneft from the t
tly rely on the use of HAIPEs for COMSEC would be direct benefciaries CAPTAIN technology. In the civilian arena the CAPTAIN product will a
e private sector, AIM-AN will enable the development of applications that support secure group collaboration employing IP-based commun
organizations overseen by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. We anticipate that the prototype location-tagging and spatial r

g the knowledge back to the DoD and the IT security community via publications and conference presentations based on our research fndi
pace Command (NSC), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the European Space Agency (ESA), and commercial satel

ard in advanced adhesive application.

&quot;to autonomous convoy over-watch and suspect tracking missions. Third is the creation of a simulation which can be used to test and
eas. They will be able to concentrate their efforts where it is most needed while minimizing risk to personnel.

ity of ubiquitous computing technologies, our proposed solution can be applied into a large number of commercial network applications, s
Another application is space-based HEL defense which becomes practical when large apertures can be deployed on panels providing both h

us mitigating the problem. The necessary metadata annotation must be simpler and more efficient than developing custom software adapt
model of the relationships of relevant training environment characteristics and devices to training requirements. In support of instructors a
tment of the Interior and National Park Service, by providing the ability to accurately predict auditory detection of aircraft and automobiles
tions. GPU and other acceleration techniques will ensure reasonably optimal run times for calculations that would otherwise take signifca

lementation of the prototype algorithms and visualizations into the actual EMU system. Combined with a vastly improved efficiency,&quot

s of labor-hours per aircraft. The maintenance of GripChek will be less frequent and require minimum interruption to the drilling process. S
wer requirements and to reduce self-heating. This, in turn, will increase the amplifer&quot;s reliability or lifetime (MTTF). Linearity (-36 dBc
ver, they did not want to take on the non-recurring engineering and research and development to create a system like QUALE-PNT. This est
funding for DYSE. DYSE emulates RF environments by converting RF to/from digital samples, and synthesizing RF sources and environment
rom a tighter-coupling of electronic sub-systems found in GPS and software defned communications systems. Sharing of hardware and pr
perated at full capacity or turned off. Note that the IPMM will be autonomous and non-invasive, i.e., it will not require any adjustment in e

nd research labs as well as large scale commercial systems utilizing thousands of sensors such as large oil refneries and the U.S. smart pow

Government, in particular the DoD, and contractors that support the government as well as private companies that handle explosives or us

arch and development which are also our potential customers. Customer interaction will ensure development of capability which industry
test facility. Specifcally, the SLEP system can be used in test facilities that operate at cryogenic temperature and need ground testing capab

s. Sensors include ACES-HY and the many other military, civilian and commercial hyperspectral sensors that are or will be transmitting data
provides key features necessary to endure extended on-station storage and subsequent thruster fring for spacecraft deorbiting at the end
ons include ongoing research for identifcation and correlation of shear on the foot of diabetics. The formation of bed sores is believed to b

her, our approach employs a stationary feed which does not require a rotary joint. This substantially reduces cost compared to other reflec
alysis, all are a function of georegistration accuracy of the data. Hence the development of robust geo-registration technologies is critical fo
us reception from multiple antenna elements, such as phased array or MIMO systems. It also has potential applications in the commercial,
mple, the use of tunable QD emission, coupled with spectrally selective sensors and eye-safe excitation, could lead to spectral barcodes use
ms satisfying system requirements, but which can be produced cheaper, with reduced payload (size weight, and power), and enhanced rel
tion of the transmitter, receiver, and target. The models should allow parameters describing the various aspects of the system performance

roducts such as 3D change detection, 3D geolocation, shadow projection, occlusion projection, and compression quality indicators for use
option will demonstrate the more detailed self-sealing performance and active barrier properties of the prototype liner material made fro
irect application to enhance our commercial EAToolkit product, a software development kit for optimization using evolutionary algorithms

e system will be applicable for use on small planes. Most small planes in use today do not have an anti-ice system installed limiting their use

d reduces the need for radar and test engineers to travel to remote radar sites. The VREX also provides a design tool for system engineers t

hrough this effort will be implemented using QSI&quot;s TEAMS (Testability Engineering and Maintenance System) software toolset. TEAM
ovative, wide-area imaging system. The ability of the new sensor to rapidly acquire data in the extended SWIR will provide an unprecedent
mselves to conventional machining techniques would greatly beneft both commercial and military applications. With the addition of a hig
e/drain Schottky-barrier CMOS (SB-CMOS) technology will enable military IC suppliers to take advantage of the performance benefts of ad
civilian markets. While FLPA technology offers signifcant benefts to the DoD for GPS and communication applications, it also has a potenti
he ever increasing demands of battlefeld communications, and this objective requires a continuous push downward on the energy/operati

ective forensic analysis capabilities to the analysts. The technologies proposed here enable persistent tracking of multiple targets with non
re. The data-driven core of the DF &amp; NN ANOM software enables it to be easily applied to detect, recognize, and track abnormalities i
tomers for this product will be defense agencies/contractors (space and satellite power, near space reconnaissance, battle feld power solu

systems. Private sector applications for Lynntech&quot;s VB2-air batteries include consumer hearing aids, long endurance sensors, and a
e a signifcant overall reduction in cost, weight, size and power consumption thus enabling the system&quot;s functionality on small-size pl
hermore, solution processing also enables combinatorial detector material development. We have automated the NQD fabrication synthesi

rge scale disaster response feld exercise involving DoD, DHS, state and local authority response resource planning. In addition, through inte

own distribution channel to sell customized versions of the RADTiN/DAM3ON software product line as an after-market reliability and secur
ude vehicles, as well as for navigation on the lunar surface or surfaces of other planets where a GPS constellation has not been set up.
ty for this material would allow designers at aerospace companies to use more polyimide matrix composites in their applications, thus redu

times while protecting the network from unlawful access through secure yet responsive authentication process. The ACTMAN would also e
ple Air Force applications: The E-3 AWACS rotodome contains a large phased array radar. The proposed technology will enable creation of s
5 million and from $475 million to $550 million for each remaining year of this decade. It is anticipated that a portion of these budgeted fu
copy, plasma diagnostic sensors, environmental sensor systems, amplifers for&quot;Comms on the Move&quot;, high speed wireless inter

is leads to higher, more aggressive performance. One signifcant missing ingredient inhibiting the full accounting of residual stress in design

posites, these computational tools will help optimize the composite manufacturing processes adopted in the industry. We anticipate that t

system as they are created, thereby adding lifetime to the system. The current-mode correlation circuit can simultaneously correlate tens o

the foam-based heat sinks yielded surface temperatures 100-150C lower than those without foam. Similarly, for a given Reynolds number,
s, geospatial information systems, business intelligence, and a broad variety of medical applications, including diagnostics, recovery progno
he attributes of these new systems but extends it for use with higher bandwidth data. Second, our work matures and integrates additional
gy system can initially be used ubiquitously in the aerospace manufacturing industry, where tight tolerances on large parts need to be main
ally over oceans).
laminates also offer improved resistance to bird strike damag
embly and scaling up in Phase II. Further process optimization on the most promising W-25Re alloys or the alloy composites and rapid man

ty in high-pressure combustors. Hence, this research effort along with methods to analyze high-speed planar and tomographic images will
increase signifcantly in the coming years in areas such as (1) future combat systems, (2) complex missions for unmanned air systems (e.g.

y turbine and scramjet engine performance, composite heat shield material characterizations, and airframe dynamic response. These capab
applications and candidate acquisition programs and transition partners. Prime Photonics will utilize existing contacts within the military a

work will capture the underlying physics at the meso and micro scales, and ultimately, will result in safer and more effective explosives.

tional and non-traditional signals of interest with a simple retroft design, that has the potential to also improve the aerodynamics of the ve

ology are in low-speed landing gear and speed brakes systems as well as high-speed weapons bay doors systems and for developing protoco
under the unsteady fluid dynamic loads and design them so as to avoid sonic fatigue, buffet, limit cycle oscillation, and flutter. The method

radar, and even electronic warfare. With these potential benefts, the applicability of this technology extends beyond the scope of conform
cations Increased fuel costs have revived interest in applications of advanced turboprop and open rotor designs in recent years. Acoustics

edded system applications by enhancing their security protection. In addition, mobile platorm (e.g. smartphones, tablets) continues to gain

;doors. Also risk assessment studies on varying the door geometry, structure, or any flow control strategy can be easily evaluated using the
detection and feature detection
and unencumbered interactivity and portabilityfor placement in a variety of locations from public venues to forward operating bases.

nagers to assess the effectiveness of collaborative mission planning tools on collaborative performance as well as how well the crews colla

contain unacceptable visual artifacts, do not provide full parallax, require special headgear, and induce nausea in many of the users. The b
h has the potential to mitigate installation problems and be compatible with the introduction of panoramic Head down Display technology

he semantic-based approach to determining proximity, detecting insider threats will have very low false positives since CAPSA can detect hi
g, usage, and trust of automated algorithms and directs developers to areas for algorithmic improvement.

programs of record, Government-Wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs), and stated DoD and DHS operational needs. One key to initial tran

resent and future IR datasets via web based interface with great ease and minimal management overheads. The cloud platorm is envision

sts a great applicability of DC-SSATS for the upcoming AEHF satellites. In mid-2012, USAF also awarded Boeing a $338.7 million contract to

bout its resolution. Our extensible framework will allow our system to be integrated as a component in multiple government intelligence sy

s that fuse various collection disciplines and standardize reporting. semSCI is directly in line with this focus, as our DL based solution can fu
aults, for example. The improved decision-making resulting from CSI-Info detection and resolution can save many lives and save millions in

his research will also have direct application to enhance our commercial DRIVE product, a software development kit for geospatial visualiza
op our subscription-based Business Intelligence Alerting System (BILERTS); while the increased SA that BACUS provides on internal operatio
ns and commands. Prospects are also strong for adapting the core semantic model and reasoning to commercial applications including mu
S, a number of the outstanding questions will be solved, prototype algorithms developed, and a glimpse of the future of end-to-end trust b
nstrated to the Air Force Battle Lab and other Department of Defense (DoD) units, achieves higher than 99% detection rate and extremely l
useful on manned or unmanned spacecraft by providing precision inertial feedback during orbital maneuvers or stationkeeping operations
ise and informed architecture decisions within and between complex systems. Although the capability will be developed for Air Force sate

ze/yield, drastically reducing array cost. Effectively any size array could be fabricated by joining the requisite number of tiles, though powe

R region; 2) enable higher frame rate visual devices like visible projectors, TV, and cell phones; 3) apply the larger format LCoS array for oth
rmy and Navy aviation mission planning units could beneft from the application of this tool to their mission planning, briefng, and debrief
e characteristics of being complex, continuous, persistent and distributed. Thus, decision makers need (a) dynamic resource reallocation an
viation, space exploration, personal displays, and gaming/entertainment systems. Other than the U.S. Air Force JHMCS application, major m

oration, video game markets, and the entertainment industry.

ation, the techniques developed could be very useful in a surgery planning tool. In military application, the anthropometric voxel models ca
fcant commercial applications in many industries including interactive healthcare, entertainment, and telecommunications, and a general
on opportunities are many, and include the WGS mission, the space platorms used by Intelsat and Inmarsat, among others. Commercial s

talls, and systems-of-systems. Although FlowTrust will be at its greatest utility as part of a comprehensive end-to-end network trust analy

mance) without loss of fdelity. Thus, the W3DGE, as an affordable game-based platorm, offers a major cost-savings opportunity for the Dep

following potential commercial applications: The system architecture will be applicable in other domains where multiple independent dat
walking, driving a car, or sitting at a desk. It will also enable researchers in many felds to perform these analyses on bodies that have been
ity, various health conditions (e.g. carcinomas, asthma, infectious diseases, acute trauma, COPD etc.). The estimated market size for breath
mmercial AgentWorks toolkit, integrating it with a range of sensor devices to increase its appeal for performance assessment and other real

creation of a Common Operational Picture (COP) 4) provides adaptive displays with automation for portrayal of information, and 5) addres
erts, reports and multicasts using semantically defned routing and relay that target specifc personnel, devices or classes of recipients.

nge communications.
ational loss of data.

or not only HMD applications but for any SWaP critical application. In addition to being deployed in HMD systems another potential applica
s because (1) CANTO&#039;s foundational ontology supports domain-general aspects of situated natural language interaction, (2) the CAN

tionally, the same system can be used on-board cooperative and non-cooperative piloted aircraft to trigger an alert for overtaking traffic. F

ng much fner-grained information access control than exists today. Military, Intelligence Community, and Commercial Markets that focus o
ommunication system for the Air Force&quot;s Nuclear Command Control and Communications (NC3) needs.
UAVs, opening a whole new realm of applications, especially for emergency-beacon geolocation.
surveillance, agriculture, and geospatial imaging.
weight, and power demands. Ground-based platorms for surveillance and security will also beneft from the same advantages.
igm to produce low thermal resistivity bonds in a variety of applications, and novel bond preparation processes to produce customized bon

mental settings (e.g., indoor and outdoor) or worker exposures in occupational settings (e.g., in-plant exposures during engineered nanopar
cy profciency ratings. By providing this capability, the PrePARE system will provide the insight necessary to target future training events to
ans that once NRE associated with mastering is completed component replication costs are greatly reduced since the optical complexity is c

ructive models will help address the training availability problem and will improve mission and combat readiness. The SynChat natural lang
The analysis and demonstration of nanothermites implanted below the surface of a polymer, resulting in passivation of the bare-metal or
gated for cancer treatment. The core-shell nanoparticles can be used in catalysis, where all the catalytic particles form a shell on the surface

n commercial aircraft and specifc DoD systems. Metal Rubber Kevlar composites shall serve a broad range of military and civilian applicati

able of being conformally coated onto various device platorms with are expected to have immense commercial potential impacting numer
r permit low-loss transmission at specifc frequencies to permit communication. Such materials would be of use in military and non-militar

illumination. Better fltering of off-axis light to reduce veiling glare in NVGs due to cockpit displays.

ness, tracking, navigation, and aiming for missiles, cruise missiles, and artillery shells, drastically reducing setup and maintenance costs, and

ould extend beyond air- or gun-launched munitions to sensors for targeting and ISR on unmanned aerial and ground vehicles (UAVs and UG

nd made available for sale to both the commercial and government markets. CEI will promote technologies developed under this effort as

by the coating-test system can initiate rapid and effective action to mitigate or repair the detected defects in the aircraft coating, eventually

d potential uses of both VICTS and CTS antenna technology plus the associated pointing and stabilization implementations, include affordab

rough extensive simulations and initial experimental validations. These anticipated results will ensure that a strong foundation is created fo
approach is an extension to the SLAM algorithm, it has direct commercial application to virtually any autonomous robotic deployment scen

fghter, advanced mobility, or related platorms. Commercial applications include more electric aircraft and hybrid-electric automobiles. Th
close to the actual sensor substantially reduces noise and interference problems and improves system reliability. Electronic circuits based o

ssiles at a cost of about $1M each, we can probably anticipate an ultimate production on the order of 1000 to 2000 units. The current cos
failures, (5) Improved PHM at both a system and battery level, (6) Improved turbo-machinery starting performance, and (7) Dynamically a
an efficient distribution method, such as a highly concentrated colloidal suspension that can be added to bulk fuel, will ease the integratio
nostics will provide a complete characterization of nonvolatile PM emissions from gas turbine engines and other combustion sources such a

and other industries that generate visible emissions and are required to comply with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) air regulation
ative teams of robots in healthcare and logistics;&quot;smart&quot;buildings with automated climate and electrical system control; and pu
of large area touch screens.

capability must be able to be implemented within the confnes of the available budget and to preclude operational impacts that could jeop

g. Additionally, through a strategic partnership with a leading power system developer, Area-I has the ability build and bench-test prototype

ndustry, railway propulsion, construction equipment, eighteen wheeler drives and automotive powerplants

e military or commercial market place. Typical key markets include UASs, various marine applications, large back-up power systems and var
efts: - Lightweight, multi-fuel hybrid propulsion system suitable for all aspects of ground, marine, and aviation segments in need of improv
ynamic performance. 3. Update to lubrication traction models, along with integrated facility to further update the model coefficients, prov
(e.g.,&quot;more electric&quot;bulldozers) the potential exists for wide spread use of SBIR-generated knowledge. General Electric, UES
s to make the best choices in code settings relative to how the new tool is being used in the test environment.
ution instrument including detection of chemical pollutants.
effective use of existing assets through the use of service composition and decomposition and optimized routing services. The costs of int
takes historical data from all connected depot servers and determines preventative maintenance schedules, trends, and recommends repa

mobile computing device. ART can provide a central computing facility for downloading required applications to support the training exerci
d ground-based threats; reduction in lost and fragmented tracks; friendly signal interference recognition and mitigation; proper correlation

e technology will reduce the risk of accidents in military aircraft, protecting crews and assets. Commercial opportunities for the store-sepa

hnologies for hypersonic flight applications. It is anticipated that successful strain sensor technology demonstrations during later stages of P
aphy, land surveying, and crop monitoring. Additionally, RPAs fly slower, and MACs are expected to rise. When the regulations governing U

g technology for achieving the thermal management goals of the DoD.

