Psych Chap 4+5
Psych Chap 4+5
Psych Chap 4+5
Chapter 4
sensation and perception together are the underlying processes operating visual illusion- when
the way you see a stimulus is not the way it is in reality
filling-in: a process that occurs without our awareness. It helps us make sense of our often
confusing, perceptual world
Role of Attention
Video: students were passing a basketball around and viewer were asked to count how many
times the ball was passed around. Spontaneously, a gorilla walked in between the students
playing basketball as a distraction. Surprisingly, majority of viewers did not notice or see the
gorilla appear while the students were playing which shows how individuals selectively notice/
pay attention to things they want to.
Simons & Chabris (1999) found that 73% of participants failed to spot a gorilla walking through
some basketball passes.
o inattentional blindness – failure to detect stimuli that are in plain sight when our
attention is focused elsewhere
o selective attention allows us to select one channel and turn off others. This is controlled
by the RAS
o shows that perception depends on attention
o Gorillas in our midst: Sustained inattentional blindness for dynamic events.
Attention defined
o a light source emits electromagnetic radiation that travels as a wave waves can differ in
amplitude and wavelength
o wavelength is measured in nanometers (nm) 1 nanometer = one billionth of a meter
o a tiny range of possible wavelengths is visible as light (Fig. 4.5).
o Within that range: brightness = perception of amplitude
o a tiny range of possible wavelengths is visible as light (Fig. 4.5). Within that range:
colour or hue = subjective perception of wavelength
o pupil -> regulates amount of light passing into the eye (p. 132) eyes have a pupillary
reflex that decreases the amount of light allowed in them
o lens -> focuses light rays to fall on the retina (p. 133)
curvature of the lens adjusts (accommodates – when the lens changes shape to focus
light at the back of the eyes) -> closer object = fattens; further object = flattens
o retina: tissue lining the inside back of the eye that contains the receptors for seeing (pp.
133-134) converts light into neural actvity
o rods: (type of retina cell) receptors for night and peripheral vision (p. 134)
cones: (type of retina cell) receptors for daylight, fine detail, and color vision (p. 134)
stimulation of rods and cones converted to neural signals that are sent to the brain via the
optic nerve (Fig. 4.9)
o after visual cortex (p. 160)
1. trichromatic theory of colour vision: three types of receptors with differing sensitivities
to different wavelengths (pp. 135-136) believes color vision is based on our sensitivity to
three primary colors. Other colors are combinations of these colors
evidence for -> (dichromatic) color-blindness to green or red (rarely blue) (p. 136)
2. opponent process theory of colour vision: proposes that certain cells in the visual
pathway colour (pp. 136). Proposes that we perceive colours in terms of three pairs of
opponent colors; either red or green, blue or yellow and black or white
o one way is to sense different basic features and integrate (combine) them into a
perceptual whole
o bottom-up processing: processing that is driven by the physical input contacting the
sensory receptors (p. 150) we construct a whole stimulus from its parts. Starts with raw
stimuli and synthesizes them into a meaningful concept
o but what about this?
even though they have identical forms, we recognize the second letters as "h" and "a" why?
top-down influence of context (words in which the letters are contained). Starts with our beliefs
and expectations which we impose on the raw stimuli we see.
Gestalt psychologists (pp. 151-153) active in the 1920s top-down visual perception
basic ideas:
o "we tend to order our experience in a manner that is regular, orderly, symmetrical, and
simple" (Wikipedia)
o we are biased to perceive whole objects, rather than parts
Law of Proximity: things that are close together get grouped together see others on pp. 152-153
- e.g., retinal disparity: closer an object is, the greater the difference (disparity)
between the two retinal images
monocular cues: clues about distance based on the image in either eye alone (p. 154)
- e.g. 1, motion parallax: objects at different distances move across the retina at different
rates. Ability to judge the distance of a moving object based on speed. Nearby objects
appear to move faster and faraway objects appear slower.
- motion parallax example:
"carpentered world hypothesis": "angles in" looks like a near
corner "angles out" looks like a far corner
o outer ear -> pinna (pl. = pinnae) funnel sound waves to the middle ear (pp. 139-140, Fig.
o middle ear -> vibration of the eardrum amplified by the three tiny bones (p. 140)
o inner ear -> vibrations converted to a neural signal in the cochlea (p. 140)
o cochlea: fluid-filled coil in the inner ear that contains the receptors for hearing
o basilar membrane runs the length of the cochlea; has tiny hairs protruding from it
o vibrations from the middle ear bones creates a wave of fluid that travels along the cochlea
o waves stimulate the hair cells as they pass
o stimulation converted to neural signals that are sent to the brain
o hearing and the cochlea:
1. place theory: perception of pitch corresponds to the place of vibration along the basilar
- high pitch towards the opening of the cochlea; low pitch towards the end
2. frequency theory: perception of pitch corresponds to the frequency or rate at which the
basilar membrane vibrates. The rate at which neurons fire action potential faithfully
reproduces the pitch.
