BPCL SDR 2009 10 PDF

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Building a sustainable future 3 Conserving water 32

C&MD’s Message 4 Nurturing people, fostering
talent 36
Sustainable development:
Agenda at board level 6 Ensuring safety and security,
promoting health 40
Company profile 8
Developing sustainable
‘DreamPlan’ for
communities 44
a sustainable future 12
Assurance statement 48
Responsible governance 18
Content Index 50
Performing for a purpose 20
Glossary 52
Consuming resources
responsibly 24 Epilogue 54
Managing energy efficiently 28 Share your feedback 55


Building a sustainable future Criteria Units 2009-10
Energy is a lifeline of growth – economic or human. Being a responsible energy company, we What we targeted What we achieved
are committed to meet energy demands while ensuring minimal impact on the environment Gross Margin % 2.42 18.4
and protecting the interests of our stakeholders. We have carefully expanded our product Gross Sales ` Billion 1,241.50 1,315.00
portfolio to include cleaner fuels and made headway in non-conventional energy sources. Our Customer Satisfaction
efforts are towards nurturing our employees and business associates by providing them
Reseller (MS/HSD) % 96 98.5
opportunities to achieve their potential. Our focus is on building sustainable communities
through appropriate interventions. LPG % 93 98.1
Aviation % 94 99
Report Scope
Direct Consumers % 94 98.2
‘Building a sustainable future’ is our fourth sustainable development report covering triple Refinery Crude throughput
bottom line performance for FY 2009-10. The current report progressively builds on our
Mumbai Refinery Million Tons 11.7 12.52
previous reports Energizing Lives (2006-07), Energy Sustenance (2007-08) and Responsible
Development (2008-09). Previously known as Corporate Sustainability Report, this year Kochi Refinery Million Tons 7.55 7.89
(2009-10) we have changed it to Sustainable Development Report to create a global outlook and Quality Assurance
distinct identity. Building a sustainable future has been prepared in accordance with A+ application Benchmarking
level of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI G3) guidelines 2006. The report also refers to the Mumbai Refinery % 89 92.3
API/IPIECA Oil and Gas Industry Guidance on Voluntary Sustainability Reporting 2005. Kochi Refinery % 89 100
The scope of the report includes seven Strategic Business Units (SBUs) in India over which the Specific Energy Consumption
Company has significant operational control. The seven SBUs are Refineries, Retail, Lubes, LPG, Mumbai Refinery MBTU/BBL/NRGF 74 71.95
Industrial & Commercial Aviation and Gas1 . Our subsidiary company Numaligarh Refinery Kochi Refinery MBTU/BBL/NRGF 91 89.7
Limited (NRL) is also included in the scope of the report. The retail outlets are excluded from
Average Refining cost/tonne
the scope of the report.
Mumbai Refinery ` 508 460
As we mature in the reporting process, certain data provided for previous years may not be Kochi Refinery ` 620 591
comparable with the previously published data. This is due to the enhancement and progress
Average Marketing cost/tonne ` 833 788
made in reporting process. Wherever necessary, explanations are provided to guide the readers
on the interpretation of data and information. We strive to make further progress in the No.of Reportable accidents
reporting journey by expanding our scope and enhancing our reporting systems. This year, we per million manhours worked
have engaged KPMG to present the gap analysis along with suggestions on sustainable (MR+KR+Marketing) Frequency 0.43 0.17
development management strategy for future and provide professional services for developing HSSE training to employees
and designing this Sustainable Development Report. Ernst & Young Pvt. Ltd has provided (Mumbai Refinery) Mandays 1,575 1,787
external assurance on this report. We achieved a market share of 28.70 % for Motor Spirit and 24.17 % for High Speed Diesel.
During the year we conducted 171 leadership development programs for management employees.
360-degree assessments were conducted covering 119 role holders.
1 2
As the Gas SBU was formed in the year under review, the performance data does not include Gas SBU. We would be including the same in future reports. The targets set are based on the MoU signed between MoPNG and BPCL for the year 2009-10, of which select few have been presented here and may differ from previously reported targets.



ion of what sustainable development
eans tto BPCL:
responsible growth and profitability. To
5IFUIFNFPGUIJTZFBSTSFQPSU iBuilding a Sustainable FuturewJMMVTUSBUFTPVS beyond compliance, leverage from
long-term sustainability on all aspects, at
envelope further, to innovate and
This year also witnessed the formalization of BPCL’s ‘DreamPlan’ – an articulation of our capture opportunities we create for
aspirations and where we want to reach by 2015, co-created by our team members at all ourselves. We will roll out our
levels across the organisation. There are six strategic elements of the plan – ‘DreamPlanXIFSFLFZGFBUVSFJTUP


an important responsibility towards the
t *OWFTUJO(BT natural environment. We recognize the
in the face of greater competition in terms of depleting crude resources,
climate change, or our impact on
communities. We are aware that
found profitable

to economic growth and are cognizantt with adeq

adequate security infrastructure lives across the country, through increasingly environment and social-friendly
of the fact that related fallouts need andd m
manpower. education programs, infrastructure, products.
responsible addressal. Fostering health care, employability development
t (SPXJOHBOEEFWFMPQJOHPVSUBMFOU This report is here to share our vision and
innovation is our approach to tackle programs, etc.
QPPMOur businesses being fast achievements. We look forward to your
these challenges. We produced cleaner
growing and labor intensive, human 5IFXBZGPSXBSEFNCFEEJOHTVTUBJOBCMF views/suggestions, which will help us better
fuels compliant with Euro III and IV
talent is definitely a key asset. In EFWFMPQNFOUGVSUIFSJOUPPVS%/" our performance, thereby creating more
guidelines and made headway in
addition, our employees dedicate a We have been presented with several value for our stakeholders.
creating a renewable energy portfolio.
significant part of their days working accolades in environment and eocial
We know other milestones on this
with us, and our responsibility is to offer responsibility and we are proud of our
journey are still ahead of us, and we
them a challenging, rewarding and progress. We aspire to embed sustainable
acknowledge our responsibilities to
exciting working environment and development into all our management
continuously work towards minimizing
suited career opportunities. Our processes. We will launch next year an
our environmental foot-print.
responsibility is also to attract and retain ambitious program aiming at formulating a
t 1SPUFDUJOHPVSQFPQMFOur talent, at all levels, as our strategy clearer roadmap in the area of sustainable Ashok Sinha
responsibility is to ensure safety of our requires such talent to be there with us development. We intend to ensure full $IBJSNBO.BOBHJOH%JSFDUPS 
employees, contracted manpower, and in the long-run. cohesiveness and a close alignment of our #IBSBU1FUSPMFVN$PSQPSBUJPO-JNJUFE
assets. I regret the loss of three lives sustainable development initiatives with our
due to work related accidents this year corporate strategy and vision.
DPNNVOJUJFTOur operations touch
across our operations. We recognize
the lives of thousands of people from The broader definition of sustainable
safety is a never ending journey, and
the neighbouring communities across development, “Meeting today’s generation’
we will sustain year after year our
our operations, often in remote places needs without comprising those of our
efforts to make BPCL a safe workplace.
where basic amenities may be absent, children”, is indeed a challenge at hand for
On workplace security front, we have
and education levels may be low. We many industry sectors, and ours in
developed an in-house “security
have dedicated teams and budgets particular. At BPCL we consider these
scorecard” to assess the emergency towards Social Responsibility, and our challenges as opportunities to grow our
preparedness. Based on the scorecard programs have touched thousands of competitive edge, while bringing to market
assessment, each location is equipped


Q 1: What does sustainability mean

to you?
Director (Marketing): Sustainable
development is about Business itself.
Especially for Hydro Carbon sector, it is all
about securing energy supplies and making
cleaner fuels available at affordable rates. We
at BPCL always endeavored to secure energy
supplies and our foray into exploration and
the gas business, is testimony of our efforts.
Director (Refineries): Sustainable
development to me is to reduce dependence
on other oil companies and meet market
demand. It is all about increasing refining
capacities and ensure we run our refineries in
a safe manner and ensure zero loss of life and
Director (Finance): Sustainable development
is foundation of proactive organization and for
us it is all about longevity. Our approach is to
go beyond compliance and focus on meeting We need to continue and find the treasure stakeholders? Director (Refineries): Key stakeholders
customer expectations and to achieve within. Our employees make all the according to me include Employees, contract
employee satisfaction. Governance is the Director (Marketing): Key stakeholders for
difference by putting the vision of building labor and customers. At Refineries, most
foundation for sustainability. us include – Government, Employees and JV
sustainable future into effect through WIN important requirement is to ensure high
partners. We are well positioned to address
Director (Human Resources): For us, (We Innovate Now) –with the objective to
their concerns and fulfill their expectations.
standards in safety, security and workplace
sustainable development is everyday introspect and innovate for better tomorrow. environment. We already have management
business. Last two years have been difficult We meet up with these stakeholders at systems deployed at refineries but we need
Q 2: Who are your key stakeholders?
for our sector but that doesn’t mean we bring regular intervals to map their to integrate these systems to avoid multiple
How well are you positioned to
economy to a halt and look for external help. concerns/expectations. audits, documentation and develop a robust
address varied expectations of your

monitoring plan. Q 3: You have been reporting on Director (Human Resources): I feel we have preparedness and response plans.
sustainable development performance just started this journey and hit a couple of
Director (Finance): As I explained earlier, the Director (Finance): Expectation of our
for last four years. What changes have milestones. But there is need to further
expectation of stakeholders is varied and we stakeholders is multi-fold; Government
you observed? Are your efforts percolate this agenda at shop floor. These
are working towards developing a robust expects energy security, customers want
delivering results? three years gave us robust data management
framework to engage with key stakeholders operational stability and quality, shareholders
systems to capture sustainable development
including employees, customers and Director (Marketing): One of the key want long-term returns and so on. We want
shareholders. In the past decade we have challenges we had recognized last year was to play the role of a responsible corporate,
already revisited our vision twice and this year awareness among employees on Q 4: What do you see the role of BPCL admired by its stakeholders. We need to get
we are rolling out our ‘DreamPlan’. One of sustainability. Reporting exercise has in the society to be? involved in social programs way beyond
the initiatives worth mentioning here is the IT addressed this concern to a large extent, donations and play a larger role in society
Director (Marketing): I strongly believe that
interface. We deployed IT systems in retail however, we need to further scale up our addressing concerns on water availability,
the business flourishes well in a healthy
business, dealer network and installed communication efforts. Last year our primary education and basic healthcare.
society. Our products touch lives of millions
automated sensors resulting in reduced Lubricants business initiated Carbon footprint
of people everyday and it is in our interest to Director (Human Resources): We want to
inventory levels and ensured quality and project which was received very well among
expand our customer base to help them with set an example of being a Responsible
quantity at customer end. We need to scale employees. We plan to estimate carbon
cleaner options. We are preparing a five year Corporate. We have taken step in this
up these initiatives and sensitize our footprint of entire BPCL.
strategy called ‘DreamPlan’ and key feature direction by entering into Gas business,
stakeholders on our sustainable development
Director (Refineries): While we have done a here is to enhance refining capacity to 50 developing Euro III and Euro IV compliance
fairly good job, we need to bring in the risk million tons by 2015, ensuring energy products, constructing green campus in
Director (Human Resources): For me most element in the report and our in house security. Noida and Kolkata, converting wastes into
communications, around sustainable resources such as coke and using ash in brick
important stakeholders include Employees. Director (Refineries): Due to the very
development. We need to make this manufacturing.
With the launch of WIN we fostered the nature of our business, most stakeholders
document, easy to read and directly hitting
culture of innovation and reinforced the want us to demonstrate high standards in Director (Marketing) –
the nail, and avoid encyclopedic style.
concept of doing it right. We carried out health, safety and environmental Mr. S. RADHAKRISHNAN
change management exercise and introduced Director (Finance): Reporting on non performance, which is the most important
Director (Refineries) –
four new elements – developed culture financial performance has been received well element of running a refinery. We need to
footprint; introduced ownership concept; among the senior management, however, we expand it to our contractors and ensure that
introduced performance related need to sensitize various levels within BPCL they follow the same practices. For us Director (Finance) –
remuneration and rolled out redeployment and encourage participation. This will further dealing with emergency situation is very Mr. S. K. JOSHI
and re-skilling programmes. help in ingraining sustainability into everyday important and better still is the understanding Director (Human Resources) –
activity within BPCL. at community level on our emergency Mr. S. MOHAN

“I strongly believe that the business flourishes
well in a healthy society. Our products touch
lives of millions of people everyday and it is in
our interest to expand our customer base to
help them with cleaner options”
Mr. S. Radhakrishnan,
Director (Marketing)

anizational Highli
Refineries (including
ing NRL) 3 Nos Sales Volume Market Share5
Installations and depots
t 141
41 Nos
N (’000 MT) (%)
LPG bottling plants 49
9 Nos
N Naphtha
Na 897 28.9
Aviation filling stations 30
0 Nos
No LPG (Bulk & packed) 3,236 25.9
Retail outlets 8,692
8 ,6
92 Nos
N Motorr spirit
sspii 3,575 28.4
LPG distributors 2 187
2,187 Nos Special
S boiling point spirit 39 34.9
Crude throughput 23.03
233 03
03 MMT
MT Benzene 60 84.3
Market sales 27.70 MMT Toluene 24 97.9
Gross sales 1,315 ` billion Polypropylene
opyle feedstock 71 NA
Total assets 361.41 ` billion Regasified LNG 710 NA
Market participation 22.38 % Aviation Turbine Fuel 925 20.3
Fortune 500 rank (2009) 289 Superior Kerosene Oil 1,646 17.2
High Speed Diesel 13,298 24.2
Shareholding pattern4 Light Diesel Oil 59 12.8
Mineral Turpentine Oil 107 56.5
Furnace Oil 1,450 18.7
Low Sulphur Heavy Stock 447 18
Bitumen 627 14.4
Lubricants 231 18.7
Others 234 NA


