The Use of Fluids in Sepsis: University of Central Florida College of Medicine
The Use of Fluids in Sepsis: University of Central Florida College of Medicine
The Use of Fluids in Sepsis: University of Central Florida College of Medicine
Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response to severe infection causing significant morbidity
and mortality that costs the health care system $20.3 billion annually within the United States.
It is well established that fluid resuscitation is a central component of sepsis management;
however, to date there is no consensus as to the ideal composition of fluid used for
resuscitation. In this review, we discuss the progression of clinical research comparing various
fluids, as well as the historical background behind fluid selection for volume resuscitation. We
conclude that the use of balanced fluids, such as Ringer’s Lactate, seems very promising but
further research is needed to confirm their role.
A literature review was conducted to determine the ideal intravenous fluid for resuscitation in
sepsis. A PubMed search was conducted using the terms “sepsis” and “fluid choice,” with the
Received 01/31/2016 modifier of articles published within the past ten years; 101 articles met these criteria. Study
Review began 02/04/2016 abstracts were screened for relevance to the clinical topic. Subsequently, full text articles were
Review ended 03/02/2016
reviewed to determine their applicability. Articles that compared the use of specific fluid types
Published 03/10/2016
relative to others, whether in the intensive care unit, hospital, or emergency room setting were
© Copyright 2016 selected.
Avila et al. This is an open access
article distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution A landmark study in 2001 by Rivers et al., demonstrated improved mortality and decreased
License CC-BY 3.0., which permits length of hospital stay in severe sepsis and septic shock due to a concept they entitled early
unrestricted use, distribution, and goal-directed therapy (EGDT) [5]. EGDT utilizes continuous monitoring of central venous
reproduction in any medium,
pressure, mean arterial pressure, and central venous oxygen saturation to guide use of
provided the original author and
source are credited.
intravenous fluids, vasoactive drugs, and red-cell transfusions in order to optimize tissue
oxygen delivery. In 2002, the Surviving Sepsis Campaign was formed to develop uniform,
Broadly, fluids can be divided based on their composition into crystalloids and colloids.
Colloids are substances that do not diffuse through membranes as easily as crystalloids, and
thus are confined to the intravascular space. When administered to a patient with sepsis,
colloids exert an osmotic effect leading to the retention of fluid in the intravascular
compartment. Table 1 [6-7] compares the composition and characteristics of various colloids.
Crystalloid solutions are composed of molecules that can diffuse across cell membranes, and
can be divided into balanced and non-balanced formulas. Non-balanced fluids, such as normal
saline (NS), are isotonic to plasma but do not contain the equivalent electrolyte composition.
Balanced crystalloids, such as Ringer's Lactate, Ringer’s Acetate, and PlasmaLyte are developed
to resemble the composition of plasma. Table 2 [6-8] compares the composition of these fluids
to plasma.
Oncotic Plasma Plasma
Osmolality Duration of Plasma (mEq/L) Price
Pressure Expansion Half-life
(mOsm/L) Expansion (hr) ($/ L)
(mmHg) (%) (hr)
Na+ Cl-
HES; 6% Pentastarch;
300-326 23-82 100-160 <12 2-12 154 154 31.30
10% Pentastarch
279 6.5 131 111 4 2 0 Lactate (29) 0.94
The administration of various IV fluids began during the cholera epidemic in 1831, with saline-
based solutions being first administered by Thomas Latta, who described the injections as
“restoring the natural current in the veins and arteries, of improving the colour of the blood,
and recovering the functions of the lungs” [9]. Latta’s original solution would be considered a
balanced crystalloid, as it contained 134 mmol/L Na+, 188 mmol/L Cl- and 16 mmol/L of HCO3-.
In the mid-19th century, significant research focused on the composition of salt solutions,
which lead to the development of Ringer’s solution, the precursor to modern-day Ringer’s
Lactate. In the late 19th century, there was an understanding that an ideal solution needed to
be isotonic with serum and in 1896, Hamburger suggested a concentration of 0.92% saline as
normal for the blood of mammals based on comparison of the “freezing point” of serum
between humans and animals and in vitro studies of red blood cells [9]. His research prompted
the development of 0.9% saline, which is one of the most commonly used IV fluid today [9].
Fluid composition can have unintended physiological effects, such as altering the pH balance.