either the DREAM tool or empirical data to represent the effect on target systems. The overall JREM tool will beneft greatly from the avail
ovements in the output power and beam quality of nLIGHT&quot;s commercial products, pushing towards multi-kW CW fber lasers. The a

ship defense. OPC has already demonstrated success with transitioning technologies developed under SBIR funding to ongoing research

systems will be limited. The demonstration of aimpoint maintenance to be conducted in Phase I will serve as a breadboard prototype for
nd vehicles using SWIR headlamps that only the driver/passengers can see. Additionally, the SMALLER-HMD technology has attracted the a
ith enthusiasm. The DMBS will be applicable to virtually all military and government pilots engaged in night and low visibility flying. The cu
e schema for a Secure Operating Environment will mitigate most if not all of these threats, particularly in the following areas: Confdentiali
m can also be utilized in commercial GNSS receiver systems.

number of fuel-tank, cryogenic fuel-tanks, and cargo compartment fre prevention oxygen monitoring applications in aircraft, rotorcraft, spa
is technology into a wide range of AF interests such as military aircraft, directed energy systems, satellites, and avionics. Further, this techn

ed-use facility. As such, the technique is used sparingly in the aerospace industry, despite the need for accurate bulk residual stress measu

computational framework for easy comprehension of the intricate stress and interface felds that develop during the processing of CMCs. It

et; and b) non-aviation markets where oxygen is monitored to preclude explosion of fuel and other hydrocarbon storage tanks. Within mil
consumption. Commercial applications include more-electric aircraft, air-conditioning systems, and thermal management systems for elec

Phase II. BENEFIT: If the Phase-I research effort on the combined DMS+LII technique is successful, it will have a major impact on the chara

wide range of aerial surveillance systems. The small target form factor and power consumption will enable advanced analytics and exploita
e capabilities for other frst responder (police, frefghter, emergency relief), border patrol, and homeland security operations. Additional u

optical flow, and voice and gesture recognition for human interfaces. Potential consumer applications include medical devices that include
d/or fuel cost).The proposed work, providing an enhanced modeling-from-video capability without requiring specifc flight patterns, will be

d transmission of electrical power over long distances, power converters, etc. Other possible commercial applications include geothermal

e to the multi-physics nature of combustion instabilities, the expertise developed by CSE in this project about these instabilities and OpenFO

ach is ideal for addressing the commercial radar challenges associated with operating in a crowded RF spectrum.
ate-of-the-art in terms of output signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR), and error variance in parameter estimation. This translates to a 3-10 dB impro
tinue since they offer a cost effective means for the U.S. DoD to conduct military operations despite reductions in troops on the ground.

a-high grade fuels that can be used with minimal, if any, equipment modifcations can save the DoD billions of dollars annually in fuel purch
gns as well as complex geometries that do not lend themselves to conventional machining techniques would greatly beneft both commerc
ntally conscious solution to corrosion.
applications. Once a coating is developed successfully for the Air Force&quot;s needs, it can be transitioned rapidly and effectively into oth
e the reliability. The developed control ICs can also be used to operate with other types of power electronic blocks used in different DoD br

imulations of the effects of acoustic combustion instabilities on engine augmentor performance and integrity. This demonstration will subs
ment-specifc, research will enable the Department of Defence to meet a critical need for quantifying aircraft fleet exhaust emissions with a

rcial airplanes and automobiles, detection of false coatings on counterfeit electrical components, counterfeit drug detection, and forensics
tion and industry expertise. This allows Traycer to target multiple vertical markets and remain focused on its core value proposition. Current
material properties for new materials using a minimized test matrix. This initial set of confgurations will allow engineering teams to investi
eatibility will prevent the need for time-consuming re-checking of flushness measurements. The savings in inspection time is directly scale
s can be interactively displayed and be instantly saved to local hard drive or to wireless network storages.

ning market, and the surveillance market.

ons bandwidth for signifcantly improved telemetry and video monitoring of EELV health and status. The proposed effort will also provide

se in operational capabilities for small UAVs, namely increased flight endurance and the capability for silent mode operation. MEC&quot;s

n through the area may be accomplished using a compact, lightweight tag device costing about $50 in volume. We believe the accuracy an

s. If they are adopted as a standard procedure they could result in reducing the life-cycle costs. The deliverable system at the end of phase
defned, it will be easy for any of these users to interact with their deployed payloads from their own sites on the internet. Universities and
to space missions. For example, thermoelectric devices cool HgCdTe-based infrared imaging cameras such as those on the Hubble Space Te
HF propagation in a perturbed ionosphere. This capability will lead to reductions in OTHR target position and velocity errors. The work com

gel Fire, Constant Hawk, TAILWIND, and ARGUS-IS programs as well as numerous smaller platorms as FPA technology continues to advance
nment as an algorithm testbed also allow testing real radar parameter control algorithms against optimal&quot;ideal&quot;performance, w
ation of GMTI algorithms and SAR technology.

rtz frequencies have proven to be a powerful tool for spectroscopic measurement of far-infrared material properties for dielectrics, semico
oelectronic implementation will have signifcantly lower cost and increased reliability.
uccessfully use one of these SATCOM links for flight monitoring. Any proposed antenna must meet the physical limitations surrounding laun
ng block of an ESA for the air and space traffic control as well as satellite communication. An additional application of the aperture technol

n the commercial domain, the key technology areas and related applications that can potentially beneft from the proposed technology inc

mechanical response of CNT-based TIMs to cyclic compression, and observed remarkable elastic recovery in the native CNT materials. We

scientifc applications.

s. The sensor can also be used from ground to space (e.g., at AMOS) to improve space objects characterization. Similarly, the sensor is mo

mbustion properties of various jet fuels where experimental data are not available. In addition the detail kinetic model that will be develop

g adaptive display capabilities, and expanding its computational reasoning abilities.

st their missions in signifcantly less time. Third, improved utilization of AFSCN resources could reduce the required number of antennas d
arketing Aurora, our general intelligent planning and scheduling framework, and customizing it for a variety of domains. The additional cap

gy. Unrecovered waste heat from energy-consuming industrial processes is estimated by the DOE at 5-13 quads/yr (1 quad = 1015 BTU). If w

rs. Improved speed, accuracy, and robustness of all computational processes.

ration, Mining, Telecommunications, Disaster relief, Construction, and Media and Broadcasting. Space systems are vulnerable to damaging

quot;cold-nose intercepts&quot;where onboard radars are deactivated (so traffickers won&quot;t detect the interceptors and dump their

d have a huge potential market impact.

gines using exhaust gas recycle (EGR) for NOx emissions reduction.

neft the commercial aircraft industry by greatly increasing inspection efficiency and accuracy and decreasing safety risks to aircraft, crew m
pany Commercialization Report, we have received 43 Phase I SBIR awards and 21 Phase II awards. ATA&quot;s track record for commercia

al of W/V band satellite era. This research will beneft these and other upcoming opportunities.
d&quot;s antenna concepts, protection from broadband jamming and radiated co-site interference effects will be an important aspect tha
n, some relevant Defense Acquisition Programs within DoD are such as WIN-T Warfghter Information Network-Tactical, JSTARS Joint Surv
RA&quot;s new CASES dual-frequency receiver, purposefully degrading the CASES data to emulate the inferior performance of other receive
ti-phenomenology ATR by replacing image/signature template databases with compact feature sets. The proposed Phase I results in a proo
ut with anticipated upgrades to ground radar systems, improved elevation estimates will enable better clutter mitigation via correlation betw

rket size is very large.

fecycle costs of strategic assets by SRM heath monitoring improvements that reduce destructive testing and premature removal of assets f

airspace might beneft from the techniques being developed. New concepts in air traffic control envision data communication directly betw
arena the CAPTAIN product will address the WAN performance acceleration needs of enterprises using IPSEC-based VPNs for interconnecti
on employing IP-based communication in a mixed wired and wireless environment.
pe location-tagging and spatial reasoning system being developed as part of TIGRESS will not only enhance the quality of Language Compu

tions based on our research fndings - Generate new intellectual properties out of this research if such opportunities arise Potential Comm
ency (ESA), and commercial satellite owners and operators in protecting their valuable and irreplaceable space assets from space debris. Fu

on which can be used to test and evaluate this and other asset manger concepts. In addition to military systems, the technology developed

mmercial network applications, such as industrial control networks, disaster networks, and border monitoring networks. The size of the ma
oyed on panels providing both high resolution imaging, aimpoint selection and high quality hit spots to defend against space-borne threat

eveloping custom software adapters for new metadata repositories. We anticipate that this technology will be useful in integrating novel in
ments. In support of instructors and training developers, the RAPID Tool will provide recommended training strategies for achieving desired
ction of aircraft and automobiles across a wide variety of locations, including residential areas, parks, and commercial zones. More generall
at would otherwise take signifcant time to complete. The combined set of capabilities also has potential for use in other felds, providing t

vastly improved efficiency,&quot;at-a-glance&quot;recognition, and space warfghter understanding of the future/potential risks, the EMU

ruption to the drilling process. SMRC estimates savings of $305Million for the entire Aerospace industry over 27-year time period of GripC
fetime (MTTF). Linearity (-36 dBc ACPR) is required in order to handle advanced spectrally efficient modulation schemes, such as 32-QAM,
system like QUALE-PNT. This establishes a unique demand waiting to be flled by a small versatile company like PreTalen. DoD test and acq
ing RF sources and environmental effects in the digital domain. BENEFIT: The direct beneft from this project will be the availability of an e
ms. Sharing of hardware and processing could lead to lower overall costs, reduced size and power, and signifcantly improved communicati
l not require any adjustment in existing generator controls or hardware, a desirable beneft considering the target application. The primary

efneries and the U.S. smart power grid. Another large potential application of the developed technology is for time-sensitive transactions

nies that handle explosives or use industrial processes with an associated blast hazards. Such companies have an interest to quantify and m

ent of capability which industry needs. M4 Engineering has begun discussion of this technology with Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and North
e and need ground testing capabilities to characterize OAR sensors, such as in satellite industries.

at are or will be transmitting data from space or air to ground over the next two decades. Potential applications are wide-ranging and inclu
spacecraft deorbiting at the end of life. In addition to use as a deorbiting propulsion system, the electrospray thruster advanced here is ap
tion of bed sores is believed to be related to shear stress, and therefore this would be a similar application of the technology. Other biomed

es cost compared to other reflector-based approaches. The proposed system maintains a compact size and footprint ideal for ground oper
tration technologies is critical for enabling truly automated real-time wide area surveillance and reconnaissance. The proposed technologi
applications in the commercial, amateur radio marketplace, where it can simultaneously monitor multiple, widely spaced frequencies and
uld lead to spectral barcodes used to track high value targets tagged at a checkpoint and through an urban environment.
t, and power), and enhanced reliability.
pects of the system performance to be easily varied. With this construct the models should easily accommodate different instantiations of m

ession quality indicators for use in a wide range of defense, security and geographic information system applications.
rototype liner material made from a small industrial pilot trial.
n using evolutionary algorithms.

ystem installed limiting their use to environmental conditions where icing is not a concern. Seashell&quot;s proposed anti-ice system will b

esign tool for system engineers to experiment with various radar characteristics before making a substantial investment in building hardwar

System) software toolset. TEAMS hosts a wealth of design and analytic capabilities applicable to fault detection and diagnosis, diagnostic p
WIR will provide an unprecedented opportunity to investigate algorithms for real-time event detection and classifcation based on spatial an
tions. With the addition of a high performance computing system, the modeling process will be real-time during fabrication of component
f the performance benefts of advanced circuit geometries (90 nm and below) without sacrifcing reliability due to radiation effects, provid
applications, it also has a potential application as a communication enhancement technology for satellite telecom service providers such as
downward on the energy/operation of semiconductors, which requires attention to the optimization of the associated processes.&quot;It a

king of multiple targets with nonlinear dynamic and observation models. The proposed tracking techniques are generic and can be applied
ognize, and track abnormalities in any commercial or government system. Operational prototypes of this capability are already operating o
aissance, battle feld power solutions packs, solar powered tents, portable power), power electronics OEMs and consumer electronic prod

, long endurance sensors, and a broad range of consumer electronic devices.

ot;s functionality on small-size platorms and creating new application cases for SAR sensors. Commercialization for the DOD market will b
ted the NQD fabrication synthesis and deposition process, which makes material discovery, optimization, and development proceed rapidly

lanning. In addition, through integration with the AFRL Cornerstone system and support for its ontologies the DART system will readily supp

after-market reliability and security solution. The industrial and commercial target customers would have a great deal in common with the
ellation has not been set up.
es in their applications, thus reducing weight and increasing efficiency for both DoD and commercial applications. The combination of a rob

cess. The ACTMAN would also effectively alleviate RF inferences among the multiple party concurrent operations and enable opportunistic
hnology will enable creation of small form factor phased array radars. The rotodome causes unwanted drag, a reduced size rotodome will in
t a portion of these budgeted funds will be for SATCOM communication with the new WGS satellites, thus incorporating new W-Band trans
&quot;, high speed wireless internet, high speed data-links, secure communications, security and proximity detection and control, high altit

unting of residual stress in design is the fact that residual stress levels are typically not certifed in the material supply chain. The developme

he industry. We anticipate that these tools will be of great interest to the aerospace, defense and sports industry.

n simultaneously correlate tens of thousands of bits in compact, low energy form factor, allowing fast acquisition of weak or jammed signal

y, for a given Reynolds number, the measured heat transfer coefficients were more than 200% greater when foam was present. In Phase I
ing diagnostics, recovery prognosis and optimal recovery estimates, etc.
matures and integrates additional processing techniques to address some of the most challenging low observable problems and address clo
s on large parts need to be maintained. Further commercial development and implementation of RANMS is possible in the automotive ma
e alloy composites and rapid manufacturing strategies will be established and continued in Phase II and Phase III.

nar and tomographic images will make the concept of real time sensing and control of combustion phenomena a reality. The proposed soft
for unmanned air systems (e.g. AAR or terrain mapping), (3) NextGen air traffic management and autonomous operations, (4) internet net

e dynamic response. These capabilities will also make the system desirable to airframe and engine OEM&quot;s to enable performance mo
ng contacts within the military and commercial gas turbine engine community to identify and develop transition targets and business plan

d more effective explosives.

rove the aerodynamics of the vehicle.

tems and for developing protocols for munitions delivery to achieve the desired impact. Other applications may include instrumentation ca
illation, and flutter. The methods can also be applied to more general applications that beneft other industries. These industries may inclu

ds beyond the scope of conformal airborne antennas, and has other military applications, including ground vehicles, fxed-site installations
esigns in recent years. Acoustics goals to satisfy current and projected civil aviation noise standards are stringent, however; thus, the poten

hones, tablets) continues to gain popularity in civilian domains, and military also has an increasing interest in adopting the commercial suc

an be easily evaluated using the easily retrofttable design of the weapons bay model. This will be particularly appealing to the U.S Air Forc
o forward operating bases.

well as how well the crews collaborate on mission planning activities given enabling technologies. This in turn will allow them both to tailo

usea in many of the users. The benefts of the improved display system allow will intelligence analysts to assist war fghters in critical situati
c Head down Display technology. The concept will allow a common design or small family of modular variations to address multiple airfram

sitives since CAPSA can detect hidden connections between the individual and the information they are attempting to access. Commercial

nal needs. One key to initial transition will be a successful Phase I demo of relevant location-specifed unicast and multicast SA data traffic o

s. The cloud platorm is envisioned as a design upgrade to existing information system infrastructure for IR data storage, processing and ma

eing a $338.7 million contract to produce and launch the tenth WGS satellite. Commercial applications for satellite communications includ

ltiple government intelligence systems, and has commercial applications for news reporting, marketing, and public relations frms that mus

, as our DL based solution can fuse various data formats by incorporating the underlying semantics of the data into the ontology. In alignme
many lives and save millions in fnancial wealth.

pment kit for geospatial visualization.