How can we tell where a sound is coming from? Two binaural cues (p. 155): difference in the
loudness of the sound arriving at each ear
difference in the timing of the sound arriving at each ear (shown in picture)
Auditory/audiovisual illusions
information in regards to pain travels up our somatic nerves before entering the spinal
unequally distributed throughout different skin layers and different body parts most are in our
fingertips, lips, face, hands and feet (p.146)
we can respond reflexively to pain, e.g., withdrawal reflex eg. Touching a hot stove (p. 146)
Neurons in the fast pathways are myelinated and help the signal travel better
Slow pathway is not myelinated ex. Hurting your thumb
o Study where people were given electric shocks and asked to rate the pain. One group was
told the shocks were intentional and another group thought the shocks happened by
accident. Those who thought the shocks were intentional rated the pain much higher
o perception of pain gives it meaning: decide how bad it is, where it is, compare with
memories of other pain attach emotional meaning
o pain is associated with anxiety, uncertainty and restlessness
Phantom limb- phantom, limb will do the same thing as the real limb when placed in the mirror
box. Pain can be a construct of the mind. Can alleviate the discomfort of phantom limb
can even have perception of pain without sensation!
e.g., phantom limb pain (p. 147)
"mirror box" therapy for phantom limb pain: /watch?v=gc3CmS8_vUI
o gate control model (pp. 146-147) proposes that incoming pain signals from the PNS can
be blocked or "gated" by signals produced in the brain
specifically, activating the fast pathway can prevent slow pathway signal from making it's
way up the spinal cord
o explains why rubbing, massaging, scratching an injured area makes it feel better
o Gate Control Model – ex. You stubbed your toe and the fast and slow pathway send the
messages to the brain. Fast pathway makes to the brain and slow pathway goes to the
spinal cord. Fast pathway neurons can inhibit slow pathway neurons
o activity, diverting attention, etc., can also lessen pain by
ex 2. What is the smallest difference in brightness of light that can be detected? presumably,
people have a just noticeable difference (JND), i.e., smallest difference that can be detected (p.
- can repeatedly present people with pairs of lights to find JND again, not so easy to measure
- difference threshold depends on context
- in a dark room, one candle makes a big difference in brightness but in a bright room, one
candle might make barely any difference
Weber's law predicted that there is a lawful relationship between context and detection
threshold. There is a constant proportional relationship between the JND and original
stimulus intensity
o let's say I found that in a room lit by 5 candles (standard), it takes 1 candle to notice a
difference (1/5 = 20%)
o Weber's law predicts that:
- in a room lit by 10 candles, it should take 2 candles to notice a difference (2/10 =
in a room lit by 100 candles, it should take 20 candles to notice a difference
(20/100 = 20%), etc.
o Weber's law has been shown to be correct for many tasks but not all
Chapter 5
Biology of Sleep
Consciousness: awareness of internal and external events. Subjective experience of the world, our
bodies and our mental experiences (p. 165)
deep sleep -> light sleep -> deep relaxation -> normal waking thought -> paying attention ->
o blood pressure
o production of certain hormones
o sleep/wakefulness
- biological clock corrects itself with reference to environmental cues but can function
without them
o Pilcher & Walters (1997) compared cognitive test performance for sleep-deprived and
normal-sleep college students [NOT IN TEXTBOOK]:
o other studies show sleep-deprived individuals are not good at predicting if and when they
fall asleep [!]
o benefits to getting a night's sleep
evolutionary perspective: conserving our energy, staying away from predators (p. 166)
research shows improved ability to recall information, learn a new task, and gain insight on
problems (p. 166)
o "sleeping on a problem" -> Wagner et al. (2004)
Number Reduction Task: 8-digit series of 1's, 4's, and 9's Rules:
o procedure: several repetitions before and after 8-hr incubation period
o Independent variable:
8 hour incubation activity
o 3 levels of the independent variable
o WAKE-DAY Dependent variable:
Participants in the SLEEP group were more than twice as likely to gain the insight.
