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Country of origin – Information sheet

July 2008

The return-related information contained in this document was collected with great care.
However, IOM gives no guarantee as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness of the
information, nor does it endorse any views, opinions or policies of organizations or
individuals referred to in this document. The depiction and use of boundaries, geographic
names and related data shown on maps included in the document are not warranted to be
error free, nor do they necessarily imply official acceptance by IOM.
This document does not take any position related to economic, political or security
situation in the country. IOM accepts no responsibility for any conclusions made or any
results which are drawn from the information provided in this document.

Table of contents

1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................4
2. General Information .....................................................................................................................4
2.1 General Overview ...............................................................................................................4
2.2 Ethiopian Representation in Germany and Switzerland.................................................4
2.3 Currency .............................................................................................................................5
3. Public Administration ..................................................................................................................5
3.1 Ethiopian Expatriate Affairs ..............................................................................................6
3.2 Ethiopian Origin Identification Card for Returnees .......................................................6
4. Social Welfare: Allowances and Pensions ................................................................................7
4.1 Allowances .........................................................................................................................7
4.2 Pensions .............................................................................................................................8
5. Health ............................................................................................................................................9
5.1 Immunization Requirements .............................................................................................9
5.2 Medical Infrastructure........................................................................................................9
5.3 Health Insurance ..............................................................................................................11
6. Vulnerable Persons....................................................................................................................11
6.1 Gender Projects ...............................................................................................................11
6.2 Elderly Persons ................................................................................................................12
7. Housing.......................................................................................................................................12
7.1 Hotels ................................................................................................................................12
7.2 Houses and Apartments……………………………………………………………………….12
7.3 Reconstruction Conditions .............................................................................................13
7.4 Restitution of Property ....................................................................................................13
8. Economy, Labour and Banking ................................................................................................14
8.1 General Economic Situation ...........................................................................................14
8.2 Labour Market Situation ..................................................................................................14
8.3 Financial and Administrative Support ...........................................................................15
8.4 . Banking ..........................................................................................................................15
9. Education....................................................................................................................................17
9.1 Educational System .........................................................................................................17
9.2 Continuation of Education ..............................................................................................18
9.3 Foreign Diplomas and needed Documents for Returning Students ...........................19
10. Power and Water Supply .........................................................................................................20
11. Transportation..........................................................................................................................20
11.1 Infrastructure: Overview................................................................................................20
11.2 Public Transportation ....................................................................................................20
12. Telecommunications ...............................................................................................................21
12.1 Mail Services ..................................................................................................................21

Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008

12.2 Telephone and Telegraph Services ..............................................................................21
13. IOs/ NGOs .................................................................................................................................23
13.1 International Organizations…………………………………………………………...……..23
13.2 Non-Governmental Organizations ................................................................................24
14. Annex ........................................................................................................................................25
14.1 Government Links..........................................................................................................25
14.2 Contact list of clinics………………………………………………………………………….28
14.3 Contact list of pharmacies…………………………..……………………………………… 29
14.4 Contact list of privately owned insurance companies…………………………..…….. 29
14.5 List of privately owned banks………………………………………………………….….. 29
14.6 List of International Schools……………………………………………………………..... 30
14.7 List of Universities………………………………………………….....................................33
14.8 List of real estate agencies .………………………………………………………………...34

Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008

1. Introduction
IOM Special Liaison Mission in Addis Ababa compiled this fact-sheet in order to share relevant
information particularly with the return counselling as well as with potential returnees. This fact-sheet
provides relevant and reliable information on social, economic and health issues.

In addition, you will find an annex with government link, addresses of regional and national
institutions, national and international organizations, NGO’s with different activities, a comprehensive
list of health centre addresses, privately owned insurance companies, banks, international schools,
universities and real estate agents. This information sheet utilized
website to gather more information. The website further gives practical information on the
infrastructure, economy, education, health, housing, shopping etc in Ethiopia. Moreover, it gives
information on investment policies and incentives which may be useful to migrant returnees and the
Ethiopian Diaspora at large.

2. General Information
2.1 General Overview1
Country name: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Population: 74, 8 million

Capital city: Addis Ababa

Ethnic groups: Oromo 32.1%, Amara 30.1%, Tigraway 6.2%, Somalie 5.9%, Guragie 4.3%,
Sidama 3.5%, Welaita 2.4%, other 15.4%

Religions: Christian 60.8% (Orthodox 50.6%, Protestant 10.2%), Muslim 32.8%,

Traditional 4.6%, other 1.8%

Languages: Amarigna 32.7%, Oromigna 31.6%, Tigrigna6.1%, Somaligna 6%, Guaragigna

3.5%, Sidamigna 3.5%, Hadiyigna 1.7%, other 14.8%, English (major foreign
language taught in schools) (1994 census) English (major foreign language
taught in schools) (1994 census)

Life expectancy: 49.03 years (male: 47.86 years; female: 50.24 years)

Literacy: 42.7% (male: 50.3%; female: 35.1%)

2.2 Ethiopian Representations

Embassy of the FDRE to the Federal Republic of Germany
Boothstrsse 20a,
12207 Berlin
Tel: (0049 30) 89 72 99 24
Fax: (0049 30) 77 206-24/26
H.E. Ato Kassahun Ayele Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Source: CIA:
Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008

The permanent mission of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to the United Nations Office
and other International organizations in Switzerland
H.E. Fisseha Yimer
56, rue de Moillebeau,
1211 Geneva 19-Switzerland
Tel: (41 – 22) 919 70 10 /16
Fax: (41-22) 919 70 29

2.3 Currency
The name of the Ethiopian currency is birr (ETB). The exchange rate in July 2008 (IOM rates) is: USD
1 = ETB 9.59 (USD 1 = CHF 1.028).

3. Public Administration2
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) was set up under a new constitution in 1995.

Nine autonomous states and 2 cities (Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa) make up the Federal entity, each
vested with powers of self-administration.

1. Addis Ababa (chartered city) 7. Harari

2. Afar 8. Oromia
3. Amhara 9. Somali
4. Benishangul-Gumaz 10. Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region
5. Dire Dawa (chartered city) 11. Tigray
6. Gambela

The FDRE has a bicameral parliament, with the Council of Peoples’ Representatives being the
highest authority of the Federal Government, while the Federal Council represents the common
interests of the nations, nationalities and peoples of the states. Members of both councils are
democratically elected by universal suffrage for 5 years.
The Federal State is headed by a constitutional President and the Federal Government by an
executive Prime Minister, who is accountable to the Council of Peoples' Representatives. Each

Sources: Ethiopian Investment Agency: ;

Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008

autonomous state is headed by a State President elected by the State Council. The judiciary is
independent by constitution.

3.1 Ethiopian Expatriate Affairs3

The aim of the General Directorate of Ethiopian Expatriate Affairs is to build a constructive
relationship between Ethiopians in Diaspora and their country. It serves as a liaison between
different Ministries and Ethiopians in Diaspora, encourages the active involvement of the Ethiopians
in Diaspora in socio-economic activities of the country, safeguards the rights and privileges of
Ethiopian expatriates and mobilizes the Ethiopian community abroad for a sustained and organized
image building.