US provides on internal operations status can be applied for optimizing inventory processes.
ercial applications including multi-modal logistics, supply chain visibility and management, and internal knowledge management.
the future of end-to-end trust brought to bear, a network which can detect and fght-through attack, and actively work to defend against d
% detection rate and extremely low false alarm rate (less than 0.5%). A commercial Automated and Integrated Management (AIM) applianc
vers or stationkeeping operations. The device could be used to actively stabilize platorms such as for mounted weapons and communicati
be developed for Air Force satellite constellation systems, the advantages are readily applicable to any complex system design project, mil

e number of tiles, though power, thermal and carrier size limitations will limit the practical size of a tiled array. Another potential applicati

larger format LCoS array for other pixel display devices including other high temperature larger format projectors across the Spectral band
n planning, briefng, and debriefng processes. We will also investigate other possible groups in the Army and Navy that have mission plann
ynamic resource reallocation and tasking capabilities and (b) distributed data distribution/visualization/interaction capabilities, in order to
orce JHMCS application, major military applications for the MAGIC-HMD include Distributed Mission Training, pilot and combat vehicle crew

anthropometric voxel models can be used to design non lethal weapons and novel directed energy systems and additionally they can be us
communications, and a general explosion in cloud computing market growth to which CIRRUS applies.
at, among others. Commercial satellites have used RF beamforming for many years, and are beginning to move to more flexible beamform

end-to-end network trust analysis system, on its own it will be commercially useful in a wide variety of network security applications. A so

t-savings opportunity for the Department of Defense (DoD) in simulation, modeling and training. The ability for no-glasses-required true 3D

where multiple independent data formats exist (e.g., Navy). The capability to predict future profciency gaps will be applicable to industrie
nalyses on bodies that have been parametrically scaled to a given height or body mass index (BMI), enabling wider ranges of parametric stu
estimated market size for breath analysis for the health care market is ~ $100 - $500M.
ance assessment and other real-time sensing applications.

al of information, and 5) addresses the needs of real-time entity updates in both civilian and military markets. The creation of a scalable G
ices or classes of recipients.

ystems another potential application is in small unmanned aerial vehicles (SUAVs).

anguage interaction, (2) the CANTO ontology is readily extendable for domain-specifc situations and tasks, (3) CANTO will include UIs and A

r an alert for overtaking traffic. Finally, UC envisions the adoption of a successful SAA capability as a pilot advisory system by the commercia

Commercial Markets that focus on the dissemination of, and controlled access to, information will be able to leverage this technology.

e same advantages.
esses to produce customized bond-specifc thermal resistivity from&lt;0.1 deg C-in./W arbitrarily higher. These results will be applicable in

ures during engineered nanoparticle production). We anticipate that this device will be used extensively in routine monitoring and in epide
target future training events to an individual&quot;s specifc needs and optimize the time spent in training to maintain readinesssaving tra
since the optical complexity is contained in the various holographic optical elements. Assembly time is greatly reduced owing to the lowe

diness. The SynChat natural language toolkit will provide similar efficiency improvements for Army, Navy, Marine, and other non-Departme
passivation of the bare-metal or layered surface, and creation of a long-duration air stable thermite would be directly applicable to the fel
rticles form a shell on the surface of a non-catalytic core, hence maximizing the use of all the catalytic particles. The performance of LEDs, l

of military and civilian applications including avionic and communication systems on board commercial aircraft from personal electronic d

ercial potential impacting numerous industrial applications such as low-loss dielectric materials for energy storage devices (e.g., capacitors)
of use in military and non-military communication systems, consumer and industrial RF and electronic systems, and personal portable comm

etup and maintenance costs, and computational complexity too. Successful completion of the S4SAM development will also bring benefts

d ground vehicles (UAVs and UGVs). In particular, the TALON robot (the primary UGV used in Afghanistan today) has a requirement for a w

s developed under this effort as part of its standard commercial product marketing and sales activities. The MFS architecture, algorithms

in the aircraft coating, eventually leading to reduction of the air vehicle&quot;s service down time and extension of its life span. The comp

mplementations, include affordable/high-performance satellite communication on-the-move (SOTM) as well as radar and sensor application

a strong foundation is created for real-time technology demonstration during Phase II. The proposed AVG framework has a signifcant po
omous robotic deployment scenario, like emergency search and rescue and remote exploration.

d hybrid-electric automobiles. The Phase II goal will initially be to expand the approach of Phase I, optimize the software, and design featur
bility. Electronic circuits based on silicon devices are generally not able to operate at temperatures above 200oC because of excessive juncti

0 to 2000 units. The current cost of JP-10 (a synthetic high density missile fuel) is about $16 per gallon, while the costs of typical high-purit
ormance, and (7) Dynamically adjustable frequency domain integration with the electrical system to enable interoperability with a variety
bulk fuel, will ease the integration of the new enhanced-performance nanofuel into the existing fuel distribution infrastructure. Alternativ
other combustion sources such as diesel engines, direct injection gasoline engines, and power plants. PM characterization instruments th

ction Agency (EPA) air regulations. The HASPAM can also be used by environmental protection agencies to monitor the dispersion of harmf
electrical system control; and public infrastructure like sewage/water treatment and traffic control systems. Government applications incl

erational impacts that could jeopardize mission readiness, as well as the fnancial bottom line. A sustainment simulation tool suite that will

y build and bench-test prototypes and access to wind-tunnel testing facilities. Finally, Area-I&quot;s extensive flight testing support capabil

e back-up power systems and various vehicles that desire a smooth, quiet and light weight 1,100+ HP heavy fuel engine. Variants of this MC
tion segments in need of improved proulsion system efficiency.
date the model coefficients, provides greatly improved simulation of dynamic performance and life under arbitrary operating environment.
owledge. General Electric, UES&#039;SBIR partner, will spearhead efforts to commercialize on aerospace and defense vehicles in existing
routing services. The costs of integrating new and legacy systems into the network are also greatly reduced. While the specifc data schem
s, trends, and recommends repair and maintenance parts in anticipation of long lead time for delivery. This beneft allows the aircraft to re

ns to support the training exercises. Simulation software can be purchased, leased, or accessed on a&quot;time-required&quot;basis as a
nd mitigation; proper correlation of RF agile emitters; and proper assessment of raid count thereby providing more efficient allocation of re

opportunities for the store-separation analysis tool exist with military aircraft and missile manufacturers including Raytheon, Boeing, Lockh

nstrations during later stages of Phase II will lead to license agreements between Environetix Technologies Corporation and several key aero
hen the regulations governing UAV flight in National Airspace (NAS) are in place in 2015, the demand for reliable autonomous postern see-

will beneft greatly from the availability of a transient MTL simulator and automated connection to SPICE modeling to calculate the interacti
multi-kW CW fber lasers. The advanced fber combiners developed under this effort will enable CW fber lasers to be co-propagation and

BIR funding to ongoing research and acquisition programs. In particular, OPC has become a preferred supplier of deformable mirrors (DM)

e as a breadboard prototype for a commercial laser system that could be used on military or civilian aircraft to reduce optical disturbances
D technology has attracted the attention of primes including Boeing and DRS. We anticipate widespread appeal of the SMALLER-HMD tech
ht and low visibility flying. The current and near term high cost of the DMBS components will likely limit its application to non-commercial c
e following areas: Confdentiality: Knowledge of data must be restricted to those authorized to receive it, for the duration of the useful inf
cations in aircraft, rotorcraft, space craft, submarines, and ships, as well as in the commercial medical, bio-tech, bio-remediation, nuclear, o
and avionics. Further, this technology will have direct benefts in many commercial electronics including personal electronics, civilian aircra

curate bulk residual stress measurements. In this proposal, a laboratory-scale neutron diffraction measurement platorm will be designed.

during the processing of CMCs. It will thus help material designers speed up the process design cycle for efficient manufacturing of CMCs w

arbon storage tanks. Within military aviation, it is estimated that at least 2000 sensor units will be needed. Markets of similar size are likel
al management systems for electronics and computer systems.

ave a major impact on the characterization of gas turbine particulates. This combined system will enable the simultaneous measurements o

advanced analytics and exploitation capabilities on aerial platorms previously limited by SWaP and bandwidth constraints. The solution a
security operations. Additional uses exist in the commercial marketplace for video surveillance for security, traffic monitoring, weather obs

de medical devices that include data classifers for detecting heart attacks or seizures, voice and object recognition for handheld devices lik
ng specifc flight patterns, will be of interest to many users inside and outside the military: aerial terrain modeling has applications in agricu

applications include geothermal and oil exploration, fusion and plasma research, materials processing and civilian radars.

ut these instabilities and OpenFOAM can be easily extended to other projects of interest such as prediction of blow-off in augmentors, stud

his translates to a 3-10 dB improvement in target detection performance over the state-of-the-art. The framework developed in Phase I wi
ons in troops on the ground.

of dollars annually in fuel purchase and logistics expenses. When the technology has matured and/or with clearance by the DoD, the addi
d greatly beneft both commercial and military applications.

d rapidly and effectively into other applications. Commercialization of this novel coating to the Air Force, other branches of the military and
c blocks used in different DoD branches as well as in a broad range of commercial applications.

ity. This demonstration will substantially extend the state of the art in terms of computational efficiency and predictive accuracy, when com
ft fleet exhaust emissions with a single, robust instrument package. Through this project, we anticipate opening a new commercial market

eit drug detection, and forensics.

s core value proposition. Current market need for non-contact opaque thin-flm measurement systems is estimated at $100M. This include
ow engineering teams to investigate a wide range of new materials for their designs. The design environment developed in Phase II will b
inspection time is directly scaled by the large number of fasteners on the F-35, providing the Air Force and its commercial parteners with a

proposed effort will also provide the following indirect benefts: 1) Reduced launch cost due to simplifed CONcept of OPerations (CONOPS)

t mode operation. MEC&quot;s approach is composed of several components that have a high likelihood of being commercialized: 1) a he

me. We believe the accuracy and simplicity of the proposed system will allow Q-Track to unlock the indoor navigation market - ultimately a

able system at the end of phase II will include software package, experimental database, and comprehensive operating procedures.
on the internet. Universities and commercial companies seeking space research options or qualifcation of hardware would have many mor
as those on the Hubble Space Telescope. They are employed as refrigerators in various space science experiments. The same materials also
nd velocity errors. The work complements ASTRA&quot;s existing commercial development of TIDDBIT receivers and expertise in the analy

echnology continues to advance. Other potential government applications include any situations where surveillance is required by an imag
quot;ideal&quot;performance, which can often be simulated but may not be realizable in an actual system
properties for dielectrics, semiconductors, liquids and gases, etc., since most chemical compounds show very strong frequency-dependent

sical limitations surrounding launch vehicle external telemetry antennas, including using the existing footprint for integration. SI2&quot;s lo
plication of the aperture technology developed under this SBIR will be for mobile applications where the subarray (or groups of subarrays)

rom the proposed technology include monitoring in shipboard environments using UAVs, civilian search and rescue, reconnaissance missio

in the native CNT materials. We believe the nanoparticles will further enhance mechanical compliance.

ation. Similarly, the sensor is most appropriate for ground vehicle operations, for threat detection such as IEDs, and for the characterization

netic model that will be developed in this work will be incorporated into the rkmGen software, which has been under development throug

required number of antennas driving a potential reduction in AFSCN sustainment costs. Finally, from a commercial standpoint, the propos
y of domains. The additional capabilities developed for distributed, cooperative communication scheduling can be synergistically marketed

uads/yr (1 quad = 1015 BTU). If we conservatively assume 9 quads, 6% efficiency for TE devices constructed with our approach, 50% losses

ems are vulnerable to damaging levels of electromagnetic (EM) radiation from unintentional sources such as high-power tracking radars du

he interceptors and dump their contraband to evade arrest). To visually spot the target aircraft, it is necessary for the OTH radar to guide t

ng safety risks to aircraft, crew members, and passengers. Oleo-pneumatic shocks are used in numerous industries; they are used to supp
uot;s track record for commercialization of SBIR sponsored technology development is excellent, resulting in Commercialization Achievemen

will be an important aspect that is inherent to the design. This type of protection will be extremely valuable in preventing communication
work-Tactical, JSTARS Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System Aircraft, JTRS GMR Joint Tactical Radio System Ground Mobile Rad
ior performance of other receivers. The main beneft of this work is that TEC and other ionospheric data are currently sparse in regions of i
oposed Phase I results in a proof of concept that addresses the system requirements of and offers risk reduction to future AFRL efforts.
er mitigation via correlation between air and ground tracks. Our track integration algorithms may be used in next generation sense-and-av
nd premature removal of assets from service. PHM sensors, integrated into passive Radio Frequency Identifcation (RFID) tags attached to

ata communication directly between planes. Unmanned systems will almost certainly be introduced into the civilian airspace in coming ye
EC-based VPNs for interconnecting remote sites over the Internet.

e the quality of Language Computer&quot;s CiceroCustom suite of open-domain customizable event extraction tools, but will also serve the

ortunities arise Potential Commercial Applications: - Government agencies and large corporations using the Identity Provider solution to
ace assets from space debris. Future commercialization applications also include air traffic control, a domain that also requires predicting a

stems, the technology developed during this project will serve as a foundation for planning tools for manned and unmanned systems, prov

ing networks. The size of the market is quite large and may grow rapidly with the commercial demand in network reliability and availability
fend against space-borne threats. The beam control methods developed during this project are also applicable to ground based space ob

be useful in integrating novel information into COPs of many kinds; particularly, those used in Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief or e
g strategies for achieving desired outcomes effectively and efficiently, leveraging a variety of training environments, tools, and devices as ap
ommercial zones. More generally, a technology that can successfully recognize complex sound patterns in natural environments would hav
or use in other felds, providing the capability to perform high fdelity electromagnetic analysis near any type of complex object.

future/potential risks, the EMU program is critical to our warfghter mission.

ver 27-year time period of GripChek operation.

tion schemes, such as 32-QAM, without distorting the information or generating adjacent channel interference. In addition to SATCOM UA
y like PreTalen. DoD test and acquisition communities also conduct repetitive manual PNT system testing and have stated they would benef
ect will be the availability of an effective test fxture that provides an improved understanding of how augmented PNT systems operate in d
nifcantly improved communications and navigation performance. This same technology would equally beneft the DoD, which faces incre
e target application. The primary objective of this Phase I proposal is to develop the proof-of-concept IPMM, including the design of a hard

s for time-sensitive transactions across networks especially large networks such as the internet. Examples include banking and online tradi

ave an interest to quantify and mitigate secondary debris collateral damage from accidental explosions.

ng, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman. Because this technology will be used in wind tunnel instrumentation, other customers will

tions are wide-ranging and include military operations, emergency and disaster management, environmental monitoring, medicine, and m
pray thruster advanced here is applicable to primary and ACS propulsion on small satellites, and CubeSats in particular. The system has no
of the technology. Other biomedical applications include shear stress on surfaces of artifcial implants such as stints, hearts, valves, and as

d footprint ideal for ground operations. The total swept volume of this design is not much larger than the swept volume of the diameter o
sance. The proposed technologies facilitate accurate geo-registration on large scale imagery in the presence of sensor noise and errors in g
e, widely spaced frequencies and provide instant frequency switching, a relatively new and desirable feature in that market.

odate different instantiations of multistatic radar systems past, present, and future. BENEFIT: Anticipated benefts include increased capab

;s proposed anti-ice system will be superior to other anti-ice systems on the market by providing a solution that is more robust to icing, low

l investment in building hardware. The VREX provides a commercial off-the-shelf confgurable tool supporting many radar types and thus is

ction and diagnosis, diagnostic performance assessment, maintenance support and troubleshooting. The TEAMS-based EMA PHM softwar
classifcation based on spatial and temporal phenomenology in the SWIR. In addition, the small physical size of the sensor will demonstrat
during fabrication of components.
y due to radiation effects, providing defense and aerospace system contractors access to the critical high-performance components with mi
elecom service providers such as ViaSat, Globalstar etc. Current subscribers of the satellite telecom customers who rely on a bulky monopo
associated processes.&quot;It also stated that military space systems need much higher performance circuits than are currently available t

s are generic and can be applied to many ISR sensors and applications that are characterized by complex models and uncertainties in the d
apability are already operating on-line at to 2 satellite operations (SOPS) sites and these ANOM tools have been applied off-line to over 10
s and consumer electronic products, building material solution providers, and PV system integrators for both the commercial and residenti

ization for the DOD market will be based on collaboration with our subcontractor, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems (NG ES). For tech
nd development proceed rapidly tens of new materials can be made in a day.