more on the effects of sleep on memory in the NOVA video later today
Memory consolidation occurs during sleep, we replay things that happened throughout the day in
our sleep. When we sleep, we kind of edit our memories and toss away the information that’s not
important and keep the information that matters. When we make up, the memories that we have
are different then the way they were before we went to sleep. They were altered over the course
of the night, this allows us to see things from a different perspective.
o awake and alert -> fast (frequency) and small (amplitude) alpha waves (8-13 Hz)
first 4 stages in the sleep cycle -> brain waves get slower (frequency) and larger
Stage 1
- lasts 5-10 minutes, brain activity powers down and produces theta waves
- alpha (8-13 Hz) then theta waves (4-7 Hz) "just dozing off"
- hypnagogic imagery (p. 167) – scrambled, bizzare and dream-like images that flit in and out
of our consciousness
- myoclonic jerks – sudden jerks from our limbs
Stage 2
Stages 3-4
- also called slow wave sleep or delta wave sleep (1-4 Hz) deepest stage of sleep
- needed to feel refreshed in the morning
- suppressed by alcohol
o then cycle reverses except, instead of stage 1, we enter REM sleep (stage 5)
- rapid side-to-side movements of the eyes (measured with EOG) brain wave resembles
waking brain
- almost no muscle tension (basically paralyzed)
- most (but not all) dreaming occurs
- sleep cycle repeats about 4-5 times per night; about 90 minutes per cycle
REM sleep gets longer; Non-REM (NREM) sleep (i.e., stages 1-4) gets shorter (Fig. 5.2)
lucid dreaming: experience of becoming aware that you are dreaming (p. 170) opens up the
possibility of controlling our dreams (p. 170)
is this a real phenomenon?
o Labarge (2000) measured EEG while lucid dreamers counted and estimated 10 seconds while
awake and dreaming
1) sleep apnea - blockage of airway during sleep resulting in daytime fatigue. Causes people to
snore loud, gasp and sometimes stop breathing. Lack of oxygen can buildup carbon dioxide
which can result in night sweats, hearing loss, arrhythmia etc. facemask can be worn to flow
air into the nasal passages
2) night terrors – waking episodes characterized by screaming, sweating and confusion
followed by a return to a deep sleep. Are usually harmless events that mostly occur in
3) sleepwalking – walking while fully asleep. Occurs in people that are deprived of sleep, sleep
walkers are not acting out their dreams, it almost always occurs in NONREM.
4) insomnia – difficulty falling and staying asleep. You can have trouble falling asleep, wake up
too early or wake up in the middle of the night and be unable to fall back asleep. People with
depression, pain and medical disorders usually have insomnia. Some people have brief
cases of insomnia due to stress, relationship problems, medication, working late or napping
during the day. Pills can treat but psychotherapy is more effective.
5) narcolepsy – dramatic disorder in which people experience episodes of sudden sleep lasting
a few seconds to several minutes. The urge to sleep can start at any moment. Surprise
elation or strong emotion can cause people with narcolepsy to experience cataplexy, a
complete loss of muscle tone. They can remain alert but won’t be able to move. When
people with narcolepsy sleep, they plummet into REM sleep immediately. Genetic
abnormalities boost risk of narcolepsy
o Dreaming as wish fulfillment (p. 173) – how we wish things could be. Dreams don’t surrender
their secrets easily, they require interpretation to reverse the dream work and reveal their true
meaning. Freud distinguished between the details of the dream itself (manifest content) and the
true hidden meaning (latent content) eg. Dream about a flat tire could signify anxiety about a
loss of status at ones job
o Activation-synthesis theory (p. 174) - dreams reflect the activated brains attempt to make
sense of random and internally generated neural signals during REM sleep. The pons transmit
random signals to the thalamus which relay information to the forebrain. The forebrain
attempts to create a story from the incomplete information it receives
o Neurocognitive theory (p. 175) – that dreams are a meaningful product of our cognitive
capacities which shape what we dream about
Freud -> day residue- a dream related to an experience of the previous day.