Bharat PetroResources Limited

Numaligarh Refinery Limited

Government 55.79%
Life Insurance Corporation of India 10.57%
BPCL Trust for Investment Shares 9.33%
Bharat Renewable Energy Limited Bharat Star Services Private Limited
Unit Trust of India 1.20%
Central UP Gas Limited Indraprastha Gas Limited
Foreign Institutional Investors 7.97%
Other Financial Institutions 7.74% Maharashtra Natural Gas Limited Matrix Bharat Marine Servies Pte Limited
Private Corporate Bodies 4.37% Petronet CCK Limited Petronet India Limited
Others 2.94% Petronet LNG Limited Sabarmati Gas Limited
Non Resident Indians 0.09%

3 5
As on 31 March 2010 for Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited Market share is based on sales volumes of Indian Public Sector Oil Companies
As on 31 March 2010 for Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited


Operational overview Organizational overview


Director Director Director Director CVO
Refineries Human Resources Marketing Finance Vigilance

Refineries ED ED ED ED Company
Mumbai Refinery HRD Retail Corporate Treasury Secretary

Kochi Refinery HRS Mgmt Accounts Internal Audit
Industrial L.P.G. Libes Retail
Gas storage blending depots ED
and service Lubes
installations commercial and and and Integrated ED
station ED DGM Information
bottling storage installation Corporate Planning Quality control cell Corp Affairs &
ED systems & ERP Stategy

R&D Aviation Legal Supply Chain Opt.
Marketing network
Dealers and distributors ED
Internation E&P
al Trade Cordination

Industrial and DGM
Retail customers Airline customers ESE
Commercial customers HEAD

Mktg Corp

PR & Brand


t .PTU7BMVBCMF#SBOE BPCL is 6th t 4VQFSCSBOEo Bharatgas is accredited Association of Business Communicators t #FTU$'0o Mr. S.K. Joshi, Director
among the Top 50 Most Valuable Brands as Consumer Superbrand by of India (ABCI) awards. BPCL won Gold (Finance) was conferred the Business
according an assessment done by Brand Superbrands India Award for MAK Viral, Silver Award for Today ‘Best CFO in a PSU’ award for
Finance CSR campaign and Bronze for Corporate exemplary leadership in ensuring
website availability of fuel and cooking gas in the
t .PTU5SVTUFE#SBOEo BPCL won the BPCL won the prestigious PetroFed
Reader’s Digest Most Trusted Brand in ‘Oil&Gas Marketing Company of the t #FTU4BGFUZ1FSGPSNBODFo BPCL
Gold category Year’ award for second year in succession was awarded Best Overall Safety t 3#/2"o BPCL’s Mumbai Refinery
performance amongst LPG Marketing won the Ramakrishna Bajaj National
Organizations and lube Oil Blending Quality Award 2009, the highest
289th on the coveted Fortune Global JO.BSLFUJOHo BPCL was awarded the
Plants by OISD recognition in the manufacturing category,
500 companies list for 2009 Star Retailer award and Beyond LPG was
for the third consecutive year.
recognized as Unique Concept in t &YDFMMFODFJO&OWJSPONFOUBM
Marketing by Franchise India Holdings .BOBHFNFOUo BPCL’s Kochi Refinery t #VTJOFTT-FBEFSJO$43o BPCL was
$PNQBOJFTo BPCL has been ranked
was awarded the Excellence in awarded with Business Leadership Award
5th in refining & marketing among the t 4VQQMZ$IBJO&YDFMMFODFo BPCL
Environmental Management award by in CSR category by NDTV Profit
Asian companies on the Platts Top 250 won the Boston Strategies International’s
Kerala State Pollution Control Board
Global Energy Companies 2009 list 2009 Oil, Gas & Energy Industries Award t (SFFO#VTJOFTT-FBEFSo BPCL was
for Exemplary leadership in Supply Chain t (PPE(SFFO(PWFSOBODFo BPCL’s awarded the prestigious FE EVI (Financial
Synchronization Bengaluru LPG Plant was declared the Express & Emergent Ventures India)
#SBOETo BPCL stands 305th in the Top
winner of G-Cube Good Green Green Business Leader Award for
500 Global Brands list compiled by t "#$*$PNNVOJDBUJPO"XBSETo
Governance Award in the manufacturing 2009-10.
UK-based Brand Finance BPCL walked away with four
category among non-processing
communication awards at 49th Annual

‘DreamPlan’ FOR A
Looking forward, bolder aspirations and fresh challenges
await us. We have already completed envisioning
workshops with Directors, EDs and GMs and we are
now in the process of involving the next level of the
organization. To achieve these aspirations, we now need
to refine the strategy and detail the initiatives. This has
been christened as Project ‘DreamPlan’
Mr. Ashok Sinha,
C&MD, June 2010

Conceptualized in 2009-10, Project ‘DreamPlan’ is an articulation of our aspirations and where we want to reach by 2015. As a part of this project we want to achieve
the goal of becoming one million barrels per day company, triple our profits, and undertake capital spend in excess of `5,000 billion. There are six elements of the
‘DreamPlan’ as mentioned below:

Big-capex, game changers Protect and grow existing Seed options for the future
leadership position in marketing



5IF‘DreamPlan’ BMTPEFMJOFBUFTUIF acceptable manner. Being a public sector for industry to minimize carbon emissions. business this year. We have a vision to reach
GPMMPXJOHRVBMJUBUJWFBTQJSBUJPOTPG#1$-o enterprise our commitment to sustainable We are geared for Renewable growth and 5 million tons mark in next five years and
development rests on our obligation to do have made headway in wind and solar scale it to 10 million tons in next ten years.
the right thing and demonstrate commitment energy, but our core strength would be fossil This was the year of consolidation with
t #VJMEDPNQFUFODZJOOFXBSFBT to social responsibility. fuels. With the foray into exploration we are streamlining of operations in Brazil, moving
t "EEGMFYJCJMJUZBOENVMUJTLJMMJOHUPPVS geared to be self reliant on energy supplies. ahead decisively on the Indian and overseas
This year we further strengthened our
OFUXPSLJOPSEFSUPPGGFSNVMUJQMF work programme, and venturing in to the
materiality framework and encouraged #1$-XBTPOFPGUIFGJSTUNPWFSTJOUIF
TFSWJDFTUPUIFDVTUPNFS unexplored virgin basin of Mozambique. Our
participation at various levels to suggest emerging gas market in India, when we
target customers include industrial consumer
t $SFBUFBOJOOPWBUJWFDPNQFOTBUJPOBOE issues. . The feedback so obtained was became one of the promoters of Petronet
and aggregators. We have also made a
CFOFGJUTTUSVDUVSF discussed at the board level and finally, the -/(-JNJUFE 1--
humble entry into city gas distribution through
top five material issues identified were: greater focus, gas marketing, which was
t $SFBUFBSPVOEMFBEFSTUPUBLFUIF joint ventures, covering 4 cities and we plan to
DPSQPSBUJPOGPSXBSE t &OFSHZBOEDMJNBUFDIBOHF have 10 more cities included in our portfolio.
business, was converted in to a separate
consumption in our country is expected to development challenges, including employees, investors, NGOs, suppliers and
For us, sustainable development means - the
impact of the company’s operations on
environment and society. We take care to
energy source in recent decades, and this WBMVFDIBJO
ensure our impacts are minimal and we
operate profitability, safely and in an ethically


our employees regarding key decisions of the Stakeholder Groups Corporate SBU/
Regional Facility
Level Level Level
company including our business strategy. We
intend to engage with our senior Shareholders and Lenders
management and union representatives
Government and regulators
across our regions with respect to our five
year business strategy development, Project Employees
DreamPlan. At SBU and regional level, we
have focused channels of interaction with our Industry Associations
customers, suppliers and regulatory bodies.
Our engagement with communities and
NGOs is two fold. The central corporate Suppliers

social responsibility function partners with Business & JV Partners

NGOs and communities through company
wide initiatives. The facility levels focus on Communities
local issues and adopt a suitable engagement
Dealers & Distributors
model benefiting the local communities.
Contractors & Contractual
Stakeholder engagement at BPCL is viewed major shareholder, we engage with various In our endeavor to further enhance our labour
as an important element of our business Ministries and Regulatory bodies at corporate engagement with stakeholders on issues
strategy. We believe in constructive dialogue level on varied issues including but not limiting related to sustainable development, this year
with various stakeholders making them an to company performance, product pricing, we adopted a focused approach in engaging Academic Institutions
integral part of our success. new projects, and industry regulations. We with select employees on the specific agenda
interact with all our shareholders at corporate of sustainable development. The constructive Media
Over the years, we have adopted a
6 level through various forums like Annual dialogue process with our stakeholders has
diversified and customized approach towards
General Meetings, Investor meets etc. provided us with key insights on the
engaging with our stakeholders. Owing to the
Employee engagement is one of our core prioritization of material issues which are of
nature and scale of our operations and also
strengths, which has helped us achieve mutual interest to both our stakeholders and
the diversity of our stakeholders, we make
business excellence. Various formal and the Company. The inputs were further
sure that we engage with each of the
informal engagement channels are used to deliberated by the panel consisting of C&MD
stakeholder groups at different levels in the
address the concerns of employees while and Directors to arrive at material issues
organization. Being a Public Sector Unit (PSU)
meeting their expectations. We engage with assuming the
with the Government of India (GoI) as a

Refer to our previous sustainability report “Responsible Development” for detailed information on stakeholder engagement for individual stakeholder groups. The report can be accessed through our website www.bharatpetroleum.in


highest priority. interest and concern to stakeholders, thereby operations and plan to extend the same to unsafe events occur and ensure appropriate
assigning priorities to the issues in alignment our refineries in the next financial year. We changes in our management systems, culture
We are guided by the principle of materiality
with the Company’s business strategy. The are also focussing on developing Clean and processes that could help prevent such
to identify and prioritize the issues of
issues assuming the highest material Development Mechanism (CDM) projects to incidents in the future. Our goal is to improve
importance or concern to both our
significance that emerged from this exercise reduce our CO2 emissions. our performance until we have no
stakeholder groups and the Company. The
were: work-related injuries at our company. We
Board of directors has the overall Health & Safety
responsibility to provide the Company with t &OFSHZ$MJNBUF$IBOHF
The safety our employees and the &OWJSPONFOU )44&
business strategy and the roadmap for the t )FBMUI4BGFUZ
neighbouring communities is one of our leading role in terms of employee
future. Apart from the dynamic business and t $PNNVOJUZEFWFMPQNFOU
highest priorities. There is absolutely no engagements through active participation and
regulatory scenario, the board also takes in t /FXBOEDMFBOUFDIOPMPHZ
compromise when it comes to safety and sharing best practices across businesses and
account the concerns and expectations of t 8BUFSNBOBHFNFOU
health parameters. We conduct intensive entities. This year special emphasis was given
various stakeholder groups while formulating Energy & Climate Change internal assessments to understand how to training programmes with a thrust on
the roadmap for the Company.
&OFSHZBOEDMJNBUFDIBOHFBSFUXP reinforcing safety culture across BPCL.
Though we do not have a formal process of inter-related parameters that are of prime
identification and prioritization of material importance for safeguarding the present and
issues on our sustainable development planning for the future. We have initiated
agenda, the Company uses the inputs from energy efficiency programs including initiatives
business strategy and roadmap, directives for knowledge sharing across our operations
from Government and regulatory authorities to enable replication of similar projects
and various stakeholder inputs to identify the thereby increasing productivity and lowering
material issues for BPCL. These issues are energy consumption. With an aim of reducing
discussed at various levels of the Company dependency on non-renewable energy
including the board. sources, we have started harnessing
This year we have used the focused renewable energy sources. Lower energy
employee sessions to identify and prioritize consumption will naturally help us to lower
the sustainable development issues of interest our carbon footprint. We are well aware of
and concern to stakeholders. The insights the ill-effects of climate change and the
from these sessions were then presented to contribution of our operations in terms of
the panel consisting of C&MD and Directors. ()(FNJTTJPOT5IJTZFBSXFDPOEVDUFEB
The panel deliberated on the various issues of carbon footprint analysis of our lube


Community Development businesses are working to develop tailored aspirations, we have developed a detailed
solutions for harnessing renewable energy book titled ‘Rainwater Harvesting’ on this
We believe that it is our duty to use the
resources for their businesses. These subject. We understand the importance of
resources made available to us to improve
solutions include the work done for water management and have undertaken
the quality of life in our communities. Our
constructing and managing solar and wind various water management schemes in our
commitment to the communities we serve is
installations. Further, we have deployed neighbouring communities by developing
demonstrated through a wide range of
newer or cleaner technologies such as surface and ground water sources to augment
programs, activities, donations and grants to
chemical decontamination techniques, high the quantity and quality of existing water
educational, environmental and community
emissivity ceramic coatings, automatic supplies.
organizations. Our social responsibility
combustion control, gasoline splitter unit,
programs are built on the premise that our While the above-mentioned issues remain
naphtha splitter unit, etc. across our
financial resources and employees can have a high on priority, the other issues, which were
operations and will continue to do so.
profound and positive impact on the world identified as material to BPCL, include energy
Through deployment of cleaner technologies
around us. We contribute to community security, affordable energy, corporate
we want to move a step further towards
development through philanthropic activities governance and compliance, talent attraction
building a sustainable future, where energy
and creation of sustainable livelihoods. At the and retention, and waste management. Our
scarcity would cease to exist.
corporate level, we are concentrating our overall approach in addressing the material
financial and other resources on four areas of Water Management issues is guided by our business strategy and
focus where we believe we can make the roadmap. Our future plans and current
Water is a vital part of energy generation and
greatest difference in improving quality of life performance on the identified material issues
its incessant withdrawal can alter the natural
of people around our areas of operation: is detailed in various sections of the report.
conditions of surface and ground water
education, health, infrastructure and water. We also intend to adopt a formal process in
resources, potentially affecting aquatic life, as
the near future to identify and prioritize
New and Clean Technology well as other animals and people that use
material issues, including inputs from our
water in that ecosystem. Water conservation
As one of the leading energy companies in prioritized stakeholders.
is on our agenda and we have made
India, we continue to carefully manage our
concerted efforts to save, re-use and recycle
limited natural resources and address the
water. Additionally, we are implementing rain
environmental and health effects of our
water harvesting systems across our
operations. We are currently making
installations as we progress towards achieving
investments in upgrading our processes to
our dream of becoming a water positive
produce cleaner energy with a view of
organization. To further propagate our
diversifying our fuel portfolio. Some of our

Our philosophy on corporate governance
stems from its belief that timely disclosures,
transparent accounting policies and a strong
and independent Board go a long way in
maximizing corporate value and building a
sustainable future for the Company.

