Line Losses
Line Losses
Line Losses
India faces endemic electrical energy and peaking shortages. These shortages have had a very detrimental effect on the overall
economic growth of the country. As total distribution system losses equals technical losses plus non-technical losses. The reasons
cited for such high losses are; lack of adequate T & D capacity, too many transformation stages, improper load distribution and
extensive rural electrification etc. Simply Losses could be defined as the difference between the metered units of electricity
entering the distribution network and those leaving the network paid for through electricity accounts, whether estimated or
metered, in a well defined period of time. Technical losses are regarded as the electrical system losses which are caused by
network impedance, current flows and auxiliary supplies. The sources of technical losses may be directly driven by network
investment or by network operation. Non-technical losses arise from several areas including theft, un-billed accounts, and
estimated customer accounts, errors due to the approximation of consumption by un-metered supplies and metering errors. The
purpose of this paper is to analyse Technical and Non Technical Losses with the help of a case study and MATLAB Simulation
in power systems.
We know that there are certain losses which affect the economy of the power system. It is a well known fact that all
energy supplied to a distribution utility does not reach the end consumer. A substantial amount of energy is lost in the
distribution system by way of Technical and Non Technical losses. The distribution system accounts for highest technical
and non technical losses in the power sector.
In India the percentage of transmission and distribution losses has been quite high. The term “distribution losses”
refers to the difference between the amount of energy delivered to the distribution system and the amount of energy
customers is billed. Distribution line losses are comprised of two types: Technical losses and Non-Technical losses.
However, as per sample studies carried out by independent agencies including TERI, these losses have been estimated to
be as high as 50% in some states. In a recent study carried by SBI capital markets, The Transmission and Distribution
losses have been estimated as 58%.The Transmission and Distribution losses in the advanced Countries of the world
ranging from 4-12%. However, the Transmission and Distribution losses in India are not comparable with advanced
countries as the system operating conditions are different in different countries.
A. Technical Losses
Technical losses in power system are caused by the physical properties of the components of the power system. The
most obvious example is the power dissipated in transmission lines and transformers due to internal electrical resistance.
Technical losses are naturally occurring losses (caused by action internal to the power system) and consist mainly of
power dissipation in electrical system component such as transmission lines, power transformers, measurement system,
etc. Technical losses are possible to compute and control, provided the power system in question consists of known
quantities of loads. Technical losses occur during transmission and distribution and involve substation, transformer, and
line related losses. These include resistive losses of the primary feeders, the distribution transformer losses (resistive loses
in windings and the core losses), resistive losses in secondary network, resistive losses in service drops and losses in kWh
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meter. Losses are inherent to the distribution of electricity and cannot be eliminated. Technical losses are due to current
flowing in the electrical network and generate the following types of losses:
(i) Copper losses those are due to I2R losses that are inherent in all inductors because of the finite resistance of
(ii) Dielectric losses that are losses that result from the heating effect on the dielectric material between conductors
(iii) Induction and radiation losses that are produced by the electromagnetic fields surrounding conductors.
Technical losses are possible to compute and control, provided the power system in question consists
of known quantities of loads. The following are the causes of technical losses:
(i) Harmonics distortion
(ii) Improper earthing at consumer end
(iii) Long single phase lines
(iv) Unbalanced loading
(v) Losses due to overloading and low voltage
(vi) Losses due to poor standard of equipments.
B. Non-Technical Losses:
Non-Technical losses, on the other hand, are caused by actions external to the power system or are caused by loads
and condition that the Technical losses computation failed to take into account. Non- Technical losses are more difficult to
measure because these losses are often unaccounted for by the system operators and thus have no recorded information.
Non-technical losses (NTL), on the other hand, occur as a result of theft, metering inaccuracies and unmetered energy.
NTLs, by contrast, relate mainly to power theft in one form or another. Theft of power is energy delivered to customers
that is not measured by the energy meter for the customer. This can happen as a result of meter tampering or by bypassing
the meter. Losses due to metering inaccuracies are defined as the difference between the amount of energy actually
delivered through the meters and the amount registered by the meters. The most probable causes of Non Technical Losses
(NTL) are:
(i) Tampering with meters to ensure the meter recorded a lower consumption reading
(ii) Errors in technical losses computation
(iii) Tapping (hooking) on LT lines
(iv) Arranging false readings by bribing meter readers
(v) Stealing by bypassing the meter or otherwise making illegal connections
(vi) By just ignoring unpaid bills
(vii) Faulty energy meters or un-metered supply
(viii) Errors and delay in meter reading and billing
(ix) Non-payment by customers.
