MasterSeal 940 (Masterflex Aquastop PVC Waterstop)

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MasterSeal® 940 (Formerly known as Masterflex Aquastop)

Centrally and externally placed PVC Waterstops

DESCRIPTION MasterSeal 940 combines all the accepted and

MasterSeal 940 is a range of centrally placed proven principals of PVC Waterstop in four valve
and externally placed PVC Waterstops extruded and tortuous path design, together with
from high grade PVC compound. reinforced eyeleted fixing flanges on all centrally
placed profiles plus grout check fins on all
construction/ contraction joint profiles.
MasterSeal 940 is designed to provide a TYPICAL PROPERTIES*
complete sealing network for expansion and
contraction/ construction joints in water retaining
and water excluding in-situ concrete structures. Form: Extruded PVC
The profiles are supplied in straight lengths to be Solids content: 100%
butt jointed on site. Factory made intersections
are available for complex junctions. The use of Colour: Blue
MasterSeal 940 prevents the passage of water Tensile strength:
15 N/mm Minimum
through expansion/ contraction/ construction
joints in the following typical structures: Elongation at break: 350% Minimum
Shore ‘A’ Hardness: 75 – 80
• Canals/ culverts
• Water tanks Toxicity in potable water: None
• Reservoirs IEJ/ EEJ Extension: 15 mm
• Dams IEJ/ EEJ Transverse
25 mm
• Sewerage Treatment Plants Shear:
• Liquid retaining vessels ICJ/ ECJ Extension: 6 mm
• All cast in-situ concrete structures to retain
Alkali resistance: Pass
or exclude water
Hydrocarbon resistance: Pass
• Complete range of profiles and sizes to suit STANDARDS
all construction requirements. • ASTM D 638 : 91 (Tensile/ Elongation)
• Reinforced eyeleted fixing flanges on • US Corps of Engineers CRD-C572-74
centrally placed profiles for positive location (Alkali Resistance)
in joints prevents collapse of profile during
• BS 6920 (Toxicity)
concrete placing.
• Instron Tensometer (Extension/ Transverse
• Simple on-site butt welding.
• Four valve sealing system on all profiles.
• Premoulded intersection/ junction pieces
Centrally placed MasterSeal 940 profiles
DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS provide a barrier across all joints in-situ concrete
structures by casting the section centrally into
PVC Waterstops were originally designed as the edges of adjacent concrete components.
simple dumbbell profiles which worked on the Used in most water retaining and water
valve sealing action of the opening joint putting excluding structures, they are capable of
the waterstop in tension, thus sealing the water withstanding water pressure from either the
path. Later designs included multi ribs and fins, internal or external face.
in what is known as the tortuous path principal of
an extended potential water track created by the
ribs and fins.
MasterSeal® 940 (Formerly known as Masterflex Aquastop)
MasterSeal 940 IEJ Each externally placed section incorporates a
(Internal Expansion Joints): Expansion bulb reinforced railing flange for fixing to the
sections principally for expansion joints but can formwork or blinding concrete. The four valves
be used for construction/ contraction joints. With allow good concrete compaction and very
reinforced eyeleted fixing flanges for wiring the secure anchorage into the concrete.
waterstop to surrounding rebar.
MasterSeal 940 EEJ
(External Expansion Joints): Sections have a
flat top, wedged expansion box for positive
anchorage and good seating of joint fillers. EEJ
sections can also be used in construction/
contraction joints. The bottom web in the
expansion box is thinned to cater for excessive
subsidence or seismic movement should it

MasterSeal 940 ICJ

(Internal Construction/ Contraction Joints): Plain
web sections for construction/ contraction joints,
also with reinforced eyeleted flanges and grout
check fins to prevent grout loss from formwork.
MasterSeal 940 ECJ
(External Construction / Contraction Joints):
Sections are plain web incorporating grout check
fins to prevent grout loss at formwork.

Externally placed MasterSeal 940 profiles are

principally designed for basement, foundation
and floor slab applications in both vertical and
horizontal joints.
MasterSeal® 940 (Formerly known as Masterflex Aquastop)
SPECIAL PROFILES Externally placed profiles (ECJ & EEJ) are of
MasterSeal 940 200M ICJ/E is an economic particular advantage for their ease of installation
in basement and foundation applications in
construction/ contraction joint profile specifically
situations where they are firmly supported
for use in kicker and contraction joints in small
against back pressure, i.e. in water retaining
structures such as water tanks cast in-situ
structures (base slab) where they are placed on
manholes, channels etc where there are no
the blinding concrete.
expansion joints and wall or slab thicknesses do
not exceed 200mm.Includes an eyeleted flange.
The choice of width of profile is mainly governed
by slab/ wall thickness, position of reinforcing
steel and aggregate size. As a general rule, the
250mm width profiles are appropriate for slab/
wall thickness over 250mm, allowing good
compaction and width of barrier to water
penetration. For concrete members less than
MasterSeal 940 250 ICJ/X & 250IEJ/X 250 mm the use of a smaller profile
Are10mm thick web profiles for applications approximating to the actual slab or wall
where there is high water pressure or head of thickness will be appropriate.
water in excess of 70meters. Both profiles
include reinforced eyeleted fixing flanges and INSTALLATION
are compatible with 250 ECJ/ EEJ profiles in an MasterSeal 940 ICJ & IEJ profiles must be
integral network. installed so they are securely held in the correct
position whilst the concrete is poured. The
concrete must be fully and properly compacted
around the waterstops (the use of BASF’s
Rheodynamic admixtures to produce self
compacting concrete is of great advantage to
avoid voids or porous areas after concrete
placing). Where reinforcement is present, an
adequate clearance must be left between this
and all waterstops to permit proper compaction
of the concrete.