The Board has adopted a Code of Conduct7,8 to adopt a defined process for managing its investigations with specific recommendations participants were held with the objective of
for the Directors and management cadre of risks on an ongoing basis. Being a PSU for corrective action and system enhancing Vigilance Awareness among the
the Company as well; and, there is a system in company, we are under the purview of a improvements. As a part of preventive employees/vendors. Workshops on
place for affirming compliance to it by the robust mechanism of audits and checks by the vigilance, periodic / surprise inspections of Dealerships / Distributorships were
Board Members and Senior Management of Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of refineries, depots and installations, retail conducted at all regions covering 139
the Company. India. The checks are stringent and happen at outlets and LPG distributorships are carried participants. As part of preventive vigilance
regular intervals thus ensuring our systems out throughout the year. In addition, a activities, inspections including surprise
The Board is assisted by expert committees9
are in place. A full time member nominated Whistleblower Policy that contains details inspections were done at 467 Retail Outlets,
in its supervision of the overall affairs of the
by CAG operates from our premises and is about formal channels of reporting incidents 161 LPG Distributorships and 167 locations
company and to ensure transparent governance.
privy to all board resolutions and other of corruption has been formulated. including depots and installations.
matters of interest.
Headed by a Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO), BPCL’s commitment towards fair practices
BPCL has an Internal Audit department the department, based on the investigations ensures that there are no instances of
consisting of cross functional experts, which carried out, provides advice to the anti-competitive behavior. Being a significant
supplements the review of key business management to bring about qualitative player in India’s Oil & Gas sector and earning
processes and controls through regular audits. improvement in the functioning of the the coveted ‘Navratna’ status from the
Audit reports, significant risk area assessment company. The CVO also acts as a link Government of India, BPCL has earned its
Audit Investor and adequacy of internal controls are also between the corporation and the agencies rightful place in many advisory panels and
committee Grievance
BPCL committee periodically reviewed by the Audit such as MoPNG, PMO, CBI, CVC, etc. industrial decision making bodies like OIDB,
Board of
Directors Committee through meetings held with OISD, BIS, IMC, BCCI, ASSOCHAM, FICCI
An important step in the ongoing efforts of
Management, Internal Audit and the Statutory and CII.
corporate vigilance to enhance transparency
Auditors. We also abide by the Integrity pact
Remuneration committee
and increase efficiency is, “Online Vigilance Leveraging technology for business
program10 in relation to our tendering
Clearance”, which was inaugurated during the excellence, BPCL launched the Access
process through a MoU with Transparency
year. This application accelerates process Control component of SAP GRC
Managing risks through internal International.
requests for vigilance clearance for (Governance, Risk and Compliance) for the
control systems There were no cases of non-compliance by resignations, progressions, retirements etc. LPG SBU in April’09. This was a pilot project
BPCL has a system of internal controls to the Company and no penalties / strictures This year more than 114 training and the solution would be rolled out across
ensure optimum utilization and protection of were enforced on the Company by the Stock workshops/seminars involving 1800 BPCL in a phased manner.
resources, IT security, accurate reporting of Exchange / Securities & Exchange Board of
financial transactions and compliance with India (SEBI) or any other statutory authority
applicable laws and regulations. For this on any matter related to the functioning of
purpose, a clearly defined organization the Company during the year.
structure, authority limits and internal Ethical business practices
guidelines, rules for all operating units and
service entities have been formulated by the Our corporate values guide us in maintaining
Company. high ethical standards. Vigilance is a critical
element of the Company and is in line with
We have established an effective and efficient the philosophy of “Vigilance for Corporate
risk management framework at BPCL. The Excellence”. The Corporate Vigilance
Risk Management Charter and underlined department at BPCL acts effectively on
policies are intended to enable the Company complaints by conducting detailed

7BPCL’s Corporate Vision and Values can be found in detail at the corporate website www.bharatpetroleum.in
8BPCL’s Code of conduct has been enlisted in detail in the corporate website www.bharatpetroleum.in
9Constitution of the Board, information on Directors, committees and its responsibilities are mentioned in BPCL’s Annual report at http://bpcl.in/EnergisingBusiness/In_Financial.aspx?id=1
10Refer to our previous sustainability report “Responsible Development” for information on ‘Integrity Pact Program,.. The report can be accessed through our website www.bharatpetroleum.in

80 certified. This year we have invested a total of Environmental expenditure – marketing SBUs
67.44 69.41
70 ` 382 million on environmental management
25 22.71
60 at our refineries. The environmental
management expenditure for our marketing 20 5.42
SBUs significantly increased to ` 22.71 million 1.66
billion `

40 15

million `
from ` 10.89 million last year. This was 10.89
30 9.37 6.07
primarily due to the renewed focus on 10
environmental management systems across 2.53
10 2.65 4.06
our marketing SBUs and energy saving 7.03
0 0
Capex Projects Refinery Operations
initiatives contributing to cleaner 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010 million `
Local goods & Total goods & Installation of Waste treatment Operations and External services and Other environment
supplies procurement supplies procurement Environmental expenditure – refineries cleaner technologies and disposal maintenance of pollution certifications for related coast
control equipments enviromental management
500 449
415 382
Dignity of labor is recognized in every aspect 400
of our operations and we ensure that none of
million `

our operational procedures interfere with the

human rights of any individual. All our 200

significant investments, including contracts 100

with suppliers incorporate the aspects of
human rights as stipulated by various national 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010
and state laws. Environmental expenditure – refineries
As a conscious corporate citizen we (2009-10) 5.63 21.4

recognize our responsibility towards Waste treatment 119.81

and disposal
environment. We are exploring opportunities Operation and
in alternate energy and making resolute maintenance of pollution
control equipment
efforts to seize every opportunity. We have External services and
made efforts to minimize the impact of our certifications for
environmental management
operations by investing in clean technology
Other environment
and sound environmental management related costs
practices while seeking new means to further million `
reduce it. All our refineries are ISO 14001

“Robust business is the foundation for a
proactive organization and its primary focus
for longevity. While growth should always be
the driver, one should not lose focus on
important issues such as climate change and
social responsibility”
Mr. S. K. Joshi
Director (Finance)

Industry overview the previous year. India’s domestic Economic Value Generated & Distributed Winning in tough times..
production of finished products is
The year 2009-10 started on a difficult note 2009-10 Last year we had reported on the initiation of
considerably higher than the domestic
for India, which is not isolated from the
demand. The domestic crude oil processing ‘Project We Innovate Now (WIN)’ to tackle the
impact of the global economic slowdown that Economic Value
in 2009-10 stood at 186.6 MMT as economic slow down and make BPCL future
began in industrialized nations in 2007. While Generated 1,403.30
compared to 157.1 MMT in the previous ready by improving our cash position in
there has been no significant improvement in Revenues 1,403.30
year. With additional capacities expected to immediate term, putting in place competitive
the global economic scenario, Indian
come on stream in the coming days, India will cost structures and building a ‘cost and value
economy showed signs of recovery in the Economic Value
fiscal year 2009-10. The Indian economy
continue to remain long on refining capacity DNA’ across the organization. Its aim was to
Distributed 1,372.83
grew by 8.6 % (year-on-year) with industrial Performing for a purpose develop a culture of P&L and cash flow
Operating Costs 1,199.57 conviction and accountability across SBUs and
output growth pegged at 17.6 %. Gross
Our performance is driven by the purpose of Employee benefits & wages 22.78
Domestic Product (GDP) achieved a growth percolate the accountability to all levels. Six
creating an enduring stakeholder value. We
rate of 7.4 % in 2009-10, despite a decline of
envisage creating a sustainable future for the
Payments to providers of capital 16.73 ‘deep-dive’ initiatives were taken up as a part of
0.2 percent in agricultural output owing to
Company. While the business operating Payments to Governments 133.69 the project. Supply Chain Optimization through
sub-normal monsoon. However, the rigorous retro analysis aims at maximizing the
conditions were influenced by global
emergence of high double-digit food inflation Economic Value Retained 30.47 Net Corporate Realisation by improving
economic scenario, our performance in
in the second half of the year continues to be
2009-10 was characterized by our corporate All figures are in billion ` adherence level on the SCO plan to around
an area of concern for economic growth. The
values and operational prudence. In 2009-10 95-97% on a sustainable basis. Purchasing
Indian rupee appreciated during the year in 2009-10. This year, we have also made
we were able achieve crude throughput of Excellence targeted at leveraging the market
which had an impact on the export sector as significant investments at our Mumbai and
23.03 MMT, an increase of 3.7 % over conditions to procure at best possible rates
well as on major imports like crude oil. Kochi refineries to upgrade our process
previous year. Like wise, our market sales leading to formation of Central Procurement
Even though there was a sharp fall in the increased by 2.22 percent to 28.06 MMT. equipments to meet the Bharat Stage IV fuel
standards. A total of ` 2.54 billion have been Organization (CPO) for marketing and refineries
demand for oil as compared to the previous Due to volatile crude oil prices and difficult
market conditions, our revenues witnessed a invested in the year towards this endeavor. SBUs. Capital Productivity focuses on improving
year on account of the decline in demand in
Europe and North America, strong demand in decrease of 4.25 % over the previous year. ROI of two capex intensive areas - Retail outlets
We are committed to the well being of our
countries like India and China ensured that The total revenues during the year were ` and LPG cylinders. Lowering overheads aims at
employees, suppliers, distributors, customers,
the overall fall was contained. As in the case of 1,403.30 billion. A total economic value of ` brining in greater efficiencies in overhead
communities and other stakeholders. We
crude oil, the average prices of key petroleum 1,372.83 billion was distributed while provide various benefits to our employees spending. Reduction of transportation cost
products in 2009-10 were lower than the retaining ` 30.47 billion. We invest rightly in including gratuity schemes, provident fund maximizes value for the marketing business.
prices in 2008-09. Oil & gas industry in India our processes, people and planet to continue schemes, medical insurance coverage, Minimization of money blocked in inventory,
continued its high dependence on imports of to deliver the performance for the purpose support for employee higher education, receivables and other elements of working
petroleum and petroleum products. As we believe in. scholarships for employee children, housing capital helps unlock the capital. All the above
compared to the imports of 128.16 MT in
We have made significant investments in our and vehicle loans at low interest rates and initiatives under Project WIN are expected to
2008-09, the quantum of crude oil imported other long term benefits. We carry out
processes to achieve higher efficiency leading deliver cash release of around Rs. 29.00 billion
in 2009-10 stood at 159.26 MMT. With 15 periodical actuarial valuations of employee
to greater product volumes. We are resulting in a Profit before tax (PBT)
new oil and gas discoveries during the year, benefit funds to ensure that employee benefit
continually investing in new technologies to improvement of around ` 11.50 billion over a
domestic availability is expected to improve. liabilities are met. In the year under review,
11 modernize our operations while striving to period of 2-3 years. During 2009-10, almost
Consumption of petroleum products in the we have contributed ` 22.78 billion towards
reduce the impact on the environment. We
country in 2009-10 was of the order of 138.2 employee wages and benefits. 70% of the PBT target and 50% of the cash
invested a total of ` 344.66 billion towards
MMT representing an increase of 3.44% over
expansion and modernization of our capacity target set for 2009-10 have been accrued.

Based on provisional figures released by the Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell in the MoPNG.