he DART system will readily support USAF Air Operation Center planning and integration of relevant planning systems across air, space and

great deal in common with the DoD users being addressed, having to address security and trust issues with remote and/or mobile networ

ations. The combination of a robust, low-cost autoclave process along with an increase in design capability will result in signifcant cost sav

rations and enable opportunistic communication capability through agile spectrum fragmentation technology. Similarly, ACTMAN technolo
g, a reduced size rotodome will increase the mission life of E-3 AWACS on a single fuel tank. Commercial Applications: Multi-user downlink
ncorporating new W-Band transmitter into preexisting UAVs.
detection and control, high altitude, and other rarefed atmosphere applications, RF-based commercial satellite communications programs

rial supply chain. The development of a quality management system for residual stresses in forged aerospace components will enable mate

sition of weak or jammed signals, or in C/A denied scenarios. In general, almost all systems currently containing a GNSS receiver would ben

en foam was present. In Phase II, Ultramet will perform additional analysis, design, and testing to further improve heat transfer in the subm
rvable problems and address closely space object resolution issues. Finally our work combines signifcant existing capability with these new
s possible in the automotive manufacturing industry and in the infrastructure manufacturing industry (e.g., steam turbines, power generat
mena a reality. The proposed software system could be easily integrated with any on-board sensing and control system, which would have a
mous operations, (4) internet networks, (5) power grids, (6) automotive and other complex machinery development, and (7) a number of in

uot;s to enable performance monitoring and qualifcation testing which will improve the safety and reliability of commercial transportation
sition targets and business plan for the high temperature strain gage and dynamic/static interrogator products.

s may include instrumentation cavities, control surfaces motion, and other moving parts. The proposed effort will have signifcant impact o
tries. These industries may include the commercial aerospace, space, maritime, and automotive industries where the tools can be used, fo

d vehicles, fxed-site installations, and even dismounted personnel. Furthermore, these capabilities have direct relevance to a variety of com
ngent, however; thus, the potential market for a high-fdelity, fast-turnaround propeller design optimization analysis is considerable if coup

in adopting the commercial success of smart devices. Mobile threats are becoming increasingly prolifc in mobile applications. This increas

arly appealing to the U.S Air Force as it can facilitate a&quot;quick&quot;scoping out of the design modifcations without full-scale, prototy
urn will allow them both to tailor subsequent training given the assessment of the distributed team and to tailor the use of the enabling te

ssist war fghters in critical situations such as deconfliction, line-of-sight analysis, and air space and satellite control. The system design can
tions to address multiple airframes. Cost of ownership will be reduced via the introduction of more capable, lower power technology to im

ttempting to access. Commercial institutions will also beneft from the CAPSA technology and its ability to reduce the maintenance cost of a

ast and multicast SA data traffic of differing priorities from and to networked mobile platorms communicating over actual DoD wireless en

data storage, processing and management. IR data cloud platorm can be implemented as a stand-alone system, or alternatively it can be i

satellite communications include satellite radio (Sirius Satellite Radio), satellite television (DirecTV), and 2-way satellite internet services. 2

d public relations frms that must rapidly aggregate and resolve conflicting data to determine its correctness and potential biases that may

data into the ontology. In alignment with DoD strategy, semSCI will focus on special operations, as well as intelligence, surveillance and reco

owledge management.
actively work to defend against data leakage.
ted Management (AIM) appliance based on AND system has been tested and evaluated by Ball Aerospace Corporation and shown to detec
nted weapons and communications platorms or during sensitive astronomical observations or scientifc measurements. Commercial airc
mplex system design project, military or commercial. The same need to improve the link between engineers and various communities of de

rray. Another potential application would apply to large arrays for infrared imaging, and the proposed technology could also be applied to

ojectors across the Spectral band, wide FOV device applications like aerial surveillance, and advanced sensors. The general trend in imaging
nd Navy that have mission planning, briefng, and debriefng processes that are not aviation-oriented, and offer to adapt our tool to benef
eraction capabilities, in order to deal with mission dynamics, uncertainties and contingencies. By the end of Phase II, We-CLAP is expected
ng, pilot and combat vehicle crew HMDs, thermal weapon sights, Soldier&#039;s Integrated Protective Ensemble (SIPE), and logistics and t

s and additionally they can be used for projectile penetration injury analysis and design of protective body armors.
move to more flexible beamforming approaches, as the desire for better bandwidth reuse drives system performance and flexibility.

twork security applications. A software embodiment of this system will be offered for sale as a tool for live monitoring of intrusions and ma

y for no-glasses-required true 3D viewing opens new avenues of DoD research and development in supervisory control interfaces, battlesp

ps will be applicable to industries where the time required for a human to complete a routine task (such as UPS loading a truck, or an auto
g wider ranges of parametric studies that enable new technologies and advance the state of research in many felds.

ets. The creation of a scalable GATSID solution for the Air Force enables economies of scale to be achieved by other DoD agencies and civi

(3) CANTO will include UIs and APIs for specifying this knowledge, and (4) CANTO will utilize an extended Herbal compiler to support const

dvisory system by the commercial aviation industry. Such a capability, that can detect collisions over a much larger volume of sky than a hu

o leverage this technology.

ese results will be applicable in Air Force, other DoD, and commercial areas. Commercial applications of high-power and high-speed elec

routine monitoring and in epidemiological studies investigating the relationship of particle exposures to adverse health effects in these setti
g to maintain readinesssaving training costs and returning valuable time to our nation&quot;s warfghters.
eatly reduced owing to the lower part count and faster, more alignment-tolerant assembly process. With holographic optical elements, the

Marine, and other non-Department of Defense government agencies.

be directly applicable to the feld of directed energy and would be an immediately desired product.
cles. The performance of LEDs, lasers and phosphors can be enhanced by the use of core-shell nanoparticles.

rcraft from personal electronic devices and stray radar energy. Dual-use military applications for various forms of Metal Rubber nanocomp

storage devices (e.g., capacitors), materials for thermal management in numerous electronic and opto-electronic devices, and magnetic ma
ems, and personal portable communication electronic devices such as cell phones, pads and platorms. Examples include shielding paints a

lopment will also bring benefts to imaging LADAR and free-space communication. Signifcant commercial applications of the S4SAM techn

oday) has a requirement for a wide feld of view camera. As UGVs add roles beyond simple reconnaissance (such as targeting), the sensor

he MFS architecture, algorithms and technologies will be applicable across all Air Force and DOD missile systems. The technologies and alg

ension of its life span. The comprehensive test solution to be provided by the traveling-wave measurement system should directly contribu

ll as radar and sensor applications in both the military and commercial marketplaces.

G framework has a signifcant potential for both military and commercial applications. Example DOD applications include GPS-denied surve

e the software, and design features for Air Force specifcations, followed by optimization for more commercial programs.
200oC because of excessive junction leakage currents, and even the most advanced silicon-on-insulator (SOI) devices are limited to about 3

ile the costs of typical high-purity hydrocarbon-based commercial chemicals are on the order of $6 per gallon in bulk. Even at a cost of $32
e interoperability with a variety of source and load confgurations. In addition to the direct benefts to military applications, there is pote
bution infrastructure. Alternatively, an injection system could be installed in line with existing fuel tank flling equipment so that the conce
M characterization instruments that can reliably measure black carbon (soot) PM are needed by jet engine manufactures to support their d

monitor the dispersion of harmful chemical and biological agents and dusts in the atmosphere. In situ measuring instruments are increasin
s. Government applications include: coordinated unmanned robotic teams for aerial and ground reconnaissance, shipbuilding and painting

nt simulation tool suite that will accurately assess sustainment issues and conditions and enable rapid determination of optimal repair proc

ive flight testing support capabilities enable the entire development cycle from concept through to flight proven technology.

y fuel engine. Variants of this MCC engine confguration would also provide the capability to operate on other fuels such as gasoline, biofue

rbitrary operating environment. 4. Parametric evaluation of bearing life, heat generation and overall performance provides signifcant guid
and defense vehicles in existing and emerging power products.
d. While the specifc data schemas developed for this SBIR may not be directly applicable to commercial applications, the technologies an
s beneft allows the aircraft to remain in service for longer durations, to have shorter downtimes for maintenance, and to possibly have a lo

ot;time-required&quot;basis as a business model. The modular, scalable design of the simulation software will also enable the confgurati
ng more efficient allocation of resources to counter the threat. Other possible benefts include tracking specifc platorms suspected of car

cluding Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, and Northrop Grumman. Customers also include U.S. Air Force, Navy, and Army engineers re

Corporation and several key aerospace structure OEMs, turbine engine OEMs. Environetix will deliver initial quantities of sensor systems t
eliable autonomous postern see-and-avoid systems will surge. Because of its compact size, lightweight, and low cost, the SAPIEN system can

odeling to calculate the interactions with more fdelity, leading to a better understanding of HPEMI, weapon lethality, and system vulnerab
lasers to be co-propagation and counter-propagation pumping of CW fber lasers, improving the output power and beam quality achievabl

lier of deformable mirrors (DM) for high energy lasers. Our endeavor into DM manufacturing is part of a more comprehensive Strategic Pla

ft to reduce optical disturbances associated with laser communication to and from these platorms.
peal of the SMALLER-HMD technology for such nonmilitary applications as Homeland Security adverse weather search-and-rescue operati
application to non-commercial clients in until volume cost reductions occur.
for the duration of the useful information life of the data. In the case of some personal information, the information life may be the life of
tech, bio-remediation, nuclear, oil and gas, chemical and environment control industry.
ersonal electronics, civilian aircraft and other microelectronics. Other intended commercial and military applications that will beneft from

ment platorm will be designed. Such a device will dramatically and directly impact the engineering and manufacturing processes of aeros

fficient manufacturing of CMCs with very well calibrated properties.

. Markets of similar size are likely for non-aviation applications.

he simultaneous measurements of particle size, number, and mass at better than 5 Hz temporal resolution, and the measurements will be b

idth constraints. The solution also has applications in ground-based sensors. ObjectVideo has experience developing low-power rapidly-d
, traffic monitoring, weather observation, as well as entertainment applications.

ognition for handheld devices like cell phones, and human interfaces for automobiles.
odeling has applications in agricultural, construction, mining, and forestry applications, for example. Optimizing the product for real-time u

civilian radars.

n of blow-off in augmentors, study of basic aspects of flame extinction and reignition, prediction of pollutant formation from flames, and de

mework developed in Phase I will be quite general. As such it can be applied to a variety of radar systems for a variety of missions, and can

h clearance by the DoD, the additives implementation can be a game changer in commercial aviation fuel purchase and logistics expenses.
her branches of the military and commercial sectors will be facilitated due to the broad-based interest in non-chrome, effective, and self-h

nd predictive accuracy, when compared against current commercial and in-house tools. We expect that this new methodology will be an en
ening a new commercial market by bundling the DMS500 instrument, including our post-processing software, with a SAE E-31 compliant sa

stimated at $100M. This includes retroftting a subset of nucleonic gauging systems in existing markets and new markets in semiconductor
ment developed in Phase II will be structured as a modular, multi-scale, and expandable tool. That will allow customers to integrate this too
d its commercial parteners with a tremendous return-on-investment for the technology. Furthermore, Luna&quot;s handheld 3D imaging s

ONcept of OPerations (CONOPS) 2) Increase lift mass (The enhanced communications capabilities will enable simplifed flight trajectories. [

of being commercialized: 1) a heavy-fuel, high power-density engine, 2) a power dense alternator, 3) a power converter, and 4) a power ma

navigation market - ultimately an opportunity likely larger than the $30B outdoor location market served by GPS.

ve operating procedures.
hardware would have many more opportunities to access rides. A low-cost developer&quot;s kit (which we would develop and commercia
riments. The same materials also hold great potential in thermionic energy conversion. The proposed project will also enable the commerc
eivers and expertise in the analysis of TID&quot;s as well as ionospheric modeling, data-analysis, and assimilation methods. The availabilit

rveillance is required by an imaging sensor on an aerial platorm, such as border patrol, crime fghting, traffic analysis, and counter-terroris
ry strong frequency-dependent absorption and dispersion in this frequency range. However, generation of such high frequency signal with

rint for integration. SI2&quot;s low profle, conformal, highly efficient array architectures provide an ideal solution for enabling BLOS comm
ubarray (or groups of subarrays) alone will serve as the complete functional antenna.

d rescue, reconnaissance missions in contaminated area, and situational awareness of battlefeld. All of these applications will beneft from

EDs, and for the characterization of muzzle flash and gunfre detection. Examples of non-DoD applications include remote sensing for prec

been under development through an Air Force funded SBIR with CSE. rkmGen is a GUI-driven chemical kinetic software that can be used fo

mmercial standpoint, the proposed automated intelligent scheduling system could be applied to optimize resource allocation for military, c
g can be synergistically marketed to the same clients. We anticipate that this effort will result in additional scheduling algorithms that we w

d with our approach, 50% losses due to parasitic heat transfer losses and integration, and penetrating 10% of the waste heat market, the te

as high-power tracking radars during launch and co-site interference from nearby transmitters, and intentional sources such as high-power

sary for the OTH radar to guide the intercepting airplane to within a couple of kilometers of the target. However, TID-caused coordinate re

ndustries; they are used to support large industrial equipment, to decelerate railcars, and often incorporated in suspension systems, includ
n Commercialization Achievement Index of 90 and related cumulative revenues from sales and additional investments of over $42 million.

ble in preventing communication disruptions and avoiding equipment damage from a potential hostile enemy intent on interfering with a v
Radio System Ground Mobile Radio, DCGS-N--Distributed Common Ground Station-Navy, DCGS-X (Air Force), DCGS Army (DCGS-A) system. F
re currently sparse in regions of interest, and if existing deployed GPS equipment can be used to obtain TEC and other space weather param
uction to future AFRL efforts.
in next generation sense-and-avoid systems by replacing the data fusion portion of more limited systems or by post-processing outputs of
tifcation (RFID) tags attached to tactical SRMs will provide passive (no battery)&quot;Smart Shelf Life&quot;tags which allow instant readin

he civilian airspace in coming years, putting additional coordination burdens on the system and likely requiring increased amounts of direc

ction tools, but will also serve the location-tagging and spatial visualization needs of operational customers as well. Transitioning our techn

the Identity Provider solution to consolidate and streamline user identity management and to provide centralized user authentication - Go
in that also requires predicting and avoiding collisions among multiple fast-moving objects.

ed and unmanned systems, providing, for example, hazardous material transport over-watch or emergency response plans for natural disas

etwork reliability and availability.

licable to ground based space object imaging as well as commercial aircraft and ship defense. OPC has already demonstrated success wit

an Assistance/Disaster Relief or emergency management operations. The beneft of this technology is the improved responsiveness of eme
nments, tools, and devices as applicable. To acquisition professionals, the RAPID Tool will provide a data driven analysis of the training effe
natural environments would have signifcant implications for almost every application, military and civilian, that processes sound. Existing s
pe of complex object.

ence. In addition to SATCOM UAV applications, this linear, high-efficiency SSPA technology can be utilized in space-based applications inclu
nd have stated they would beneft from QUALE-PNT. PreTalen included many of these organizations in their stakeholder base (746th, JNWC
mented PNT systems operate in different environmental conditions. Such a capability has applicability to a multitude of government and co
eneft the DoD, which faces increasingly scarce spectrum due to the high demands for revenue-bearing consumer applications. Lastly, thro
M, including the design of a hardware architecture and power-sharing control strategies. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed IPM

include banking and online trading. Furthermore, the software components could play a key role for online gaming. Finally, providing accu

mentation, other customers will be those who develop and manufacture wind tunnel instrumentation. While it is important to target custo

tal monitoring, medicine, and manufacturing process control.

n particular. The system has no moving parts, or pressurized propellant, and poses little risk to primary payloads when launched as a secon
h as stints, hearts, valves, and assist pumps

swept volume of the diameter of the aperture. The tracking system is also of a novel design, requiring only a single transceiver and yet pro
e of sensor noise and errors in geo-registered reference data while overcoming fundamental and operational challenges and enable many
e in that market.

benefts include increased capability to design passive multistatic radar systems, assess threat systems, and develop illumination selection m
that is more robust to icing, lower weight, more environmentally friendly (no glycol fluids), and without extensive modifcation for retroftti

ting many radar types and thus is an inexpensive and innovative solution for designing and testing radar systems.

