The Link Between A Vacuum Diagram and The Renormalization Group Equation
The Link Between A Vacuum Diagram and The Renormalization Group Equation
The Link Between A Vacuum Diagram and The Renormalization Group Equation
Master’s thesis
Author: Supervisor:
Daphne van den Elzen Prof. dr. Wim Beenakker
September 1, 2016
1 Introduction 3
2 Theoretical context 4
2.1 The cosmological constant problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Previous research on the cosmological constant problem . . . . . 5
2.3 The Higgs Lagrangian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.4 Scalar Yukawa theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.5 Renormalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3 Research 11
3.1 The 1-loop self-energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2 The Källén-Lehmann spectral representation . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.3 The vacuum bubble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.4 Comparison with the renormalization group equation . . . . . . . 25
1 Introduction
What exactly is the vacuum? It seems a rather simple question, but when zoom-
ing in on this subject it actually turns out to be a pretty complex one. The
most obvious definition of the vacuum is empty space; the absence of matter and
radiation. When looking at it from the angle of quantum field theory however,
the notion of empty space is replaced with that of a vacuum state. It is defined
to be the lowest energy state, also called the ground state, of all fundamental
fields. This energy isn’t zero, as expected from classical mechanics, but it has
a value due to zero-point fluctuations of the fields made possible by quantum
mechanics. Summing all contributions of zero-point energies leads to an infinite
vacuum energy. To make sense of a quantum field theory we need to remove
this infinity. This is done by renormalizing the theory.
The vacuum energy density predicted by quantum field theory does not match
that observed in cosmology. There is actually much less energy present in the
vacuum than one would expect from quantum field theory. This is known as the
cosmological constant problem and is the motivation for our research. Following
up on previous research we will zoom in on the processes that contribute to the
vacuum energy and on the renormalization procedure. We will investigate if
there is a link between the so-called vacuum diagrams and the renormalization
group equation. We will also discuss the effect of assuming that transitions
between states in the renormalization group equation are abrupt.
Before diving into our research we will look at the theoretical background in
chapter 2. We will explore where the vacuum energy comes from, examine the
cosmological constant problem and look into the previous research in this field.
We will also provide background information needed to start our own research.
In chapter 3 we will do the calculations needed to answer our research question.
We will calculate the vacuum diagrams and compare the result to the renor-
malization group equation. In chapter 4 we will conclude and discuss our results.
In this thesis we will use natural units (~ = c = 1), the metric for flat spacetime
gµν = diag(1,-1,-1,-1) and the Einstein summation convention, unless mentioned
2 Theoretical context
2.1 The cosmological constant problem
The motivation for our research lies in the cosmological constant problem, which
is regarded as a fundamental problem in modern physics. The cosmological
constant problem arises at the intersection between quantum field theory and
general relativity. The cosmological constant is a homogeneous energy density
that spans the whole universe. The problem is that there is a huge gap between
the experimentally determined value of the cosmological constant and the the-
oretically calculated one.
From the perspective of general relativity we rely on the modified Einstein field
equations [1], which describe the curvature of spacetime by matter and energy:
Rµν − Rgµν + Λgµν = −8πGTµν ,
with the energy-momentum tensor Tµν , Newton’s gravitational constant G,
Ricci tensor Rµν , scalar curvature R = g ρσ Rρσ and cosmological constant Λ.
The right hand side of the equation describes the matter and energy in the
universe, whereas the left hand side describes the structure of spacetime for
the vacuum. In the context of the cosmological constant problem the Λ-term
is commonly moved onto the right-hand side of the equation. Then it can be
viewed as the energy density and pressure of empty space:
divergence, because it originates from taking the limit |~ p| → ∞. Therewith we
assume that quantum field theory is valid up to arbitrary high energies, which
is not the case. It is often assumed that the theory breaks down at the Planck
scale ΛP = 1019 GeV (the energy scale at which gravitation needs to be ac-
counted for). But also when using this energy cutoff the vacuum energy density
exceeds the cosmologically observed value by about 120 orders of magnitude [2].
Another way to approach vacuum energy is from the particle perspective. Parti-
cles are derived quantities resulting from quantization of the more fundamental
fields. From the particle view the vacuum energy is caused by so-called vac-
uum bubbles. These are Feynman diagrams without external lines. Vacuum
bubbles are the result of virtual particles; particles that don’t meet the energy-
momentum relation m2 c4 = E 2 − p~2 c2 . Due to the time-energy uncertainty
relation ∆E∆t ≥ O(~) energetic particles can be excited from the vacuum for a
short amount of time. Summing over all possible vacuum bubbles, as imposed
by quantum field theory, results in the infinity as mentioned before.