“Sustainable development to me is to reduce
dependence on other oil companies and
meet market demand. It is all about
increasing refining capacities and ensure we
run our refineries in a safe manner and
ensure zero loss of life and property”
Mr. R. K. Singh
Director (Refineries)


Employee benefits and wages around our CSR thrust areas of Education, Expanding Financial Inclusion
Environment Conservation, Community One of our important customer segments is the Small Distance Commercial Vehicle (SDCV)
Infrastructure, Water Management and community who account for nearly 40% of the retail diesel trade. These customers are small time
20.08 Community Health. Our community
20 single vehicle owners, drivers and helpers. In July this year we formally launched the “Financial Inclusion
investments across refineries this year was program for SDCV customers” in association with program partners Corporation Bank and UTI AMC.
15 13.81 ` 137.32 million. The aim of the program was to enable our dealers to build a strong relationship with the target
billion `

customers who have no bank accounts but have a propensity to save. This endeavor would help them
10 Community Investments - Refineries
move away from the clutches of small time money lenders who often charge safe keeping charges from
million ` the customers with very high interest rates of borrowing. We intend to fulfill our motto of energizing
0 30 60 90 120 150 lives through this initiative which provides financial inclusion for one of our important stakeholders.
2007 - 2008
2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010
In the program, BPCL’s select Retail Outlet Dealers will work as Business Correspondent of Corporation
71.6 Bank to facilitate branchless banking to the trucking customers through biometric smart card based
We contribute to development of our supply technology. The customers will be offered basic savings account involving small cash deposits and
chain business associates by supporting and withdrawals, recurring deposit, micro credit, micro pension from UTI, micro insurance from LIC and
2008 - 2009
providing them with business and technical health insurance from United India Insurance. Micro credit to eligible customers will be given at normal
assistance. Local procurement and hiring 104.72 banking rates as against rates between 30-40% charged by Micro Finance Institutions.
remains one of the important ways in which
BPCL contributes to the local economic
2009 - 2010
development. Though not guided by a formal
policy, we always prefer to procure goods 137.32
and supplies from local economy, where in
our case local is defined as India, and where
an equivalent is not available in the local
Investments –
market, we procure it from international
7.48 Refineries
sources. 13
15.28 14.91 (2009-10)
Our approach towards growth is a holistic million `

one, wherein community development is an Community Infrastructure

integral component. We invest in community Community Health

development through numerous initiatives Education
across the locations we operate in, focused Others

The values for 2007-08 and 2008-09 have been restated to include the employee car / scooter mileage reimbursement benefits
Others include community trainings and awareness, agri-allied support, promotion of sports and culture

suming resources respons
responsibly year. At our marketing locations , we Total material re-processed at refineries used to regain oil from the sludge at the
consumed 520,611.98 tons of materials bottom of the crude tank. The remaining soil
While our investments
nts reflect our efforts
leecct o f 200000
and 94.68 kilolitres of BMCG additive, along that has low oil content is bio-remediated
towards building a sustainableb ffuture,
t we aare
with 15,215.46 tons of packaging material. with the help of a specialized
esponsibilityy towards
also cognizant of our responsibility 154,430.00
P cylinders are reused multiple times
LLP 150000
micro-organisms based technology from The
consuming the earth’s resourcess w withh
which reduces the requirement of new Energy Research Institute (TERI). In this way,
discretion. Aware of the fact thatt one off our 112,790.00
rs Due to increased demand and
ders. we ensure that we recover oil from sludge
largest environmental impacts cts
t is ddue tto our 100000

replacement of damaged cylinders, 78,763.60
before disposal. In 2009-10, 1,147.12 tons of
heavy dependence on non-renewable
2 new cylinders were used for LPG oil was recovered from sludge. More than
resources, we strive to reduceucece o
u materia
material 3
during the reporting
rep period. 50000 7000 m of sludge, generated mostly from
footprint through improved operational
crude oil tank bottom cleaning, was treated
efficiency and endeavor to use additives and In 2009-10, 0 we
0, w reprocessed 78,763.6 tons
1,157.70 537.20 1,147.12 successfully at the refineries using efficient
chemicals that have minimal harmful impact of slopp at our refineries which decreased 0 19
2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010 techniques including BLABO technology
on the environment. In 2009-10, our from 155,430 tons last year. The decrease is
recovering valuable oil before residual
refineries processed 23.03 MMT of crude oil, attributed to reduction in slop generated Total slop re-processed Total oil recovered from sludge
our single-most significant raw material which was achieved through tighter
throughout our operations, out of which 14.1 operational control. To reduce wastages, we Building capabilities to reduce waste Similar to oily sludge, spent catalysts from our
MMT was imported with the remaining crude have striven to minimize leakages and have generation refineries are either recycled by the original
processed being indigenous. installed vapor recovery systems. Floating catalyst suppliers or disposed off to secured
roof tanks with secondary seals and still well We try to reduce waste generation from our landfill sites in accordance with the central
In each of our SBUs, we have applied operations by identifying opportunities to
sleeve systems have enabled us to significantly and state statutes. At our Mumbai refinery,
continuous innovation to produce superior reuse or recycle them in a feasible manner.
curtail our losses of material. we also minimize the disposal of our
products at lower costs. Our Tondiarpet We take special precautions to ensure that non-hazardous waste by converting canteen
installation pioneered the implementation of a Total material processed at refineries our hazardous waste is disposed off in a safe food waste to cooking gas through a bio gas
blending facility for in-site production of and efficient manner. plant. We have put in focussed efforts to
Speed-97. This facility was created with a 10000
A comprehensive system for hazardous reduce our waste footprint and are glad to
minimal budget and time and it eliminates the 7,910.13 8,089.61 20
8000 waste management has been implemented at report that there have been no significant oil
huge transportation and logistic expenditure
BPCL refineries. A mechanized oil recovery spills in the year.
involved in producing Speed 97. Additionally,
6000 system for oil recovery from oily sludge is
BPCL commercially launched a cost effective

and superior corrosion inhibitor developed by 4000 Waste Total amount of waste from Refineries (tons)

Research & Development for Ethanol 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10

Blended Motor Spirit (EBMS). While the cost 2000
Spent catalyst 203.39 465.6 568.64
of the product is 1/8th the cost of hitherto 180.00 172.80 158.22
0 Spent Catalyst (Reuse) 70.08 0 0
imported chemical and has been extensively 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010
evaluated, it meets NACE and ASTM Sludge 256.23 244.32 222.53
Associated prossess materials Semi-manufactured materials
standards as well. Waste Bituminous Oil 0 359.65 0
We consumed 8,420.10 tons of significant Waste Transformer Oil 6 24.97 5
associated materials and 158.22 tons of Spent resin 0 30 13.37
semi-manufactured goods at our refineries FCC Catalyst fines 86 89 78
during the year. Our refineries also used Lube Additive 0 0 13.34
6407.6 tons packaging material during the Spent molecular sieves 10 0 56.1
Materials contributing to more than 5% of the total annual material consumption (excluding crude) are considered as significant associated materials
Associated materials at the refineries include Hydrochloric acid, caustic soda, fresh catalysts, rock salt, diethyl amine, anti foulant, demulsifiers, re-gasified liquified natural gas, corrosion inhibitors and others in small quantities. Semi-manufactured goods at the refineries include cetante improver.
Information for only Mumbai and Kochi refineries
Materials included for reporting at Marketing SBUs are purchased base oils and packaging material (Lubes SBU) , HSD and MS additives, blue dye, ethanol, oil and grease (Retail SBU)..
This year we have expanded the scope for material consumption for our marketing SBUs by including the material consumption from LPG SBU and oil & grease consumption across marketing SBUs.
Non-man entry tank cleaning and oil recovery system
Significant spills are defined as spills greater than 159 litres in a single occurrence of an incident.
Includes the waste generated by Mumbai Refinery, Kochi Refinery, and Numaligarh Refinery


In addition to the above mentioned wastes, 8,132 used barrels,1,800 m of solid waste, 44.47
MT of bio sludge, and 100 MT of tank bottom sludge have been generated at our refineries
during the year.
Our marketing locations generated approximately 579.4 tons and 920.11 kilolitres of hazardous
waste by weight and volume respectively during 2009-10. This waste includes used oil, oily
sludge, oil filters and cotton waste contaminated with oil. Additionally, we discarded 488 used
batteries under buy-back scheme, 1,137 used oil filters and 1,454 damaged hoses. We
encourage the re-use of non-hazardous waste generated at our locations, but we also dispose a
part of the scrap generated through contracted vendors. At our Lube plants we disposed close to
489.73 tons of non-hazardous waste this year that comprised of wooden scrap, MS scrap,
corrugated boxes and packaging material.

Reuse of Plastic Waste

Kochi refinery R&D developed a road paving
mix using disposed plastic waste. This Clean
Kochi initiative focuses on collection and
segregation of various bio-degradable and non
bio-degradable wastes from different parts of
the city municipal corporation limits and their
disposal in a scientific manner. A 350 km
stretch of Kaloor-Manapatti Parmbu road uses
the shredded plastic wastes in road paving. Up
to 5% of shredded plastic waste could be
disposed off in this way. This road-care initiative
implemented in association with the makers of
Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen (NRMB)
helped strengthen our bond with nature and

Energy and climate change as a
business issue is of paramount
significance to us. We approach this
key issue by working towards securing
crude oil supplies, improving
operational efficiency and exploring
new opportunities in alternate energy.

The global demand for energy is expected to marketing locations are enlisted below: 175,324.3 GJ of direct energy of which HSD Indirect energy consumption at refineries
rise in the decades to come with oil as the is the single largest fuel source. Apart from
1. Our lube installation at Wadi, Mumbai,
single largest source of energy to satisfy this HSD consumed for our operations, DG sets
installed a condensate recovery system in 250
demand. This increase in demand provides and Fire engines, HSD consumed by our 224.60
order to utilize energy from condensate
the industry with significant opportunities but own vehicles at our marketing locations are a

‘000 Giga Joules

from the boilers at the unit. This enabled 200
at the same time growing concerns of climate significant contributor to our total HSD
the unit to save furnace oil consumption 152.20
change pose significant risks to businesses and consumption. In FY 2009-10, our own 150 138.10 139.10
for its boilers
society at large. We intend to contribute vehicles consumed 66,662.93 GJ of energy 116.40 110.70
2. Several initiatives to conserve energy and
towards building a sustainable future by from HSD. The indirect energy consumption 100
increase efficiency were taken at Mumbai
continuing to satisfy the energy demand while at our refineries for 2009-10 was 363,697 GJ 0.00
refinery and Kochi refinery, through process
mitigating the risks related to climate change while our other SBUs consumed 562,503.36 50
modifications and retrofitting of existing
to the extent possible. GJ of indirect energy. 0.00 0.09
equipments, leading to energy savings of over 0
Energy security 37,047 GJ and 149,704 GJ respectively. Direct energy consumption at 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010

3. We have installed a 4.8 KWh solar power refineries Mumbai Refinery Kochi Refinery Numaligarh Refinery
Securing crude oil supplies is undeniably one
system at two of the sectionalizing valves
of the key challenges for oil and gas Indirect energy consumtion at marketing
(SV) stations of our MMBPL pipeline, at
companies globally. This year we have taken 35 SBUs
SV 38 near Kota (Rajasthan) and SV 45 32.00 31.10
significant steps towards securing our energy
near Mathura (UP). Commissioned in 30
supplies. Ramping up the oil and gas 25.10
March 2010, this facility fulfills energy 25
600 563
exploration capacities through a joint venture

million Giga Joules

needs of the 2 stations, supplying power 20.61
of our subsidiary BPRL and Videocon 20 17.90 17.80 500
for SCADA, telecom, fire alarm system,
Industries, in 2008 we acquired participating
essential lighting and sectionalizing valve. 15 12.70 12.10 12.30 400 364 371
interest in 10 blocks in Brazil. New natural

‘000 Giga Joules

gas discovery was made in Mozambique, Energy saving from initiatives 10
Africa where BPRL has participating interest. at refineries 5
BPRL also acquired a new block in Nunukan 200
1200 1,151
basin in Indonesia. At present, BPRL and its 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010 100
Energy saving in’000 Giga Joules

subsidiary companies hold participatory 1000

Mumbai Refinery Kochi Refinery Numaligarh Refinery
interests in 26 exploration blocks with total 0
800 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010
acreage of 81,000 sq. km Direct energy consumption at
600 marketing SBUs
Achieving operational efficiency 423 Green House Gas (GHG) emissions from our
We are exploring every opportunity to 400 200 processes are due to direct and indirect
238 174 175
increase our operational efficiency thereby energy consumption. We constantly endeavor
reducing impact on the environment. The 150 143 to reduce the footprint of our operations on
continuous improvement in our specific 0 the atmosphere. This year we continued our
2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010
‘000 Giga Joules

energy consumption is attributed to various research collaborations with a number of

This year our refining processes have 100 leading institutions of the country. These
corporate-level and plant-level initiatives
consumed a total of about 58 million GJ of include collaborations with IISc, Bangalore,
taken each year. Few of the energy
direct energy. The direct energy sources 50 Osmania University, Hyderabad, Tamil Nadu
conservation and efficiency improvement
22 include Naphtha, HSD, LPG and LNG. Our Agricultural University, Coimbatore, IIT
initiatives undertaken by our refineries and
other SBUs together have consumed Roorkee, IIT Madras and Institute of Plasma
2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010

A detailed list on the energy conservation initiatives at our refineries is available in our Annual Report 2009-10 at http://www.bharatpetroleum.in/EnergisingBusiness/In_Financial.aspx?id=1