TEAMS-based EMA PHM software, on one hand, will be able to leverage these inbuilt capabilities, and on the other hand, will enjoy shorter
ize of the sensor will demonstrate the possibility of miniature imaging as well as the ability to integrate onto airborne platorms. Finally, th
erformance components with minimum power, size, weight, and cost.
mers who rely on a bulky monopole antenna attached to their phones and laptops and receive poor service due to high interference, foliag
uits than are currently available through captive rad-hard foundries. Availability of the 130nm low-power RH MPSoC cell library will allow h

models and uncertainties in the data, for example, urban surveillance from WAMI sensors, GMTI and AMTI tracking, 2D/3D particle tracking
been applied off-line to over 100 different large to enormous real data sets for over 200 combined years of data. DF &amp; NN has a pend
th the commercial and residential building product markets. Our lightweight, high specifc power product can be incorporated into fabric, s

tronic Systems (NG ES). For technology transitioning, we envision insertion of the SAR/inertial navigation mechanization into NG ES existing

ng systems across air, space and cyber.

h remote and/or mobile networked nodes/platorms/smartphones. The team will address these potential users (national grid network mo

y will result in signifcant cost savings to the Military. In addition, the results of this SBIR will also be benefcial to the high-temperature poly

ogy. Similarly, ACTMAN technology components can be applied to UAV-based ad hoc networks for surveillance and frst responders, or it ca
pplications: Multi-user downlink in cellular systems uses smart antenna beamforming. The innovations described in this proposal can provid

tellite communications programs (e.g. Iridium, Globalstar and Spaceway), and commercial SATCOM broadcast programs including XM radio

ce components will enable material suppliers to certify the level of residual stress in their forged product, which will enable end users to sp

ining a GNSS receiver would beneft from the technologies developed in this proposal.

mprove heat transfer in the submodule heat sink by utilizing foam-based strategies while minimizing pressure and volume pumping require
existing capability with these new developments into a real-time environment for rapid tuning against new data sources.
, steam turbines, power generators, wind power machines, gas turbines, hydroelectric turbine generators).
ntrol system, which would have a signifcant impact on engine health and stability for the war fghter. The software system should be applic
lopment, and (7) a number of industrial applications, such as autonomous manufacturing plants and automated warehousing managemen

ity of commercial transportation. In addition to safety improvements through improved material selection and design, the system will enab

ort will have signifcant impact on improving reliability and safety procedures of weapons bay designs of tactical aircraft and will reduce dep
where the tools can be used, for example, to create optimal designs for any surfaces and/or cavities exposed to high-speed fluid flows.

rect relevance to a variety of commercial applications, including commercial wireless networks and even consumer electronics. First and fo
n analysis is considerable if coupled to a validated acoustic prediction capability.

mobile applications. This increase in mobile malware has driven a nascent yet dynamic market in mobile security products and services, an

ations without full-scale, prototype implementation. This would result in signifcant cost savings to the U.S Government. At the conclusion
tailor the use of the enabling technologies given any assessed defciencies and strengths during the training event. While we will develop a

control. The system design can be extended to dual use applications in medicine by allowing radiologists to view holographic displays of C
ble, lower power technology to improve both functionality and reliability and the amortization of common design and qualifcation costs ov

educe the maintenance cost of access control. By using its data-driven approach, CAPSA can eliminate the manual process of defning and

ting over actual DoD wireless environments (single link/single path to multilinks/multipath). Post-such a Phase I demo, the team plans to a

ystem, or alternatively it can be implemented as an extension to existing cloud infrastructures. The IR cloud platorm is designed to provide

way satellite internet services. 2-way satellite internet is an emerging market with ViaSat in a leading position after its launch of ViaSat-1 in

ss and potential biases that may be present.

ntelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance equipment, unmanned systems, space systems and cyberspace tools. There is considerable c

Corporation and shown to detect and protect against a wide range of cyber attacks. In this Phase I of this project, we will leverage the Auto
easurements. Commercial aircraft and marine vessels could beneft from a compact, rugged device, which may prove cost-effective for s
s and various communities of decision makers exists whether the project involves military acquisition or commercial global competitivenes

nology could also be applied to other types of focal plane arrays. In addition to the military/defense market for IR detection arrays, there a

ors. The general trend in imaging devices is to exhibit faster and faster rates, needing a faster test system to keep pace with their developm
offer to adapt our tool to beneft their processes. Major commercial airline carriers could also beneft from using the developed toolset fo
of Phase II, We-CLAP is expected to mature into a full-scale prototype that has been demonstrated to provide such capabilities for LVC envir
emble (SIPE), and logistics and training. DHS and the State Department can beneft from the MAGIC-HMD technology as well for security o

rformance and flexibility.

monitoring of intrusions and malware infections, and for sophisticated network forensics, allowing in-depth after-the-fact tracing of securit

isory control interfaces, battlespace visualizations, immersive and collaborative environments, human factors, human vision, etc. Additiona

s UPS loading a truck, or an auto mechanic changing a transmission) are dependent upon the frequency at which the task is performed. A
any felds.

d by other DoD agencies and civilian organizations. Intelligent, prioritized and fltered network-centric entity updates and HCI visualizations

Herbal compiler to support constructive agents in ACT-R and other cognitive architectures.

h larger volume of sky than a human and is never distracted, will improve pilot situation awareness and therefore, safety of the flight. Ra

high-power and high-speed electronics are in need of the thermal management that SIRI provides. In commercial applications, SIRI can be

dverse health effects in these settings. In addition, this new monitor will ft well within the framework of an advanced platorm that we are

holographic optical elements, the&quot;gold-standard&quot;masters created during the NRE phase can be used to manufacture replicas w
rms of Metal Rubber nanocomposites include highly mechanically robust EMI and radiation shielding appliques. Additional applications inc

tronic devices, and magnetic materials for data storage. Mainly, our goals will be enhance new materials knowhow to enable large scale p
amples include shielding paints and coatings, gaskets, tape, cable and connector shielding, windows, enclosures and radomes.

applications of the S4SAM technology are expected as a result of advantages in terms of coverage and cost. Laser alignment systems have

e (such as targeting), the sensor developed could serve in that role for these platorms. Commercial applications will be investigated includ

stems. The technologies and algorithms will be extendable to many DoD and commercial applications that utilize electronic processing and

t system should directly contribute to a signifcant reduction in the time and cost required to test aircraft coatings, and in particular ones th

ations include GPS-denied surveillance and reconnaissance missions where geo-location of objects of interests must be supplemented with

cial programs.
OI) devices are limited to about 300oC. While SOI circuits have been demonstrated to operate at 300oC, a common rating among the comm

lon in bulk. Even at a cost of $32 per gallon for an advanced endothermic fuel blend, a missile fuel capacity of approximately 100 gallons e
litary applications, there is potential for application in commercial aircraft, terrestrial vehicles, and marine vehicles. Finally, the FDEAU tech
ing equipment so that the concentrated suspension would be added to the fuel at a metered rate. This nanofuel technology could be exte
manufactures to support their development efforts required in meeting the more stringent emissions standards that are in place and expec

asuring instruments are increasingly sought for the control and operation of chemical plants and coal power plants. The main advantages o
ssance, shipbuilding and painting, EOD disposal, and logistics/resupply/materials handling; automated airborne refueling control systems; a

rmination of optimal repair processes across the organization will enable users to operate their repair processes more efficiently compared

roven technology.

her fuels such as gasoline, biofuels, propane and natural gas which will create additional commercial opportunities. There is also a large de

ormance provides signifcant guidance for practical design and development of new materials and lubricants for future applications. 5. Para
applications, the technologies and architecture can be readily utilized to enhance existing and future commercial SOA applications. By inco
nance, and to possibly have a longer lifespan. All these benefts lead to lowering the cost of total aircraft ownership. Potential commercia

e will also enable the confguration of multiple mobile devices into training devices with varying levels of sophistication to support a wide
ecifc platorms suspected of carrying contraband, WMD or supporting GWOT, enhanced spectrum management, identifying particular plat

ce, Navy, and Army engineers responsible for aircraft stores certifcation. Non-military applications range from airborne weather sensor de

al quantities of sensor systems to the Air Force, and will interact with supply manufacturers to deliver sensors in production-scale quantitie
low cost, the SAPIEN system can be installed in small, remotely controlled aerial vehicles for applications such as police surveillance and tr

n lethality, and system vulnerability. Military agencies will be interested to use the comprehensive HPEMI analysis tool to do system design
wer and beam quality achievable before the onset of nonlinear effects such as SRS. Finally, fber architectures and knowledge gained in the

more comprehensive Strategic Plan to take a variety of high end optical system and sub-assemblies that employ our know-how in high preci

ather search-and-rescue operations, frefghting, gaming HMD, flight simulators, and other immersive display systems, including medical an

formation life may be the life of the individual, or as much as 100 years. This level of protection demands the strongest algorithms and key
plications that will beneft from this technology include telecommunication relay stations, data farms, computing centers and transmit/rece

manufacturing processes of aerospace components. Residual stresses in components could be measured during the development process,

and the measurements will be backed by tractable calibration procedures. The LII technique (and also scattering and photoacoustic techni

developing low-power rapidly-deployable sentry cameras and applications for mobile devices carried by warfghters, which share similar h

izing the product for real-time use will open up additional markets in defense and border security.

nt formation from flames, and design of industrial burners with CFD. This expertise can be sold to a wide variety of industries, something w

or a variety of missions, and can be translated into other domains such as computing, autonomous vehicles, and perhaps even neuroscien

urchase and logistics expenses.

on-chrome, effective, and self-healing corrosion resistant coatings.

new methodology will be an enabling technology for the high-fdelity prediction of turbulent combustion flows in complex gas turbine aug
are, with a SAE E-31 compliant sampling line we are developing under a related project for direct sale to potential customers and for obtain

new markets in semiconductor QC and fberglass product QC. These markets see the benefts of THz imaging being the use of non-harmfu
w customers to integrate this tool within their existing analytical framework in a complementary manner. It will incorporate a fully paramet
a&quot;s handheld 3D imaging system has the cross-cutting potential to streamline other inspection tasks during F-35 production, such as

ble simplifed flight trajectories. [no need to fly over current ground stations to maintain communications link] These simplifed flight traject

er converter, and 4) a power management system.

e would develop and commercialize in this SBIR track) would enable those users. Major government use cases include potential NASA expe
ect will also enable the commercialization of molecular beam epitaxy-grown HgCdTe-based materials and devices for various DOD, DOE and
milation methods. The availability of already deployed TIDDBIT systems and their TID databases leads to the added beneft that no hardwa

ffic analysis, and counter-terrorism.

such high frequency signal with enough power is very challenging for practical applications. Among all the solutions, optical based method

olution for enabling BLOS communications on an EELV. In addition to the EELV platorm targeted here, SI2&quot;s low profle, wideband co

ese applications will beneft from accurate characterization of geo-location uncertainty. UC has identifed numerous product opportunitie

include remote sensing for precision farming.

etic software that can be used for various chemical kinetic computations including the development of reduced kinetic models. Therefore,

esource allocation for military, civilian and commercial SATCOM, or ISR programs. A marginal 1% increase in utilization would generate sav
scheduling algorithms that we will be able to incorporate into our existing scheduling products, thus increasing the benefts they provide a

of the waste heat market, the team estimates an economically viable TE device could enable recovery of ~20 trillion BTU of waste heat/yea

onal sources such as high-power microwave (HPM) and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons and high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HE

wever, TID-caused coordinate registration errors can easily be several tens of kilometers, so mitigation of these errors would have immedia

ed in suspension systems, including automobiles and motorcycles, and therefore are other candidates for this technology. The shock strut
nvestments of over $42 million. Team ATA&quot;s effort will culminate in a new suite of software implementations that combines state-o

my intent on interfering with a vital communication link. The phenomenology understanding obtained during Phase I will enable Kord to o
), DCGS Army (DCGS-A) system. For some of these programs we already have close connections and know considerable program details. Th
C and other space weather parameters, then data will suddenly be available in large quantities in the regions of greatest interest. The work

or by post-processing outputs of existing limited trackers to produce the integrated track results.
ot;tags which allow instant reading in the feld of SRM propellant status (&quot;go, no-go&quot;or percent remaining lifetime) without spec

iring increased amounts of direct air to air data exchange. Even on the nations highways, proposed networks such as WAVE for passing traffi

as well. Transitioning our technology into these organizations will support intelligence analysts, incident managers, intelligence preparatio

ralized user authentication - Government agencies and online Service Provider to use SAML attribute service to provide trust services (e.g

response plans for natural disasters or biological, chemical, or nuclear attacks.

ready demonstrated success with transitioning technologies developed with SBIR funding to ongoing research and acquisition programs. In

mproved responsiveness of emergency responders, better and more timely decisions, and in the end, even saving of lives.
riven analysis of the training effectiveness tradeoffs of current and future devices, including consideration of non-traditional fdelity variabl
that processes sound. Existing systems would be improved, deployment in new environments would be enabled, and new applications wo

n space-based applications including broadband RF cross-link communications in satellite constellations and the Air Force&quot;s V/W-ban
r stakeholder base (746th, JNWC, GPSD, Mitre, SAF/AQS). The short answer is, again, that there is a demand for this technology from gover
multitude of government and commercial markets including defense, homeland security, in-vehicle navigation and personal navigation.
nsumer applications. Lastly, through the fusion of DSA and GPS, an unparalleled level of information assurance is offered which provides pr
he feasibility of the proposed IPMM design and justify the transition from Phase I to Phase II, a combination of advanced modeling, simulati

e gaming. Finally, providing accurate clock synchronization across a network, or across networks, is critical in many popular online applicati

hile it is important to target customers who are interested in using this technology, it is also important to understand the number of facilitie
yloads when launched as a secondary payload. The propellant is stored as a solid during launch and is not a leakage risk. Furthermore, the

y a single transceiver and yet provides an uninterrupted receive signal throughout the receive and tracking chain. Both the aperture and th
nal challenges and enable many automated tools for the exploitation of WAMI data. These include: Tracking and handoff of high-value tar

develop illumination selection managers.

tensive modifcation for retroftting to the aircraft.

he other hand, will enjoy shorter maturation period owing to the maturity of the host platorm. While the primary target application area
o airborne platorms. Finally, the sensor will demonstrate the ability to replace larger, heavier, and less-capable systems with a miniature,
e due to high interference, foliage etc, will be able to use FLPA as a high gain antenna for improved telecom service. Search and rescue team
H MPSoC cell library will allow higher performance systems in space. Our 130nm low-power RH metal programmable system-on-a-chip cel

racking, 2D/3D particle tracking, and dynamic analysis of cellular organism in microbiology domain. The proposed technologies can also b
f data. DF &amp; NN has a pending patent on the ANOM technology and plans to commercialize ANOM to many DoD and commercial syst
can be incorporated into fabric, structural composites, and polymeric circuitry to present advantages over ultra-high efficiency expensive m

mechanization into NG ES existing and perspective embedded GPS/inertial (EGI) products. This will extend the product functionality envelop

users (national grid network monitoring/inspection mobile networked platorms, private corporate network operators, ad hoc disaster relie

cial to the high-temperature polyimide composite community. The methodology for the characterization and the overall understanding of

nce and frst responders, or it can be applied to home network, campus network, or small enterprise network as ubiquitous-network enabl
cribed in this proposal can provide considerably higher throughput with the same antenna arrays. Silvus &amp; #1048758; expertise in MIM

ast programs including XM radio, Sirius Radio and DirectTV. Future commercial applications for these source products also include monitor

which will enable end users to specifcally account for residual stress effects in design (and will result in signifcant positive beneft).

ure and volume pumping requirements. Ultramet will work with Raytheon to design and fabricate hardware and perform submodule testin
oftware system should be applicable for any high-bandwidth experimental or numerical data, and as such will have a very broad commerci
mated warehousing management.

and design, the system will enable structural health monitoring and the collection of remaining useful life data which will reduce maintena

ctical aircraft and will reduce dependence on flight and wind tunnel tests.
sed to high-speed fluid flows.

onsumer electronics. First and foremost, FIRST RF looks forward to working with Air Force to explore the applicability of this technology to t

ecurity products and services, and the developed technology will show its great potential in this market.