o manifest content: the actual plot of the dream
o latent content: "hidden meaning" of the dream
o dream interpretation
- REM sleep -> "random" brain activity originating in the hindbrain internally- or
externally generated (p. 197)
o activation synthesis model argues that, as it does when it is awake, the brain attempts to
"make sense" or "construct a story" out of random brain activity during REM sleep (p. 197)
o dreams are the result
o activation synthesis model provides a good explanation for why dreams are weird
o brain needs to make sense of "random" brain activity
Canadian psychologist Rosalind Cartwright -> people often dream about problems occurring in their
waking life (NOT IN TEXTBOOK)
- Cartright argued that because dreams are not constrained by logic or realism, they offer a
unique and creative "place" for working out problems (NOT IN TEXTBOOK) anecdotal
- evidence: a number of famous solutions to scientific problems solved in dreams
- also evidence that new memories are strengthened or consolidated by REM sleep (pp. 193-
day's events are replayed in our heads
important stuff kept; unimportant stuff discarded
sleepiness, slower thinking
and impaired concentration)
Stimulants Tobacco, cocaine, caffeine, Increased activity of the
amphetamines central nervous system
(sense of alertness, well-
being and energy)
Opiates Heroine, morphine and Sense of euphoria and
codeine decreased pain
Psychedelics Marijuana, LSD, ecstasy Dramatically altered
perception, mood and
All addictions (not just drugs) involve activity in the reward pathway
o Aka mesolimbic dopamine pathway
-middle limbic system, neurons in the pathway are very rich in dopamine
-Connects the midbrain to other areas in the limbic system and the frontal lobe
Dependence on a drug can occur when people continue to take it to avoid
withdrawal symptoms or have intense cracings
Large and rapid increase in dopamine release along the mesolimbic pathway
-drugs, food, social media
o Olds and milner discovered that stimulating the Pathway in rats induced addictive
o Implanted an electrode in the rats brain
o Findings: rats stimulated its own reward pathway by pressing a lever
o Pressed over 200 times per hour to the point of exhaustion
Some more recent evidence suggests increased dopamine associated with wanting:
o destroying the pathway in rats – still will receive pleasurable stimulus but won’t work
for it
o Addicts will report wanting a drug even though they no longer get any pleasure from
Ie. Dopamine release – motivation to obtain the reward, rather than the pleasure experienced
after the reward is received.
Evolutionary function?
o Where food resources and mating opportunities were scarce, wanting to find these
things would have been critical to survival and passing on your genes
Maybe drugs are technologies that “hijack” the “reward” pathway
Chapter 6 Learning
Learning Defined
Behaviorism emerged as a reaction against psychology early emphasis on researching
Psychology should only study what people do
Behaviorism: psychology should only study observable behavior
Psychology should relate behaviors to events (responses) in the environment (stimuli)
behaviourists argue(d) that all behaviours are learned responses to stimuli in our environment
We often use the word learn in a narrow sense to mean coming to know some fact about the
world e.g., "Today I learned in geography class that the capital city of Madagascar is
Conditioning learning connections between events and behavior
Eg. when this happens, I do that (classical)
Eg. If I do that this will happen after (operant)
Unconditional response (UCR) automatic response to a UCS that occurs without previous
conditioning (p. 225) eg. Pavlov's dogs = salivation
Conditioned stimulus (CS): a previously neutral stimulus that has, through conditioning,
acquired the capacity to elicit a conditioned response (p. 225) Pavlov's dogs = tone
Conditioned response (CR): a learned reaction to a conditioned stimulus (p. 225) Pavlov's dogs
= salivation
Tyrone has a cat hair allergy. When he comes into contact with cat hair, he starts sneezing.
After a few allergic reactions, he starts sneezing as soon as a cat comes in the room.
UCR? sneezing
CR? sneezing
After repeated presentation of CS (tone) without UCS (no meat powder) CR declined and
disappeared. This process is called extinction.
Yes. But the more similar the new stimulus is to the original CS, the greater the CR
Operant conditioning
Classical conditioning does not account for all conditioning
Two limitations
1. Not all responses are automatic (e.g., salivating); some are voluntary
2. Not all responses are influenced by the stimulus that precedes it; some are influenced by
stimulus events that follow the response
basic science
practical applications
- behaviour modification
- e.g., Skinner attempted to teach pigeons to guide missiles during WWII (Project Pigeon)
independent variables, e.g., type of reinforcement (food, removal of shock, shock), schedule of
dependent variables, e.g., number of responses (rapid response = steep slope; slow response =
shallow slope), resistance to extinction
Dog training video
In operant conditioning, extinction begins when the experimenter stops reinforcing
Again, response usually gradually declines before disappearing
remember, in classical conditioning, extinction begins when a CS (e.g., tone) is no longer paired
with a UCS (e.g., meat powder)
continuous reinforcement: when every instance of a desired response is reinforced (p. 215)
e.g., food pellet delivered every time a pigeon presses the lever
partial reinforcement: when a desired response is reinforced only some of the time (pp. 215-
e.g., food pellet delivered every fourth lever press we'll look at four schedules of partial
e.g., food pellet delivered every fourth lever press e.g. everyday life?
e.g., food pellet delivered on average every fourth lever press e.g. everyday life?
e.g., food pellet delivered every two minutes e.g. everyday life?