Research, Gandhinagar. The projects with IISc Clean and Alternate Energy Focus Measuring our carbon footprint – ‘MeCO2’
were on cutting oils, adsorption of natural gas We are consciously working towards This year we initiated the assessment of our GHG emissions. The pilot of the project was carried out
using nano technology and photo voltaic cells producing cleaner fuels. In early 2010, all our for our Lubes SBU which will be replicated across our SBUs. The assessment done by M/s Wipro
using new materials like copper, indium, refineries commenced production of petrol Limited, estimated our Lubes SBU total GHG emissions to be 14,212.21 MT of CO2e for 2008-09.
gallium, sulphur and zinc. and diesel conforming to Euro IV norms, Scope III emissions contributed to nearly 58% of total emissions while Scope I and Scope II emissions
Owing to our efficiency improvement and which are more stringent with respect to contributed to 23% and 19% respectively. This study has enabled us to identify opportunities to
energy conservation initiatives we were able emission standards as compared to Euro III reduce possible carbon risks and seek opportunities for improving our process efficiencies further. We
to avoid 17,805 tons of GHG emissions at norms. The Government of India (GoI) plans also intend to create carbon emission labels for our products, providing our customers with information
our refineries to mandate sale of Euro IV petrol and diesel in on GHG emissions emitted on account of manufacturing and transportation of our products. The
13 cities across the country from 1 April assessment established a baseline of 85.6 grams of GHG emissions per kilo gram of our lubricant
GHG emissions from refineries23
2010. We continue to blend a fixed products for 2008-09.
5000 4,669.35 4,676.19
proportion of ethanol in our base petrol and
diesel products, in compliance to and in
support of GoI’s initiative to reduce the
‘000 tons of CO2e

country’s GHG footprint from fuel use.
While we are committed to produce cleaner
2000 fuels with improved emission standards, we
are exploring alternate energy sources in a
significant way, with development of Bio-diesel
54.36 56.42 76.22 capacity using Jatropha through our Triple
2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010 One project. We have also invested in wind
and solar energy projects at several locations
GHG emissions from marketing SBUs24
across the country. We have installed capacity
150 of Wind power of 5 MW in Kappatguda,
120 Karnataka, and solar power of 1 MW at our
‘000 tons of CO2e

90 84.07 85.44 LPG bottling plant at Lalru, Punjab. Along with

this, we have also installed 5 KVA
solar-cum-wind generator at one of our
30 12.27 company-owned company-operated
10.18 12.23
0 (COCO) retail outlet near Kolkata and a 5
2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010

Direct emissions Indirect emissions

For calculating GHG emissions from direct sources at NRL, IPCC default values for emission factors were used. The values for the previous year’s data are based emission factors developed by the NRL.
For calculating GHG emissions from direct sources, we have used tools provided by GHG Protocol initiative, accessible at www.ghgprotocol.org/calculation-tools/all-tools
For calculating our indirect GHG emissions, we have used an emission factor of 0.82 tCO2e/MWh, based on Central Electricity Authority’s CO2 baseline data for Indian Power sector v5, Nov 09

5 KVA solar power generator at another Depleting Substances (ODS) across our SBUs Fuel switch – Liquid to Gas
COCO outlet near Bangalore. We endeavor honouring the GoI’s milestones as set by
Our Mumbai Refinery has successfully shifted from liquid based Naptha and Bombay High Gas Oil to
to increase our energy production and Montreal Protocol.
gas based Re-gasified Liquified Natural Gas (RLNG). Earlier the refinery was dependent on Naptha
in-house consumption from renewable
Other air emissions from refineries and Bombay High Gas Oil as fuel for gas turbines to generate power and steam. Natural gas being
sources in the future. In this attempt, we have
11,646.80 environment friendly, sulfur free, having high caloric value and priced lower than distillate fuel for
planned to make further investments in wind 12000 11,185.50
,10351.60 equivalent heat input ,was the preferred choice for replacing the liquid fuels.The refinery capitalized on
energy in the states of Rajasthan, Maharashtra,
10000 the commissioning of Dahej Uran pipeline by M/s Gas Authority of India Limited to transport gas from
Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.
Hazira to Uran. This pipeline made natural gas available as an alternate to liquid based fuels. To meet
In May 2009, our Kochi Refinery commenced the additional gas requirements, an agreement was made with Reliance Industries Ltd, and RIL KG D6

operations of its biogas plant constructed using 6000 gas was taken along with RLNG. The refinery invested in conversion of equipments to suit the gas
technology developed by BARC. This plant based fuels. By replacing liquid fuel with gaseous fuels we were able to improve thermal efficiency of
enabled scientific management of canteen gas turbines contributing to increased power generation, reduce maintenance costs by improving
waste to produce energy, thus solving 2000 reliability of gas turbines and reduce CO2 and SO2 emissions due to low carbon and sulphur content of
1,126.20 1,051.10 1,127.40
problems of canteen waste disposal and the fuel, Natural gas being a cheap and cleaner fuel helped to reduce the impact on environment.
effecting energy generation. We are making 0
2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010
sincere efforts to increase our energy SOx SPM
production and in-house consumption from
these sources in the future.
Air emission monitoring
All our refineries have Continuous Emission
Monitoring (CEM) systems installed for
monitoring flue gases for air pollutants. We
contain our air emissions levels within the
prescribed regulatory norms and have
implemented measures like low NOx
burners, desulphurization of vacuum off gas
systems at our refineries to further reduce the
We are in the process of phasing out Ozone

The NOx emissions are currently not being monitored

Water conservation is a priority in our
agenda and in recent past we have made
concerted efforts to save, re-use and recycle
water. Additionally, we are aggressively
implementing rain water harvesting across
our installations as we progress towards
achieving our dream of becoming a water
positive organization.

“For us, sustainable development is an
ongoing process. Our employees make all the
difference by putting the vision of building
sustainable future into effect with the
objective to innovate for a better tomorrow”
Dr. S. Mohan
Director (Human Resources)

As we focus our efforts on reducing our belt of the Arabian Sea to minimize ingress of Water harvesting – knowledge sharing
material and emission footprint, it is vital that saline water into the water table. Over 100
To further give shape to our aspiration of implementing rain water harvesting in each and every unit of
we also focus on our efforts to manage our retail outlets in the Southern region alone
the organization, we have released a detailed book on this subject, which empowers installations with
water use responsibly. At BPCL, we realize have implemented rain water harvesting
requisite knowledge on the subject. The book provides valuable information on the Indian water
that water is one of the most precious through percolation pits to recharge the
scenario, efficacy of ground water resource deployment, artificial recharge schemes, water harvesting
resources in the world today and is critical for ground water.
initiatives at BPCL, rain gardens, acceptance of roof water as drinking water, shortage of rainwater
a sustainable future.
Water withdrawal and recycle/ reused and conservation tips. This information provided the necessary impetus at many of our location to
Our sources of water are varied, depending by refineries practice water conservation and harvesting initiatives in structured and efficient manner.
largely on the availability of water at the 60
location of our units – in some places sea 55.00
49.00 44.68
water is a primary source, while in others, 50
ground or river water is relied upon. In

million m3
2009-10, the total water withdrawal by the
refineries was 44.68 million cubic metres. Our 30
marketing SBUs withdrew 1.49 million cubic
meters of water during the reporting year.
A number of our marketing locations have 10
3.24 3.20 3.28
been at the forefront of water management 0
and have successfully implemented pilot 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010
projects to be replicated at other locations. Total water withdrawal Water recycled / reused
For instance, our Pune LPG plant has started In March this year, Rajkot Territory became the first LPG Territory to install the Roof Top Rain Water
a unique initiative of recycling all the soap Water withdrawal by source at Harvesting System. The RWH unit installed at Rajkot consists of SFM and HFM units along with bore
water, resulting in a closed loop and zero refineries in 2009 -10 recharge well and down-take pipes running along the length of the roof-top of the sheds. The fresh
wastage of water. All our refineries have roof water of new unit which will be diverted to ground will be of around 100 to 200 TDS. The SFM
implemented sour water stripping units to Surface water 40004.58 unit operates on gravity and does not require electricity and can filter up to 30 cubic meter of water
remove hydrogen sulphide and ammonia per hour. In addition, the top module of HFM is provided with gravels which restrict physical particles
Muncipal water 11.34
from waste water so that this water can be supplies 252.17 like vegetation and plastics entering the module and lower modules acts as sedimentation/settling
reused. At the refineries, we were able to
Rain water tank. This initiative is expected to generate a ripple effect across the organization with many units
recycle 7.32 % of water withdrawn during Ground water
planning to implement RWH systems similar to the one installed in Rajkot.
the year.
Additionally, we have studied the rain water ‘000 m
harvesting potential at every location of BPCL Treated effluent discharge at refineries
to facilitate its implementation. Mumbai 40 37.10
refinery conducted a comprehensive rain 35 30.98 31.54
water harvesting study and implemented 30
million m3

roof-top water harvesting systems at several 20
locations in the refinery and staff residential 15
colony. Kochi refinery has constructed a rain 10
water harvesting pond in an area of 5 acres
with a capacity of 25,000 KL on the coastal 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010


Water re-use at Pune LPG Installation Monitoring effluent streams

The Pune LPG Plant is situated in village Sanswadi where the water table is very low resulting in Effluents from oil and gas operations, if not
non-availability of ground water. Hence the site is procuring water from external sources at a higher properly managed, can be a major source of
cost. A water conservation project primarily to recycle and reuse was implemented at the site to pollution in surrounding areas, damaging
reduce fresh water requirement. This intervention resulted in avoidance of around 9 KL of fresh water public health and affecting property. Keeping
usage every day. Recycled water is used for cleaning soap trays, cylinder test baths and for gardening this in mind, we have taken determined efforts
purpose. This project also resulted in annual savings of close to ` 72,000. to ensure that the effluent is managed in an
efficient and effective manner and bears
minimum impact on the environment outside
our premises. None of our operations are in
or close to any notified bio-diversity hotspots.
We have installed oil and water separators
wherever needed, to ensure that wastewater
discharged outside our boundaries is not
contaminated with hazardous waste oil. We
also make sure that our refineries have
well-maintained effluent treatment plants, and
that the treated effluent meets the regulatory
environmental standards. In 2009-10, our
refineries discharged 31,542,261 cubic metres
of treated effluent

Nurturing people, fostering talent 33 cases of employee grievances were contract labor. Of our Marketing SBUs, LPG
received by the ESE cell, out of which 22 employed the maximum number of
BPCL seeks to create talent by nurturing people through a positive team culture and a high 27
complaints were resolved satisfactorily and contractual labor in 2009-10 followed by
performance environment where individuals and teams perform to their fullest potential. We
the balance are in process of redressal. To Retail, Aviation and Lubes. We prohibit the
endeavor to implement policies and practices that help employees to balance their work and
fulfill its mission of making BPCL a great place deployment of child labor and forced labor in
personal demands.
to work, the ESE cell undertakes visits to our sites. Our security personnel have been
Our workforce included 14,707 employees at year end 2009-10 of which 5,245 belonged to upcountry locations to personally interact with trained to maintain a strict vigil on under-age
the management cadre and 9,462 were workmen. the staff posted there. During the year more workers entering the premises.
than 65 group meetings were held by ESE all
Employees at BPCL and NRL Knowledge management
over the country covering more than 1,300
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 management and non-management We aim to make knowledge management an
employees. inherent part of the daily activities especially in
Cadre BPCL NRL BPCL NRL BPCL NRL terms of awareness on safety aspects and
A significant portion of our employees are
Senior management 165 13 172 15 173 16 procedures. Towards our endeavor of
represented by labor unions. We negotiate
fostering talent by nurturing people, in
Middle management 1,141 58 1,272 56 1,365 87 collective bargaining agreements including
2009-10 a total of 146,256 manhours of
decisions on any operational changes and
Junior management 3126 229 3,186 272 3,318 286 training were imparted to our management
extensions with these unions. We do not 28
employees while our non-management
Non-management 9,542 384 9,389 376 9,059 403 prevent any of our employees on their right
employees participated in training that
to choose or be part of any collective body.
Our goal is to recruit, hire and promote the amounted to 101,512 manhours.
Employee turnover at BPCL
most qualified candidates while diversifying Respecting Human Rights
198 We are working towards creating business
our workforce, and ensure that training and Responsible operations and business practices leaders for tomorrow who share the ethos of
developmental opportunities are available to 153 help us manage risks, foster a positive the company in creating a long term
further enhance the diversity composition in 150 137 business climate, improve stakeholder stakeholder value for a sustainable future. We
professional and managerial positions. We 107 relations and gain access to global resources. understand the importance of grooming our
also believe that by engaging in local hiring we 100 We respect the human rights of all next generation leaders and invest in

85 81
will be able to create a direct positive impact 73 stakeholders and raise awareness of related necessary trainings. We have launched an
on the development of the local regions. Our issues across the organisation. We have the initiative to validate the organizational culture,
officer cadre recruitments are based on challenge of ensuring that employees, values and competencies with a view on the
parameters like qualification, merit with business partners, security forces and others business imperatives for future, to build a
designated quotas for differently-abled, 0
2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010 are aware of these expectations, and that robust framework of assessment for all levels.
economically backward and tribal relevant stakeholders receive training on The framework endeavours to build a
> 30 Years 30 - 50 Years < 30 Years
communities. We are also guided by various these aspects. sustainable leadership pipeline by linking the
state statutes in providing local employment remuneration, performance and potential assessments to all critical HR processes viz.
assessment, as well as training, respect the A significant portion of our workforce is
for both officer and workmen cadres. career planning, progressions etc
principle of equal opportunities for all contractor-based and we work closely with
This year the employee turnover was 352 them to ensure the contract labor entering The company’s training, mobility, assessment
employees, regardless of their ethnic origin,
which include retirements, resignations, our premises are well equipped and trained and other policies and programs allow it to
gender or age. Employees can approach the
deaths-in-service and dismissals. to carry out our operations in a safe and manage the careers of the people who make
ESE cell which is responsible for registering
BPCL is working to ensure that its policies and employee grievances and facilitating the efficient manner. On account of the capacity up the organization in an integrated way. We
practices, including those on promotion, resolution of grievances. In the year 2009-10, expansion of our refineries at MR and KR, ensure that the training provided to our
there has been an increased inflow in the

