Funny Fundations Formations
Funny Fundations Formations
Funny Fundations Formations
Standard - CC.1.1.1.D
Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
Standard - CC.1.2.1.J
Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading, and being read to, and
responding to texts, including words that signal connections and relationships between the words
and phrases.
Standard - CC.1.4.1.K
Use a variety of words and phrases.
2. Prerequisites: Prior to learning this lesson, the students will have had some
understanding of what a blend sound is and how to find them in a word.
3. Essential Questions: How can you read words with a blend in them?
During: As a class, the students will be working on an activity that we will call
Funny Fundation Formations. The teacher will tell the students that during this
activity, the students will be given strips of construction paper and a tree top
made from construction paper. The students will need to come up with ten of
their own words with blends in them and write them on each of the strips. When
they have finished writing them, they will glue the strips together to form the
trunk of their tree and then they will glue the tree top on top of the trunk in
order to make a tree. After they are finished gluing everything together, they will
have made a “Blend Tree.” Students will turn in their finished work for a final Commented [5]:
grade. Domain 3: Explanation of content, Engaging students in
learning through activities and assignments, and directions
for activities
After: After the students have completed their “Blend Trees” they will come back
to the carpet with their completed projects. The students will then have an
opportunity to share some of the words that they have come up with and tell the
entire class where the blend is in their words. We will then review what a blend
is again and there will be time at the very end for questions.
As I reflect on this lesson plan and how it went while I was teaching it to the class, I
am very glad that I was able to have the time to execute it. When I originally came up with
the lesson plan, I did not have any intentions on using it for a reflection or for any domain
specific plans. However, I am glad that I am able to reflect on the third domain from
Danielson of Instruction with this lesson plan. As you can see from my highlights above,
there is a lot of information in this lesson plan that correlates directly to that third domain.
Through this analysis, I am going to give a brief overview of the ways that I was able to
utilize Danielson’s Third Domain of instruction in my lesson plan and throughout my
Starting from the beginning of my lesson plan, I was able to give my expectations for
question that if I forget to ask them, they will raise their hand and ask if there was an
essential question that I forgot about. Because of this, I make sure that my students are
always aware of what the essential question is so that they can know what I am looking for
them to understand through my lesson. Moving forward from that, I was able to use oral
and written language in my lesson a lot of times when I would put the blend sound words
up on the magnetic board for the students to read and say. I also was able to engage my
students in my lesson by using an activity that I knew that they would be interested in. This
entire week we have been focusing on Dr. Seuss since it is Read Across America week. We
had just read about The Lorax, so when I was able to make their trees look like the Truffle
trees from the book, the students were very excited! This allowed for my students to want
to participate in the activity. I put into my lesson what materials and resources I would
need for my lesson which focuses on engaging students in learning in the third domain. I
also was able to give a lesson adjustment if needed for students who are learning support
or enrichment.
Some of the things from the third domain that I wish I would have been able to
touch on at the end of my lesson plan would be response to students, student self-
assessment, and student self-monitoring of progress. Within the third domain, there is a
section that focuses on demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness. I believe that I was
able to touch on the lesson adjustment aspect of this section but I would like in my future to
be able to respond more to individual students and utilize the information that I have
gained from each lesson plan to make adjustments for future lessons.
One goal that I have for myself to improve in this domain is in fact to be able to
adjust my future lessons based on the feedback that I give myself during my lessons. I have
not actually been able to sit down and make changes to my lesson plans in order to help
improve myself and my future lessons. During this upcoming week of my student teaching,
I plan to utilize this aspect of the third domain and put more of an effort in to use my
reflections and data from previous lessons in order to make changes to my future lessons.