The aim in this paper work is to first compute the technical losses and then impact of non technical losses on them is
shown. Technical losses will be simply calculated using load flow method of power system. This will be done because
non technical losses are more difficult to measure. As NTL cannot be computed and measured easily, but it can be
estimated from preliminary results, i.e. the result of technical losses are first computed and subtracted from the total losses
to obtain the balance as NTL. The technical losses are computed using appropriate load-flow studies simulated under
MAT LAB environment. Although some electrical power loss is inevitable, steps can be taken to ensure that it is
minimized. Several measures have been applied to this end, including those based on technology and those that rely on
human effort and ingenuity.
C. Analysis of Technical and Non-Technical Losses
Technical losses result from equipment inefficiency, the inherent characteristics of the materials used in the
lines and equipment, and the sizes of lines and equipment. The three major contributors are the current squared
losses through a resistance, transformer excitation losses, and line and insulation corona or leakage losses. In AC
systems the copper losses are higher due to skin effect. Due to skin effect, the flux density at the centre of the conductor is
great and current flow towards the surface of the conductor is greater. Therefore the skin effect increases the resistance
and thus the power loss. The increase in
resistance is proportional to the frequency of the AC signal. Transformer losses include copper losses due to the internal
impedance of transformer coils and core loss. Power transformers are connected permanently to the power system, hence
their no-load losses have to be considered. No-load losses are a function of the type of lamination, core material,
insulation, voltage and frequency. The most predominant no-load losses are the core losses, made up of hysteresis and
eddy current losses, expressed by the equations: hysteresis loss, PH = KhfBm , Eddy Current Loss, PE = Kef2Bm 2 where , f =
frequency, Bm = flux density of the core material, Kh, Ke = Hysteresis & Eddy current constant, Dielectric losses are losses
that result from the heating effect on the dielectric material between conductors. The heat produced is dissipated in the
surrounding medium. Induction and radiation losses are produced by the electromagnetic fields surrounding
conductors. Induction losses occur when the electromagnetic field about a conductor links another line or metallic
object and current is induced in the object. As a result, power is dissipated in the object and lost. Radiation losses
occur because some magnetic lines of force about a conductor do not return to the conductor when the cycle alternates.
These lines of force are projected into space as radiation and these results in power losses, that is, power is supplied by the
source, but is not available to the load.
Non Technical Losses, by contrast, relate mainly to power theft in one form or another. They are related to the
customer management process and can include a number of means of consciously defrauding the utility concerned. By
default, the electrical energy generated should equal the energy registered as consumed. However, in reality, the situation
is different because losses occur as an integral result of energy transmission and distribution. The information about the
power sources and loads are needed to determine expected losses in the power system using load-flow analysis software.
The actual losses are the difference between outgoing energy recorded by the source (e.g., at a substation) and energy
consumed by the consumers, which is shown on the bills. The discrepancy between expected losses and actual losses
would yield the extent of nontechnical losses in that system. So firstly technical losses have been calculated using
load flow studies. The various specifications of different parameters of transmission line, transmission line
resistance and reactance values will be taken from 11KV transmission lines datasheet. The conductor size and line length
will be chosen arbitrarily 25, 35, 50, 70, 95, 120 and 185 mm2.
D .Electricity Act-2003:
Recognizing the need for the Reform process covering the entire facets of the electricity sector comprising
generation, transmission and distribution to the consumers, a comprehensive Electricity Bill was drafted in 2000
following a wide consultative process. After a number of amendments, the bill finally sailed through the legislative process
and was enacted on 10 June, 2003. It replaces the three existing legislations governing the power sector, namely
Indian Electricity Act, 1910, the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948 and the Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998.