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Ethiopian Expatriate Affairs
General Directorate
P.O. Box 393
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

General Director :W/o Mebrat Beyene

Tel: +251-115 53 75 20
Fax: +251-11- 553 70 59
PBX: +251-11 5517345 Ext. 386

Acting Director: Ato Demeke Atnafu

Tel: +251-1-551 53 75 20
Fax: +251-11 553 70 59
PBX:+251-11- 551 73 45 Ext 386

Acting Director: Ato Yohannes Fanta

Tel: +251-1-551 53 75 20
Fax: +251-11 553 70 59
PBX: +251-11- 551 73 45 Ext 332

3.2 Ethiopian Origin Identification Card for Returnees 4

3.2.1 Obtaining an Identification Card

An identification card (ID) is issued to foreigners of Ethiopian origin. The spouse of a foreigner of
Ethiopian origin who holds an ID can also apply for an ID. The ID holder’s children who are under
the age of 18 can apply for a separate ID even though they are not required to do so.
IDs are issued by:

• The Ministry of Foreign Affairs when issued abroad.

• The Main Department for Security, Immigration and Refugees Affairs when issued in

Upon a joint decision, the Ministry and the Authority may cancel an ID if:

• The ID was obtained by means of fraud, false representation or concealment of any material

• The holder has been convicted for crime of terrorism or smuggling of narcotics or armament.

Source: Ethiopian Expatriate Affairs,
Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, GoE,
Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008
• The holder is a citizen of any country at war with Ethiopia or is found willingly helping such

• The holder is proved to have served in the regular army or intelligence of another country.

• It is contrary to the public and national interest that the person continues to hold the ID.

3.2.2 Rights as an ID holder

An ID holder is not required to have an entry visa or residence permit to live in Ethiopia. He/ she can
be employed in Ethiopia without a work permit and is NOT subjected to the exclusion that applies to
foreign nationals regarding the coverage of pension scheme and the utilization of economic, social
and administrative services. Moreover he/ she has the right to be considered as a domestic investor
to invest in Ethiopia.
However, the holder of the ID is not entitled to elect or be elected to any governmental office nor can
he/ she be employed on a regular basis in the National Defence, Security, Foreign Affairs and other
similar political establishments.

4. Social Welfare: Allowances and Pensions

Ethiopia does not have a comprehensive Social Welfare Legislation and possible benefits are usually
bound on an employment. They are granted in the form of allowances and pensions.

4.1 Allowances5

4.1.1 Preconditions for obtaining Allowances (Civil Service)

Allowances are often used as incentives for workers. Some types of allowances can be:

• Hardship allowances

• Transport allowances

• Fuel allowances

• Travel allowances
The person has to be working for the office under which the above-mentioned allowances are granted
and additionally needs a contract stating that these allowances will indeed be granted to him.
Normally allowances are uniform for government institutions/organizations governed by the Central
Personnel Agency (CPA) i.e. the civil service. In the private sector there are also allowances with
different rates, depending upon the size of the firm.

4.1.2 Child Allowance

The Federal Government of Ethiopia does not have a child allowance program but there are some
NGO’s which provide child allowances on an individual level in different programs (school etc.).
Further information about this kind of NGO’s can be found in section 13.

4.1.3 Traditional Associations

The major sources of social welfare are traditional associations. There are many different types of
social welfare programs in different parts of the country, which have religious, political, familial or
other bases for their formation. Two of the most prevalent are the iddir systems, which are
associations that provide financial assistance and other forms of aid for people of the same kind or
neighbourhood, people with the same occupation or friends. Its main objective is to assist families
financially during times of stress, such as illness, death, and property losses from fire or theft. This

Source: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, GoE,

Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008

institution became prevalent with the formation of the urban society. Recently, iddirs6 have been
involved in community development, including the construction of schools and roads. The head of a
family who belongs to an iddir contributes a certain amount of money every month to benefit
individuals in times of emergency.
Although there are thousands of these associations and is common for many families being a
member of up to three iddirs, it can not be taken for granted for a returnee to get access to such an
association, even if he/ she knows some iddir members.

4.2 Pensions7
Pensions apply only to the civil servants. A certain amount of the salary is deducted every month and
accumulated over the service year of the employee and will be paid after retirement as a pension.
The amount of the pension depends on the salary.

The Ethiopian pension scheme consists of four different pensions:

• Old age Pension
• Invalidity Pension
• Survivors Pension
• Employment Injury

4.2.1 Preconditions for obtaining a Pension

To be entitled for a pension, a civil servant has to fulfil one of the following conditions:
• 10 years of service at a governmental office and aged 60.
• 20-25 years of service and aged 60.
• 25 years of service and aged 55.
• when the service has been interrupted temporarily: a minimum of 20 years of service and aged

In order to obtain a pension, the former employee requires a receipt to state that the salary that was
paid to him in the last 36 months before his retirement.

4.2.2 Cost of Pension Insurance

Every civil servant is obligated to pay a certain amount of money to the pension fund every month.

4.2.3 Required Personal Documents

The required documents depend on the different pensions.

Old Age Pension:

• Pension request application form
• The Personal Information Form that the pensioner filled in upon beginning his/ her job
• The acceptance letter sent to him/ her upon hiring
• Two passport sized photographs

Traditional community organization
Source: Ethiopian Social Security Authority

Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008

Invalidity Pension:
• Medical documents given by the medical board

Employment Injury:
• A copy of the document stating the injury within 30 days after the injury
• Depending on the type of injury, a police report
• Document from the medical board explaining the type of injury and confirming that the person
injured is unable to work again/ invalid.
• A document stating the salary the injured person received the month before the injury occurred

Survivors’ Pension 8:
• Pension request application form
• The Personal Information Form that the pensioner filled in when starting the job
• His/her contract or letter of acceptance
• Court documents stating that the parties are his/ her successors
• If the deceased is a parent, expenses that he/ she made on the child or children

5. Health
5.1 Immunization Requirements9
The Government of Ethiopia requests international vaccination certificates under the current
immunization requirements.

These are:
• Yellow fever: Vaccination required for arrivals from all countries (except children under 1 year).
• Cholera: Vaccination is required for persons arriving within 6 days after leaving or travelling in
infected areas.
• Other diseases: Vaccination is also recommended against typhoid, hepatitis A/B, tetanus,
poliomyelitis and meningitis.

5.2 Medical Infrastructure10

5.2.1 Hospitals and Clinics

There are 132 hospitals in Ethiopia, 27 of which are in Addis Ababa. The most well-known of these
hospitals are:

S.N Name of Hospital Telephone Address

1 Black Lion Hospital Tel: +251-11-551 12 11

Survivors are either the wife or the husband of a deceased pensioner or their children under the age of 18
Source: UNDP – Ethiopia,
Sources: Ethiopian Central Statistics Agency; Ethiopian Mental Health Society; UNDP:
Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008
+251-11-515 40 79
2 Empress Zewditu Memorial Hospital Tel: +251-11-551 80 85
3 Balcha Hospital Tel: +251-11-551 62 63
+251-11-544 77 48
4 St. Paul Hospital Tel: +251-11-275 01 25
+251-11-213 21 37
5 Gandhi Hospital Tel: +251-11-551 81 85
+251-11- 551 49 81
6 Hayat Hospital Tel: +251-11-662 08 80
+251-11- 662 44 48
7 Saint Gabriel General Hospital Plc. Tel: +251-11-661 36 22
+251-11- 618 46 28
8 Bethel Hospital Tel: +251-11-372 0125/ 26

The Number of hospital beds in Ethiopia amounts to a total of 13’851. Despite noticeable
improvements, there are still cases of not fully equipped laboratories, poor maintenance and
inadequate medical supplies.

In Ethiopia, there are a total of 729 clinics. In addition to the Government's health centres, The Red
Cross and some local churches operate clinics in the rural areas, but large parts of the rural areas still
do not have any adequate health care facilities.