26BPCL and NRL

27This year, we have included contract laborers from operations including security personnel, housekeeping as well as the contract laborers for projects who were involved in construction activities at sites
28Includes marketing employees at all marketing SBUs and Refineries



Training manhours at BPCL
Apprentices at our refineries received a total of
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 32
537,120 manhours of training on the job
Management employees 56,704 79,744 101,512 during the year.
Non-management employees 125,184 108,368 146,256 Special emphasis was given to training
Contract labour 271,470 351,287 576,589 programs with a thrust to reinforce safety
GATs 68,088 112,619 88,592 culture in the organization. In this direction,
several training programs and workshops
Apprentices 79,184 318,645 448,528
covering workplace health, workplace security
employees is a right mixture of technical, rotation – geographical and intra-functional. & surveillance and safe driving were arranged
functional and interpersonal domains. In order This enables us to create multi-talented regularly across SBUs.
to use the superior level of performance of workforce while contributing to the career During the year, “Bharatgas University”, a
few employees as a benchmark, it was development of individuals. knowledge portal developed by LPG SBU,
decided that we should develop Competency was upgraded to include a learning
Focusing on the strategic thinking skill set, the
based models for various roles. 360 degree management system and additional e-learning
talent management group of the corporate
assessment of the competencies was done as programs on functional topics in LPG
HRD organized a customized program for 37
part of project CALIBER for the middle and operations.
employees in the senior management category
upper management categories to assess the
at ISB Hyderabad in May 2009. The Educating the Trade Unions
strengths and areas of improvement. This was
participants examined the idea of sustained
followed up with targeted developmental Aiming to apprise Trade Union leaders about the
strategic competitive advantage as the primary
programs for individuals in collaboration with global economic crisis, its impact on BPCL and
source of value creation.
several premier institutes. Innovative learning the way ahead, a workshop was organized for
platforms like e-learning, case study While it is important to constantly nurture them in the western region. The leaders were
competitions, experiential learning have also talent at the management level, it is equally urged to align themselves to the realities of global
been integrated within the learning framework, important to ensure that the competency of challenges with a view to combat the crisis
the efficacy of which is being evaluated through the people involved at ground level in the efficiently. The leaders were given cognitive inputs
reassessments. operations is enhanced continually The to cope with the present challenge by formulating
Internal mobility at BPCL is seen as an
contract labor at our refineries and marketing apt strategies with a positive attitude.
opportunity for the professional development SBUs received a total of 576,589 manhours At Kochi refinery, a half day information sharing
of employees exposing them to various facets of training, significantly up from 351,286 exercise was conducted for the employee unions
of the business. Internal mobility includes job manhours in 2008-09. The GATs and covering aspects of OHSAS 18001, ISO 9001
and 14001.

Training manhours for GATs and Apprentices are only for refineries
We have asked the sites to refurnish data for the last 3 years for training as we have included training imparted to all contract labor on site which was not reported in totality last year
Training imparted to PCVO crew has also been included
The entire time spent by GATs and Apprentices has been considered as training

The main objective of the initiatives
undertaken and to be planned in the future at
our locations continues to be the reduction of
the frequency and severity of accidents, as
well as the prevention and mitigation of the
risks associated with our operations.

Creating safe workplaces A first in BPCL, a new module on Personal

2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
The protection of our employees, of the Protective Equipments System, went live in
Refineries (including NRL) Kochi Refinery in October. This module
communities around our operations, and of Near misses 34 75 168
our production assets is our major priority, displays the details of PPE’s issued to eligible
Minor injuries 7 24 18 employees for a period and makes them
regardless of the excellent results obtained in
the past. We have prioritized this as a key First aid cases 30 49 32 more aware of the minimum safety
focus area for us to build a sustainable Lost time injuries 16 22 5 equipment they are supposed to wear
34 thereby increasing safety awareness. We also
workforce for the future. Lost days 787 5,563 292
ensure proper use of PPEs through inclusion
Lost Time Injuries at refineries Marketing SBUs of safety specific clauses in collective
25 Lost time injuries 53 13 4 bargaining agreements across our SBUs.
Lost days 206 621 147
We believe in not only training our own
16 36 employees, but also other stakeholders who
A testimony to our improved safety 9.73% of our full time employees are part are a part of our safety journey. A 6 month

performance at the refineries has been the of joint safety committees with each location certificate course in Fire Safety Engineering for
fact that Mumbai Refinery completed 4 dealing with important health and safety engineering graduates/science
10 35
million manhours without LTA on 31st aspects that arise due to day to day graduates/diploma holders was inaugurated at
March 2010 and Kochi Refinery completed operations. KR this year. Around 24 participants enrolled
15 million accident-free manhours on 30th in the program. The main objective of the
Fostering safety culture
0 August 2009. NRL extended its run of program is to enhance the employability of
2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010 accident (LTA) free manhours to 8 years and Safety of contract labour is given high
the participants in the field of Fire safety. KR
1 month (as on 31st March 2010) which is importance and is treated at par with the
also tied up with the Kerala State Fire &
This year, at our refineries, the employee equivalent to a commendable 14 millon safety of our own employees. Only
Rescue Services to equip firemen in the state
injury frequency rate was 0.017. The accident free manhours. experienced contractors are allowed to work
33 services to respond to hazardous chemical
contractor injury frequency rate was 0.043, in the refineries. Supervisors and employees
All our refineries are OHSAS 18001 certified emergencies more scientifically, through a
down significantly from 0.18 last year.The of the contractors are trained at regular
and strive for continuous improvement in series of two-day workshops.
severity rate for contract labour was 2.54, intervals. Mandatory safety training by BPCL
down by a huge margin from 63.86 last year. operational safety. During the year KR Regular reviews of onsite emergency plans
for all contract labour and supervisors is a
The total lost time injuries have come down upgraded its accreditation to OHSAS and mock drills are conducted at our
pre-requisite for obtaining a gate pass for
from 22 last year to just 5 this year. We 18001:2007. refineries.This year we conducted a specific
working inside the refinery.
deeply regret the loss of three lives due to At our refineries, the overall safety drill on handling gas leak from mounded
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate at
work related fatalities at our refineries. We performance is reviewed every quarter in the bullets and measures were recommended to
refineries - contract labour
are further strengthening our safety Management Safety Committee meeting 0.30
disperse and dilute vapor cloud in the
management systems in an endeavor to 0.266 emergency area.
which is chaired by Director (Refineries).
achieve zero fatality. There is an apex manual (OHSMSM) which 0.25
Conducting safety talks for the truck driver
Safety performance at all our marketing SBU’s provides the framework for safety 0.20 0.181 community has been high on our agenda
also improved significantly with drop in the management. Recognizing the good work considering the nature of our products. A “Drive
done by the forum, KR’s joint HSSE 0.15
lost time injuries from 13 last year to just 4 Safely” booklet was released at the annual HSSE
this year. In the process we lost only 147 committee was adjudged the Best Safety awards this year which highlighted safe driving
mandays to these injuries as compared to Committee by the NSC, Kerala Chapter for tips for drivers of tank lorries, trucks and even
621 mandays last year. the year 2009-10. 0.05
two and four wheelers. This was aimed to
Across our SBUs and refineries, close to 0.00 reduce the accidents on road and encourage
2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010 safe driving practices
33Frequency rate and severity rate are sans the fatalities
34The values for 2007-08, 2008-09 restated in consistency with global safety reporting practices. The lost days pertain only to the lost time injuries and do not include lost days of 6000 per fatality as per The Factories Act, 1948.
35LTA free manhours corresponds to cumulative performance that may extend beyond the reporting period
36BPCL & NRL – Management & Non-Management employees



Endorsing safe use of products In the last year, awareness programs covering the refinery availed of the services and made We have developed an in-house “security
preventive and personal care on swine this event a huge success. scorecard” to assess the emergency
We believe in the motto ‘Pure for Sure’ and
influenza, kidney care and management of preparedness and adequacy of the security
strive to deliver quality product to our Workplace security
renal disorders, heart care, diabetes, and eye set up at the site which are rated on certain
consumers. We have four NABL accredited
care were undertaken across the organization Workplace security remained a key concern fixed parameters including competency on a
testing laboratories and our products have
for employees and in some cases their for the entire sales network in general and oil scale of 100. This scoring system was used by
regularly been tested for superior quality. We
families and the local community as well & gas storage locations in particular. Locations locations to assess the site security
assess customer satisfaction through periodic
were operating under the frequent security preparedness and was reviewed by regional
surveys intended to capture the feedback of With the objective of reducing absenteeism
alerts raised from time to time even as they and corporate HSSE role holders for
the customers on various aspects of our due to life style based diseases, and thereby
kept the supply and distribution chain deploying appropriate security measures.
products and services. increasing productivity, in-plant training for the
uninterrupted. Security preparedness and
operating personnel was organized on
Although health and safety impacts of our response was ensured at all locations across
creating awareness on the adoption of life
products have not been formally assessed the country.
style changes to live a quality and healthy life.
along the entire value chain, we understand
A full day seminar was organized for Union Kochi Refinery has been making trials of a databank pertaining to health of all BPCL-KR employees.
the need for safe manufacture, use and
representatives on life style diseases with the They have procured software to capture, update and maintain the data. This will help them in the easy
disposal of our products. We provide our
help of external faculty in April’09 retrieval of relevant health related information of the employees in case of emergencies.
customers with necessary information about
the products and their safe usage as At our regional office – North, a cancer
mandated by various regulatory bodies. Many awareness camp for women was organized.
of our LPG retailers have conducted 48 women employees took advantage of the
workshops highlighting the safety precautions session where special equipment was
during use and disposal of LPG cylinders to brought by M/s Fortis. At Chennai transit flats,
housewives and local communities. we arranged medical checkup for catering
staff and other contract labor in a phased
Promoting health for workforce
manner to enhance hygiene standards and
Our employees would perform at their service with help of Ranbaxy.
potential when they maintain a healthy
Responding to requests made at the local
lifestyle and we strive to provide necessary
suppliers and vendors meet as part of the
channels for their benefit through regular
vigilance week, KR conducted a free medical
medical camps, awareness sessions and
camp for the contract laborers. Over 350
access to premium healthcare.
people including few poor villagers living near

Train the trainer on ‘Workplace health and hygiene’

We started this initiative as a pilot in the year 2008 with an objective to increase awareness on
workplace health and hygiene among employees and contract labor at marketing locations. The
trainers were equipped with training modules in both English and Hindi, in order to enable them to
train non-management employees and contract labor at their respective workplace. The results were
encouraging and this year we expanded this initiative to cover southern region by training 25 HSSE
role holders from installations, LPG bottling plants, aviation stations, and regional office based
entities. The genesis of the initiative is – while people know everything about health, there is little or
no effort at individual level to apply the knowledge in day-to-day life in terms of food diet, physical
fitness, stress management, hygiene practices, and lifestyle management.
Further, as a continuity measure refresher workshop was arranged for trainers trained during the pilot phase.

Security Preparedness at our locations

As a competency building process for HSSE Role holders at locations, Corporate HSSE in coordination
with Regional HSSE council, organized two day workshop on ‘Workplace Security & Surveillance’ in close
co-ordination with State Police / CISF experts at some of our vital locations. The training module had
built-in session for ‘Case Study’ during which participants in three groups deliberated on the given
scenarios for security preparedness followed by group presentations. Based on the feedback from the
participants, the review panel concluded that such training should be undertaken at all locations to
create synergy in the area of security preparedness.

We build long term relationships by investing
in our communities. Our commitment
towards boosting local development involves
initiatives in the fields of education, water
conservation, health, community
development and environment conservation.