The Electricity Act, 2003 mandates that Regulatory Commissions shall regulate tariff and issue of licenses and that State
Electricity Boards (SEBs) will no longer exist in the existing form and will be restructured into separate
generation, transmission and distribution entities. Regulatory function has been taken away from the purview
of the government. The Electricity Act, 2003 mandates licensee-free thermal generation, non-discriminatory open
access of the transmission system and gradual implementation of open access in the distribution system which will
pave way for creation of power market in India.
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J.P Navani at el.
program, the resistance and reactance values are taken from 11 kV data sheet. A line conductor of 120 mm2 has been
chosen & the line length has assumed to be 3 km. Then Z bus is formed and hence Y bus can be calculated using following
Ybus = 1/ZBus. A load profile of 24 hours has been shown for simplicity and the further calculations have been
done with the help of Newton-Raphson method. Figure 1.1 shows the variation of the loads during 24 hours.
3. Calculation of Active and Reactive Power: Active and reactive power demand at both buses is calculated using the
given data. Also the power angle is calculated in both degree and radian value.
P= kVA demand × power factor , Q= kVA× sin (cos-1(pf))
4. Load Flow Studies: load flow studies using Newton-Raphson method has done to calculate the final value of voltage
at both buses so as to calculate the losses. The following steps are done for load flow studies.
5. Formation of Y bus matrix: Y bus is formed using the given data for the impedance of both loads and the
transmission line connecting the loads. Y bus is assembled using equation. Y bus= AT YA.
6. Initial Values for voltage and load angle at each bus: initial values are assumed at each bus of the system. Initial
voltage is taken as 1 p.u. and load angle is taken as 0. Bus 1 is assumed to be slack bus and bus 2 is taken as load bus.
7. Calculation of Total Power at load bus: The initial values of voltages and loads are used to calculate P2 and Q2 at
load bus 2 as bus 1 is assumed as slack bus. P2 = Vi Vj Cos ( i – j - ij) + load Power of bus 2n j 1 Vi Vj Cos ( i – j -
ij) where n is number of buses and i =2.
8. Formation of Jacobian Matrix: Jacobian matrix is formed using P2 and Q2 using the following relations.
9. Calculation of change in voltage n load angle due to change in load: The variations vectors V and are
computed. This change in voltage and load angle at bus 2 is added to initial values and new value of voltage n load angle
is calculated at bus 2. Similarly iterations are done and the value of voltage and load angle is updated at each step until Q
< tolerance.
10. Calculation of losses: After iterations final value of voltage and load angle is used to calculate active and reactive
power losses.
11. Losses are calculated both in Watts and Per Unit (p.u.) system. Equation given above yields the sum of average power
losses throughout the power system. However, equation above is sufficient for calculating the losses because the test
power system used is a two-bus system with only one transmission line and no transformers. Even the losses are
calculated from the average value of data.
The measurement of NTL and its effects on electrical power systems as a whole using existing analytical tools would
be possible only if information about the NTL loads themselves is available to the analyst. Accurately estimating
losses in distribution systems is becoming increasingly important, as regulatory thinking shifts from input-based to output-
based methods. Also private companies become more involved in the distribution segment of the electricity industry.
Thus this need is particularly important in developing countries, where total losses are generally high, especially prior to the
incorporation of the private sector. The problem is that it is precisely in these situations where needed data for accurately
estimating the total losses and particularly their breakdown into technical and nontechnical components are generally
lacking. The information would have to include either the NTL load’s power consumption profile comparable to the
legitimate loads being analyzed at the same time, as well as the NTL power factor, or power factor contribution at same
time. In this paper , I have taken a two bus system with one bus as slack bus and load is on another bus.
The load profiles of simple industrial area and residential area has been taken. Then a small percentage of NTL has
been added to one of the load and the increased load and losses have been shown with the help of Newton-Raphson
load flow method and MATLAB. The power factor contributions chosen here are negative because the NTL load is
assumed to be inductive. The readings of one full day have been taken. Then a case study of one small village has been
carried out to determine the extent of non technical losses in that area. The total units supplied and total units billed
have been thoroughly measured for one full month. Then their difference is used to determine the extent of non
technical losses in that area. The main scope of future work is by the use of newer technologies to increase
measurement capabilities, on the current measures favoured by the utilities compared with other possible measures.
Non-technical losses (NTL) in all forms are very real and significant problems for utilities companies.
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