The part of population estimated to receive health services is only 41% and the health service
coverage of the rural population is minimal since most of the health institutions are concentrated in
the main towns. Statistics show that between the years 1990 and 2004 there were only 3 physicians
per 100’000 persons.

There is only one institution for persons with a mental disorder in the country. The Amanuel Mental
Hospital cares for patients with disorders like schizophrenia, major depression and anxiety. The
hospital only has 356 beds which are often occupied. There are 10 qualified psychiatrists working in
the hospital. There are projects led by the Mental Health Society Ethiopia (

Amanuel Psychiatric Hospital

P.O. Box: 1971
Addis Ababa
Tel: + 251-11-213 4541
Fax: +251 11-2712218

5.2.2 Pharmacies11
In Ethiopia there are a total of 275 pharmacies, 375 drug shops and 1783 rural drug vendors in the
whole of Ethiopia. However, most of them, more precisely 120 of the pharmacies and 96 of the drug
shops, are located in Addis Ababa.

The pharmacies in Addis Ababa and in other major towns offer a reasonable, but limited, supply of
common drugs, most of which are imported and therefore can be expensive. Some prescription drugs
are rarely available and must be purchased abroad.

Source: Ethiopian Central Statistics Agency

Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008

5.3 Health Insurance12
Until recent years there was no health insurance but just medical insurances. Nowadays, a few
insurance companies such as the Ethiopian Insurance Corporation offer health insurances with full
health coverage. As an in-patient, a customer benefits from a complete coverage, even for some time
after leaving the hospital. Included is also the possibility of being sent abroad for medication.
For the conclusion of a life insurance policy that rewards a high amount, the insurance company
seriously checks the health condition of the person and fixes the premium accordingly. But unless the
person has a condition that needs special attention or is suffering from a grave illness, such as
diabetes, heart condition, asthma etc. there is no personal documentation required.

The prices for an annual premium depend on the specific benefits of the insurance as well as on the
company. The Nylala Insurance Company for example provides personal accident and medical
insurances for an annual premium between USD 230 to USD 403 with a total benefit of up to USD

Ethiopian Insurance Corporation

P.O.Box 2545
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: +251 11 551 24 00
Fax: +251 11 155 17 49

6. Vulnerable Persons
6.1 Gender Projects13
The Federal Democratic Government of Ethiopia has declared its unequivocal commitment to the
promotion of sexual equality with the announcement of the National Policy on Women and the
promulgation of the new Constitution in 1994.

The Women's Policy primarily aims to institutionalize the political, economical, and social rights of
women by creating an appropriate structure in government offices and institutions in order to ensure
that the public policies and interventions are gender-sensitive and can ensure equitable development
for all Ethiopian men and women, including the right to equality in employment and land ownership.
In this regard the government has made, -in collaboration with the non government sectors and with
the civil service society-, an effort to address the critical concerns.
An important aspect of the gender programs in the country is the mainstreaming of gender in all policy
and program intervention.

Ministry of women’s Affairs

Minister: Hirut Delabo
State Minister: Ubah Mohammed
P.O. Box 1293
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: + 251-11- 416 63 75
+ 251-11- 416 63 70/ 72/99
Fax:+ 251-11-466 39 95

In chapter 14 you will find contact details of NGOs that offer gender programs.

Source: Ethiopian Insurance Corporation,
Source: Women Watch,
Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008
6.2 Elderly Persons
In Ethiopia there are no homes for the elderly. The only old age benefits in existence are old age

7. Housing
7.1 Hotels14
In Addis Ababa there are many hotels. The rates for rooms depend on the hotel standard, the size of
the rooms as well as on the availability of a private bath. In Addis Ababa, the rates vary from USD 10
to USD 387 (5 star hotels). Outside of Addis the prices range from USD 5 to USD 100.

More details on hotels is available in the website.

7.2 Houses and Apartments15

7.2.1 General Information

There are no specific residential areas in Addis Ababa. Suitable houses may be found in all parts of
the city. Nearly all houses and apartments offer basic modern facilities, including hot and cold running
water and electricity.

7.2.2 Housing Space and Renting Costs

Housing is one of the most severe problems in Ethiopia in general and in Addis Ababa in particular.
Currently, the Addis Ababa City Government has constructed more than 30,000 low cost
condominium houses and passing them over to the public on a kind of build and transfer model. In the
coming five years the Federal Government plans to construct more than 400,000 low cost
condominium houses through out the country. Several private real estate developers are also
involved in constructing residential houses. However, the two active options are;

• Public housing solutions: "Government" apartments are not easily available. When they are
available they are rented on auction basis and the rent ranges from ETB 670 to ETB 7500
(USD 69 to USD 782), while the rent for villas vary from ETB 813 to ETB 3049 (USD 85 to
USD 318). A deposit equal to two months rent must be paid before a new tenant moves into
an apartment or a house. Rent payments are made at the end of the month. The lease
agreement between the Public Housing Agency and the tenant must be renewed every year.
• Private housing solutions: Rental fees for private houses and apartments are usually higher
than the rates charged for government owned accommodations. According to this, the prices
for a house can amount from ETB 2000 up to ETB 20000 (approximately USD 208 to USD
2’085). The rent payments are often made at the end of the month, but some house owners
might ask for advance payment of 6 to 12 months.

Housing in other parts of Ethiopia is usually of a poorer quality and cheaper than Addis Ababa.
The difficulties and delays in finding adequate housing are even worse.

7.2.3 Brokers and Real Estate Agents

In Ethiopia most of the brokers and real estate agents do not operate from a permanent office. They
are normally reached informally either at their private home or via mobile phone.
One of the few important companies in this business can be contacted at the following address:

Source: Addis Ababa Municipality,
Source: Addis Ababa Municipality,
Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008
Real Estate 2000, Pvt. Ltd. Company Ropack International
P.O.Box: 19100 Addis Ababa
Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Ethiopia Tel : 251-11-663 7850/ 663 7851/ 663 4842/
Tel: +251 11 551 51 90, +251 11 551 51 49 663 4840
Mobile: +251 91 120 80 80 Fax : 251-11-663 7852/ 661 5814
+251 11 912 18 12 00 E-mail :
Fax: +251 11 551 51 49

In chapter 14 you will find contact details of brokers and real estate agents.

7.3 Reconstruction Conditions16

All kinds of construction works require a permit. Local municipalities normally issue such permits after
examining architectural, structural and sanitary designs. The power supply authority will also have to
agree with the electrical drawings before approving a connection to the national grid.

7.4 Restitution of Property17

The Ethiopian Privatization and Public Enterprises Supervising Authority have a Restitution
Department, which handles cases related to restitution. Cases of property illegally taken by the
Government and mass organizations are directed to this department for registration and investigation.
The department follows the below stated procedures in arriving at its final conclusion.

• Receiving and registering cases

• Collecting evidence to substantiate the cases
• Investigating the claims based on the relevant laws
• Presenting its recommendations regarding the claims to the General Manager

In the case that a piece of property was indeed illegally taken, the appropriate measures are taken to
resituate the property to its rightful owners. The duty of restitution involves:

• Determining the status of property at the time of confiscation and its current status and
comparing the variations.
• Facilitating the circumstances for the prompt restitution of property to the original owners and, if
necessary, preparing contract documents for the return of property and seeing to it that the
handover is carried out in accordance with the agreement in the contracts.
• Deciding on how to address claims of property the locations or buildings of which have been put
to use or earmarked for Government or social service purposes.
• Compilation of statistical data on property returned to former owners.