The metabolism of organic anions such as lactate and acetate leads to the production of
bicarbonate. Therefore, these solutions can cause metabolic alkalosis if the metabolizable
anions are infused in concentrations that exceed the lack of bicarbonate. Problems associated
with the use of Ringer’s Lactate include the inability to use lactate as a marker of hypoxia and
the fact that lactate may increase oxygen consumption [10]. Furthermore, it cannot be used in
patients with lactic acidosis and is often contraindicated in septic patients, who have a hepatic
disruption of lactate clearance. Ringer’s Acetate is an alternative balanced crystalloid that may
be used in patients with diabetic lactic acidosis and those with impaired hepatic
metabolism [10]. Normal saline is a non-balanced crystalloid that has a lower ratio of Na:Cl
than balanced crystalloids and can result in hyperchloremic non-anion gap metabolic
acidosis [11]. These factors, along with many others, must be considered when selecting a fluid
for volume resuscitation.
Due to the serious and prevalent nature of sepsis, and the multitude of available fluid options,
extensive research has been conducted to identify optimal treatment protocols. The Campaign’s
guidelines have been revised three times since its initial publication, and have incorporated
many aspects of EGDT to reflect the current literature. Ultimately, fluid selection in today’s
intensive care units for treatment of sepsis is often influenced by physician preference, hospital
Crystalloids versus colloids
Our review focuses on differentiating fluids by discussing individual colloid options, comparing
crystalloids versus colloids, and finally evaluating current research concerning balanced and
non-balanced crystalloids.
Colloids themselves form a broad group, and include albumin, hydroxyethyl starch (HES),
dextrans, and gelatins. Many studies, including the Efficacy of Volume Substitution and Insulin
Therapy in Severe Sepsis (VISEP) trial, Scandinavian Starch for Severe Sepsis/Septic Shock (6S)
trial, and Crystalloid vs. Hydroxy-Ethyl Starch Trials (CHEST) were conducted to compare the
efficacy of each in septic patients. It was found that there was no significant difference in the
effectiveness and adverse effects of different colloids. In fact, only albumin has been found to
be neutral or beneficial [12], and some colloids were proven to be dangerous [13]. For example,
HES is associated with acute renal failure [14], need for renal replacement therapy [14-15],
bleeding, and even increased mortality [16]. Though data about gelatin is scant, one study
found it to be associated with increased mortality [17]. As such, the only colloid that should be
considered for clinical use is albumin.
A 2011 article by Delaney et al. assessed the use of albumin solutions at different
concentrations and utilized death as a primary outcome [12]. The article analyzed eight studies
covering 383 patients who were treated with concentrated solutions of >20% albumin, and nine
studies covering 1594 patients that used more dilute solutions (4%, 4.5%, and 5% albumin). The
pooled estimate of the odds ratio for death when compared to other fluid treatments was 1.08
in the concentrated albumin group, as compared to 0.76 in the dilute albumin group [12]. This
data seems to indicate that increased colloid concentration is associated with improved clinical
outcomes. Postulated theories for the apparent beneficial effects of albumin in sepsis include
the intravascular volume expansion it affords, its ability to transport biologically active
molecules, maintain colloid osmotic pressure, maintain the permeability of the capillary
membrane, and act as a free radical scavenging antioxidant.
Taken as a whole, these three trials failed to demonstrate a clear benefit in the use of colloids
in sepsis rather than crystalloids. Given the cost of albumin and safety issues related to some
other colloids, the sepsis resuscitation fluid debate has moved toward identifying the optimal
crystalloid choice for use in sepsis. This shift may further benefit patients, as crystalloids are
more readily available and are cheaper than colloid solutions.
In 2004, the Saline versus Albumin Fluid Evaluation (SAFE) study was the first large-scale
randomized controlled trial (RCT) to examine the association between fluid choice and survival
in ICU patients [4]. This trial compared NS to 4% albumin as monotherapy for fluid
resuscitation and maintenance. Patients were randomized to one fluid group, and were treated
with that fluid until death, discharge, or 28 days after initiation of the trial. The primary
outcome was death from any cause at 28 days, sub-grouped by trauma, severe sepsis, and the
presence of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). They found no significant difference in
28-day mortality across the three groups (20.9% in albumin group and 21.1% of NS group).
Furthermore, there was no statistically significant difference between the groups when looking
at severe sepsis alone [4].