Government. At the conclusion of the SBIR effort, the commercialization strategy for CRAFT Tech would involve providing support to the Ai
ng event. While we will develop a test-bed customized to meet the needs and challenges of Air Force operational training, our approach is d

to view holographic displays of CT and MRI images, in scientifc visualization for 3D engineering drawings and multidimensional data display
design and qualifcation costs over multiple programs. Further savings will accrue as a result of the reduced cost of aircraft modifcation du

manual process of defning and updating user&quot;s roles and attributes. Therefore, CAPSA will result in better and automated access con

hase I demo, the team plans to approach the Program Managers DoD and DHS PMs identifed via Ray&quot;s research with the documente

d platorm is designed to provide access to a shared pool of confgurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications

tion after its launch of ViaSat-1 in 2011. ViaSat has negotiations underway for additional satellites and coverage, reaching further residentia

e tools. There is considerable commercial opportunity in applying this technology to the homeland security context as well, whereby user

roject, we will leverage the Autonomia and AIM technologies to demonstrate critical capabilities for building the proposed resilient cloud s
ch may prove cost-effective for some applications.
ommercial global competitiveness. This is a timely topic given the expansion of model based systems technology and the need to incorpora

et for IR detection arrays, there are signifcant commercial applications if the cost curve can be bent down enough. Bio-medical, security sca

o keep pace with their development. Other commercial customers are looking for a wide FOV and high resolution imaging capability w
m using the developed toolset for flight planning, as a way to automate the processes of evaluating routing changes and flight planning mo
de such capabilities for LVC environments. We will also seek to connect We-CLAP with existing programs, such as PETS, DCS Logger, PFPS, J
technology as well for security operations.
h after-the-fact tracing of security breaches.

ors, human vision, etc. Additionally, commercial applications in medical imaging, 3D CAD engineering, scientifc visualization and over the lo

which the task is performed. A common data format is the gateway by which existing commercial systems may share data with DoD syste

y updates and HCI visualizations span across multiple DoD agencies creating a need for a common open standards based service solution. T

erefore, safety of the flight. Raytheon will support the transition effort of UC&quot;s passive postern SAA technology into their future rem

mercial applications, SIRI can be applied to manufacturing lines, as well as in depot-level repairs of electronics such as supercomputers and

n advanced platorm that we are developingthe individualized Health Status, Environment, Activity, and Location (iHEAL) platorm. This plat

used to manufacture replicas with the same high standard of quality, resulting in a much greater yield of high quality devices at a lower pr
ques. Additional applications include biomimetric systems, thermal control system materials, actuators, lightning strike protection, RF shiel

nowhow to enable large scale production capabilities and create an initial niche market for developing radio frequency flters, EM shields,
sures and radomes.

t. Laser alignment systems have been used in many ways, such as in the construction of pipelines, nuclear particle accelerators, and many a

ations will be investigated including machine vision for manufacturing.

utilize electronic processing and REX systems. CEI has close relationship with primes to get MFS inserted into future missile systems. The a

oatings, and in particular ones that are applied on in-service aircraft, where only a few less-effective test methods are otherwise available.

ests must be supplemented with estimated error bounds and estimation confdence levels. From the prospective of private sector, the larg

ommon rating among the commercial products is 225oC. Wide band-gap materials can be used to build devices, capable of operation at hi

y of approximately 100 gallons each suggests a total fuel cost of only about $3.2M to $6.4M out of a $1B to $2B overall production program
vehicles. Finally, the FDEAU technology under investigation in this SBIR may be applicable to renewable energy technologies (e.g., wind or
nofuel technology could be extended to direct-injection internal combustion engines for all kinds of applications.
dards that are in place and expected in the future. These instruments will also be necessary to enforce compliance with these regulations.

r plants. The main advantages of the HASPAM over existing airborne particle analyzers include the simultaneous measurement of the size
orne refueling control systems; automated weapons platorms; aerospace vehicles; and distributed command/control systems.

esses more efficiently compared to current capabilities, as they try to keep their fleets serviceable and safe, while minimizing operational c

tunities. There is also a large demand for this type of engine system in other Federal and State Agency applications such as law enforceme

s for future applications. 5. Parametric modeling capabilities also facilitate precise failure diagnosis and subsequent design enhancements
ercial SOA applications. By incorporating new and innovative methods for handling the SOA in a transient heterogeneous network, many p
wnership. Potential commercial applications include: - The 250 existing C-130J aircraft plus 2000 other C-130 variants, with approximate

sophistication to support a wide range of training applications.

ment, identifying particular platorms (air and surface) from day-to-day in theater enhancing real-time EOB and PIN update accuracy, and f

rom airborne weather sensor deployment to cargo extraction on aircraft involved in search and rescue operations. Applications of the mod

ors in production-scale quantities to meet USAF needs. The Environetix strain sensor system will provide data that has far-reaching beneft
uch as police surveillance and traffic control. Its low cost will also make it suitable for collision avoidance in automobiles and boats.

analysis tool to do system designs of packaged electronics with reduced HPEMI susceptibilities, provide analysis of possible effects. The to
res and knowledge gained in the pursuit of this effort will inform the ability to design similar fbers based on dopants other than Yb. Such f

ploy our know-how in high precision optics and atmospheric turbulence compensation to market. The beam director we will build under t

ay systems, including medical and CAD/CAE 3D image displays and virtual reality displays for endoscopy/laparoscopy.

he strongest algorithms and key strengths available. Integrity: The content of the data cannot be modifed without detection, either accid
puting centers and transmit/receive modules that are prevalent on Navy ships, aircraft and communications systems.

uring the development process, permitting real-time optimization of manufacturing processes. The increased amount of data correlating m

ttering and photoacoustic techniques) is also well suited for in situ measurement. Instrumentation for measuring particulates is critical in t

arfghters, which share similar hardware platorms. Advancing the exploitation capabilities of these applications has tremendous benefts.

ariety of industries, something which CSE has been doing for more than ten years. The market size for the technology developed in this pr

s, and perhaps even neuroscience and evolutionary biology. The project will develop the fundamental tools necessary to design and analy
flows in complex gas turbine augmentor applications. This program will provide pathways to two salable products: software and enginee
tential customers and for obtaining service contracts for conducting the regulatory measurements at customer&quot;s specifed locations.

ing being the use of non-harmful radiation, non-contact measurement, and nondestructively imaging through opaque materials for both s
t will incorporate a fully parametric formulation for every aspect of the inputs and outputs of the 3D solid element, ply-by-ply FEA models t
during F-35 production, such as panel gap/step measurement.

nk] These simplifed flight trajectories means the EELV can carry less fuel and more payload. 3) Reduced down range ground asset depende

ses include potential NASA experiments accommodated on commercial platorms, and military use of the secure architecture to host SSA s
evices for various DOD, DOE and NASA applications. Advanced heterostructures, will signifcantly improve the performance of HgCdTe-bas
e added beneft that no hardware development or deployment is required for the success of this Phase-I project. The resulting TID assimil
solutions, optical based methods that rely on high-frequency and high-power PDs are greatly favored due to its wide bandwidth and conf

&quot;s low profle, wideband conformal array technology can beneft a wide variety of Air Force and DOD platorms and applications inclu

numerous product opportunities within the US Military modernization effort centering on implementing C4ISR (Command, Control, Comp

uced kinetic models. Therefore, outcome of this work will benefts the OEMs as well as CFD users and vendors.

in utilization would generate savings or increased sales in the tens of millions.

asing the benefts they provide and their value.

20 trillion BTU of waste heat/year. Additionally, the incorporation of TE devices in automobiles can improve the efficiency of their power sy

titude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) bursts from nuclear explosions. Current methods of EM protection include plasma limiters, solid state

hese errors would have immediate beneft to the existing ROTHR system. Planned use of next-generation OTHRs for cruise missile and balli

his technology. The shock strut sensing system can be used as a tool for evaluating maintenance intervals and performance of maintenanc
entations that combines state-of-the-art technologies in detection and tracking to comprise an integrated approach suitable for autonomo

ing Phase I will enable Kord to optimize the design during Phase II to exploit the nature of FSSs and/or photonic crystals to achieve the abil
considerable program details. The market for military applications is quite large and IFT has successfully transitioned research prototypes fo
ns of greatest interest. The work complements ASTRA&quot;s existing commercial production of science-grade GPS receivers and space we
remaining lifetime) without special training or specialized equipment. These Smart Shelf Life tags will improve ordnance reliability by iden

rks such as WAVE for passing traffic and safety information from car to car might beneft from concepts developed under this program.

managers, intelligence preparation for the battlefeld, and event detection / response collaboration. To accomplish our objectives, we will s

vice to provide trust services (e.g. Secure Token Service) for RESTful applications - Government agencies and online Service provider to use

rch and acquisition programs. In particular, OPC is building deformable mirrors to meet the needs of several government and prime contra

n saving of lives.
of non-traditional fdelity variables that are important in RPA training environments. While we continue to develop a tool customized to me
nabled, and new applications would become possible. Consumer applications would include hearing technologies, speech technologies, an

d the Air Force&quot;s V/W-band communications system. Specifc examples include the Joint Arial Layered Network (JALN) and AISR arch
d for this technology from government and primes, but the primes cannot compete on a price basis with a company like PreTalen.
tion and personal navigation. Indirect benefts come from improved RF system testing functionality which will serve the greater wireless
ance is offered which provides protection against electronic attacks in both communications and navigation application areas.
n of advanced modeling, simulation, and analysis and hardware prototyping will be utilized to demonstrate that the proposed IPMM is cap

n many popular online applications. These include hi-frequency trading, online gambling, and online bidding (such as eBay).

nderstand the number of facilities available to conduct wind tunnel testing. While there are certainly wind tunnels worldwide, our initial m
a leakage risk. Furthermore, the lack of mechanisms enables signifcant miniaturization, enabling a high-deltaV propulsion system that res

chain. Both the aperture and the tracking system are transitionable technologies.
ng and handoff of high-value targets to and from WAMI data. Precision targeting. Mission Planning Automated Activity Analysis Real-ti
primary target application area of this PHM technology is EMAs on military air platorm, it is likely to fnd a wide range of commercial appl
pable systems with a miniature, uncooled sensor, saving size, weight, power, inefficiency, and cost. Specifc applications for the proposed
m service. Search and rescue teams who work in remote felds will also fnd this technology vital to their needs for enhanced telecom and n
grammable system-on-a-chip cell library addresses the latch-up, total ionizing dose, and single-event effects requirements including the&q

proposed technologies can also be used to enable real-time and forensic analysis tasks that fnd a lot of applications in the domains of geos
many DoD and commercial systems in collaboration with our Commercialization Pilot Program team member Lockheed Martin Corporatio
ultra-high efficiency expensive multijunction PV. In Phase II, we specifcally will be able to evaluate production readiness of the thin flm dev

he product functionality envelope to include GPS-challenged and GPS-denied environments; and, will also lower the cost of inertial sensor

k operators, ad hoc disaster relief organizations; border/crisis monitoring platorms, etc) with customized demonstrations based upon their

nd the overall understanding of thick-laminate processing for MVK-14 FreeForm would apply to other polyimide resin systems.

ork as ubiquitous-network enabling capabilities

amp; #1048758; expertise in MIMO and smart antenna processing is of particular value here as 5G cellular systems have adopted MIMO an

ce products also include monitoring and detection systems for all-weather, day-and-night operations (i.e., mm-wave imaging, airport surve

nifcant positive beneft).

e and perform submodule testing to fully evaluate the potential of this thermal management approach. A system-level demonstration will
will have a very broad commercial application covering most of the Universities, Government laboratories, engine companies, etc. Furtherm
data which will reduce maintenance overall ownership costs of commercial transports. Once the technology has been transitioned to the A

pplicability of this technology to the near-term need for conformal airborne RF sensors.

volve providing support to the Air Force and its prime contractors in the use of this weapons bay model that will form a test bed for design
tional training, our approach is designed to be generalizable and applicable to other DoD agencies and commercial organizations who face

nd multidimensional data display. Other dual use applications include visualization of cultural heritage sites, holographic special effects for
d cost of aircraft modifcation during the retroft process.

better and automated access control while providing a cost savings to the organization.

t;s research with the documented results of this effort, a recording of the demo, and an invitation to provide feedback into the features sui

ks, servers, storage, applications, and services) with minimal management effort offering a low-risk, low-cost and minimally-invasive transiti

erage, reaching further residential, international, governmental, maritime, and aeronautical markets, one such contract expected to yield $

ty context as well, whereby users would be fltering incoming sensor feeds such as social media artifacts, data from national and local gove

ng the proposed resilient cloud services. Through both technologies, we aim to accurately build an adaptive high-level knowledge about th

ology and the need to incorporate additional economic and life-cycle considerations into all design processes.

enough. Bio-medical, security scanning, standoff detection and manufacturing quality control are all potential markets for low-cost, large-fo

h resolution imaging capability with a high sensitivity and fast speed that can utilize a derivative of the developed components.
changes and flight planning modifcations. We can also apply the developed toolset to help automate large team collaboration on event m
uch as PETS, DCS Logger, PFPS, JMPS and LNCS. Additionally, We-CLAP will be applicable in a variety of other domains. The immediate (hu
ntifc visualization and over the long term entertainment (gaming and movies) are highly probable offshoots of this technology.

s may share data with DoD systems.

andards based service solution. The commercialization of the GATSID system is aligned with the OSD technology roadmap as service applica

A technology into their future remotely piloted platorms. UC will work with Raytheon to transition the proposed postern SAA for the UAS p

nics such as supercomputers and dedicated accelerator boards used in felds such as sound recording and animation. These commercial app

cation (iHEAL) platorm. This platorm gathersin a time frame that captures the exposure-effect relationship personalized information on he

high quality devices at a lower price point. The results of the work will be applied to HUDs for military and commercial applications. The te
htning strike protection, RF shielding for large area structures and sensors.

dio frequency flters, EM shields, etc. for the enhancing the existing and future capabilities for the Department of Defense, specifcally for v

particle accelerators, and many assembly jobs where precise positioning is mandatory.

nto future missile systems. The architectures developed will be extremely flexible. The commercialization strategy will include generating t

ethods are otherwise available. Commercially, Advanced Fiber Sensors would like its products to fnd use in the civilian aerospace sector, b

pective of private sector, the largest commercialization potential will be achieved by transitioning the technology to automotive domain for

vices, capable of operation at higher temperatures. Silicon carbide (SiC) is the most mature material for high temperature applications. Eve

o $2B overall production program. The cost of the heat exchanger/reactors and other required thermal management system hardware com
nergy technologies (e.g., wind or solar power) that do not provide a predictable output power capability. In these applications, the power c
mpliance with these regulations. It is anticipated that subsets of the proposed integrated instruments will be required for PM measurement

neous measurement of the size and mass of particles at a much lower cost. The proposed HASPAM, with minor modifcations, will have oth
and/control systems.

e, while minimizing operational costs.

plications such as law enforcement, Homeland Security, emergency service, RPA performing intelligence, surveillance, search and rescue, an

bsequent design enhancements for rectifcation of the observed problems.

heterogeneous network, many payload and sensor control and monitoring applications could be improved. Potential benefciaries of this
-130 variants, with approximately 50% converted to the&quot;J&quot;spec. - Maintenance data collection and trending for the L-130J civ

B and PIN update accuracy, and fnally in supporting kill removal, damage assessment and EOB updates when a particular signal is no longe

rations. Applications of the modeling technology extend from aerodynamics and store separation to structural mechanics, aero-acoustics,

ata that has far-reaching benefts for the USAF including allowing increased thrust-to-weight ratios, decreased fuel consumption and engin
n automobiles and boats.

alysis of possible effects. The tool will also be of interest to the commercial space industry to provide HPEMI susceptibility analysis for thei
on dopants other than Yb. Such fbers, based on Er or Tm dopants will allow CW fber laser systems at wavelengths in the eye-safe regime, w

m director we will build under this SBIR project is well aligned with this Strategic Plan. OPC is also well prepared for technology transition


d without detection, either accidentally or deliberately. In most cases, the provable origin or provenance of the data is as important the con
ns systems.

sed amount of data correlating manufacturing processes and residual stresses will also allow researchers to develop accurate models to pr

suring particulates is critical in the deployment of propulsion systems for the warfghter. However, current instruments are not capable of r

ations has tremendous benefts. ObjectVideo commercialized an embedded video exploitation software library, which is licensed to OEM

technology developed in this project is over $10M due to the many potential applications and the pervasiveness of these issues.

ls necessary to design and analyze a cognitive processing system, and will enable further research in the abovementioned diverse felds.
products: software and engineering services. Software: A validated tool to predict acoustic combustion instabilities in engine combustors w
omer&quot;s specifed locations.

ugh opaque materials for both structural and chemical composition. Traycer has proposals and customers in these markets that echo these
element, ply-by-ply FEA models that will allowing for encapsulation and automation of the entire set of analytical steps required to fully eva

own range ground asset dependency. 4) Elimination of $100&quot;s of millions of dollars O &amp; M costs to support ground tracking stati

secure architecture to host SSA sensors on commercial host platorms to provide more comprehensive and robust worldwide coverage to d
the performance of HgCdTe-based infrared detectors and therefore improve infrared imaging capabilities.
roject. The resulting TID assimilation software can be applied to both commercial and DoD operations.
to its wide bandwidth and confgurability. The similar reasons, along with potential high available output power, PDs are vastly investigate

platorms and applications including communications, radar, and EW applications for aircraft, missile, UAS, space, and ground vehicles.