Ethiopian Privatization and Public Enterprises Supervising Authority

P.O. Box 2744 -1000
Addis Ababa
Tel: +251-11-553 90 09
Fax: +251-11-553 66 29

Source: Addis Ababa Municipality,
Source: Ethiopian Privatization and Public Enterprises Supervising Authority:
Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008
8. Economy, Labour and Banking
8.1 General Economic Situation
The general economic situation in Ethiopia underlies some difficulties. Statistics show that between
1990 and 2003 more than a fourth of the Ethiopian population was living on less than one USD a day
(26.3 %)18 and in 2004 half of all the Ethiopians were living below the national poverty line19. The
gross domestic product per capita amounted to USD 900 (estimated) in 2005.20

8.2 Labour Market Situation

8.2.1 General Employment Situation21

In rural areas, unemployment rates are low. However, instead of unemployment, low productivity
agricultural underemployment can be found. In urban areas the unemployment rate in Ethiopia
amounted to 17.6% in 2004. But especially the youth, in particular young women are affected.

8.2.2 Wages22
• Public employment: The minimum wage in government institutions is ETB 203 (USD 21) a
• Private employment: Wages and salaries in the private sector, however, are negotiable.
Wages for unskilled labour range from ETB 6 to ETB 10 (USD 0.6 to USD 1.04) a day.
• Graduates: The salaries of fresh graduates normally range between ETB 700 (73 USD) to ETB
895 (93.30 USD) per month depending on the level of education.

8.2.3 Unemployment Assistance23

Because of the great number of jobseekers within the country, government offices place people
throughout the country according to their professional background and capabilities as well as the
demand for the profession in different parts of the country and the different branches of the office
itself. These public employment services are provided through regional offices linked to the Ethiopian
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MOLSA).


The links stated below lead to web sites publishing advertisements of vacancies in Ethiopia:

• Info Mind Solutions

• 4 International Careers & Jobs:



Source: UNDP – Human Development Report 2005:;
CIA – The World Factbook - Ethiopia:
Def.: National poverty line—the poverty line deemed appropriate for a country by its authorities. National
estimates are based on population weighted subgroup estimates from household surveys.
CIA – The World Factbook - Ethiopia:
Source: ILO International Labour Organization (2006):
Source: Ethiopian Investment Agency:
Sources: ILO International Labour Organization (2006):; Ethiopian Ministry of Labour and
Social Affairs (MOLSA):
Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008
8.3 Financial and Administrative Support24

8.3.1 Import
Ethiopians who have been living abroad are entitled to import personal belongings upon their
permanent return to Ethiopia.

8.3.2 Investment
Investors benefit from the following investment incentives:

• Exemption from Customs Import Duty: one hundred per cent exemption from the payment of
import customs duties and other taxes levied on imports is granted to all investment capital
goods, such as plant machinery, equipment, etc., as well as spare parts worth up to 15% of
the value of the imported investment capital goods, provided that the goods are not produced
and not available locally in comparable quantity, quality and price.
• Exemptions from Payment of Export Customs Duties: Ethiopian products (except coffee) and
services destined for export are exempted from the payment of any export taxes and other
taxes levied on exports.
• Income Tax Holiday: income derived from an approved new manufacturing and agro-industrial
investment or investment in agriculture shall be exempted for 2 to 8 years, depending on the
area of investment, the volume of export and the location in which the investment is taking
• Loss Carried Forward: business enterprises that suffer losses during the tax holiday period can
carry forward such losses for half of the income tax exemption period following the expiry of
the exemption.

8.3.2 Procedures to start Self-Employment

For an investment activity by an individual person, there is a necessity of:

• an application form (available on the website of the Ethiopian Investment Commission – EIC: signed by the investor/agent
• where the application is signed by an agent: a photocopy of his power of attorney
• where the investment is to be made by a foreign national who is Ethiopian by birth: a
photocopy of a certificate evidencing his domestic investor status or a photocopy of his ID.
• two recent passport pictures

8.4 Financial institutions

8.4 .1 Banking25
• Efficient banking and other financial services are available in Ethiopia. While the National Bank
of Ethiopia (NBE) serves as the Central Bank, commercial banking functions are performed by
the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) and by a number of private commercial banks. The
CBE and private commercial banks offer savings and checking accounts, extend short term
loans, deal with foreign exchange transactions, provide mail and cable money transfer
services, participate in equity investments, provide guarantee services and perform all other
commercial banking activities.
• The two specialized banks are the Development Bank of Ethiopia (DBE) and the Construction
and Business Bank (CBB). DBE extends short, medium and long-term loans for viable
development projects, including industrial and agricultural projects. It also provides other
banking services such as checking and savings accounts to its clients. It has 31 branches in

Source: Ethiopian Investment Agency,
Source: Ethiopian Investment Agency,
Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008
different parts of the country. CBB provides long-term loans for the construction of plants
producing housing construction materials such as concrete blocks, roofing materials and other
related products for the construction of private schools, hotels, clinics, hospitals, etc., for the
acquisition or maintenance of dwellings, and for real estate development. Other than its
specialized services, CBB offers all other commercial banking services to businesses.

National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE)

P.O.Box 5550 P.O.Box 255
Addis Ababa Addis Ababa,
Tel: +251-11-551 7430/ 551 0060 Ethiopia
Fax: +251-11-551 4588 Tel: +251-1-515004, 515000
E-mail: Fax: +251 1 514522, 517822, 517866
Web Site:
Web Site:

8.4.2 Privatly owned Banks

Since the past decade there are several private commercial banks operating in the country that are
privately owned share companies.

In chapter 14 you will find more lists of privately owned banks and insurance companies and their
contact details.

Awash International Bank s.c Bank of Abyssinia

P.O. Box : 12947, Addis Ababa

P.O. Box : 12638, Addis Ababa Tel : 251-11-551 4130
Tel : 251-11-661 2919/ 661 4482/ 85 Fax : 251-11-551 0409
Fax : 251-11-661 4477 E-mail :
E-mail : Website :
Website :

8.4.3 Insurance Companies

The Ethiopian Insurance Corporation (EIC) was the only insurance company that offered all classes
of insurance services some years ago. But today, a number of private insurance companies, which
can offer all these services, have joined the business. Consequently, a competitive business
environment has been created in the sector.

Ethiopian Insurance Cooperation Awash Insurance Company S.C

Tel : 2511--5512400 P.O.Box : 12637, Addis Ababa
Fax : 2511-5517499 Tel : 251-11-661 4420/ 661 3478/ 661 3630
E-mail : Fax : 251-11-661 4419 E-mail :
Website :

Africa Insurance Company S.C

Ethiopian Insurance Corporation
P.O.Box : 12941, Addis Ababa
Tel : 251-11-662 4579/ 551 7861/ 551 4617 P.O.Box : 2545, Addis Ababa
Fax : 251-11-551 0376
Tel : 251-11-551 2400
E-mail :
Fax : 251-11-551 7499
Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008
E-mail :
Website :

Global Insurance Company S.C. Lion Insurance Company S.C.

P.O.Box : 180112, Addis Ababa P.O.Box : 661, Code 1110, Addis Ababa
Tel : 01-158498/159881 Tel : 251-11-550 3844/ 551 3305/ 553 4883
Fax : 01-533308 Fax : 251-11-553 4799
E-mail :

National Insurance Co. of Ethiopia Nib Insurance Group Ltd.

