TREASURE HUNT in La Roca Del Vallès: Friday Project 5

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Generalitat de Catalunya

Departament d’Ensenyament
INS La Roca


TREASURE HUNT in La Roca del Vallès

Creating a Treasure Hunt…

1- Choose your THEME and PLACE in La Roca del

Vallès (library, bar, sports centre, etc.)

2- Plan your clues (time 30 minutes): number/type of

clues and players. Take photos, if necessary.

3- Plan your treasure: create a list of fun and hard-to-

find items and set boundaries and rules. Think about
the prize!

4- Hide your clues: think of the different locations you’re

going to hide the clues. Draw a map!

5- Send the players on your treasure hunt: make sure

each team works together and cooperates.

by Sara Arjona

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