C4ISR (Command, Control, Computers, Communication, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) technologies. ISR spending in the n

e the efficiency of their power system by up to 5%. This level of waste heat energy recovery would lower the average consumer gas consum

clude plasma limiters, solid state devices, various coatings, and micro electro mechanical (MEMs) devices. Each of these technologies has l

OTHRs for cruise missile and ballistic missile detection and trajectory estimation will beneft by mitigation of TID-induced CR errors to achiev

and performance of maintenance personnel. Additionally, the shock strut sensing system could provide a useful tool for shock design and
approach suitable for autonomous operation of a space surveillance network producing higher accuracy orbit and uncertainty estimates. O

tonic crystals to achieve the ability to operate multiple RF bands in a signifcantly reduced footprint and with inherent protection to interfe
nsitioned research prototypes for inclusion in DoD contractor research simulations. Other potential commercial applications include wirele
rade GPS receivers and space weather data, in that these algorithms and ideas can be applied to commercial operations in addition to DoD
rove ordnance reliability by identifying assets which degrade prematurely from extreme environments, while reducing lifecycle costs by red

veloped under this program.

omplish our objectives, we will solicit our current contacts within the Intelligence and Homeland Security communities to demonstrate and

nd online Service provider to use OpenID /OpenID connect based solution for cross-domain identity federation and access control - Govern

ral government and prime contractor customers.

develop a tool customized to meet the needs and challenges of Air Force RPA operations, our approach is designed to be generalizable and
ologies, speech technologies, and music applications.

d Network (JALN) and AISR architectures. Furthermore, this high-efficiency power MMIC technology can be readily applied to other militar
company like PreTalen.
ch will serve the greater wireless industry. Wireless systems, for both the DoD and commercial market places, have increased functionality,
n application areas.
e that the proposed IPMM is capable of meeting the relevant performance specifcations. If successful, the IPMM technology will be demo

ng (such as eBay).

tunnels worldwide, our initial market research focuses on the United States and Canada. As our technology matures, there will be opport
eltaV propulsion system that resides within a fraction of a 1U CubeSat module.

omated Activity Analysis Real-time monitoring, and Forensic data analysis

a wide range of commercial applications. Small unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV) heavily depend on EMAs, and they are being widely
fc applications for the proposed sensor include specifc reconnaissance and cueing for RPA applications as well as self-protection for pilots
eds for enhanced telecom and navigation services. FLPA also can be used as a high gain antenna for cubesat applications as well given its
s requirements including the&quot;tolerance to even higher radiation levels&quot;aspect. These performance capabilities also result in im

plications in the domains of geospatial intelligence (GEOINT), persistent surveillance, and video analysis. These benefts include: (a) Timel
ber Lockheed Martin Corporation (LMC) for SOPS, cyber, Remotely Piloted Aircraft, and other LMC products). The space weather attributio
tion readiness of the thin flm device, patterning and printing operations at AST, as well as supply chain readiness.

lower the cost of inertial sensors. An ideal transition would include a technology spiral insertion designed to add new GIFTS capabilities to

demonstrations based upon their most likely deployed platorms But the most unique commercialization opportunity is in the emerging dig

imide resin systems.

systems have adopted MIMO and cost effective and smart MIMO antennas are viewed as a future need.

mm-wave imaging, airport surveillance, intrusion detection, and harbor traffic monitoring), fusion plasma research and thermal interaction

system-level demonstration will follow, with a complete coolant system to be designed and built for Raytheons active denial system and a 1
engine companies, etc. Furthermore, renewed interest in diverse and alternative fuels makes the proposed data analysis tools particularly
y has been transitioned to the Air Force, Luna will work with commercial partners to complete civilian qualifcations and begin marketing t

t will form a test bed for design support as well as for potentially scoping out design modifcations. Bay doors are of interest also in wheel w
mmercial organizations who face similar challenges and require improved performance measurement and assessment techniques, and tech

s, holographic special effects for the entertainment industry, and holographic teleconferencing (telepresence) applications.

de feedback into the features suite and technology roadmap. Within DoD, we believe this combination CYCLOPS/ARGOS/DDS software solu

ost and minimally-invasive transition path to new information system paradigm. The probable commercial customers are companies that po

uch contract expected to yield $410M in 2013 [Seeking Alpha]. The maritime SATCOM market alone was valued at $1.4B in 2011, with stea

data from national and local government organizations, and weather information for building a common operating picture to respond to na

e high-level knowledge about the state of the cloud system, and proactively learn from and defend against cloud attacks. We envision signi

tial markets for low-cost, large-format imaging arrays. It is anticipated that in addition to these known markets, new markets will emerge fo

eloped components.
ge team collaboration on event management for large commercial organizations, from planning to post-event review. This will offer a much
her domains. The immediate (human) users include warfghters, cyber operators, commanders, military planners, and decision makers at d
s of this technology.

ology roadmap as service application from a DoD cloud application store/metadata repository. The utilization of a GATSID system enables in

posed postern SAA for the UAS programs by inserting the technology into the existing SAA transition plan being executed by Raytheon. The

nimation. These commercial applications will be investigated during the course of the project. Potential customers include high-end audio

personalized information on health status, environmental exposures, physical activity, and location. The iHEAL queries these data in real-ti

commercial applications. The technology is also relevant to automotive HUDs. We believe that the core technology and lessons learned fr
ent of Defense, specifcally for various Air Force activities with stringent and strategic communication demands. The major impact of the p

strategy will include generating target data sheets for the derivative technologies and algorithms from MFS. These data sheets will be poste

n the civilian aerospace sector, both for maintenance and the trouble-shooting of coating issues, and we also believe there should be addi

ology to automotive domain for cooperative vehicle safety applications.

gh temperature applications. Even when operating at the same temperatures as SOI circuits (200oC-250oC), a better stability and reliability

nagement system hardware components could easily exceed the fuel cost by a factor of ten, suggesting that the total potential market for
n these applications, the power capabilities of the primary source would be monitored by the FDEAU and the FDEAU would supplement or
e required for PM measurements in urban areas including the areas in the vicinity of busy airports. Other commercial applications will inclu

minor modifcations, will have other commercial applications, including terrorism-related chemical-agent monitoring and wastewater monit

urveillance, search and rescue, and disaster relief missions. In the international market diesel fuel may be the only fuel available and could
. Potential benefciaries of this technology would be frst responders and emergency personnel, law enforcement, border patrol, fshery a
n and trending for the L-130J civilian version of the military C-130J. - Maintenance data collection and trending for the other commercial a

en a particular signal is no longer observed over time. Improved Emitter ID is obtained with the proposed approach as automatic intention

tural mechanics, aero-acoustics, and guidance, navigation, and control in fxed-wing aircraft, rotorcraft, and launch vehicles.

sed fuel consumption and engine validation costs, and material data that could be used by life prediction models for better component hea

MI susceptibility analysis for their systems. The widespread current need for this kind of software tool, and the even greater future need, m
lengths in the eye-safe regime, which are of potentially great commercial utility as well as having clear applicability in ranging and other ap

repared for technology transition having teamed with a prime contractor who is evaluating three phased array architectures with HEL JTO s

the data is as important the content. Again, in the case of personal information, including medical records and individual social entitlemen
o develop accurate models to predict the residual stresses that a given process will generate. The net result will be aerospace components

instruments are not capable of real-time (~5 Hz) measurements of particle number density, size distribution, shape parameters, and mass-

ibrary, which is licensed to OEM camera and DVR manufacturers under the name ObjectVideo OnBoard. These libraries provide similar fea

veness of these issues.

bovementioned diverse felds.

stabilities in engine combustors will be available from this work. It will be of commercial quality, and have great modeling flexibility due to i

n these markets that echo these needs and the associated vertical distribution and sales partners to drive to market. For Traycer, there are
alytical steps required to fully evaluate any given range of test confgurations. This will also allow the user to capture every relevant detail t

to support ground tracking stations which are currently necessary. 5) Renewed public interest through real time HD video of launch missio

robust worldwide coverage to detect and respond to non-deterministic events. The standards extensions proposed in this SBIR to implem
power, PDs are vastly investigated and applied for Radio-on-fber broadband wireless communications, which is propelled by the huge incre

, space, and ground vehicles.

hnologies. ISR spending in the next decade is estimated at $15 billion, and depends largely on the stable and accurate navigation of reconn

e average consumer gas consumption ~15-20 gallons per year on a 750 gallon consumption/year basis with a cost savings on the order of $

Each of these technologies has limitations. The use of Plasma-shells as described in this proposal represents a signifcant opportunity to im

f TID-induced CR errors to achieve sufficient accuracy for handoff to millimeter wave radars and IR sensors. While achieving good TID mitig

useful tool for shock design and testing.

bit and uncertainty estimates. One of the recommendations from the Committee for the Assessment of the U.S. Air Force&#039;s Astrody

th inherent protection to interference sources.

ercial applications include wireless sensor networks in various monitoring applications, such as structural health monitoring for critical nati
ial operations in addition to DoD UE.
ile reducing lifecycle costs by reducing destructive testing requirements and premature removal from service. The unique&quot;self-integ

ommunities to demonstrate and tailor this capability to their needs. For DoD customers, we will work through our strategic partners to dem

tion and access control - Government agencies and online service providers to operate IdAM operations in a cloud environment - Mobile S

designed to be generalizable and applicable to other Department of Defense agencies and commercial organizations that share some comm

e readily applied to other military/NASA missions in the adjacent frequency bands, V and W. NASA needs high-efficiency, W-band power am

es, have increased functionality, applicability, capability, complexity and adaptability. Mobile ad-hoc networks with MIMO antenna techno
IPMM technology will be demonstrated as a full-scale prototype in Phase II and ultimately transition to DoD programs under a Phase III co

gy matures, there will be opportunities to market to the rest of the world. There are 97 major wind tunnels in the United States and Canad
MAs, and they are being widely used in off-shore oil and gas exploration and mining applications. Remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) is anothe
well as self-protection for pilots and crew of rotorcraft from a broad spectrum of threats including guided missiles, unguided rockets, anti-a
sat applications as well given its light-weight and foldable/deployable structure.
mance capabilities also result in improved reliability for long-term missions. SST believes AFRL, SMC and MDA are the primary DoD agencies

hese benefts include: (a) Timely Situational Awareness: Timely availability of reliable intelligence is critical to support military missions an
s). The space weather attribution, context assessment, and visualization tools delivered in this effort are extendable for characterization of

to add new GIFTS capabilities to existing navigation systems.

pportunity is in the emerging digital currency/commerce marketplace. Using the teams already existing reputation (as the enablers of the w

esearch and thermal interactions and processing of materials, and a host of other fundamental scientifc, academic, and research applicati

eons active denial system and a 1000-hour test performed to determine volume and pressure capability as well as identify any erosion. Fina
d data analysis tools particularly timely for addressing a number of important research and development needs in high-performance, clean
lifcations and begin marketing the technology for commercial applications.

ors are of interest also in wheel wells of aircraft where landing gear is present and this presents an additional avenue for commercialization
assessment techniques, and technologies that possess the flexibility to meet future assessment needs. This product will be initially designe

ce) applications.

CLOPS/ARGOS/DDS software solution (mounted in smartphone and smart radios) can fnd a home within SOCom, and that this solution has

customers are companies that possess Big Data. The candidates are Google, Amazon, Yahoo!, Ebay, Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter. Compan

alued at $1.4B in 2011, with steady growth predicted by Euroconsult for the next decade.

erating picture to respond to natural disasters and unconventional threats. Detecting conflicting, suspicious, deceptive and inconsistent da

cloud attacks. We envision signifcant opportunity to commercialize the RT2ET technology to government agencies and enterprise compan

kets, new markets will emerge for IR imagers as the system costs decrease.

nt review. This will offer a much-needed tool in a time when events have become very complex operations, and efficiency and liability are
anners, and decision makers at different echelons. Potential customers include AFRL and other U.S. defense agencies that are facing a simil
on of a GATSID system enables increased situational awareness for on-the-move warfghters. In the civilian sector a competitive advantage

eing executed by Raytheon. The UC team will maximize the likelihood of successful transition by working closely with Government stakeho

stomers include high-end audio and video equipment suppliers as well as general-purpose computing suppliers.

HEAL queries these data in real-time looking for patterns in that lead to adverse health status, making possible alarms to warn patients or h

echnology and lessons learned from the project will also lead to improvements in other display applications such as HDDs.
ands. The major impact of the proposed activities will lead to improved capabilities for Air Force C4ISR systems.

. These data sheets will be posted on CEI&quot;s website and circulated throughout applicable DOD agencies, NASA, three letter agencies,

lso believe there should be additional application of the technology for companies that develop the coatings to be employed on aircraft. Be

, a better stability and reliability can be expected from circuits based on SiC, as they will not be operating at a condition that is close to the

at the total potential market for our products could be on the order of $32M to $64M to supply a single HSS missile production run, or ~$5
he FDEAU would supplement or detract power from the source output to ensure that a predictable power flow was maintained to/from th
ommercial applications will include atmospheric studies of PM concentrations and how these nonvolatile particulate affect climate.

onitoring and wastewater monitoring near chemical and biological waste disposal plants.

he only fuel available and could cost substantially less than gasoline. There is a great demand for diesel engines in many countries and this
rcement, border patrol, fshery and wildlife monitoring, and other military, defense, and commercial applications.
ding for the other commercial airline applications.

approach as automatic intentional modulation on pulse (IMOP) measurements, shown on other programs to reduce emitter ID ambiguity,

d launch vehicles.

models for better component health management practices. In addition, OEMs will use this technology for aero-frame, turbine engine and m

d the even greater future need, make the probability of success in this venture very high.
licability in ranging and other applications of interest to the Air Force.

rray architectures with HEL JTO support.

and individual social entitlements, the integrity of the information must be guaranteed for the life of the individual. Very strong hash functi
lt will be aerospace components that are stronger, lighter, and have lifetimes that can be predicted with a high degree of accuracy. The co

on, shape parameters, and mass-emission indices. By combining commercially available instruments and developing proper test protocols, i

These libraries provide similar features to the proposed system, such as rule-based event detection, albeit for lower resolution, largely fxed
great modeling flexibility due to its modular, multiphysics module structure, and incorporate state-of-the-art methods for modeling augmen

to market. For Traycer, there are immediately large markets that require one or two simple components that are derived and manufactured
o capture every relevant detail that may have an effect on the evaluation. The Phase II test effort will provide a good foundation for determ

time HD video of launch mission operations. This technology may also apply to commercial launch vehicles in the future.

s proposed in this SBIR to implement multi-layer security beneft SPA in any domain that it is applied to. As an optional feature of a plug an
ch is propelled by the huge increase of data volume in recent years. According to Edholm&quot;s law, the demand for point-to-point bandw

nd accurate navigation of reconnaissance, monitoring, recording and communication devices increasingly unmanned robotic or other UAV

h a cost savings on the order of $70-$100/year. A low cost manufacturing solution at the ~$100 price point would payback in the frst year,

ts a signifcant opportunity to improve the state of the art of space-based EM protection by leveraging the advantages of Plasma-shells ove

. While achieving good TID mitigation for OTHR is primarily our Phase II goal, the propagation simulation tools developed under Phase I wi
he U.S. Air Force&#039;s Astrodynamic Standards is that research efforts be put into improving the representation of uncertainty to ensure

health monitoring for critical national infrastructure, habitat monitoring, homeland security, and remote sensing. It can also beneft police a
ce. The unique&quot;self-integrating&quot;feature of AgeAlert PHM sensors means that hardware and software is greatly simplifed com

ugh our strategic partners to demonstrate and integrate spatial visualization into their current and future systems. As location-tagging and

a cloud environment - Mobile Service Provider to use lightweight protocol to perform user access control in difference mobile platorms

anizations that share some common challenges with the Air Force: (1) high demand for achieving training objectives in environments beside

igh-efficiency, W-band power amplifers for many of its space-based missions. High-efficiency W-band amplifers are required for the LO m

orks with MIMO antenna technology and cognitive radio networks, capable of carrying voice and data through packet services, are a good
oD programs under a Phase III contract.