P.O.Box : 12645, Addis Ababa P.O.Box : 285, Addis Ababa
Tel : 251-11-416 6417/ 25/ 30 Tel : 251-11-662 3057
Fax : 251-11-465 0660 Fax : 251-11-528193
E-mail :

Nile Insurance Company S.C.

P.O.Box : 12836, Addis Ababa
Tel : 251-11-551 4999/ 551 4329
Fax : 251-11-551 4592

United Insurance Company S.C. Nyala Insurance S.C.

P.O.Box : 1156, Addis Ababa P.O.Box : 12753, Addis Ababa
Tel : 251-11-515 7937/ 515 2779 Tel : 251-11-662 6667
Fax : 251-11-551 3258 Fax : 251-11-662 6706
E-mail :
Website :

9. Education
Ethiopia's education system produces well trained skilled and semi skilled technical and business
personnel. The country's universities, colleges and technical institutions turn out professionals, semi-
professionals and technically skilled workforce necessary for the country's development. Thousands
of primary and secondary schools lay the foundation for human resource development.

The Ministry of Education has recently increased the intake capacity of higher institutions at both
graduate and post-graduate levels. Private universities and colleges are also flourishing in Addis
Ababa and in the regional states. The graduates of these colleges and universities are believed to
meet the demands of skilled human-power in the economy. The Technical and Vocational Education
and Training Policy are also aiming at providing the appropriate workforce that contributes to the
country's economic development.

Currently various international schools offer kindergarten, elementary, junior high school, and
secondary education at international standards; among these are International, English, French,
German, Italian, Greek and Indian community schools.
For additional information on educational and research institutions, academic resources and courses
in Ethiopia, please visit

9.1 Educational System

Prior to 1997/98, grades were grouped according to the system established by the Ministry of
Education. Under the system, the primary, the junior secondary and the senior secondary grades
were grades 1 to 6, grades 7 and 8 and grades 9 to 12, respectively.

Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008

However, according to the new education system, primary grade covers grades 1-8 and secondary
grade covers grades 9 – 10, 11-12 (Preparatory) and 10+1 and 10+2 Technical Vocational Education
Training (TVET).

9.1.1 Types of schools26

Besides the Governmental Schools in Ethiopia, which are operated by Regional Education Offices,
Ministries of Education, Public Health, Agriculture, Transport and Communications, Universities and
Colleges etc., there is also a number of Non-Governmental Schools like Public Schools, Religious
Missions Schools, Orthodox Church Schools, Foreign Communities Schools and different
Organizations Schools:

Public Schools are Schools operated by the local community. They are financed by student fees with
or without assistance from the government. All public schools were private before 1975.

Mission Schools are operated by religious missions without assistance from the government.

Church Schools are schools maintained and operated by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and other
protestant churches.

Foreign Community Schools are operated by various foreign communities primarily for their children.
Children who do not belong to these communities may also enrol if there is enough room for them.

Organization Schools are operated by different organizations mainly for the children of the employees
of these organizations. However, other children may also enrol if there is enough room.

9.2 Continuation of Education27

9.2.1 Private schools

Elementary and secondary schools facilities are readily available. In the Annex (Chapter 15), there is
a list with a few private schools in Addis Ababa specifically for the children of previously foreign

9.2.2 Further Educational Assistance28

Scholarships are granted to civil servants when they become available. They depend on the

• chosen profession and the type of scholarship

• previous educational background and grade point average
• years of service (the longer a person has worked, the most likely he/she will be short-listed)

When an employee receives a scholarship, he/she has to sign an agreement that states that he/she
will work a certain period of time for the governmental office that is sponsoring his/ her education.

9.2.3 Universities
Higher education in Ethiopia started with the founding of Addis Ababa University (AAU) in 1950. With
its several colleges in the various regions, AAU remained as the only higher learning institution in
Ethiopia for over forty years. Over the last decade, however, fundamental changes have been taking
place in higher education in Ethiopia. Some of the former colleges under AAU were upgraded to full-
fledged and independent universities, and 11 new universities are being established. This brings the

Sources: Ministry of Education and Central Statistical Agency, GoE
Source: Ministry of Education, GoE,
Source: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, GoE:
Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008
total number of universities in the country to 22. As a result, enrollment to higher education has
increased significantly.

Other universities located in Ethiopia are Gondar, Bahir Dar, Adama, Mekele, Jimma, Arbaminch and
Debub. Moreover, at the moment there are 13 other universities under construction in different parts
of the country and some of them have started admitting students. There are also, 16 junior colleges
offering specialized training in agriculture, technology, trade and commerce, and teacher education.
Seven are positioned in Addis Ababa, and the other nine in provincial towns in various parts of the

Addis Ababa University

P.O. Box: 1176
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: +251-11-239752
Fax: +251-11-239768

9.2.4 Vocational Training29

Technical and vocational training schools, engineering colleges and universities annually produce
trained personnel in business, management, law, engineering, economics, accounting and technical
disciplines in fairly large numbers. The Government has recently increased and is still increasing the
intake capacity of colleges and universities at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The number
of private colleges and universities is also increasing. Members of the skilled labour force in Ethiopia
speak and write English.
Though efforts are being made to deliver vocational training services for persons with disabilities by
various governmental and non-governmental organizations, the number of beneficiaries is very limited
in comparison with the number of persons who need this service.
As there are only very few institutions established in particular for persons with disabilities, a
considerable number of persons with disabilities have not had the opportunity to undergo such
training. On the other hand, because existing established institutions were not organized in such a
way that they are appropriate for admitting and training persons with disabilities and also were not
ready to accommodate them, persons with disabilities were unable to be equal beneficiaries of the
opportunity as any other citizens.
Despite the fact that some Non-governmental Organizations have set up vocational training centres, it
is possible to suggest that their impact in upgrading sustainable lives of the beneficiaries was minimal
because of their limited capacity and concentration on training fields that are highly saturated and
Another issue related to vocational rehabilitation is employment of persons with disabilities. Efforts
are made to enable persons with disabilities to support themselves and their families by engaging
them in income-generating fields commensurate with their capacity and ability.

9.3 Foreign Diplomas and needed Documents for Returning Students30

9.3.1 Elementary and Secondary Students:

• a transcript and a letter from the school the student was attending

Source: ILO International Labour Organization; Ethiopian Investment Agency:
Source: Ministry of Education, GoE,

Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008

9.3.2 University or College Students:
• a letter of enrolment at the institute they were attending
• a transcript and list of courses already taken during the course of enrolment at the university or
college in the host country
• an official recognition of the Degree or Diploma by the Ministry of Education of the host country
as well as by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
• an authentication of official recognition of the Degree or Diploma by the Ministry of Education
in Ethiopia

10. Power and Water Supply31

Electric energy is supplied at 380/220 volts and 50 Hz AC at low level; the high voltage transmission
facilities are 230KV, 132KV, 66KV and 45KV, while the medium voltage distribution is in 33KV and
15KV. The plugs used are of the European type with 2 round pins. Voltage fluctuations do occur and
the use of stabilizers is recommended on more sophisticated electric equipment.
Electricity in Ethiopia is generated mostly from hydropower. The cost of 100 KWH is close to ETB 15
(USD 1.56). It is supplied by the Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCO).
All major cities and towns have municipal water supply systems; underground water is also
abundantly available in most parts of Ethiopia.
The country has prepared a 425 million USD project to run safe water supply all over the country,
over a period of 15 years. The project plans to secure 100% water supply demand in the towns and
70% in rural areas.
Water supply projects for 109 towns and water sewerage service projects for 110 towns will be
undertaken. 746 meteorological and 274 hydrological centres would be established and master plans
of seven rivers would be drafted.

