Complete List of Questions For Exam EU WS 2017

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Complete List of Questions for Exam EU WS 2017

Please note: The exam will contain 4 chapters with questions from each of the 4 blocks of
questions listed here. In total there will be 35 points achievable. The grading scheme is as
21-25 points = G4, 26-29 points = B3, 30-32 points = U2, 33-35 points = S1

Duration of the exam: 30 min

1. Provide some examples:

Each correct entry is 1 point. Each wrong entry is minus 1 point.

• The core elements of the EU Lisbon Agenda aiming at sustainable development are:
- ..............................................................
- .................................................................
- ...............................................................
• The most important “Copenhagen” criteria for joining the EU are:
- ....................................................................
- ....................................................................
- .......................................................................
• Community research includes contributions to very large scale EU projects such as (give
name/acronym of programme):
- ...................................................................
- ..................................................................
- ..................................................................
• Major criteria for a country joining the Eurozone:
- .................................................................................
- ................................................................................
- ..................................................................................
• Practical achievements of EU activities in the domain freedom, security and justice:
- ..........................................................
- ...........................................................
- ...........................................................
- ............................................................
- ...............................................................

• The two bigest political parties in the European Parliament are:
- .............................................................
- ..............................................................
• List three important European Union Agencies:
- ........................................................
- .........................................................
- ..........................................................
• The most important solidarity policies are:
- ................................................
- ...................................................
- ..................................................
- ..................................................
• The Single Market is a European frontier free area for the movement of
- ...................................................
- ...................................................
- ....................................................
- ..................................................
• The original aims of the CAP, as set out in the original Treaty of Rome from 1957, were:
- ............................................................
- .............................................................
- ...............................................................
- ..............................................................
• First generation bio-fuels (ethanol and biodiesel) are produced from
- ..............................................
- ..............................................
- ................................................
• Major measures of the EU to reduce air pollution from road transport:
- .......................................................................
- ........................................................................
- .......................................................................
- ......................................................................
- .......................................................................
• Criteria of the Stability and Growth Pact (“Maastricht Criteria”) for the Eurozone
Member States:

- ………………………………………………..
- …………………………………………………
• Some major economic challenges for the European Union:
- .....................................................................
- ..................................................................
- ......................................................................
- .........................................................................
- ............................................................................
• In respect to its position in a globalised world the EU has major strengths:
- ......................................................................
- ......................................................................
- .....................................................................
- ......................................................................
- ........................................................................
• In respect to its position in a globalised world the EU has major weaknesses:
- ......................................................................
- ......................................................................
- .....................................................................
- ......................................................................
- ........................................................................
• Major structural problems of the EU:
- ..............................................................
- .............................................................
- .............................................................
- .............................................................
- ..............................................................
- .............................................................

2. Chose the correct item/figure:

Each correct choice is 1 point. Maximum 10 points.
• The President of the European Commission is Antonio Tajani, Federica Mogherini,
Jean-Claude Juncker or Donald Tusk.
• The President of the European Parliament is Antonio Tajani, Federica Mogherini,
Jean-Claude Juncker or Donald Tusk.