Now that we know what the Lagrangian and energy-momentum tensor are,
we can look at the result of previous research. It was determined which terms
in an arbitrary Lagrangian contribute to the quantum mechanical contribution
to the cosmological constant:
* +
1 D ρ E 1 X ∂ L̂ ∂ L̂ D E
Ω T̂ρ Ω = Ω (dfˆ + 1) ∂ρ fˆ + dfˆ fˆ Ω − 4 Ω L̂ Ω ,
4 4 ∂(∂ρ fˆ) ∂ fˆ
with ground state |Ωi, fields fˆ and dfˆ the mass dimension of field fˆ. The
function between the brackets counts the number of fields and the number of
derivatives of fields in all terms of the Lagrangian, multiplies them with their
mass dimension and subtracts 4. As the Lagrangian has mass dimension 4 only
terms with a dimensionful coupling constant survive. What we are left with is:
* +
1 D ρ E 1X ∂ L̂
Ω T̂ρ Ω = − dgj Ω Ω gj ,
4 4 j
The tadpole correction reflects that quantum corrections shift the position of
the minimum of the Higgs potential. We can compensate this by redefining v
in terms of the observable minimum vR and the shift δv. Writing v = vR + δv
results in linear terms in the Higgs field that can be used to cancel the tadpole
contributions in the Lagrangian. This is called tadpole renormalization. The
tadpole contributions, and thus also the corresponding cosmological constant
contributions, vanish after renormalization. The terms that arise from sponta-
neous symmetry breaking do not contribute to the cosmological constant.
The full Higgs potential is given by V (φ) = −µ2 φ† φ + λ(φ† φ)2 , with λ, µ2 > 0
[5]. The first term is a masslike term, apart from the fact that it has the wrong
sign for a usual mass term, and the second term is a 4-point interaction term.
The Higgs potential is also called the Mexican hat potential because of its shape:
2 2
The minima lie in a circle with the non-trivial solution φ† φ = µ2λ ≡ v2 . We need
to choose a minimum and redefine our theory with respect to the new ground
state as mentioned before.
We can write the Lagrangian of the Higgs part of the Standard model as:
LH = T (φ) − V (φ)
= (∂µ φ)† (∂ µ φ) + µ2 φ† φ − λ(φ† φ)2 .
When expanding the field around the chosen minimum and coupling it to the
other fields in the Standard Model we get an interesting result: the interaction
strength of the Higgs to other particles is proportional to their masses. In the
Standard Model this means that the Higgs couples strongest to the top quark,
which has a mass of 173 GeV. The mass of the Higgs boson itself, m2H = 2λv 2 ,
is not predicted by the theory, because λ is a free parameter.
Until the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 the mass of the Higgs boson
was unknown. Only the vacuum expectation v was known. There were upper
and lower bounds on the Higgs mass by requiring that the self-coupling λ re-
mained finite and positive at higher energies [3][5]. The coupling namely isn’t
constant, as we will see in the next subsection, but is dependent on the energy.
Even now that the Higgs mass is known, these bounds still have some relevance.
The upper bound, also called the triviality bound, is found by assuming that
the self-coupling doesn’t have a Landau pole. A coupling has a Landau pole if
it becomes infinite at some finite energy. This implies that perturbation theory
breaks down near the Landau pole and new physics has to kick in. For the
Standard Model to hold up to some cutoff scale Λc we require that λ(Λc ) < ∞
up to that scale. This puts an upper bound on the Higgs self-coupling and
therefore on the Higgs mass. For the Planck scale ΛP = 1019 GeV the upper
limit on the Higgs mass is about 160 GeV. On the other hand we have to worry
that the self-coupling doesn’t go through zero, since negative vaules of λ would
correspond to an unstable Higgs potential. It wouldn’t be bounded from below,
so no consistent theory could be constructed. Therefore we require that λ re-
mains positive up to the cutoff scale. This leads to a lower bound on the Higgs
mass, which is called the stability bound. For the Planck scale we get a lower
bound of about 130 GeV. In Figure 1 the theoretically allowed range of Higgs
masses is shown as a function of Λc .
For the measured Higgs mass mH = 125 GeV we are actually in the meta-stable
region according to this calculation, meaning that the universe is in a local min-
imum of the Higgs potential, but not in the global minimum. There is no need
to worry however, because the tunneling time through the potential barrier is
larger than the lifetime of the universe.
The first two terms are kinetic terms, the third and fourth are mass terms and
the last one is the interaction term. This theory couples a complex scalar field
Ψ of mass M to a real scalar field φ of mass m. The coupling constant g is a
measure of the interaction strength. It is real and has mass dimension 1. Given
the Lagrangian we can determine the momentum-space Feynman rules:
• For each φ-propagator insert p2 −m2 +i .
• For each Ψ-propagator insert p2 −M 2 +i .
These are the Feynman rules we will use to calculate the vacuum diagram in
chapter 3.
2.5 Renormalization
In our research we want to compare the vacuum diagram to the renormalization
group equation. Up until now we have looked at the first part. In this last
section we will look at the other side of the story: renormalization. Renormal-
ization is used to handle quantum fluctuations in a field theory. These quantum
fluctuations arise due to loops of virtual particles. Inside the loops particles of
all energies are taken into account, which results in UV divergences. We are
actually assuming the theory to be valid up to arbitrarily high energy scales, or
equivalently, arbitrarily small length scales, which is not very realistic.
so-called bare parameters; parameters that are not measurable. We have to
reparameterize the theory in terms of physical (measurable) quantities, called
renormalized parameters. If the theory is renormalizable all divergences can be
absorbed into a finite number of parameters (coupling constants, masses and
field normalizations), which turns the singular theory into a well-defined one.
The renormalized parameters are defined at some reference energy scale µ. The
bare couplings and the cutoff scale are both fixed, so this must mean that the
renormalized couplings change when µ changes. The coupling ’constant’ is not
a constant anymore, but a function of the energy scale. This phenomenon is
called the running of the couplings and is described by the so-called renormal-
ization group equations (RGEs) [6]. The dependence on µ can be determined
by stating that physical observables should be independent of the arbitrary
renormalization scale. For an observable Γ it should hold that:
Doing this for several observables leads to a set of coupled differential equations,
the RGEs. It is convenient to multiply the RGEs by a constant. We define:
β(Γ) = 16π 2 ,
where t ≡ ln( µµ0 ) and µ0 is an (arbitrary) energy scale that makes the argument
of the logarithm dimensionless. These are called β-functions and describe how
parameters depend on the renormalization scale µ. They are usually computed
with perturbation theory, so one gets a β-coefficient per order in perturbation
3 Research
In the previous chapter we looked into the theoretical context of our research.
We studied the cosmological constant problem and discovered that only one term
in the Standard Model Lagrangian contributes to the cosmological constant: the
µ2 φ† φ term in the Higgs potential. It can be visualized by the following Feyn-
man diagram:
−iΣ2 (l2 ) ≡
d4 k
i i
= (−ig)2 . (1)
(2π)4 k 2 − M 2 + i (l − k)2 − M 2 + i
The integrand in this expression has four poles in the complex k 0 -plane. We
can use a calculational trick called Feynman parametrization to bring this back
to two [1]. Feynman parametrization is a well-known technique for evaluating
loop integrals. The trick is to combine the two denominators into one using the
following equation:
Z 1 Z 1
1 1
= dα1 dα2 δ(α1 + α2 − 1) .
D1 D2 0 0 (α D
1 1 + α2 D2 )2
the expression
Z 1 1
d4 k
g2 dα1 dα2 δ(α1 + α2 − 1)
0 0 (2π)4
(α1 (k − M + i) + α2 ((l − k)2 − M 2 + i))2
2 2
Z 1
d4 k
= g2 dα2
0 (2π) (k − M + α2 l − 2α2 l · k + i)2
4 2 2 2
Z 1
d4 q
= g2 dα2 4 (q 2 − ∆ + i)2
. (2)
0 (2π)
In the last step we changed the integration variable from k to q ≡ k − α2 l and
defined the parameter ∆ ≡ M 2 − α2 (1 − α2 )l2 .
We can now perform a Wick rotation to transform the Minkowskian integral into
a Euclidean one [1]. To that end we use the integration contour C indicated
in Figure 2 to perform the q 0 -part of the integral. Since the poles are situated
outside the integration contour, the integral along the real q 0 -axis is transformed
into an integral along the imaginary axis:
Z∞ −i∞
Z 0 0
Z Z∞ Z Z
0 0 q ≡iqE 0 0 ~≡~
q qE
dq → − dq ==== −i dqE = i dqE and d~q === d~qE ,
−∞ i∞ ∞ −∞
where we use the subscript E to indicate that we are working in Euclidean space.
Inserting this into equation (2) leads to
Z 1 Z 0 Z
dqE d~qE 1
ig 2 dα2 3 [−(q 0 )2 − ~ 2 2
0 2π (2π) E q E − ∆ + i]
ig 2 d4 qE
= dα 2 2 + ∆ − i)2
16π 4 0 (qE
2 Z 1 Z 2π Z π Z π
= dα 2 dθ 1 dθ 2 sin (θ 2 ) dθ3 sin2 (θ3 )
16π 4 0 0 0 0
1 ∞ 2 2
· dqE 2
2 0 (qE + ∆ − i)2
1 Z ∞
ig 2 2
2 qE
= 2
dα 2 dqE 2 . (3)
16π 0 0 (qE + ∆ − i)2
In the third line we used that in an n-dimensional Euclidean space the transition
to spherical coordinates is given by:
Z Z ∞ Z 2π Z π Z π
d~r f (r) = dr r n−1
f (r) dθ1 dθ2 sin θ2 ... dθn−1 sinn−2 θn−1
0 0 0 0
2π n/2
= dr rn−1 f (r) ,
Γ(n/2) 0
where the gamma function Γ(z) satisfies Γ(1/2) = π, Γ(1) = 1 and Γ(z + 1) =
In equation (3) we see a UV divergence emerging from the large-momentum
regime qE → ∞. To quantify the UV divergence we introduce an energy cutoff
scale Λc and assume Λ2c >> ∆:
1 Λ2c
ig 2 2
2 qE
dα2 dqE 2 + ∆ − i)2
16π 2 0 0 (qE
2 1 qE2 =Λ2c
∆ − i
ig 2
= dα2 log (qE + ∆ − i) + 2 + ∆ − i
16π 2 0 qE 2 =0
2 Z 1
= dα2 [log (Λ2c ) − log (∆ − i) − 1]
16π 2 0
ig 2
= [α2 log (Λ2c )]10 − [α2 ]10 − dα2 log (∆ − i)
16π 2 0
ig 2
= log (Λ2c ) − 1 − dα2 log (M 2 + α22 l2 − α2 l2 − i) . (4)
16π 2 0
The logarithm in equation (4) gives rise to a branch cut for M 2 + α22 l2 − α2 l2 ∈
R− , since log(−x ± i) = log(xe±iπ ) = log(x) ± iπ for x > 0. To solve the
integral we need to factorize the expression in the logarithm. This factorization
depends on the domain we are in, because we have to make sure the factors
can’t become negative. Therefore we will solve the integral in three domains:
l2 < 0, 0 < l2 < 4M 2 and l2 > 4M 2 . To improve the readability we rename α2
to x.
Domain 1: l2 < 0:
In the domain l2 < 0 we can
q factorize the expression in the logarithm by using
2 2
x± = 2 (1±β1 ) with β1 = 1 − 4M l2−4i . This means that β1 > 1, l2 = 4M1−β
1 −4i
and 1 − x+ = x− . Then we can calculate the integral:
Z 1
dx log (M 2 + x2 l2 − xl2 − i)
Z 1
dx log (−l2 ) + log(x+ − x) + log(x − x− )
= − 2 + log (−l2 ) + (1 − x+ ) log (x+ − 1) + (1 − x− ) log (1 − x− )
+ x+ log (x+ ) + x− log (−x− )
= − 2 + log (−l2 x2− ) + 2x+ [log (x+ ) − log (−x− )]
2 β1 − 1 β1 + 1
= − 2 + log M · + (1 + β1 ) log
β1 + 1 β1 − 1
β 1 + 1
= − 2 + log (M 2 ) + β1 log .
β1 − 1
Domain 3: l2 > 4M 2 :
Finally, in the domain l2 > 4M 2
q we can factorize the expression by using
x± = 12 (1 ± β3 ) with β3 = 1 − 4M l2−4i . This results in 0 < β3 < 1,
4M 2 −4i
l2 = 1−β32
and 1 − x+ = x− . Then we get for the integral:
Z 1
dx log (M 2 + x2 l2 − xl2 − i)
Z 1
dx log (l2 ) + log(x − x+ ) + log(x − x− )
= − 2 + log (l2 ) + (1 − x+ ) log (1 − x+ ) + (1 − x− ) log (1 − x− )
+ x+ log (−x+ ) + x− log (−x− )
= − 2 + log (−l2 x2− ) + x+ [− log (x− ) + log (x+ ) + log (−x+ ) − log (−x− )]
β3 − 1 β3 + 1
= − 2 + log M 2 · + (1 + β3 ) log
β3 + 1 β3 − 1
β3 + 1
= − 2 + log (M 2 ) + β3 log .
β3 − 1
Substituting the results per domain into equation (4) leads to:
q !!
1− 4M
q +1
ig 4M 2 l2
• l2 < 0 : 16π 2 1 + log M2 − 1− l2 log q
1− 4M
ig 2 2
• 0 < l < 4M :2 2
16π 2 1 + log M2 − 2 4M
l2 − 1 arctan
q 1
4M 2
" q ! #!
1− 4M
q +1
2 2 ig 2 4M 2 l2
• l > 4M : 16π 2 1 + log M2 − 1− l2 log q
− iπ
1− 4M
In the first and second domain we can just leave out the −i term, because there
are no poles in these domains. In the third domain however we cross the branch
cut, which gives rise to the −iπ term.
We now have the result for the 1-loop self-energy per momentum domain. In
order to calculate the vacuum bubble contribution we need one result for all
domains. A method called analytic continuation offers a way of extending a
function throughout the entire complex plane, except where the function is
singular. According to this method the three formulas can be summarized by
ig 2
Λc x+ x−
1 + log − x+ log − x− log ,
16π 2 M2 x+ − 1 x− − 1
with x± = 12 1 ± 1 − l4M 2 +i .
In our case this leads to the result
−iΣ2 (l2 ) ≡
2 r
ig 2 Λc 4M 2
= 2
1 + log 2
− 1− 2
16π M l + i
1 − l4M
2 +i + 1
· log q . (5)
1 − l4M
2 +i − 1
= +
+ ...
i i i
= + (−iΣ2 (l2 )) 2
l2 − m2 + i l2 − m2 + i l − m2 + i
i i i
+ 2 (−iΣ2 (l2 )) 2 (−iΣ2 (l2 )) 2
l − m2 + i l − m2 + i l − m2 + i
i i i
+ 2 (−iΣ2 (l2 )) 2 (−iΣ2 (l2 )) 2
l − m2 + i l − m2 + i l − m2 + i
(−iΣ2 (l2 )) 2 + ...
l − m2 + i
= 2 , (6)
l − m2 − Σ2 (l2 ) + i
with Σ2 (l2 ) defined by equation (5). The next step would be to perform the loop
integral over momentum l. With the function Σ2 (l2 ) in the denominator this
would be a very hard task though. We will therefore use the Källén-Lehmann
spectral representation. For the 2-point Green’s function it is given by:
iρ(q 2 )
= dq 2 . (7)
2π 0 l2 − q 2 + i
f (q 2 )
2 1
f (l ) = dq 2 2
2πi γ q − l2
Z ∞
1 Disc(f (q 2 ))
= dq 2
2πi 0 q 2 − l2
Z ∞
1 Im(f (q 2 ))
= dq 2 . (8)
π 0 q 2 − l2
In the third line we used that the discontinuity equals 2i times the imaginary
part. Equation (8) is called a dispersion relation.
Figure 3: Cauchy integral contour
By comparing equation (8) to equation (7) we can extract the spectral density
ρ(q 2 ) = −2 Im(f (q 2 ))
= −2 Im . (9)
q 2 − m2 − Σ2 (q 2 ) + i
To get an idea of where the imaginary parts come from and what structure the
spectral density function will have, it is easiest to approach it from a diagram-
matic point of view. The imaginary part of an individual propagator originates
from the i part:
l 2 − m2
1 i 1
= 2 − =P 2 −iπδ(l2 −m2 ) ,
l2 − m2 + i (l − m2 )2 + 2 (l2 − m2 )2 + 2 l − m2
where P stands for the principal value. Discontinuities thus come from inter-
mediate particles becoming on-shell.
The discontinuity of a Feynman diagram can then be obtained using the so-
called Cutkosky cutting rules:
• Cut the diagram in all possible ways, with all cut propagators becoming
on-shell simultaneously.
• Replace l2 −m2 +i by 2πθ(l0 )δ(l2 − m2 ) in each cut propagator.
• Use the complex conjugate at the right hand side of the cut.
• Sum contributions of all possible cuts.
We can use these rules to determine the discontinuities of the diagrams in our
Dyson summation in equation (6). First of all, the propagator becomes:
= 2πδ(q 2 − m2 ) , (10)
d4 k
= (−ig) 2πθ(k0 )δ(k 2 − M 2 )2πθ(q0 − k0 )
q 2 − m2 + i (2π)4
δ((q − k)2 − M 2 )(ig) 2
q − m2 − i
2 Z
g 1
= d4 k θ(k0 )δ(k 2 − M 2 )θ(q0 − k0 )δ((q − k)2 − M 2 )
4π 2 (q 2 − m2 )2
We can now choose to go p to the rest frame such that ~q = ~0, q0 = q 2 and
(q − k)2 = q 2 + k 2 − 2k0 q 2 . We write d4 kp= dk0 d~k, use spherical
= dk 0 d~k δ(k 2 − M 2 )
4π 2 (q 2 − m2 )2
p p
· δ(q 2 + k 2 − 2k0 q 2 − M 2 ) θ(k0 ) θ( q 2 − k0 )
Z ∞
= dk0 d|~k| ~k 2 δ(k 2 − M 2 )
π (q 2 − m2 )2 0
p p
· δ(q 2 + k 2 − 2k0 q 2 − M 2 ) θ(k0 ) θ( q 2 − k0 )
Z ∞
1 p
= 2 2 2
dk 0 dw w w2 − M 2 δ(k02 − w2 )
π (q − m ) M
p p
· δ(q + k0 − 2k0 q − w2 ) θ(k0 ) θ( q 2 − k0 )
2 2 2
Z ∞
g2 1 1p 2 p p
2 δ(q 2 − 2w q 2 ) θ( q 2 − w)
= dw w − M
π (q 2 − m2 )2 M 2
g2 1 2 2 4M 2
= θ(q − 4M ) 1 − . (11)
8π (q 2 − m2 )2 q2
First we solved the k0 integral, which implied pk0 = w. Then we solved the w
integral, which led to the conclusion that w = q 2 /2.
Equation (11) contributes only for q 2 ≥ 4M 2 . This corresponds to the physical
threshold for the process describing the decay into the two intermediate state
particles with mass M. We could continu calculating the discontinuities of the
diagrams with more loops, but these will lead to the same structure multiplied
by the self-energy −iΣ2 (q 2 ) for loops that are not cut. By summing all diagrams
the self-energy will again appear in the denominator.
To get the exact result for the spectral density function it is easier to use equa-
tion (9). Let’s analyze the formula:
q 2 − m2 − Σ2 (q 2 ) + i
Im q 2 − m2 − Σ∗2 (q 2 ) − i
= 2
|q 2 − m2 − Σ2 (q 2 ) + i|
−Im Σ∗2 (q 2 ) −
= 2 2 .
(q 2 − m2 − Re (Σ2 (q 2 ))) + ( − Im (Σ2 (q 2 )))
For q 2 < 4M 2 , i.e. preceding the branch-cut, the function Σ2 (q 2 ) doesn’t have
an imaginary part. Therefore we can say:
q 2 − m2 − Σ2 (q 2 ) + i
= 2
(q − m − Re(Σ2 (q 2 ))) + 2
2 2
→0 −π
= δ(q 2 − m2p )
1 − Re Σ02 (m2p )
= − πZδ(q 2 − m2p ) , (12)
with Z = 1−Re(Σ02 (m2p ))
called the field-strength renormalization and mp being
the root of q − m − Re(Σ2 (q 2 )) = 0.
2 2
Inserting the spectral density function into equation (7) we find the result for
the Källén-Lehmann spectral representation:
iρ(q 2 )
= dq 2
2π 0 l2 − q 2 + i
Z ∞
1 i 2
= · 2πZδ(q 2 − m2p )
2π 0 − q 2 + i l2
g 2 1 − 4M q2 i
2 2
+ θ(q − 4M ) 2
8π |q − m2 − Σ2 (q 2 )|2 l2 − q 2 + i
Z ∞ s
iZ g2 2 4M 2
= 2 + dq 1 −
l − m2p + i 16π 2 4M 2 q2
1 i
· .
|q 2 − m2 − Σ2 (q )| l − q 2 + i
2 2 2
Z ∞ s
d4 l g2 4M 2
= µ2 + dq 2
1 −
(2π)4 l2 − m2p + i 16π 2 4M 2 q2
1 i
· 2 .
|q − m2 − Σ2 (q 2 )|2 l2 − q 2 + i
The function Σ2 (q 2 ) in the denominator of equation (15) leads to a second
order correction, whereas we only want to look at our diagram up to first order.
Therefore we would like to write q 2 − m2 − Σ2 (g 2 ) ≈ q 2 − m2p and neglect
the remaining Σ2 -related corrections. The question is whether or not we can
set these remaining terms to zero without introducing a pole. If the particle
is stable it means that the one-particle pole precedes the branch-cut. This is
depicted in Figure (4). In this case q 2 − m2p can never be zero for q 2 ≥ 4M 2 and
we can thus set the remainder to zero.
Figure 4: Poles and cuts of the 2-point Green’s function for a stable particle
However, for an unstable particle the one-particle pole lies beneath the branch-
cut. This is shown in Figure (5). As the pole moves towards the branch-cut it
goes below the cut because of the imaginary part of Σ2 (q 2 ). Now q 2 − m2p can
become zero in the region q 2 ≥ 4M 2 if we would set the remainder to zero and
we would introduce a pole.
Figure 5: Poles and cuts of the 2-point Green’s function for an unstable particle
For now we will assume that the particle is stable, such that we can use the
approximation Σ2 (q 2 )=0. Equation (15) then simplifies to:
µ2 d~l g 2 µ2 ∞ 4M 2
Z 2
q + 2
dq 1 − 2
2 (2π) ~l2 + m2 32π 4M 2 q
1 1
· 2 .
(2π)3 ~2
q − m2p
l + q2
all, we make use of the gamma function Γ(t) that is defined as
Z ∞
Γ(t) ≡ xt−1 e−x dx
and satisfies the relation Γ(t + 1) = tΓ(t). In addition we use the beta function
B(x, y) = Γ(x)Γ(y)/Γ(x + y):
Z 1
B(x, y) ≡ tx−1 (1 − t)y−1 dt .
We assume that in d-dimensional spacetime the momentum still has one tem-
poral component and d − 1 spatial components. The general expression for the
angular integral in d − 1 dimensions then becomes:
Z d−1
2(π) 2
dΩd−1 = .
Γ( d−1
2 )
Finally, a scale ν is defined to make sure that the equations are dimensionally
correct. Using dimensional regularization, the ~l integral becomes:
(2π)3 ~l2 + ∆2
Z ∞
ν 4−d |~l|d−2
→ d−1
dΩ d−1 d|~l| q
(2π) 0 |~l|2 + ∆2
d−1 Z ∞
ν 4−d 2π 2 ~ d−2
= d|~l| q |l|
(2π)d−1 Γ( d−1 2 ) 0 |~l|2 + ∆2
d−1 d−3
ν 4−d 2π 2 1 ∞ ~ 2 (~l 2 ) 2
= d l
(2π)d−1 Γ( d−1
2 )
2 0 ~l 2 + ∆2
4−d Z 1
ν d−3
= d−1 ∆d−2 dx x−d/2 (1 − x) 2 .
(4π) 2 Γ( 2 ) 0
In the last step we changed our integration variable from ~l 2 to x = ~l 2 +∆2 .
We now recognize the beta function B(1 − d2 , d−1 2 ) = Γ(1 −
d d−1 1
2 )Γ( 2 )/Γ( 2 ).
Inserting this leads to:
Z 1
ν 4−d d−3
d−1 ∆ d−2
dx x−d/2 (1 − x) 2
(4π) 2 Γ( d−1
2 ) 0
In our case we are interested in the behavior of equation (16) for d → 4. Thereto
we calculate it for d = 4 − , where in the end we perform a Taylor expansion
around = 0. In order to do this we need the derivative of the gamma function
Γ0 (t) ≡ dΓ(t)/dt, which is related to the digamma function Ψ(t) = Γ0 (t)/Γ(t).
Furthermore it can be used that Γ(1) = 1 and Ψ(1) = −γ, with γ ≈ 0.577 called
the Euler-Mascheroni constant. Now we can evaluate the Taylor expansions
needed to work out equation (16):
Γ 1− = Γ −1 +
2 2
1 2
= Γ 1 +
−1 + 2 2
≈ − −1 Γ(1) + Ψ(1)Γ(1)
2 γ
= − −1 1− .
d 4−
∆ ∆
ν ν
4 −
∆ ∆
ν ν
∆ ∆
≈ 1 − ln .
ν ν
(4π) 2 = (4π)−3/2+/2
= (4π)−3/2 (4π)/2
≈ 1 + ln (4π) .
(4π)3/2 2
Our result for the ~l integral then becomes:
d~l 1 1 ν4 1 ∆ 4
= √ 1 + ln (4π)
(2π)3 ~l2 + ∆2 π ∆2 (4π)3/2
2 ν
∆ 2 γ
· 1 − ln − −1 1−
ν 2
∆2 2
= − 2 + 1 − γ − ln + ... .
8π 4πν 2
The dots on the last line represent higher order terms in . To get rid of the
pole 1/ we need to renormalize, but we will leave this to follow-up research.
For now we will conserve the structure. We then find the final expression for
the vacuum bubble:
(up to 1st order)
µ2 d~l g 2 µ2 ∞ 4M 2
= 3
q + 2
dq 2 1 − 2
2 (2π) ~l2 + m2 32π 4M 2 q
1 1
· 2 3
q − mp 2 (2π) ~l2 + q 2
Z ∞
µ2 m2p Z 1 1 γ µ2 g 2
= − + − − dq 2
8π 2 2 2 128π 4 4M 2
4M 2 q2
1 1 γ
· 1− 2 2 + − +
q q 2 − m2p 2 2
! s
µ2 m2p Z m2p µ2 g 2 ∞ 4M 2
ln 2
+ 4
dq 2 1 − 2
(4π) 4πν (4π) 4M 2 q
q q
· 2 ln . (17)
q −m 2 4πν 2
The integral over q 2 on the last line can’t be expressed in terms of standard
mathematical functions, so we will leave it untouched.
where we used that t = 21 ln (q 2 /µ20 ), as explained in section 2.5. The second part
is some sort of ’altered’ renormalization group equation. The vacuum diagram
thus doesn’t exactly equal the renormalization group equation, but contains an
extra term that appears to be a tweaked version of the renormalization group
The assumption behind the renormalization group equation is that the tran-
sition between the one-particle state and the multiparticle state is abrupt. In
other words the onset of the first contribution to the β-function is represented
by a step function rather than a smooth function. It is assumed that if we are
far away from this transition point, i.e. for q 2 → ∞, the results are the same.
But is this really the case? As we have the exact result for the β-function, we
can compare the two to test this statement. In the limit q 2 → ∞ the integrand
accompanied by the pole in equation (17) becomes:
4M 2 q2 1
1− 2 2 → 2 .
q 2
q −m 2 q
To test the statement, let’s compare the integrands and full expressions with
some graphs. We define the following functions to compare:
2 2
µ g 4M 2 q2
f (q 2 ) = θ(q 2 − 4M 2 ) 1 − ,
128π 4 q 2 q 2 − m2 2
µ2 g 2 1
g(q 2 ) = θ(q 2 − 4M 2 ) ,
128π 4 q 2
µ2 m2p Z 2 2 S
4M 2 q2
2 µ g
F (S) = + θ(S − 4M ) dq 2 1− ,
8π 2 128π 4 q 2 q 2 − m2 2
4M 2 p
µ m2p Z
2 2 2
µ g S
+ θ(S − 4M 2 ) ln(q 2 ) 4M 2 .
G(S) =
8π 2 128π 4
Scenario 1: mp ∼ 2M
g2 √
Input (in arbitrary mass units): M = 27, mp = 50, µ = 1, Z = 1, 4π ≡ α=
150. Notice that we made sure that mp < 2M , because of the stable parti-
cle condition. The coupling constant g has mass dimension 1, so we gave it a
mass-like value. Figure 6 shows the functions f (q 2 ) and g(q 2 ), whereas Figure
7 shows the difference between them. For mp ∼ 2M the exact function f (q 2 )
lies above the approximate function g(q 2 ). The square root and m2p in f (q 2 )
play a role at smaller energies. The square root gives rise to a dampening effect,
whereas the fraction containing m2p leads to a peaking effect. For larger energies
the two functions approach each other, as expected. Figure 8 depicts the func-
tions F (S) and G(S) and Figure 9 depicts the relative difference between the
two. The deviation of the approximate function from the exact function seems
to stabilize at around 1.2%.
Figure 6: Plot of f (q 2 ) and g(q 2 ) for M = 27 and mp = 50
Figure 8: Plot of F (S) and G(S) for M = 27 and mp = 50
G(S)−F (S)
Figure 9: Plot of F (S) for M = 27 and mp = 50
Scenario 2: mp 2M
g2 √
Input (in arbitrary mass units): M = 500, mp = 50, µ = 1, Z = 1, 4π ≡ α=
150. Figure 10 shows the functions f (q 2 ) and g(q 2 ) and Figure 11 shows the
difference between the two. For mp 2M the exact function lies beneath the
approximate function. We can again observe the effects of the square root and
fraction containing m2p . For larger energies the two functions approach each
other again. Figure 12 shows the functions F (S) and G(S). Figure 13 shows
the relative difference between G(S) and F (S). The difference seems to stabilize
at around 0.27%.
Figure 11: Plot of g(q 2 ) − f (q 2 ) for M = 500 and mp = 50
G(S)−F (S)
Figure 13: Plot of F (S) for M = 500 and mp = 50
4 Conclusion and outlook
The goal of our research was to investigate if there is a link between a vacuum
diagram and the renormalization group equation. Thereby we were interested
in the consequences of neglecting transitions in the renormalization group equa-
tion. We used the scalar Yukawa theory to answer our research questions and
calculated the vacuum diagram belonging to the µ2 φ† φ term up to first order
in perturbation theory.
Next we tested the assumption that the transition between the one-particle
state and the multiparticle state can be neglected in the renormalization group
equation. For that purpose we compared the exact expression of the renormal-
ization group equation to the approximated version for q 2 → ∞. For m ∼ 2M
the difference between the two stabilizes at around 1.2%. For m 2M this is
around 0.27%. During our calculation we only crossed one threshold at 1-loop
order. If one crosses multiple thresholds the deviations will be summed. Such a
correction could affect the renormalization group evolution in a noticeable way,
in particular in more realistic models with cancellations between bosonic and
fermionic loop effects. An example of a future study along this line could be
the Standard Model Higgs self-coupling λ, which flirts with zero at high energies.
Of course the scalar Yukawa theory we used is just a toy model; a simplifi-
cation of the Yukawa theory. The two theories differ by spin aspects and the
dimension of the coupling constant. Moreover we assumed the particles to be
stable, whereas many particles in the Standard Model are unstable. These sim-
plifications enabled us to perform the calculation. We will leave it to follow-up
research to remove the simplifications one by one. Another subject for further
research is the renormalization of the µ2 parameter, which we omitted since it
would be meaningless in our toy model.
[1] W. Beenakker, ’Reader for the course Quantum Field Theory.’, 2015-2016.
[2] S.E. Rugh and H. Zinkernagel, The Quantum vacuum and the Cosmo-
logical Constant Problem, Stud.Hist.Philos.Mod.Phys. 33 (2002) 663705,
[3] A.N. Schellekens, ’Beyond the Standard Model.’, February, 2016.
A ’Altered’ renormalization group equation
In section 3.4 we compared the approximated renormalization group equation
to the exact one. This appendix discusses the same procedure for the ’altered’
renormalization group equation; the second part of equation (17). In the limit
q 2 → ∞ the integrand containing a logarithm in equation (17) becomes:
2 2
4M 2 q 1 q
1− 2 2 ln 2
→ 2 ln .
q q 2 − m2 4πν q 4πν 2
Let’s compare the integrands and full expressions with some graphs on the basis
of the following functions:
2 2
g µ 4M 2 q
f (q 2 ) = θ(q 2 − 4M 2 ) 4
1 − 2 2 ln ,
(4π) q 4πν 2
q 2 − m2p
g 2 µ2 1
g(q 2 ) = θ(q 2 − 4M 2 ) 4 2
ln ,
(4π) q 4πν 2
m2p µ2 m2p 2 g µ
2 2 Z S
F (S) = ln + θ(S − 4M ) dq 2
(4π)2 4πν 2 (4π)4 4M 2
4M 2 q
· 1− 2 2 ln 2
q 2
q − mp 2 4πν
! 2 S
m2p µ2 m2p 2 2
2 g µ 1 2 q
G(S) = ln + θ(S − 4M ) ln .
(4π)2 4πν 2 (4π)4 2 4πν 2 4M 2
Scenario 1: mp ∼ 2M
Input (in arbitrary mass units): M = 27, mp = 50, µ = 1, ν = 1, Z = 1, 4π ≡
√ √ 2 2
α = 150. Figure 14 shows the functions f (q ) and g(q ), whereas Figure
15 shows the difference between them. For mp ∼ 2M the exact function f (q 2 )
lies above the approximate function g(q 2 ). For larger energies the two functions
approach each other. The qualitative behaviour of the graphs is similar to
the ones in section 3.4. Figure 16 depicts the functions F (S) and G(S) and
Figure 17 depicts the relative difference between the two. The deviation of the
approximate function from the exact function seems to stabilize at around 1.4%.
Figure 14: Plot of f (q 2 ) and g(q 2 ) for M = 27 and mp = 50
Figure 16: Plot of F (S) and G(S) for M = 27 and mp = 50
G(S)−F (S)
Figure 17: Plot of F (S) for M = 27 and mp = 50
Scenario 2: mp 2M
Input (in arbitrary mass units): M = 500, mp = 50, µ = 1, ν = 1, Z = 1, 4π ≡
√ √ 2 2
α = 150. Figure 18 shows the functions f (q ) and g(q ) and Figure 19 shows
the difference between the two. For mp 2M the exact function lies beneath
the approximate function. For larger energies the two functions approach each
other again. Figure 20 shows the functions F (S) and G(S). Figure 21 shows the
relative difference between G(S) and F (S). The difference seems to stabilize
at around 0.6%. The deviation is larger than in the case without a logarithm,
which was also true for scenario 1.
Figure 19: Plot of g(q 2 ) − f (q 2 ) for M = 500 and mp = 50
G(S)−F (S)
Figure 21: Plot of F (S) for M = 500 and mp = 50