11. Transportation
11.1 Infrastructure: Overview32
The numbers of vehicles in Ethiopia are driven on a network of about 17,000 km all-weather roads
and about 35,000 km dry-weather roads. About one-quarter of the all-weather roads is paved.

Railway: Since April 1998, Djibouti and Ethiopia have been revitalizing the railroad that has
connected their capitals for a century. The Federal Government has ambitious plans to expand the
railway network in Ethiopia in the coming years.

Ports and Harbours: Ethiopia is landlocked. Before the Ethio-Eritrean conflict, Ethiopia was using
the ports of Assab and Massawa, but since the border dispute, Ethiopia has been using the port of
Djibouti and to a lesser extent, the port of Berbera in Somaliland.

Airports: Ethiopia has two international airports; one in its capital Addis Ababa and one in Dire Dawa.
In 2003, the New Addis Ababa International Airport was inaugurated.

11.2 Public Transportation

11.2.1 Travel within the Country

The Ethio-Djibouti railway, which is a 778km route that passes Nazareth, Awash and Dire Dawa
provides cargo and passenger services three times a week. Although the journey is supposed to take

Ethiopian Investment Agency:
Source: UNDP Ethiopia (2003/2004):

Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008

40 to 42 hours it is often not the case, because the travel is habitually interrupted due to maintenance
problems as well as other obstacles.
There is an extensive country bus system, but schedules can be irregular.
The National carrier Ethiopian Airlines manages scheduled flights to some 30 domestic airports in
various parts of the country and over 30 flights out of Ethiopia. There is a jet service to Dire Dawa;
smaller aircrafts serve the other destinations.

Ethiopian Airlines
P.O.Box 1755
Addis Ababa
Tel: +251-11-665 66 66
Fax: +251-11-661 14 74
Web site:

11.2.2 Local Transportation in Addis Ababa33

The main streets of Addis Ababa are asphalted and spacious. Many side streets are often unpaved,
and/or potholed especially during the rainy season for lack of recent maintenance.
The public transportation system in Addis Ababa includes:

• Buses: which are available on the main routes, but do not service some of the city's residential
• Taxis: Called cabs (yellow or white and blue).Since they have no meters, the prices must be
agreed upon in advance.
• Minivans: this mode of transportation is the most popular in Addis Ababa. They cruise the
main streets of the city, stopping ever so often for the many who flag them down. A blue, white
minivan will take up to 11 to 12 passengers. The normal fares start from ETB 0.65 (USD 0.07).
• Medium size buses: this mode of transportation is becoming popular in Addis Ababa, a white,
green buses are available on the main routes of the city and can carry up to 20 passengers.
The normal fares start from ETB 1.25 (USD 0.13).

12. Telecommunications34
12.1 Mail Services
Air and surface mail services are available with all parts of the world. Airmail services are quite
reliable taking on average a week to and from Europe, 7-10 days with North America, and up to 14
days with the rest of the world.
Outgoing parcels are subject to certain restrictions on the size and must not weigh more than 10 kg
(22 lbs); those with a value above ETB 25 (USD 2.6) must be cleared by customs.
There is no house-to-house delivery; hence all mail should be addressed to a Post Office Box
Alternative Mail Service Companies such as the government owned EMS as well as the private
owned DHL and UPS are also available. The price range and delivery time span vary.

12.2 Telephone and Telegraph Services

The telephone service within Addis Ababa is up to standard. International direct dialling abroad is
available on most landline numbers and if not, the operator service can connect the caller.
There is direct dialling between Addis Ababa and most major cities in Ethiopia. Reception is good,
following the entry into service of a new ground satellite station.

Source: UNDP Ethiopia (2003/2004):
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation:

Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008

The Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation charges ETB 242 (USD 25.2) for the installation of a
new telephone as well as the transfer of an existing telephone from one subscriber to the other.
Local calls are relatively inexpensive. The price of a 3-minute call to Europe is ETB 23 to ETB 25
(USD 2.4 to USD 2.6) depending on the country, ETB 30 (USD 3.1) to North America, and ETB 37.50
(USD 3.9) to most other parts of the world outside Africa and the Middle East.
Cell phones and sim cards are available. Pre-paid sim cards can be purchased in one of the
telecommunication buildings or in electronic stores as well as in some shops for the price of ETB 350
(USD 36.5).
Internet access can be acquired for personal home use or for a business or organization by
contacting the Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation and applying for connection. If not, one can
visit the numerous cyber cafes that are found throughout Addis Ababa.

Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation

Head Quarter
Churchill Road, in front of Main Post Office Building
P.O.Box: 1047
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: +251-11-5510500
Web Site:

Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008

13. IOs/ NGOs
13.1 International Organizations

International Organisation for Migration (IOM) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Sub city: Kirkos, Kebele 17, House No 242 ECA Old Building, 7th Floor
P.O. Box 25283 Code 1000, P.O.Box 5580
Addis Ababa-Ethiopia Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: +251-11 551 16 73 Tel: +251-11 551 51 77
Fax: +251-11 551 49 00 Fax: +251-11 551 45 99
Email: E-mail:

International Red Cross Delegation United nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

ICRC Delegation Location: Sub city, Kirkos , Kebele 17
Sub city: 15, Kebele 28, House no. 117 P.O. Box 1169
P.O. Box 5701 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Addis Ababa Location: Opposite to ECA Building
Tel.: +251-11 551 83 66 Tel: +251-11 551.5155
Fax: +251-11 551 31 61 Fax: +251-11 551.1628 or 551.1711
E-mail: E-mail:

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees World Food Program (WFP)
Regional Liaison office (UNHCR-RLO) Sub city: Kirkos, Kebele 26, House. No. 1041
Sub city : Bole Kebele 23, House No 1255-01/02, P.O .Box 25584 code 1000
P.O.Box 1076 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel: +251 11 551 51 88
Tel: +251 11 661 28 22 Fax: +251- 11- 551 44 33
Fax:+251-11-661 16 66 E-mail

Office Of The High Commissioner For Human United Nations Economic Commission For Africa
Location: ECA new building 1st Floor, Room 1N16, Location: ECA Building
P.O. Box 3001 P.O. Box 3001
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: +251 -11- 544 31 05 Tel: +251-11-551 72 00
+251- 11-551 16 41 Fax:+251-11-551 44 16
Fax:+251-11-551 60 78 E-mail:

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) World Bank Ethiopia Country Office (WB)
Location: 5th floor, old ECA Building, Africa Hall Location: Bole sub city, Kebele 03,
P.O .Box 5580 House No.402 & 403, Worbek Building,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia P.O .Box 5515
Tel: +251-11-551 19 80 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Fax:+251-11-551 53 11 Tel: +251-11-662 77 00
E- mail: Fax:+251-11-662 77 17

Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Nations (FAO) Organization(UNESCO)
Sub city: Kirkos, Kebele 01,House No. 126 Location: ECA New Building,1st Floor, Africa Hall
P.O. Box 5536 P.O .Box 1177
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: +251-11-551 13 94 Tel: +251-11-551 39 53
+251-11-551 13 98 Fax:+251-11-551 14 14
Fax:+251-11-551 52 66 E-mail:

World Health Organization (WHO) United Nations Joint Program on HIV-AIDS (UNAIDS)
Location: ECA Building, ground floor of the Old
Location: ECA Building
P.O. Box 3069, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
P.O .Box 5580
Tel: +251 11 553 47 77
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
+251 11 553 15 50
Tel: +251-11-551 01 52
Fax:+251 11 551 40 37
Fax: +251-11-551 10 21