4. variable-interval schedule (VI): reinforcement given after a variable amount of time has
e.g., food pellet delivered on average every two minutes e.g. everyday life?
fixed schedules (especially FI) tend to pause after each reinforcement ("scalloping" effect)
e.g., food pellets after pressing the lever e.g. everyday life?
e.g., electric shock reinforces pressing the lever e.g. everyday life?
e.g., electric shock when the lever is pressed decreases likelihood of pressing the lever
e.g. everyday life?
e.g., removing food pellets when the lever is pressed decreases likelihood of pressing the lever
e.g. everyday life?
e.g., behaviour -> going to a restaurant (nothing "bad" about this!) -> lousy meal decreases
study tip:
negative reinforcement and punishment are not the same thing:
negative reinforcement strengthens a response by removing an unpleasant stimulus
punishment weakens a response
but learning to drive doesn't seem to involve conditioning: conditioning: involves learning
connections or associations that occur between events that occur in an organism's
e.g., you observe your friend behaving assertively with a car salesperson and getting a great
deal on the car
your friend has been conditioned to behave assertively with salespeople by having this
behaviour positively reinforced (getting good deals)
by observing your friend's response, you may now be conditioned to respond in the same
Canadian psychologist Albert Bandura has studied best conditions for observational
having a model, especially one that has positive characteristics, e.g., attractiveness, social
standing, etc. (p. 223)
Bandura's classic experiment showed that children imitated adult models' aggressive
behaviour towards a toy clown named Bobo
especially when the adult model wasn't punished for their behaviour replicated this finding
for adult models shown on TV
a 2008 study found that children spend on average 40 hours of week with media
entertainment (NOT IN TEXTBOOK)
a 2003 study found that 61% of TV programs contain violence
75% of violent actions occurred without punishment Does observing unpunished violence
in the media lead to violence?
mirror neurons found in frontal and parietal lobes of the brain mirror neurons have the
unique property of firing both when performing an action and observing that same action
being performed
proposed to form the biological basis of observational learning i.e., observing might involve
actually simulating or "playing out" someone else's action in your head
In the 1930s, Tolman had three groups of rats run through a maze once a day (p. 223):
Group A received a food reward at the end of the maze each day Group B never received a
Tolman concluded that Group C had been learning the maze all along but had no incentive
to improve performance until the food reward
remember, the Behaviourists did not want to deal with underlying "invisible" thoughts -
only behaviour!
instinctive drift: when innate response tendencies interfere
e.g., students of B.F. Skinner tried to use operant conditioning to get a raccoon to put coins
in a piggy bank
Psychologist Martin Seligman had steak bearnaise at a restaurant for dinner with his wife
coincidentally became ill with stomach flu six hours later thought of sauce bernaise made
him sick for years after
on the one hand, seems like a straightforward case of classical conditioning
on the other hand, seems to violate basic principles of conditioning (Sauce Bernaise
problem; pp. 227-228):
1. CR after a single pairing of UCS (flu) with CS (sauce)
previous studies showed no CR with even a 30-second gap between UCS and CS
Garcia and colleagues had rats drink sugar water (CS) paired the CS with a number of
different UCS's bright light, buzzer, electric shock, radiation
Garcia's study showed that taste aversions are much more easily conditioned than
others (p. 228)
fears and phobias can result from classical conditioning e.g., Little Albert was conditioned
to be afraid of rats, rabbits, fur coats, etc.
- some fears are clearly more common than others e.g., snakes and spiders
- But why do we learn these fears?
e.g., many of us won't have any scary encounters with a snake in our lifetime
- Why aren't people afraid of more realistic threats like cars, hammers, etc.? spiders
and snakes were real threats to our early ancestors
similar to taste aversion, quickly learning a fear of snakes and spiders would have
been advantageous to survival for our early ancestors
- preparedness: idea that humans and animals are innately inclined to fear certain
stimuli more than others (pp. 228-229)
Mineka and Ohlman propose that humans have an evolved ability for fear learning that: