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Chemical Communications
ISSN 1359-7345
Adam F. Henwood and Eli Zysman-Colman
Lessons learned in tuning the optoelectronic properties of
phosphorescent iridium(III) complexes
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This perspective illustrates our approach in the design of heteroleptic cationic iridium(III) complexes for
optoelectronic applications, especially as emitters in electroluminescent devices. We discuss changes in the
photophysical properties of the complexes as a consequence of modification of the electronics of either the
cyclometalating (C^N) or the ancillary (N^N) ligands. We then broach the impact on these properties as a
Received 16th August 2016, function of modification of the structure of both types of ligands. We explain trends in the optoelectronic
Accepted 17th November 2016 behaviour of the complexes using a combination of rationally designed structure–property relationship
DOI: 10.1039/c6cc06729h studies and theoretical modelling that serves to inform subsequent ligand design. However, we have found
cases where the design paradigms do not always hold true. Nevertheless, all these studies contribute to the
www.rsc.org/chemcomm lessons we have learned in the design of heteroleptic cationic phosphorescent iridium(III) complexes.
1 Introduction
The efficient phosphorescence exhibited by cyclometalated
iridium(III) complexes has made them among the most widely
explored classes of transition metal complexes for photonic and
Organic Semiconductor Centre, EaStCHEM School of Chemistry,
University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9ST, UK.
optoelectronic applications1 (behind polypyridyl ruthenium(II)
E-mail: eli.zysman-colman@st-andrews.ac.uk; Web: http://www.zysman-colman.com; complexes), with applications in everything from sensing2 and
Fax: +44 (0)1334 463808; Tel: +44 (0)1334 463826 bioimaging3 to photoredox catalysts for organic transformations4
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and as solar fuels.5 In our lab, we have a particular interest in We have often found density functional theory (DFT) calcula-
utilising complexes of the form [Ir(C^N)2(N^N)]PF6, where C^N is tions coupled with a strong background in physical organic
a cyclometalating ligand and N^N is an ancillary diimine ligand, chemistry to be useful tools in aiding us with our interpretations
as materials for solid-state lighting (SSL) technologies, where and have used the insights gained to identify new emitters.
it has been shown that these can act as effective phosphors for However, even with the help of these tools, we have also on
generating light in electroluminescent devices such as organic occasion found that the resultant photophysical properties we
light emitting devices (OLEDs)6 and light-emitting electro- observe are in fact not what we might expect, which keeps this
chemical cells (LEECs).7 field of research both interesting and pertinent.
An important feature of these complexes, particularly for
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Fig. 1 (a) Structures of [Ir(ppy)2(bpy)](PF6), 1, and its tert-butyl analogue, [Ir(ppy)2(dtbubpy)](PF6), 2, which are two of the most widely studied cationic
iridium complexes. (b) Distinct areas of 1 that are normally individually derivatized, where red is the phenyl ring of the C^N ligands, blue is the pyridyl rings
of the C^N ligands and green is one or both of the pyridines on the N^N ligand. Substitution at each of these regions will be discussed individually,
followed by combinations of substitutions.
Fig. 2 General scheme depicting strategy for colour tuning the emission of [Ir(ppy)2(bpy)]+, 1. DFT calculated Kohn–Sham MOs indicate an electron
density distribution on the HOMO that is largely localised on the metal centre and the phenyl rings of the cyclometalating ligands, and on the LUMO that
is largely localised on the bpy while the calculated spin density of the T1 state is distributed across the entire molecule. This allows for tuning
of the emission by appropriate functionalisation of the ligands. Dashed arrows indicate deactivation from the excited state via non-radiative decay.
DFT [(B3LYP/SBKJC-VDZ for Ir(III)) and (6-31G* for C,H,N)] with CPCM (MeCN).
deactivation mode when tuning the emission towards the red. For emission as a function of the fluorine atoms present on the
iridium complexes that are being tuned towards producing blue C^N ligands, and thus are useful benchmarks for comparing
emission, the energies of the anti-bonding metal-centred (3MC) and new blue emitters. When designing complexes for blue emission,
CT (or ligand centred, 3LC) are all very strongly destabilised. the most common strategy is to append electron-withdrawing
However, the relative destabilisation of the 3MC states is less substituents to the phenyl ring of the C^N ligands as this acts
pronounced than the emissive 3CT or 3LC states, resulting in to lower the energy of the HOMO, thereby increasing the
thermal population of these 3MC states becoming increasingly HOMO–LUMO gap and frequently leading to a blue-shift in
likely as a function of an increasing HOMO–LUMO energy gap. the emission. Complex 3 employs the commonly used ligand
Population of these 3MC states leads to efficient and deleterious 2-(2,4-difluorophenyl)pyridine (dFppy) wherein the presence of
quenching of the emission. the two fluorine atoms act to strongly blue-shift the emission
Aside from 1 and 2, we will also consider two additional from the yellow-orange found in 1 and 2 to green (lPL = 515 nm
reference complexes in 3 and 4 that have significantly blue-shifted for 3; FPL = 72% in MeCN).16 It is worth noting that in the LEEC
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Fig. 5 Literature examples of different blue-to-sky-blue-emitting iridium complexes for use in LEECs (5–7) or OLEDs (8–11). Their relevant
photophysical properties in DCM (5, 8, 11) MeCN (6, 7), chloroform (9) or 2-MeTHF (10) solution are given for reference.
complex 15, which has the most electron-withdrawing substituent generally accepted substitution paradigms employed for blue-
(sm = 0.83 for the –SO2CF3 group), is in fact the most red-shifted of shifting the emission of these materials. Firstly, substituting
the four complexes (lPL = 515, 545 nm), illustrating the limits of pyridines for more electron-rich heterocycles, such as pyrazoles,
this approach (Fig. 6). on the C^N ligands generally blue-shifts emission due to the
Another strongly electron-withdrawing substituent that we increased p-accepting character of this ring, which leads to a
have studied is the pentafluorosulfanyl group (–SF5), which stabilisation of the HOMO.11d Indeed, we observed by cyclic
possesses a large associated Hammett value (sm = 0.61, voltammetry that this predicted electronic tuning was opera-
sp = 0.68). These substituents are underexplored as motifs in tional, with the pyridyl complexes showing lower positive oxida-
coordination compounds despite their extensive use in medicinal tion potentials (Eox = 1.57 V for 16 and 1.58 V for 17, vs. SCE) than
and materials chemistry applications.30 Complexes 16–19 represent their pyrazole analogues (Eox = 1.64 V for 18 and 1.67 V for 19, vs.
the first examples of iridium complexes bearing –SF5 substituents SCE). These observations point to the difficulty of correlating
(Fig. 7).31 electrochemistry – a ground state experiment – with the excited
All four complexes emit blue-green light that is modestly state properties characterised by emission.32 Secondly, we also
blue-shifted compared to 3 in MeCN solution (lPL = 485–503 nm). unexpectedly observed that the meta regiochemistry of the –SF5
We were surprised to find that of these four complexes, 16 shows unit to the Ir–C bond in 16 actually produced a greater blue-shift
the bluest emission profile. This observation goes against two than the para relationship in 17 when frequently the opposite
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Fig. 12 Iridium complexes bearing a variety of different azoles within the C^N ligand framework. Their relevant photophysical properties in DCM
(33–35) MeCN (36, 37, 39) and toluene (38) solution are given for reference.
more fruitful strategy, involves replacing the coordinating pyridine tuning effect is not specific to 1,2,3-triazoles and has also been
rings with more strongly s-electron donating heterocycles, as has shown for other heterocycles as well. Indeed, comparing, for
been reported with the complexes 42–46. This second strategy will example, otherwise analogous complexes wherein pyrazole
be the main focus of this section. Red emission, by contrast, can be rings have been included into the ligand framework either of
accomplished in one of two main ways: (1) appending electron- the N^N ligand (42) or the C^N ligands (33), the complex
withdrawing groups onto the N^N ligand to stabilise the LUMO; or bearing the modified N^N ligand generates an invariably bluer
(2) increasing the conjugation of the N^N ligands to narrow the emission (lPL = 452, 480 nm for 42 and 492 nm for 33).7b,9,39c
HOMO–LUMO gap, examples of both strategies will be highlighted Thus we designed complex 48, which employs a bis(triazole),
here (Fig. 15). btl, ancillary ligand. As with 43, inclusion of triazole motifs on
Given the efficacy of triazoles in blue-shifting emission for the N^N ligand, rather than the C^N ligands produced an even
complexes 40a–41b, we wanted to explore their effects when more pronounced destabilization of the LUMO.49 Complex 48
incorporated within the ancillary ligand. De Cola and co-workers48 shows structured LC-type emission (lPL = 481, 511 nm) while
showed that using these heterocycles as part of the ancillary ligand the emission spectra of 40a and 40b are broad, unstructured
framework is even more effective in blue-shifting the emission than and substantially red-shifted in colour (lPL = 580 and 575 nm,
when they are incorporated within the C^N ligands. This enhanced respectively) and predominantly CT in nature. Achieving such a
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the LUMO, but the greater destabilisation of the LUMO and also
the triplet state results in a net blue-shifted emission. A comparison
of the emission maxima in MeCN solution of 53 (lPL = 503 nm) with
2 (lPL = 585 nm) and 54 (lPL = 470, 498 nm) with 3 (lPL = 515 nm)
brings the electronic effect of the gpy ligand into stark focus. By
contrast to 53 and 54, 55 displays strongly red-shifted and broad,
mixed CT-type emission. DFT calculations point to a LUMO that is
largely localized on the electron-poor pyrazine ring, resulting in both
Fig. 19 Solubilised iridium complex bearing a substituted biimidazole ligand. a much lower emission energy (lPL = 640 nm) and a very low FPL of
0.2% (Fig. 20).
Replacement of the coordinating nitrogen atoms for those
of the complex with control over intramolecular quenching that are at once more s-donating and less p-accepting accom-
processes (the tethered biimidazole) and intermolecular quench- plishes the same effect. In particular, complexes bearing P^P
ing processes (the bulky mesityl substituent). This complex was ligands, such as 47, have been explored in this vein.55 Complex
studied in solution-processed OLEDs, giving sky blue emission 47 is poorly emissive in MeCN solution (FPL = 0.4%), but
(CIE: 0.21, 0.37) and reasonable efficiency (EQE = 3.42%) for a nevertheless is a deep blue emitter (lPL = 459 nm). We observed
cationic complex employed in an OLED.16 similar emission profiles when we explored a large family of
A complementary strategy for ancillary ligand design in the complexes of the form [Ir(ppy)2(P^P)]PF6 where the bite angle of
context of blue emission is to reduce the p-accepting strength of the P^P ligand was varied systematically (Fig. 21). In all cases,
the ligand while maintaining the strong s-donating character deep blue emission (lPL = 444–485 nm for the E0–0 band
of the coordinating nitrogen atoms. One method to implement in MeCN solution) was observed for the six ppy-containing
this strategy is to partially saturate the ligand scaffold while complexes studied, regardless of the nature of the P^P ligand.
nevertheless maintaining sp2-nitrogen coordinating atoms. However, each of these complexes also showed low FPL values
One way in which this was done previously was by utilising (FPL = 0.3–4.2%).
bis-N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligands, which are bridged By contrast, the nature of the C^N ligands impacted more
by methylene groups such as complex 46.52a These ligands greatly both the emission energy and, importantly, the FPL of
combine the exceptional s-donating capabilities of NHCs with the complexes. When dFppy was employed as the C^N ligand
a lack of conjugation across the ligand scaffold, allowing these (56), the expected blue-shift in the emission (lPL = 445 nm in
complexes to achieve very deep blue emission (lPL = 440 nm in MeCN for the E0–0 band for 56 compared to 457–485 nm for the
MeCN for 46).53 As with the 49–52, the ancillary bis-NHC ligand ppy complexes) was observed, and this coincided with a signi-
of 46 is non-chromophoric, with this complex showing highly ficant enhancement of the photoluminescence quantum yield
structured LC emission. (FPL = 18%). Although this result is in line with the energy gap
For our strategy we used guanidylpyridine, gpy, (53 and 54) law, it is still nevertheless contradictory to what we would have
or guanidylpyrazine, gpz, (55) ancillary ligands, wherein one of expected, given that MC states should be more thermally
the coordinating heterocyclic rings is partially saturated and accessible for 56 than for the other complexes (Fig. 22).
Fig. 20 Iridium complexes bearing guanidylpyridine (53 and 54) and guanidylpyrazine ancillary ligands (55).
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Fig. 21 General structures of iridium complexes explored with various P^P ancillary ligands.
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Fig. 23 Iridium complexes bearing 2,2 0 :5’,200 -terpyridine (58 and 59) or
2,5-di(pyridin-2-yl)pyrazine (60 and 61) as the ancillary ligand.
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Thus, we have seen examples of both deep blue and deep red deep blue, highly emissive cationic iridium complexes functioning
emitters in solution. We have further illustrated examples of with good efficiency and stability in the device.
how careful molecular design can lead to efficient (blue) The first example of our efforts in this endeavour is based on
emitters in solution and demonstrated that incorporation of complex 4, originally reported by Nazeeruddin and co-workers.60
bulky groups inhibit intermolecular quenching processes that This complex incorporates strongly electron-donating dimethyl-
can reduce the FPL. However, achieving a particular colour is amino groups at the 4,4 0 -positions of the bipyridine ligands
now not enough. For blue emission, an important challenge designed to destabilise the LUMO and shift the emission to the
that remains to be addressed is controlling the interplay blue. The blue-shifting capacity of this ancillary ligand is
between LC and CT states governing the emission. For device evidenced by comparing the emission of reference complexes
Published on 17 November 2016. Downloaded by Freie Universitaet Berlin on 12/04/2018 09:45:32.
applications, CT states are typically preferred as the nature of 74 and 75 with that of 3. Complexes 74 and 75 both show
these excited states mean that they generally display shorter LC-type emission characterised by high energy shoulders in the
lifetimes (reduced triplet quenching) and narrower emission region of 460 nm as well as principal emission bands in the
profiles (improved colour purity).6c However, as we have seen, 490 nm regime (lPL = 464, 490 nm for 74 and 466, and 494 nm
maintaining a mixed CT triplet state becomes increasingly for 75 in MeCN) compared to the red-shifted 3CT emission of
difficult as N^N ligands with higher orbital energies are 3 (lPL = 515 nm for 3 in MeCN) (Fig. 29).
employed. This behaviour in part accounts for the lack of a In an effort to blue-shift this emission further, we incorpo-
deep blue LEEC device reported to date. For red emission, rated the dFphtl ligand first reported coincidentally by De Cola
although there are examples of ‘true red’ LEEC devices, these and co-workers for 36 and 3741b and by us for 41a and 41b61 in
devices are invariably unstable, and poorly efficient. This is at order to take advantage of its blue-shifting properties relative
least in part a consequence of the energy gap law, which to dFppy. However, to our surprise 76 exhibits sky-blue,
negatively impacts the FPL of the emitter. unstructured emission (lPL = 495 nm in MeCN) that is essen-
tially the same colour as 74 and 75. To rationalize this result,
we carried out DFT calculations to understand the effect of
6 C^N and N^N ligand – combining changing the ancillary ligand when the same dFphtl ligand was
substitution on both ligands used (Fig. 30). Comparing 76 with 41a and 41b, we observed
that the calculated energies of the HOMO orbitals were largely
We have seen that modification of individual components of similar, with that of 76 slightly destabilised in comparison to
either the C^N or N^N ligands can modulate quite effectively the other two, as expected for substitution changes on the
the optoelectronic properties of the emitters. However, in order ancillary ligand. The LUMO energies increase with increased
to optimize these properties it is frequently necessary to install electron density on the N^N ligands, leading to an overall
both bespoke C^N and N^N ligands. Indeed, many of the increase in the band gap (DEHOMO–LUMO: 76 4 41b 4 41a).
examples presented from other groups such as 10, 11 or 46 Thus, on the basis of the band gaps calculated for the three
explore deviations both from the traditional C^N-type ligands complexes we would have expected the emission of 76 to be
(ppy and dFppy) and the conventional N^N ligand (bpy). We much bluer than both 41a and 41b, but this is not observed.
have also explored these strategies, primarily within the context Instead, DFT calculations reveal that the energy of the T1 states
of designing deep blue emitters, and frequently found that for the three complexes remain essentially isoenergetic (modelled
these structure–property relationship studies are not straight- as the HSOMO energy in Fig. 30), indicating that the triplet energy
forward to interpret. As we observed with the red-emitting is largely unaffected by the substitution of the –NMe2 on the N^N
complexes 29a–32b, there is a limit to how far we can tune ligand.
the photophysics (in either the red or blue direction) of these As the strategy of adding the most electron-donating sub-
cationic complexes by simple ligand substitution. This has so stituent did not have the desired blue-shifting effect, we turned
far precluded others and us from realising the goal of developing our attention to modifying the coordinating heterocycles of the
Fig. 29 Iridium complexes bearing 4,4 0 -dimethylamino-2,2 0 -bipyridine as the ancillary ligand.
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In addition, complexes 79 and 81, where the phenyl rings are based on 80 is comparable to some of the best and bluest LEECs
conjugated into the N^N ligand framework, are slightly reported to date. In terms of CIE values, only a small number of
red-shifted in emission compared to their N-benzyl substituted iridium complexes have been reported to date that show bluer CIE
counterparts. Finally, complex 43 is in fact blue-shifted coordinates in a LEEC. Complex 42 has the bluest CIE value
(lPL = 452, 483 nm) compared with complexes 79–82, albeit reported to date (CIE: 0.20, 0.28),9 while strongly blue-shifted
with the caveat that the photophysics of 42 were investigated in emission is also observed from complex 33 (CIE: 0.20, 0.36),39c
DCM rather than MeCN for complexes 79–82. 83 (CIE: 0.21, 0.33)63 and 84 (CIE: 0.20, 0.34).53 Finally,
Although the FPL of all the complexes were low (FPL = 0.03–0.3% although the CIE values for the LEEC with 43 and its analogues
in MeCN), particularly compared to 43 (FPL = 22%), the strongly were not reported, the significantly bluer electroluminescence
Published on 17 November 2016. Downloaded by Freie Universitaet Berlin on 12/04/2018 09:45:32.
blue-shifted emission of 81 and 82 in particular led us to maxima reported for these complexes (lEL = 456–460 nm)48
explore the application of all four of these complexes as compared to 79–82 suggests that the CIE coordinates of these
emitters in LEECs. Studying their properties in the solid state, complexes are likely bluer in the device as well, despite these
we found that the neat film photophysics were similar to those complexes bearing dFppy as the cyclometalating ligand, rather
in the solution state, with low FPL values (FPL = 1–2% for than dFphtl (Fig. 33).
complexes 79–82) but with strongly blue-shifted emission Given the very small change in photoluminescence properties
colour (lPL = 451–473 nm for complexes 79–82); powder FPL in moving from solution to the solid state for all four of these
for 80 and 82 were however enhanced at 12 and 10%, respectively. complexes, the red-shift observed in the electroluminescence of
Within the LEEC, we were surprised that the electroluminescence complexes 79–82 is unlikely to be due to film morphology,
measurements were not consistent with the photoluminescence assuming similar solution-processing protocols. As has been
measurements. All of the complexes displayed red-shifted electro- identified in the literature, there are normally two possible
luminescence profile compared to their photoluminescence in explanations for this kind of phenomenon: (1) the electrolumi-
both solution or the solid state. Furthermore, we observed that the nescence mechanism gives rise to excimers, in which the effect is
trend in emission colour as a function of fluorine content of the stronger for the difluorinated complexes 80 and 81, or (2) in the
C^N ligands had reversed: complexes 79 and 80, which contained device there is a reordering of the relative energies of multiple
mono-fluorinated C^N ligands, in fact produced bluer emitting emissive triplet states, which although close in energy to each
devices [lEL = 508 nm and 487 nm for 79 and 80 respectively; CIE: other, may in fact differ significantly in their respective emission
(0.31, 0.44) for 79 and (0.26, 0.36) for 80] than the difluorinated energies.64 Regarding the first explanation, there are several
analogues [lEL = 569 nm and 508 nm for 81 and 82, respectively; reports of excimer formation in LEECs (such as complexes 85
CIE: (0.37, 0.45) and (0.28, 0.45) for 81 and 82]. Although this red- and 86), but frequently there is little to no characterisation of how
shift was undesired, the emission colour produced from the LEEC such excimers form in the device, particularly given the pseudo-
spherical nature of the Ir iTMC, making it difficult to assess the
validity of this explanation.37,65 The second explanation has been
invoked for 8764 and other complexes66 where one of multiple
different emissive triplet states (which differ significantly in
their respective emission energies) are operative based on their
environment. It is unclear which of these possibilities are
operative in the case of complexes 79–82, but these examples
serve to illustrate the difficulty in translating the performance
of these complexes in the solution state, all the way to the
device (Fig. 34).
In this section we have seen how unusual, unpredictable
Fig. 33 Iridium complexes displaying blue emission in LEECs. and ‘non-linear’ the evolution of the photophysical properties
Fig. 34 Iridium complexes reported to display significant red-shift in their electroluminescence profiles. For complexes 85 and 86, this was attributed to
excimer formation,37 while for 87 this was explained to be a result of reordering of multiple emissive states which are close in relative energy with respect
to each other, but differ greatly in terms of their emission energies.64
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826 | Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 807--826 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017