Note: The above list does not include all International organizations working in Ethiopia
Source: Directory of United Nations personnel in Ethiopia, January 2006

13.2 Non-Governmental Organizations

Sector Organization Representative Address Telephone, Fax, E-Mail

& Web Site
Children Abebech Gobena Wz. Abebech P.O. Box Tel:+251 11 156 42 86,
Yehetsanat Gobena 24998 +251 11 155 71 61
Kebekabena Limat Addis Ababa +251 11 157 63 30
Dirigit (Local NGO)
Fax:+251 11 155 01 52
Children and Old Aba Woldetensae Ato Zenebe P.O. Box Tel:+251 11 662 20 75
Persons Gizaw’s Mother Mamo 20110 +251 11 661 41 10
and Children Code 1000
Welfare Addis Ababa
Association (Local
NGO) bers%20Profile/AWGMCA.htm

Gender Beza Organizing Wz. Genet P.O. Box Tel:+251 91 146 79 45

Association of Lemma 24535/1000 +251 11 443 08 50
Women in Addis Ababa
Need(Local NGO)
Old Persons Destitute Elders’ Ato Bekele P.O. Box 197 Tel:+251 11 6628183
Welfare and Tamirat Addis Ababa +251 11 515 46 28
Development +251 91 1406118
Association (Local
Counter Good Samaritan W/O Trubrehan P.O. Box Tel:+251 11 127 03 69/70
Trafficking Association (Local Getenet 480/1029 +251 11 127 21 46/47
NGO) Addis Ababa +251 91 162 93 77
Fax: +251 11 127 03 69

Disabled Persons Handicap National Wz. Etenesh P.O. Box Tel: +251 11 213 47 47/49
(Local NGO) W/Agegnehu 25929 Fax: +251 11 213 47 45
(Beneficiaries are Addis Ababa +251 11 553 44 69
persons under the
age of 18 years.)
Disabled Persons Handicap National Ms. Vanessa P.O. Box 1160 Tel: +251 11 618 15 72

Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008

(Mainly supports (International NGO) Rousselle Addis Ababa +251 11 661 41 01
associations +251 11 663 48 97
working on the Fax:+251 11 663 48 98
areas of disabled
Persons with Mental Health W/o Yezabnesh P.O Box 27667 Tel: +251 11 663 92 93
mental disorder Society Ethiopia Tadesse Code 1000 +251 9 11 23 59 17
(MHSE) Addis Ababa
Aemiro Tena
Kibikabe Mahber
Ethiopia (ATKME)

The two links stated below lead to websites containing useful addresses of NGOs and IOs in Ethiopia:

14. Annex
14.1 Government Links

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, GoE
Ethiopian Expatriate Affairs Origin Abroad/Ethiopiaorigin.php

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, GoE
Ethiopian Investment Agency

Privatization and Public Enterprises Supervising Authority
Addis Ababa Municipality

Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008

14.2 Contact list of some Clinics

Addis Ababa poli Clinic Adwa Clinic

Tel : 251-11-5511965 Tel : 251-11-1116335
Fax : 251-11-5511956

African Clinic Africa Higher Clinic

Tel : 251-11-4431366 P.O.Box : 13025, Addis Ababa
Tel : 251-11-276 6817/ 276 6818/ 275 1360

African Union Clinic Alfa Dental Clinic

Tel : 251-11-551 7700 P.O.Box : 111009, Addis Ababa
Tel : 251-11-213 4794

Almata Dental Clinic Ananaia Mother and Child Clinic

Address : Across Urael Church Tel : 251-11-156 4316
Tel : 251-11-5516980

Awash Dental Clinic Bahre Negash Special Eye Clinic

P.O.Box : 21603, Addis Ababa Tel : 251-11-111 5202
Tel : 251-11-1565620

Bethezatha Higher Clinic Blue and White Clinic

P.O.Box : 55, Code 1110, Addis Ababa Tel : 251-11-6613420
Tel : 251-11-5533458 E-mail :
Fax : 251-11-5519640

Brook Clinic Cathedral Clinic

Tel : 251-11-551 3435/ 551 5115 P.O.Box : 5154, Addis Ababa
Tel : 251-11-112 8145
Fax : 251-11-466 7253

Christina Clinic City Special Dental Clinic

P.O.Box : 2575, Addis Ababa Address : Debre Zeit rd. opposite to Tele garage
Tel : 251-11-515 1500/ 515 2020 Tel : 251-11-416 5240/ 466 5036
Fax : 251-11-551 8855

Dejene Nigatu Optician Ethio-Swedish Special Dental Clinic

P.O.Box : 1851, Addis Ababa Address : Bole rd. on Genet building
Tel : 251-11-111 2044/ 618 0799 Tel : 251-11-661 4932

Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008

Future Int‘l Consulting Gofa gebriel Clinic
Tel : 251-11-277 0064/ 277 0067 Tel : 251-11-4164849

14.3 Contact detail of some pharmacies

Abadir Abbay
Tel : +251-11-62-43-97 Tel : +251-91-120 6440
+251-11-171 32 98
E-mail :

Adame Drug Shop Africa Pharmacy

P.O.Box : 4433 P.O.Box : 100956
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: +251-11-550 4110 Tel : +251-11-111 06 70
+251-11-416 11 61
Amanuel Drug Store Aster Pharmacy
P.O.Box: 3085 Tel : +251-11-551 9844
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel : 251-11-416 4457/ 551 9150

Awash Pharmacy Axum Pharmacy

P.O.Box : 4159 Tel: +251-11-551 8626
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia +251-11-515 48 82
Tel: +251-11-213 07 07

Beza International Central Pharmacy

P.O.Box : 6939 Tel :+251-11-515 2266
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel :+251-11-155 33 66
Fax:+251-11-551 80 75

Desta Drug Shop Eyesus Drug Store

P.O.Box : 5901, Addis Ababa P.O.Box : 21840
Tel :+251-11-515 66 66 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
+251-11-661 53 81 Tel :+251-11-275 1170

Ghion Pharmacy Gishen Pharmacy

P.O.Box : 235, P.O.Box : 40494
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: +251-11-551 86 06 Tel: +251-11-661 53 09
+251-11-661 17 17
Goh Pharmacy Hailu Diglu & Family Plc.
P.O.Box : 101378 P.O.Box : 5735
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel :+251-11-618 60 84 Tel : +251-11-111 2253
Fax :+251-11-155 3599

Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008

14.4 Contact list of some insurance companies

Africa Insurance Company S.C. Nib Insurance Company S.C.

P.O. Box 12836, P.O. Box 285,
Tel - +251-11-663 77 16 Tel:+251-11-553 51 30/32
Fax - +251-11-663 82 53/4 Fax: +251-11-552 81 93
E-mail: E-mail:
Nile insurance Company S.C., NICE Insurance Company S.C
P.O. Box 12836 P.O. Box 12645
Tel:+251-11-551 49 99 Tel: +251-11-465 24 48
Fax: +251-11-551 45 92 Fax:+251-11-465 06 60
E-mail: E-mail:
Global Insurance Company S.C. Nyala Insurance Company S.C
P.O. Box 180112, P.O. Box 12753
Tel - +251-11-156 58 52 Tel - +251-11-662 66 67
Fax - +251-11-156 62 00 Fax - +251-11-662 67 06
United Insurance Company S.C Awash Insurance Company S.C
P.O. Box 1156 P.O. Box 12637
Tel :+251-11-465 56 56 Tel:+251-11-552 60 50
Fax:+251-11-465 32 58 Fax: +251-11-552 60 91
E-mail: E-mail:

Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008

14.5 Contact list of privately owned banks

Awash International Bank S.c Bank of Abyssinia

P.O. Box : 12638, Addis Ababa
Tel: +251-11-661 2919/ 661 4482/ 85 P.O. Box : 12947, Addis Ababa
Fax:+251-11-661 4477 Tel: +251-11-551 4130
E-mail: Fax: +251-11-551 0409
Website: E-mail :

Dashen Bank Nib International Bank S.c.