At BPCL, we believe that developing communities is an integral part of our contribution towards Numaligarh and Mumbai Refinery have minimize the digital divide between urban
building a sustainable future. This year our focus was to develop a robust internal CSR structure supported various educational initiatives such and rural children and also accelerate overall
including a company wide CSR policy. A 5 member committee was entrusted to formulate this as adoption of schools, counseling for academic progress. Around 100 BPCL
policy which was subsequently signed by the Board and C&MD in December’09. A CSR blog, students, scholarships and felicitation employee volunteers from across the
Ummang was created to share the employee volunteering experiences and also capture various programs for encouragement of excellence in company enthusiastically participated in the
CSR projects being undertaken across the company. For the first time we captured these studies. project by volunteering to teach children
energized efforts of our employees and we accomplished 1,921 volunteering hours in 2009-10. Mathematics and English. In addition, a
Kochi Refinery launched an “Integrity Club” in
This year we have included CSR targets as a part of our MoU with MoP&NG and we have session was held to orient the staff and family
Cochin Refineries School in Feb 2010.
achieved all our targets for 2009-10. members of Uran about the project and seek
Integrity club is a corporate initiative for
more volunteers to take the movement
rekindling human values in school children
2009-10 Performance 2010-11 Targets ahead. The collaboration with NGO
based on the directive of the Central
‘Pratham’ would be extended to initiate an
Education 2,700 children 5,000 children Vigilance Commission. The aim was to help
education programme in two Districts i.e
(Through project CAL) (Over 3 years) students transform themselves as young
Nandurbar in Maharashtra & Sagar in Madhya
champions of ethics.
Water Conservation Supply to 5 Villages Supply to 9 villages Pradesh. Through the project we will be
(Through project Boond) In order to emphasize the significance of reaching out to around 50,000 children in the
‘Education is must and a basic need for all next three years.
Income Generation Enhanced livelihood of 120 Women Provide livelihood to 300 children’, many retail installations have
through vocational trainings unemployed youth Providing Healthcare
conducted programs for tank lorry crew
Imparting Education members with an aim of creating awareness Creating awareness and providing healthcare
about the importance of education and services is one of our social responsbility
Education creates awareness and helps in encouraging people to educate their children. thrust areas. Maintaining a healthy
building a secure future which in turn fosters As a token of communicating this message, environment is vital for development of
the development of the country. Keeping in notebooks were provided to all participants sustainable communities. Various initiatives
mind the indispensable value of education, who had school-going children. such as conducting medical camps, extending
we provide various educational services to universal heath insurance, providing
our local communities. Donating science Project CAL (Computer Aided Learning) was
monetary aid for treatments and
laboratories, development of infrastructure initiated in collaboration with NGO ‘Pratham’
development of health care infrastructure for
for schools, self-entrepreneurship guidance to impart computer education to around
community have benefited many
programs, aptitude tests and career guidance 2700 children of Zilla Parishad schools near
communities around our operations.
programs, imparting computer education and our Uran LPG plant. The project intended to
enhancement program. This year, an amount
scholarship programs are some of our
of `1.4 million was spent for educational
educational initiatives.
assistance. The needs and requirements of
At Kochi Refinery, considerable social many neighboring schools were identified and
development has been achieved by extending schemes were implemented with a focus on
primary education to the villages around. improving the facilities in Government and
Every year, thousands of poor students private schools in the state. Kochi Refinery
studying in 17 schools benefit through the has also undertaken the responsibility of
various schemes of Kochi Refinery, which setting up a science park to promote scientific
include noon meal assistance, uniform temper among children in the Ernakulum
donation, scholarships and intelligence district by joining hands with the SRV School.

This year, we have included contract laborers from operations including security personnel, housekeeping as well as the contract laborers for projects who were involved in construction activities at sites
Includes marketing employees at all marketing SBUs and Refineries


Tripunithura Taluk Hospital: With over 650 responsibility and in order to fulfill the same Project Boond
outpatients and 146 inpatients on an average we have adopted 37 villages across India.
Continuing for the fourth year, Project Boond
being treated everyday, this hospital is one of This adoption included making substantial
has been instrumental in developing and
the most important Government hospitals in investments in them for nearly a decade and
providing access to waters sources in many
the district and lacked infrastructure facilities a half to make them completely self reliant,
villages. The project included cordoning of
such as operation theatres and surgical providing them with access to fresh drinking
natural springs, roof top harvesting, de-silting
equipment to keep pace with the growing water, sanitation facilities, medical facilities,
of ponds, stone pitching, repair of wells,
medical requirement of people. rehabilitation, enhancing their income
excavation of new wells and construction of
standards by imparting vocational training,
BPCL extended financial assistance for KT bund walls with vents. This year Project
agricultural innovations and providing
constructing an operation theatre and labor Boond IV was successfully completed in 3
room at Tripunithra Hospital at a cost of villages near Kasagra Ghat as well as 2 in
benefited 384 patients, wherein medical
` 2.5l million. Following the construction, Adoption of SC Colonies in Kochi Bharatpur. Our vision for the next five years
consultation and free medicines were
modern medical equipment worth ` 0.6 would be to transform 150 villages from
provided. Also a medical camp conducted at Following the success of adopting Scheduled
million was also donated to the Taluk “Water Scarce to Water Positive”
the Narayan Acharya School, Mahul Caste Colonies, in 1994 six Harijan colonies
Hospital. In 2003, we had equipped the
benefited 564 children. BPCL Servant colony of Vadavucode Puthencruz Panchayat and Arresting salinity in Periyar river
hospital to store blood and the unit was
at Balwadi which is run by Mobile crèche Tripunithura Municipality were adopted. An
donated as well. Since then, the facility has High salinity in the lower reaches of Periyar
provides daily nutrition and care to 35 integrated sanitation package was extended
been of critical help especially in emergency River, the life line of Kerala, is a perennial
children. In addition to all these initiatives, to the colonies. Systems for disposal of waste
cases. problem. Kochi refinery provided funds for
counseling on prevention and control of water and solid waste were set up. More
setting up two Bridge and
In association with ML Dhawale Trust, HIV/AIDS was given for a total of 1,000 truck efficient pressure cookers were also donated.
Lock-cum-regulators across Periyar River at
Medicare is provided for patients in Mahul. drivers, lorry crew and cleaners. Manjummel and Pathalam. This initiative will
On an average 300 patients are benefited
Building Community Infrastructure help in arresting the salinity ingress and
every month through this initiative. We also
ensure adequate availability of water during
provided financial assistance towards cataract A substantial portion of the geographical area
lean periods. The initiative is being
surgery for 15 cataract patients. In order to in our country comprises of villages. These
implemented with a total cost of ` 175
create awareness among villagers, talks on villagers face a number of difficulties ranging
million which would benefit all people of
various health issues like parenting, marital from lack of infrastructure, medical facilities
Kochi city and suburbs, farmers of rural
issues, and addiction are given by expert and access to basic amenities to inefficient
Ernakulam and all small and large industries in
doctors at our community centre. The means of transportation. Responding to the
the District.
medical camp conducted at Washala needs of the villagers is our corporate

Restoring Thannerchal lake Legislation for Industries. The main aim of this Tree Plantation Capacity building for NGOs
workshop was to create awareness among
Kochi Refinery along with Thiruvankulam By partnering with communities, NGO’s and For the first time a Capacity Building Session of
industries on the importance of
Panchayat has initiated the revival of the lake our business associates we have conducted NGO partners working on water conservation
environmental legislation in the contemporary
by removing waste, weeds, vegetation, tree plantation drives at various locations. We with BPCL was organized in Chennai on 12 &
world and contribute to the overall
de-silting and construction of earthen bunds. also conduct tree plantation drives on special 13th November 2009. A field visit near Chennai
development of the society and economy.
After the completion of the project, the lake events like World Environment Day to was also organized to see the completed work of
covering 10 acres shall serve as natural Flamingo Festival communicate the significance of trees in our Dhan Foundation (our NGO partner) and also
resource of water and will result in raising the
BPCL sponsored the much publicized
ecosystem. interact with villagers on their participation,
water table of surrounding areas. The project
Flamingo Festival which was organized by contribution and ownership after exit.
is also envisaged as an eco tourism initiative
Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS).
which would help tourists to understand the
Thousands of bird lovers and general public
importance of revival and maintenance of our
made a beeline to the jetty all through the
natural resources.
afternoon where over 15,000 Greater
Creating water supply schemes Flamingos and about two dozen other
waders on the mud-flats near Sewri Jetty
Our Numaligarh refinery has worked
provided a mesmerizing sight that charmed
towards improving the availability of drinking
Mumbaikars, young and old.
water in nearby villages. These schemes have
benefited many villages with better access to
water sources.
Conserving Environment
We are reliant for survival on the
environment; and hence, conserving the Sammohik Rasoi Ghar (community kitchen)
environment is of significant importance for a
sustainable future. Community kitchens are safe, effective, environment friendly and offer a unique convenience to villagers.
Keeping all these objectives in sight, BPCL along with other OMCs has taken a proactive lead to
In association with the Kerala State Pollution establish community kitchens, Necessary grants were secured by Government of India during the year.
Board and National Safety Council, BPCL We intend to pilot the initiative in the eastern regions of Raiganj, Kolkata, Khurda and Durgapur.
Kochi Refinery Learning Centre organized a
one day workshop on Environmental Goa LPG Territory took a small step towards a greener environment by converting the Holy Family
Convent at Sancaole from wood fuel to LPG where the institute was facing difficulties while cooking.


principles of Inclusivity, Materiality and Responsiveness, as outlined in AA1000AS (2008), and GRI 2006 (GRI G3)
guidelines were used as criteria against which to evaluate the Report.

In order to form our conclusions we undertook the following key steps:
Ernst & Young Pvt. Ltd. 1. Reviewed the Company’s approach to stakeholder engagement and processes for determining material issues
3rd Floor, Block ‘C’
22 Camac Street
through interviews and review of relevant documents with issue owners at the corporate office and at the
Kolkata-700016, India following 15 sites across the Strategic Business Units (SBUs) mentioned : Mumbai (Mahul), Kochi, Numaligarh
Tel: +91 33 6615 3400 (Refineries), Chennai (Aviation), Bijwasan, Mathura, Panipat (Retail), Tondiarpet (Retail and Lube), Budge-Budge
Fax: +91 33 2281 7750
(Retail and Lube), Cherlapally (Retail and LPG), Pune (LPG), and Wadi (Lubes).
2. Interviewed select key senior personnel of the Company to understand the current processes in place for
capturing sustainability performance data as per GRI G3 and corporate guidelines, and the progress made
Independent Assurance Statement during the reporting period.
3. Reviewed processes and supporting evidence for collecting, compiling, and reporting select indicators at the
corporate and site levels.
The Management and Board of Directors 4. Interviewed the Company’s select stakeholders including middle and junior management, union leaders,
Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited dealers, transporters, tank lorry drivers, distributors, contractors, security personnel, NGOs and communities.
Mumbai, India. 5. Reviewed the local systems and processes in place for managing and reporting on the Company’s sustainability
activities at the 15 sample sites visited. Information pertaining to workforce, training, safety and selected claims
made in the Report was reviewed centrally at the Corporate Office.
Ernst & Young Pvt. Ltd. (EY) was retained by Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (the Company) to provide an SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS
independent assurance on its Sustainable Development Report for the financial year 2009-10. The Company’s The scope of the assurance covers sites and indicators considered relevant to the Company and include:
management is responsible for engagement with stakeholders, identification of key issues and the collection and t %BUBBOEJOGPSNBUJPOSFMBUFEUPUIF$PNQBOZTTVTUBJOBCJMJUZQFSGPSNBODFGPSUIFQFSJPE"QSJMUP
presentation of the information contained in the report. EY’s responsibility, as agreed with the management of the March 2010;
Company, is to provide independent assurance on the report content as described in the level of assurance and t 5IF$PNQBOZTJOUFSOBMQSPUPDPMT QSPDFTTFT BOEDPOUSPMTSFMBUFEUPUIFDPMMFDUJPOBOEDPMMBUJPOPG
confirming the GRI application level. Our responsibility in performing our assurance activities is to the management sustainability performance data;
of the Company only and in accordance with the terms of reference agreed with the Company. We do not t 4VTUBJOBCJMJUZTQFDJGJDEBUBBOEJOGPSNBUJPOSFMBUFEUPNBUFSJBMT FOFSHZ BJSFNJTTJPOT XBUFSBOEXBTUF
therefore accept or assume any responsibility for any other purpose or to any other person or organization. Any management, workforce, safety, security, community initiatives and training and covering six Strategic Business
dependence that any such third party may place on the Report is entirely at its own risk. The assurance report Units (SBUs) namely, Refineries, Aviation, Industrial & Commercial, LPG, Lubes and Retail.
should not be taken as a basis for interpreting the Company’s overall performance, except for the aspects t 7JTJUTUPGJGUFFOTBNQMFTJUFT XIFSFPVSXPSLDPNQSJTFESFWJFXPGUIFBCPWFNFOUJPOFEJOEJDBUPSTGPSUIFTF
mentioned in the scope below. SBUs.


Our assurance engagement was planned and performed in accordance with ISAE 3000 and to meet the The assurance scope excludes:
requirements of a Type 2 moderate level assurance engagement as defined by AA1000AS(2008) . The assurance t "TQFDUTPGUIF3FQPSUPUIFSUIBOUIPTFNFOUJPOFEVOEFSi4DPQFBOE-JNJUBUJPOTw

International Federation of Accountants’ International Standard for Assurance Engagements Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information; Limited assurance
AA1000AS (2008) – The second edition of the AA1000 assurance standard from the Institute of Social and Ethical Accountability.

