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Think before

you V-Ray

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Learnvray.com® is owned and operated by CGworld Image by Ciro Sannino - Creator of the 5SRW Method for V-Ray
Apply photographic
concept to V-Ray
Follow our method
in 5 steps.“5SRW”
5-Step Render Workflow

Photographic composition
Composition is the first step of our method. You will
learn how to apply different techniques in order to
create a good composition in your viewport

V-Ray as Light Balance
V-Ray lights - Professional lighting

a real
Lighting in one of the more complex aspect of a
render. You will learn how to organize a good lighting
hiearchy to succeed in different situations

camera Materials
V-Ray Material creation
V-Ray offers different tools to achieve realistic results.
You will learn how to use these tools under the
photographic point of view

From zero to hero 4

Final Render
The 5SRW Course starts from the scratch Final settings and render elements
and goes along a well defined path facing At this stage our work in V-Ray is almost complete. You
different situations in terms of lighting, will learn how to hadle render settings and how to
organize render elements for post production
materials and post production. Lesson after
lesson you will gradually increase your
knowledge until the last chapter dedicated
to lighting-model (dna), at this point you
will be able to design the perfect lighting
Post Production
for any situation. Photoshop pro techniques
Our process ends with Photoshop. You will learn how
to use photographic techcniques to handle contrast,
exposure and to give a photographic look
Learn the
method in
50 lessons
The lessons are easy to follow, include videos,
concepts and exercises to increase your aware-
ness with the 5-Step method and to help you
becoming 5SRW certified for V-Ray.

Our subscription allows users to access all lessons online,

at any time and infinite times until the subscription is
Along the year, users could also participate in the reserved
“5SRW Group” on facebook, they can ask questions to our
official instructors via email, and they will also have a direct
access to official 5SRW Certification for V-Ray , with no
additional costs.

Learn in
Three languages
All the lessons are available in
differente languages
with the lessons with voices in
English, Spanish and Italian
english espanol italiano

Get wonderful results using 3DSMAX,

is always
SKETCHUP or RHINO. We developed the
method for each one of these platforms:

for V-Ray
This certification acknowledge you Our certified members are listed in the officiale 5SRW list They could
use our 5SRW Certification badge in portfolios, business cards and
have strong Photography and V-Ray linkedin profiles. Universities, companies and clients will appreciate
knowledge and you're able to apply third party certifications in your CV

the 5-Step Method

For any problem or
doubt, you can always
contact our trainers
through the ticket box

included in the sub-
scription, he will be
ready to clarify all
doubts, giving you tips
and solutions
Gallery What makes this gallery unique?
All the images you see have been created
using the techniques included in “5SRW Course”
50 Progressive
preregistred lessons
Lessons are easy to follow and are able
the offer
to be streamed online at any time.
Download scenes and materials with all
the V-Ray settings included

Support from click on your language

V-Ray Instructors and visit the webpage
Ask directly to V-Ray official Instructors
We are glad to support you by email
and welcome you to our 5SRW group

Apply photography to renders to get
photorelistic results. This concept Español
makes our method logical,
comfortable and easy to apply

5SRW Certification italiano

for V-Ray
The access to the certification included
in the subscription!
Study and get certified 5SRW
Many things happened after I started
learning 5SRW method, and applying
in my Projects
1. Now I know exactly what i should do
for the required. (Before: those settings

used to be wild Guess : p )
2. My MD is Satisfied n says well done,
and sometimes he would sit next to me
while taking the final render.

3. Increased my Salary. :)
Being a 3D artist 5SRW has changed
my life,
I am Thankful for every effort of each
hand working behind 5SRW.

Thank you so much Ciro

Roshan Abraham · Kochi

The 5SRW method Thank you for the vast This is the BEST V-Ray
helped me a lot to variation of moods and course I've ever partici-
develop my work. I' ve environment. The more pated!! The method is
learned a lot ! lessons i'm taking the simply fascinating and
Really, The 5SRW more experience i'm very dynamic. Now I've
course is a great method having. got a clear structure to
for making a photo-re- Thanks again. work, including aware-
alistic rendering. ness of photography
Thank you, Ciro Sanni- Jean Rahmeh · and the most important
no for his great "5SRW College Central Jounieh is that motivates me to
Course". :) investigate theory,
sketching in my mind
and then applying all
Rana Kazi · This is amazing I've learnt without
Bartha High School course how to place "special and mysterious
interior or building tricks" but in a profes-
into real light ! sional way . Everything
Many other courses has a reason to be, as in
tell only how to the real world. The
light a 3d model. support has a friendly
environment! Thank
Must say This method you Ciro & team!
is rock solid and Krzysztof
working like wow for Bogdanowicz ·
me. Keep up the good Design & Product
Esteban Arce Villarreal ·
work and creating Development at
Universidad de Costa Rica
such an easy way to Impress Decor Polska
understand that i bet
if your grandma
wants to learn she I am agree with all the other friends. (so we are lucky about
will also understand this course) I have many tutorials before, (and actually learn
it's that simple :) more things there). But, Ciro give us the map of the succes
where to getting great result. If you have a map, you can go
anywhere you want.
Jignesh Vora So Ciro, thank you. And thankS to 5SRW method.

Hakan Türker · İnegöl

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