P.O. Box : 12752, Addis Ababa P.O. Box : 2439, Addis Ababa
Tel : 251-11-466 1380 Tel: +251-11-662 1671/ 662 2293
Fax : 251-11-465 4336 Fax:+251-11-550 4349/ 552 7213
E-mail : E-mail :
Website : Website :

United Bank S.C Wegagen Bank S.c.

P.O. Box 1018, Addis Ababa
P.O. Box : 19963, Addis Ababa
Tel: +251-11-465 5222/ 40/ 42/ 83/ 85 Tel: +251-11-552 38 00
+251-11-552 36 97
Fax: +251-11-466 6588/ 465 5243/ 45
Fax: +251-11-552 3520/21
Website: E-mail:

14.6 Contact list of International Schools

Lycee Franco-Ethiopien Bingham Academy

P.O.Box: 1496, Addis Ababa P.O.Box: 4937, Addis Ababa

Tel: +251-11-155 21 30 Tel: +251-11-113 14 01

Language of instruction: French Language of Instruction: English
Curriculum: Follows French curriculum. Curriculum: Follows an international curriculum
drawn up by the sponsors of the school.
Covers: kindergarten through to grade 12.
Fees: ETB 2236 (USD 235)
Year: October to June.

German Embassy School Indian Community School

P.O. Box: 1372, Addis Ababa P.O. Box: 21499, Addis Ababa

Tel: + 251 11 155 04 33 Tel: +251 11 111 70 66

Language of Instruction: German Language of Instruction: English
Curriculum: Follows the curriculum of the Federal Curriculum: Follows a combined Indian/British
Republic of Germany curriculum. Covers grades 1-10.
Year: April to March with an extended holiday from
Covers: Grades 1-10.
mid-June to late August
Year: September to July
Fees: ETB 460 (USD 48) per year for grades 1-3;
Fees: ETB 1227 (USD 129)
ETB 557 (USD 58) for grade 4-6; ETB 650 (USD 68)
for grades 7-10.

Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008

Norwegian Mission School Swedis Community School
P.O. Box: 5540, Addis Ababa P.O. Box: 44810, Addis Ababa
Tel: + 251-11-155 20 70
Tel: +251 11 515 94
Language of Instruction: Swedish
Tel: +251 11 515 94 92 Curriculum: Follows the school curriculum of
Language of Instruction: Norwegian Sweden. Covers grades 1-9.
Curriculum: Follows the school curriculum of Year: August-June
Norway. Covers grades 1-9.
Year: August-June
Fees: ETB 910 (USD 96) for Scandinavians; ETB
3960 (USD 404) for all other nationalities.

German School
Italian School
P.O. Box : 1372, Addis Ababa
P.O. Box 970, Addis Ababa Tel : +251-11-155 0433
Tel : +251-11-155 2060
+251-11 155 13 96
E-mail : Language of Instruction:
Language instruction: Italian
Curriculum: Follows the school curriculum of Curriculum: Follows the school curriculum of
Grade coverage: Kindergarten -high school Germany
Year: September – June
Fee: ETB 2100 ( USD 221) For all Italians and
other nationalities

Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008

14.7 Contact list of Universities

Adama University Addis Ababa University

P.O.Box : 1888,Adama P.O.Box : 1176, Addis Ababa
Tel : +251-122-1110494 Tel: +251-11-23 97 52
Fax :+251-122-1110480 +251-11-23 10 88
E-mail : Fax: +251-11-23 97 68
Website :

African Virtual Studies at Addis Ababa (AAU) African Virtual Studies at Jimma University
Tel : 251-11-155 0632 Tel: +251-37-111 2214
E-mail : E-mail : Website :
Website :

Arba Minch Water Technology Institute Axum university

P.O.Box : P.O.Box 21, Arba Minch P.O.Box : 287
Tel: +251-46-881 0771 Tel : +251-34-775 36 45
Fax:+ 251-46-881 0820 +251-34-775 33 44
E-mail : Fax : +251-34-775 19 31
Website : E-mail :

Bahir Dar University Debre Birhan University

P.O.Box : 79, Bahir Dar P.O.Box : 445
Tel : +251-58-220 01 43 Tel: +251-11-681 47 71
+251-58-220 01 37 Fax:+251-11-681 31 91
Fax: +251-58-220 2025
E-mail :
Website :

Debre Markos University Debub University

P.O.Box : 269 P.O.Box : 5, Awassa
Tel :+251-58-771 16 46 Tel: +251-46-220 46 26/ 27
Fax:+251-58 771 48 36 Fax:+251-46-220 54 21

Dessie/Kombolcha University Dilla University

P.O.Box : 1145 P.O.Box: 419
Tel: +251-33 -112 43 49 /50/51 Tel: +251-46- 331 24 59
Fax:+251-33 -112 43 52 +251-46- 331 20 30/97
Fax: +251-46- 331 25 68
E-mail :

Dire Dawa University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

P.O.Box : 2900 P.O.Box : 34, Debre Zeit
Tel: +251-25-111 55 58/23 Tel: +251-11-433 8450
Fax: +251-25-112 42 16 Fax:+251-11-433 9933
E-mail :

Gondar University Haramaya University

Tel : 251-581141231/581141236 P.O.Box : 138, Dire Dawa
Fax : 251-5811141240/33/35 Tel : 251-25-661 07 07
Website : Fax : 251-25-111 5230
E-mail :

Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008

Hawassa university Jigiga University
P.O.Box : 5 P.O.Box : 1020,Jijiga
Tel : 251-462204626/462204627 Tel: +251-91-532 06 46/
Fax : 251-462205421 +251-25-775 59 34
E-mail : Fax: +251-25-775 26 22

Jimma University Madawalabu

P.O.Box : 378/5130 Jimma P.O.Box : 247,Madawalabu
Tel : +251-471 11 14 57/471 11 22 10 Tel: +251-122 665 00 53
Fax :+251-471 11 04 50 Fax:+251-122 665 30 92
E-mail :
Website :

14.8 Contact list of Real Estate Agents

Ropack International Ayat

Tel : +251-11-663 7850 Tel: +251-11-551 46 99
+251-11- 663 78 51 Fax:+251-11-551 19 76
Fax :+251-11-663 7852/ 661 5814 Addis Ababa
E-mail :

Born Kal Real Estate

Tel: +251-11-213 47 35 Tel : +251-11-663 79 65
+251-11- 551 8118 +251-11- 553 76 37

Addis First
Tel: +251-11-661 4124/ 25 Tel : +251-11-156 07 04
+251-11- 551 07 14

TWM Commission Agency

Real Estate 2000 Plc. Tel : +251-11-155 78 00
Tel : +251-11-551 5190/ 49 +251-11-155 51 00
Fax :+251-11-155 78 00
E-mail :

Information Sheet Ethiopia/ July 2008


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