• The President of the European Council is Antonio Tajani, Federica Mogherini, Jean-
Claude Juncker or Donald Tusk.
• The High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy is Antonio Tajani,
Federica Mogherini, Jean-Claude Juncker or Donald Tusk.
• The decision to allow a new country to join the EU must be taken with simple
majority, two-thirds majority or unanimously, by the existing member states meeting
in the Council.
• A special privilege of the Commission is the right of initiative in the law making
process, the right of declaration of war on terrorists, the right to call the state of
emergency in crisis situations or the right to exclude a Member State from the
European Union.
• In the law making process of the EU the European Commission makes proposals for
legislation, decides about legislation alone, decides about legislation together with the
Council or decides about legislation together with the European Parliament.
• In the Community Law making process the co-decison is made by European
Commission and Council, European Commission and Parliament, Council of the
European Union and Parliament, European Council and European Court of Justice.
• The supreme decision making body in matters of foreign and security policy is the
European Commission, the European Council, the European Parliament or the Council
of Europe.
• The European Court of Auditors controls the implementation of the EU legislation in
the Member States, controls the execution of the EU budget, checks the legality of the
treaties signed by the European Union or manages international agreements like TTIP.
• The European Central Bank (ECB) is responsible for monitoring the expenses of the
European Commission, for the monetary policy of the Eurozone, for establishing the
budget of the Member States or for securing the stability of the other European
Currencies like the British Pound.
• The President of the ECB is Jean-Claude Juncker, Wolfgang Schäuble, Mario Draghi
or Donald Tusk.
• The primary objective of the ECB is to keep the value of the EURO as high as
possible, to maintain price stability within the Eurozone, to provide Member States
with direct credits or to keep the interest rates for interbank loans high.
• The right to issue EURO banknotes is reserved to the National Central Banks, to the
World Bank, to the European Investment Bank or the European Central Bank.

• The European Defense Agency has as a major task to negotiate a defense treaty with
the USA, to enhance the military cooperation with Russia, to enhance the European
armaments cooperation or to represent the Member States in NATO.
• The contribution of Austria to the EU budget is slightly over € 1; 2,5; 5; 8 billion per
• The nominal GDP per capita of Romania for 2015 is 30, 40, 60, 90 % of the average
of the EU.
• Agricultural productivity has dramatically gone up: While in the Sixties 40 % of the
population worked in farming it is now only 2, 3, 5 or 8 %.
• The first environmental policy of the European Community was launched in 1972 and
over the years 7 Environmental Action Programmes have been established and more
than 50, 250, 500, 750 pieces of environmental legislation have been produced.
• A key element for intelligent transport management of the future is a high accuracy
satellite radio navigation system, called Erasmus, Kopernikus, Galileo or Leonardo.
• The economy of the European Union combines the economies of 28 member states
and was generating an estimated nominal GDP for 2013 of € 5.000, 13.000, 20.000 or
25.000 billion which is one fifth of the global economy.
• The dollar is the major global reserve currency whose share is about 40, 50, 65, 80 %
of the global money volume available.
• The Commission is answerable to the national governments, the national parliaments,
the European Parliament, or the Council.
• Speakers in the European Parliament are entitled to speak in any of the EU's 12, 15,
24 or 28 official languages.
• To fund its policies, the European Union has an annual budget of € 60, 137, 167, 324
billion for the period 2014 – 2020.
• The EU’s regional policy is based on transfers of funds from rich to poor
countries/regions in an amount of ca 10, 30, 60, 100 billion annually.
• Member states have so far been enthusiastic, moderately eager or very reluctant to
develop social standards to be applied in the whole Union.
• The number of EU member states participating in the Schengen agreement is 16, 22,
25, 27
• Eurozone members have special obligations in respect to financial and economic
stability: its public debt must not exceed 40, 60, 80, 100 % of GDP („Maastricht

• With a share of more than 10, 25, 40, 60 % of the global money volume available the
Euro has become a global reserve currency.
• The EU’s exports amount each year to about 500, 1.700, 2.500 or 3.000 billion EUR.
• The number of votes allocated to each EU country in the Council roughly reflects the
area of the country, the number of ministers in that country, size of its population or
the duration of membership in the EU.
• Community law is inferior, equal or superior to national law for areas covered by the
• The EU currently imports ca. 75%, 50%, 40% or 25% of its primary energy
• Consumers spend about 3, 5, 10, 20 % of their income for food now compared to
nearly 50 % in the Sixties.
• The European System of Central Banks (ESCB) is composed of the European Central
Bank (ECB) and the national central banks (NCBs) of 17, 23, 25, 28 European Union
(EU) Member States.
• Military defence of EU member states is a core task of the European Parliament, the
United Nations, the European Commission or each individual member state.
• Natura 2000 refers to a network of protected sited in the EU to maintain biodiversity,
to generate living space for new invasive species from abroad, to forbid hunting
activities or to allow research with genetically modified crops.
• Since preindustrial times the concentrations of Green House Gases CO2, N2O and
CH4 increased due to fossil fuel consumption, agriculture and land use changes from
280 to 430 ppm CO2e causing an increase of the global mean temperature by ca 0,5;
0,8; 1,5 or 2°C.
• The EU Policy on Climate Change and Energy aims at limiting by 2100 the global
warming by 1, 2, 3 or 4 °C (compared to preindustrial times).
• According to the EU Policy for Climate Change and Energy to achieve the 2°C
warming limit by 2100 the global reduction of Green House Gas emissions must be
20, 50, 75 or 100% by the year 2050.
• According to the EU Policy for Climate Change and Energy to achieve the 2°C
warming limit by 2100 the reduction of Green House Gases emitted by industrialized
countries must amount to 20, 50, 85 or 100% by the year 2050.
• The share of Green House Gas emissions from the consumption of fossil fuels and
biomass is ca 25, 50, 75 or 90%.

• The share of wind energy in the electricity generation in the EU in 2014 was about
3%, 8%, 14% or 20%.
• The share of solar energy in the electricity generation in the EU in 2014 was about
1%, 3%, 5% or 10%.
• The daily expenses of the EU for energy imports are ca. 200 million EUR, 500 million
EUR, 1.000 million EUR or 2.000 million EUR.
• The Dublin Agreement on immigration foresees hotspots for the accommodation of
refugees in Greece and Italy, the responsibility for immigrants to seek asylum in the
first EU Member State they enter, to provide financial aid for Turkey to stop the move
of refugees across the Agean Sea to Greece, or a redistribution scheme for immigrants
on the different Member States of the EU.
• Decisions in respect to the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU are made
by the European Commission together with the European Council, by the European
Council with the European Parliament, by the European Council alone or by the
European Parliament together with the Commission.
• Decisions in respect to the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU require
unanimity, a 2/3 majority or a qualified majority.
• The main responsibility for the military defense of Europe rests with the UN, NATO,
WTO or the IMF.
• The development aid of the EU amounts to 0,2%, 0,4%, 1% or 2% of the GDP.
• The most successful product of technical military cooperation between the EU
member states is the Airbus 320, the Ariane rocket, the international space station ISS
or the Eurofighter.
• The energy consumption per capita in Africa is approximately 5%, 10%, 20% or 50%
of that of the EU.

3. Select the correct component by underlining:
Each correct choice is 1 point. Each wrong choice is minus 1 point. Max 5 points.
• The “founding fathers” of the European Union were:
- Bruno Kreisky,
- Konrad Adenauer,
- Francois Mitterand,
- Alcide de Gasperi,
- Jean Monnet,
- Dwight B. Eisenhower,
- Robert Schuman,
- Michael Gorbatschov,
- Winston Churchill
• The European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) was established in 1957 for
- the development of a nuclear defense capability
- the peaceful use of nuclear technologies for energy production
- to expand the mining of uranium at the European territory
- to enhance the use of radioisotopes in medical treatments.
• The Acquis (Communautaire) includes
- all the EU's treaties and laws
- opinions of the Commission President
- international agreements on EU affairs
- press releases of the European Parliament
- the judgments given by the Court of Justice.
• The CAP is nowadays one of the most controversial policies in the Union since
- genetically modified agricultural products are produced in the EU
- food safety cannot be guaranteed
- the amount of subsidies places a heavy burden on the EU budget
- the farmers do not take care of the landscape
- very small production subsidies are provided for farmers
- import tariffs lead to unfair trade conditions for developing countries.

• The two major reserve currencies of the states in this world are
- British Pound
- Swiss Frank
- Japanese Yen
- US Dollar
- Chinese Yuan
• The European Investment Bank (EIB) lends money for
- large projects of common European interest
- increasing the defense potential of Member States
- subsidizing trade deficits of Member States
- improving infrastructure in Developing Partner Countries
- supporting the stability of national currencies in the Eurozone States.
• The (common) EU energy policy contains the following goals:
- increase competition in the internal market
- reduce import of natural gas from the USA
- diversify energy resources with better systems to respond to a crisis
- develop the exploitation of shale gas within the European Union
- phase out nuclear energy
- increase renewable energy
- increase funding for new energy technologies.
• The Strategic Energy Technologies Plan (SET Plan) aims at stimulating the
- development of wind energy
- the exploitation of shale gas
- development of photovoltaics
- building concentrated solar power plants in the Sahara (DESERTEC project)
- increasing the production of biofuel from cereals with the aim that 20% of the fuel
consumed in transport should come from biomass
- developing the „intelligent“ grid
- developing CCS to market maturity
- exploration for oil and natural gas in the Arctic
- improving the electricity infrastructure in Africa

• The Bologna Process started in 1999 aims to create a
- Open Sky System for Europe
- institutionalised dialogue with Africa
- European Higher Education Area
- network for EU-cooperation in primary education
- WTO-agreement including social standards for production of goods
• The main instruments for implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy are
- financing projects in Member States through the Regional Development Fund
- credits provided through the ESM
- loans from the European Investment Bank
- low interest rates set by the ECB for loans taken by companies
• The EU Competition Policy aims at
- achieving the same prices for the same goods in different countries
- setting-up a fair system for pricing avoiding unfair competition between
- harmonising social services, like pensions, throughout the European Union
- eliminating monopolistic structures in the provision of services and goods
- providing a fair pay for European workers
- lowering the prices for services and good by liberalisation of the market.
• The major goals of the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy are to
- reduce the overcapacity in fishing fleets
- increase the price of tuna fish on the Japanese market
- preserve fish stocks
- stimulate salmon farming in Norway
- protect Iceland from overfishing
- providing financial assistance to European fishing communities
- stop whale hunting

• The European Stability Mechanism (ESM), legally a financial institution based on
an intergovernmental treaty between the Member States of the Eurozone
- provides a permanent rescue funding programme for Eurozone countries in
- provides direct loans to European industry for large investments
- manages the issue of Euro notes
- has a financial volume strictly limited to 700 billion Euro
- receives its capital endowment from the Member States of the Eurozone
- is strictly controlled by the parliaments of the Member States
• “Eurobonds” are
- in general state bonds issued in EURO
- "stability bonds“ issued jointly by all 19 Eurozone states which would allow weak
countries to borrow money at low rates
- shares (Aktien) of European industries traded in EURO at the stock market
- credits taken by any European citizen at a bank in the EU.
• A falling value of the EURO versus the dollar is in general:
- beneficial for export oriented industry of Europe
- reducing the price for oil imports from abroad
- stimulating unemployment in Europe
- making vacation in most non-EU countries more expensive
- attracting more winter tourists from Germany
- attracting more summer tourists from the USA.
• The EU security strategy identifies key threats Europe needs to deal with, like
- terrorism
- the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
- proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
- the global financial crisis
- regional conflicts
- the increasing number of nuclear power plants
- organised crime
- decline of the value of the EURO in relation to the US Dollar.

• The 5 largest trading partners of the European Union as a whole are
- India
- Brasil
- Japan
- Norway
- China
- Turkey
- Switzerland
- South Africa
- Russia.