for Ernst & Young Private Limited





Standard Extent of Page Supplementary 3.4 Contact point for questions regarding the Full 55 -
disclosure Reporting number explanation report or its contents.
1. Strategy and Analysis 3.5 Process for defining report content. Full 13, 14, 15, 16 -
1.1 Statement from the most senior Full 4, 5 - 3.6 Boundary of the report (e.g., countries, Full 3 -
decision-maker of the organization divisions, subsidiaries, leased facilities,
1.2 Description of key impacts, risks, Full 13, 15, 16, 19 joint ventures, suppliers). See GRI
and opportunities. Boundary Protocol for further guidance.
2. Organizational Profile 3.7 State any specific limitations on the scope Full 3 Specific limitations (if any) pertaining to
or boundary of the report the performance indicators reported
2.1 Name of the organization. Full Cover page - (see completeness principle for have been detailed in the individual sections.
2.2 Primary brands, products, and/or Full 9, 10 - explanation of scope).
services. 3.8 Basis for reporting on joint ventures, subsidiaries, Full 3 -
2.3 Operational structure of the Full 10 - leased facilities, outsourced operations, and
organization, including main divisions, other entities that can significantly affect
operating companies, subsidiaries, comparability from period to period and/or
and joint ventures. between organizations.
2.4 Location of organization's headquarters. Full Back cover page - 3.9 Data measurement techniques and the bases Full 3 Relevant explanations have been provided
2.5 Number of countries where the Full 3 - of calculations, including assumptions and in the individual sections, where necessary.
organization operates, and names of techniques underlying estimations applied to
countries with either major operations the compilation of the Indicators and other
or that are specifically relevant to the information in the report. Explain any decisions
sustainability issues covered in the report. not to apply, or to substantially diverge from,
the GRI Indicator Protocols.
2.6 Nature of ownership and legal form. Full 9 -
3.10 Explanation of the effect of any re-statements of Full 3 Relevant explanations have been provided
2.7 Markets served (including geographic Full - Please refer our Annual Report
information provided in earlier reports, and the in the individual sections, where necessary.
breakdown, sectors served, and types 2009-10 page no. 36 and 45.
reasons for such re-statement (e.g., mergers/
of customers/beneficiaries).
acquisitions, change of base years/periods,
2.8 Scale of the reporting organization. Full 9, 10 For additional information refer page nature of business, measurement methods).
no. 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 of 2009-10
3.11 Significant changes from previous reporting Full 3 Relevant explanations for changes in
annual report
periods in the scope, boundary, or measurements methods have been
2.9 Significant changes during the reporting Full 3A new SBU for Gas has been formed measurement methods applied in the report. included in the report, where necessary.
period regarding size, structure, in the reporting year http://www.bharatpetroleum.in/sustainability/
or ownership.
3.13 Policy and current practice with regard to Full 3 -
2.10 Awards received in the reporting period. Full 11 - seeking external assurance for the report.
3. Report Parameters 4. Governance, Commitments, and Engagement
3.1 Reporting period (e.g., fiscal/calendar Full 3 - 4.1 Governance structure of the organization, Full 19 -
year) for information provided. including committees under the highest
3.2 Date of most recent previous report Full 3 - governance body responsible for specific
(if any). tasks, such as setting strategy or
organizational oversight.
3.3 Reporting cycle (annual, biennial, etc.) Full 3 -

4.2 Indicate whether the Chair of the highest Full 19 Please refer our Annual Report 4.12 Externally developed economic, Full 19 -
governance body is also an executive officer. 2009-10 for additional information. environmental, and social charters, principles,
4.3 For organizations that have a unitary board Full 19 - or other initiatives to which the organization
structure, state the number of members of subscribes or endorses.
the highest governance body that are 4.13 Memberships in associations (such as Full 19 -
independent and/or non-executive members. industry associations) and/or
4.4 Mechanisms for shareholders and Full 19 Please refer our previous sustainability national/international advocacy organizations
employees to provide recommendations report (2008-09) for comprehensive in which the organization: * Has positions in
or direction to the highest governance body. information on our stakeholder engagement. governance bodies; * Participates in projects
or committees; * Provides substantive
4.5 Linkage between compensation for funding beyond routine membership dues;
members of the highest governance body, or * Views membership as strategic.
senior managers, and executives (including
departure arrangements), and the Full 19 Please refer our Annual Report 4.14 List of stakeholder groups engaged by the Full 14 -
organization's performance (including social 2009-10 for additional information. organization.
and environmental performance). 4.15 Basis for identification and selection of Full 14 Please refer our previous sustainability
4.6 Processes in place for the highest Full 19 Please refer our Annual Report stakeholders with whom to engage. report (2008-09) for comprehensive
governance body to ensure conflicts of 2009-10 page no. 61 and 62 for information on our stakeholder
interest are avoided. additional information. engagement.
4.7 Process for determining the qualifications Full 19 Please refer our Annual Report 4.16 Approaches to stakeholder engagement, Full 14 Please refer our previous sustainability
and expertise of the members of the highest 2009-10 for additional information. including frequency of engagement by type report (2008-09) for comprehensive
governance body for guiding the and by stakeholder group. information on our stakeholder
organization's strategy on economic, engagement.
environmental, and social topics. 4.17 Key topics and concerns that have been Full 14 -
4.8 Internally developed statements of mission Full 19 Please refer our corporate website raised through stakeholder engagement,
or values, codes of conduct, and principles www.bharatpetroleum.in for and how the organization has responded
relevant to economic, environmental, additional information. to those key topics and concerns,
and social performance and the status of including through its reporting.
their implementation. DMA Disclosure on Management Full 21 -
4.9 Procedures of the highest governance body Full 19 - EC Approach – EC
for overseeing the organization's identification DMA Disclosure on Management Full 25, 29, 33 -
and management of economic, environmental, EN Approach – EN
and social performance, including relevant DMA Disclosure on Management Full 37, 41 -
risks and opportunities, and adherence or LA Approach – LA
compliance with internationally agreed
standards, codes of conduct, and principles. DMA Disclosure on Management Full 22, 37, 41 -
HR Approach – HR
4.10 Processes for evaluating the highest Full 19 -
governance body's own performance, DMA Disclosure on Management Full 19, 45 -
particularly with respect to economic, SO Approach – SO
environmental, and social performance. DMA Disclosure on Management Full 42 -
4.11 Explanation of whether and how the Full 19 Precautionary principle aspects are HR Approach – PR
precautionary approach or principle is implicit in our governance framework.
addressed by the organization.

Report section GRI API/IPIECA Extent of Supplementary Explanation

Core Additional Core Additional Page number Reporting
Performing for a purpose EC 1, EC 3, EC 4, ECO 1, ECO 2, ECO A2, ECO A3, 21, 22, 23 Full
EC 6, EC 8 ECO 3 SOC A4,
Managing energy efficiently EC 2 29, 30, 31 Full
Nurturing people, fostering talent EC 7 37 Full
Responsible governance EN 28 19 Full
Performing for a purpose EN 30 ENV 6 23 Full
Consuming resources responsibly EN 1, EN 2, EN 22, ENV 1 ENV A1, ENV A3, 25, 26, 27 Full
EN 23, EN 27 ENV A4, ENV A5
Managing energy efficiently EN 3, EN 4, EN 16, EN 5, EN 7, EN 18, ENV 3, ENV 4, ENV 5 ENV A6, ENV A8 29, 30, 31 Full EN17: We are augmenting capacities to monitor other
EN 17, EN 26 EN 19, EN 20 relevant GHG emissions. Other GHG emissions are not
reported for 2009-10.
Conserving water EN 8, EN 11, EN 12, EN 10 ENV 2, ENV A9 ENV A2, ENV A7 33, 34, 35 Full
EN 21
Responsible governance LA 13 19 Full Please refer page no. 52-55 of our Annual Report
2009-10 for additional information.
Performing for a purpose LA 3 21, 22 Full
Nurturing people, fostering talent LA 1, LA 2, LA 4, LA 5, LA 11, LA 12 SOC 5, SOC 6 SOC A2 37, 38, 39 Full LA 4: (Partial) Information on percentage of employees
LA 10, LA 14 covered under collective bargaining agreements is
currently unavailable.
Ensuring safety and security, promoting health LA 7, LA 8 LA 6, LA 9 H&S 1, H&S 2, H&S 3, 41, 42, 43 Full
H&S 4
Developing sustainable communities LA8 45, 46 Full
Responsible governance PR 6, PR 9 PR 4, PR 7 19 Full PR6: All marketing communication related to our
products and services adhere to ASCI voluntary
standards on marketing and communications
Ensuring safety and security, promoting health PR 1, PR 3 PR 2, PR 5 H&S 5 41, 42, 43 Full
Responsible governance SO 2, SO 3, SO 4, SOC 2 SOC A1 19 Full
SO 5, SO 7, SO 8
Developing sustainable communities SO 1 SOC 8 SOC A5 45, 46, 47 Full
Performing for a purpose HR 1, HR 2 21, 22, 23 Full HR2: (Partial) Information on percentage of significant
suppliers and contractors that have undergone screening
on human rights and action taken is currently not available
Nurturing people, fostering talent HR 4, HR 5, HR 6, SOC 1, SOC 7 SOC A3 37, 38, 39 Full
HR 7
Ensuring safety and security, promoting health HR 3,HR 8 SOC 9 41, 42, 43 Full

Our 2009-10 Annual Report can be accessed from our website: www.bharatpetroleum.in
Our 2008-09 Sustainability Report can be accessed from our website: www.bharatpetroleum.in


AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome COCO Company-owned company-operated IPIECA International Petroleum Industry OBC Other Backward Classes
ASCI Advertising Standards Council of India CEM Continuous emissions monitoring Environmental Conservation Association
ODS Ozone Depleting Substance
API American Petroleum Institute DoPT Department of Personnel and Training IISc Indian Institute of Science
OMCs Oil Manufacturing Companies
ABCI Association of Business Communicators DGM Deputy General Manager IIT Indian Institute of Technology
PCVO Professional Commercial Vehicle Owners
of India ISB Indian School of Business
ED Executive Director PMO Prime Minister’s Office
ASSOCHAM Associated Chambers of Commerce and JV Joint Venture
ESE Cell Employee Satisfaction Enhancement Cell PBT Profit Before Tax
Industry of India
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning KR Kochi Refinery
P&L Profit and Loss
BARC Bhabha Atomic Research Center
EBMS Ethanol Blended Motor Spirit LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
PSU Public Sector Undertaking
BPCL Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited
E&P Exploration and Production LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
PFS Pure For Sure
BROMA Bharat Petroleum Retail Outlet
FY Financial Year LTAs Lost-Time Accidents
Maintenance Application PPE Personal Protective Equipment
FICCI Federation of Indian Chambers of MW Megawatt
BREL Bharat Renewable Energy Limited R&D Research and Development
Commerce and Industry MBTU Million British Thermal Units
BS Bharat Stage ROs Retail Outlets
GJ Giga Joules MR Mumbai Refinery
BAIF Bharatiya Agro Industries Foundation RBNQA Ramakrishna Bajaj National Quality
GPS Global Positioning System MoU Memorandum of Understanding Award
BSC British Safety Council
GoI Government of India MDG Milennium Development Goals RLNG Re-gasified Liquified Natural Gas
BIS Bureau of Indian Standards
GATs Graduate Apprentice Trainees MMT Million Metric Tons RWH Rainwater Harvesting
BBL Barrel
GHG Greenhouse Gases MoP&NG Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas SCO Supply Chain Optimization
BCCI Bombay Chamber of Commerce and
Industry GDP Gross Domestic Product MS Motor Spirit SEBI Securities and Exchange Board of India
BNHS Bombay Natural History Society GRI Global Reporting Initiative NACE National Association of Corrosion SEZ Special Economic Zone
HSSE Health, Safety, Security and Environment Engineers
CAG Comptroller and Audit General SBU Strategic Business Unit
HSD Hi-Speed Diesel NRMB Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen
CISF Central Industrial Security Force SDCV Small Distance Commercial Vehicle
HIV Human Immunodeficiency virus NABL National Accreditation Board for Testing
CAL Computer Aided Learning TERI The Energy and Resources Institute
and Calibration Laboratories
CVC Central Vigilance Commission HRS Human Resource Services TMT Thousand Metric Tons
NGOs Non-government organizations
C&MD Chairman and Managing Director HR Human Resources TII Transparency International India
NRL Numaligarh Refinery Limited
CFO Chief Finance Officer HRD Human Resources Department UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention
NSC National Safety Council
INR Indian Rupees on Climate Change
CVO Chief Vigilance Officer
OHSAS Occupational Health and Safety
CDM Clean Development Mechanism I&C Industrial and Commercial Assessment Series
CNG Compressed Natural Gas IT Information Technology OGCF Oil and Gas Conservation Fortnight
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility IMC Indian Merchant’s Chamber OISD Oil India Safety Directorate
CII Confederation of Indian Industry IPP Integrity Pact Program OIDB Oil Industry Development Board
CPO Central Procurement Organization ISO International Organization for OSTS One Stop Trucker-cum-Tourist Shop


‘Building a Sustainable Future’ is our fourth report sharing BPCL’s sustainable development performance for 22009-10. We are proud indeed to
report that the assurance providers for this report have accredited A+ rating acknowledging the fact that the
h reporting is at highest application level
of GRI 2006 (GRI G3) guidelines. This is the third consequent year reporting with A+ rating by independent assurance provider.
During the year, locations were fully engaged in the areas of workplace health, safety, security and environment at the respective workplaces
involved in refining, storage & distribution and marketing where neighbouring communities and stake holders are benefited. The fulfilling support
and timely interventions from Management was encouraging and inspiring throughout the year. The sustainable development in BPCL has thus
become co-created reality over the years.
This year we have released a hand book on rainwater harvesting to disseminate knowledge and best practices on the topic. This provided the
much needed impetus at many of our locations to replicate the best practices in rainwater harvesting. This year we have made efforts to adopt a
focused dialogue process with select employees and stakeholders on our sustainable development agenda. The insights from these engagement
sessions have helped us in prioritizing the material issues. We aim to expand the stakeholder engagement on our sustainable development agenda
to include inputs from all our stakeholders as brought out by our assurance providers.
With corporate focus on sustainable development year-on-year, we have build a clear road map for building a sustainable future for us. We are
proud of our achievements and strive to enhance and seize new opportunities in the area of sustainable development.

Mr. D K Mane
Head – HSSE


In our journey towards sustainable development, we greatly value the feedback from our stakeholders, which would go a long way in improving the
reporting process and information disclosure. We encourage you to provide your valuable feedback on “Building a Sustainable Future”, our 2009-10
Sustainable Development Report.

Please send in your comments to:

Mr. J.S.Bhatia
Senior Manager (Carbon Capture)

Email: bhatiajs@bharatpetroleum.in
Chairman's Office
Bharat Bhavan,
4 and 6 Currimbhoy Road,
Ballard Estate,
Mumbai 400001,
Tel No.: +91-22-22713000, +91-22-22714000


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