s in the United States and Canada. Discriminators are size, accuracy, and other considerations such as whether the balance is a 3-compone
y piloted aircraft (RPA) is another type of platorm where EMAs are fnding wide-scale use. Today, RPAs are being increasingly inducted into
missiles, unguided rockets, anti-aircraft artillery, and small arms fre. By combining sensor data with onboard navigation data, the sensor ca
DA are the primary DoD agencies most likely to beneft from this project. All three have expressed interest in related-work programs, so we

al to support military missions and objectives. Knowledge regarding the trajectories of targets, their interactions with each other and other
tendable for characterization of fused multiple source tracks in all the above commercial applications.

putation (as the enablers of the worlds frst BitCoin/vending machine transaction) and relationships, the RADTiN/DAM3ON software will be

cademic, and research applications.

well as identify any erosion. Finally, the coolant system will be interfaced to a 100-W submodule setup for heating via surrogate load, pack
eeds in high-performance, clean power production from sustainable sources.
nal avenue for commercialization of the SBIR technology.
s product will be initially designed for AOC and ISR Analysts, but is proposed to be generalizable to any organization that engages in mission

OCom, and that this solution has a high correlation with the WIN-T (Warfghter Information Network Tactical) program, especially the unm

ok, Linkedin and Twitter. Companies such as Cloudera and MapR are also producing their own Hadoop distributions. We also see a trend in

s, deceptive and inconsistent data within these multiple layers, especially within social media, could be critical for frst responders and poli

agencies and enterprise companies. Avirtek has developed innovative solutions that address the foremost aspects of cybersecurity enrichin

s, and efficiency and liability are important considerations. The widespread current need for these kinds of software tools, and the even gr
e agencies that are facing a similar challenge of large-scale resource reallocation and data sharing in rapidly changing environments. Specif
n sector a competitive advantage is obtained through the use of GATSID for real-time piracy threat updates to shipping fleets for maritime s

losely with Government stakeholders throughout the program process. Beyond military applications, the UC team believes that critical trac

ble alarms to warn patients or health care providers of potentially hazardous situations. Lastly, we will work towards miniaturizing the mon

s such as HDDs.
ies, NASA, three letter agencies, and interested qualifed commercial parties. The MFS system can be scaled for other radar and communic

gs to be employed on aircraft. Beyond aerospace, there are also other industries that utilize coatings that could be characterized using the

at a condition that is close to their absolute maximum capabilities.

SS missile production run, or ~$5M/yr revenue stream over a ten year period. This could become much larger if hypersonic flight applicatio
flow was maintained to/from the electrical grid thereby enabling more efficient dispatch at the regional transmission operator level.
particulate affect climate.

gines in many countries and this will be a growing market in the future.

to reduce emitter ID ambiguity, is inherently provided (more robust emitter features are selected based on modulation type). Automatic p

aero-frame, turbine engine and material development, since it provides sensing data not yet available to the industry. The importance of th

ndividual. Very strong hash functions and digital signatures are required to protect data for this length of time. Availability: The data must
high degree of accuracy. The commercial potential for such a device has already been proven by similar technologies, such as X-ray diffracti

eveloping proper test protocols, it may be feasible to alleviate this defciency. Such protocols could potentially address a wide range of engi

or lower resolution, largely fxed, terrestrial camera feeds. The techniques developed in optimizing power consumption and performance
rt methods for modeling augmentor rumble and screech instabilities. All DoD mission agencies have interest in predicting propulsion instab

at are derived and manufactured from Traycer&quot;s core technology and product portolio. Traycer will access this&quot;low hanging fru
ide a good foundation for determining a standardized methodology for calibrating and validating analytical models such that they can be tr

es in the future.

an optional feature of a plug and play system, it provides protection in cases where preventing unauthorized access to data in an open or l
demand for point-to-point bandwidth in wireless short-range communications has doubled every 18 months over the last 25 years. It can b

unmanned robotic or other UAV devices- which would immediately beneft from UC&quot;s technologies with improved autonomous navi

t would payback in the frst year, passing the savings onto the lifetime of the device, which based on non moving parts, should be relatively

advantages of Plasma-shells over current technologies.

ools developed under Phase I will beneft the Air Force by providing the ability to perform studies in simulation to demonstrate the utility o
ntation of uncertainty to ensure realism in estimations of uncertainty. Our developed software products will help to mitigate the current d

nsing. It can also beneft police and frst responders for US Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security, multi-layered sensing, disaster
oftware is greatly simplifed compared to environmental sensors and modeling approaches. Smart Shelf Life tags for tactical assets are esti

ystems. As location-tagging and spatial reasoning capabilities become more robust, we expect the quality and coverage of our applications

in difference mobile platorms

bjectives in environments besides live missions (e.g. high consequences for errors); (2) uncertainty regarding which training devices, enviro

plifers are required for the LO multiplier chain for the Scanning Microwave Limb Sounder on the Global Atmospheric Composition Mission

ugh packet services, are a good example of the trends. There is an established and growing need to comprehensively test and evaluate the
ther the balance is a 3-component (normal force, axial force, and pitching moment) or a 6-component (normal force, axial force, pitching m
being increasingly inducted into civilian surveillance and monitoring applications. EMAs are also fnding way in transport and passenger air
rd navigation data, the sensor can provide real-time situational awareness, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance for other air and
in related-work programs, so we believe there may be interest by at least one in a federally-funded CPP and/or Phase III effort.

tions with each other and other scene elements is a critical part of intelligence and its automated extraction from surveillance data will hel

ADTiN/DAM3ON software will be demonstrated as a key enabling technology for the establishment of trust and the security of transactions

heating via surrogate load, packaged complete with instrumentation and any other supporting equipment, and delivered to the Army for e
anization that engages in mission planning, briefng and debriefng activities, End users will beneft by receiving real-time feedback on the e

cal) program, especially the unmanned vehicle networking technology components. The portions of the GD C4 planned systems and associ

ributions. We also see a trend in many other mid and small size companies exploiting the elasticity of the cloud. Our system will provide no

tical for frst responders and policymakers in responding to a crisis. In the enterprise segment, we intend to commercialize the proposed t

aspects of cybersecurity enriching its staff with exceptional expertise along with proven track record for technology transfer. The outcome

f software tools, and the even greater future needs, make the probability of success with our product set very high.
y changing environments. Specifc programs may include C4ISR of various defense organizations, JSpOC and CAOC of joined and allied force
to shipping fleets for maritime situational awareness. Additionally, frst responders and border patrol agents can beneft from real-time up

C team believes that critical traction is being gained through the efforts of this SBIR program in a primary market with broad economic pot

k towards miniaturizing the monitor upon successful completion of this work. We anticipate that a monitor smaller than a cell phone and w
d for other radar and communication applications. The technology enhancements anticipated under this program will reduce CSWaP requi

ould be characterized using the analysis of traveling microwave signals, including automotive, marine, and construction.

ger if hypersonic flight applications grow beyond missiles.

ansmission operator level.
modulation type). Automatic processing and machine learning reduce operator workload, essential in today&quot;s reduced manpower m

he industry. The importance of this enabling technology goes beyond DoD applications, and will quickly fnd its way into the commercial aer

me. Availability: The data must be available whenever it is needed, regardless of the passage of time or various forms of failure or attack m
chnologies, such as X-ray diffraction platorms for the measurement of near-surface residual stresses.

ally address a wide range of engine types with different operating conditions under a variety of test environments. The unique market oppo

consumption and performance can be put to direct use in these OnBoard implementations. The additional capabilities offered by this solu
st in predicting propulsion instabilities due to acoustic combustion (e.g. Army, MDA, Navy, Air Force and NASA), and many U.S. industry and

access this&quot;low hanging fruit&quot;with a single product in order to demonstrate viability and begin revenue generation before Trayc
models such that they can be trusted to yield accurate results over the entire segment of the design space that they are confgured to eva

ed access to data in an open or loosely-regulated network is a user requirement.

hs over the last 25 years. It can be predicted that data rates of around 510 Gb/s will be required in ten years. Tremendous market demands

with improved autonomous navigation and cooperation capability, among other benefts.

moving parts, should be relatively long.

tion to demonstrate the utility of OTHR as a surveillance asset in stressing TID environments.
will help to mitigate the current defciencies encountered when attempting to reacquire previously tracked objects after long periods of no d

, multi-layered sensing, disaster assessment, air traffic control system, the national weather service, physical security systems, law enforcem
fe tags for tactical assets are estimated to cost approximately $50/tag in full production quantities. Commercialization potential and mark

and coverage of our applications will drive demand for LCC&quot;s products in the civilian commercial sector as well.

ng which training devices, environments, and methods effectively train which training objectives; and (3) limited resources to achieve oper

mospheric Composition Mission and for SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy). The output power levels and efficiencie

rehensively test and evaluate the performance of these new devices and systems prior to general availability and approval for service use.
rmal force, axial force, pitching moment, side force, yawing moment, and rolling moment). These market size numbers are conservative
ay in transport and passenger aircraft (e.g., Boeing 787, and Airbus 380). Having an EMA PHM software will improve the safety and reduce
econnaissance for other air and ground crew in the vicinity. Other potential applications of the spectral imaging technology for defense pu
d/or Phase III effort.

on from surveillance data will help expedite the dissemination of relevant intelligence to the commanders in the feld. (b) Reliable Inferen

and the security of transactions between digital wallets and physical point-of-sale machines. The key to penetration in this emerging mark

, and delivered to the Army for evaluation.

ving real-time feedback on the efficacy of various planning/briefng/debriefng technologies and enabling future mission planning sessions

D C4 planned systems and associated simulations, called Multiple Unifed Simulation Environment (MUSE), and the Air Force Synthetic Envi

loud. Our system will provide not only efficient cloud computing capabilities but also search, resource management and business intelligen

to commercialize the proposed technology by developing a cyber intelligence service, whereby the solution would fuse various types of cy

chnology transfer. The outcome of this Phase will be feasibility study and design of the RT2ET framework and a report containing the blue p

ery high.
d CAOC of joined and allied forces, Air Force Distributed Mission Operations (DMO), Army Tactical Operation Center (TOC) programs, Navy M
nts can beneft from real-time updates of entities and the ability to post new information to increase shared situational awareness.

market with broad economic potential - the UAS market. The combination of UC&#039;s postern SAA system, Sense and Avoid Ladar, passiv

r smaller than a cell phone and worn like and ID badge will be possible in the future.
rogram will reduce CSWaP requirements while increasing system performance. Enabling multi-function radars to operate in smaller CSWaP

day&quot;s reduced manpower military. This provides real-time capability for use in today&quot;s fast paced changing net-worked battle s

d its way into the commercial aerospace industry, turbine engine testing industry, power industry, and several industrial control processes t

arious forms of failure or attack mechanisms, including the complete failure or destruction of the media containing the data or the obsolesc
nments. The unique market opportunity, therefore, is to develop a new versatile instrument platorm that will provide a fast and accurate b

al capabilities offered by this solution, such as the ability to process very high resolutions and accommodate moving cameras, will also prov
ASA), and many U.S. industry and government agencies can also beneft from the capabilities of a flexible, validated modeling package. Gov

revenue generation before Traycer&quot;s next stage of development. Thin-flm measurement systems, like the one outlined in this propo
e that they are confgured to evaluate. This approach will open up the entire feasible design space for use by the engineer. It will also allow
objects after long periods of no data, as well as more efficiently utilize existing sensors (and hence reduce the cost of operations) tasked wi

al security systems, law enforcement agency, emergency control center, border and coast patrol, pollution monitoring, remote sensing and
mercialization potential and market interest has been demonstrated by strong documented interest by Joint forces (US Army, ARDEC), and s

tor as well.

mited resources to achieve operational training objectives.

put power levels and efficiencies for these NASA applications are in line with the requirements of this program. Finally, QuinStar is currentl

ty and approval for service use. Traditional test methods are increasingly stressed by the proliferation and diversity of the devices and syst
t size numbers are conservative because there are many other facilities not accounted for since they are not considered major. And there
improve the safety and reduce the EMA related downtime in all these sectors.
maging technology for defense purposes include real-time bomb damage assessment, airborne and distant target tracking, and remote chem
future mission planning sessions to be conducted with greater precision.

and the Air Force Synthetic Environment for Reconnaissance and Surveillance (AFSERS), would appear to be very relevant Simulation and M

nagement and business intelligence analysis tools to commercial customers.

n would fuse various types of cyber data to a common ontology and detect inconsistencies, and conflicting, suspicious, and deceptive data

nd a report containing the blue prints and recommendations to implement robust end to end trust among a large number of components i

n Center (TOC) programs, Navy Maritime Interdiction Operations (MIO), MDA C2BMC, etc. The civilian sector may beneft as well in areas li
d situational awareness.

m, Sense and Avoid Ladar, passive ranging (without the need to maneuver) and the cloud detection and avoidance technologies will provid
dars to operate in smaller CSWaP footprints will expand the applications and market for these technologies to a wider range of commercial
ed changing net-worked battle space supporting modern con-ops by providing interoperable SEI /SET reports, using RAS automatic receive

ral industrial control processes that operate in harsh environment conditions.

ntaining the data or the obsolescence of the playback media or hardware. Both data backup and data archiving must be supported.
will provide a fast and accurate basis for the DoD to report PM emission rates to the regulatory authorities. Applications of the proposed pa

e moving cameras, will also prove marketable in an advanced commercial product.

alidated modeling package. Government prime contractors providing engine technologies to the government will be licensing targets for th

ke the one outlined in this proposal, is the frst step in the market. Larger markets in security, NDE, telecom, and biomedical will eventually
by the engineer. It will also allow for a signifcant reduction in the testing required to introduce a new material into new and existing design
he cost of operations) tasked with observing space objects by more accurately representing the uncertainty of space objects.

monitoring, remote sensing and global awareness. We expect the aggregated market size will be similar to that of military applications
t forces (US Army, ARDEC), and several SRM prime contractors. Since AgeAlert technology is potentially applicable to any product comprisi

gram. Finally, QuinStar is currently supplying the transmitter for the AARGM missile and the W-band high power amplifer technology descr

diversity of the devices and systems, and the diverse and complex operating environments. This project provides an improved testing env
ot considered major. And there are many other universities conducting aeronautical research. This technology is capable of being used in
target tracking, and remote chemical analysis of engine exhaust. In addition, we anticipate possible applications in law enforcement, home
e very relevant Simulation and Modeling vehicles upon which to demonstrate and advance its TRL levels and transition into operational un

, suspicious, and deceptive data.

a large number of components interacting and collaborating in complex network infrastructures. Such recommendations and design will b

or may beneft as well in areas like maritime coordination, disaster management, border patrol, collaborative project management, etc.
to a wider range of commercial and Government aircraft, both manned and unmanned. The additional capabilities provided by a radar an
rts, using RAS automatic receiver equalization developed on AFRL research projects, with confdence levels and geo-location information. S

ving must be supported.

ent will be licensing targets for the package. Engineering services: Analytical and consulting services will be available based on the validated

m, and biomedical will eventually be vetted as the technology and products mature.
erial into new and existing designs.
y of space objects.

that of military applications

plicable to any product comprising polymeric components, future health monitoring applications include sensors and Smart Shelf Life tags

ower amplifer technology described in this proposal is directly applicable. QuinStar, as a merchant supplier of high-rel microwave and milli

rovides an improved testing environment for more realistic and reliable testing.
ology is capable of being used in all wind tunnels not just those considered major. Our technology enhances existing balance capability and
ations in law enforcement, homeland defense, industrial process monitoring, medical diagnostics, and medical imaging.
nd transition into operational units. Beyond WIN-T, the next transition step would involve meetings and demos to the already known USAF

ommendations and design will be carried forward into a Phase II to transfer that into a proof-of-concept to be demonstrated to target custo

tive project management, etc.

pabilities provided by a radar and communication system (MFS) flying on small UAS will be extremely benefcial for all applications of UAS i
es existing balance capability and the market size estimate is based on fgures for existing balances.
mos to the already known USAF ESC staff, with invitations extended through ESC and the Aeronautical Systems Center-CES to PM teams at

be demonstrated to target customers.

fcial for all applications of UAS including battlefeld advantages, law enforcement and disaster management.

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