01 Compressed Air Fundamentals
01 Compressed Air Fundamentals
01 Compressed Air Fundamentals
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Compressed Air
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Compressed Air
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Compressed Air
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Compressed Air
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Compressed Air
V1 x P1 = V2 x P2
T1 T2
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Compressor Basics
- Rotary Movement
- Fan Blades
- Screws
- Centrifugal Rotors
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Compressor Basics
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Compressor Basics
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Compressor Basics
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Compressed Air
• When air molecules move in a particular direction, we can measure the volume of
air (Cubic Feet) that carries these molecules.
• If measure is taken during one minute, we can then express the velocity of this
volume in Cubic Feet per Minute.
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Compressor Basics
Cubic 1.0 Cu. Ft. =
Foot 0.128 Cu.Ft.
@ 100 psig
(7:1 ratio)
• For a given amount of horsepower you can attain many different compressor ratings.
- For example, with a 100 bhp engine the following are a few of the possible
airflow/pressure (cfm/psig) combinations:
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Compressor Basics
Compressor Power
Airflow (CFM)
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Compressor Basics
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Compressed Air
• If we move the balloon to a higher altitude, the size of the balloon will increase,
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Effect of Altitude
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Effect of Altitude and Temperature
ALT. FTS 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 12000 15000
TEMP MTS 0 304.8 609.6 914.4 1219.2 1524 1828.8 2133.6 2438.4 3657.6 4572
0 0
-40 -40 0.805 0.835 0.866 0.898 0.932 0.963 1.004 1.043 1.084 1.266 1.426
-20 -28.9 0.843 0.875 0.907 0.941 0.976 1.009 1.052 1.093 1.136 1.326 1.494
0 -17.8 0.882 0.915 0.949 0.984 1.021 1.055 1.100 1.142 1.187 1.387 1.562
20 -6.7 0.920 0.954 0.990 1.026 1.065 1.101 1.148 1.192 1.239 1.447 1.630
40 4.4 0.958 0.994 1.031 1.069 1.110 1.147 1.196 1.242 1.291 1.507 1.698
60 15.6 0.997 1.034 1.072 1.112 1.154 1.193 1.243 1.292 1.342 1.568 1.766
80 26.7 1.035 1.074 1.114 1.155 1.199 1.239 1.291 1.341 1.394 1.628 1.834
100 37.8 1.074 1.114 1.155 1.198 1.243 1.284 1.339 1.391 1.446 1.689 1.902
120 48.9 1.112 1.154 1.196 1.241 1.288 1.330 1.387 1.441 1.498 1.749 1.970
• Because there are less air molecules per CFM at higher altitude,
horsepower required by the air end decreases with altitude.
• When engines run at high altitude, there are less air molecules available
for the combustion so it is less efficient. Total engine horsepower output
• The altitude rating of a compressor is at the point where engine HP
output and airend HP requirement are the same.
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Compressor Basics - Altitude Rating
100 Engine HP output
Airend HP demand
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
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Pressure Loss
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Effect of Moisture in the Air
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Air Compressor
1600 ICFM
70° F
Ambient Air
14.5 PSIA
60% RH
8.29 GPH
Air 203 ACFM
Reference Compressor
Moisture in the 190° F
Air Tables. 100 PSIG
114.5 PSIA
100 % RH
8.29 GPH
Ambient air
temp = 70° F
203 ACFM
84° F
Cooler 203 ACFM 92 PSIG
203 ACFM 85° F 3.9 GPH
190° F 95 PSIG
100 PSIG 8.3 GPH
114.5 PSIA
8.3 GPH
4.4 GPH
• Condenses and removes moisture
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Compressor Basics
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Filters - Condition Air
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Compressor Fundamentals and Safety
• Compressor Basics
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Portable Products
• Product Nomenclature
- Compressors
- Light Towers
- Air Dryers and Accessories
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Product Nomenclature
Model Designations: Pressure
P185WIR / XP750WJD / HP915WCU /
P = 100 - 124 PSIG [100]
XP = 125 - 149 PSIG [125]
HP = 150 - 174 PSIG [150]
MHP=175 - 199 PSIG
VHP = 200 - 249 PSIG [200]
XHP = 250 + PSIG [300 / 350]
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Product Nomenclature
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Product Nomenclature
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Product Nomenclature
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Product Nomenclature
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Product Nomenclature
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Compressor Fundamentals and Safety
• Compressor Basics
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Terms You Need to Know
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