4. Complete the following sentences:

• The term “iron curtain” separating East and Western Europe was created in 1946 by
• The initiative of the USA to rebuild Europe after the second world war was called
..................................................................... plan.
• ……………………………………. (French foreign minister) on 9 May 1950,
proposed establishing a European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC).
• The Treaties of Rome of 1957 built two European Communities:
Ø the …………………………………………………………….. based on a wider
common market covering a whole range of goods and services, and
Ø the ……………………………………………………………… for the peaceful
use of nuclear technologies for energy production.
• The Treaty creating the European Union in 1991 is named after the town in the
Netherlands where it was signed and is therefore called the
• The Treaty replacing a “European Constitution” becoming effective 1 Jan. 2009 is
called the Treaty of .....................................................
• The ………………………………………………….. is the meeting of Heads of
State and Government (i.e. presidents and/or prime ministers) of all the EU
countries, plus the President of the European Commission, and is the highest-level
policy-making body in the European Union.

• The…………………………………………………… the ‘Guardian of the
Treaties’ and has to ensure that the regulations and directives adopted by the
Council and Parliament are being implemented in the member states.
• The ………………………………………………………………….. is the
European Union's long-term lending institution supporting the EU’s priority
objectives, especially European integration and the development of economically
weak regions, by providing loans for e.g. large infrastructure networks of
transport, energy and telecommunications.
• A „New Common Agricultural Policy“ was developed where the amount of
financial support given to a farmer has been largely decoupled from the production
volume and …………………………………… criteria for subsidizing the farming
activities have been introduced.
• The ………………………………….. introduced 1 Jan. 2002 is the key element of
the Economic and Monetary Union.
• ……………………………………….is the EU agency responsible for external
border control between the Schengen region and other countries by coordinating
the activities of the national border guards.
• ………………………………….is a multinational temporary military group set up
under the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) for peacekeeping
missions of limited duration.
• The European Union has now ……………. million inhabitants.
• The Motto of the European Union is …………………………………..................
• The …………………………….. is the body that represents the EU’s citizens and
which exercises political supervision over the EU’s activities.
• The EU judicial system consists of 2 levels: The higher level is called
• The……………………………………………………………..................................
(Stockholm) has the task to strengthen Europe’s defences against infectious
• Formally the ……………………………………….. is the only body with the
„Right of Initiative“.
• Due to the stringent application of EU ………………………………. rules the EU
has become a huge single market for air travel at moderate costs.

• The “………………………..” for candidate countries contains strict
environmental regulations leading to a great improvement of the situation in new
Member States.
• The ………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………… the
EU's foreign policy.
• The ……………………………………………………….. could be the nucleus of
a European army.
• 9 May is now the official “holiday” of the European Union and is called
• The European Union has now ……………….. Member States
• Pillars of the EU: The European Union takes decisions in three separate 'domains'
(policy areas), also known as the three 'pillars' of the EU. The second pillar is the
common foreign and security policy, where decisions are taken by the
…………………………. alone.
• The ………………………………………………….. refers to government
ministers from all the EU countries meeting regularly to take detailed decisions
and to pass EU laws.
• The EU judicial system consists of 2 levels: The lower level is
• The EU judicial system consists of 2 levels: The higher level is
• The ……………………………………Agency (Copenhagen), is devoted to
establishing a network for the monitoring of the European environment and regular
reporting about the state of the European environment.
• ………………………………………. is the European Union's criminal
intelligence agency covering all 28 member states.
• The
is a major element of the Common Foreign and Security Policy pillar of the
European Union covering defence and military aspects.
• The „Barcelona Process“ aims at establishing cooperation between the EU and the

• Development cooperation with Africa is a high priority for the EU and is based on
the …………………………………………….. Agreement signed in 2000.
• The institution coordinating the cooperation between police forces in the EU is
called ............................................................
• The institution coordinating the cooperation between judicial prosecutors in the
EU is called ............................................................
• The organisation responsible for the border control in the EU is called
• The European satellite navigation system presently being set up is called
• The European contribution to the global earth observations system for monitoring
environmental changes is called.............................................................................
• The ECB co-operates with the ………………………………………………..which
is the „lender of last resort“ for countries in financial difficulties (like Greece,
Ireland, Portugal, Cyprus….).


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