AmanRaj CV
AmanRaj CV
AmanRaj CV
Aman Raj
B.Tech. , Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Delhi Technological University (formerly Delhi College of Engineering) | | +91-8802288165
• Ilke Demir, Forest Hughes, Aman Raj, Kleovoulos Tsourides, Divyaa Ravichandran, Suryanarayana Murthy, Kaunil Dhruv,
Sanyam Garg, Jatin Malhotra, Barrett Doo, Grace Kermani, Ramesh Raskar. “Robocodes: Towards Generative Street Ad-
dresses from Satellite Imagery”. CVPR 2017 workshop on Earthvision. (award)
• R. Rohilla, Aman Raj, Saransh Kejriwal, and R. Kapoor. “FPGA Accelerated Abandoned Object Detection”. IEEE’s International
Conference on Computational Techniques in Information and Communication Technologies (ICCTICT 2016).
• Aman Raj, Daniel Maturana, and Sebastian Scherer. ”Multi-Scale Convolutional Architecture for Semantic Segmentation”.
Robotics Institute Technical Reports. CMU-RI-TR-15-21, 2015.
• N. Jayanthi, Ayush Tomar, Aman Raj, S. Indu, and Santanu Chaudhury. “Digitization of Historic Inscription Images using Cu-
mulants based Simultaneous Blind Source Extraction”. In Proceedings of ICVGIP 2014. ACM, Article 51, pp. 1-6.
• S. Indu, Ayush Tomar, Aman Raj, and Santanu Chaudhury. “Enhancement and Retrieval of Historic Inscription Images.” In
Computer Vision-ACCV 2014 Workshops, pp. 529-541. Springer International Publishing, 2014.
• Aman Raj, P. Selvan, A. Dixit, Gaurav Bansal, H. Solanki and F. Abbas, “Comic Polyglot”, CMU IPTSE Winter School Poster
Session, 2014. (Best Project Award)
• Programming Languages:
C, C++, Python, Java, Scala, Lua, LaTeX, Matlab, Octave, Javascript, Unix Shell Scripting
• Software/Others:
OpenCV, Caffe, Caffe2, Chainer,, Lasagne, Torch, Theano, Qt, AWS, Git, Apache-Storm,
Apache-Spark, MongoDB, Xilinx Vivado HLS, MySQL
• Development Boards:
Xilinx Zynq-7000 FPGA Imaging Kit, Intel Atom Board, BeagleBone Black, Arduino Due, Raspberry Pi
(Supervised by Prof. Rajesh Rohilla)
• “Robot Navigation system using Xbox Kinect”
Built a navigation system for a robot using OpenCV and OpenKinect libraries, that uses disparity map along with pixel inten-
sity calibration to compute the distance of an object/obstacle from the Xbox Kinect. Generated signals are sent to a motor
driver circuit that propels the wheel to avoid possible collision with any obstacle.
• Volunteer Coordinator during Annual Alumni Meet 2013 and 2014 in college.
• Teaching assistant in NGO Touch-India Trust, it provides education to underprivileged kids in slum areas.
• Mentored juniors in their academic projects.
• Organized many technical workshops in college.