In 2013 the Colloids Versus Crystalloids for the Resuscitation of the Critically Ill (CRISTAL)
study employed a multicenter RCT to compare mortality in ICU patients resuscitated with
The Albumin Italian Outcome Sepsis (ALBIOS) trial in 2014 was a large RCT which compared
administration of crystalloid to administration of 20% albumin with crystalloid [5]. No
distinction was made between the type of crystalloid, be it balanced or unbalanced, within both
groups. The primary outcome was death at 28 days [5]. At 28 days, 31.8% of patients in the
albumin group and 32.0% of patients in the crystalloid group had died (RR 1.00; 95% CI, 0.87–
1.14; P=.94). Similarly, at 90 days, 41.1% of the albumin group and 43.6% of the crystalloid
group had died (RR 0.94; 95% CI, 0.85–1.05; P= 0.29). Thus, there was no significant difference
between the two groups at either 28 or 90 days after initiation of therapy [5].
Choice of crystalloid
A 2014 article from Zhou et al. investigated the effect of NS and PlasmaLyte on acute kidney
injury (AKI) in rats with sepsis [19]. When using the Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss of kidney
function, and End-stage kidney disease (RIFLE) criteria to assess the extent of kidney injury,
Zhou found that treatment with NS resulted in significantly worse kidney function as compared
to balanced crystalloids (83% vs 28%, p <.001) [19]. Furthermore, pathological analysis revealed
more conspicuous damage to renal tubules in rats resuscitated with NS compared to
PlasmaLyte. Despite these findings in the rat population, a recent human trial conducted in
four New Zealand ICUs failed to show any difference in the rates of AKI in patients who
received NS versus balanced crystalloids [20]. Of note, this study did not have strict inclusion or
exclusion criteria, and many patients received NS before being transferred to the ICU and being
enrolled in the study.
A systematic review and meta-analysis done by Rochwerg et al. in 2014 looked specifically at
types of fluid used for resuscitation in sepsis [17]. A significant amount of the research has
been restricted by including a broader patient population such as intensive care unit patients in
general or by focusing on only a few types of fluid, so this meta-analysis used and re-analyzed
the available date. In total, this included 14 randomized controlled trials with a total of 18,916
patients and found a slight benefit with regards to mortality of balanced crystalloids when
compared to normal saline (0.78, CI = 0.58–1.05) [17]. Furthermore, they found that balanced
crystalloids had similar mortality outcomes to albumin (0.95, CI = 0.65–1.38) [17]. Though the
authors admit that they did not have many studies on which to base their results, their results
are important as, unlike most other studies and reviews, this review focuses solely on fluid
resuscitation specifically in sepsis [17].
In December 2015, Raghunathan et al. published the first study comparing balanced and non-
balanced crystalloids in a human population being treated for sepsis. They utilized a
retrospective cohort study of 60,734 ICU patients with severe sepsis or septic shock and
assessed the use of NS, NS with balanced crystalloids, NS with colloids, and a combination of all
three together [21]. Their population was limited to those who held a primary or secondary
diagnosis of sepsis, and received at least two liters of fluids and vasopressors by the hospital
Young et al. published a randomized controlled trial in 2014 comparing the use of PlasmaLyte
to NS for initial resuscitation of 46 trauma patients [23]. The primary outcome was base excess,
an established marker for adequate resuscitation in the setting of trauma, in the first 24 hours,
with secondary outcome measures including serum electrolyte levels, osmolality, and arterial
pH 23 . Fluids were titrated to meet parameters for blood pressure, CVP, resolution of acidosis,
and urine output. Analysis revealed that PlasmaLyte was associated with a quicker and more
persistent clearance of base deficit as compared to NS. Further, urine output in the balanced
crystalloid group was significantly higher than the NS group, indicating better end-organ
perfusion and reduced kidney injury [23].
The subject of which fluid should be used in sepsis has remained a hotly contested topic. Due to
the results of the SAFE, CRISTAL, and ALBIOS trials that did not show a clear benefit associated
with the use of albumin, increased cost of albumin, and safety issues with use of HES,
crystalloids appear to be the fluid of choice for patients with a diagnosis of sepsis. As there has
been no evidence-base for choice of crystalloid in the past, it is likely that people are
comfortable using NS based on routine clinical practice. Recent research shows promising
results with the use of balanced crystalloids, although further large-scale RCTs comparing
balanced and non-balanced solutions are needed. It is possible that physicians may not be as
familiar with the use of balanced solutions and the various options that are available. Further,
there may be a misconception that NS is more affordable than balanced solutions, but Ringer’s
Lactate and Hartman’s solution are actually cheaper than NS, as shown previously in Table 2.
Due to the importance of fluids in the resuscitation of sepsis patient, it is imperative that
physician decision making in this regard be guided by a strong evidence base. We contend that
there is a need for further research on the use of crystalloids to develop evidence-based
guidelines for future clinical decision making.
Additional Information
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