MasterSeal 940 PVC Waterstops are designed
for use within the performance parameters
indicated under the headings Technical Data
and Typical Properties.

Centrally placed profiles (ICJ & IEJ) are usually

located midway in the slab or wall thickness
across the joints in concrete structures. They will
equally prevent the passage of water through the
joint from either face.
They are particularly suited to water retaining
structures and in walls and slabs where pressure
differential may occur such as in reservoir walls.
They are equally appropriate for joints in
suspended slabs, vertical wall joints and lift
MasterSeal® 940 (Formerly known as Masterflex Aquastop)
The eyelets in the reinforced flanges of the ICJ EQUIPMENT
and IEJ profiles allow them to be wired to the Heat welding equipment is required to enable
surrounding reinforcing steel. The eyelets are an site jointing to be carried out efficiently. Jointing
integral part of the profiles and being placed jigs ensure that the mating surfaces of the
outside the outer valves cannot create a water waterstop are accurately aligned while the
path around the profile or impair the efficiency in heater blade heats the waterstop to the
performance in any way. See typical detail necessary temperature for jointing.
220 Volt Electric Heater Blades are
recommended for use with all jigs.


Reliable jointing of MASTERRLEX AQUASTOP
waterstops can be carried out rapidly onsite with
appropriate heat welding equipment.


Make sure that the heater blade is clean, plug it
into the correct voltage electricity supply and
leave in a safe position to warm up.

Ensure that the ends of the waterstop to be

jointed are of the same width and profile; clean
them with water or MasterTop THN 2 and dry
MasterSeal 940 ECJ & EEJ profiles when used
Clamp them in the correct profile slots of the jig
on ground slab blinding concrete where a provided and cut both ends off square with a
permanent, firm and stable support is given sharp knife, flush with the faces of the jig.
usually require no fixing. The profile is simply
laid centrally over the line of the joint to be
Note: An allowance must be made for waste
formed. Fixing to vertical shuttering is simplified
and for the 5 to 10mm that will be taken up by
by nailing with double headed nails through the
melting when calculating the length of waterstop
outer reinforced flange to provide a firm fixing as
shown below.
Loosen the jig and slide them back so that
approximately 10mm of each waterstop end
projects and then clamp the jig tightly in position.

Position the heater blade on the bars between

the jigs and slide them together until the
waterstop ends are pressed firmly against the
sides of the blade. The PVC should melt without
burning or charring. Hold the jig firmly in position
until a bead of molten PVC approximately 3mm
in diameter appears along either side of the
heater blade.
MasterSeal® 940 (Formerly known as Masterflex Aquastop)
Slide the jig apart a little and remove the heater INTERSECTION FOR EEJ/ECJ PROFILES
blade with an upward movement. This will
ensure that it takes as little PVC as possible with
it. Quickly joint the molten ends by sliding the jig
Flat Mitre Flat 3 Way
together and exerting pressure. Approximately
20 seconds to allow the molten PVC to fuse
completely. Switch off the heater blade. While it
is still hot, clean thoroughly with emery paper or
a wire brush ready for the next joint. Unclamp
the jig and carefully remove the waterstop. Do
not flex the joint until it has cooled. The joint is
now complete. When cold, test it by flexing the
waterstop several times.


Standard factory produced welded and moulded
intersections are available for all MasterSeal
940 profiles as detailed below.
Intersections for IEJ/ICJ profiles

Flat Mitre Flat 3 Way

Edge Mitre (Int) Edge Mitre


Flat 4 Way

T Piece Edge Mitre

MasterSeal® 940 (Formerly known as Masterflex Aquastop)
These are required when a change from All products originating from BASF’s Dubai, UAE
horizontal to vertical occurs in the same type of facility are manufactured under a management
joint i.e. from slab expansion to wall expansion system independently certified to conform to the
joint or slab contraction to wall contraction joint requirements of the quality, environmental and
EEJ to IEJ ECJ to ICJ occupational health & safety standards ISO
9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.

T-Piece T-Piece
* Properties listed are based on laboratory controlled tests.

® = Registered trademark of the BASF-Group in many countries.

If a composite edge mitre is needed, simply cut

off one of the horizontal legs.

MasterSeal 940 profiles are supplied in 15
Metre rolls.
Flat intersections are supplied with a leg length
of 250mm from centreline.
Edge intersections are supplied with 100mm

Field service, where provided, does not
constitute supervisory responsibility. For
additional information contact your local BASF
BASF reserves the right to have the true cause
of any difficulty determined by accepted test

The technical information and application advice given in this BASF publication are based on the present state of
STATEMENT OF our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no assumption can be
RESPONSIBILITY made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or
completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for
checking the suitability of products for their intended use.

Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by
NOTE BASF either orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since
they, and not BASF, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application.

BASF Construction Chemicals UAE LLC

P.O. Box 37127, Dubai, UAE
Tel: +971 4 8090800 Fax: +971 4 8851002

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